LANCASTER DAILY 1KTKLL1GBKCER WEDNESDAY. MARH 1 1882. 1 ) RELIGIOUS. THE KVANGKL1CAL ASSOC1ATICN. List of Lecal Appointments fur 1S82. The auuual conference of the East Penn sylvania Evangelical association yesterday closed its sessions, after ;i rising vote of thaulis te the people of Bethlehem, and particularly thoie outside tue uenomina uenemina uenomina tien, who had entertained the members of the cenferc-ica during the week. Bishop Dab? announced the appointments for the conference year 1892, and exhorted tlie members te go forth te their respective fields of labor in a cheer ful and Hulf-Bacnfieiujj spirit : Following are these of local interest. Heading district, I. E. Knerr, P. E. Adamsteivn A. W. Warfel. Fairvillc A. I. Sampscl. Lititz and Manheim B. D. Albright. Lancaster Water Street, J. Zern: Mulberry street, J. C. Krause. Brown.stewu J'. L: "Warner, I. Heislcr. ?,Iillersville J. W. Hoever. Cresswcll W. C.Kantner. Coue.slega J. G. Sands. United Brethern Appointments ler the Iin suni Year. In the U. B. conference at Harrisburg yesterday it was decided te held the next conference in Chambersburg, J. B. Steb Steb manefWcst. Jlempficid re-elected a trustee of Lebanon Valley college. The following clerical appointments are oflecal interest. Lancaster District. E. Light, Presiding elder ; Mt. Jey, G. W. M. Higer; Spring Garden, J. L. .Nichols jSt. Jehn s b. J. Noen ; Lancastr-r, ; Quarryville, J, G. mektr; Goi:estega, G. AV. Lightncr ; In tercourse, E. L. Hughes ; New Helland, .1. B. Funk : Pequea Valley, Z. C.Mewcr; Springfield, .1. F. Mower ; Epbrata, P. A Bewman ; Manheim, J. 1'. Smith ; Head ing, II. C. Phillips ; Lebanon, Trinity, M. P. Deyle ; Swatara, A. II. Cnuffman; J. Dicksen, 1). D., bishop of Eastern dis trict : D. Ebcrly, professor in the Leba non Valley college. ItAfl.ltOAI) Itl-.OItGANIZATION. Tlie tlutiuif-r Junction Revived. Susquehanna A meeting of the purchascrs-ef the road bed, right et way and franchises of the Hauever .Tnnctieufc Susquehanna railroad company, was hc'.d yesterday in Marietta. The meeting was cillcd te order by Wm. B. Given, esq., :i whose motion Samuel Eby, esq, was president, and A. C. Bruner, secretary. Tiic purchasers de cided te reorganize a neWcempany under the name of the Heading, Marietta & Han over railroad company, with a capital stock of $250,000. The following officers were elected : President Samuel Eby, Elizabotlitewn. Directors Wsn. B. Given, Columbia ; Moses K. Graclf, Heading ; Abram Col Cel lins, Marietta ; B. F. Hcislaud, Marietta ; J. Z. Lindcmuth, Marietta ; Henry. Hies tand, Marietta. The new beard will meet at the Stevens house, Lancaster, en Monday, March 0, when a full organization will he ett'eeU'd. Prcaelier and Soldier. Huvcrend Colonel J. M. McCarLcr, pastor of the Duke street M E. church, during the years 1810-00, mid colonel of the 03d Pa. Vels, duriuir the Lite war, has been spending a few days among, his old friends in this city. Cel. McCarter has for sonic years past been residing in Wilmington, and is engaged as an agent of the Aldine engraving and publishing company, with whose line publications many of our read ers are acquainted their Cyclopedias of Biography being especially line, and most admirably illustrated with steel plate por traits of eminent men . We arc indebted te Cel. McCarter for an excellent portrait, of Ul S. Senater Thes. F. Bayard, of Dela ware, intended for a forthcoming publica tion of the biographies of eminent men of that state. C'ul. McCarter is looking well, but is net se active as he was thirty years age, when lie thundered against sin and Satan from the Duke street pulpit the terrible wounds he received while ui the Union army, bavin-; partially paralyzed him or. one side. l'oilce Cisc-. Before Alderman Spurrier : Leenard Scbecaberger, who served a term in the county prison for robbing the till of D. M. Moere's Swan hotel, was ai rested yes terday en complaint of D. K. Burkiuddcr, prison keeper, en a charge of larceny of cigarj from the comity prison. He w?s commuted fdr a bcaiing en Friday. Jeseph Kyle, a tramp, was arretted for raising a disturbance in the vicinity of tl. almshouse. He was committed for a hear ing, and when lie reached the jail he was recognized as a prisoner who had part of his term te serve, and had escaped by personating another whose term had ex pired. The hearing will net take place untill he shall have served out his former term. . . .Fighting ::ei. Isaac Hetnhart received a pretty bad lM:itinr vesterdav at the hands of Georsie White, lamiliary called "Stumpy White." Rcinbart made complaint against White before Alderman Samson, who will give' the parties a hearing or. Friday. It is gaid the treuble yesterday grew out of a former quarrel in which Heiuhart and his brother double tearued aud assaulted a friend of White's, and that White took this opportunity of retaliation. A Ucfks County Bruiser. The peaceful community of Kutztown, Berks county, is aroused by the offer of SellD. Kutz', of that town, te fight Jehn L. Sullivan, the victor of the recent Hyan Sullivau mill, the meeting te be without gloves, for $2,000 a side and the heavy weight championship of America. The fight is te take place within 100 miles of Kutztown. Kutz is a six-footer, has never fought iu the ring, but his prowess in rough and tumble is reputed prodigious. A Victer Called. Rev. Wm. Morrison, of the First Bap tist church, this city, has received and accepted a call from the Baptist church at Weedsport, New Yerk. The congregation is said te number some 1)03 or -100 commu nicants and te be in a lleurishing condi tion. The reverend gentleman's many friends in this city congratulate him en his promotion te a wider field of useful ness. I.imi;v:in Anniversary Meeting. The twentieth anniversary meeting of the Linnxan society was held last Friday evening ; there were additions made te the museum, library and historical collcc cellcc collcc .tien, and Dr. Rathven read an interesting history of the society, a proof of which reached this effice tee late for publication in full, and no abstract would de justice te the subject or the historian. Wants Information. Stephen V. Wright, of Spring City, Chester county, writes from that place te the mayor, stating that a. company is about te be organizer for the purpose of starting a steve foundry, which they wish te locate wherever the best inducements arc offered. They want te knew what our citizens will de towards having the works located here. nana scalded. Yesterday afternoon a young, man named Beitzel, who is employed at Brim mer's bakery en Middle street, had his hand terribly scalded while moving a let of hetiye, a portion of which spilled upon him. A Little Lewer End 1'arni. Jeseph 3IcVey of Oxford has sold his small farm of abaut 13 aires, near Elim, Lancaster county, te 3Ira. 3Iary A. Mil linger, of Columbia, for $3,500, COLUMBIA NEWS. OUK REGULAR VOBRESPONUENCK Many complaints, mostly based en the representations, of tramps, having been made about the fllthiness of the lockup the writer has visited it and seen that all the cells are neatly whitewashed ; fleer as clean as a pin, and in fact tee utterly clean for the clan who generally occupy them. Once iu every two weeks the doers are thrown open and the cells thoroughly renovated and washed. The beds must be condemned. The straw beds, put in five years age, are still there, and judeimr from appearances, the straw is the same. The beds leek as though they were inhabited by vermin, while the bed clothing is well worn and extremely scanty. These latter articles should be removed at once, and new ones substituted. Party at Klug's hotel, Mountville, Sat uiday. Hail gentle Spring. E. E. Luth eran church sociable Friday evening. Geed meeting of elocution club at Miss Purple's last evening ; committee of three appointed te select drama for acting and report at the next meeting te be held at Mr. Hiram Wilsen's. Rafting prospects geed ; some limber arrived and much is waiting hopefully for geed water. Con stable elect Jehn Gilbert, First ward, while werlciug in rough weed ran a two inch splinter into his hand, making a painful wound. Snelbakcr's Majesties March 8. Harry Hershey removing from Cherry te Seceud and Walnut streets. Shawnee fire com pany meets Thursday evening, Columbia en Friday, aud Vigilant en Tuesday. A pnty will go te the Norwood school house spelling bee Chique saluuga tribe. Ne. 39, I. O. R. 31., .pre sented Gee. -Hardnail with a geld watch charm and he " set 'cm up." Airs Shenk, guest of Mrs. Wm. Pat tun, has returned te her home in Lebanon. Rev. J. D. Prcttymau, the successful 31. E. revival ist, who did geed work in Columbia, died -en .Monday last at Newark', Worcester county, Maryland. Air. iIuuingarUucr'3 Lecture. Mr. B.iumgardncr's lecture, in Fulton Hall, next Friday evening, is quite as de serving of a geed audience as if our intel ligent compositor had net yesterday announced it for the wrong date and place. 3Ir. B's. experience iu a trip toCalifernia will be the subject of his narrative, aud these who knew his keen observation and descriptive abilities can appreciate what a treat is in store for his audience, which should be fit but net few. .Sale of Keal Estate. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers cold at public sale last cvpning, in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county, for Ger trude Hupprecht, a let of greuud fronting 59 feet G inches ou Walnut street, and extending in depth 190 feet, with improve ments thereon, "te Peter Bittner, for -S'3,000. Bitten by a 10. Suit has been brought befere Alderman A. F. Dennelly against Emanuel Redgers, v.'iie is charged with keeping a vicious deg. A few days age the animal bit Jehn Sic bsiliug, a neighbor, and yesterday he bit Siebcrling's wife. , Appeal Day. This is appeal day for the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth wards of this city, and the asscsers are sitting in the cjinmissieucrs' office. The" number of appeals is few. m; HKff ERA JJVli ASSOCIATION. Tltu Stories Afloat Touching It Soundness. Mv. A. 31. Conevcr, secretary of the New Era Life association, office Ne. 233 Sent h Sixth street, Philadelphia, has re cently been en a business visit te our city, aud while here called at our office. His plain statement of the true character and workings of the association are worthy tlie careful consideration of these who desire te provide for their families. The New Era claims that honest management, careful selection of risks, minimum death losses and low cost of .insurance, are the principles- that guarantee success, and have resulted in the stubborn facts that a membership of 1,709 new attests te. The success of the New Era has aroused the envy of some ether companies who are new endeavoring te dissatisfy its members by circulating false rumors, of which 3Ir. Conevcr deuies the truth. He insists that the New Era, being mutual iu its principles and operations, is bound te guard itself aud its members (who are the stockholders) against imposition, and that when it resists .payment of risks that were net fairly lest te it, it proves its sound business management rather than dis credits its solvency. It does net as sorne of the old plan and old fogy companies de resist risks simply te "beat" policy holders and offer te compromise principle bv paving half or three-fourths of what they claim is net a valid less. If a claim is sound it should b3 paid : it net geed it should be resisted te the uttermost. Fair dealing, geed management anu low cost of safe insurauce are the New Era's guarantees. 3Ir. Allan A. Hcrr still con tinues te solicit members and will be glad te furnish any information needed. Kellgleus. Services preparatory te the Communion will be lick! lliis evening, also en Thursday anil Frltlny evenings. In the lecture room et the Presbyterian clnuclw Amusements.- 'Jw ll'uc.5. "-The play of "One Hundred Wives," te be given at the opera house to morrow night, is of striking dramatic Interest, abounds iu strong situations, is atmed at the Mermen abomination polygamy, and is given in n style that upon its former presentation here by 'the same company this season, wen the liberal applause et the audience. We can safely assure an enjoyable entertainment te all who attend te-morrow night. SfJUVIAI, NOTICES. Don't Jile in tlie Heuse. Ask druggists ler '-Heugh en Kiitb." It clears out rate, mice, bed-bugs, reaches, ver min, flics, ants, lnsects. 15e. per box. Feu u cough or sero threat, the host medi cine Is Hale'd Jioney et IToreheund and Tar. nke's Toothache Dreps cure in ene minute. ml-lwdcedSw My dO.v, aged a years, was afflicted with catarrh ; the use of Ely's Cream Balm effected a complete cure. W. K. Ilaminnn, druggiit, Easten, l'a. PniLADELvmA, March 1, 1&S1. Messrs, Ely Bres.. Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. Gentlemen : About Oct. 1, ISiO, I gave your Cream Balm a trial with the most satlstactery. results. 1 was troubled with chronic catarrh "and gathering iu my head, was very deaf at times and had discharges from my ears, besides being un able te breathe through my noae; before the second bottle of your remedy was exhausted I was cured and te-day enjoy sound heaUli.fer which please accept my sincere thanks. C. J. Cerbln, 921 Chestnut street. Field Manager, Philadelphia Pub. Heuse. Price 50 cents. marl a "Lire, Urewtn, iieauty." " W hat we all admire" and hew te secure it : A line head of hair in its natural color is such an adjunct te beauty that no one who prizes geed leeks should neglect te use "Londen Hair Celer Restorer," the most cleanly and de lightful article ever introduced te the Ameri can people. It is totally different from all ethers net sticky or gummy, and free Irem all Impure ingredients that render many ether preparations obnoxious. It tldckens thin hair, restores gray hair, gives it new lite, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair te grew where it had fallen off or become thin, docsnet soil or stain anything,. and Is se per fectly and elegantly prepared as te make It a lasting hair dressing and toilet luxury. " Lon Len Lon eon Hair Restorer" Is sold by all druggists, at 7 cents a bottle. Six bottles ler $1. ect3M,n8w JOHN S. OIYLER & CO. WE. HAVE JUST OPENED AN ELEGANT LINE OF ' BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, Which we bought very low for cash, and Which we Deugnt very low ier casu, aim wuitu we m """ " "- " -& " knew them te be cheaand can guarantee the quality of them te every JcW. GOODS. In Silk Warp Henrietta C W at havft new enen all the choice stvles as manv ettnem cannot ee aupiicaieii. oe .. t 1 ,' ......l C? we have all the new spring! styles open in Z.i7.VSr, , -kmre .l .!.. JUtiliNUS anUiJnii-ua te maicu ; very pretty elegant assortment. Ne. 25 BAST KING .iletnerst ineineni: j.ietner!t Are you disturbed at niht and broken of your rest by a sick child t-ullering aud crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? It se, go ut once and get a bettle of MUS. WIXSLOW'S SOOTHING SYUU V. It will re lieve the peer little sullerer Immediately de pend upon it; there Is no ini-jtake about it. There Is net a mother en eatlh who has ever used it, who will net tell yeu,ut once that 1 will rej; ate the bowels, and yire i-fst te the mother, and relief and health te the child, eperatiiv glike magic. It is. perfectly safe te use in all ceses, and pleasant te the taste, ami is the prescription el one et the eldest and best female' phynician and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere; 2Ttentsa Lettie. ..uMvd&wM.W&S Nobody enjoys the nicest surroundings if in bad health. There are miserable people about te-day te whom a bottle el Parker's Ginger Tonic would bring mere solid comfort than all the doctors they have ever tried. See ether column. ml-lmdcod&cew Dr. Frttzi-! ' Keer. ISlttcra. Kruzier's Uoet i:. tcrs are net u drani-Hliep whisky beverage. iut are strictly medicinal in every scute, 'i'nuy act strongly upon tlie j liver and kidney-', keep the bowels open and regular, maku the weak strong, heal the lungs, build up the nervous and cleanse the bleed and system et every impurity. Fer Dizziness, Kush et Bleed te the Head, tcnaing te Apoplexy, Dyspepsia, fever and Ague, Dropsy, Pimples and liletches, Scretu leus Humors and Sore, Tetter, ltlng Werm, White Swelling, Erysipelas, Sere Eyes and for young men suffering from Weakness cr Do De bllity caused from imprudence, and tefcmalcs in delicate health, Frezier's Beet Bittern are especially recommended. Dr. Fruzier : 1 liave used two bottles or your Beet Bitters ter Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Weak ness and Kidney Dlsea'ses.and they did me mere tcoed than all the doctors und the mcdiclne lever used. Prem the lirst dose I took I be gan te mend, and I am new in perfect health and feci ns well as I ever did. 1 consider your medicine one et the greatest of blessings. Mns. M. Mautik, Cleveland, O. " Sold by II. B. Cochran, i:i7 and 139 North Queen street, at $1 per bottle. Henry & Ce. Sele Proprietors. 02 Vesey btrect, New Yerk. f25-wsd&w Liquid Ueltl. Daniel Plank, et Brooklyn, Tiega Ce., Pu., describes it thus : '! rode thirty miles for a bottle of Themas' liclectrlcOH. which effected the icenderul cure of a crooked limb in six ap plications ; it proved worth mere than geld te ine." Fer sale at H. It. Cochran's drug store 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. DxsrEiTic, nervous people, "outel sorts," Celdcn's Liebig's Liquid Beet and Tonic In In In vigorater will cure. Ask for Celdrcn's. Ol Druggists. ml-lwdeed&w Ureivn's iluopclield l'auuccii Is the most ollective Puln Destroyer in the. world. Will most surely quicken the bleed, whether taken internally or applied externally.and thereby mere certainly relieve pain, whether chronic or acuta, than an y ether pain alleviator, and it Is warranted double the strength et any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Threat, Bhcumatmn and all aches, and ii THE GREAT BELIEVElfOF PAIN. " Brown's IIocsuzeld Panacea" should 1)') In every lamily. A teaspoonful of the Panacea in a tumbler el het water sweetened ir preferred J, taken at bed time will break ut a cold. 25 ets n bottle. lebl!-lydM,Wi9&w KAneKA, Me.,-.Feb. 9, 1SS0. 1 purchased live bettle3 et your Hep Bitters et Bishop & Ce., last fall, ter my daughter and am weli-pleased with tte Bitters. They did her mere g6ed than all the-medicine she bus. taken terbix years. W.M. T. McCLUBE. The above is Irem a very reliable farmer, whose daughter was in peer health for soveu or eight years, and could obtain no relief until Bin: used Hep Hitters. Slie U nevr la as geed liealth as any person in the country. We have large sale and they are lunkins remarkable cures. W. H. BISHOP & CO. ml-ilwd&w Varieu Causes .advancing years, can:, sickness, disappoint, ment, and hbredltary predisposition all ope rate te turn the hair j;niy, and either et them inclines it te shed prematurely. Ater's Hair Vioer will restore faded or gray, light or red hair te a rich brown or deep black,. ns may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action, it removes ami cures dandruff and humors. By its use fall ing hair Is checked, and a new growth will be produced iu all ceses where the folllcles are net destroyed or the glands decayed. Its ef fects are beautifully shown en a brushy, weak, or sickly hair, en which n few applications will produce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it is in comparable ns a dressing, and la especially yalued ler the sett lustre nml richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and will net soil or color white cambric; j-et It lasts long en the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. Fer sale by nil dealers. 12l-lvdeed&w A Cough, cold or sere rnreat should ee stepped. Neglect lreqncntly results in an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's irenchlal Troches de net disorder the stomach like ceugli syrup.? and balsams, but act directly en the inflamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, anil the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. " Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by .physi cians, and always give ncrtcct satisfaction. Having been tcbtcd by wide and constant use for nearly n entire generation, they have at tained we! .neritcd rankamnng thclcwstaple remedies of the aj;e. Sold aC 25 cents a box everywhere. . in8-lvdTTli4SJfclvw UENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, ' sores, ulcers, 8ultrhcum,tetter,chtippcd hands, 1 chilblains, corns and all kinds et;skin ernp- tienti, freckles and pimples. Tlie salve is : ...anlecd te give perfect satisfaction in every casc'er money refunded. Be sure you get Henry's Carbolic Sulve, as all ethers arc but Imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Sold in Lancaster at Cechran'a Drugstore, 137 aid .u3 North Queen street. A Geed Angel's Visit A Title el "Resa dulld." Blanche called en Kate, one pleasant day, and found her sad and sighing, dearest friend, once bright and gay, new scarce could keep 'Irem crying; ler, '-eh," she said, "'tis a dis grace te sec with screlula, my lace se badly marred !" then said her friend, "Kesadalis will your troubles end." 'Blanche called en Kate her once mero blithe and gay, her face us radiant, skin ns lair, as any maiden's uny where. Fer skin diseases and impure bleed, there's nothing in. the world se geed ns Resudalis, it drives away all skin disorders, humor, nay, it tones the sys tem, cures your Uls and banishes all doctor's bills! Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug terc, 137 and 133 North Queen street. iv30-3ydced&w3 We kill our rulers when we remove from the human system whatever disorganizes the nerves. Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile PUls relieve irem subjection te the power of headache, sleeplessness and dyspepsia. They contain no opium or uurtial drag. IcW-iwdfcw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LADIES! which we will offer at a very low figure. Wa lotus, aM mauyetuermaK b.ubm. iM Mn .1 n..AA nml rraf Hm hma Ot TIIA (Or. euuic au uuw " ? ."- w. large assortment. We show a new ana !,. t..:!. -D.-.;n--PmiiwiMap-ne TCririnrK. and uiae, uuu x uiuu iiuiiii.w, -& in FRENCH AND ZEFSXK uuirauB. BrT""".?" CS Everything marked at the very lowest prices consistent mm me h""" -1 - JOHN S. G-IVLEK & CO., . STREET, Ue te it. ii. ueenran's Drug store, 1.17 North Queen street, ter 2Irz. Freeman's New na tional Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et color,are unequalPd. Celer from 2 te Bpeunda. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. . KESUL'KD ritOM DKATB Thefollewingst-itemcntof William J Cougb Ceugb lln, of SeuicrviHe, ..less., Is se remarkable that w beg te usk ler it the attention of our read ers. He says : " In the iall of 1876 1 was taken with a violent bleeding or the lungs followed by a severe cough. I seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. I was se weak at one time that 1 could net leave my bed. In the summer et 1S77 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had it hole in my left lung as big as a half cellar. 1 expend ed ever a hundred dollars m doctors and med icine. I was se far gene at one time a repe t went around that I was dead. I gave up kepe, but a friend told hie et Dr. Wsf. UaiVs Balsam for thu Lukgs. I laughed at my friends, think ing that my case was incurable, hut I get a bettle te satisfy them, when te my surprise and gratiUcatien, 1 commenced te leel better. My hope, ence dead, began te revive, and to day I feel In hotter spiriuthan I have the past three years. " I write this h'eplng you will publish It, ee thai everyone anlioted with Diseased Lungs will he induced te take Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam ter the Lungs, and be convinced that con cen 8Ump'fn can 'be cured. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that It has done mere- geed fiau all ether medicine I have taken since my sickness. My cough has al most entirely disappeared and I sliall seen be able te go te work." Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drag Stere, 1S7 and 13U North Quean stre iv23-lvdeedTh&w2 " Skin Discuses " cured by Dr. Swayne'8 Ointment. What is mere distressing than an obstinate 3kin disease, and why persons should suffer a single hour when they liave a sure cure In "Swayne'sOlntment " is past our comprehen sion. The. worst cases et tetter, itch, salt rheum, or that annoying complaint, itching piles, yield te its wenderlul all-healing quali ties. Pimples en the ftce and blotches en the skin are removed by using, this .healing oint ment. Perfectly safe and harmless, even en the most tender infant. Itching Piles Symp toms arc moisture, Intense itehlng, particu larly at night after get tins; warm In bed ; oilier parts are sometimc affected, fcwayne's Ointment pleasant, sure cure. Dr. Swayne & Sen. 53 North Seventh street, Plulndelpuia, Pa., te whom all letters should be addressed. Sold by all prominent druggists. jan20-3mdTTh&FAw MEATUS. St. Joux. Feb. 27, 1SH. in this city, Tayler St. Jehu, In the 80th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family arc i respectfully invited te attend his Juneral, en Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, Irem the residence of his sen-m-law, D. C. Havcrstick, 'e. 312 North Lime street. iS-Std a'e :r ajj vektis'emehts. 1,'OK SAL,. A niKT-CLASS NEW TWO- I. horse power STEAM ENGINE. Inquire at It!) North Queen street. It STOY & UL.E.-IMEJiM'S ORCHESIKA will give a grand Masquerade Sociable at Excelsior Hall en MONDAY EVENING. MARCH 13, under tiic management of Edward I Powell. Costumes can be secured at Lil-lt-r's. North Queen street. ltd -TOTICK. ISOTIC1S IS HKIiEBY 31VEN 1 te all my creditors that I have presented my petitioii'te the Court et" Common Picas of Lancaster ceuntv. ler the benefit of the In solvent laws, and that the said court has fixed SATUIiD AY. MAltCH 5, 1SS2, nt 10 o'clock, a. in., in the court house, at. Lancaster city, for the hearing thereof, when and where you may attend irveu think proper, lebSS " 1IABBY M. SHAUB. JACOK II. LU.NC, COMMISSION SKUKEK, has removed his ofllce from the northeast comer et Centre Square te 22 North Queen street, second lloer, white marble building, ltd CI ET OCT. O This ( WEDNESDAY ) evening at the SCHILLER Sour Kreut and Speck. ltd HOUSE. C. MATTERN, Proprietor. PUBLIC SALE, ON" MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1S82, at Ne. 622 North Queen street. Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting et 'tables, chairs, bedsteads, cupboards, bu reaus, ingrain and rag carpets, oilcloths, cook stove ana range, copper kettles, new market wagon', beard wagon, together with tin, glass and queensware. Sale te commence at 0 o'clock, a. ui. Terms made known by II. SmmKRT. Auet. HENRY W1TTE. 11. L. Fkailev, Clerk. ml-ltd ('. IRAKI OF PHILADELPIA. Assets ever Eleven Hundred sand. Theu- Dollars, securely invested. Fer a policy lr. lids old aud well-estalilisheilcompanycallen RIPE &. KAUFMAN, NO. 19 EAST KING STREET.J U3M.WASR N EW IJirOKTATlOSS. I WATT, SHAND & CO. Ofier the vcrj Lbest possible value at 50, G2 70, S7 cts., $1.00 and $1.23. These goods are perfect in Celer, Texture and Finish, and lully 10 per cent, lower than last season. Siugle and Deuble BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS. A SPECIALTY. Special bargains in 40-INCH ALL WOOL FIGURED CASHMERES. C2c. a yard, sold everywhere at ?2c. ; only ilve pieces. 40-INCH ALL WOOL BLACK ARMURES, 50 c. a yard really worth 75c. Special sale of 1,000 yds, Bleached Muslins at 10c. a yd. Same goods were sold by the case In February at 10 cents a yard. WatShand&Oa, iKEW YORK STOKE. invite examination of these iroeds a3 we - .. "" -in.t- u of MOtrRNTNTO- mm mi nkla vl-aStiTri Ka hiMlrthP xw In French Percales, Chintzes, Cambrics, . . -e rfxixvanrxweTcsi. large assonmeui, .u., Inserting te match. In lAULir IiLMJSjNe j mP ,fame am altrttrethcr nw and LANCASTER, PENNA NEW AWEMTJUSEMEXT. L J. -r-- T?OK KENT. THE UW BU1LUINU KES- J? taurant, corner dukc ami urant streets. Apply at the Restaurant. 28-2b IX. PKKSON3 HATING BILLS AOAINS1? J. the city et Lancaster will file them im mediately at thc-Mayer's omee. By order at me finance committee. 27-3t GEO. W. ZECHEK, Chairman. IaHO FOR SALE VEttY. CHEAP. ONl! entirely new Albrecht Piane and ens geed Second Hand Piane ler sule very cheap-. Inquire verv seen at L. B. HERB'S Music aud Boek Stere. fS-3tp S East Orange street. IVTOLES AND UOKSKS. 1VL On MONDAY, MARCH (J, 1832, will be sold at one o'clock, p. m., at the Merrimac Heuse, North Prince streef, Lancaster, Pa.. IS head of geed, heavy Kentucky Mules, well matched. Alse three Driving Horses. teb25-7tdB4Itw ISRAEL L. LANDIS. "irASTED IMMEDIATELY 30 MEN TO Vf work en the new line of the Pennsylva nia railroad near Lancaster. $1.40 per day will be paid te laborers und $1.50 te quarrynieu. Apply te 123-31 3t KELLEK & BEILLY. PROPOSALS WILL BE KECEITED AT the Mayer's office until JFItlDAY, MARCH 3. 1882, at 4 p. m., for digging out and filling la 260 leet, mere or less, et water trench en North Lime street, above Jamc. Trenches te be. four feet decrfand two feet wide. Bids inn. t state Bew much per cubic yard for earth anti j,OTr much for rock. AVorktebe done under the direction and subject te the raunrauicnt of the Superintendent et Water Works and at the time he may direct. JNO. T. MacGONIGLE, ltd Mayer. PRONOUNCED BY COMPETENT JUDGES TO BE THE BEST IN THE MARKET, THE MANHEIM BOIiLBR PROCESS FLOUR, Ask your Grocer ler it. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON., Wholesale Agents, 120-dR 284 North Water St.. Lancaster. A. V. YAXES & CO. is. Seme of modest and eeber color. Seme livelier in pat tern and style, while ethers are made up mere for hard usage than for appearance. All, however, are cut and trimmed in the most approv ed and unexcelled manner. Prices are no higher, but rather less, than last season. Yeu cannot lese anything by looking at them. A. C. YATES & CO., LEDGER BUILDING. CHESTNUT AND SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. marl-Cmd s PltlNG 1883. s FIMNG 1888. Dry Goods. & NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, FrcnchSattinesinchoIccdeslgna.ScetchZcpher and American Dress Ginghams, Scnrsuckcrs, rercalesand Chintzes. SILKS. Lyens' Black Cashmcre Silks from $1.00 te $2.50 per yard, et splendid oelor and finish which are recommended for excellent wear ; also, Araerican Black Silks, Black Bhndtvma. Mcrvllleaux, Molre and Brocades.- Colored Silks in all the Spring Shades ; also choice goods in colored Satin Rhadatna and Mervillcanx, Meire and Brocades. F R E NC U DRESS GOODS, ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, OF LATEST SPRING STYLES ASSORTMENT. IN LARGE Orercea in BROTHER Black Silk Warp Henrietta and Cashmere, best makes imported, from lowest te highest grades. NEW HOSIERY, NEW KID GLOVES. Embroideries Lace Goods, White Goods, French Lace and Antique Curtains, &c, Ac, IS 3T0HE FULL LINES OP GOODS SUITABLE FOR necsE FURXUHIKO, STANDARD MAKES Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Pillow Muslins, Tickings, Table Linens, Nap kins, Towels, Marseilles and Toilet Quilts, Ac. ESTWe Invite Examination. HMER &BS0TIER, " Ne. 25 West. King Street, LANCASTER, THIED EDITIOJ. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAB. 1, 1882. WBArHEK INDICATIONS. Washixgtex, D. C, JIarch 1. Fer the Jfiddle Atlantic states, rain, fol lowed by clearing weather, winds, shift ing te southwest and northwest, falling followed by rising barometer, and slightly iioeler weather by Thursday morning. CONUKKSS. Proceeding! in the Senate Te-day. "Washington, March 1. In the Senate 'ID-day, en motion of Mr. Windem, the t resolutions reported yesterday from the committee en foreign relations for an in vestigation into the less from the state department of diplomatic correspondence relating te Chili and Peru, and as te any improper connection of officials or mem bers of Congress with contracts or ar rangements in regard te claims against or grants derived from these ceuutries were taken up. Mr. Bayard moved te amend by adding as a specific subject of inquiry the follow ing : "Whether any premise or stipula tion, by which interventian by the United States iu controversies existing between Chili aud Peru or Chiii aud Belivia has been expressly or impliedly given by any person or persons officially connected with the government of the United States, or whether its influouce has beea exerted or premised in connection with said con tracts." This amendment was adopted without objection, and the resolutions as amendmctit were adopted. Proceedings in the Heuse. Iii the Heuse the speaker laid before the Heuse a message from the president transmitting in reply te a Heuso resolu tion copies of letters from the secretary of the treasury aud the chairman of the civil serviee commission, from which " the president states : " It will be seen that the appropriation of $15,000 made at the last session of Congress for the promotion of efficiency in the civil service is still un expended, aud that in order te execute the previsions of the revised statutes, an an nual appropriation of $23,000 will he nec essary. The message was appropriately referred PROTESTING HATTEUS. They Write -a setter te Asxlitaiit Secretary French. Reading, Pa., March 1. A meeting of wool hat manufacturers was held here last night, the proceedings of which have just been made public. The important part of the meeting was the draw ing up of a letter te Jehn L. Ilays, secretary of the National Weel Hat Man ufacturcrsi association, in which they en dorse a reply of Hays te Assistant Secre tary French, aud say that unless the ruling of fifty per cent, per pound aud thirty-five per cent, ad valerem prevails, the all wool hat manufacturers iu the coun try will have te shut down. Of forty-one hat factories iu the United States, in which ever $3,000,000 capital is invested aud $3,000,000 worth of hats annually made, one-fourth of all the interests is in Reading aud vicinity. Till; ENGLISHMAN A111.AU. ltmvei: First, Vt'iUi JIazael u Geed Sreeilll Hughes Falling l!ncU. Nkw Yerk, 3Iarch 1. The twelve o'clock score in the international walking match was as fellows : Kewell 307, Hazael 301, Hughes 200, Fitzgerald 2CI), Hart 201, Sullivan 250, Nercniac 243. Hughes retired at IL o'clock aud did net return until noeu, when he limped consid erably. His trainer, however, says he will be in at the finish ou Saturday. Twe o'clock score : Kewell 818, Hazael 307, Hughes 300, Fitzgerald 277, Ilait 271, Sullivan 26j, Xeremac 250. 1KELAXO. Rioting und Assassination en the Triil! 1 Isle. Londen, March 1. There was rather serious rietiug last evening at Dublin. A person who was supposed te have given information te the jfelice in reference te the murder, of the farmer Daily was fired at by a party of three men while walking en the street. Dublin, March 1. A care taker at 3Ioete, County of West Meath, was bhet last- evening, and is dyiug. Heath or u Venerable Clergyman. Indiana, Pa.,-March 1. Father Blair, probably the eldest miuister in the state, died here last night in the 05th year of his age. He was a Uuited Presbyterian and preached iu this place. uninterruptedly for 44 years. He was the father of ex1 ex1 CengrcsBman Steele Blair, and of Judge Blair of the 40th judicial district of Penn sylvania. The AnUre Monument Vandalism. Kew Yerk, March, 1. Geerge Hen drix, who is charged with defaciug the Andre monument, at Tappan, was brought in court te-day en habeas corpus proceedings, and was discharged from custody. He was immediately arrested by detectives, ou whom another writ of habeas corpus was served by Hendnx's counsel returnable en Saturday. A Serious Accuxatlcn et Tliett. Philadelphia, March 1. Jas. B. 3Ian 3Ian trep, who was arrested in New Yerk ou a charge of larceny as bailee of 3,000 shares of Denver City consolidated mining com pany stock, valued at $4,500, the property of Peter Hcncvcr, was again arraigned before Magistrate Smith this afternoon, but in the absence of counsel, the hearing was postponed until Monday next. Debt Statemuut ler February. Washington, March 1. The debt statement issued te-day showed a ticcreasa of the public debt during the month of February, of $9,783,511. THE KAKJtKia FR1UNU Dr. Barber's Bed Herso Pewdera are the best In the market. XI icy are net a mere loed made et inert and chean materials, but a veritable Medicine. They contain lour times the strength of ordinary herse and cattle powders, nnd will euro und fatten stock In one-fourth the time, aetlnp utencc upon the digestive organs and secretions, and may be safely relied upon ler the cure of coughs, colds, distemper, glanders and all diseases of horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. They will increase the quantity and quality et milk In cows and keep all kinds et stock in a healthy condition. Sold every where at 20c. per pack, C ler 51; large size iec., or a ler 11. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Dmsr Stere, 137 and IX) North Queen streets. augMydeetlftwi" aw xetk mmtrnmu ? f' March 1- Fleur-Stato and western dull and slightly la buyers' favor; Superfine State, 13 edaf te : Kxv ado. Si zn& 4 90; choice de, $3 007 OU: fancy de' 7 102s Lu;ISun.a 1P ite- TO6 M ' Clee de. 6 tas 2j; Superfine Western, st j,(3 50 common te secd extra de. $i 50l.i: ilietcu de de, $320g5 75 ; cheicn wbite wheat de. 7 00 (Siaw. euuwciu uiui ami ucavy. vprll June, il 33Wdll S3 : de -iiv:l ? Cern iQJjjc lower and heavy ; mixed west ern spot, 8563e ; de future, S7?sa;ej;c. Oats without Important change; state, 500 56c : Western. 9Q55c. rmiMaipbia Market. I'HiLADBLMUA, March lrienr dull and tin. changed ; Superfine, 3 5004 00 ; extra. $1 S 3; Ohie and Indiana lamily, 16 aegz B. Penn'a5 75fi600. Bye flour at 54 73. heat market quiet and easier ; Del. and Pa. Bed, $1 3191 32 ; de Amber, fl &KS1 33. Cern flrmcr ; geed local inquiry. Oats Arm. with fair demand. Bye scarce and nominal atS537c. Lard steady. uuuer aienny mil dun : creamery extra. umse ; de Western. 42343c. Kells dull ; no choice here. Eggs unsottled ; Penn'a. i3c. Cheese quiet : low grades weak. Petroleum quiet ; Kenned, 14. WhlskyatJtae. Seeds geed te prime clever quiet at QLQ $740 ; de de Flaxseed held at 1 40. drain and Prevision jaotatlena. One o'clock quotations et grain and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Ynndt. llroker, 15't c:ui. tvingsireeu March 1. Chicago. Cern Oat Perk Lard & 40Ji 1U.70 10.40 Mli .41 17.02X 10.57X 1'hUadelpHIa. .684 Ai I . j 0 lO .... .... Wheat March.. April... May... March., April... May.... 1.31 l.:3 1.3 nmx MarMt. Nutv Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks also United State Iteuda repertud daily by ,l Acen It. Leue,.! North Quern street. New Yerk. -Stock:! active and unsettled March I. 10:00 .10 3: a. M. r. x. . it. Chicago. Mil. Paul 1084 108K 10S& C. C. A I. C. it. K UK 11 11 Dtil., l.ack.& Western 121W 124 124 Doiirer ft Kie Grande 62V4 Wju 625 ,hh-;i. euutnern ec. imxb snore.. iis?i iiyjt n SliMseuri. Kansas & Texas SO J0! ?0 r. I..L.UKO brlus Western.. Western.... 37 SJK ZVZ U l2 4j2 asJ 24 241? 24 131 132 131VJ New Jersey Central. Ontario x Western New Yerk Central Pucltlc Mall Stcamshin Ce 4I'X 41! 41 St. Paul & Omaha Preferred... Te.ius Pacific Wabash. -s;. umis 4 Pacific... Western Union Tel. Ce .' PiilLADBtrmi. Stocks steady, Pennsylvania it. U. Buffalo Pitts, ft West Northern Pacthc Coin " Proterred 10O 100 II 41 l 32 7i 72 ENTERTAINMENTS. "CWLTON OPEKA HOUHE. - - THURSDAY EVEMXU, MARCH 2. Ketum of the great Mermen Play, 100 W IVES! The greatest Dramatic Plcture of the Age. Gosclie-Hepper Powerful Company ! " One II und red Wives will de for Mormenlsn what Unde Tem's Cabin did for Slavery." Xew Yerk Herald. "One Hundred Wives will de mere te extin guish Polygamy than all of President Ilayes proclamations." Philadelphia Prctx. DeWOLK UOPPEU AS McGINLfcY, the Abraham el his day. See the Mermen Tcmple. The fanatic Mor Mer Mer eon. The death-rail from the Cliff. Theamua lnc Chinaman, arid all the graphic illustrations of Price & ltunulen'8 great Meral Play. Mag nificent scenery. Wonderful4mcehanlcal et fects. Startllngsltualtena. Thrilling tableaux. POPULAR PKICE8, - 30,50, 75cU. Reserved Scats 71 Cents. Fer sale at Opera lloiise Olllcc. fcb2il-4td T?Dl'TON Ol'KItA IIOUSK. FRIDAY EVEXINO, MAJWll S. lecture: RY HENRY BAOMG-ARDM! SUBJECT: Trans-Continental Trip te the Gccldmt. KOI'. TIlE BESKFIT OF THK- Lancaster Benevolent Society. TICKETS, SO CENTS. Ne extra charge for Reserved Seats. Per sale at tlie Opera Heuse and principal stores. 12S-4td JEWELERS. B ,1LKV, HANKS & BIOULK. SILTEE. Wu have always made u specialty el super ior Solid Silverware In all Its forma, both ler decorative purposes nnd for objects of house hold use. The nnrne et BAILEY, BANKS & BiDDLE lias bcen associated with Silver of the highest standard, et the choicest design and et the mes. excellent workmanship. Having earned a most enviable reputation as Silversmiths in past years, wc liave new made arrangements largely te increase and extend our Silver business, keeping cyena mere varied stock than before and even mero liberally introducing novcltie and Improve ments. Wu call attention particularly te our cus tom of sending "ON APPROVAL" such aaticles et Silver as may be dctlred. If no satisfactory in every respect, tliusc may be returned at our expense and risk. We Invite correspondence and pernenal visits, anil assure all who wteh te dcnl.wlth us that our prices are the lowest for such goods as wc sell. Wc keep nothing that U Inferior in quality or faulty in design. . mi- e cow 29 23 iug 17k 17k 17X 322 32& 31X 70K 71 "OH BAILEY. BANKS, BIDDLE, Twelfth and Chestnut Ste., PHILADELPHIA,