LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENT tiK SATURDAY. MAHCH41882. a i 180 feet, centainiug fruit trees, as tl.e property of Benjamin K. Shults:, adminis trator of Jeseph E. Charles, decerned. Purebred by Abr. Char!-, ter $147 : and a let of ground ou the ihm.Ii side of Raphe htiect, CO by 180, as the property of Benj. IC. Shultz, administrator of Jeseph E. Charles, deceased. Pu fij.ised by Abr. Chailcs fei 90. A piece et bind, in Maner Stewnfcliip, containing 7 acrc, en which arc a one story stone dwelling house, with basement kitchen, irame bank barn, etc., Sold as property of Jeseph Hauek te Simen Hanck for 1,200. A let of ground, in Upper Leacock township, containing one acie, en which are erected a one and a half story frame dwelling house with a one steiy frame summer kitchen. Inike even and weed shed, fiaine blacksmith stable &c. Sld as the prepci ty of Eliza Yundt and pui chased by II. Clay Brubakci for ?l,27e. A Jet of gieiind in Fulton township, centainiug three-feurthh of an acre, en which aie erected a one and a half steiy frame dwelling hotue ami ether necessary building Sold as the piepeiJy el Win. A. Malbuni, te Gee. V. Zoe!:, for 100 Mere if the Frisky Heme. Between 10 and 11 o'clock this morn ing, as the wife and daughter of Christian Ficy, of Binklcy'.s mill, en the Columbia turnpike, were diiving en West King street, their hoi se ran oil, and when near the Giccn Tree hotel, upset the buggy te which he was attached, tlueaing out the ladies heavily te the giemid. They were net heiieusly hint, but the buggy was broken te pieces. The her&c was caught by David Evans. This meiniug a-. Frederick Ooes w:is driving near the ceruei of West King and Prince streets, th-i wheel of his bake wairen caught en the tiack of the Mi eft laihuiy ana was tei n en. The -pm lie el tin was also broken off. axle Contribution!! te Soup linid. The mayor acknowledges the folio wit g contributions te the soup fund since tl e last icpe:t : Geerge Brady & Sen 75 leaves of biead and 7." pounds of ibmr Uuuidia'i Apperutcd. The ceuit has appointed E. E. rjnder guatdian for lleniy Belder, the lad who was befeie the com I a few days age en complaint of his methe: and step-father as being inoeiiigiblc. riu Trcjillli n It ii Te be held m Wc-t Ki.d hall en Men lay evening, Mai eh 1.5, .fl'.n pioiuiseo! beluga giand succimn, b lh in iiuuihiis ami thi seci il time te b- li:nl. The niuil' ul'l be lind-li 1 by TujlinS eielic-ti.i. h'i.cial xericj.x Kei. a cough ei .s-v t '.red, I he best iiiedl iiiedl iliielhllalf'n Heney id lloiehei.nd and 1m. Pike's 'iedlliauhu Diep, cure in one uiiuuli . ml lwileed&w See lli-rf. OU llll Mck. Ufll, tllClui" Just Ulli' lillllily that will etireyeti be. ni'dp-w-jiblllt , el dnubl. lfUV Li' i'i or lvaiui'v tieub! Consumption. Ii spc'itiia, DebillU. 'i lis' Htvllli Itciicwei i', your hope. fl. IHu.;gN1- Depot .Jehn V. Leng A Mm. An itivaluibli- streugtliuiic: te. th-!.eie-, muscle?, and 1 i;4-ct i -j urgan-i, piediicing tiinf'tli ai'il uppctilu, i- Itie n'- lien Uitti'i-. ni3-l wd Aw We Kill etii l ului -. .'ina e icme'.e lrem the hunui'i sydem -a li itevei i.ue:"inizes the no:is. Hi. I'.en-e .") CJ( ly :u.d cliauminilc I'illn ielice limn s.ibjti. tn.ii te ll.e peuei of headache, -h eples:e-s and dypep-i '1 lay contain no epiu.n ei 'i;:iili.l din. MiJ7 ld.V. l.lljl'lll (alllli. Daniel I'lauk, el lliel;'". n. I ie.i Cn . Pa . ili-ctibiri It tliu-,- ' 1 mle ll.ulv uilIe lei a bettli-'U' lalei hi'-Oil v i irli i lleett . tliciini'7Nf cuie et a ci eat cd limb :n ei ap ap pliffttlens : il pioed v eith niei; t1' m ;."i'i' ' me." for s de at II. 1$. echian'- i!:::!; s,eii Z Net til t.'in en btici-t, l.aniv.iti'i. Dsl'Ll'Tii , 'icneu Coldeii's l.iehig'i L'i igoratei vtl. 'it-. Dniggist". pi ep'e, "out el (.i ts, :l.l licei ui.d To-iie in I . fei CeL!i ;.,. Oi n'l-ldeed.T Nouenv enjoys the nicest -urieuiiihngs il In bail h'':illli. Tlieic aie mlsciablu p -eplu about today te v Iicim a bett! cl I'aihri (.i'i-jei -oil 1 eomleit t.'iin er tued. "-e" e':n.i n.Mnuloe.l&eow Ionic '.Minld In'-ii. ine'i. all the i.e"''i t . 'i He column. fl.daine .nitl .ii'iii. Pel in the lu-i- et in my i. i Jlie gi,. h n lb . in the malkit. und nie the !.i-i ieui( el l'h Hieii'iisand pre lie who Km v. no beilci me li cinc tot uipiej. let tiiiMli-iic i IiigceiiiiIa:ut. The illeel-. el e the. id 'hi'-' ditigc aie .'.o .'.e .'.o ttiuctiicte the 'j-tcni, jce I'-adache, Intestii ul diiiijci.-, crtit)-n, iKzines, ling Ingin the eats, and il- ptc-leu of the coustl ceustl coustl tu'lenal health. A-ic i's AeuCcr.c is a vege table di-ceviy, tentaining neithcr nullum . arsenic, nei any di'letoriens lngi client, and i. an lnlallibleau'l :.;ji!l! cute fei eei y leim e; Pexeranii Ague. Its effect? me peiiii nient audceitaiu, and no luiuiy em lesu't tieul !ls Use. Besides being a po-Iile cute fei 1'iver and Ague in all lis leim-i, it ' ulse asupctmr lemcdyiei Lives Cempltlnt-. It is an excel lent tonic and preventive, u-, .ell as cuic, of all complaints peculiar te m ilaiieu-, mai-liy and nil ismat'c distilct" lly direct action en th'.'Livtrnn'l bill uy uppiiatu. it stimulates the bj stem te a vlgoieu-, l.ciUl.y condition. Fer Pale by ail dealers. m.1 deedftw "Yli'ltl net l .ltWriliine." Clve l.lT's Cicam Halm a tb.oieugh tiial it jeii vreuld be cuicd ei Cat.mli, Hay fiu'i, C.'.ti.nhal Deaf ness or jiilckly relicVi'd ei ci Id-In the il '.id. Cream ii-ilm etr.'etu'illy clemisct Ihe uajal passages of eatai thai vita-, causing l.calt'ay pecrctiens. nllays inllammatlen, ptetccts the mcirbranal llniigjer the head tjem additional colds, completely heals the sijes and lesteies tlie senre et taste ami srull. Bene(!elal ic FnltB aie rcilized bv a lcw app'icatlens. A thorough treitmeut .lll cine Catariu, Hay Fc cr. &c. The I: ilm is cnj te use and ngice able. Sold by ilruisis at :j cnts. cu ic ic eclptet 50 cents will i.i ii! ; package. ELY'S CKLAM BALM CO..Osiege. -. V Pei calc bj I .".if aster Pi I'jrgUl'. leb.'jilAv. b Ir. I'l.jiii'r. itoet Hitters. Fiuziei's ltoet liitleiiiue net n diani-shep Iiisky bevemge. but i.ic ttilctly medicinal in every sense. Tiicy act stiengly upon the liver and kidneys, keep the bowels open und tegular, make thcucak strong, heal the lungs, build np tlie nerveui and cleane the bleed and pytem el cvciy impuilty. Fer Dizziness, ltush et Bleed te the Head, tending te Apoplei-y, Dy-jpep5!"., fever and Ague, Dropsy, Pimples uiid Blotches, Screla leus Huinnisnnd Seres, Tetter, King Weun, White Swelling. Krysipcl is. Seic Eye and ler young men sailering trem Weakness cr De bility caue ! fiem :i.ipiudence,and te females indelicate health. riazPn'-i lioet Bittcis are cjpecially rccetniuended. Dr. Frasier : 1 have u-cd ' e bottles e: our Beet Bitters ler Dipepsia, Dizzinces. Weak ness and Kidney D:c t-es,aiid they did me me:c geed than all tlie clociei-s and the mcJiciuc I ever used, tiem the first doc I took I be gan te mrml, and I am nev in petfect licalth and feci as t ell as I ever did. 1 consider your medicine enu et thegivatcstet blessing?. Mrs. M. Map.tik. Cleveland, O. J-ehl by H. B. Cochran, 117 and ISONeith Queen stiect, at Jl per bottle. Hcxav & Ce. Sele Psopiicfe.s, 0- Ve-y trtet. New Yeik. f23-w&sdAw t!retii' iLnr.n'I.eId 1'nsacca Is the most eticctivc Piiu Destrejer in tiie world. Will most suiely quicken the bleed, whether taken Internally or applied fxtcrnally.and theieby mere certainly leiicve pain, w Isctber ehienic or acute, t lain any ether pain alleviator, and It is warranted double the strength et any similar prepirstien. It cures piin in th.. Sale, Baek or Bewel, Sere Thteat, Khenmatism and all acuus. and is TIIU GREAT IcELUIVrit OP PAT". ' JT.e-.vs-9 HersEUOMi Pa:.'c. 'e.ini ic in cverv jamily. A teaspoenu.1 a :u in "a tumbler el het water jwci lened if psctcirtdj, taken at bed t ime il! i rhak vr a cold. 2 ct i a bottle. icb!r-ijii:I,Wfts,Aw Kaheka, Me., Feb. 9, 1S0. 1 purchased nve bottlesot your Hep Bitters el liiahep &, Ce., last fall, ter my daughter and am "11 pleased with tec Bitters. They did lier mere geed than a!l the medicine she has taken ter six year?. WM. T. McCLUEE. The above is liem a, very reliable fanner, whec daughter wa in peer health for seven ei tight year?, and could obtain no relief until slu-use.1 Hep Hitters. Shu is new In as geed hcalth-as any person In the country. Wc have lurge sale and they are reakine remarkable cures. W. II. BISHOP & CO. ml '.iwd&w HENRY'S CAKHOLIC SAL". 'i i.c beit halve In the world for cuts, bruises, coin, ulcers, &altrlieuin,tettcr,chiippedhands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin erup tion', iieckles and pimples. The salve is ....Uced te give perlect tatlsfactlen in r-v i y case or money relumled. Be sure you get Heui-r'n carbolic fculvc, us all ethers are but Imitations and counterfeits. Price 23 cents. fce! i m Lancaster ut Cochran's Drug Stere, KIT i ! -ej Ninth Queen street. A t.oeil Angel's Vlhit A Tale et "Itesa dalis." lilanchu called en Kate, one pleasant day, and ion ml her sad and shilling, dearest friend, onto blight and gay, new scaice could keep liemciylng; ler, '-eh," she said, "'tis a dis grace te see with screlulu, my lace se badly marica:' tlien said her friend, "Resadalls will your tieubles end." 2lartehe called en Kate jie' her day and found her once mere blithe and guy, her lace as radiant, skin as lair, as any maiden's anywhere. Fer skin diseases uiul Impure bleed, ihcic's nothing in the w ei ii se geed as Resadalis, it drives uway all bkln dlseiders, humor, nay. It tones the sys-ti-ni, cures your ills and banishes all doctor's billu : Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug 6tie, le7 nnd 1'ti North Queen street. v301ydced&w3 'letiierm jnemernii filetnersfi Aie you dir,tiiib(d at night and broken el join ict,t by a sick child sutlerlng and crying uiti) Hie aci delating pain et cutting teeth 7 II -,.., tn ut once and get a bottle of MRS. WILLOW .SOOIIUNG SVttUP. It will re lhv the pem little suibaer immediately de pcinl upon lt;t!ii-ietd no luixtake about it. 'l lie:.-id net a mother en cattii '.he has ever U'l'd :t, who rt ill net tell you at once that it will it':; ate the bowels, and give rest tx tlw metliei, and lelief and health te the child, epi i.itin (fllke magic. It is peifeetiy safe te u-e in all cases, und pl awant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best leuiale physician and nuises in the Ui.iu-d Mali's, held every 7liCre; 25 cents a i eitie "mi "Hd.twM.W&S "lATe, (iremn, ueauty.'- " lmt we all adniiie" anil hew tesecuie It: A line hem! of hair in its natural color Is such un iidiuiict te beauty that no one who prizes geed leeks should -neglect te use "Londen Hail Celer Ilesteicr," the most cleanly and de llf;!.tlul iiilicluevei Introduced te the Ameri can people. It Is totally iliileieut lrem all etl.i'is net sticky or gummy, and free lrem all impute ingie lients tliat li-uderinany ether luepaiatleus obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, ie-le'csgi.iy hair, gives it new Hie, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair te mew u'hcic it hid fallen off or become thin, ilfi s net -oil ei st.'di' an thing, mid is se per b'ctk 'iiid Ue.'antly piepaiednM te malce it a ilii-i-sliig and toilet luxury. "Len-d-iii Jinn Jle-jteier" U "old by nil druggists, t 7 i'-n-.,i beltli-. M bottles lerfl. eciSM.W.SAw A i mvli, cold or ame 'inreat should de Mopped. -Neglect iieiiuentiy lesuits man In cu ibie Lung Disease ei Consumption. Biet. n lu'euchinl Trech'-s !e net disorder tn -i u.iaih like cough syi u: ami b'ilsaini, bu id directly en theli.". mei.pai ts.nlhij'lnj; Ii'ilalien, :;ic lelict In .Whim, Breneb'ai CeughM. C-itarrh, and U.3 Threat Troubles w hieli blnger, and J'ubllc Speakers aicsubfect te hoi tiility years Brown'.s Bienchutl T.e .us l.a"e be u n oeiumcnilod by physi cians. ,t:id .ilways gile nvilect s'ltlslaetien. lla in.; ben 'csted by wiile and constant use in ei :U i entile gi aeration, they li.uu at t".:t d '. ci .! i itrd ian!c among the lew staple ii i.i ..-! tn.- vy. Sold at i'lcentsn box . v . i iv i ere i.iS-1 vtlTTliASaivw (Km Diseases Cured lt !:. l"i iiei'b Magic Ointmkm-. Cuiesiib 11 in : lagie pimples, black heads et grubes, doubts and eruptions en tlie face, leaving tn- rkiu clear, healthy and bcautltnl. Alse aie. itch, bailisr's itch, salt l heum, tetter, j.ii't'tenn, fa:ii head, chapped hands, sere nijiplt", 5e;e llp, old, obstinate ulceis and s-ie-, Ai. i-.i:. imscas:.. i escj., Cleveland, O , biilleied beyond a 1 description liemaskm disease which ap pealed en his haniN. head and lace, and nearly '!c liwjed his eyes. The mejt caicful doctoi dectoi doctei ing hid laihd te help him, and aftei all had s uled lie used Dr. Trailer's Magic Ointmcut and a .. i ut k! by a leu applications. Thi Hist .'lid only positive cine fei skin diet ae . evi l dibCevcicd I ei ".lie by II 15. Cechi.m, 1.17 and II.'i Neith ii" -i tit'ci, Lanc'i'tcr. HLNMY A CO., hole Proprietors. 02 cscy Street, New Yeak. fei i'.li d. Bleeding, Itching or Ulceinted Pibs D". V illiaji's Ixdia: Pilu Oiatment 13 a&iiiucuie. Price $1.00, by mall. Fer sale u I ('s Drugstore. leb27-M&TlulAw files: riles: riles: A -in" ciue found nt last: Ne one need luiiei ' A s'lic cine ler Blind, Bleeding, Itch in and riccrated Piles lias been dlsceveicd by l)i. "Villiam (an Indian lcuiedj ), called Dr. Wi'iium's Indian Ointment. A single box has cu: ed the eist chronic cases et 23 or 30 years stnndirg. Ne ene need sutler live minutes iitlei applying this wonderful seething nicdl C'lic. Lotions, inssiumcnts and electuaries de meie liaim than geed. Williams' Ointment tueib the tmiiurs allays tlie Intense Itching (p.iiticulaily '.1 night alter getting warm In bed), ats as a peulliee,givcs instant and pain less teliel, and is piepared only for Piles, Itch ins; ei the private piits, and ler nothing else. Bead what the Hen. J. M. Cefflnberry.. of Cleveland, siys about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment : I hac used sceics et Pile Cnies, and italleids me pleasure te say that I have never teund anything which uavc such immediate and pw manent idle! as Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. I or sale by II. JI. Cochran, 137 and 133 Neith Queen sttcet. Pi Ice, 51.00. llKNirr & Ce , Pro Pre pi li tei ci Vcsc fctreet, Nev.- Yerk, leb2t-TuAFdAw " sMn J)ls::es " cured by Ilr. Swayce'B tllutnient. Whit is mere clistiesslng than an obstinate skin dISva;e, and w by persons should sulTcr a single Jieu: when they have a suiccuie In 'Swnync'sidutmcnt " Is past our comprehen sion. The worst cases et tetter, itch, salt l heum, or that annoying complaint. Itching pib s, j icld te its wendcrlul all-healing quali ties. Pimples en the face and blotches en the skin are lcmeved by u'lng this healing oint ment. Peiiectly safe and harmless, even en the most tender infant. Itching Plica Symp toms me meistuie, intense itching, partlcu laily at night after getting warm in bed ; ether parts are sometimes affected. Swayne' Ointment pleasaut, sure cure. Dr. Swnyne & ten. 33 Neith Seventh street, Philadelphia, Pa., te whom all letters pheuld be addressed. r'Old by all prominent druggists. janai-lmdTTlift.F&we i:l.sjCUi:i rite.-.i di:ath The follewlngstatementof William J Cough Ceugh lin, of Pemcrvilic, nlas., is se remarkable that we beg te ul: ler it the attention of our read ei s. He says : " In the tall of 187C I wa3 taken with a violent bleeding ertnc lungs lollewed by p 'cverc cough. I seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. I v. as se weak at one time t h it I could net lea e my bed. In the summer el isr; I was admitted te the City Hospital. Vi Id tia'ie the doctors said 1 had a hole 'n ny left lung -as big as a half cellar. X expend cd e i r a bundled dellais in doctors and med leine. I w as se far gene at one time a rcpe t v e:r ai eund that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a n lend told me et Da. V.'ji. Hall's Balsam i-or. the Lungs. I laughed at my friend, think ing smt my case was incurable, but I get a bottle te satlsiy them, when te my surprise and gi itiflcatien, I remmenccd te leel better. My hepe, once dead, began te levlvc, and to day I tccl In better spiiits than I have the past years. . "1 write thit hoping yen jh publish il, se that c eryene atillcted v.itli Diseased Lnngs w ill be induced te take Or. Win. Hall's Balsam ter V f Lang3, and be convinced tliat con cen uinp"'vii can be cured. I have taken two j"tt!'.j m.1 nn positively say that It has done a e:i :.--'! t'Hiu all ether medicines Ihave ta n s un- ,'jy icnc-"'. My cough has alii,.--! e ..'. ly disappciieiand I shall seen be r."" ! ,'D te weik." Sold ia Lancaster at Cochran's i'lugterp, 1S7 and 139 North Queen sue iy25-lvclceaTJiw2 Gote H. . ceenraus uruu "store, 177 North Queen street, for Mrs. FreemarCt iVeir ra tional Dye. 1'er brishtne- and durability et coler.are unequal!. Celer from 2 te ." pound". Directions in KngH-h and German. Price. IB cents. DEATHS. SsvEK.-In Ne-.v Ve:k. en March 2. InC, Jlarj- K., wile et A! xui Snyder aged 2U years, '. months and 1 day. The relatives and fiiendsefthc tamlly are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, lrem the residence of her husband, bchocn bchecn berger's Park, en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Intel incnt at Woodwind Hill ceme tery. 2td DeawAiiT. In thl city, en the 4th Inst . Sarah, daughter et Jehn anil Mary Derwart, aged two years. A light is liem our household gene. A voice tc loved is still ; A place Is vacant en our health. Which never can be filled. The relatives and fi lends et the lamily, also the Grand Order of Augustus Hest, aioie aieie spectrully invited te attend the luneral, lrem the tesidence et h"r parents. Ne. 557 North Queen street, en Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cenicteiy. Weekly New Era please copy. fc POLITICAL. "LiOK JLKV CU.iIMISSIONEit. WILLIAM ELLHAKEK, Ol Kail township Subject te the dcel-doulet the Democratic county convention. m2tcd4w jrmr AitvKiisusubms SOUK KKOUX J.CNCU AND GKMItGlS Keller's Pluladelphia Beer THIS SATUR DAY EVENING at the leal baref the Lcepaid Hetel. Lunch every Saturday evening, LO,ST.-A LOWEl; SKTOrTKKTH. THK Finder will be paid by leaving them at DB.PIATON'S DENTIST OFFICE. It East King street. GKA? Ki AND LUNCH TO-NIGHT. SOUK out and Pigs Feet, at the Plew Tavcin It MICHAEL SNYDEK, Prep. PUliLIC SALK OF HOUlKS. On MONDAY, MARCH G, I13S:!, will be sold at D. Leaan's sule stable, le-ar of the McGmnn Heuse, l.-incaiter. Pa., V, head et Canada Horses. They are heavy-boned feeders. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. A cicdlt of CO d'tv- will be given, ltd DANIEL LOGAN. NOTICE TO T.V posalsler the .v coLLECTeas.-rito-e Election et the state nnd county tax for !-.!. in the East and West wards et Lancii-i". i.ity. will be received at the County e.o.itiui8-jtener' eillce. until 12 o'clock, en TLTE-U AY, MAltCH 14, 15Si. Rv orderel the COMMISSIONERS. Attest: FBK Griest, cleik. uU-3td 11 K SALh.-ATWi-SI01lV AND ATTIC . Dwelling. Ne. 331 East Oiange stiect. with side yard, tins all modem linpievciucntH ; stabla en icur el let. Tcims c.i-y. FOR KENT. A two-steiy und attic Dwell ing, Ne. Sil East Orange stiei t, v ith all mod ern impievemcnts Apply nt leblJ-a eeilU Ne. y.'S E. "T OR ANG E S 1', TTSI" ONLY THE MAN1IE1M ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR, THE IJEST IN THE MARKET. ICer silc by all Gi ecei 1. I : dl! TAIK SHESK, BANKERS. Angle Centie Squaic, L incastcr. Pa. N. E. Special attention given te the pmchase of Medes, Government Mends end ether Securi ties. Rc'iable paper disceu-ited, and advances made en approved 6ecuntie- INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ml-ltdS<iv nut AKCIIlTKtlT". I" ANm AMI) M'iiCI- X FICATIONS ter atwosleiy tour room Scheel Uullding ( ler uicliltects 1 eliding in this city) will be received by the Committee en buildings and giomuNet the Laucastei City Scheel Ileaul until 12 in., MARCH ;e, lfcSi. Should any plan submitted br adopted it will be paid for.ane all ethers 1 etui tied without lostte the lieaid te the lespuctive aichitects. Fer fuitlier infoimntien upplv te JOHN 1. liARTMAN. ni4-2td .'J West Chestnut stiect. MONEY TO IDAS mi: ATTKNTION et pei-en deinim; te pmeluse lieuscs is invited te the adviiiiMiri' et ber: owing money liem the L'nien ltnilding and Lean Association. A low l.ite el Intciesland the advantage of long leans is voithyel the at tention et bnyoiaef icil estate. Fei inloiini'tien call en H. S. G YIIA, Piciideut, A. IL HALL, beeietaiy, DANA GRAHAM. Tie.xsuiei, ml-ltS r. A. WILSON, solicitor. PUlti.IC SAI EOF !IICs:.tltlL.ll VUKN1 TUHE. O.i TJirit-.DAY, MARCH i. IbSJ. Jn the Neithein 5Iailct Heu'-c. ceinei e! Neith Queen and Walnut blicet, will be sold tables, ciiaiu, locker-, sela, lounge, mirrors, pictmei. win ion "-h.idei-, Hteves nnd pipes, two extension table-, lull cottage set, veranda clmus, wardrobe, wnslistaiuW, niat tivsses, garden 111 ns and linnislug baskets, a let of gas flxtuies and availetvet aitieles net enumerated. Sale te commence at 1 ielecl. p m., when terms w ill be made known by .'-ILAS H. P.1RRY. JOHN 11. m1LI. Adniiulstratoisel t'lecst.itt el tin Kite Win L. Peiper, dee'd Hi:mkt SnuBEnT, Auclienei H. L. Prailet, Llc-.k ml JtuSM.VW T P. StTAltlC Defiaat and Capital, DEFIANT, Tl.lW CAPITAL, tOc. Ne meie Shirts standing ivlde open 011 the b 1 jk. We call attention te our PATENT-BACK SHUtTS, wlilch are DEFIANT aid CAPITAL by name as well as in tit, quality nnd workmanship The I) EFIAXT. Is p.ilcnt-back, well-nude, goon niiclln. double lined lients, linen wiiitbauds nnd nicely finished butt en holes, "lythcin. Yeu can get them at JOHN P. SWARB'S, NO. CO NORTH QUEL- VT , febl-lyd&w "1IRARP MBElilBMGECOIPM, OFPH1LADELP1A. Assets ever Eleven Hundred Thou sand. Dollars, sccuicly Invested, tei a policy li. this eldaud w ell-establiahcd company call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, NO. 19 EAST KING TKEET. l3M.WRA- TJJ. aiABTlN & CU I 11 IN ELEGANT DKESS GOODS, ASSORTMENT. SILKS, &c, &c, iMiMi mm IN NEW SPUING COLOR.s. LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS TURKEY WniTE AND ECRU, TABLE COVERS AXJ) XAl'KlXti. SHEETINGS AND MUSLINS, All Widths. Popular .MakC9 of Muslin. A'l LOWEST PRICES. UPHOLSTERY GOODS. WINDOW SHADES OF ALL KIND?. Carpets and Wall Papers. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. We3t King and Frine Sts, J-ACA-JJKB, TAJ SEW ADTEMTLSEMEXTS. LINN tVILLSON. HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHKK INVOICE Ot AUCTIOaNT GrOOD. WHICH THE1 ABE SELLING MUCH BELOW THE1B VALUE.' Tinware, Weed and Willow-ware, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Buckets 10 eta, Breems, Fleer Oil Cleth 25 cts. -DfN'T FAIL TO CALL AND GET BARGAINS. "1 FLINJST & WILLSOaNT, Lancaster, Pa. Will ONLY PLACE WHERE YOU CAN SAVE YOVR MONEY, NOBBECK & MILEY'S Lancaster Coach Works, S. F. CORNER OF DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTER. PA. .VOir IS YOUIt TIME TO BUY I PURCHASERS LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS: Yeu are an are that everything in the line of Material, Trade and Husines has udauccd. and Is still advancing in price, and If you postpone or delay your needs until Spring, you will 11 ml you v 111 have te pay 25 or 30 per cent, mere than 11 you make your purchase new. The reason we are offering inducements and still selling our work at the Present and Re iluced Prices Is owing te the tact that wc are new Enlarging our Carriage Works, and have net at present room sufficient te store our work, as well as the desire te keep all our hand in employment, as we employ none but the Best and Most Practical Mechanics. Wc have yet en hand a Large Stock et Kuggies, Phaetons, Family Carriages, Market and Business Wagons, kc ALL OF THE LATfc&T AND MOST DESIRABLE STYLES. FINISIIED IN THE BEST AND MOST AUTISTIC MANNER, And te which we invite your special and Immediate attention. XJSlf AltrHRTISB ENTS. T?OKSALE, OK BENT. T Th The undersigned elTeis ler bale or rent a property, situated in fe thriving village or Quurryvilie, new occupied by a wheelwright and blacksmith. The improvements consist of a large frame Wagenmaker shop, with Yvoedshcit nnd blncksinith shop, and a geed Iraine Dwelling Heuse. Tills would be a very desirable location ler a small Foundry and Machine and repair shop, w hich is veiy muclt needed in the neighborhood. Terms easj. Applv te GEO. W. 1IENSEL. 'CAliiivviLLr, March ., 1WJ. ml Std<w S1'1 ;CIL, NOTICE! k New Cheap Stere. White Counterpanes from Auction ,it 50 Cents. WHITE COUNTERPANES at $1.00. COL'D COUNTERPANES at $1.00. WHITE COUNTERPANES at $1.25. WHITE COUNTERPANES at $1.30. WHITE COUNTERPANES nt $2.00. And the t'le-alest Hatgtiius cvei Otlcied In MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES at $3.50. Nevor bofero sold under S5.00. Tlicie Is only a suiall quantity ei them and t hey cannot be replaced. fBAI'UAINS ALWAYS AT METZGER, AND HAUGHMAN'S KEVt CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street. ( Adllr's Ole .SrAn.) Between the Loepei Heum Hetel. JuiiU-lyd&w nnd hen 1 el Hotie Sl PKINH ISR". SPttlNU 1882. MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR. BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, ROYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR. HAGBR & BRO. Iluu'iieii open Pull Lines el French, English and Ameriean Clethe, Worsted Suiting3 and Spring Overceatings, in all the .New Spring Celers and Fabrics. FINE jLU,K CLOTHS and ELASTICS DRESS SUITS. Cassimeres and Suitings for Beys. CLOTHING (OT Ot U OWN MANUFACTURE ONLY) IN PULL STOCK. Gent's Furnishing Goods. New Ncckweai. Hesleiy, Lisle and Kid nnd Deg Skin Glevc3, Linen Cellars and Cull's. Hemstitched and Colored Berdeicd Handkerchiefs, Ac. &c, 4c, &c. GENT'S AND BOYS' SHIRTS, Laundried and Unlauudricd, net sold under any special name, but guaranteed equal te any ether at the same price. -rWE INVITE EXAMINATION.- Hager & Bre. 25 West King Street, LANCASTER, TA. 3 5c M j"I,INN & W1LLSON. NEW AlirEttTlMSMEST. APAKTY HAVING TAKEN A LARGE house In central location desires ene or two respectable adult lamilles te beard. Opens April 1. Address, ' W." Iktelliega'ceii Office. 3tdeed X MONDAY, MARCH G, 1832, at Ne. 20 West Orange stieet, a large let el Furniture and Carpet. Pale te commence at 2 o'clock, sharp. CHARLES SHULTZ. S. Hxs4 A Sex, Aucts. 3-2td S ITUATION IVANTEU. A YUCNG AlAR ricd man et steady habits desires a situ ation, by April 1, as Cashier or i'oek-keepcr. or clerk In a drygoeds store ; has had six years' experience. Geed rcfcrcnce given. Address, R. REED, ltd Bart, Lancaster county, Pa. A YULES AND HOUSES. Ill On MONDAY-, MAKCH G, 162, will be sold at one o'clock, p. m., at the Merrimac IIeukc. North Prluce street, Lancaster, Pa., IS beau of geed, heavy Kentucky Mules, well matched. Alse three Driving Horses. leb2j-7tHR41tw ISBAEL L. L ANDIS. CLOSING OCT! CLOSING OUT I THE balance el stock et BOOTS AND SHOES el the Eagle Shee Stere that were saved fiem the lire et the Inquirer building, will be eId at, below coat and half 'price. These must be sold tills month. New is your time for 11 bar gain at NO. 31fi NORTH QUEEN ST. (above the Northern .Market Heuse). m'W'td JOHN UIEMENZ. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN te all my creditors tliat I have presented my petition te the Court of Common Picas et Lancaster county, ler the benefit of the in solvent laws, and that the said court has Used SATURDAY, MARCH 25.1882, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. In tbe court house, at Lancaster city, for tlie bearing thereof, w hen and wheie you may attend If you think proper. lcb3 ILVICRl M. SHAUB. A STKICU DUOS' ADVERTISEMENT. ANOTHER Great Clearing: Sale. AT A8TEICH BEOS MONDAY NEXT, MARCH THE Cm. The alteiatiens 011 our stoic tinni will be couiincnced, and as wc will then have no showwlndews we have concluded te com mence ANOTHER GREAT SALE ! The Inducements offered will be such as will surprise anybody. The following pi'ees will be geed for the NEXT TWO WEEKS ONLY. ALL OUK CREPE BONNETS AT $2.00. BLACK PLU&IIES, lermerly $2, new $layd. Higher priced Plushes new at $2 a yd. ALL OUR BLACK Tirs At actually halt et what they are marked. ALL OUR COLORED SATINS at 50c. ALL OUR COLORED SILK FRINGES at 23c. a yard. One Let of UENT'S ALL LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS. Colored Borders, fast colors, at 12c. All our Rest SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, thut seW for 81.23 te $2 aplece are etlci cd ' new nt 73c. a piece. The balance et CIIILEREN'S WOOL CAPS will be sold ut almost nothing. All CAPS, lermcily up te 73c. new at 25c., and all better ones at only 0;. LADIES' WOOL HOODS nt tOc, and the best at $1.0). One let et LADIES' HAND-KNIT SPLIT WOOL JACKETS, Sleeveless at 25c. All our LADIES' FINE WOOL JACKETS, lrem $1.25 te $1.75, new at 50c. apiece. HAND CROCHET FINE CARRIAGE COVERS at 25c. CHILDREN'S nAND-KNIT WOOL COATS, The small balance el our stock at 50c. HANDMADE SPRING ZEMYR SHAWLS 73e. Shawls ler 50c. $1 Shawls ler 75c. AH better ones at $1 apiece. Our stock of MERINO UNDERWEAR ter Ladles and Gents will be sold as fellows : 50c. goods 1 at 37c. ec. goons at tee. $100 goods at 75c. All better goods, such as All Weel Goods or Full Regular Made or Scarlet Medicated at $1 a piece. One Let of LADIES' ALL-WOOL KNIT HOSE. lermerly 10c., at 25c. a pair. One Let et CHILDREN'S FINE WOOLEN HOSIERY, at 25c. a pair. All ear FINEST WOOL HOSIERY. 50e. a pair. BEST ENGLISH MERINO SOCKS, formerly 40c, at 23c. GENT'S NECK-TIES, Fancy Satin Folded. all at 25c. One Let of FINE EMBROIDERED SLIP PERS, old price $1.50 te $2, your choice at $10) a pair. There are a great number of OTHER BAR GAINS that will be put out, and we advise every one te come and see that WHAT AYE SAI, Vi'R MEAN : Wc -jay again that this Is for tbe NEXT TWO WEEKS ONLY : And that the Best Bargains generally go lint. ASTBICH BROS.' LANCASTER BAZAAR, NO. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, ,PA. THRU EDIT1M. SATURDAY EVENING. MAR. 4, 1882. WE.VTIIEK INDICATION?. Wasuinoten, D. C, March 4. Fer the 31iddle Atlantis states, fair weather during the day. followed during the night by cloudy and threatening weather and probably rain by Sunday ; winds shifting te northeast and southeast : slight rise in temperature en the coast rising followed by falling barometer. THK CHINESE MUST GO. Netadu'd Governer Issues a Proclamation, Rene, Xev., March 4. Governer Jehn H. Einkcad, of Nevada, last night issued a proclamation in which lie cxpressss the earnest hope that all citizens of tliat state will unite with these of California and Oregon in giving te day a full expression of their views upon the subject of Chinese immigration and will urge upon Congress the importance of speedy and favorable action upon the bill new before that body Alarm Among Chinese In San Francisce. San Francisce, March 4. The Chinese residents of this city are much exercised about the anti-Chinese mass meeting which is te be held here te-day. They pretend te feci alarmed lest some excited person sueuici suggest ana -ener te ieau a raid through Chinatown. Nothing of the kind is probable nor is it feared or in any manner anticipated by the gen tleman instigating the meeting or by the police authorities. The Chinese meichauts held a long confereuce yester day for the purpose of discussing the question and it resulted in the following dispatch te the Tung Wah hospital in Heng Keng, which is similar te the Mer chants' Exchange here : "Te Tung Wah hepital. Heng Keng There is great ex citement here against se many of our countrymen new coining. Use, all your power te step them and save us trouble" TflE ORKAT WALK. Htuael, I'lUgcrald, Xuremac, Hurt, Uiighes und Sullivan. New Yerk, March 4. The leceipta at the box office at the Msdisen Square gar den, where the walking match is in pro gress, up te yesterday merniutr amounted te $29,000 ; last night they reached neaiiy $7,000. It was estimated that with the receipts fiem the bar privileges, etc., $42,000 te $43,000 would be divided among the winner?. One o'clock score : Ilsizacl 578, Fitz gerald !wG, Noiemae ."Uj, IIait52G, Hughes 515, Sullivan 502. Three o'clock beeic : ILuacl 534, Fitz gerald 502, Nercmac 542. Hart 532, Hughes 523, Sullivan 511. L.KBANON COUNTEHFI'lTI'.K.'j. One f Tbein te Testify Agalunt UK Coiileu Ceiileu erate. PiiiLVDtLPiiiA, March 4. A wiit of habeas corpus has issued in the U.S.district court for Henry Ilammcl, who is new awaiting sentence in Lebanon county for making and passing counterfeit silver coin. He is wanted as a witness againit J. K. Miller, who was arrested in Lebanon county about four months age upon the same charge, and whose trial will take place next week in the United States dis trict ceutt in this city. It is alleged that Hammcl aud Miller formed a conspiracy te pass a large quantity of counterfeit coin en the farmers of the sectieu in which they live. Sentence en Hammcl was dc feircd until he testifies against Miller. TKAINS TI-LI'sCOPJED. Tlfee Lives Lest ii n "few Yerk JCillrnml. Syracuse, March 4. Twe pas.sengei and freight trains en the Syracuse, Che nange it New Yeik railroad collided last night three miles north of Earlville. Gee. Cellins, engineer, and Jehn Sullivan, lirc lirc mauef thenorth-beundjtraiu, andJehn Ulu Ulu ruenkrew.firemau of the south-bound tiaiu, were killed, and Byren Altwood, baggage man of the north-bound train, wasinjtite i sevcrclj. All the killed were lesideuts of Svracuse. Heth ciurinn.: were !:ullr wrecked aud the baggage cais telescoped ' into the passenger and freight cais. The accident was caused by misintcipreted erdcis te held the north-bound train at Earlville. The Overflowing Dclnuuie. I'uiLADELriiiA, Mai eh 4. The Delaware is still unusually high, but the water en . the tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad, between Bordentown awl Ticnten, is sub siding. At Pctty's island, opposite Pert Richmond, the wharves are all under water, and a quautity of timber has been cat ricd down stream. Between Fleicnce and Bor Ber Bor dentewn a number of houses, barns aud shops are submerged. Bslew Trenten the overflow at some points is fiem 10 te 15 feet. Arrest of nu .asten Lawyer. Ka:,tun, Pa. March 4 Jeshua It. Ser fass, a lawyer and prominent politician pelitician wa arrested this merniug for having un lawfully procured the vote of a colored man in the last presidential election. The arrest causes much excitement in political circles. Attacked by Apaches. San Francisce, Cal., 3Iarch 1 A di patch fiem Tucsea, Arizona, says: "Reperts have reached here that the town of Nacor containing several hundred inhabitants has been attacked by the Apaches. Thrce persons have been killed en each fide. A courier who left the place for assistance heard heavy firing shortly after leaving." Kecelvcr Appointed. Newark, N. Y., March 4. Chancellor Runyon te-day appointed Henry S. Lit tle, of Alonmeuth county as receiver of the New Jersey Central railroad te suc ceed Judge F. S. Lathrop, who died at nine o'clock last night at his home in Madisen, N. J. Railroad Director Under SGO.000 Hull. Newark, N. J., March 4. Director Stephen II. Condicr,ef the Mechanics' Na tional bank, was brought before United States Commissioner Whitehead this morn ing and gave bail in $30,000, with Aaren Carter, a relative, as surety, te appear at the April term of the United States grand jury- fatal Affray Between Bootblacks. MEMrnis, Tenn., March 4 A fight occurred this morning between two young colored bootblacks which resulted in LTenry Craig, aged 14, being stabbed in the heart with a penknife, dying instantly. 1 la Anstuta, Ark. Memphis, Tenn., March 4. A fire oc ec oc eurred this morning at Augusta, Ark., which destroyed several business houses It originated in a lirery stable and burned the stores occupied by Messrs. T.iylei. Sheupe, Clinten, Resen and Thompson. ' MAUKKTIL. tfilltttelptus Martial. PaiLADKTBtA, March 4. Fleur quiet, iteaily ; Superfine State. $3 5034 00 ; Kxt- a de, 4 3TKfJ 5 ; Ohie und Indiana Family, $610f)7: Penn'a ao.fe 73c; St. LOU13 de, 6 737 25 : Minn. Extra, Hi 256 75 ; de Straight, $7 757 25 : Inter Patent, $7 23(. Rye flour atw 73. Wheat market Arm and In fair inquiry. Ne. 3 Western Bed. $13191 33: Penn'a. Red. $1323133; de Amber. $13331 34. Cern scarce 'and Arm ; steamer, 6SJa(?.c : yellow. (3kC9c : Ne. 3 mixed. 88c. Oats in ttght supply - Ne. 1 White. 50WQ5Ic : Ne. 2 de. 5U051c ; Ne, 3 de i'MQWjic ; Ne. -' mixed 4Sc. Rye scarce atSS37c. Previsions quiet ; only iebblna demand. .Lardeulet. " Butterqulet, but steady ter cheice: ethr kinds weak.; ReUs dull. Eggs easier ; Penn'a, I'M:. Cficese dull und weak. Petroleum steady ; Refined, l)i. Whl3fcyat$l. Seeds geed te prime clever quiet at i Jc ; de de Flaxseed held at $H0. Oratn and Provuiea Uagtatleua. One o'clock quotations el grain and pievi tuns, lurnisueu ey 9, East King street. K. Yundt, Breker. 15V March 1. Chicago. Cern OaU 'Perk Lard .mi 0? ltt.53 JiUO .sak .41 Vijax iu.47K jayi .an - t'taUatlalpbla. OS ou .(W) .se . . . . . . . .70'i .30 Wiieat 127K 1.275 1.23 Mi'ieh April.. Muy... March.. April .. May...., l.JlJ-i l.U sew ters Minn. Saw teRX. March . Fleur State nnd western dull and still In buyers' faer. Southern dull und weak. Wheat Jg'fc better and verv quiet; Ne. -J Red. April. t 33QQ1 3 ; de May, $1 33KH Sl 3114 ;doJnne,$131X131?i;de July,124'iJ bid and 124i$ asked. Cem lAQie better ; less active : mixed west ern spot. GjQG3$c ; de future, esyiQIOiic. Oats 4a butter and very quiet ; Ne March, 50&50Ke; de May. 48VQ48Jj;c ; State. 9358c: Western, 49Q3tc. tncxaiaraat. New Yeik, Pliiladelplilu and Lecal Stock a also United States Uends reported dally l Jaccu B. Lone, 22 Neilii Queen street. Naw Yerk. Stocks talrly active. SlencyutU. March 4. 10:00 IKK &. a. . m. Chicago. Mil. Paul 110fi H0i 110'i C. t. & I. C. It R........ ......... .... .... 10U Del., Lack. & Western 124'4 124 124 Denver A Rie Grande 6l 53K 6lU Mich. Southern A Lake Shero.. 1U 114 lit Slisseui I. Kansas Texas 30i SIX 30' N. .. Luke Erie & Western.... 37 37kc 37t-- New Jersey Central. VJ? :u;M !1?H Ontario 4 Western New Yerk Cantral Pacific MailVStoainahipCe. . l;'. Paul ft Omaha Preferred. i'eaus Pacific Wabash, s;. uJuls A Pacific. Western Union Tel. Ce , PUILADBLPHIA. .Mecks iteady. Pennsylvania tt. R , Rending liuir.tle Pitts, ft West Northern Pnelnc Cem " Prelcrrcd... 'i'si ... 1324 l'1"- 'IK Uli 41 1001 1U0K UK 34 33K 7S,' 29Vi -2y 17 71 Clve ateca: waraets. CniCAoe. Hogs Receipts, 13,00) head IiIp uiciits, 7,VX) de : demand weak and low ei i ever supplied with light grades : ceuin.u geed mixed. W 00; heavy packing and -ii.., ping, $U.'iOS705; a lew fancy Pbihvtclplilas ami lanb-rs sold at $7 208735; light at f5 WOt skip- and culls, f3C033 75. Cattle Receipts, 4,501) head ; shipment. :i,ui no ; market moderately active and steady ; expert. "W 05055; joeif te choice tditppln; V 10Q5 '.a; common te lair, H Mia'- 1": mixed butchers' are plentiful ut t2 403'l5u; comnieu bteck very dull and lower ste ker mid feeders active nt $35. Sheep Receipts, 2.C0O head ; shipment", .Mle de ; market was steady and prices unchanged, but closed rather weak; common te fair, $3tf !jH M ; medium te geed. 15 105 40. East Libkbtv. Cattle Receipts, 5,474 head Ihieiigh and 1,183 head local ; market has been active ; common te prime at $t50fi 50. Hogs-Receipts 13,090 head : market slew ; Philadelphia, 17 30&7 40 ; Yorkers, $e "V" i 70. fchecp Receipts, S,,.,X) head : market active en Monday and Tuesday, and advanced lOif 3Ce ever last week's pliers, but clei-ed veiy dull ; geed tectraat ?.". 75S0 50 ; comnieu at $lft 50. ESTEM TA INMEXT8. UI.TON tll'KUA llOUSt:. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1882. Special ligageuicui ler ene nlxhi only el the talented actor IE. ym. STAFFOEB supported by the FOLLOWING POWERFUL COMPANY . Miss Resa Rand , Marien Dcining. itlbs Ncia Vernen, Mibb Flout Newton, Mise Hut tl'jiiel lout, Mli-s Adasunterd, Alice Verl, -IN Wm .TBorreughf-, Edwin Clifferd. .lehnT.McNnry. f'eorge Reach, Geerge Marlen, Helle lUIrtwIn, Marie LeginH. THE MARBLE HEART. .N EW sni'l ELEGANT WARDROBE, APPROPRIATE fcCBNERY. ADMISSION 35, 50 and 75 ceutn. RESERVED SEATS 7S cents Churt new open and scats muy be t-ccurcd at Opera Heuse Office m2-3til 1.STATK utr MA11V HOrrMAN, LATK j et West Dcnegal tenuspip, deceased. Letters administration en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per son Indebted thereto are requested te make immediate, payment, and these linvlng claims or i!cniuuddagnlnt the same will pre .sent them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing in West Denegal. JACOB D.SHENK. Ctw Administrator. 1 MATKOFCEOKUK FI.OWEKS, LATK j of Raphe township. Lancaster county, ile ceased. The undersigned uuditorappelntcd te distribute the balance remaining in the h'inds of Jehn M. Stehman. administrator, te anil among thnHelcgallycntitltledtetliesume. will sit for that purpose en TUESuAY, MARCH 7th, A. D. 1.'. at 10 o'clock u. m.. In the libiary loom of tlie court house. In the city et Lancaster, where all persons lntereuted In a.ilil distribution may attend. A. F. HOSTETTER. iebS-ltw Auditor. E STATK OFBAKBAKA KANE, LATK OF mhiiiKten boieugh, L-incaatcr count v. dee'd. Letters testamentary tn said estate having been granted te the undersigned, nil persons Indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay lersettlement te tbe undersign ed, lcsldlng In Maner township. P. O. Wash ington borough. GEORGE S. MANN, C. Dences, Executer. Attorney. fubS-Ctw E TNT ATI OF SAMUKI NOUKK. LATK of Strasburjr borough. Lancaster county. Pu.. deceased. Tlie underslaned auditor, ap pointed te distribute the balance remaining la the hands of William Spencer, administra tor or wild deceased, te and among these le gally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY. MARCH II, !, at 10 e clock u. in., in the library room of tin; ceuit house. In the city of Lancaster, where all persons Intercritud in said distribution nitty attend. WM. A. WILSON, !2-lf.v Auditor. rpillS ACCOUNTS OK THKJFUIXUWINi' J. named Estates will be presented ler con firmation nisi en Monday. March 20, A. D. IS32. Beniamln J..LandIs and wife's Assigned EM ate M.'X.Urubaker, Assignee. Moses Weaver's Assigned Estate, Jnceb Grubc, Assignee. .... Elam OretTs Assigned Estate, Samncl Hitl- ford, Assignee. Jehn S. Rents and wile's Assigned Estate, U. Rurkhelder, Assignee. Daniel S. IJnrak and wife's Assigned i-itate Christian Widmyer, AMlgnee. Attest : Si AM. MATT. FBI D fcb22 itw Protheuota e IF YOU SUFFER WITH A PAIN IN TBF hack, or nave a constant tired feeling lr; your back and limbs. It Is sere indication ye-n Liver and Kidneys are out et order. Te ri move these symptoms you should use KLDNEYOURAl This tea Is purely ypgetable. and is sold in packp, uhlch will make four pints or tea price. 50c. a na ck. Fer sale at RAUFFMAN'S DRUG STORE. raarll-lmd&lvw no North Queen Street.