LANCASTER PAIY INTELLIUENOEKSATURDAY. FEBRUARY 111882. Serenaded. Last evening the Union fire company, with the City band, hercnaelecl Barten Vv Mcntzcr. one efthcii meinbeis who was recently married. Aftei the seicnade the boys weie Iiandueinely entertained at the icst.uirant of Eugene Bauer by Mr. jlent zei. The Sun I ire Cenipanj. At :i incrting of the Sun fiie company Ne. 1. lielel last evening, a leselutinn was pascd unanimously that the company re main in service as long as the city councils wihh its services. A-nT.hTiex Is called te tlie "-ale of the alu ublc ical estate, northwest come i el Duke and Lemen streets, at the Fountain Inn till even ing. t-irt (iranil Sociable or. t lie Pephu Club will be held at Lec.-ier nail. East King street, en Monday exciting. everal new dance will be lntiediicc I, and a geed lime i- expected. Amusements. " Pattern." 7 rJijUt. The (lOimin Lhuic-h Choir company made siichu favorable lmpic--ien en tliu occasion of their presentation of Uilbei I ft Sullivan'? delicious comic opera of ' Patience" here a tew weeks age, that there ought te be no doubt el aciewded house this uvealng, when il will be reproduced by the i une party, including Derange as Jluntherne, Anna Granger Dew us Lilly Jane, an I Mane Stevenson in the title role. The Spiritualist Annie Kv.i fuj, with her is-eciate mcdlum.,pioiniccste bring common place mei tills into ilnect communication with l-mzcni of the ppirll weild nt Fulton opera house te morrow ( Sunday ) evening, when mmiie startling mipcinatuial naulfcstatleiis uie announced te luke place. Mls I'ny has the tnnt eiivlnclng pi ess notices el Hie mcritb et hei eiitcitaiuiiieiiL and fei hcvcial weeks appealed at the Ciy.stal Palace, in Londen, lei the spi i l:il edilicallen el her iniije-ly the eiicen. Clitrl.r, tin Cmuctltun. Tin: distinguished actor, .M1..I0I111 h. Clutke, will appeat us Heb Ilrlnlif, 111 the tlulHlng drama el loiitenipor leiitenipor loiiteniper imeoiirt interest, The Tlcket-eM. Man," i.t Ful'en epei.i heu-i: next Tuesday ening Mi. Clutke li.ii Imicii playing this iele toovei teovei toevei flowing .it the l.jceuin le, l'hilst Uclplu.i, 101 tlie tluce week", and in his lepiosentution hcic he will be supported by the same cast that aided in making his season there Mich :i --iicei"-. ""lie production will be undei the tliicclien el Mi. Hall, manager et t he l.jceuiu, who will also pci-ennlly "iipot "iipet vlse the mechanical and st.'"i etlect-1 espec ially designed ter the play. " 1,'iule Tem's Ciibln.'" This lncpicssihle eliyls advciti-'ed let Wc!iicsd.i evening by .lav Rial'- eenipany. i'ia:iais xeriv&s. " llucliupilba." Nt w, iuick, complete cure 4 day., uiinaiy ulttctiens, bieat ting, lMOiienl erdlllicult ml nation kidney dlsease-i il. DmgKM-. Depot, lehn I Leng A. son). Ity L'liltcl-Mtl Ai'curil, Avia.'s CriiAl.Tlc Pn.l aie the bisl et all purgatives ier lauiily use. They iticthcpio iticthcpie tluct et long, labei ions, and --uccisful ehcinl eal Investigation, and the'l extensive use, by physi'-ians 111 their practice, and by all clvil ii d 11 itinn-, pievcs them Ihe bet and me-t purgative Pill that medleal seienee e.uileI-e Ueing palely vegetable no h mil can aiisc Jiein tlieiritse. In iutiiiible aluc and eumtlvi" peweis no ether fills c-in be computed w i!l tlu'iti.and every poison, knew ing their viitnes, will employ them, when needed. Th.'y k ep the system In perfect eidei, and m tin in healthy action the ..-hole in icliineiy of life. .Mild, sen clung unit they aie epcci i'ly adapted te th" nci'ils i I the digest lie nppaiulus, deitinge meiils et v. hull they prevent and cine, it timely tn'ceti. They aie tie best and salest physic te employ lei chlldicii ami wcasatned t onstilutiens, wheie a mild and cll'ectiml e.ttliii tie is iirjuned. I ei-s.ilu by all tlcaleis. lelUlwdeedftw U nin.;. i:vi:i:i. iili.k itsii I'mlcci's Ginger Tonic, bpc.ui'C the v hive learned from ipe lience that it oieieemes flcspeiifleucy. Indi gestion, v. cil.iHsr! in the luck and kidnejs audetlie. tieubp's el the soy. Heme Journal. fi'l-lind.'Od&cew lit v. it's Itotiselielil I'anacca Is the liK.-t elleetlVO l'.llll DeMtejei ill the weiM Will ine-t study quicken tlie bleed, m l.cther taken internally or applied estei nail wind theteby mere ccttiiinly i.-lieu pain, whether clueuic or acute, than any ether laln ullex i.iter, an 1 il Is v.n ranted double the eliengtlt l nay similar piep nation. 11 cuics pain in the Side, Hack or Ren els, bec Threat, iMiciim-itlsui and .mi. ciii, and is TIIK ClCHAT UKLlKVKlt OF l'AIS. 'Iluoie's IIuLaMIOLIi i'A:ACl."' sllOllld bu ill eeiy family. A ifivnoeiimi el the I'anaeea in a tumblei et het water sweetened it piclcricdj, taken at be. I lime w ill isrkik re a cole. J1 ctH u bottle lebII-lyiIM.V.'."tS.tu K"l.t..m.'.oe, AIieh.1 Feh.TTssi. I knew llej) llilteis Mill bear icconiincnda icceniincnda icconiincnda tlen honestly. All who use thcin centet upon them the highest, euieiiniiiiis, mid giie them ercilit let- making cure- all the piopiieters claim ler them. I hae kept them since they weie t elieie.l te the public. They took high i..'ik liem the llr, and uiaiutiitneil it. and are mere called for than all ethers eei.i-binc-i. -e Ifintf as they keep up their high rcuutai ion tin pmity and u-.cliilnci1, I shall eeiitinni l. leeeinmend iheni something I have never befeie done it h any ether patent uicdieitii. -I. '. Uadceciv, Al. D. lelO'JiviLVw SjiiUlimcly Superb. V pan et beautiful Sun-llewei"- en haselu will beinalleilfice te any lady who will send a tin ec cent postage stamp te Dr. C. V, llcn llcn sen, 10". Ne. Uutaw hi., lialtjniere, Md. Cha. N. Cnttenten,ll". Fulteii St., Ne; Veikt'lty, -..le agent ler Dr. C. W. IJenaenV lenie.lie-', te . horn all oidei-siieulil bcaddreajed. Skm Difeascn " laired by lr. Stvajne'H Ulntmeiit. What i- mme illtieslng than an obstinate "km fli-case, and why ycisens s!,euli hiillei a single hour when they have a mil e cure in Swnjne'bOintincni " is past eui compichen cempichen compichen sten. The wer-t cases el letter, itch, .salt i ileum, et that annoying complaint, Itching piles jieltl te its wendcrlul all healing quail tics. I'nnpli son the and liletdicj en the skin aie lemevcd by lining this uieiii. S'eiiectly tale ai.d harnilt ss. even en the me-t tender Itcl-irtg Piles Symp toms a:e meistuie. Intense Itching, particu larly at niijht uftet getting watin in bed ; ethci pulsate Fenictimes affected. 5-wayne's Ointment pleasant, tunc cure. Dr. Swayne & son, e: Xeith Seventh slieet, Philadelphia, ta.. te w hein all letteis sheul.l be addrced. Sold by all preniinent di ugglsts. 1.tii20-3!nd'l I'h&r&v. Uh,M:V',t VAKtUtLiV haiai:. The iicst Salve In the world ler cut-, bmiscs, r-eres, ulcer, salt rheum, tettcr.chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin ciup-llen-". fi-eckles and pimples. The -ulve is . .Uf.ileed te give perfect h-itlsfaclien in every case or money rclumltd. He sure you get llenij's Carbolic Sulxe, as all ethci are but imitations and ceur.tcilciks. Pi ice 2a cents, hoi-1 li' Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stoic, Vii j"ii ..i) Xerth Quccu etrcct. we te n. i. ceciiian s ping r-ieie, 1P7 Neitli fjiiecn street, ter Mrr. fYteiaait' AVi' A A tienctl Dyes. Fer brightness and I'.urability et oeloiyuo unciiualed. Celer lieni a te. " pounds. Directions in Kngllsh and (icriii.iu. Price. 16 i cut a. KlA s Ciu:am KaLII Ce , Owego, X. . Please send us at once two gre-- Fly's Cicam llalui. We take picasiiic m congratulating you en the success yen aie liaiug with the Cicam Halm" Cataiiiiand Hay leer(uie. 1 1 s ile is ste uiily inexca-in with w etiderful ;ap:dit v you can -ce by our rreriuent eidei . It is evidently an article of great merit. Very truly, .lOHNaTOS, Hoixeway & Ce., (W2 Aich ttieet, I'liilidelphia. Mai cli 1, 1SS1. it Is no exaggeration te say that Klj 'a Cieain lialjii is a cm clot CiU.mli, Hay Fever, &c, ler many cuics liave been made among my ens ieinci. Cieam Halm nheuld be rcsertetl te by eveiyeia Urns afllicted. With me no ether .eir.edy has ever c'iualed th Italm cither in geed leslllts llfs'lUs .,. ,. OliEXWCLDEn. Druggist. La-Jeu, l'n. Oct. 2, 1M0. Price 50 cents lel-2mlcei1&w l! Apiuobalien llV the ee. inminltv at laige l'is been given te nutdeek itloetl Hitlers.. e ius'ancc is known wlieie di atislactien has been manifested by their u-e. i v. hcic aught but bencllt followed their adii'iiilstmtieii. Price $1. trial ic 10 cent", i-nr-iilcitt IL 15. Cochran's diugtnie, 117-N'eilh (ncrn -ticet. Lancaster 11KSCUKD FKOA1 1KA.T1 The fellow lngstatcmentefWllliamJ cough ceugh lin, of e:nervilie, -Ias., Is se rcmai kable that we beg ti ask ler it the attention et eui lead ers. He .jays : " In the tall fit 1970 1 wa.- taken witlia violent bleeding et the lungs followed by a severe cough. I seen began te le-e ray appetite and llesh. I was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the -ummcr et 1?77 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While tiieic the doctors said 1 had hole in my left lung as big as a halt cellar. 1 expt n ! eu e er a humlted dollars in doctei s and med icine. I was se far gene at one time a lepett en: ai eund that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a fi lend told me et Dr.. Wa. II aix'3 Ualb .a fjrthe Lryes. I laughed at niyfilends, think ing that my ewe was incurable, butt get a bottle 'e "atlsfy them, when te my suiml-e and gratification, 1 commenced te !eel better. My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to day I icel in butter sphiu. th-n I have the pa-t tlucc year?. "1 write this hoping you will publl-h it, se that e cryene alUIcled w ith Diseased Lunga will be induced te take Dr. Win. Hull's HalBam lei the Lungs, anil be convinced that eon een eon snrnp'ien can he cured. I have taken two bottles and can positively f-ny that It has iiene mete geed t'litn all ether m;iliclne4 I haw taken sjnee my sickness. My cough has al most entii ely disappeared and I Mull seen be able te go te work." Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Mere, 1.17 and 1TJ Xetth Queen sue iv2'MiicedTh&w2 A oeil Angel'M Visit A flalie." Tale et " Heur. Blanche called en Kate, one pleasant day, and found her sad and sighing, dealest Incite!, once blight and gay, stew acaice could keep tiem crying; ler, '-eh," she said, "'tis a ill--grace te see with screlnla, my lace se badly mailed:" then said her fi lend, ' Itesadalis will your Doubles end." lilanche called en Kate neilicr day and teiiiid her once mere blithe and gay, her lace as radiant, skin as fair, a-i any maiden's any.viicie. Fer hkin diseases and impure bleed, thcie's nothing in the w ei Id se geed as Uesadalis, it di Ives aw ay all skin diseideis, humor, nay, it tones the sjs tern, cuiesjeur ills and banishes all doctors bill... Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stoic, 1.17 and VV North Queen street. 30 1yleed.V.i I'litc FA;;uh.ts i'Ri::t Dr. ilurbei's Ued Herse Powders aie the best in the matket. They .tie net a incie loe I made et inert and clicau matci litis, but a eritable Medicine. They contain lenrtiinesthestiength of eiiliimiy horse and cattle pewdeis, ami will ( in e and latten stock In oiie-letiith the time, acting at once upon the digestive organs and sicicllens, und may be safely lclied upon ter the cuie of coughs, cold-', distemper, glanders and all ill-ease-" el horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hegr" and poultry. They will incicnc the quantity am! quality et milk in cows and keep all kind i el stock in a healthy condition, "-ehl cvciywhcte at 2'Je. per pack, 6 ler J 1 ; latc size -lOc, ei :: ler $1. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Dingbteie, l.:7iiiul VSi North Queen sliceis aug2-lydced."fcwl "Lire, tirewtli, Jtctut)'." M hat wealladmlic" and hew te st cine It: A line head of hair in its liattn al color is such an adjunct te beauty that no one who pties geed leeks should neglect le use " Londen Hair Celer ltestercr," the mestcleanly and de llghtful at tide ever introduced le the Aiueii caii pciiplti. II is totally iliiTeicnt tiem all elhei-1 net sticky ergiimtny, 'ind lice lrein all inijiuie lngieuienls that lender many ether pit p trillions obnoxious. It thickens thin Ii'tii', ic-teics gray hair, gives it new Hie, Keeps the -ealp clean and healthy, causing the hair togiew w hi re it had tallcn eir or become thin, dei snot -oil or stall1 anything, and is s.i pei feetlyand elegantly prcp.u ed. us te make it: 1 isting hair dicssing and toilet Iuury. " Len den Hair Kesteicr" Is old bv ull diuggist-.. j at 7' ci.l- a i.'Ulle -i bottler for $1. I eet.:M,W.SX !;f.errt: :u:tiit-in i iTljttucii.: Ai.' you .lisluibed at ni-;'!! and bieken of yeui n :t by a sick child sutleilug and tiylnt; with the evcriicirtliiig pain cf cutting teetn .' If-. , go nt once and get a bottle el Mi." A !.N -LOW'S MJOlSllNli M lib P. It will :t liee ll.e peer little sulleiei immt.ii'iiel, !. peit.l upon lt;tlieicis no mi-t'ike abi.i.i it Tin if 1- neia iiiethcr en eatth who iris i",.r u-ed tt, .'.no will i.etteli you at onee that it ill leg utetlie bowel, and fiu JCI le l!ie mother, tr-d. leiicf and health te the child, epeiitpn like magic. It is petfectiy safe te u-e in all cases, and plcvaui (e tlie taste, and is the picsciiptien et one el the eldest and be-d female phyelelau and aiiisi-j in the L'fii.! staie- tei.i evitywl.eic; 'St ccnli- a eii.c "i-iiMvil.' v.M.WX") A Cea'li, Cei-i or s. it: ini.nt stieu il 3 blcpped. Neglect liequciitty lOe'.tlts lit an In curable J.uug Disease ei Consumption. Htewn's liienchial Tie.-h'-s de net diseulei tii" stomach like eetigli syrups and balsams, but aetdiicctly en the liillr.ined pail-", allaying ii'italien. give telief In Axtliiua. Hieuchtal Coughs, Ciitarih, and the Threat Tiettbles . Iiieh Mngeis and Public Spiikers aie sibic t te Fer thirty jcats Htewn's Ilrenchi.ii Tim in s hle been icceiut'ieni'ed by phis' cans, and always gle ncit.-ct s.tiisl.ictic.i.. Jla J itvr l.ei a lested by w ide and constant u-c Teine'iilv n entile geneiatten, they have at tained we) .neiiled tank union;; the tew. stable. lemedii'M el the age. Sold at 21 cents a box even vh If i.lS-lviiri!'.tS.tlVW vi:atu. ill irsiic Feb. 'J, lii-2, Hiitldenly, itni"I lleitshu, in Ills Mth yeiir. llix relatives anil tncndsaie lcpceilullv In vited le attend the luncial tiem his late icsi dence, Ne. :!0 North Lime slieet, en Monday ntictnoen ati! o'clock. Gr.tTEn. In thli city, Fiitlay ineining, 1 i!. ru.ity la, INvJ, Mis. Anne Alalia Geiter. in t'ie fcOili y ear et her age. The dav Is lar fipent, I l.e evening is nigh. When 1 must lay down this body and die: tii cat cied : I sitiicnder my dust te Thy cue ; De Theu for the summons my .pint prepare. Ft lends and tclatUc nre invitc.l te attend hct luncral en Monday atternoen. Febtuaij in, ut 2 o'clock, Itetn her late lesnlpiiee. Ne. 43 Lafayette slieet 2bl VcLDi.n. At Ltinpeter.La'iCiister ceuntv, en the bth insL, Mrs. Susan elder, ile et (Jims. Velder, in tlie 4-'d year of her age. llartlslnug pajten ileae copy HetT. In Ibis citv, Feb. 10. US2. Matth.t. wile el Thes. Helt, in the .leth j eai et her age. heiraltcr. UsNLn. In this citv, en ihe luih ii'.si . 1 lei.i Mav, daughter et C'aipenter and Careline I L sner, aged 10 months and 10 da s. The ilatlvt' ami ei tiic iamlly ui respectlully inviteJ te attend the luneial ltem the lesiileuce el her itaienl-j, Ne. Hi Netlii Piincc stteet, en Sunday afternoon at iyt o'clock. Interment at Lancaster ceme tery, ltd Weikel. In this i ity, en the I0.h el Febru ary, lbS2, Emma K. M., int'int ilaugliter et P. W, and A. Weikcl. It Xllty AJ VERT1SVSIKSTS. PCI5LIC SAI.K OF HORSES. ON WOK DAY. FEimiTAKY 13. 1S.32, at 1 o'clock p. in., will be sold at the Meinnine Heuse, Lan caster, l'a., 1(5 head et Canada Herdes and H head of Ohie Helies, by (ihOUGF. CKOSSMAN. bAMCEL Hess & Sex Attct-s. ne-2td!t IIUi: BKST Be. C1UAK IN TK CITY AT . IIAUTMAN'S Yellow Ftent Cisc-ir ateie. It GKAND LUNCH TO-MCKT. - SOUK Kreut and ligs' Feet, attlie Plew Tavern. MlClIAKL SNYDKK. It l'roprietet. VTKW rURXlTURF, 1 CIILAI'EU T1IA-V SECOND-HAND. t uriiiluie at IIOFFMEIKK'S. Immense stock ln great vaiicty. Give us a call at If Ne. '(. EAST KISt. '-TKKEl. StlOU KK"UT I-UNCll AND C.E. lil.L Ict's Philadelphia llccrlliis (SATL'iJDAY) cvcninj; at the reiriiar et the I.eenai.i Hetel, ltif T.W TOMATOES! SPAKItH NU)-N-,, 1 t bat n elh 'Jl oz., V.'hite and lte-1 Onion. Turnips. Cranlicriies, Cfleii-, clieicc Ovsteis furni'-hert te f'tmiliei, at eckj:i:t. If 1JJ E.ll King street. GEXUfN'i: COXNIiUTICCT CIUARS. 10 for il cl-:., al HARTMAVS YELLOW 1 ISONT CIGAU faTOKE. It i:M, VIUI, VICI. ATTKNTION AHEK- lean Fire Company. Tlterc will be a stated meeting et the American Fire Company en nett MONDAY EVENING at .y, o'clock. Busincs et great importance will be trans acted. Every member should be present. It JOEL HAIN KS, Sec'y. c t,i:AIC HAVANA CIGARS ONLY Sc. AT HAUT.MAN S Yellow Frent CIpar Stere XEW ADrERXIBEXUEKT. A FULL LINE OF CARDS AT HAKT- MAN'S Yellow Frent Cigar Stere. It LflKILLAltlJ'S ICEUKCCA TOBACCO, 10c. a plug, andalseatnll line et chewing anil Smoking Tobaccos at HAKTMAX's Yel low Frent Cigar store. It ILOKIDA LEMONS THAT tVKIGU A ; pound, genuine Fleilda Oranges, 35c. a ileren, elegant White Gtapcs. Aspinwall Ba nanas, clieicc eating Apples, Fig-, Raisin, Jar Piune-, .Vtr.s, 4c . at EUiEr.T'S FUUIT sTOKE. It 12-J East King stieU. HAVK U lltlEO IT t IF NOT DON'T DELAY IT: Once used you will use no ether. THE KOLLEIt GIIANULATED FLOUR Will yield W) te Ci pounds mere bi cad te the barrel than Fleur made by the old piecess. It lequiics'mere moisture; much mete nutri tious and healthy. Mannfactuied by E. 11. bixnir.e- & Ce , Ma:.tieim, Pa. Fer sale by the principal gteceis M. F. si F.IUF.KWALT & SON, Vlie!esale Agents 1-0 till -tJ-.M.KSTIiiS.'i. Valentines and Valentine Cards. In di cat Vaiit ty at L. M. FLYNN'S, BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 43 WI-ST KIN STREET. 2,600 VARUS. The (Jseatcst Huain eti efTi'ied in tliis city in CHEAP DRESS GOODS i:l eui: 27 Inch Wide Half-Weel Twille. rcprucr oeouj, 'l V,i CI"-., FOILMEi: PHICh S C 1'-. JM5 i.OT OF IJU1TONS, ieguhll pi lee i". te i". (enti; closing out at 10c, per deen. JOHN P.' SWARR'S, Ne. in -NORTH QL'I'.K.N ST., rcTni-N : Sale of Beets and Shoes ! Al L-iO 2cJ iSfORTH QUBUN ST., ( lOLIt'S ilflfw ROOM, ) Tin- i:0':l:ig at n'lieik. Tilt HM.l,E Ot The stock or Heets .ml -dtei s that wuiu s ived tiem the K.igleaho-rteieat the lire el the In rjuiicr building, illbesehl without icseive le the highest bi.Mi i, tegardlcss el pi ice. We have Mime vci line Shoes among them, also some heay iitets anil Miees. IF VOIT WANT A HAUOAIN NOW IS YOI'lt TIMK. JOIIX niEMENZ, .. llcis a son. Ancts. feblO tr Ijuuliusal:; or steki;, dwi.llings and Iluililiug Let-". On TIIUKSDA1, 1-Lll. Hi, IS'J, al the Fount iln Inn, en Seuth Queen slieet ( Geerge Hasting, pieprietci ). will he --old the lollewing pieperties Ne. 1. Tuo-sleiy buck Stoic and Dwelling, en the southeast corner of West King and Deiwail &tiecln Let ::7xll'.l lect. Ne. 2, Tire two-steiy brick Dwellings, Xn.. ."iuul 17 lla.el -tieel h ill, I looms and Klteh- en in each. Ne. J. One and a it til-stery Inie't Dwelling, J Willi name kite lieu. Ne. .M" :50111b Pi nice i i-treel.'i looms and kitchen. LntVJvlOi ;well cl water. Ne. i, iluililiug I n:.-, le. it. in in. in ;; it . southeast coiner of Hazel and Heaver sMeet. Ne..". Let en north snie Wc-'tOittugestieet. ' e.i-t ei Charlette, iiI"61cet. ,' Se. G, Twe Lets en East side ei Chauetle i -tieet. noithei Orange, each 22xl0u. I Ne. 7. Lot2ivUlcct.en southwest cenn i e: Mary stteet and Marien alley. j One-hall the puiolrne money in.i) leiuaiu In i eithci II dcsiicd. " i "-alole commence at 7 o'clock, p. in., when atten l.mce and terms will be given by I ALL.N A. llbitF. & CO.. 'leal Estate Agent-", I!. I ftii.w :: Neitli Duicustieei. AiictmiMii lrbll-"HlSWi.Tli I ) I I'l' ji::;a ikii'ik. j - ! WSDMESDAT, FnBRLTARY 15lh ' tin i :: i i. ei rut: hi 1 1 -u - M HI SI. .-sON- JAY P.i A L M.ii''-ll l! et tin- l'litiiens and i'li'tiiie-.jue Diam.i el Uncle Tem's Cabin. t II u!ed te . p it.o'iel i lil-lui di.ini.i.liy .Mis. liitii"! il. i chef Mnwe, lernilng the! stienj'esi company tint has eei ptcvnicd tills be'.utitiii 1'ei.fe plctuieel ' LIPS AMONG THE LOWLY, i ivv. i.i::"i i. i.a i:ll i ujiiuxl (i.llii! -sf . ale! n'.'ct- ('( !i 'uali .1 tlielv deii'i - ii": ,. .nan. i: ein iiaiueu i:ineiiu:iiii'" .;:m ii: xm es:m rie. I'l.'IcL-.Sie anil :S"C Nel'.Mia Ne illhei. ' -eats -old at the Vex Olli'- lebll,!!! !)l.ii;.ilii'i "vS'JM. VrOJtL. j Brandy as a Medicine. 'i he ioilemui;:i:t:olu v. ..i eluntalily f eitl te i-.Ir.IL E. siavnuAei, Aj;e:il lei iMait's Old Wine -;eie, Itj a iiienne.i nt practising physi ci."i el this county, v.l'e h-w i'i.tenstvely n""eii tlie Ili-uid lefeiii-.l le m hn regular pr.ietue It isceiiiniend: d te tlie aUcntieH of the-c at tiieled with Inciigestien and Dyspepsia. 8RAHDY AS A MEDICINE. ri.- uew much iib'-.seit Alcoholic stimulant wii-Mii ir liiteiiiled as a beveiafje, but te le n-ed a-a medicine of ricil potency in tiiecme of .some of the di'stinelive diseases ninth sweep.itt.iy their annual thousands of vict mi f. With a piiiely j.hil li'.thiejiic motive we pit sent te the l.iei.ibIe notice el iinalids esn.. cis'liy the'-e alllieii'd with tlmt miserable it:i c.isu' Dv-iLpt.ia, a .specihe remedy, which i3 nethirf mete or less than Brandy. j'i.i :u;id, Mltn le-eble appetite and mete ei !e- debility, will linn this simple medicine, u I i . ii i"l piopeWy, A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and acbee. lie it, be.-, t i i sliiftly umtcrs'-oed that no piccribe t.i. d u li'.t one :ii tide, and tht !s KEi0,ETS OLD BKANDI, foul bv our riiterjirising ttlend, 11 bl.AUt.VKKB. This Brandy h..s steed the ten for 3'cars. and has never failed, as l.ii as our experience extendi, and we th"iete: give it Ihe ireleienec ever all etner Umndies no matt ci w ith hew many juw -breaking Ft each titles they are bianded. One-fetllth et the money that is yeaily thrown away en vat miu imiKiteiiti'yspepsi.i "pecitica vreulil sulllce :c buy nil the Brandy te cute any such case ei uses. In proet et the curative powers el Reigart'D Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, wc can summon num br of wltnecs one case in particular wc cite: A haril-neiUmg I.iiiiur had been ail.ieteu With an i xhaustivu Djpepsia ter a number of ycais; h:s blemitch weiibl t eject almost every kind et loed; lie hail sour eructatiens con stant no appetite in fact, he was obliged te resliietliis diet te cracl.cts and stale bread, and ns ti beverane he used -McGrann's Beel Beer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new preached at times and in nis discourses etten declainu d eat iic-tly against all kinds- et strong dunk W hen advised te trv Reltrart's Old Braudy, In his cei-e, lie looked up with asieuisumciii but alter liei'tlng et ils weiidetlut etlecta In the cases et lei" of hi-? near act nam lam e-i, lie at la -t ceii-icnted te fellow out adviee. Jit n-cd Ihe Bi-mdy f.ilthtully and -teadily; tin tii--t bottle giving him an appetite, and beleii the -eeeni! r.s tui.en he as n sound ma'i.wlil. a stomach capable of digesting anythinu hicl' heji he-e te eat. He still keeps it and Ubes a lit lit tle occasionally; and sine-e lie has this medi, cine he has been et very little pecuiiiaiy bent lit te t he doctor. A IT. ctisiwe PnvsictA t,. K. E. SLAYSAKER, AQKXT FOR Reigai'ts Old Wiue Stere.. Esbtbh-hcd In 1785. IMPOCTKR AMD DKALlir. IN KINK OLD BRANDIES, SHERRlta, sjui'l' RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in 1M- 1-527 and 1&23.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWN STOUT. -.e .29 i:.ST KINO T. L.lSCASTBB.I'.l XEir JLDTMBTISEMEXIS. F LINN WILLSON. BARGAINS! YUM & WILISOU, ARE OFFERING THEIR IMMENSE TINWARE, BUCKETS, &C, BOUGHT AT NEW YORK AJ'CTIOX AT LESS THAN HALF THEIB YALUE, Largest and most Complete Line of H0U3E-STIRE GOODS in Central Pennsyl vania. ALL AT VERY LOW PRICES. FHNN & WILLSONj '"PIIi: ONLY PI-ACE WHERE YOU CAN SAVE TOUK MOXEY, NOKBECK & MILEY'S Lancaster Coach Works, S. E. CORNER OF DUKE AND YINE STREETS, LANCASTER, PA. NOW IS VOVR TIME TO BUY .' PURCHASERS LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! Yeuaieawate that cvciythlng in the line et Material. Traile anil Ituslnc-i; has ailvanccil, ami is still advancing In price, anil if y7u postpone or delay your needs until Spring, you will find you will have te pay 25 or 30 per cent. mee than it you make jour pmchasu new. The teasen we are offering inducements and still selling enr work at the Present and Ue duced Prices is owing te the fact that we are new Enlarging our Carriage Works, and have net at ptcscnt room sufllcient te store our work, as well as the desire te keep all our hands in employment, as we employ none but tlie Best and Most Practical Mechanics. Wc have yet en hand a Large Stock et Bugfifies, Phaetons, Family Carriages, Market and Business Wagons, Ac ALL OF THE I.ATt"sT AND MOST DKSIUAIILK sTYLF, finisui:i in Tin: west and most autisi'k, mannhii, , And te which we invite eui-specml and immediate attention. XX1F Alt MRT181SMESTS. G I HARD ) OFPHILADELPIA. Assets ever Eleven Hundred Thou sand. Dellats, sccuiely invested. Fer a -policy lc j tins eiiianu weii-csiautisucd company can en RIFE & KAUFMAN, NO. 11 EAST KING STREET.' 113M.W&SK pI.UXHIXU, GASFITTINU. JOHN P. SCHAUM, Ne. 27 Seuth Queen Street. JTO DOM. ONLV BV -.KII.I.H 1. M) CAItEFUL WORKMEN. LAKGi: il'OCK OF UASFITI'INO OX HAND. J in-2MydS PC15I.1C SALEOFA VALUAIILK DWELL ING HOUSE. On bATUKDAY, FEU. 11, IS32, attlie Fountain Inn, mouth Queen street. Lancaster city, will be sold at Public Sale, a j geed and substantial thrce-steiy brick rl IT T T Vi 1 III1IT2L' ...11. t ......I ' I'lti.i.ia.iii Airtej-, wxLii iiuiii. uiti t-n-el -sell by substantial iron fence, with a two twe two tery brick back building, containing hall, 10 looms and batli room, hydrant In the yard, het and cold wutcr m kitchen and en eec-end Meer, Willi range, slate mantels with heater, heating parlor and rooms en second fleer. Ga- and gas tlttutc- thioiigheut the house. Has been newly papcicd and lias a perpetual fit e insurance. 1 .here ate a number et choice grapevines and ether liulten the let. This pioperty is situated en the nmlhue-t eoincret Nordi Duke and Lemen stteets, Lancaster, Pa., one of the me-t desirable loca tions lera home in the city. Stile te commence at 7 o'clock, p. in. Pc rxens wishing te view tlie nieneriv or as- cei tain tlie conditions of sale will please call iiiien A. K. SPUttKIEU. Aldciman. lil-SAWUNd Ne. 21 Seuth Queen btrect. LOSINO OUT! A AND BELOW COST. .My e-ntiic stock et DRY GOODS, IMS, Etc, l "5 l'OliSALi: AT AND BELOW COM", 'ibis Is a line chance tin GOOD BARGAINS. S 1 HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OP GOODS, On hand, whieh weie all purchased ter cash. J. M. LONG, J21-ttd 14 NOBTJ1 QUEKN STKEET. 7-AliENTlNK SKlSflN. Valentines ! IN GREAT VARIETY. VALENTINE CARDS NOVELTIES, At the Bookstore ct Jehn Baer's Sens j Nes. 15&17 North Queen Street. SIGX OF THE BOOK. 'AUl'ETS, COAL, ate. PHILIP SCUUM,S0N & CO., MANUFACTORY,' NO. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., iv ell-known Manufacturers et Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, RLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, ai'OCKINU YARN, Ac. USTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. ILANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either In the piece or In Gatments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbon Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlcmen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo Blue Dyeing done. All orders or Reeds lelt with its will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CAKPKT RAGS. GOAL.. COAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expressly lei family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD-150 fcOUTH WATER STREET. J-lVdRSI PHILIP SCHUM.SON&cO STOCK OF jvj;ir AnrMcusEJUiufis 1?OK KKXT. FKOM Al'KII. 1, 188!!, ' Frame COACHMAKEK and ItLACK SMIT1I SHOP, two Dwelling-, Stable and ether iinpteveinents, with about two AGUES et land, nt Green Tree, Hart township, Lancaster county. Pa. Geed location ter business. ALLAN A. HEKK &. Ce., Ileal Estate Agents. Ne. 'I Net th Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. tel-3tw&3td3 JZNTXRTAINMESTS. IfltLTON Ol'KItA HOUSE. -LANCASTEK. SUNDAY EVENING, FEB. 12. RELIGIOUS ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. SPIRITUALISM. Appeal ance et the Celebiated ANNA EYA FAY, Who has lust leturiicd from Londen, Eng land, and bi ought with her thtieet Hie Best Mediums In the World inrlmlinjj the eminent erpeuenl, PROP. 0. 0. BRADDON, SPIRITUALISM MlaSFAVlslhc only livinjf medium who has the endorsement et mcinbeis el the Beyal Sclentilie Society el England. She will give her Light Materializing Seance given by iter befeie the Beyal Scientitlc Society et England Letd Baleigu, ProteS3er Crekes, Wallace Sergcunt Cox and ethets. SEANCE IN FULL GAS-LIGHT, 3 1-4 HOUKd DL'KATION. Someet the startling test1 that take place: the Wendcrlul Bather, the l'lyingCeat, Com Cem Com uiuiiicatiens from Fiieiids. Ueautiful Flowers Matetialized and Passed te the Audience, llie Floating Guitar, the Organ 011 its Travels and many ether stat tling expetuneiiH. D0013 open at KYi p. 111., comment-e at ? p in. 10--Jtd L't:i.TO. OI'KKA HOIStJ. SATURDAY KVJi.MXU, VEli. lltii. OXK XIU11T OXI.Y GORMA'FJ FAMOUS Philadelphia Church Choir Company In tneir inimitable rendition et Gilbert and Sullivan's delicious opera of "PATIENCE," OR BUNTHORNE'S BRIDE. Willi the eiiglnal Church Chelrcasi. CllOIil'S OF DRAGOON GUARDS, CIIOUUS OF KAFTUROl'S MAIDENS Otche-tri din ct Iiem the Lyceum Theatre. Philadelphia. ADMISSION, ?, SO and :15c; Reserved beats 75c.. for sale at epciti house eftice. 7-"til TLULT(N OPEKA UOU'sE. ILESUAV, FEBRUAUY 14, 1882. MR. T. A. HALL, manager et the Lyceum, I'lula ielpliia, iepecttully announces ler one night only, MR. J. S. CLARKE, In bis gteat impersonation et the character et BOB BRIERLY THE TICKET-0F-LEAVE-3IAN. .',' Pl'UJtTKI) IIY A NTJtOXO COM PA XV With the scenery and effects fiem the Ly ceum, Philadelphia, where this ureal mateilv play has been perternied tot tl e pist tluec i ceks te ciewded audiences. RESERVED SEATS.. ...J l.OO. beats enn be secured at the Opera Heuse Offlce. 10-Itd i"1RAJi ClIAUlTlT CONCERT. FOR 1 1I K llh.MCFIT Ot THE .-OUI ttl.ND. it Woodward's Continental Vocalists. IN THE COURT HOUSE, TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 14. MISS ALICE TROYER, boprane, MISS MINNIE SEI1NER, Contralto, MR. CIIAS. B. MOWERY, Tener, MR. A, W. WOODWARD, Basse. ADMISSION, ------ 35 CtH. Deers open at 7:3m" p. 111.; concert te com mence at 8 o'clock. Tickets ler sale at WoeiiiiaiiFs niiiMc store. Ne. 15 Eiist King street, teb1,i,10,ll,l.!,14il IOU ItENT-IN MARIETTA. N II Alt TIIK I? centre of the borough, a Wagen-Maker and Blacksmith Shep; an old und "oed stand. Apply te FREDERICK WALLER, JIAR 1ETTA. D-3td Orphans' court sai,i:.-i:kai. Es tate et Themas Kerr, deceased. Will be sold by order of Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, en TUESDAY, FEBBUAKY 21, 1S82, en the premiaes, all the following real estate late et said decedent, situate lit Salisbury township, Lancaster county, te wit : Ne. 1. Situate en Chutchtewn read, and bounded by lands et estate et Jehn Amnions, deceased, Isaac Weaver and otliers.eeutalnlnc 12 ACRES and 50 PERCHES or iaml, mere or lass, en which are erected a two-leiy Stene and Frame HOUSE, Stene Barn, Heg IVn with ether improvements. Ne. 2. Adjoins Ne. 1 and contains 10 ACRE3 about half et which Is farm land, the bal ance is chestnut sprouts. Persons desiring further In formation will call en Mrs. Ann Kerr, residing en Ne .1. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m.. sharp. Terms by ADAM S. TROUB, ll-3tw Administtater, Sc. THISD EDITIM. SATtJRDAY EVENING. FEB. 11, ISS2. WKATBKK 1 N DICATI O JiS. Washington, D. C, Feb. 11. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, fair, winds shift ing te southeasterly, lower pressure. THE GAKFIKLD MONUMENT. Postmaster General Howe Second the Ap peal of the Army of the Cumberland. Washington, Feb. 11. Postmaster General Howe has written a letter te the postmasters of the United States,infermiug them that the Society of the Army of the Cumberland appeals te them for aid te procure contributions te the fund for the erection of a monument at the national capital te the memory of James A. Gar field. The postmaster general says : " I am Mire no word is needed from me te en list your best efforts in behalf of such a cause. By noble aspiration and by tireless endeavor te promote the public welfare, Piesident Garfield had achieved the highest honors of the republic when he had but little passed the neon of Hie. lie fell the victim te a malice, se wanton as te be demoniac. A monument te him will attest the nation's leve nation's abhor- for his virtues and the rence for that inscrutable depravity which slew him. Such a structure should net ba stinted for lack of means. The nation s very lich ; let art exhaust itself oil inveu tien ; let money leap te execute her ile signs. I have but barely assumed official relations with your corps. This is my first communication te you. Yeu aie nu merous, widespread, Yeu will respond te the appeal or the Society of the Army of the Cumberland, and your response will hhew, I trust, that these who administer the postal service for the United States are net the least patriotic nor the least capable of t'aose who work for the lt'public.'I TK.NNKSSEK.'a BONUS. The Funding Act Declared Unconstitutional. Nr.w Yerk, Feb. 11. A Nashville, Tenn., special says the supreme court has decided that the funding act is unconstitu tional. A Liter dispatch says the decision of the court was read by Judge Turney. It says that the taxpayers had the right te brin.j suit and that the court has authority te act in the matter. The decision saya the law te s-etilc the state debt al 100, 3, is "void and unconstitutional." UIGH WATER. Great Damage by Floods In Texan. Sr. Leuis, Me., Feb. 11. A special dis pitch from Dallas, Texas, says: "The Tiinidad river is higher than since 18GI5. Laige amounts el lumber, small houses, driftwood and considerable dead stock arc ileatiug down. Trains en the Missjiui Pacific, Gulf, Colerado & Sauta Fee, tLe Texas hunk, and the Chicago, Texas Si Mexican Central railroads have been aban doned during the past two days. It is ap prehended that leperts of great damage will come in when the storm subsides." IIKIIAKLVU A WILL. Liul el Celebrated Case in New Jcritey. Patf.uen, X. J., Feb. 11. The Pa-sa:c eiphans' court te-day decided the Dale will cafac in favor of the caveaters. Mrs. S. P. Dale, wife of a prominent silk mauu factuier, left te her seu, T. Nel Nel eon, and left two of her ether sons' chil dien $1,000 each. Frcdeticl:, the young est seu objected te the probate of the will, and new wins the suit en the ground of undue inilueuci; e." the part of S. Nelsen Dale. Uienneil In tlie chiihI. Sviivct'sn, X. Y., Feb. 11. The body of Jeicmiah Doeuey, aged 33 years, was receveicd this morning from the canal. He was drowned last night while returning from a wake, and it is supposed he was intoxicated when he fell in. Nr.w Yerk, Feb. 11. Thema:- Uurke, 21 years old, while leaving a canal beat at the feel of Giiunnll street, Seuth Brook lyn last night, fell, evci beard and was di owned. The body wat recovered this morning. hUPPOSlJO SU1C1I1K An r.x-i'ii-tini-iites Takes Chloroform. Chicago, Feb. 11. A special te the Inter-Ocean from Liwienceville, Ills., sajs: "Miss Seed, until a week age postmistress here, was found in a dying condition from the. effects of chloroform ycsteid.iy. Opin ions differ as te whether she took the drug as a medicine or through despondency at being superseded in office. The indica tions favor the latter tbftery." ABDUCTION OF CU1L.II. The Beld Deed Pernatratcd lu a Khede island Town. Pkevidlmk, U. I., Feb. 11. L. II. Toiutellette, of Olueyville, lived apart from his wife for thrce years, having the custody of a daughter three years old. Last evening his house was broken open, three doers being kicked down, aud the child and her clothing were stolen. Tlie robber met with dctci mined resistance by the women of the house, one of whom fired at him. Thcie is no trace of man or child. Stores llurned In Lynchburg, Vu. Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 11. A Gre here at three o'clock this morning completely destroyed thrce store-houses en Main street, occupied by J. M. Bobbitt, shoc shec iuercliant ; J. Clift, jeweler ; A. D. Hels man & Ce , clothiers ; and O. Accensini, confectieuer. The less is about $10,000, coveted by iusurance. The fire was the lcsult of incendiarism. Stealing Mall D.g. Cincinnati, Feb. 11. A dispatch from Charleston, "W. Va., says a mail carrier en the Short Creek, route, in Beeno county, was stepped en Tuesday night and shot at four times, and the mail bags were cap tured and rilled. A man named Jarrel is the alleged perpetrator. Ne arrests have been made. Sotelde Still Living. Wasuinoten, D. C, Feb. 11. Mr. A. M. Sotelde, who was wounded in the sheeting affray which took place in the editorial rooms of the Xatianal Republi can en Thursday night, is still living, but his death is momentarily expected. The surgeon say, however, that he may possi bly linger for a day or se. Comuiiisien en Railroad Rata. St. Leuis. Feb-11. Hen. E. B. Wash Wash burne passed through here last night from Het Spiing.H, Aik., oil his way te New Yerk, uheie he will bit with Judge Ceeley, of Michigan, and Senater Tbur man, of Ohie, as an advisory commission en the differential railroad rates. Safe IIlewD Open sd Robbed. Evsten, Pa., Feb. 11. The safe in the hardware store of L. M. Teel, in Phillips- burg, opposite this place, was blown opt by burglars last night, and a small saaa of money taken. Tlie rebbbery was net dis covered until this morning. Death of a Uentenaajaa. Oswego, Feb. 11. Rev. Simeon Par melee, aged 100 years and 2-1 days, died in, this city last night. He was for sixty years a pastor in Vermont and had flfty flfty tbree living descendants. His wife is still livinjr. Cut ller Threat With a Razor. Reading, Pa., Feb. 11. The wife of William 3reycr, of Beru township, this county, committed suicide this morning by cutting her threat with a razor. She had been in depressed spirits. Death from Merphia. Dallas, Tex.. Feb. 11. E.Q. McCand lish, agent of the Missouri Pacific and'tr Texas & Pacific railroads, died last night from the effects- of merphia. A Regular Ditte Warming. Inurrsell, Ont., Feb. 11. Kennedy's hide houbeand its contents were burned this morning. The less is $12,000. MAKKJSTIB. t'hlM'leliiina DlMrbeu t'liiLAUKi-riiiA, Feb. II. t lour Market dull; Supi'tdue, at :t 7"04 25; .1 tint at ft S0a. ! : Ohie and Indiana family. Hi 757i: Pi'imsylvanii de, $7 87i750; Minn. Evtiti,$i5 7."r7; de straight, $772.V I :ye Hen r at 4 733 1 S7. W heat dull and iin-i'ttlfil. Cern dull und weak. Oats dull but steady. Rye -scarce at 'J.V. Previsions in fair jobbing demand. Lard steady ; Butterln uctiveili'iu.iud for choice In execs et supply. Rolls firm. Es qtih t : 1'ciiua., .")Jlc. t'beese dull, but unclmiifji'il. Petieli'iim ilriner; Refilled, Tiic. WlilsUyat $1 21. Seeds oeil te prime clever Ann at (K dodo Flaxseed -di-aily at 1 331 37. (ir.iln and Prevision Quotation. Oiieocleclriuotatlousoi grain ami provlt prevlt provlt iens, furnished bv b. K. Yum It, Breker, IK East Klniftreet February 11. Chicago. Wlicitt corn Oats Perk Lard t'eb :; i8.a Mnrcii.. 125 .r7j .tuji I8.:i7i iLss April.. 1.27 May t.iJZ Aiyt I'lUIuilelplila. Vvh I..W. .1.7'; AH Match 1.373 JA .IS Apt 11 . lay .nya tiyt ixiivi I'erK itlnrKet. Nkw jwric, February 11. Fleur State and Western dull ami .stienly in buyers favor; Seiitlie-rn dull and heavy. Wheat iI?IJ-c lower and 1m ivy, feverish and less nctie". Cern KWKe lower and heavy. Oats It&yje lower and dull. f.lve Ste-K Itlarxeta. LiiioAiie. Heks Receipts, 2.C03 bead; aUIu iiicnis, s.iioe de; market dull and prices ueaken liht; common te uoed mixed. 80i (S'1-VJ; heavy puekinit at W ne7; Phlladel and linden at V7 10(27 30; lilit weakat lUc lower ; troed te choice bacon at Vi 40Q0 S5 ; couiiiien te lair at $tf 13WG lit skips and cnlls. Cattle U ceipts, 3,11m head; shipments. 3,100 00; iimiket ae-ttvc and Ktieitfj und a shade higher all ieiintl;aii eaily clearauce was liiaile ; uiaikct closed Hi in ; experts at WIOQ i;.')0; 'oed te choice shipping at f3 tXNJtfOO; coiiinieu te fair ut jl 70S.ri 30 ; mixed butch ers' ai'live at2.VifJI.'.0;sleekers and tcederd at .!j?l V); milkers and splinters at $30jj50. hhei'ii Receipts, 1,UM head; .shlpiucntH. 2.UW de; market weak, but steady, with a fair de mand ; iuteiir.r te lair at 91 )'I7.1; medium te (reed at fl'tiif 7.; choice te extra at SOUS 3 50. K.vsr Cuttle Receipt ler tlie week i-nilinj.' e-terday were 4,HU2 head through und l,)0heiidel local, against l.iiil head through and 1,317 head lee il the week belere : selltnK about the s-iini- as last week ; common te soed at $l '. (4 lO ; Mockers, according le quality, at f 3 20 31 23. liens Receipts ler the week were 20,105 head, naiiisl IS.wr. lie t. mr the week before ; M'lliti slew; Philadelphia ut J7 407 C5 ; linker at id ImQH S3. Mieep Receipts for Hut week were 13,(MW head, against U.TOi head Inr the wiek hetore ; selling at Ylr')fi3 73 ler 1 i.tiiiiiini te prime: l.imbsat $3SO(J30. stoeK Tiarxec Nev.- Ieik, l'iiitaiieiphiit and Lecal stocks also ti'nitiil state llends repertu.1 dmly by J Aeen i. I.emi, N. K. C01 Ceiittu S.jiiaii;. Mar lena Mecks null. February 11. 10.00 irtW SiOt a. x. r. m. . x. llei'..-. Chicago ft Neitli Wi -tern. .. Ubluiiie. MIL -.1. I'e.tii Can ti 1 1 "-euih.-ui C C ft I. C K. R........ .. . UeL, !.: U.ft Western Delav.aie ft iludsei: L'au-al Denver ft Rie ijrandi- East Tenn., Va. & (Lt Ilittiuibal ft St. Jd" Lake bheie ft .Midi. Mutl.ei n.. Manhattan Elevated Michigan Centra! Missouri. Kausa.sft 'ie.xas N. y.. Lake Lrie ft Western New Jersey Central N. Y.. OnUirleft Western New Yerk Central Ohie ft Misisdippl Ohie Central FaciliC Mall btean.-'np f St. Paul & Omaha de i'releireit Leiitra! Pacilic Union Pacific Wabash, s.. ..mis ft I'acirlc.... Piuteridl " ' e-.i I. toil Tel Ce ... PHlLADE'-VHtA. Stocks IlllsCttleit. Pennsylvania R. R Readlm; Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Kx'liiv Buffalo, I'ltts. & Wisteni Northern Centra! Neithern P.telllc " Pretet-n.! IltdtenvllI: Electric Undei ground Tel. Ce. Philadelphia ft Rile It. R Gunnison Mining Iowa Gulch Mining.., Ukitbe States Behcb. United States 4 per cents livji I34J4 133 ki'4 ;ej 100 UZJ i-iVi isyA 11 vmy i2t KWJ .... 1084 705S-7O4 70)2 u, .... u 111 111 111 i'l 5 uy. 37" xyA 'Si v.y 130i 80 37H 30. 3JJi 26J 98 131 130K .... 33k ilk 101" 23 23 4' 43 91 48 3 81 ny. 61 31X Cl mi 17 3144 33" 7375 l4 7J . te . 17 170 27 T.U. M 118 11442 leijj 101 17 170 'n TEACU ItOTTOM RAILWAY. Oil and alter MONDAY, -JAN. trains Mill tun a.s fellows : 17, 1391 DRAINS OOING EAST. -"at. only Ne.j Ne.l ! A.Jf. 7:10 7:27 Ne.3 LEAVE. Dersey's Eldeni Fulton Heu-e . White Reck.... A KM YE. Oxford Philadeipl'ia... P.X. 2.-2S 2:42; 2-5 ' 3:23, 8:45 9:00 !U0 S-33 9-M 7:10 8:10 8:45 4:00 7:22 1:02 TRAINS OOING WE 5T. Men. only Ne.ti LEAVK. Piiiladcliihla A.M. Oxieitl 11:00 7:10 3:16 White Reck 1L37 7:40 5:43 Fulton Heiwe 12.0b 8.06 6 Eldeni Ii23 8:18 6:15 AEinvc Dersey's..... 12:12 855 631 Ne.2 Ne.4 A.M. P.X. H.Ou 4:45 11:00 7:10 11:37 7:40 12.0b 8.06 12S S:18 12:12 855 -Ne. a ami .e. 1. trains win step only wnen signaled. Trains connect ut Dersey's with Co lumbia ft Pert Deposit it. R. Trains leave the depot.Bread strcctand Washington avenue, at 7:30 A.M. and 3::) P. M., and arrive at2:37 P. M. and S P. M. Tickets ireni al! stations te Phila delphia and Baltimore for Mile by the conduc tor. I. A ALKXASDKR aup't.