tnfat LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY JANUARY 25, 1882.1 e mi XMil-.Xn 123 Price Tire Curia. Oik CLOTHING, &C. IURK CIIANCK. A SUIT OK JIM CLOTHES OR A.N OVERCOAT Made Up te Order at Cost Price. In milcr te lettuce my liciivy -doeket FINE WOOLENS 1 shall make tliciu ui te enlcr ler the XKXT Til IKT Y I AY. ler Oa-h only ut co-it price. Tliis in without exception tli; ureatest re duction ever iiiutli; in H.NK CLOTHES, iiJul !u done te make, room for our heavy Spring Importations, Iiieli we expect te have In stock ly tlu: euiiy partet February, We have tin: namiile curds til tlic-e goods :drcndy in Mere, und anyone ions el seeming llrst choice ler STRING Vt KARcau de se neu, and the gred- will be taiueil ler him. Itememher the ab ve reduction is ler Heavy Weights and Cash Only. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Ne. 6 East King Street, A II. MTV NMV i:.K! The -casen el l.-H closed one el the most brilliant and successful cam paigns in the history el our trade. We congratulate our p.itrensand ourselves in anticipation of a lively and lncrea--ed hpiing Tnule. In order te m el the demand no have iiiadeetcniv impievcmclits in our loom and etherwi-e extended our lacil ities te prcM-ut our spring offering el .'elect ami Choice FOREIGN NOVEL TILS te ai rive about tin; Fiiistei' Ktu lit Alt v. We will be able te please the most irslhctir as well us the general class et tnule, gient ilesliteratuiu amen our people m-ciiis te be a chcuji article in Clothing. Theie ts no geed in it We have tried it and found it don't pay. We will wager one el our le overcoats will last three seasons' hard wear ami leek genteel, while a $-20 overcoat will hardly lie recognized alter one reason's wear. Where is the economy in buying trash? Few per--ens ure cempeteiil judges et tine articles et Clothing done up in Ilrst class slyli ; tlicieleic. we invite .special attention te our. establishment, where can be found at all times tile very best in the market, at prices as reasonable as can be ex peeled. We arc selling u lew HEAVY-WEIGHT OVERCOATINGS AND SUITINGS, at veiy Lew price in order te cle-u llieiu out te make loom ler our new .-pring Sleck. Thankful lerthcvcrj liberal patron- age, we hope te continue our motto or Square Dealing in all our transaction-, ami show u practical and happy result during our hilling Campaign. All are cordially invited te call at 121 N. (JUEEN STREET. J. K. SMAIJNG. ARTIST TAILOR. I.'lltST ANNUA I, CLOSING SALE OF Fer Men, Ifys, Youths an1 Children, eexsisiixti or Suits, Pants, Coats, Vests, - M OVERCOATS. AL ROSENSTEIN'S, ONE-PRICE HOUSE In wirMEX'S DKPARTMET we have tint le lour guides as lollew -, viz 1 ALL-WOOL SI' ITS at S7.fiO. M.eut -'( ilitletent patterns: 'ernier pi ice from $10 te Jl:l.5i. 2I: ALL-WOOL SKITS at SIO. About ai different patterns, in Sack uul Freuk Ce.its ; lermer price Irem $Z te f IB. ,).; KINK CASSIMKRE and WORSTED SUITS, J ii Sacks or Fi ticks, at Fermer price. $'.t te JIS. 5 VERY FIXE DRESS SUITS ter l."i. Fermer price, $20 te $:!. r.7 YOUTH'S SUITS. Seme sire Hull-Wen! and sonic All-wool, ler at 7. ft e. Fermer prices lrem $10 te $1C. i i. ..-.. nut tlintn .ill rtii inn) emmler. von can have our choice. Thi- is tlie greatest bar gain ever ellcrctl liemrc in tills city ami an opportunity which jeu may never get again. All niv OVERCOATS have been reduced nearly" one-halt the tennur prices. Mll'NG MEN'S I'LSTERKTIEStt RhVER SII'.LE OVKUCOATS, nil reduced nearly one halt. Beys' and Children's Suits Reduced 20 per cent. 41 v assortment et" HUNTS' FURNISHING UOODS is one or the largest in this city, every article reduced. Pure Linen Cellars. 4-ply, inc.: :: ler Sic. Karl & WiNen's Cellars, 20c Cuffs, 25c they arc the best in the market. We are ever-stocked in these goods ami de sire te reduce lhe stock, therefore these piices are only temporary; avail yourselves of this great opportunity anil get some bargains. 41en'.s Underwear 2.1 per cent, less than the. marked price. Suits and Overcoats Iland--emely 41 AUK TO ORDER at reduced prices. AL ROSENSTEIN, PIONEER OF .MODERATE TRICES. 37 North Queen Street. Nest deer te Shultz & llre.'s Hat Stere. CA.KH1AOM8, &C. s LKIOUS ! ! EDGERLEY fc Ce., Market Street, rear Market Houses I.ANCASTKU, l'A. We havea Large and Splendid assortment e' l'URTI.AMl, ALBANY and DOUllMi; SLEIG.HS. They are made or tbeliest selected woodworks the best ironed, best trimmed, and the tinest painted and ornamented SLKIGUri ever oll'c.r ell'c.r ed for sale in tlie city. Kenieinber we pay cash ler our material ane allow no one te undersell ns. Our Motte : ' Quick Sales atid Small riteFrrs." It costs nothing te call and examine our work. We also have en luind a lull line or FINE CABBIAGE WOKK, in whlcli we itcfy mp cUUen. All work warranted. Repairing or all kind promptly attended te. in2G-UdAw LIQUORS, SC. WINTER LTH piNGWALT'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND GROCERY Si ORE, Ne. 205 West King Street, lebl6 ly ULOTHINti. w ANAMAHEK & BROWN, OAK HALL. Te Waiting People. Seme persons have waited, for various reasons, te purchase Clothing. If the delay was te get the lowest of all prices the time lias come. In opening Bargain Reems we make the best of a necessity gt owing out of the pucnltarities and inagnittiile of our business. Te Meet Late Season Needs. ODD PANTALOONS. One let made te sell at $4.00 reduced te $2.50. One let made te sell at $3.50 reduced te $2.50. One let made te sell at $3.50 reduced te $2.25. One let made te sell at $3.00 reduced te $2.25. SMALL BOYS SUITS. with short pantaloon. Asserted lets, ictlueeil fiem S3 ie i'.i.lZ. All sijs. Asserted lels, reduced from $7..i!) te 64. Only small .sizes. Asserted lets, reduced fiem $S te $.". All .sizes. QDD SHORT PANTALOONS. Large lets reduced from $2 50 and $3.00 te 81.75. Large leta reduced from $2.25 and 82 00 te S1.50. Large leta reduced from 82.00 and $175 te $1.25, Tltt ycieils thus offered arc almost without avejitieit hoc mid fresh. The only reason tee should reduce any iirires is that !! are broken and sizes irregular. Intriniically the yoeds an ruhmllr- ? when first 'niadi. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, Sixth and Market streets, PHILADELPHIA. lXUX U1TTKHN. "ICON I'lTTKKS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IKON urrTKUSaichiKhly.'recemmcmlci! ter all diseases rcfi:!ritiK a certain and lll cSent tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT PEVEUS, WANT OF APPJL TITE, LOSS OP STRENGTH, LACK OP ENERGY, &r. ltciuiches the bleed, all ciijjthens tlie iniiscles.iinil gives new litis te the nerves. 11 acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such a Tastinytht Feed, Belching, JTeat in the Xtemach, Heartburn, etc. TUti only Iren Preparation that will net ulacken the teeth or give headache Sold hy all druggUts. Write ler the A It)1 Heek."-, pp. el usetiil and amusing rending sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, liaiydAw BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. UOUSE hVHXlSUIHO OOUHS. I71.INN WII.I.SUX. HOUSEFURNISHING- We have net only BANKRUPT GOODS below market value, but we have FLOOR OIL CLOTH for 25c. per yard up ; WOODEN BUCKETS, 10c. Table Oil Gil, Mil aodWillew Ware, Tie Cut-ins, STOVES, HEATERS AND RANGES. And everything you want te start Housekeeping witliat fie LOWEST lMMUi:-. Come i-nU see ter yenrelf. FLINN & WILLSON,. PLUMBING, GAS PITTING, TIN ROOFING ami SPOUTING, SPECIALTIES. VLVMItElVS JOHN L. ARNOLD. T PATENT COLD-CASE HEATERS, BEST PORTABLE IN USE. SLATE ROOFER AND ROOFS REPAIRED, PLUMBING AND GAS FrfTING, Step and Valves for "Water, Gas and Steam. JOHN L. Nes. 11, 13 & 15 BAST ORANGE jUEVIUAL. DAHKEK'S HAIU HALS AM. J. X PAR.KEtt'3 H.VIII 1JALSAM. The licit. Cheapest awl Me,t Economical Hair Drcdsing Never fails te restore yeuthiul color te gray lialr. .Vic. ami $1 hlzes. l'AKKEU'3 GINGER TONIO. Uinxer, Itneliu, Mandrake, ami many of the best medi cines known are here combined into u medicine of audi varied powers, :t te make it the greatest Bleed Purltlcr and Toe Ilest Healtn aim Mreiigtli Hesterer i:vor Used. It cures Complaints or Women, and disease et tlie stomach. KewcN, Lung, T.iver and Kiilncys.and i4 cntirclv dltferent from IJitters. tJinarer Kmiiw. anil etner Teai .. as it never Intoxicates 1 Mc. and it sizes. 1II3COX A CO., Ciiemi-'ls, N I HON ItlTTlCKS. SURE APPETISER. SUPPLIES. fOIlN L. AltNOl.n. ARNOLD, STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Inpr2-tti! lAKUEK'S G1NCKK TONIC. Y l.aiw saving hill inf tl size. " cpl2-l3colleew&w Hanrastcr Jjntrlligcnccr. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAN. 25, 1882. Contemporary n itchcran . Xcvr Yerk Wet W. People ate only tee apt te believe that witchcraft has become an exploded article of the popular creed, ami that outside of the Southern negrees, fi tin belief in and constant practice of Youdeoism liave been recently desc-ibed in these columns, thete are no classes lieldin.ij te the faith professed by Raleieh and Bacen, Selden and Ilebbs, Beyle and 3Ioere, Sir Themas Brown and sir Matthew Hale, let there would net be the slightest diliiaulty ex perienced by any Que whose reading in cludes a moderately large list of daily newspaper, dutnebtic and feicigu, in com cem piling: a veiy tCNpcctable annual volume en contemporary witchcraft aud proving that a beliei in the supernatural and ma lignant atttibutes of crazy old crones in the vatnnire tastes of unquiet corpses and in lhe potency of charms atid spells is to day entertained by millions of people in the most civilized countries of the world. They had an epidemic of witchcraft in Butler, Pa., a Tew mouths age, when the fact was icvt'itled that theie were six pre fessieual "v.-iiehm.ister.s" in the county, and that whfii the devil j;et possession of a man and was net disturbed in his ten ancy ler tw mouths $5 the small est Mini ler which he could be evicted. The modus nperundi is te cut a circle en a white oak liee anil lute the devil te it, which he docs with a noise like thunder and a vehemence that .splits the tree te splinteis. The patient, is then corked up, as it were, with ptayeis and charms. A case el bi:iiny at Eden, in this state, in .March last, .showed that an old man named Benedict Smith had convinced a woman and her thiee possessed and them, the ctiie h him. Tiie cast New, dauhtei.s ihatthey were that he alone could cure I'.elvinj their maniagcte of Catharine Sylvia, at in Match last, proved a humbug, bt'.t was none the less interesting because of the euthu.siasm with which the people accepted lhe lliceiy that the jirl was a witch, and it i.- only a little while since the D.ivcupett, Iowa, papers ehreui cled the death of '-Mary; the Witch," and fjavc an appetizing invcnleiy of her pro fessional possessions, her "cabinet" containing a e.:ts .--kull, a chick en's head, bats' wings, toads' feet, spidci s' webs, various bones of various animals, dried bleed and eyes of owls aud cats deported in vat ions places wrapped in puppf. Leaving out of the question the Voodoo pi icslcsses and tie Spiritualist me diiims it is sale te say that the ptofessess of wiicheiaft in the United States ate numbcted by huudieds and detive an an nun! tevenue fiem the cteduletis which it would take at least s-eveti liutes te ex pi ess. Tlien",li witchcraft is :k.!- se public and piefifablc a business in England, the be lief in witches is even mere generally held. Within the List few yeais one has bten repotted whete the parson of the patiMi was appealed te te cut a sod from the alleged witch s iave te slop Iter nightly promenades for evil purposes, aud two young men wete btenght before the cenits fur knocking down an old woman thawing bleed from her with a knife, sons te i please their sister from her spells. At Sheffield, in November, 1S80, Agnes Johnstone was sent te jail for three weeks for ehlai.iiug CI -. from Mar eaut Dcvaney, through a premises of "tilling liet' planet" and bring ing her a let tune through the agency of subteiranean spirits. The witch had, her dure testified, danced with the faiiies and worked with the devil for night after night. At East Deerham one William Bulwcr was lined for abusing and assault ing a girl named Chtistiana Marlins because he was a pattner in the witch industry with her mother, his testimony being as fellow.-. : '" Mr Mai tins is an old witch and -site charmed me and I get no sleep for her for ilnce nights, ami one ni"htat 11:110 o'clock l get up because I could net sleep' and went out and found a j walking toad' under a clod that had been dug uj with a three pronged fork. She is a bad old woman. She put this! toad under there te chaim me and her daughter is just as bad. gentlemen. She would bewitch any one. She charmed me and l get no day or night till I found this ' walking toad under the turf. I get the toad out and put it under a cloth ami took it up-itaits and showed it te my mother uutl Ihrewitl ' tl into tlie pit ie ' i the garden, lean bitngt show it te von. "entlemen. te Mill -n ;i t Dudley iu June last a professional witch ctme te grief and the jail for " selling a bottle of , stuff te burn at midnight" te a woman who, though admitting that this practi- i turner was a Irauil, insisted that she ncr self was bewitched. At Taunton the town council had last ycav te advertise for a new keeper and matron of the sanitaty hospital, the last incumbents having te signed because one of the nurses persisted in ' burning ill agen's bleed se as te iu juie her superior's health. Titc husband was as fit m iti this belief as his wife. In Xeilh Deven a small farmer, who had been bewitched by his dead lclalive's spit it, had te impeit a white witch from ISxcter te break the spell by a solemn burning of herbs aud incense in a brazier, with proper incantations, and it may be added that the white witch insisted en receiving his fees and mileage iu advance and stip ulated that he was te be fed en fresh beef during his absence in Exeter, the farmer's custematy diet of bacon and cheese being unfitted for the nourishment of these having te wrestle with demons and the powers of the air. Tim Londen Jknbj Xcics is authority for the statement that "to day in England women of bad temper and a certain originality of character deliber ately give themselves out te be witches. They win some espcct and exercise some influence. One woman has a this moment a reputation for keeping seven little famil iar spirits, which leap out of her mouth, like the led mouse from the lips of the fair witch in ' Faust.' A witch often lowers the lent of the adjacent cottages and demoralizes a whole neighborhood." The last legal execution in England for withcraft eccuncd in 1710, but in 18G8a reputed wizard was drowned in a pond at the village of Iledding lrani, in Essex, net forty miles from Londen, while in 1SG7 "Dr. Harris," was committed for tiial at the Radner shire assizes for duping persons into the t belief that their ailments were caused by their being "witched " and for professing te cure them by giving them chaims te wear suspended round t'icir necks. At Havay, in Belgium, in June last, a peasant net only lest his child but his cow, and consequently consulted the vil lage wise man, or devin, jvhe said : "Ge home and te-morrow morning bura the lii st petsea that cresses your doorstep. That person will have been the cause of your ills. I will take care that Ged seuds him." The countryman went home as di rected and with the aid of his spouse pre patcd a kind of funeral pile iu the biggest when next mcrr - room et the :i use, and ing a kind neighbor who had nursed tLe child in its last sickness came te the deer. tl:.; couple pounced en her, tied her hand-? and feet and kindled the pyre, en which they laid her. She had the wit te cenfev. her guilt aud le for a priest, and when thepriest came he liberated her, but net till she had been fearfully burned. The tribunal of Moes laid its iron hand en the culprits, scut thpin te jail for sixty and forty days and made them pay 60 dam ages te their victim. In the south of France a similar charm is in vogue. If you are worried by witches you have but te steal a new kattlc, put into it all the old nails, pins and pieces of iron obtain able and boil it furiously. As seen as the metal begins te sing keep an eye en the deer and the first person te enter will be the witch, obeying an irresistible impulse. Upen clubbing the witch vehemently the evil spell will be broken. At Charleroi, in Belgium, lour women were convicted re cently et swindling by pretended sorcery. Their practice was te select old women who had come into property and blackmail them under the threat et allewiug the spirits te kill or bewitch a favorite child. One woman gave them $3,200 te secure a fottuue through the death of a relative ; another paid 1,400 for protection for her family, having te pay a pen alty and apologize te the devil for being remiss in one remittance ; ethers were bidden te expatiate their sins by pil grimages te Jerusalem, which the leading witch undcitoek te perform in their stead and from which she returned with satisfac tory veuchets iu the form of fragments of the cress and stones from the sepulchre. Nete. The witch wouldn't make a pil gi image unless duly piimed with cham pagne. There was an extra charge when the witch returned from Jerusalem with her clothes tern and her face scratched in a pcrseual encounter with the devil. Oue young lady paid $l,rt00 for the privilege of marrying the devil, who sent her a contract in due form sign ed " Satan" in bleed, and another 2,000 for the fiend's assistance in making a widower of the mat rind man with whom she was in love. These four " witches," who all teceived seveie sentences, kept heithC in grand style and entertained fash ionably. At the TJussian village of Wratshcve, Novgerod, two ycats age, there was a woman named Agrafcna Ignatjeva, a widow, who had the reputation of being a witch, and who encouraged the belief, as it made tiie peasants luing her feed and gifts in abundance. There were many persons in the disttict suH'eting from epi lepsy, and it was popularly believed that the witch had thus punishciftheni for of fending her for in some way. One of thoe epileptic sufferers, a girl from a distant village, besought some peasants te burn the witch and se release her from her suuerings. At an assembly of head men and senieis of the village, it was resolved te extinguish the source of mischief. They pteceeded te her hut, which they found fastened up. They broke it epjn, discovered the wretched woman, charged her with crime aud then nailed up the window aud deer te prevent her escape. By this time ever 200 men had assembled around the hut, aud amid their jeers and shouts of exultation; it was set en fire and the whole crowd remained until it was quite consumed, Though the rural police man was offered a bribe el 10.."i0te report the burning as accidental, he informed en the villagers, sixteen of whom were brought te trial. The three prime movers in the cremation were sentenced te slight penances in chtucii, aud the ethers were set fre; The courts in Germany were called upon net long age te decide a suit brought by a peasant and his wife against a neighbor whom they accused of having caused the death of their two little pigs by witchcraft. " Veu couldn't see any marks en their bodies at all," he testified. In the evening they were healthy, ate heartily, the pigsty was locked, and in the morning one of them was alreatly dead. The defendcut eressd the yard during the night and bewitched them. I speak te you, judge, as te a father, and I implore you te make her give you the doctor books she has get. Iu there it stands hew te be witch.' When the suit was dismissed the complainants s-nid they would appeal, ami as they went out the husband exclaimed : "This we cannot lese ; it is impossible." It may be added that while in Madagas car the missionaries have rooted out the last vestiges of idolatry, the belief in witchcraft defies extinction. It was re ported last winter that a deg had spoken and had announced that a hurricane, causing grievous famine, would devastate the disttict ; that immense hailstones would descend and that even the heavens would fall. Te avett this the people were told te net mk black and six , white beads, 1 . . .1 1 it I i .... ana H' v.c.l I iiiuiiiiiieuiiii tin- iiui.k, .inn iits ";nm would come te mem, asm an tue ui- iiuciice tii uit; luiasiuiutiiua uettitt net. jjli-- vent the converts from investing in beads. 'I'lniiwiniN et the nun! prominent and in tclliue.'it, pcisens throughout tin: land have te-tnicd te ilie true merits et lr. UnlTa Ceuh Syrup. We advise sutlerers te use it. riser 2j cents. It U the height e! lelly te unit until you arc in bed with di-casc thai may last months, when vu -an he cured bv a timely u--e et Parker's Ginger Tonic. We have known sickly iamillcM made, the hcaltliiest hy it. Observer. jaMiiiiIeed&weOtv l'l." le.h i'.'llinirs says: "Thare ain't no pi In says: "Thare ain't lil-lry th it haz h-eu et mere, and thet moieet than apple pi, and no medieim: knn cine indiestiiu and hilieii-ne-s ha! se well as i Sjirin I!l"ssem." rrici: iiil cents, r or sale at If. 18. Cochran's drug stun:, 1:7 .North IJiicen street, Lancaster. 'illO I'HStllllOliS. Seme weuld-hc llyrens leek en with disgust At the rhymes et Kclcclric Oil " poet ;" IJut we have Use best article known te the world. And intend that all persons -lull knew it. It cures e uii-, colds, asthma, and catarrh, lirenchiti- and complaint- et that kind ; It ilec- net cost mucu,t!iein;h rheumatics it cures. 'Tis hc-lOil Iu lhB world yen cm find. Fer sale at 11. U. Cochran's drug store, 137 Xeilh Queen street. Lancaster. A Maivcleun euro b'erall bodily ailments, arl-infreni impurity of bleed, u torpid liver, irregularity et the bowels, indigestion, constipation, or disorder ed kidneys, is warranted in a tree deck Weed Hitters. Price 31. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug store, K!7 -N'erth Queen St., Lancaster. COAL. , rr. ik It. .".l.VilTIX, V.'h.'il lie and l'ciaii Dealer in ail kin-Id of !,Uii L'EU AJ COAL. i.-j-1 arJ : Se. 420 North Water Fl'vists above Lemen Lancaster. and l'rincc liS-lyd C0H0 & WILE?. "..'.:: SOillU V.-ATKli ST., Ltnrnter, Pa., Wliele-ule Hitil Ketail Dealers In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Toleplionlc Exchange i::anch Office : Ne. 20 CHNTItK SQUARE. pe TO REILLY & KELLER -TOR 'OOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL. Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Formers and ethers in want et Snperiei Manure will tind it te their advantage te call Yard, Hurrlshurg Tike. Office, 20JC Ka-t Chi stnut -lreet. ( M-17-t MEDIUAL. aUr: PUREST AND BEST MEDICIE . ever made. A combination of HOPS, BUCnU, MAXDUAKE AX1 DANDE LION, with all tlie best and most curative properties or all ether Hitters, makes the seatest ilLOOD PUUIFIElt, LIVER REGULATOR, and Lite and Health Restoring Agent en earth. Ne disease can possibly long exist where HOP HITTERS nrc used, se varied anil perfect are their operations. Tliry give new Lite and Visor te the Agetl and Inflrni. Te all whose employments cause irregulari ty of the bowels or urinary organs, or who re- j eutre an Appetlzer.Tenicand mild Stimulant. HOP U1TTLRS are invaluable, without intoxi cating. Ne matter what your feelings or svniptems are. what the disease or aillment is, use HOP HITTERS. Don't wait until you are sick, hut if you only feel bad or miserable, use them at once. It may save i our life. It has saved hundreds. $500 will be paid ter a case they will net cure or help. De net suffer or let your triends siitrer, but usuaiid uraethein te use Hep II. Remember, HOP HITTERS Is no vile, drugged drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Rest Medicine ever matte ; the " invalid's Friend and Hepe " and no person or family should be without them. U. 1. C. is an absolute and irresistible cure ter Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco ami narcotics. Allsehlbytlruegists. Send for cir cular HOP BITTERS MFG. CO.. Rochester, X. Y., and Terente, Out. l.iiri-iiiieeuixw LMKEWKLL NOTIUIC. r DR. GREENE takes tills importunity te let his numerous triends and patrons knew that in a tew months he will establish elilecs in Washington, D. C, and hence would suggest te the mulcted, the chronic cases et disease, te test OMN1PATI1Y before it is tee late. Dr. Greene lias treated ever 3,000 patients since I an nary 1st. 1SS0, made up largely from these tunica away us incurable by ether M. I.. Over 1.J0J deaths have occurred under ethers' practices, and net a nan-dozen using his reme dies. Most et the 1,500 have died premature) v. Physicians have lest their wives, brothers mid sous, and druggists their wives and children dining this time. Over 1.000 persons have been cured, and all benelited, by his mi-theds.witha few exceptions. His claim is simply te cure all the various lllset mankind byexterntilapplicii byexterntilapplicii byexterntilapplicii tiousefreinedials, anil that hu docs net ma'ce h drug shop of the stomach, uiiri he will before leaving publish u large pamphlet containing hundreds et mimes et persons cured In this city and county, many et them very extraor dinary. A banker's wife cured et sick head ache el ever thirty live years, and her glasses removed, reneing anil sewing with natural vision. Mr. Suiter, efa Middle street, cured et 5 years terrible annoyance et dyspepsia, in one day. Epileptic Kits of twenty years cured in one week. Tumors, Cancers and Cataracts removed without any miner tise et the knife. SMALLrex ! tliis frightful disease Is all around us. ami having had a ileal et experience iu reperl vaccinating with animal virus, which is a sure preventive of thisloatlicsemeallllc lien. Dr. Greene will vaccinate anyone who calls upon him iu the most scientific ( mid hence sure) manner. Consultations fkek. Ca tarrh cured for .V) cents. The remedy sent te anyone en receipt et.r0 cents in stamps. DR. CM AS. A. GREENE, MWF&S 1IC East King street. 31 US 1 VAL INSTRUMENTS. M. U-lteXES. MUSIC - BOXES. Cle.siii! Out Stile, tit cost of pro'luc pre'luc pro'luc tieu in Switzerland, alieut 1-2 aud 1-1 value here. Wednesday, January 25, Grand Opening; of a large shipment, having arrived tee late for the holidays They are mostly of the large and medium eizeand, with few excep tions, of superior quality ; High Class Musical Bexes, tee geed and expen sive for the wholesale trade. These instruments are far superior te the ordinary music box generally sold in this country, and need only be seen or heard te be appreciated. Musical Eexe3 with bells, drums, castanets, celestial voices, harp, zither, etc., running from 10 te 50 minutes by one winding. Circular en application. C. Gautschi & Ce., Manufacturers, Ste. Croix and Geneve, Switzerland. SALESROOMS: Kttil CMKWM'T STREET, riii!.AiELiMiiA. j:: till CHINA AMU UJ.ASBWAU.. ryieii & MAKTiSf. .1 WOflD'TO HOUSEKEEPERS! Yeu will lint! at CHINA HALL, the large-! and lie-t A--ei!iiient of Fivuch China, Cut and Engraved Ulasswarc, WHITE CKANITE WAKE. COMMON WARE, ROCKiNGHAM WAKE, YELLOW WAKE, STONE WAKE, CHAMBER WARE. A IAr.CIE LOT OV Damaged "Ware, Jl'hT OPENED. Call and be convinced. HIGH & MAKTIN, Ne. 15 Bast King Street. HitUHS AN1 STjlAlONUKi. 1H K1ST.1I A! I'KKsESTS, ILLUSTRATED 1JOOKS and Gem- el Art in Christinas end New Year Curd- at L. M. FJjYNN'S,. Ne. 42 WKST KINO MTKKKT. 1SS2. 18S2. DIAEIES, IN VARIOUS STYLUS. MANIFOLD BOOKS Fer ceyplug letters, invoices, outers In trip licate, copying postal cards, ftc. ; the best in the world ; no press, brush, Ink nor water re quired. Call for circular. At the Bookstore of Jelin Baer's Sens, Nes. 15&17 North Queen Street. SIGN OP THE BOOK. MELANCHOLY AND AIIEKKATIOM That j-tatc of alienation and weakness or the mind which reiideru persons incapable et enjoying the pleasures uml performing the tluties of life completely cured ami tlie patient restored te full and active health. Particular attention given te private diseases of every description ly ii. d. lexgake::. ji. d., Ofltee, 1" East Walnut -fleet, Lanea- it. Consultation tree lx:t.lAti't VLOTlillfO. ItOTMlNO : CLOTUIXli ! ! A3 we wish te Clese Out the balance of our WINTEK " CLOTHING ! WE HAVE MADE SWEEPING REDUCTIONS Throughout our Whole Steefc. We have en hand a larc steek et HEAVY SUITS and OVKUCOATS, MARKED AT SUCH LOW TRICKS 'as witt. i.N-rr.i: a hkahv sale. W"H'g only ask that you call ami ex imine our stock ami 1m convinced et what wn sny 0. 1 Hostetter & Sed Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, ari-lyti l.VNOASrKU.FA. in i r.itc;iN. sai.ks v. J? I.OWKRINli TRICKS. ONE LOT OK Winter (Japs That lepreent itjjoed many styles huve I een redueetl ti't:i!;li!ly Inn itgures. e"NK LOT OK (Jiirdigan Jackets Have met the s.iiue late, and the priced new range from 7"e. te t:t.7.". ONE LOT OK Gloves. This tak- ;es in uline-t everything te keep 1.1 w. .1.111 firiiii t tu "IMiiwi. it,,t,. ..... .l....- l........ ....... ...... ..4.. .... Cleve te the Hue Dress Kid, have all been put te prices that make them !:u;;:ihi-'. Um hand ONE LOT OK Silk Mufflers k Fur Cellars Have also been marked down. And the remaining few el our Heavy Overcoats we prefer te sell rather than carry te another season : ami it you ee tin. prices they are marked te new, veu will wonder hew thtiv can he sold se cheap. Our O.Vf J'ICtCIJ method et doing business keeps tlu: prices ut all sea-enset the year just as they -lieuld be. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 36-38 East King Street, LAN'CASTEK, PA. OAMPJiTB. (1 KS-.AT ISAKOAINS IN VAtU'KtU, J 1 claim te have tie; Largest and Fines took et CARPETS lu this City. ItiusHels uiui Tapestry CARTET3 Via ply. Extra t-iipur. hnper. All Weel, lall Weel and Tart Weel Ingrains: from the est te tliecheapiMt-its low as "St: per yard. Ali the FINEST AN H CHOICE PATTKHNH that ever can be seen In this: city. I also have a l.arti aud Kine Stock et my nvn maki) Chain and Hag Carpets, AS LOW AS a5c. VKll YARD. AImiMAKE CAUTKTSi TO ORDER titshei. notice. Satisfaction guitrenteed. -Ne lieulih: toshew goods If you de n6. wish le pun-hose. 1 earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST CONO STBEXT, LANCASTER PA. 1AKTKTS, &C. NEW CARPETS 40.00O YARDS. New Design's, Keniitifiillj Colored. t. Vl cents, wccnls. ( 7." ecu I. 85 cent h.J 'JO cents. $1.00. $1.00. $1.10. 9WM. ISO RAINS TATESTRY RRUSSELS WILTON AND MOQITETTKH, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIONUMS. 7J J Si I'M 75 cents. !r cents. ( 'M cents. t OOOD VALUE AT ALL TRICES. MATTINGS In Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, al-ly.!ced.t2twl PHILADELPHIA. -1AKTKTS, COAI, Se. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY, NO. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, LiJf caster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of ('cnuliia LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLET., ItLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKINO YARN, Ac." USTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. .LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Drew Geed Dyed either in the piece or In Garments; also, all kinds or silica. Ribbon. Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen Cernea's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vesta, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also. Indigo Blue Dyeing done. All orders or goods left with us will rcN're prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. GOAL. GOAL. Ceal et the best iuality put up expressly tot family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD ISO fcOUTII WATER STREET. 2-lYdRS1 PHI! If SCIir .l."NCO