RBrlktSf i- II t mta$te$ mttt ssflsmm Volume XV 111--Ne. 138. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY FEBRUARY 11. 1882. Price Twi Onte. J mmmMrU I UMVM . 1" i'""'iiR;- " Sw t R LUOy KITTEES. fKON KITTEttS. I IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IKON BITTERS are highlyrccemmended ter all diseases requiring a certain anil effi cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OP APPEw TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, anil Ives new Ufa te the ncives. it acta like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic nyirptema, such as Tatting tht Feed, Ilclching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tlie only Iren Preparation that -will net ulueken the tttetlt or give headache. Sold bj .ill di uggirts. Wi ite ter the A It C Heek, "2 pp et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, til lyd&w Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG street, Lancaster. vletuixu. fl'ME IXKCTIU l.HJIIT IS SOW'IN FDM. i AL. ROSENSTEIN'S, The One-Price Merchant Tailor and Clothier; Ne. 37 North Queen street. Ne. 37 North Queen street, V J UK A1U ELECTRIC LIGHT! NIGHT IS MADE AS LKHIT AS DA Y. The only Clothing Heuse in the City which is Illuminated by the Electric Light. 13?" Al R. cordially inviteJ te call and see it. AL. ROSENSTEIN, rPl HE PIONEER OF Ne. 37 North Queen Street, - - Lancaster, Pa. ivines AXV R KIU.YICT'3 OLD WINK STOKE. ESTABLISHED 1785. REIGART'S OLD WINE STORE NO. 29 EAST KING STREET. REIUARFS OLD MXr:s OF 1800. IKISi, 1817. 1818 AXD 1827. FIXE OLD BRAX VIES AXD WHISKIES, UIXS, HUSH AXD SCOTCH WHISKIES. All the leading lit in. Is et cIlAMPAONE. HKOtt.N MOl T, bCOlCIl AI.Ls, Ac Mineral Watt! -, Appellinaiis ieliy, Miedneh-diall. HunyadiJ.Junes, '-arategn and Ginger Ale. Alse Fine Uli Oils. H. E. SLAYMAKER, S. CLAY MILLER, fines, Brandies, Kins, Oil Eye Whiskies, &c, Se. 33 PENIN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. rLUMIlEU'S TOUN L. AUXOl.ll. TOI1N I.. ARNOLD. PATENT COLD-CASE HEATERS, BEST PORTABLE IN USE. SLATE ROOFER AND ROOFS REPAIRED, PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING, Step and Valves for Water, Gas and Steam. JOHN L. ARNOLD, Nea. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rapr2-ttd MEDICAL. ).i:ki.ii iiaik ijaiaabi. I PARKER'S 1IAIH I! VLsAM. The lie-l. Cheapest and Most hconemicul Hair Dressing New r ialN te icster.- entlitnl colei tejnty hair. flOc. and $1 sires. PAHUKR'b GINGER TOXIC Linger, llnchu. Mandrake, and many ei the best medi cines known sue heie combined into ii medicine ei such vailed powers, as te make it the iriv itest Rloed Ptuillerand Tne IStst Ilcalin una htrcngtli Restorer Ever Um.iI. It cures Complaints et Women, and dlsea-es et the Steni ic'i. Rowels, Lungs, Liver and Kidneys, and is entirely ditleient tiem Hitter-t, Gingei Essences, and etner Tonics, as it never intoxicated f.0c audi sizes. IIPjPOX & CO . Chemists, X. V. I. uge saving buying $1 size. ' scpl2-lycodeow&w i.inuuns, xv. INGWALT'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND UltueAiti eiunr., Ne. ai5 West King Street. teliii. 1 M ALT WIN! . HERCULES MALT WINE. I'he Hest and Cheapest Malt Extract In tin- Mai kct. r-OLD IN DRUG STORES AT 25 Cents per Pint Bettle. CHAS. WOLTERS, I'RC'I'IXT RREWER, 1'HII.AHELl'lilA 1m.as-.i:ii I): reT. GEO. A K1EIU.. ml Ml,d - H OUSEAL. & CO'S NEW LIQUOR STORE), Se. 4S North Queen street, I nnciater, Ia. The very best nnd tineat qn ihtip of Kereign and Bemebtic W1NE unit UQl'OKS. con tantlv lei hale at wholeanle nd letail. MrnlgiitOM Rye Whisky et the distillation of 1875. Pure unadulterated Custom Heuse llrandy. warranted et the vintage ei lbCO. Old Helland Gin, and ether hlskies, Uran- dies and Wines te -tilt the trade. ' teb-J.Jmd HOl'bEAl. A CO. CUAJj. aiautTn, B it. W helesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds et LUMRER AN'O COAL.. -tuid: Ne. 420 North Water and 1'iincc streets .above Lemen Lancaster. na-lyd C0H0 & WILEY. ;r.O SOUTH WATER ST., Lancaster, l"a Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With itin Telephonic Exchange IJnuii OiKbe : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. lebS8-l7d 1I TO BELLLY & KELLER son IJ00I), CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, ll.iy and Straw by the bale or ten. Vanncii and ethers in want et Superlei i:iuu uill lind it te their advantage te call V-iiil, ll.in i-burg Pike. i U'dlee, 3j E i-.i CiiCFtnut street. ngl7-i RON I'.ITTKKS. SURE APPETISER. BALTIMORE, MD. STORE. 137 and 139 North Queen 1U.AE KVr.ItV EVENINO AT Or TilK MODERATE PRICES, LUJUOHS. Jau2S-lydS SUl'l'LMES. )ARKE1CS OIXOKU TONIC. VLOTIIIA'G, &C. rpilK VAKIKTY 4IF GENTS' NECK EAR That .c exhibit In Immense;, and special pains aie taken te get the XOEl.TIE us last as they come te eiu notice. We have m ide a Gicat Reduction in FANCY HALF HOSE, Ihc Odd Sl.'c- and Old btj les li.ive been niaiketl down the tne-it. Oni ihew Hinden contains a lew specialties th it aie uy cheap ami et ifp te evei y man ei boy. THE EIGHMIE SHIRT Is made with two lengths et sleeves ami a mere RfcREECT-riTTlXG SHIRT was neci etleied te the pnblic. Tlw satisfaction that it gies iJ a proof et this. Thpie Is no need nt jeupajing e niucli te It ive shirts m ule te eidt'i. but SIMPLY THY THE EKSJIMIE, And our tienblc with bhlrts is atun end. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER, 36-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. CLOTHING. w rAXAJIABER & EROHS Clothing that "Wears Well. Year after year our custeniets return because tbey aie net dis appointed in the kind ei Clotli Cletli iug we supply ibcin. With all out reasonable prices we insist en the goodness of the material-. The htoek ei Men's, and Beys,' Overcoats and Suits is btiil quite complete. WANAMAKEK & BROWN. iK II Lt, sixth and Win ket sti eutn Plilhidclphlii pill WATER AND FIRE. $10,000 WORTH of CLOTHING Slightly damaged ny watei at the late tne. MUST BE SOLD. AND THE GREATEST RARGAlNs WILL UE OFFERED REGARDLESS OK COST At the old stand et CHEAP JOHN, 50 NORTH QUEEN ST., f2-lmil LANCASTER, 14. ASTIIIVH JlltOS: AliVEJtriSEMEXI. sTKIIIli Ki:0' AUVEKTISEMENT. ASTRICH BROS,' LANCASTER BAZAAR, NO. 13 EAST KINO STREET, I AVCA-i'EH, I'A. WE WILL CONTINUE OUR CLEARING SALE! FOR THIS WEEK, AND INVITE ALL TO CALL BAEGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. BROCADED SILKS, BLACK PLUSHES, RfBliONS, FEATHERS, LACE GOODS, TIDIES, TOWELS, TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, WORSTED HOODS, Ladies' Coats and Delmans, AND MAS OTHi.lt GOOD- New Hamburg Edgings and Insertings. EVERLASTING TRIMMING. Irish Trimmings at Lew Prices. MINftlCH'S I.ATKST IMPROVED PATENT TOBACCO PRESSES, Fer Casing nnd Raling Tobacco. Mmnich's MANURE DRAG, ler cleaning stables. All sold en trial en their merits. Warranted te give better satisfaction in every particular than any new in use. It net satisfactory can be returned at my expense. Send for Illus trated Circular. S. II. MINX1CH, Landisville, Lancaster County, la. diJ-5mdM&S&3mw Hancaster JhitrUigenrrr. SATURDAY EVENINO. FJfiB. 11, 1882. BLAISE'S DIPLOMACY. CON'SLKVAl'IVE VIEWS OF IT. The Administration and seutn America. Harpji'i Weeklv. Whether it was inteutieual or net, theie is no ueubt that the tone of Mr. Blaine's instructions te our ministers iu Seuth America, which have been recently published, is dictateiial ami offensive. If the miuistei of England or of Fiance at Washington should take such a tone iu iepieentatietis te this country at the close of a successful war, he would be scut out of the ceuutiy within tweuty-feur hours. Nothing is se justly offensive in iuterna iuterna natienal and diplomatic inteiceuise as the peictnptery and dictatorial manner, which is the air of a bully. The era of " mani fest destiny " politics has been veiy dis agieeably and vividly suggested Jy the Seuth American correspondence which has been published. The assumption thiougheut is that, victotieus Chili must make sueh terms of peace as we please, or take the consequences. The intention of bucIi a demand may net net have been te supply a pietext for aimed in tei vent ion iu the dispute. But if such had been the pin pose, it is net easy te see hew it could have been mere adroitly and effectively fnrtliPted than by such dispatches. It is remarkable also that the conduce et the most dolicate and difficult affairs, in which eireis and precipitancy would lead te the most serious results, was left te a minister who had shown himself te be entiiely dest tute of discretion aud of the simplest sense of the proprieties iu his position. This is one of the meet pei plexing facts in the whole business. Bo Be fore Geneial Huilbut left upon hid inis sien te Pern he was iu coriespeudeuce and conversation with the agent of the I'eruvi.ui company, and received from the company au offer of a large inteicst in its claim. This was en the 2d of June. But apparently this transaction was uet known te the seeietary of state antil the 3d of December, aud en the same day the secie taiy reproves Genei.il Hurlbut seveiely fei consenting te become trustee of a Peinviauiaihead. The complete evidence e if tin. iiiiiifrnpqs; !' tlii! minis,! pr for liN IMS would bcem te nave ucen in posses- sieu el the state department, and it l. impossible te see why he was ueticcalled. The key te the whole couespeudeuco is found in the cx-sccretary's explanation. He considered that the commercial ascend ency of the United States upon the west ern Seuth Ameiican coast was in question, and that it would probably be lest if the action of Chili could net be controlled in the supposed interests of the L'nitcd States. Chili was believed te be under the inlluence of Gicat Britain, and unless the United States could arrange the set tlement between Chili and Peiu, Great Biitain would be the dominant power upon the coast. It is undoubtedly the pi eviuce of diplomacy te maintain by ne gotiation and friendly tcpresentatieu the inteicst and influence of ene nation among etheis. It is especially desirable that the United States shall be the fiiend and counseller of ether lepubllcs upon this continent. And if we understood the in in stiuctiens of Secieiaiy rrelinghuysen te 31 r. Ticscett te imply any unwillingness te aid the ether governments with our friendship ami impat tial geed offices, we should ceitainly condemn them, aud se undoubtedly would the ceuutiy. Se far as sympathy is concerned the feeling of the United btate.s is natiually with Chili, the most intelligent and eulcily of beutu Aniciiean lcpnblics, and uet with Peru, which is a ceuntiy of a very different kind. In diplomacy mantiei and method .no of vital importance. It is a suggestive ciiticism of our late diplomacy which is implied iu a rcmaik of Leid Gianville te Mi. Lewell. "Lord Granville," siys Mr. Lewell, "was as usual exceedingly cour teous and fiiendly, but made no leniark except that the publication of Ne. 270 be be feie an opportunity was given him of re plying te it ' seemed te him, te siy the least, unusual.' " In a very much streugpr and objectionable sense it may be said that the tene of the instructions te Mr. Tieseett was te say the least, unusual. It wa in fact, bclligcicut and hostile. It was a veiy distinct threat. The dispatch of Secietaiy Frejlitighuysen ceirects this tone, but it docs net decline te take inter est in the question between Chili and Peiu. Secretary Ulains instructed Mr. Tics Tics eott that if the arrest of C.ilderen by Chili should net be disavowed as an act of lcseiitment agaiust the United Stat- s, he should as-uie Chili that such an act would be lvgaidcd by this ceuutiy as justifying a saspensien of diplomatic relations. Seeietary Fre linghuysen revokes this discretion, and reserves te the president the decision whether there is cause for offense. Mean while the Chilian minister in Washington has cxptessly disavowed any unfriendly feeling for the United States in the an est of Calderon. The president in the Fre bughuyscn instruction distinctly disclaims any light or inclination te dictate the icl.i icl.i tiens between two independent American lepnblics, while he would gladly extend his kindly offices te all of them. Ileic is no surrender of the interests or policy of the United States, but a humane- and wise and paciGc couise which is weithy te be called Ameiican. It is net a question of 'Half-breeds'" or "Stalwaits," but et patiietism, aud theie is no doubt that 'he general sense of the country appieves the policy of the administration in thii matter se far as developed. lllalne's Assault en the President. Public Ledger. Mr. Blaine's is one of the pet tut bed spir its that will net rest. Iu his'published formal interview of January 20th, five days before the date of his recent letter te the president, this question te him is ic ic perted : "Hew de you account for the piesidenfs change of policy ?" Te this he replied : "That is none of my business. It is the undoubted light of the presidant, as it is of a private citizen te change his mind." Conceding (what does net yet appeal) that the piesident had changed his mtud, this utterance of Mr. Blaine will cemmeud itself te sensible man as a sensible reply. But that which Mr. Llaine disclaimed en the 29th of Januarj', as none of hisbusiuess, he makes his business be tween then and the 3d of February and meddles with in very offensive form. Mr. Frelinghuysen's letter te Mr. Trescott of January ft, wis before Mr. Blaine en Jan uary 20, just as it was en the 3d of Febru ary, aud it was no mere Mr. Blaiue's " business " te insult the president about it en the latter date than en the former. Like any ether citizen he might have talked about it, interviewed news paper men, spoken of it en the stump or "hiied a hall;" but he had no such " business " with ;tas te warrant writing a letter te the president about it iu the manner and form as he did. He will understand that before a great while, even if he fails te comprehend it new. There is room for the belief that Mr. Blaine was worse put out by ether mat ters in Mr. Frelinghuysen's letter of Jan. 9 than he was by the phrase "jealousy aud ill-will " (among ether nations), en which he rings se many changes in his letter te the president. Mr. Frclinghuysen had revoked ( and this revocation brought te the public gaze) a most offensive passage in Mr. Blaine's instructions te Mr. Trescott, dated Dec. 1, 1881. Hare is the passage Mr. Frelinghuysen recalled : Referring te the deposition and arrest by the Chilian military authorities of Calderon, acting as previsional president of Peru Mr. Blaine instructed Mr. Trescott as fellows : "Yeu will say te the Chilian government that the president considers such a pieceediug as an intentional, unwarranted offense, and that you will communicate such an avowal te the government of the United States with the assurance that it will be icg.nded by the government as ah act el such unfriendly impuit as te lequiie the immediate suspension of all diplomatic inteieeuise."' tins instiuctien was uaseu upon the as sumption that the treatment of Caldeieu was a "lesentful" aftrent te the United States by the Chilian government an as sumption that peivadcs Mr. Blaine's first of December dispatch, although theie is a thin veil of piofessieu that Chili could haidly have mcaut te be se ugly. That is Mr. Blaine's way te assume a thing, te suggest that pessib'y it may net be se, but act upon it all the same. We shall see something mere of this latet en. The passage is fairly open te tl.e suspicion that Mr. Blaine was seeking cause for epift quarrel with Chili. The whele tenor of the dispatch warrants the suspic ion, for it contains a thieat of what the United States would feel free te de if Chili pursued a ceitain course of action. Ne one, net seeking entrance te a quairel, could have assumed that Chili intended te put a milked aud deliberate affront upon the United States. It was self self abaseinent in an American minister of state te cnteitain such a supposition ; and it new turns out that the Cmhau miuistcr :it Washington has disclaimed any such thought by his government. Mr. Fieliughuyseu's icvocatieu of that effensive instruction, and its consequent exposure te the pnblic eje, is one of the teal causes of Mr. Blaine's outbreak, al though he makes no reference te it in his letter te the president. Theio is another in the saine dispatch of January 9th. Having in mind Mr. Blaine's unfriendly lectin ing, aud hectoring tone and attitude towards the Chilian government, which peivadcs the whole of his December first dispatch, which a3 published closes with the menace already mentioned Mr. Fic lingbuysen points out te Mr. Ticscett that the piesident wishes him te keep clear of auy controversy between Chili and Peru as te what indemnity should be asked or given, as te auy change of beuudaiies, or as te the personnel of the government of Peru. Mr. Blame had proneunred en nit these. Mr. Frclinghuysen then gees en te niake this significant icinaik : "Weie the United States te assume au attitude of dictation tewaids the Seuth Ameiican lepublics" this is what Mr. Blaine made the stale department de towards Chili, " even for the purpose nf pieventiug war, the greatest of evils, or te puscrve the autonomy of nations, it must be picpared by army and navy te enfoice its mandate, and, te this end, tax our people fcr the ex clusive benefit of feieign nations." That's what hurt Mr. Blaine worst. In its moderate and statesmanlike phrasing in its plain statement of a self evident piopesition it exposes the lcckless man nei in which Mr. Blaine had nished the United States into a position it had no call te take, and from which, if th: Chilian aulhetitics steed linn iu their demand for tcriiteiial indemnity, as they did the United States would have le mgloiieusly back out, or else Maintain Mr. JlUitm'i , false 'position hy tear. That, wcrepc.it, is what touched 31r. Hiaine en tliu sorest spot, lie doesn't mention it any mete I than he does the i evocation of his tiucu- lent message te the Chilian government. He is tee " cunning of fence " for that, but passing ever thei-c, which ae the real springs of his anger, he seized upon the three words "jealousy and ii! will " in the same 9th of January dispatch, as the pretext for the most offensive parriens of his letter te the president. TliOiO weids occur in the following paragraph, and the whele of it lequires te lie i end te get an understanding of the subject; they icier te the proposed Cengicss of Aniciiean governments, which the president desiies a little titne te leek fuither i:te with ether eye. tliau these supplied by Mr. Blaine : " The United States :-. .it pence with all the nations of the earth, aud the president wishes hereafter te dctcrmiue whether it will conduce te that general per.ee, which he would eheiish aud promote, ler this government te enter into negotiations and consultations for the promotion of peace with selected friendly nationalities with out extending a llke confideiice te ' oilier people with whom the United States is en equally friendly tei ins. If such paitial confideuc-e would ci cate jealousy and 111 wrll, the object sought by consultation would uet be piometed. The principles controlling the relations of the repub lics of this hemisphere with ether nationalities may, en investigation, be found te be se well established that little would be gained at this time be reopening a subject which is net novel. The presig dent, at all events, prcfeis time for delib eration." Iu beginning his complaints about the words "jealousy and ill-will" as they oc cur iu the above naragraph Mr. Blaine says : "If! correctly apprehend the mean ing of these weula it is that we might offend some European powers if we should held iu the United States a Congress of the " selected nationalities of America."' T1mt he starts with an "if," which te these who read the sentence next fellow ing that in which the "jealousy and ill- will" arc suggested, will appear te be a probable perversion of the meaning, as we will proceed presently te show. On that peg of an "if" the whele of Mr. Blaine's pronunciamente hangs. But according te his fashion af assuming a fact, in the sub junctive mood, and then proceeding in the imperative, he seen drop? the "if," and before he gets through he speaks of it as an " avowed fear" of European pewers. That's the way Mr. Blaine jumps when J he has made up his mind te mrvc a row. It would have been a plainer and much mere creditable interpretation te Mr. Blaine, if he had read, with an open mind the sentence which says : " The princi pies controlling the relation of the repub lics of this hemisphere with ether nation alities may, en investigation, be found te be se well-established that little would be gained at this time by rsepening a subject which is net novel." Weighintr this with the words "jealousy and ill-will," in the preceding sentence, he might have seen that the "jealousy and ill-will" were net influences that tire United States need fear, but that might operate te the injury of these Mr. Blaine bad, in a fit of his aggressive patriotism, invited te his feast. Upen such wretched premises as these we have set forth, Mr. Blaine publicly arraigns the gysideDtef the United States as pursuing a course than which none could be devised "mere effective for I making enemies of the American govern- ment ;" and of making " voluntary humil iation of this government " in " avowed fear " of European powers. There could hardly be a mere signal example of the length of inseleucc te which Mr. Blaine's effrontery can run. Who is hurt by it ? Surely net the president ; we hope net the United States ; but none can fail te re member that the author of this scandal ous epistle was but recently the American secretary of state. Mr. Blaine himself must get the weight of the blew which his blind fuiy aimed at the president, no has put himself en a "bad eminence." .stylish. A ?eal skin jrcket is no doubt, eiy tyll-li, but i ft pel feet trap ter cntehinti cold. Me would advi-e all ladies wearlnrtheamc te l:eep Dr. Hull's Cough .Syrup h nnly. Price :T centx. It is the heiiu et telly te wait until jeu me in bed w 1th disease that may hut months, w hen veu can be cured by ti timely use et Parker's t; inner Tonic. Ve have known sieklv families made the healthiest by it. Ob sei ili: tel lmileod.teew rtiH Law of Kindness I- umer-il; It ullects all the num. m lamily. all animals, and may be even leund in patent niedlelnes. Soinciire drastic, aud thepatinl is obliged te stiller pains worse than the dis-ea-e; but in eases et obstinate constipation, dyspepsia, there is no remedy se kind, se sen ile in its ellectsand et se satisfactory as llui doeic Rloed Ritteis. "PileeI. Fer side at II. 15. Cochran's drujr steie, 1 57 North Queen St., I ancistei. Household Words. .las. Peiu son, U SKth btreet, Rullale. says: '1 luveusid veur Spilnff Rlo-sem for myselt and lamily, and think ltiuvalnnblc iisu house hold remedy, ler lejjulatins the bowels, liver and kidneys. I shall never be without it." Price Ml cents. Per sale at ll.lt. Cochran's ill u stele, l.!7 North Queen street, Lancaster early u miracle. K. Asenith Hall, Rlnxhaiutnn, N. . writes: ' I stilleied ter several mouths with u dull p tin thieuxh the lelt lung ami shoulders. 1 IiMt my spults, app tite and color, ami could with difllciiltv keep up ail duv. My mother pieeimd some Rm deelc Rloed Ritters ; 1 took them as diierted, and have felt no pain since nrst week alter usinjj them, and am new qult-i well." Pnce$l. Fer sale at II. R. Cochran's di UK steie. 1 17 North Queen street. Lancaster. ME It If AL. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED MICH BITTERS. A leniedy with such u lepututien u-t lloj llej trttei's ijieuiucii Hitters deserves a lair trial. It ou ate dyspeptic, your malady willuvent willuvent iiillv'cldtelt: II you aie f.-cble, lack tlesh and leel despondent, it will both build ami clieei you up: it veu are constipate, it will ulieve. and it bilious, healthfully stimulate jour ller. Don't despond, but make this elleit in the right direction. Pet i'e lv all DnutgMs mid Dealils jjen e.allv. fob 1 lydcedAw 31 VSICAL IXSTRUlUENTb. . ni lt'AI.-ltt.Ks. MUSICAL - BOXES. BARGAINS. CLOSING OUT SALE of a large imijortatien, having arrived tee late for the holidays, at cost of produc tion in Switzerland, about 1-2 and 1-4 their value that same quality instruments could be sold for in this country. They are mostly of the large and medium size and, "with few exceptions, of High Class Musical Bexes as sold in Geneve, but far superior te the ordinary instruments generally sold in this country, and need only be seen or heard te be appreciated. Musical Bexes with bells, drums, castanets, celestial voices, mandeline, diva-harmenie, overture, tromele-piccolo, sublime sublime harmenie, harp-zither attachment, etc., also two and three mainsprings playing from 10 te 50 minutes by ene winding. "Musical Albums. Circular en application. C. GaaUcM & Ce., Manufacturers, Ste. Croix and Geneve, Switzerland. s i.i:-uoeMb Kliil CIIEsTM'T ?inr nnriiiA. vi'r::ei', j.-3 ttil tltl IN A AXD ULASSnAltt.. IT Hill & MARTIN. QUKEXSWABE, OUEEXVATiE. .In-t iieielp-i steamship Leut Ce.iii .it CHINA HALL a.ti!i i".ei. i- or QUEEOTAPJ IBOM T1IC SI'Al t.lMi-niRK POTThRIhs, r.MJLAND : Our Own Importations : Our Wales sue the be-! In the.Maikit. rt ii.iin." tliein bctem pinchr-in.; High & Martin 15 BAST KING STREET. FOR SALE. 17UK SALE. TUB STOCK, GOOD WILL and Fixtures et ii Large First-Class LIV ERY is offered Ter sale. Geed and satisfactory reasons given for selling. Inquire nt j.in JI-ttdeed CITY LIVERY. I1KIMK HAY, WtSTEUS COKN AND Oats ter sale at Leaman Place at all times ut mai '.et price3. Ale, COAL AND LUMRER. J.3iml II. 11. ROHRER. V?OK SAti:. AX1MMEN8K NUJtBEKOr HOUSES, STORES, RUILDINC LOIS, 4c, erali descriptions, mall localities and at all price- NEW CATALOGUE, 7ith pi ices, tree te every one. ALLAN A. HERR A CO, tieeJ hn I " North Duke -treet. NEir AUrjSRTISJCMKXTS. e PEN -1U-DAY JOB LOTS! Wall Paper Department : Te closeout un accumulation of Remnants iu Wall Papers, we te day put en sale a large let et our New Urlght Pattern?, net damagad iu any way, at irem 2c. te 4c. per piece. Tbey are rhuipcr tuan damaged papers iu every way. Qupensware Department : We open te-day ten crates of BEST Ktf G LIsII WHITE URAXITK WARK in second and third selections at prices tar under vale They .tie Iu geed order, very few of tbeiu chipped, nnd ure much cheaper than ever ettered beleie. .lust the thins: for Hotels, Heuidiuu Houses. Restaurants, Ac. Large let el IJAR classics Whiskies, Ales and Rears. AT U)Y' ntlCES! J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cer. West King aud Prince Sts., Oi'lXHI. netiui:i PJB.&MIHIAN, New Cheap Stere. We litiM' new en hand a let el COLORED BLANKETS, COLORED BLANKETS, COLORED BLANKETS. SUITABLE FOIt THE TOBACCO TRADE, TOBACCO TRADE, TOBACCO TRADE. METZGER, AND HAUGHMAN, NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street. ( AniXtt's OLD bTAVD ) Helm en the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Hene Hetel. Jaull-lydAcw 'j . .i . i fii:i'?.TS! CARPETS ! hl-KCANT SKIV bl'VLH OF M0QUETTE CARPETS, WITH llOHDEliS TO STATOH. Kl h. N1" i;V, al'YLha Ol- K0DY BRUSSELS. WITH neKDEUS TO 3IATOII. LI.iSl.ANT LINK'S Or-j TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. IN ALL TIIK NfcW STYLES. WITH en WITHOUT BORDERS, ' have the. ib ve goods in all styles unit ubie ler P'lileis, Libiailes, Hilling Roem, Red Roe-n-, II il!- and SUira. LI. KUAN 1' S'n I.L-5 IN :mly all wool carpkth. EI.LU Y.VI il'VLKi I.N EaTRA.-SQPER INGRAIN CARPET8. LL-tlJAN'T at YI.LS IN MEDIUM AND LOWER QRADKB INGRAIN CARPETS. LLEUAVr n LhS OF Damask, Venitiaa Hall and Stair CARPETS. I' A PER I.IXIXU, STAIR RODS, WHfr DOW SHADING AXD FIXTURES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS AXD MA TTrXOS. kleMiit Inns et Mequctte, T' It "" "Tfllte. and Tapestry Hrti-stU Rugs. We invite WZ. amiiiHtien or these geed before purchasing, we nre confident we are able te show ene Of the 1 infest and best selprtfd stock"! of Carpets lit the city AT LOWES-T PRICKS. JKBIVLER&CO. NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. PA. LLOAL NOTICES. ESTATE OK JOHN MlXDOfW, LAT. OK Lancaster city, Lancaster county, dec!. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all person indebted thereto aie requested te makeba mi diatc payment, and these having claims or demands against the same will present tbm without delay for settlement te the under signed, res! ling In Lancaster city. w JUAKRAKA XIXDOKJT, FREDERICK NIXDOKF. j'MJtdeaw ' " Administrator. READ THIS Lancaster, Pa., April 88, 1881. THE KlDSKTCUKA. Jllf'O COMPAHY. Gents It gives me much pleasure te rliatarteruslnifene pack el KIDNEYCUKA I have been entirely cured et a severe pala la my back un'l side, of long standing, and tfcat. tee, atler trying various known remedies. I have every coufldence In your medlalae, chcerrullv recommend lr, and knew that aaay of my friends who have used H bave beeu benetitul. . PETER RAKER, mXlyd Foreman Examiner and Express. -