LANCASTER PAIL? INTELLIGENCE It J!filDAi JANUARY 13. 1862. Anether Warniug. Baitimere Gazette. Smallpox is new prevailing in sixteen stale?, and tbe practical question is, with every community, whether impulse shall be given te the loathsome disease by neglecting te interpose a well established prevention, or whether te enfercedly arrest the contagion by the most universal possible application of the remedy. Before Jenner'h wonderful dis cevery one in six of the whole population of the world died from smallpox ; but the discovery of vaccination as a preventive has, where it has been rigidly practiced, made the disease almost unknown. There are many reasons which impel up te think, in a country like ours, that compulsory vaccination should be rcseited te. Among people whose intelligence and prudence lead them te adept precau tionary means for the protection of themselves and family there is no difficulty, but among the vast number of immigrants flooding the country fiem every pat t of the world, aud from the freedom of move ment that belongs te classes of our own native-born people, something mere pro tective te the citizen than intelligent incli nation te protect himself should govern public policy. Compulsory vaccina tion should be resorted te. On rail roads aud street cats, aud in public places, all manner of contact is se possible and probable that we really think a remedy as universal as the opportunity ler danger should be applied. T'ie partial attention te vaccination has robbed small pox of se many of its honor that people at large have lest sight of it, and therefore delay measures te 'guatd against it ; but unless something mere active is icserted te te check the disease, we will hear of- meiu than sixteen states attlictcd with this scourge. Fire Stalictif'H. At the meeting of the Union Cue com pauy, last evening, the beard of engineers presented their annual tepeit, from which we copy the following interesting statis tics : The number of flics of all kinds in the :ity during the year 1881 was 53, en which the less was $15'.),845, and the insurance 613ft, ?0 30, the Iihi being almost deuble the amount of that of the pieccdiug year, the gieatc.-,l less being at .Shirk's tobacco, Kicker's brewery, Sehroeder & lien's warehouse aud Lancaster cork works. The eugiue and cart have been tun out 30 times, of which thiee limes weie en ac count of false alarms. The cost for horse Jiiic (hiring the year was $117. COURT. Ouaxlui- Sessions Next WecK. Te morrow morning at 10 o'clock com I will meet for the transaction of cm rent business aud the delivery of opinions. On Monday the regular January term of quarter sessions court will begin, with .ledge Patterson en the bench. A partial trial list has 81 cases en it, but this will be supplemented by the addition of uu mcreus ethers. The Utiudakcr-Cele shoot sheet ing case is Ne. 2 for Monday. ForThuis FerThuis day the case of Samuel H. Miller, murder, is set down. The following are among the returned cases: Dr. 17. B. Kline. Dr ('. S. Friek, Dr. Samuel Martin, Dr. M Bin baker and Dr. S. II. Metzger, violating medical registry law. Iluuk ulicct'.a", Lltu'ltd At the annual meeting of the -t up holders of the Matihcim national bank, the following named gentlemen weie elect ed directors for the ensuing year . Jacob L. t'teh.iian, E. B. Beinbeiger, A Bates iGrubb, Henry A rial t, Sam'l Rice, Samuel G. Keller, B. II. Hcrshey, Samuel Wolf and A. G. Bewman. Tlie Ur.imty Hank. At a meeting of the directors of. the Lancaster County bank yesterday Jehn IleiUler and .Milten J. Falck were elected eleika. One of these gentlemen will till a I vacancy occasioned by the death of Cel. W. L. lViper anil the promotion of ether officers, and the ether is an additional clerk, icndeieu necessary by the incicas iuT business of the bank. Leg Broken. Henry Swenk, residing en North Water fitrcet, who is employed by Sencr & Sens, had his leg broken last evening. He was unloading a car lead of lumber and was piliug it up, when it tumbled ever and fell en his leg. breaking it very badly. Dr. tS. T. Davis attended him. Mr. Swenk is a peer man and has a family of sewn small ehildien depending en him for a living. Any thing in the way of mousy clothing and feed will be thankfully ie ceived. I'.u.i en. The Aiinstieng Bretheis, conliaeteis, who are constructing a poitien of the new branch of the Pennsylvania railroad north of this city, and whose employees stiuck a few days age, anived in town this morn ing. They paid all of their bills and neti tied their workmen that the next pay day would be en January 21. After that they will pay once a mouth. If the men want te go te weik en these conditions they can de se. Uuninllable Letters. Letters bearing the addresses named be low are detained at. the Lancaster post pest office because of non payment of postage : "Editor of La Grange Ttegistcr, La Grange county, Indiana. " "Lizzie Smith, Green. Lancaster county, Pa. " "Mrs. A. J. GrelY, Sti-asburg, Lancaster county, Pa. Clocks Stepped The old town clock get tired today and stepped twice, but it was seen put in mo tion again and is uew trudging en as usual . The clock en Nimlew's building may net keep very geed time, but it is exactly right every day at 9 minutes past 3, morning and afternoon. Sprained a Leg, YcLteiday Geerge Strehin and Win. Reehru were walking along North Lime street, when the former fell en the pave ment in front of the residence of Hen. A. Hcrr Smith, aud sprained his leg very badly. He was talced te the hotel of Mr. Koehm where he beard-and was attended by Dr. Cor. County couiiutsaienerS Oillce Items. The commissioners have fixed the late Cor county tax at three mills, and yester day they also fixed the days of appeal. The assessors" books will be ready at the commissioner's office in the early part of next week. IIuiiilMiiue Calendar. We have leccived a calendar for 1SS2 issued by the Lancaster iNTET.T.ier.Ncrit, which i a perfect gem in artistic work and is as pretty as a picture. It is another pi oef of the great excellence of the genial job printer, Mr. Harry Carsen. Lititz Jterertl. Sale of Bank Stock. Charles II. Zeller, auctioneer, yesterday afternoon, sold at public sale at B. T. Plummer's hotel, Meuut Jey, 102 shares of First national Mount Jey bank stock, ranging from $142.30 te $143.83 per share. Soup. Tin ee hundred and sixty eight rations of soup were issued from the soup house te day. Amusements. MtAuUy ni Uncle Dan't.ll need only be anneiineeU that the attraction ul Fulton opera house te morrow evening is the capital ceuie.ty el A Messenger treni Jul vis Sec tion,' with the character et Uncle Dan'l in the hands of its creator. Mr. B. MeAuley, te insure a me3t delightful entertainment as well a ? te pave the wav ler a large audience, Mr. McAuicy's merits are known here and never fail te receive substantial recognition. Warde as J'lrrlnius.On Monday evening Mr. Frederick Warde, wiie it net exactly a new iteht in the dramatic firmament, lias at IcaM only recently ventured lert.h a a tragic star, will appear at the opera lieue in Sheri dan linewles's thrilling tragedy of VirgJnius" He ca.-iuj supported by the ine-t nattering prev meiiees, and the play is et a class calcu lated te attract. " Patience " Ayain. Gilbert and Sullivan's admirers in this city, and their name islegien, will hear with real pleasuie the announce ment et the reproduction next Wednesday night of their latest work ami the reigning succeis In comic opera, ' i'atience," by Mr. Chas. I. Ferd's talented company, which in cludes among a number of popular favorites. Mis-. Madeleine I.ueette, the accomplished so prano, and that funniest et comic actors and singers, Mr. Gee. W.Dcnhain. Of the termcr's I'atience much may confidently be expected, while Denham's Jivntherne is certain te be immense, .lehn M. Amweg is also witli the company. HI'JSCIAIj XOTIVES. A Cough, Celd or amis Tnreat should no stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In curable I.ung Dlicasc or Consumption. Brown'-; ii-Gnch!al Troches de net disorder tlK.---leiiiiu.-h like cough syrups and balsams, but net directly en the Inflamed parts, allaying irvitatleu. give relief in Asthma. Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, ami the Threat Troubles which Singers ami PiiblleSpcakc.r-, are subject te. Fer thirty year.-. Brown's Bronchial Treciies have been recommended by physi cians, tiinl always give nertect Mttl.-daetien. Having been tested by wide ami constant n-e Ter neai ly an entile generation, they have at tained we) .uerited rank among the lew staple remedies et Hie age. buhl at i" cents a box overt w heie. nK-l vdTTh.VSftlVW :ilmiic;-bi muiiieisii ..lellierHti Aie you di.-lurbt.d at niirht ami broken et your resl by a sick child -lUlcilng ami crying with the 'jxerii'datiiiii p-lin et cutting teeth 1 ll .-..., go at once and get a bottle et M1JS. WINSLOW' SOOTHING M'lUJP. It will te liee the peer Utile aiiecrcr Immediately de pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en eaitli who has ever Used it, who will net tell you at once that it will leg ate the bowel;., and give rest t( tliu mother, and relict and health te the child, eperatinllkt: magic, it ij perfectly safe te Use in all eases, i.nd te tile taste, aud i.i the prescription et one of the eldest and best leinalc phy-ici.-iii ami nurses in the Lu'lcd Materi Sold everywhere; 25 cents a I eMlc iaiMvd.twM.WAS Kl.SCUi:i FltOM DEATH The idllowiugstuteincntel William .I Cougli Ceugli lin, el i:iierviltc, Mass., Is se remarkable that we beg tousle ter it the attention et" our read er", lles-iys: "In the. lull til lb7i! I was taken Willi a violent bleeding et the lungs lnllewcd by a-ovciceeiigh. I seen began te lese my appetite and ile-h. 1 was se weak at one time thai I could net leave my bed. In the summer el ls77 I as admitted te the City Hospital. Wlu'e l here the doctors - ud I hud a hole in my bit lung as bigas a halt cellar. 1 expend ed ever u bundled dollars in doctor-, and med icine. 1 was se far gene at one time n repeit w en around that I was dead. 1 gave up hope, but a liieud told meet Da. W:i. Hall's ISalsam K.iii tiik Lungs. I laughed at my triends, think ing I "ual my ease was incurable, lint I get a bntUe e satlsiy tliem, when te my sururise and gratiileatien, 1 commenced te teel better. My hope, -once dead, began te revive, ami to day 1 teel in better spirits than I have the pa-t three year-. "I write this hoping you will publish it, se that everyone alllicled witli Diseased Lungs will be induced te take Dr. Wm. Hall's ISalsam ter the I. ling", and be convinced that con cen sump'' ii can be cured. I have taken two bottles and can peiitiveiy say that it lias done mere geed 1'iau all oilier medicines I have taken -.hue my sicklies-'. My cough has al most cntilcly disappeared ami I shall seen be able t-j go te work." sold in Lancaster at Ceeinuu'- Drug "-line, i:'7and l.1! North Queen -,t iv ivJ&lvdcedTh&u:! A Ne.v Haven minister e: the ge-pel told one et tits deacons that lie was constantly hcailng a loud sound, which kept him awake nights. Since using Dr. Ilenson's Celery and Ch-mieniile Fills, id- healing Ins become nor mal, ami 111- nerve-, ri. steady and true. te tci II. i:. Cecnran's Ding Mere, 1:17 Ninth Qui en slieet, ter Mrs. Freeman' New na tional I)ji:. Fer brightness and durability et coler.are unciiuali'd. Celer treni 2 toSpeunds. Direction:, in Engli-di ami German. I'rlce. 15 cent". ur.N'iiv.s c.ii:i;im.ic sai.vk. The best s:ilve in the world ler cuts, hi uKes, sere.-, ulcers, Mdlilieiiui, tetter.ehappetl hands, chilbhuiH. corn- and all kinds el skin eruption- Deckles ami pimple?. The i-alve is i..-..ileei! te (he perfect satistaetien in eveiy casv ir money lelumleil. He "ii:e you get ilem)' Carbelie Salve, :f all ether-aie but imit-iiiens and counterfeit". I'rlceXirenlH. seli in Lancaster at Cochran's 'Drugstore, i.!7 ' . .-) Neith Queen streei. A CikmI Angel's Visit A Tale et 'Itoha 'Iteha dnlix." illanehe called en Kate, one pleasant day, ami leund her sad ami sighing, dealest tiiend, once bright and gay, new scarce could keep trem crying; ter, "oil," she sdd, '"IN a ill grace te ee with seselula, my tare se badly marred '.-' then said her liieml, 'llesadalis will your troubles end." ISlan'.hc called en Kute net her day an. 1 leund her once mete blithe and gay, her lace as radiant, skin as lair, as any maiden's anywhere. Fer skin diseases and impure Idoed, there's nothing in the world mi geed as Ue?adalis, it drives away all skin di-jerders, humor, nay, it tones the sys tem, cuies j our ill" and banishc all doctor's bills! Sulil in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug, l"7and I'M North (Jiieen street. iy;w;! Virtue Acknowledged. .Mis. It-.i Mullielland, Albany. N. V writes: ' l-'or -.-vend years I have suilcicd liem oft eft reeuriing bilious headaches, constipation, dyspepda, and complaints peculiar te my sex. Since using your Durdock llloeil Hitters 1 urn entirely relieved." Price $1. Fer sale at II. it. Cochran's drug store, i:s7 North Queen street, Lancaster. DvM'Krric, nervous people, "out et sons," Celden's Liebig's Liquid Heel and Tonic In In In vigorater will cure. Al; for Cohlen's. Ot druggists. 112-1 wdced&w An Inalnable Arllcle. The readers of the Argus have no doubt seen the adverti-ement of lily's Cream IJalin in another column. An attlele like "Cieani Halm" has long been de sired, ami new that it is within the rca el sullereis irem Catarrh, Haj Fever, etc., ere is every reason te believe th it they will make the nie-t et it. Dr. V. E. liuckman, V,r. K. Hamuiun, Druggist, and ether Eaeteniaiis have given it a trial, and all recommend it in lheliighet terms. Ewton, Mr. Pail: Argtn, Oct. 7, &. Best en I believe Ely's Cieaui Calm the Ik t preparation ler Catarrh new en record. Mj patrons all "peak well of it. I have sold one hundred and lony-ieur bottles in Ics than live months. 1 ordered another gross a week age, and have ebl twenty-one bottle- from the second gross, it sells upon Its iiiciit. .Jehn II. Piiclvs, Druggist, Scran--ten, !:.. .Ian. 2-, IsSO. Price .".) cent. J2-2wi!eeiLlw Suicide and lFpepxia. A nie-l lemarkable cure ier dyspej.sla " Welle' Health Uencwer." The greatest tonic, best bilious and Liver Kcmedy known. i. DrnggistM. Depot, Jehn F. Leng & Seng. Oiilniiic and Ai-sciiie Ferm the basis et many el the Ague reme dies in the market, and aie tlie liwt resort et physicians and people who knew no bctler medicine te employ, fertius distressing com plaint. Tlie clfects et either of the c drugs are de-tructive te the sytcui, producing head ache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and deurcssleu et the con stitutional health. Aykr'.s Acre Cunr. is a veg etable discovery, containing; neither quinine, arsenic, nor any deleterious ingredient, and is an infallible and rapid cure ler every form et Fever and Ague. Itsellectaarc permanent and certain, and no injury can result lrem its use. iieides being a positive cure ler Fever and Ague in all its terms, it is also a superior rem edy for Liver Complaints. It is an cxccMcnt tonic and preventive, as well as cure, el nil complaints peculiar te malarieus, mat shy and miasmatic district-. By direct action en the Liver and biliary apparatus, it stimulates the systemtoavigeie.u-' healthy condition. Fer ale by all dealti?. jl3-lwdeedw "Lire, Orewtn, iseauty." " Wliat we all admire " and bow te secure it : A fine bead of hair in its natural color is such an adjunct te beauty that no one who prizes geed leeks- should neglect te use "Londen Hair Celer llestercr," the most cleanly and de lightful article ever introduced te the Ameri can people, ll is totally different from all ether-, net sticky or gammy, and free from all impute ingredients that render many ether preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, restores gray hair, gives it new Hie, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, causiug the halt halt te grew where it had fallen off or become thin, does net soil or stain anything, and is se per fectly and elegantly prepared as te make It a lasting hair dressing and toilet luxury. " Lon Len Lon eon Hair Itcstercr" is sold by all drugglst-3, at 75 cents a bottle. Six bottles ter !. eciSM.W.SAw C'oed Advice. Use Hale's Heney of Hore Here hound ami Tar for a cough or cold. I'lkc's Toothache Dreps cure in one minute. J12-lwdeed&w Meny miserable people diwj themselves about with failing strength, feeling that they are winking into their graves when l'aricer'.s dinger Tonicweuld begin witli the first do-e, te bring vitality and strength back te them. Sun. ia-J-lmdeodiweew I'llK FAK-IIKKS FltlKND Dr. Uaiber's lied Herse Powders are the best in the market. They are net a mere loed made et inert and clieau materials, hut a veritable Medicine. They contain lour times the strength of ordinary horse and cattle powder?, and will cure ami latten stock lu one-teurtli the time. acting at once upon the digestive organs and secretions, and may be.sately idled upon ler the cure el coughs, colds, distemper, glanders and all di.-case, et horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. They will increase the quantity ami quality et milk in cows ami keep all kinds et stock in a healthy condition, sold every wheie at -JOc. per pack, li ler $1; large size 4Ue., or .'I ler $1. held in Lancaster at Cochran's Ding Stere, 137 and i:E) North Queen streets. uug-J-lydced&wl da:a run. McOuASN'. lu this city, en January l-J, 13-2, Ilattle P., wileef Klcliard J. Met; rami. Her relative-, and Iriemls aie respectfully invited te attend the tuneful, trout the resi dence et her husband, Ne. 110 Neith Prince street, en Monday morning at lt)j o'clock. High mass at St. Mary's church, lnteriueiii at St. Mary's cemetery. ISautkl In this city, en tlie 12th ef.lanu.try, ISs!, barah itartel, in 7."lh year el her age. The relatives an-t li lends et the family arc respectfully lit ded te attend the funeral, lrem the resilience el Mi-. Jacob Cartel, Ne. CIS East Oiange-1-ecl, en Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Intel meiit at Mellinger's teme tery. lid .Mi-Cun.v. In lid-, city, en January l.'tlh. et dlphtheiia, Harry C, only child et Win. A. and Mary E. Mctilinn, Inthe 3d yearet Ids age, Tlie relatives and friends et the family, aie respectfully invited te attend the funeral. from Ids parents' residence. Ne. 114 Fust ine street, en Sunday afternoon at .'! o'clock. In terment at Lancaster cemetery. jyi:J-2td Wiitc In this city, en the l.ltli et Janii.u v, Sephia, wile el Henry Witte, aged ill years and 12 days. The iclatlves and lrieml- et the iamlly are re-peel fully invited te attend the funeral, Irem her husband's residence. Ne. 522 North Dnke street, en Sunday attcritoen at :l o'clock. Interiiient at .ion cemetery. jyl" '.til Subi-tz, In tins city enthei::th Inst., June S., youngest daughter of the 'ate Jehn A. and AnnaSliult, aged 10 years, 7 month- and I" days. Netice el luneral heiealter. xi:w AiiVJ-:mist;iat.x'is WANT AT THE F1CA'KI.IN IlllUSE. Columbia. Twe White Middle- gt d Women te serve as Cle-.mbi nnaid-. Geed wages. 13-:;td YITANTKD. TWO KIUW-CLASS T- UACCO Packers. Inquire at Ua-cli J: Fischer's waieheu-e, Ne. 2IS Nerlli Queen street. ltd "11 J ANTED CIO AU AIAUEKS AT MtJ. ST TT Carolina street, ill per thousand will lie paid ler scraps. F. F. SHOLTY A. DUO. JI.1-2HI IOll SALE A SMALL I-.lIJlI OF lb VS....hJ V I,l'v', ,fc- '"'- .,. .. I...') en the Conestoga, near Oregon. Has line Orchard et Apple. Pear and Peach Tree. A geed gar dener preferred. II ENKV E. LEMAN. vKU'itd f-27 North Duke St. New Era -old Examiner copy three time-. I 'OK KENT. THE UOL'SIS SOW OCCU 1 pled by Mrs. Itebccca McConeuiy, Ne. 121 West Orange stieet. Fer rent from April 1, Apply te PETER MeCONOMY, At ltecd. Mc'.ir.ilill ft CO.'s ISuul.. J10 3l.lTThS I.'OK KENT. A Fli:sr-CLA FAUM, Twe miles lrem the city. Alse, the l.' In rear et our store. lllUSIl & into.. 112-ittl (' anil S North Queen street. l.'OK KENT.- TWO STOKE KOO.US ASH I" DVV1 ELLINGS. eorneref Neitli Oueen and Walnut street-, opposite the serinern .'.lar ket. DesiKilile stands. Applvat Jll-W.ISlt 3) I NORTH QUEEN ST. IUITON Ul'EKA UOUSi:. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JAIT. 13, L'HAS. E. MiltlfS I nglish Comic Opuru Company. MIL YKCKER has the honor of announcing le the citizens et Lancaster he has eliect ed an engagement witli the above named cele brated company for one evening, when they will present Oilbert&Sulllvan's juMly famous epcralie masterpiece, entitled PATIENCE, As produced for the first time in America at St. Leuis under Mr. Ferd's direction. Till i opera will be presented wilh the lull stiength et Mr. Ferd'.- magnificent organization coin cein pesed el SO OPERATIC S1NOKRS. and led by tlie brilliant young Englisli Primu Denna, IfllSS MADELEINE LUOETTE, Suppertediby the dislinguished young Amei i can Artist, liili. UEOKOE W. DENUAM. ADMISSION, US, SO and 75e. Reserved Seats, 7.-c. Tiie sale el re- erved seats will be be ginen Monday morning at tlie epcia house elliee. 5-"l V M-; HAVi: JUST COMI'l.hTKU AN 1X ENTOK1 Or Uli: Mine. AND WE FIND BY ACTUAL C'Ol' NT VK II Av F 3,129 HATS ON BAND. New il you divide the numb, r by 12 you have 260 2-4 DOSWN Ami every dozen Hat- will lepicscnt one De-imble style, and just note the number et Styles te mane a selection from. De yen net think that you might be plened among -e many Our stock el CAPS Is even greater. The sum total t n,fi'e This includes all kinds cd WINTER CAP s ' Seal Skin, Plush, Valeur, tibinckilte, AS WELL AS Till: DRESS CAPS, That are net se heavy. Divide thi- number by 12 and multiply by 2 and the styles et" Cans will net all berepre-enled even then by tlie answer. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 36-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. jvjnr autebtishmests. TEAi?l.JL IVEUIJlMi GIFTS. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, BRONZES, Ami the many elegant ami artistic articles embraced in our stock are especially fitted for WEDDING GIFTS, BECAUSE THEY ARE Durable, Useful and Intrinsically Valuable. 'I he very liberal share of trade we have lccelved in the past has encouraged us te place in our cases a liner ami larger stock than ccr before, te which we cordially invite the attention el all who desire te examine beautiful oed-". EDW. J. ZAHM. Jeweler. ZAH3PS CORNER, ect23-3miKtwU XV W Alt VElt TlSEiirXTS. SCKOFULOUS DISEASES, KVEHV JJE JJE scriptien et Ulceration. Consumption, lirencliltls, AStiuna ami iiy-pepsia, succe-fc-lully treated and permanently cured by Dr. II. D. Longaker, who has the experienced skill gained by many years et practice in the treat ment of di-eases in their various and most ma lignant lnnii. OFFICE: Ne. 13 East Wiiluut -treet, Lancas ter. Coiisultntien-5 tree. JuS-Std TUTICK. X Xtdice i- hei-i'by given that the accounts et Samuel A. liretf, e-q.. Trea-urer et Lancas ter county ler the year lSdl, are new en tile in the Registers etllce and open te the ln-pe -linn et all inteiested. SAM'L M. MYERS. A. SUM MY. M. HlLDKitUANT, Jll-::td t.'niinty Commssienei-s. I KAWlNliS.lM) SPECIFICATIONS FOK U Thiee HOSE TENDERS w ill be received up te WEDS ESDAY, JANUARY IS, ISs2. All communications te be aildiessed te Uke. W. KCUKit, Chairman el Committee en Reoigaui Reeigaui Reoigaui zatien of Fire Department. iii-i;td i;y order committee. 1IC1V.TI: DWELLINGS FOK SALE. Five seven-roomed dwelling lieuses, situ ate en Seuth Water street ; water in kitchen ; drainage; prices low ; terms asy. Alse, a Kix-roomed frame dwelling en North Market -treet. Apply te LNS.0 ge sr. dllKIwilW&SK 10 West Oran I. 'OK SALE. A TWO-STOKY OKI CM. 1 DWELL1NO wilb itrick Kitchen, .r. rooms, entry and plastered attic; hydrant and pump, variety of small fruit. Tlie property is located In the vicinity of tlie Cotten Mills ami will be sold at a bargain is desirable as a home or ter Investment Ne. :S1S Heaver street. RIFE& KAUFMAN, iVt-.ltdSMWS.R m Fast Knur street. V 'MENTION FKlENUsHIP 1-1KE CO. A Special Meeting will be held THIS (FRIDAY) KVLNING, JANUARY 13. lSs. ltii-iness in regard te tlie lhteiil of lie jirnncrtu w ill be transacted. Uv elder of tlie Company, ltd " JACOB REESE. Secretary. 1)UKL(C SALE OF CANADA HORSES. On MONDAY. JANUARY 10, 1S-2. will lie sold at public sale at the Merrlmae lleu-i.-. 115 North Prince street, Lancaster,!:!., the following Lie Stock, te wit: TWENTY HEAD OF HEAVY CANADA DRAFT HORSES. Tlie-e Iherscs were selected with. greit care, and they must be in every respect as represented by the under; igned, or no sale. Among them are -eme Drivers and Geed Meppei-. A tew et them can trot cle-. te 3 minute". A credit of tin days will be given. Sale In commence at 1 o'clock p. in. en taid day, when attendance will be given by UKOIiUr. UKOV3J! AN. -AML1.I. Hess ,V. Se. A UCls. l.i-2t.t r 1IKAKD - OF PIIILVDEI.PIA. Assets ever ELEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND Dollars, securely invested. Fer a policy in I his eid and w el l-e-tahli-hed company cal Ien RIPE & KAUFMAN, NO. 1: LST KIN'G .STREKI'. d:iM.n.t.-.i: i;x ti:k va i aw kx ts. F I.TON OI'KK.l I!OI"i:. MONDAY KVEN'G, JAN. 16, 1032 Engagement of MR. FREDERICK WARDE, TRAGEDIAN, Supported ny 1IENR A ICLING. Leenard S. OMlram, James 15. Curian, O. W. Rhike. W. S. Marien, Mis-es Marien p. Cliften and FLOR ENCE ELMORE, and ether artiste et excel lence, under the management of Mr. JOHN .1. COLLINS, in Sheridan Knewlc-'s Gieat Trag- VIRGINIUS! itKSEUVKD 5 EATS, ; 50 and . ADMISSION, Cts. Reserved Seals new ler sale at Opera Heue etlice. jaiillOtd 4KI ANNUAL KXlllIMTION O run liANCASTBa COUNTY nrviii mntr nnnm i rriTrvfT POULTRY ASSOCIATION, TO Hi: llKLil AT KXCELSIOR HALL, Ka-t IvinMicPt, Lancaster. Pa. (a lew doen above Hie Court Heuse). On Tltiii-stiay, Friday, Saturday, Jlenday, Tupsday and Wednesday Janu ary 12 te 18, 1SS2. j5-Kseur.ien tic-ket ,witii coupon attached, admitiiu; purcha-er te the show will he is--ucd by the Pennsvlvar.ia railroad company irem Dnwninzinwr, Harrisbur, iei-l:, Pert Deposit and all intermciliate stations. ADMISSION inc. Cilll.llKEN. Open day and eveuiii; fjl-2tv .10c. till-7td F iJI.TOH OI'LKA IlOllSF. SATDBDAY BVEUING, JAN. 14 B. MeAULEY'S TUIiMl'll OF AMEIiWAX HVMOIi, UNCLE DAN'L, Deputy Sheriff of Javvia Sectien. iu i:. A'- Xew i:nlaml Comedy liiwim, MeshOiiger Frem Jsirvis Section. Abeiindiu Intel e-sf. m Qi.aint Humer and I'e.-iiliar ADMls.JlOX 7.", 50 nnil :iBc. IteM-rved f-eati limine Otllce. ler - ideal the Opera 19-5td . J.EHAT. XUTIVES. J STATE OF UKNKY IL McFaJJN, LATfc J et Fulton township, dec-a-ce. The un derbincd auditor, appointed te pass upon ex ceptions te the account of .lehn II. lleekwell and L. IL Webster, executers of paid deceased, te and anions tlioe(. legally entitled te the hame, will sit fur that purpose en THUitS DAY. the a;th day of JAXL'AUV. ISSi at 10 o'clock a. in., in the Library Itoem of the Court Heuse, In the city e: Lancaster, where all per sons intere-leil iu ..M distribution may at tend. D. McMl'LLKN. J4-::iw Auditor. 1STATK OF ANDREW F.SIcNKAI., LATE It et Colerain township, decea'-ctl. The undcr-dgiifd Auditor, uppeintcd te dlitrlbute Hie balance remainiii'; in the hands of .1. I'lackhurn. administrator, te and ameiiK these leallv entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpose en WKDXKiOAY, KEBUUAUY 1, ISS., at 10 o'clock a. ui., in the Library lloeiu et Use Court Heuse, in the city et Lancaster, wlicre all persons interested in said distribu tion may attend. A. O. XEWI'llER. jl-3tv Auditor. J r LANCASTER, PENN'A. MAMKJiTM. PUllsiteipnia Market. l'HiLAmsLrHiA, January 13. Fleur dull and weak; Supertine, J3 7."S4 25; extra $i 50 ii5 25; Ohie and Indiana taniily, 1C 0037 (Ki; Pennsylvania family $15 25 t 50; St. Leuis de if. S77 25; MiunosetP Extra. iU t53 62 ; de -traiglit, $G 75 ; de straight $0 757 : winter patent, $725:87 75 ; spring de, $7 257 75. Rye iteur at $1 7575 heat dull and weak ; Del. and Penn'a Red, $1 iim 12; ln Amber. $i -121 -I :. Cern dull and easier for iee-tl trade. Oats dull and weal:. Rye dull at '.I7e. Prevision- quiet. i.aru quiet. Uutter dull, but r.iucy qualities scarce and tlrin. Rell- dull. Eggs dull and weak: Penn'ii , 22ifti22c; Western, 2l22c. Chee-e .steady. Petroleum duil: relincd. :.; Whisky sab's at il li Seeds Geed te prime Clever firm at .S,'..(5'.iJe ; dodo Fla will dull at il S5l ."S Oratu unit l-ruvi8!..n Ijeotalleus. One o'clock quotations el grain and prove. Ions, turnl.shed bv S. K. Yiindl, Breker, 15' Fas! King slieet. Jan. VS. I i". -w. Chleuge. Wheal Cern ats Perk Lard Feb.... 1.2Vj .ClJi : 17.22'i I1.12K March.. :2y, .(i tl 17.IJ1-.-: 11.27,'j May " .(57!4 .!; " I'llllndt'tpliia. Jan Lie''; x,-yt .mj,: Feb 1.1. .ra .l'j .... March.. 1 ll'2 .70' .50,'; --e iur luruni. Nkw ierk, January l:!. Fleur Slate and Western dull ami still in buyers' faver: Extra at $1 75ij?5 40 ; choice de, $5 45(37 : South ern quiet mill unchanged ; common te tali extra, $5 30(; 40 : geed te choice, ir.Mfll 8iJ. Wheat a trifle tinner and business cTiielly en speculative account ; Ne. '2, Red, Jim. $1 43 ; de Feb. 1 -H AJ.-ll 45 ; de March, 1 1 4.iMl il'i ; de May, 1 4S. Cern less active and :i -hide easier: mixed Westevi' spot, i.-iTj;-,ijV.;e ; de luture, 73Kc. Oats a shade lower and dull ; Ne. ' Fi-li., l'H4'.l' ; 'Uate, 1ijjf55; V.'e-lei n, 4'i&5le. f.ive StucK iMurMutii. Cuicaoe. Hogs Reteii.ts, l-'.POO head; sliq) luents, 5,WiO head ; general gend demand ; offerings net quite se geed; market weaker; heavy hogs lully 10c lower and light 5c lower ; common te goed'mixed. $0i7ei;35; light, $20j; i!33. heavy packing and shipping, -15 mij'; 7e ; Philadelpliias and lard hog--, -fi 75')(5 !i : skips and culls, $1 4035 Ge. Cattle Receipts, S.edii head; shipments 3,700 head ; trade irregular, weak ami slew; Wed nesday's elllcial receipts 10,4:$e head ; experts, $5AlJB25; geed te choice shipping 305 75: commeii te ta'r $1254S5; mixed butcliers' steady at J2C0JSI :!) : stackers ami feeder-at f2 503 75. Sheep Receipts, 3,(,0.l head ; shipments, 8,200 head ; prices generally unchanged. East Libertv Cattle Receipts l,7d head ; sclling.lair at yestei day's pi-lets. Hogs Receipts, I 500 lie.ul ; Philadelphia-', V 75Q0 'M ; Yorkers. $!5 20'5 35. Slieep Receipts. 1,-Hrt head; theuiaiket wa--lew at i, twicrday-prices. ntx .MuriSltL .Suw ei-k, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks a'se I'mieil States Heeds reported daily by .1 mv.j j. Lone. N. E. Cor. Centre Square. Ni:w YeltK Stocks. !erl:s irieular. Jan. KS. l.'.tii i:e) 3:;x .... i; y.y, iiji i-7 in!) tmi ie:;s 55 .-.:.! rci 104 -''.'; mi I-'Uh li". l.Vi b'e'i uV4 ie73 r.'.iH ;z zi uy. .... 14 UOS-h Ii4.' n.-,;i liijg -H "Vi, -Hfi ' 41- lijft 42 J;!4 'My. v. iij -; i-, i:.y i.'JJi i: iti ''7i 'm , .... -ya l.( .l-ly- M4 ... ::r,yA m?U IUO'4 100 'M':H ! ''iii Wi vs& w 11SK llil ilsji MX :i7'4 :i7)2 : 7') -yA a. r. v. 11. M Ciiieatre & Nertli Weslein ; Chicago. Mil. Ik St. Paul t Canada Southern i c. c. & I. c. r. i:....." Del., Laclc.& Western Delaware & Hudsen Canal Denver c Rie ( KastTenn., Va. V Gu Hannibal & St. Jee Lake Shere .V Mich, beutliern.. Manhattan Elevated Michigan Central Misseuil, Kansas & Texas N. Y., Lake Erie & Wc.-tern.... New Central N. Y., Ontario & Western New Yeik Central Ohie& Mlssissipjd Ohie Central i Pacific Mail Steamship Ce.... at. I'itui uiuana de Preferred Central Pactlic Texas Pacific Union Paciile Wabash, St. Leuis .& Paetlte ' ' Prelerrcd. Western Union Tel. Ce PnlLADKUHIlA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania it. H Heading Lchi:;h Valley LehlKh Navigation lixDIv.... l'.!'' I.' li' Cl'si r-.)i .... y. bi;i -Ji 'h e Wi :x.yd j!7 'n '' IS li 12') ViVt 170 .... 'M SO V. M. 1:00 11S IM v-'ia 110,'i Buffule, Pitts. & Western SSKr:::::::::: Prelerrcd Iledten villi. ... Klectrie L'nileigreuiiil Tel. 'e 1 PhiliKlelphl & Krie Jt. I:.. . Ounni-en .Miuiii'r lewaUulch liiniiiL'..,,I . Uniird States llerca. L'nllt-! States! pereti-.ts ! " l.enat mTi;cim and ISie.iiir, . ar Vill. tllM KKI 1WI 10O Lai sale ii(i 111 I k.'.i i-.'e iu lir. l(r.'.bf Iii-i Lanc.City C per ft. Lean,iii:ei:;J. lr-i:"t. " 1S!W. ' isr " fl pe.-f t. In 1 erSOyiais ' f. iu rrl. Scheel Lean.. 1011 100 " l ' iu I er'JUyeai-'.. 10e " 4 " in 5er -Jii ye-irs.. luu " i; " in loer'-li jeai-" lini BANK STOCKH. I irst National Hank. ?iU0 Farmers' National Hank 5u Lancitstcr Comity Nat lena! W) Columbia Natien'ai Hank hr) a National ltaiilc hn1 Fii-at National Hank. Columbia . .. lue Fiist National Hank, Slra-duug.... HK1 First National Hank, Marietta.. .. l' First National Hank, Meuet .lej liKi Lititz National Hank KM Alaniieim National Hank UK) Union National Hank. Mount .le-. 5e New Helland National Bank 10.1 MI.-CELIASEOCS LOI.'US. Qitarryvllle IL K., due l&'U lt0 i:eadint; & Columbia It. Kliic ISsJ IiK) Lancaster Wateii Ce., due iifci; lmi Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due in 1 or 3U years 100 Lancaster lias Light and Fuel Ce., tlue ISSi! lb) Stevens Heuse It") 1 i 10J II)-. 1M i::ii rr. l.'il.M .'()J.5( 1 15 75 111.' 7ll.:.i. lfr, ll 11.75 lOu 1U5.5T 10.) m :!() MISCKLLANKOU.-i h fOCKS. Ouaii-vvllle IL it.. i 50 ."(I 5(1 liRI 25 ll'll f:i.'ii 'J5 .0 l-.M Miilersviile Street Car Inquirer Printing Cem pan j- Watch Factory Gas Light and Fuel Company... Stevens Heuse Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Company Susquehanna Iren Company..., Marietta liollewware TURNPIKE STOCKS. Hlg Spring & Beaver V-iliey...., Bridgeport... Columbia & Clicdnut Hill ( lelumbla & Washington Columbia & Hlg Spring Lancaster & Ephrata Lane , Elizabetht'n &MiddIct'n. Lancaster & Frnitvllle. Lancaster A'Lltltz Lancaster ft Wllllam-stewn Lancaster & Maner Lancaster ft Manheim Lancaster ft Marietta Lancaster ft New Helland Lancaster ft Susquehanna Lancaster ft Willow Street Strasburgft Millport Marietta ft May town Marietta & Mount Jey 1(W 1(H' 75.10 e; 25 $ lt).-2i is; ; 21 13 20 14.1b 47.2.' 51 50 IJI.I0 55 02 30.4 25.? 85 , 275.S MUM 21 10 100 50 50 25 25 100 THIRD EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 13, 1882. m HE BEATC BOND BY 55,000 VOTES. VANDEKUILT'S SHARKS SETTLE IT. Bis Emire Helding Cues te the Receiver, anil Make Geneit Once Mere Presi dent of lie Reading Railroad Jey Among tlie Stockholders Piiii.ADEi.piiL,.Tan. 1U The voting went en quietly at tbe Reading meeting this morning, but tbe name of Wm. II. Van ilcrbilt was greeted witb applause. When bis first vote was east for Geweu tberewas mere applause, and people in tbe building began shaking hands and congratulating each ether. All the Vanderbilt holding then went te Geweu. At 12:13 p. m. the polls closed, five minutes grace beiug allowed for any late comers. The vete in round numbers then steed : Gewen, 277, 000 ; Bend, 222,000. The judges then withdrew te compute the vote. At 12:30 the meeting leeenvencd. W. E. Loekwood moved that the annual re port of the receivers be referred te the iu iu cemiug president and beatd of managers. Carried unanimously. It was also agieeil that the vote for president should also be taken as tlie vote for and against Gewen's financial plan for the relief of the read. The meeting then adjourned until !)::() te-morrow morning. The elVect en the stock market of the anueuncemcue that Geweu lias received a majority of the votes east ever and above his 30,000 challenged proxies was net conspicuously apparent. The result is looked upon as the openiug up of a lively competition between the Heading and Pennsylvania railroads in traflic between New Yerk and this city, aud this opinion had the ell'eet of stiffening Ueadiug in the maiket and weakening Pennsylvania. PAlI.c'Kl-.S OK' A WKKtt. A Very llu I Showing for the Lust Seven Ditys Xi:w Yerk, Jan. 13. It. O. Dun A: Ce. of the in.'ieaiitile aeency, repeit the fail ures thioughent the country for the past seven days at, 208,- the largest number in any week for mere than twelve months. The reason for the increase is- prob ably that X large number of per sons insolvent tewaids the end of 1S31 for vaiieus leasens havu continued te held ever till after the opening of the Xew Yeai and aie new trying te eompie mise ami se'tle up before spring. This seems te bj particularly the case iu the Southern slate--, where the failures feet ui te 7-1. Tn the Western states there were 3D. iu the Middle 40, iu the Eastern 22, Pacific coast 7, and iu New Yerk city 13. aNe failure of particular .significance has ejenrrud in New Yerk during the week Liciin: OK A YOUNG MAN. Kui'.iii; lus Life en A rem nt el an Vil pleasant llncapuile.', N. Y., Jan. 13. The young man found hangiug iu the Weeds iu Cliincliville proves te he William S. Fair banks, cleik for W. C. Jacns tc Ce.,", missiiig about, four weeks. Hu hid destroyed all niaiks of his clothing that would lead te his identification. The cause of the suicide is supposed te be ehagiin at having been detected iu an unpleasant eyeapade. lie had always borne an excellent character, and left home in a manner indicating nn n f;il ahruatieii. PAYING THK PENALTV. the Miii-iIci:i-'Hiecdy Ileal ti m tlie Gitllims. Rniiii -ky, Out., Jan. 1:5, Marcau, the French Canadian, who killed his wife last September, vas hauled in thuj.iil yaui thin iiKiuiing. lie behaved liiiuly and made no r.-leimaie te his ciinic. The drop was nine feet ami death instantane ous, his neck being broken aud his head was neaily severed liem his body. The trunk bled profusely and the dead body was cut down two ami a-half minutes alter the diep fell. Duitblu limiting at St. Louts. St. Ler is, Jan. Kl. Thaddcus i'uber and Wui. AVaul, (colored), were executed at the jail heie this meiiiiug. Dining all prciaiatiens, both men kept their eyes steadily en t lie Bible and s-eeined oblivious te worldly ehjecls. Ward died iu si min utes and ilnher in eleve n. Till: .lUCL'JIKXl- 1 PIIOGHI-..-5." G.utf-au Apologize ie Laucr l;tvilu lu Itssuuics Ills jMlUrctia le the Jury. VpiilnV.ten, Jan. 111. The court room was again overcrowded this morning. Guiteatt apologized for hi-:, criticisms en Davldjje yisteulay, but said with regard te Ceikhill he was of the same opinion btill. David;;e tiipn resumed his argil incut and may occupy the lemaiudcr of te-day. After lfcce:;.-; David;-,!: continued his ar gument leviewing the expeit testimony. Oli. I.A-'MON. TflO t'lllllill'l'-l . liny Kelurii a Yunilet el wil ful Mmdci-. Lusne:,", Jan. 1:1.- This coienei':: jury iu the case of the young student Percy M. Jehn, who died at the Blenheim Ilotise school from thf) effects of poison, as ascertained by medical investi gation, has found a verdict of wilful mur der against Dr. Gee II. Lanpwn, brother-in-law of the deceased. Wreck en U WcMtrn Kallreu.l. Temah, Wis., Jan. IS. A neilheiu bound freight train en the St. Paul rail rail lead, i-truck a broken rail two miles enth of Jtiuctieu City, ditching nine cars aud killing a man named Shott. The cars -arc a total v.K'ck. Missionaries Murdered. Tp.ipeli, Jan. 13. Three French mis sionaries have been muidcred near Ghadames : it i; supposed by the Caiil of Ghadames. Kntcrpi'l-tlug American Scoundrels. Paws, Jan. 13.- Cel. Gasten and an other man, leputcJ Americans, have robbed a jeweler of 20f),O00 francs worth of geld. rlrc at Clair, Wis. EauCl.viu. Jan. 13. Fheyesteiday de stroyed "Wm. II. Smith's store and wan -heuse. Le-?s, iS.OOO ; iuau-.auce, 3,S0e. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Jan. 13. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, clendy weather and rain or snow, followed by partly cloudy weather, southerly te westerly winds, slight rise in temperature, and falling followed by rising barometer. War en the Manhattan " L." Albany, X. Y., Jan. 13. The attorney general this morning heard an application made by S. P. Nash and Robt., Sewell en behalf of stockholders of the Metropeli tan elevated railway company te annul the charter of the Manhattan company. Shucking Discovery. Alten, 111., Jan. 13. The house of a negre, named Geerge White, was dis covered in tlame? yosterday, aud lying en a bed iu the house, with her threat cut from ear te ear, was the body of Mrs. Gar rett, a white woman, who kept house for White. It is thought she was murdered. The Albany Deadlock. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 13. After taking one unsuccessful ballet for speaker, the Assembly adjourned until Monday even- ing. Pipe Fiietury llurnett Out. Chicaoe, III., Jan. 13. Crane Brethers water pipe factory, Judd street, was com pletely gutted out by tire this morning. Less, $30,000. Strike of Ciariuakerrt Near an Kim. Milwapkkk, Jau.13. The cig.irmakcrs' stiike is rapidly approaching au cud, most of the strikers having returned te work. l.OTI'A IN TKOUULK. A Hull (mere Ait lleuler Propeae-i tit Make ller luy for it I'luipie. Miss Letta Crabtree, the athletic little actress, at this time finds herself some what embarrassed all en account of twelve dollars. Letta played iu Baltimore duriiur Christtnas week, te big houses, at the Academy of Music, and a few days hefore Christmas went out shopping. Slie called at a fashionable art emporium ami selected a twelve dollar idadiie. which she erdeied te be forwarded te a lady friend in Bosten, directing the hill te be sent te her hotel. About two beats after leaving she sent a young mail who had acted as her escort te say she did net want tbe plaque. The message was deliveied tu the proprietor himself, ami that gentleinau cemp'ained that the plaque had been boxed and the expicss wageu scut for, aud intimated that Letta had net acted iu geed faith. The young man haughtily replied and finally snubbed the proprietor and left. The latter, angered by the insult, immediately sent word te the actress that she must take the plaque, threatening te bring suit in default. Beth parties appear le have lest their tcmpeis, and the proprietor, who is a mr.u of means, is determined, as he expressed it, "te teach the wilful little woman a lessen." Letta left town, aud probably supposed she had heard the last of the affair. Last Satur day, however, the art dealer, through a prominent lawver. laid an attachment for I the twelve dollars against scveial thousand dollars belonging te Letta. inthe hands of Manager Ferd, of the Academy, the money being her share of the profits of her engagement. Since then Letta, who is in Cincinnati, has for wauled an affidavit denying that blie made the purchase, aud the matter will shortly coins before the courts. The art dealer says she shall pay thu money if it costs him live hundred dellais te collect it, and Lelta says she won't. Meanwhile her money is locked up where it will h.ive In stay until the inatler is settl'.'d. JKFFEKSON SOCIETIES. Tlie Way 1: Werk up l'nre lleiuecj-.illch'cii-tinieiil. We cau conceive of nothing which would contribute mere directly and powerfully te thu restoration of the Democratic party than the general formation of societies de voted te the maintenance ami defence of thu Jelleiseniau doctrines iu their original piu-iiy. A thousand such bodies, "frater nal relations " with each ether, would be the lutrest of all posbible giiaiaulccs against the revolutionary designs of our Federalist-Republican adversaries. We nude lstand that many existing Demo cratic clubs, social aud political, iu vaiieus parts el" the country, aie contemplating;! change te this feim of organization, in order that they iniy be brought tegcthcr uiuler a common name, and with a common standard of faith. Wherever unfortunate divisions exist this move ment would furnish the bread basis of union and harmony, and tend te give us the victory which has bceu postponed only by internal dissensions. We beg leave te urge that Ueim cratic or ganizations everywheie take this well approved form and that new Jeffersen Demecr tic associations be at ence formed, when: no clubs are in existence. They will encourage our lepresentatives at Wash ington in their unequal struggle with thu corrupt imperialistic paity ; ami when the great battle between the people and the consolidated pewer of centralized govern ment, cm poratiens and monopolies, comes en, Uie::c associations will be found inval uable auxiliaries. Let us move new. A. few years and it may be tee late ! Tlie As.ianslu'n l'ure Ctmrines. Mr. Gee. P. PfifTer is the man who planted the trees en the grounds of Mr. Sceville, the brother-in-law and counsel of Guitcau. He instructed the latter, who :u, the time was making bis home in his sister's family and was expected te make himself use ful in some ways, hew te water the young trees ; lcspeeting forest trees he was told te form a basin around the tree, se that the water would be allowed te etaudanu soak in, but Guiteau. with the perversity and cussed ness which made him a national disgrace, made mounds instead at the base of the trees, causing the water te drain off as fast as poured en. Mr. P. does net believe iu Gut can's insanity, but does think that he is the most malignant ami .stubborn wretch he ever met. PUOVKKBS. "Tlie Itiehest Hloed, Sweetest death and fairest Skin in Hep Hitters.' " A little Hep Hitters mivcs bijj doctor bills ami lengslckncsss." "That invalid wife, mother, sister or child can be made tlie picture of health u it li Hep Hitters." "When worn down and ready te take your bed, Hep tatter-, is what you need." "Don't physic and physic, ler it weakens and deitreys. but take Hep Hitter.s, and build up continually." " Phv.-dcians et all selioels use and recom mend 'Hep Hitters. Test them." "Health is beauty and joy Hep Hitters gives health and heauty." "There are nieie cures made with Hep Hit ters than all ether medicines." " When tne hrain is wearied, the nerves un strungg, the uuuclcs weak, use Hep Bitters." "That low, nervous fever, want et sleep and weakness, calls for Hep Bitters." "Sour stomach, bad breath, indigestion and headache easily cured by Hep HittCR'. Hep Hitters .'lainiructuringCemijanj-, Kecn 'ter. i:-.v Yerk, and Terente, Ontario. nev a; ietw