(Mjje Itertfaitejj Velnme XYIH- -Ne. 154 LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY MARCH 2. 1882. Price Twe Outs. ) i lMOy HITTEBS. TKON BITTEltS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IKON BITTEUSarcbighly'recemuiended ter all UUeascd requiring a certain and etll- lent tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPH TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, sltcngtheus the muscles, ami gives new llfe te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Feed, Jlelching, Heat in the Utemach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren Preparation that will net tilacken tlie teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggist". Write ter the A 1! C Boek, ii pp. et useful and amusing reading jenrce. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, 123-lydJtw Fer Sale at OOOHRAN'S DRUG STORE. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. VLOTHIXU. ' . riULK : Christinas 1ms come and gene. The old year 1ms ki-sed Its "geed bye " te 's2 and dropped back into the past, taking Its place among the met eventful years of history. The Holidays are ever. Thegilty givers have ceased their giving, and the time when any thing and everything would sell se icadily has geuc. The "old logy" merchants are preparing te wear out chair cushions and trousers by "itting themselves down during the months et January, February and March, te await the coming et" SPUING TKADE." The Willi: AWAKE" MERCHANT, the Man-Who-Nevei-lIas-a-Dull-Season," li man who lias learned th.it trade can he 'made in the usually dull months by working or it Is lauching forth yeine new idea, .some atti action which will draw the'peeple ; and accordingly keep the trade a "booming" and give, his sleepynelghbers something te talk about and worry ever. Can any person be se obstinately blind as net te -co that the "EVEU BUSY MERCHANT " is the one who REDUCES HIS GOODS TO COST in the dull season rather than store them uway for the next season, whether his neighbor likes it or net, and such a. store Is being sought alt-r by thc.swai tiling thousands et Lancaster city's and county's" purchasers. AND NOW WE HAVE OUK STOKE ILLUMINATED BY THE ELECTRIC I.H5HT by which every tint ami color can be seen as well bv night as by day. 1 therefore call jour attention thai every garment has been MARKED DOtt'X TO COST rOE THE NEAT THIRTY HAYS, whereby you will be enabled te buy an OVERCOAT OR SUIT OF CLOTHES AT A VERY LOW .PRICE Having still a geed assortment en hand te select from. My Custom Made Department" is filled with the choicest Woolens the; market aiteidi. A perfect fit ithtays guaranteed. AL ROSEN STEIN, THE PIONEER OF MODERATE PRICES, NO. 37 XOKTH QL ELN .STREET. Xet deer te Shultz & llie.'s Hat Stele. 1IOV.SI: FUJtNlSUTXO GOODS. I7I.INN ii WII.LSON J? HAVE JC-jT UrCElVED ANOTHER 1XVOICE Or' AUCTION GOODS. WHICH TiiE ARE SELLING MI'CIl UEl.OW THEIR VAI.UE. Tinware, Weed and Willow-ware, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Buckets 10 cts.; Breems, Fleer Oil Cleth 25 cts. tSTDON'T FAIL TO CALL AND GET BARGAINS. S ETJEN3T & "WILLSON, Lancaster, Pa. l'LVMIWH'S JOHN L. ARNOLD. JOHN L. ARNOLD. ' PATENT COLD-CASE HEATERS, BEST PORTABLE IN USE. SLATE ROOFER AND ROOFS REPAIRED, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING, Step and Valves for Water, Gas and Steam. JOHN L. Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE oitrueov.s. t r. SWAKK, DEALER IX I Dry Goods, Notions, Etc., ' Ne. 50 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, l'A. 15c net deceived when buying EUBANS or DRESS GOODS, with Borders, at 12 cents. Sec that yen get Pacifies, as they arc much better and wMer than fne ethers and can be had at JOHN P. SWARR'S, Xe. tU XORTH QUEEN ST., tebl-lyd&w N ext neon te thk coiner uecsfr. FAHNESTOCK. LUPIN'S BLACK (JASIIMERE, Jet and Iilucblack, LUPIN'S BLACK CASIIMEUE, Jet-and iilucblack, LUPIN'S BLACK CASHMERE, Jet and Bluebiack, FROM 45c. TO S1.25 PER YARD. Best Make imported BLACK HEXRIETTA CLOTH, S1.00. BLACK HEXRIETTA CLOTH. SI S5. I A Hat-gain) BLACK HEXRIETTA CLOTH,S1.50 up. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, Frem 50c. up te S2..0 pjr yarJ. BLACK SATlXS. 75e., Siytc l oe uttd fl.MV COLORED. SILKS, COLORED SILKS, Fer Ttlmuiing and Dresses, 3'c te $1, cheap. Our store is stacked full et heusepurnishing dry goods, All standard best makes, At the Lewest Prices. FEATHERS, FEATHERS, FEATHERS, FEATHERS, Best Steam Cured. CARPETS FROM AUCTION, CARPETS FROM AUCTION, FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuse. TRON HITTERS. SURE APPETISER. BALTIMORE, MD. OUSN W1LLSON. XVl'J'Z.USS. ARNOLD, STREET. LANCASTER, PA. fapr-'-n.i MVSIVAIj rssTiz usients. - riiSlUAL-BeXES. MUSICAL- BOXES. BARGAINS. CLOSING OUT SALE of a large importation, having arrived tee late for the holidays', at cost of produc tion in Switzerland, about 1-2 and 1-4 their value that same quality instruments could be sold for in this country. They are mostly of the large and medium size and, with few exceptions, of High Class Musical Bexes as sold in Geneve, but far superior te the ordinary instruments generally sold in this country, and need only be seen or heard te be appreciated. Musical Bexes with bells, drums, caBtanets, celestial voices, mandeline, diva-harmenie, overture, tremelo-piccelo, sublime sublime harmenie, harp-zither attachment, etc., also two and three mainsprings playing from 10 te 50 minutes by one winding. Musical Albums. Circular en application. C. Gautschi & Ce., Manufacturers, Ste. Croix and Geneve, Switzerland. SALESROOMS: 1020 CHESTNUT STREET, rmtABELrniA. J23-tfd 1.1Q.VOR8, JiC. piXGWALT'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND GROCERY STORE, Ne. 205 West King Street. leblG ly HOUSEAL. CO'S NEW LIQUOR STORE, Ne. -13 North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. The very best and llnest qualities of Foreign and Demestic WINES and LIQUORS, eon. tdantly ler sale at wholesale and retail. Straight Old Kyc Whisky of the distillation eflS7j. Pure unadulterated Custom Heuse Brandy, warranted et the vintage et 1SC0. Kept especially for medicinal purposes. Pure Old Helland Gin, anil ether Whiskies, Bran dies and Wines te suit the trade. lC03-3md HOUSEAL & CO. Tyr alt wink. HERCULES MALT WINE. The Best and Cheapest MALT EXTRACT EVER PIlEPATllsn An invigorating HKALTH AND TABLE BEVERAGE. A reliable remedy for INDI GESTION, DEBILITY and MALN UTRITION highly recommended ler ENFEEBLE O PER SON S, CONVALESCENTS and NURSING MOTHERS. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT 25 Cents per Pint Bettle. OHAS. WOLTERS, PRQCPECT BREWERY, PHILADELPHIA. Lancaster Depot. GEO. A. EIEHL. ml3md Hancastct Jntelltgencer. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 2, 1882. THE WATER WORKS. SUPERINTENDENT KITCH'S REPORT. AN EXHAUSTIVE AND INTERESTING DOCUMENT. TRE CONDITION AND NKJE.D3 OF OUK WATER SYS1E.1I. Soiqe Facta that Merit Thoughtful t:on t:en t:on ktdcratleu. Following is the animal report of Super intendent "of the Water Works Davis Kitch. It was prepared and intended for presentation at last night's meeting of councils, but owing te sickness in the family of Superintendent Kitch Le was de tained at his residence and net able te be present at the meeting. It has, however, been placed en file in tlie mayor's office, where it cau be scen at any time, aud will be formally presented te councils at the adjourned meeting, te beheld en Friday evening, the 10th : 'Te the Honorable the Helect anil t'einmun Councils of the City of Lancatter : Gentlemen : I herewith submit te your honorable bodies the annual report et the water department for the year ending February 28, 1SS2, in accordance with the tesolutien of Jauuavy 1, 1879, providing that an annual report shall be made by the heads of the Severn 1 city departments en the last day of February of each year. I assumed the duties of superintendent of the water works for a second term en April 4, 1881. In this report I present te you a statement of the operations of the water department for the past year; the present condition of tlie different pumping engines, works, reservoirs, forcing and dis tributing mains, valves, steps aud fire plugs, together with tables, showing the amount of water forced into the reservoirs each month of the year, and ether items of general interest. I also present for your consideration the 'wants of the de partment. ' Complaints of Lack of Water. The water department fails te keep pace with the rapid growth of the city. The day of appeal was April 21st, and while the cemmittee was iu session en that day, there were many cempraints from citizens living en the high grounds of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth wards that they did net receive an adequate supply of water. On that day the height of water in the western reser voir was 14 feet G inches, and in tlie east ern reservoir 13 feet C inches. The Eastern Hesorvejr. The eastern reservoir which was repair ed iu the summer of 18S0 has shown no sign of leakage since, although in con stant use aud taxed te its greatest caparity. Leu Water. Iu the months of June, July, August, September, October and November, the water being low in the creek, the Worth Werth Worth ingten duplex pump, although taxed te its utmost capacity te keep up the supply, lest during the business portion of the day from ene te two inches per hour, and I was compelled te run the duplex pumping engine 22 or 23 hours, and sometimes day and night continuously, before the water in the reservoir was forced te the point where the sianal sounded, signifying that the rcsorveir was Oiled te a heighth con sistent with the safety of the banks.- The water was se low ' at times that the engine could net get a sufficient supply of water from the feed pipe, and I was com pelled te have a force of laboreis te dig out the race and let the water iu from the dam te fill the wells from which the en- gine gets its supply of water. Water Pumping I'eucr. The Geylin pomp was operated during the year 3,040 hours ; making iu that time 2,848,880 revolutions, and pumping 51, 189.840 gallons of water. The Birkinbine pump Ne. 1 was opera ted C,4C8 hours ; making 8,537,700 revolu tions, and pumping 170,7."53,200 gallons of water. The Birkcnbine pump Ne. 2 was oper eper tcd 5,972 hours, making C,44U,7C0 revolu tions aud pumping 107,093,700 gallons of water. The total number of gallons of. water pumped by water power was 389,038,800 at a cost of $1.81 per million gallons de livered into the reservoirs . Steam rumpiiifj 1'ewcr. The Worthington high service engine was operated during the year 40 hours, making 103,000 revolutions and pumping into the reservoir 844,800 gallons. of water. The Worthington Duplex engine was operated during the year 5,97G hours, making 21,293,100 revolutions and pump ing into the reservoirs 798,492,500 gallons of water. The amount of coal used was 3,072,230 pounds and the cost of the sarae $4,030.08 making cost 77 cents per hour. Includ ing pay of assistant engineer and fireman, oil, packing, etc., the cost was $7.53 per million gallons. The following table shows in detail the working of the several pumps during the year wSCCf - m n ci cs ca t.tneii fe ie tc t: h- c is cncoxeaoiiM CjOOOOOOOOOOO $mei; WMtS'OOO'J pzdinnj; SltOtfDfi fe 'ex a -j v la ip t5 a. e e i i cs e te is ,Ctfscetj- "SU7l010 'OX s co t i os ti . c -i i tr ec j-"ec ocs'is'cc'cci'ge 5 w" oecoscoooco XUOI) niOMirJb'OjZ '""pdumjr SH021U6 fe -ex 00 i 6 " Oa -J wl CSW S3 CA lillgSSbSSSS fS22ggiJf fiSSSSS "mhove -eat CHDpSGfcW&.-JCC.iwS tuexj HJ0.12f fe :ex s S.-.IC- -,3?i rSwiaistsstScejgw ts 13 & - 5rf is rJ-i &20 "is! ee'c -Ve te ts e a 8lSS5SS85e vduui,r tuoneO fe -ex I! it j s ed-- e te 00 e 0 ptdiunj; SU02JVQ JV0 : "?: ?S: 2: : : : : : s ft 4 liials????! c 3 fc. suneii fe ex 9)nutiu J3d styejjs KiEKCSeSOOSXC "-15 II li 15 S tS " suoipne 3 1 fa -ex gggSMS piduinj tueiiDQ fe 'OX rrSS2S2S&S rt ci - C S38St 1 SCO 5-'SH ftHT?-!r r: p3ill 103 spuned fe "x IC J U f" 2 rj IS ?5 IS W JUO.-) )iuj n I s e x -1 1-; The Axeraae Steam Pressvrs i'j peititds. Vacuum SSpeundt. Mt si sin fjneu fe 'ex ?;ni(it(( uadsweji! fe -ex Lve moi;iie.wj fe -exl s rss! 5. ISO I p paduin.i I suoneo fe -ext Pipe Extension. During the past year pipe has been laid in the following streets, which appears in detail iu the following table : I II! r ir . -3 . STREETS. 1 in. ti in. VZ i.i. North Lime 1 Park Avenue - West New W2 Conceril Allej- 1 West Walnut 'J Seuth Prince ? WestPeplur 439 Elme Street Brittge . liO Hiuil'c 1. Leve Lane -j"" Weat Marien 7 North Charlette "-1 West King Street :it Hu mane Engine Heuse U Ulan - j Union w' Leve Lane south of Ere- ' ment -! ,,. SeuthDuke -' West Grant "; North Mary J Seuth Christian 62 Total :. 3.817la,510 The total cost of pipe, lead, etc., and labor for laying was $4,500, or about. 01 cents per feet. Plugs uiul Ste Valves. During the year 18 step-valves were put iu. making 300 new in the city. During the same period 17 fire hydrants were put in, making a total in the city of 303. Our Water Mains. The following lengths and sizes com prise the water mains of the cily of Lan caster : inch pine. Making a total of fraction ever 30J miles. New Itenters. During the year 190 J-iuch.oue 1-iuch and one lj-inch ferrules were inserted, being 41 mere ferrules than were inserted the year previous. There were raore new lenteis in that year than ever before. Tlie Water Kent iu petml. The following is a synopsis of the tlu plicate for the coming ycav : 771 one story houses, 2,453 two-story houses, 50S three-story houses, 27 four-story houses, or a total of 3,701 houses ; pave-washes, without hydrants, 33 ; private bath tubs, 757 ; water closets, 883 ; public water closets, 73 ; public baths, 24 ; public urinals, 20 ; private urinals, 35 ; hotels, 45 ; restaurants, 01 ; steam engines (from 5 te 500 herse power), 91 ; bakeries, 41 ; private stables, 28 ; hotel stables, 17 ; liv ery stables, 7 ; exchange stables, 3 ; horses, 280 ; cows, S3 ; dentistries, IS ; barber shops, 25 ; fountains, 10 ; photo graph gallerits, 5 ; liquor stores, 11 ; printing offices, 12 ; gardeners, 19 ; dye houses, 3 ; slaughter houses, 11 ; curry ing shops, 7 ; breweries, G ; tanneiies, 5 ; laundry, 1 ; foundries, 4 ; stock yards, 3 ; agricultural park, 1 ;" gas works, 1 ; min eral water establishments; 2 ; street sprinklers, 4. The ltescrvelrs. During the year the water in the cast tin reservoir was kept at a uniform height of 13 feet 0 inches. The height of water in the western reservoir varied from 14 feet 0 inches te 10 fret, the average height being about 15 feet 5 inches. Pumps, Engines, c. The Worthiugten engines are in lirst class condition. They needed no repaira dm ing the year. The water pumps arc in fair condition, but will need some slight repairs during the dry season. Damages, &c. The late freshets have damaged the arches ever the tail race, at the works, but the necessary repairs can be made at a small expense. A short time age I was compelled te take out one of the 20-inch pipes en East Orauge street, it having broken. The breakage occurred en ac count of bad material iu the pipe. The only incenvenience was te parties having te de without water for a few hours. Connections Needed. I would renew my recommendation that connections be made at the points desig nated in my last aunual report (our water pipes cress each ether, but are net con nected) and for the same reason then urged, viz : That when a heavy draw is made in summer time en the reservoir, all will net ceme from a single main. Flange Pipes Kecnmmemleil. During the year a 12 inch ilauge pipe was laid ever the Shippen street bridge. It gives te the lcsidents of the Sixth ward an additiei.al supply of water. They could be still further benefited if flange pipes weie laid ever the Duke and Lime street bridges, and 1 would tueretore leconi leceni mend councils te previde for the same in the estimates for the ensuing fiscal year. Steps or Valve Needed. I would again urge upon council the necessity of having steps or valves insert ed in the main supplying the most popu lous portions of the city, se that when a break occurs, whole sections of the city would net be deprived ei water. There are new sections 01 lrem one te lour squares that have no valves or steps. If the steps or valves are inserted few will be inconvenienced, where new hundreds are. Improvement, During the year a telephone line was run, connecting the water works with the station house and mayor's office. This I found te be a very great convenience. If anything is eat of order at the works, I 1,300 feet of 2 90,958 ' 4 30,357 " 0 12,702 " 8 1,275 " 10 10,318 " 12 3,400 " 20 5,000 ' 24 101,310 feet, or a f can be summoned and be there in a very short time. A new beifer house and a set of boilers referred te as necessary iu my last annual report Tiave been provided. The boilers wcre constructed by Mr. Jehn Best in a workmanlike manner, and fully answer all purposes. The boiler house was built by Jehn W. Reith according te specifications and plans. The old boilers should be put in condi tion, and I would recommend that they he remodeled en the same plan as the new ones. They should be repaired and used occasionally, se that the new boilers need net be kept in censtant'use. I would recommend that two tire hydrants be placed at the waterworks. They could be put there at a slight cost, and are a necessity. Receipts lrem Water Kent. The following are the receipts from water rents since 1874 : 1874, $24,000.00 ; 1873, $24,500; 1870, i2C,493.5C; 1877, $29,230.89 ; 1878. $30,120.83 ; 1879, $31, 378.97; 1880, $35,930.19; 1SS1, $38,3CC 92 ; 1S82 estimated at $40,000. Consumption of Water. During the vcar there were putnped into the reservoirs 1,188,97G,100 gallons of water, making a daily consumption of 3,257,474 gallons. The mere I study the matter the stronger am I convinced that there is but one way te put a step te this enormous consumption, and that is by the introduction of the water meter. Nearly every city of our size, and larger, in the United States have them or are about in troducing them. The time is net far dis tant when we tee must introduce them. As an experiment, during the year I pro cured three meters. One I placed at a private residence, the second at a res taurant and the third at a brewery. The result has been as I anticipated. The pri vaeo citizen pays morn for the water used at his dwelling house, at the present rate, than does the manufacturer. The only fair way te equalize the water rents is by the introduction of the meter ; then every person will pay for what he uses or wastes, the daily consumption will be less, and the department cau get along with a smaller appropriation. Disirlbtitiu SIhIiis. There aie about 15 miles of small mains laid throughout tlie city. I would renew my recommendation made last year that these by replaced by mains of a larger tiizc. The wants of the citizens demand it. I would recommend that as much of the money appropriated for laying pipe as possible be expended in the laying of at least 8-inch mains. Ne Increase of Debt ler a Year. The water cemmittee uuaninieusly lec lec emmended te councils the necessity of another pump and the extcntien of the 20 inch main, se as te supply the citizens of the high portions of the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Ninth wards with an abun dance of water. Councils passed the re quisite ordinance and the matter was sub mitted te the voters at the municipal elec tion en Tuesday, February 21st. The re suit of thaf vote is well known te you. There were but 1,590 votes cast en the question, out of 5,720 voles cast for mayor. The indifference shown may be fairly ac counted for by the interest centred in the contest for mayor. The wants of these living in the high portions of the wards named can only be relieved by the exten sion of the 20 inch main." The necessity of auethcr pump is apparent, for if an accident was te happen te tlie Worthing ton Duplex iu summer time, there would surely be a water famiue. According te the law governing an iucrease et the debt, which may be found en page 00, sec 17, city ordinances of 1881, there cannot be another vote en the same question for ene year from the date of the last election. It would be policy for coun cils towards the end of the year te re enact the ordinance providing for an increase of the debt, but te have the question voted en at a special election se that 110 side is sues will determine whether or net these citizens living en high portions of the city and who. pay their water rcut can or can not get what they pay for. The reason the election was made at the time of the municipal election was te sive the city the cxpense of a special election about $330. heparate Pipes. I have ligntly adhered te the policy of compelling patties who ceunecccd with the water mains te have .separate pipes running te their houses. Thcie are still many cases wheic as many as half a dozen houses are receiving water from ene pipe, and in case of a break several families are inconvenienced where only one should be. further Keconimemlatlens. I would recommend a step te be placed north of 24 inch Y en the flat below the almshouse, no that the water need net be left out of the pipe while repair)? are being made at .the works. A six inch main should be laid from the Uhildrens' Heme across Lew street (seen te be opened), a distance of 400 feet, te Fieiberg street. If tiiis is done the southern portion of the Seventh ward would be supplied with water when thcre is any in the reservoir. I would recommend the putting iu of a rack, constructed of iron, in the head race te protect the 24 inch feed pipe that sup plies the Worthington engine. The Heed gate at the outlet has been leaking badly for the last three years. My predecessor called the attention of councils te it in his last annual report. A new ene is needed. In Geed Condition. The fire plugs, forcing and distributing mains, valves and steps are in geed con dition, with few exceptions. Account or Stock. The following is a list of the material en hand belonging te the department : Twe fire hydrants, three pieces of 24 iuch pipe, two pieces of 20-inch pipe, forty-five pieces of 0-inch pipe, three" 24 inch sleeves, ene 20 inch sleeve, "one 10 inch step valve, two 4-inch step valves, four 4-inch slcevcs, two 0-inch step valves. All of which is respectfully submitted, Davis Kitch, Superintendent of Water Works. Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 28, 1882. TUB NOBLE "300. A Stulwart Editorial Defender. Lancaster Daily Examiner. If there had net been the 300 " in the Chicago convention, there never would have been a "President Garfield." It is all very well te sneer at the "300," but when the battle is te be wen "the charge of the heavy brigade " is found te be irresistible. The Buffalo Courier says the reason why that "30G " medal is made out of bronze, and net of geld, is that tee many half breeds would have been clamoring for it. That is about the size of the Half-breeds in the "neck of the weed." The "300" never quail when under fire, nor arc they disheartened where de feated, lhcy left Chicago with flying banners, and in the campaign of last fall were always tbe first en the enemy's ram parts. " They deserve a medal for the bravery of two battles. The Call System. Heles and Regulations for the Government of tbe Fire Department of lUe City of Lancaster. Chief Engineer. . Rule 1. The chief engineer shall have entire command of the fire department at fires and alarms of fires, and the grounds around the same ; direct his foremen and assistants hew te dispose of the respective companies, and shall direct the efforts of the department until the fire shall be ex tinguished, or the department shall be dismissed by his orders. He shall have charge of all the apparatus belonging te or used by the department ; and shall 6ee that it is kept at all times in geed order and ready for service, and shall rbr that purpose visit at least ence in each day every engine house aud place where any fire apparatus is kept or stored, and ex amine carefully the .condition of the ap paratus, horses and all property of the de-. partment, and the condition et the houses as te order and cleanliness. He sh.iUhavp the supervision of the person or persons who may be employed therein, and all the materials, supplies, tools, fixtures aud fur niture used or deposited therein, aud shall see that all materials provided for.the de partment are properly and economically used. Ne tools or ether city property, shall at any time be leut or taken from the houses or ether places where they are kept without his permission or an erder from the fire department committee. He must appear en the fire ground with regu lation badge or equipment. Foremen. Rcle 2. It shall be the duty of foremen of companies te see te the apparatus en trusted te their care and the several build ings iu which the same is deposited, and all articles in or belonging te the same, arc kept neat and clean aud iu order for imme diate use. They shall also preserve order and discipline at all times in their respec tive companies, and'cnfoice a strict com pliance with the rules aud regulations of the department and the orders' of the chief engineer. They shall promptly report all delinquencies en the part of employees or members of the respective companies te the chief engineer. They shall keep ac curate record of the attendance of the members of their cempanies at fires as well as all absence from or omLisien or no gleet of duty en their part, and an account of all property entrusted te their care, in a book provided for that purpose, which record shall be open te the inspection of the fire department cemmittee aud chief engineer. He shall be held responsible for the-cenduct -of his men while en the fire ground, and will be required te report in writing te tlie chief engineer any dero dere dero fictien of duty or violation of the rules by thu members. They shall also visit their houses atleart unce in every twenty-four hours. EuKincers of .Slea merit. Rule 3. The engineers of steamers shall have control of their respective en gines, subject, te the erdeis et the chief engineer, keep the same in geed order aud repair and report any damages te the chief engineer. Theyshall make all neces sary repairs as far as the tool? and ether facilities will enable them. Drivers. Rule 4. Drivers of lira apparatus shall have the care aud charge of the horses driveu by them, groom and feed them carefully, subject te the orders of the chief engineer ; give their horses the necessary exercise, keep the engine, house?, stables, apparatus aud all ether property of the department in and about the-buifdings in a neat and clean condition and perform such ether duties as may be directed by the chief engineer or the fore man of their respective companies. They shall also light the fire iuthc engines when starting te a fire aud shall, as far as possi ble, acquaint themselves with the run ning or operating a steam fire engine. They shall sleep in the engine house at night aud net absent themselves there there feom at any time except when en duty or by permission of the chief engineer. IlOdCUlCU. ltut.E 5. The hoscmen hhall h,ave charge and handling of the hese and pipes at fires, subject te the order of the foreman or ether superior officers ; he shall assjst in bringing the apparatus te, locating the same at, and returning the same fre.u ; nres ; see tuac tne nese is Kept clean ami dry, and perform all ether duties cor cer sistent with their position. Rune 0. The neglect of any duty pre; scribed by the ordinatice reorganizing t!i e fire department and regulating the sams , or by these rules, by any officer or mem ber of the department, such officer or member of the department shall be subject te a fine net exceeding five dollars, suspension or expulsion from the depart ment as may be ordered by the cemmittee en fire department, providing, however, that no officer or member shall be expelled except upon the approval of net less than a majority of the elected members of both branches of councils. Rule 7. Fer absence at fires without leave the fines shall be as fellows, viz : Chief engineer $3, engineer of steamers $ I, foreman $3, drivers $3, hesemen $1. Rule 8th. Any member absenting him self from three successive fires may be dismissed from the department ; provided, however, that the cemmittee ou fire de partment may excuse any member from the payment of any fine for geed and suffi cient cause. All fines imposed shall be de ducted from the monthly pay due each member. Ruie 9th. Officers and members, when elected, shall be assigned te and serv in ene certain company ; but when in active service at fires shall perform duty in any company directed by the chief engineer. Rule 10th. Application for membership in the department shall be made in writing te the tire department cemmittee, and shall contain : 1st. The full name of applicant. Orl TUB firrn 3d. IIi3 occupation, aud where cm cm pleyed. 4th. His place of residence. 3th. The number of and position of the company te which he desires te be as signed. Rule 11th. Each officer and member of the department shall wear the following badge, viz : The chief engineer Chief E. L. F. D. Engineer of steamer E. L. F. I). Foremen Foreman Xe. 1, 2, 3, &c. Firemen Fireman. Hesemen Hescman. Rule 12. All officers and members of the department shall conduct themselves in a courteous anu uecoreus manner to wards each ether, and especially abstain from using any rough or ungentlemanly language te any member or ether person while en duty. Rule 13. The buildings of the depart ment shall net be let or used for any political meetings ; and no persons shall be allowed te congregate in or about the same, except members of the department ; and it shall be the duty of the chief en gineer te see that the rule is strictly en forced. Rule 14. The chief engineer and the committee en fire department shall estab lish the necessary rules for calling the reauisite number of companies into service I at fires. Rulb 15. Any person striking a false alarm shall be. subject te a line of fifty -dollars, the same collectionable by the mayor or any alderman of the city of Las caster. All lines te be converted te the use of the city, the same as ether fines and penalties as new prescribed by law. ii W. P. Clarice, esq., SWO Walnut street. Phila delphia, Pa., writes : " I have used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and found it te be tbe host re medy I ever tried." "Hew de j,eu manage," said a lady te her friend, "'te appear se liappjr all the time?" "I always have Parker's Ginger Tonic handy." was the reply."- and thu9 keep myself antl hunlly in goedJiealth aud spirits. See adv. lUMwdODd&OOW Years of SnUerlng. Mrs. Earnhart, cer. Pratt and Broadway, IJuuale, was ler twelve years a suuerer freiu rheumatism, and alter trying every known , remedy without avail, was entirely cured by Themas' Eclectrle OIL Fer sale at IT. U. Coch ran's drug store, 137 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. - It Adam had had ti game of "Fifteen' placed In his hand at an early eried of his existence, the whole ceiirsa of hl3tery might have beeu materially altered for the better, anil It bil iousness, indigestion, sick headache or dys-pep-da were unknown. Spring Blessem would net be needed. Price 50 cents. Eer sale at H. it. Cochran's drug store, 1S7 Xerth Qr.uim street, Lancaster. new' the liaby. "Hew's the baby?" 'UU croup is better this morning, thank you. We gave hint seme or Themas Eclectrie Oil its you advised, doctor, and shall give hint some mera in an hour or se." Next day the doctor nroiieuiicnd the youngster cured. Fer sale aVH- II. Coah Ceah r.in'tf Druir Stere, 137 Xiirth Queen street. L:iu L:iu easter. mhDlVAL. IKMUmCKOl'TUE PJlESS OVKltCOME OKKtf i: of Thk Sesieea Ce. Hkiulu, :i i nammeu hieck. Ul.OOMVILLE, OtllO. UK.vrLieiiMf : Yeu can count me a convert te lr. Themas' Eclectrle Oil. When your agent came into my efllce te advertise your medi cine, I classed it with the thousand und one nostrums hawked alient the country ami sei J as cure-alls. Fer tltteen or twenty years 1 have been Buffering with that terrible discusu. Catarrh ; had lest my seuseef smell and tastr. also niysilitand hearing was test tailing. I had previously tried scores et advertised rem edies, but found only temporary relict. Lust fall I concluded te glve your Eclectrle Oil a trial. Alter using part of the llrst bottle I began te teel better. Se 1 kept en using it everj-night before retiring. I am new most liappv te say lam nearly cured and feel better than I.have for 10 years. Seme time age 1 felt n pricking sensatiea under one et my tlVhtnb nails. I could net Imagine what caused H. It tert hsir a piece et needle was under the null. 1 tied up iaiy linger with a rug, Ireely satur ating it with the oil ; the pain ceased und In a tcvr days a black spot made It appearance and gradually increased until a new nail grew en. These arc facts voluntarily given, cven ngainst a former prejudice concerning patent medicines. Yen can use this testimony as you see tit. If it will de any geed in getting sutler Ing humanity fe try your medicine, and it re lieves ethers as It has me. they will feel thank ful. Yeurstrulj, O. M.HOLCOMU. Sold by H. 15. Cochran, Nes. 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. teb22-teAprl" TYICTORS AGKEE THAT aCABLKT j 9 Fever, Diphtheria, Consumption, Catarrh and Chronic Threat Diseases are due te ncglcct'Of common Sere Threats. Children frequently have wet feet ; sere threat lollews and often serious sickness. Are' we net atrect cd likewise? Why net try the OCClDEyTAI. DIPHTHERIA CURE. It will positively cure tle worst form of sere threat und eradi cate the germ et any disease subject te It. A cure guaranteed or money retumtrtt. Fer sate by H. I!. Cochran, 137 and 13 North Queen street. Lancaster. " fejS7-3md FA.i?JiHUAlHilXUtt, Sr. w E HAVE NOW ON SALE OUlt STOCK OF WALL PAPER AND Window Shades. SLIGHTLY DAMAGED by Fli'tSnud WATEft Which will be sold VEIIY LOW In order te close out. The line eiubifaecs every description of PAPER HANGINGS, Tin; greater pint lieln goe.U selected ler trbitf Siting's Trade. Window Shades, Pappr CurMns, Ac. CALL EARLY FOR BARGAINS. Phares W. Fry, NOS. fA9-'M NUKTU (JDEHN STREET J. " ? TAlvTIn St CO c i: As we desire te open our SPUING fa'i'UK et PAPEIt HANGINGS with entirely NJfcw l'ntlttrns, we will sell our last fall styles at the following pi ices. Ueraemlfcr there is an cle gant fissertincnt et pattern and they art NOT DAMAGED In ANY WAY. As there Is enlya limited Hteck, an early selection Is advisable : WHITE BLANKS, geed patterns, froei 3 te 8c. GKOCND8. geed patterns, from 8 te 12c. EM iSOSS E D JUtONZES, frem23 te S5c. I'OICDERS IN PKOPOItTIOV. Experienced Workmen Furnished. OPEN ON MARCH Ut, The Largest Line et NEW CA11PETS& WALL PAPERS Fer the Spring Trade Ever Brought te this City. J. B.. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Priice Sts. VLOWINU, VNliJCnWMAJt, C'. WK HAVE THK I7ANDS01CE.ST AMD finest window display In the city. Don't fail te see it. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, NECKTIES, MVFFItERS, . P0CKET-B99KS, AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CIGAR CASES, AT ERISMAtfS, N. SO NORTH UUKKft 8TRKET. PATESTSWM. H. BABCOCK, 513 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Formerly an Examiner In the U. 9. Patent Ofllce ; arterward. Associate Arney el Jacob Stauffer, esq., of Lancaster, Pa., until the Lit ter's death, would be pleased te bear from In ventors et Lancaster ami neighboring com ties, and Is still prepared te attend caretallj and promptly te all Patent badness at meder .te rates. TEh31-3mdw Paper MM