LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER SATURDAY. JANUARY 21, 1882. Hancastn; InieUigcnm SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 21, 1882. Reinaucc of a Disaster. A Weman's Pretty Picture of the Couple who were Killed at Spuyten Duyvll. Buffalo Courier. On Thursday evening at 8 o'clock tbe train from Bosten via. the Fitchburg rill rill read, passing through the Hoosac tunnel, stepped just beyond at North Adams, when the writer, almost the sole occupant of the coach " Rosedale," bound for St. Leuis via BufTale, stepped from the train escorted by the polite conductor, te take a solitary " five minutes " supper. A great commotion was observed in the station, and the girl behind the lunch counter has teued te tell the conductor that a wedding party was about te take his train. With true feminine curiosity we burned our mouth with a cup of bitter boiling tea, and returned in haste te the coach just in time te see cuter a pretty blushing bride of nineteen, followed by her hand some young husband, who did net leek te be ever twenty. After tbcm came a stout gray haired senior, who, as the officiating clergyman, evidently deemed his duties net complete until he had seen his young charges safely started en their wedding journey. He was in danger of being tramped upon by a gay crowd of young fellows at his heels, whose overcoats did net conceal their satin ties and wedding favors. They were the ushers and the best men. Depositing their satchels and bags of unmistakable newness the bride nestled into a corner, loosened her seal skin, studied her bridal bouquet, and then tossing back her feathers, cxclaimedpith a little sigh of satisfaction : " Di'lu t it go off beautifully '."' The clergyman, smiling upon her bc nignently, said : "Yes, but that's what they all say, my dear !" "O, I knew it's an old story te you, sir; but we've never been married before, have we ."' looking up mischievously from be neath her frizzes at her husuauil. "Ne," said the young fellow, laiurh ingly, "I believe net." " And te think of all these lovely pre scuts ; I've enough te fill our house," said the. But new the whistle proclaimed that the live minutes at North Adams was passed. The clergyman kissed the bride, grasped the hand of each ami with a hearty ' Happy journey my dears,' de parted precipitately. As the train slowly moved out of the depot a loud chorus of " 'rail, 'rah, 'rah" sounded clear above the din of the engine, and was responded te in kind by the live noisy young gentle men iu the next section. The bride peer ed out of the window until the cheers had subsided, and then turning exclaimed : Hew lovely of them te coins te the station aud give us such a glorious send-off.'' We shall be pardoned for having ob served this party se interestedly when we explain that, since leaving Bosten at three p. in., we had been dependent upon the attentive conductor for society, who, a few moments before, had left us in a state of cold terror, after a recital of a hair breadth escape from a recent railroad ac cident, closing his tale with the cheering admission that accidents were se likely te occur that he never allowed himself te think of them. Had it. net been for the presence of the 1). I)., we should have in stantly decided that this v;vs a case of elopement, for the bachelor fiicuds of the bridegroom were se young, and their conversation showed them te be members of some college society, whose badge they sported. Our fancy was pleased by the teuc of remonstrance assumed toward them by the new made benedict, who was the butt of all their jokes and was net allowed te enjoy his wife's society during the hour's ride te Trey, each of tee ethers iu turn claiming her attention. It was evident that chant pagne had llewed at the wedding banquet, which, if net tee freely enjoyed, had sulli sulli cieutly enlivened them and loosened their tongues. At one time a bet was proposed the amount te be paid in candy te the bride. Iu the light of subcctpicut events we can but wonder why every little inci dent couneeted with this p irty i;u pressed itself se indelibly upeu our mind. One of the young fellows begged te be allowed a peep into the locket which tiie bridegroom were en his watch chain. " Can I let-tlicm see ".'" said the young husband, looking ever the back of his scat at his wife. She smiled assent. When, upeu opening it the curious youngster looked up roguishly " Ye.," said the proud owner, " It is my wile my girl !"' As the train neared Trey the whole party prepared te quit the car, and good byes we're exchanged am mg them. "We'll surely see you in .Tune," said eue, ad dressing himself te the happy pair. " Oh I yes. I'll come down and bring my wife." Our eyes followed the young woman as she pissed out of the car with her crowd of attendants, and she seemed conscious of our interest ; for as she disappeared from view she tunic! and smiled back at us. This was the last we saw of this nil usually attractive and merry wedding party, for new quiet was again restored te the slumbreus shades of "Besedale." But yesterday morning, en glancing at the head Hues of the telegraphic dis patches, a horror seized us en reading the follewing: "Tragic fate of a young couple en their wedding tour," aud among the list of these roasted alive iu the rail road accident near Spuyten Duyvil junc tien: "Park Valentine, of Bcnuiugten, Yt., agefl twenty-oue, and wife, aged nineteen," with the following explanation : " Valentine was a nephew of Trenor W. "Park, and was in business with his father, oue of the wealthiest citizens of Southern Vermont. His wife was Miss Gaylerd, of North Adams. They were en route te Flerida en their bridal tour. Beth the young couple might have been saved but for the desperate cling of the young bride te her husband." As we read these terri ble Hues our heart fairly ceases te beat, remembering hew blithe aud happy she was an hour after her marriage, for her bright smile haunts us still. A Bucharest Circus Burned. News has been received of the destruc tion by fire of the Circus Krcrasier at Bucharest. The flames spread se rapidly that it was with the utmost difficulty that auy who were in the establishment when the lire breke out could escape, aud when it was under control the discovery was made that many men aud he'ises had been burucd. Intense excitement prevailed during the conflagration, the horrors of which were increased by the fearful strug gling aud howling of the beasts iu the me nagerie opposite te the circus enclosure. Many of the beasts were terribly scorched by the heat aud made desperate by their efforts te escape from their cages. Theess of property is very heavy. Raiding a Town. A party of ten cowboys rode into Leng Pine, Neb., en Tuesday night, and took possession of the town. They shot out the lamps in the saloon, riddled the win dows, fixtures and walls and terrorized the inhabitants by firing fully a thousand shots during the night. Finally part of the gang bearded a train and continued sheeting from the rear platform. The in habitants at present seem tee glad at hav ing escaped personal injury te think of making an cftert te bring tee ouentiers te justice. Baseball Prohibited by Law In the Kentucky Legislature, yesterday, the l;v forbidding the playing of baseball in K'jule i ei'iniiv was modified se fls te permit playing in Covingteu. EXCITEMENT IN ROCHESTER. The Commotion Caused by the Statement or a Physician. An unusual article from the Rochester, N. Y., Democrat and Chronicle, was repub lished in this paper and was a subject of much conversation, both in professional circles and en the street. Apparently it caused" even mere commotion in Rochester a's the following from the same paper shows : Dr. J. B. Heuieu, who is well known net only in Rochester but in nearly every part of America, sent an extended article te this paper, a few days since which was duly published, detailing his remarkable experience and rescue from what seemed te be certain death. It would be impes sible te enumerate the personal enquiries which have been made at our oflice as te the validity of the article, but they have been se numerous that further investiga tien of the subject was deemed an editorial necessity. With this cud iu view a representative of this paper called en Dr. Heuieu, at his residence en St. Paul street, when the fol lowing interview occurred . " That arti cle of yours, Docter, has created quite a whirlwind. Arc the statements about the terrible condition you were in, and the way you were rescued such as you can sustain '.'' " Every one of them and many addi tional ones. Few people ever get se near the grave as I did and then return, and I am net surprised that the public think it marvelous. It was marvelous." "Hew in the world did you, a physi cian, be brought se low V" " By neglecting the first and most simple symptoms. I did net thiuk I was sick. It is true I had frequent headaches; felt tired most of the time ; could eat nothing one day aud was ravenous the next ; felt dull indefinite pains and my stomach was out of order, but I did net think it meant anything serious." " But have these common ailments any thing te de with the fearful Blight's dis- ,. .1.:..1. (nnl- en ...... n Iml.l Sill If111 ' " "Auy thing'.' Why, they are the sure indications of the first stages of that dreadful malady. The fact is, few peeple knew or rcalize what ails them, and I am sorry te say that few doctors de cither. "That is a strange statement doctor." "But it is a true one. The medicai pro fession have been treating symptoms in stead of diseases for years, aud it is high lime it ceased. We doctors have been clipping off the twigs when we should strike at the root. The symptoms I have just mcutiencd or any unusual action or rritatien of the water channels indicate the approach of Blight's disease even mere than a cough announces the coming of consumption. We de net treat the cough, but try te help the lungs. We should net waste our time trying te re lieve the hcad.iche, stomach, pains about the body or ether symptoms, but directly te the kidneys, the source of most of these ailments." "This, then, is what you meant, when you said that, mere than one-half the deaths which occur arise from Blight's disease, is it doetes ".' " Precisely. Thousands of se-called diseases are torturing people today, when iu reality it is Bright's disease iu some oue of its many forms. It is a Ilydra Ilydra headed monster, and the slightest symp toms should .stU;e terror te every ene wite has them. I can leek back and recall hundreds of deaths which physicians declared at the time were caused by par alysis, apoplexy, heart disease, pneumonia malarial fever and ether common com plaints, which I see new were caused by Blight's disease."' " Aud did all these cases have .simple symptoms at first ?" 'Every ene of them, aud might have been cured as I was by the timely use of the same remedy Warner s bate kidney and Liver Cure. I am getting my eyes thoroughly opened in this matter aud tliink 1 am helping ethers te sec the facts and their possible danger also. Why there aie no cud of truths bearing en this subject. I f you want te knew mere about it no aud see Mr. War ner himself. He was sick the same as I, and is the healthiest man in Rochester to day. He has made a study of this sub ject and can give you mera facts than I can. Ge, tee, and see Mr, Lattimere, the chemist, at the University. If you want facts there arc any quantity of them show ing the alarming increase, of Bright's dis ease, its simple and deceptive symptoms, aud that there is but one way by which it can be escaped." Fully satisfied of the truth and foice of the Docter s words, the reporter bade him goad day and called en Mr. Warner at his establishment en Exchange street. At first Mr. Warner was inclined te be rcti- sent, but learning that the information desired was about the "alarming incrcase of Bright's disease, his manner chauged instantly and lie speke very earnestly : " It is true that Bright's disease has in creased wonderfully, and we find by reli able statistics, that in the past ten years its growth has been Ji.iO per cent. Loek at the prominent men it has carried off : J'jverctt, Sumner, Chase, Wilaeu, Carpen ter, Bishop Haven and ethers. This is terrible and shows a greater growth than that of auy ether known complaint. It must be plain te every eue that something must be done te check this increase or tlicre is no knowing where it might end." " De you think many people are afflict ed with it who de net realize it, Mr. Warner?" "Hundreds of theusauds. I have a striking example of this truth which has just come te my notice. A prominent professor in a New Orleans medical col lege was lecturing before his class en the subject of Bright's disease. He had various fluids under microscopic analysis aud was showing the students what the indications of this terrible malady were. In order te draw the contrast between healthy and unhealthy lluids he had pro vided a vial the contents of which were drawn from his own person. 'And ne.v, gentlemen,' he said, 'as we have seen the unhealthy indication?, I will show you hew it appears in a stale of perfect health,' and he submitted his own fluid te the usual test. As he watched the results his countenance suddenly changed his color and command both left him and iu a trembling voice he said : 'Gentlemen, I have made a painful discovery ; I nave Bright's disease of the kidneys' and iu less than a year he was dead." "Yeu believe then that it has no symp toms of its own and is frequently unknown even by the person who is a 111 ic ted with it.'.'" ' ' It has no symptoms of its own and very often none at all. Usually no two peeple have the same symptoms, and fre quently death is the first symptom. The slightest indications of auy kidney diffi culty should be enough te strike terror te auy ene. I knew what I am talking about for I have been through all the stages of kidney disease." "Yeu knew of Dr. Henien's case?" "Yes, I have both read and heard of it." " It is very wonderful, is it net ?" " A very promiuent case but no mere se than a great many ethers that have ceme te my notice as having been cured by the same means." "Yeu believe then that Bright's disease can be cured." "I knew it can. I knew it from the ex perience of hundreds of prominent per sons who were given up te die by both their physicians and friends." "Yeu speak of your own experience, what was it?" " A fearful one. I had felt languid and uulitted for the business for 'years. But I did net knew what ailed me. WherJ however, I found it was kidney difficulty 1 thought there was little hope and se did the doctors. I have since learned that one of the physicians of this city pointed me out te a gentlcmen en the street one day, saying : ' there gees a man who will be dead within a year.' I believe his words would have proven true if I had net fortu nately secured and used the remedy new known as Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure." "And this caused yen te manufacture it?" "Ne, it caused me te investigate. I went te the principal cities with Dr. Craig, the discoverer, auu saw ine pnysi cians prescribing and using it and saw that Dr. Craig was unable with his facilities, te supply the medicine te thousands who wanted it. I therefore determined as a a duty I owed humanity and the suffering te bring it within their reach aud new it is known in every part of America, is sold iu every drug store and has become a household necessity." The reporter left Mr. Warner, much im pressed with the earnestness aud sincerity of his statements and next paid a visit te Dr. S. A. Lattimere at his residence en Prince Street. Dr. Lattimere, although busily engaged upeu some matters con nected with the State Beard of Health, of which he is ene of the analysts, courte ously answered the questions that were propounded him : " Did you make a chemical analysis of the case "of Mr. II. II. Warner some three years age, Docter?" "Yes, sir." " What did this analysis show you ? " "The presence of albumen aud tube casts in great abundance. "And what did the symptoms indi cate?" "A serious disease of the kidneys." " Did you think Mr. Warner could re cover ?" "Ne, sir. I did net thiuk it possible. It was seldom, indeed, that se pronounced a case had, up te that time, ever been cured." " De you knew anything about the remedy which cured him ?" " Yes, I have chemically analyzed it aud upon critical examination, find it en tirely frce from any poisonous or deleteri eus substauccs." We publish the foregoing statements in view of the commotion which the pub licity of Dr. Henien's article has caused and te meet the protestations which have been made. The standing of Dr. Heuieu, Mr. Warner and Dr. Lattimere in the community is beyond question, and the statements they make cannot for a mo ment be doubted. They conclusively show that Bright's disease of the kidueys is one of the most deceptive aud dangerous of all diseases, that it is exceedingly com mon, alarmingly increasing aud that it can be cured Bradford, Pa. Themas Fitchan, Rradferd, Fa., writes :" 1 enclose money ler Spring Blessem, as 1 said 1 would if It cured ine. .My dyspepsia has van ished, wit It all its symptoms. Many thanks ; 1 shall never be without it in the house. Trice 50 cents. Fer sale at II. 11. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Economy. A tertiinc may be spent in using ineltcctual medicines, when ly applying Themas' Eclcc tric Oil u spci'ily mul economical cure can he ettVctcil. In cases et rheumatism, lame hack, heillly ailments, or pains of :very description, it affords instant relict. Fer sale at II. 11. Coch ran's drug store, 1:17 North Queen street, Lan caster. The country. Who that has ever lived anytime in the coun try but must have heard et the virtues of Rur Rur deck as a bleed pnrillcr. Iturdeck llloed Hit ters cure dyspepsia, biliousness ami nil disor ders arising tram impure bleed or deraiiieil Uivcr or kidneys. Trice $1. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug Mere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. UELUUOUS. I .MUST BAPTIST, EAST CUESTNUT ST ; Preaching morning and evening at the usual hours, by the Kev. J. II. Shernier. Sun day school at li p. in. IjMKST REFORMED DIVINE SEKV1CE te-morrow at 10:20 a. in., and at 7:l." p. in. Sunday school at 1:15 p. m. 1KACE LUTHERAN CliUKCU, NOKT1I VJT Queen and James f-trcets, Taster, Kev. C. K. lleupt. The usual divine services will he held. In the morning Kev. 1). II. singcr, the former pastor, will preach. ME. MISSION EAST HUSSION, EAST . King street. Trenching te-morrow at ",i p. in. Sunday school ntljp. in. Hevival ser vices every evening during the week, except Saturday. All Invited. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. THE Ministerial Association will meet Mon day next, at 10 n. m., in the pastor's study at the First Reformed church. All pastors and resident ministers et Lancaster are invited. SYLVANUS STALL, Sec'y. MORAVIAN. J. MAX HARK, l'ASTOK. 10K . in.. Litany and sermon, 2 l. in.. Sunday school. 7V p. in.. First sermon te young men ' Starting hi Lite." All cordially mviicu. -VtlVET KATT1ST CUURCII Y. M J C. A. Uoems, Kev. M. Fraync, pastor. Treadling at 10 a. in. and 7:15 p. m. Subject 'The Prodigal Sen." Sunday school at 1:45 p. m. PKESIIYTERIAN MEMORIAL CIlAl'KL. Kev. .las. C. Hume, pastor. Evening ser vice at 7:15. Sabbath school at 1:45 p. m. ST. LUKE'S REFORMED CHATEL, Marietta Avenue, near West Orange street. Kev. Win. F. Lichliter. pastor. Divine ser vices at iey, a. in. and y. p. in. Sunday school at 2 p. in. OT. JAMES. HOLY COMMUNION AT 8 O and morning service at ley, a. m. Even ing prayer at 7J4 p. in. At I he evening service the seats are tree. ST. PAUL'S REFORMED DIVINE SKK viees at 10 a. in., and at p. m. Tr.iyer meeting at J p. in. Sunday school at 14 p. m. SALEM CHURCH OF GOD I'KE.VCUUVG te-morrow morning anil evening by the pastor, Kev. .1. Ridley. Sunday school at 1 p. m. West Mission, Derwart street Sunday school at 1 p. in. Revival services (at Dor Der wart mission) Monday evening and through the week. North Mission, ntiech. Sunday school at 1) a. in. QT. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. O Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing by the pastor. Rev. Sylvanus Stall. Morn ing subject "The Ministry and the Lutheran Church." In the evening " Kulli and Naemi" illustrated by the aid et pulpit paintings. Seats tree. Welcome te all. Sunday school at li p. m. Get waht mis-den school at 'J p. m SECOND EVANGELICAL CHURCH (English), North Mulberry street, above Orange, Kev. J. C. Krausc, pastor. Preach ing te-morrow at ley. a. in. and ' p. m. Sun day school at 2 p. m. UNION 1IHTHEL CHURCH OF GOD. Kev. U. W. Seilliamer, pastor. Preach ing at 10 a. m. and Vi p. in. Experience meeting at (J o'clock. Revival services every evening during the week. CUJLL. MARTIN, 13. it. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds et CUMBER AND COAL. 5- laid: Ne. 420 North Water gild Trincc nt reels above. Lemen Lancaster. n3-lyd C0H0 & WILE?. 3SO NORTH WATER ST., iMncastcr, fa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connect ten With the Telephonic Exchange, Rrunch Office : Ne. 80 CENTRE SQUARE. ieb28-lyd rie TO REILLY & KELLER FOR GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL,, Alse, nay anu straw Dy tne naie or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Superlei Manure will And it te their advantage te call Yard, Uarrisburg Pike. ) Office. 20X East Chestnut street. p)7-l AtTRICH BROS'. ADrERTlSEMXXI. A ST1UC1J DUOS' ADVKUTISKMKNT. LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER HAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAR UA.AAR RAZAAK RAZAAR RAZAAK BAZAAR RAZAAK RAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAK RAZAAR RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAK BAZAAR RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAR RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAK RAZAAR 15AZAAK RAZAAR BAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAK RAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAK RAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAK GO Q w td O CO 13 EAST KINiJ STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. WE HAVE NOW OPEN OUR NEW LINE -OF HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGrS, IN CilOU'i: AND MOST SELECT PATTERNS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES. Alse, New Irl-h and Everlasting Trimmings. Irish Trimmings as Lew as 12c. per Piece. We are still closing out the balance et LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ON HAND AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICKS. LADIES' COATS AND DOLMANS at exactly half-price. 910.0-j Coats at 5.ue $15.0() Coats at 7.?0 22'Vxi Delmans at W0) And Mieii Ladies' Felt Skirts at 50 and 75c. Canvas Skirts, 1. HATS at 19e. KEA.VEHS AT $?. One let et RI.ACK REAVERS at $!.. SHADED l'l.l'MESat $1.0 1. SHADED TlPS.2ii.-. THREE NICE RI.ACK TIPS ler r.ilr. COLORED TIPS at .10c. VELVETS AND PLUSHES CHEAP, Waterproof Gossamers at $1.88. CIIILDKKN'S (iOSSAMEKSttt $1.75 LADIES', C'HILIUtKS'S ANO GEXT.-i' MERINO UNDERWER AT REDl'CED PRICES. HOSIERY AND GLOVES RE LOW COST. UA XOKERCIIIEFS. m LACE COLLARS. LACE TIES, RUCHIXaS, CHEAP. IN PACT WE HAVE REDUCED OUR STOCK IN EVERY DEPART MENT, AND LADIES CALLING ON US NOW WILL BE SURE TO SECURE GREAT RARGAINS. CALL, EARLY. ASTRICH BROS' LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA M YEICS BATHFON, FINE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, EMPLOY READY If we undertake te describe out FINE iuuiu ui juui yaiicure iu it.m luiuuu ia iiuuiu, iu.iub .cuxaex sj-zii ut a BY THOSE WHO HAVE DEALT TIIE BEST IN DUY OVUVS: ilXliERirVAK, CC. WE HAVE THE HANDSOKEST AND finest window dlsplnv In iliecitv. Don't lail te see It. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS? NECKTIES, MUFFLERS, POCKET-BOOKS, AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CIGAR CASES, AT ERISMAN'S, NO. 50 NOKTU OUEB.N STKKKT. St'KCIvr. N OTICK : METZGER, BARD& HAUGHMAN, New Cheap Stere. ALL THE POPL'LAK MAKES )!' .17' TIIE LOWEST PRICES. TICKINGS, t'.VDER REGULAR PRICES. Table Linens, r'rem Auction, Cheap. r TOWELS and I APKIN3 in Great Variety. THE BEST FEATHERS. M6TZGER, BARD & HAUGHMAN'S, NRW CHEAP STOKE, Ne. 43 West King Street. ( AntXR'S OM) STAJfD.) Retween the Cooper Heuse ana fcerrel Herse Hetel. janll-lydAw TTAUIifl & IIKO. HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS ! 1SS2. MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, TICKINGS, PILLOW MUSLINS. BLANKETS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS a:,-d TOWELS, MARSEILLES QUILTS. LACE CURTAINS El'RN'lTURE CRETONNES. TURKEY RED COVERS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS U. AG Kit & I8IIO., Ne. 25 West Krse stheet avc new open Full Lines et the almve Ceeds in the Standard iMake, which they euVr at the Lewest Market Price. CARPETS, CARPETS, . CARPETS, CARPETS. New receiving the New Spring Styles in CARPETS ; our stock will he leuiul complete in all qualities of Mequet, Bedy Brueaels, Tapestry Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super fine and Medium Ingrains, Hall and Stair Carpet and Borders. LINOLEUM AND OIL CLOTHS, DOOR MATS AND RUGS- "We Invite Examination. it HOOKS ANJ S-X'A-rlONHU. HIIISTMAS PllESENTS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS and tnsef Art In ClirNtmasenrt New Year Cards ut L. M. Jb1 "LYNN'S, Ne. AV WKST KINO STKKKT. 1882. 1882. DIABIES, IN VARIOUS STYLE3. MANIPOIJD BOOKS Fer ceyping letters, invoices, orders in trip licate, copying postal card?, Ac. ; the best In the world; no press hmsli, in!: nor water re quired. Call for circular. At the Roekston: cf Jehn BaerTs Sens, Nes. 15&17 North Queen Street. SIGN OF THE BOOK. wis ana Hi Muslins HAGEB BBOTHEB CLOTITIXG. M YEKS KATIIFON, THE FIVE BEST CUTTERS IN TIIE MADE CLOTHING. ASSORTMENT iu these goods it would consume mere than our share of space and aiiunauie. nuiuuc il se say v.c nave every gentleman requires. WITH US OUR GOODS ARE CONCEDED TO BE LANCASTER CITY OR COUNTY. MElllCAI.. READ THIS Lancaster, Pa.. April 2S, lsl. XUE JMOrfKVCUBA iHF'G COMFAXY. Gents It elves ine much pleanre te mij that after Hying' ene pack et ICIDNEYcCRA i nave ueeu entirely eureii et u seven- pam m my back and side, of lengr standing, and that, tee, alter trying various known remedies. 1 tiave every conltdence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend it. and knew tliatinauv have every conUdence In your medicine, of my friends who have used U have been uennlitcd. PETER RAKER, m'Jtllyd Foreman Examiner nod Eiiuv-f. T echi:i:s Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate, speedy and sure remedy ler Colds. Coughs, llearaeni'ss. Asthma, influen za. Soreness et the Threut and C!iet, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting of RIoed. In flammation el tnc'l.uiig- and all DiM-.igc:, et the Chest and Air Palaces. This valuable preparation combine-: all tne medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te poss,e-. the me-t sate and eflicicnt qualities for the cure of alt kinds et lung diseases. PRICE, 25 Cents. Prepared onlyand-eld !y CHAS. A. LO0HER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ORUUOfeT, Se. ! East Kin.!? street, Lancistcr. E -kic;aut's ei.u wink stekl Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was voluntarily ben! te Mr. II. E.Slaymaker, Agent ter Reigiirt" Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising clan et this county, who has extensively usea the Rramly referred te in his wfjnlar priu tie.:. It is commended te the attention or ihe-,. nl tlteted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY ASA MEDICINE. This new much ubused Alcoholic stimului.i was never intended as :i beverage, but te lie used ua a medicine of great potency in the, -me et seme of the destructive diseases wlut-ii sweep away their annual thousands et victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pn sent te the favorable notice e! invalids ::. cially theso alllictrd with tint miier.ible di--ease Dyspepsia, a speeiiie reme.i) . v. sueh ij nothing mere or less tliau Brandy. The nge.l, with Iceble appetite and mere or less debility, will line tills Miuple inei.ieiiu-, when properly, A Sovereign Remedy eriill their Ills and ache.', lie it, however strictly understood that we iire-ri d and c-e but one article, and that is EEIGART'S OLD BKAXDY, Sold by our enterpriung young triemi, l L SLAYMAKER. This Urar.dy isus st,.ed Mu test for years, and has never ulle.l. as tui as our experience extends, and we therefer, give it tlie preference ever all etaer i:raiili.,s nematterwith hew ninny jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. Ono-teiirtli et the money that Is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dyspepsia specitles would sufttce tc buy all the lirundyte cure any such ease ei ases. In nroef Of the curative powers or Reigp.rb'a Old Brancly, In eases et Dyspepsia, vc can .summon i:um bera of witnesses one case in particular wc cite: A hard-working tarnnvr had been uir.lctve with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of years; Ids stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens con stantly no uppetite in tact, lie obliged te restrict his diet te crackeiv and s'nle bread, and as a beverage he use: Mriir.itin'i Reet Beer. He is a Methodist, Mid then, us new preached at times, and ill ids dlseeui-s ettcn declaimed earnestly against all l.-.mi .it r-treug drink. When advised te try Reierart's Old Brandy, In hts case, lie loosed up with astenl-nnieni but alter hearing et it-i wonderful eiiects In the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he ut last consented te iollew our advice. He used the lirundy faithfully and steadily; tlw first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man. with a stomach capable of digesting any thing which hejehese te eat. He still keeps it and a lit tle occasionally; and since-lie has this medi cine he bus been of very little pecuniary bene fit te th doctor. A PiiAerisiffa l'avflirnii. If. K. KIjAYHASCKK. aguh; I'm: Keigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In ITS;". lSTPOKTElt AND UEALLK II FINE OLD RRANDIKS, KHERR1 V.H, AV i'!' RIOR OLD MADEIRA, (Imported tn l'sts, 1S27 and 1S23.) CIIAMPAGNI.:? EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH ALK PORTER, RROWN STOUT. Ne. a EAST ICINO ST. i.ANC.STKK.l'J T fPHK SUN. THE SUM, NEW YORK, JANUARY, 1 ?.'. The SCN for 1SS1 consumed lour million one hundred and ninnty-feur thou-and three hun dred and ninety-one ( 4.'.4,S'.d ) pounds or printing paper In lis Dally, nnd:iy mul Weekly editions. This Is equal te sixty million-, seven hundred j and seventy-two thousand six hundred and seventy-even (CO,772,(577) eeit- of the ilaily j The actual circulation ler the past year wir-i j Daily 59,701,161. j Sunday 7,037,604. Weakly 3,498,154. This gives for each dav in the year the fol lowing average : Copies or the Dully edition 1'JO.Kl 1 Copies of the Sunday edition-.. ..in5.S:(! Copies of tlie YVoekly cduieii 07,2 73 The SnN has advertising space te sell. In the Daily and Sunday editions its prjce ter en 1 1 nary ndvertisments Is 4 0 cent" per agate line. Preferred positions and displayed matter from 50 cents te $i50 per line. In the Weekly 50 cents un agate line et space: no extra charge ler display. Preferred position- 75 cents te .! per line. At thisprlec advertising in the several edi tions of The Sun is cheaper than -its publisher has ever been uble te obtain in iiuynthcr med ium, and he has spent hundreds of thousands nt dollars In maklnK known The Su.v and the advantages it eilers te the business cemmu- nlty. j The SfN is published every day in the year i at Nes. IPK. ics and 17c) Na-sau street, New j Yerk City. i. VV. r.-M.iljAJiiiif janlO-Otil.eed Pnbliilier. 'JAtZRIAUKS, JtV. riLEieiis: si.xteui: EDGERLEY & Ce., Market Street, rear Market Houses LANCASTER, PA. We have a Large and Splendid assortment of PORTLAND. ALRANY and DOL'RLE; SLEIGHS. Thcyarninadeer the best selected woodworks the best Ironed, best trimmed, ami the linest painted and ornamented SLEIGHS ever offer ed for sale in the city. Remember wc pay cash ler our material and allow no one te undersell us. Our Motte: " Quick Sales and Smalj. Premts." It C03ts nothing te call and examine our work. We also have en hand a full line et FINE CARRIAGE WORK, in which we dely nip ctitien. , , ,,,.', , All work warranteu. Repairine (f all kind remptlv attended te. fn2fi-ttdw EKS & KATU.FON, CITY. tinii.'. lrem the ZflU eUli we have told you txa velurs' a v ivt . A.CASTEi: ANU .1UI.L.EKSVUXE it. .1 J Cur.-, ri rim us follews: Leave I.aneater Denetl. at 7. -9. ant ll::Wn. m., and ', 4, i, ami S:3t p. m., cxc't op Saturday, when the last car leaves at 0:20 p. 1.1 Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5, S, and 10 a. M., and 1, ;:, 5 and 7 p. in. 1 '154 rn ti il.ill i. ..t e I i... tin... ..v..... .... .?... .v J " '""" i" "" -" " ' 'OI.lMlIIA AN1 POUT DEPOSIT It. ii V Trains new run regularly en the Celumiil:. and Pert Deposit Railroad en the tolleHini time: .Stations Ner.TH-'Espre3s. WARO. A.M. Pert Deposit..., Peachbottem.... Sate Harber...., Columbia , ti:35 .:Vi 7:55 S:25 :.vne:ia Seuth- Express. WARD. I A. M. Columbia Sate Harber..... Peachbottem.... Pert Denesit... 11:30 r. m. li:(W 12:43 !:. 7:45 An):0ti Lei): te 11.07 l'.M. 12:20 I) KADI NO .V COLUMBIA II X ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, NOV. 7th, 1381. NORTHWARD. LHAVK. Quarryvllle Lancaster, Kingbt.. Lancaster Columbia a naive. A.M, Mm Kxpresd. .eeei; r. m. p. m . 3:55 2.05 4:23 3: is 5:11 5.21 5:40 r.:2li Express. Accem t. M. A. M. C:2ti fi:9 3:05 . K. A.M. 7::w 0:10 :4u 7:50 3:011 7:50 Reading.. 10:05 SOUTHWARD. LKAVK. A.M. M. P.M. P.M r. x. r. m. ... 2:30 .... :i:lu l:ui 3:50 1:10 3:10 3:20 5.50 A.V. It. P.M. 7:25 12:00 6:10 r.M. J:35 2:10 8:25 0:27 2.10 8:1.1 0:37 .... 8:25 10:37 .... 9:55 Reading.... AltKIVK. Columbia.. Lancaster. 0:27 2.10 8:1.1 5:15 Lancaster. Kin;' SI 0:27 8:25 5:25 (jiiarryvlllc 10:37 .... 9:55 0130 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and from Philadelphia, PotLsvllle, Hurrisburg, AI AI lentewn and New Yerk, via Hound llroel: Reute. At Columbia with trains te ami from Yerk, Hanover. Uettyslinrg, Frederick and llalfi llalfi mere. A. M. WILSON. .Sunt. TKNNSVL.VANIA KAII.KO.IB- NKW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY, JANUARY 22d, 13S2, trains en the l'ennsyl vu:iin Railroad wtll arrive at and leave the !.'tue:cstei' and Philadelphia depetsas fellows : t Eastward Leave Arrive j eastward. Lane'ter l'hilad'u , Mail Express, 12:44 a.m. 2:.V a.-j Fast Line 5:10 " 7:2.1 ' Ynr'cArcein. Arrives, 3:35 .... Uarrisburg Express 8:35 ' 10:t0 " Lancaster Accommodation 0:00 " .... Columbia Accommodation, 9-.C5 " 11:45 Frederick Accem. Arrives, 1:30 r.u Sunday Stall, 2:42 " 5:35 v.M. Johnstown Express, 2:20 " 5:05 1 D.ty Express, 5:2." " 7:35 " I 0:15 iVimtwa Leave Arrive w "dTWAgp. Phllad'a'ler Way PiuMunger, 4:3ea.m. i;.;7a.m News lixpreai 4:30 " K:27 " Mail Train No.l,vlaMt..ley, 7:00 ' 0.2 " Mail Traill Ne.2,via Cel'bia, 030 " .Sunday Mail, 7:00 0 25 " Fast Line, 1!:25 " 1:51 p.m. Frederick Accommodation, .... 210 " Lancaster Accommodation, 2:H5 " .:.. Uarrisburg Accomineilat'u, 2:15 r.M. 5:Ie " Columbia Accommodation, 4:15 " 7:35 " Uarrisburg Express), E:40 " 7:40 ' Western Express, 0:00 ' 11:111 " Philadelphia Express, 11:30 " 2.25 a. a. Mail Train. Ne. 2, west, connecting nt Lun raster with .Mull Train, Ne. I, at 0:2 a.m., will run through te Hanover. r reilerlcK Accommodation, west, connecting I t Lancaster with I-ast Line, west, at !:.., will run through te Frederick. i Uarrisburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. ui , has direct connection j (Without change et curs) te (yeiuinuiuauii terx. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will slop nt Downlegtow n.CeatesvlIIe, Partes burg, .Mount Jey, Eliabethtewn and Middle en n. i'OK SAJ.Z. l,M)i; KKNT-TIlK STOKK KIIOJ1 NO. 108 i East Iving stree eet, opposite the Leepard Hetel. Apply te WILLIAM OCMPF, 103 East King street. i!!)-:!td y.VVJKII.I.K01SStALi: A rWK.NTV-rOLK . herse power portable SAW MILL, as goon as new. Adilrebs, PHILIP LER.ELTER, Eugle Speke mid Reuding Works Lancaster. Pa. h 'OK KKNT TIIK LAlUiK AND COril COril tertable thrcc-sterv house, containing iti ipartmeiits. Ne. 1:15 North Oiieeu street, new occupied by Mrs. Kaiittmau as a hoarding house. Location desirable for business or private use. Alse, FOR RENT, two modern improved stores in same row. Apply te JlS-'JId RAUSMANA ItURNS, Agent. SHOW CASKS FOR SALK. Twe Horizontal Shew Case, eaeli i; tee.t in length, 2 teet iu width mid 1 toot lu depth. Twe Horizontal Shew Cases, each 7 feet In length. 2 feet In width andl toot in depth. One Upright Case, 5 teet in height. iy. feel In length anil 2 feet in width. Oiie Upright Case, 3 teet In height, 3 feet in length and 2 feet in width. All the Cuses have the tops and sides of plate glass and the frame work of nickel plate tln Uh. They are in excellent condition. Alse, two large Combination Weeden Cases, each 17 teet In length, IniviiigHlielves, drawers and closets. The Cases are well niade and ornamentally finished. They were formerly u-cd m a Jewelry Stere. Apply te CATHARINE SCIIWILKE. jyll-tM Ne. Is North Queen St. 1 vIlPIIANS' COURT SALE WILL fc sold by order of the Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, en SATURDAY', JANI -ARY 2-. lH3i. at the Plew Tavern in the city el Lancaster, the lollewing valuable city proper- A let or piece et ground, situated en thr southeast side et Maner street, in said city, containing in trout en Maner street. 32 teet i; Indies and extending in depth lit; feete Inches, with a Twe-Story FRAME DWELL ING HOUSE and one-story Frame Kitchen attached : wljeining property of Kuutx, William Walker and estate or Jacob Rhoads, deceased. Any person desiring te see the property be lore snle can de se by calling en the premises. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN SCIIAFFNER, Executer et Catharine Schaltner, dee'd. .it-W&Stsd tllVT OKA. WINOH. WMMONWEAI.TH VISTIUKUTIOX CO. 40th Popular Monthly Drawing OITHZ COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the City or Loulsvllle, en TUESDAY. JANUARY 31st. 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sunday excepted) under previsions of an Act et the General Assembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the lollewing decisiens: let That the Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. lid'tK drawings are fair. N. I!. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the JANUARY DRAWING. 1 prizi ................:.... JJJ I prize.... IJJijjCO 1 prize - - 5,008 lOpriZfcs l,000each 10,008 20 prlzesSOOeach.............. ............ 10,000 100 prizes $100 each 10,000 "200 prizes SO each 10,00u SJ0 prizes SOcach 12,008 10 X) prizes lOcach 10,008 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,708 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,808 0 prizes tee each, 9C Tkie prizes $112,400 Whole tlckeus, $2; halt itckew, si; 27 tickets j&'i; K tickets, 1100. Remit Meney or Rank Draft in Letter, 01 send by Kxpress. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OK POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be Kent at our expense. Address all orders te K. .!. IIOABDMAN, Courier-Journal Rnlldlng Louisville, Ky., 01 K: M. BOARDMAN, Broadway. New Yerk. fehi-TuThSAw