LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER TUESDAY; FEBRUARY 21 1882. as the Reformed church exists be will live in the Jfcrccnbicry Jkckic, iu the mystical presence, and mere especially in the lives "and theological thinking of the .weary students whose minds and hearts have been kindled by the touch of his magic "and. Xe that we arc your servile slaves. Yeu yourself taught us the necessity of independence of thought. We can fellow .you eniy whither our own convictions lead us. Equal in importance- with the duties of the teacher of theology arc the.-c of the pastor. Hi.3 field is broader, and in some inspects, mere varied, but we have heie the same work still, that of ministering te the spiritual wants of men, making plain te them that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one cometh unto the FntkeiQpart from Him. A highly gifted one has most beautifully said : livery facu!t3' of the seu!, if it would hut ( p-n its deiti. might see Christ standing wr against, ami silently asking, by his Midic, "Shall I net come in unto thee'.'" I'm. men open the deer and leek down, net up, a!id thus see him net. rie it is that tliey sigh en, net knowing what the -en! w.mts, but only that it needs some thing. Our yearnings are homesickness :' r heaven ; our sighings are for Ged. just r children that e.y themselves asleep, iw.iy from home, ami sob in their slumber, knew net. that they sob for their parents. The soul's inarticulate uieaniugs ate the affections yearning for the infinite, and having no one te tell them what it is that nils them. Te interj.iet soul-longings ; te ic ic pend te there "unrecognized voices" calling in the daik ; te teach men te leek upwaid ; te point out Jesus, mi that thev will see him as the Lamb of it,d that laketli away the sins of the world ; te unfold the mystery of the cress; te d;:d-se the the lii-lit of the resuiroe resuiree tinn : te show clearly that the kingdom of heaven is open te all believers ; in short, te lead young and old te Chris), a.; Hie con solation of the soriewful and the rest of i he weary, the desiie and satisfaction of all hearts, the only Saviour from misery, win and death this is a work than which there is none mere sublime en the earth. This, loe, involves arduous labor. Te " p reach the word, te be instant in season, out of season, le reprove, te lebuke, te cshei'1. with all leug-siifleiiug and teach iug ;" te Ins "in weariness and painful ises, in N.(i:hings often, in hunger and thirst, iu fastings often, iu cold and uakedm-t- -." as many pnMeis must be, is certainly hard but after all it em phasizes the glorious tiuth that after the cress comes the crown, and that these that lurn many te right i niieicK i-hall -hiue as the stars for eve"' ir.d ever. Venerable fathers and brothers ! In the name of I.tncaster elus.sis and the entire Referm''.! church, I present te you the hrnilickt congratulations of the pastors and people of the church in which you have been for se long a time such faithful and jealous labeiers. The Kcspeubcs. I'ev. Jehn (5. Fritchey responded in a feeling manner te the references te him ! self and his m tnistctial experience. Rev. Dr. Xeviii, in response te the affectionate and fiaternal greetings thus conveyed te him, i-pel.e at some length, and referred with giatiiicatien te the Providential kind ness with which he had been spared te j effect the main purpose of his life, viz : 1 biing out the ehristolegieal idea in theology and the significance of Use wen! I of Ged. The company was veiy hatidsoinely en tertained, and I he entire occasion was a most fitting celebration 01 a noleweithy event in our social annals. CXiitJlMBIA NhtWS. isji: tii:;u:.As: ceuui:sf'4NiKNc: Te tuoriew the congregation of St. Paul's Kpi.-eepal church will ebseive i Ash Wednesday with holy communion at j I) o'clock : morning . services with sermon at. 10:30 aud evening service with lecture at 7-30. Te day is Fastiiaeht day, and conse quently our house-wives a:e veiy busy. A lad aged about 15 years, iu attempt ing te jump en the Ifarrisburg accommo dation at Marietta this morning, was thrown under the cais and had both legs cut off. it is expected that the ball te be held in the armory this evening by the Vigilant lire company, for the benefit of Mr. Samuel BIack-en. will be one of the largest and b.sst conducted affairs that the company ever gave and they are noted for always holding orderly balls. Five cars were, thrown oft' the track at IJaiiilnidge.iyestcrday afternoon. The Col umbia wieekers went up about 4 o'clock and returned at 12. The "tub" was de layed an hour and twenty minutes. Nine ears weie thrown oil' the track in he east ya:d this morning, but were re placed in a short time. West-bound traffic iv.i delayed a short time. Frank' Maye in " Hamlet " next Thurs day evening. Rebert Wadle. of Harrisburg is in town en a short visit. Our streets aie unusually dull te-day, nothing te be seen except mud, politicians and an occasional voter. Wasliinclen's HO Unlay. Tomorrow the people of the United States will eclebrate the birthday of Geerge Washington. But will Columbia people de se '.' is the question that cannot be answered, only a positive guess. With the exception of the closing of stores, banks, etc., they will net. We have no leader in this place te undertake te get up anything of the kiud. Therefore Col umbia is always behind in celebrating holidays of any kind. Tiie rrcsbyreriae i:ntertaliimeiit. The following cxcelleut pregramme has been pieparcd and will be presented to morrow evening at the Presbyterian enter tainment in the opera house : pact i. t.enj; ueiumuia Aiieinien -nor Tableau The Five Nations Reading Miss Annie Brunei- Tableau Catharine ei Cannre Sen;: Mies Edith Keeker Tableau Toe Jatc ler the Stajrc Coaeh Quartette Misses Vachcand Welsh ami Messiy Pair and Schniblv, Tableau A wedding under the directory Rceilatien Miss Manic Swartz Smi in Costume Master Willie Kecsc Tableau The Captive Mnitlc"3 VAKT II. Pile I Miss Emily Raker, Dr. Eeckius Tableau On the trail et the deer Tableau Fast Train Sole W. X Uarr Tableau. . Wedding parly at the photographer's Steading Miss Annie Brunei- Tableau Rending t lie will .Music Tableau Miriam 's Seiif? The prices of admission have becu fixed at 35 and 25 cents. Clcctiim Nete Te day is election day aud a very dis agiccablc one at that. It was hoped that a very strong vote would be pelied, hut judging by the small crowd at each poll, a very small ene will be cast. In 1878 the number of votes polled amounted te 1,325; 1879, 1.2G4 ; 1880, 1,12G ; 1831, 1,417. All saloons have kept strictly te the law in net selling liquor en election day. Of course, there were a few intox icated persons ou the streets, but they had provided for a " rainy day" by purchas ing liquor yesterday. C. F. Yeung, assisted by a number of his able allies, has been working for his election all day long, aud even though he may net Ikj elected it will net be for the want of hard work. The colored population voted solid for II. Fisher, for constable. They say this is his last chance, as next year they will have a candidate of their own Jim Tayler, most likely. This will be geed for the Democrats" for without the colored vote the Republicans are sure te be defeated. Rets en Frank and Lyle, who are run ning for justice of the peace in the Third ward, were even at neon te-day. Number of votes polled at 12 o'clock to day : First ward, 174 ; Second waid, 181 : Third ward, 220. The City Election. The day opened dark and gloomy, and there was a continuous fall of rain all forenoon, making it very unpleasant for voters, and especially se for window men and poll committees. But, notwithstand ing these untoward circumstances, the un terrified turned out in full force, and cabs and coaches were early sent for the lag gards and invalids. Beth parties have thus far worked vigorously, and both claim success, but the Republicans are slew in backing their beasts with their money. MacGeuigle has the call all the time iu the betting, some of his friends posting their mencv en majorities of from ioe te :;oe. Belew will be found the vote polled up te : o'clock this afternoon compared with the vote cast at the same hour for mayor in February 18S0, and for state treasuier, Nev. 1831 : Mnver. ISsO. ... e74 . .. 405 ... 427 ... -1C7 ... U29 ... Ji30 ... 403 Tret-. Mayer, ls-i. It-Si. 2."ie 39." 327 512 220 38S 257 450 214 381 320 591 245 503 251 590 240 410 ri;s .- Fiist Second Thiid Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eightl 337 Ninth 440 Total . . .4040 2339 4253 .Mairled in l'liil:n!cliliia Our Drumore oeriespondcnt writes : We have had a big bunch of oiauge blossoms down here again. Mr. Alfred P. Tcrrill and Miss Laura Ambler, and Mr. Walter P.' Reynolds and Miss Sallie Ambler, appeared before Mayer King, of Philadclphia,en the 15th inst.,at the Bing ham house, aud took en themselves the responsibilities of married life. The fat iter of the brides,J. P. Ambler, gave the luppy quartet a sumptuous wedding din ner en Thursday, Mr. Reynolds' parents en Fuday ; and Mr. Ten-ill's en Saturday. The lucky grooms and happy brides are surrounded by the well wishes of their many friends, te which wishes the l.vrr.b l.vrr.b i.ier.xrnn'.s humble scribe desires te add his, for the sake of the geed old school d.ivs, in "AuM Lang Syne." Mayer's Court. The mayor this morning had but one ih iiuk, who was s-snt te jail for a .sheit term Three ledgers were discharged. Ainuscmriils. - iluiHpti Dniijjli'" Te-morrow Xujlit. 'this evening Teny Dealer's excellent pantomime troupe appears in Columbia and te-morrow nlht they will be here. The clown is Altmt Miace who is a tine performer, who ul.-e ders un net en stills The specialty perlorir.ersaie ail . O').! people and n strong show will be jfiwn. The party were in ReaUimj en Satur day, and last evening's Xcws -ay- el ihei.i- Tin; company gave an excellent perform perferm auru, and all the specialties weie generously applauded. The lcceipfs were ever live !mn died dollars." IIOL'SEHOIAI jiakkkt. 'i he weather was very unfavorable ler mar ket people te-d:.y, and in consequence the at tendance at the Farmers' Northern market was much lighter than usual There was no marked change in price-', a-, will be "-(-en by till! quotation-, below : UAlkV. i:iiiicr$iSi :;--,e,."--'j Cupchee-e, -Jeups ."e Cottage, 'J pieces "c Duteli -hee--e i liiii;n -Cl.e riiUUrt. Apples t' ' l'1' iJS'-'C'.ias f dez I0iii.j Cherries, dried, ! t -e Cnrnin ts. dried, K l: Cranberries $1 et lifSlc- llried Apples f1 'll fJSHie I'eai-hesf! qt liiiJ.le l.uiuens 1 dez i"c Orange l dez -'J vi:iii:r.i;Li:.. IteaiiH. I.ima, 1 qt i"iJ."0B Keetsl bunch .' .'.: Caulillewer tlhead lljSisc ii.ii.i..... u i. ...i ntf"!!. I .l lll.Ul.a.........................."?..." Ml Carrots i bunch Onions K pl let at ees f bushel " (Sweet) l.5 pee Itailishes ,1 bunch 5Jj)li'e ... awjiiu ...$Kfi;! 10 ....l'JSir.c ir),;:;nc 'ff"e ... leair.u 'is&v ....S0ir-e .-.10f .:.. . !" IUgJI'0 . . . .4."a'j.'!c ...-10ci.r.0c '.sVeViBl SO ....l.-.vrlfle Soup ueans $1 qt balsily ft buncli... Turnips?? Jink... Lima beans y qt Head v.ilad 1'OULTltY. Chickens l pair (live) " t piece (cleaned) Pucks ? pair ' ! niece (cleaned) (teive, cleaned Turke vs. 1 1 ve " " cleaned, $1 II MISCCLLAKtOl'S. Apple lbitter S?) qt Coeeanuta each Cider ft gallon Eggs ft dez lieneyf? n. Lard t 1!. M inee niea' , f ! II. Seap f! fl Saner ki-;iul jt Shel barks quart . . .fS7e .:ii limine .u."iffl.;(c Uc He ....V,m; . . . . " 0l- Hie walnuts ft :. pk.. MUATS. Heel 1? quarter Beet Steak, 1 ft " Beast (rib) M It " ' (chuck) ft a Corned, f3 tt " Dried, ft ft Bologna dried Ham ft B. Ham, whole V t Bacen ft ft Lamb ft It. Lard fl & Mutten fl ft Ferk ft ft Sausage f? ft Veal fl Vlnll. ltlack Bass fl ft iUucFishfl ft Cattish fl ft Ced Kels ft ft Haddock Halibut W ft Herri ng Lake Trout fi If. Mullets Perch Ueck Salmen 3i ii Shad each tirtite ..l-iffi'ir.e ..12jlle . .ItltfJIJC ..12!."C . .-JTiijeJc :wc- -ilc 14e i;l- .1-.' i-g-illC 14if?l."c IU4lliS leSillc 12e .........iuii;c l.'it! !0c 1.-IO I2e , 12fgl."c 10c 12J'jMl.V 1!'C 1UC lijc lfniTdse l'-'Je iKJcJpfl 10C .'e :Uic 12c 12e 12(C Ji0.a'2."i 1.-I7 !K)C r..ic S.".iiJ!l!.ie -t:t.2Tia.:.r.e si.:s.". StSOlmbl. $i.-r Sun Suckers Smoked Salmen fl If Spanish Maekeiel , Trout... White lishfl T, ett.ux. Hay Timcthy fl ten " Clever fl ten Cern f? bus Oats fl bus ityefl bus Timethy Seeed fl bus Wheat il tins Fleur - Buckwheat meal fl i ft hairs.. Card of Thanks. 11 all or xnr. Fninsnsuir Fmi: Ce., Ne. 2, ) Lancaster Pa.. Feb. 20, 1S2. j At the regular meeting et the company, held en Friday evening, February 17th, it was unanimously Jicselveil, That the thanks of the rempnuv are. due and are hereby tendered te thee he-T-pitablecitirens in the vicinity of Orange and Queen streets, who se kindly provided lunch and coffee ter the members of the Friendship tire company during the progress- et the tires at the Inquirer printing eiliee and Leweil's cellar factory. Keselrerf, That the above cir.l el thanks be published in three daily papers et Lancaster. ltd GEO. S. LAXD1S, Secretary. SV1-:CIA1j SOTIVKS. Itralu and Xcive. Wells' Health Rencwcr, greatest remedy en earth ler impotence, leanness, sexual debility &c. Si. at druggists. Depot. Jehn F. Leng & sons. "The true bloom en beauty's face, the rose tint of a healthy skin, can be enjoyed in De cember or any ether month, uyviislng Dr. C. W. Bensen's Skin Cure. It does away with all eruptions and irritations et either the skin or scalp. Chas. N. Ciittenten. 11.1 Fulton St., N'cw Yerk City, sole agent for Dr. C. W. Ben Ben eon's remedies, te whom all orders should be addressed. flT-lwd&w A rr.ein-T way te ease asthmatic wheezing. Cse Hale's Heney of Ilorelieund and Tar. Pike's 3fcetliaehe Dreps cure in one minute. kijet flo-lwdeea&w 'J.lfe, urnivtn, Kcatity.'" ' What we all admire" anil hew te ecure it: A tine head of hair in its natural color is such en udjun.n te beauty that no one who prizes geed leek- should neglect te ue "Londen Hair Celer Bcterer,-' the most cleanly and de lightful article ever introduced te the Ameri can people. It U totally different from all ethers net -sticky or gammy, and tree irem all impure iugrcicnts that render many ether preparations obnnxieu-. it thickens thin ha.i', restetcs gray hair, gives it new lile, keeps tiie tc.ilp clean and healthj causing the hair te row where it had fallen off or become thin, de:-ii.jt -oil or iali! anything, and is se per fectly and elegantly prepared u-te make it a la-lir..c ;..iir dre-sing and toilet luxury. ' Lon Len dow H.;r He.-teicr '' is sold by all druggi-ts. at 7f-i r.ts a lioLlle. .i.-c betileg ler I. OMSM.W.SA.W ivAL..:t.iZoe. Mich., Feb. -. 1?:2. Ii:i... Hep Bitter will bear recommenda tion l.enc-illy. All who use them confer upon tl"-tn the highest encomium-, and give them credit ter making cures-all the proprietors claim ler them. I have kept them since they weic iir.-t elbred te the public. They took high rank freni Hi.- tlrst, and maintained it. and in c mere called ler than all ethers com bined, se len as they keep up their high reputation ler purity and usefiilucsj, I shall cei.linr.e te recommend them something I have never hejerc tleue u ith any ether patent j.u'.lieiue. .1. 1. i: ci-eci:. M. D. f.10 2v,-rt&v,- N'ethiug Sbmt et riii'-i-taJ;;iblc Ilenelits Cenic-rrel upon ten-i el" theii-janiN et sufferers could original 'and maintain the reputation, wh ch Avia-.'s .AiSAi'Aiai.r.A enjoys. It is a c.'i'.upnmiil et the be,t vegetable .".Itcraiives, with the Iodides ei Potassium and Iren, and is the 1110-t effect. el all letiiedijs ler scrofu lous, or bleed dl-erdera. t'nilonn t'nilenn ly suceesitulande.-rlain in its remedial effects, it pre iiiee- rapid and complete cures et s.crn. ltd:-.. Seres, Beil?, Humors, Pimples, irrup tions, skin Disease-, and all di-orders rising lreni impurity e! the bleed. By it invigora ting eilec-t- it always nlieve, and etten cures Liver Cemplainl-. Female Veakac-s and I: legitlaiities, and isti potent ti-newer et vital ity. Fer jim ifying the bleed it has no equal. It tones up the -lyatc 111,, and preserves the ht-.i'itii', and imp-irts vigor and energy. Fer forty year- il has been in etensive use, ami is ie-d.t.- the most available medicine ler the sutii-riiis' siek. iniwiieie Fer sale by all dealers. lehlT-lwdced.'cw fim-an's !! Is : '. ni'f-l elie.-i the world. V ill ' bl-ie I. u helher i it . i-:ki!u lMnacea -. Pain Destroyer iu i-i -uiviy quicken the internally or applied . mere certainly relieve cMi-iu .lly,:ind i!.' pain, : hether chrenie or ucute.thuu any ether pain alleviator, an i F i- warranted double the t length of any - uniiar prep.iratie.i. It cures pain in '.lis B.i -1; or Bowels, Soie. Threat, Bheui.ial-.sia aud acii.i, and is THL lillKAT BELIKVKIt OF PAIX. BllOWS's Hofs-r.neLn P.xai-i:a"' f-lieuM be in every family. A teaspennful of the Panacea in a tumbler et het water .iV.-.-etened if preferred!, taken at bed mi" w ill r.KtL'.K rv a rer.n. i" et - a bottle. fehll . .-: ;h, '!. i iir .-ere should i : steep;-i. t. -gh c! fro jueu'lj icults m in. In ei-.i'.'. Snug le'-.-.i-.e or Consumption. I'.!...-,::-"j'u-il Tre, !..--. e net disorder the stei.i.icli !:'.-' c..i--i: syi'f' ami balsam-, bit .ict direetiyei: il.e i:i!l.eiK"t i.til':, aihtyint' ti-'-iiit.n, mve r. -t.-f iu A-tinna, Bronchial Ce;:;h ., (Juiai-sh. and the "1'iire.if "' eubl.-s v.-iiicii ''iii'i-fs ;;n.t :'iii.'..-s"pe.;':.-.-. a!.-subject te. 1 ei lii'riy year-, ia.iwn's i' Tiecne.s have been recommend-.! by ph;, -i ei.e.-. -el :dwa- ;iie tn-rb-.-l -di-iaelieii. li.ivin.; bee i tu-jted by wide and c, aslant u-- Tern -lily ueutii n-!, l':ey have at- tair ! v,.-i .:'.-.i;. d i.r.ik union:' the lewst-ip'e"- ei the !:. ':";.i :il i". cents a bus. veiyv. ie e in ' li.ll'lh.'i'siu v lb) t- !'. '.. i ee:i:..u's Drug "ij,,!-,., .;7 Xuri:: Quei"! sti.-t. fur -V.'-.v. '";'i'v Xt ic iSV. iSV. tteiitil JJuej. 'Fer biiirhttic-sanil durability of coler.-tro iiue.r.iiilei:. Celer freni -J tonpeunt. l!I .''! oils ill l.lll;lisii ;u... cent-1. Price. 1" tiiditey Cim-.niainl Cmc-d. . Turner. Rochester, X. Y.. writes . - i have been ler ever a year -.abjeet te sUr;eus .lis- order e! the. kidney-, and ettr-n unable tent-l'-nd te business: I procured your Burdock Bleed Ritlersnrd v.r i relieved before halt a I bottle was iisisi. 1 intend te continue, in I ! feel er-.nlldent that they wilt entirely cure me " Price $1. Fer sale at If. B. Cecliran's driiL store. KIT Neith Iju'-eii streel. I.aneastei. i Wem: I'.v: Park'-r's (linger i Timii. lw.f. in .e thev i.:ivi! learned from exne- i rience thai it overcomes despondency, Indi-J gestien,, in the hack and kidneys, and oMiie- t'.eubles n! the -i-y. lfeme Journal, j tel-lindcnd&cew j ":-!;li! !)i-c:ni'" " aii-e.l by Dr. Sivnyne's liiliiieiif. W I.;... i-, mere ill Ui-ssbig lhan uu eb-,linate shin disease, and why 1 1 r-eiis should suffer a sin-'le hour when thev have a sure cure iu I 's-v.-iyne'seintnieiit "is past our cenipivlii'ii- I si. hi. The wei-si, Df tetter, itch, wilt ! rheum, or that .moeying complaint, itching piles. yu-!d te i!.-i v.-.mdertnl all healing quali ties. Pini-le en thu face and blotches en the skin ate. removed by u-ing tins healing oint eint ii'.em. Perleetly safe and harinJi-s-1, even en the most ti nder inf.m. Itching Piles Symp toms are moisture, intense itching, particu larly at nigh! after ge'.ting warm in bed ; e!hei part-are sometimes affected. wayne's Oiulnii'ii! pleasant, .-ure cure. 1)!-. Swnyne it son, .1; North -svi-n t li street, Pliilndi'lphi.t Pa., te whom ail 1. -tiers should be addrc-si d. s.ild ! all premiii.-nl drugniats. janJtKiuid t'Th.tFAw A ioetl A;'.-i VlMl A Talc et "liiiv. dulls."' called en Kate, one pleasant day, ami found her sivl and sighing, dearest friend, once bright and gay, new scarce could keep from crying: ter, '-eh," s,,u s.tid, "'tis a dis grace te s,.,; with scrofula, my lace s-e badly mailed '.'' iheu silid herlliend, " Resiidalis will yourtien!)!c"ii".:iI.'' Blanche called eVi iiatn uetlterday and tiiuud her once mere blithe and gay, her fpce as radiant, "kin as lair, as any maiden's anywhcie. Fer skin diseases and impure, bleed, there's nothing in the world se geed as Re-adalis, it drives away all Skin disorders, humor, n.iy, it tones the sys tem, cities your ills and bani.she.s all doctors bills: Sold iu Lane.iater at Cochran'- Drug Stere. 1ST am! V-'l North Queen street. ' "A V.'etd te slie IVise is Sufficient." An effective and agreeable remedy for the treat ment of Caiarrli, Hay Fever and Catarrhal Deafness is Ely's Cream Balm. A -ure cure. Cream Balm effeciually cleanses the nasal passages of catarrhal Vitus, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation and iriilatien, protects the mcmbranal linings of the head from additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the scm-e el taste and smell Beneficial results arc realized by a tew appli cations. A thorough treatment as directed will cure Catarrh. Asa household remedy for cold in the head it is r.nequaie.i. The Balm is easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at .in cents. On receipt of ."0 cent will mail n package. Send for circular with full informa tion. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO., O.-wige, X. . Fer sale in Lancaster by all the druggists. H.'i-Swdeed&w tiir.iiei'n: .iitr.ern i : ..;i:ners!i Vie ei di-turhtd lit r.i--ht and broken el j-titii 1V.--1 by aside child -luiei ing ami crying with flic 'xerueiitlng pain ei cutting teeth 1 It s... go at once and get a bettl'i et MBS. WINS LOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. U will re lieve the peer little Milleicr immediately de pend upon It; there is no mistake about It. Ther. is net a mother en raitli who has , vor used it, who will e.ei tell ynu at once that ij Will leg ate the bowels, and tile. !M te the ninth"!-, md relief mid health te the child, epeialiri j like magic, tl is perfectly .safe e Use in all cases, am! Hh-ii-ant le the ta-te, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and besi female. pliyMci-iii a.el ijuiecs jn uic L'u'ted Mali-- Seb! e.vry where : 'Si cents & ' :! cI.-:.fvd&wM.W,!fc- UttNKY'S CAKJKILIi: SALVE. '1 best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, ei, ulcers, salt rheum, teltcr,ehsipped hands, chlihinius. corns and all kinds et skin erup tion f pickles and pimple-. The salve is . .'..'.alccil le give perlect satisfaction iu every case or money refunded. Be sure you gel tlenrj'.s Carbolic Salve, as all ethers tire but Imitations anil counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Seli if Lancaster at Cochran's Drugstore, BIT rid ." North Queen street.. yVW AHrEXTlS3IEATS. "7r,IN A. KILLSOX. HOUSEFURNISHING ! LARGE STOCK, GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES. Ft LI LINE OF HOUSESTIRES ! STOVES. HEATERS AND RANGES. Our -tock ij the luen complete in Central Pennsylvania. Bargains en the 5c, 10c, 15c. and 25c. Counters. Have jurtt received a let of AUCTION" GOODS, which we are selling at much below market value. NO TKOFBLK TO SHOW GOODS. FLIKN" & WILLSON, Lancaster, Pa. u:.jCCi; fke.m ikatu Tiie lollewing-taiementof William J Cough Ceugh lin, of Snmcrville, ..lass., is se lemarkable that v.'e beg te ask ler it the attention of our read ers, lie says: " in the fall of 1S70 1 was taken with, a violent bleeding of the lungs followed by a severe cough. I seen began te lese my appetite und llcsh. 1 was se weak at one time that I r-nuld net leave my bed. In the summer et 1S77 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as bigas a half cellar. 1 expend ed ever a. hundred dollars m doctors and med icine. I was se far gene at one time a report v en', around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me et Da. W;r. Hall's Balsam imbtue Lu:.-os. 1 laughed at my friends, think ing ttial my case was incurable, but 1 get a bottle e satisfy them, when te my surprise and gratification, l commenced te Icel better. My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to day I leel in better spirits than I have the past three years. " I write this hoping you will publish it, se that everyone afllicted with Diseased Lungs will be induced te take Dr. Win. Hall's Balaam ter the Lungs, and be convinced that con sump' ' can be cured. 1 have taken two bottles ami can positively say that it has done mere geed than all oilier medicines I have taken since my sickness. My cough has al most entirely disappeared ami I shall seen be able te go le work." Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 1:59 North Queen .sire iv23-lvd:edTii&w2 ji:atiis. Celvik. Feb. i0, 1SSJ, Mrs. Kllza Celvin, wife et the late .lames Celvin, in the MM year et her age. Funeral from the residence el her son-in-law, It. .1. King, Xe.'i) West Chestnut street. February '2.1 (Wednesday). Relatives and friends are requested te attend. 'Jld -. . . r"" ' SJllY AlmiTlSt:MliSTS. UMNTEU.-A riKSiT-CLASS ltliPAJK y hand en weed-work. Apply te XORBECK it MJI.EY, ltd Cerner Duke and Vine siieeis. rpHK WOKKISUME-N'S STOKI'5 IS TUK X place te buy your Shirts, et any kind, Overalls, Knit Jackets and Hosiery etany size and quality, from the fmst P-iitish te the common, six nair ler a quarter; I'ndeiwear et all ?izcs and quality, together it:i Cellars. Ties. Suspenders. Umbrellas, etc., etc.. all et which will be sol. I at very small profits ler cash IIKXRY 1SECHTOLD, Ne. e2 Neith Queen Street. P.S. Building Sieiie ami Sand ler sale, ltd lvstati; tit' Aisi;.fiAni ii-:t.:k LATE Letters ii of Maner township, deceased. testament arv en said estate having been urntitcd te the undersigned, till persons in debted thereto are requested te make ininii I diate eiivmi.nt. and tiiese having claims demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the uiuli sieied residing in Lancaster city. JACOB C. PETERS, HEXRYS. SHIRK, .1 W. B. Ii vusman'. Executer. Attorney. ;iel2Mtd&6tw VSTATl-: Of COSEAD 3IOSEK. SK., Ci late et Lancaster City, dee'd. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto ure requested te make immedi ate .settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing iu Lancaster citv COXRAD MOSKR, B. C. KltCAOy, Administrator. Attei ney. fi'.b-il-C.tdeav. !KONOUNCKI BY COMPETENT JUlHiE TO BE THE BEST IX THE MARKET. THE MAXHEIM ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR, Ask your Grocer ler It. M. F. STEIGERWALT it SOX,, Wholesale Agents, 20-dR 231 North Water St., Lancaster. 1 i Yr7-llI.IAM.SON & lUSTKJt. RUBBER CLOTHING Is coming 11:01c und mete in demand each season, and there are several very im portant things te leek te when you want a geed COAT. The peer ones and there area geed many of them are net worth your hav ing. We buy only the best makes and have them nil well examined, and sell them ler us LITTLE asit is possible. The points about a gei.d coat we will give you at any time . in ei R- GENT'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT We nave a BLACK FOLDED TIE that we Gl'ARANTEE the superiority'et in these respects 1. It will net crack. 2. It will stay tied. 3. It will wear well. lhe silk is absolutely pure and the above ad vantages ate such as will commend the Tie te that large clas el Customers who apprc ciate an article of sterling merit ler its own intrinsic worth. WILLIAMSON AND POSTER, 36-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. ICISLIC SAL.K ON THURSDAY, F15I5KU . ARV 2J, 1S?2, will be sold by public ven due at the late residence of Cel. Wm. L. Pol Pel per, en the Marietta turnpike, about IK miles west et the city of Lancaster and ? mile cast of the village of Rolirerstewn, the following described personal property, te wit : Four heavy Dralt Horses, suitable ferthe Eastern market ; one pair of elegant Black I iriving Horses, two Alderney Cows, two bread-wheeled farm wagons, one with bed: one Studebakertwe horse wagon, nearly new; market wagon, sulky, two carts, one set of to bacco ladders, two se'tset hay flats, tour plows, two spike harrows, spring harrow, two shovel harrow s, cultivator, corn scraper and marker, two reapers, nearly new ; one binder, wire rake, corn cevercr. one nearly new hay ted der, two grain drills, root cutter, cider mill, six set of wagon harness, cellars, bridles, hou heu sens, wagon lines, two set et single harness, fly nets, a large let et grain bags, platform scales, tobacco press, tobacco steamer, cream ervwithalarge let or tin cans, churn, &c, j.tO'J tobacco laths, three wheelbarrows, dou ble and single trees, spreader, leg, cow and halter chains, mattock, picks, shovels, lerks, &c. ; a let of locust pests, hav by the ten, corn fodder by the bundle. &c, &c. All the farm implements are nearly new und in llrst-class elder. A credit of sis months will be given en all sums ever $20. Sale te commence at 12 o'clock, 111., sharp, when attendance will be given by SILAS II. FORRY, JOHN D. SKILES. Administrators. B. F. Rewr, Auctioneer. teb5-3tw&20,2L:Kit -Vf; i r a.u ran tisjvu bnts. ,N)i: SALK.-THUGK 'KW XWO-hXOKV .s brick seven-roomed .dwellings, with hull, water in kitchens, will be sold cheap. Inquire at 27 Centre Square. miS-lwdi: .IAMES BLACK. KK SOT1UE.-FKLE FOK TUK POOlt J. ei en FltlDAi". Anyone wishinir te consult a clairvoyant can dese byciUIlngat e.'ZMlwest King street, ter diseases et all kinds, either ladies or gentlemen, such as Cancers, Rheuma tism, Catarrh. Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance, and Fits et different kinds, Paralysis, Fevers and Lung Diseases. I have certificates et persons that have been affected with the above diseases. My hours are from u o'clock A. M . until e o'clecs P. ;.:. iiuSKitil C1KUSTV TKTT1'.K. SYflirTOMS : WAT- cry blisters term. bnrstand dry into yel low, mattery crusts, which at times are very itchy and painful. It affects the scalp, the beard, behind the ears, back of the hands, the fingers, the tirms te the elbows; sometimes found en the back, breast, and en the lower limbs te the knee. Women while nursing very often have it mound the nipples, causing the most fearful sufferinL'. All skin diseases cured by DK. H. D. ATM. A. LOXGAKKK. eiliee Xe. 13 Fast Walnut street, Lancaster. Consultation tree. f20-3td 1)Ul!L.ICSAl.KOF A VALUABLE HOTEL PKOPKUTV. OnTl'ESDAY, FEBKUARY 21, 1SS2. will be sold at public sale at the Black Herse Hetel, en the corner of Walnut and Fourth streets, in the borough or Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa., the following real es tale, te wit : A let of ground fronting en '.Vulnui street .V.) feet, (5 inches, and extending in depth along Fourth street HO feet mere or less, te an alley, en which is erected a two-sterv Frame Heuse with a two-story Frame Back Building attach ed. A large Stable and .shedding. The house lets a line deep cellar, and under the ynrd is a large vault, being un excellent place ter keep ing liquors, beer, Ac. Tiie proprietor litis no use for ice with such a vault. Hydrant and ither improvements. Adjoining property of . Philip lterklev. deceased. The nbeve described : property lias been kept as , hotel fera number el years, and has been doing quite tigoed busi ness. hale te commence at 1 o'clei :k. ii. in., en sihil day. when attendance will be given and con- iiiueus iiiatii! Known ey GERTRl'DK Rl PPRKCHT. .Sam'l Htss & Sex, Auct's. t'20-2td S1 KIN3 1SSS. S KING IS 82 CARPETS, PAPER HANGINGS. WIDOW SHADES. 'Eager & Brether, Invite special attention te their CAR PET. WALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADE departments, in which they are offering larger assortments than have ever been shown in this city, and at as low prices as Maine qualities can be. purchased in Philadelphia or else where. CARPETS ! The latest Spring Stylea of Mequat Bedy Brussels, Tapastry Brussels, Three Ply. Extra Superfine and TWrtfl '..- -VCTV.1 TM.nHn -lMj.xM -luuiiiuLii, vvuui lllKItUUU, vubien Cham Ingrains, and Damask Hall and Stair Carpet and Borders. Rag Carpet in full as sortments. Linoleum and Fleer Oil Cleth, Cocea and Chain Mat tinga, Mcc'iiet and Velvet RUGSjndJVIATS. wallTapbr. All the Latest Spi ing Designs in solid Geld, Embossed and Plain Bronze, Mica, Flats and Blanks, with Frieze, Borders and Ceiling Decorations te match, for ll.ilis,. Vestibules, Parlors, Dining Reems and Chambers. ESTIMATES MADE AND WALL PAPER PUT ON BY COMPETENT PAPER HANGERS. WINDOW SHADES, In Large Assortment in Plain Styles and el U and 7 feet Shudes and the new Dade Shades of various designs and ,'iiees, also all widths and desirable colors of Plain Shading and Shade Hol lands with all tins latest improved shade Rellers and fixtures. Brass ami Walnut Cot-nice Poles, Walnut Window Bracket", Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. WE IX V I'M J-JXAMrXATJOX. lager & Brether, NO, 25 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. JJXTJiJiTAIlfMJJXTS. ,-Vi.TOH OPKKA HOUSE. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. The (iivut Oiiginul ami Only TONY DENIER'S (LateFev .t Deniers) ' Huaipty Dumpty " Pantomime Troupe. And Unrivaled Association et Sl'PERB SPECIALTY STARS. with the greatest living clown ALFRED lITl'li ALFRED THE GREAT. jl.A.vAJ THE GREAT Peer of the late Gee. L. Fex, Autocrat et the Stilts. In a brilliant melange of Foible, Fun, Frolic. PRICES, 35, r,0 ami 7.T Cents. Reserved Seats at Opera Heuse Oiliee without extra charge. lS-lt 1 ur.Ten epj:i:a UKOAGKUUHT OF SPECIAL l.Ml'OUrAXCK THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23d. EAST LYNNE, AMERICA'S GREATEST ACTRESS, CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, Unrivalled In the portrayal of emotion will, with the support et C.L.CRAIG and a mag nificent company, present the greatest of all plays Iu the encouragement of virtue and morality. EAST LYNNE. Ne advance in prices et admission. Seats mav he secured new at the Opera Heuse. Parties living In the suburbs can address, FULTON OPERA HOUSE. EAST LYNNE, mi-lid TIIED EDITIOI. TUESDAY EVENING. FEB. 21, 1882. WKATHER INDICATIONS. WASitiXGTOX, D. C., Feb. 21. Forthe Hiddie Atlantic states warmer, rainy followed by clearing weather, warm east erly veering te colder northwesterly wiuds. falling followed by rising barometer. COKGREsS. The Apportionment Dill In the senate. Washington, Feb., 21. In Senate te-day after the reference of the petitions en the Indian question, the Senate en motion of Mr. Hale, took up the Heuse apportion meul bill. Ne amendments were etTercd, but the enlargement of the Heuse as pre posed was discussed upon general consul eratiens. At 2:13 the bill was still pending. In the Heuso. Washington, D. C, Feb. 21 In tiw Heuse Mr. Kassou, under instructions of the committee en ways aud means, jjave netice that he would en Tuesday next ask the Heuse te proceed te consideration of the tariff commission bill. The Heuse at 12:30 wenWute committee of the whole en the posteflicc appropriation bill. JKRSKY CKIMI'Ai.s. Soiue Notable Cases iu file Trenten Courts. Tubnten, N. J., Feb. 21. In the United States eeuit this morning, Hague, the broker charged with complicity in the Newark uatieual bau'c defalcation, wr.s present, but his trial was postponed for two weeks. Marchbank, also charged with being concerned in abstracting the funds of the tame bank, pleaded guilty, and his sen tence was suspended for two weeks. Edward White, of New Brunswick, charged with purloining letters, pleaded guilty aud his sentence was also deferred for two weeks. The trial of Hewitt, the Camden I.iwjer, charged with taking money from a pen sioner, is still iu progress. ALMOST A CATASTUOi'il:.. I.unutic Asylum Damaged by i'ire. fine Lile Lest. Brooklyn, Feb. 21. The east wing of the insane asylum at Flatbttsh was burned this morning. There were about eight hundred inmates, but all were removed without injury. During the progress of the lire some f the lunatics became greatly excited and were kept uuder control with great diffi culty. Iu the excitement of their removal an old man was left in his room atul was no doubt suffocated by smoke. This; is the only life lest se Jar as known. The less will probably reach $15,000. One of the lunatics who e-caped was captured b the police. HAVAOKS (If UlKAh: Diphtheria Prevailing in lto-den. Bosten, Mass., Feb., 21. Seven cases of diptheria were reported yesterday from the Italian quarter ou North street, dun no doubt te the large number of pcrseus frcqueutly20 sleeping iu ene room sur rounded by bundles of raj.;s picked up from the gutteis. The beard of health reports that this dissase is in the itictvaM; in the city and suburbs especially among children. Small Pox iu Chicago. Chicago, Feb., 21. Twelve new of smallpox were reported hen; yesterday and nine deaths. UIGU WATKK. TOO Floed 111 ArKansii.s. Helena, Ark., Feb. 21. The water continues rising in the city. All the mills and workshops in the lower part of the city suspended and many person:; are thrown out of employment. UlgnerTban Kver at Cincinnati Cincinnati, Feb. 21. At many points between this city and Vieksburg the river is 12 inches higher than was ever known before. The Mebuylkill 011 the Kine. Reading, Pa., Feb. 21. The Sehinikili liver here is six feet, above low water maik and is still rising. It is new raining hard. '1 lie Chester Chester, Pa., Feb. Explosion. 21 .The cer.mir . jury iu the Jacksen works explosion inves tigatien is net in session te day. and will net meet until te-morrow. Ne mere deaths of victims of the explosion have occurred since yesterday morning, but the condition of Ell weed Leng, Neal MeD.tde, Francis Oaks and Lewis McCttlleugh is decidely critical and little hope of their recovery is entertained. Chief Engineer Dallenlias improved since yesterday, Striking Railroaders. Winnepf.g, Manitoba, Feb. 21. The Canadian Pacific railway employees in the workshops here are ou a strike, asking te be paid mere regularly and soliciting an advance of ten per cent, iu their wages, owing te high rents, dear fuel and the in creased cost of the necessaries of life. They will net resume work unless their demands are granted. Small Vete In PliUadelple.i. Philadelphia, Feb. 21. The munici pal election is progressing very quietly. The bad weather seems te have materially lessened the polling of votes in all parts of the city. At 10 e'clgck the returns showed about ene half the vote polled at the same hour last election. Decision of a Celebrated Case. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 21. Chancellor Saulsbury yesterday rendered a decision in the case of Martha B. Grant vs. the Jack Jack eon & Sharp company, confirming the complete title of the company te a portion of the land valued at $40,000, occupied by its works. Taunnauy en Tep. Albany, Feb. 21. The president of the Senate te-day announced the standing committees. Senater Jacobs received the chairmanship of the finance committee and Mr. Grady (Tammany) has the coveted chairmanship of cities, and Tammany has leading recognition all through. Saw Mill Kurccd. Pout Jervis, N. Y., Feb. SI. The saw mill of A. Gilman, near Monticclle, Sulli van county, was bunted last night. The mill was used for the manufacttue of shingles and had large contracts en hand. The less amounts te about $50,000. Uene .Under. FiiEDERiCKSECna, Va., Feb. 21. Tick ler & Sens, of the Bridgewater mills, have I suspended. Liabilities 130.000. Jewish Emigrants Coming. Londen, Feb. 21. The steamer Persian Monarch, which sails hence te-day for Xew Yerk, takes out four hundred pas sengers, tr.erc than one-fearth of whom nre Jewish emigrants. teand Guilty et Forgery. Mtr.v. m-ki:k. Wis., Feb. 21. Gotlieb Enj;c!, a well known attorney of this city, connected by marriage with prominent and wealthy Jewish families in Chicago and Cincinnati, who has been en trial for for gery, was found guilty yesterday. Notes from the Capital. Washington, Feb. 21. The Senate li- , nance committee te-day agreed te report j favorably te the next executive session of the Senate en the nomination of Jehu C. 1 New ast. hs assistant secretary of the j t-.-.Msury. I Captain Howgaie is seriously ill at the ! j.tii. He contracted a severe cold ajtd is j threatened with pneumonia. Mrikers G:i!:i Tlu-ir Point. Nt:w Yeir.c, Feb. 21. The ash carttucu employed in street cleaning under Con tractor Maris, who went en strike yester day for au increase of wages from $',) te tu.30 per day, all leturtied te work te day, their il.'iuatid having been complied with. I'.ital'y Hume,! iu S.ivmg Her Child. Vi'ili.iam-sPebt, i'a.. Feb 21. Mis. L-itiis.i Walters, aged Il'J years, was fatally biitned Ii"te !as..t night in trying te save le r daughter, whose clothing caught lire 1'iem .ui exploded lamp. .Mrs. Walteis died te-ihiv. 'lhe daughter will recover. I lie .lubbers' Hrlg.-idc tin l.aml. I'fiM. uv:M'n, Feb. 21. Indications ure that McMillan and ;ill;rt will be ii- 1 ecU.l te select council. 1 .11.11::. i: 1 .S:r:-l. ebiii.ny -!. Fleur il.ile am! and priees without quotable . ll VV Western change. , i.'KK., iiuie. Wheat ' Jfile belli r and les.s eelive trade Cern :t shade better and very iiiiel 1 sals wiMi'iut important change. I'titlmlcipiim "lrtrset. '" a- t-!"i:A. Feb. -21. Heur dull rind mui.-, U heal dull ; Ne. Western Ifed, .fl .'fl'.'. ; de IV. and Penn'a Red at -fl "Igl XI : de" Am ber at ii :t.;r?i :ti. Rye Heur t5t M. Cern llrni traitr. eats firmer. Rve firm and scat re at r, Previsions dull. i.aiddnil. Rutteriiiil! ; Riitehi ri'cheiw Rolls dull. Ej;;jsi!ull an! Iiv,ur; Pa. a resir. "Cheese dull. Petroleum ea-tir: Rciined, 71 steadily held. I Western. '!'.) .'. Whisky :.t .-fl -21. S"eil fjoed te pilme elever dull at s'.,.1 s': dodo Flaxseed nominal. I'iillndeltnila Cattle :lurkut. !;e.:i.-.v, Feb. 2.1. The receipt 4 el livestock a! the Philadelphia stock yards were: Fer I hi- ee!:: Reeves, 3,M) head : hheep, I.IHX0 head : heirs, ::,i;(i) head. Previous neck i;.-.'e.s, r,.1tHi head; sheep, S.OIhl h-ud ; he-s ::..": ' head. Reef Cattle 'a ere fairly aetive and prices Mere ihesjinie as last rup.irlud. V,'e ijueteu.s follews: EMr-.t, 7e; G001H ; Medium, 5 C'ii!ifi common, liTJ.Vlic. Milefi cows were aeiive al$:'JlSii;i). sheep active and prices wi:re ,v higher 011 all grades exepi common, which v.-ere haul te dispose of at any rate. Siv extra sheep, wei'.'hinr from '2Si lo.'ie pounds, were sold by ib'iijamiii t'efilc te Gee w. Lalferty at Itir. pur pound, the iine-d ever .-:ei-n in our market. We quote as follews: Evlr.i, K'if", flood. Ri'JiC'ii-; iiie.lium, U) ...I'.c; common, IW.V-.fe; InilN. 'J'.'rii.- laiubs, ."ifi'7)'ie : ealvcsT milch, C..'.te. Hogs were active and Urn:, We ijneteaM lollews : Extra, l!!iil"5c ; jrned. j ,lilc ; medium, !) .'j'-'c ; cemmnii, jj'.g'aJi "M.K.S or :u:i:vks at -riu: v. i'iiilahkli-uia STOC'J YAKb". Mat tin ! idler A: Ce., V.'O We.sfi.'in. tytft.Mr Item-r Jiaynrs, 1-0 Western, .ruSf7c. A. .V .:. i'liristv 1:;: Western. .V;,.r7e. E. S. .1 R. F. Mel'lllen. l.s.1 Western i'mi7i-. M. i'lman, flO Western and Lan.1-0.. Uyiiii'.Ki-. Sliambnr .t Paul. !''" Western and i;i .ianie. Clem-ei' 1.". Ch.-sl.-r e. ;.!.'.;.i';'-.;e l.ew.-nstein .V; Adler, llnl Western, .''., ii t'.'-C-: -') .Menree eeiiuii. eew.s, JCc ' , (.. M-li.imberK 1 'i.. Is' West.-rii,.V,,')iii;,-r. Il.inie! .Murphy, ill Western and Launtiter i-e 5'H':)ii-. II Chain, jr.. !! banei-der co. r.y2Qr,r. M. Levi. HI Western and Lancaster rennlv, F. Mieetz, .-.". intern .".'.rti'e. lehii .MeArdle. 15') Vi!s.-ru and I.anea county. 5;c U-.v. ii "iiit't.'.i.'. Wi htc.-n, aeeeiint el .f.Sch:il:i herg.'iCe; is" '.Vrsiern, account of iJ. M-humlii-rx It t;n. ; i!l'i;ii!i',iun :ceeuiit. of .lehu I.. liiirii, :.'. Pcun'ii, ifi'tiic. Daniel Miiiylh A; I'rn . l.-.rWe,b-rn and I..H11-0-ter county. .V j7:. Dennis Smyth, 70 Pennu., '!iii''. R.ichuian & Levi, lve Western,: vfriilr. i.'liain & Caid-.veli, : Western, wyfv:,) '. AI.e Osthcim.-j:: Western, .-.)i:;.c. Henry .Miller. -2'' , t;v7e. .1. I'.Mille-.VCii., I.Vf VisfeT-n. .".J.,...'-,.'. i'. fi.ithav.ay. ;! L..n. i.e..:,).:tjir(-. .la A nil. I") Western. VSliycl;. .1. V. La I in. '-tl Chester e.i.. f,.',t.ik:. mtcsscn .MKATS. Du-s-.-d R'.eves were activi-. an.! film :it vj Ms. MAI.MS LAnl- l'.Xi;K. The-. I'.i.'.ilcy, s-.' liernl at silnr A. . Re-'Ai-ll IU". i'ii. at s;',7,!i-. C. - ;.n-,'!er, (Jl de. lit blvV) -. W. il. Ri.iwn 17.5 de. :a.s-.'jf10c. Harlan .' i:ro.,.V..Ie. at S'i'.O-Je. .1.1'. Lewdeii. Xile. 'Mi'.tc. Dre.s-ed sheep were fairly ariivr. .-umui-1 Stewart rehUiirJ head at 7.ijsX. iiw Ii8 lira 1 dri s".i lambs at Sifie. .lci:fi "vir.rHMi. New ion', Piiti:i'leihia anil LmMlMnfii. also Uiiiti-d Sta'rs RemiIs leperte! .1 Ai:'n U. Lo'.e. N. E. l.'or. l.'entri; S-juur-.. Sew eitc Stocks weak and iin-cftled. Februarv "1. H':U') llfti :'... a. ai. v. Jt. . M. r. i-'-iJ-J V--2K i-i-K Kti 103 J07J i-i u:i 17', W;U l' I" l-'l 12.!i V2M. Chicago & North Western Chieajre. -Mil. & .St. Paul Canada Southern C. C. & I. C. R. R Del., bacif.ft Western Delaware &'llud-en Cau.l.. . Denver & Rie Grande East Teiin.. Va. .V; Ga Hannibal .'.- St. Je; Lake sho.-e & .Mich. Southern. .Maniiattan Elevated Michigan Central Missouri, Kans:iH& Te.Tas N. V.. Lake Eric A Wc-dem. . New Jersey Centra! N. V., Ontario & Western 1 !:. !0j iiH"- 't -24 t2V. '2VA ai 3IK 'Tv'l :' New Yerk Central 1 s zyx i.':;4 -zw. ::i .... -M& Ohle& Mississippi Ohie Central I'afific Mail Steamship Ce... St. Paul.'i Omaha de Pieterreil Cuntnil Pacific Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash, n.. t. mis c lMcitlc " Preferred Wotern Union Tel. Ce PniCADKLrnsf.. Stocks weak. PrniisyiViinin R. R R-adi:i L'ililh Valley .'. Ia-hli?.'i Navigation Ex Div.... Rut'ale, Pitt.-., ft iVi-slern Northern Centra! Northern Pacific. " Prcbu-iutl Hcstenvill Electilc I'mleri'ieun.l Tel. Ce. I'hihiilclphii & Erie R. R ri .... i: 2 ll' II 'tlV !! 4 ::?. z VMi !'-S 'JO iiVZ U K "' H' !!' ff: x,y. r.VA W- 'A 7 ft'i -4 i-A iV" 1 12Y, m 15 : iJf, 12 -si i'K I7u Gunni-en Mining lewafiuleli Misinir llKtTCO BTATKB I'Orill:-. United St'ttrs l per cents .. ..... r. w. 1:(V Gr.ktn and Prevision notations. One o'clock .(uofatlens el sratn and previ Ions, farni-hed by ft. K. Vuiidt. Rreker. l East KinstieeT Fi-bruaiy il. Chicago. Wires ill down west ; no quotations, j,, 1'hlhtilrlpliia. .Mircli. Apiil M . v . 1 iri; r.;y. xyt 1 '. 'is'. I