Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 04, 1882, Image 2

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ildiuastri tntclltgrncer.
Carter's Little Jeker.
Sound travels 743 miles per hour ; and
vet the LancastexlSTELLiOEXCER doesn't
open its Lead te explain why it stated
that Mr. Brown had informed its editor he
was net sued for libel, when Mr. Brown
declares he informed him that he was
sued fee, libel. Lancmter Inquirer.
Mr. Brown, who was the legal adviser
of Calvin Carter, distinctly stated te the
editor of the Intelligencer en the
day that the aforesaid Carter came te
town te brine a libel suit that he
had gene home without bringing it.
.Subsequently Mr. Brown said that
after he had supposed Carter lhad left
town, he learned that, at the instiga
tion of the editor of the Inquirer, Car
ter had sworn te a complaint and left it
at Alderman Barr's.upen learning which
Brown had promptly gene te Barr sand
directed that no warrant issue, and that
the suit be net docketed until further
orders. Alderman Barr en the same
evening said the same thing. In con
versation with Mr. Carter the next
lay, he gave no intimation that
he had brought any libel suit against
the Intelligences Since then no
warrant has ever been served at
this office, nor upon any of its editors.
Under these circumstances the public
can very fairly judge whether the " In
telligencer lied" or net when it said,
" We de net knew whether Mr. Calvin
Carter has sued the Intelligences for
libel or net."
Meantime, if Carter has sued it why
don't he go en with his suit ? And if the
Inquirer editor instigated Carter te
bring his suit why does lie net exercise
his potential influence te get hiin te go
en with it ? The Intelligencer lias
said that while Carter did net, as was
originally supposed, sell his own four
dollar pigs te the prison for seven dollars
a head, he did buy shouts from his friend
and political crony at an exorbitant
pi ice: that he did buy goods from the
prison for his friends and relatives at
prices far below the regular retail price
of the same, and that he needlessly
bought for the prison, from his relatives,
at an unduly high price, potatoes which
the prison keeper says will only spoil en
his hands. Obviously if Carter ever
brought or had any notion of bringing a
libel suit, there is mere occasion for
him te go en with it new than
there ever was. The way for him and
his editorial adviser of the Inquirer te
And out whether the Inteligencer
lied" or net is te submit the question te
a court' and jury, by proceeding with the
suit which the Inquirer says he brought,
but which Carter and his counsel and
the alderman and the Intelligencer
Bjein te think he did net bring.
And as the Inquirer sets up for a cen
sji" of editorial ethics -and wants te
knew if a Up is ever justifiable it may as
well answer, at the outset of the discus
sion, why it lias denied that when its
eliter ran for Congress he gave Levi
"Sensenig his note for $2,000, te be paid
if elected the note, pending his defeat,
being held by a mutual friend.
The Xc- Era discovers what is prob
ably no news te anybody, that the ma
jority of members which its party has
gained in councils instead of meeting
'the public expectation, net only in
local legislation and economy in expendi
ture, but also in their choice of heads for
the several departments," will, as like as
net. " forfeit the confidence of the bet
ter class of citizens, and they will de
serve te de se," as " there is a disposi
tion in some quarters, supposed te be
potential in such matters, te apportion
the eilices en ether consideration
than these which the people everywhere
are declaring shall be paramount in mu
nicipal affairs." The Xew Era recog
nizes that "the people demand that
honesty, capability and unspotted char
acter must be taken into the account as
the first requisite " of municipal officers,
and premises that if the Republican ma
jority in councils overlooks this fact
" Hir, l?.iiiililtr.iti iinvrtr will lioi-e Qiornerl
its own death warrant, and a citizens
committee, or its equivalent, will attend
te the execution in February, 18S3."
This is very encouraging talk. We would
rather have a response te the In
telligencer's frequent motion for
a non-partisan local government, net
conditioned en the success of ene faction
or another in controlling the election of
city offices, and since the Xcic Era in
dulged in such talk as the foregoing be
fore Bering's nomination and then
heartily supported his election, we are
suspicious of its sincerity for municipal
reform and a strict exclusion of party
politics from the administration of city
affairs. But if it is sincerely for the
best, men for city offices, regardless of
politics, here's the right hand of fellow
ship, and as seen as the Republicans have
made their deal of the spoils wen in the
last party fight for city control, let the
citizens' movement for 18S. be started.
Jl. Flewek, the rich and brand
new young Democratic member of Con
gress from New Yerk, may or may net
be a proper person te head the Demo
cratic congressional committee, but it
is very certain that his ability and dis
position te give geed dinners de net
demonstrate his special fitness for the
place te which it is said he aspires
and hopes te reach by satisfying
the stomachs of his party associates.
There are said te be congressmen who
cannot be tempted by a bribe, but who
are net proof against geed dinners. The
Democratic party has some of them.
These, it is alleged, Mr. Flower sets out
te capture by a series of toothsome ban
quets. We trust that they will remem
ber the foolishness of Esau in bartering
away his birthright for a mess of pottage.
They must be hungry and thirsty fel
lows if they will auction off a part of
party's organization ler a square
That must have been a cheerful
gathering out West when a national as
sociation of undertakers was organized.
In the " lottery of assassination " the
magic number 306 never fails te draw a
When 'Mr. Garfield said in a public
address that he recognized the influence
of Jeffersen te be waning and that of
Hamilton te be en the increase, he prob
ably told the truth, and might have said
mere in the same strain well calculated
te excite apprehension for our institu
tions. At the same time his expression
has served as a note of alarm, though net
se intended. His challenge has been an
swered by a manifest tendency in differ
ent parts of the country te revive popu
lar study and appreciation of the sound
political teachings of Jeffersen. One of
the foremest'agencies in the work has
been the Jeffersen association of Yerk,
Pa. Its correspondence with emi
nent Democrats has made valu
able conlributiens te the politi
cal literature of the day, and te
these is added the letter which we print
en our first page te-day from a prominent
Republican and Abolitionist who is net
without admiration for Jeffersen, and
who makes thesignificant admission that,
slavery being abolished, Democracy is
the true fundamental doctrine for the
well-being of our institutions. In his
application of the Jeffersonian theory te
some practical questions Mr. Parton is
se unfortunate, however, that the chief
value of his letter is its service as a text
for the admirable comments which
the president et the Yerk association
makes in this effort te set Jeffersen's
biographer right.
The ministerial association of this
city asks us te repeat and reaffirm its
emphatic deliverance against Sunday
funerals, except when unavoidable. Its
members declare that they lead te many
abuses of the day, distract the attention
of the clergy from regular work ; and,
while they will urge upon their congre
gations " the duty of discountenancing
and discarding the demoralizing practice
of the burial of the dead en the Lord's
Day," they also deem it their " Chris
tian duty, when there is no such pressing
necessity, te decline te officiate at fu
nerals en the Lord's Day." The request
of the ministers in this matter seems
reasonable, and they are entitled te the
consideration of the public.
The Examiner's editor says there was
no treaty at Menter. Probably the ne
gotiations were one-sided and ought te
have been called " conditions of sur
render " en the part of the Republican
candidate for president.
Tnr, Methodist gives the number of con
versions reported from Methodist churches
since January 1 as 18,401.
All Ireland is only two thirds the size
of Pennsylvania but shillelabs grew thicker
te the acre.
Tn e unbelievers think the increased toler
ance of the church is a proof of its decline.
On the contrary, it is a demonstration of
its greater strength men tolerate when
they no longer fear.
Tai.maee said in his sermon last Sun
day : " People are getting dissatisfied
with philosophy. There's no comfort in
it when you've get a dead child in the
house. Try the 'survival of the fittest' in
the death room."
A call for a county convention, without
distinction of sex, race, party or denomi
nation, te assemble in this city en Holi
day, the leih inat, signed by ever one
hundred persea;, iu favor of submitting a
prohibition amendment te the constitu
tion te the people, has been issued.
In the English IIou-,e of Commens it
has been stated that by the Russian out
rages upon the Hebrew people 201 women
hud been violated, 50 Jews killed and TO
wounded, 20,000 persons rendered home
less and property te the value of 10,000,
000 wrecked.
It was believed for a ieug time that
sponges were plants, but naturalists new
class them as btdeuging te the animal
kingdom. Picfcsser Huxley says the sponge
represents a kind of subaqueeus city
where the people arc arranged about the
streets and reads in such a mauner that
each can easily appropriate his feed from
the water as it passes along."
A peculiarity of the modem French
man is that while he lives he opposes the
church ; when he is dying he sends for a
priest. It is net considered "respectable"
for a family te have ene of its members
die without " the last rites." With our
selves v.e consider it " proper " te bury
these religiously who had lived without
rc'ii'i!i. Even death and the grave have
their iashiens.
It :. net surpiising te learn that the
Ruian "nvvrcment is contemplating the
transportation of Alexandroff, counsel for
the Nihiiist Emilianeff, for having de
clared iu court that if regicide were net a
part et the Nihilist creed he and many
ethers would embrace it. Only a brave
man could have uttered these words, but
that Alexandroff is a person of exceptional
courage had already been demonstrated by
his brilliant defense of VeraSasseulitch.
Mn. O'Neiu., of Pennsylvania, in Con
gress has presented a resolution of the
tobacco beard of trade of Philadelphia,
asking that Congress cither pass promptly
a bill for the abolition of the tax en to
bacco and cigars, or agree te a joint reso
lution te the effect that it is unwise te
tamper with the tax during the preseut
Congress. This is sensible. The cigar
makers have a right te have the matter
determined, the agitation settled and their
business restored te steadiness and cer
tainty. There is a story that a minister of the
gospel once claimed admission te the di
plomatic gallery in the Senate en the
ground that he was an ambassador of
neaven, but was denied by the doorkeeper
for the reason that that court was net re
presented at Washington. An irreverent
contemporary presumes that under the
circumstances our government is net re
presented in heaven, but thinks that it
President Arthur really intends te make
many mere diplomatic appointments like
that of Sargent, there will be reason te
regret that we are net represented at the
place farthest removed from heaven.
The Pittsburgh Pest thinks June 14
would be a geed time for the Democratic
state convention. The Shippensburg
Chronicle mere nearly expresses popular
Democratic opinion when it says : " Leng,
struggling, inactive campaigns are a
detriment instead of being productive of
geed. Short, sharp, incisive campaigns
always tell. The state convention of
both the political parties in the state of
New Yerk are never held until the begin
ning of September. In this respect it,
wenld be well for Pennsylvania te imitate
its great neighbor. Let the claims of the
respective cendidates be fully, fairly and
frankly discussed, and then let the con
vention nominate from the best men iu the
party for each and every office."
Buii.kiiB. Strang, of Tiega, a prom
inent but unsuccessful Republican peliti
ciau, gets the United States raarshalship
of Dakotah.
The discovery has been made that
Grant has net been pensioned for his
services in the Mexican war. He fought
en the upper side.
Rev. Tiiaddeus Salters, the first col
ored man ever admitted te the Protestant
Episcopal ministry in Seuth Carolina, was
ordained yesterday in Charleston by
Bishop Howe.
Generals Sherman, Hancock and
ethers passed through St. Leuis yesterday
en their way te Texas te iuspect the
frontier pests. They will extend their
trip te the Yescmite valley and San
Dallas Sanders, common councilman
elect from the Seventh waid, ex chairman
of the Democratic county committee, cx
assitaut district attorney under Henry S
Hagcrt, a well-known lawyer ami a Dem
ecratic orator et repute, has been appointed
by Attorney-General Brewster a special
assistaut attorney-general te aid in the
prosecution of the btar route cases. He
received word about two weeks age te
proceed te Columbia, Seuth Carolina,
where he would find hi3 commission await
ing him, and having arrived there te at
once institute a careful and secret inquiry
into the management of certain star route
matters in that section of the country.
The frequent elegant dinners lately given
by Mr. Flewek, the new congressman
from the Eleventh district of New Yerk,
have been viewed with admiration by se
ciety peopleaud with great curiosity, net
unmixed wiih surprise, by politiciens and
the elder members of Congress. A dinner
given by a politician, or a congressman, te
ether politicians or congressmen is rarely
uuattended by some ulterior purpose, ami
that some scheme lay at the bottom of
Mr. Flower's hospitality was undoubted
by the elder heads of Washington political
circles. It is new developed that Mr.
Flower is very desirous of becoming the
chairman of the next Democratic congres
sional committee, aud that his late magni
ficent entertainments were net without
their purpose
thi: TKAIL or 1JLOOJJ.
Krccnt Murders, Suicides and Other Trage
dies. An Italian rag picker while throwing
stones at some boys in Newark, who wcie
tcstiug him, en Thursda3r, struck Hugh
Duffy, nine years of age, in the head with
a stone, causing a fracture of the skull
which will probably rcsulL fatally.
Annie Murray, a notorious woman, shot
aud killed Henry C. Prang, aud then
fatally wounded herself, iu Portland, Oaj Oaj
gen. Jealousy was the cause.
Iu Corsicana, Texas, Jehn Yerk, think
ing te "frighten" Charles Alexander,
who was sleeping in an adjoining room,
fired through the partition and blew off
the top of Alexander's head.
Near Mount Pleasant, Jehn Ward lay iu
wait for his betrothed at a church where a
revival was in progress, aud as she left
fired thica shots at her, one of which
passed through her body, inflicting mortal
At Tamaqua, Jehn Muuday, a driver -boy
employed at Ne. 11 Colliery, was
caught in a chain aud dragged by a mule
a considerable distance, -aud se horribly
mangled that he died iu a short time.
Iu Heuesdale, Edward Dinckermau was i
struck hy a railroad train en Thursday
and se terribly mangled that he died. "It
is net known where he lived and the
authorities will bury him.
A colored woman named Anne Moor
man was foully murdered near Yellow
Branch. Campbell county, Ya. She was
found in the read after dark with her
threat cut and a pistol weuud through her
head. Suspicion attaches te a negre
named Jesse Slaughter.
In New Haven, vaudals entered the
Birmingham cemetery and broke 81,000
worth of gravestones They then stele a
village oil street lamp aud threw it iute an
unoccupied barn te fire it, in which object
however, they were net successful. Ne
arrests have been made se far. The vil
lage is greatly excited.
Leen Miller, a merchant of Unieu City,
Erie county Pa., went te the weeds, flung
a noose ever the limb of a tree, fastened
his legs an 1 arms and then sprang off a
projection fifteen feet from the ground,
nearly pulling his head from the trunk
lie was sixty-live years old. Ne cause can
be assigned.
Looses by Fire.
A lire broke out yesterday morning in
the block of buildings known as the Mar Mar
ble Works, at Brockton, Massachusetts,
in which there were nearly a dozen occu
pants, causing a total less of $7,000 ; in
sured. The same occupants were burned
out two months age.
Early last evening the watchman at the
American Dredging company's works,
feet of Pine street, Camden, discovered a
fire iu the boiler room, and by the time an
alarm was given the entire apartment
was iu Haines. The engines of the fire
department responded promptly, but the
buildings, which were of frame, and sep
arated from each ether by a few feet,
caught ene after the ether, and in an hour
the entire group was a wreck. Less,
Monument in the Protestant
The twin monuments erected ever the
graves of the poet Keats and his friend
Jeseph Severn were unveiled in the Prot
estant cemetery at Reme, yesterday, in
the presence of many English and Ameii
can residents. T. A. Trollepe, in the ab
sence of Lord Houghten, presided at the
ceremony. Alluding te the part Ameri
cans had taken in this monumental tribute
te Keats Mr. Trollepo said it constituted a
fresh bend between the two great branches
of the Anglo-Saxen race. Mr. Story, the
American sculptor, made a brilliant speech
recalling Severn's devotion te Keats.
Last Week's Failures.
Thore were ene hundred and fifty-two
failures in the United States reported dur
ing the past week, an increase of seventeen
ever the preceding week, and cighteen
mere than ia the corresponding week last
year. Several important failures occurred.
Massachusetts shows a large increase of
small failures, and in Mississippi the floods
aud short crops are causing many traders
te assign.
lie it Remanded Fur a Week.
Before the beginning of business en the
stock exchange in Louden, yesterday
morning, all the members in the room
sang " Ged Save the Queen."
MacLean was charged at the police sta
tion with sheeting at the queen with in
tent te de grievous bodily harm. He asked
whether any one was hurt, but the police
refused te give him any information.
The police evidence at the examination,
which the prisoner tried te shake by
cress-examination, went te prove that he
fired straight at the carriage, and net at
the wheels, as he alleges.
The charge brought against MacLean
befeic the Windser magistrate was shoot sheet
ing at the queen with intent te murder.
The prisoner was remanded for a week.
Formal evidence was taken concerning tne
prisoner's arrest and the finding of the
bullet. MacLean closely cress-examined
several witnesses He did net seem te be
impressed with the seriousness of his po
tion. At the examination of MacLean two let
ters written by the prisoner were read. In
the first, which was written before the
sheeting, he said he was compelled te com
mit a crime against bleated aristocracy
because of the insufficiency of relief offered
him. In the second letter, written after
his arrest, he said that his only object was
te cause public alarm and get his pecu
niary grievances redressed ; that he did
net mean te hurt the queen, but only fired
at the wheels of her carriage. Princess
Beatrice aud Jehn Brown saw him- point
the pistol at the carriage. He was ex
actly thirty paces distant when he fired.
Twe of the four leaded chambers of the
revolver contained only blank cartridges.
MacLean had walked Mm Portsmouth te
Louden a week age. Upen his person was
found a purse containing a penny and
three farthings, and a pockctbeok con
taining the following entries: "fourth
Path, a novel by MacLean ;" and "Rey
nolds's newspaper gives as correct an idea
of the wide difference that divides the
people of England as any newspaper in
the world. I venerate the free and out
spoken principles of an unbiased thinker."
AlacLeun a Lunatic.
The police have ascertained that MacLean
was fermely in the Wells lunatic asylum,
and was only discharged in September last,
A .solicitor has written te the mayor of
Windser stating that he defended a man
named Rederick MacLean at Maidstone,
iu 1874. charged with attempting te upset
a train.
The Xeits says that it may be new pretty
Kifely concluded that MacLean is insane.
Since his discharge from the Wells asylum
he has been confined in the Westen-super-Mare
asylum. The Londen police have
received information that he was incarcer
ated in a Dublin asylum for many months.
XCntliuslasit) fur tlie yueen.
The Archbishop of Canterbcry has re
quested the clergy te offer thauks for the
deliverance: of the queen in their churches.
The queen dreve through Windser yes
terday, and was welcomed with indescriba
ble enthusiasm.
A special thanksgiving service was held
at Windser, for the escape of the queen
I Jrem the attempt en her life.
The Queen's Monument te lle-jcenitlield.
The queen's monument te the late
Lord Beaeeitsfield has just been erected in
Hughcnden church.. It bears the follow
ing inpc.'iptieu :
: atcful
memorial is placed heie by a
and affectionate sovereign and
Kings love him tbatspeaketh light."
i ire it lid Floed, Calamity and Crimp, mur
der and Suicide.
A general strike of the employees of the
Wabash railroad at Chicago took place
yesterday, because their wages had net
been paid for two month.
The engine of a down fieight train from
Macen te Savannah, Ga., jumped the
track near Tcnnillc, ycsteiday morning.
The engineer and fireman were injured,
and several cars were smashed in.
The bondholders of the old Atlantic &
Great Western, new the New Yerk, Penn
sylvania fc Ohie, yesterday defeated
Messrs. Gewen, Yauderbilt and ethers,
candidates of the McHeury interest, for
voting trustees, electing Geerge Balfour,
Henry C. Itaikes, J. LockinglenBatos and
a man named Lewis.
About 100 feet of the two tiestles across
the Winooski liver, en the Barre branch
ei the Yei ment Central railroad, werejear
l ied away en Thursday night by the high
water aud ice, and yesterday the Barre
trains, between Mentpelicr and Coffee
Heuse, were being run ever the Moutpo Meutpo Moutpe
lier & Wells River read. The river is
rapidly falling and all danger of a freshet
is ever. The railroad bridge between
Rutland and Sutherland Falls has been
damaged by the ice, and passengers have
te be transicrcd, as the bridge is net cor cer
tideml safe.
The K.iily Spring Floed.
Twe colored men were drowned at
Smith's Mills, Georgia, while trying te
row across the Ocmulgcc river swollen by
the rain?.
A Portsmouth, N. II . dispatch says :
"The ice has been swept out of the river
and is piled up for miles, covering large
tracts of land." The rivers are badly
blockaded. The warm weather is rapidly
melting the snow.
The water from the Bolivar breaks was
kisit evening encroaching upon Greenville,
Miss. The water was higher than ever
before. Many of the inhabitants of that
section are reported te be en the trccs,aud
heats have been sent te their relief.
The Heeds in the New England rivers
continued yesterday, though in some
places relief was given by the breaking up
aud passing out of the ice. Trestles en
the Fitchburg railroad, near Pequcd, Mas
sachusetts, have been carried away by the
The inundation at Bolivar, Mississippi,
is increasing, aud it is new thought all the
Deer cieek country, except the higher
points in the Begue Settlement, will bj
covered. Many of the people are reported
te have taken refuge in the trees, and
beats have been sent te their assistance.
I'uttlug up the Freight Kates.
The joint executive trunk line committee
agreed iu New Yerk yesterday te advance
rates in the following proportion, te take
effect en the 13th instant : East-bound
rates will be advanced from Chicago te
New Yerk en seventh class te 30 cents per
100 pounds ; eighth class te 23 cents per
100 pounds ; ninth class te 35 cents per
100 pounds ; live hogs, 30 cents per 100
pounds ; the rate en dressed hogs te be
forty cents per 100 pounds, Chicago te
New Yerk, in ordinary cars, and 43 cents
per 100 pounds in refrigerator cars. The
rates en hjgh winer, whisky, alcohol,
ale, beer, etc., in carloads will be upon a
fixed basis of 33 cents per 100 pounds,
Chicago te New Yerk. Bullion, lead, etc.,
and copper residue will be upon a fixed
basis of 30 cents per 100 pounds, Chicago
te New Yerk, and from ether points en
the agreed percentage business.
She Captured the Pistol.
In Reading Annie Smith, eighteenvears
I of age, was attacked by an unknown man
wniie en her way te a drug store te buy
medicine. Her assailant drew a pistol
and threatened te sheet her if she made
any noise. He then tried te drag the girl
into an alley, bat she resisted him success success
felly, Wrested the weapon from him and
escaped. She brought the pistol home
with her.
The Mining Interests.
The Pelar Creek coal and iron company
was organized yesterday at Kuexville,
Tennessee. Colonel G. J. Florence, of
Atlanta, was chosen president. The com
pany owns 20,000 acres of coal lands 30
miles from Knoxville, aud its capital is
fixed at $1,000,000.
A meeting of delegates representing all
the coal miners of Luzerne and Lacka
wanna counties, was held yesterday in
Wilkcsbarre, te consider the propriety of
organizing a " Workmen's Union." The
meeting adjourned te reassemble at a
mass convention at Pittston en the ISth
instant. It is understood that the men
will demand an advance in wages of 10 te
20 per cent.
Watklns (lieu.
The summer resort at Watkin's Glen
was bought at referee's sale for $30,000
by A. J. Michener, of Philadelphia, oue
of the former owners aud managers during
the season of 1879.
The National beard of health is advised
that during the week ending February 25
there were sixty new cases of smallpox
and eleven deaths in Pittsburgh, fifteen
cases and seven deaths in St. Leuis, and
thirty-five deaths iu Chicago.
Six Men Killed and Others Injured by a
Heller jxlogieii.
At Stene, Randelph county, Ind., the
boiler in Wester & Barnes's handle fac
tory exploded yesterday with terrific force,
killing live men and fatally injuring a
sixth, who has siuce died. The names of
the deceased are as fellows : Geerge Wes
ter, Hed Claike, Rebert Randall, Win.
Yanker, Wm. Fleming and Lewis Mann.
The first five named were all married
men and had families. Trimball Yanker,
Granville Barnes and Jehn White were
injured severely, but net fatally. The
explosion is supposed ts base been caused
through ignorance of his duties en the
part of the engineer.
Crumbs of Comfert.
Lancabter Dally Examiner.
The proper thing for the convention te
te de will be te nominate Faimer Butler
for congressman-at-large.
m -
The Sleater Treat;-.
There was no " treaty."
Lebanon's Weather rrenhet.
Lebanon Times.
One of our prominent attorneys, who is
at the same time one of the leading fisher
men of the valley, among ether qualifica
tions claims te be a weather prophet by
experience, and is willing te pit his prog
nostications against these of Venner, Tite
or the Jersey rain maker. He claims that
the weather invariably repeats itself, and
gives the following as the result of his ob
servations, viz :
All years ending in 9, 0 or 1 are extreme
ly dry.
These ending in 2, 3, 4, 3 aud G arc ex
tremely wet.
These ending- iu
well balanced.
These ending in
7 and 8 are ordinarily
0 have extremely cold
These ending in 2 have an eaily spiing.
Theso ending iu 1 have a late spring.
These ending in 3 and 4 are subject te
great floods.
He stakes his reputation en these figuics
and is willing te stand or fall by and with
Slight Fire.
Between 2 aud 3 o'clock yesterday after
noon there was a slight fire in a house be
longing te Frederick Goes, situated at the
corner of Lemen and Mary streets, aud
occupied by Oscar Hemp, butcher. A
kettle en the kitchen stove boiled ever
and the liquid falling upon the coals
burning in the grate caused a tongue of
flame te sheet forth and set en fire some
articles en the mantel. A coal oil lamp
sitting thereon exploded, setting tire te
the mantel, the doers, the carpet and
some ether things in the room. With the
assistance of neighbors the family put out
the fire without raising a general alarm.
The damage te the furniture is net heavy,
aud $50 will cover the less en the building,
which is insured for $1,500 in Rochester
German company, of which Mr. J. II.
Osteimaycr is local agent.
The Very Uoetl l'rlcv Keallzcd.
At the public sale of short horned cut
tle belonging te Edward Smyser, Man
chester township, Yerk county, yesterday
the following prices were realized for
cows . $135. $123, $130, $110, $150, $110,
$112, $90, $04, $130, $100, $72.50, $70, $30.
$91, $90, $10, $82.50, $95 and $75.
The young cattle and calves were sold at
the following prices : $71, $76, $67.50, $40,
$52.50. $30,' $22.50, 642.50, $42.50, $30,
$35, $35, $54, $61. $27.50, $26, $55, $20,
$19, $33, $33, $27.50, $25, $15, $10, $18.50,
$12, $10.50. $17.50, $13, $20, $16, $10.
William Diet z, of Frederick, Manches
ter township, Yerk county, has sold te
E. F.Yehu, thirty-six head of fat cattle,
none of them weighing Ies3 than 1,600
pounds, te be delivered by the 1st of May,
for seven cents per pound.
Tne Feast et Furiui.
The Jewish festival of Purim begius at
sundewu te-day. Although Jewish his
tory gives authority Cor observing the feast
for ene or two days, modern usage makes
it a season of feasting and gift-making for
about a week. Occurring en the 14th of
Adar, according te the Jewish calendar, it
commemorates the deliverance of the Jews
from the evil intentions of Haman, through
Queen Esther aud Mordecai. In the book
of Esther, chapter ix., the origin of the
word Purim is found te be from " Pur"
the "let" cast by Haman te destroy the
Jews. In the same chapter Queen Esther
commands them te keep the 13th and 14th
days of Adar as "days of feasting and joy
and of sending portions te one another and
gifts te the peer."
Early Chickens
If any ene has a warm place for chicks,
it is time te set a hen, for chickens hatch
ed iu March will commence te lay when a
month younger than these hatched in May,
if they receive extra care. The cocks will
sell much higher and mere readily than
later. A successful fancier says he
always has the chickens hatched in
February, March, April, August, Septem
ber and October, as such chickens pay
better than May aneVr June chickens, and
the pullets will commence te lay earlier.
These hatched August 1st will lay as early
as theso hatched the 28th day of May, all
haviug the same care. Most farmers have
a notion that hens de net pay any profit,
but if they would let their boys, girls or
wife have entire care of them for the
whole year, and have all the profit, above
the cost of the feed, some of them would
be astonished.
Vied of Ills Injuries.
Xew nelland Clarien.
Isaac S. Graybill, an old and well knewn
citizen of West Earl township, who it was
stated in last week's Clarien had had met
with a painful accident by falling from the
npper fleer of his barn, breaking his leg at
the hip, en Monday of last week, died from
his injuries en Thursday evening, the
wounds being se severe as te canse mortification.
IheXens Frem the Northwestern Section
et the County.
The Maytown & Marietta turnpike pays
about twenty per cent.
Percy Schecu's Marietta Iicjister is de
cidedly and forcibly " agin " the new Re
publican rules.
The march of improvement iu Maytown
is toward Marietta. Telephone connec
tion ought te be established between the
two places.
Christian Garber, a well known aud
middle-aged farmer, residing near May
town, has diedjrather suddenly of pueu pueu
menia. The tobacco buyers are rather careful iu
purchases and are looking for top lets.
Greve & Cellins still have their large and
valuable packing of last year.
The Democrats of Maytown and East
Denegal are rather proud of having elected
a judgp, supervisor and school director at
the late township election, aud but for the
' shrieks of locality " would have elected
the assessor.
" Traveling Statesman " James B. Hen Hen
dereon was indicted in Washington yester
day together with James W- Donahue,
William W. Jacksen, Albert E. Beeno and
Samuel G. Cabell for conspiracy te de
fraud the United States. It is alleged that
at .the mail letting in October, 1880, these
gentlemen conspired te have James B.
Hendersen te bid en 013 pest mail routes,
and Jacksen and Donahue were his sure
ties in the sum of $409,050, and obimed
that they owned real estate double that
amount, all of which is uutrue.
liurglars About.
On Tuesday night some thief or thieves,
net having the fear of moonlight, the law
nor the devil before them, visited aud
raided the cellar of Majer Jcre. Shaffuer,
Maytown. They took his butter and eggs,
his bread and meat, and a stock of can
ned fruit. They doubtless knew that peo
ple with geed consciences are sound sleep
ers and get away with their plunder with
out having te carry the ounce et lead tnat
would have been added te the weight of it
had they been discovered.
The iilvcr and Ratting;.
Theriver at Marietta has been steadily
rising during the past week and the water
get te such a high mark that pilots could
net steer safely down the timber that was
floated hither from the upper waters.
About 5 p. m. yesterday the water came
te a stand and the chances are that rafting
will begin unusually early. The very
slight snow-fall of the past winter has net
enabled the lumber men te sled thcr tim
ber te the river aud it is expected that it
will be scarca and high. The prices at
Williamsnerl have ruled from 1 te 22 for
pine aud oak, aud from 8 te 8i for hem
lock. Dr. Geerge and His Eloping WU
Considerable interest, net te say amuso amuse
msnt, has been created in and around
Marietta by the Intelligence's account
of the elopement of Dr. Geerge's wife
with his mau-of-all-werlc, aud by the ac
counts given by her sister of the high
social positieu which the erring woman
held iu Eastern Pennsylvania. The parties
are all known here. The Liphart girls are
distant relatives of the highly respectable
family of that name in this section. Their
father was a ne'cr-dc-wel', whose feebb
candidacy for the sheriffalty nomination
once excited derision here. Dr. Geerge
was a geed deal of a humbug ; he quacked
around Marietta and married the little
Liphart girl when she was about 14 ; he
kept tavern for awhile with the famous
Dr. (lower, and ran a saw mill. He was
a failure, as these who were victimized
still knew te their cese. He left here in
his honeymoon and Mariettlaus had lest
sight of him. The " Miss Cerinue Lip
hart," spoken of in the Pittsburgh papers
as Geerge's supposed te be
the wife of one Christian Geitci, who was
once ariested in Lancaster for a series of
petty larcenies from market basket;
Wagen: UreKen and Herse Uurr.
This merniug Israel Jehns, of Median
icsburg, came te tewu with his son in a
market wagon and tied his horse in fieut
of Marshall & Rcngier's stoic, Seuth
Queen street near Centre Square. The
lieisc slipped his bridle and ran off, pass
ing through Centre Square and out East
King street. The street 'was tilled with
wagons of various kinds and the runaway
struck fccveral of them. A herse and
wagon belonging te A. S. Rehser, stand
ing in front of Givler's store, was struck,
the horse knocked down and the axles and
wheels of the wagon a geed deal damaged.
A wagon belengiug te the county peer
house was run into aud somewhat dam
aged, aud the driver had one of his hands
cut aud bruised. At the corner of East
King and Duke streets the iuu
away came in collision with a
heavily leaded four-herso team. The
latter was net much injured by the
shock, but the runaway herse was thrown
down and the wagon te which he was at
tached badly wrecked, the entire top be
ing broken off, the wheels shattei ed and
the body a geed deal injured. The herse
was caught by Benjamin Biehl and
placed in the stables of the Leepard hotel.
He is somewhat cut about the feet, but
does net appear te be seriously injured.
Ne one was hurt during the runaway, but
theie were many narrow escapes, both of
men aud horses. The letter box en the
lamp pest in front of the court heuse was
broken by one of the wagons being run
against it. The runaway was a fearful
looking one, and considering the thronged
condition of the btrcct3 it is marvelous
that no mere serious damage resulted.
Last evening a two-horse team belong
ing te Levi Landis took fright at the cars
while crossing the Duke street bridge, and
ran down Duke street te Vine. When iu
front of Trinity chapel they ran agr.nst
the lamp-pest aud shattered the lamp. The
tongue of the wacren was also broken off.
'Hie Washington Lease.
The lease between the Washington the
company and the special committee of
councils has new beeti duly executed, en
the terms of $350, which include the use
of the lower fleer of the engine home, the
engine and all ether apparatus of the com
pany. It has been signed by the bea.d of
trustees and officers of the company and
by the committee. The city thus has
secured two engines, the Washington and
the Union, and with the steady cxte. isien
of the clectiic fire alarm, and the rapid
completion of the hose carts, the ncv sys
tem premises ere long te be in rictual
t'umailaele Letter.
A letter addressed as fellows is held at
the Lancaster posteffico for want of a
proper stamp :
"Mr. Zephaniah Binklcy, care G. F.
Binklcy, Danville, P. O., Pa."
The writer of the above letter had cut a
.,tamp from a spoiled envelope and pasted
it upon the envelope addressed. Had he
taken the spoiled envelope te the postefnee
a geed ene would have been given in ex
change for it ; but the stamp when cut
from a stamped envelope is worthless awl
won't pass.
I'ollce Cases.
Alderman McConemy this morning sent
te jail for ten days each Frank Regei,
James Riley, Wm Sullivaa, Albeit Kerh
and Jehn Burger for tresspassing en the
cars of the Pennsylvan: '. railroad com
pany between Leaman Place and Kinzets.
They were rather decent looking young
men, out of money, and trying te bt .; .i
ride in search of work.
Sentence or Emanuel Gandaker Current
BuslueM, Jfcc.
Court met this morning at 10 o'clock
with both judges present, for the trans
action of current business, &c.
A rule was granted te show cause why
a new trial should net be had in the re
plevin case of W. S. Kennedy vs. Nathau
ial Burt.
The desertion case of Cem'th vs. Jehn
W. Peiffer was continued te April term
as the defendant is regularly paying his
wife $1.50 per week, as directed by the
court some weeks age.
The ceiii-' i lie au order for the open
ieg of Ne ' i me street from West King
te Orange i he order is net te issue te
the street commissioner until the damages
assessed are paid .
This morning Messrs. North, Reynolds
and Eshlercau tiled an appeal before the
register from his decision in granting let let
ters testamentary te Catharine Schwilke
as the executrix of William Millar, dee'd,
and applied te the court te decree an issue
in which Catharine Schwilke shall be
plaintiff and BlaryE. Smethurst. by her
guardian Wm. A. Smethurst, shall be de
iendant, te ascertaiu whether the paper
purporting te be the last will and testa
ment of William Millar, dee'd, is such.
The plaintiffs were given time te file an
ausweraud the issue was net granted yet.
In the ease of II. B. Parry vs. Levi
Sensenig. exceptions te master's report,
Judge Patterson delivered au opinion
dismissing the exceptions and confirming
the report.
The ceart grouted an issue te try the
validity of a paper purporting te be the
last will and testament of Simpsen Ruth,
late of Upper Leacock township, deceased.
The plaintiffs are Jacob Ruth, Harry
Ruth, Annie Brubaker and Benjamin, her
husband, and Susanna Ruth, and the de
fendants, Martha Bruckhart and Isaac
Bruckhart.her husband, andRachael Wag
ner and Samuel Wagner, her husband.
Iu the matter of the motion te dissolve
the preliminary injunction iu the case of
Mary 31. Danuer vs. Jehn W. Biubaker
and Jehn N. Brubaker, there was a hear
ing this merniug but the court held it
under advisement.
Lizzie Brubaker, of East Hempficld
township, was granted a divorce from her
husband, David Brubaker, en the grounds
of cruel ticatmciit, etc.
Em inuel (iundaker sentenced.
Emanuel Gundaker, who en Tuesday
plead guilty te the charge of felonious as
sault and battery in shoetiug Edward
Cole en the 11th el September last, in this
city, was brought into court for seuteuce
this morning. Bcfeie passing sentence
the court asked the prisoner if he had
anything te say. He replied that he had
been veiy much troubled by the con
duct e: Cele, as he thought he
was tee intimate with his wife,
and it was that which worried him.
On the day of the sheeting he went te talk
with Cole in regard te his conduct, and
the result was the crime te which he plead
guilty. After the prisoner had finished,
the cemt spoke te him of the serieusuess
of tin- crime, telling him that it was for
tunate that he was net new en trial
for murder ; they would, however, be as
lenient as possible under the circum
stances. The court then sentenced him
te pay a fine of $30. costs of prosecution,
and te undergo .in imprisonment of two
yea.'s and six nnu.ths.
Edward Rumsey, of Philadelphia, visit
ing Columbia. E. E. Lutheran festival at
Mr. J. G. Banner's netted $20; very
pie.eraut occasion- Many Columbians will
go te the party at Klugh's this evening.
Rev. A. II. Leng, of Marietta, preaches in
the Bethel church te morrow ; Coekraan,
chapel avniversary; Rev. Geerge Jenes,
will control morning, Sabbath school and
evening services in First African Bap
tist. Mr. and 3Irs. Jehn Fendrich's
silver wedding" cards are out for next
Friday night.
On Saturday, February 25th, a man an
swering te the name of Jehn Nealy, went
te Redsecker's livery stable and hired a
horse and buggy for the day, with the in
tention of selling goods in the country.
Nothing has siuce been heard of Jehn
Nealy, horse or buggy. At the time of
the robbery the buggy contained a very
handsome buffile robe, blanket and whip.
Mr. Redscker has offered a reward of $23
for the return of the stolen property and
$23 for the iie?' of the.thief.
Extra engine Ne. 38, east bound, broke
her eccentric yesterday afternoon about 3
o'clock ejvvI'q the) round house. The
flying ri' 1 knocked a hole in the the
box and tjm of the flues. The tire was
scattered iu .dl directions, while the track
was flooded with water and steam. The
escaping stc.m made a great noise, and the
fireman ami engineer net knowing exactly
what had hn.pencd ran for their lives. The
disabled en -mj is new in the Columbia
' o'urrbfe lire company has wisely pro
hibited le ; cr liquor upon its premises.
This practice has been abused but hence
forth the munagers will enforce the regula
tion prescribing$l fine for the first offense
and expulsion for its repetition. Ne loafer;
allowed around this house.
Under t ha able direction of Mr. Geerge
Crane the four beautiful tableaux of the
Presbyterian Sunday-school will be re
peated at the entertainment for the public
school library.
A Trip te California and Back.
Mr. Henry Baumgardner last evening,
in the opera house, delivered his lecture
cua " Transcontinental Trip te the Occi
dental" the proceeds from the sale of
tickets te be devoted te the Lancaster
Benevolent association. The audience
was net as large as it should have been,
considering the merit of the lecture,
and the benevolent purpose for
which it was delivered ; but theso
who were present listened with unflagging
interest te Mr. Baumgardner's graphic de
scription of the scenes and incidents of
the trip made by him and his companions
some years age from the Atlantis te the
Pacific. The lecturer possesses admirable
descriptive powers, and in choice words
vividly presented te his hearers grand
pictures of hills and valleys, plains
and prairies, sage-bush deserts, towering
mountains, giant forests and ether won
ders te be seen en route. The lecture con
tained racy descriptions of many humorous
incidents that occurred among the party,
aud was interlarded with numerous bril
liant Hashes of wit and humor, that at in
tern 's " brought down the house " with
loud Slighter and applause.
Properties Sold at Snerlfl'B Sale.
Sheriff High sold at the court house to
day the following properties :
A let of ground en the northeast e.-uner
of East King and Duke streets, city, con
taining in front 83 feet and in depth 80
feet, en wnich are a large thrcc-stery
brick, dwelling house, with a two story
brick back building attached, with store
rooms offices and ether improvements, as
the property of Theodere W. Ilerr, pur
chased by Jacob S. Shirk for $21,000.
A lei. of land in Safe Harber, containing
"G perc'ics. en which are a two story
bri. 'c dwelling, with restaurant, a frame
building', etc., and an adjoining let, con
taining 37 perches, en which are t two
and a half story brick dwelling heti?e,
with large stere room and brick warehouse
atta died, as the property of David i).;v. ;
berht by Isaac Greff for $2,323.
A let of rrrcund en the south side et
Raphe street, Washington borough, CO by