i . .Mmm. ess a ii sWl . ll v.t'S6Hr4lwr Vl !VrfV K MVf Volume XVIII--Ne. 162. LANCASTER PA., SATUKDAY MARCH 11. 1882. Price Tw Cent. Git and erjssixv or "THM gbmax skw iemk bazaar.' piRAnU OPK2UKG OF. THE GaKAT NEW XOBK UAZAAK. GRAND OPENING OP NEW YORK BAZAAR! GOTTSGHALK & LEDEMAB, Proprietors, 28 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - - Lancaster, Penn'a. ON OR ABOUT APRIL 1, WITH A MOST SELECT STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, NOTIONS, Hosiery, Gents' Furnishing Goods, LACES, RIBBONS, GLOVES, in fact EVEKYTHIJSTG in fact APPERTAINING TO A FIRST-CLASS APPERTAINING MILLINERY AND NOTION BAZAAR! Lancaster JnttUigenccr. SATUBDAY EVENING, MARCH 11, 1882. RELIGIOUS SOYELTIES. THK TESDfcSCV TO MIX THINGS. WOKLDLY LOOK OUT FOKOUR CHEAT 0PE UMnfflT ! LOOK OUT FOE OUR 11 STATHONOTION. Representative Democratic Opinions. VIEWS OF IUK STATE NEWSPAPEBS. THE GREAT NEW YORK BAZAAR! GOTTSCIALK & LEDERHAI, Proprietors, LOEB'S OLD STAND. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Lancaster, Penn'a. CLOTHING. G BEAT TJARGAINS. MERCHANT TAILORING- JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., NO. 25 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. New Spring Styles New Open Havintr one of the BEST CUTTERS iu the city, we Iguarautee satisfaction in every case. New is the time te leave your measure, as we will make te order any article of OLQTHLNG less than we can afford tode when the Spring rush commences. . WealBO call attention te our large and elegant assortment of Gent's Furnishing: Goods, including all the Latest.Styles iu Gent's 'lies. Searfe and Bews, Cellars and Cuffs, Hosiery. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Ac. We have also without doubt the Best 81 00 White Dress Shirt in the city. ' We invite examination of our stock before purchasing. JOHN S. OIVLEE & CO., Sensational AuneucemenU of Dramatically Dlspqseii Clergymen. An Iiish girl said she jeinad the Metho dist church "en suspicion," for six months. The Congregational church at Harlem, New Yerk, has hit upon the novel device of a "broom drill" for the purpose of raising funds. Sixteen young ladies of the congregation were arrayed in pretty, picturesque costumes, aud, armed with brooms, went through the military evolu tion with as much precision as regulars. The show is said te have attracted a' large number of young men. The following advertisement in one of the daily papers of one el our large East ern cities is cited by a contemporary te show that sensationalism may "run mad." " The Salvation army is still advaucingen the enemy. Sunday a high day in camp. 7 a. m., Knee-drill ; inside uarracits at 10:45, when the Bleed and Fire Brigade will be present; 3 p. m. sharp-sheeting by uew recruits ; 8 p. iu. War Memories. " Fer the last thirty years or mere, there has been a growing disposition te adver tise the pulpit, much in the same manner that the performances of star actors or musical entertainments are brought te the attcutieu of the public aud for the same purpose te attract te the performance. Sometimes a strange theme, such as the " ITnmnthprhniid of the Ostrich in the Descrtf'er auedd end of Scripture,with no obvious sense or meaning is announced. The Presbyterian Journal cites this as an illustration of a scrupulous young man : " A story is told of a member of a certain theological seminary who was be sensitive as te any suspicion of plagiarism that he never allowed himself te make the slight est quotation without giving his authority. On one occasion, he commenced grace at breakfast thus : ' Loul, we thauk Thee that we have awakened from the sleep which a writer in the Edinburgh Eaiae has called the iuiace of death.' " A I'ASTOK'S liataiX ESl'KAWm Investigating tlie Persecution 01 the Itev. Ur. Carnachan, or Cleveland. The Rev. Dr. Carnaclian, who was pas tor of the First Presbyterian church in Meadville, was tried before the presby tery an several charges a year age and suspended. He founded the Park Presby terian church, which was seen in a neur ishing condition, as a majority el Ins former paushieuers went witn nun. nu t the trouble from his enemies did ne.t cease. Seme .tinie age Mr. Shryock, one of the wealthiest mca who followed Dr. Carnachan from the old church te the new, received a letter bearing all the evi dence of having been written by Dr. Carnachan te his son in Ohie, and which (presumably by mistake) went into the wrong envelope; while the letter te Mr. Shryock had been sent te the son. This letter which began and closed like a letter from a ceniiding father te a dutiful son. contained most slanderous, obscene and spiteful allusions te Mr. Shryock, the lien. William Reynolds and A. M. Fuller, three of Dr. "Carnachan's firmest friends. Mr. Shryock laid the letter away, scaled his lips, net eveu telling his wife of it, aud quietly waited for developments. In a few weeks Mr. Shyreck was accos ted by a prominent business man, who asked him with rcgatd te the letter which he had rcceived from Dr. Uaruacliau, ana which was written te his son. A few questions aud a short investigation con firmed Mr. Shyreck in his belief that the letter was a forgery. Dr. Carnachau and several ether gentlemcu wcre informed, detectives were set at work, and suspicion placed upon a person whose name cannot yet be given, as no arrest has been made or public action taken in thy matter. Decey letters were sent from Akren te this per son, who was led into the trap without any difficulty, and this, with ether means em ployed, confirmed them in their lirst sus picions. The case has been carefully worked up, and one of the best criminal lawyers in the city has been employed by the prosecution. Other persons than theso criminated are supposed te be iuter- ested, and further developments arc look ed for. A Veteran Journal " Acta" Eekley B. Coxe. Jere Zeamer's Carlisle Volunteer. The Wilkesbarre Sunday Neut-DeaUr insists that the Democrats should nomi nate Eckley B. Coxe, of Luzerne county, for governor, and believes he will accept. But if he were elected and should decline te take the oath of office en the ground that he had violated the election laws, as he did when about te be sworn into the Senate, what then?. This poking into every corner te tind somebody or a nobody te set up for governor is ridiculous. Mr. Coxe would net make a geed candidate. The very thing that seems te have commended him te a few empty-headed people, would, taken from the bottom up, make heavily against him, Charged against him, cm his own voluntary evidence, is the positive demerit of having violated the election laws, and credited te him is the negative merit of having refused te swear that he did net violate the laws. He simply com mitted one offense and then refused te commit another. His hindsight was bet ter than his foresight. But the man the Democracy want as their candidate fur governor is one whose hindsights and fore sights are se accurately adjusted that he can "drive the centre " every shot. Cum berland county has instructed for a man of this kind. tilve Us a .Late Convention. D. II. Nelman'a Easten Sentinel, The stalwart Republicans held their convention en the 10th of May and the In dependent Republicans en the 24th of May. What the result of these two con tending rcnublican factions may end in of course no one can tell. It is just as like as net that it may be feud and distraction, aud we all knew what that did for the great Democratic party in 1860. It split aud disorganized us se completely that we have rcarcely yet recovered from the in jury. May it net de the same for the Republican party? At any rate it is worth while te wait and see what the re sult may be, especially as our prospects cannot be harmed by a little delay. Then again new men in the Democratic party are constantly being brought te the front for the various offices te be filled next fall. Let the people have all possible time te canvass their merits. Surely nothing can be lest by a couple of month's delay as the election time is still eight months in the distant. We must make no mistake in caudida tcs this time. The election of our state ticket next fall is within the range of probabilities, and the cemmittee must net de anything that will lessen our chances by forcing the party te hastily put its standard bearers in the field. Let the members of the committee, for the sake of the success of the party, disregard the wishes and whims of the would-be candi dates and de their duty as the masses of the party desire it shall, be done. Certainly we de net wish our nominations made before the latter part of July or the beginning of August. That will give ns three months te work up the campaign and surely that will be long enough. Mr. Begcrt is still at the helm and he can, in the meantime, put the machinery in work ing order. NO. 25 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. LIVELY KUL.IUIOUS JOUHN ALISM. Au LUiter Who Is Net Afraid te Say What lie Thinks. Wcisliampel's Torch of Truth w KKS, BATHFON St CO. SPRING CLOTELTNTC ! IN ABOUT TWO WEEKS WE WILL HAVE READY FOR SALE OUR SPRING STOCK READY-MADE CLOTHING It comprises Ffty Different Styles of Material, well selected and well made. We think this is about double the size of any ether stock shown in Lancaster city. MYERS, RATHFON & CO., THE LEADING CLOTHIERS. COAH. G TO REILLY & KELLER -FOB GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Snperiei Manure will find It te their advantage te call Tara, H&mstrarg rise. i OBee. K Kast Chestnut street, i iwl7-t B KAKTIN, Wholesale and BetaU Dealer In all kinds el LUMBK& AND COAL. Jfard: Ke. 48) North Water and Prince Ueett above Lemen Lancaster. n3-lyfl C0H0 & WILE?, 809 JTOMTS WATRJtt ST., Lancaster, f.4 Wholesale and BetaU Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. OemmseUeB Wltfa tbs Telephonic Exchange. iMnrh nfflM Ne. 90 QBNTRK SQU. X8KS8-3 CLOTHING! CLOTHING 1 1 As we wish te Clese Out the balance el ear WINTER CLOTHING ! WE HAVE MADE SWEEPING REDUCTIONS Throughout our Whole Stock. We have en hand a large stock el HEATT SUITS and OVERCOATS, MASKED AT SUCH LOW PBICE8 AS WILL INBCItE A BFADT FALK. CLOTHING. RAKE CHANCE. A SUIT OF HUE CLOTHES OK AN WE UAVJE THE HANDSOCBST AMD finest window display In the city. Don't tall te see It. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, . NECKTIES, MUFFLERS, POCKET-BOOKS, AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CIGAR OASES, and examine be convinced et what we sayi 49-We only ask that you call our stock and at MO. EKISMAN'S, M WOKTM aiTEKH .STREET. D. B. Bostetter & Seu Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 9Myd LAKCABTEB, PA OVBEOOAT Made Up te Order at Cost Pxice. In order te reduee my heavy stock et FINE WOOLENS X shall make them up te order for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS ler Cash only at cost price. This Is without exception the greatest re duction ver made in ilN'E CLOTHES, and Is done te make room Ter our heavy Spring Importations, which we expect te have lu stock by the early part of February. We have the sample cards of these goods already in store, and any one desirkras el securing first cholce ler SI'KING WE AB can de se new, and the goods will be talned for him. Eemember the above reduction Is for HeavyWeights and Cash Only. H.GBRHART, TAILOR, Me. 6 East King Street, Elder J. F. Lancaster. The people's cough lozenges 15 cts. or 2 boxes for 23 cts. scut free by mail. Ad dress J. F. Wcishampel, Lancaster, Pa. Pa. Best iu the market. Twe years age Elder W. R. Cevert wrete a sarcastic article, for the Church Advocate, which we took te be aimed at one of our Lancaster brethren and ourself, and se re plied te it in the same style as it was writ tenas like bejets like. But we learn that Brether Cevert had no reference te any one, and se we cheeifully recall what we said ou the subject. We would net de sire te de iujustice te any man knowingly And we wish this dear young brother Ged's blessing iu his labors. New the peer little seventy-ieur year old editor of the little unpretending Terek of Truth has brought the labor of his own trembling aud stiffened lingers te a clese en the second volume We de net think that we have sent its readers as much reading matter for twenty-five cents as they get in some ether papers, but that you received the worth of your money nevertheless. And new we shall go te work en the thiid volume, and start it out. the Lord permitting by the 1st of April. An editor of a lcligieus paper ence ob jected te a vete of thanks bciug tp ndercd by a Sunday school convention te a sing ing choir for their services, en the pre fended pretext that such resolutions were " running the thins into the ground." He does net seem te think that the printing of hishlv flattcrinji notices of his and his housekeeper's grand hospitality te any ene he can draw into his house, in the paper every few weeks, is also " running the thing into the ground." But self makes a difference. Elder S. D. C. Jacksen, whom we never expected te see again this side of the clouds of tobacco smoke and clouds of heaven, paid our city anether visit this week before leturning te Decatur, 111., where he resides, and preached in Elder Seilhamcr's pulpit two of his masterly sermons. We hepe he will net be elated upon our highly lauding them ; for we will net criticise his manner this time, as we perceive he does net like it. It is said of his countrymen, -'Ifyeu wish an Eng lishman te be veur friend, you must praise, but never find fault with anything he Bays or does." Seme call him doctor, and we understand that he is a medical doctor, but net a D. D. a degreed doctor of divinitv. and we are clad of it : for we don't think anv Treacher of the gospel of the meek and lowly Jesus ought te strut about bearing a human title like that. Uettlng Beady ter the Fight. Barten II. Knode'sIIauever Citizen. If the expressions of the Democratic press reflect the opiuiens of the various communities, as they no ueubt ue, tuen it is very certain, that the party is getting into most excellent shape for the important struggles of this year. Everywhere we find but ene sentiment, and that is, that in order te win, it is only necessary te marshal the districts, call into active ser vice every Democrat, young and old, and diill them for the work of the approaching campaign. That this will be done is man ifested in the tone of the public prints. Our exchanges every where are full of the most encouraging intelligence concerning the WQrk et tnoreugn organization mai local leaders are arranging for. While the opposition is broken and dis turbed by the most serious contentions, while there is every evidence that the fight against the bosses begun last year will be redoubled in the coming campaign, it is gratifying te knew that the Democracy, heeding the solemn lessens that are pre sented, are in a wise and judicious way looking after the details and casting about ler a selection et delegates wne wiu icar lessly and honestly represent them in the convention. Of a verity the motto with the Democrats this year is that the omce shall seek the man, and net the man the office.. We may confidently expect te see the ticket headed by Hen. James H. Hepkins, of Allegheny, for governor, and Chauncey F. Black, esq., for lieutenant governor, than whom two better men cannot be found. With such towers et strength, there can be no question as te our ability te sweep the state next fall, provided the preliminary work already begun shall con tinue. TUOreugu district urgauiaauuu seems te be oue great thing needed, and we are assured that this is the work te which the local leaders of the party are bending their best cflerts. Individual voters, tee, are becoming deeply impress ed with the importance of the approach ing elections, and in the office and count ing room, in the mill and in the min3, at the factories and the furnaces, en the farms and in the ebscurist school districts Democrats are discussing the great bat tles of 1882 with a fervor that means busi ness, and with an ardor that inspires con fidence and hope in successful result. Yerk county, in the event of the nomi nation of these gentlemen, will roll up a cool 5,000 majority, and assist her sister counties in proclaiming the grand victory of triumph. Wenld Flir the Bill for LteutenantGoverner. Yerk Tress. We fully endorse all the Washington Examiner and Pittsburgh Pest say in the above extract in regard te Chauncey F. Black, esq., and it is a seurce of much satisfaction te knew that at least one sec tion of the state is ready te concede the long neglected claim of Yerk county te a state nomination. Yerk, itsheuld be re mnmbered. is one of the counties that is I always expected te roll up a heavy ma jerity. IC gave our uisunguisiieu stanuaru bearer, General Winflcld ricett Hancock, a maierity of three thousand, seven hun dred and eleven, which, according te the percentage of the vote cast, makes it the banner county of Pennsylvania, in that campaign. Whenever an import ant political battle is te be fought, Old Democratic Yerk, is always found in the front rank of the fieht, and what is still quircments te make an able and efficient officer, and thus cive strength te the ticket. His political record is without a blemish, and he Is a strenuous advocate of the principles enunciated by that great founder of American Democracy, Themas Jeffersen, for which our fore-fathers se successfully contended te have engrafted into the hearts of the American people, against the federalism promulgated by that notorious aristocrat, Alexander Ham ilton. Let the West, the North, the East and the Seuth unite their forces upon Mr. Black,- our distinguished son, and make his nomination unanimous, and old Yerk will respond te it in tones of thunder en the first Tuesday of next November, and the grand shout of victory will echo ever the hills and valleys of old Pennsylvania, from theJAUegheny te the Delaware rivers, and from the New Yerk state line te Masen and Dixen's line, in rejoicing ever one of the most signal victeries ever achieved in this commonwealth. A Streng Candidate. Delaware) County Democrat. Mr. Rebert Pattiseu, of Philadelphia, is beiug very warmly urged by his friends as a candidate for governor, and in this they are receiving the earnest support of the young men throughout the entire state. They begin te realize that a gen eration has grown up since the war, and that iu place of putting in nomination some old veteran of the ante-war Democ racy, a candidate should be selected from the great Democratic party of te-day who is identified with the living issues. By taking up a candidate whose record dates since the war, who is and always has been identified with Democratic principles aud who reflects the sentiments of the whole party in reference te them, we will spike the guns of the only available bat tery whicU the progress el enlightenment and sectional reconciliation has left the Stalwarts the Bloody Shirt Brigade. Mr. Pattiseu has been a faithful, heuest public servant. Te his efforts the defeat of the Riug of scoundrels and thieves who se long- ruled Philadelphia, aud through her the state of Pennsylvania, is largely due. They could net live upon honest salaries or proper gains, and he cut off the source of supplies which they had used te corrupt the politics of the city aud state, by refusing te countersign a war rant for which the city had net received a full equivalent. Te him, iu a vry large measure, is due the breaking up of the system which was fast crippling theindus tries of l'hiiadelphia, and, by onerous and disheuest taxation bringing ruin upon the working peeple and small property holders of that city of homes. Hew warmly his efforts ou behalf of honest government were appreciated was shown by his maguificent majority aud re-election iu 1880. Such a mau deserves recognition, aud the Democratic party v. ill de itbdf honor bv makimr him their standard bearer in the coming struggle for the regeneration of Pennsylvania. The Washington Review very strongly advocates the nomination of Chauncey F. Black, of Yeik, son of the distinguished lawyer, statesman aud patriot, Jeremiah S. Black, Ter lieutenant governor the com ing fall. This is an admirable suggestion, for Mr. Black is net only a gentleman of brilliant attainments, but, like his illus trious father, a sound Democrat at all times. Being entirely free from entang ling alliance with factious, and coming from old Democratic Yerk, his name upon the ticket would be a bulwark of strength. Put us down for Chauncey F. Black. MJSUICAL. B KOWN'S IKON BITTERS. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure dyspepsia, heartburn, malaria, kidney disease, liver complaint and ether wastins diseases. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS tMiriuhes the bleed and purities the system cures weakness, lack or energy, etc.. Try a bottle. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS U the only Iren preparation that does net color the teeth, and will net cause bead uche or constipation. a ether Iren prepar ations will. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS J.u.licn and all sutlurcrs irem neuralgia, liyeterki and kindred complaints, will find It without an equal. for buIh at COCHU'VN'S DKUU STOKfc 137 and 1) North Queen trcet, Lancaster. m-lw.l.'i- A. IS. Meleney, M. P., Philadelphia. la.. says: "1 find Dr. Bull's Congh Syrup excel lent, having a ready sale and rendering mere satisfaction than any Cough Syrup 1 have ever sold. Fer aged men, women, weak and sickly children, without a rival. Will net eause headache. Urewn's Iren Bitters. m6-lwd&w "Hew de 3 nu manage," said a lady te her friend, ' te appear se happy all the time?" "1 always have Barker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the replv." and thus keep myself and lamily In geed health awf spirits, bee adv. ml-liiidcnd&oew TUKIUBLE! This is the way many describe their JVciing Hew many hundreds are there who teel tin; saine way? It would surprise us If we knew vl..w proportion of humanity are allinp Iren: home disorder or another, which could bt: eaaily cured It taken lit time, and gencnlicut in the ri-' lit way. But most peenie go about it in the wrong way, and Mien iancy them Is no ue trying any mere, and consequently get worse instead el better. A weak or an overworked man can imbibe I reely of whisky and ler a short time brace up with imaginary strength, but It will net be long until he will be weaker than before. U hut. then, is the right way? The only per manent way is tetakearemedy that will build npandinvigorate the system. ThU can only be done by beginning at the origin of lite, which is the Bleed. Ne' one whose bleed Is. pure and healthy can be sick. Burdock Haroot that has mere life-giving qualities than any ether root, herb, or plant, and it your bleed is weak or impoverished, take Burdock Btoen Bittkbs, and a pure, healthy action et .the bleed will be sure te lel- Se'ld by II. D. Cochran, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Ta. !eb25-te April! Frightful Misery. Mr. Win. Pomcrey. Banger, Me., writes: "I have for a long time suffered from contin ual constipation, making my life a misery, aud causing headache and frightful cramps. Mr. Tiioiuasen (who has been lately visiting in Buffalo), induced me try the Spring Blos Bles eom. It has perfectly euied nie." Price 50 cents. Fer sale at II. B, Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. -pvOCTOKS AGKKB THAT eCARLET 1 ' Fever, Diphtheria, Consumption, .Catarrh and Chronic Threat Diseases are due te neglect or common Seru Threats. Children frequently have wel feet ; sere threat fellows and often serious sickness. Are we net affect ed likewise? Why net try the OCCIDENTAL bIPllTHERIA CURE. It will positively cure the worst form of sere threat and eradi cate the germ et any disease subject te It. A cure guaranteed or money refunded. Fer nole by II. B- Cochran, i:J7 anil 130 North Queen htreet. Lancaster. fcb27-3rnd 5 The country. Who Uiat lias ever lived any time In the coun try but must have heard et the virtues of Bur" rinnlc nt :l blend nuriiier. Burdock Bleed Bit ters cure dyspepsia, biliousness and all disor ders arising Irem impure bleed or deranged liver or kidneys. Price $1. Fer sale at 11. B. Cochran's drug steie, 137 Xeith Queen btrcat, Lancaster. Vlsible Improvement. Mr. Neah Bates, Klmir.i, N. Y writes: ' About four years age I had an attack of bil ious lever, and never lully recovered. My dl Sestive organs were weakened, and I would e completely prostrated for days. After using two bottles et your Burdock Bleed Bitters the improvement was se visible that I was aston ished. I can new, though 1 years of age, de a lair and reasonable day's work." Price $1. Fer sale at II. II. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. CLOTHING, C. A. C. YATES & CO Sw Overcoats. MUSICAL INSTMVXENTS. A"tSlUAL-BwXES. MUSICAL - BOXES. BARGAINS. f!T.nSTNO OTTT &ATJ3 of a larffe importation, having arrived, tee late for the holidays, at cost of produc tion in Switzerland, about 1-2 and 1-4 their value that same quality instruments could be sold for in tbifl country. They are mostly of the large and medium size and, with few exceptions, of High Class Musical Bexes as sold in Geneve, but far superior te the ordinary instruments generally sela in tms country, ana need only be seen or heard te be appreciated. Musical Bexes with bells, drums, castanets, celestial voices, mandeline, diva-harmenie, overture, tremelo-piccelo, sublime sublime harmenie, harp-zither attachment, etc. , also two and three mainsprings playing from 10 te 50 minutes by one winding. Musical Albums. Circular en application. G. Gautschi & Ce., Manufacturers, Ste. Croix and Geneve, Switzerland. SALESROOMS: 10H) CHESTNUT STHEET, EHU.ADKLrHIA. Jtfd mere important te the party, she always comes out. et the Dattie witn irem thkek TO FOUR THOUSAND MAJORITY ! And yet she has never received any recogni tion from the party for her services. Is it net time, therefore, that justice should he done us, by nominating Chauncey F. Black, esq., et xerlc county, for lieu tenant governor by acclamation? He is a son of our distinguished jurist, Hen. JeremiahS. Black, and fills all the re- Seme of modest and sobet color. Seme livelier in pat tern and Btyle, while ethers are made up mere for hard usage than for appearance All, however, are cut and trimmed in the most approv ed and 'unexcelled manner. Prices are no higher, but rather less, than last season. Yeu cannot lese anything by looking at them. A. C. YATES & CO., LEDGrER BUILDING, CHESTNUT AND SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. fAHMOANaiNOB, Ae. marl-3md -pHAltKS W. FKY. Window Shades. WE HAVE ABOUT 5,000 Yards of Plain Shading, 8LIGHTLY DAMAOBP ly WATER Which will be sela VKEY LOW in order ie clese out. They include all colors and wi?ths. Shades in Patterns at FKOM 20 CENTS UP. Wall Papers! Seme Choice Styles el PAPER HANGINGS Left, efferinrr at extremely LOW PRTCE8. These goods are te he sold out a .-een j possible, In order te open the new ttr .-it. an entire new stock. Phares W. Fry, NOS. 139-131 NORTH QUKKM