Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 24, 1882, Image 3

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He is Requested te bj a Candidate.
Han. Jehn T. MacGeiiigle:
Dew: sik- your lcllew-cilizens have learned
or your disinclination te be a candidate ler i e e
eleclieu te the mayoralty el the city, anil your
unuililngneas te wck a nomination ler this
elllce. The increasinc need, tell in every mu
nicipality, of honest, elllc-Icnt and economical
city government, and cspLciallylersucli cxe
uti e direction te it. Impel us te make thla call
upon you toteu-go any icpugnanee felt per
sonally uj)en your pait te being again placed
b-feic the people ler their Minrages. Meie
than four years of your administration et the
mayoralty have Illustrated your fitness ler the
po-itien, and enlarged experience has only
-ttulitlctl you better for such adi-cliaigeet lis
duties us will be for the inlcic-ts of tavpayeis
and nil classes el citizen-". Ven have steadily
uilli ie.1 te the policy et no CYpendltutcs in
cee- el the uppiopriatleus and enforced the
piiueipleet no permanent debts ter tempo tempe
i.ny purposes. Yeu have net hesitated te ap
peal een te the courts te pi elect theclty Iren
cncieachuicuU upon the law and from the
reiiciicncesOt reckless dl-icgard et its lim
itations. Yeu li'ivecnlercc.l police discipline
without lear. tavcir or ullcetieu. Y'eu have
successfully urged the reduction el the late of
interest en the city leans. Yeu have given
close pergenal attention te publiu aflairs, and
insisted upon the et supplies and
ni.-.kin et t-entt-acLs lc-jiliy and honestly.
Yeu h.ive -eeuuu the Itupievemcut
of the streel.s, the erection et new bridges
ever the line or the Pcnn-ylvania, and you h ive sought te put our
i winks into such condition as would
nieei thu giettir want el the ily. Invite
iiiaiiuluctuies. ttpply coincidences te the
public, and ciih.tiic: roll e-dite allies. Yeu
have b.-i'ii abreast with evciv piuclicable te
teiinand have tolerated no practices which
could justly bring icpieach 11)1011 the dignity
el your position. These and ether special leu
tures el your iidininistiatieii have recem
mended lis cenliiiiiauc.- te popular taver. In
lew d them all we icncu our rciiict that
you will allow your name te he placed In nom
ination ter t he ullcc el Mayer.
l..-t xvi 1:1 , 1a., January S3, lssi
II C l.enjr
Onisti in eclier.
It J llou-len,
llenrv Welt,
J II Dubb-,
.lames Itoeu,
II K Slay maker,
II Illlsh,
V F llambiigiit,
.lames MeKenn 1,
W It Poi-dney,
Henry ticrharl,
II A Altiek
Win i: Altiek
i: s Miller
.lelm L Millet Millet
Jes F Altiek
.1 X Altlck
T Mcliiiiuls
.Ine 1! Slough
I) S Will
(has Hellslcttler
Jee W Iliiutei
.Ine F Brown
T.I Sullivan
Jes J Lcamen
Jehn S Y'ake
J A Killiin
Chillies K Lichty
II Rlickc tiilerlcr, jr
William (i Rrewn
lleni Weber
l.eerjje K Weber,
Jeer-ie tSiindu'Jcr
Win II McCe-ii-ev
A l iluines
II K Ruchinillci.
A Waltz.
James A Mi-Kilien..
Peter U Welkel
ll'tni t Sluilis.
J M (.one,
Henry Li-1
I. (jiinsmuu, '
. A (Jutisman.
1 Jeseph Strauss,
W C llnchmllier,
J W Cruel, I r,
J A llehinuini,
M (J.'Isenberger,
Jacr b Kccsc.
S He wan I
Jehn lleuliu-r.
Hiram W Lutz.
David Rec-c,
Z Tayler Shnt-cr.
W Scott Sliebei .
Tem Dalley,
Lewis Bates.
Daniel Legan,
W C Pyle.
Harry Xleiii.-r
Cee Nelly,
Jehn Neltv,
I'liillp Xeny,
Pcler Delan,
Uen) Lcamaii,
Jacob Leaman,
Isaac Leaman,
Andrew Keeii,
Win Fnliiiiiau,
Jehn bhupkegle.
Charles L lle-dei
II Frank rileugli,
K F Carpenter,
Kmatiucl Kelts jder,
C i: Citliuger,
V 11 Caipenter,
D M Well,
K Beeth,
:. II Reynold-,
Daniel lleuser,
C K Downey,
J i: Lichty,
1 1 W lie--.
iue F Spier.gei.
A J Meinuian,
L 11 Yundt.
W W l!i own,
Clin- K Went,
W T Cerhard,
Cenrad lia.---Pi',
ChasM Hen ell.
M Slius,
A Stnuiiri,
F Brimmer,
A J Dunlap,
W U HeiiM-l,
Lcwl.s Haldy,
Jehn K Ru-si-1.
J Zitumeimaii,
I) II Potts.
A Albeit,
S IJ Hirsh,
J .Jonas Fex,
'M Ilabcibush,
A Miley.
Jeseph JJariu'il,
G ISeu man,
Antheny F Kmil,
Fdward K Cielder.
William C Fnulil,
Anselm llenily,
Henry Uaiising.
Levi Itartle,
F 1 Dennelly.
Cyrus Winters.
Gee W Kendrick,
iini'l Johnsten.
,j.. - :- . ...
William D Steigei .Mill. Daniel is MCMulim,
Newton Lightuer,
Gee M Steininau,
James lllack,
.eer.;e Ganss
( F Knight,
J Cruel. r,
11 . Ulieads,
II G Kshleinaii,
Fcter McCouemy,
l'hilip llernard,
W A Moiten,
W C F Sheer,
U J McUninn
i; D North
Cyrus II Celvlu
sam'l K Alillei
J WF Swill
1 Mutual ten
C Henry
11 IS Kuiillm.iu
Samuel slough
Jehn Funstri iiiaclier
Win Michael
It I' Jamisen
Cllis ISrewn
Decatur G. Ciellici
atuiiel Goe.t
Gee 1. ISeyle
J J Kecnan
Jacob Cramer
Naae N llcud:r
Jehn Ucuder,
Jehn Kieamer
'I'll os II McGiuiiM
Jehn Sch 111:11,
.) M Iviililmau,
Ficdciick Welt,
ilenry Well,
llenrv Schater,
W K H tester.
S M Sener.
Kdwilld F i'ettell.
1 F Montgomery,
Jehn K Heigle,
Theodere Lehman,
ICilwiu Lehman,
IVter Huber,
Jee Cai pcnlcr,
ls:iuc McCiitcheu,
Andrew Frailej.
Jacob Ft 111 ley,
Jehn Murphy,
llarniaii Fislter.
Jehn M Sale,
llcnty Uectl,
Kilwiu ltutt,
Jehn A Shnber,
Jacob Iltirtman,
Lewis Smllh,
Jeseplt Ostheim,
I'eler Frank,
Jehn Kech,
Jehn Ueese, sr ,
Jein' Ueese, jr,
chits II Kccsc.
Jehn W Lewell.
Jehn Spangler,
Frank bpauglcr,
Jehn Cenliii. hi:,
Jehn Cenliu, )r.,
Gee Giinse.
W I. Carpenter,
I'eler Muskeluus-,
(Jee C Decker,
Jacob L Fiey,
Cuiil Heck,
Ilenry Shubeti,
eh Streich,
II Yeagley,
J C ISarge,
Sam'l Styer,
D McMiilleu,
1'. A. Mctygcr.
James Stewarl,
C. K. Siewart,
M J Weaver,
Simen 1 Eby,
IScn) I'cyneids,
(Jee K Fahnc-toek.
James 1 Fiey,
J A lVlerx,
S S Rathveu.
Chas Knapp,
II Itrlirmer,
Thee Wendlt.
Jehn Uccs,
J L l'erter,
FG Albright,
1 Weber,
M Deiehler,
S W Kaub,
.las al Chanuell,
Kebert Clark,
Gee S Landls,
l'hilip inllh.
James M ISurke,
S II Metzar,
Leuis A Teller,
II L Suavely,
Hugh Tener,
Jehn F Derwait,
Frank Oilier.
Patrick Sullivan,
Gee W tnj'tler,
F It Dennelly,
ltanksen 11 Smith,
C V. Miley,
W V Wetzel,
II Kceglt,
James Kelly,
Kdwin 11 unfile.
Jacob Stermfeitz.
Gee W styer,
11 It Fuluieatec!.',
A S Itheads,
A ltlske,
Adam K"llne,
Geerge Varnau,
Franz Xeudeit,
t; Xeuderf,
Newton Wlngert,
J M Wcsthaeller,
Frank Hegencr,
C Widmycr,
Geerge T Krelder
N Sclicid.
M Ilrcclit
l'hilip DOeldOlU,
Wm Gumpt,
Win Keyser,
J M Johnsten,
Geerge ivtrcner.
Charles lllmmelsluelt, C Mat?,
JehnF ISrimmer.
Hairy L Kaub.
I' r.mklln 1 Milev,
Ilenjamin Itces.
C A Weslhaclb-i-,
Hermann Kreni-,
J W Miller,
Wm II lluriiy.
Luther M WIlii,',
J Sclicid,
Jehn P Dostman,
Jehn ISair,
ChasS liurns,
ISenjamin Kielil,
A Oblender,
C F Oblender,
Jeseph MKreMei,
Cenrad Sunncr,
Charles Kfllnger,
G Kdw Hegenei.
Themas Callahan.
I. HimmcUhach,
Casper lteehler,
Isaac Oilier.
W F Oilier,
Jehn It Itupley,
II J Kegel,
Jehn A McGiuuiJ,
Frank Ursprim-T. ''.
Henry Heyencr.
J no A Ceyle,
Hcibert Johnsten.
Leuis Sclimid,
James Marshall,
II LMUhler,
F A Fi-sprung.Jr ,
Gee Steininau,
Lawrence Fall.,
Cenrad Cunn,
Jeseph Well,
Jehn WeK,
Jehn Mattern,
Jet Weaver,
O Welten JMncc,
Jeim Wehr,
Ilenry Sheaff,
Carl Olnkclburg.
J W Andersen.
Jacob liuuipliicvllle,
Jl E ISrucc,
IScnj Kaut.
Jehn J Ciimpbeli,
Jacob Scllz. r,
Jacob M-ltz jr.
Wm Sell,
Clli'htt'in 11 tl!e.
Nicholas Nnrv
Frn Spcleer,
Jacob Kndy,
Harry Kudy,
Ilenry Elder,
Jehn Elder,
Geeige Elder,
Wm McLiughliu,
l'hilip IS Ut.
Jacob Kielil.
Geerge Xugie,
F J Scheuiiig. sr.
J LScheulng, r,
F M Willig,
It A Smith.
Henry J Oraude,
Chas E Och,
Jehn Ochs,
G Wenninger,
W F JSrinten,
Harry Gruel,
Samuel Gruel,
Wm Wislicr,
Henry A Gable,
Leven It Uete,
J T Corcoran,
II M Geiter,
.ach McGiiinls,
Win Balz,
Leenard Schmidt,
Ferd Weber,
Jehn J Altiek,
Ilenry Carpenter.
Michael Sullivan,
S V Miller,
ClmsS Biggs,
Win Gelzenlichter,
it S Gelzenlichter,
M Schields
Jehn Schleldd.
Patrick Schields,
.Michael Greff.
ISaithazcr Ifarlachcr,
Wm E Miller.
Cenrad Miller,
Elmer Bewman,
Jehn A Miller,
William llartli.
William Girber,
Alexander Hauls,
M W Hellly.
Eui'l K Wrlhelm,
Ilenry Wllhelm.
Mathias Wilsen,
Jacob II Xerbcck,
Eugene Xerbcck,
Jehn Stein,
A S Hengier,
F llrinkman.
c weir.
Albert Les,
Themas It Shields.
Augustus JSaith,
James Shield-,
Charles Ueidel,
Ilenj Stisscr,
W W IS Davis,
F Lind,
Geerge Legue,
Henry G MI'.lei,
Gee C l.iller,
Jehn Fritsch,
Jehn C Heyler,
Jehn E Itruckcr.
Geerge Gall,
Geerge Pfeitlcr,
Fiedcrick Ileetei,
Chiistlan Schaeller.
Jehn Kre-8,
Gustuvus tirueziiigcr,
l'hilip Cinder,
Geerge X'uumau,
Chas W Eckert,
Frank Peters,
Jehn J Jetrries,
Jlenry E Leman,
U II Itrubaker.
Clias F Kcngier, jr..
.101111 jscst,
J II Widmycr,
A M .ahm,
A C Fllnn,
A F Oen nelly,
Gcerirc II Heed.
ehn Westenberyer.
cnas li ! isner.
Jehn Y'ackly,
Frank S Everts,
Wilsen Hamilton,
Jehn K idler.
Ilenry ISredhccUer,
Lerenz Goes,
Fredk Goes,
(ieeige ISilmiuer,
Henry Foehl,
Gee II Schleich,
Jacob F Slelch.
Christ Ilagclgau-'.
Charles ISehnie,
Adam Lcrchncr,
C ISender,
.M. Philip Patrick.
Jeim A Dennelly,
Jehn Madden.
II CMcllinger.
Jacob II Seders,
Giistav Elders.
Jehn Leeiihart,
William ISSchmltt,
Geerge Grufner,
J A Sprcngcr,
Jacob llctz, )r,
Jehn Giiiizenhauser,
Jacob Maicr.
Jehn Greezlngcr,
Matthias Gardner,
Laurence Welpert,
Geerge M ISergcr,
Daniwl ISecker,
Jehn Ituet.
Jehn siglingiier.
Matthias ISeiter,
Geerge ItesO,
Peter Kraus,
Jeiin ltriMlecker,
Jehn II. Ile.din,
Jehn Kegel,
lleniy Derley.Jr,
llciuy Lindcnberg,
Ilenry Derlcy,
Hemy Y'eung,
Christopher Souder,
Win Kliimp,
Gee Solemon,
Antheny Piatt,
Geerge Ueth,
Lewis Itnszmau.
Philip Hele,
Jeiin Kegel, jr,
Jehn Kegel, sr,
Martin ISlankemier.
Jehn ISlankemier,
Nicholas Herzeg,
Jehn T Knapp,
Jehn Kliimp,
D W llehmaiiu,
Jeb 11 Friess,
Philip l)inkelbei',
Philip ISarnlieimer.
Henry Freeh,
Jehn Sclimid,
Jeim llatz.
Ilenry Hat,
C Weller.
Martin Keener.
Mathias Galdner,
William Gardner,
Martin lSinklev,
Julius Vettler,
Peter lies?,
Franz Llnbeld,
Jacob Fetter,
Gee fcchcurenbrand
Jesepli Biggs,
Harry Biggs,
Henry Kumcr,
Geerge W Gensemer,
Jehn Stclfferwalt,
James B Strine.
Harry L Snyii er,
Gee A Slielly.
Frederick Klauss,
Jeseph G Hendieu,
Jehn G Hendrcn,
Jehn M. Snyder,
Gee W Haughmau,
Cliarlcs S lluughm in,
Jacob Kehler,
Chas S Snyder,
Themas Jehnsen,
Pliilln C snyder,
C O Warfei,
G F Steffee,
Samuel S Uaunels,
Lewis Matt,
Adam Gielf.
Frederick Mattern,
Harry S Kicdel,
Henry Vanuaugh,
Clias Wagner,
Chas l.iller,
A Teller,
P S Watt.
L A Prezinger,
J Lewis Potts,
James Sliand.
Win 11 Sliult,
C l.iller.
F Hiemenz,
M M feeui beer,
David 11 Wylle,
Chi 1st Stitrel,
Philip Wall,
Henry Karer,
Jacob fthindcl.
Levi Jetlrles.
Fred Kissinger,
II II Holten,
Kdwaid S Kress.
Paul J Schmiih.
J M Herzeg,
Wm IS Strine,
Geotge Musser,
Win M Bali-man,
It E Fahnestock,
W It Wilsen,
Gee IS Willseu,
Jehn Deyle,
G Itetlig.
S W Fowler,
II t .ahm,
1 Burdenhelm,
Bernard Can en,
Patrick Cenliu,
(iibsen Petci-s,
Jacob Efll tiger,
W C Sapj),
Geerge II Dannstietler,
Dennis Cieiiau,
Jehn II Wetzel,
Edward Miller,
Christ Dunnweber,
T Decker,
Chas Peters,
Philip ,
Christ A Kauiiii,
Themas Faust,
J as H Dennelly,
Jehn A Hess,
Jehn U Hcnkel,
Jeseph Bender,
F W Haas,
C Mattern.
F Osterma) er,
Chas. Ostermayer,
Frank Cartler,
Ernest Feist,
Bernard Kuhlnian
Jehn Lanetau.
Michael Geiter,
Adam Saner,
Peter Dietz.
Peter Becker,
.101111 siiimm,
l'hilip Grit),
Will ltehtuss,
Michael Oeebler,
Jacob Schwertz,
Jehn Mesman,
James B Iliissen,
Jeseph Gartner,
Win J Trees,
llenrv ISrinkmiu.
Mich'l Gibsen,
ilenry Smej'cli,
Henry Weaver,
M W Itellley,
Win Berger,
Geerge Gumpt,
Adam Kcisert,
Jehn Bees,
Bernliard Kent.
Jehn Harter,
Alex Derlcy,
James X Ceylc,
Christian Braiin,
Martin Fry,
Jehauii Wiethe,
Cenrad Vreehlcr.
Patrick K raily,
Chas F Kichmaiiii,
Edward KrempiVI.
Geerge Welter,
Philip Kuhlnian.
Geerge Weber, jr,
Adelph Greezluger,
Charles Waitz,
Christian Danuer,
Gee Kulilmann,
Andrew Kirchner,
Ben) F Kichl,
J B Kicckel,
Edw K reeled
Gee Kelb, r.,
Philip Butt,
Jehn Gable,
Geerge Stelb,
Jeseph Beth,
Geerge Hergeni,
Jehn Webber.
Thaddcus ICetli,
Mcllctha Wiuiau,
rred J.ctlerer, jr.
Jehn AbchenrenbraiulFred Leltercr. sr.,
I' William Kreger,
A G Bailkeski,
Jehn F St Clair,
Jehn Kurtz,
Jeseph Gastigen,
Jehn Kelb,
Ilenry Brown,
C It ! nil ley,
Valentine Sclicid,
Antheny Ousel
IVter Diehl,
Uenj F Myeis,
Loen hard Get-bie,
A .1 Keller,
Geerge Schalh-r,
B Swire.
J r'liclr.
M Flick,
A Stirk,
Peter UeehU-li,
A bt Clair,
James B Dennelly,
P Dennelly,
Clarence Dennelly,
Chas C Dennelly,
Tlies T IS Lear,
Jeseph Fraley,
Jehn A Bradei.
Jeseph Breletd
Ilenry Shaller,
Jehn Shatter,
Williani Lere.itz.Jr,
J V Wise,
P Bapp,
I turn hard Schneider,
Jehn G Bauer,
J J Hart ley.
Geerge P lLunbriht.
S.imucl Huber,
Valentine Hardy,
Philip Mishlcr, sr,
Philip Mishlcr, jr.
J A Sehaller,
Geerge Schallcr,
Peter Oemniel,
Henry Kunz,
Jacob Shay.
Ca9per Nartic,
William Schlauh,
Geerge W Beck,
Jacob Otthetcr.
Charles Ottheler,
Frederick Ottlietcr,
Geerge Duke.
Geerge .Smith,
Jehn Schmidt,
August Bender,
Frank Scheid.
Calvin Dengherty,
Nick Gardner,
F Fex.
Gee W Myer,
James Haus,
Trace Bill,
Charles Kranr,
Fred Kech,
I Feunack,
Christian Mutchlcr,
Jehn Snyder,
A J Snyder, jr,
A J Snvder, ,r,
Ged field P Willett,
Nicholas (iardiier,
Jacob llitick.
Fred Schiufer.
Meikel Weseli,
Leuis Stark,
Peter Zinghard,
Chailcs Crust,
Albeit Kohlhaas.
J ti' ob Baunlaiger.
Christ Shlde,
C Behn,
Capar Maui cr.
Jehn Bair.
Charles Krieg,
Francis J Martin,
Jesepli Liclit,
Oscar E Krieg,
Fredeiick Kle,
M Metl,
Michael Flear
Daniel Draude.
Frciierick i.iit.
Henry stauter,
Arneld Haas,
Ures Sauer,
Jehn KesC.
H M Watsen,
Philip Zceher,
Christian Zeciicr, jr..
II Zecher.
Albeit Zecher.
Jehn Fisher.
Henry Fisher,
11 Fisher,
F Debler,
F Y'eagcr,
Fred Stene.
J Henry Schuster,
llenrv Kelircr.
Chas V Wacker.
Jeseph Wacker, Jr.,
Geerge ieeiiei,
M P Rese.
Adam Oltlew,
Charles Stauter.
U A Miley,
Jehn Kirscli,
F Scheid,
F. Yeung,
Gcerge Lewis,
Jehn Unthweiler,
Gee Angerir.ire,
Chas Oickcl,
Henrv Lewis
Peter Seiliclt.
G T McCann,
Clias F Sclicid,
Christ CSclici.l,
Simen scheid,
A Oeckcit,
Frank Eskci,
J M. Brown,
Jehn Kaetz,
Franz Utags,
August Llnbunk,
Peter Zicgicr,
Jacob Leng,
Henry Welsman,
Henry E Carsen,
Leenard Gauss,
Jesepli Ganss,
Lee Jacobs,
Jeseph Jncebs,
James Huber.
Jacob Hartmaii,
Kudy Kunz,
Jacob WcIsmt.
Daniel Gelan,
J J Schsctz,
Jehn Cause.
Jehn Schatfner,
Jereme Fi-y.
Henri Pr.iukteil,
James Cnningliaui.
T W Coningham,
Israel Kautz.
Albert Kiiutz.
Win Huber.
F E Shread,
Herace Miller,
Andy Shay,
Jehn P Mllley,
Ilenry Schmitt,
Ambrose Hcrgen iiler,
Martin Dillich,
Jehn Keller,
Frank sclimil,
Jacob Kautz,
Philip Uulh,
Benjamin Shreat,
c Bernhart,
Leenard Kissinger,
Geerge Hissiugei ,
Jehn Kissinger,
Jaincs Willson,
Uebcrl J Tcuipieten,
James B Scliaum,
U S Gamber,
Christ Vogt,
Adam Shafer,
Charles Bair,
Michael Bair,
Laurence BaunUiver,
Frank Xestcl,
Jehn lCarichuei.
Antlteiiy Schwasbacli,
Jacob Bcchtelu,
Andrew nailer,
Antheny Scliuiitt,
Jeseph Smith,
J Anten llulleibach.
Ailam Flngei,
Jacob Kitch,
Jehn Gill,
Jacob spoe,
Jeseph Brown,
Jehn Paster,
Jes Kenpcl,
Frank Herzeg,
Arneld Auer,
Philip Hatter,
M lleuser,
J II Xcighllngale,
Jesepli Dun el,
Jeseph Wahlenbeiger
Adam Huegel,
Emanuel Stene,
Herman Kapar,
Fi-ancis Cause,
Sam Bccmc,
ndrew Oerwarl,
Frederick Derwait,
Charles Stene,
Peter Lutz.
Gee W McGlnncs.
Gee iV IScitzcl,
William Cenner,
Gee Cenner,
Jeseph Arneld,
Jehn Arneld,
Jehn Stoey,
Eman'l Gipple,
Henry Raub,
Jehn Hanlln,
Jehn Carlin,
Geerge Mer-111,
James Burns,
Jehn Timlin,
Jehn Fagcr,
S Uncer,
T G Werner,
Jereme Baumgartner,
Jehn Unger,
M F Bender.
Lewis II Fisher,
Geerge M Stermfel'z,
Jeseph Oerwart,
J II Ostermayer.
Chas F Smith.
Peter Kesenfelt.
Daniel S Mearig,
Geerge Sliulmyei-,
Wm Wever,
G Green.
H Lutz,
G M Lutz.
P Xuite,
Emit Xutte,
Benj F Benedict.
Christian Denecker,
Jehn Dickcl,
William Welch,
Benjamin S Derwart,
Adelph Schott,
Charles Beth,
Jno McOevitt,
Henry Rete,
Michael Harmau,
Jehn J Bartley,
X W Fry.
laceu k. eckert.
Fred Glieshcr,
Jehn Heek, jr.,
Jehn Heek, sr.,
M J Deitcher.
Harvey Hartz,
llanry Bable,
Geerge Fnlmer,
Lightner E Fulmcr,
frank Ruth,
Jehn Tener,
Jehn Hutchisen,
Jehn J Hutchisen,
It Leenard,
Michael Eberly,
Geerge II Eberly,
Frederick Munson,
Elim U Snyder,
David M Adams,
I G Polsel,
William Sliubroek-,
Themas Banlev,
Jeiin B Shields",
William Malene,
D Mctve3',
Jehn Heik, jr,
Emanuel Gipple,
Themas Arnell,
II Blickcndcrfur,
Avoid a galloping consumption by the time
ly use of Hale's Heney et Horcheund and Tar.
Pike's Tu il.achc Dreps cure In one minute.
Gee W Frey,
And many ethers.
It is pieper te state that in securing signa
tures te the above letter r. copy of which has
been handed te Mr. MaeGenigle the volun
teer committee which had the matter in
cliaige was guided by the de-Iic te obtain a
representative list of names rather than a long
one. On this account ( and by reason et the
brlet time employed in the work) the names
et many hunch eds et citizens who are knew 11
te be In entire sympathy witli the sentiments
el the foregoing letter de net appear among
the subscribers te It.
1)E LEON, 1UK ItlGA.nlST.
He Will be Ilreught te Lancaster Te. Merrow.
Chief of Police Deiehler left this city
yesterday afternoon te bring te Lancaster
Dr. Gcerge DcLcen, who, in connection
ll If . f . V n
wuii airs, uoeniey, was indicted ler con
spirinji te debauch Ida Uieiicman under
simulation of marriage. Mrs. Coeuley, it
will be remembered, was convicted and
sentenced, but DeLeon skipped, and noth
ing mere was heard of him until he turned
up, as is alleged, in the Pittsburg work
house under the alias of Fred P. Brown.
The Pittsburg Leader of Wednesday says:
" Te day F;-cd. P. Brown was released
from the workhouse, but he was immedi
ately arrested again by Detective Lang
hurst, of Allegheny, en a warrant issued
by the Lancaster county courts. Brown,
it will be remembered, is the man who
was given a two-years sentence te the
workhouse, en a charge of false pre
tense, it being proven at his trial
that he had marticd a gill
named Blattau, and then getting
$C0O from her aud .skipping. Frem the
nature of the wan ant and what the Lan
caster county authorities say en the sub
ject, Brown was engaged in a similar
transaction in that place, he thou going
under the alias of Dr. CJcorge DeLeon.
The chief of police of Lancaster is expected
111 Allegheny tins evening and m the mean
time the prisoner will be put behind the
bars of the Allegheny lockup. Detective
Langhurst is positive that Brown and I)e
Leen aie one and the same man, as a Mar
ket street saloon keeper has identified him
as a man who once bearded at his house,
aud also the man who with two ether
Laucaster county men were the habit
of talking about the Lancaster aflair."
Anether Autleiial ISsiuk
A number of capitalists of this city and
county are taking measures te establish
another national bank in Laucastci. Al
ready $90,000 of the capital of $l."iO,000
has been subscrbed at a par value of $100,
per r.liaic. Te give cvciybedy a chance
te buy stock, net mero than ten shares
will be sold te anv one subscriber. It is
proposed te locate the banking house en
Ninth Queen sticet, between Centre
sipiaie and Chestnut sttect. Asa sample
el'the kiud of men who have subscribed
for the stock, and as an earnest that they
mean btisines--, we may mention the
names of Jehn I. Hartnian, Jehn 11. Dit
feubaugh, A. M. Frantz, Gee. K. Iteed,
R. II. Biubakcr, J. I). Skile., Ar. V.
Buchmiller, Phaies W. Fry, D. G . Baker,
the Messis. Bilncr, the Mi sirs. Bi taker
A. S. Ileishcy and ethcis.
William the Sileni.
At the lecture 0:1 the above subject to
morrow evenintr, by Rev. J. Richaul
Beyle, in the Fiist Methodist Episcopal
church, Pief. Zller and Miss Hallie Bech
told will assist in the vocal and instru
mental music. A duct by this excellent
home talent will be one of the pleasant
featutes of the exercises. Although a
grc;it number of tickets are already sold
the management promie there will be
room and comfeit for all who may conic.
;. a. it.
Te-day the following members of Gcerge
II. Themas pest, G. A. R. left for Wil
liamsp :t. te attend the annual convention
of that elder which meets there en Wed
nesday : Pest Commander James Swcger,
Senior Vice Commander M. V. B. Keller,
Benj. Herr, Majer A. C. Reinoehl, Themas
Hublcy, J. A. Ximlew, aud F.G. Pcunell.
Rough en Bats."
The thing te -i..-d last. Ask drug
gist ler Bough en Bats, it clears out rats
mice, reaches, flies, bedbugs, 15c boxes.
Dr. Barber's Bed Herse Powders aie the best
In the mat kct. They are net a mere loed made
et inert and cheap materials, but a veritable
Medicine. They contain lour times the strength
of ordinary horse uud cattle powders, and will
cure anil fatten stock In one-fourth the time,
acting at once upon the digestive organs anil
secretions, and may be safely relied upon ter
the cuie 01 ceuglis, celd.J, distemper, glanders
and all dUeasee or horses, mules, cattle, sheep,
hogs and poultry. They will Increase the
quantity and quality et milk in cows and keep
all kinds el stock In a healthy condition. Sold
every whcie at 20c. per pack, C for $1; large
size 40c, or : ler $1. Sold in Lancaster at
Cochran's Di ug Steiv, 137 and 139 Xerth Queen
streets . augi-lydeed&wl
" Skin Dlscaes " cured ' by Dr. Swarnc'a
What is mere distresslng titan an obstinate
skin disease, and why persons should sutler a
single hour when they have a sure cure in
"awayne'sOintineiit " is past our comprehen
sion. The worst cases et tetter. Itch, salt
rheum, or that annoying complaint, itching
piles, yield te Its wendcrlul all-healing quali
ties. Pimples en the face and blotches en the
skin are removed by 11'ing this healing eint
ment. Perlccliy sate und harmless, even en
the most tender intant. ltcidng Piles Symp
toms are moisture, intciisu itching, particu
larly at night utter getting warm In bed ;
ether parts are sometimes affected, fcwayne's
Ointment plcusaut, sure euro. Or. Sway no &
Sen, .11 Xerth Seventh stiect, Philadelphia,
Pa., te w bout ail letters should be addressed.
Sold by all prominent druggists.
Liquid Glue.
Daniel Plank, et Bioeklyn, Tiega Ce., Pa.,
describes it thus: ,-l 1 ode thirty miles ler a
bottle of Themas' EelectrieOil which eirectcd
the uenilerful euro et a crooked limb in six ap
plications ; it proved worth mere than geld te
me." Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug store.
137 Xerth Queen street. Lancaster.
Oitlnlne mid Arsenic
F01 111 the basis of many et the Ague reme
dies in the inaiket. and arc the last resort et
physicians and people who knew no better
medicine te employ, ler this distressing com
plaint. The effects et either of thc;e drugs
are destiuctlve te the system, producing head
ache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness,
ringing in the cars, and denrcssien ef.the con
stitutional health. A Kit's Aeuk Ccuh is a veg
etable discovery, centaining: neither quinine,
arsenic, nor tiny deleterious ingredient, and is
un infallible and rapid cure ler every form of
Fever and Ague. Itsctlcctsarc permanent and
certain, am! no injury can result trem its use.
Besides being a positive cure tei Fever and
Ague in all its tonus, llisalsoasupeiler rem
edy ler Liver Complaints. It is an excellent
tonic and preventive, as well as cure, et all
complaints peculiar te malarieus, mat shy and
miasmatic distiicts. By direct action en the
Liver and biliary apparatus, it stimulates the
system tea vigorous, health)'- condition. Fer
sale by all dealers. !3-lwdeed&w
' GUAM for the sale et seats te the Grand
Farewell concert el CLARA LOUISA KEL
LOGG, will open Thursday morning, January
26th, at 9 o'clock, at Chas. H. Barr's Boek
Stere. Centre Square, Admission, $1 ; no extra
citarge ier reserveti seats.
WEDNESDAY, 8 P. M., JAX. 25, 13S2,
in the First Methodist Episcopal Church,
Tickets at FenDersmtth's Bookstore and at
Sltaub & Burns'a Shee Stere.
Washixgten, D. C, Jan. 24. Fer the
Middle Atlantic states, fair weather
during the day, followed by cloudy
weather, rising temperature, falling ba- I
remeter, and northeast te southeast I a decision can be rendered.
Motile Magalre's Uut en Uall.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 24. A Union
town, Pa., special says Barney Floed and
Buck Cellins, two of the MeIIie Maguircs,
have been admitted te bail in 84,000 each.
Dellau's case, he. having failed te obtain
a new trial, will be taken te the supreme
ceuit by bis counsel, Judge CampbelL.and
a supersedeas asked for, which if granted
will keep him from the penitentiary until
The Water Street Seuei.
Thi sttect. cjtn-iiittee arc this al'icrim.iii
inspecting the new sewer recently con
slructe.l en Water and West Chestnut
street, vilh a view of accepting it from
the contiactets, .Messrs. ischwebel and
"Who Grasps iHiicli Little." The
pioptieleis et Ely's Cieam Balm de net claim
it te be a cure-all, but a sine remedy ler Ca
tarrh and Catarihal Deafness, Colds in the
bead and Hay Fever.
Cream Balm effectually cleanses the nasal
passages et catarrhal vlru-, causing healthy
secietieiis, ullays inflammation and irritation,
protects the tnembniiial linings of the head
from additional colds, completely heals the
setes and restores the senses et taste and
smell. Bene lesults arc ic.ilized by a lew
applications. A thorough treatment as di
lected will cure catari h. The Balm is easy te
use and agi ceable. Sold by druggists at 50 els.
On receipt et 50 cents will mail a package.
Send ler ciicular with t .ill information.
EH 'S CBL'A.M BALM CO., Oswego, X, Y.
I-or ?ale by all the Lancaster druggists.
10 2wdeedJcw
A Cetin, cenl or sole - nreal should tie
stepped. Neglect liequentiy 1 exults in an In
curable Lung Disease or Consumption.
ISr.iuuV. iMenchial Tiechi de net disorder
tut steuiat it like cough syriipj and balsams,
bul act dneetly en Ihclntluiiicd pal ts, allaying
lriliiUiHi. s-ie iell"t in Asthma. Bronchial
Coughs, C-itauh, und the Titieat Troubles
which Mincers und PublicSpcakfr.snic subject
te. tei thirty years liiewn's Bronchial
Treencs have in 1-11 leceinmuuded by physi
cians, and alwajs give nerlcct satlstactlen.
Having been testeiW-y wide mid constant use
fin tie-illy n entire generation, they have at
tained we1 .i'i rili d rank among the tew staple
leiniilies et tin :i;'e. Sei.l at " cents a box
evi'i'vu iii-it. 'iiv-lvdl'TliASAl ,
"-Hit'-:-.,- at in nl outers It
Ate j en l'stlirbMt at night and broken el
yeui lejt by 11 sick child sllering and crying
v.ltii il.u 'jxcrtteiatiug pem el cutting teeth 1
It ti-., go at once and get a bottle et MBS.
lie u the pour Hllle sullcier immediately de
pend upon It; there is no mistake about it.
Then is net a mother en c.'tth who has ever
tied tt, -vtiii will net tell you at once that it
,iilie a'e the bow els. and give lest te the
mother, unl relief and health te the child,
eiciat'.i. g'.ike tu.igic. It i; jierfcctiy safe te
Use in all cese-;, and pleasant te the taste, and
is the prescription et one et the eldest and
best lcni'tlt physician and jurses in the
Hii'iid stati. Mild everywhete; 2Tccntsa
I little "i.ll-?-lvd.'iwJl.W&.S
DeeU, if it bu found they haw
the conditions of their contract.
fulfilled 1
Admitted te the lint.
On motion of ,T. I-. Siciumctz, cm-., I).
D. Ue'iier, esq., of the Lehigh county bar
was admitted te practice in our cetuts this
morning. IIe was engaged in a case set
down for tiial this week which was continued.
IMvurra Wanted.
Sarah Traub, through her next friend,
Patrick Dennelly, has iiled a petition for
divorce from her truant husband, Daniel
Tr.mb. Thus far nineteen applications
for divorce are en file in thoprethonotary's
Sale el Ileal Kstate.
Allan A. Herr & Ce , reai estate agents,
have sold te Mrs. Sephia Frank, the brick
dwelling, Ne. 27 Seuth ?!aiy street, prop prep
city of Catharine Rutledgc, fur $1,250.
"idle. Growth, iieauty.'"
" H we till uduiliu" and hew le-ccure It:
A line head id liatr in its natural color is sucil
an adjunct te beauty that 110 one who prizes
geed leeks should neglect te use "Londen
Hair Besterer," Hie most cleanly and de
litrlitfiil article ever introduced te the Ameri
em pieph. It is totally diiTercnt from till
ether net sticky or gummy, and Iree lrem
all impiiie ingle lients that render man j ether
preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin
h:i:r, restores jr.iy liatr, gives it new lite, keeps
the scalp clean and hc.illhy, causing the hair
te grew where it had fallen off or become thin,
does net sod or stain anything, und Is se per
fectly an I elegantly prepared as te make it a
lasting hair diessitig and toilet luxury. " Lon Len Lon
eon Hair Besterer" is sold by all druggists,
at 7."i cents a bottle, six bottles for $1.
Paul Oil".
paycar l-.ifsicd
The Reading paycar passed down the
Quanvvillere.i'l tc-d.iy and this employees
along 1 lie linp received their monthly pay.
JCelle:. The chart for n-sci c.l -eats ler the
grand entertainment te ba given by Clara
Louise Kellogg in F.ilteu opera house en Wed
nesday evening, Feb. 1, will b-j opened 011
Thursday morning at ft o'clock.
The Jritutreh Te me mm Xiyhl. On Wed
nesday night Cel. Skiff's liiinsticl company
will appear at Fulton opera house. The array
of talent advertised includes a number el lirst.
clas names, and the Scrauten KeublUan -ays
they gave the best minst rel per lermance w it
ne-iseil theie IhU scase.i. Oilier press notices
are of similar ceniplimentary ch ir.icter.
si'i:r.iA . a or 1 tiva.
A revolution Jn tlte treatment el net van
disease j is new taking place. Dr. Bensen, e
ISaltimere, lias iliscevered a sure remedy in
Ids Celery and Chamomile Pills they perma
nently cure sick and nervous headache, neu
ralgia, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and all nerv
ous diseases.
Celdcu's I.icbig's Liquid Beet aud Tonic In In In
vigoraler imparls strength te body and mind.
Tele no oilier. JI9-lWeed&W
Many miserable people dm; themselves
about with failing strength, feeling that they
arc sinking into their graves whoa Parser's
Ginger Tonic would begin with the first dose,
te bi lug vitality and st rength back te them.
Sun. ia2linileod&wcew
Gote 11. U. Cecnr.iii'3 Drug stoic, 137 North
Queen street, for Mr 3. Freeman's Xew JVn
tiunal Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et
co!ot,--te unciTiialeil. Celer trem 2 te 5 pounds.
Dnectiensin English and Gciariii. Price. 1"
Mi.NMcn. On the 2Jd iu-t.. at Lundisville,
Lizzie, daughter et S. 15. and Mary C. Min
nicli, aged one year, seven months and twenty
lour days.
The rclativci and Siiends el the family aie
respcctluUy invited te attend the funeral
from Die residence of her parents, Landisville,
en Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.
Tsiicdy. I11 this city, en the 23d inst.. C.illi
ai ine Tshudy. In J he 7lst year of her age.
Funeral trem her late lVsedencc, Xe. 5S3
West Chestnut .sttett, en Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock. Interment at Landisville Mcu Mcu
uenite meeting house. 2td
itisir a it vj.ic r is ma t:srs.
I LO, 133J, will be sold at the Merriinae Stable-",
Xe. 115 North Ptinee street, a car lead el
Kentucky Mule-. Cicditel (SO days. Sale at 9
o'clock u. in. JOHN STOVKK.
S. Hess &SON-, Auct. Jan24-5td
V direct from Indian Biver, an invoice et
LIABLE BLACKSMITH te deall kinds
et lepairing and hoiscsheclng.
Anplv te or address,
ltd IIO North 12th Street, Philadelphia.
Will he made te any distance, wl.en de
sired by -li. D. LONGAkElt, M. D.
The remedies administered by the Docter are
thee widen v .;: net break down the constitu
tion, but will lcnevate the system trem all
Injuries it has sustained from mineral medi
cine and leave it in a healthy and perfectly
cured condition.
Onice Xe.i.13 East Wulnut street, Lancaster.
Consultation free. J23-3t
Eby, Stehman & Ce.'s
the best In the market. This flour will yield
mere bread te the barrel than the old process
Heur. Try it and i-e convinced. JiO-dR
Winter Caps
That represent a geed many styles have teen
reduced te stiikingly low tlgures.
Cardigau Jackets
Have met the saute fate, and the pi Ices new
range lrem 7-ic. te $J.7."i.
This takes in almost everything te keep
tlie hands warm, trem the ;Cheap Cotten
Gleve te the Fine Dres Kid, have all been put
te pi ices that make them bargains.
Silk Mufflers & Fur Cellars
Have also been maiked down.
And the letiialning lew el our
Heavy Overcoats
wepieler te sell rather than carry te another
season : and It you see the prices they are
marked te new, you will wonder hew they
can be sold se cVap. Our O.VE PUICE
method of d-lug business keeps the prices at
all seasons el the year Just as they should be.
36-38 East King Street,
sPICING 1882.
We Invite examination el
New Spring Styles
Of which w 111 e ins a larite line lrem New
Yerk Muiiutacluter.s uud Importers, In
colorings anil designs In accordance
with tlte present styles et Carpels
uud Furniture, and in all
qualities et
Ceiling; Decorations, Dadoes, Friezes
und Borders,
Hills, citibiiles. Parlors, Dining Koeras,
Libraries, Chambers.
Estimates made nnd Paper put en by com
petent Paper Hansels.
Lace nn-1 Nottingham Curtains,
Slintle Hollands and Fancy
Hager & Brether,
Ne. 25 West King Street,
Grand Revival el Old Time Minstrelsy.
Famous California Minstrels
Positively tlte vciy best traveling Minstrel
Company in the entire world under the per
sonal liianaeii.cnt Mn. M. T. Skiff, the reli
able nia-Miifi'i, ler twenty yeais constantly be
fore the public, and always identified with
strictly lirst-elrss attractions. Absolutely
everv 'member a star. 25 A KTiST-j.
The great comedians KOX 4 WARD; the
popular Yeung comedian, MR. WALLY
G1II1SS ; the Renowned California Comedian,
MR. CHAS. A. MASON: The Champien
U-htnin;,' Zonave Drill Aitlt. MAJOR
TUOM Ab.and the World Renowned California
Quartette. BRYANT & bOMERS. thu Great
Mu-dcal Team, ami a lull cheru.. ami Orches
tra. 4 END MEN. The most superb selection
et special ne cities ever prcM'nted 011 11 min
strel stage.
POPULAR PRICES: 35. 50 and 75c. Re
served aeata at opera house enice. 21 4t
Oats ter sale at Leaman Place at all times
at market prices. Alse,
Ji!:;m.l 11. II. ROH RER.
Tobacco Warehouse, very convenient for
receiving and shipping tobacco ; capacity 2,000
cases : will suit two packers ; will insure at
lowest rates. Ferparticuhits apply te
HENRY KAUFt'CLT, Vrlghe,ville. Pa.,
or te
10 West Orange St., Lancaster. Pa.
, as geed
Eagle Speke and Bending Works,
Lancaster, Pa.
O horsepower portable SAW MIL
of all descriptions, 1:1 all localities and at all
with pries ft re t j every mi.-.
det-3 .hud :: North Duke sticet.
rxcltement In Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Jan. 24. Mucli excite
meut bas been caused by a case of small
pox en Spruce street. Mrs. Helmbelil,
the proprietress of a beanliusr beuse at
Ne. 1030 Spruce street, was takeu ill in
December aud died en tbe 2d of January.
The bealtb officers have discovered tbat it
was a case of malignant smallpox and tbat
Dr. McFarlaud kept tbe matter secret.
Tbe patient lay in the back par
lor of tbe bearding beuse in which
there were about thirty-five boarders
during her thrce weeks' illness aud after
death the body was kept there three days.
This was followed by the death of one of
the seivant girls, the latter revealing the
secret after she was taken te tbe hospital.
Tbe beard of health this afternoon pascd
a resolutieu censuring Dr. I-IcFarlaud and
imposing the usual line of $50 for net 1 im
porting the case.
Since these developments the Perm Char,
ter school, en Twelfth street below Market
bas been closed for tbiee weeks en account
of the fact that three of the teachers were
boarders at Mrs. Hclmbeld's.
The Epidemic Auatliur in Ulchiiiend
Richmond, Va., Jan. 24. The beard of
health of Richmond tcperts euly two
deaths " one white and one black '
from smallpox last week. There weie
tuirty-five new cases dining the same
Tliere are new seventy-eight cases in
tbe hospital eutside the city limits aud
eighteen cases at their homes in the city.
A large number of these in the hospital
are convalescent and are only retained in
quarantine as a precautionary measure.
Pblladelpbitt Market.
PBiLADKLrBiA, Jan. 21. Fleur tlrm and
j?oed inquiry; Supernne, 13 7534 ii ; i-:Ua.
ft 30 g5 25 ; Ohie and Indiana lamily,
te 503 23; Pennsylvania family til 379
t: 0 : St. Leuis de 17 0037 23; Mlnneaeu
fcxtru, a, -i4i; 50 : de straient, si; .mi : winter
patent. $72."ia)7 75 : spring de, 723ffl: 00.
Rye Heur at $4 75Q5 00.
Wheat strong and quiet; Del. and Penn'a
Red, $1 itQl 40 ; de Amber. $1 4t? 1 47.
Cern llrui, witli fair local demand.
Oats firmer.
Rye dull at 'JJu'Xh.
Piovlslens in geed jobbing demand.
Lard 11 nn.
Butter Choice scarce and in geed demand
Creamery extra, 40g42c ; de geed te choice, S3
Rolls mostly peer and dull.
Egirs scarce and wanted : Peniia.,
Western. 2l25c.
Cheese steady.
Petroleum steady : Refined, 7e.
Whisky tinner ut $1 20
Seeds geed te prime clever tlrm at
: de de Flaxseed steady at 1 S3 I .'lit.
Frequent Interruptions freui the Prisoner.
Washington, Jau. 24. The crowd at
the Guiteau trial this morning was even
greater thau yesterday. Just as Judge
Perter was about te resume bis argument
the prisoner forestalled mm with a ram
bling warning te all " ctanks." Jude
Perter then went en te argue for the prose
cution, saying the whole defense was a
sham. He had net proceeded far when
Guiteau broke A, and the interruptions
became fiequent. He called Perter a
winebibber, and made ether annoying re
marks. When recess was taken Pet ter had net
After recess Judge Petter lesiiiued and
bis scathing remarks called forth from
Guiteau such interruptions us " That's a
miserable lie and you knew it, Perter ;"
" Such a mean, stinking whine as that
is," etc. ; the prisoner fairly t-.ercaniiug
and showing all the ferocity of a tiger.
Mercury Fur ilelew Zere tu Neiv Yerk State.
PeraiiKEEPsiK, N. Y., Jan. 24. Re
pot ts from all points en the 1 iver ami from
the inteiier of the river count ies tell of in
tense cold, the meicury averaging 1C de
grees below zeie. The Hudsen is frozen
solidly from Pcekskill north. Twe inches
of ice were made last uight, aud ice cut
ting is active every where north of (Juts
kill. Norwich, N. Y., Jan. 24. The.-mnmr-ter
S'-i below zeie here this morning.
Bosten, Jan. 24. 1'cperts from all ever
the East indicate exceedingly cold weather.
At Colebieok, N. II., it is repotted almost
unendurable. At Portsineuh, N. II., this
morning it was twenty four below .
Terente, Ont., Jan. 24. At
Sound thermeiiieter is thirty-eight below
Afitrnuuii Te'CKrarns Condensed.
Dauiel Whitemau's i-csideuce, (Juincy,
Mass., burned last uight. Less, $5,000;
partially iusuicd.
Hartferd (Conn.) high .school burned to
day. Defective flue. Ouly thu walls left
stauding. Lets, $120,000.
At Catlettsburg, Ky., William Ncal has
been found guilty of participating in the
murder of the Gibbens family, uud sen
tenced ta death.
Constable A. I). Gee shot au-1 killed a
Gcrn an physician named Millien at Wash
ington, en Brazes, Tex., in a miv.inder
stauding. The iiins mjhteiieus c;fli!is recently ex
humed in Chicago aie discovered te have
contained the lutnaius of confederate sol
diers, who died of seme contagious disease
while imprisoned at Camp Deuchs during
the war.
The Senate li p.n-se-.l the bill for relief
of Mrs. Mary Litieeln, the widow of Abra
ham Lincoln.
Jehn A. Leach, a maniel man, was shot
and killed at Bicnheiin, Tex., by II. Hunt
for criminal intimacy with thu latter's
The lteadlinr Prenldent tt epcful el Its t"n
tlie Success Unlng tu Kurupe Again.
PiiiT.ADEi.PUiA, Jan. 24. It is an
nounced tbat Fraukliu B. Geweu, presi
dent of the Reading railroad company,
has made his preparations for another
visit te Europe, principally te Londen,
and that be will sail en Febiuary 10.
Mr. Gewen bas for bis prime object
the advancement of the financial scheme
which he hopes will, if legalized aud
promptly supported, of which he has little
doubt, secure the reorganization of the
fiscal condition of Reading en a firm basis.
The deferred bends have al I been subscribed
ferand about 10 per cent of tbe gross total
has been paid in en them as installment
Ne. 1. Mr. Gewen expresses the opinion
that net the slightest difficulty will be
found in securing subscriptions for all the
5 per cent consels into which he desires te
fund the Reading indebtedness.
Alurdersrs Get Tbelr Death. Warrant.
Harrisbure, Pa., Jau. 24. Governer
Heyt this afternoon issued the death
warrants of Frank and Ilenry Rumber
ger, of Dauphin county; Jas.Neuting, of
Clearfield county ; Frank Small, of Alle
gheny; Jeseph Allisen, of Indiana county,
and Jonathan Meyer, of Snyder
county, and fixed the twenty-fourth of
March for their execution.
Sew (ura ittaraet.
Nsw Yerk, January 21. Fleur-Slate and
Western rules ; Rye tlrm und fairly active
trade : Superline Mate, t T4 S.c: extra de.
i igj ju; cueieeiiu, .. W(f, ; Iteutnl Heep
Ohie, $ 25SG 7." ; Su peril no Western. 14 25
4 8S; common te poed extra, it ur-QA 8."-;
cheile de, $.- 'J0S 7.5. Southern strenj- and
i-iiii-t ; common te lair extra, f4U7 ; poed te
choice, $7 lOfiS.
Wheat unsettled; epeninj; y1e lower;
atterwiirds became strong and recovered lrem
dcciiiu; ; Xe. ' Red, Jan., $1 48 ; de fc'eb.,
fi IS14i).de .Mar.. 1 SOnil 51-JJ; de April,
H .rel 31H : de May, $1 )i flejf.
Corti-Carh and January strenger: later
months AiAc lewer: lulled Western spot.
t07:'c; de future, 7iJi7lc.
Outs without decided change ; Ne. 2 cesh,
4ile; deSati.,4'.i;c.
tirutu ami l'rcvuiun Oufalluu-.
O110 o'clock (-uolulleiisol ,'ral:rainl provit previt provit
lens, turiiNhed by S. K. Yundt. llreker, I5'
KttstKintt street.
Jan. 24. 1 v. m.
Wheat Cern Oats Perk Ijird
Feb :Xy .IW'h 4.! 17.!) 11.20
Marcli.. i.;t.i .61 .n is.l7Ji II.:7i
May Uii .15
Feb 1.45J.B .7" ."iJ ....
Marcli.. LI7J .72 .50i
April... 1.41 .7 .51tj
StecK .n-urui.
New Yerk, PhiladelphU und Lecal Stocks
also United Stiitcs ISi.'ids rcpertivl dally by
Jaccu 11. Lose. S. K. Cr. Centre Siiuuii.
Nkw Veuk Stock
htecks Irietritlarand unsettled.
Jan 21.
Clilcatre& North Weitern. ...
Chlcaite. Mil. & hi. I'uiil
Canada Southern
C C et 1. C lw. I...... ........
Del., Lack, ft Weitern
Delawaie & Iluil-ten Canal.. .
Denver Si Rie Grande
KiLstTenn., Va. & Ua
Hannibal A St. Jee
Lake Shere & Mich. Seuthei 11.
Manhattan Kluvated
Michigan Central
Ml-iseurl. KansasA Texas
N. V., Lake Eiie ft Wf-dein...
New Jersey Central
N. V.. Ontario A Wcs-ten
New Yerk Central
Ohie ft Mississippi
Ohie Central
Pacific Mail Steauwhip Ce...
at. Paul & Omaha
de Preferied
Central Pacific
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
Wabash, tit. Leut-j Pacific....
WtHteru Union Tel Ce
ii 12.1 liiji
10M4 ie7j-i loew
S i MJi
wyi is
lit 12;K la
Iltt Ittjw
JW5 68Jfc
11 :.., m4
mil iii m
.... 02
40 39
tan 8ffi
131 layj
.... 23K
40( 40
.... rf
'.fiJi 100
88 a7,J
11( Win HCJfi
nvk xyt atfi
tJ4 G3 BJ-
70 7'Ui ;a-
A. M. V. St.
Stocks iteaily.
Pennsylvania R. R
Lehi-jh Valley
UdllKli Naviittten Hx Dlv
Buffalo, 1'ltt.s. ft Wenlciii
Northern Cent nil
Northern Pacific.
" Pretene.i
Klcctrie Undergieiiutl 'lel.i.'e
Pliiladelphli. ic Kitu '.:. R....
Uunnlsen Mininir
lewaOtilclt btinlnL'
UnitkdStati.8 Hen its.
Uutt'-d Stated 4 eereutits ....
4! '
riilladel-ilitu Cattle ill 111 kut.
Slusuiv, Jan. 2:. Thi; icceipts el livestock
at the Philadelphia stock yaid.s were: Fer
tlie week: Uccvcm, 31l)0O head ; tdieep, IJ.i'(0
head; Iie:h, 4,5(0 heail. Prefieus week
lleeven, :wie head ; sheep, D.SOJ lit-ad ; hue
4,000 head.
Reef Cattle weiu rallier dull, as the higher
prites West kept the market above the reach
erbutcher.., iiltheuKh In the retail trade stock
barely held its own. Unles some concessions
aie made by the We-dmi drovers piicc-i et
beeves must ceitainly go hilier as al tin
ptcM-nt rate tliey ctiuuet b. brought here by
our dealers.
We quote as tollews :
K.tnv (;.7-.7'4i; (Joetl, b4ic ; Medium,
.lfriCe: Ralls, 4g.ji.
Milch cows weie inactive at $30(0.
Sheep were lather inactive dutliif; the pest
week, en account el the heavy rccciplw, and
prices wen: 1.4c lower 011 thu common jjraile.
We 11 uete us tollews:
I:xtla,.lJi;'ft''J-i; K-d, tyi&Vic; medium, 4Jt
(p5e; common, :slc; lambs, KV,ie;
calvc-i, mileli, c-t'.ic.
Hogs were active and prices were -dcady.
We fiKOteas tollews:
Kxtia at 10c; goeil at 9'Jc; medium
at .lAIS'aWe 5 "- at 88ic.
breck VAiins.
Martin Fuller ft Ce., nei Western. miQ&fc.
Reger Maync-, l'.O Western, .V4le.
A. K J. Christ v. 27i Western. HQCc.
K. S. ft IS. F. McFIIIen. ISO Western, 5KCVc.
.M. U!tiitn,2S- Western, ;ic; 18 Western,
acct. Lehman lires , 'Aifi-
Mi.iinbui'.: ic Paul. 151 Western, 5fjc.
James Clcmsen .17 Lancutcr ce.,aud Western,
Lewenstein ft Adler. VM Western, s;e.
1 J. SchaiiibeiK & Ce.. Itw Western, .'lJ4i,c
Daniel Murphv, ll." Western, Slie.
II. Chain, jr., 37 Western, 5Bc.
M. Levi, 123 Western und Pa., ffi.Cyfi.
F. Sheetz.iw Western !'--
F. Sheetz, 13 Mont-?emcry co.. cows, :Q5e.
Jehn MeArdIe.200 Western, 57c.
Owen Smith. (Jl West Va.,acct. el I. W. Ins
keep; KJ West Va, acct.. 01 Van
lnetre ft Chambers ; 17 West Va.,
acct , of Myers & Houseman; 2t
Western, acct.,er.l. J.McCleskey.
Daniel fcinytli ft ilre , 120 Western, SMflVic.
Dennis Smyth, 50Ciimberland ce..5iGc.
Rachmanft Levi, 110 Western and West Va,
Cliain ft Caldwell. 20 Western, 53Jc.
James Atlll, 120 We-,Urn. 48(r-c.
Abe Ostheim, 0 Western, 55ic.
Henry Miller, 20 Lancasterce . VVis.
It. Hepe, 117 Western. 5ViC?ic.
L. Hern,70 Western und Del.,3i.c.
Di:3-:e MEATS.
Dressed Reeves were active at ggiec.
Tliea. Uradley,217 head at 8'Jc.
A. A. Reswell 100 de. at 8'Jic.
C. S. Dcngler, t7 de. at 8tf0Xc.
W. II. P.wiwn 130 de. at 7Hl'tc.
Harlan ft Rie., Al de. at t10c.
J. F. Lewdcn. 43 de. 8Q'JJ(c.
Dressed sheep were uctlve.
Samuel Stewart pcldtilO head at 7Sic. unit
J.'J head ilrcssed lambs at 9310c.
I.i-uiti ntecKS anil rtuuitn.
Ltmc.City (.' psret. Lean, due Ibs2..
' 5 per ct. In 1 erSOycars
& per ct. Scheel Lean..
" 4 " In ler 20 years.
" 4 " In 5 or 20 years.
c " inl0er20eai-a. 100
First National Rank. 1
Farmers' National Rank
Lancaster County National Rank..
Columbia National Bank
Ephrata National Rank
First National Rank, Columbia.. ..
First National Bank, Strasbur-;....
First National Bank, Marietta
First National Bank. Mount Jey..
Lltitz National Bank
Manhelin National Rank
Union Natienul Bank. Mount Jev.
New Helland National Rank;
Par I .is
ul. Sill-
.tlwi iu
. lbu Hi
. 100 ll-l..3
. 100 12U
. 100 104
. ICO 113
100 102
100 1U&-U
100 105
1100 $173
. SO 103
. se ia-
. 10O 140
. 101- ISO
. 100 135
100 134.N.
. 100 202.31
. 100 115.73
. lift
ilt) 111 .A
. 50 70.H.
. 10O 103