Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, January 06, 1882, Image 3

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A HrlUiant Wedding Last Evening.
At six. o'clock last evening the doers of
the Presbyterian ehuieh were thrown
open and Columbia's elite were admitted
te witness Ihn wedding of Mr. Jeseph F.
McMakin, of Lages, Mexico, te Miss
Mazie Purple, of Columbia. The church
was seen filled comfortably. The pulpit
was covered with twining vines and in the
centie was a large vase containing ferns.
Directly in front and suspended from the
ceiling was an unibiella made of ferns. At
the light hand corner of Ihe pulpit plat
form was a large stand of ivy plants, and
at the left hand coiner was a stand the
same size containing a latge lily plant.
Between these and the pulpit were plants,
ferns and fle wets, interwoven in the most
magnificent i-tjle. At a quarter of seven
Mr. Will Malhiet, organist, played the
wedding march and the biidal paity ap
peared. Messrs. Hairy C. Nesbitt and
Chas. McCicnahan, f Pert Deposit, and
W. II. Femlricli and James McCenkcy, of
Columbia, the ushers, arm-in arm led the
the march. Diiectly behind them
came the bridesmaids and groomsmen,
Miss Annie Brunei- and Mr. ('. (.'.
lialduman, Miss Lizzie Crane ami Jehn L.
Purple, and Miss Maggie Wilsen and Mr.
F. r. McAllister. The bride and groom
came next. In front of the altar they
separated, two u.-.hc-is ieiiig te the right
and left of the altar, ihe bridesmaids te the
left and the gioemsiiicu te t!ij tight. The
biide and gie-iin steed directly in front ami
underneath the suspended umlncUa. Rev.
Jehn McCoy then lead thc.sei viets which
made the two man and wife feiever. The
ceremony was .slim!, but impicssivn. Alter
the v editing ring had been placed upon
the bri'le'.s linger a prayer was made and
the blessing of the pastor pieununccd.
'flic bridal pa:ly then left the church, the
newly man led couple taking the lead and
the etheis following. The Purple family
weie staled te the right of the pulpit and
the .Mc-Makin te the left. At 730 the
doers of the bride's patent' i'-Mdcnce
were opened te the guests and i.-engratula
liens ere sheweied upon the happy
couple. After the usual formalities had
been eb.servi il the guests were in
vited te the dining rooms te partake of re
freshments. A table the length of the room
had been set and everything that was
in season was en it. Prof. Jehn Warren
acted as caterer, and the way the geed
things disappeared showed tha his clfnrl.s
were appreciated. The pai bus wei e clear
ed ami l-tiu jjiu-sth enjoyed themselves by
dancing and promenading. About 11
o'clock some et' ihe guests dcpatteil for
their home--, hit! m.t until - this .1. m. did
the bridal p.u ty leave. Tney were driven
te Lancaster, win ;- the b.i !u ami groom
took tin- ! o'clock lKiiti for Philadelphia,
and in that city and vicinity they will visit
for live day-. ; then go te Xew Yerk anil
staytheu; until Thursday, January 12,
when they take the steamer City of
Pueblo, a new ves-s. !.-, this being its
tirst trip, Tiny intend staving a few days
in havaunaii, ami tern :g;im cenlmue i
their jour:. ey by water until Vera Cruz, i
Mexico, is reactied. They will then go by
railroad, etc., te Lages, Mexico, ;i
city about three hundred miles from !
the City of Mi-u-e, whese they will
make their future home, Ihe gioem being j
en the engineer -eip-; of tie; Mexican rail- j
way. The bride's br-it her, -Ansel Purple, !
is also there. Xumeieits and very hand-i
some presents weie hrstnwid upon them. '
The groom was presented with a silver ;
water pitcher, Ui a swinging stand, ntid '
cup, with the inscription, " Presented
by the corps mcsnheis of ll.e .Mexican
railway " en it; also tii'1 n.tnic of the '
givers. TJie costumes were :e elegant
that we cannot refrain from tie vibing a
few. The biide w is dres.-c.l in a cream
tiuled satin and, with court
train, elbow sleeves and a surplus neck ;
lileeves train and neck being trimmed
with r.irrt old Spanish race. Very few I
ornament decked her poison excepting a
large beautiful pearl comb in br-r hair and :
a pearl cress, the gift of the groom. Mis-t j
Maggie 11. Wilsen, litiit hiidesinaid, was
dressctl in a fawn colored silk trimmed i
with swan's down
sleeves ami court
shoulder was a
llewers, while in
ricd a basket
surplice neck, elbow j
train. On her left !
bunch of artificial
her hand she ear-1
of natural flowers.
Miss Lizzie Crane, second bridesmaid, ;
wasdicssed in light blue silk and damasse, .
with sleeves, neck, train anil (lowers, '
the same as Miss Wilsen. In her hair she i
were a haudsome comb of small pearls.
Miss Annie Brunei-, third biidesmaid, was j
dressctl in fawn colored silk, trimmed with ,
Spanish lace, anil nsck, sleeves, train and j
flowers the sumo as the ether bridesmaids. !
The ruche at her threat was clar.pad with
a pin containing three large and very line
diamonds. The ushers and groomsmen '
weie diessed in full evening costume.
Guests iiem out el town, were : Capt. D. j
B. Case and wife, Misses Ida Shirk and !
Mary Bewman, Marietta ; Miss Annie j
Mus-sclman. Yerk ; Mr. Jehn Smith, wife
and child, Miss Annie Bilner, Lancaster, ,
Miss Annie Sherwood, Canandaigua ; Miss j
Nellie Melick, Leck Haven ; Mr. and Mrs. :
Wm. M. Chase, Philadelphia ; Mr. Frauk j
McMakin, Mr. C. C. Ilaldeman, Philadcl-1
pliia ; Themas J. Smith aud wife. Wash- ,
ingten, D.C.; Messrs. Wciscr and Fulton,
Yerk, and many ethers. j
Little Locals. !
Pavements very slippery.
Schools open again uext week-.
Masquerade ball within two weeks.
Seven wagon leads of tobacco arrived in
town last cveningj
Miss Nellie Melich returned te her
school in New Yerk state this a. m.
Oflicer Kecch took two drunk aud dis
orderly tramps down this morning.
Several inches of snow fell dining the
uight. The river is still full of lleating
An entertainment will be held in the
Methodist church itcxtThuisday evening.
The statement of the. condition of the
First National bank of Columbia, was is
sued this morning. It is printed en a
handsome folding card, en the first page
being the compliments of the bank ; en
the last page a happy New Year giceting,
and in the centre is the statement.
r.:evlng for a I'm!;-
A meeting of the citizen-". s Old ( o! e!
umiiia " was held at the Piankim ht.i;s.c
last evening. Mr. Samuel Swailz v,a3
elected piesidcnt of the meeting and 1.
O. Clark, secretary. Mcsm s. James Pei rot ret
tct, Jehn A. Slade and J. L. Pinkciteh
weie nominated trustees of the old public
grounds, te be voted for te-morrow. These
gentlemen are in favor of th path and
they received the nomination accordingly.
It is expected of them that if they lie
elected, they are te push thepa'kbusiiie-s
through. The election of the tiustces for
the public grounds will take place at Wag
ner's hotel te-morrow from 1 te 4 p. m.
Jumped the Track
Engine Ne. WO jumped the Lack at the
water tank in the east yawl jcstciday ai"
ternoen about 12:30. The tank in the
west yard is out of water and Mr. Ben.
Gilmau, fireman, took it te the cast yard
te be filled, which was deuc, but in back
ing te join the 12:40 train it jumped the
track, the tender lying within ene feet of
the edge of the embankment at Bietz's
mill. A geed deal of the machinery was
broken. Mr. Gilmau turned en the air
and jumped oil.
Held ler Larceny.
August Ilirsb, arrested some days age
for stealing a valuable overcoat from A.
P. Fulmer's saloon, Centre square, had a
hearing before Alderman'McConemy, and,
in default of bail, was committed te prison
for trial at the next term of quaiter
session court.
Properties or the Lewer End Dispened Of.
Yesterday James Cellins, auctioneer
sold at White Reck station the following
real estate, the property of Jehn A. Alex
ander, deceased, and Y. K. Alexander.
Ne. 1, 129 acres of land, with brick
mansion, at White Reck, Little Britain
township, te Y. K. Alexander, at $03.50
per acre.
Ne. 2, 93 acres of land in Little Britain
township, with dwelling and bain,te Y. K.
Alexander at $49 per acre.
Ne. 3, 101 acres of improved land iu
Little Britain, without buildings, te V. K.
Alexander at $40 per acic.
Ne. 4, Stene mansion at White Reck,
with frame warehouse, store building and
three acres of land, te D. F. Magee for
Ne. 5, 11 acres of improved land iu
Colerain township, with two frame housed,
te Henry Slay maker for $832.
Ne. C, 23 acres of mineral land in Lit
tie Britain, te Heury Slaymaker for
Yesterday Geerge Hunter, auctioneer,
sjeld the following property belonging te
the estate of James Risk, dee'd :
Ne. 1, 71 acres of land in Edeu town
ship, with house, barn and ether build
ings, te Samuel Slump at $97.20 per
Ne. 2, 5 acres aud ene perch of laud iu
Bart township, te Charles Kcktnau at
$23. .10 per acre.
Ne. 3, 3 acres aud 01 perches of laud in
Eden township, te Samuel Skimp, at $C
per acie.
The I.ycciun.
In the Lancaster lyceum last evening
Mr. I). C. Haverstick answered, "Should
the Mermen religion with its doctrines ami
practices be suppressed by force ?" A
very animated discussion ensued, lasting
the entire evening. The following pro pre
gramme was lcpertcd for next meeting.
" At what degree of heat will cast iron and
wrought iron respectively melt '.' " Walter
P. King. Give some account of Aztec civ
ilization, Peter Hcrshey. Dees the at
traction of the moon produce tides, and if
se hew? Harry Strohn. Which is the
collier location in our latitude, high or
low ground ?'Benj. Spiudlcr. Was Brutus
justifiable in assassinating Cieaar? W. W.
Oriest. "Resolved, that the charters of
the national banks should extended,"
Affirmative" J. II. Frey aud Ellwood
Oricst; negative, R.J. Housten and W.
F. Duncan.
A Wern n Whipper.
Henry McGurk was arrested this after
noon for a violent assault and battery en
his wife and also for surety of the peace,
his wife being the complainant. Mrs. Mc
Gittk is a peer, frail delicate looking
woman, weighing a geed deal less than
100 pounds, and when she entered Alder
man Ban's oflice te make complaint her
eyes were blackened and her face other
wise disfigured by the blows indicted by
her brutal husband. Sephia Martin also
made cemprint of assault against Mc
Gurk. The alderman committed him in
default of $1,000 bail for a hearing.
The Saw Fire Department.
There was printed in the advertising
columns of the Intelligencer yesterday,
and it appears again te-day en our outside
pages, a notice te the effect that the spe
cial committee in the reorganization of the
lira department would receive applications
for positions in the same up te the 14th
of February. This was a slip of the pen
and should have read 14th of January
one week from tomorrow which is the ,
limit the committee have set for the re-J
cent ion of applications. The correction f
was received at this etlica tee late te make
the necessary correction in the advertise
men! te day.
The view eis were te have met te-day
te assess the damages en East Marien
street, but as ene of them, Samuel Evans,
or Columbia, is a juror en the Bricker
ville church case iu court, they adjourned
te meet en Friday, January, 13th.
Sale et Ileal JiNtnte.
S. (lay Miller, esq., bought te-day of
Jehn II. Mctzler the grcenstone trout
dwelling, situated Ne. 429 West Orange
street, the property of Stirk & Mctzler, for
Vehicular a "horse valued at $200 be
longing te Emanuel .Ilershey, of Gordon Gerdon Gorden
ville, slopped en anail aud was taken with
lockjaw. It w is found necessary te sheet
Free .Soup.
This morning there were 434 latiens of
soup given out at the station house and
before 1 1 o'clock it was all gene.
Iteiere tlie Mayer.
This morning the mayor sent, three
drunks te jail for ten days each and allow
ed three bums te run.
A Celebrated Case."
The Brickerville church case is yet en
trial. The evidence is all in ami counsel
began speaking this afternoon.
lle.Vr fail te uttciid W. N. renniiiglr.ii's
s Milublcul (iranl hall te-morrow evening. A
geld riiisr will he presented te the best waltzer
en ihe lloer. Aduilsien. 25 cents. lid
Jlijdr iiiiil Uehhiau.Oi Jiendity evening
Messrs. Hyde and lieliinuii's star specialty
troupe will perlerm at Fulton opera house.
Watsen and Ellis, who head the llslefmcni
her, mean inimitable team of dialect ceme-diair-sund
the reuuiindei- of the list includes
some el the best-known vaudeville stars in
the prelusion.
Uctl Hues, lteaclics.
IJats, mice, ants. Hies, vermin, mosquitoes
inscctf. &e., cleared out by " Rough en Kat-."
Lie. per box.
(ii'Aite against any lung or disease.
I'se Hide's Henc of Iloreheuntl anil Tar.
Pike's Toothache Dreps cure in one minute.
jTi-l wd.eed&w
Sins of the Fathers Visited en the Children.
Physicians say that scrotuleus taint e.mnet
tie eradicated; we deny it "in tete." If you
go threuuh a thoieugh course el Uurdbck
Itloed Hitters, your liloed will get as pure its
you imii Pticrt $1. Fer sale at If. I!.
Cochran's drug store, 1:17 North Quet-ii Mieet,
1. nit caster.
Dr. C. W. Hensen of Ihiltlinerc, Jld. prepares
a skin cure that is the best thing ler skin dis
eases ever known. It cures eczema, tetter,
ring-worm nnd all rough and scaly skill dls dls
eaxes iu th -hertest time Sold hy all drug
gists at lljicr package.
Ceidcn's Llebig's Liquid Heel and Tonic In In In
vigorater is admirably adapted ler females iij
delicate health, ('elden's: no ether. Of drug
gist. J5-lwd,ced&w
M.lii OlKcascs " Cured by llr, Swayne'd
what is mere distrcMng than tin obstinate
.skin diseuse, mill why pen-ou should sutler a
tiiigl.! hour when they have u mire c.utcin
'. Sway no's Ointment" Is past our comptc-hci:-slen.
The worst cases el tetter, itch, salt
rheum, or that annoying complaint, itching
piles, yield te its weudcrtnl ull-hculing quali
ties. Pimples en the lace and blotches en the
j-kiu are removed by using this healing oint
ment. Perfectly safe and harmless, even en
the most tender infant. Itching Piles-Symp
toms are meiMurc, intense itching, particu
larly at night'ntter getting warm In bed;
ether parts are sometimes all'eetcd. Swayne's
Ointment pleasant, sure cure. Dr. Swayne ft
Sen, 5:1 North Seventh street, Philadelphia,
Pa., te whom nil letters should be addressed,
sold by all prominent druggists.
Catarrh et the liladder.
Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary
passagrs.dlseased discharges, cured by Buchu
paiba. Druggists. Ilcpet. Jehn V. Leng &
Metnerat moment! Hetberflll
Arc you disturbed at night and broken of
your rest by a sick chlidsuflering and crying
with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T
If se, go at once and get a bottle of 31US.
lieve the peer little anflercr lmmciliateiy-sle-pcntl
upon it ; there is no mistake, about it.
There is net a mother en earth who has ever
used it, who will net tell you at once that It
will res ate the bowels, and give rest te the
mother, And relief and health te the child,
operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te
use in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, anil
13 the prescription et one of the eldest and
best female physician ami nurses in the
United States. Sold everywhere; 25 cents a
l.etlle. "virMvdJiwM.W&S
A Ceugti, Ceiti or nere Tnreat should De
stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In
curable Lung Disease or Consumption.
Brown's nrenchiul Troches de net disorder
the stomach like cough syrups and balsams,
but act d ircctly en the inli.Hiued parts, allaying
Irritation, give relict in Asthma. Bronchial
Coughs, Catarrh, ami the Threat Troubles
which Singers ami I'lihlicSpcakers are subject
te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bienchial
TiOeiicj have been recommended by physi
cians, unit always give perfect satisfaction.
llu lug been tested by wide and Constant u-e
for nearly an entire generation, they have at
tained we' .limited rank among the iewataplu
remedies et the ag". Seul at 23 cents a box
everywhere. mS-lvd ITh&S&iyw
An Invaluable Arllcle.-Tlic readers et the
Arrjus have no doubt seen the advertisement
of Ely's Cream Balm in another column. An
article like "Cream Balm" has long been de
sired, untl new that it is within the rca et
stiHercrs from Catarrh, Hay Fever, etc., ere
is every reason te believe tint they will make
the most of It. Dr. V. K. Ituckinan, V. K.
ilaiiimitn, Druggist, and ether Eastenlans
have given it n trial, and ull recommend It lit
the highest lenn. -.Vsei, l'n. Daily Arjus,
Oct. r, Wi.
Best en Kecerd. 1 believe lily's cream
Halm the best preparation ler Catarrh new en
record. Mj patrons all speak well et It. 1
have sold one hundred and lorly-feur bottles
In lesi than live months. 1 ordered another
gre-s a week age, and have sold twenty-one
5;it!!M from the second gross. II sells upon
its merits. Jehn II. Pircr.vs, DruggWt, Scran Scran
ten, P.. .Inn. '-.'s, ls3(i. Price ru cents.
Tim best Salve in the world ler eutf, bruises.
Mires, ulcers, Milt rheum, tetter.clmppcd hands,
chilblains, corns untl all kinds et skin eruption-,
ireckles and pimples. The salve is
u.'.iteed te give peiiect -atist'actien in
every case or money letuuded. Be fcitsc you
get Henry's Carbolic Salve, us all ethers are
but Imitations am! ctiunterfeits. Price -J."! cents.
Seli m Lancaster at Cochran's Drugstore,
i:t7 " it ... North Otieen street.
A Cetid Angcl'n Visit A Tale et "Kostt "Kestt
dsilis." Blanche called en Kute, one pleasant day,
ami found her sad ami sighing, dearest friend,
once bright ami gay, new scarce could keep
Irem crying; ler, '-eh," she said, "'tis a dis
grace te see with scrofula, my lace se badly
mailed!'' then said her 0 lend, " ltesadalls will
your troubles end." Blanche called en Kate
neither day and found her .nce mera blithe
nud gay, her face as radiant, skin as fair, as
any maiden's anywhere. Fer skin diseases
nnd impure bleed, there's nothing in the
world se geed as nesadalts, it drives away all
skin disorders, humor, nuy, it tones the sys
tem, cures your ills untl banishes all doctor's
bills: Sold In Lancaster at Cochran's Drug
Stere, 137 and IS) North Queen street.
Many miserable people dra; themselves
about with failing strength, leeling that they
are -Inking Inte their graves when Panccr's
(linger Tonic would begin with the first dose,
te bring vitality and strength b.tck te them.
Snii. ja'-Mmdeod&weew
. Universal Approbation
By the community at large lias ueen given te
liiirdeck bleed Bitters. Ne instance is known
where dissatisfaction has been manilested by
I heir use, or where might but benefit followed
their udininist union. " Price SI. Fer sale at II.
It. Cochran's drug store, i:S7 Neith Queen
stieet, Lancaster.
Ity Universal .lccei.l,
Aval's Catuautii: Pills are the iie-a el all
purgatives ler hunlly uce. They me the pro
duct jf long, laborious, and t uccestul cheint
cal Investigation, ami their extensive use, by
physicians in thcirpraciicc, and by all civil
ized nation, proves them the best and most
ellectual purgative Pill that medical science
can devise. Being purely vegetable no harm
can arUe Irem their use. Iu intrinsic value
ami curative powers no ether Pills can be
compared with thein.anii every person, know
ing their virtues, will employ them, when
needed. They keep the hy.tein in perlect
enler, ami inai-itain in healthy action the
whole machinery of lilt;. Mild, searching and
etl'eetual, they are especially adapted te Ih
needs of the digestive apparatus, derange
ments el which they p'-event ami cure, II
timely taken. They are lilt; best anilsalcjt
physic te employ ler children ami weakened
constitutions, where a mild and effectual
cat Inn tic is lcqiiired. Fer -.ale by nil dealers.
Tlieti.llouingstatemcitlof Wllliam-I Couli Ceuli
lin, of Seniervilic, uln-.s.. Is se remarkable that
we beg t ick for it the attention of our read
ers, lie says : "In the fall of 187t I was talen
Willi a violent bleeding of tun lungs followed
by nsevr-toeeugh. I seen began te lese my
appetite anil flesh. I was st weak at one time
that I could net leave my bed. in the summer
of IS77 1 was admitted te the City llespilnl.
While there tl.e doctors said 1 had a. hole iu
my left lung as bigas a half ellar. I expend
ed ever a hundred dollars in doctors and med
icine. I was se far gene at one time n report
wen: around that I was dead. I gave up hope,
lint a friend told me et Dr.. Wm. 11 all's 1Ialsa?.i
f.irtiiu Luncis. I laughed at my friends, think
ing that my case was incurable, but I get a
bottle ie satisfy them, when te my surprise
ami gratillcatlen, I commenced te teel better.
My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to
day I feci In better spirits than 1 have the past
three years.
"I write this hoping you will publish it, se
that everyone allliclcd with Diseased Lungs
will he induced te take Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam
ler the Lungs, and be convinced that con cen
sump'i'Mi can be cured. 1 have taken two
bottles nnil can positively say that It has done
mere geed t'jaii all ether medicines I have
taken since my sickness. Ily cough basal
most entirely disappeared and I shall seen be
able te go te work." Sold in Lancaster at
Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 130 North Queen
stre iv2S-lvdpeilTli&w2
JiJiA TltS.
MrUevEBX. In this city, en the Stli iiiM.,
Themas McUevern, in the Tilth year efhis age.
The relatives and friends el the laniily
are respectfully invited te:ttcud the fur.cial,
Irem his late residence, Ne. fil-J North Duke
ctv.,..t mi Mnii.l-i liirwni,,' Ml II f ,,jlirlr Mi!u
,,.,.1 ., .... .. ....... j n ....... .......... ..... 3 .
nt St. Mary's church. Interment at St. Mary'i
cemetery. ""
IfHir ADVliltl IS ESlJtX '!fi.
nioriew ( SATUKD.W ) evening at the
It '2: North Qn.-t-n slieei.
man IS years old. te work in any kind
et a store. Can make liiinfll useful. Apply
at this ethce. ml
The Stock, ;ecd will and r'ixtuics et a
large, tirst-class Clothing Heuse, are clt'ered for
sale, tioetl nnil sati-factery veasen.s given ler
selling. Imjuirc at
dSMIwdUl Ne. '.'I CKNTItli .SQUARE.
' Dwelling, Ne. X'A East Orange s.trect,willi
side yard. Has all modern improvement-:
stable en rear oflel. Terms easy.
FOU RUNT. A two-story ami attic dwell
ing. Ne. VM East Orange struct, with all mod
ern improvements. Apply at
l'ersens who have hail no practice can ly
the Hb of this iiiMiiumcnt make all the chords
in any key, cither Hats or sharps, with live
minutes practice. Canvassing agents wante d
in every town. Apply at the
jG-2td :::0 North Qaccn St.. Lancaster, l'a.
And the mnny elegant ami artistic articles embraced in our stock are especially iitted for
Durable, Useful and Intrinsically Valuable.
Tllft VOW lillfrl Shmt Of i rililft rft 1lV rOffvil In tlie mat hea oiiiAnt-ne-nil 11a trt I
our cases a liner and larger stock than e cr
et all who desire te examine beautiful oeds.
EDW. J. ZAHM Jeweler.
zAinns CORNEK,
. i
Are new etlcrlng an immeiisu Stock et
Bleached aud Unbleached
In all the Popular lir.if.ils at old Prices.
100 dozen All Iiinen Towels, 12 l-2c.
Meilallien GVTinnu Towels
Only ."ic. I-.'ucii.
We etl'ur the be-.t possible valuu In
At Sl.:i7 1-'J, l.ffO, S1.87 1-Q, ;..-.. !3,
and SS4 ?5 n pair.
Lew Prices.
Special liargains in Ladies' nnd Geutlemcu's
MERINO UNDERWEAR, at 37i ami r.Oc. each
The Remnants el our MOI.ID.W utielis at
Astonishing I'ricc-".
37 North Queen Street.
IlitViiig -t ill en hand a Large As-ei'tnicnl et
Men's, Youths' and Beys'
Ami which miisl he -old In nrtter !e uuike
room ler mvSl'RING &TOCK, which is new
heing rapitlly manufactured, 1 have conclud
ed te Clese Out the EntireSleck at such VERY
LOW PRICES ns will mi ct with the approval
of the cle-esl buyer.
Which ill-it- -old boier,; .lanuuri' 1st at Itt.oe,
Kediircd Ie SI O.OO.
sold hclerc January 1st at $u:.ii,
Kctlncctl te SIO.OO.
Sold belere January Ht at $17.r).
Reduced te St O.OO.
Anil all ether Goods In l'ropeition.
I have leceivcd .since January 11 '' lezen
et CARDIGAN JACKETS, which will be .-.old
ler lernicr price, -fl 5n
TIiem! being -.npplied ter this winter will
find it te their nil vantage te purchase ler next
Next tloer te Slmltz & llre.'s Hat Stere.
The Distinguished American Orator anil Jeur
nalisl, who has recently returned from lie
land, will lecture under the auspice-; of the
Subject: "Ireland and Her Traduccrs."
A Vindication of the Pea-anty, Priest-, ami
Patriots of Ireland.
This lecture l.sii eveiy wheie been lironoune lirenoune lironeune
ed the most eloquent am', aide detence yet
made of tin; liish people anil their leader. It
is partly historical and partly descriptive; it
reviews the history of Ireland, ami gives
graphic pictures.helh pathetic and humorous,
et the condition et the people. All who want
te understand the present condition el the
land should hear Mr. Rcupath.
Tickets for sain In- any of the Meinhers, untl
ut L. M. Flynn's hook store, 42 West King
street, or at the hull from Mr. Yccker.
t'l.TON OI'KHA llOCSi.'.
tJreat Hlr Specially Cempiiny,
Appearing hex.- atler securing the most hril
liant triumphs in all the large cltie-i : headed
hy the great untl only
Ami 11 Cnhixy or l'ueiua11ed Specially Talent
And Their Royal Marionettes,
and Willie. MISS CLARA MOORE anil MISS
The entertaininc-iit concludes with Wutnti
& Elll-j' Funniest of Ceincdics.
WBINKLBS, or Duteh and Irish.
ADMISSION 75, SO and 35c.
Diagram at Opera Heuse Office. ,r-ltd
before, te which we cordially invite the attention
iNew vor murKHi.
New (erk. Jan. (!. Fleur State and
Western moderately active and prices without
! decided change : Supcrilnc state, ft 10Q1 S5 ;
I choice de, $C S03 25 ; Superline Western. J! 10
ISiM. nouinern dull and unchanged; com
mon te fair extra, 3 :i3i f;goed te choice
tle. $0 li.gSOl.
Wheat slightly in buyers' laver and less ac
tive ; Ne. .: red Jan.. $1 4.!'- ; tle Feb.,$14ji
ftll.V ; tle Mar., $1 47l 47S ; de Mav, $1 41)
l 4Uii.
Cern abeut'c lower ami dull : mixed We-d-ern
spot, r.77Ic ; de tuturc, C!a7J14c.
Oats a shatlu stronger, inclntling Ne. -. Jan.,
.M).-,0ic ; tle March, ;.0e ; Slate, ."itlffir.l ; Wet
ern, 4S2-V!c.
riilhiilelptil!! .11 ark ci.
i'uitieELPuiA. Januarv i!. Fleur dull, but
.steady; Superline, 14 ut,if4 f,u; ctra $17.".
fj.'i .".0; Ohie ainl Indiana Itimtly,
16 7."57 i"; Pennsylvaiii.i fanillv jtl :!7h
G 10; St. Leuis deit; t7.?7 ."17; Miunu.-eie
Extra at it: ."itiji; 7."; de -.iialglit at W 7-'iS-7
00: winter piueit' i7 5 tiS ilU; -nilng tle
7 50itS03.
Rye Heur at $.1.
Wheat market dull ami in ices easier; Del.
mid Penn'a Red, l 4131 I'; tle Ainber i 4'J
31 4J.
Cern tinner ler local u-e.
Oats steady.
Rye dull at !7c.
Previsions dull.
Lard dull.
llutter steady. Iml went
aside from fancy
- Rolls dull.
Cheese llriii ler choice grades
Petroleum dull: retlncd, tj'i;e.
Whisky steady at $1 hi
Seeds Geed te priiiiti Clever linn ''
S;!i;:; geed te prime .lull at Jl
lies! bit!
Grain ami I'joiiki.ei Ouotatteiis.
One o'clock quotations el grain anil provis previs
ions, fiirnislicd In S. IC. Y'unilt, Breker, l."'
East King street.
Jan. !. 1 i. m.
Wheat corn Oats Perk Laid
Jan 1 ric Xd .41 ie.8i may.
Feb.... 1.27fi .Ci!i 4 IT.dii 11.15 "
March . l.saj
May ;:-.i AV,i
Jan 1.40J6 . ..'dK
Feb 1.43. .71$ .511
March.. 1.4.'. .7 ..r2Ji
Live StecK itlarKetn.
Cuicaoe. Hogs Receipts, 40,000 heatl; ship
ments, u.ote head ; tee many rough mixed ami
thin bacon hogs, which are weak ami SlCc
lewerut j IKlt; 0, mainly $'; -JiSti 30 ; heavy
packing anil shipping.iucluding Fhikiiiclphlas
at -iC iSJi'I Tj ; common te goetl mixed, $.r 90
(i 20 ; skips ami culls, $1 5t)5 Ce.
Cattle Rt-ccipts,fi,S(iO head; shipments, S.lKXi
lieatl ; market lulrly active ; experts, $tJ 10gi
(il.";gee(.' te choice flipping, SO 50(J; common
te tail- $I4')Q5; mixed butchers' tle, $7 40g
ISUO; goeit te choice, $1.10! '.'.; stockers ami
feeders at $:i 004 se.
Sheep Receipts, -.'..'.O l head ; shipments, 1,500
head ; market slew, but, generally steady for
choice; common te medium at ..' 40f!i":5 01 ;
geed le choice, $1 2.-.- 40; extra, $5 50C.
East Cattle Receipts, 142 head ;
market active at yesterday's prices.
Hogs Receipts, 5.00J heatl ; Philadelphia",
$77 10: Yorkers. $U.riOi; C5.
Sheep Receipts. -.'.SOii ht-ail ; filing -low at
yesti'i-thiy's prices.
ntnci: .iiiurce'
.','.- eik, Philadelphia and l.ectti :-.Ie-l.-.
also Unitut States Rends rcperttjil tlailv :. .
Jacob I!. I.evi), N. E. ("or. i.vntrt! Stimot Stimet
Nuw Yerk stock
Stocks ilcprc-seil.
Jun. U.
li'.lm i-.-XI 3:01
Menoy. I!
Chicago & North Western
Chicago. Mil. &S1. Paul ..
lii;,; i2i'i m
UMfr Hl7 H-7
Canada Southern .Vi .11
C. C.AI.C. R.R '."O
Del.. LiU.k.& Western li! I'JIJ-J J-.'IJ
Delaware & Hudsen i'a. ud .. Hi7 in;ij ICftSl
Denver & Rie Urundc itl.y CO MZ
EustTcnil., Va. A: tin VAK .... Y.'.)i
Hannibal & St. Jet! ". te
Lake Shere & .Mich. Southern., lit).; 111", 111
Manhattan Elovat'ed ."iti 10J Wij
Michigan Central SIJ.J Si 8.V4
Missouri, Kansas 4 Texas- : ;" :
N. 1'., Lake Erie & WcHteni.... su f!lj ffiij
New Jersey Central 'Mi ) WA
N. V., Ontario & Western Wi K4. !9JAi
New YerkCcutral i'lWA l,'i 1-)JS
Ohie & Mississippi "" .... :-K
Ohie Central : . 22
Pacific Mull Steamship Ce... :!';4 10:4 40-i
St. Paul & Omaha : ... 31'4
de Prclen-.'l US;.; .... U8)J
Central Pacillc M .... '.)llA
Tcaus Paclllc 4.-)i 10 4t'4
Union Pacific H"?i H.v,i ll.v
Wabash. Ht. Leuis . I':icille :W. 21s' :fiV.
.. -. . . ... .- - 1
Jnltit! Stiite-i 4 per cwnts.
4W "
t :t
Leral nrecn nnd llenrif,.
" ' Preferred ai'H i:7i ii
Western Union Tel. Ce 77? 7S T'
a. m. v. M.
Stocks stcittly. :').',' w uiJu
Reading :t Wi :.;
Lehigh ViUJev Hi i,?i 1?J
Lehigh Nnviifiitien Ex Dlv.... 4." 4::;
Uulfale, Pitts. & Wcs-eni i'.', .... 21
Northern Ct-ntral 47
Nnrllmrn Pacitlc :i'JC, .... Wi
Prclcrrcd 74 74- 74
Hestenvillt is
Electric Underground Tel. '. ICO ll.'i
Philadeltiliii. Ac Erie it. i: 10
Ouiinisen Mining 170 170
lev.aGulcli idiniiiLr..., :;i 3.)
UnitkdStatiw lieMie. i: m.
1 ":i r Las
Viil. -all-
thin 10.",
itw lil
Kill llS.'.f
10.1 Tin
. Kill in."
. 100 1UJ
Km 10-J
100 10-.'.ni
)h in;,
iVM -t ! 7 ".
, :m w.
:m in;.
. il0 14i
. iw ISl
, 10.; 13.1
!!.- !.;!.:.!.
100 -I.Y1.V
lliO 1 15.7,1
. Ml
Ml IH..V
.'l 70.&.
it'll lu".
iiiw -iti:..
lei Kit
. loe iVM'
. loe inn
. ion nti
. 100 S)
'.'I i:t.-.'A
.10 i".
:M 0
n-i i-:e
I,iin:-.t;ity (J per tt. I.eau.iine lsi...
" lb'.KI. . .
" S per ct. in 1 or 30 years. .
" fi per ct. Scheel Lean....
I " iu 1 or 'JO years. .
" t ' in 5 or -iuycais..
" .! ' iu lder-Jil jeai-s.
First National Ran Ir
Farii'.eis' Niitiemd Hank
Lancaster Comity Natinuai itanic.
Celiimiiia National Ran!:
Kphruta National Rank Hank, Coin. lihia
First National Rank, Stras-hiii'.: .
First National Hank, Marietta ..
First National Rank, Mount .low.
Lltitz National Rank
Munhcim National Rank
Union National Rank. y
New Helland National Rank
sriscif;Li.ANKers u.j;.r.-.-!.
Oiiarrvvillu R. It., due 1SI.I
Reading & Celumhia R. Riiuc l.-si l(;;i
Lancaster wateii Ce., due;
Lancaster Gas Light ami Fuel Ce.
due in 1 eri!0 years
Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce..
duclSSj ,
Stevens Heuse
Quanyvlllc it. JC -;
Millers ville Street Car
Inquirer Printing Compau v
Watch Factory :
Gas Light unit Fuel Cemiian
Stevens Heuse
Columbia Gas Company
Celumhia Water Company
Susquehanna Iren Company
Marietta Hollewwiire
Big Spring Reaver Vulley
Columbia ft Chestnut Hill
Columbia & Wiishingt ou
Columbia & Big spring
Lancaster Kphruta
Lane, Elizabethan sMiddlur..,
Lancaster & Fruitville.
Lancaster &;Lititz
Lancaster Williiunstewu
Lancaster & Maner
Lancaster Manlieim
Lancaster Marietta
Lancaster ft New Helland
Lancaster & Susquehanna
Lancaster & Willow Street
Strasburg Millport
Marietta Maytown
Marietta Mount Jev
licl 7.1.10
ill! 1
.1 il 10.-.3
. ViH 21
. il la
. 2.1 'Jn
. . 14.K.
. j.i 47.:
. 10) 51
. SO 50
. -ii ei.te
. -1 .15
. .10 'IS
. -.'5 'MA
. il 25.?
. 100 si
. :) Hj.a
. 23 40.
. il 21
. il 40
The.Mau Convicted of Mlna Miller's .Murder
Sent te a Higher Court.
Jersey City, Jan, C Martin Konkow
ski was executed in the county jail Lere
shortly after 10 o'clock this morning.
1 no condemned raaai slept soundly all
night, awaking at G:30 this morning. He
ate a light breakfast, and later en received
a letter from a prominent Catholic priest,
finally bidding him geed by. At 10:03
the death warrant was read te him, after
which his arms werc'piniened and the noose
adjusted en his neck. He declared him
self innocent at.d asked for an hour mere
te "live, which was refused him. Upen
the gallows he protested innoceuce and
asked Ged te forgive these who had
brought this disgrace en the state of New
Jersey. His neck was broken, and after
hanging thirty minutes the body was cut
down and given te the undertaker.
Proceeding lu the .Senate Tu-Iay.
Washington, Jan. (5. Iu the Senate to
day 3Ir. Garland occupied the chair, Mr.
Davis vacating it immediately after the
Senate assembled.
After the morning business, Mr. Sher
man moved te take up his bill for the issue
of 15 per cent, bends. Objection te its pre
sent consideration was made by Mr.
Beck, iif Ohie, who proposed te antago
nize its discussion with that of the
tariff commission bill (in the hands
of Mr. lluyard, new absent), te be report
ed en .Monday, and by Mr. McPherseu, of
the nuance committee, which reported the
bill, who desired te have printed several
amendments lu; had Itatncd.
Mr. Sherman said Ii'is motion was a no ne no
tilicatien of his purpesQ te try te get the
bill up en Monday ; he had accomplished
his present object ; he- withdrew the
The amendment of Mr. McPherseu
makes t he bends redeemable after Jan. 1,
1S01, instead of payable after Jan. 1, lSS?,
and extends the time of p.ijmcnt te thiity
years from date of issue.
Mr. Plumb gave uotiee of anamundment
directing the use of all of the fund new
bold in the treasury for the resumption of
United States note's in excess of $100,000,
000 for the redemption of the three- aud
a half per cents.
The amendments ate ordered te be in
serted in brackets in the bill as reprinted.
The resolution of Mr. Davis (W. Va.),
presented December lilth, calling for in
formation relative te pension frauds, was
then passed, anil at 1:43 911 executive ses
sion was held. At 1:30 the Senate ad
journed until Monday.
thai' rotveEi: itomieic. I'ale of Tnrce limit Iteyt,
Oskat.oe . Iowa, Jan. 0 The boys
killed at. the powder explosion yesterday
belonged I . prominent families. They
were sheeting at. the building and after
several shots, ihn horror of the explosion
came. The body of young Phillips was
found horribly mangled fifty yards away.
Stcdmun was blown through a wire fence
one huudml yards awny fearfully tern,
while the headless body of Joyce was
found in the creek still farther away. The
damage te the city is very great and most
of the houses composing the northern half
of town are badly wrecked. The ruin of
plate glass en principal sheets cannot be
covered by r.0,000.
Dead at 101 Ycar.sOld.
Wn .mi::ten. Del., Jan. 0. Mis Ann
Denncr died suddenly yesterday at the
residence of her seii-iti-law, near Smyrna,
Del. She was iu geed health last Sunday,
when, by a reunion of her descendants,
her 10 lth birthday was celebrated. She
was born in January 177S.
Fatal I'rt-lght H'iccI;
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 0. A fi eight train
standing 011 the main trael: at Seward,
Neb., was 1 tin into en Wednesday night
by an extra Height train, teveral cars
were badly damaged, and a man named
Calvin Attenbeiry, war, probably fatally
Washington, 1). C, Jan. i',. Fer the
Middle states, cloudy weather and lain
or snow, winds shifting te southerly and
westerly, slight rise in temperature and
falling barometer.
Can'! -Ifalie Cods Meet.
Lnri.r. liecK, Ark. Jan. 0. L. Sleeper,
a dealer in general merchandise at Mai Mai
relteit, Aik., has made assignment for the
benefit, of his crcditeis. Assets about $25,
001), liabilities $..0,OCO.
.Taken Down the Ohie Itlvcr lu :t Steamer
I'urMictl by a Meb.
Yesterday a mob of 450 men started
f;em Ashland, Ivy., te go te Cattlctts- J
buigh, some live miles oft, for the purpose
of lynching Ncal, Ellis and Craft, the
muidereis of Annie Themas and the Gib Gib
liens children. Judge liewen, becoming
uneasy, ordered the prisoners te be taken
011 beard the steamer Mountain Hey, and
te be taken te Maysville, from which
place a company of soldiers had been
The sherifl'toek the prisoners and with
difficulty get them en the steamer. Just
as .the started away the Ash laud mob toel:
possession of the steamer -Mountain Girl
and started in pursuit. At Riverton,
about twenty miles below Calllettsburgh,
the .steamer Mountain Bey was met by j
steamer Hudsen, which had en beard the
Maysville guards, numbering 75 muskets.
The soldiers were transferred te the Meun.
tain Bey, which then continued down the
river, passing Portsmouth at about Hh p. m.
These en the Mountain Girl, en learning
that iiisj murderers were in the care of the
militia, wisely gave up the pursuit, and,
turning around, started for home. The
chase created the greatest excitement all
along the river towns, and when the Moun
tain Bey landed at Portsmouth for coal it
was all the troops could de te prevent the
people from bearding the steamer at all
hazartTs. It is expected that the prisoners
will be safely ledged in Maysville jail seen
after midnight.
At Cattlettsbutgh theie were threats of
lynching Judge Streng for sending the
prisoners away, and he and Judge Savage
kept closely within doers.
A special from Ashland says that the
men went te Cattlettsbtirgh te protect the
prisoners and see that they had a fair
Judge Brown had notice of their inten
tieti, and hence the bitterest feeling exists
against, him for sending the prisoners
An indignation meeting was held aud a
resolution adopted, declaring their inten
tion te bring back the prisoners, and
pledging their honor te protect them until
they have had a fair trial.
A committee was also appointed te
wait en Judge Brown and induce him te
rescind his order, but the judge refused te
de se.
At a later hour a mass mectiug was
held, and a resolution adopted te appeal
te the Legislature for a court te be held ou
next Monday for the trial of the prison
ers. The excitement ever the case is intense.
Resignation cf Deputy Aiternry Ccacral
Special Dispatch te the Ixiellieescsie.
IIakiusbukg, Pa., Jan. 0. Deputy At.
terney General Gilbert te-day placed It is
resignation it: the hands of Attorney Gen
eral l'almcr. His successor lias net jet
been named.
Afternoon Telegrams Condensed.
The mail bass at Glendine. D. T., were
stolen aud robbed of their contents; yester
day by unkuewn parties.
L. Montgomery Mather & Ce., Philadel
phia, ship brokers, have failed. Liability
net giveu .
Fire at au early hour this morning in
Sevill Schefield's mill. Manaynnk. caused
a less of $30,000.
At Oaklaud. Cal., llev. James Cameren
died yesterday from, which his who
gave him in mistake for medicine.
The Delaware river at Hordentewn, X.
J., is ice bound, aud steamers between
thcre and Philhdelphia have stepped run
nitnr for the season.
The dead bodies of three inmates have
been recovered from the ruins cf the in
sane asylum of Macen county, Ills., burned
en Wednesday uight.
Baldwin's furniture- store, Williamsburg
N. Y., burned this morning. Le;s ou
stock and building $7C,000.
The Henes of tlie Benapurtes Uidi-.turbe.l
Londen, Jan. 0. The vaults at Chisel
hurst have net been in any way tampered
with. It appears that a te'iej' was re
ecived at Chiselhttist yesterday from Paris
giving warning against lMdy-sinieh.u-s and
hence the rumor published by the Central
news association that an attempt had been
made te steal the bodies id Napeleon III.
aud the Prince Imperial.
Heavy l.ltna;;e nyaii Explonleii of Lnrd.
St Leris, Jan. I. The extensive perk
packing establishment el" T. W. Whit taker
& Sen, Ivtst St. Leuis, took lire early this
morning. Five lingo of lard ex
ploded and blew the building newly t
pieces. Less estimated at $40,000.
.tdclde of a I'arnier.
II.Yi:itisi;riui, Pa., Jan. C Charles 11.
Kanliern, a lartner lesiiliiu; near tlie city,
committed suicide this morning by shoot sheet
ing himself through the heait. He leaves
a wife anil live chiLlten. Ne is as
signed for the act.
ISiirned te UeiilliTrjliig tuSuve Horses.
Milwaukee, " Wis. Jan. 0. Mitchell
Brown, of Sherman, Wis., while endeavor
ing te remove a team of horses from a
bunting barn yesterday was himself burn
ed te death.
I.l.AN A. lll'iUt:, Utl.Wr.Y.lSCKK ANI
i II ITt.-VI lllM l'l w?l. VI I, ,. rn.
... 1.11.1.. .....i -.,1.-... 1......1 .....: 1...... ........
a...v..,fc,- (.lit. ... .-.,.'1 1. lu.) ll.L
nerience ami abllitv.
PATENT RIGHTS secured through my as
sociate lit Washington, one nt the most exper
ienced and .sucee-sl'iil agents iu the country.
Olllee : Ne. :t North lluke street, Lancaster,
l'a. (opposite Court Heuse). nevi-.lunv
piJltLIt;SAJ.t;. WMlNtlSllAV, .JAN
.1 4, MSI, will hos-elil at imhlle -.ale, at the
imblic house el' hreltler. In tl.e village
of Quarry ville, the following real e-tlute. viz.-
Ne. 1, A two-story FRAME DWELLING,
with Jstnble untl ether improvements, iu the
vtlhiguel (Jtiarry ville.
Ne. -J, A let or ground iu the ii-tgnet
ryville, upon which Is erectetl a leg house.
Ne. 3, Five building lets lu the village el
Ne. 4, A trait of ed land in Di teivn-f-hip,
containing .i ACRES nnd .1". PERCHED,
mere or less, adjoining lands of ? Heward.
Gee. tiiuicutnn'l lhttiiiblleiiaillealing from
Quarry ville te (.uno-.vmge I-'urnace.
Sale te commence tit I o'clock mi iatl dav,
when teruw untl conililleus will he nindc
known bv
Guardian el tlionilnercliildienor Lytlian Ann
d-JI-3t w .1 ENS IE LL'FKVHE.
1TOi: SALE. A 7-V.ICM Ol' 111 ICKES.
About 1.1 acres In weed,; iu a high
state of cultivation. corn ami tobacco
land ; VI acres no v.- iu wheat. Apple, Pcarnml
Cherry; tries In Orchard. Alse a choice f-elec-lien
of young Iruit trees net yet in bearing.
All under geed, me-uly new Iciicing.
The improvements consist of a c-oialei table
FARM HOUSE, el sir rooms, new Rum unit
Straw Heuse, with ample slum; .st bling ter
Iieimcs anil cattle, new Cern Crib, 'I'obacce
Shctl, Chicken Heuse. Pig pen, ets A pump
et geed wafer at the deer and n - tivatu el
water running ttir.Hi-jh th-i ihn-e.
Thoahevo'larui iMSilualetl In C'eeil ceunly.
Mil., about one iiiilt: .south of tie: Lancaster
county line, near tin: villageel Oakwood, and
adjoins lhe hautlMinie property id' .Mr, .bancs
E. Rell, ami convenient, te two railr.i.nls, .llr.
Abm. Ceurlney, re-I ::;; en th- lilact:, will
show it.
Price, $tti per :.i-n. Terms e.tsj-.
Alse near tin; above a small l-'RAM E HOl'SE
with stone cellai-, slat: if, with AN' ACRE
of laud attached, l'rh-e, .110; cost 7m te build
11 few years age.
Address tin e'.i in r.
Ne. I." Seuth Ch:irle.s Htr.iet,
nevJ-.'Innv I'.altiuiert:. Mil.
and .fustic.: of the i-ece,Oilice, Law Rulliilng,
epp:i.dli: the Court Heuse, Lancaster. Pa. At
Clenuiell en halurdais.
IIAtlNd L'lMSl'LLTI-:!! 31 V TERM O'
Xl iillictsas District Attorney of thu county,
I inn new prcpaii d tt.itti-ud te a general prac
tice el Hit: Law. Relng conversant with both
English and German, eousultiitienscaiibn had
iu either language. IS. F. ESIILEMAN,
Attorney-at Law, 1.1 ,. I)u!;i; Siieet,
)un!-ltd&Ivw Lancaster, Pa.
117 ami ll'.l EAST LING STREET,
Lancaster, Pa.
Convenient te all :ailr.-ad depots. Superior
iitcoiuiuedailons teims iiiedctate.
Ample room forlier-'-'aittl
vehicles. Geed
dcc2l-fimw Proprietor.
J el Fulton lev. it-ilip, tleceasce. Thu mi
dcrslgncil auditor, appointed te pass upon ex
captions te the account et .I0I111 II. Rcekwcll
and I". 15. Wljsler,-xecnters of said deceased,
te and among the-t: legally entitled te tin:
same, will i-it f. r that purpn-tceu THURS
DAY, the 2;th day of JANUARY. ISHi ut 10
o'clock a. in., in the Library Roem of the Court
lleuif, in the city e: Luue:nter, where all per
sons interested iu said distribution may at
tend. I. McMULLEN.
jl-:ttu Auditor.
.'STATE OF KOISl.IiT I'l.lllil'SOS, l-ATK
J id Celt-rain town-hip. Lanctrter county,
deceased. Letters et administration, with thu
will annexed, en mid estate having been
granted te the under-dgncd, all persons In
debted te said decedent arc ren, nested te make
Immediate payment, untl these having chlluis
or demands against the same will present
them without tlel.ty for settlement te the un
dersigned residing in Cel'-rain township.
W. I.kajia", Administrator, e. t. u.
.1. M. Walkur,
Attorneys. jl-Ctu
JLj LvscastkbCeustv Natiesal Ua:;k.
Lancaster. Pa., December:!, jssi.
An election for thirteen Directors of thN
Rani; te serve during thucu.suiiig year will be
held in tin; room new occupied astlie R.-ink-imr
Hen.-e. Ne. tiS East. Jiing street, en TI-'Kh-
! DAY, JANUARY 111, 183- between the I.eur-,
! of 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. Y. L. PEI PER,
I d:t-3tdS.5tW Liisnler. -
17-STATi: Ol' .111LLAK, LATK
JJj or tin: City et Lancaster, tlf-c'd. Letters
testamentary en wild estate having been
granted te the undersigned, all persons in
debted thereto :.n: requested te mate imme
diate scttleiui.nt, and tises.j having claims or
demands against the same will pre.-entthem
without delay for settlement te thu under
V. LtAMAN, " Executrix.
K,, -. i.uii'11 .lii.i 1MIM-1 ii-.ii ,,1111111;-, vuic
lully prepared. Titles c:ttiiincil. tiuartllaii
and Administrator'.- account iititeti. Cuargcu
mnilAi-itn nil. I ll.iut .. ,...r...i...... ..1...... ... ,r. ..v
1 V UlM .1-, It. 17