LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 8 18B2. -y count-. Proceedings m the Common Pleas. BEFORE JCDGE LIVINGSTON. David K. Burkhelder vs. Jehn L. Eer Eaby& Ce. and A. D. Swartley, E. C. issue te try by jury the right of certain property levied upon by the sheriff as that of lleury K. Burkhelder and which was claimed by the plaintiff. The jury ren dered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. In the case of Elraira Burkhelder, and Hemy K. Buikheldcr, her husband, for the use of Elmira Burkhelder. his wife, vs. Jehn L. Bear, E. C. Eaby & Ce., and A. D. Swartley, the issue was withdrawn. BEFORE JCDGE PATTERSON. In the case of Aaren MebaiTey vs. Henry S. Hcrr the jury rendered a veidict in favor of plaintiff for $283.21. Jeseph II. Shirk vs. M. Esberg, S. Bachman aud J. Ehrrnan, partuers, doing business us Esberg, Bachman & Ce. This is an action te recover for work done. Seme time last summer the tobacco ware house of the plaintifFs father, in which the defendants had a large let of tobacco, was Imrced ; a large quantity of tobacco was burned, and a great deal was merely damaged by water The plaintiff alleges that lie was engaged by the defendants te lix up that which was injured by water aud put it in marketable shape. He did assert 40,732 pounds, with the under- .'.tandmg, as he alleges, that he was te re ceive one-half cent per pound. He never icceived any money, aud brings this suit te recover $20a.7C. The defense is that Shiik was engaged te de the work at $2 per day, and was paid in full. Decree Rescinded, f n the matter of the perpetual injunc tion, granted en the 4th inst.. against J. AV. and J. N. Brubaker, el'J North Queen sttcer, the defendant showed by affidavit filed that the decree for the same was pre mature, as the prelimary process was net served en them by the sheriff until the 21st of January, 1882, instead of the 18th, when granted, and new asked the same may ha rescinded and defendants allowed te tile their answer. The court therefore lcscimlcd the decree made Feb. -1 making the injunction against defendants perpetual. company. The farer of the big audience who heard them sing it en their previous appear ance was se pronounced that It is only neces sary te say that the cast is the same as en that occasion te insure ft most enjoyable presenta tion et a charming work. The German people bring their own admirable orchestra with them. The popularity of "Patience" in this city behooves all who would enjoy its beauti ful music and delicious humor in their fullest degree te early secure seats, as the opera will undoubtedly prove a drawing card. HVECIAL. NOTICES. " Heugh en Kats." The thing dcsiicd found at last. Ask drug Klst for Rough en Kats. It clcare out rats mice, reaches, files, bedbugs, l'c boxes. COUNTKD IN. Can .-i Interview With tlie Republican aiiiaie. In a casual interview with ex-Mayer Stauffer that gentleman intermed a repre sentative, of the Intelligencer that he never heard it charged that he was "counted in" at his fust election (iu 187.'!) until he read iu the Intelligencer a few days age the proceedings of the Re publican convention that ic-nnminated him, when some one in attendance is rep lescutcd as having said that he was " counted iu." The Intei.liuknceh man assured his honor that the charge had been frequently made and widely clr ciliated, and had been printed in the columns of the INTELLIGENCE!; at the time and afterwards. One of the charges was that at. the First waid polls while tiie vole was being counted by the election officers a package often tickets thai, had been voted for Cel. I'yfcr was abstracted and a package often SUiufler tickets substituted. This alone was Miuicient te change tlieiesult, as StaulTer's majority was only 11). Capt. Stauffer re peated that he had no recollection of ever having hcaid the charge made. As an offset te this alleged fraud he said he had heard that 28 illegal votes had been cast in the Eighth ward for Mayer MacGenigle at the election when that gentleman was first elected. Capt. Stauffer added that he had net yet fully made up his mind te accept the nom ination for mayei : he did net want the office, and would net accept the nomina tion until he hai the assuiauce that he would icccive the solid Republican vote. If he gets it he will ask no odds i i um Mayer MacGenigle, whom he l egardr, as a perfect gentleman aud a strong candidate. The Intelligencer man sug gested that it was tee much for any ene te expect a solid paity vote ; there being always some party men, who for personal or ether icasens decline te sustain the party nominee. Capt. Stauffer repeated that he would net be a candidate unless the paity gave him its support, and if it did se he would be elected. I'liltnn National ISnnlc. The dirccteis of the new Fulton na tional bank met this morning and pre pared the necessary papers for transm is is sien te tire treasury department at Wash ington. S. M. Seldemridgc, who was elected a diiecter, declined tesctve. and II. K. Mayer was chosen instead. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the du colors reassembled te elect onions, and the fel lowing were elected : President Jehn It. Bitner. Vice President (net elected). Secretary Lewis S. Hartman. Cashier Chas. Fondersmith. Teller Jehn Hcrizler, EHzabethtewn. Cleik Graybill Leng. Solicitor J. Hay Hi own, cvj. The olect'en of mesengr ami nut hi y was postponed. The Other Suia. Columbia Hernia. Collector Wiley has icmeved Deputy C. P. Sumner and appointed a man from Yerk county. This is a queer movement, aud we cannot understand it, unless Mr. Wiley is nisd at Columbia, because he will soe:: be succeeded by a Columbian. Mr. Shreincr has had the misfortunes te be in ill health lately aud Mr. Collector Wiley talked about making a change because he didn't get well. He will seen undeitake te regulate the affairs of the Almighty. Mr. Wiley's clerks sec the handwiit ing en the wall, for ene of them wants le be mayor and another alderman, in Lan caster. Mr. Wiley had better strike out for constable. Iu the Ruck. Thn icutlcman who addressed a letter te " Miss Carrie, 822 Weed street, Phila delphia, in care of Annie," forget te put a stamp upon it and the pesmaster there fore declines te ferwaid it. but has put it hi the rack. Ely's Ckeaxi Balji Ce., Owego, X. Y. Please send us at once two gross Ely's Cream Balm. Wc take pleasure in congratulating you en the success you are having with tfie " Cream Balm" Catarrh and Hay Fever cure. Its isale is steadily Increasing with wonderful rapidity as you can nee by our frequent orders. It is evidently an article of ureat merit. Very truly, JeimsTOx, Holleway & Ce., 002 Aich street, Philadelphia. March 19, 1881. It is no exaggeration te say tltat Ely'c, Ctcam Balm is a euro ler Catarrh, liny Fever, &c, for many cm es have been made among my cus temers. Ci rain Iiiilm should be resorted te by everyone thus ullllcted. With me no ether remedy has ever equaled the Halm cither in geed results or sales. A. J. Odexweldeii, Druggist. Easten, Pa. Oct. 2. 1880. Price 50 cents. f"el-2wdeed.Sv Tackle an obstinate ceugli or cold with Hale's Heney of Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Dreps cine in one lnlnutr. IK Hvdeed&w 1'IIK I'AltllKltS FRIEND Dr. Uaiber's Red Herse Powders are the best in the market. They are net a mero feed made et inert and cheat) materials, but a veritable Medicine. They contain lour times the htrength et ordinary hoi -e and cattle powders, and will cuic and tatten Steele tu onc-leurth the time, acting at once upon the digestive eigans and secretions, and may le safely relied upon ler the euro et coughs, colds distemper, glanders and nil dl-ease. et homes, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. They will increase the quantity ami jualily et iiillklu cersand keep all kinds et stock in a healthy condition. Sold every wlieie at 20c. per pack, ti ler $1; hirge size 10c, or .: ler $1. held iu Lancaster at Ccclmm'i l)i ug Stere, t::7and 139 North Queen streets uui&i-lydeed&wl "L,lfe, Orewin, Meaitty." ' What we all admire" ami hew te secure it: A line head of hair In Its natural color Is such en iidiinct te beauty that no one who prizes geed leeks should neglect te use " Londen Hair Celer Restorer," the most cleanly and de lightful article ever introduced te the Ameri can people. It Is totally dlucrcnt from all ethers net sticky or gummy, ami Iree Ireiu all impure ingredients that render many ether preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, lestercs gray hair, gives it new lite, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair te giew wlieie it had fallen off or become thin, does net soil or stain anything, and is se per fectly and elegantly prepared us te make It a lasting h.ur dicsstng and toilet luxury. "Lon "Len "Lon eon Ituir Restorer" Is sold by all druggist itl 7"i rents n bottle, .-iv hottlee ter $1. ect3M.VV.SAw In the Wbele XUctery of Medicine Ne preparation has ever performed such mar velous cures, or maintained se wide a reputa tion, as Atee's Cherry Pectoral, which is recognized as the world's remedy for all dis eases et the threat and lungs. Its long-con tlnucd series et wenderiul cures in all cli mates has made it universally known as a sate and reliable agent te employ. Against ordi nary colds, which are the forerunners of mero serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always relieving suffering, and elten saving life. The protection it affeids, by its timely use in threat and chest disorders, makes it an invaluable remedy te be kept always en hand in cTery home. Ne person can afford te be without it, and these who have once used it never will. Frem their knowledge of its com position and effects, physicians use the CnEiutY Pectoral extensively in their prac tice, and clergymen recommend it. It is ab solutely certain in its remedial effects, and will always cure where cures are possible. Fer sale by all dealers. 13-lwdeedSw MKNKY'S CARBOLIC SALVK. " The hest Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcer, saltrhcum, tetter.chappcd hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds et skin orup-lien-". ireckles and pimples. The salve is ..uuntecd te give perlect satisfaction in c'cry case or money refunded. Be sure you gel Henrys Carbolic Salve, as all ethers are but Imitations and counterfeits. Price 2.5 cents, feel-l in Lancaster at Cochran's Drugstore, 137 i-t .! North Queen street. NEW AD VEBIISESIESIS. SET OCT THIS TVEDNKSDAY EVEN ING Sttuer Kraut and Speck, and J. F. Betz a ten's Celebrated Beer en tap. It C 31 ATTEBN, Schiller Heuse. FOIt KK r IN JMRIETIA. NEAR THE ceutie of boieugh. a Wagen-Maker and Blacksmith Shep: an old and geed stand. Apply te FREDERICK WALLER, MAR IETTA. 9-3td TIIED EDITIOI. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEB. 8, 1882. AUCTION MALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES THIS EVENIVG at 7 o'clock, TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) AFTERNOON at2 o'clock and every evening at 7 o'clock, sharp, until the entire stock ts sold, at Ne. 28 North Queen street (Leeb's store room.) JOHN HIEMENZ. Hess & Sex, Auctioneers. ltd P'OK KENT FARM OF 50 ACRES, PAKT ly in city limits. In high state el cultl- l'0sessien April 1. .apply 10 BAU5MAN & BURNS, 10 West Orange street. vatien 16-3tdH A .oed Angel's Visit A Tale et "Resa dulls." Blanche called en Kate, one pleasant day, and found her sad and shilling, dearest friend, once bright and gay, new scarce could keep Iiem crying; ler, i-eh," she said, "'tis a dis grace te with scretula, my luce se badly muned !" then sitidherfiiend, "Resadalis will your troubles end." Blanche called en Kate netlier day and leund her once mere blithe and gay, her face as radiant, skin as lair, as any maiden's unywlierc. Fer skin diseases aud impure bleed, there's nothing iu the wet Id se goetl as Resadalis, it drives away all skin disorders, humor, nay, it tones the sys tem, cures your ills anil banishes all doctor's bills ! Sold In. Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stoic, 1.17 and 139 North Queen street. iv30-lydcedw.S Ge te ii. n. luciirunN Drug Mere, 137 North Queen stieet, ter Mrs. FrceiAun's iVeie jYo jYe jYo llenul Dic.i. Fer brightness and durability et oelor.aro unequaled. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and Ocrman. Price. 15 cents. Wevkx Everywhere use Parkci's JInger Tonic, because they have learned fiem expe rience that it overcomes despondency, indi gestion, weakness in the back and kidneys, and ethei troubles of the sex. Heme Journal. lel-lmdcod&eew in: A T1IS. Keller. In Philadelphia, en tlie.'.tli Inst , William A. Keller, aged 13 years. The relatives and Irieuds el the family aie lesptctfully invited te attend the funeral from his late lesldence, -I9.1 North Fourth stieet, Philadelphia, en Thursday at 12 o'clock. ltd llKiut. In this city, en the 7th et February. 1832, Rebert M., third son of Dr M. L. nut! Rese E. Hen-, aged 3 years. The relatives and friends et the lamlly arc respectfully invited xe attend the tunerai Ireiu Ids parents' residence, Ne. 105 S. Queen stieet, en Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 2til Skile. On February 71 h, lsS2, Lizzie, young est daughter of Jehn and Rebecca Sigle, in the 15th year et her age. The relatives and triends el the family ar.i lespccttully invited te attend the tuneial from the residence et her parents, near llird-in-Hnii'i, en Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment at Christ church, Leacock. ild A GREAT 1JAKOA1N. A Second Hand Gachle & Ce., Baltimore PIANO In geed order for sale cheap. Organs ut reduced prices. JUSTUS STUCKENHOLZ, J2a-lmd'R Fulton Hall. WKATHEB -INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Feb. 8. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, colder cloudy weather and local rains, with westerly backing te northerly winds and higher pressure. AN ANGKV PRIEST. TJOR JC ofiice Ae. 01 North KENT FKU3I APRIL 1st THE Duke street, new ec cupied by Israel and Harry Carpenter as a cenveyancer's and lawyer's office. Apply te C-3H1 ALLAN A. HERR & CO.. Ne. 3 North Duke street. CARD. The undersigned. In addition te a care fully selected a-dortment of GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, NOTION'S. &c, has ale for sale PURB LIQUORS and WINES or various brands. Thanking the pub lic for the patronage heretofore liberally be stowed, a continuance et the same is respect tally solicited. JOHN DICK EL. tcd7-2t" cer. Mulberry and James Sts. bit YOUR CJKOCER FOR Eby, Stehmau Ss Ce.'s MANHEIM ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR, the best in the market. This flour will yield mere bread le the barrel than the old process flour. Trv it and be convinced. J20dR Creating Confusion In a Parochial Scheel. Rahway, X. J., Feb. 8. There was much excitement among the Catholics here yesterday caused by the action of Rev. Father McCasker, of St. Mary's church, towards the Sisters of Charity teaching iq the parochial school the children of which had arranged a sleigh ride for Saturday. He accused the sisters of put ting uonscuse in the heads of the of net attending te He went into the school by loud aud violent clergy and closed the Stepping a Sale of Infected Furniture. Philadelphia, Feb. 8. The mayor was informed te-day that a public sale of fur niture was announced te take place at a dwelling en North Third street in which it was stated that six persons had died from smallpox since November 26th. The police stepped the sale and a medical inspector of the beard of health ordered that all the goods be taken te the municipal hospital, and that these which cannot be fumigated must be destroyed. children and their duties, house and words against the scholars, Bisters drove them out, The Accused Railroaders. New Ycb.k, Feb. 8. Conductor Gee. F. Hanford and Brakeman Geerge Mel ius, who are indicted for manslaughter in connection with the recent railroad dis aster at Spuyten DtVyvil, were te-day ar raigned in the srcneral sessions court. Melius was allowed te defer his pleading te the charge and Hanford interposed a plea of net guilty. Beth of the accused were continued en bail. 4X13 OKlOStt Si 1X TOiSl 72 71fc 13 .... iVk M 110 MX iuk iuK mg hx ? TC 40Q 4MZ x SEW AJtVEKllSESM.Xlb Tim weak, worn, and dyspeptic should fake Cidden's Llebhi'a Liquid Beef and Tonic In In In Vijrora'ei. Xe ether. Ot Druggists. Iri-lwdeedJtw Silvkii Ckzsk, N. Y., Feb. 0, IPSO. O cnts 1 have been very low and have tried everything, te no advantage. I heard your Hep Bitters recommended by se many 1 con cluded te give them a trial. I did, and new am around, und constantly improving, and am nrarly as strong as ever. W. 11. WELLLR Universal Approbation By the community at large has been given te Burdock Bleed Bitters. Ne instance is known where dissatisfaction has' been manifested by their use, or where audit but benellt followed their administration. "Price $1. trial size 10 cents. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Sublimely Superb. A pair et beautiful Sun-flowers en Eaaels will be mailed free te any lady who will send a three cent postage stamp te Dr. C. VV. Ben Ben eon, IOC Ne. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. Clm. N. Crlttcnten, 115 Fulton St., New Yerk City, sole agent for Dr. C. W. Bensen 's remedies, te whom all orders should be. addressed. jS0-2wd.Vw Shie of Deiscs. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers, sold at public sale, Feb. 9, 18d2, for Daniel Legan, at his sale aud exchange stables, 14 head of Canada horses at an average price of $203. The highest ptice paid was 243. Amusements. Muldoen,.t Picnic." Te-morrow night Hyde & BehmanV specialty troupe will be at Fulton opera house. The company in cludes some netable names In the variety pro fession among them Geergcand Maria Nelsen, Harry and Emma Budwertn, Geerge Ham Ham eond, Sam West. Charles Earlc, Reb Crane and the versillle Lynn Sisters, all clever expo nents of white and black faced comedy, music. Jbc, while that funniest of Irish sketches " Muldoens Picnic," produced here earlier In the season by another company under the same management, will complete a strong and amusing bill ; Jehn Gilbert and Jehn Hart, dialect actor, will impersonate the roles el Mike Mutaoen and Dennis Mulcahey whec haps and mishaps are se laughably portrayed. Jehn A. Nterens. This fine actor is under lined for Friday evening, when he will ap paar in his own play, " Unknown a River Mystery." Mr. Stevens has had a very suc cessful career since his production of the piece in tiil.i cltynceaplc years since and de serves a cordial reception en li is return. He has had thccncemlums of metropolitan critics and audiences, and undoubtedly possessed otunemmou histrionic ability, which linds ample scope in the strong and realistic melo drama in which he appears. " Pat iencej" Wc are sure admirers el this delightful opera will hall with pleasure the announcement et its reproduction en Satur day cvenin bv the German Clmich Choir " Skin DIseiiHCH " cured li.v Dr. Swnyne's Ointment. What is mere distressing than an obstinate skin disease, and why persona should sutler a single hour they have a sure euro in "Swayne'sOInlmcnt " is past our comprehen sion. The worst cases of tetter. Itch, salt rheuni, or that annoying complaint, itching piles, yield te Its wenderiul all-healing quali ties. Pimples en the face and blotches en the skin at e removed by u-lug tills healing oint ment. Perfectly safe and harmless, even en the most tender infant. Itceing Piles Symp toms are moisture, intense itching, particu larly at night after getting warm In bed ; ether parts are sometimes affected, fcwayne's Ointment pleasant, sure cure. Dr. Swaync & Sen. 33 North Seventh street, Philadelphia, Pa., te whom all letters should lie addressed. Sold by all prominent druggists. Jan20-SmdTTh&F&w WANTED A YOUNG MAN WANTS A situation as Engineer. Apply at THIS OFFICE. 3-2td 1 RAND SOUR KROUT I.UNCN TO-MOR-IjT ROW (THURSDAY) EVENING at the Tremont Hensc. 159 North Queen street. Bcrgner & Engle's beer en tap, ltd F. WOEHKLE. lirANTEn-AM EXPERIENCED SAI.l'.S MAN, with geed reference In u drv HYfc.NTJETn ANNUAL MEETING. OP TUE MEMKERS OF THE Lancaster Heme Mutual Fire Insurauce Company. Tin; twentieth animal meeting et" the mom mem ber.s et suid company, held en riday, the iOth day or January, 1A32. ut the ofiice of the com pany, upon due. public notice, was organized by the. election et Martin I; reldcr as chairman and C. II. Lefevm as secretary. The following annual icpert et the efllcen was submitted te the meeting, and, en motion, received and ordered te be published in the three dally newspapers et this clly. TWENTIETH Te the members et tual Fire lnsurance company. Laxcastck, January SXli, ISSi UEPORT FOlt YEAR 1831. Total sums insured Dec. 31, ISS0 $1,G20,913 00 Added duiingthe year 73,352 00 ANNUAL REPORT the Lancaster Heme Mu- Gress amount el Insurance $l,fcC4,275 00 Insurance become void in lb31 45,497 00 Apparent total sums Insured en Dec. 31. ISil ?t,049,77S(O Adjusted or taxable amounts en Dec. 31, ISsO Taxable amounts added iu year 131 Gress sum of taxable amounts... Marked void during the year Appateut total ertavable amount $3,S7,405 M 152,370 0 .$1,019,776 00 . 134,073 0J doers aud refused te let them io ie turn. The scene was one of wild con fusion for a time, the children crying aud the sisters hurrying te their homes. Father McCasker says he acted mildly, but the sisters says he was very vieleut. The whole matter will bv taken before the bishop te-day. CANNON'S CASE. Arguing ISet'ere tlie Judiciary Committee Washington, Feb, 8. The Heuse com mittee en the judiciary gave a hearing this morning te Mr. Cauuen, of Utah, who is contesting the seat in Congress, which j was given te Mr. Campbell, upon the cer tificate of the governor of Utah. Mr. Cannen contended that the discrimination against him had been made merely and solely en account of the religious tenets of the Mermen church, and that such dis crimination is directly opposed te the spirit and letter of the constitution : that he was elected te a seat iu the forty Seventh Congress by an overwhelming majority of the votes cast, aud is legally entitled te represent his constituents. The committee afterwards adopted the majority report en the subject of distrib uting the remainder of the Geneva awaid, and Representative Reed subsequently ic- ported the same te the Heuse. Virginia Murders. Danville, Va., Feb. 8. On the night of the fourth near Irisburgh, Henry county, Hairstcne, colored, stabbed and killed another negre named Clanteh in an unprovoked assault. Yeates, who is ac cused of murdering Atkinson, is safe in jail at Chatham. Xe demonstration wcre made against him. Te Improve tee Delaware. Philadelphia, Feb. 8. A. delegation of members of the commercial and mari time exchanges and city councils left the city at neon tediy for Washington, te ap- j pear before the committee en cemmerce te press the necessity for adequate appropri ation te improve the Delaware river and harbor. StnCX JtBTKOC New Yerk, Philadelphia ana Lecal Stocks also United States Bends reported dally by Jacob B. Loxe, N. E. Cor. Centre Square. Nw Yerk. stock? weaker. February 8. itfcoe la & a. v. r.M.r. it. Chtcaire A North Western 134 13 Chicasre. Mil. A St. Paul 109K 0 Canada Southern S3 3 C. C. & I.C. R. R... .-... 19 19 Del.. Lack.. c Western 127J 12 ueiaware . t mason canai Denver & Rie Grande 7IJf cast xenn.. a. ua Hannibal 4 St. Jee Lake Stiere ft Mich. Southern Manhattan Elevated Michigan Central Missouri, Kansas Texas N. Y., Lake Erie A Wcstern mew jersey central A. .. Ontario New Yerk Central Ohie ft Mississippi. . onto central Pacific Mall Steamship Ce... St. Paul & Omaha de Preferred Central Pacific Tuaes Pucitic Union Pacific Wabash. .. .. Mils 4 Pacific... Fretcrral e..i ti ion Tul Ce PllII.ADBl.rHlA. Stocks tteady. Pennsylvania R. It Iteading Lehigh Valley Lchtgli Navigation Ex Div... Buffalo, Pitts. 4 Western Northern Central Nertlmrn Pacific " Pretened licstenvllli Electric Underground Tel Philadelphia 4 Erto K. R. Gunnison Mining Iowa Gulch Minim.' Jcntral 98H 96K 9H i ft Western 26Vi S7U 9tS ntral 13l 132& 13lg at 23 2IX 24K 45 44 4fiZ 36 .... 3Ki I01W .... 101 91H 9lk 91 48X 49g 48V 119 11992 H8J4 H 374 ! SAi )tt 8& OIJi 61 81K 812 32 31$ K 34 sk 72Ji 7JJi Ce. 100 11 173 27M 103 r.x UNITKD STATKS I'ONDS. Untt'M SKtes 4 per cunts.. 4VJ P.M. 10 S3 JSP 011 Dee. :tl, ItSl.. ,$3,8i5.70J 00 goods street. 'tore. Apply at Ne. 112 North Queen Sivil PAKTNKKSHII' NOTICK. TIIK LATE pat tnerslilp or Jehn AV. bidle 4 Ce., manufacturers et the Acme optical goods, has been dla-jelved by mutual consent, the mtere-jt of J. VV. Crunibauch hav ing been purchased by S. II. Metz ger. The business will be continued bv the lcuuiiniug partners under the name et .1. W. Sidle 4 Ce. Persons knewlusr themselves te be Indebted te the old firm will please make prompt settlement and these having accounts against them will present them without delay te S. 11. METZGEU. Lancaster. Feb. 8.1SS2. ltd G IKARD A Cough, cold or sere ' should no stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's irenchiai Treelng de net disorder the teraach like cough syrups and balsams, but act dircetly en the inflamed parts, allaying lr-it.itlen, nive teller Iu Asthma. Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bienchiiil Treencs have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perfect sattstactlen. Having been tested by wlde and constant u-c for nearly n entire generation, they have at tained we), .nerited rankameng the lew staple remedies et the a;re. Held at i" cents a box evervv. heic. inS-1 vilTThftS&lvw OF PHILADELPIA. Assets ever Eleven Hundred Thou sand. Delhus, securely in veiled, ter a policy ir. this old and well-established company call en RIPE & KAUFMAN, NO. 19 EAST KING STREET. (I3M.W&SR fi Kf.AT HA HG A INS. Bargains .... 140 VI 51 Oi ....$ 1.011 07 -IN- DEY GOODS AND KISSUUD FltO.11 DlCATIi The follewingytatemcntof William J Cough Ceugh lin, et Semcrvilte, Mass., Is e remarkable that we beg te ask for it the attention of our read ers, lie says: " In the fall or 1870 1 was taken with a violent bleeding of the lungs followed by a severe ceugli. Isoen began te lese my appetite and flesh.. I was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the summer et 1S77 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While tiicre the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as big as a half cellar. 1 expend ed ever a hundred dollars In doctors and med icine. 1 was se far gene at one time a report wen: ai eund that I was dead. I save up hope, but a ft lend told me et Dn. Ww. II all's Balsam ren thk Lungs. I laughed at my friends, think ing that my case was incurable, but 1 get a bettle le satlsry them, when te my sururlse and gratification, 1 commenced te feel better. My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to day I feel in better spirits than I have the past three years. " I write this hoping you will publish it, se that everyene atlllctcd with Diseased Lungs will he induced te take Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam ler the Lungs, and be convinced that con- sump ten can be cured. 1 have taken two bottles and can positively say that It has done mere geed t'jan all ether medicines I have taken since my sickness. My cough has al most entirely disappeared and I shall seen be able te go te work." Sold In Lancaster at Cochran'- Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen stre i2S-lvdeedTh4w2 .Kemerrti nietnernii ltletnersti Are you disturbed at nh;ht and broken of your rest by a sick child sufferlng and crying with the "xcrKcIatlng pain et cutting teeth T It !',, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It wUl re lieve the peer little sullerer immediately de pend upon it; there ts no mistake about it, There is net a mother en earth who lias ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will vug ate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, ami relief and health te the child, opera t inn like magic. It is pcifectiy safe te ue in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physician and nurses in the UnMi'i .-"tates sold everywhere; 25 cents a Leitle "in J-Ivi1.5wM.WAlS CARPETS. HaMng bought the entile stock et DltV GOODS, CARPETS, Ac, et Givler, ISew-er- 4 Hurst, and having Marked Down mnny goods In every department te sell them otrte make rnim for our nev stock et SPRING GOODS That aie new coining In and which wc ex pect te get in during ths Spring OASH BUYERS Will niiil bargains which will pay them te examine before purchasing elsewhere FINANCIAL STATEMENT, 1SS1. Debits. Te balance en Jan. 1, ISil, as per last audit $ 'J19 i Te Feb.. ISsi, interest en the Si.000 Pennsylvania tate bends of the company te U) J line 8, te proceeds et sale et $590 Pennsylvania state bend 52J! 00 Aug. (I te Aug., ItSl, interest en the remaining $1,C0J Pennsylvania state bends et company 4r 00 Dee. 31, te advance and building rlskpiemlunis. 4c, received din ing tne year ibbi Dec. 31 te balance Total debits 1SS1. Credits. Lesses by Hie paid during the year lil. us fellows, viz : Paid repaiis et" MeConeiny store building, 1101th aideet West King street Paid repaiis 01 Mrs. Anna Daly's stone house, 103 Church street Paid Jehn M. Kecn's les-t by tire iu his brick dwelling, 21 f. North Water street Paid Peter Frank, damage te bilck duelling, 21 1 North Watcrstrcet.. Paid Geeie 11, Schlcich, damage 10 brick dwelling, 'M Middle street . . . Paid damage te Grant hall owners. Paid Theaias Huniphreville, ler damage te his parlor carpet, in briek dwelling, 129 Seuth Duke Paid Themas Helt, damages te frame dwelling, Ct Seuth Queen street .1 40 PaidLercnz Goes, damage te frame stable, rear et corner et Lew and Rockland streets 70 00 Paid Bernhait Reckcnsteiti, damage te lr.ime stable, rear et W9 West High stieet S'i 93 l'aid Jacob Gable, damage te his touacce warehouse, noun siue et Mifflin alley 1M 10 10 7S 20 0J 2 00 1; 10 17; ss Total losses paid 111 lMSl $ Paid ler advertising notices et an nual meeting of January, f SSI, und ter legal ad vice Paid dnecters' bllKlnr year 1SS0.... Pali I ler advertising annual repot t ler IcSJ in three daily newspapers. Paid lent of oftiee anil salary et sec retary te April 1, 18.-1 Paid ter blanks Paid rentet efllce and salary of sec retary te July 1, 1S81 Returned unearned premiums Paid ler appraisements, .estimates and miscellaneous advertise- IljLlirt faa4(is0s s s Paid rent et eflice and salary et sec letary te October 1. 1S81 Total eieilit-, 17 00 531 93 12 3J 117 00 31 22 1C0 10 7 50 100 00 18 82 19 H5 1C0 00 New Rule at tlie White Heuso. Washington, Feb. 8. The president has. in deference te the wishes of many members of Congress, changed a standing rule at the White Heuse, te receive visi visi iers ou Saturday. Ileietofere he has le served that day for the consideiatieu of executive business, and te give himself tinie te attend te his eonespendence. Slenday has new been selected as the day for that purpose. The change jjoes into effect at once. Giant Powder In Hie Steve. Geoheetown, Cel., Feb. S. On Mon day night two Italians, Peter Chialere and Dominique Massey, were .scveicly in jured by an explosion of giant powder in a coal stove, placed there maliciously by another Italian whom the sheriff is new pursuing. It was intended for lasxcy, but Chialere received the most severe injuries. Beth men will probably die. The Philadelphia Diamond Itabbcry. Philadelphia, Feb. 8. Perry Burus, alias McCoy, and Alexander Harrison, who were arrested last night upon charges of committing the diamond robbery in North Eleventh street, last Saturday even ing, and participating in sevcral ether jewelry robberies recently, were arraigned this morning and held in $2,500 bail each for a further hc.11 nisr next Monday. Mlie Heaten l'tiUlht. New Okleans, Feb. 8. Ityan is at his room here at the St. James hotel. He is suffering considerably from a contusion en the neck, but is looking much better after his seveie pun ishment than could have been reasonably expected. He expects te be thoroughly recovered hi a day or two. Heading Directors' Meeting Postponed. Philadelphia, Feb. S. A meeting of the beard of directors of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad company was called for te-day, but as President Gewen is still in New Yerk the session was postponed. Juxtlce Hunt Keslgns at Last. Washington, Feb. 8. The resignation of Justice Ward Hunt, of the supreme court, is new before the president, and will probably be accepted at once. Pailurn of Londen Merchants. Londen, Feb. 8. Bull & Wilsen, cloth merchants, this city, failed. Liabil ities 34,000. l.ecai .-mock neil Bends. Pur vel. two 100 1011 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 MAJtKlSTH. enilailelphla Market. I-iiiLADfcXviiiA, Feb. 8. Fleur Market quiet and Hrm ; Superfine, at 13 7j91 2."i;.-.:ra it 7."fi." 75; Ohie and Indiana family, W 737 25: Pennsylvania de, i7 .1707 ."0; St. Leuis tle$77 00. Rye Heur dull at$I 75500. Wheat active but at lower prices ; Del. and Penn'a, Red, l 3!3J141 ; de Amber il 41Q1 41. Cern dull and easier. Oats (Mil bnts-teailily held. Rye scarce at 02e. Previsions llim. Lard Hrm. Butter choice firm en scarcity - ether kinds dull mid weak. Kells linn ; choice wanted. Eggs firm. Chece steady. Petroleum firmer ; Rctluid, 7lic Whisky nt $1 21 Seeds geed te pi tine clever tlini at sJB ! : de de Flaxseed dull at U X,. Lanf.Cit) H per et. Lean, due 1882. . IbJie.. 1890.. WHO.. ." per et. in 1 or :w years. ft per it. Scheel Lean... " 4 " in 1 or 20 years. 4 " in 5 or 20 years. " ii ' In 10 or 20 years Maiihelm hornuglileau BANK STOCKS. First National Bank $100 FarineiV National Bank 30 Lancaster County National Rank.. GO Columbia National Bank KM Kphrnta National Bank IOC First National Bank, Columbia . .. 110 First National Knnk, Strnsburg 100 First National Bunk, Marietta 100 First National Bank. Mount Jey.. 100 Lititz National Bunk 100 Manhcini National liauk 100 Union National Bank. Mount Jey. 90 New Helland National Hunk 100 MISCKLLANBOI7S BONDS. Quarryvillu It. It., due 1903 $100 Reading 4 Columbia R. It,. due 1882 100 Lancaster Watch Ce., duelSSS 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., dm: in ler20 years 100 Lancaster Gas Light aud Fuel Ce., MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Ijuurrvville it. R $ SO "'-.v turn mrut. New Okie, February 8. Fleur dull mid In buyers favor ; Slate $4 454 85. Wheat lc lower and heavy ; lair specu lative business. Cern iljc lower, heavy and unsettled ; mixed western spot at 67C9kc ; de futures, S72ic. Oats &G$fs lower and dull : Ne.2 April. 4'te ; de .May, -iS'Jc. Millersvilie Street Car. Inquirer Printing Company Watch Factory Gas Light and Fuel Company... Stevens Heuse , Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company SusTliifhannalren Company Marietta Hellew ware hteveus Heuse Sicily Island East Brandy wine A Waynesb'g TURNPIKE STOCKS. Big Spring & Heaver Vttlley Bridgeport Columbia A: Chestnut Hill Columbia & Washington Columbia & Big Spring LanciutcrA Ephrata Laiic.,E!izabetht'n AMiddlet'n... Lancaster A Fruitvllle. Lancaster A.Lititz Lancaster & Williamstown Lancaster Maner J Lancaster & Manhelm uiiiuuicra juiiriciui Lancaster & New Helland Ijancastcr A Susquehanna Lancaster A Willow Street Strusuurg A Millport. Marietta A Maytown.. 50 50 100 25 100 100 100 50 50 50 Luat sale. ion 1WX 120 I2U 105 112 102 102.50 tOft 102 1175 1UM 103.80 147 132 JO 14I.JO I34.t( 200 145.75 140 193 70.50 10.1 $115 100 109.C0 100 10s It 25 25 90 120 73.10 42 1 1 ...$ 1,041 C7 3 NOTE We have jut opened n large as.'-eitment et New and Choice Styles et FRENCH AND SCOTCH ZEPHYR GINGHAMS FOL' SP1UXU. IN PLAIN AND FANC COLORING'1, BI CK ASD WHITE M.AI1S ASI CHECKS. JIN Ml DRY GOODS and CARPET HOUSE AND MERCHANT TAILORS, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, ULXEltAL yCSD OP TUE COMrAST. Peniieylvania state bends 3d series$ 1.5e0 00 Deduct balance in laver of Treas urer 5103 Total s'liplus lund $ 1,445 02 All et which iu lespecttully .submitted, CHRISTIAN GAST, President, C. II. LEFEVRE, Secretary. Alter w hieli the anuualmcetingel the mem hers went into an election ler three directors te serve for the ensuing tlitcc years, which re sulted In the election of Messrs. Christian Gast, Jehn A. Charles aud Majer A. C. Hetn Hetn echi, and also elected one director, viz, Jehn A. Burger, ler the ensuing two years, being ter the unexplied term of the fate David Hurtman's election, und also elected Messrs. II. .. Rhoad, Jehn D. Skiles und A. J. Eberly, ese., auditors ler the present year. The beard et directors new consists et Chris tian Gast, W. T. Gerhard, .1. B. Swartzwelder, Tlienius Huys. Majer A. C. Reinoehl, II. C. Harner, esq., Jehn A. Bnrger.JeIm A. Charles and C. II. Letevre. At a meeting et the beard thus constituted, held en the iSth of January, 1S82. it was re organized by the re-election of Christian Gust us president, W. T. Gerhard as first vice presi dent und J. B, Swartzwelder as second vice president ; the election of Jehn A. Burger us additional member of the executive commit tee, and reelection of C. II. Lefevre, as secre tary and treasurer. On motion, the annual report was ordered te be published In the three eully newspapers, together with an ahstiact et the proceedings of the late annual meeting. teb S 2td L'LL,TON OrtKA HOUSE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9. Peiitivcly the last appearance this reason of Hyde &Behman's GREATEST COMEDY CO., IN- luldoen's Picnic. Introducing the following talented and popu pepu larurtlsts: Jehn Hart, Jehn GilbcrLMcCarthy and Menree : the Comedy Quartette, Hurry and Emma Budworth, Geerge and Marie Nel Nel .en ; the Werners (Ed and Maud), the Lynn Sisters (Gertie and Lettie), the Monumental Quaitctte (Uannnend. Earlc, Hawley and West), Little Rosebud. L. C. Sanfet J, W. M, Lvnn. 1 ADMISSION. .35, BO and 75 CTS, LANCASTER. PA. Reserved Seals v. itheul jram at Opera Heuse. extra charge. Dia-C-lt Clieittitig the Gallows. St. Leuis, Feb. 8. Charles Miller, who was sentenced en Monday last te be hanged at Berlin, Scott ceuuty, Me., en March 10th, (or the murder of Fraukli:i Hamil ton, committed suicide iu his cell last night by hanging himself with a blanket, which he had tern into strips for the purpose. Valuable Library liiirneil. Mex roeMRRY, N. Y., Feb. S. The i evi dence of James O. Miller was burned this morning at 7 o'clock, together with all its contents. The fire eiiginated from a. de fective flue. The less en the building is $3,000, and the insurance is $",500. A valuable library was burned. Slim Clinnce for the Apportionment BUI. Washington, Feb. 8. Indications point very clearly te the rejection of the pend ing apportionment bill iu the Heuse in its present shape. The Democrats are gen erally against it. aud many of the Repub licans arc openly opposing it." Riotous Strikers In Mllnukee. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 3 Three hun dred striking cigarmakei.s yesterday at tacked the men and women who had been hired in their places, and riot was only prevented by prompt action of the police. Printers ou a Strike In the Spautsli Capital. Madrid, Spain, Feb. 8. The .strike of printers continues. Twe newspapers are unable te appear, and ethct.s publish only ene sheet. The proprietors yesterday de cided te stand firm. Acquitted of Murder. Peteesbure, Ya., Feb. 8. The jury in the case of Jehn W. Saundeis, charged with the murder of Jehn Davis, teturned a verdict of net guilty last night and the prisoner was discharged. Incendiary Fire nt Cusey, HI. Casey, Ills., Feb. 8. Eight business houses and two dwellings were destroyed by fire here yesterday. Less, $20,000. The fire is ascribed te incendiarism. Beutictieii of Wage-.. Peoria, 111., Feb. 8. The car repaiiers and helpers in the Wabash railway shejs were notified of a reduction in their wages this morning. Fenian Sentenced. LONDON, Feb. 8. The Feui m Tehin, convicted at Leeds jesteiday, hn been sentenced te seven yeats penal seiutudc. f.lve Stecii. itiarKetn. Chicaoe. Hogs Receipts. 32.0J0 head: shin- ments. 1,500 de: market opened strong-, but closed weak and 5c lower : prices durling the morning were : Common te geed mixed, $i; lfi7,i; 1 0 ; heavy packing and shipping, $G 70 J7 15; Philailclphlas and larders, $7 207 50; lhjht, $: 20B 0) ; skips and culls. 4i:. Cattle Receipts, 4,500 head; shipments. 2,100 de ; market moderately active, steady und llrm for choice; easier for peer; expeits at ?i;ieg40; poerl te choice shipping at $." 503 S 90; common te lair at $4 G54J5 20; mixed butchers' In moderate supply, active and firm : inferior te fair cows ali2fO('p.'! 50; fjoed tocliieecat$3 70; bulls at. $2 754 75 ; veul at $ t 50 ; hteckers and feeders nt n2 90S4 0. Ssheep-Receipts, 4,400 head ; shipments. 20") de; market dull ann weaker, lOclewer ; com mon te medium sheep at $2 (il:: 25 ; medium te koeiI at $l5 ; choice te extra steady at 5 50C. East Luiertv Cattle Receipts. HIS head; market slew at yesterday's prices. Hei; Receipts, l.iOO bead ; Philadelphia ut S7 40g7 (IS : Yorkers at id J0g 80. Sheep Receipts, 4,00 j head ; market weak at yesterday's prices. HOUSEHOLD MAKKHT. DAIRY. Butter 31 & :j38c Cupclieee, 2 cups 5c Cottage cheese. 2 pieces 50 Du tcii cheese Kl lump slec FnuiTa. Apples 3? pic Ibgsec Bananas?) dez Mamu Cherries, dried. $t fit .... l.'c Currants, tilled, '(l s, i;c Cranberries ?) nt a l'.'lCc Dried Apples ) qt 810c " Pearliest it 12W15c Lcmeni ) dez 12320c Oranges v de iiaeee vegetable:. Beans. Lima, 1? qt 25330c Beets 1 bunch 5C Cauliflower?) head 1425c Cabbage ) head 5fS2Cc .$25 . 13 . 25 . 25 . 25 . 25 . 100 . 50 . 29 . 25 . 50 . 23 . 25 . 100 . ;me . 25 . 25 25 Marietta & Mount Jev 25 9 10.25 3 20 18 47.25 51 50 04.60 55 92 41.50 32 W 275.25 40.15 21 40 Grain nnil l'rovmen (Juotalleua. One o'clock iiotatiensot groin and prevision-, furnished by S. K. Yiuidt, Breker, 15- East King street. renruary . ClllCHgO. Wheat corn Oats Perk Lard Feb.... l.-Xy. .58k 41 KUO 11.25 March.. I.Ji .5SK i 18.:t7K 11.30 May aj; .41 rmiaiicipiiiit. Feb.... :x,yA .7K .is Manh. l.UJi .M)i .40 April .. 1.13 .70$ .40 ENTERTAINMENTS. "lULTO OPEKA HOUSE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IOth. The Popular American and Acter, Mr. AUther, Manager Carrots $1 bnnch 5l0e Onions Sfl pk . 2025e Potatoes j) lmshel... $lt 10 " " WiVk 1215c " (Sweet) ?)pcek 1530c Radishes $1 bunch 335c Soup Beans $1 qt 10J815C Salsltylf) bunch ag.Ic Turnips f) J-ipk 12fii5c rentTHv. Chickens ) pair (live) 0S70c i) niece (eleanedl Duck v) pair ' ) piece (cleaned) tieere, cleantil Turkeys, live " cleaned, ?? ft XISCELLAKEOUB. Apple Butter W qt Cocoanuts eacli Cider ) gallon Eggsldez Heney?) B. l.artt () D.a.a. .............. .... Mlnceinea', ) V Seap ) lb Sauer kraut ) qt Shelbarks ) quart walnuts t' y- pk Bed i qiiaiter ... Ueef Steak, ?) ft... ' Roest (rib) f " ' (chuck " Corned, p ft. " Dried, .1 R..( Bologna dried...., Ham $) ft Bacen 5) is .. Lambfi ft Lard) 6 , Mutten $) a Perk?) ft Sausage ?) & , Veal & MKATS. It).. )a 354550c . . . .45tg55c ,...40a50c '.fl25300 ....ISHIc 25c 57c ... 3l40c 'Jle ,....aa25c ....12Qlle lie 58c VUll.t: 10c ....iC i-ii'jc 1215c 12?4lle ....10ft;l2c 1215c 25JJ35C ........ 22c ....""lfic 1220C ....13014c jeaii.c ....1014c .12c .V.VieanIc Black Bass ) Si Blue Fish $) ft Cattish fl ft COU ............................... Eels 1 D. Haddock. Halibut ) ft Herring Lake Trout f) ft Mullets r w -1 1 Reck Salmen W a Shad each eun .. ( i.t( OULKtrS, Smoked Salmen f) ft Spanish Mackcicl White llshV ft OKA IN. Hay Tlmcthy V ten " Clever fl ten Cern ft bus Oats bus , Rye rft bus TimetiivSeeed f) bus Wiieittl) bus f" lour Rue' whrit meal s1 -" ft h:i!i.. 10c .'.".".'.".'iiiJlSe 10c ....12KQ15C (uG lv t- 10O 12VC 151SC J 7) " oec$i 1UC 7 aWVC ji eC 12!c XC .$23ffi27 $15I7 60c 8590C ...$3.253.:0 1.:k ..JB.50pbbl. ?1 25 JOHN A. STEVENS, Suppei ted by tiie accomplished young Artlsta MTSS LOTTIE (JJfUItCH, Anil a thoroughly competent company In Ills wurm-.uuii.i.H .viuericuii uraina, wriiien uy himeelt. entitled "UNKNOW.N." t '-C AL PRICKS lis, no und 75 Cents. Reseived .'eats at Ycckcr's. C-5td llll.TO.i. OI'KKA UOl'UK. SATUKUA1' EVEMXU, FEB. 11th. e.v; xiuiiT ex,r GORMAN'S FAMOUS Philadelphia Church Choir Company In their inimitable rendition el Gilbert and Sullivan's delicious opera of " PATIENCE' OR BUNTHORNB'S BRTOE. With the eiilnal Church Choir cast CIIORl'S OF DRAGOON GUARDS, CHORUS OF RAPTUROP9 MAIDENS. Oichestradiicet from the Lyceum Theatre Philadelphia. ADMISSION, 75, SO anil 33c; Reserved Seats 73c, for sale at opera house ofnee. 7-5td riltAM) C1IAUITV CONCERT. FOR THE IIENEFIT OF THE OUP FUJD. BV Woodward's Continental Vocalists, IN THE COUKT HOUSE, TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 14. M 1SS A LICE TROVER, Seprano, MISS MINNIE SEIINER, Contralto, MR. CHAS. B. MQWERY, Tener, MR. A. W. WOODWARD, Bawo. ADMISSION, ------ 35 Cte. Deers open at 7:3'Xp. in.; concert te com mence at S o'clock. Tickets for sale at Woodward' muntc store. Ne. 15 East King street, teb6,8,10,ll,13,144 rAKVKTS, &v. NEW OAEPETS 40,000 YARDS. New Designs, Iieantifuilr Gelsred. INGRAINS 150 cents. SScents.; ui cenifl. TAPEaTRY RRUSSELb WILTON AND MOyUETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. 90 cents. 11.00. 31.G0. $1.10. $1.20. ( 75 cents. C.75 (90 geed valuk AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many yean REEVE L. KNIGHT, Xe. r22( host nut ft rwi, a:-lidetHlAit.7l PIULADELP1UA.