LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAY MARCH 6 1882. k ? ( COLUMBIA NEWS. OUK REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE The sixth aunivcrsary of the Cookman chapel Sunday school was celebrated in an excellent manner yesterday afternoon. Len;j before " school time" had arrived the room was filled te overflowing with the friends and scholars, of the school, te listen te the exercises that were te fellow, which consisted mainly of music, addresses and reading of the reports of the officers secretary, treasurer and librarian. By their report the school was found te be in a nourishing condition, both in a nnaneiai state and agtcat increase in numbers. Iu one of the addresses, a remark was made that "if the school increased in numbers as it has done the past year, there will be no place te accommodate them." After the pregramme had been carried eat the following officers were elected : Superintendent, S. C. May ; assistants, 1st, J. W. F. Xewlen, 2d, G. V. PauluB , Secretary, II. B. Dean : assistant, J. 11. Henry ; tieasurer, W. K. Newlen ; libra rian T. J. Wright ; assistants, J. E. Gray bill, G. W. Stevenson, Harry Bonsen, Frank McCaulcy and Chas. Seurbeer ; chei ister, C W. Stevenson ; organist, Mrs. T. J. Wright. A Saturday Nlglit " Party. The party at Klugh's hotel en Saturday evening was a success, se iar as drunken rowdies and lights were concerned. Col umbia was represented by only four per sons ; it had been expected that some thirty odd would be present. The dance ended in a fight. The young" men from this place, who arc respectable, thought it would be a fine affair, but wcre greatly disappointed. About 11 o'clock some of the Rohrerstown boys, who wcre pretty full of liquor, get te meddling with ether people's business. Tiiey tried it en one of our boys, who politely told him te attend te his own allairs. This seemed te Eettlc the matter, until the sit ting room was reached, when it was again started. Twe Columbia boys with backs te the wall kept a crowd of fifteen or twenty men from them until their strength was gene, and then the customary word "enough" was sung out. This ended the matter, but our town boys were made heroes afterwards by their bravery and daring. The fight was caused by a waits quadrille being danced by four Columbia boys. Night r.Iatle Hideous. Frem three o'clock until eleven o'clock Union street, from Third te Fifth, was made hideous by the number of drunken rows that weie fought. It is a bhame that no arrests weic made, but if they had been tramps what a haul our brave eUicn s ! - . . . would liave made. I he bcenc was simpl y disgusting and dangerous in the uxtieiuc, neighbors living in the vicinity being afraid te ;;e out en acceuut of the dying stones. - Tlie Borough liurigct. The weather all day yesterday ihtcaten ing, but happily very little rain fell Saturday was one of the dullest dajfl our merchants have experienced for ever a year. A large number et citizens will change their residence between this and the first of next mouth. A slight lire eccuricd en Fi out street ycstciday morning and caused oonsklei eonsklei oensklei able excitement, but before a general alarm could be spread it was put out with buckets of water. Tuesday, Win. Staife.d iu " The Mar ble hcait ;" Wediirsday, " Suelbakcr'n Majestic. ;" and liiulay. " IJnis for Rent.'" The Elocution club meets this evening at Miss Maggie WiNen's, instead of to morrow evening. The regular monthly meeting of the Vigilaut fire company, to-menow evening ; -school beard en Thur.-day, ami councils en Friday evenings. Considerable fun wis raised at the P. R. II. depot yesterday morning by a race between a man and the passenger train. The mau had placed a baby iu the car and get off the train te get a forgotten bundle. The train in the meantime started, but the man ran after it, calling for " my baby ! my baby !" The train stepped and every thing was made lovely. The members of the Afiie.iu Baptist church, en Seuth Fifth street, appeal te the public for aid. They have remodeled their church and ewe $100 en that account They ask contributions of 10, 1.1 or 23 cents, and state that they will be very thankful for small favors. The congrega tion are iu pier.pcrity, but they require ;. little of the needful te pay efi" their church debt. Help them. Rev. Gee. Jenes is the pastor. Yesterday Officer Kjc3u arrested a man who was supposed te ba inane, but most likely was just getting ever a spoil of the delirium tremens, en cemplaiut of Isaac Welsh, for using indfce-it language te his family. He was taken before 'Squire Yeuug this morning, who sent him te jail for ten days, also sending eider te have him ex amincd. During the hearing the mau get oft" some very funny things : If ha had two revolvers and could sheet iu a straight line he could clear Columbia, also that when he was thiee years old seme persons had taken his soul from him and uew he was persecuted every where he went. Kcech also took two drunks down this morning. Ministerial lnten. The Chester Valley ministerial a locu tion meets in the Columbia Methedist churc'i tomorrow, and the following in teresting pregramme will be carried out, the services bagiuniug 10 a. in., and te which every oue is invited : Devotional Exercises; Minute of Ln-:L Meeting; Busincs ; Sermon, S. W. Gchrett and A. I. Colletn ; Lunch ; Essay, A. I. Cellem, alternate, C.H.Rehrcr : Voluntary Reports; Conversation, "The Intermediate State," Revs. H. II. Sebritiff and- II. Wheeler. Referred question, "What are the points of difference between the Unitarian and Trinitarian,'' and ' I5y what argument can the latter sustain his position?" R. A. Mcllwain. Conversation, " Christian Giv ing," Revs. J. R. Bailey and C. S. Mcr vine. Essay, "The Inspiration of the Bible," Rvs. G. G. Rakestraw and C. Gaul. Boek Review. Revs. J. Wesley Geigcr and W. Rink. Exercises, Revs. J. A. Cooper awl C. C. Yerkes. Censer's rapert, Revs. C. S. Mervine and J. R Biiley. Evening sermon, Revs. W. C. Robinson and J. E. Weed. A Large Funeral. The funcial of Isaac S. Grabill, of West Earl township, who died en Thursday last from injuries received by falling through a hatchway a week or two previous, took place yesterday and was mere largely attended than any ether funeral that has taken place iu the neighborhood for years. Revs. Eaby and Weaver, of the Mennonite church, conducted the religious services. The interment was made at Grefl's Valley burying ground. The Plant Club Te-night. At a meeting of the Plant club, this evening in the hall of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Benj. A. Spindlcr, will discuss the subject of ' Fossil Betany," and the work of the club for the past two months will be reviewed. A cordial invitation is extended te all levers of flowers te be present. Sale of HeriM. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public sale, March 4, 1882, at the Merri Merri mae Louse, Lancaster city, for Jacob B. Bausman, 20 head of Western horses at an a verage price of 8188 each. Before the mayor. The mayor this morning sent one drank te jail for 5 days and discharged six vagrant. aiormenUm. Last evening Rev. Dr. Jas. Y. Mitchell, of the Presbyterian church, announced from the pulpit that en Thursday evening next Rev. Dr. McMillan, secretary of the Presbyterian beard of missions at Salt Lake City, will be in Lancaster and deliver in the Presbyterian church a lecture en Mormonism. Resigned. Frank Adams, who for the past 18 yeais has been iu the Adams express office, this city, has resigned his position, and his many friends will miss him at his old ac customed place. II. S. Schroyer, of Belle Belle fente, has been appointed in Mr. Adams's stead. Elected Solicitor. D. Brainard Case, esq., has been elected solicitor for the borough of Marietta by councils. Clene oltheseup Heuse. On Wednesday the soup house will close for the season and the last rations will be given out. ilalr Dressers' Hall. This evening the hair dressers of the city will held a bull in West End hall. 8 toy's or chestra will furnish the music and a geld ring will be given te the best ludy'wnltzer. AmutiemenT. " The Marble Heart." On next Wednesday evening the rising actor William Stafferd will appear at the opera heuse in the play el " The Garble Heart, or, the Sculptor's Dream." He comes under the auspices ei Harry L. Ilart mycrnnd Themas Daily, te whom the local theatre-going public eh e the recent successful production et "East Lynnc" by Charlette Thompson. Mr. Stafferd will be supported by Mi-s Besa Hand, whose beauties and talents have been seen and admired here before, and from the complimentary pr'.ss notices which lie company has received, thcrejis every; rea son te anticipate a fin pcrlormance. H FECIAL SUTICES. Feu u cough or sero threat, tha best medi cine is Hale's Heney el Horcheund and Tur. Pike's Toothache Dreps cure in one minute. inl-lwdeedftw Terrible Legs r Life. ' .Millions et rats, mice, cats, bedbugs, reui.Iie lese tneir lives by collision with "Rough en Rat."." Sold by druggists, 13c. A true assistant te nature in lcsterlug the syctein te perlcct health, thus enabling it te re&i-.t disease, Is Brown's Iren Hitters. m6-lwdw liquid Geld. Dimlcl Flunk, et Brooklyn, Tiega Ce., Pu., di -eribes It thus : 1 rode thirty miles for a bottle ei Themas' EelectrlcOU. which effected t'' wnderW cur" 1 il crc " m six ap. i. rit Aim . 1t Tnviir.ijl wrrt li timtst tlien tmltl lr, pllrn'iens ; it proved worth mere than old te inc." I'm-sale iu II. H. Cochran's drug store. 1J7 North Queen street, Lancaster. DTavciTic, nervous people, "out et sorts,' Celden'b LIcblg's Liquid Beet and Tonic In In viguriiter will cure. Ask for Celdreri's. Ol Druggists. ml-lwdeed&w Noledy enjoys the nicest surroundings if in bid !i"iiltli. Thci c are mlsorable peopleabout te-day te whom a bottle et Purker's Ginger '1 enlc would bring mere solid comfort than all the doctors tlu-y have ever tried. See ether column. ml-lmdcod&eew Quinine and Arscutu l'erui the basis of many of the Ague lumcdlc in I he market, and ure the last resort et Phy slchuis and people who knew no better medi cine te employ, for this distressing complaint. The citpcts et cither of these drugs are de 8tu;Ulve te the system, producing headache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ring in;; in the ear, and depression of the consti tutional health. Area's Ague Ccnc is a vege table rtlseevarv. containing neither quinine. arsenic, nor any deleterious ingredient, and is ' an iuialllble and rapid euro ler every form e! Fever and Ague. Its effects arc permanent and certain, and no inlury cm result from its use. Resides being a positive cure for Fever and Ague in all its forms, it Is also a superior ivmcdy ter Liver Complaints. It is an excel lent tonic and preventive, as well its cure, of all complaints peculiar te malarieus, marshy and miasmatic districts. By direct action en the Liver and biliary apparatus, it stimulates the system te a vigorous, healthy condition. Fer sale by all dealers. m3-lwdoed&w Kaiieka, Me., Feb. 1). 1SS0. 1 puiehuMjd live bottles et your Hep Bitters et Bishop &. Ce., last lull, ter my daughter and am well-pleased with tfce Rtttcrs. They did her mere geed than. all the medicine she has taken ter sis year-s. U.M. T. McCLUBE. The above is treni n very reliable farmer, whose daughter was in peer health for soven or eight years, and could obtain no relief until Flu- used Hep Kilters. :-he Is new In as geed health as any p-rsen In the country. We have 1-irgc.ile and they are making remarkable pare. " W. II. BISHOP & CO. nil -wd&w Mfe, tlrewtii, xseauty." " W hat vi e all admire " and hew te secure It : A line head ei hair in its natural color Is such an adjunct ti beauty that no one who prizes geed leeks should neglect te use "Londen ilalr Celer Restorer," the meat cleanly and de li;:!itriil article ever introduced te the Amerl people. It Is totally dltrcrent from all ether net. sticky or gummy, and free lrein nil impure lngrn dents that render many ether pieparatien-. obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, i c-dercs gray hair, gives it new lite, keeps Vive tcalp clean and healthy, causing the hair tegrnw where it had lallen off or become thin, doenot soil or stain anything, and is se per leetly and elegantly prepared ns te make it a lasting hair dressing ami toilet lnxury. " Lon Len Lon eon Hair Restorer" is sold by all druggists, at 73 cents a bottle, sis bottles ler $1. ect3M.V.S&w UlSMtV'S CAKIMJL1C SALVE. The hest Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, .ei e, ulcers, salt rheum, tctter.chupped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin crup crup liens, freckles and pimples. Tha salve is t:lntecd te give perfect satisfaction in every ease or money refunded. Ce sure you get Henry's Carbolic Salve, as all ethers arc but imitations und counterfoils. I'rice 25 cents. .-.M in Lancaster at Cochran's Drugstore, i:;T -'d ..! North Queen street. A (moil Angel's VlMt A Tale et "Itesn ttwlis." Rlanehe called en Rale, one pleasant day, and found her sad and sighing, dearest lticnd, once bright and gay, new scarce could keep 1mm crying; ler, -eh," -die said, "'tis a 4lls 4lls graee te see with ucreiula, my tace se badly marred!" then sukllier friend, '-Resadalls will your troubles end." Klanche called en Kate nether day ami found her once mere blithe and gay, her lace as radiant, skin as lair, as any maiJen's anywhere. Fer skin diseases and impure bleed, there's nothing In the world se geed as Resadalls, it drives away all skin disorders, humor, nay, it tonus the sys tem, cures your ills and banishes all doctor's hills! Sold In Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stew, 137 and RI9 North Queen street. v30-lydeedJfcw3 IQK ITAICUKKS tflllKND lr. Uarber's Red Herse Powders are the best ii the market. They nrc net a mere feed made cw inert and cheat) materials, but a veritable .Medicine. They contain lour times the strength of ordinary horse and cattle powders, and will euro and fatten stock In one-fourth the time, acting ul once upon the digestive organs and secretions and may be safely rolled upon ler the cure of coughs, colds', distemper, glanders and nil diseases et horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. They will increase the quantity and quality et milk In cows and keep all kinds ei stock in a healthy condition. Sold every whcie at 20c. per pack, C ler $1; lnrge size !Cc, or ." ler $1. Beld in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Steiv, 137 and 139 North Queen streets. aug2-lydced&wl Hiewn's lloutiehold l'anacea Is the most ctlectlve Pain Destroyer in the world, will most surely quicken the bleed, whether taken Internally or applied externnlly.and thereby mere certulnly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute.than any ether pain alleviator, and it Is warranted double the stiength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the S dc. Rack or Rowels, Sore Threat, Rheumatism ami all agues, and is THE GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "BEOWS'S Hot'sr.neLD Panacev." should be in every family. A teaspoon ful of the Panacea in a tumbler el het water sweetened ir preferred!, taken at bed time will ureas cr a cols. 25 eta a bottle. febll-lyiLM.W&Sftwni An Invaluable strengthencr ler the nerves, muscles, ana digestive organs, producing strength and appetite, is Brown's Iren Bitters. m3-lwdw .tletnersi sietm-rsi; ..lecnersli Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et catting teeth " It se, go at once and get a liotlle of MRS. WIXSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRU l. It will re lieve the peer little sulleier imme lately de pend upon it; there ts no mistake about it. There Is net a met her en earth who lias ever Used it, who will net tell you fat once that ij will reg .ate the bowels, and ivt; rest te the mother, and relief aur health te the child, eperatir. glike magic. It is perfectly safe te ue in all ca-es, and plea-sar.t te the. taste, and is the prescription el ens et the eldest and best female physician and r.uraes in the United Stutcs. Sold everywheie; 23 cents a tetUe isirMvilAwM.WAS . Skin Diseases Cured Ky Dr. i'nzler's Maeic Oixtmkt. Cures as if by magic pimple, black heads or grubes. blotches and eruptions en the face, leaving the skin clear, healthy and beautiful. Alie cures Itch, baiber's itch, salt rheum, tetter, ring worm, scala head, chapped hands, sero nipples, sere lips, old, obstinate ulcer and sores, c. SKIN DISEASE. F. Drake, esq., Cleveland, O., sutleied beyond all description from a skin disease which ap peared. en his hands, headand luce, and nearly destroyed his eyes. The most careful doctor ing had tailed te help him, and utter all had fulled he used Dr. I'razicr's Magic Ointment iiud was cured by a few applications. The flist und only positive euro lei skin diseases ever discovered. Fer sale by II. R. Cochran, 137 and 13'J North Qnceu street, Lancaster. HENRY & CO., Sele Proprietors, G Vcsey Street, New Yeak. ter Rllnd, Bleeding, Itching or Ciceiated Piles. Dh. William's Indus Pile Oixtmevt is a sure cure. Prlce $, by mall. Fer euIe at Cochran's Drugstore. teb27-M&Thd&w RESCUED riCOSl UEATlt ThefollewIngstatemcntofU'illiainJ Cough Ceugh lln, of Semcrville, idas., is se rcinnrkable that we beg te ask for it th attention of our read ers. He Hays : "In tin- mil et 1S7C I wns taken with a violent blee 'ii:g of tne lungs followed by a severe cough ! .seen began te lee my uppctite ami flesh. 1 was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the summer et 1877 I -was : i.ilttcd te the City Hospital. While therc the iiotters said 1 iad a hole in my left lung as big as a half cellar. 1 expend ed ever a hundred dollars m docteis and med icine. I wus se fur gene at one. time a rcpe t wen: around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but n friend told me et Dr.. Wii. Hall's Rals am yen the Lues. I lai.ghcd at my friends, think ing that my case was ineuiabie, hut 1 get a bottle te satlsly them, when te my surprise and gratification, I commenced te leel better. My hope, onee dead, began te levlve, and to day 1 leel in better spirits than I have the past three years. "1 write this hoping ou '.Mil publuh it, se that, everyone afllicted with Diseased Lungs will be induced te take Dr. Win. Hull's Ralsam for the Lungs, und be convinced that con sumption can be cured. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that it has done mere geed t'aan all ether medicines I have taken since my sickness. My eeugh has al most entirely disappeared and I shall .seen be able te go te work." anld in Lancaster at Cochran's Drugstore, 137 and 13'J North Queen stre iS ldelTli&rc2 Ge te n. ii. cectir.nrs Drug sieie, 137 North. Queen etrcet, for Mrs. fYeeman's A'eiw JVa JVa tiencil Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et color,are unequub-d. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English ant? German. Price. 15 cents. Only Twe llettlcs. Messis. Jehnsen, IlallO'.vay Si Ce.. wholesale (lrugglstset Philadelphia, Pa. ,repeit that seme time age a gentleman handed them a dollar with the request te send a geed catarrh cure te two army officers in Arizona. Recently the same gentleman telil Ilhcm that both the offi cers and the wile of General Jehn C. Fremont governor of A rlzena,had been cured of catun h by the two bottles el Ely's Cream Ralm. Messijs. Ely Rres.. Druggists, Oswego, New Yerk : A low days age I saw a lady who had used your Cream ltulni for catarrh, and had found mere relief in one bottle than from all ether rcmldics she had tried. I enclose SI ler two bottles. Yours repcet'y, James Hitches, M. D., Providence, R. I. Price 50 cents, febJ7-tt i If you have any skin diseases or diseases el the hair or scalp,any itching or discolera liens, sun burns, freckles, pimples, rough or dry harsh skin, you have In Dr. C. W. Reason's Skin Cure, a sure, perfect and elcgunt remedy. Sold by all druggists. Charles N. Crlttenten, 116 Fulton street. New Yerk city, bole agent fur Dr. C. W. Reason's remedies, te whom nil orders should be addressed. mil lwd&w We kill our riilcr w lien we remove treiu the human system whatever disorganizes the nerves. Dr. Ren?en's Celery and Chamomile Pills relieve from subjection te the power of headaehe, siecpletsncss and djvpepsia. They contain no opium cr hurtful drug. Icb27-lwd&w D EAT US. MuKixicett. On ther.lli inst., Anna, wi iOlV ei tne late lercinniii 3JCi-illgett. Funeral from the rusldunce ot'deceased. Ne. i0) West Orange street, en Wednesday morn ing at C:20 o'clock. Reqeium mass will be cele cele brated at St. Mary's Catholic church at 9:30 o'clock. The fiiends of the family arc lcpect fully invited te aitend. 2td Eckmajt. In this city en theSdet March, 1SS2, Henry Eckman, aged Si years, 8 mouths and 10 days. The relatives and friends et the family are lcspectfully invited te attend the funeral, from Ids late residence. Ne. 155 Seuth Queen street, en Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment atLaucastcr cemetciy. It EiDEn. March 5, 1S32 at the residence or W. IS. Townsend. at Renk's Mills station P. R. R., Mrs. Mary Elder, widow et tne Inte Jeseph Elder, aged -13 ycais, 2 months and 20 days. Funeral en Tuesday, the 7th inst., at 1J o'clock, i. m. Interment at Seudcrsburg M. E. cemetery at 2 o'clock. Frlcnes and rela tives invited te attend the luneiul. ltd Cliseer. Iu this citv, en the 3d of March, 1S8-', Valentine dinger, "m the '-'fitl: year of hi nge. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited te attend the funeral, from his mether's residence, 2e. 502 Maner street, en Tuesday morning at 10J o'clock. Interment at St. Jeseph's cemetery. ltd Lichtt. In Mt. .Tey, en March 5th, 1832, Henry Krcluer Llchty, in the Glth year el his age. His relatives and friends are respecltully In vited te attend the funeral, from his Jute residencc.en Wednesday morning ut 10 o'clock. Funeral services at Union Rethel church, 21 Lrrz. In this city, en the 5tl inst., Annie E. Lutz, daughter et Jehn A. und Kate Lut7, aged 8 years, C months anil 21 dayn. A light is from our household gene. A voice we loved is stilled ; A place is vacant en our hearth. Which never can be titled. The relatives and friends et the family are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from her parents' residence, Ne. -132 North Mulberry street, en Tuesday afternoon at S o'clock. Interment at Lancaster eemetery. It Derwabt. In Ibis citv. en the 4th inst.. Sarah, daughter et Jehn and Mary Derwnrt aged two years, ana grana-uaugiuci ei au tus Rest. rus- rOltlTLVAlA. POK JUKI COMMISSIONER. WILLIAM ELLMAKER, Of Earl township. Subject te :the decision ' et the Democratic county convention. in2tcd&w HEW ADVEliTlSEMJWTb. BltlUKMAKETiS TAKE NOTICE THE Rrickmakcrs ettlie cltyet Lancaster will meet at the Manei hotel en TO-MORROW TUESDAY EVENING ut 7 o'clock, It w ASTEU.-A SITUATION BY AN EL- dcrlv lady at housekeeping or nursing. Apply at 37 NORTH LIME ST. It J70K RENT. TIDE TWO-STOKY UKICK 1 HOUSE, Ne. 114 Seuth Queen street. Best location in the city. Apply te AL KOSENSTEIN, 2td 37 Netn Q uesn street. YM. . M K. A. THE KEGULAB MONTHLY X Meeting et the Tenne Men's Christian Association will be held THIS EVENING at 8 o'eiocic. A full attendance of members .is atsirea. aw XEW ADVERTISEMENT. APAKTV BATING TAKEN- A. LABGE house in central location desires one or two respectable adnlt families te beard. Opens April 1. Address, " W." Istelliekscer Office. 3tdeed IXrANTKU AT LE.UAN' ItirLKWOKKS T V several lads, ugd IS te 20 years. Must he accustomed te working in weed, cabinet makers preferred. Can learn the branch In two mentiS, then full journeyman's wages will be paid. mC-3tdR HENRY E. LEMAN. "VOTICK TO TAX COLL.KCTOUS.-FRO JL pesals ler the collection et the state and ceuutytax for ISSi in the East and West wards el Lancaster City, will be received at the Ceuntv Commissioners' office, until 12 o'clock, en TUESDAY, MARCfl 14, 1S32. Kyordcrefthe COMMISSIONERS. Attest : Fcaxk Obiest, clerk. ml-3td r SE ONLT THE MANUELM ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR, THE REST IN THE MARKET. Fer sale by all Grocers. liO-dli T)AIB & SHENK, BANKERS . N. E. Angle Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. Special attention given te the purchase of Stocks, Government Rends and ether Securi ties. Rellable paper discounted, and advances uiado.en approved securities INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. uil-ltISKtt rpt ARCHITECTS PLANS ArND SPECI- L FICATIONS for a two-story four room Scheel Ruilding (from architects residing in lids city) will be received by the Committee en buildings and grounds et the Lancaster City Scheel Reard until 12 in., MARCH 20, 1S32. Should any plan submitted be adopted it will bepaid fer.nmi all ethers returned without cost te the Reard te the respective architects. i or lurther intetmatinn uppiy te JOHN I. 11 RTMAN. nii-2Ul 23 We3t Chestnut street. E5 .STATE Of (iiSOKOE MAIM IN EMIO, late et Lancaster Citv. deceased. Letters testamentary en said cstutehavlngbeen'crant- ed te the undersigned, all persons Indebted te said decedent are requested te make Im mediate settlement, and these having claims or demands against the estate el said decedent te make known the snmc te tha undersigned without delav, residing in Lancaster city. CHRISTIAN HAGEHGANS, R. F. Davis. Executer. Attorney. m6-etd.eaw PUltLIC HALT': OF HOTEL STOCK. ON MONDAY, MARCH 13, 18S2, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the undersigned will sell at public sale at the Leepard Hetel, 20 shares of " Lancaster Hetel Company" stock, belonging te the ns.-igned estate of Pcarsel Gelst. .1. 1). SKILES, C. GAST, II. Pucncr.r. Assignees. Auctieueer. ni7,0411 WILL, 15i: SOLO AX 1'UIJLIC SALE AT the lesidence of the undersigned. Ne. IOC East, Vine street. TO-MORROW (TUES DAY) AFTERNOON at 1 o'clock, a general ns-jertment of household and kitchen furni ture, consisting in part of one hair cloth par lor suit. Rruvsels and ether carpets, large parlor mirror, sideboard, stoves, tables, bed steads and bedding, glass and queensware, and many articles tee tedious te mention. Tlicse goods arc in geed conditie.), having been In use but a short time, ltd JOSEPH L. COGLEY. OUULlC SALE. ON WEDNESDAY. X MA ARCH 8. 1SS2, wilt be sold at public sale at the Sun Engine and Hec Heuse, en Vine street between Duke and Lime streets, all the personal property belonging te said company consisting et One Third Clas3 STEAM FIRE ENGINE and HOSE CARRIAGE, one HOSE CART, Sucking and ether HOSE; ulse, Benches, Chairs, Tables, etc The above en gine has proven Itself te be the best in Lan caster for service, and is in complete order Sale-te begin at 2 o'clock p. m., when condi tions will be made known by the Trustees of said company. HENRY SHURERT, m0-2td Auctioneer. DUIJi.lC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI- J. TURK. On THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 18S2, in the Northern Market Heuso, corner et North Queen and Walnut street, will i M soul tables, euairs, rockers, sela, lounge, mirrors, pictures, window shades, stoves anil pipes, two extension tables, lull cettage set, cmiidii chairs, wardrobes, washstands, mat tresses, garden urns and hanging baskets, a let of gas fixtures, and a variety et articles net enumerated. hale te commence at 1 o'clock, p. in., when t'rm.i will be made known by SILAS II. FORRY, JOHN D. SKILES, Administratoiset the estate et the late Win. L. Peiper, dee'd UExr.r Sbcbkrt, Auctioneer. II. L. FitAiLEr, Clerk. inl-3tlSM&W Si IHAKI) 1- V m et- AssetH ever Eleven ' PlIILADELPIA. Hundred sand. Theu- Dellui.-, ii.cuielv Invested. Fer u policy in lids old and well-established cempanycall en RIFE & KAUFMAN, '. I.i EAST KING STREET. dSM.WltftS i QPRINO ISS'-J. s fel'ltlXU 1883. MEN'S V.'EAK, . BOYS' WEAll, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAK. BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR", BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR. EAGER & BRO. Have new open Full Lines of French, English and American Clethe, Worsted Suitings and Spring Overceatings, in all the new Spring Celers and Fabrics. riNE I. LACK CLOTHS and ELASTICS DRESS SUITS. Cassimeres and Suitings for Beys. CLOTHING (OK Ofi'i OWN MANUFACTURE ONLY) IN PULL STOCK. Gent's Furnishing Goods. New Neckwear. Hosiery, Lisle and Kid and De Skin Gloves, Linen Cellars and Cuffs. Hemstitched and Colored Rerdered Handkerchief?, &c, &c, &c, &c. GENT'S AND BOYS SHIRTS, Laundricd and Unhiuudried, net sold uuder any special name, but guaranteed equal te any ether at the same price. J3-WE IKVITE EXAMINATION .-Ca Hager & Bre. 25 West King Street, LANCASTER, PA. S&M THIRD EDITION MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 0, 1882. WEATHEK INDICATIONS. W-VSHINGTON, D. C, March 6. Fer ) the Middle Atlantic states, rain, followed by clearing colder weather, winds shifting te southwest and northwest, falling barem eter. KAILKOAJ MATTIES. The Supreme Court Declare Reading's De ferred Denas Legal. Philadelphia, March 6. The Reading deferred bend matter was decided in the supreme court this morning, four judges confirming the action of the lower court sustaining the validity of the bends, and three judges dissenting. The judges sus taingthe validity of the bends were Pax Pax en, Sharswood, Trunkey and Green. Tha dissenting were Mercur, Sterrett and Gor Ger Gor eon. Last spring when the election of Gewen as president of the read came before the court for its opinion the justices in his favor were Sharswood, Trunkey and Ster rett, and these giving adverse opinions were Paxson, Green, Gorden and Mercur. The opinion in the action decided te-day was written by Judge Paxson. He took the posi'.ien thatthere were two objections raised agaiust the bends : First That they are usurious, and Second That they are a substitute for stock. He differs from both these views, and then discusses atilength the meaning of the term borrow, and says the company has a right te borrrew iu this particular way. The opinion closes with allusions te the welfare et the company being inseparable from the prosperity of the state, aud inti mates that the court should net seek tee far te find technical objections te their issue when the president, directors and a large number of the stockholders have deemed their issue of benefit te the cor poration. The McCalments' counsel have net yet communicated with their clients, and it is net kuewn what course they will take. The Reading officials have been ruled te make final answer te the suit en the same subject and in tbe United States court be bo be fere the 20th inst. The Claim for Taxes Agaiust the ltcadlujr. Washington, D. C, March ;. Frank lin B. Gewen had an interview with Sec retary Felger te-day in reference te the claim against the Reading railroad com pany for taxes en certificates issued by the company for wages te employees sevcraf years age, and it is understood that he received assuraucc that no attempt will be made te collect the taxes claimed by tbe commissioner of internal revenue until tbe courts can pass upon the question whether these certificates ceme within the .mean ing of the law. Differential Freight Rates. New Yerk, Feb. 0. The advisory commission, appointed te consider the question of differential freight rates, held its first session te-day for hearing of views of commercial bodies en adjustment of rates. A. E. Orr, en behalf of the pro pre duco exchange, presented the argument of that body for the aborgatien of differen tial rates between the West and sea board. CONGUESd. Te-day's Proceedings In tbe National Legis lature. Washington, March C. In the Beuse te-day consideration of the consular and diplomatic appropriation bill was con cluded and the bill passed. In the Senate Mr. Teller, from the com mittee, reported favorably the Heuse bill te pension Mrs. Garfield, with an amend ment including Mrs. Polk and Mrs. Tyler. The amounts specified arc $3,000 a year from Sept. 19, 1881. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM, A Government Officer Indicted for Levying PeUtlcal Assessments en Employees. New Yerk, March C It is reported that the United States grand jury have found an indictment against Gen. Kehe miah M. Curtis, special agent of the treas ury, and that it will be presented in court te-morrow. It is said that the indictment contains 9 or 10 counts and charges Gen. Curtis with collecting assessments from government employees which were used for political purposes during the last presidential campaign. Fined for Attending n Ceck-Flght. Rradia'e, Pa., March 0. Considerable excitement prevails in sporting circles here te-day owing te the arrival of a special agentef the S.P. C. A. of Philadelphia, who has obtained the names of about one hun dred aud fifty citizens of Reading who re cently attended a cock-fight near Reading. He proposes te ledge information against them all this afternoon. Several have already been arrested and fined $10 each and costs. Scevllle's Bill or Exceptions. Washington, March C. District At torney Corkhill says he will this week finish his examination of the bill of ex ceptions filed by Sceville in the Guiteau case. Nothing has yet been received te indicate that General Butler will enter the case as counsel for the assassin. Dentil of Ex-Judge Dentley. Williamsport, Pa. March 0. Hen. Benj. S. Bentley died here this morning after a brief illness. He was formerly president judge of the 29th judicial dis trict and later judge of the Lackawanna district. 'He was 73 years old. Queen Victeria's Acknowledgments. Londen, March 6 Earl Granville has presented a note te Minister Lewell con veying the acknowledgments of. the queen for congratulations offered by the president and people of the United States, and expressing hearty thanks for the kind feeling manifested towards her majesty. Sentenced te de Banged. New Yerk, March 6. Michael Mc Mc Glein, convicted of the murder of Leuis Hanicr, the French saloon keeper, in De comber last, wa3 te-day sentenced te be hanged April 20. Shedding: Tears en Hearing HI Death Sen tence. Newark, N. J., March C. James B. Grave?, who in December last shot and killed E.P.Veden, a littlobey, for revenge, was sentenced by Judge Depew this morn ing te be hanged en Thursday, April 13th next. Graves shed tears, but said nothing. Wesleyan Female seminary. Wilmington, March 6. Since the ad verse decision of the beard 'of trustees, William Bright, the purchaser of the Wesleyan .female college, has re solved that the institution shall net be discontinued, and has arranged with its former principal, Rev. Jehn Wil Wil eon, te conduct the school after the ter mination of the present collegiate year. In this he still hopes te have the co-opera tien of the Methodist church. The Would-Be Regicide. Londen, March 0. MacLean, who fired at the queen, was en Saturday quietly re moved te the Reading jail. A lawyer of his family says the prisener is insane, that he is the same person who in 1874 at tempted te wreck a railroad train, and that he was formerly in the Wells asylum. Ceukllng Decline. Washington, March 6. The president has received from Mr. Conkling his declination of the associate justiceship of the supreme court. A Dostou Dank Suipeud. Bosten, March G. The bankiug heuse of Chas. A. Sweet & Ce.- .suspended pay ment this morning. It is believed the sus pension will prove but a temporary one. JIAMKETS. Philadelphia aiarket. I'hiladblphia, Marchu. Fleurquict.stcady ; I'enn'a lamily, $5 75R5 00. Kve flour at $4 75. Wheat market nrm : Del.uud Penn'u. Ked, $1 321 33 ; de Amber, $1 3321 31. Cern firm; light local supply. Oatsflrmcren scarcity. Kyc scarce atS3S7c. Previsions 'lull. Lard dull. Butter dull anil weak: Creamury i'Stni.43 41c: de choice, 3Sllc. Bells dull. Ejiss dull and i cak ; Penn'u, lite ; Western Clicese quiet und easier ; New Yerk cream, HftQVZc ; Western full cream, 12c. Petroleum steady ; Itttincd, 7's. Whisky at $1 20. Seeds geed te prime clever quiet ut Uc ; le de Flaxseed nominal at $1 40. mil 12 ?!i new YOVK mnrxei. New Yerk, March (!. Fleur Statu und western dull and strongly in buyers' favor. beutnern nun ami declining. Wheat Vi)c lower, dull and heavy; Ne. 2 Bed. April, i;SS&l 31J: de May, si 53i (!?1 3I4 ; de June, $1 31'J1 Sl'i ; de July, Cern a shade easier and duil : mixed west Cm spot, 63SS(;9c ; de luture, GS!i70Jic Oats scarcely "se strong; State, 49855c ; Western. ISg33c. Cattle Market. PutLADi.i.i'iiiA, Mar. G. Cattle market tail : sales, 2 -H") head ; prime at 7Kc ; geed Mai-iQBJHr; medium, 5)iic; common at 45c. sheep market active : snlcs, S.COO head : prlme, "Kffi'sc: poed, Jffi7c; medium, 3i $yAc ; common, 4.c ; lambs', C8c ; calves, 5i0e ; culls, 3K4c. Hogs active ; sales, :i.OH) ; selling lrein SJ-ifP l"Mc. ,2 stecK aiarsei. New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecul Stocks also United States ISends reported dally bj Jacob B. Loke, 22 North Queen street. ' Niiw Yerk. Storks lower, iuiil active. Meney at ti. Mutch li. ll':0O 1:00 S. A. 31. P. M. P. 31. Chicago. Mil. Paul s. utfi 100; 109; C. C. & I. C. K. B 10 u;i 9U DeI..L.ick.ft Western li'l iK 123J Denver & Bie Grande 53!; 57 57 Mich. Southern & Lake Shoie.. 114'4 H3ys ll4't lUl.lHUIiri. UUIISU3 A TUXil"... N. Y., Lake Erie & Western. New Jersey Central Ontario & Western New Yerk Central Paclflc Mall 'Steamship Ce.. St. Paul & Omaha Prclerrcd Texas Paclflc Wabash. -. i..)ula . Pacitlc. Western Union Tel. Ce Philadelphia. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania B. B Beading Buffalo Pitts. & West Northern PuctncCem " Preferred. M'A Wi '-WS 37! 3CJ1 M UIJi 9B 91 24 :;;; -un 132f 131J4 1315$ . 'I? 40 III) .... 0 40,'S M 3!); 31 834 33li 7S;$ 7f.", 7S4 vAi W,i KOJ ?., 29 sy9 17 11 11 32S 71 70 Qrutn aud Prevision yaotatleii. One o'clock quotations et grain and pievi ions, furnished by S. K. Yundt, Breker, 15 East King street. March K. Clilc:iu. Wheat iern 0:il Peik Lard March 58 April... WMU .59 1U.22K 10.25 May... 1.2.1 S'.i .12) riitiudfipiiiii. March.. 1.31 .08 .W)i April... l.:ai ,w .30 May..... 1.32 .70J4 Mi Clve stecu luameta. Chicaoe. Hogs Beceir.t"). C.OOJ head ; ler th week. 92,000; shiDiuents te-day, 17,500 de:de liiand light, but market steady at a decline et 2550c ter weak ; common te geed mix-id, J3 fe (f?t 40 ; heavy packing and shipping, SU 45 7; light at $5 746 30; skips and culls. J.'IfJS 10 Cuttle B eclpts te-day, 2,0 K) head; total for the week, 29,00!) head ; shipments te-day. 4,(.00 de; dull, weak I and lower; expert, ?0gC 50; geed te choice shipping. J3 105 90 ; common te lair, f4G0510; mixed butchers' dull and weaker;; common te fair. $2 4(K2 23; geed te choice, $3 003175; Blockers and feeders, $3 35 i3 ; market ter shipping closed bad. Sheej Beceipts te-day 1,500 head ; ler the wcek, 10,000 head ; shipments, 2.500 de ; murkld weak and 1320c lower; inferior te fair, $3 75 4 50 ; medium te geed. $5 105 15 ; choice te extra, ?5 te J5 9J, lifil nteci:8 ana Ueiiitn. Par Lu-t vel. al Lar.t 'Uy e per ct. Lean, dujleS2... Jioe tm 1S85... 100 107 " 1890... 100 120 " 1893... 100 120 5 per ct.ln 1 or 30 years.. 100 105 5 per. ct. Scheel Lean 100 112 " 4 " inler'JOyeai-M.. loe 102 " 4 " In 3 or 20 years.. 100 102.50 " (J " Inl0er20yeurs. 100 105 Muuhcim borough lean loe 102 I BANK STOCKS. First National Bank. iW) $175 Farmers' National Bank 50 108.05 Lancaster County National Bank.. 50 Columbia National Bank :oe 117 Ephrata National Bank 1CH 132.50 First National Bunk, Columbia.. ..100 14i..;e First National Bank, Strasburj,'.... 100 i3l.w First National Bank, Marietta 100 200 First National Bank, Mount Jey.. 100 145 73 Lititz National Bank loe 110 Man helm National Bank 100 153 Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 50 70.50 New Helland National Bank HO 105 MISCELLANEOUS BONOS. Qunrryville B. B., due 1893 $100 $115 Bending & Columbia B. Bdue 1882 100 100 Lancaster Watch Ce., due 1SS6 100 105.10 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due In ler 20 years 100 100 Lancaster Gus Light and Fuel Ce., duclSSO 100 105 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Quarryvlllc B. B $ 50 $2.23 Mlllersvllle Street Cur 50 23 Inquirer Printing Company 50 50 Watch Factory IW) 120 Gas Light and Fuel Company. ... 23 Stevens Heuse 100 Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company 'j Susquehanna Iren Company 100 170 Marietta Hollowware 100 Stevens Heuse SO 4.25 Sicily Island 50 1 East Brandy wine Waynesb'g. 50 1 TURNPIKE STOCKS. Big Spring A Beaver Valley $ 25 $ 10.23 itrldgcpert 13 21 Columbia Chestnut Hill , 25 18 Columbia & Washington 25 20 Columbia It Ig Spring 25 18 Lancaster ft Ephrata 25 47.25 Lanc.EIizabetht'n&MidiUet'n 100 60 Lancaster & Frultville. 50 50 Lancaster &;Litltz 25 64.50 Lancaster & Williauistewn 25 65 Lancaster Maner 50 02 Lancaster & Manheim 25 43 Lancaster Marietta 25 32 Lancaster & New Helland 100 85 Lancaster Susquehanna 300 275.23 Lancaster & Willow Street 25 40.15 Strasburg ft Millport 25 21 Marietta & Mnytewn 23 40 Marietta Mount Jey 25 I Mine EYE AND EAK DiSPENSABY. 1 Ne. 14 Noeth SEVE?rrH: St., Philadelphia. Opsn from 12 te 1 dally for the treatment of diseases of the above organs. Tha afflicted are cordially invited te call. DR. ARTHUR G. ALLAN, leb22 3mw Surgeon In Charge. EXTEMTAXmiXXTS. TJULTON OPERA HOC9E. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1882. Special engagement ler one night only el the talcnted actor W&. WX STAFFORD Supported by the EOLLOWIXG POWERFUL COMPANY : Miss Resa Band, Wm-.TBorreughs, Marien Demlnir. Edwin Clifferd. Miss Nera Vernen. Miss Flera Nowtea, Miss Hattie Rclteur, Miss Ada Santerd. Alice Veri, Jehn T. McNary. Geerge Reach, Goerge Marlen. Belle Baldwin. Maris Lejrres. -IX THE MARBLE HEART. NEW and ELEGANT WARDROBE, APPBOPBIATE 8CEXEEV. ADMISSION 35, 50 and 73 cent. ItESEUVEP SEATS 75 cents. Chart new open anil seats may be seoured at Opera Heuso Office- in2-3td JLUJCELLAlfEOUS iu.lisr TO LOAN THE ATTKNTION 1L et persons desiring te purchase houses Is invited te the advantage of borrowing money trem the Union Building und Lenn Association. A low rate of Interest and the advantage of long leans is worthy of the at tention et huyers of rel estate. Fer luforinutiea call en . II. S. GAKA, President, A. II. BALL. Secretary, DANA U It AH AM. Treasurer. mi-ltS V. A. WILSON, Solicitor. "pLUMBING, OAbFlTTISfQ. JOHN P. SCHAUM, Ne. 27 Seuth Queen Street. ' Plumbing sGasfittmg oexi: OMLY UT SKILLFUL AND CABEFUL WORKMEN. LABGE STOCK OF GAS FIXTURES OX HAND. JaiiiS-lydS "" "VTOTICE. 1 Netice Is hereby given that a special nice ting et the members et the Southern Mu tual Insurance Company et Lancaster Coun ty, an Insurance Company of the Btnte et Pennsylvania, incorporated by an act et Assembly, entitled '-An Act te Incorporate, the Southern Mutual Insurance Company of Lancaster County." approved March 22, 1802 ; whose principal elllec is located In the county et Lun caster, and whose charter is about te expire, will be held ut the public house ei James K. Alexander, in Quarrvville, Lancas ter county, en SATURDAY. MABCU 11, 1832, at 1 ojcleck p. hi. It at such meeting two thirds of the votes, cast In person or by proxy shall favor a resolution agreeing that wild cor poration Shall held its charter, subject te the previsions et the constitution et Pennsylvania, unit setting forth ut length the sections of Its existing charter which it desires te retatn.amt agreeing te be subject te the previsions of an am eiiimeti -u supplement lean uci cnuueu 'mi act te establish an insurance depart ment,' approved the fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy three, providing ter the incorporation and regulation of insurance companies, and relat ing te insurance, agents and brokers und te lcreign insurance companies," approved May 1.1870, P. L 53; se lur as n et inconsistent with said charter ; snld resolution, and the n umber of votes cast ter and against the same ut the special meeting aforesaid shall be spread en the records of said company, and a certified ceny of the sume forwarded te the Insurance Commissioner, who shall submit the sumu te the Attorney General, und. In oase he approves et said resolution, he shall certify his approval of said record te the Governer, who shall cause letters patent te Issue, erect ing said company Inte a body corporate, with succession as iu snld act of May 1. 1870, provid ed in t lie casn of companies originally organ ized, with all the powers and privileges, and subject te the restrictions specified in the resolution aforesaid. The object of said meet ing being te comply with section 30 of said net et May 1, lS"tf, te renew or extend said company's charter. SIMEON W. SWISHEB, IIkniiv E. Raub, President, Secretary. quarry vUlc. Feb. 9, 1882. f9-lld4tw E9TATK u- MARY HOFFMAN, LATE of West Denegal tewnsplp, deceased. Letters administration en said estate hav ing keen granted te tne undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto ure requested te make immediate paymeiit, and these having claims or demands against the same will pre sent them without delay for settlement te tllu undersigned, re-siding 'in West Denegal. JACOB D. SHENK. 0tw Administrator. ESTATE OP GEO UOK FI.OWEBS, LATE of Kapha township, Lancaster ceuntr. de ceased. The undersigned audltoruppeintod te distribute the balance remaining in tne hands of Jehn M. Stchman. administrator, te ana among tlioselegully cntltltled te the same. will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, MARCH 7th, A. D. 1882. at 10 o'clock a. in.. In tbe library room of the court heuse, In the city of Lancaster, where all persons Interested In said distribution may attend. A. F. HOSTETTEB. Ieh3-ltw Auditor. I:STATK OF BAKUAKA KANK, LATE Or !i Washington borengh, Lancaster ceuntv. doe'd. Letters testamentary tn said estate having been grunted te tha undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claim or demands against the same will present them without delay ter settlement te t lie undersign ed, residing in Maner township, P. O. Wash ington borough. GEORGE S. MANN, C. Denues, Executer. Attorney. feb8-0tw ESTATE OP SAMUEL. MOOICE, LATJi of Strasburg borough, Lancaster county. Pa., deceased. The undersigned auditor, ap pointed te distribute the balance remaining iu the hands of William Spencer, administra tor of said deceased, te unit among these le gally entitled te the name, will sit for that purpoee en TUESDAY. MARCH 14. 1882, at 10 o'clock a, m.. In the library room of the court house, in the city of Lancaster, whero all persons interested iu said distribution may attend. WM. A. WILSON, 122-ltw Auditor. rpilE ACCOUNTS OP THE FOLLOWING 1 named Estates will be presented for con tinuation nisi en Monday, March 20, A. D. 1S32. Beu'lamin L.Landls and wile's Assigned Estate" M." N. Brubaker, Assignee. Moses "Weaver's Assigned Estate, Jar.eb Grube, Assignee. Elam GrefTs Assigned Estate, Snmi'-I Hut ford, Assignee. Jehn S. Bcntz and wife's Assigned Estate ' 11. Burkheldei, Assignee. DunicI S. Barak und wife's Auigucd Estate Cliristian Widmycr, Assignee. Attest: SAM. MATT. FBIDY. Iub22 4tw ProthenoUuy. TJATENTS PATENTS FOB Inventions, Trade-Marks, etc., procured. Call or send ler circular el In structions. Intorinatienjfrec. Bctcrcnces given in Lancaster. Jehn A. WIederskcIm, 110 Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia. apr20-lyw Ir YOU SUFFER WITH A PAIN IN THE hack, or nave a constant tired feeling in your back und limbs, itls sere Indication yeui Liver and Kidneys are out el order. Te re move these symptoms you should u-e KIDNBYOURA1 This tea is purely vegetable, and Is sold in packs, which will make four pints of tca tca Price. 50c. a naefc. Fer sole at . KAUFFMAN'S DRUG STORE, marlllmd&lvw 118 North Oueen Street. PUBLIC SALE.-ON TUESDAY, MARCH 14. 1S82. In pursuance of an order et the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, Mary Iditl, administratrix of the estate of Jacob Idall. deceased, will eiler at public sale en the premises in Bainbtldgc, Ceney township, Lancaster county, Pa., the following de scribed real estate, viz : A let of ground, containing in front en Sec ond street, about 75 feet, and extending in depth ubeut 50 feet; bounded en the north west by Chestnut street, one the northeast by Second street, en the southeast by the Evan gellcal church and en tbe southwest by lotNe. 203, upon which 13 erected a one-and-a-hai:-stery FRAME HOUSE and ether necessary outeuUulngs. , Sole-to commence at 2 o'clock p.m., when conditions, Ac. wlU be made known by MARY IDaIL. Administratrix or the Estate of Jacob idail, deceased. . H7-ltd3iw