LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER SATURDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1881. Hdtirasirr ftttrlltgenrer. SATURDAY BVENINO, DEC. 31, 1881. Crime and Crininals. Meedy Chapter of Te-day ' Sews The Daagiu Esou Beliu was shot dead by his wife while asleep, near Beutenvillc, Arkansas, last Sunday night. The woman iras ar rested aud ceufesicd her guilt, saying that her husband had made her life miserable by tmsnendu'jt. She was committed te jail and allowed te take her three months old infant with her, three of her children being sent te the poeriiouse. On Monday bhe borrowed a knife from the jailer and committed suicide by cutting her threat. Jehn Smith was fatally shot by Geerge Becjy, a man he had never seen before, in Tcxarkana, Texas, before daylight yes terday morning. Barry was taken from the officers by a mob, who tried te hang him en a pair el cotton scales, but failed, because the scales were tee low. The lynchers gave him back te the officers, but said they would hang him if Smith died. August Bleem, a prominent merch ant of Aurera, Indiana, died yesterday morning, from the effects of a blew in flicted by his brother Albeit in a family quarrel en Thursday night. - Small-pox Spreading. Fifteen cases of small-pox are lcpertcd in Buffalo, aud the disease is en the in cicase The pohtefiico department has been appealed te by postmasters in some places te adept some method of protecting them from mail matter infected by small-pox, "even te the extent of stepping the mail altogether if ether means fail." The de partment is considering the matter. It is officially stated that small-pox ex ists in thii ty-seven places in Illinois, al though, in about two-thirds of them, the disease is believed te be under control. A telegraph from Keokuk, Iowa, reports that between thirty aud forty of the med ical students thcre have contracted small pox from a body imported from Chicago and used in the dissecting 100m of the college. A Huge Swindle. A telegram from Yaukten says that last winter " the county of Douglas was organized in Southern Dakota by per jury ;" that it has only about 40 vetcis ; that its taxable prupcity does net exceed twelve or fifteen thousand dellais, and that it has neither a school house nor an authorized school distiict. Yet news has reached Yankton that ' $200,000 in Doug las county bends aic en the maikct" in NewYeik. These bends arc pronounced "absolutely worthless" by an associ ated press despatch from the former city l.rewfetcr te Lead. Attorney General Brewster in a letter te Colonel Bliss, his associate, counsel in the star leutc prosecutions, directs civil pros edition of the accused in order that the "utmost penny lawlessly received aud taken from the public ticasury be iccov iccev crcd." He insists that the cases be well prepared aud the prosecution earnestly pressed and adds. "Ihave resolved that my duty will rcquhe mc te take active pait in the trials in court, and I propose te be present with you, and iu, person lead in the piosecutien for the United States." fc Pender en These Truths. Torpid kidney, ami constipated liewcl-., iiie Hie ureal csutec-i et cluenic diseases. Kidney-Weit lias cuied tlieu-ainK. Tiy it and Mm" will add one moiete the number. Ilahituul cnitlveness ! an alllietien et the American people. Kidney-Wert will Kidncy-Weil lias cuied kidnev complaints t tinny e.tis standiii. Tiy .Exehnqe. da; lwd&w Neatly all the urn mat altlict us cad lie pre vented and cuied by keeping the. stomach, liver and kidneys in working elder. Thcic i no medicine known that will de this as suiely as J'.ukcrs Ginger Tonic, bee advertisement. Kidney Complaint Cured. It. Tin ner, Rochester, N. V., wi lies : "1 have leen for ever a year subject te eiieiis dis dis dis oideref the kidneys, and often unalilt) te at tend te hustness; I piecured your Ituideck I'.lend liittcis and was telieved beleic halt :i bottle was ii-eil. 1 intend te continue, as 1 luel confident that they willcntiiclycitic me " 1'iice $1. Fer Kile at II. It. Cochran's tliu-.' steie. Vel North Queen street. I.ancastei. Escaped Irein the Tells. .J no. Ilacen, Laperlc, Ind., writes : " IIuumIi ler Spring lllosseni; it's all you recommended It te lie. My dyspepsia has all vanished. Why don't you advertise it ? What allowance w ill you make It 1 take a dozen bottles, se that I could oblige my fi iends occasionally '."' Price ."(leeuth. Fer ali! at II. IS.' druj; stele. 137 North Queen stieet, Lancaster. Itcds or Down Feel Hard. All beds seem hard te the lheumatic. Then li.iike.n yc peevish suilcrcrs ! Apply Dr. Themas' Kcleeti ie Oil te your aching Joints and muscles. Rely upon it that you will ex perience speedy relief. Such, at least, is the testimony et thesu who have used it. The le inedv is hkew iscsuceesslullv lesertcd te for tin eat aud lung diseases, sprain.-, bruises, etc. Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran's Unit; stoic, 137 North Queen stieet, Lancaster. MEItiCAl,. ItKAO TUIS V Lancaster, Ta.. April 2S, issl. THE KlDNETCUItA Mf'O COMIWJiV. Gent te. nics me liuich pleasure te say thrtt after using one pack et KIDNEYCURA 1 have been entirely cured et a severe pain m my back and side, et long standing, and that, tee, alter trying various known remedies. 1 have every cnnlldence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend it, and knew thatniany of mv lrlcnds w he have used it have been benefited. PETER liAKKlt, nvJKlyd Keicniitn Examiner and Kxpiess. 1 OC11ICKS Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sale, speedy and sure remedy ler Colds. Coughs. Hoarseness. Asthma. Influen za, Soreness et the Threat and Chest, llron llren chitts, Whooping Cough, Spitting of ISIoed, In flammatien ei me i-ungs una ail liiseases et the Chest and Air Passages. Tins valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues et these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and cllicicnt qualities ler the cine el all kinds et lung diseases. PRICE, 25 Cents. 1'icp.ucd onlyaudseldby CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIfeT, Ne. U East King Mrcct, Lancaster. FABBWKL.1. NOTIVK.. I)U. GREENE takes this onpertunily te let his numerous friends and patrons -knew that in a lew mouths he will establish offices in Washington, I). C, and hence would suggest te the atilictcd. the chronic cases of disease, te test OMNIPATHY before it is tee late. Dr rccne has treated ever 3,oeo patients since January 1st. 188), made up largely from these turned away as incurable bv ether M. D.w. Over 1,50;) deaths have eccuncd under ethers' practices, and net a half-dozen using his icme dics. Most et 1 he 1.5W) have dlctl prematurely. Physicians have lest their wives, brothers anil sons, and driiggisLs;their wives and children during this time. Over 1,000 persons have been cured, anil all benefited, by his methods, with a few exceptions, and the citizens will bear him witness that he has never guaranteed te cure any one or forfeit $1 or $1,000 ; that he has net thrust Ills pictured face into their houses or en the fences, in the disgusting I'inkham style, se common te quack venders et nos trums. Ills claim is siinnlv te cum -ill n.e various ills et mankind by external applica tions of remcdlals, and that he docs net make a drug shop efttlic stomach, and he will before leaving publUh a large pamphlet containing hundreds et r-ame s et persons cured in this city and county, many et thcih very extraor dinary. A banker's wife cured et sick head ache et ever thirty five yearn, aud her glasses removed, reading and sewing with natural vision. Mr. Sutter, of 329 Middle street, cured et 5 years terrible annoyance el dyspeps'a, in one day. Epileptic Kitset twenty-years cured in one week. Tumors, Cancers and Cataracts removed without any eain or use et the knife. Axioms, Wretched-looking countenances de net cui e disease. A regular grad uate can be come a mountebank. A regular practitioner and surgeon cannot (at the same time) boa tpccial-lst. Certified cures et dillicult cases make converts or the Incredulous. Consulta tions and examinations fiikk. Catarrh cured for 50 cents. The remedy sent te anvoueen receipt et 50 cents in stamps. DR. CHAS. A. UUEENK, 110 East King street 11 WF&S MEDICAL. fl'UK HISTORIC T OF A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS Prosecuted Upen the Principle or Truth and Honesty. We rcler te the wonderful success that has attended the introduction of Dr. C. W. lien son's Celery and Chamomile Pills into the whole country. They aie prepared expressly te cure Sick Head.iche. Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Net v eusness, blecplcssiietu and L'yspcpsiaand the iucts prove that they de and will cure these diseases every time where the cause is net et au organic nature. The secret et their success is t ofeld. First, the need et them is very great ; It Is the only thing that has ever been found, in the proles preles proles sien or out el it. that would actually and per manently cuic these diseases; se tnat every body who takes them becomes a walking and talking advertisement for them. One box, taken into a neighborhood, lias been lel lowed and traced te selling $50 weith in that one postetllcc. They are indeed a valuable preparation and no nervous person ought te be without thetn, as they net only save fiem suffering, but save and prolong life by preventing paralysis, apo plexy and heart disease. Sold by all druggists. Pi ice. 10c. a box. Depot, lf; North Eutuw street, ISalliuiere, Md. Jly mail tw e boxes ler $1, or six boxes for $i50, te any address. DP.. O. W. BENSON'S New Kemedy ami Favorite Prescription. SKIN CURE Is Warranted te Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAM MATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP. SCROFULA, ULCERS, PIMPLES AND TENDER 1TCIUNCS en all pails el the body. It makes the skin white, selt and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the Rest toilet diessingin the Weild. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting or both internal and ex ternal treatment. All llist-class di uggi-ts have it. Price 1 per package. uug'iMydW.WftS&w rriiisi:v wert. DOES WONDERFUL. CUBES. WHY? Itecause it nets en the L1VJSIC. HO WELS and KIDNEYS at the tuuue time. Hceause It cleanses the system et the poison peison poisen tle.velen in Kidnev and Uri- ,na!y Diseases, ISilieusness, Jaundice, Censti- lrllMMI, I lies. 111 111 Jllieuiliau-tlll, .iriiiaiQid, Neneus Iliseuleisaiul Female Complaints. SKi: WHAT PEOPL. SAY: EugenuR. Sterk, of Junction City. Kansas, says Kidnev Weit cured him alter regular l' been trying ter four years. Mis. Jehn Aruall, et Washington, Ohie, ij s her boy was given up tedieby lour prom inent physicians and that he was atterwards cuied by Kidney Wert. M.M. 1!. Goodwin, an editor in Chaulen, Ohie, savs he was net expected te live, being bleated beyond beliet, b.i;t Kidney Weitcmed him. . Anna L. Jarre It. et Seuth Salem, N. Y.. says tint sivei; yeais biillering ltem kidney tumbles and ether complications was ended by the ue et Kidney Wert. Jehn is. Lawrence, et Jacksen. Tenn..'suflcr cd ter years lrem liver and kidney troubles and alter taking "barrels et ether medicines," Kidney Wei t made him well. Michael Cote, et Montgomery Centre, Vt., suffered eight years w lth kidney difliculty and was unable te weik. Kidney Wert made hiui "well as ever." KIDNEY WORT PERMANENTLY CURES K1DNLY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTllMTIOA AND PILES. S It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in 33-liu wins, one package of which makes six Ad-quarts et medicine. e" Alse in Liquid Ferm, very Concentrated S-ler the con venience el these who cm net S-readily prepare it. It acts with equal S&refilciency in cither form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST." PRICE, SI. WELLS, K1CHARDS0N' As CO., Prep's, Hiirlmteu, Vt. t Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 llilftwh J'AV.j:iIA.XUIA'aS, tr. e ,UK LINE OF WALL PAPERS, l the largest wc ever had in stock ler this se.isen et year, embracing Fine Gilts for Pallers. Halls, A.c. Lew-priced goods in end less vai icty te select from. There are some choice patterns in the market for the Fall and spring tiane, wnicu cannot ran 10 piease you FANCY BAD0 WINDOW SHADES, PLAIN SHADING, by the 5'ard, in all colors ana widths. Scotch Hollands. Tin and Weed Spring Rell crs. Cord Fixtures. Rings, Tasseis, Leeps, Fringes, Picture Wire aud Cord, Rands, Heeks. &c. Paper Curtains te Dealers at Liewest Jfrices. "EXTENSION CORNICES, the cheapest and ucst. curiam x'eics m assortment. 2rOrdcrs taken for ilNE MIRRORS. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 57 NtlKTU O.UKEN ST. iilJf'T liJCAWIirtiB. lOMMONWlSALTD. DlSTItllfUTION CO. 4Uth Popular Monthly Drawuig OT THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO." In the City of Louisville, en TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kentuckv. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, leuucicu i lie iuiiuwing Uicisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. Sit Its drawings are fair. N. 11. The Cemnanv has new en li.-uul n large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the JANUARY DRAWING. i ji n ze , 10,000 iOprizcs $1.000each ie,000 aOprizesftOdcach io.euo 2100 prizes $100 each io.euo JOOprizesSOeach meec CM prizes 20 each 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 100CO 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2I7CO 9 prizes 200 each, " rsee 9 prizes 100 each, ' " 900 lJWprlzes $112,400 W hole tickets. Si; halt tickets, tl; 27 tickets iir); ,V tickela, $100. Remit Meney or Rank Draft in Letter. 01 send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $3 and upward, by Express, can be 2SniJi i''i180- Address all orders te K. SI. DOAKD..IAN, Courier-Journal Ruilillng. Louisville, Kj'.. 01 K. M, BOARDSIAN 09 Rreudwav. Xevt Yerk. fcbl-TuThftS&w JBWMSLE.KH. riWIKA GLASSKS, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AT AUGUSTUS EJIOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 20 East King Street. Lancaster, Pa fb-ept23-3mdeed UELiaiOUB. I.-IKST BAPTIST. EAST CHESTNUT ST. ' New Year's Da Preaching morning and evening at the usual hours, by the Rev. E. M. Tydeman, et Philadelphia. IIKSC KEFOKMKD. DIVINE SKttVlCE ' te-morrow at 10.30 a. in., and at 7:13 p. m. Sunday school at 1:45 p. m. FIRST M. B. CHURCH, NORTH DUKE street. Wath Night services will be held in this church te-night at 9 o'clock, opening with a service et song. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at 10. Services will conclude with the incoming or the New Year. Te-morrow at 10J a. m. and p.m. the pastor. Rev. W. C. Robinson, will preach sermons appro priate te the New Year. Sunday school at lJi p. m. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. MK. BIISSION KAST MISSION, EAST . King street. Preaching te-morrow at 7 p. ui. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Weekly Pray er meeting en Tuesday at 7K P m. MOKAYIAN'.-J. MAX HARK, PASTOK. This evening, SJ o'clock, service in the lecture 1000m, ler members only. Te-morrow, 10K a. m.. New Year's services ; pleaching. " Turning Over a 5f cw Leaf." 2 p. m , Sunday school. li p. m.. evcring service and sermon. All cordially invited. OLIVKT BAPl'IST CHURCH Y. -11. C. A. Reems, Rev. M. Frayne, pastor. Preaching at 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. At 10J a. in. celebration et the Lord's Supper Sunday school at lj-ip. m. PBESBYTEBIAN. aKRVICES AT THK usual hours morning find evening. Pleaching by the pastor, ltev.Jas. 1 siitcneu, D. D. -v-n.-euunwvvVA IV -KTI.-Tkfffl1?TA. IHAVRL. X Rev. Jas. C. Hume, pastor. There will ne union service 01 me cengrcgaiiun aim euuuuiu school at 2 p. in. A discourse bearing en the ieumiingauii progress 01 niu bui, ua it,uui memled liv the irovcrner. will be delivered. Ne evening service. SALEM CUURCU OF GOD FBKA.CIIIKU te-morrow morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. J. Ridley. Morning subject -Self Examination." .Evening subject ' Broken Vows." Sunday school at 1 p. m. West Mission, Derwart street Sunday school at lH p. in. North Mission, Antioch. Sunday school at 9 a. m. ST. .LUKE'S REFORMED CHAPEL, Marietta Avenue, near West Orange street. Rev. Wm. F. Llchliter. pastor. Divine ser vices at 10 a. m. and p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. 111. OT. PAUL'S REFORMED. DIVINE SEK- kl vice at 10 a. m. and at i p. in. Prayer meeting ate p. 111. Sunday school at l)i p. m. SECOND EVANGELICAL CHURCH (English), North Mulberry stieet, above Orange, Rev. J. C. Kr.uue, pastor. Wateh meeting this (Saturday) at SK o'clock. Pleach ing te-morrow at leyi a. m. and 7J p. in. Sun day school at 2 p. m. " (OT. JAMES MORNINIi SEKVIUK AND O Hely Communion at 10Ji a. m. Evening pi-aycr at i p. m. At the evening service the seals are lice. ST. PAUL'S M. E. CHURCH, S. UEEN ST. Rev. A. 1. Colleni, pastor. Preaching at 10J a. m. ami 7:30 p.m. Charles llumphreville's luneral sermon iill be preached In the even ing. The Shifllcr lire company, et which he was a member, w ill be present, sabbath school at 1:45 p. m. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing by the pa-or. Rev. Sylvanus Stall. Morn ing subject "Erecting Mcmeilals et Divine Help." Evening "The Rich Foel's Harvest," illustrated bv the use et pulpit paintings. Scats lree. Welcome te all. Sunday school at VA p. m. Gotwald mission school at 2 e. m 1UE OLD MENNONITES WILL HOLD . services in their church, corner of East Chestnut aud Sherman streets, en Sundav, January 1st, at 2 o'clock p. m. Preaching in both languages. UNION BETHEL CHURCH OF GOD. Rev. G. W. Sellhamcr, pastor. Preach ing at ey, a. 111. and 7JJ p. 111. Revival ser vices during the week. -ITrKST MISSION, M. K. CUAPKL, CUAR- f T lette street above Lemen. Preaching at 10J a. 111., and at 7 p. 111., by the pastor. Rev. Reut. A. Mcllwuin. Prayer and Experience meeting at CJ p. m. Regular weekly prayer meeting, Tuesday at 7 p. m. lirATCII MEETING. AN OLD FA"S71- T t inned watch meeting will be held in the Union Rcthel. this (Saturday) evening com mencing at 8 o'clock, te be continued till after 1 he going ouiet 1110 old ami the coming in 01 the new year. During tue evening two et tin oidinaueeset Ged's house will be observed. The public aie invite I te conic and join 111 the services. liltY UOVOS; il NltKlttY 1SAK, JtV. ATK HAVE THE HANDSOMEST AND f linest window display in the city. Don't fan 10 see 11. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, NECKTIES, 'MUFFLERS,. POCKET-BOOKS, AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CIGAR CASES, ERISMAN'S, NO. 36 NORTH IJUKfcN STREET. "IWrEXT DUOK 'H THE CUUItf IIOUSK. FAHNESTOCK. HOLIDAY GOODS ! HOLIDAY GOODS! BLACK SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES COLORED CASHMERE, COLORED SILKS, LADIES SKIRTS, SHAWLS, LADIES' COATS, LADIES' DOLMANS. ttlnnkcts, - Blankets, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK UMBRELLAS, LADIES.'. GENT'S, ROYS' AND GIRLS' Gossamer Waterproofs. NAPKINS, HOSIERY, tiLOVES, UNDERWEAR, Any el the above will make a useful picsent Oui hteck is lull and complete. All at our usual low pi ices. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuse. 1,AKU1A1&8, JtC. OLKIGHS! SLElUHs! EDGERLEY & Ce., Market Street, rear Market Houses LANCASTER, PA. We have a Large and Splendid assortment of PORTLAND. ALRANY and DOURLE SLEIGHS. They arc made or the best selected woodworks the best ironed, best trimmed, and the finest painted and ornamented SLEIGHS ever offer ed ter sale in the city. Remember wc pay cash ler our material and allow no one te undersell us. Our Motte : " (Jcick Sales aud Smau. Pnepixs." It cots nothing te call and examine enr work. Yv also have en hand a full line of FINK CARRIAGE WORK, in which we delv competition. All work warranted. Renalrimref all ktn.i promptly attended te, Jn26-tfd4w AHT9JVB BSOff. AUVJtTJSKMBNT. STR1CH BROS' ADVKBTISKMEHT. LANCASTER LANCASTBR LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER" LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER , LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER. LANCASTER. LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER BAZAAR KAZAAR DAZAAR RAZAAR BAZAAR RAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR RAZAAR. BAZAAR BAZAAR RAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR RAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR BAZAAR RAZAAR RAZAAR a W e CQ LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER .LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER LANCASTER 13 KAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KINO STREET. WE HAVE REDUCED ALL OUR HATS TO THE UNIFORM PRICE OF 19 ets. BEAVERS te $2 apiece. NOW THAT THK Grand Rush is OVER WE SILVLL INAUGURATE THIS WEEK ONE OF OUR GREAT CLEARING SALES WHEN WE WILL SELL GOODS POSI TIVELY BELOW MANUFAC TURING PRICES. We have still an cLoinieus stock et goods en hand, but the assortment is broken, and such goods which aie odd, or which arc lively lobe out el btyle next year, ill be OFFERED AT PRICES THAT WILL COMPEL SALES. Wc arc an yet unable te mention any special prices, but as the reductions will be made gen era!. Ladies will de well te call early and get THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY. ALL. OUR Will bs sold at Great Bargains. COATS AND DOLMANS AT WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. Hosiery, Hosiery. In this department we will outdo ourselves in regard te selling chean. odd sizes, which we consider as geed te the buyer as it wc had all sizes et them, will be sold at half their ceit CHILDREN'S CLOTH GLOVES IN ALL COLORS. We will otter them all at 19 cts. a pall. GENTS' UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS, Linen Bosem and Bands, S0c.; ieruicily, 75c Reinforced at 75c. ; formerly, $1.00. T Gents' Neckwear at Half Price. SUSPENDERS,. Any Style or Quality, ler 2 cents. TRIMMINGS AND LACES, Remarkably cheap. LADIES', GENTS AND CHILDREN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. THE BALAXCE OF OUR Silk Handkerchief's TO BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. 43- COME EARLY S& 43-AND GET THE BEST BABGAINS.-S ASTRICH BROS' LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER pa 13 EAST KING STKEET, LANCASTEB, PA. 13 JiAbX JviAU STiUSlST, LANCASTER, PA. ILUMY BOD M TKHS KATBFUN, FINE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS EMPLOY THE FIVE BEST CUTTERS IN THE CITY. READY MADE CLOTHING. If we undertake te describe eat FINE ASSORTMENT in these goods it would consume mere than our share of apace and mere of your patience te read it than is allowable. Suffice it te say we have every thing, from the 810 STJTT we have told you about, te the FINEST CLOTHING a gentleman requires. ' BY TJBOSE WHO HAVE DEALT WITH US OUR GOODS ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST IN LANCASTER CITY OR COUNTY. CLOTHLSG. c CLOTHING ! ULOTHINU ! ! IT IS IN THE INTEREST OF EVERY BUYER OF CLOTHING ! TO EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF SUITS AND OVERCOATS. FOR WINTER. WE CAN SELL YOU AN ALL-WOOL, SUIT FOB, MEN O Ult O WJV JIA NUFA CTU11E FOR 810.00. Heavy Winter Overcoat, $7.00. WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCK AND ALL SIZES. D. B. Hostetter & Sen 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 2!-lyrt LANCASTER. i0 i"1LOSING OUT OF A LARGE STOCK OF Ready Male Suits, Fer Men. Youths, Beys and Children, AL ROSENSTEIN'S, THE ONE-rRICE lerctat Tailor aM Cletlr, TIONEER OF MODERATE PRICES. Having completed iiiTiuigciuciit& te iraiiutac turc niy'entirc stock of Ready Made Clothing in tnis city and by llrst class tailors,! will close out my entire stock of Hew Yerk anil Phila delphia made Clothing at n CASH DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. RELOW THE PRICE PLAINLY MARKED ON EACH GARMENT. Reinjj marked much lower than they arc sold at ether stores in this city. I have already inaugurated the system of manufacturing Ulsters, Overcoats and Ulsterettes, which arc made In many ditlcrcut styles, and llnd the FIT, STYLE, SHAPE. MAKE and TRIMMINGS iar superior te any made In New Yerk and Philadelphia, as these made in large cities arc usually made by what is term ed Slop Shep Tailors and apprentices. It you will give me a call and lake a leek you will immediately notice the difference. I will guarantee them NOT TO RIP NOR GET OUT OF SHAPE, as Ready Made Clothing usually docs. S3-THE PRICES ARE MODERATE ! I can sell yStfan Elegant Overcoat or Ulsteretta from $10 up. In my Custom Taileiing Dcpailmcut you can find a very handsome assortment of Woolens, which are made te your incisure at moderate prices. AL R0SENSTEIN, THE ACKNOWLEDGED 1'IONKEK OF MODERATE TRICES. NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Next deer te Shultz A Rre.'s Hat Stere and op. liusiiu iuu urapc xieici. A FEW 1'KOPLE Have taken advantage el the Lew Pricesef our OVERCOATS And It you buy even new for next 3-ear It will be a geed Investment. The stvle lmiv chantre some, It is true, but many people want the QUALITY and the COMFORT WHEN THEY BUY AN OVERCOAT. We are UNLOADING our HEAVY UNDERWEAR The MERINO GOODS that we marked down from C5e. and 70c. te 50c. is much below their real value, and wc llnd this is the best method et reducing stock, some et it we arc selling ler les3 than the prices by the case. Most el our HEAVY GLOVES Arc marked down In the tame piopertlon. Wc keep Just seen different styles of White, Shirts But the best of all is -the E1GHM1K. It has been improved et late and it is better new than ever. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 36-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. AD1ES- HAIK DBESSER MRS. C. JLILLER. Ladies' Hair Dresser. Manufacturer and Dealer In Hair Werk Ladles' and Gents' Wiss. Combings straight' ened and made te order. Hair Jewelry or all kinds made up. Alse, Kid Gloves and Feath ers cleaned and dyed; Alse, Ladles' Shampoo lug. 225 & 227 NORTH QUEEN STEET. eWmd Four doers above P. B, B. Depot - -VMtOTHINt. M YI KATHFOX, PLUXBEM'S &UPVLIMS. TOON L. ARNOLD. TOM.N L. ARNOLD. PATENT COLD-CASE HEATEB& BEST PORTABLE IN USE. Slate Reefer and Reefs Repaired. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. Step and Valves for Water, Gas and Steam. JOHN L. AENOLD, Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. V fapx&tirt WIRES AND HLQUOKS. S.-CLAT MILLER, Vines, Brandies, Bins, Old Eye Mies, &c, Ne. 33 PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKT BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. CLOTIIIXU. CALL Ol'KNINO H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, Ot the LARGEST ASSORTMENT)! fine SUITING, OVERCOATING, PANTAL.OONING ever brought te the City of Lancaster. Prices as Lew as the Lewest AMD All Goods Warranted as Represented ' H. GERHART'S, NEW STORE, Ne. 6 East King street, fVR LAST CARD iOK 1881 ! HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS ! A LOT OF GENUINE Seal Skin Cleths for Ladies' Sacques. A lull line of GENTLEMEN'S HAI5ER DASHIIEKY. A lew mere el these Elegant PARISIAN OVERCOATINGS. CIIOMBIE'S ELYSIANS, FUltS, VICUNAS A LALLAPELLES, PARISIAN VELOURS, MONTANAKS ASTRACUANS. A Handsome Line el Medium and Lleht Weight OVERCOATINGS, IN THE LATEST DESIGN ami COLORING. Our aclvice te persons in want of an OVER COAT la te buy new ; the investment Is profit able It it should be carrlea ever the seaseti. Our goods never go out of style, being selected with the greatest care. BEAR IN MIND we are the only house in Lancaster that handle this class of goods. An early order is the only guarantee or securing them. They will net remain en hand long antfean uet be duplicated this season. All are cordially invited te call at 121 N. QUEEN STREET. J. K SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. 4aN. II. Persons net FAMILIAR with the names and character of our goods will please call en us. We take great pleasure In showing and explaining their peculiar merit. Si Wft FUMNITVMX. i-IHKlSTHAS PRESENTS, Christmas Presents! The largest stock of HOLIDAY GOODS in the city, comprising R ATT Ay CHAIRS. ROCKERS and PATENT ROCKERS. LOUXOES. COUCHES. TURKISH ROCKERS, PATENT ROCKERS AND EASY CHAIRS CHIFFONIERS, ESCRETOIRES, CABINETS. EASELS. FOOT ' RESTS, TOWEL RACKS, SLIPPER AND WISP BACKS, In Ebony, M hegany and Walnut. A very FINE ASSORTMENT, Indeed. Always a pleasure te show goods. PICTURE FRAMES, In Geld, Ebony and Walnut, at short notice. WALTER A. HE1NITSH. 1& KAST KING STKKKT. sep24-3n:d BOOKS Aim STATIOIfXJtl. 1HBISTHAHPi&EsENTS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS and Gems of Art In Christmas end New Year Cards at L. M. JTIjYNN'S, Ne. t WEST KINO STJLEKT. w I'ERS A KATUFON, liltY OOODS.y OWKl'lM(i KKilUCTION IN PKICE.S AT Metier, Bam & Hansta's NEW CHEAP STORE, We have hail a splendid Fall Trade and in consideration thereof, have determined te give te the public the balance of our NEW and WELL-SELECTED STOCK et Winter Goods AT ABOUT COST. Ladles' Delmans, price 125,00, reduced te $18.00 Ladles' Delmans, price $20.00. reduced te liS.eii Ladies' Delmans, price $18.0. reduced te Ladies' Delmans, price $15.00, reduct te SiLfifl Ladies' Delmans, price $10.50, reduced te 9 8.50 Ladies' Coats, price $10.00, reduced te $7.f0 Ladies' Coats, price $8.50, reduced te $r.CO. Ladies' Shawls, price $8.00, reduced toflijie Ladies' Shawls, price $7.00, reducei' te '..V Ludicr' Shawls, price $5.00, reduced te $1.1X1 Ladies' Shawls, price $1.00, reduced te $2.7 Wldte ISlunkel. price $10.00, reduced te $8(0 8.00. R.50 COO 7.50, K.50, 5.50, 5.00, 3.00, 2.00, 5,50 4.50 4.00 2.25 1.50 COLORED BLANKETS, IN MANY GRADES, CHEAP. HORSE BLANKETS REDUCED. COME SOON OR YOU WILL MISS RARGAIXS. METZGER, BARD & QAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, lletwcen the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. tAdlcr's Old Stand.) TTAOKK & IIKO. CLOSING SALE OF Winter Ming. i Ne. 25 West Kins Street WIIiL ON AND AFTER TUESDAY, DEC. -27th, OFFER THE ENTIRE BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK OF Winter Clothing AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. MEN'S O VERCOATS, ULSTERS, BUSINESS SUITS, DRESS SUITS, BOYS' CLOTHING, LADIES' DOLMANS, LADIES' CLOAKS, LADIES' JACKETS, . CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. wm BROTHER