LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER SATURDAY. JANUARY 7, 1882. Hancastri I-ttfcUcgencer. SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 7, 1882. RURAL NOTES. SAUSlilTBr NEWS. IteniH from Hie Gap and Vicinity. TIic ponds and dams are covered with an excellent quality of ice, between three and four inches in thickness, and these who have ice houses are busy filling them. The first snow we had this ecaseu fell en Wednesday night last. Mr. Alfred Sanfent, of the Gap, has gene te Virginia te visit friends there. Mr. Jeseph .Miner, 01 mis iuwuuij, i ceived S2.' for his crop of tobacco, con cen ristiug of about three and three -quarter acres." It was a very fine crop. Skiles & Frcywcrc the purchasers. The Misses Kurtz sold '22 acres of land, without ini ini prevunientf. in the village of the White Herse, te James Hoscbero. for $100 per acre. Reuben Martin's new buildings at the White Herse are about being completed. ,,,.., i ntiiAi- new hnil(Tin"s are in con tcinplatien, and if the " metropolis " of Salisbury, the Gap, does net improve much faster in growth, the White Herse, which has only begun te build up this last year, will lay it completely in the shade. The coal oil pipe company arc surveying a route through the western part of this township, passing by Mast's mill, through the farms of Wilkinson Robinson, J. War ner, Geerge Diller and Isaac Rhoads and ethers. The company has agreed te pay the laml-lieMcts five dollars for a right te go thieugh their property, and when they lay the pipes thev will pay all damage done bv them. The work eflaying the pipes will commence the ensuing spring. Worst A: S pringville.are doing a large biiMiirs-; in the tobacco trade tlra seaseu. The gray fox which Urisbin Skiles, of Mt. Veinun hotel, caugut last wcck, was caught mi the premises of Jehn Stevenson, in the southern part of this courtly, instead of en the premises of Mr. Skiles, as it was stated iu Kast End News iu Monday's daily Kit. Mr. Skiles tells us that this is the lirst gray fox that has been captured in this neighborhood for forty-live years, and when he is beaten he will iu':t limiting reynaids. lHaiur's Last Performance. Lcdgai'iNew x erk Correspondence. Tin: announcement from Washington ' that one of the last diplomatic acts of Mr. Blaine befeie leaving the state depart ment was ts address a circular letter te all the Central ami Seuth American govern ments, :i!sl::ng them te held a general con ference at Washington in November next, for the promotion of mutual commercial interests, and te take steps te an est the iutcrfeience of European nations iu the affairs of this hemisphere, is excit ing much comment. The clfect of this development in Europe, it is believed (coming as it does en the heels of cur new departure with reference te the Panama canal and the Olayten-Bulwer tie ty;, will be te excite mistrust of us theie. The total absence of any reference te se impeitaut a imposition in the presi dent's message creates au impression iu some (matter's that Mr. Arthur could net have been cognizant of it ; but of course this is net te be credited for one moment. The whole thing is looked upon as a scheme of Mi. Hlaiiie'sibrgettingupasortef Hely Alliance en this continent ; but, as Mr. Blaine is no longer in office, the vital ques tion is, Dees tiie president sanction if.'. Frightful Accident. Wednesday, while an engine en I he Le high Valley" railroad was descending the mountain toward Wilkcsbarre, with the engineer and crew seated en the engine, one of the wheels twisted and the engine rolled ever en its side and pitched down the bank, turning ever and ever several times. The tank broke loose from the engine and remained en the track, running unattend ed down the mountain with terrific speed, a distance of twelve miles, where it met a freight train coming up the mountain en the same track. A collision took place in which I he runaway tank was smashed and the freight engine badly wrecked. The engine en the mountain was broken up badly. The engineer was seriously in jured and the crew mere or less bruised. Their escape from death was miraculous. Ce te II. It. C;n mil's Drug ftiirrc, 1:17 North Queen street, ter Mri. Erceiian'x Xitu Na Na tienul Jiifs. Ter brightness ami ilurubllily el eoler.uie uncii:ilcd. Celer trout - ten pounds. Directions in English uml German, l'rice. If. cents. Jacob Maitzell, t l.aneaster, N. Y., says your Spimg ISIessOin weiks well ler every thing you recommend it; myself, wife. and i-hildren have all used it, and you can't llnd a beiilthier tamily in New Yerk State October fi, issti. Price. Mi cents, l-'or sale at II. 15. Coch ran's drug store, i::T North Queen stieet, Lan easter. Noting the KUccts. II. Gibbs, et IliixT.iIe, N. Y., writes: "Hear ing your 1! unlock Itloed Bitters favorably spoken of. 1 was induced te watcli their effects, and llnd that in chronic diseases et the bleed, liver uml kidney., your bitters have been sig nally marked with success. 1 have used them myself with best results, ler torpidity of the liver; and in c.i-eel :i tricml el mine suffer ing liem dropsy, the eltect was marvelous." l'rice $1. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran' drug store, K!7 North Queen street, Lancaster. ll.ilm iu miead. There Is a halm iu GlU-nd te heal each gaping wound ; In Themas' Ecleclrie Oil, the remedy is leiiu.l. Per Internal and ler out ward Use, you lively may apply it : Fer all p'aluanil inilaiiiiiintlnu.yeii sheitM net te try it. It only cost a trille, "tls weitii Its m eight iu geld. And by every dealer in the land this remedy is sold. hoi- sale at II. II. Cochran'- drugstore, 137 North Queen stieet, Lancaster. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. TTn;H .V MAIITIK. Q f! ) AT CHINA HALL. A FULL ASSORTMENT OP White Stene China and Porcelain Ware, tit OC!t OWN IMFOl'.TATIOsr i:.' TEA and DINNER WARE, FLAT WARE, HOTEL WARE, CHAMBER WARE. We guaiaiiirc these goods tree fiein crazing Goods net satisfactory exchanged. J TO US Eh EEPERS .' LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO HOUSE STIRE I HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Street. MIN.MCII'S I.ATKST IMPROVED PATENT TOBACCO PRESSES, Fer Casing an. I Hiding Tobacco. Minnlch's MANURE DRAG, ler cleaning stables. All j-eld en en their merit. Warranted te give letter MitUluc ion in every particular than any new in use. it net .satisfactory can be returned at my expense. Send for Illus trated l ircislar. S. II. MINNICU, 1 andisville. County. Pa. d;;--..i i jl;i'-.V in . Omui MEDICAL. yJ EnTU KK KA 1COM KT Kll ARE AS OLD AS MANKIND. Living, l'l-entliing, SitU'erjug Itaienietfi I" the Kneed, Feet and Shoulder, all Speaking TYltli Tongue-, et (Steel, Saying, "Theie is Coming a Change in tin: Weather. 1 feel it in My Benes, and l'.aremelcis Should Hang en Walls and net in my Nerve-, and Benes," said agentleman the ether day. A physician answered him : " 1 will tell yen what will remove every Nerve and Hene Bar Bar emetcrand takeout the Limps and Stiifness. It is a Mmple thing, but no le-s Elllcaciniis than simple. It is Dr. Ilen-en's Celery and Clmmeniile fills. "They have been tested lime and time a.uin, and always witli satislaetery results Ner vousness embraces nervous weakness, irrita tion, despondency, mel mrliely and a re-tle-,s, dissatisfied, miserable state et mind and body indescribable. This preparation Ju-t lin-etsihe necessities et your case :i- your disease 1-. a nervous disease." These Pills are all they arc represented te be anil arc guaranteed te give satisfaction when used as direeted. Kciiicmberthey nrepicpured expressly te cure sick Nervous Headache. Dyspeptic Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness. Paralysis, Meepli-siii-n ami Dyspepsia, uml v ill run ii) '!!. Sold by all dnigg!-t.s. Price. SOc. a box. Depot, 1W Net th Euta'.v street, llaltimerc. Mil. By mall two boxes let II, ei-si hove- lerfi.V), te any adilress. DR. O. W. BENSON'S New lCeinedy mid luorlte Prescription. SKIN CURE Is Warranted te cnu ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMOR-, l.M'LAM- MATlON, MILK CRUST, A I.I. ROUGH SCAM ERUPTIONS, DISEASE-? OK HAIR AND SCAM'. SCKOITI '-. ULCERS, PIMPLES AND TENDER 1TCHINGS en uli p.ius et the body. II makes tins -.kin white, selt anil smooth; n-mevcs tan and freckles, and is the lies) toilet dressing in the World. Elegantly put up, t no het lie- m one package, consisting et both internal and ev tcrnal treatment. All lirst diissilinggl-ia have) I. i'ii'uil p.-r package. uugiMyd M, A-:. w flMIK tiKl.'AT tUKATIVl. AfiKNTH. ! GALVANISM AND ELECTRICITY. DR. HALL'S ehiin Hi ric mm A GALVANIC UATTEin is imbedded ill thil Medicated Plaster, which, v hen applied te the body piednces a eniistanl bin mild cur rent et Electricity, w hiciiis mesl It is u positive and speedy cure ler t iu; lollow lellow lollew ing complaint, viz : Rlieumatisin, Neuuilgia. sick-'uc, Weil: unci Inilained Eye, all Ai!eetiouel the Itr.iln. Spinal Complaints, Kidney and Liver Cempl.iints, Sciatica, l'araiysi. Asthma and Lung Disease. Diseases et the Heart, Nervous Prostration", Ac. PJtIVE ONLY SI. 00. THE BELL MANN CO., PrepY, SI2 Ilre.idwiiy, Cur. l,!th St., Sew eik. A GEXTti ll'.-l XTEI). end stiinn ter eiivulais. I-or sale by till ruagistx Mention this jmper. Sent by imiil. net? "uieed.Vi't weew $500KKWAK"- D'Effiat Bleed and Skin Remedy. $."00 Kcward that it will eradicate Eruption-, Pimples, liletches. Freckle-, Meth, &(.:, treiu the face of any and every Lady and Gentle man that uses it. Itclean-es MAI.aKIA Jrem the system, Hrightens the Eyes and lleautities the CompleAlen. A certain cure ler all Skin Diseases, and Positively Harmle. ii per Package or C. ler $5. Sold by Druggists or sent by mail in letter lerm en leeuipt of pi iee. THE BELL MANN CO., .S4" ISreadMiiy, New Voile. Mention this papei lars. send stamp ler eiiea oct7snieed&i:i v. eew JllCLUUOUS. I.IKST HAl'TIST, IC.VST CHESTNUT ST ? Preaching morning and evening at ihe Usual hours, by the liev. .1. E. s.denian, d l'hiladeljiliia. Cemuiunmu in the morning I? I US 1' UEFOK311-:i DIVINK .-irtKYlCiC - to-inerrow at 10:3 a. in., and at 7-!." p. m. Sunday school at !:!." p. in. Fiusx si. j:. cuukcii, nuktii djtjv:-: street. Preaeliing :it llt,i a. m. and 71 ,' p. m. by the pastor, Ilev. IV. C. Uoblnseu. .-iiiiid.iy school at 1'j p. in. ftii-vlees every niht dur ing the week, at7 o'clock, except Saturday. GKACK l.LTHKllAN CHIJUUII, NUlti'U (jiiecn and .lames -trcets, 1'aster, Ilev. (.'. E. lleupt. Morning divine service at u-'. o'clock; Evening Sei vice, 7:l.". MK. 3IISSION EAST DIISSiON, EAST . King street. Pi-eiiRliing te uioriew at 7' p. m. Sunday school at 1 p.m. Kevival ser vices every evening during th-' ueek ee;-p( Saturday. All invited. TOUAVIAN.-J. MAX 1IAKK. J'As,TOK. ItX 10 ii. m., Epiphany Litanv and -ennen en "Tiie WiscMen.'" 'J p. m. f-'unilay school. 7'iP-ni.. Hely Communion. M1NISTEHIAI. ASSIIC1A1 lO.. THE Ministerial Association will meet Mon day licit, at le a. in., in the pa.ter's stndy at the First Koferiued church. All p.ister- and re-ident ministers el Lanca'-teraie invited. SV LVANUS STAII L, Scc'V. OLIVKT 1JA1TJST CllUItCII V. .11. C. A. Heom-, Kev. M. Fniyne, pastor. Preaching at 10,l.J a. m. and YX p. in. Subject 'The Prodigal Sen." Sunday school at 1J p. in. PKESHYTEHIAN. hUUVlCKS AT THi! usual hours morning and eening. Preaching by the p.i-ter, le-.. la-, x Mit hen, D. D. PKESBYTEKIAN SlEMOllIAI. CHAl'EL. Itev. T as. C. II nine, pastor. Ex"ening scr vice at 7:15. Sabbath school at 1:1.1 p. in. Prayer meeting en Thuraday evening. ST. LUKE'S HEFOKMElT CfJAPEI., Marietta Avenue, near West Orange stieet. Itev. Win. V. I.Ichliter. pastor. Divine -ei-vlces at 10JJ n. m. and y. p. m. Sunday , hoei at ! p. in. ST. PAUL'S HEFOIMI ED 'fill'. 1IOLY Cominnnien at WV a. m. Sermon at7Ji p. m. Prayer meeting at tl p. in. Sunday sehoel at lJ p. m. ST. JAMES.-UOLV COMMUNION AT 8 and morning service at WK ;i, in. Excell ing prayer at 7J4 p. m. At the evening service the seats arc tree. ST. PAUL'S M. K. CUUKCII, S. JUV:EN ST. Ilex-. A. 1. Cellem, pater. Preaching at V)1. a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 1:1.1 p". in. Prayer meeting en Wednesday ex'ening. SECOND EVANGELICAL CllCKCU (Engllsli), North -Mulberry Htrcet, iibeve Oiangc, Itev. .1. C. Krause, jiaster. Preach ing te-morrow at 10 a. m. and 7' p. m. Sun day school at 2 p. m. Ucx-ix'iil er-iee- in the evening and during the xicek. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing by the paser, Ilev. Sylvanns Stall. Mern lng subject "Christian Modeiatien." Even ing "Uplilted Serpent," illustrated by the use et pulpit paintings. Seats tree. , -iconic te all. Sunday school at IfJ p. hi. Gotwald mission school at U n. in rn .X IJrethren xvill have preaching in German and English in the old meeting house in Eden te-morrow evening. UNION BETHEL-CHURCH OF GOD Kcv. G. W. Scilhamcr, pastor. Preach ing ut 10. a. m. and " p. m. Experience meeting at i o'clock. Revival services during the week. WISST MISSION, M. E. CUAI'EL, CHAR CHAR lette street above Lemen. Preaching at 10$ a. in., anil at 7 p. in., by the pastor, ilev. Kebt. A. Mcllwain. Prayer and Experience meeting at ( p. m. Regular weekly prayer meeting, Tue-dpy at ",y. p. m. CLOTHING. 4 HAPPY SKW YEAR ! The season of 1SS1 closed one of the most brilliant and .successful cam paigns in the history et our trade. We congratulate our patrons and ourselves in anticipation or a lively and increas ed Spring Trade. In order te meet the demand we have made extensive imprex-ements in our room and otherwise extended eur-facil itlr-s te present our spring offering et select and Choice FOREIGN NOVEL TIES te arrive about the First op t kb iii'aiiv. We will be able te please the most usthelic as xvcll as the general class of trade. A great desideratum among our peeple scema te be a cheap article in Clothing. There is no geed in it We have tried It and found it don't pay. We will wager one el our 30 Overcoats! will last three seasons' hard wear and leek genteel, whlle a $20 Overcoat xvill hardly be recognized after one season's wear. Where is the economy in buying trash? Few per sons nre competent Judges et line articles et Clothing done up in firat-cla-s style ; therctere. we invite special attention te our establishment, where can be found at all times the very best in the market, at prices as icasenable as can be expected. We are selling a lew HEAVY-WEIGHT OVERCOATINGS AND- SUITINGS, at very Lew nrices in order te close them out te make room ter our new Spring Stock. Thankful ler the very liberal patron age, we hope te continue our motto el Square Dealing in all our transactions and show a practical and happy result during our spring Campaign. All arc cordially invited te call at 121 N. QUEEN STREET. J. K. SMAL1NG. ARTIST TAILOR. T RE T P.AUGAINS T -in- READY-MADE CLOTHING AT- AL ROSENSTEIN'S, ONE-PRICE HOUSE 37 North Queen Street. llavini' still en band a Large Assortment et Men's, Youths' and Beys' OVERCOATS And which must be sold in order te make room ler mv SPRING STOCK, xvhicli is new being rapidly manufactured, 1 have conclud ed te Clese Out the Entire Stock at such VERY LOW PRtCES as will meet with the approval of tin eln-est buyer. OVERCOATS, Which weie sold befere January 1st at $16.00, Reduced te S1O.00. ULSTERETTES, Sold before January 1st at $!.) Reduced te 810.00. FINE FANCY-BACK FUR BEAVERS Sold belerc January 1st al $17.r0. Reduced te SI 0.00. And all ether Goods In 1'iopeition. 1 have leeeived since January 1st iai dozen et CARDIGAN JACKETS, which will be sold ter 7fJc.; lermer price, $1 50 GLOVES AND UNDERWEAR AT ONE-HALF THE FORMER PRICES. Theso being supplied ler thi winter will find it te their advantage te purchase ler next winter. FINE MERCHANT TAILORING A -SPECIALTY. AL ROSENSTEIN, PIONEER OF MODERATE PRICES. Next deer te Shullz & Bre.'.s Hat Stere. OjIMPJSXE. 1HEAT ItARGAINS JN CARPETS, 1 claim te have the Largest and Fines' lock or CARPETS lu this City. Brussels andTapc3try CARPETS Three-ply, Extra fciipcr, Super, All Weel, lull Weel uml Part Weel Ingrains : trem the jest te tiie cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. All the FIXK8T A ND CHOICE IA TTERNS that ever can be seen in this city. I also lnwe a Large and Fine Stock el my jwn make Chain and Rag Carpets, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at shot' notice. .Satisfaction giiarcntccd. S-Ne trouble le show goods If you de ne wish te purchase 1 earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. CA RPKTS, C. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. -New Designs, Beautifully Colored. i oil cents. CO cents. ( 73 CCIltH. 1 50 cents. 85 ecnts.J INGRAINS uu ceniy. $1.00. TAPESTR v (73 5 oe cents. $1.00. cents. $1.10.; cents. $1.20. BRUSSELS WILTON AND f MOQUETTKS, GOOD VALUE OIL CLOTHS, 4 AT LINOLEUM, ALL PRICES. LIGNUMS. 1. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, al-lydeedi2twl PHILADELPHIA. VAKRlAOEHt &C. QI.KIGHS ! SL.KIGH3 ! EDGERLEY k Ce., Market Street, rear Market Houses LANCASTER, PA. We hiwe'.i Large and Splendid assortment of PORTLAND. ALBANY and DOUBLE SLEIGHS. sue made et the best selected woodworks the. best ironed, best trimmed, and the ilnest painted and ornamented SLEIGHS ex'cr offer ed for pale in the cily. Remember xve pay cash ler our material and allow no one te undersell us. Onr Motte : ' Quick Sales akd Small Profits." It costs nothing te .call and examine our xverk. We also have en hand a full line of FINE CARRIAGE WORK, iu which we dety competition. All work warranted. Repairing of all kind premptlyattendcd te. n2G-tfd&w hoots & saess. LADIKS AND GENTS, IF YOU WANT A Geed and Fine Fitting Reet or Shee Ready-made or Made te Order, go te K.IIIEMENZ'S. Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk Specialty. iy2-ttISiW AUTBICH BROS. AVVSTIBMUSJfT. A STRICH BROS' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRICH ASTRICH BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS, BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS ) ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTUICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH AsTRICH r e H M bj 8 ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH AfcTRICH ASTRICH BROTHERS BROTHEliS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHEItS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS Iu EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KINu STREET. WE ARE OFFERING THIS WEEK A I L Ol'K GOODS A'l A GREAT BARGAIN SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN EVERY ONE OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. ALL OP It TRIMMED HATS O.N HAND AT HALF PRICE. That is te say, ALL HATS SOLD UEFORE at $10. new ler $:. HATS AT $5 for $2..W. HATS AT $2.5!) ter $1.23, and se en. BEST BEAVER HA.TS AND BONNETS in Black, Gray, Navy Blue, Bronze. While, etc., at only $2. ALL OCR OTHER HATS AT ONLY 19c. ALL OP P. FANCY PLl'MES at $i apiece. BARGAINS IN BLACK PLUMES. BARGAINS IN WHITE PLUMES. Black Tips, 50c. a bunch. FINE BLACK TIPS CHEAP. VELVKTS AND PLUSHES. AT REDUCED PRICES. A Fine Black Silk Velvet atl.0e. a yard. Black and Colored Plushes at $1 per yaid RIBBONS CHEAP. SATINS CHEAP. BLACK CREPES lu Great Variety and at Very I eiv Piices. CREPE BONNETS AND CREPE VEILS. REDUCTIONS IN OUR GOODS MARKED DOWN TO HALF PRICE. Elegant Bead and Chenille Fringe tit HM per yard. Fenncily sold at $2, t2.."ii and $:;. Bla-k Pass.iinenlei ies and Ornaments x-eiy cheap. All our Fancy Read Passamentei!.' at HALF PRICE. BUTTONS AT COST. ALL OUR LADIES' COATS AND DOLMANS AT ASTOUNDINGLY LOW PKICKs'. COME EARLY TO CHOOSE THE REvr. PUR TRIMMINGS, IN BLACK, LYNX AND GRAY. ALSO IN WHITE. All widths, from one inch up te tlnec Inches. LESS THAN ELSEWHERF. LACES, LACE TIES, FICHUS, COLLARS, BIBS, TIDIES and PILLOW SHAMS. LINEN GOODS and TOWELS, TOWELINGS, NAPKINS, TABLE Cl.O'l HS. HANDKERCHIEFS. fci.'.K HANDKERCHIEFS CIII'-VP. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF VLL KINDS OF WOOL AND YARNS. Zephyr Weel 9c. per ounce Germantown Woe'l Sc. per ounce Saxony Weel 3c. per ounce Shetland Weel 12c per ounce Ice Weel 12c per ounce Fairy Zephyr, Crewel Weel and ether ALL KINDS OF EMBROIDERY AND KNITTING SILKS, in Skeins, Balls, and en Spool-. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WOOLLEN HOODS AND JACKETS. LADIES', CHILDREN'S and GEN'IV MERINO UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY, GLOVES. MD GLOVES A SPECIALTY. ASTRICH BROS' LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. M YKKS KATHFON, FINE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, EMPLOY THE FIVE BEST CUTTERS IN THE CITY. READY MADE CLOTHING. If we undertake te describe out FINE ASSORTMENT in these goods it would consume mere thau our share et space and IK0! JSV - ffiS-QfAr?. u a"0Wf,bIe- Suffi?e jt s' -ave every thing, from the 910 SUIT we have told von about, te ,tue r LNEeT CLOTHING a gentleman requires. BY THOSE WHO HAVE DEALT WITH US OUR GOODS ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST IN LANCASTER CITY OR COUNTY. mtr GOODS. TTOI'SISKKEPING .GOODS. WATT, SHAND & CO. Aie new elfcring an Iinmene Stock et Bleached and Unbleached IU AND SHEETH. In all the Popular Brands ut Old Price. TABLE LINENS, TABLE COVERS, TICKINGS, NAPKINS, TOWELS AND DOYLIES in fiim.vr VAtuinv, at lewe-it price. inn in.en an t :n ipmei 101 e v, -v" .-. "lUD" auvvoie, a .-.s.. each. ANOTHER KIFTV DOZEN LOT. Medallion German Towels Only 25c. Each. We otter the best possible value In WHITE AND GRAY BLANKETS, At !1.37 1-2, Sl.flO, JS1.87 1-2, S2.25. S3, ai'U s-i.xe 11 pair. ALL-WOOL BLAXKETS, at very Lew Prices. Special Bargains In Ladies' and Gentlemen's MERINO L'NDERWEAR, at SVA and SOc.cach The Remnants et our Astonishing Price. HOLIDAY GOODS ut NEW YORK STORE 8 & 10 B. KING STREET. ,. H AG Kit A. IIKO. CLOSUG SALE -OF Mr Hig. k 9 Ne. 25 West King Street. WILL O.N AND AtTER TUESDAY, DEO. 27th, OFFER THE ENTIRE .BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK OF Winter Clothing AT A GREAT DEDUCTION IN PRICE. MEN'S OVERCOATS. ULSTERS, nrsiXESs si'ts, DRESS Sl'JTS, HOYS' CLOTIIJXa, LA 1)1 KS' 1)0 LM A XS, LADIES' CLOAKS. LADIES' JACKETS, 'HIT. ItREX'S ( 'LOA KS. TKAT lllillU '! TJ5K CIVi;i' HOl'SK. FAHNESTOCK. HOUDAY GOODS! HOLIDAY GOODS ! BLACK SILKS, BLACK CASHMEBES COLORED OASHMERE, COLORED SILKS, LADIES' SKIRTS, SHAWLS, LADIES' COATS, LADIES D OLMANS. Rkinkets, - Blankets, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK UMBRELLAS, LAD1L'. GENT'S, BOY'S' AND GIRLS' Gossamer Waterproofs. NAPKINS, HOSIER!, GI.OES, UNDERWEAR, " Any of the above will make a useful picsent Our stock is full and complete. Allateur usual low prices. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuse. LIQVORS, CC. niNGWALT'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND GROCERY STORE, .-Je. 203 West King Street. icblfi ly HAREB BSOTHER CLOTHING. M VERS & KATHFON, MEDICAL. T OCUKK'S i Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate,specdy and sure remedy ter Celd-i. coughs, Hearsened!), Asthma, Intlucn za. Sercnes3 et the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Wlioepins Cough. SpltttiiR or Bleed. In In llainmatleii el the Lungs and all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passages. TliU valuable preparation combines all tne medicinal virtues of these articles w hlch long experience has proved te possess the most sate and efficient qualities ter the cure or all kinds et lung diseases. PRICE, 25 Cents. Prepared enlyand sold by gHAS. A. LOOHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Xe. !) East Kiii: Street, Lancaster. 1 T7akfaveli, hutiuk. j l1 DR. GItEENE takes this oepoitunity te let , ; his numerous triends and patron knew that 1 In a lew months he will establish offices in Washington, D. c., and hence would suggest te the ntnicted. the clnenie cases of disease, le test OMNI PATH V before it is tee lute. Dr. Greene bus treated ever 3,000 patients since January 1st. lste, made up largely treiu tho-e turned away as incurable by ether M. D.s. Over 1,."03 deaths have occurred under ethers practices, and net a halt-dozen using his iciiie dies. Most eftlie 1,500 have died prematurely. Physicians have lest their wives, brothers and sons, and driiggistsjtlii-ir wives and children during this tluie.-Over l.fOO persons have been cured, and all benetltcd, by his methods, with a lew exceptions, and the citizens will bear him witness that he has never guaranteed te euro anyone or forfeit $1 or SLUM; that he has net thrust his pictured face into their heusc-t or en the lences, iu the disgusting Pinkliaui style, be common te quack venders et nes trums. His claim is simply te euro all the various ills et mankind by external applica tiens ei remedial, anil mat tie does net uiaKc a drug shop of the stomach, and he will betere leaving publish a large pamphlet containing hundreds et rameset persons cured in this city and county, many el them very extraor dinary. A banker's wife cured et iek head ache et ever thirty live years, and her glasses removed, react lng anil sewing with natural vision. Mr. Sutter, of 329 Middle street, cured et 5 years terrible annoyance of dyspepsia, in one day. Epileptic Fits et twenty years cured in one week. Tumors, Cancers and Cataracts removed without any rain or use et the knife. Axioms, Wretched-looking countenances de net cuie disease. A regular graduate can be come a mennUsbank. A'reguiar practitioner -MftB"'Sargcen cannot (at the same time) be a THmtetal-iat.- Certified cures et difficult cases naake converts of the.incrcduleus. Consulta- I tlbasand examinations tree. Catarrh cured iOTOu cents, xneicmcny seni 10 iinyene en taecipt et 50-cents in stamps. DR. Cll.vs. a umsKi 5NE, 148 East King street. MWF&S R EIGAHT'3 OLD WINK STOKE. Brandy as a Medicine. The following artlcit- was voluntarily sen I le Mr. JI. E. Slaymaker, Agent for ReigartV old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively uste the Brandy referred te in his regular piv.i ti-r. It is commended te the attention et these a tiictcd with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic blliiiuluni was never intended as a beverage, but le be used as a medicine of great potency in the cuie of some el tlie destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands of victim.-. With a purely philanthropic motive we pit bent te the favorable notice et invalids espi. ciidly these atllicted with that miserable dis. ease Dyspepsia, a spi-ciiie remedy, which 13 nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with tceble appetite and mere 01 less debility, will linn this simple lnedk-ini-, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. Be it, however sliictly understood that we prescribe and 11-1-but one article, and that is REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young triend, tl Ii SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never tailed. n lax as our experience extends, and we tlierelen give it the preference ever all etiier Brandies no mati er w it h hew many Jaw-breaking French titles tlicy are branded. One-fourth et the money that Is yearly thrown away 011 various Impotent dyspepsia specifics would suffice tc buy all the Prandy te cure any such case 01 ases. In proof of the enrativu lieweri et Reigart's Old Brantty, lu cases of Dyspepata, v.'e cun summon mini bers et witnesses 0110 casu 111 particular it 1- cite: A hard-working farmer hail been ufMcici with an exhaustive Dy.spcpia ler a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he hat! sour eructatiens con stantly 110 appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a bevenure he used McGraun's Reet Peer. He is a Methodist, and then, as iuw preached at times, and in ids discourses oft 11 declaimed earnestly aalnstall kinds et strong drink. When advised te trv Reisrart's Old Braudy, In his case, he looked up with aslenlsiiinem. but after hearing et its wonderful etleets iu the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at hi3t consented te fellow our advice. lit used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the tirst bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound tl. a stomach capable el digesting any tiling ivhicl: hejehose te eat. lie stil! keeps it ami Uses a lit tle occasionally; and since he Ills this medi. cine he has been of very little pecuniary hem . fit te the doctor. A Pkactisine Pii vsicm cr. H. E. SLAYMAKEIi. AOENT FOR Reigart's Old Wriue Stere, Established in 1785, IMPORTER AKO DUALKR IW FINE OLD BRANDIES, SHERRI!-:.-. : t-.Vl't RIOK OLD MADEIRA, (Impeited in t-tls. 13.7 and 18i3,) CHAMPAGNES V EVERY BRAND, SCOTCH AI.K PORTER, BROWN STOUT. e. 29 KAST KINU ST. CA.NCASTHK.I'A IJKAD THIS It Iahca3TEr, Pa.. April 'JS, Hil. TUB KlDNETCtntA MK'O COJIPAKV. Gents It gives me mch pleasure te yaj that after u-Ing one pack et KIDNEYCURA I have been entirely cured of a severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, after trying various known remedies. I have every confidence in your iiiedicin.-, cheerfully recommend It, and knew thatmany of my friends who have used it have been benefited. PETER BAKER, m261yd Foreman Examiner and Express. COAL. B. IS. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds et LUMBER AND COAL. 3-fard: Ne. 43) North Water and Priucc atreets abeve Lemen Lancaster. n3-lyd COHO & WILE?, SBO NORTU. WATER ST., Lancaster, l'a., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, Branch Office : Ne. !0 CENTRE SQUARE. G O TO REILLY & KELLER per. GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Fanners and ethers In want et Supcrlex Manure will find It te their advantage te call Yard, Harrisburg Pike. I Office. 20H East Chestnut street. I agl7-i w T ANTEU. 12 GOOD gUARKVMES AC custemed te Hand Drilling and Pin-; L-athcrlmr. te take out dimension stone. nnd Peathcrlng. te take out dimension stone Apply at Reckvillc, Dauphin county. Wnge $1 j!0 per day. j2-lwd JAMES MALONE A Mix Mv i'EIM Jt KATHFON, TKAVELEHS' OUIDK c 10LU3IU1A AND PORT DEPOSIT K. It Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert I'epusu iwaureau en tue louewinK time: Stations North ward. Express. Express. Acceiu, ; A. M. V. 5f . p. M. I 6:35 3:55 il)5 . 7:12 i:H 3:1S 7:33 5:11 5:21 I S:i" 5:40 C:2t) Pert Deposit.. Peaehbotteui.. Safe Harber... Columbia. Stations Secru-' Express. WARD. A. X. Express. P. K. Accem A.M. Columbia Safe Harber... Peachbottem.. Pert Deposit. liu r. st. li(W l-ilS ia 6:A) 6: Id 7:3i 7i Ar9:0C Le9'40 11.07 P.M. nnu R KADI NO COLUMBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, NOV. 7rn, 1SI1. NORTHWARD. LSAVK. Quarryville Lancaster, King St. Lancaster Columbia .".... AKRIVK. A.M. 7UW 0:10 J:'.M Reading.. SO'.'THWARD. tEAVE. Reading ARUIVS. Columbia A.M. P.M. P.M. :40 ... -ilM 7-M .1:40 H.OO 1:00 3:50 7:.'i) 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:'3 5.50 F.M Lancaster. U:27 2.10 8:1.1 5:15 Lancaster, King St H::i7 .... 8:25 S.-25 O narry vll le 1 10i".7 .... Jh35 C:.'H) Trains connect at Reading with trains teand lrem Philadelphia, Pettsvllle, Harrisburg, Al leu town and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te mid trem Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Sunt. DKNNSV LVA N t A KAII.KOAD NKW JL SCHEDULE On and alter MONDAY DECEMBER lMh.lSs'l, trains en the l'eimsyl vaiun Railroad will arrive at and leave the I. tie.-isti-i and Philadelphia itepetsii follews: Eastward. l.eav Arrive l'hiliid'u l.aue'ti IMiiludelpia Express, 4:r.0A.w. Fast Line, 4.10 " YerkAccum. Arrive, S: " Harrisburg Express H:ll5 ' Lancaster Accommedatinn1 S50 " Columbia Accoiinueilation. !l:5 " Frederick Accem. Arrives,' 1:1.1 p.m. Sunday Mail. 2:47 " Johnstown Express, 2 15 " Chicago Day Express, .r:" " St. Leuis Day Expres" 5:13 " Harrisburg Aeeoiiiiiiedui'ii, i;:."e " 7: a.m 6:15 " 10:15"" 11: is"" 3:35 p.m. 5:00 " 7:05 " 7:15 " XV, ' I Wkstward. Leave Arrlve Pbilad'a Lane'ter Way I'assenger, News Express U:.'t..M. f.:0 a.m 8:27 " 4:30 " 8:WJ Mail Train Ne. I.via Mt Jey, 10:85 " 10:40 " I man 'irain -se.'i.via ceruia. I Sunday Mail, 8:00 ' 10-JSO " 1:40 P.M. 1:45 " UZ)I. lJilH-av 11:20 " Frederick A Ien, Lancaster Accommodation, Harrlsbuig Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, 2:30 " 2:13 P.M. 4:13 " 5:30 " 6:45 " 7:2C " 7:30 " 80 " 10:50 " 2.10 A.M iiarriseurg Kxprcss, Pittsburg Express, Western Express Philadelphia Express,.... (1:20 " 853 " 11:30 " - - - . ... ..,.., ... .. Muil Train. Ne. 2, wcat, connecting ut m caster with Mail Train, Ne. I, at 10-3 n.iu., will run through te Hanover. Kl-eilerii-lf Ai'nTtininit'itlnu riArini.tlfni :it Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:4V, will I run tureugh te Frederick. Ilarrlsbui-g Express mcs.mL f.-;ii p. in , has f direct connections (withoiitcliangcercnrs) te Celuinhi-iund Yerk. Fust Line, west, en Sunday, w hen flagged, will stopatDewnliigtown.Coatesville, Purkes , burg, Mount Jey, F.Ilzabctlitewn and .Middle- ou 1.. LEGAL NOTICES. E .VTATKOPUIIAKI.KS ii. 1 1 KALE, LATK Letters testamentary 011 said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and the-e having claims or demands against the t-ame, will jire sentthem without delay for settlement te the uudci signed, residing in llieCitvefl.ancastcr. WILLIAM McCOMSEY, n2-i;t. eaw Executer. INSTATE Of JOHNS. GAr.Li-;, LATH Of l.aue.i-ter. Pa., deceiised. Let. Hi the city of I'ailiiiinis(rittieii. d. b. 11.. with the will annexed, en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all person indebted thereto ate reiue-tcd le make immediate pay ment. and these having claims or demands against the decedent will make the same known te him without delav. Hl'GHS. GARA. C.S. HOFFMAN. dec-ii Ctdeaw Residing In Mild city. 17STATE OF JAMES rIIOPl.ES, LATE OK Ji the city et Lancaster, deceased. Lett! r-t testamentary en said e-tate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are rt (im-.-tid te make Imme diate payment, ami the-e having Just claims or demands against the same will present them without delay ter settlement at my re-1-dence. Ne. Jl West Vine. street, Lancaster. P11. .MARGARET E. PEOPLES. Alcvamiki: II wiris. r-sQ., Executrix. Attorney. diS-Ctdeaw J'STATI U theC OP W.M. L. PKII-KK. LATK OF ityef Lancaster, decensed. Letters 01 aiiminisiriitieii 011 said estatu having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in, debted thereto are ieiu-ted te make lnmie- ulate payment, and ihes.. having claims 01 demands against the same, will present tlicm without dflayter settlement te the under signed. M LASH. FORK Y, Yerk, Pa., .JOHN D. SKILEs.. Lancaster, Administrators. Wn. At .. ATtcc, Alternev. dccil-'JtdeawACtw E .STATi: OT KI.I.A DUNNELLY. LATE et the tltv of Lanc.istcr. ilecea-eil. The undersigned Auditor, appemtcil ti distribute 1 111: naiancu reuiaiuiug in tne haiiits et Henry Redgei-s, executer et the will of sU!i deceased, te and among the-e legally entitled teihe same, will Mt for that purpose en WEDNES DAY,.! ANCARY' ij, Isii, at 10 o'clock a. in., lu the Library Roem et tin: Court Heuse in the city of Lancaster, wliet e all parties interested In said distribution may attend. EUGENE G. .SMITH. J3-1tdeau Auditor, OLFT DKA WINGS. "IOMMONWKAL.TH DISTKIUUTION CO. 40 th Popular Monthly Drawing or THB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the City of Louisville, en TUESDAY. JANUARY 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the Genera! Assembly et Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court en March JI, rendered the following decisiens: lt That the Common wealth Distribution Company Is legnl. 'iti Its draw legs are (air. N. Ii. The Company has new en hand a arge reserve fund. Rend the l!-t of prizes ter the .IANLAK1 DRAWING. '.leii . x jirt-.. J0prl7cs$l.exinaci S3 prizes MX) each ;iCJ prizes ilW each 300 prizes 50 each 600 prizes 20 each 1W0 prizes lOeach 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes I a.m. M. P.M. 7ri" IiOO 0:10 1 1.M. ..... 0:35 'i:l6 8:25 U:i7 2.10 8:1.1 ..... 1::!7 .... 8:25 1 10:7 !h35 2:i,l CO 10,M 0 10, 10,(M.O lll.WO 10.0IC l,W.O 10.0CO i,aeV 9CC s prices .uu eaen, 9 prizes lOOeach, I, Ji0 prizes. .... .... ...... Wliele tlekets. 5:; I'.alt tVket- ... 4112,1(1 !7 tickets I- ii; r tickets, 1 10 1. Ri'init Menev or Hank send by Express, eij.vr Draft in I.ett.T, SEND l:Y REGIS , t)r.'iei-ser$Siind'uV..ird bv Eviue-., nr. 'bV ! -. - .1.1.1 A....,' ... IhltKII LETTER Olt I'M- lOfKICC ORDER sent nt our e.xiietisf. dilri s alt euleis te It. M. ItOAItll.tlA.V I oiiibi.leiiri .1 I'.iiilding. i.eiiisiii.-. liy. e. 1; m, Itreadwiiv - 11rK lebi TuTiiASJkw