Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 24, 1882, Image 3

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The ballasting of the Upp b Black con
tract will toen bein.
The Excelsior Elocution club met at
Miss Mairgie Purple's lasc evening instead
of Tuesday evening. A Mnall numbci
was present.
Mrs. Theodere lleilen was buried from
the Second Street Catholic church this
A ft eight train -msci! westward this
morning aud the tops of the cars were cov
ered with snow.
Mr. J. A. Meyers has retumul home
from a few days' viit m the Lehigh Val
ley. jhb. ur. uiveii, vim) ins uicutuc guest
et Mi'n. Henry ler some time past
returnen te her home in Glynden, Mil.,
this iiieriiiug.
The Osceola liibc, In j. 11, I. O. R. M..
purchased a watch ami had Mr. XV. G.
Kcaeh and Jehn Leweiii.g contend for it.
Yesterday it was v t:d oil' aud the former
gentlemen having the laigeit number of
votes wen. Tins'.h UunelfgautUmo UunelfgautUme UunelfgautUmo
piece of solid geld and ce-fc $11.1
Mr. Themas ilamakc-r. cl-ik at S. XV.
May's grocery .-toie. v. ill, a-, .se -a as Mr.
May's new store is lhiishcd, open for him
self in the room where hoiiew v.i.rks Tem
is deserving ami Columbians should g'ue
him a liberal shaie of their pitieu.igi:.
Three new structures, iiauu'y, Swartz".,
St. Jehn's Lut' ehuich aud the new
drug store, aie r.i)id!y being jm'-hed for fer
waid aud are expected te be liuiaiied some
time in April.
A lady en Union street lust her little gill
this merniii'T. Several pt-iseus told her
that they had seen the little girl playing
with some ether ehildien atVegle's halter. .
She went te the place aud was rejoiced te
find that the li.ii girl was in a house near
by sleeping. Afu r seeing her in this state
the mother left v.eid that as seen as she
awoke te mmiiI her home, aud the seat eh
patty disbanded.
I'ranK Maye in " ilainlcl."
A fair-sized audience gicuted Fi.uilt
Maye in "Hamlet" last evening. Not
withstanding the favorable notices the
press gave Mr. Miye and his troupe, our
citizens expected 'Hamlet' te be butcheied
iu a feat fu! maum.-:- hence an agieeable
surpiise. Maye ha, by his wonderful
talon!, made ' D.ivy Crockett "' what, it is,
and if he be allowed tin- time 'll.-.mlet' will
also be addi d te his h.-tef successful plays.
His suppeit is very si reng. especially the
leading chaiactcr-, while the costumes aie
elegant and nppiepsiatc. If he should
ever again icvi.iil Columbia he will be
greeted by a ciewdcd house.
Dm nig the perfeimance last evening the
acteis were several times interrupted by a
number of drunken men in the gallery
talking. It was very nnplea-ant te the
audience, and cvies of "Threw him out"
were heard en all side.-. There was also a
set-te in the entry, but by the pluck el
Dr. Beckius this was seen quelled. Our
policemen were present, but made no at
tempt te arrest them. They never de :
but had the perseus been tramps, then the
situation would have been changed imme
diately, aud they would have leceived
"tendavs for drunken and diserdeily coo
A "Base L.le" Nailed.
It will be remembered that ou the 21t
inst., the Vigilant lire company gave a
complimentary and benciit ball for Mr.
Samuel lilackseu, and that it was a sue
ecss. AKe, that en Washington': birth
day they had a number of friends from the
Union liie company of Yeik. Toe Vigies
areaiery hospitable set el young men,
aud always treat their guet-; in the b;st
manner. This was eariied out ou Wed
nesday, as the l.inre number of lucr ki'gs
and the remains of the banquet showed.
The money te purchase eatables aud
drinkables was raised by the mem
bers of the company paying for then:
out of their ewu pockets. And new tin-y
arc accused of paying for it out of the
money made at the ball. This is a base
lie. Mr. David Celeman was the head
man of the ball and the money was en
trusted te his keeping. Wheu the things
were bought he had the money safely at
home. It is a shame that this uu uu
true and despicable report should
be circulated about the above ootu eotu oetu
pauy. All the members are hard
working men, aud it would be a stiange
thing te find them without a doller or two
in their Dockets. Mr. Celeman'.-, honesty
canuet by questioned, and if thesj evil
minded liaisons who raised the report r
net satislied they cau call en him and lii' '
out what the expenses of the b.ili wcie ;
that lie gave Mr. Biackseu $ l".."j and
hew many tickets were sod, and the
amount of money raised by subsnipfien.
EatlDg Jutt Uelerc Sleeping.
The Journal of Commerce maintains that
it is mere healthy te cat just before going
te bed than ictire with tha stomach
empty. The lieu rears in the l'ere..t until
he has found his picy, and when he de
vours it he sleeps ever until he iitcds
another meal. The horses will paw all
night in tiie stable.aud the pigs will squeal
in the pen, lcfusing all test or sleep until
they aie fed. The animals that chew the
cud have their own previsions for a late
meal just befere dropping eir te their
nightly slumbers. Man can traiu hims-elf
te the habit of sieeping without a picecd
ing meal, but only after long years of
i practice As he comes into the world
"f nature is tee strong for him, aud he
must be fed before he will sleep. A
chi'd's stomach is small, and when per
fectly filled, if no sickness disturbes it,
sleep fellows naturally and inevitably.
As digestion gees en the stomach begins
te empty. A single fold iu it will make
the little sleeper i.-stlcss, two will
waken it, and if it is hushed again te ic ic
pesc, the nap is short and three folds put
an cud te the slumber. Pareireric or ether
narcotie may close its eyes again, but
without feed or some slupafying drug, it
will net Bleep, no matter hew healthy it
may be. We use the oft quoted ilhistra
tieu "Sleeping as sweetly as an infant,"
because this slumber of the child fellows
immediately after itsstemach is completely
filled with wholeseino feed. The sleep
which comes toadultslonghoursaftcrpai teadultslonghoursaftcrpai toadultslenghoursaftcrpai
taking of loed, aud when the stomach is
n?arly or quite empty, is net after the type
of infantile repose. Theic is all the differ differ
ence iu the world between the sleep of ic
freshment and the sleep of exhaustion. Te
sleep well the bleed that swells the veins
in the head during our busy hours must
flew back, leaving a greatly diminished v. 1.
ume behind the brew that lately throbbed
with 6uch vehemence. Te digest well this
bleed is needed at the stomach, and nearer
the fountains of life. It is a fact estab
lished beyond the possibility of contradic
tion that sleep aids digestion, aud that tl e
process of digestion is conducive of re
freshing sleep. It needs no argument te
cenviuje us of this mutual relation. The
drowsiness which always fellows the wc 1
ordered meal is itself a testimony ci nature
te this interdependence.
" My Partner " Net Coining.
Mr. Ycckcr this morning received a tele
gram stating that owing te the serious ill
ness of Mr. Parslee, the engagement of
the Aldiich-Farslpc combination te pro
duce "My Partner" at the opera house ou
-i Meuday evening, should be canceled.
Action or the Shinier.
At a stated meeting of the Shifilcr fire
company, held last evening, it was re
solved te obey all orders from the new
chief engineer of the call department.
Jilg CatUsh.
Frank Mctfctt, has catfish en market
fiem the Chesapeake bay which weigh as
high as 10 pounds dressed.
Victim of the Cannen Explosion.
Peter Ka-rich whose leg was shot off
by the cannon explosion en the hill remains
in a critical condition with fair chances of
Frank Ileize. who was killed at the
same time, will be buried en Sunday after
noon at 2 p. m. from his late residence 09
Maner stieet.
Messr.. Leientz and Shaller, who were
collecting for the families reported this
Morning' 123.50 cash sub.-criptiens ; be
sides $4.21 received for old metal sold of
the lemains of the gun. Mr. Krieg also
collected S3 aud the following additional
subscriptions have beeu received at this
office ; Hen. II. G. Leng 3, Gee. Schleich
i'i, Intelligent ek composing room $4
Total $140.71.
A geed deal of the splintered metal from
the cannon was carried off by relic hunters ;
pait of it, as stated above, was sold for
the benefit of the suGcrcrs, aud a portion
of the cairiagc is in the station-house yard
waiting te be sold for the same cause te
the highest bidder. The breech of the
gun, a piece weighing 74 peuuds, which
was tin own into a 'field, and having a ball
en the end of it. has been brought down
te the Intli.lieenckr. It will have in
scribed upon it the history of the gun and
a record of the explosion ; and will hence
liith be kept at this office iu trust for the
Democratic paity of Lancaster city.
Wm. Gaiini, who was hurt by the ex
plosion, is laid up with a very soie leg,
and unable te work ; aud also A. J.
Keller, who was seveiely bruised by the
llyii.g missiles. Jeseph Ardlett, who suf
fered severly from concussion of the brain,
and who it was feaied last evening
would net iccever, Ls much improved to te
dav. Circus Notes.
Geeige W. Goedhart, of this city, who
gees out with the Baruum-Londen show,
has received a telegram te be in New Yeik
en .Monday He will leave this city en
Sunday night.
Temmy Daily gees out with the Giaud
Chens Itoyal.eii which he will have charge
of the adveitising car. He starts about
March 2eth.
Beth the Barnum and Forepaugh cir
cuses will visit this city the coming
season. Bainum will open in New Yerk
and the ether one in Philadelphia, and
time will be considerable opposition
between them. The Circus Hoyal will also
appear during the seaseu.
Chester County.
Jeseph Pyle, of Penusbury township,
sold tlnee aciesef leaf at 27, 15, 7 aud 3
cents per pound, or 81,200, te Lancaster
dealers. The tobacco was well cured and
the buyers bought the entire let without
making an examination. Mr. Pyle will
plant six acies this year with tobacco.
A. J. Cassatt, of the Pennsylvania rail rail
lead company, will raise en his Chester
and Montuemcry county farm the coming
season, lilty-lwe acies of tobacco, aud that
all of it may be properly cured he has ar
ranged for the erection of several large
she. ds en each of the farms.
A Largn Less.
II M. North, esq., of Columbia, was
vcrynnfortunatcteday. Between llanud
12 o'clock he lest his pockctbeok and
diary containing $180 in money, a $1,000
note and a 40 check, besides "some ether
thi:ii'K. An advertisement clsewhcie gives
meie particulars.
' Duvy ( 'wUctl." Our people li:i Iiud lie
O.IHMH 00 a-len te judge ei Mr. Frank JUaye's
lvmiitieii et t!e title role et the luineus play
et " D.ivy L'leelfctt," anil en Saturday night
tlicy w 111 beat Fulton opetu heuse in Jereo te
testify their appreciation of an actor of line
lilr.tiii)iiiu power. Min. E. h. Uavonp'et.
widow et Hi:; dead ua'jOtlljn, fe In the sup
posing company.
J T. Rri'jmewJ This distinguished
iieler, evi-r u l.ivoiite in Lancaster, will up
p'iir :it Fulton opera house next Tuesday
veiling in the new comedy success el
" Fie-h. the American," wiitten lerliiiuliy
A. t; Gunter, inrt in which he has wen the
c npplau-e et pre&s mid public.
Tribute or !Eespcct.
Delta Tau Delta Hall, )
Laneiibter, February 23, lfcSI.
The loilexring icsolutiens en the death or J.
iianisen Uclbsinger were adopted by Chapter
Tau el the Delia Tau Delta fraternity :
V.'uia-.KAS, It has pleased Almighty Ged in
Ui wi-deai te remove lrem our number our
l'Hnved irater, J. Harry Geissinirer ; mid
'inatr.s, Death has ler the lirst time laid
il-nftlietiug hand en our chapter; and
V. liiaiEAs, Ne u ouNel ours can lelly express
our Mir.inr at his untimely death, yet we
weut'l in this way p'iy a tribute te 1)U mem
oir ; tlirirlere be it
Jlcselml. That, in the death ofllrelher Geis
siiiK',i we have lest 11 devoted and werlliv
Hater ; one who po-sesed talents et a hlli
order, and who by his many social fluidities,
upiililues el eliamcter, and zeal ler the
eaii'-e, h:ul endeared hiiuelt 1e us all ; and
Jlc'jircrf. That by this tribute te his mun mun
ery we e.piess our pinteund sorrow- mid
w:r.i!est sympathy ter the family et one se
rleM'ly 1 elated te us bv tender ties; and
Hctu'icrf. That our badges be lr.tppl ter a
period et thirty days and tl'nt ii eepy of these
i rsel ut ion be picM-nted lethe family of the
iN-ccaeed.iuiil also be published in Hie Delia
Tim Delia CrefcnU, the College Student and
Lancaster Paii.y lsTELLincc:n.
ltd Committee.
1'iivsiiiAXS attest : "Celden's Liquid Ex
ti.icl of Heel is particularly useful in Diph
tliciia. Fever, and every depressing disease.''
Ilalm in riilead.
There i 11 balm In Gilead te heal eneh gaping
Mound :
1 11 Themas' Eclcctiie Oil, the leincdj- Is leuiul.
Fer internal and ler eutwaid iiee, you freely
may apply it;
Fer all pain and inflammation, you should net
tail te try It.
H only costs a trifle, 'tis worth its weight in
And liy every dealer in the land this lemedy
is sold.
Fer miIe at II. 15. Cochran's drug store, 137
Xerili (Juccii street, Lancaster.
rile: l'ilcs! riles!
A sine cure found at last ! Xe one need
sutler: A sure cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itch
ing and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered
by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr.
William's Indian Ointment. A dingle box has
cured the worst chronic cases et 25 or 30 years
standing. Xe one need suiter five minutes
alter applying this wonderful seething medi
c nc. Lotions intsruments and electuaries de
mere hann than geed. Williams' Ointment
absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching
(p.irticuhuly at night after getting warm in
bed), acts as a peulticc,6ivcs instant and pain
less relief, and is prepared only ler Piles, itch
ing et the private parts, and for nothing else.
Head what the Hen. J. M. Cefllnbcrry, of
Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian
Pile Ointment : I have used scores el Pile
Cures, unit It atreiils me pleasure te say that
1 have never leund anything which gave such
immediate and permanent relief in Dr. Wil
liam's Indian Ointment.
Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, 137 and 139 North
Queen street. Price, $1.00. IIesrt & Ce.. Pro-prletei.-1.
02 Vcsey Street, Xcw Yerk,
"1.11c, Urewtn, ueauty."
" What we all admire" and hew te secure It:
A line head of hair in its natural color Is such
an adiunct te beauty that no one who prizes
geed leeks should neglect te use "Londen
Hair Celer Kcsterer," the most cleanly and de
lirjhtful article ever introduced te the Ameri
can people. It ls totally different from all
ethers net sticky or gummy, and free lrem
all impure ingredients' that render many ether
preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin
hair, ie-teres gray linir, gives it new lite, keeps
t lie scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair
te jrsnw wlieie it laid fallen off or become thin,
de-- net il or Main anything, and is se per.
ii-iiU .hi ! -li'g.uitly prepared as te make it a
iauii;: h urdie-sing and toilet luxury. "Lon "Len "Lon
Ien Hair Kcsterer" i- sold by all druggists,
.11 ;.- cents a bottle, six bottles ler $1.
l'rowe'n Ueup.chc!d l'naceu
Is the most ellectlve l'jia Destroyer in
the world. Will me-' surely quicken the
bleed, whether taken internally or applied
externally.and thereby mere cei lai::ly lclieve
pain, whether chrome or acute, than any ether
pain alleviator, and it Is warranted double the
) stiength e: any similar picparatieu. It ernes
p tin la the i:de, Back or Bowels, bile I hreat,
Kueuuiatism and all aches, and is TIIE
IIocseueld Pai.acea'' should be in every
lamlly. A teaspoonful or the Pumiccu in a
tumbler et het water sweetened if picferredj,
taken at bed time will bp.eaK up a cold. 2j ete
a bottle. lebll-lyrtM.W&S&w
sjkiuii- ")Ien.
Wells' Health Kenewer. Absolute cuie ler
nervous debility and Weakness et lhe genera
tive functions. 1 at Irusits. Depot. .Jehn
F. Leng & Sen's.
Vaileu Causes
Advancing years, caie, -lclwie--:, rtuuppelnt
ment.andhercditaiy medisnosltien all ope
rate te tun; the hair giay, and either et them
Inclines it te shed prematurely. AVer's Hair
Vioer will restore laded or gray, light or red
hair te a 1 ich brew n or duep black, us may be
desired. It softens ami '! nis'js the scalp,
giving it a healthy action. It removes and
cuieirtawlrut! and humeis. By il-. lue Till
ing hair ls checlce I, and a. nt w growth will be
produced in all eae3 wlieie the follicles are
net destroyed or the gland dee lyed. Its ef
fects are beautifully shown en a brashy, weak,
or sickly hair, en which a few applications
will produce the glr-Ss and fiesliness el youth.
Harmless and sure in its operation, it i in
comparable as a dressing, and is especially
valued ler the t-eft lustre and iluliiiessef tone
11 Imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye.
and will net soil or color while eainbiie; yet
it lasts Ien;; en the hair, and keeps it fic-sh and
vigorous. Fer sale by all lealeis.
tif-iv. riced&w
tiik i"A!si::i:s VKti'rfu
Dr. Uarber's Bed llcrse Pewdei-s aie the best
in the market. They aie net a im-m feed iiiitilu materials, but u veritable
Medii'ine. They contain lour timet the strength
of ordinary lieivu and eattle powders, and will
cure and la ten mock in 0:1c leuith the time,
uctim; ul once upon the digestive organs and
sccrclieiw, and may ' -alely lUied upon ler
the cure el coughs, M-', dintemjier, glanders
and nil di-easce el '. :-, mule-', cattle. Hheep,
hogs and peulti They v. ill inciei-e the
luiintily and ju.ilii., et milk iu cow .sand keep
all kinds el s'licl; I.: a healthy condition. Sold
every wlieie at .'. per pack, t ler tl; huge
size We., or .': t i tl. Sold in Lancaster nt
Cochran's l)i ng Siei e. i:t7 and I.J'i North Queen
slicets atW-'-ljdeed&wl
A Cough, Celd or aere 'l meat Mieuld no
stepped. :egiccl lie'iuentiy results in an In
curable L'ing Disca-e 01 ("on-umptien.
Brown's iireiichial Tre'-n de net dLseider
the Meiiuicli like cough sj ri:p and bal-.ams,
but act diiectly en thciniiiiiiicrt p.utr.ullaying
lrntatfen. givi; relief in Asihiim, llreneli'al
Coughs, Catarrh, and the Thieat Tieubb'.i
which Singers mid Public ""pejkers me subject
te. Fer tl.drty year-. Brevn'-i ISuuiehial
Tiee'nes have been rccemmem-'ct by phy.-i-cian.u.
anil alv.avh give i.erlecl i:ilNlactieii.
Having been tested 5y wide ien5 een.-.taul u e
for nearly a entire generation, tliej" have at
tained we) .iicritei! Kinl- among thefewstuple
remedies )1 tins ag". sold .il i' eeiit-.a bes
evervwliei ; .iif ! i-dTThA :'."clvw
Kl'.Ut'KD I"Itl,d l)?;.TJl
The fellow iiig-talementet Vt lillamj Cough Ceugh Cough
lln.el Semervilic, .Ia-s., is .se leuiarkablethat
wc beg teitsk ler It the. aiteutien of our read
ers. He e-iys : "in the tall et 1-fT'i I was taken
with a violent bleeding el' tee lungs followed
by a severe cough. I mieii li"ran t' 1()"U my
appetite unit lle-h. I v. u -e weak at one time
that 1 could net leave my bed. In the slimmer
of 177 I was admitted te !i:e (. ,iy Hospital.
While there the deeteis s-.ii! 1 Lad : hole in
my lelt lung as bigas a halt cellar. 1 expend
ed ever a hundred dollars 111 doctors and med
icine. I wuse i.u'genc a one time .1 repe t
went around that I was dead. 1 gave up hope,
but 11 lilead told me of Dr.. W.-j. Hall's Balsam
pektiik Li'Md. I laughed at my fileinN, think
ing that mj" ease was incurable, hut I get 11
bottle Je .-.itisij them, when le my MirpiNe
und gratification, 1 commenced te h el better.
Jly hope, once dead, begun te revive, and to
day 1 leel in better spirits than 1 have the past
three years.
"1 write this hoping you will publi-h it, mi
that everyone utllieted with Dlsc:?ed Lungs
will be induced te lake Dr. Win. Hall's Halsam
ler the Lung-i, ami be convinced thai con cen
3Uiiip,'',u can be euied. I have taken Iwo
bettleb and can pesllivelv ty that ii has done
mere geed t'liui all ether uicdieiiies I have
taken since my sicklier. My cough has al
most entirely dNappeaied and I Miall seen be
able te go te work." .sj.ld in I.ane.-i'-ter at
CeehranV Drug Stere, 1ST and is I North Queen
st re iv.-ldcedTli.twi
The best Salve in the world ler cut, bruises,
sores, ulcer-. Milt rheum, leltci, chapped hands,
chilblain", uerns and all kim'- t skin eruption-,
Ireekles and jiimjile-J. Ties -ulve is
. i.'aateetl te give pel led -atl-l iclien in
every ease or money leluuded. l!e Mile , ou
get Henrj's Caibeliu b:ile, as all ethers arc
but Imitations and counterfeits. Pi ice i"i cents.
Pel' I n Lancaster at t'-'elir.'.-.i'.- Drugstore,
137 '""I - North Queen -lrcet.
A liiiiid Angel's Visit A Tale el " iunii
Blanche called en Kate, one pleasan! day,
anil found her ad and siuhiir;, dearest fiiend,
once bright and gay, new scavee could keep
lrem crying ; ter, 'eh," she s.iid, "'tis a ij
grace te f-ee with cie'ul:i, my lace mi badly
marred!" then said herliieud, "Kestidalis will
your troubles end." islam he called en Kate
nether day and leuud her once mere hilthe
and gay, her luce 41s radian!, skin as lair, as
any maiden's anywhere. Fer shin diseases
aud impure bleed, there's nothing in the
world se geed as llesadali-", it. drives i.way all
skin disorders, humor, miy, il tones the sys
tem, cures your ills ami banishes all doctors
bills! Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug
Stere, 137 and 13'J North Queen street.
.lletticriii iieiiieini. .ilnners:i
Are you disturbed at nisrlit and broken el
your rest by a sick child ."ii'.Iering and crying
with the excruciating pain of eu'ling teeth 1
If s.-., go .t once and get a bellle el MliS.
lieve tiie peer little sulleier inimcdia'.el de
pend upon it: there N 110 mi-l.ike about it.
There is net a mother en eai th who has ever
used it, who will net tell ynu at once that il
will reg ate the bowels, and give rest lethe
mother, and relief and health te the child,
epcratiiiglikc magic. It Is perfectly safe te
use in all cases, und pleasant te the taste, and
Is the prescription et one et the eldest ami
best female physician and bums in the
United States, sold evcrywl.eie; ii cents a
hklii Diseases " uercd by Dr. Swnyue'a
What is mere distressing tliau an obstinate
skin disease, and why persons should suffer a
single hour when they have u. sinecure in
"Swayne'sOIntment " is past our comprehen
sion. The worst eases et tetter, Itch, salt
rheum, or that annoying complaint, itching
piles, yield te its wendcrlul iill-liealing quali
ties. Pimples en the faee and blotches en the
skin are removed by u-ing this healing oint
ment. Perfectly safe and harm less, even en
the most tender infant. Piles Symp
toms arc moisture, Intense itching, particu
larly at night after getting warm in bed ;
ether parts arc sometimes affected, t wayne's
Ointment pleasant, sure cure. Dr. Swaync Jb
Sen, 33 North Seventh street, Philadelphia,
Pa., te wlfem all letters should be addressed.
Sold by all prominent druggists.
A Werd te ihe Wise is Sulllclcnt." An
effective and agreeable remedy ter the treat
ment of Catarrh, Hay Fever and Catarrhal
Deafness is Ely's Cream Balm. A sure cure.
Cream Balm effectually cleanses the nasal
passages el" catarrhul virus, causing healthy
secretions, allays inflammation anil irritation,
protects the membranal linings of the head
lrem additional colds, completely heals the
sores anil restores the sense el taste and smellr
Beneficial results arc realized by a lew appli
cations. A thorough treatment as directed
will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy ler
cold la the head it is uncqualea. The Balm is
easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists
at 50 cents. On receipt of CO cents will mail a
package. Send ler circular with full informa
tion. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO., Oswego, X. Y.
Fer sale la Lancaster Vy all the druggists.
The true bloom en beauty's face, the rose
tint of a healthy skin, can be enjoyed In De
cember or any ether month, by using Dr. C.
W. Bensen's Shin Cuie. It does away with all
ei uptieiii and irritations et either the skin or
scalp. Clias. N". Ciittenten. 115 Fulton St,
N'ew Ve:k citv, ilc agent for Dr. C. W. Ben Ben
eon's iei'i"u.' -. te I. "in all eidi-". should be
aJiiiecd. tl7-lwd&w
Kalamazoo. Mich., Feb. 2, 1S32.
IkuoA-Hepimteis will bear rccommonda rccemmonda rccommenda
tion honestly. All who use them confer upon
them the highest encomiums, and give them
credit ler making cures-all the proprietors
claim ler them. I liave kept them 6iuce they
wee tlrst ettered te the public. They took
high rank from the ilrst, and maintained it.
and arc mere called ler tbauall ethers com
bined. Se long as they keep up their high
reputation ler purity and usefulness, I shall
continue te recommend them something I
have never befei e done w ith any ether patent
medicine. J- ' Bacceck, il. D.
Ge te 11. i. ecnran'a Drug ftiere, 137 North
Queen -tseet, ter Mrs. VceMcm' -View Ao Ae Ao
tieuul Dyci. Fer brightness and durability et
coler.ate u::eualed. Celer from 2 te D pounds.
Directions in English cud German. Price. 15
Wesiex EVEiivv.ii'ii'E use Parker's Ginger
Tonic, bec.iuse they liave learned from expe
rience that it overcomes despondency, indi
gestion, weakneas in the back and kidneys,
and oilier troubles of the svx.lleme Journal.
I'EOrxn aie killed by coughs that Hale's
Heney et Horehound and Tar would cure.
Pike's Toothache Dreps cure in one minute.
f22 lwdeed "cw
;.i-'r.ix'A.'i McLaueulix. On ti'e 2Ut Inst., at
the lesidoneeet the bride's parents, by Kev.
ln. Y. Jlitcheli, D. D., Mr. Andrew S. Barker,
of Philadelphia, te M Us Ella McLaughlin, et
this city.
Cahrelis Iliaui. On the 21st of February,
18S2, by the Kev. W. T. Gerhard, at Kudy A
Martin's Leepard hotel. Mr. Jehn II. Carrolis.
et East Lamp.iter, te Misi Martha M. Ilcrr. of
Lancaster city.
Hekzec 111 this eit j en the 2il of February,
ISaJ, Flank Herzug.
The iclatives and lriends et Ihu family me
lcspccttully invited te attend the funeral,
lrem Ids parents' lesidence, N'e. Ml Maner
street, en Sumlny afternoon nt 2 o'clock. In
terment at Lancaster cemetery. 2t
xn a x wit 'vis Bsmsr.
j Between 11 and 12 o'clock a. m.. between
Ames Slavuiaker'.- eflice and K. D. North's
office, en .North Duke direct, a Diary, contain
ing several railroad passes iu my name, and
about S1S0 in money, a note ler $1.000, and a
check ter $10 A libeial reward will be paid
ler their lcturn. II. M. XOUTH.
J"::c"en Fitui'is.
Just received
Ex-Steamer Palm llranch at Philadelphia by
11" Cor. Chestnut and Market streets.
i' Bilek Dwelling en the corner et Duke
and Frederick sticet, 13 rooms and bath
room ; all the modern convenience : elegant
front yard; lrult, &c. ; also, large Stable en
lenr. Will be i en ted separately or together,
and ut icaien;ible terms.
Jl-lt I Ne, 3 North Duke street.
"puuLiu SAL1'.
Will be sold at uiblic sale at the Lancaster
l'aik. Lancaster, Ph.. en TUESDAY, MAKC1I
7. l;-2, 27 head et Kegistcred and N'ou-ltegis-feied
Alderuey (Jur.sey) Cattle and grades:
Six iu!Is (Jerey). eight Cows mid twelve
Ileifcis; the cews'aud heifers are nil in calve
te a leglsteied Jei.sey bull; all raited by the
iib-crlbcrutirt will be sold as rcpre.sentc'rt.
The cattle will been exhibition at tin; Park
en aud after Thuibday. March 2.
Catalogues can be had en application te the
Terms: A credit of fiijdavs with uppieved
security will be given or a discount ler cash.
Mile te comiiieiice nt 1 o'clock p. m., when
attendance will be given by
S Hess & Sek.s, Auctioneers, 1M N Queen
t rce t , Lan caster, Fu. fl 1-tltd
" I CAN 00 IT. " F. X. Fi:i;sn, N. Y.
'I he Einiiieiil Ceiucdliin.MIL
in hi- Latest Comedy Creation (by A.
('. Guilt")-, e-n.) entitled
t'nder the direction of BioeLs A. Dicksen.
Jenv H. Hatms, ------- Malinger.
As eilginally presented nt the 1'nrk Theatre,
New erk. upwards et 100 NIGHTS.
lleseived Seats at usual place; sheet open
FiJdav morning. 2l-4td
I'lIIMi 18SS. PltlNG 1883.
lager & Brether,
Invite special attention te their CAlt
SHADE departments, in which they
are offering larger assortments than
have ever been shown iu this city, and
at as low prices as same qualities ean
be puichased in Philadelphia or else
where. CARPETS !
The latest Spring Styles of Mequet
Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels,
Threo Ply, Extra Superfine and
Medium, "Weel Ingrains, Cotten
Chain Ingrains, and Damask
Hall and Stair Carpet and
Borders. Rag Carpet in full as
sortments. Linoleum and Fleer
FRESH, m mm
Oil Cleth. Cocea and Chain Mat
tings, Mequet and Velvet
All the Latoet Spring Designs in Solid
Geld, Embossed and Plain Bronze,
Mica, Fiats and Blanks, with Frieze.
Borders and Ceiling Decorations te
match, for Halls. Vestibules, Pas lern.
Dining Beems and Chambers.
In Large Assortment in Plain Styles
and el 0 and 7 feet Shades and the new
Dade Shades of various designs unci
prices, also all widths and de-lrable
colors el Plain Shading and Shade Hol
lands with all the latest improved
Shade Hellers and fixtures. Brass and
Walnut Cornice Poles, Walnut Window
Brackets, Lace Curtains and Curtain
Eager Brethar,
Washington, D. C, Feb. 24. Fer the
New England, the Middle Atlantic and
Seuth Atlantic states, fair weather, winds
mostly uerthcrly, stationary or lower
temperature, higher pressure.
And Sargent for Minister te Germ-ny.
Washington, D.C., Feb. 24. The presi
dent te-day sent te the Senate the nomina
tions of Rescoe Conkling, of New Yerk, te
be associate justice of supreme court of
the United States, and A. A. Sargent, of
California, te be envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary te Germany.
A Great Surprise.
Washington, Feb., 24. Mr. Ceukling's
nomination for the supreme ceuit was a
surprise te evcryeue at the capitol te day,
except a very few senators, who had re
cently received an indication of
it from the president, but who kept
the secret iuvielably. It is this
afternoon an absorbing tepiu of comment.
There seems te be no difference of opin
ion among senators as te Mr. Conkling's
eminent fitness for the position, but in
view of his declination of the chief justice
when offered te him by President Grant
seme doubt is expressed by several of bis
intimate friends as te whether he will ac
cept the present appointment. The gen
eral belief is, however, that he has ac
cepted it iu advance of his nomination.
A Yeung .negre Murderer Hanged.
CiNciNN.vTTi, Feb. 24. Jehn Majer
Hicks, colored, nged 20 years, was hanged
atCovingten, Ky., te-day, for the murder
of Henry Williams at Ludlow, Ky., in
1S80. One of the priests in attendance
auneuueed that Hicks bad nothing te say,
but that he takes his death as punishment
for his sins. The trap dropped at 10:15
and the body was cut down at 10:44.
There was no struggle.
Sentenced te be Hung.
Dannille, Va., Feb. 24. Deck Wright
was yesterday sentenced te be hung en
March 31st.
One Taken and theUther Lelt.
Bordentown, N. J. Feb. 24 The post pest
office and house of Samugl A. Gitlieus, at
Juliustewu, near here, were robbed of
several hundred dollars early yesterday
morning, by two men who subsequently
bearded a train for Philadelphia. The
conductor attempted te arrest them when
ene jumped fiem the train and escaped.
The ether was captured and was identified
as Samuel Tate, a notorious Philadelphia
burglar. He is iu jail at Mount Helly,
and refuses te give the name of his con
federate. Flurry in the Chicago Gralu Markei.
Chicago, Feb. 24. The grain market
took a downward turn this morning, and
during the lirst half hour a singular panic
prevailed. Wheat opened one cent lower
than yesterday's last call, fell te 12" 7-8
for April, but rallied te 12GJ. Cern de
clined one cent, but recovered. Previsions
were weak, and mess perk declined fifteen
cents per barrel.
l'j reteclinIs-8 in Custody.
Cni'BTEK, Pa., Feb. 24. Prof. Jacksen,
proprietor of the pyrotechnic works,
where the explosion occurred last week
with such fatal results, aud Charles Van
Hern, hisv assistant, have been ar
rested and are in custody. Van Hern
was in such a precarious condition
that he could net be removed from his
home, and he was placed in charge of a
guai d.
Strike of Iren-Workers nt Fliir-uixville.
Phcenixville, Feb. 24. The tbrce
days' notice of the Amalgamated associa
tion of the Phejuix iron company expired
last night, and as the company refused te
confer, the men quit work. The works
were closed last night and will se remain
until workmen can be obtained te take the
place of the strikers.
Chester's Latest Fire.
Cm-si'i'it, Pa., Feb. 24. The fire at the
Seaboard oil works burned itself out this
morning. It was at first thought the entire
works would be destroyed, but the flames
were confined te the oil tanks and the less
will net exceed $13,000, and is fully
covered by insurance.
An Infernal Machine Causes a Fire.
Berlin, Feb. 24. A fire occurred en
Tuesday night at the Berlin terminus of
the Stettin railway. It was caused by the
explosion of an infernal machine, con
cealed iu a box which had been insured as
containing valuable dress goods. The
scudcr of the box has been arrested.
The Jewish Kcfugees.
PniLADELrniA, Feb. 24. Twe of the
Jewish refugees (a man and woman) are
reported sick this morning. The former
has been sent te the hospital. With these
exceptions the party are in geed health
and spirits.
Ceal Production ter March.
Philadelphia, Feb. 24. The various
coal carrying companies have net yet dis
closed the plan of production at the mines
for March. It is likely, however, that the
restriction will net be se great a that
asreed upon in February.
Steam Tug Darned.
Wilmington, Feb., 24. The New Yerk
steam tug Atlas was burned at Delaware
City this morning. The fire caught from
the cook stove. There was no less of
Failure of a Zurich allK Firm.
Londen, Feb. 24. L. Sterner & Ce.,
silk merchants, at Zurich, have failed.
Liabilities 80,000. Assets 28,000.
"Readjusting" Virginia's Supreme Court
Richmond, 4Ya.,Feb.24.-The Readjuster
caucus continued in session until 1 o'clock
this morning, and completed nominations
for judges of the supreme court.
Revelt en the Trjpell Frontier.
Londen, Feb. 24. A dispatch te the
Standard from Tunis, says four tiibes en
the frontier of Tripoli have revolted, and
4 barned Hammah.
Geiren Says lie Won't Fay It.
Piuladelpuia, Feb. 24. It is said that
Gewen has confidently declared that
the Reading company will never
pay the amount ($4S7,000) charged
against it by the government for
revenue taxes ou wages certificates,
lesal authorities heldiuc that all the
mortgages upon the company's property
must be met befere any sale of relliuir
stock te satisfy the government's claim
cau take place.
Dissolution et a Firm.
Harrisbcre, Pa., Feb. 24. At the re
quest of R. R. Sisk, of the firm of Sisk &
Ce.. who agreed te give bends in the sum
of $10,000 te idemnify the interests of the
firm, the court this afternoon withdrew
the receiver appointed yesterday, and dis
solved the firm after the selection of r.
master. Sisk will coutiuue the business as
seen as the affairs of the firm are adjusted.
C tali '4 Delegate
Washington, Feb. 21. The Heuse
committee en elections just adjourned.
The committee decided te tepert te
the Heuse declaiiug that neither
the contestant nor the eoutestee in the
Utali case is entitled te the seat, aud de
claring the same vacant.
f hllaileiiiula, Markei.
Philadelphia. Feb. '21. Fleer dull and un
settled ; Superllne, $3 WQi 00 ; extra. Mifj)
5 ; Ohie and Indiana lamlly, '5 3tji w.
Kye Heur at j4 50.
Wheat unsettled und weak ;Del. and Penn'n
Kcd at $1 M21 :n ; de Amber at $1 :J11 .:.'.
Cern tinner for local.
Oats lirmcraud lull- ib-numd.
Kye scarce at SSe.
Previsions dull.
Lard dull.
liiiltcrdull but steady ler cheice: Cieiimeiy
cxtm.43gt.)C ; de geed "te choice, iOJJUe.
Rolls bteady ; choice seurce.
Egns lirmer ou scarcity and geed demand.
Pa. 'isSSJc ; Westem, !Be.
Cheese dull and unchanged.
Petroleum dull; Keliuci!, TJie.
Whisky at SI 21.
Seeiltj geed te prime clever quiet at S3!
fO"e; dodo Klaxjeed scarce il l.'g1! t'i.
;u'W I'erK iimrii'..
Nisi VenK. February 21. Fleur State and
Western slightly In buyers' favor ; Southern
dull und drooping.
Wheat heavy and nnsettled ; "iIKe lower,
active und speculative busliuiss : Ne. 2 Red,
March. $1 :K3l Hl : de April l Xl46$ M :
de May, SI ';1 UX ; de June, 1 .il'i
1 :;"; de July. $l2.!ii?l2".
Cern Ke lower and niedciate business;
mixed western spot at IM':r:c ; de Ititurc,
Oats J;ffiJe lower, including Ne. 2 Muy. i'A
HJc; btatf, l'lgjUc: Western rJJJjtc.
Grain and Prevision OuotHUeas
One o'clock ii uotatlem el rjr.ii u and piov: piev: piov:
leng, furiii.-dicd bv S. K. Yuudt,, !''
East King street. "
Euluuary 21.
Wlii' it Cern Out.s Perk I.urd
iliirth.. l.JUS .rMi W IG.tO 10.3 1
April... 1.2-'.$ .50 Ak 17.0J1.' i0.5-
May... 1.23 M'A .M& '
March.. l.:'.l$ .e .W,Z ....
April... l.'H .r7 .I'.i'J
Mnv.... 1.32 Xiyt Ai-i
Live Sioelc .ilarket.
Cuicaue Hogs Receipts, lO.eOO head : ship
ments, 10,100 hc.ul; market strong, aetlvi und
hlgher; common te geed mix.-il.i1" luSCC-3 :
hi'iivy packing and shipping, $t7Jii7 17; liht.
J 25gC 70 ; Fkikidelphia and, S7-0J?
7 45 ; skips and evers. $.".' 10.
Cuttle Receipts. ':,W0 head : shipment. 4,200
head. Murket active and stieug and priu-b
tinner; cxpertersatti' l.".S;7."i: geed te choice
shipping. $5 03": common te fair ut Sl'.03 10;
mixed buteher.V weaker ; peer .e choice m
$2603)150; steckcrs and feeders nt J.JiSS m,
closed weak, clcaramv luir.
Sheep Receipts, .r.,'.e) head ; hhipn.ent-:, 1,100
head : market stead V and Mini : pem- le lutr,
3 DO I ".; medium te geed, f 5 WaiJ 70 ; choice
tepxtraat $3 70g.
East Libertt Cnttiw Iteeelpt.:, l hoed:
nothing doing.
Hogs Receipt", I,::."! held ; market dull ;
Philadelphia?, $7 li!7 ; Yeikeis. te 7.VjC S'.
Sheep Receipts. 4(c) h-!id : market closing
lair, with prospects favorable.
Lecal .mocks nml ISenitft.
Par Last
val. sale.
.'100 $105
. 100 107
. 100 120
. 100 120
. 100 105
. 100 112
, 100 102
. lt?l 102.50
100 105
. lOe l(r
flOO fl75
. Ml lOS.t".
. :oe 117
. ICO 13150
. ion l4l.:e
. 'lw (3t.; ii
. KKI 2'I0
. 100 115 75
. 10O 140
1(11 15.1
. 50 70.50
l(l 105
.flim ?1I5
1U0 1(0
. ihe los.r.e
LaucCity 6 per ct. Lean, due left!..
" ISse...
" " 18!W...
" " ISlO...
" 5 per ct. in 1 or 30 years.
" h per ct. Scheel Lean...
" 4 " in 1 or 20 years.,
" 4 " in 5 or 20 years..
" '. " in 10 or 21 years, loe
Man helm bin eujjii lean ,
First National Hank.
Farmers' Nutlem.l Hunk
Lancaster County National Hunk.
Columbia National Hank
Ephrata National Hunk
First National Hank, Columbia.. ,
First National Hunk, Stia?burg...
First National Rank, Marietta.. ..
First National Hank, Mount Jey.
Lititz National Hank
Manhcim National Hank
Union National Hank. Mount Jey.
New llollunii-Nntleiiul
(Jiiarryvlile R. It., due ls'.W
Heading & Columbia It. Rdue l5
Lancaster Watch Ce.. due IfcM!
Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce.,
due in lei-20 years 100
Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce.,
due ItSO 100
IJuurryville R. It GO
Mlllersvllle Street Car
Ineulrer Printing Ceuinan v.. .
50 25
J) W
100 120
100 170
50 1.25
.VI 1
. 25 $ 10.25
. 13) 21
. 25 IS
. 25 20
. 25 18
. 25 47.25
. 100 re
. 50 50
. 25 CI.50
. 25 55
. 50 02
. 25 41.50
. 25 32
. 100 W
. SMI 275.25
. 25 40.15
. 25 2J
. 25 40'
.. 25
Watch Factory 1""
lias Llglit and i uel Lemjiuiiy....
Stevens Heuse
Columbia Gas Company ,
Columbia Water Company
Susquehanna Iren Company
Marietta Hollewwarc
Stevens Heuse
Sicily Island
East Uniiuly wine x Wayne-.b'g.
RigSpiingA Heaver Valley
Columbia & Cbesliiut Hill
Columbia & Washington ,
Columbia & Rig Spring
Lancaster ft Ephrata
Lane., Ellzabetht'n & Middlet'n..
Lancaster & Fruitville.
Lancaster &. Lititz
Laneii'ster ft Williiiiustewn
Lancaster ft Maner
Lancaster & Manhcim
Lancaster ft Marietta
Lancaster ft New Helland
Lancaster & Susquehanna
Lancaster ft Willow Sticel
Strasburg ft Millport
Marietta ft Maytown
Marietta ft Mount Jey
hack, or nave a constant tlied feeling lu
your back aud limbs, it is sure indication yeui
Liver and Kidneys arc out et order. Tere
move these symptoms you should use
This tea is purely vegetable, and is sold in
packs, which will make four pints of tea
Price. Sue. apsck. Fer sale at
mai ll-Imd&lvw 11'" North Oueeii Street.
Ne. 27 Seuth Queen Street.
Is a responsible end progressive company,
and prides itself in the prompt and tell pay
ment of alllts losses. It Insures against less
by death whether by lire, accident ernatural
causes. It accepts mono but geed risks, and
gives mere rent protection at lets cost than any
ether company. New is the time te insure,
while your stock Is free lrem disease,
N'e. 17 Ccntie Square.
T brick seven-roomed dwellincs, with hall,
water la kitchens, will be sold cheap. Ino,utre
at 27 Centre Snuaie.
1 Dwelling. Ne. 331 Eas.t Orange street, with
hide yard. Has all modern liiiprevementa :
btaoie en rear et let. ierm easy.
FOR RENT. A two-story und attic Dwell
ing, Ne. 332 East Orange street, with all mod
ern improvements. Applv at
lebi2-2weeitU Ne. 323 EAST ORAXG E ST.
AUV 27. 1&2. will be sold at tbe Mcrrlmac
house. Twe Geed Horses, one splendid double
set of Harness, ene set of sfngle IlRrne,
Hart's nice advertising Hitters Wagen aud one
Market Wagen.
Sale te commence at 4 o'clock, p. m. when
attendance will be given by
Samuel lltssi Sex. Auct. fil-Std
On FRIDAY, MARCH 3. 1882, at the Leop Leep
ard Hetel, or. Eust King street, will be sold
that Deuble Onc-sterv DWELLING HOUSE.
part Brick and part "Frame, Nes. 233-235, and
let of ground lrentlng 3i feet.more or less, ou
Middle street, am! extending te Locust street.
Sale at 7 p. in., when conditions will be made
known bv
II. SiicuKitT, Atict. feb24,27.nilA3
Ask your Grocer ler It.
rt'holesaie Agent?,
j20 ill: 231 North Water St., Lancaster.
All Veiy Cheap at
The l.inlneiit Character Acter.
In Hi- World Renowned Urania,
As played by him ever l,C0O times In
Europe and America.
Mippei toil by a picked east from his grand
Legimiiutn Cempanj-, including MRS. E. L.
All the Scenic Etrectsaiid Properties carried
by liu: management.
POPULAR PRICES. - 3."J, CO, ?5cta.
Ili-eivi-d '"cats73CciiU. Fer bale at Opera
IIeuvj Oflice. feb22 4td
Aii.r.v, i;anks & uiuiii.k.
We have always made a specialty et super
ior Solid Silverware in all its lerms, betll ler
decorative purposes and for ebccU of hous-e-held
u". The name el
1 1 as been a-eeiated with Silver of the highest
.taudiuil, et lhe choicest design and et the
ine'-t cxcllent weikmanshlp.
IIa ing earned a most enviable reputation
as Sileriiiiths In past years, we liave new
iimile ai-iiiiigemeiits largely te inereaseand
e.vteud our Silver business, keeping even a
mere varied F-tock tliaii before and even inote
libenilly intieducing novelties and Improve
Wc call attention particularly te our cus
tom el sending "ON APPROVAL " sucr
articles et Silver as may be desired. If no
nitllactery in every respect, these muy be
leturned at our eipcnse and ri'-k.
We invite correspondence und pcisenal
i"-il , and assure all who wish te deal.with us
that our prices me the lowest for such goods
asueell. We keep nothing that Is inferior
in quality or faulty in design.
Twelfth and Chestnut Sts.,
Assets ever
Eleven Hundred Thou
sand. Dellar-, securely invested. Fer a policy in
thi old und well-established company cull en
Inventions, Trade-Marks, etc.,
piecured. Call or send ter circular el In
structions. Information free.
References given In Lancaster.
Jeba A. Wledersketa,
110 Sout ii .Fourth street, Philadelphia.
am-20-ly w