LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAY. JANUARY 23-. 1882. y COLUMBIA NEWS. UK ItCUULAK COKKtaiONrKNCK River again filled with floating ice. 4. Te nioirew nigbt SkilTs minstrels per form here. Several fights eccuned en .1th stieet, en Saturday evening. Twe tramps in the lockup en .Saturday night. iiei vices in ntaily all of the churches vreie largely attended, especially the Bethel and Methodist ; no doubt fieiu the fact of theie having revival meetings. Mis. Charles L. Bennett, of Philadel phia, will be buried from the residence of her brether-la.w, Jeseph M. Bennett, Ne. . .Z Walnut stieet, te mouew aiternoen at 2 o'clock. We aic teny te leain of the pi eti acted illness of Mis. J. W. Yccum, who has been setieusly sick for the past few mouths. Tiie hc.;vy wind of yesteiday has done considerable damage te property in Cel urn bia and vicinity. Several shutteis, and chimney::, weic blown eiF their houses en Walnut Mi eel. A house en the Chestnut Hill tin npike had the whole loef blown oil'. Lute in the afternoon the wind .still kept up, but the weather get fearful cold . In the morning although windy, it was cnmpaiathuly via: in. Uncle Tem'.s Cabin combination placed hcie ou Satuiday. At the matinee in the afternoon $23 wa- taken in at the deer, aim in the evening fclbU. it is Fiirptisiug that they had .se large a house. The piece was simply butchcicd. It reminded one of a let el school childicn leeiting a dialogue. Ah William Serena, an cxtia brakemau en the Pennsylvania raihead, was plac ing a coupling pin in the bull nose of a eai, en Sa tin day in the cast yaid, another cai shifted by an engine, sti uck him7 and he was .seveiely squeezed, but nothing serious will result. He was taken home and Di. Ciaig attended his injunps. riie YigleVTSteiuuer. The long expected and looked for new steamer ler the Vigilant liie company, ai med Satin day evening at 7 o'clock. The boy. weic en hand, and with many a chee:, theengine was "housed.'' Fieni that .line e:i till midnight the spacious en gine loom was packed, but as the Mcamei v. as well gieased and ditty, its ap pe.ii.incc could net be judged. Ilirly ye teid.iy morning the membci.s wcie at weil: polishing it up. It is a veiy handsome piece of weiKmansl.ip, but is n I as pictty as the old one. Its weik aie el the horizontal pump pattern, while the boiler is of the latest pattern. Clapp A. .leurs, of Hudsen, X. Y., aie the build., s and say that all the latest ini ini pievemctits have been put en. The tioasnieref that film, Mr. Cellier, msuics that it can get 0!) pounds of .steam up in live niiuutcs. He also jjicsented the com pany with $10 te diink te the health of theii new engine, and well the v did. Aj subset iptieu was iaise.1 among the mem bers and " geed things " bought. Evciy poison who came in was tic.itcd. The Vigils aie all a very hospitable set ami knew hew te tieat their quests. A tnal was te be given this morning. At the tiial this morning steam u.ii laised as fellow.-, : 5 Ib. in 3 minutes ; 13 lbs in 4 m.; 25 lbs. in 5 in.: 30 lbs. inG ni.; 33 lbs. in GJ m. Fiem then the steam gained lapidly. It was net put down te its best en account of the cold and the buistiug of a section of hose. The Vigics will net accept the engine uutii a Princi.cs medal dome and silver plated baud is put en. The new steamer weighs 4,130 pounds, while the old one weighed 7,400. Katlreud Wreck A wieck occuried in the cast yaid of the P. 11. 11., en Saturday. Au engine en a siding was shifting cars te put them en the m mi track, when another shifted ttain ft-as also en the main track. The consequences weic four cars knocked oil and badly damaged. In an liein all was clcaicd. A wreck happened at Sheck's mill last Thursday, but was net leperted uutil this morning. Engine Ne. 104 coming east had two cais leaded with lumber. The coupling broke and the lumber was scatteicd along the lead ler some distance, blocking both tracks. Luckily the train was moving slowly or else a large wreck would have becu the lesult. The train bauds, assisted by same outsiders, seen icmevcd the lum ber. tattle Locals. Eight tramps in lockup ; Squires Yeung and Giier -each sent down ene drunk. Miss It. S. Kuuklc of ll.iiiisburg visiting lelativcs. It & C cars blown fiem the tracli? at Mil I way last evening. Ernest Witte's 20x10 bill beaid, with Skiffs minstiela bill en it, went down before last night's wind The sisu of E. K. Smith & Ce., bankcis was blown down yesteiday The Presbyterian festival was a success giess pieceeds ever $210 ; net proceeds ueailv 6190 1HM1SSK1. Aim " Ceuntj ter Cetn" -linj Would IIae I'at 'Unit a Uraud en Mijder. Before Alderman B. F. Howe, of the Fifth waid, this aftcrnoeu was heard the case of Cem'th vs. Dr. Carpenter Weidler, chaiged, upon oath of J. Kahler Snyder, w ith violation of the-mcdical registry law. Snyder did net appear, but .sent a commu nication asking for a continuance en the gieuud that DistiL't Attorney Davis was in Philadelphia. The alderman decided te go eu'w i Hi the heating and examined the tin 03 witnesses picsent. They testified that Dr. Weidler attended their families but could net swear that he had practiced " for gain " since the passage of the law. Aldcimau Howe dismissed the case. The facts of the case arc that Dr. Weid ler came te tow n, with his diploma, te legister, long bcfoie the complaint was made againU him. lie did net knew that a copy of his diploma had te be left in the etlic-j and he was net allowed by.the clerks te lcgistci without depositing this copy, as had been doue in ether cases. Bofero he could get his copy made the complaint was pieieried by Snyder who was a clerk in the pruihonetary's office. A ew Directory. Recently there have been such a great number of changes of residence and busi ness places iu this city that the want of a new diiectery has been very sensibly felt. It will thciclere interest our business men and cit'tzeu- generally te knew that that experienced compiler of local directories, Air. Jehn II. Barnes, who since 18G8 has been identified with the making of city and county dirccteiies, is new arranging for the cai ly issue of a new and complete guide of the city, which will include all the latest changes of location. air. liarucs' thoieugh acquaintance with this important work, gained by leug aud sue cessful expeiience, gives the assurance that the foithceming diiectery will be a valuable acquisition. Its publicatieu will be defened until after the usual April changes of lesidcncc in elder te insure the gicatcst degicc of accuiacy and complete informal ion. Tlie i:iectric Light. Owiug te the very unfavorable weather, the electric light at Ne. 2 cotton mill was net kept burning Satuiday night until 10 o'clock as auneuueed "some ether night" au exhibition of it will be given. Meantime it will be lit every morning before day break and evciy evening after dark, te light the operatives ou their way te and from work. Masquerade Hall. The parquet of th opera house has been floored ever and an excellent platform has been made te accommodate the dancers at the masquerade ball of the Canustattcr te-night. Costumes have been brought from Philadelphia and the affair premises te be something fine. The Theatrical" Gag" BuMuessin Heading. Reading Times. Wc referred editorially a few days since, te the offensive practice of a class of actors trying te be funny at the expense of some one in the audience, and advised the man agers of our home places of amusement te de what they could te step it. We are pleased te learn that Manager Mishler is making an effort te have no meie in his place, he having had conspicuously posted in every dressing room of the academy the following snecial leauest : ' All persons are respectfully lcque&tcd in no manner te use iu a performance the name of any citizen any form, as it is very offensive te our people and detrimental te these who degrade them selves by se doing. Please don't have any lectl gags, and oblige " Jehn D. Mishxei:, 'Manager.'" ISadly licuten On Satuiday evening about 8 o'clock, a mau was found lying en West Mifll street, covered with bleed, and insensible. He was can led te Alderman Spurrier's eitice wheie he was washed and resusci tated and then placed iu the caie of Chief of Police Deichler, who took him te the station house, wheie he was comfortable for the night. He proved te be Jehn Deeblerand had evidently been di inking. He stated that he had been assaulted by Abraham Erisman and another young man named Wenninger. He had been tenibly beaten, and kicked, one of his eyes being closed, his nose cut and swollen, and his head and body badly biuiscd. He was dischaiged yesterday morning. As yet he has net made complaint against his assailants. KicruitL.iiwx xo3ii:nat;ens A Oiiu K. Call and un E.uly Convention. The Republicans of the seveial waids of the city will meet to-ineriow evening at the usual polling places and put in geneial nomination candidates for waid efficcis and delegates te the city convention te nominate candidates ler mayor and school diiccteis. Fiem these gcucial nomina tions the ward tickets and delegates will be chosen en Fiidaycveuiug, and immedi ately after the lesult of the election is an neiinccd by t'ie election officers the dele gates te the city com catien will meet the same evening and nominate candidates for nmer and school diiecters. bent te J ill. A man named Dalten wa- aucsted a few days age while drunk, and was com milted te piisen by Aldeiinan A. V. Den nelly. He had a new pair of shoes in his possession, which were beheved te have been stolen from the stoic of F. S. Bletz, Columbia, icccutly. He had a hearing this meining en a charge of buighuy, but was dischaiged for want of evidence. He was committed te prison for five days for b in 'j diunk and diserdcily. Allillrliili Alittchicf. On complaint of Jehn A. Shebcr, Lewis Sanilei.s was held te answer achat go of malicious lnischiel, the allegation being that the accused cut holes in the v.iie cloth evci which the paper pulp luns, iu the SInckwater paper-mill, thus causing a gieat less of the pulp. lSerln Count) l'eultry Slinn. Theie was a cocking main near Heading en Fiiday night, iu which Heading and Biidsbore fowls participated. There weic si v battles and the victories weic equally divided between the two places. 'Uiillace'g Address Te mouew evening will he the occasion of Senater Wallace's addiess iu the cotut cetut cotut hense, and our citizens should avail them selves of the chauce te hear him. avjccTAiTA'dfitfEs. llralu and Koiie. IN' Health Uenewci, gieatest icmedy u eai Hi ler impotence, lcan!Cs,scii d debility Ac. $1, :it driiggi-st'J Depot. Jehn F. Leng & Sens. A ieohitien iu thu tiestment et hcimhis diseases is new taking place. Di. Iten-en, of llaltlmeie, has discovered u sine leniedy lit his Celery and Chamomile IMlls they pel nia ueiitly cute sick and nenens headache, neu ralgia, dyspepsia, ileeples-aiesM mid allneiv allneiv etii disease. CeUU'n's I.ieblg's Liquid Heel and Tonic In- Igointer impaits Micugth te body and mind. Teke m elini. jl'J-lwced.Vw Munj nnsciablu people drag themselves about with failing stienglh, leeling that the' aie "inking Inte theii gtaves when I'aiKCiS (Wngei Tonic would begin with the Hist dose, tebiing italitvitnd fetiength buck te them. tiitn. Ia2 liinleod&weew (iiilii 11. I: Cecni-niN mug siiiie, 117 North yneeii stieet, let Mrt Freeman's Aieitf iVa timial Dyei. 1'er biightness and durability et coler.aru iiiieiiualed. Celer ! te .'ipeiuids. DliectieiH in Kngllsh and (ii'innm. Price. IS cents. Avoid a gullnping consumption by the time ly use el Ilale'd Iloney et lloieheiind and Tar. I'lkt,' 'I'eitlmelie 'Dieps cine In one minute. UO-lwdced.Vw "Lite, l.rewlli, ueauty.'' ' W hut we all lulniiie" and hew te sccuie it: A tine head el li.m in its color is such tin adjunct te beauty that no one who pi ires geed leek-, should neglect te uie " Londen Hair Celer ltesteier," the most cleanly and de lighlful tu tide ever nitieducc.l te the Anieii ean peeiile. It is totally iltnViciil fiem all ethers net stick- or gummy, and liee tiem all inipiue ingicdients that lender many ether piepamtinns obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, lesteresgmy hair, gives it new lite, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair togiew where it hail fallen oil" or become thin, does net soil or stain anything, and is se nei feclly and elegantly prepared as te m ike it a lasting luurdi casing and toilet litxnty. " Lon Len Lon eon Hair Kesteier" is sold bv nil druggists, at "" rents a bottle. tl bottles ter $1. eclSM.W.S&w Oulnlne and At scute r'enn the basis of many et tlie Ague leinc ilics in tliemaikct, and arc the last rcsoitel physicians and people who Knew no bctler medicine te employ, fei this disticssing com plaint. The effects et cither of these dings aie ilesti uctivc te the sj stem, pieducing head ache, intestinal illsei tiers, ei tige, dl77iness, unging in thecals, antl denicssien et the con stitutional health. Aiiai's Aeck Cure is a veg etable discovery, containing' neither quinine, arsenic, nei any deleterious ingicdlent, antl is an infallible and rapid cute ler every fenu of revcrnntl Ague Itsetlectsaiepeimanciit and cciluin, ami no iniury can lesult trein its use. Besides being a positive cure lei Fevei and Ague in all its tonus. It is nNoasupeiler rem edy for Liver Complaints. It is an excellent tonic and picventive, as well as cuic, of all complaints ppculiar te malai ions, marshy aud miasmatic distiicts. liy direct action en the Liver and biliary apparatus, it stimulates the system lea vlgoieus, healthy condition. Fer sale bv all dealers. j 1.5-1 w dced&w j'Whe U rasps Much Holds Little." The ptopneters el Ely's Cieam Halm de net claim it te be a cure all, but a sine leniedy ler Ca tanh anil Catanlial Ueatiu s, Celtls in the head antl Hay Fc er. Cicnm Jialin etlectuilly cleanses the nasal passigcs el catairhal iru-, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation and liritatien, pietects the linings of the head Item additional colds, completely heals the sores antl icsteirs the senses et taste anil smell, llencllcial lcsults aie realized by a lew applications. A thoieugh treatment as di lectcd w ill cmc catarrh. The Hal in is easy te use anil agreeable. Sold by druggists at 50 cts. On leccipt of.'O cents vfill mall a package. Send ter circular with full information. ELY'S CItEAM BALM CO., Oswego, X, Y. Fer sale by all the Lancaster druggists. 1C 2wdced&w Liquid Glue. Daniel Plank, et Brooklyn, Tiega Ce., Pa., tlesci lues it thus: -I rode tfdrty miles tern bottle of Themas' EclectrlcOil w hich effected the wonderful cure era croel.ed limb in six ap plications ; it proved worth mete than geld te inc." Fer sale at II. 15. Ceeht-an's ding stoic. I,!7 North Queen 9tieet, Lane iter. A cough, com or sere Threat sneaia ee stepped. Neglect frequently, results In an In. curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Btewr.'i iirenchial Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the iafl-imedpaits, allaying lmlallen. sive relief in Asthma. Bronchial Cough. Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subjpct te. hoi thiity years llrewn's Bronchial 'iiet.ies hae been recommended by physi cians and alwajs give nertect satisfaction. Ila Inj; been tested by w ide and constant Use formally n cntnc generation, they have at tained w tJ .nerited rank among the lew staple remedies of the ag. Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. ms-lvdTTh&S&lvw MeinerKi nietnei t : l Meiners!: Aie you distuiLcd at night and broken el yeui rest by a sick child suflering and crying with the exciuclating pain el cutting teeth ? If c, go at once and get a bettle of MKS. WIXSLOW'S SOOTHING SYIIU I. It will re lieve the peer little sulterer Immediately de pend upon it; Uriels no mUUike about it. There is net a mother en rait li who has ever u-jcd it, who will net tell jeu at once that it will y ate the bowels, ai.d give re-t te the methcHitl lelicf and health te tl e child, eperutir. glike m.iglc. It i- peifettiy tale te u-e m all cases, s.nd pleasant lethf- taste, and is the presci Iptien et one el the eldest am! best female physician and r.uises in the Unittd fctatc bold eveiy. nere; 25 centra I utile "iirMil.twM.Vih 'Skin Disease" Cuied'ln Dr. Suajne'a Ointment U is meieditiesslng in in un obstinate skin disease, and why r-c lseiis should sultei a single hour nl en the- lue a suiecuie in "Swayne'sOintiaent " is past our coinpiehen ceinpiehen coinpiehen sien. The worst cases et tcttci, itch, alt l Ileum, or that unuOing complaint, itching pllt s, ield te its wenderlul all-healing tiuali- tle-i. Pimples en the f ice ami blotches en the skin aie lemevetl by u-ing thU healing oint ment. Pet rectly safe and liiimlcs, even en the nie-it tender inlant. Itcl'ing Piles Symp toms aie nielstme, intense itching, paiticu laily at night altei getting in bed ; ether p u ts ai e semcliiut s affected. Swayne's Ointment pleasant, sine cure. Di. Swnyne & Sen, Z1 North Seventh stieet, Philadelphia, Pa , te whom all letteis should be addressed. elil l.j all pienunrnt tliuggists. jiii20-ImdlTh&F.V.w KJ.SCUl.I) FIIOSI UKATIt '1 1'elolleWiiig'-tatcinentol U'illiaiu.) Cough Ceugh lin, et SemeiMht, dlas., is se lcmaikablc that r beg twitsk ler it the attention of our lead eis llesis: " In the lull et lb7" I t iken with a violent bleeding et the lungs followed by asovriecengh 1 seen began te lese my upp-tili and tlc-di 1 wus se weak at one time that 1 umld net lei; r :-iy bctl. In the siiuinii i of ls77 I was .idiiittd te the City Hospital. While tiieie the ih i I i.ssaid I hid a hole in my left lung as hi ;.is ,i half cellar. 1 oxpend expend cd evi i h hundiii! il'dlius in docteisantl med icine. I was se geneat en time a icpeit v.en: .neund that I was dead. I gave up hope, buti. liicnd told meet Da. Wai. Hall's Balsam imi.tiii: Lunch. I Ki.ghrsl at my fi lends, think ing in it my ease was incurable, hut 1 get a bottle 'e satisfy them, v. hen te my suuiiiS' and gratllieitinn, 1 eeinineneed te leel bettei. Jiy hope, once dead, began te irivr, and te day I teel in bette: spniHthin I have the past tluer cais " I write this liepii'g ou will )iiblsh it, se th it rveiene alllicted with Ui-eased Lungs will In- isiil'icel te take Di. U m. Hall's Balsam lei the Lungs, anil be convinced eon een sump'isTi can be enied. I hivr two lietth anil e in positively say that it has tlene meie geed flan all oilier medicines I have taken since my sickness. My cough has al most entiuly disappe lie 1 and I shall seen be able te go te weik." Sold in Lanm-dci at Cochran'- Ding Meie, 1 57 anil lSJXeith Queen stir iv2S UdeedTh&w2 CAKltiM.IC SALA'i:. The 1 est Mlvc in Hie weild for cuts, biuises, sei s, uleeis, salt lheiini, let tei,chaiiped hands, chllbl uns. coins and all kinds et skin ciup 1 1en tircl.les and pimples. The s.dve is ...lied te give peilect satisfaction in evciy case ti money letiiuded. Be sine ou gel Ih'tirj's Catholic Salve, .is all etheis me but liiiit Uieiisanil eeunteifelts. Piicr i"icents. el I in Cochran's DiugSteie, le7 i ; ..) Neith Uuecn stieet. A (iliml AngefM lsir A T.llt) et "Kemi dulls." Hliniehr e.illed en Kate, tine pleasant day, and leiinil tiei sad and sighing, dealest liieud, once blight mid ay, new sen ce could keep liein eiing; tei, ' eh," she still, "'tis a til gmcr te see with ec.elul.i, my face se badly limned"' then s-iidhertiiend, " Kes.iil.llis will yeui tieiiblescntl." Blanche called en hate nethei tl ly and teund hei once meie blithe mid gay. lit i face as l.uiiant, skin as lair, as an maiden's iiiiwheir. 1'er skin diseases and iuipuic bloe I, tlieie's nothing iu the weild se geed as Itesiidalis, it dtlvesaway all skin diseideis, hiiinei, nay, it tones I he s8 tem, tuieseiii ills ami lianishes all doctor's hills' Sold in Lanc.islei at Cochran's Ding Stoic, 1 !7 and 1 50 Xoi Hi Queen stieet. ijSOljdeed.xw 1 JtJiATitn. UirMut In Maner tow lislnji, Daniel I. .Wit- mcr, m tlieiiitn vein et tils age Theiel.itives and liienlsel the taiully aie lespectlully Invited te attend the fumi.ii liemhls late lesidence, Indiantew-n, Maner township, to-iunuew (Tucsilny) meining at 10 o'clock. ltd Minmi ii. On the 25d Inst., at Laiiilisvlllc, Li:rir, tlauglitei et S. 15. and C. Min nich, aged one year, seven mentlisantl twenty tour d.i s. The icliitives and Ii lends tt the family aie lespecttiil! invited te attend the luueial liein tneiesidenceel her patents, Landisv illr, en U't dnrsd.iy morning at 'J o'clock. jva ii Aitvi:iiTisi;3ii:s is. w .SiJl.II A. !lllUaill?l lil J Itlll.'tll t Oirl us Clnmbci maid. Hetel picteued. Ainily at 424 WEST OltANli E STItbET, Lan caster, Pa It mi i;i:::;iilau month i.y mlktixg ok 1 the Union Buililing and Lean Association n.ltiei MOX- will be held at W A WiNen's ellice en DA E EN1NG, lttl t 7o'eleck, A. II. B LL, Seeietaiy. NO'lIUK. ThcDiv (Joedsstoieot UIVLEIS, HOW hKS A, IIUItsT. 25 Last King stieet, will In In ceosed TO-MOUUOW (TUESDAY) fie pui pose el taking account et stock. Open Wednesday nieiimig as usual It I(MT. j This meining at the -ceinei et Onuif,e and Pilnce stieets, a new hoot. The lindei will be lew aided n- Irav ing the same at STUCK EMIOL's MUSIC STOBE, ltd Fnlten Opera Heuse. -IIKOFHSSIONAL VISITS X Will hematic te any distance when tie siietl by 11. D. LONliAlvEil, ai. l. The lemcdiesadministeietl by tlie Docter nirt these which will net bieaktlewn the constitu tion, but will icnevate the system from all lnjuiics it has sustained tiem mineial medi cine and leave it in a healthy and perfectly cured condition. Oflice Xe (1 5 E 1st .. alniit stieet. l.aucistcr. Consultation liee. G' 1KANI) Ol'KNItl. The undcisigned respectlnlly inv itcS his li lends and the puimc m geneiai te tlie Formal Opening of his Saleen, TO-jreinw.w, AFTEBNOOX AXD EVLXINC, SA VER KRA FT L FXCir n thr E I'EXIXd Ehret's Xev Yeik Hcei. PLTEIt LOT, It Ne. Jl Neith Queen Stuct. A sK lounuueeKK rest Eby, Steinnan 6c Ce 'a MAXHE1M ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR, tlie best in Hie maiket. This flour willicld meiebiead letlicburel than the old piecess Heur. Tr it and be convinced. j.OdK "t 1KAKD OF PHILADELPIA. Assets ever Eleven Hundred sand. Theu- Dellais, securely in-vested. Fer a policy in tills old and well-established company call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, XO. 10 EAST KINU STREET. dlM.W&SK 1EMRANCEWANY ITEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TEAL7.ll DIi YKUDlti GIFTS. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, BRONZES, And the man elegant anil artistic articles embraced in our stock are especially tit ted for WEDDING GIFTS, - , BECAUSE THEY ARE Durable, Useful and Intrinsically Valuable. The very liberal share et trade we have received In the past has encouraged us te place in our cases a liner and larger stock than eer befeie, te which we cordially invite the attention of all v he de-lie te examine beautiful oed. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, ZAHM'S CORNER, nct.!3-3md&w U LA TERTAZXMCSTS. ryu U t.VKT Or TUB SKASON. FIRST GRAND lasctaeraile i Fanc7 Dress Ball OP THE CANNSTATTER VOLKSFEST VEREIN, OF LANCASTKK, OX 3IOXDAY EVEMXU, J AX. 2, 1SS2. A T FCI.TOX ITALT. LOWr.ll FLOOlt, The pieceeds te be ter BEXhteLKXT SOClLTy the benefltet tie OF LANCA&TEU, TICKETS;, Admitting Lady and Oenllenian.Sl SPlXTATOlt'S TICKET (ter Gallery), tr.e. Grand Tableau at 8:30 O'Cleck. Tickets can be obtained fiem Members and :t Fied Weelule's "Tiement Heuse," -Neith Queen stieet. Cost ii in en or 1 very Description cm be hud at the Hall en thu 'evening et the Hall at all puces, iieni si up. Juil4-ttd COMMITTEE. F DtTUK OPIUCA HOL'SK. WEDNESDAY EVN'G, JAN. 25. (Srand et Old 'lime Minstielsy. M. T. SKIFF'S Famous California Minstrels AXD UOLDEX CITY I5UASS BAND. Positively the veiy best tiaveling Minstiel Company In the entile world under the per sonal management Mi'. M. T. Skiff, the 1 ell able manager, ler twenty years constantly be be eoie the public, and ulwnys identified with strictlv tlrst-clrss attractions. Absolutely evei member a star. A AKTlSTS. The great remediaiis, FOX WABD; the popular Yeung Comedian, MIC WALLY tilltlfs; the KenowiicdCaliteinia Comedian. MIC CHAS. A. MASOX; The Champien Lightning Zeuave Drill Artist, MA JOB THOMAS.and thr Weild Renowned California Qnaitette. BRYANT & SOMEKS. the Great Musical Team, ami a lull chorus and Orches tra. 4EXDMEM. The most superb selection et special nev cities ever piesented en n mlii stlrl stage. POPULAR PRICLS: 35. 50 and 75c. Ke sn ved seats at opera house efllce. 21 4t FOR SALE. 1.MMC SALK,-TUK STOCK. GOOD WILL 1 and Fixtui es et a Large First-Class LlV hlt is ellered for sale. Geed and satisfactory leisens given for selling. Inciuirc at ian 21 Ultl CITY LI VER . PKIMK UAY. WESTK1HJ CllltN AND Oats ter sale at Lcaman Place ntall limes at mai'.et pi ices. Alse, COM. AXD LUMBER. i2::;ind H. n. KOHRER. 1MIK KI5MT IX WItlOUISVIt.1,1!., A NEW 1 Tobacco Waicheuse, veiy convenient for n-ei iving antl shipping tobacco; capacity 2,(i00 case? : will suit two packers ; will insuie at lowest l.ates. Ferpaitlculars apply te JlhXin KAL'FFELT, Wlightsvillr. Pa . ei te BAUSMAX &. BURNS. 17-lnnl 10 WrstOiange St., Lrtneastci. Pa. rMii; MLK. -AMMMIZNsK MI.MItEKOr llOUshs, sTOKL-5. BUILDING LOIS, &c, ef.ill desciiptiens, iu all leculities mid at all pi Ices CATALOGUE, with pilces, lire teeveiy one. ALLAN A. II ERR X CO, tlec'5 .Suiil 3 North Duke stieet. PUKI.IC SALK O STOCKS ON MlIN DAY, .1 AN U AR TOth. ls?2, at 2 50 o'clock p. in., will be sold at the il Hetel, ha-t King stieet, Limciistrr, Pa, the following stocks : 70shares Lancastei Ceuntv National Bank stock. lOsh.aics Conesle0a and Big Epilog alley Tin npike Ce. Sleck. Is sh ires Mai letta Tin npike Ce. Stock. 23 shines Xanew Gauge R. R. Ce. Stock. 2 shires EiiHt Biandvwlnr Wavnesbuig IC K. Ce Stock. 1 siuie Sicily Isla'id. Temis will be made known bv. SILAS II. OKltA. IOII.V D. SK1LES, VdmiiiisliattiM et the estate et Win. L. Peiper, ilec'tl, ILmiuucbt, Auct. Jan 21,25.23 I1UICL.IC SALKUFA VAMJA1ILK BWKLt ING HOUSE. On SATl'KDA". FEB. II. 1sb2. at Hie Feunhiin Inn, Seuth Qiirrn street, Lancaster city, w ill be sold at Public Sale a geed and substantial tluee-steiy buck DULLLING HOUSE, with fient ynitl en ulssrtl bv substanlliil iien fence, with a two twe two sleiy buck back building, containing hall, 10 looms and bath loom, hydrant In the yaid, het antl cold water in kitchen antl en second fleer, with range, slate mantels, w itli heater, luating pallor and looms en second lioer. Gas anil :as lixtuies thiounheut the house. Has been newly papeied anil has perpetual Ju insurance. There aie a number of choice grapevines ami ether li niten the let. Tluspieperty is situated en the neithvvet coiner of North Duke and Lemen stieets, lei'icastcr. Pa., one of the most desirablr loca tions lera home in the city. sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. in. Persons wishing ie view the piepeny or as certain the conditions et salts vv ill plea-c i all upon A. K. SPURRIER, Aldeiman. (2I-S& W Ktsd Xe. 24 Seuth Queen street. 1 LECTION THE ANNUAL KLKCTIOX jj el Trustees et the Lancaster Cemcteiy, will be held en TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 7th. lbS2, betw ecu the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock a in., at the Grape Hetel, North Queen stieet. DAXIEL HE1TSHU, President. J21 3td23Jfctrb4 XT "TICK. J Whereas, By Sec :tot the Act approved A pill 20. 1874. p. 1. page U, it is prev itled that the indebtedness et any city in this commonwealth may be autheiized te be in creased te an amount exceeding two per centum, and net exceeding seven per centum, upon the last picceding assessed valuation el ue taxable propel ty therein, with the assent et the electors theieet: mid .... . ..' .. ... VVliereas, ah ertiinaucc was passeti u me I Councils et the City of Lancaster, and nppiov nppiev cd Xevembcr .5. 1831, " ler the purpose et ob taining the assent et the clecteis et saiti city te tne Increase et indebtedness of said city ter the Improvement et the Water Weiks,antl the Laing et Xew Disli Uniting Mains; antl Whereas, The said Act et 1874 requires that thirty days' notice be given et an election te be held ter the puipese aforesaid; XOTICE IS THEREFORE HEREBY GIVEN' that an Election will be held at the places et holding municipal elections in the Cilyel Lancaster en TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1832, ler tlie pmposcef obtaining the assent el the electors 1 hereof te such increase el indebtedness. Last assessed valuation et ci1y pieperty, sll.iflS.rnS; amount of city debt i? $718,412.00; amount et sinking fund. tC2,:553,0i;; amount et proposed increase et city debt, $C7.000: per coinage of proposed increase of debt, 5 77-10O millsef total assessed valuation. .ISO. T. MvcGOMGLE, j.l,2sitrb4,ll,13 Mayer. r YOU WANT GLASS WITH BOllV AND STRENGTH, BUJ STAR GLASS. It you want your windows, GLA-jS that will net stain in BUY STAR GLASS. If yen want GLASS that will keep market able in damp cellars, buy STAB GLASS. US' Fer sal'- by Lanrastcr Hartht are Dealers. J. M. ALBERTSON & SON, STAR GLASS WORKS, jl9-Ctdeed,&3tw- Xoinstewn, Ta. LANCASTER. PENN'A. MARKETS. rniUdelphla niarSci. Pbiladklfhia. Jan. 2.5. Fleur Him and tending upward ; Superfine, 13 Qi i" ; r .ira. W 50Q5 r ; Ohie and Indiana tacitly, iC 50g7 23; Pennsylvaiiin mmlly iti 23 C TiO: St. Leuis c!e JC 87S7 25; Minnesota Extra, fb 23G 5l ; de straight, 5 5M?7 : vv inter patent. $72.'i87 "3 : spring de, $7 237 "i. Bye flour at W 735 00. Wheatstieng and higher : Del. andPenn'a iteii, ji ai te ; de Amber. $1 4631 17. Cern steady, witli geed inquiry ler local use : Steerage. 70i?70c : Sail Yellow, Tic ; de Mixed 71c ; Xe. 3 tle G'JSG'JKe. uis ii un, uui sieauy. ltyr dull at !X)3Kc. .. Previsions strong ; mess perk at 13 5) : beet hams, 20 50321 ;u; Intlia mess beef. $25 00 25 1 50 ; smoked hani", UM12c: pickled tle, l(llc. Laitl strong ; loose butchers', lie. Butter tlrm ; choice grades wanted ; Cream ei v extra, 4041c. Kellsdull; Penn'a and Western, 12Q2.5C as te finality. Eggs sciuce mid .Inn ; l'enna , 2lffl25c : Western. 25c. Cheese iiiiet, but hi m. Petroleum ilim ; Ketlncil, 7c. Whisky at $l 19 Seeds goetl te prime clever steady at $y, ' ; tle de Flaxseed quiet at jl 35i :5;. ?ew YerK marKet. Xkw ere. .lanuaiy 23 Fleur State and Western a shade bettei, niedemtely active and stieng. Wheat feverish, somewhat excited and lfc higher: with active speculative trading. Cern V.ibic better antl rather nuiet. Oats' Jec better and quiet. Grain and Prevision (Juotutleun One o'clock quotations el grain anil provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Yutidt, Breker, 15'-$ East King stieet. Jan. 2:1. 1 v. m. Chicago. Cern Oats y-A .wyA .w.i Philadelphia, .70 JXM .72'i .5l'i .1-X .mil Wheat . l'U'5 lJli Perk 17 SU 13 0. Lard 11.20 11.37 Feb... Mmch May . Feb.... Mulch Apiil . l-''5 1.43 USX Llve stecn .ilarKets. Cuicaoe. Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head ; ship uients, 1 000 head ; market weak and 5luc lower; $5 803(5 40 ler geed te choice ; packing and shipping. W 45( si ; Philadelphia ami hud hogs SO 907: light hogs, $CS 40; skips and culls, $4 105 50. Cattle Receipts, 2,000 lirail; shipments, 3,400 head; mm kct generally lifeless, owing te the scarcity or cais ; experts, $3 S08C 40 ; geed te choice shipping $3 405 80; common te lair, tl W)4 00 ; mixed butchers' $2 tOl ; steckcrs and feeders $2 75 i 'M. Sheep-Receipts, 1,000 head ; shipments, 1 000 head; mm kct dull: interior te talr, $2 754 ; medium te geed at $1 40." ; choice te extra at 5 23fi5 71. Cattle Market. Piiiladkumiia, Jan. 25 Cattle market dull sales. 3.00J head : prime. h'ifflC'Xc : iroetl WiWic; medium, f'40c; common. 4f5e. sneep maiket inactive ; sales, 13,C03hcad ; niimr. WifflO'X: teod. 52I5K: medium. 4li0 4ii; con. men, 5-'t ; lambs, 47c ; calves, a'Jc. Hogs active: sales, 4 TiOO ; piime, 10c: geed, !'c ; nicilluni, s'&'tjic ; common, 8 3iC. BtoeK atarsec Xew 101k, Philadelphia and Lecal slecks also United States Bends reported dully by .Jacob B. Lotte, X. E. Cor. Cuntie Square Nbw Yerk stocks. Stocks iurgularand unsettled. Jan. 2 5. 10 oil IMO 3:01 127'" 12e; li"3i 10s ur.yi leeji 54 .... 5.5 IUJ4 l' 18J myi iu uy 107 ine4 100 fr : tsa ii.T-i'if4 49M 7 i 82 Hi .... '& 40 40 M 'SSy, t)4Ji X;i 1t, 26i 1.52 1314 131 3IK .... :55i 21 . 234 404 wyt 40X a'A :n 34 100! 10.1 99 SK 89 Sr 49 " 471 4' llhVi 11 " .57 :55J4 25; i WA 0!4 iyA ?t K. M. P. M. H (.2 M) (il 32 .52. 31 011 42 .... 42 a W'A 19J4 4'l &K 35U 34 74M 73J V.Ya IS 115 .... ll-i 19 .... ISO 1H .... 30 30 P.M. 1:00 110 114 102i 101 Monev Chicago & Xertli Westei n. . . Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul ". Canada Southern C. C. & 1. C. R. R Del.. Lack. & Western Delaware ft Hudsen t uiud.. . Denver & Rie Grande EastTcnn., Va A Git Hannibal & St. Jee Lake Shere ft Mich. Southern Manhattan Elevated Michigan Central Missouri, Kansas & Texas X. Y., Lake Erie ft Western.... hew Jersey Central X. V., Ontario Westei n New Yerk Central Ohie ft Mississippi Ohie Central Pacific Mall Steamship Ce... SC Paul ft Omaha de Prefenctl Central Pacific Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash, St. Leuis ft Pacitlc... " Prelened. Western Union Tel. Ce Philadelphia. Stocks unsettled. Pennsylvania 1CK Lehigh Valley..... Lehigh Navigation Ex Div.... Buffalo, Pitts, ft Western Northern Central Northern Pacitlc. " Prelerred Hestenvillt Electric Undeigreund Tel. Ce Philadelphia ft Erie IC R Gunnison Mining Iowa Gulch Minincr Uhitbe States Benus. United States 4 per cents " 4V4 Lecal ntecKH Hint llemti. Par val. Lanc.Clty f per ct. Lean, duel332...$100 1S35 .. 100 1890 .. 100 " isa-... 100 S pr.- ct. in 1 or 30 years. . 100 5 pci it. school Lean 100 1 in ler 20 years.. 100 " 4 in 5 or 2i) years., leu " in 10 or 20 ears. 100' DANK STOCKS. Las sale $105 114 118.18 120 109 112 102 lOiaC 105 $175 103 105 140 130 135 134.51 202.5T 145.75 141.51 70.5L 105 $114.75 10l 105 51 100 First National Bank $100 . 50 . 50 . 100 . loe . 100 IU) 100 100 . 100 100 Farmeis" National Bank, .. . .. . ... . . ijancasier ueuniy iaueuai ihuik, Columbia National Bank.... Kphrata National Bank First Xatienal Bank, Columbia . . First Xatienal Rank, Strasburg... First Xatienal Bank, Marietta.. .. First Xatienal Bank, Mount Jey. Lititz Xatienal Bank Man helm Xatienal Bank Union Xatienal Bank. Mount Jev 50 New Helland Xatienal Bank leu MISCELLANEOUS nOMS. Quanyvlllc R. IC, due 1893 $100 Reading & Columbia R. Rdue 1882 100 Lancaster Watch Ce , due 1S8S 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due in ler 20 yeais 100 Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., llllC 1331 lUU Stevens Heuse 1(H) MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Quarryviilc IC R $ 50 Millcrsvillc Street Car 50 Inquirer Printing Company 50 Watch Factory loe Gas Light antl Fuel Cempauy. ... 25 Stevens Heuse 10" Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company. .1 Susquehanna lien Company 100 11X5 80 $5.2.1 25 10 120 75.10 Marietta lioiiew ware iw TURNPIKE STOCKS. Big Spring ft Beaver Valley $ 25 $ 10.2J Bridgeport 1JK 21 Columbia ft Chestnut Hill 25 18 Columbia & Washington 25 20 Columbia ft Big Spring 25 14.1b Lancaster ft Ephrata 25 47.23 Lanc.,EIizabetht'n4Middlet'n 100 61 Lancaster Fruitvllle. 50 50 Lancaster ftLitltK 25 C4.10 Lancaster ft Willlamstewn 25 53 Lancaster Maner 50 92 Lancaster Manhelm 25 30.4 Lancaster Marietta 25 25.? Lancaster ft New Helland 100 85 Lancaster ft Susquehanna. 300 Lancaster ft Willow Street 25 40.1S Strasburg Millport 25 21 Marietta ft Maytown 25 40 Marietta Mount Jev 25 THIED EDITION. MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 23, 1882. PORTER PJTCHES IN. CL03ING SPEECH OF THIS TBIAL. GUITEAU B1TIEK lNVfcCTlYK AGAINST ASSASSIN. THE Who Punctuates tbe Speech With Kemarks 01 ill. uwn Tbe Tremendous irewu Present aa the Trial Draws te an Knd Gnlteau Don't Want a Cabinet Office. "Washington, Jan. 23. Fer every ssat in the court room tbere were his morning at least ten applicants clamoring for admittance and every passage way was blocked up, and many holders of tickets were unable te get near enough the deer te squeeze in. A thousand people steed shivering outside. Ouiteau led oft' with the announcement that he was receiving many tender letters from ladies. lie said it had been suggested that President Arthur give him(Guitcau)a cabinet e9Ec j. He would net accept a portfolio from President Arthur, as he thought it would net ba proper te de se. He then announced that if Judge Perter iu his closing speech attempted te mislead the juiy he would be stepped. Judge Perter then commenced his argu ment, plainly showing marks of his illness. After painting with fervid language the damnable wickedness of the ctimc, he turned his attention te the prisoner, a beg gar, a hypocrite and swiudler ; a lawyer who never wen a case, for no jury failed te see iu him the dishonest regue. He left his trail of iufamy iu a hundred iliil'er cnt directions. Pushing himself into fellowship with Christian associations fresh fiem six yeais foul fornication iu the Oneida community, he committed adultery with a stieet walker. As the resistless ten cut of deuuueiatien and iuvective poured forth the prisoner would interrupt with such a remark as "That's a lie." At 1:15 Judge Perter dcsiied te be ex cused from futthcr speakiug for the day, aud the court adjourned until te-morrow. CLAHKSON X. l'OTTI'.K DSC AD. Pasting Quietly Away at Mile o'clock This Morning. New Yeik, Jan. 23. The Hen. Claik Claik sen N. Petter died at histesidence, Ne. 1(S Gramercy park, at nine o'clock this raetn ing. He was conscious shortly before his death and passed away without apparent pain. The news of his death spread quickly and was everywheie received with expressions of legret. f Claiksen Nett Petter, of New Iloch Ilech clle, was bem at Schenectady. New Yeik, in 182 j ; gtaduated at Union college and at the Rensselaer Polytechnic institution ; for a short time was engaged in surveying in the JNertuwe&t; studied law, and en coming te the bar commenced pr.ictice iu the city of New Yerk ; argued the causes in the supreme court of the United States in which the legal tender act was heid te be unconstitutional, and was sub sequently selected by that ceutt te dis cuss that questeu when it was reached ; received the degree of Docter of Laws from Columbia College, New Yeik, in 1872 ; never held any office but that of repiescntative in Cengiess ; was elected te the Forty-fit st Congress, re-elected te the Forty-second and Forty-third Congresses, declined au election te the Forty-fourth Cengiess, and was re-elected te the Forty fifth Congress as a Democrat, receiving 10,178 votes against 11, 1C0 votes for Geerge H. Hraudieth, Republic in. 31 r. Petter was a son of the late Bishop Petter and a grandson of old Dr. Nett, the famous piesident of Union college. He was one of the most cultured and feai lessly honest men in public life He was chaiiimui of the committee of the Heuse which investigated and laid bare the great electoral fraud : and the iNTEi.i.iOEN'rr.u once named him for the Democratic nom ination of president, for which 'he was eminently lit. Eds. Intelligencer. STAK KOUTK DKUIflOX. Tlie Case of Waley Heard In Philadelphia. Phil vdelimiia, Jan. 23. Argument was heard en the motieu for a new trial in the civil suit brought by the government against Bcnj.B. Waley, star route contract or, in tlie Uuited States civil court before Judges Butler and McKennan this morn ing, the motieu being denied. Judgment had ahcady been obtained against Waley en his bend accompanying his proposal for carrying mails, and the present action was taken for the purpose of recovering the actual less sustained by the United States. The court held that a double recovery for the same cause of action could net be had MILLS BURNED OCT. Kxtenslve Leut by Fire m New Hampshire. Keenk, N. II., Jan. 22. Sprague's mills at Swansed, two and a-half miles from Kecue, owned by O. Sprague, were destroyed by fire this morning. The less is $35,000 ; insutance, $18,000. They were occupied by Frederick Colony and Legan & Lindsay, manufactuiing bed blankets ; insurance $12,000, which will net cover the less. Sprague & Whit comb's box shop, adjoining, was also binned ; less $8,000, insured for $4,e00. All the books aud papers were destroyed. The fiie eiiginatcd-in lighting up the mills in the morning. One hundred employees arc thrown'eut of weik. Ou Unquestionable Authority." Washington, Jan. 23. It is stated en unquestionable autheiity that the sub ject of the succession te the vacancy en the United States supicme bench, which will be occasioned by the retirement of Justice Hunt, has net even been hinted at between the presideut and Secretary Fol Fel Fol ger since the latter entered upon his pre sent duties. Dropped Dead la a Depot. Nnw Yerk, Jan. 23. Geerge W. Wheel oak, of Stamford, Conn., New Yerk agent of the Great Western dispatch transporta tion company dropped dead this morning at the Grand Central depot. Apoplexy or a sadden attack of heart disease is sup. posed te have been the cause. He was about 50 years old. Punch" Confiscated la Berlin. Berlin, Jan. 23. The police confiscated the last number of Londen Punch in con sequence of a cartoon en the 'recent im perial rescript. STABBED BV A sTRAXGEK, A Weman in Philadelphia Dancereusly As saulted. Philadelphia, Jan. 23. Daniel Berri- gan went te the house of Daniel Kelley, en Jlclvale :treet, last niht, and without provocation stabbed 3Iary Sncll, who was visiting thore. The kniifc penetrated her forehead inflicting a dangerous wound. She is a stranger te her assailant and re sides in Pleasantville, N. J. Berrigan was arrested eat ly this morning, and was held for trial. STATE Hen tlie Alg PK1SONKKS KXfcCCTKD. han Amser DUpesed el the Cen- ipiraiers. Loxdex, Jau. 23. The Calcutta corres pondent of the Times telegraphs as fol fel lows : ' It seems certain that the Ameer of Afghanistan has executed Mahomed Jan and several ether state prisoners. The plan of the recently discovered plot against the government iu Xepaul was te threw aliemb iute a room where the min isters wcre assembled and te cut down theso attempting te escape." Purchaser or the TilcUuImeitt Stock. PiiiLvncLruiv, Jan. 23. It is stated in Third stieet this morning, en authority that the gieater part or the McCalmont stock sold last week was net bought for Vatulerbilt, but for a syndicate of Gewon's ft Intuit hnnil. ed by E. C. lvuight, former presideiTt of the Dclaware & Bound Bioek ; the pur pose of this syndicate being te form a close aHuiic between the Reading and the New Jersey Pei in ment Inhibition .slocklteltlem. Piiii.vDEi.i'iii v, Jan. 23. At a meeting of the stockheltleis of tin- pcini.iueut exhi bition company te-tl.iy a i, 'solution ap proving of the action of the beard of di rectors iu selling the t:liibitieu buildiug was adopted. Alter electing a beard of directeis for the ensuing year the nieetinc adjourned. Bridge Burners Iteleifiril. Readine, Jan. 23. Et'win Smith anJ Samuel Humphreys, who weie con victed ou the charge of burning the Leba non Valley lailread bridge near this city dining the railroad riots of 1877, and sen tenced te five veais' immisenmcut. were discharged this meining, their terms having cpiicd. K.nlr.iad tllllctrs KlerteJ. Puilvdei.i'Iiiv, Jan. 23. The East I'cnnsjlvaiiia raihead, the East Maha ney raihead, the Reading & Columbia rail rail le.ul and the Chester & Delaware River railroad, the four leads controlled and operated by -the Philadelphia k Read ing railroad cempiny, elected officers. G. M. Nicell.s was elected presi dent of each of the leads named. m WKATllim INIIlCA'liO.YS. Washington, D. C, Jan. 22. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, cold and generally fair weather will continue, with north west te nei thiMst winds, ami higher ba rometer. fatal Full en an Icy Mttcuiiik. Jersey City, Jan. 23. ReLcit Quiai, CO yeais of age, a painter, while going te weik this inei ning slipped en the iceal Exchange Place, anil striking the back of his head ou the sidewalk was killed almost instantly. A Kentucky Murder Trial. CTi.ETTsuri:e, Ky., Jan. 23. Judge Biown has iveu his instructions te the juiy iu the Ashland murder case, and the attorneys aie new emxjagtd in their argu ments. Cut te Pieces en the ICallreail. Exsten, Pa., Jan. 28. The temains of an unknown man cut te pice cs were found yesterday en the Lehigh Valley railroad, between Frccmansburg and Bethlehem. AssAsttlnuted. Londen, Jan. 23. A preen; servtr was shot ileal near Castlere igh, county Ros Res com men, last eveni ug. S1.H0O i.s A CAKTICIIJCJK BOX. A DiHt-every that ICcinevecl Suspicion frcm m Family laiurlen Adams's Deatb. Charles F. Adams, a watchman at the Winchester aims factory, died en Decem ber 29, at the liens. of Gee. (juinn, where he had been undergoing treatment for twi or Unci: vvveks for inilam inilam ma'eiy iheiimatisin. Aftei his death a se.ncli was in uie of his person and efTects for a laige sum of money that he was supposed te have about him. Net leug belerc his death he showed an ncquiiuta uce a money belt which he said contained $2,100. He also spoke te ethers of having saved up a considerable sum, which he said he carried with him. Con sequently much surprise was felt when a seat eh el his effects brought te light only about $70. The Quinns were suspected of having the missing money, although there was no direct evidence iu sup sup peit of such a conclusion. This suspicion would piebahly never have been removed but for a chance discovery. Adams's clothes, after his death, weie taken te the undertaker's, aud the admiuntratoref the estate weut te the establishment te ap praise the garments, prcpaia.ery te selling them by auction. An overcoat had been val ued and was about te be laid aside, when a dirty piece of cloth dropped from one of tbe pockets wiapped around a large cartridge shell, which ou being opened, disclosed a tell of bills that counted up $1,80?, thore being one $1,000 note, one of $300, and three of $10C each. A mere chance pic vented the whole from being thrown iu the liibbish ban el. U1FT ltMZA WiNUN. c WMMD.MVI'.AI.TII DISTRIBUTION CO. 40 th .Popular Monthly Drawing O TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the City or Louisville, en TUESDAY. JANUARY 31st. 1882. These drawing-! occur monthly (Sundays ecuptrd) under irev i-deim et uu Act et the Umicral Asicmbly el Kentucky. The United .SUtu Circuit Court en MarchSl, rendered the fellow ing decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth DUtrlbntlea Company Is legal. 2l Its draw tngxare fair. N. 1!. Hit: Company has nnw en hand a large reserve fund. Ucad the list of prizes ler the .lAXlTAUY DRAWING. i prize. ......... ................... .. i pr.ze. ............................... .9 30,000 .. 10,000 l prize.............. "a O.UUK 10.008 iuyiuca 1,WUCTM1I. ...... ...... 20 prizes 500 each '100 nrlzes 1100 each . 10,000 JV,WV 2uu prizes ae eacn iu.uuu 600 prizes 30 each 12,09 1000 prizes lOeach 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,709 9 prizes 200 each, " " UBM 9 prizes 100 each, " t LQSOprlzcs..... ...... W12,40C Whole tickets. $2; hair tickets, tl; 27 tickets 30; 65 tickets, U. Kctnit Meney or Uank Draft In Letter, et send by Express. DON'T SEND BV KEGIS TEKED LETTER OK POSTOKEICE OKDEK. Orders of 15 ami upward, by Express, can be gent at enr expense. Address alt orders te B. .uuakubaa, courier-Journal jsuuuing- Louisville. Ky., 01 K. M. 1IOARDHAN, Hreadwav. New Yerk. fehl-TuThASAw