Wat wtftiStift Mil. i. r. ' ! .Id e !rne Will--Ne 125. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY JANUARY 27, 1882. Price Twt Cmti. Hv J ' 3r&!r?!VlttKs f CLOTHISQ, c. A ItAKK CHANCE. A SITIT OK FUE CLOTHES OR AX OVERCOAT Made Up te Order at Cost Price. In order le led hoc my lieavy block et FINE WOOLENS l lmll make them up loonier for the NEXT Til IKTY DAYS ler Cash only at cost price. This Is witlieut exception the vreatest re duction ever made in rlXB CLOTHES, unil is tlene te make room for our lieuvy Spring Importations, which we expect te hnve in stock by the early pin t et February, We have the sample cards .t tlu-se goods already In Htere, and anyone di-nli ions effletfnrttfg llrst choice ler SPRING WKAKeun ilo-euow, ami the jjceds will be tuiucd lerliilil. Iti-ini-inhcr the above re'ductlen Is for Heavy Weights and Gash Only. " H. GERHART, TAILOR, Ne. 6 East King Street HAPPY NKW VKAK! The season of 18l closed one of the most biilliuut and successlul cam paigns in the history et our trade. We congratulate our patrensand ourselves In anticipation el a lively and increas ed bpihiK Trade. In order te mi ct the demand we luvyc made extensive improvements in our i neui ami otherwise extended our facil ltics te present our spring offering et .select and Choice FOREIGN XOVEL TIE te arrive about the Piiist of Fun i:i Ativ. Vc will be able te please the most (esthetic as well as the general ela-set trade. A gieat desideratum among our people seems te be a cheap article in Clothing. There Is no geed in it We have tried it and found it don't pay. We will wager one et our KM Overcoats will last three seasons' bard wear and leek Rented, while a $20 Overcoat will hardly be recognized niter one acajeu's wear. Where is the economy in buying tia-li? Few per--ens v.re competent Judges et line articles et Clothing done up In lirst elass style ; therefore, we Invite special attention te our establishment, where can be found at all times the very best in the market, at prices as reasonable ax can be expected. We aie selling a lew HEAVY-WEIGHT OVERCOATINGS AN II SUITINGS, at veiy Lew prices in order te cle-e tlietn out te make room ter our new " pring Stock. Tiiaiiklut ler the very liberal patron age, we hope te continue our motto et Square Heating in all our transactions, and -hew a pntct ical and happy result liming our spring Campaign. All are cordially invited te call at 121 N. QUEEN STREET. J. K. SMALINtt. ARTIST TAILOR. 1 ,'IICST ANNUAL. CLOSING SALE OF- 1 Fer MeD, Beys, Yuuths ant Children, OONSISTISO OF Suits, Pants, Coats, Vests, OVERCOATS. AT AL ROSENSTEIN'S, ONE-PRICE HOUSE in our MEN'S DEPAKTMET we have ma le four grades as lollews, viz : 1114 ALL-WOOL SUITS at S7.50. beiit -'lt ditlerent patterns; Jeriner price lrem $10 te $X3..r0. -Jin ALL-WOOL SUITS attflO. About ditrerent patterns, in Sack an it Freck Coats ; lei-mcr price from $12 te $lti. I.: FINE CASSIMERE and WOR8TED SUITS, lu Sacks or Flecks, at 818.50. Fermer price. $15 te $18. 5J VI.RY FIXE DRESS SUITS ter 15. Fermer price, $20 te $25. r.7 YOUTH'S SUITS. Seme are Hall-Weel k and some All-Weel, lei-.7.50. j Fermer prices lrem $10 te $10. I have put them all en one counter, you can li.ive our choice. Thl is the greatest bar gain ever ettered before in this city and an opportunity which you may never get again. All my OVKKCOATS have been reduced nearly one-halt the termer prices. OUXG MEN'S ULSTERETTES REVKR SH'.LE OVERCOATS, all reduced nearly one hall. Bey 8' and Children's Suits Reduced 20 per cent. llv nsseilment of GENTS' FURNISHING Goens is one of the largest in this citv, every article reduced. Pure Linen Cellars, 4-ply, lite: :! ser 23c. Karl & Wilsen's Cellars, 20c Culls, 25c they are the licst in Uic market. We aie ever-stocked In these goods and dc--ire te reduce the stock, tluueiere these prices are only temporary; avail yourselves et this great opportunity and get some bargains. Men's Underwear i" per cent, less than the marked price. Suits and- Overcoats Hand--oinely MADE TO ORDER at reduced prices. AL ROSENSTEIN, PIONEER OF MODERATE'PRICES. 37 North Queen Street. Xcxt deer te Shultz & it're.'s Hat Stere. CAKR1AOMB, C. s LKICIIS! SLK.IUHS! DGERLEY k Ce., nnn LTM Market Street, rear Market Houses LANCASTER, PA. We have a Large and Splendid assortment e PORTLAND, ALBANY and DOUBLE; SLEIGHS. Tl.ey are made or the best selected woodworks the best Ironed, best trimmed, and the finest painted and ornamented SLEIGHS ever offer ed ler sale in the city. Remember wc pay cash ler our material and allow no one te undersell us. Our Motte: " Qcick Sales aki Small Puefits." It costs nothing te call and exatnine our - work. We also have en hand a full line of FINE CARRIAGE WORK, in which we dcly lUi etltien. All work war ran lea. Repairing or all kind promptly attended te. fnae-tfd&u J.10.VOK8, JtV. " TINVAI.T.3 WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND GKOJERY STORE, Ne. 2 r. West lung -trcct, lcblCly CLOTMUrO. w ANAMAKEK & BROWN, OAK HALL. Te Waiting People. Seme persons Lave waited, for various reasons, te purchase Clothing. If the delay was te get the lowest of all prices the time has come. In opening Bargain Reems we make the best of a necessity growing out of the puculiarities and magnitude of our business. Te Meet Late Season Needs. ODD PANTALOONS. One let made te sell at $4.00 reduced te $2.50. One let made te sell at $3.50 reduced te $2.50. One let made te sell at $3.50 reduced te $2.25. One let made te sell at $3.00 reduced te $2.25. SMALL BOYS' SUITS. with short pantaloons. Asserted lets, reduced from $5 fe 83.75. AH sizes. Asserted lets, reduced from $7.50 te $4. Only small sizes. Asserted lets, reduced from 68 te $5. All sizes. ODD SHORT PANTALOONS. Large lets reduced from $2.50 and $3.00 te $1.75. Large lets reduced from $2.25 and $2.00 te $1.50. Large lets reduced from $2.00 and $1 75 te $1.25, The aoeds thus offered are almost without exception new and fresh. Tin only reasea ice should reduce an; jiriccs is that hts are broken and sizes irregular. Intrinsically the yond? are rahiehle ft? when frsl made. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, Sixth and Market streets, PHILADELPHIA. WON HITTERS. rKON BITTERS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IRON HITTERS are highlyrccemmemled ter all diseases requiring a certain and etll cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OP APPE TITE, LOSS OP STRENGTH, LACK.OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, ami tfives new lile te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tbe only Iren Preparation that will net Dlacken tbe teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter the A It CBoek, 32 pp. et useful and amusing reading tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, ra-iydftwi BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. HOUSE EURNISHINO HOODS. TI,INN W1LLSON. HOUSEFURNISHING- We have net only BANKRUPT GOODS below market value, but we have FLOOR OIL CLOTH for 25c. per yard up ; WOODEN BUCKETS, 10c. Table Oil CM, M ffllew Ware, Table Geirr, Suns, STOVES, HEATERS AND RANGES. And everything you want te start Housekeeping with at t:ie LOWEST PRICKS. Come nnd sec for yourself. FLIKlSr & "WTLLSON, PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, TIN ROOFING and SPOUTING, SPECIALTIES. l'LUMRER'S fOHN L. ARNOLD. PATENT COLD-CASE HEATERS, BEST PORTABLE IN USE. SLATE ROOFER AND HOOFS' REPAIRED, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING, Step and Valves for Water, Gas and Steam. JOHN L. Nee. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE MEDICAZ.. TAUKKB'S HAIR 11ALSABI. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. The Best, Cheapest and Most Economical Hair Dreaalng Never tails te restore youthful color te gray hair. Mc. and 1 sizes. . PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Ginger, Buchu. Mandrake, and many of the beat medi cines known are licre combined into a medicine of such varied powers, as te make it tbe greatest Bleed Purifier and Tne Best Health ana strength Restorer Ever Used. It cures Complaints of Women, and diseases et the Stomach. Rowels, Lungs, Liver anil Kidneys, and is entirely ditrerent lrem Hitter-), Ginger Essence, ami etner Tonics, as it never intoxicates 50c. andit sizes. H1S0OX A CO.. Cliemi-t--, X. Y l.aijje savin? buy-in? 1 size. -op 12-1 yeodee w.tw 1 i TKON HITTKKS. SURE APPETISER. supplies. rOUN I,. AKNOLP. ARNOLD, STREET, LANCASTER, PA. laprt-ttti DABKEK'S GINGER TONIC. Lancaster Jntelltgencet. FBIDAT EVENING. JAN. S7, 1882. OMAHA. A WKSTKRN TOWN OF' 30,000. 1U itailread Connection and Commercial Advantage. . Omaha, January 24, 1882. This town, though comparatively new,' numbers about 30,000 people, a live, en terprising, wide-awake set 'of people, making rapid sttidys in commerce, manu factories, improvement and in all things that go te make up a large commercial centie. We much doubt if there is-a city west of the Mississippi that has a brighter outlook for the future than Omaha, situ ated en a navigable river and emnjauding the commerce from the Mfcsemi river westward throughout the statj of Ne braska, through Wjotnimj,eelorado-, Utah, Mentana, Nevada, te the Pacific coast as far jierth as Oregon. Its railroad facilities are unsurpassed by any city west of Chicago and north of St. Leuis. It is the gateway of the great transcenti nental railway. It has direct communica tion with tbe three great trunk lines te Chicago, two trunk lines te St. Leuis and tbe south. A third line, tie Missouri Pa cific", new under construction betweeu Atchison, Kausas City and Omaha, wbicb is nearly completed, will give Omaha a direct line te St. Leuis ami the gulf states west of the Mississippi river. The Chi cago, St. Paul & Omaha R. R. has placed Omaha withiu reach of tbe Minnesota and Wisconsin lumber regions, the Burlington & Missouri River R. R, and its various branches connect Omaha with southern, south-western and Central Nebraska. The rapid extension of this line te Denver Colerado and New Mexico insures Omaha a second trunk liue te Colerado and New Mexico. The Omaha & Republican Val ley toad has given Omaha a monopoly of the traffic with central Nebraska. The Omaha, Niobrara & Black Hills branch of the Union Pacific ruuniug through north western Nebraska and te the mining regions of the Black Hills. The Union Pacific, the greatest trunk Hue en the American ceutinent, gives Omaha direct communication with the coal, iron, silver aud geld regions el Wyoming and Colo Cole rado, the silver belt of Utah, Idaho, aud Mentana, and Jthe bullion aud fruit ex porting region of California and the Pacific coast. The Chicago & Northwestern and the Reck Island lines have under consider ation tbe project of building a bridge across the Missettti about a mile and a-balf north of the Union Pacific bridge, aud ex tending their read into Nebraska and the northwest. Tbe Chicago, Burlington & Quincy have purchased a tract of land near the river ; they intend erecting freight depots for handling their western freight. The Union Pacific has at present 3,6015 miles of read in running order and 1,500 utiles under construction. Thus Omaha commands a large territory, opened by the many lines of read te which she i the gateway, aud her business men riO taking advantage of the means offered, which is apparent from her wholesome trade, which, during 1831, amounted te ever fifteen and a-balf million delhus. We are informed by wholesale met chat, ts that the prospects for business for the preseutyear are far mere favorable than last year, aud that the wholesale trade will, iu all probability, treble what it was in 1881. The industries of Omaha arc unmcrens, the Union Pacific shops employing about 1,800 men, the smelting works, the third largest in the world, employing about 330 men ; a distillery the fourth iu size iu the United States, shipping alcoholic spirits te France and Russia ; the iutcrual revenue of this distillery ameuutcd te $1,138,800.90, for 1881; eighteen hundred head of cattle were fed at this distillery during tbe past year. Omaha foundry aud machine shops, linseed oil works, white lead works, Omaha iron aud nail company, carriage and wagon factories ; one of the factories turned out work te the amount of $23,000 in 1831. Shet tower, cracker factory, doing a busi ness of $10,000 per month. Cornice works, iron and boiler works, six iu number ; safe works, foundries, sash aud deer and fin ished building material ; wire fence werl.s, artificial stone manufactories, bone dust and fertilizing material manufactory, refining and drying company, three grain elevators, perk and beef packing houses, six in number, eleven brick yards, broom manufactories, uewspapcis, any amount of the iu anil in almost any lan guage desired. There are some ether in dustries, but we must drop this subject for the present and give you some of the happenings about town. The Slecumb liceusa law weut into effect in this state en the 1st of January. It provides that cities of the first class must net issue license for the selliug of liquors, &c, for less than $1,000 and give bends in $5,000 ; this closed quite a num ber of saloons in this city. Out of 100 only 45 have taken out Iiceuse. It has closed quite a number of disreputable places and may work some geed, judging from the police report, it would seem as though seme power kept " druuks " mere scarce. Whisky selling is in the bauds of mere responsible parties, at least. The $5,000 bend makes them responsible, as all dam age done by the drinker must be made geed by the seller. Its repeal was loudly called for, but it is gradually getting weak er, and it is quite doubtful whether the law will be repealed. It may possibly be modified, though even this is doubtful. Omaha had tee many saloons and tee much rewdyism, which this law seeks teTemedy. Secial parties are all the rage just new, and there are strong evidences that the iu terval between this week and Lent will be filled with social parties. Several private mask -parties are en the tapis, all of the clubs are doubtless preparing their mem bers for a ferty.day fast by making the coming parties particularly interesting before Ash Wednesday casts a pall ever seciet3- matters. "Commerce parties" have taken firm root in Omaha during the past winter, aud have proved a popular form of entertainment. Small social parties are the rage just new, and certainly they have mere et pleasure and comfort than the larger ones commonly called receptions, which partake mera of the nature of a generjl rush. The state agricultural society held its regular session at Lincoln last week, and elected the beard of officers for the pres ent year. Omaha was selected as the place for holding the state fair in Sep tember next. This makes the third time the state fair has been held here aud certainly no better le catien cauld be selected. The fair will be held en the grounds of the Omaha driving park association ; all the neces.sary buildings, sheds, eating houses are en the grounds ; a splendid mile track, level as a fleer, and eveiything that constitutes a first-class fair ground. Then Omaha, tee, has the very best of accom modations for holding the immense crowd usually in attendance upon, a state fair. This city bids fair te come te the front rank of Western cities iu hotel accommo dations. Since, the less by lire of the Grand Central the city was rather poorly supplied with first-class hotels. At pre sent there are in course of erection three magnificent buildings, the " Millard," a large five story brick building, tbe " Grand Central," en the ground where the old Grand Ceutral formerly steed, corner 14th and Farnham, aud the " Cozzens." Three mere are te be erected next summer which with these already here, will give geed accommodations. As it is at present all hotels and bearding houses are ciewdcd te ove'rllewiug. The winter has been very mild ; last week we had seme cold weather, but only for a few days, the mercury net falling te zero. Ice men arc busy gathering their crop, though it is rather a thin one, the ice en the river net being ever twelve inches thick and net of the bet quality, as it must b taken near shore or off standing water. AH kTuds of work has been going en, even bricklaying was stepped but a few days, and that mere en account of a want of brick than en ac count of the weather. Fiein present indications then; will be mere buildings and improvements (lining the coming summer than was ever known before ; ever 700 buildings were put up last summer, and we should net doubt but what double that number will be erected this summer. The only draw back is the want of material, the yards here could net furnish near enough; Council Bluffs, Plattsmouth, St. Jee- and Kansas City furnished large quantities ; even new brick are shipped in from St. Jee. The eleven yards here were run te their utmestcapacity but could net furnish near enough. The street paving question is the all absorbing topic of the day, aud hew te put the streets of Omaha into a better condition seems te be the query, various ideas are put forth. McAdam, Belgian blocks and all ether devices are proposed ; the fact of the matter is Omaha has grown se much faster than was anticipated by the city fathers, se much is te be done, opening sttccts and grading, water works put iu, etc., that the streets were partly left out. iu tin; cold (thettch Farnham street is Mii.Vd.tuti'.ed) that new there are quite a uutuber of business streets needing attention. The real estate market is net very brisk, the greater part selling is city lets, iu this there is considerable doing and at fair, prices, ranging from $200 te $.,000. Faim property can be purchased at all sorts of prices ; geed land ueur town sells for $100 per acre ; three te four miles from town raw land tuay be had from 625 (e $50 pir acre. I understand that then; is land iu the county that can hi; purchased for $10 per acre. The land in this eeunly (Douglas) is rolling prairin, though bor dering, the liver, there is some timber. The county is well watered, aud as fine a farming county as any one could wish for. It would be a profitable investment for some of your capitalists te invest in fann ing I.ii:d- iu this county, as iu ceurse of five cats land will be worth four times what it is new. Ye melded men stick a pin there ! The health of the city is excellent. There is no sickness of any acceuut. There was a smallpox scare here last week : there was one case aud he has rccevetcd ; pre cautionary measures were at once taken te prevent the spread of the disease. All pupils in schools net vaccinated wrre at tended te. The U. P. and B. M. railroad had all their employee.; vaccinated. Every thing was done- by the beatd of health te keep off the the disease Everybody's left arm is sere and 120 mere smallpox heard of. B CO EATER. Ah Episode of the Battle r Uettysbtirg. New Yerk Star. Midway between the contending Hues was a solitary tree that iu peaceful times had given shade te the harvest hands at their noening. Early in the morning some Confederate sharpshooters had crawled out te this tree, aud wcte able- te reckon their game at every shot. Se destructive, in fact, did their fire become that the wild est imprecations were shouted at them by the Federals, and threats were made that if taken they would get no quarter. AH at once there came a lull in the firing from that part of the line. A Confederate was seen te rise up from the base" of the tree aud te advance toward the Federals with his hand raised. Shots were fired at him, but there was curiosity at his approach, and the word was : " Wait till we see what he wants te de." Seme thought he had a mind te desert, and encouraged him with shouts of "Come ever, Johnny ! we won't tire." But, if the Confederate speke, what he said could net be beard iu the din of the cannonading and, musketry, then growing heavy and continuous as the day were en. Forward still he came, and all eyes were strained te see what it could be that he meant te de. There can be no truce .en the' battle field till the battle is lest or wen. The man who raises the white Hag there, or give3 any signal of that kind, has no right te leek for its recognition en the ether side. lie may elfly trust te their shrewdness te understand au ctnergciiL'y. It nii.'ht be merely a trick te deceive. Suddenly the Confederate dropped npen the grass, and for an instant was lest- te sight. It was thought he had been hit. ButoaJyferan instant, for a thrill of enthuasisn passed through the Federals, murmurs of admira tion was heard, and then a cheer as hearty " given m a cnarge eursc lerta from their threats, and their cheers rene&td. increased in volume, proved that unselfish actions are possible, aud there are noble hearts te appreciate and respond. The Confederate sharpshooter, who had been doing his best te destroy his antago nist, had observed in front of him a wounded Federal, lying helplessly en the ground between the two Hnes, and beg ging iu his agonizing thirst for a drink, and at the almost certain risk of losing his own life had cone forward te give comfort te the distressed enemy. This it was that caused the Federal cheer, and for a few minutes stepped the work of death in that neighborhood. When the sharpshooter bad performed his act of mercy be hasten, ed back te the tree, and with the .warning cry, " Down Yanks, we're going tutire !" the little, unpremeditated trucesMJeaded and was seen forgotten in the jJIJM Hint that followed almost immediately after. The next day, the Fourth or July, a heapef Confederates was found under that tree. Whether the beta of the day before was one of the ghastly dead will probably never be known Stn ugthen your voice and remove Cough. Colds and Hoarseness, by talclmr Dr. Bull'd Cough Syrup. Price iO cents per bottle. It is the height et felly te wait until you are in bud with disease that may last months, when you can be curejl by a timely use et Parker's Ginger Tonic. We have known sickly families made the healthiest by it. Observer. ja-2-lmdeodJtwcew j.,... .rbsh Killings says: "Tharc ain't no pi in mitral histry that linz been et mere, and t het moreet than apple pi, and no medicine kan enre indlgestun ami biliousness naf se well as SpringJJlossem." Price SO cents. Fer sale at II. I!. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Toe Fastidious. Seme would-be Byrens leek en with disgust At the rhymes el Kclectric Oil " poet;" Rut we have the best article known te the world. And intend that all persons shall knew it. It cures coughs, colds, asthma and catarrh, Bronchitis nnd complaints et that kind ; It does net cost much, though rheumatics it cures. 'Tis best Oil in the world you can lind. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Marvelous cure Fer all bodily ailments, arising from impurity et bleed, a torpid liver, irregularity of the bowels, indigestion, constipatiens or disorder ed kidney.", is warranted iua free use of Bur dock Bleed Billets. Price $1. Fer sale at H. B. Ceehran'.-i drug store, 137 North Queen St , Lancaster. STVHICAJ. IN8TKVMJENTS. "11rilSIU-lluXKS. MUSIC -BOXES. Closing Oat Sale, at cost of produc tion in Switzerland, about 1-2-and 1-4 value here. : Wednesday, January 25, Grand Opening of a large shipment, having arrived tee late for the holidays They are mostly of the large and medium tdzeand, with few excep tions, of superior quality ; High Glass Musical Bexes, tee geed and expen sive for the wholesale trade. These instruments are far superior te the ordinary music box generally sold in this country, and need only be seen or heard te be appreciated. Musical Bexes with bells, drums, castanets, celestial voices, harp, zither, etc., runninjar from lO te 50 minutes by one winding. Circular en application.- G. Gautscbi & Ce., Manufacturers, Ste. Croix and Geneve, Switzerland. SALESROOMS: 1021) CHESTNUT STBEET, i'lULADEM'lIIA. JMtfd fAVEXHAIHilliiiB, Jtr. i"B" 1 FIKKI FIKKt Removal. Owing te my stock and place et business at Ne. r.7 North Queen street being destroyed by lire and in order te accommodate my friends and customers I have rc-epened at 129 North Queen Street, HOWEL'S MOLDING, WITH A NEW STOCK OP WALLPAPERS WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POX.ES, CORNICES, BR ACKETS.&C ' Thankrul ler pa-st patronage I ask for a con tinuance et the .ame at my New Place of business. PHASES W. PRY, NO. ISO NOIITI1 UDKKN 8T. ClltKA AM ULASHtrATtX.. TTIUU St MAKTIN. A WORD TO HOUSEKEEPERS! Veu will tind at CHINA HALL, the largest and best Assortment of French China, Cat and Engraved Glassware, WHITE GRANITE WARE, COMMON WARE, ROCKINGHAM WARE, YELLOW WARE, STONE WARE, CHAMBER WARE. A LAKOE LOT OP Damaged Ware, JUST OPENED. Call and be convinced. HIGH & MAKTIN, Ne. 15 East King- Street. VL.OTU1MU. "ILOTUIHOI CLOTHINu!!'- As we wish te Clese Out the balance of our WESTTEK CLOTHESTGr ! WE HAVE M.vntf SWEEPINGS REDUCTIONS Throughout our Whafc&teck. hand a large -tock et ' ." We have en HEAVY SUITS and OVERCOATS, MAUKEU AT.SUCH LOW I'KICKS JAS Wilt. I.VJUKK A ltKtV IK. 4SWnenly nsk that you call ami efiiiilrie our -deck ami hucenviuci-d el wliut we say. 0. B. Bear & Sed Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, K-lyd LANCASTKK, 1. I FORCING SALKS III 1 LOWKRINU ritlCEti. ONK LOT OK Winter (Japs That represent a geed man y styles have leen reduced te -ti iUingly low llguri-H. ONK LOT OK Cardigan Jackets Have met the same fate, and the prices new range from Tie. te i:',.:. ONK LOT OK Gloves. This takes In almost everything te keep the hands warm, from the 'Cheap Cotten Gleve te the t ine DiCh.s Kid, have all been put le prices that make thorn hui-;':iits. ONK LOT OK Silk Mufflers & Fur Cellars Have also been marked down. And the remaining few efr.nr Heavy Overcoats vrcprcler te sell rather than carry te another season ; and it you nee the prices they are marked te new, you will wonder hew thby can be sold se cV;ip. Our ONE VRlVf. method entflTng-biMftTcsslreeps the prices at all seasons el the year ju-d as they should lie. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 36-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. VAjtfjers. fl KKAT BARGAINS IM OBl'ETS, LT JI I claim te have th'-. Largest anil Pines tocket CARPETS In this City. Brussels amll'apcatry CAKl'KTS Three-ply, Extra Super, bupcr. All Weel, ialf Weel and Tart oel Ingrain : lrem tbe jcatte the cheapest its low as Stir, per yard. All the FINKST A Nli VHOIL'JZ PA TTFRNB that ever can be seen In this clty.- 1 also have a Lare ami Kiue block el my own make Chain and Hag Carpets, AS LOW AS 35r. PKIt YAUI. Alse MAKK CAUI'KTS TO OKOKKut sher notice. Sutl-daetieii giiai-uutt-cd 49Ne trouble te h!iew oeIa If you de ne wish te purchase. I i-arucslly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STRSKT, LANCASTKR PA. "1ARPKTH, JCC. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. New DesIgH, BeaHtifnIlf Celmi. & 50 rents. ISO ecu Ik. f 75 cents. 85 cent?.; W) eente. 11.09. $1.00. 91.10. ll.'JO. INOUAINS TAPESTRY BRUSSELS WILTON AND MOQUETTKS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, L1GNUM8. OOOO VALUE AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. llanrinemest shown for many ywura. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, aJ-lydeedAitw I PHILADELPHIA. i"1AKPET3. COAL, ce. PHILIP SC1I1JM, SON ft CO., MANUFACTORY, NO. ISO SOUTH WATER STREET, Lakcastbb, Pa., Well-known Manufacturer of Oennlnu LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, BLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN.ACil USTOM, RAO CARPETS A SPEC! ALT. iLANC ASTER JTAMCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either In tbe piece or In Garments; also, all kinds or silks, JUbbens, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tletuen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also. Indigo Bine Dyeing done. . All orders or goods lei t with ua will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. GOAL. COAL. Ceal et the best quality put up expressly ler tatnlly use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD IMl i OUTII W TER STREET. My.lRSl PIIII. IP -CHO. -OACO