LANCASTER DAILY 1 NTELLiGENCR SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1882. Haurasin C-iurlligrnrrr SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 4, 1362. GAKI'IELI). By Mrs. Kllcu Kcj- Vimit. (A niece of Francis Scott Key, resident in Walct) Hew beautiful It was te die as In: has died. Making a calm around liim by the lerfe Ol Ills great soul, commanding peace liem strife, And changing all the discord into ic-1 A heavenly music heard as life departs : Hew wonderful it was that the accursed hute Which smote him brought lerth only loyal love ; Like te some holy bell that being btruclr Resnunds with wondrous sweetness, sound- ing en Through all the spaces te eternity. Hew noble was his doubtless fortitude Which, as lie lay expiring, day by tiny. Made him almost coutrel Ids destiny. And leek upon Ids torture with a smile. As his 111c wasted, in great patience, wonder. Ingly Ills Matchers watched him. They wi'ic nel alone Ol his own people, bin hi u ateliers were the world, Frem far-oil' shores and seas with pltilul .Sad yearning-; tewaid him as hit Mar went down. Nine Uiihh K:n mllllou.seiilsiu his own tongue Prayed te the Almighty ler 1ns single Jilt-; But he had risen tee near te heaven in his gieat Might Te steep again te earth, and se ;ed toel: him Like it star folded in mere perfect light. And he is dead, uud multitudes have coiii ceiii coiii Te his dead presence, and, ivith solemn caie. Moving in silence te the iiijasuied strain He loved, in mournful sweel monotony Kepeated as they bore him step by step Through harvest fields of lipcufng trodden grain. They laid him icvcicntly, gently down Where all the shc.iri-s of i-uth me gathi-icd at the last. Upen his piilselett leim ale richly piled Wreaths, gallants, u flu Lite yd lavMi bloom Of the pcrft-clc Mi'-mier. Wlth the cui-dlc thrill Of life -e lit sli iiieu their shining leaves Uaiincisiiic lulled areun I him. aim the Hag We love droops iiioiiriiluge'er the meurniii" laud. And tiem alar beyond our land and lal.e--. Frem thi! great world that watched him unn- deringly Come Kind t.newells and tender sy... pal hie-, l'ity lias told her tali; in every tongue And kings have claimed him eeiur.i le, li mil in hand. Fame has iccerdcd him, l.ove has rewarded him. Mether, Mite, childicu :m. ji. eple wept f.vei him. England aceeuntel him Kindred by bleed. All that are great and geed Have as Id- mom ncrj .steed While belay, da,- by day, pa ing away A Queen semi- eoielei ling words el cheer, And lleweis te lade en his bloody bier. ISed .save tlie omen u hen her hist hour is near : The Niulli was hi- by birth. The Seul h is lilt- by death ! lie cennueied by -nllei Ing grandly home Our long cherished strifes ; they are gene .-mil new Standing together we leek en hi-, l.iee. Te whom we had given, the elected, apeucr mere gi cat Thau any king's. Together we revet e Tlie uiajc.-ly with which he laid it down At (Jed't command. Together wcsliall love His memory, and each ether ler his sake. And for the heart se high that it could h tie no man." MEDICAL. JIELIGIOVS. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. 9 A remedy with .such a reputation aIlo aIle tettcr's Stomach flitters deserves a lair trial. It von are dyspeptic, your inaludv v. ill event ually yieid te it; II you are feeble, lack llesh and leel despondent. It will both build and cheer you up: it" you are constipated, it will relieve, and it bilious, healthfully stimulate your liver. Don't de-pond, but make this effort in the right direction. Fer "ale by all DnnrgUts and Dealcis gen erally. leb 1 lydced&W PADPTWEDfiBnTTODrA hKNMIN's IIIUDUS PLASTERS. BENSON'S im e AWARDED 6 MEDALS. THfi BEST KNOWN REMEDY rei: Backache or Lame Back. Rheumatism or Lame Jeintc. Cramps or Sprains. TTeuralcrki or Kidney Diseases. Lumbago, Severo Anhes cr Pain?: Female Weakness. An Siijirritu te All Other 'lusters- A re Superior te I'mlt An Superior te I.ininientv. . I re Snperi n-le Ointments or Suite . Arc Superior In I'll elrieiln or Coir ,n!ui. Tiny Art li.iinetlittlety. They Strengthen They Stinlltr. They lleliere l'uin tit Oner. Theii I'tititirely Cure. P A TlTPiniM I 's,:-Nse:is ',.rcr;i: Pniieta WA.U 1 lUll I Pusnaw have been imi tated. De net allow your druggist le palm e!t some ether pladc:- hai ing a similar - eiiinl-iii-C name. .see that the word is -pilled '. i'-c-i-n-i:,, ::.-, i-. is. SEABURT & JOHNSON, 5h-;ri'.nn:iMi Chemists, Xnv bii. IVUK-Sr KEFOIUIKD DIVINE SEliVICE te-morrow at 10:30 a. in., and at 7:13 p. in. Sunday school at 1:13 p. in. I7IKST 31. E. CHURCH, SOUTH DUKE . street. Sacrament of tlie Lord's Supper at 10j a. in. Preaching at 7 p. m., by the pastor, Rev. W. C. Robinson. Sunday school at li p. m. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening at 75 o'clock. f J" MISSION-EAST .MISSION, EAST 1VL. Iving street, Preaching to-meriow at 7f 1. in. Sunday school at Hi p. m. Weekly prayer meeting en Tuesday at 7J p. in. "TINI5TERIAL ASSOCIATION. TUE if I Minister! i! cs.nM.tlriTi ii-lll mutt Afrt.i. day next, at 10 a. m , In the pastor's study at the First Refermc-d church. AH pastors and le-ident ministers of Lancaster are invited. SYLVANUS STALL, Ses'y. OLIVET HAIMIST CHURCH V. 31. C. A. Reems, Uev. 31. Frayne, pxster. Preaching at lay. a. m. and 7:13 p. in. Sunday schoelat l:l3p. in. Prayer meeting Wednes day evening. ASTRICH BROS'. ADVERTISEMENT. STICICII BROS' AD"EIITISE3IENT. ON ACCOUNT OF Extens IfB Alterati ens PUESI5VTEKI AN. SERVICES AT THE usual lieurs morning and evening. Preiching by the p.itter, Kuv.Jiis. V .Mltsheli, 1)i:eskvtkuian aie.meiiial chapel. Uev. Jas. C. Hume, pastor. Evening ser vice at 7:13. .sabbath school at 1:13 p. in. Prayer meeting every Thuisday evening at 7:10. The l."th anniversary el tlie founding of tlie .school will be celebrated with apprepi late service at 1:13 p. in., when all aie cordially invited te attend. ST. LUKE'S KEl'OI-MED CTIAPEL, 3Iarietta Avenue, near West Orange street. Uev. Wm. F. Llchliter. pastor. Divine ser vices at 10a. in. and 7'p. m. .Sunday school at '2 p. m. SAI.E3I CHL'KUU OF iOD. I'KKAUIflNU te-morrow morning and evening by the pastor. I.ev. .1. Kidlcy. .Sunday school at 1 p. in. Wet ilissien, Ilerwart street Sunday school at V p. m. North illusion, Antieeli. Sunday sclieid at II a. m. OT. .IIMI'S I.IT.INV AVh Mill v ,! i5 munien at I0K a. in. Evening prayer at 7p. m. At the evening service the seats are lree. ST. l'AUL'S ItEFOItMED IHVINE SEIt vicesat li);.a. in., and at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting at t) p. in. Sunday school utl p.m. SECOND EVANGELICAL CHUKClI (English), North .Mulberry street, above Orange. Kev. .J. C. Krauc, jcister. Pleach ing te-morrow at le;a. m. and 7J( p. in. .Sun ilay school at 'Jt p. in. ST. .fOIIN'S LUTIIEKAN cflUltCII. I'l't-acliing te morrow morning and even ing by the pa-ter. Kev. .Svlvauus Stall. In t'le ei iilng pulpit ii.iiutingt will illustrate 1li i li.t s...ii t..... e..t..... ....... ..ii i i ... ....... .j, .in ,. n . ,, i n iniii- til ail, Ollllliay school at 1:13 p. in. (.etwald mission .school at "J p. in WE AUK COMPELLED TO REDUCE OUR STOCK CONSIDERABLY, IK OHIiKP. in UO i I WK WILL-OFFEl! IMMENSE BARGAINS IN ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS FOP. TUE Next Twe Weeks Only --I.V TJIKHE IS A'O DUCJST THAT TIIKSH (lOODS WTLL CO HAl'IDLY, Yi: AD VISE EVEIirilUDV TO ( 'A L I. EA RL Y A XI) I'liOCVIiETIIE BEST BARGAINS VM.OTUISH. MXJSK5 & KATHFON, Tt TYJ5IW A: KATI1FOV ----- FINE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS? EMPLOY THE FIVE BEST CUTTERS IN THE CITY. READY MADE CLOTHING. about, te tbe FINEST CLOTHLNO a geutlelnau required J GVCry thu'"' from the S1 SU1T we bve told ye BY Tn0SE WH0TiBEgTE 2EaeSre00ffl?cSSrgn!DED TO BE DJtY UOOV; UXJtEKtrVAJ!, xc. WATER AND FIRE. $10,000 WORTH of CLOTHING Slightly damaged i.y water at the late tire. MUST HE SOLD. AND THE GREATEST BARGAINS WILL BU OFFERED REUAKDLESS OF COST. At the old stand el CHEAP JOHN, 59 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. VltUSiitEirs SVVI'LIES. JOHN L. ARNOM). JOHN L. ARNOLD. f.'-lm.i PATENT COLD-CASE HEATERS, BEST PORTABLE IN USE. SLATE ROOFER AND ROOFS REPAIRED, PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING, Step and Valves for Water, Gas and Steam. JOHN L. ARNOLD, Ne3. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. SPECIAL NOTICE s OT. PAUL'S M. E. CHURCH, S. OUEEN ST. O.fiev. A. i. Colleni, pastor. Pieaehinjjat imj a. in. and al 7:::e p. in. Sabhalli school at 1:43 p. in. Prujer meetin;; Wednesday evening. UNION BETIIEL-CUUKCII Ol' GOIL Rev. ti. W. .Seilhamer, pastor. Preaeli iiif,'at lii). :i. in. and 7J p. m. Experienrc meeting al i; o'eleck. Kevivul services during tlie week. PreathniK this (Saturday) evening. 1"I'.ST -MISSION, JM.E.CIIAI'EL, CIIAU- lettestieet alteve Lemen. Preaehinir ill lnK a. m.. and at 7j.' p.m., hy the pastor. Rev. Reht. A. .Mellwain. J'niyer and Experience meeting at ij.: p. m. Kei;nlar weekly prayer meelinj,', Tne-day at l1. p. in. (Oil rest him : lie has tested him ' Nothing m" hurl " him mere. Nethin-jeaii teneh him further." Mere than a king he lies With tlie strong hlae el the wer'd'-. heniagi Full en hi-, ele-istcyc--. Aineriean, horn in the forest, The great lake ler him sigh-, , And England, crowned and -e.-ptri.-.l. Leve- him as he dies. lie fought in the deathly valley Frem morn till the si-t el -.un, Till eighty days had run. Then he folded his anus And his day was done. Oil, the Idoein i- oil el the pr.iinc The hulterlly's change is heguu. The pine cone llewers eternal. The eagle h:is .seared te the Jun ! A F.URTi REMEDY AT L.ART. Piiee :ir. Cents. MEAD'S .MEDICATED 1'tniN a xi) nuxmx i'lastei;. i-lii'.,0--2'd,eed.V w i'0 -2 ItOIIN 'J'O A I'LOI'Li; OF SKilltfTAKY HAcSITS AS WELL AS WEAK AND NERVOUS CONSTITUTIONS. Skill In the Workshop. Toilngeod work the liieehauie must have geed health. It long hour-, et confinement in close rooms have enfeebled his hand or dim med hissi(;ht, let him at eiice.nud heloresomi heleresomi heloresemi organic trouble appears, take plenty of Hei. Hitter-i. Ills system will be rejuvenated, hi-, nerves strengthened, his sight become clear mid the whole constitution tie built up ten higher working condition. An Kntiru Siiicccv.. It lias been proved by the most reliable testi mony that Themas' Keleetrie O.I is IU, Vnti.e micci-sh In cm ing the most inveterate ea-es et rheumatism, neiiralaia, lame back and wounds of every description Fer sale at II It. Cot bran's drug store, is; North Onceii fstreet, Lancaster. Incretlible.- u A- ,fr,'"!l'cl. lniggKt. Ruthven, et. Elites: "I have the gre:it".i confidence in veur Iturdeck llloed IJitteis. m IIC ,.:is(. w in, which I am personally imiuaiuted t li-I sue cess was uliinwt m.-redilikv Oi.c told me that halt abeltle.11,1 her mere goe.l f,., llm. itrcds et dollars' worth or medielne s. ,!,, previously taken." Price $1. Fer s:,l,. :lt n K. Cochran s ,rK store, is; North ein-en St ' Luneaster. .Second Etfltien et due. Mrs.Og.len , X. Division si i eel, llullale. says tetry vourhpringlllessoni. I nasal onetini. enetini. nfraid I should never I w able te get out .'..!,, 1 seemed te be a second edition of .!,!, with ml his patience: my faecaud body were out v"t cellectipii of boils ami plniples; si ice aki , t h.",,,l,COt y''r "prlnR Il'lossen, Tan ' ,, ?. cured, all erupt ens Inve, i feel belter than I have in a long time ' . ,,. ' M cents Fer sale at II. II. Cochran's dm ' btere. I.;; North Queen slicet. LanctsK-r. " J'A.fEjeuAyTHxas, .tr. TIKK! 1-lKKt "riKE ! Removal. Owing le my stock mid place el business at Ne. 5; North Queen street being destroyed bv tlie and in order toacceinmodate iny fi lends and customers 1 have ic-epencd at 129 North Queen Street, JIOn'KLS liVlLWNti, Willi A jfuw STOCK OP WALLPAPERS WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES, CORNICES. BRACKETS, &C Thankful for past patronage 1 ask for a con cen tinimnec et the same at my New Place or business. PHAEES W. PRY, NO. ISO MOUTH O.XJEEN ST. AUIM ANDfiBSXS, XV YOU WANT A Sj Ooed and Fine Kitting Ceet or Shee Kcndy-iniute or Made te Order. e te K. IIIEMKNZ'S, Ne :y'i ".hi Hi i;i.i .t, su.,,, custom ,ei-k se,,,.. ijsiidsAW In saying that we knew a Positive ( are ler .sick Headache. Neiens lb"iil!ieln .mmi1.,;., Nervousness, Paralysis, bleeplessne.s-and lys pepsia, we refer, el course, te lr. i:eiisen's Celery ami Chamomile Pills, which aic all they aie recommended le he, and willcuie Hie aoeve uanieii eiscases uillieul any dimbt. :;s they liavtipeimauentlyciiied theii-ands. Tli-greatest discovery and the best u-mcily new ctan! is found in these pills. The pinp erliest.i Celery and Chameuiilcare pccniiaily adaiited te cure headache, ami li rem-iin...! r.... Dr. Ileuseu te formulate anil compound the properties se as te make them available. The Jlcrtiltl says: Dr. I'.cusen is iccegnied as one el the most eiiiinenl and successlul phviul.tiis in Rallimeiv.uiid his icputatieii is el il-elt a siillicient guarantee el the value of In, medi cincs. The-e Pills aic piepaied epiesly le cm-,. headaclies. neiualgia, uerveusnes-, and .l-s. pepsi.i, and v ill cure tiny cttse, no mailer he v. obstinate it may be. el either sick, nei vein or dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, nervousness ersIeeilessiie-s. .Sel.l by ail druggist. p,;ci.. :..-. a be v. Depot, HM North Eutaw strst. Raltiin.irc, Mil. I!y mail two boxes teri, or-i boxes im- f..:,e, in any auurcss. DR. C. W. BENSON'S New Remedy anil Favorite 1'rncrlpllen. SKIN CURE Is V.'arrantet! te Cttie ECZEMA, TETTKIW, HUMORS, INFLAM- MATRIX, M1L1C CRUST, ALL ROUl.ll SCAI ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP. SCROEUI. ULCEUS, PIMPLES AND TENDER ITCIIINOS en all paits el the body. It makes the skin white, selt and smooth; icmevcs fan uud Irct-kit". and is the Rest toilet dressing m the Weild. I.leg:in!lyput uji, two bottle-; m one paekage. consi-tluget i,eth interna! and iv ternal treatment. All lirsl-f!:t-s druggNts have If. Price $1 pel package. angi.MyilM.WAS.'fcw lAltrAVEi.L NOTit;r:. X DR ;i:i:i;.i; takes tliisonpertuuitv te let his numerous friends and patrons kimV that in a t-w nii.iitiis he will establish elii-es in Uasliliiglen, f. (;., ;m,i hence would s, i te the alllieted, llie Hnenic cases el disease le test OMN1PATHY belore it is toelali- !r t.rcene has treated ever ::,tHK) patients since January 1st. Issh, lll:ll(. ,, .lrsi.,y ., , ; turned awav us inenrilii.. !., ni..... . Over l,nejileaths have eccurrcil under etiu-is' practices, and net a hall-dozen using i,js icme dies. Most of t he l,w have died prPmaturel v. - ..j. .. ....... .,t linn nes, nrei ners ami sons, and druggists their wives and ehildien during this time. Oyer l.UM persons have bee cured, and all benefited, by his methods- with" tew exceptions. His claim is simplv te cure all the various il.sel man i.-im i i.i...x-t...'. ; tiens efremedials, and that he'dees u',i make a lIlllL'sllOI) Ot lll.s!m,ii,.l I I ii, ,.'"' . ri - m ..... 'iriaiv ti, aiii in- in IH'IfM( !!i,Vil.,!''iln,b.Hs" !l luntc "a,l''i't containing hundieds et nami's et persons cured in th city and cnuntv, manyet them veryeMiaor veryeMiaer dinary A banker's wile cured et sick head ache el ever tlm ty-flve years, and her -lasses removed rca.iing and sewing Wth uatuial vision. Mr. Sutler, of :;?J Middle street, cure, of .i years terrible annoyance el dvsjiens:a in one day. 1 pilcptic Fitset twenty years cii'c.l in one week. Tumors, Cancers and Cataracts removed wit limit any vain or use el t he knife s. and having had a deal of- experience in properly vaccinating with animal rirttt. which Is 11 C11r.i it.... .... il 1..,. ... .i.t . i . " " " ),,, ii." ' ;, ' ""sioauiesemealllic tien, Dr. t.recne will vaccinate anyone who calls upon him in the most scientific ( and hence sure) maiim .r. Cn...Mii.,ii v .. tarrli cured ler 3d cents. The reinedv seiit te anyone en receipt et Se cents in stamns MWJiAS 146 East King street. REAI TUIS " , ,. Laxcasteh, Pa., April is, lt-si The 1idxi:vcup.a Mk'e CeMrAr. Gcnti It gives mc much pleasure ie vh that after using one pack et KIDNEYCURA imii: lAtn i niiiim linen ei a severe lvipi m my back and side, of long standing, anil tha tee, utter Hying various kimwn remedies i hve ,c,verj' "jsifldi'iice In your medicine cheerrully recommend It. and knew th-itui-in v of my Inenils who have usid it have been benefited. PETER I5AKER, nrifilvd rerenmii Examiner ami E.vprcss. : f.'.4ni'i& ( u::.vr carcaink in ;Ai:ri:rs, 1 Cl.lilll te have th l.aiM'esJ nml Ftm. lock et CARPETS In this City. Rrm.s-cjs and Tapestry CARI'hTS ''luce-ply, EMrn Miper, Super; All Weel, lalt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : trem the lest te tlii'elieaiiest as low as 5c. iier vaiil. All the FIX EST A XD CllO WE J'A TTIiiiXS that ever can beseenlu thlsclty. 1 also have a Large ami Fine Sleck et my iwn make Chain and lisig Carieis, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. AlseMAKE CARPETS TO ORDERat shot notice. S'lli-Jffie! inn ninnitiiil A)B Ne trouble te show goods it you de n. wish le purchase. 1 earnestly .solicit a call. EL S. SHIRK, 203 WKST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. lAllt'ETS, .VC. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. Nev Designs, JSejiiliTulljr Colored. 50ceilts. ST. cents. INC RAINS JiJ'lcenls. 'Hlceiit-. (;." tents. Jf.w. TAPESTRY $,0,'!s- . p.russels if;: -''" Is- !" ('.HI cents. th-.V. WILTON AND f M OQ U ETT ES, (.1 OO 1 ) V A I. U K OILCLOTHS. J AT LINOLEUM, ALL PRICES. LiUNUMS. L MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown ler many years REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Hm-I, al-lydee.li2twl PHI LA DELPHI a 1AK1'KTS, CO11., i-c. PHILIP SCniJM,S0N ,V ()., uMANUl'ACTORY, Ne. ) SOUTH WATER STREET, Lawcastek. I'a.. Wcll-knevn Manutactuicrs of tienulne LANCASTER QUILTS. COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, IILANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, iciA IJ.'JTOM RAC CARPETS A SPECIALTV. ".LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in F;heViSi,.?,r,ie",1,kl",lr iik ""Winn"! real hers and Woolen Coeils Dyeil. (Jen tlemen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. "Vests, deiii" ' bt'0ll,',',l ; :lN"' 1'P Rlne Djeii. AH orders or goods left with us will receive promptatleiitieii. ""iv CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal of the best .piality put up expressly fei family use, and at the lowest market rates . , , TRY A SAMPLE TON. ARD-I50 tOUTII WATER STREE'l MVilRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON u PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING. ' FOIt THE NEXT TWO WF.F.ICS Wh SHALL SELL OUR COLORED SILK FRINGES lit ii cents a yard. ALL OUR RLACK SILK FRINGES AT HALF THEIR COST. ALL OUR RLACK (ilMPS AND PASSAMENTER1ES AT LESS THAN HALF THEIR COST. CORD and RALLS at 10c. ALL OUR FINE FANCY READ PASSA- MENTERIES al $1.U) a yard. FANCY READ FRINGES at $1.00 a yard. RLACK KNOTTED SILK FRINGE, 10c. a yd. ALL OUR FANCY RUTTONS at lOc.n dozen. ALL OUR FANCY COAT RUTTONS al i cents a a;-INCH RLACK SATIN at $l,ie. ALL OUR COLORED SATINS at ;;.e.ayaid. ALL en: COLORED SILKS al 44c. a yard. W 17 irl'l.' iiiiMil'ien OUR ALL SILK RACK RLACK SILK VEL- V ET at $:;.en a yard ; formerly $T.ui. RLACK CLOAKING VELVET, formerly tl,m te Jii a yard. ALL OUR COLORED SILK VELVET te$.ii0ayard. ALL OUR COLORED VELVETEENS te . "tic, a yard. EMIIOSSED VELVETEENS, 25c. a vnrd. IH.ACK VELVETS REDUCiui Kiem (mc. te 40c. n yard, trem ;."ic. le flee, a yard. Frem $1.00 te ;5c. a yard. RLACK PLUSHES REDUCED Frem $i50 te $l.S(i a yard. Frem $::..ri0 te $i(ie u yard. Frem $1.00 te $ a yard, Frem fl.oeto $3.00 a yard. ALL OUR COLORED PLUSHES al $2 a yard ONE LOT AT ONLY $1 a yard. SASH RlRRONSatl'J, 'JI and .Mc. ALL SILK AND SATINS SASH RIRRONS at flee, a vard. FINE FANCY RIIHIONS, IN SATIN AND PLUSH, :it'25c. a yard. J. B. MAKTIN & CO. 1882 Wall Papers lapr'.'-ttd 3IEMVAI.. AND- pii in Feeti Item ( FINE PINK and RLUE PLUMES at flOe. ALL OUR COLORED PLUMES al I.U, FINE WRITE PLUMES AT $1.00. FIVE DOLLAR PLUMES at fLOJ. TEN DOLLAR PLUMES at $;.fe. RLACK PLUMES. Sold lernicrly from $i00 te$.'!.(Kl are sell ing new ler $l.:e. These that behl ler $1.50, $1.00 ami $1.50, are new $2.00. These that were $5 mi, $fi.0J, $;.0O. sell new ler $U)0. Ten Dellar Plumes ter $5.0e. RLACK TIPS AT ASTONISHING PRICES. COLORED TIPS, 25c. POMPOUNS at III.-. RVRGAINS IN CHILDREN'S DRESSES RORES, SHAWLS and COATS, FELT SKIRTS. One let at :We.. formerly fle te 75c; one let at flilc, formerly ;.", te $1.25. CANVAS SKIRTS, at 75c., formerly $1..TO ONE LOT OK FINESKIRTSat fl.ui. CAEPETS. ELEGANT NEW DESIGNS IN WALL PAPERS AND CARPETS FOR THE- Spring Trade AT LOWEST PRTCES. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts., CiKUHI. KOTICMi METZGER, AND HAUGHMAN, New Cheap Stere. ALL THE POPULAR MAKES OF ieetii ai ultii Moslins AT THE LOWEST I'll ICES. TICKINGS, lrNDER REGULAR PRICES. Table Linens, Frem Auction, Cheap. TOWELS and NAPKINS in Great Variety. THE BEST FEATltERS. r eciiKics Renowned Cough Syrup. A ple:ua!it, salCHieedy and sure temedv for Colds. UeugliM, Asthma. Inlhieii Inlhieii z'.,,.,SeI;?.les, et the '"le-if and Chest, Rron Rren ehitiy. Whooping Cougli.spittlngefRlood. In In tfammatfen et the Lungs and all Dueases el the Chest and Air Pas-ages. This valuable preparation combines all tne medicinal virtues of the-e articles which Ien" experience has proved te possess the most sate and ctllcient qualities ter the cure or all kinds et lung diseases. PRICE, '5 Cents. Prepared only and s.ildhy CHAS. A. LO0HER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Ne. 5) East King sireet, Lancaster. INFLAMMATION OF THE KVE, OIC OI'H THALM1A, ia a ili.sease et iheeye, wherein the patient complains chletly et a stitrness and weight In the lids, and a feeling et .sand and grit between them and the glebe-pain about the orbit and neuralgia throughout the side et tlie head and lace. Dhira-.cs et" the rye and car treated successfully by DR. II. D LONG A I. El:, Otlice Ne. IS East Walnut: street. Lam-aster. Consultation lice. I2:;td.tft K EUSART'S Ol.l WINK STOKE. BAR & HAUGHMAN immense bargains in Children's Worsted Caps. II fJlllX.l ANO UL.ASSHAJIJ1. UiM & MAKTi;.. 1 W0PD TO HOUSE KEEPERS! CA PS that were ;5e, and $1.00 are new -J5e. CAPS that were $1.25 ami 1150, are new Se. CAPS that were $1.75 and $in), are new ;5c One Let et LADIES' HOODS In Light Iflue lermerly $2.50, new $I.oe. Childri'ii's Hand Knit Leng Coats, all at .c Ladies Hand-Knit SLEEVELESS .IACKFTS at ,"e cents. Alleur line Woven Wei-sted .1 ACKE IS atjl.oe lermerly and $1.;.5. Hand Knit HEAD SHAW LS, 10c, lermeilv "V Fine Hand Made Head Shawls atiV formerly $i.oe. ROW FINE HAND-MADE CAPS atiie. lntants' Fine Merine Caps, formerly $l.-r. ami 1.50. at JOe. Great Clearing Me, OF LACE GOODS. NEW CHE&P STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street. ( Aut.i.u's eli Stand.) Iletwccn the Cooper Ilou-e and Serie Hetel. janll-Iyd.lw WA TT, SIIANII .V CO. ou will tind at CHINA HALL, the hir;,i'-t ami best 'i.-.ei;iluni et Fwnrii China, Cut ami Kiiraved (jliLssware, WHITE 611ANITE WAKE, COMMON AVAKE, KOCKINGIIAM WAKE, YELLOW WAKE. STONE WARE, CHAMBER WAKE. A I.AfOi: I.j it ill' Damaged Ware, JUST OPENED. Call anl he convinced. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Street. LIQUORS, AC. T INC. WALT'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND GROCERY STORE, Ne. 205 West King Street. Jeblfi ly LACK COLLARS, formerly tu te die at 'iic. apiece. Embroidered Cellars, formerly 50 te c -it 5c Our Fine Lace and Satin Cellars'" all at 50c. apiece. Filty-Cent Lace Fichus at i5c All our Kine Made up Lace Ties it --,c Kinbreideied Silk and Satin TIES at 25c" for- Pleated Lawn Cellars, fermcrlv 2.5 and "Or new Me. apiece. " Pelka Det LAWN HANDKERCIIIEls and llhs. formerly 50c, new loc. LACE RIIJS, formerly 2.5c, new 10c FINE RIRS.teimerly .-,;,-. m,, ;-c ALL OUR 25c. SILK JIAXIIKKKCIII new two for 25c. ' We sell no lliim t-. Our.:; and 41c. HANDKERCIIiEKS -it -.c um J1ANDKERCIIIEFS 1115.1c Ourfl HANDKERCIIIEKS at ;5c ALLOUR REST SILK HANDKERCHIEFS at $1 apiece. the7T1TK,M,S!,U ,,,lV0 ll,e,r '"lrieee Iheni, and you can easy ee that what wesav is true. S-We advise evcryhedy te call seen ami gelfiOOD RARCAlNs. "a"" ASTRICH BROS; LANCASTER BAZAAR, NO. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, I'A. WATT, SHAND & CO. HAVE OPENED AN ELEliANT LINE OF Hamburg' Edgings and Insertions. Nainzoek Edgings and Insertions. In all Widths ami Qualities at Lewest Prices, We invite special attention te our new pur chases et TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS, TL'RKEY RED TABLINOS, CLOTHS - a.m. - DOYLIES, MARSEILLES QUILTS, CROCHET QUILTS, CURTAIN LACES, PILLOW SHAMS AND TIDIES. We are offering an immense stock of RIeached and Unbleached MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS. In all widtlisand qualities at bottom prices LATKiT (STYLES IN Cl.VUHAMS, CALICOES and CAMRR1CS NEW YORK STORE 3 & IO E. KING STREET. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily .sent te Mr. 11. E. Slavmaker. Atrent for Rci-':iriV ulif Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively usen the Rrnnily referred te in his regular pra. t;( . It is commended te the attention et tlie-c al llieted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much ab'-.Hcd Alcoholic .stiuiiilaiu was never intended as a bevel iu;c, but te ! used as .a medicine et reul potency in I he cine et some et the destructive diM-ases which sweep away their annual thousands et victim". With a purely philanthropic motive we pit sent te the laveialile notice et invalids -sii . cfclllv tlllisi. iilllteti'il n.-illi ?liil .1:. case Dysjiepsla, a specific remedy, which U nothing mere or less than Brandy. Till wrstl. with fflili fimwilHit tin. I i.i.k.-,k , kss ik'liUUy, will linu this Himplis mcthcinr, "in ii until l'iwfuiajv A Sovereign Remedy erall their Ills and aches, lie it, he.vever strictly understood that we prescribe and ue bul oue article, and that is REIGAimS 0L1 KHAN I) V, Sold by our enterpitsiiifj young friend, ;i i'. SI.AYStAk'KI! 'I'ltw I'i-i...l.- l...e . I.....I ii... test for y:iiHt nml hxs uevcr lailril. :m lai giv ii m tilles tliey are biimdcd. One-!eurtli et the money thai is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia specifics would miIIIcc te buy all the IJrandy te cure any such cane ei ases. In proof of the curative powers el Beigart's Old Brandy, In cases of Dyspepsia, we can summon mini 1.....Q S.I ... II ,. ...u..ii rt. e. r....... 1.. . .. I ....... . ..via k niinuus unu i;.uu ill liartlCIIKLl w t- cite: A liard-v.-erking fanner had been iiiMolee with tin exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would rejeet alme-itevi-rv kind or feed; he had sour eructatiens coil ceil stantly ue uppetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers ami stale bread, and xs a beverage he used McUrann's Reet Reer. He is a Methodist, ami then, as new preached at times, ami in his diM-eiirscs eltcn declaimed earnestly agaiuslall kiudsel strong drink. When advised te trv Reisrart' s Old Brandy, In Ills pnw lin lnnlre.l im irlfli netniilin. ...... - -"-" ww, ..u -u.r... .!' ...... If....... -!,. ,,L but ufter hearing et its wonderful eilect.s in tlie cases of some of his near acquaintances, hi at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the Rrandy faithlully and steadily; tht first bottle giving him an appetite, and licliiu the second was taken he was a hound maii.u i:l. astomaciicapableefdigestiiigaiiytliing whit I: hcJclKfee te eat. He still keens it and ihi-s a lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi. cine he has been of very little pecuniary bene fit te the doctor. A Practising Physicia n. THA VEL tilts' UUIUK I ANCASTEU AND ll.I.EIWVIH.K i.. 1 J Cars run as fellows : Leave Laneatser (P. It. Depot), at 7, 'J, iin.l i.'n I'iV,';'1","' '-'..4' ? :l1"' l.m.,xi'.mt en i '.l yli n""" l!1.'.' ,ust cnr leaven at J:a p. i.. .. ii ...'. V.l,'!?,vll,,0,(,mwr -'"' at 5, S.iiiul pi a. ., ami 1, J, .1 and 7 p. in. ilav ' "" ,l,U,y " "' ,V" ,,WO exe,,l'1 "" s,- 10LUMII1A A.MI 1-OKT IKPISIT 1C. It mi i.H. i,mI,0,v ""'J f'?"li"-Iy m the Celuinbiii tli.i... "-l'-lt Railroad en the iollewinj! Sttiewb Nebth- WA1UI. Kxprcsi.. A.M. fort nepesIL B:35 3:M t-eaciiDottem...... 7:i- 4-js eaie iiaruer. 7:.i5 5.11 Columbia g5 6:40 STATtews SeuTii-Expres9. Express.) Acreiu ". ...... I A. M. I r. M . 1 A W Express. r. 11. A cee 1 . P.M. S.IB 3.1S (i:JI Columbia Sate Harber. Pcachliottem U:.U v. it. UM l-iis IS5 1'ertDeiMvlt I EAIIINO Jtr COI.VAI1IIA ARRANUEMENTOK PASS ti-JI ti:l!l 7::i U:l5 K. U. 7: IS Ani:(ni I .e -.1:40 11.1.7 V. M. itai ENOER TRAINS A.M. I M. r. II. :h ... -J:.i TM .... 3:10 v0 l:Ul 3-jii 7:.r.O Lin 3:u ie.iit. 3-ju 5..M1 1. M. J:.:i J: hi tl-.-'O 1 our experience extends, ami ue tliereler. veil the preference ever all etuer Rrandlcs imntlerwith hew many jaw-break ing Erencl. MONDAY, NOV. 7th, 1S8I. NORTHWARD.' LKAVB. thiarryvillc Lancaster, King St... Lancaster Columbia AKRIVK. Readiiu; SOD'lllWARD LItAVK. Reading AIUE1VK. Celiimliia , Lancaster. Lancaster. King St... Ouarrvvilli ri-aiiiq f-niiiinr nt IP.....H.... ...t.i. ..!.... . trem Philadelphia, Pottsvllle, Harri.shiirg. Al Al ientewn anil New Yerk, via lien ml ft reek Reute. At Columbia with trains te nml from Yeik. Hanover. Octtysbnrg, Frederick and Ruin' "":. A. M. WILSON. Sunt. 1)KNNSYLVANIA KAILKOAO NKU . WHEl'UI.K-On ami after MJNDAY. .IANUARY 22.1, liH-2, tnilns en tlm Pet.iwyl! yaiiii. Railroad will arrive at and leave th Linca"tei and Philadelphia .leiKitsas fellows r A M. M. P.M. 7rri :i P.M. :Xi 2:lu S:-r. U:27 2.10 :3 !::t7 .... 8t-n 10:37 .... D-55 .ri:IS 5:25 ti:3e Eastward. .Mail Express, Past Line lorkAccem. Arrive- Ilarri.sburg Express Lancaster Accommodation Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accein. Arrives, Sunday Mall, Johnstown Express, Dav Exnri'ss Harrisburg Aceeminnilai'11", Vk3Twahd. Leave l.aiie'lei 12:11 .VIII s :a :3i '.urn 1-311 ! 2:12 2.'.0 5:2." A.M. Way Passenger, Sf.,w,?..KJSnr,'!,, Mail Train Ne. I.vhi Alt .Inv Mail Train Ne. 2,vla Cel'hia, eui.iiiiy man, JastLlne, re.lerlck Actommedutiini, Laneuster Accommodation, Harrisburg Accominediil'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, JX1''"' Express Philadelphia Express I 6: IK " I Leave I'll A.M. 4:311 " 7:M) " 7:1X1 " 15:25 " 35" 2:1. p.m. 4:15 5:10 " 9:00 " 11:30 " Arrive PhllaiPa 2:.V. a.i 7:2i 10:10 " 11:15" S'33 P.M. 5:C5 " 7:3 " 'J:ir. " Ariue l..llli'lel ---7..M :27 " 'J.25 " J.30 " 9.2.1 " 1:51 P.M. 2.1)0 " 5:SO " 7:33 " 7:40 ' 11:01 " 2.2,1 A.M. H. E. SLAYMAKER, ae Birr reR Reigart's Old Wine 8teiv, Establlslicd in 17X5, IMPORTER AND IlKALKK 111 FINE OLD RRANDIES, SHERRIES. rli I'l' RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in s., 18-J7 and 1S2S.) CIIAMPACNES O EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALE PORTER. BROWN STOUT. Ne. ail EAST KINO ST..LANCA f-TLK.PA Mail Tralii. Ne. 2, west, connecting at .,, ..... .. ... ... i i.uiinver. P ri'lllirlf'lr .!.. - ......,,,,feiiiif.-iiir at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1 5.1 will run tlireuirh u Kiederiek. ' .ttlJrSl'hnrs KxVrt, est. at 5:te p. ... , has direct cor.ncetieiu (wltlioutclmngeel ems) te Celiuuhl-i and Yerk. ihUL .H". WOS-' OU Hl'"'ly. when ItuKged, ill ste patDowningtewn.Coatesville, Paries w,.L.,,,y, r.iiz.i.i.-ll.iewn ami Middle- lmrir. SI own CLeriuxu. w ILLIAMSON Jfc FOSTER. H OUSEAl. & CD'S NEW LIQUOR STORE, F YOU WANT J LASS WITH ltOOY AND I .STRENOTH, RUY STAR GLASS. It you want OLASs that Mill net stain in your windows, BUY STAR GLASS. If you want GLASS that crill keep market ahltin damp cellar?, buy STAR GLASS. KS-Fer sale by iMnraxlcr Hardware Dealers. J. M. ATJiERTSOX & SON. STAR CLASS WORKS, 1!M:- tdeed.ftsiw- Norristown, Pa. 1)ATEN1'H. " WM. H. BABCOCK. 513 Seven Hi htrcct, Washington, I). C. E2Fu,eily "" Kxanilnpi- in tlie U. S. Patent enice i ; aitcrwur.1. .Vsseciate Attorncyef Jacob staiiller. esq., et Lancaster, Pa., until the lat ter s death, Mould be pleased te hear from In- VlUltAfu nt 1 .. .a . . .v.. ...-,,. i ..ii.ieasi.3r ami neigiiuering cnun iies, and is still prepared te attend carelully aim promptly te all Patent business at moder ate rate?. jan3l-3md&w Ne. 43 North Oueeu street, Z.uuc:ixlcr, I'a. The very bHt anil finest finalities or Foreign and Demestic WINEs and LKH'eRS, con stantly ler sale at wholesale nml- retail. Straight Old Rye Whisky et the distillation of 1875. Pure unadulterated Custom IIuimi Rrandy, wurranted et the vintage et Inu. Kent especially- for mediciiiul purpe-e.s. Pure Old Helland Gin, and ether Whiskies, Bran dies and Wines te .suit the trade. fcl)3-3m.l IIOL'SEAL A. CO. TNSUKE YUUK LIVE STOCK. THE FARMERS' MUTUAL LIVE STuCK rilUlWJUVK ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA Is a responsible and progressive company, and prides itself in tlie prompt and lull pay ment et nil Its looses. It Insures against le-s by death whether by lire, accident or natural causes. It accepts none but goe.l risks, and gives mere real protection at test eeit than any ether company. New is the time te insure, while your "tock Is free trem tlNeasc. J. A. WOLFER-.BERGER, Agent. Ne. 17 Centre Sipum. janll-lmditaw "VTOTICE. "" 1 Whereas. By See. Set tin; Act annrevi-.i April 20. l7t. p. I. page Ml. it Is provided that the indebtedness el any city in this commonwealth may be authorized te he in creased te an amount exceeding two per centum, and net excee.lingscven per centum upon the last preceding assessed valuation et the taxable property therein, with the a-sent of the electors thereof ; and Whereas, An ordinance was passed bv the Councils et the City or Imcaster. and approv ed November 3. 1SS1. " ter the purpe-e m ob- tlllnil. th ILH.'llt. of 111.' fl.inlnr .t ....;. I ...... te the increase et indebtedness et" said city for the Improvement or the Water Werku and the Lavins et Svw Distrihutini' Mains: 'mi Whereas, The said Act of 1871 requires that thirty days' notice be given et an election te be held ler the purpose aferesaid: NOTICE IS THEREFORE HEREBY GIVEN that an Election will be held at the places et holding municipal elections in the Cilyet Lnnca-dcr en TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. Iss2, ter the purposcef obtainlngtheasscntet the electors thereof te such Increase or Indebtedness. Last assessed valuation et city property, $11,008,575: amount of city debt is $7fS,4f-2.w; : amount of sinking fund, lC.mi: amount et preDO-ed increase et citv debt, sai.iimn tier centage of proposed increase et debt, 5 7 7-1 DO mius ei teiai assessed valuation. INO. T. Ma.GONIGLE, jil,2s&leb,ll,ls Mayer. J-'JXE WHITE SHIRTS, PINE KID (I LOVES, PINE NEVE WEAR, PINE PANVV J JOSE, PINE LINEN COLLARS, PINE PLANNEL SHIRTS, PINE SILK HANDKEKCH1EPS, PISE PANCY SHIRTS, 1I.E UJi'ESS ST SPENDERS, FINh RED I'NDERWEAR, PINE ( A RDIOA N J A ( 'KETS, Are v. hat some merchants would cull Rrlc-.i-hrac; but we prefer te call them by their right names, and in showing tliem, tell 3-011 just an near as we cm what they are made of. With us everything can be brought back that is net satisfactory, and the money will be refunded, if desired. Rut the PRICES ARE FIXKD.uml what we mean by this is that everything Is mirkcd down te the very lowest possible price and from them no deviations are made. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER, 36-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. M INNICH'H LATEST IMPROVED PATENT TOBACCO PRESSES, Tti iiit'u 1 ' ""'Tobacco. Minnlch's MAN L Lb DRAG, ler cleaning stables. All sold en trial en their merits. Warrati cd te give better satisfaction In -every particular than any new in use. It net satisfactory ca rVed'ci Jint1 n'y !' Send ferIRu" trated Circular. s. R MINMCH a