Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 31, 1881, Image 2

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iUnrastct IntelUacncci
Free Passes.
President Roberts, of the Pennsylva
nia railroad, has long been known as an
opponent of the free-pass system, and
under his administration it has been
much restricted en his read. It is new
announced that the direction have de
termined with the .New Year te still
further limit the passes granted, and it
is a determination which will meet with
warm approval from the community as
well as from the stockholders. There is
no geed reason why free transportation
should be given te anyone who is net
traveling en the business of the read. It
is contrary te public policy and an in
jury te private rights. The new consti
tution prohibits the issue of free passes
te any but employees of the read ; and
there is little doubt that the Pennsylva
nia railroad is Drought under the
cognizance of this and all the ether pro pre
visions of that instrument by reason of
the beneficial legislation which it has ac
cepted since it was adopted. It would
therefore be but a compliance with the
law en the part or its managers te refuse
passes te all who are net in their employ.
Their present step is net stated te be as
radical as this en tiie main line of the
read, but the privilege is no longer te be
extended te te the families of the favored
The readiness with which railroad
passes are accepted by honorable people
is very surprising. These who would
net think of accepting :i gift of money
or any ether thing of value from
strangers will fake a pass net only with
contentment, but with great gratifi
cation ; and people who would
be lierilied at the idea of violat
ing the law are in no way re
strained by the express direction of the
fundamental law of the state from rid
ing free upon a railroad upon which
they are only permitted te se ride by
admitting that they are in its employ ;
an admission which ought te be very em
barrassing te governors, legislators, su
preeo judges and the ether officers of
the state, nearly all of whom make it in
effect every time they present the
pass which nestles in their pocket books
and which i.s se dear te their affections.
Newspaper editors ought te be equally
disturbed by their possession, but they
liave a proverbially " hard cheek'' and
tough conscience,
the Pennsylvania
The new order of
directors will bear
heavily upon the craft ; but they will
profit in the long run by jeinimr the
ranks of the common travelers who
pay their way and se only go abroad
when they need te. We can give them
this assurance from experience, as we
have long preferred te pay our fare
rather than describe ourselves as rail
road employees.
The Old Year.
Te the elaborate and comprehensive
reviews of the local and general events
of the closing year, which we print to
day, as prepared especially for the lN
telmuenueii, wc need add nothing in
the way of comment or reflection. They
s;eak for themselves and the events
which are here noted chronologically,
and which were reported in detail at the
time of their occurrence in these col cel
umns,havc mere than a temporary inter
est. In a hasty glance ever them it will
b3 seen that the year was te the world at
1 irge one of rather melancholy interest,
bing especially marked by the assassin
ation of the heads of two of the leading
governmental powers and by a dreuth of
wide extent and great severity,
materially affecting the agricultura1
products, the basic element of
' wealth. In the cycle of fires and
floods, plague and epidemics, mortality,
accident and crime, the year justified
the gloomy prophecies of Mether Shipteu
for it ; and, all in all, at home and
abroad, it has been feverish, sensational
and destructive in the general drift of
its events.
Notwithstanding all this there have
been general prosperity, activity in
manufacturing and stability in business,
as well as peace among the leading na
tions of the earth, all of which some
what mitigates the mere dire features of
1SS1 and makes us mere hopeful for its
successor, whose feet is new at the deer.
Wc sincerely wish health, peace and
prosperity te all our readers, and the
rest of mankind for the coming twelve
month, and we trust that at its close,
looking backward or forward, we can
then, as new, wish them A IlArrv New
We spoke prematurely in crediting
New Yerk with being ahead of Phil
adelphia in schemes te " beat " the en
fercement of justice, because of our ob
servatien that a convict there had hired
a man te personate him and serve his
term in jail. In Philadelphia it has been
discovered that Phincas Tayler, a va
grant, and Jehn Mulligan, committed
en a charge of larceny, came te an
amicable understanding and treaty te
swap situations, Tayler taking a few
days in the county prison in exchange
for Mulligan's agreeing te serve
his six months in the house of
correction ;and Tayler thought he had
a geed bargain until he found himself
also arraigned as Mulligan en a charge
of larceny. It was only when the wit
nesses called couldn't identify him that
the fraudulent exchange which the effi
cials had allowed was discovered. Phil
adelphia gees te the head of the class
Ir f he Pennsylvania railroad manage
ment de net speedily take effective
measures te keep their freight trains
from running into one another they had
better consider the expediency of leasing
their read te some one who will under
take te keep the trains apart ; for it can
not pay very well te have se many cars
destroyed and. se many trains delayed by
a blocked-up read. It would seem te. be
easy enough te keep freight trains apart
which fellow one another at freight train
low speed. If they are never permitted
te get closer together they will never get
together; and if the trains are tee
numerous te be kept at a safe distance
apart mere tracks need te be laid or ether
railroads chartered or less freight carried.
The Philadelphia Ledger is getting
vicious. It says of some election 'i eturn
scamps, who have just secured a court
decision in their favor, that they " are
still in luck,but they are in ether courts."
That is te say, they are net in the court
of Judge Biddle, where Meuat came
te grief: but in that of Judge Elcock,
whence Meuat was dragged out with se
much difficulty. It would seem that
there is here an opportunity ferjudge
Elcock te talk te the Ledger ; for if its
suggestion does net have the tendency
te bring nim into public odium and con
tempt it must only be because nothing
the Ledger can intimate will de that :
which he can hardly think.
IIappv New Year.
What are you going te swear off!
Feil the first time siucc 1S70 the Re
publican state or Iowa new lias lumls en
hand te meet every legitimate demaud
against the state.
Tin: Philadelphia l'imcs is se well
pleased at the detection, conviction and
sentence of three jury-fixers in less than a
month and a-half after its rewards were
offered that it announces the several rewards-
of $1,000, 6500 and $250, making
$1,700 in all, will be promptly paid te day
at the l'imcs counting loom en presenta
tion of certificate from the district attor
ney, .stating who furnished the in forma
tieu that led te the conviction of the
The Pottsville Keening Chronicle, edited
by W. Kennedy, esq., and one of the in
telligent and independent Democratic
dailies, announces that it will net beat
about the bush in faveriug a preposition
that the Democratic convention, when it
meets, should leave ene or mero important
positions open te be filled by nominations
te be made by ether bodies of independent
ciii.cns wiie may loci inclined te co-operate
w i 1 1 i the Democracy in the overthrew
of the bosses and the regeneration of the
sl.ite government...
The JVt'ie Era new finds objections te
Hearer, net only that he led the Grant
column at Chicago and misrepresented the
people of his distiict, but likewise that in
a late speech before some .Confederate sol
diers at Carlisle, he said : " There wure
seme things about your cause that we can
sec te-day, and say honestly, fairly and
truly that they were hard te get ever." Be
fore long the Km may be finding further
objections te Beaver, but they will all be
overlooked after the Cameren convention
has nominated him.
Tiieki: is at least one Stalwart editor in
Pennsylvania wlie is net se entirely wcll
pleascd with the address of the Continen
tal 'congress' executive committee as Sen Sen
aeor Thes. V. Cooper purports te be. The
editor of the Carlisle Herald wants te
knew hew the Indepcudcnls can se lavish
ly praise Republicanism and its history,
and yet condemn as a selfish "junta" the
men who have led in the success and glory
of the party and made it all it is in this
distinctively Republican state of Pennsyl
vania. Tin: Philadelphia llccerd, which often
breaks out with that sort of enterprise,
has made the exclusive discovery that the
Stalwarts, in addition te Reaver's candi
dacy for governor, have Jeseph Patterson,
of Philadelphia, a Grant Democrat, in
reserve for the same nomination, Win.
Henry Rawlc for supreme judge and State
Senater Jehn M. Greer, for secretary of
internal affairs. Anether report is that
Ilaitranft is the reserve candidate for cov cev cov
eneor, F. Carrell Brewster for supreme
judge, P. C. Newmycr for lieutenant gov
ernor, and Lucius Rogers for secretary of
internal affairs.
The " Democratic editor" of the Ex
aminer get his work in in yesterday's is
sue. He declares the policy of that late
Republican organ te be condemnation of
"the tendency te call upon the high powers
of the government en every pretext te de
something which is better for us te de
ourselves ;"' that "there is some danger
that the present session of Congress may
be a great deal tee lavish in promoting
schemes of internal inpreventent ;" and he
proudly recalls the fact that while net
one American iron steamship new cresses
the ocean from New Yerk, a little ever
twenty years age, under Democratic ad
ministration three-fourths of 'our trade
was done by our own ships.
F. Bent was in
Mr. C. C
town yestcr
II. 11. IIahtman, son of the late David
Hart man, n jw of Clearfield county, is in
Clerk of the Heuse of Rcpcscntativcs
Edwakd McI'iikhsen is in Lancaster to
day. President Airmen, Secretaries Felgcr,
Frelinghiiysen, Brewster and Hunt arc all
expected in Washington by te-morrow.
Senater Heau last evening delivered, by
imitation, a eulogy en Gen. Garfield be
fore the city council, at Worcester, Mas
sachusetts. A duel en paper is new in progress
between Gen. Buisbiuege and Jee Black:
nenx, the Kentucky congressman. Black
burn abused Burbridge te a friend, and
the ex-Union General retorts in a letter
which he expects te have answered with
a challenge.
Rev. Gee. R. Krameic, who proposes te
"answer Beb Ingcrsell" in the court ceurt court
heuso en next Tuesday evening, is claimed
te be a gentleman of commanding pres
ence, a finished lhcterican, an elocutionist
of unusual ability, and a preacher of raic
Judge Ress, of Montgomery, who la;
been conspicuously named for governor
and supreme judge, and the Democratic
nominee for the latter office in 1878, writes
that he is no longer in the political arena
as a possible or probable candidate for
any office. He has new a high position en
the common pleas bench of the state ; has
just been re elected by a most flattering
vote from the people of Montgomery, and
he does net fchcrish a political aspiration
for the future.
Clara Louise Kelt.egg sang about
$1,000 worth te the inmates of the Ne
braska penitentiary the ether day and
asked nothing for it. An indignant con
temporary says : " It man who had never
stolen anything or made love te another
man's herse would have te pay $2 te bear
her. About the only man who gets left
nowadays and has te pay a big price for
all the fun be has is the honest, respect
able, hard-working citizen.
Aucnt the Continental hotel Republicans
address the Harrisburg Telegraph regrets
" te see the name ef.Witi.iAM McMichael
signed te this paper. Tue rest arc a let of
political thieves and vagabonds who are
Klteroffice'and office only. Their patriotic
care for the party means ' an office or I
kick ' and it meaus nothing else. We have
nothing mere te say of or te these political
cranks and disingenuous humbugs and
charlatans te day u-
'I he Wfcy or the World.
An ice famine is feared at Chicago, owing
te the continued mild weather.
Peit Anten Lizarde, in Mexico, the ter
minus of the Mexican Southern railroad,
has been opened te foreign trade.
The floedsinthe Delaware river have sub
sided. Ne damage is reported t6 have been
done below the Water Gap.
Herman Willing, ex-treasurer of Lee
county, Iowa, has been indicted for em
bezzlement of $10,00 while he was in office.
It is said that an attempt was made in
Buffalo, en Tuesday, te bribe common
ceuncilmcn te vote for a .sewer contract of
Rebert L. Lindsay, one of the Missouri
land swindlers, was sentenced in Sleuben
villc, Ohie, yesterday, te nine years in the
The lumbermen in many paits of New
Brunswick have returned te their homes,
as they are prevented from working by the
scarcity of snow. The weeds in many dis
tricts arc entirely bare.
The city council of Chicago, has grant
ed permission te the Mutual Union tele
graph company te erect poles in the streets
until its underground arrangements arc
A train approaching Minneapolis yester
day struck and demolished a wagon con
taining four men, and severely injuring
the occupants. One of them is net expect
ed te recover.
The sales of postage stamps, stamped en
velopes and postal cards for the quarter
ending September 30th last amounted te
$7,017,788, an increase en the sales for the
corresponding quarter of 1880 of $1,030,109.
The business of the money order divi
sion of the postal service has increased se
much that it has been impossible te grant
the employees in that division the holiday
allowed the ether departments in Washing
ten during Christmas week.
The steamer Stella, which arrived at New
Yerk yesterday from Amsterdam, brought
248 passengers from the steamer Caster,
which was disabled and put into Plymouth.
The Stella lest u man overboard en die
21th instant.
The scaffolding of the cornice of the new
State national bank building in Cincinnati
fell, en Thursday evening, carrying three
men te the sidewalk, 00 feet below. Henry
Wcfel and Jehn Evans were killed, and
Jehn Wcfel sustained fatal injuries.
, The New Yerk Legislature will meet en
Tuesday next. Few members have arriv
ed in Albany and theic seems te be a lack
of interest in regard te the organization.
There is an impression in Republican cir
cles that the Tammany representatives
will net go into the Democratic caucus, and
that, consequently, the organization of the
Heuse may be delayed.
Gottlieb Engcl, a prominent young law
yer of Milwaukee, is reported te have
absconded after forging and embezzling
considerable amounts. A warrant has been
issued for his arrest. It is alleged that he
has swindled clients out of estates, sold
property net his committed forgeries and
embezzled funds of societies of which he
was treasurer. Engcl returned yesterday
and gave himself up.
Loshes by Fire.
Aii unknown vessel en fire off the
quarantine station, at Galveston, yester
day. G. M. Zugcnfcidcn's grocery, in Piqua,
Ohie, was burned yesterday morning.
Less, $20,000.
The steamer Resa B., with S00 bales of
cotton, was destroyed by lire yesterday,
near Menree, Louisiana. The cook jump
ed ovcrbeaad and was drowned.
The deck of a schooner, which looked as
if tiie vessel had been burned, was washed
ashore at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, en
Thursday night.
During the present year, up te the 1st.
inst., the losses by lire in the city of Bos Bes Bos
eon have aggregated enlv$435,5S5, against
$1,173,504 in 1880. The losses for this
mouth have net yet been reported, but arc
William C. White, a prominent manu
facturer el Leicester, Massachusetts, died
suddenly last night of paralysis.
Cel. Henry S. McComb, a millionaire of
Wilmington, Del., died in Philadelphia
ycsteiday, aged 53 years. He was well
known in connection with railroad mat
ters in the West and Seuth.
Henry C. Moen eldest son of the pro
prietor of the Saratoga Lake house, at
Saratoga, New Yerk, fell dead en the
street en Thursday evening. He was
about 40 years of age.
William Bodiue, the first trainer am!
diivcref Goldsmith maid, Glester, Mid
night and ether fast horses, has died of
pneumonia at Middletown, New Yerk,
aged 51 years.
The Coiitmi.-Men of Judge Livingston Keatl.
Court met this morning at 10 o'clock
for the purpose of hearing current busi
Jehn L. Lcamau, of Pequea valley,
Salisbury township, was divorced from his
wife, Mary E. Lcaman, en the grounds of
The commission of Judge Livingston
was brought into court by his honor and
was read by Deputy Prothenotary P. E.
Christmas JSve cases.
The young men who made an assault en
Henry Keller at his store at Church and
Rockland streets, en Christinas eve, had a
hcaiiug before Alderman Barr last even
ing. Jacob Bewers, Charles Hcdriuks,
Geerge Hcdricks, Frank Hambrighfc,
Geerge Mclutyrc, Geerge Lcfever, Frank
Heuser were held for trial at court for
felonious assault and battery en Henry
Keller and malicious mischief. Geerge
Lcfuvcr and Geerge Hcdricks for assault
and battery en J. W. Keller, and Charles
Hcdricks and Frank Hambright for assault
and battery en Amanda Keller.
The Comedy Lastfiiifht.
Guiiek's comedy company kept a geed
audience in a rear of merriment for two
hours and a half last night at Fulton
opera house, in the amusing play of " Fur
nished Reems." The piece comprises a
scries of ludicrous incidents, interwoven
and arranged with sufficient dramatic
skill te give it a continuous interest, and
the performers are a right jelly let of
The Soup Heuse.
The soup house will open for the winter
season on-Meuday morning between 9 and
10 o'clock. There is a small sum of money
in treasury, and as some kinds of provis previs
ions, such as potatoes, meats, &c, are
considerably higher than last year, the
managers would be glad te receive con
tributions at once.
Large Amount of Advertising.
An immense amount of bill posting has
been done for J. H. HaverJy new minstrels,
by Manager Yecker, 625 sheets having
been put up. It is unusual for most shows
te bill naif as heavy.
.T . s
Trfin ft r vydvpe nr i qci
""J - J J
What.jHas Fixed Journalistic At
tention in Lancaster City
and County.
Town and Country leasts and Ifuiicrala
.IXrrriasvs ami Death tires .and
Belew will be found a very carefully
prepared and complete, resume of the lead
ing local events of the past year, noticed
from time te time, at length, in these cel
ums. The record is a varied one, as life's
experience and the work of the local jour
nalist are. He must take it as he finds it
and his reports Hit with great rapidity from
the grave te gay, and from lively te severe.
What has happened that is notable in
Lancaster and vicinity, or of interest te
its people will be found hcie summarized,
emitting the regular assembling of such
organizations as have stated times and
regular business for their routine meet
ings. All of our readers will find the
record ei interest, and these who preserve
it carefully will be astonished te find hew
the satisfaction of reading it strengthens
with the lapse of time, and what valuable
service may be rendered by such resumes
carefully kept from year te year :
1. Bar meeting te organize Bar assecia
2. Death of Frederick Summerficld,
Pequea township, from injuries received
in " sheeting off the old year."
3. Deaths of Jehn Courey,agcd 82, Cath
arine White, aged 73, and Mrs. Cath
arine Seudcrs, aged 73. Annual meeting
of Poultry association. Prison ami
poorhouse beards organized. Auuual
mcetiug of county agricultural society.
1. William Brown killed en railroad
near P. R. R. station.
5. Annual meeting of Medical tecicty.
Sudden death of Themas D. Kelly, aged
02. City Treasurer Wclchans suspend
ed. 0 College reopening ; address by Pi of.
Nevin. Michael Hessler's heuse burned,
Raphe township.
7. Death of Gecrge Recti, aged 00. Win.
S. Shirk appointed city treasurer.
S. Charles Lebzeltcr killed while coast
ing in Reading.
9. Sleet and rain, slippery pavements,
numerous accidents. Freight wreck
at Lemen street crossing.
10. Banks' railroads' and ether corpora
tions' annual meetings.
11. Intelligences publishes list of to
bacco packing houses. City hotel com
plimentary diuuer te J. L. Steitimetz,
esq. Annual meeting Game association,
12. Dr. Atlee struck by shaft of Sutten's
sleigh. Deaths of Mrs. Anna E. Mann,
Maner, and Geerge Wells, city.
13. Ike Buzzard caged. Dcatte of Mrs.
Susan Hinklc, aged 08, Jacob Weh,
aged 75, and Mrs. Abraham Landis,
Dr. Grccuwald's 70th birthday. II. E.
Slaymaker's 25th election as president
of the Union lire company.
14. Poultry show opens. Fire
tier's shoe store.
15. Elizabeth stock farm barn
and fifty two cattle burned.
at Sat-
Blettcuberger killed while coasting, in
10. Sudden death of Jacob Brcchr, this
city, aged 43, and of William Weidman,
Bareville, aged 78. Witmer Daly's
both legs broken in railroad accident
at Parkesburg.
17. Sudden death of Jeseph Mttsscr, near
Bewmansvillc, and of Jehn Shaw, near
Rethsville. Death of Henry Gerrccht,
in Harrisljurg.
18. City treasurer's iafc opened. Jehn
Grecnleaf, of Maytown, killed en rail
road in Yerk county.
19. Deaths of William Cummiugs, aged
08, and of Mrs. Jehn A. Sutter, at
Lititz, aged 80.
20. Cars wrecked and burned at Mount Meunt
villc. Coasting prohibited. Shcrtzer,
Humphrcvillc & Kicffer's store robbed
by burglars. Narrow escape of Isaac
Rittcnheusc from suffocation.
21. Intelligknckk's expose of maud
jury's action en Tripplc indictments.
22. Bar association organized.
23. Influx of tobacco buyers.
21. Extremely cold weather ; skating
and slcighiug.
25. Brisk tobacco market. Gelden wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Peck,
20. Rev. J. Max Hark enters upon Mera
vian pastorate. Jacob Gruel's tobacco
shed burned. Attempted suicide of F. S.
Nichols at the orison. Railroad wieck
at Dillerville.
27. Sudden death of Mrs. I'hilip Bees.
28. Brukeman Win. B. Feet-man mangled
te death near Mill Creek. Adam I Jit
low maimed at Kcclcr's machine shop,
Nermal anniversary at Miller.sville.
Death of Mrs. Mary Whitchill at .Mari
29. Burglary and robbery of Capt. Me-
McIIcii's residence. Attempted jail
breaking of Paul Juigley and Jehn Tem
ple. 30. Initial sermon of Rev. . I. Max Hark.
Kammsmilk wagon wrecked en rail.
31. Weather moderating - general thaw
water supply.
2. Candlemas : groundhog sees his
3. Death of James Murphy, aged 31. In
tensely cold weather. Thermometer 1
te 10 degrees below zero.
4. Ephrata national bank erganised.
5. Democratic municipal nominations.
0. Sudden death of Jeseph Eicrman.
Death of Ida Basch from fall en iec.
Bible society anniversary.
7. Dr. A. Greff and family narrowly es
cape suffocation.
8. Quarrel of Pat Roenuy and Harry
9. Timely discovery of break in I he
reservoir. Sudden deaths of M in. Ann
Gcigcr and Mr. William Kntiii;tii:tclier,
10. Sudden death of Mrs. Jehn S. Maun.
Marriage of Mr. W. F. Beyer and Miss
IlaWarfcl. DeatTt of Geerge Kuehnly,
aged 60.
11. Gerz's pottery partly burned. Warm
weather, ice breaking, streams rising.
12 Death of Henry R. Trout, aged (ill.
Humane fair opens and Union closes.
13. Ice freshet in the Conestoga. Deaths
of Mrs. 3Iary Wiley, Miss Catherine
Giversen, William Marshall, accd 09,
and Mrs. Martha Ruth, aged 84.
14.. Death of Jehn Fitzgerald, aged 00.
15. Slight fire at almshouse. Democrats
carry city councils.
10. Death of Mrs. C. G. Ilerr.
17. Soiree at Lechcr's hall. Allen Ceble
run ever by a wagon in Mt. Jey town
ship. 18. Bernard Farley, of Newark, N. .1.,
has both legs cut efl'at Columbia. M is.
M. A. McGrann's barn aud tobacco shed
burned. Official beard of state council
O. U. A. M. meet in Tcmpcrance hall.
Death of Jehn W. Obcrheltzer, Breck
nock, aged 70.
19. Successful passage of the ice out of
the mouth of the Susquehanna.
20. MothediBt "Missionary day." Brother
hood of the Union sermon at Bethel.
Mome Patterson seriously hurt near
Bird in-Hand.
21. Death of Jeseph White, aged 77.
Death of Mrs. Sarah Snader, aged 85.
Death of Frederick Anne, in Philadelphia.
22. St. Stephen's Lutheran church fiu-
rCiUXlbU. t .. jjjv jfF
23. Frederick Kahl killed byLfelliag eU J
-.'.' ' i
ii iiiiii rii'iii.ii iiiii i
24. '-Miss Mary Miftliu . accidentally kgfcdJ?
at Norwood, near Columbia.
25. Benjamin F. Strickler stricken with
apoplexy. Death of Mrs. Catharine
Kreutz, aged 74.
2G. Langan expulsion excitement at Mil
lersville. Dead infant found in a snow
bank en Welsh mountain-
27. Rev. J. B. Seule jeius Baptist church.
28. S. S. Haltleman's collection of relics
disposed of. Water pumps stepped
at city mill by Heed. James street school
house opened. Death of Jacob Shaud,
aged 51. Y. M. C. A. eleventh anniver
sary. MARCH.
1. State Temperance convention at Har-
l isburg.
2 Attempted escape of Ike Buzzard.
Death of Jeanna Eberly, aged 54.
3. Superintendent of water works re
port published.
4. Death of Geerge J. llinkle, aged 49.
5. Heavy local delivery of tobacco.
Death of J. Reland Dillcr, New Hol Hel
land. 0. Rev. A. Dahluian's introductory ser
mon in St. Jehn's Reformed church.
Rev. St. Jehn at Salem.
7. Rioting at Ziegler's hotel. Disgrace
ful row at Rohrctstewn. Burglary at
Lane's store.
8. Henry Brown and Geerge Flick, of
Columbia, killed en the railroad near
9. Strike at Allaudalc cotton mill.
10. Glcssner arrested for mailing ebscene
literature. Death of Martin Reycr,
aged 44. Charles Andersen's house
burned at Tucquan.
11 Mis. Win. Watsen found dead in
East Earl. Mary Wise sent te jail half
12. "Gentlcntau" David Kurtz found
dead in a field iu Salisbury. Burglars
ret) Jes. L mble s house.
13. St. Stcpheu's Lutheran church dedi
cated. 11. Death of Mrs. Jehn K. Barr, aged 49.
Jewish feast of Pttrim. Death of Mrs.
Mary Kuitz, aged 50.
15. Union Bethcl fair. Gottschalk's barn
bumed iu Warwick township.
10. Christiau Wend tz assaulted.
17. Sudden death of Samuel Moero, aged
09, Skrasburg. David Housteu's golden
wedding. Death or Ann Tymoney,
aged 30. Death of Justiana Bepp.
18. Death of LewisS. Sucsscrett. Death
of Washington Clark, aged 70. Samuel
Hellew killed at Helm's ere miue, near
New Providence.
19. Yeung Gregg of Drumerc murdered
at Lcadville. Death of Mrs. Margaret
Stark, aged 8i.
20. Bishop Shanahan at St. Mary's ; plans
of St. Mary's orphan asyluu. Death of
Mrs. Catharine McDonald, aged 81.
Death of Jehn Bleacher, aged 83, Provi-
" dence township.
21. Death of Herace IS. Hull, Lititz.
AlcxaudcrB. Lcaman, aged 09.
22. County auditors' circus. Rev. J. B.
Seule ordained te the Baptist ministry.
23. Death of Peter J. Eckcrt, aged 83.
21. Death or Mrs. Anna Campbell, aged
5G. S. II. Stauft'cr's stere at Saluuga
robbed. Death of Heward Whiteside,
of Bart township, aged 55.
25. Death of David Walker, Celcraiu.
20. Death of Ililaire Zacpfcl, aged 01,
aud Gcorire Gundakcr, aged 80.
27. Special services at New Jerusalem
aud Methodist churches. li of
Ames Dillcr, of Philadelphia.
28. Death of James Buchanan John John
seon. 29. Clearing the raft channel at Turkey
30. Marriage of J. Frank Keller and
Miss Sallie Peacock. Death of Jehn
Reck, aged 80, New Helland.
31. March gees out blustery. Death of
Elizabeth Ibach, aged 32. Hemy Schcgle,
killed en railroad at Lcaman Place. "
1. Four per cent. 'city lean let out. Un
known man killed at Mcllvain's lime
kilns. Large amount of business trans
acted. 2. Lane & Ce., reorganized.
3. Telegraph offices consolidated.
1. City councils erganize aud etliceis
elected. Death of Rev. Win. Heppe,
Rochester, N. Y. Geerge Brown's un
dertaking establishment burned.
5. Death of Mrs. Cathcrine Lechler,
aged 02. Petcr Hoever and wife's
golden wedding.
G. First regular meeting of the new city
councils. Resignation of Rev. T. B. Bar
ker. St. Jehn P. E. pastor.
7. Lawrence Goes' stable burned. Death
of Mrs. Philip Miller, New Providence,
aged 73. Fiuncy-Hurd altercation at
Grape hotel.
8. Jehn Hubert's infant child choked te
death. Death of Mrs. K. C. Snyder,
aged 2:?
9. Isaac (Juigley fell down stairs aud was
killed at Mcclianicsbuig. Death of
Luke Suydam aged 53.
10. Death of Luther Hurd. Incendiary
burning of MacGonigle's stables.
11. Death of Newton Fritz, at Qitairy
ville ; death of Jacob .Mi I ley sack, aged
72 ; Henry Miller, Lampeter, aged 74.
12. Republican Ring ticket published iu
the I.vrKi.uer.xr i:n. W. J. Forduey
leaves en a tour aretiud the weild.
Death of Jacob Gormley in Philadel
phia, aged 57.
13. Jacob Rctz'.-iharit burned.
14. Colebraek Valley railroad survey
completed. Death of James Rimes.
Drumerc, aged 91.
15. Wm. Phahncr's neck broken by a
fall fieui a wagon near Katutk's null.
Firemen's Union ellhvis olivted.
10. County atidileis' report, picscnu-ii
17. Lecal ion of KasWn- Hile.
18. Henry CopenhollVr's beuse t.Med.
West llemptield township. Attempted
burglary of W. II. Gumpt's Mnw More.
Death of Matern Baumau aged 01.
19. Sudden death of .Miss I'Usa Myei.-. at
Mt. Jey ; Charles Brooks, colored, ettr.
aged 70. O'Brien's circus levied ou at
Mt. Jey.
20. Death ef'Wm. Gorden, Columbia :
Cel. David Hauck, Clay, aged 73 ; sud
den death of Jehn Miller at Ziegler's
hotel ; Jehn Mulley, at Wm. Rebin's
hotel and Jehn Yohn, Meuntville ;
Klizabuth Chambers, 88.
21. ( 'en cspendcncc between Judge Liv
ingston and the bar published. Death
of Henry Hewuiau, aged 29.
22. Wlniit'HuIn arrival of emigrants at
Kiiehm-'ii lintel. Death of Mrs. Mary
I''. I litiiKitn, of Kdeii township, aged 70 ;
Minn .Mai in KuiilViiian.
23. Death of A. II. KanlVinau, Buck
liulcl. I'.ai nuin'ii eiieua ; town rrowd rrewd
ed. 21. Sonateiial patty at ('el. Duffy's.
25; Sudden death of .lames MuCaiiti at
tiie peer Iioiihe ; death of Mis. Ann K.
Muhlenberg, Reading;
20. Mania je of Jehn Hiomenz aud
Mis: i Julia Stiobel. Gun. Weaver at
I'u I ten hall.
27. iJaer's store robbed at Camarge.Edcn
township. Sudden death of David Min-
nieli, Lampeter.
23. Laucaster doctors visit Yerk. Death
of Miss Ella McGec.
29. Jehn Stein's dwelling houses burned.
Dafcth of Miss Annie McKelly, aged 25.
30. Jehn Livingston killed at Mcrritnac
stables by stallion " Yeung Lord
Clyde." Death of Mrs. Maggie Brady,
aged 25. Death ef Isaac Bitzer, West
Lampeter. Haldcman's store robbed,
1. David Reese and son fatally barn:d,
Providence tewnsfiip.
2. Rev. "W. T. Gerhard's family re-union.
3. Ceujkj Superintendent .Skaub te-
cleefihJDeath of Mrs. Maigaret Reese,
.iumvfixx uucrui vsivmv. 4 eeu .lu.mis,
fc.AU35-Rw? t3
4. QUliCs tobacco w
S.Wwbfebeard a
vtnm tt
.. .
0. Death-of Mrs. Bridget Fitzp.itriek,
agctl Ob.
7. Death of Mrs. Kate
Big tobacco delivery.
Cooper, ae.i 10.
Death of Win.
Leehler, aged e.
-8V Dentb-ef Bcnj. F. Streker, aire.T
Installation of Rev. A. E. Dab 1 man.
9. Frauk Fink's frame house tired.
Fred'k Arneld elected chief engineer
of the fire department. Farewell en
tertainment te Rev. A. F. Kuul.
10. Jehn Skeiufuss, of this city, hangs
himself in Brownstewu.
11. State Medical meets iu Fulton hall.
Death of Lewis J. Voigt, in New Yerk,
liieker's brewerr burned. ; Death of
Mrs. Manrnret Bier. areU 80.
12. Death of emigrant woman fivm
13. Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Attxer. aeil
73 ; Wm. Mttsscr. Philadelphia ; Eliza
Edgerley, aged , 81 ;, Patrick nickey.
- aged S3, and Mrs.I'cter Jehns. Gectlieau
14. Geed Templar's convention.
15. Bishop Shauahau at St. Mary's.
10. Last .Monday of Republican cam
paign. Wm. Moero killed near Parkes
burg. ' '
17. Wm. i)jiey killed near P.irkejbarg.
Deaths of. Mrs. Fred. Waller, .Marietta,
aged 47, and Mrs. Catharine Geedman,
aged 74, of Tyrene.
13. Deaths of Mrs. Sallie E. Clark, aged
20,and Miss M.C.Kready,a;;ed40. Death
of C. M. Peck, Maytown, and Mrs.
Sarah Heffman, aged 71
19. Simen Cameren presents pe'.-wnKige
te Maytown Lutheran church. Death
Mrs. Anna Mayer, llemptield, aged 08
20. Diaguethiau anniversary.
21. Re
publican primaries. HcuryFlie!: found
drowned in the Couestoga.
22. Fire in Alex Harris' law office. Death
of II. B. Yeisley from injuries received
by the breaking of a scaffold. Harry Harry
Miinsen fatally sheets himself. Death
of " Mam " Dennelly
23. Sudden death of Mrs. Frederick
Pcusch. Republican return beard meets.
24. Political excitement ever the Skiles
Fridy contest. Djath of Abraham
Hestettcr, aged 72.
25. Death of Simen Gess, near Lampeter.
20. Church councils in session.
27. Page anniversary, Millersville. Death
of Miss S. C. O'Neil and Mrs. Emma .1.
Harbcrger. Freight wreck near tfie
Big Conestoga bridge.
28. Death of Jeseph B. Dehuer, Eliz.i Eliz.i Eliz.i
bothtewn. Jeseph aud Mary Augus
tine drowned in the Columbia reser
voir. 29. Decoration Day sermon by Il-.v. St.
30. Jehn Ceylo kills Emily Myers oppo
site Marietta. Lecal observ.tiice of De
coration Day. Death of Harry Muu Muu
seu. Death of Mrs. Hannah Tripplc,
Churchtown, aged 78 and Mrs. Charles
Tiipple, aged 39.
31. Heavy rainstorm.
1. Rudelph Wolf killed by a fiill fiem
bridge at Earlville.
2. Corener Mishlet changes hi", depu
ties. Death of Mary K. Flery, agetl 83.
3. Republican investigating committee
fiasco. Death of Matthew West, aged
07 ; Henry Mttsscr, Earl, aged 81.
4. Junier society reunion ; faculty crit
icised, y
5. Sprcchcr's tobacco warehouse dam
aged by lire.
0. Whit Monday ccVbratien. Noisy
picnic at Tell's Haiii. Cremation at the
college. Death of Mis. M'iry Svepe,
aged 75.
7. Ceatcs expelled and Hippie suspended
at Milieisville. Death of Mary Waul,
aged 52.
8. Rebellious Millersville studcutit march
through town.
9. Reformed class!.-; meets in Millers
ville. 10. High water in the Susquehanna.
11. News of Harry Cockley in Detroit.
Shitller fair opened.
12. Patron Saint's Day at SI. Antheny's.
Prcsbytcriau 00th Sunday school anni
versary. Dedication of. St. Stephen's
organ. Death of Mrs. .Mary Hamilton,
aged 29.
13. Death of Mrs. Susanna Eby, Inter
course, aged 00.
14. F. & M. bieunial orat:eu by Dr.
15. Alumni day of F. & M.
nicnt week. Death of Mrs. Mary Aim
Smith, aged Of.
10. Death of William Albeit, agctl 52.
Sudden death of Fritz Heffman at Me
chaniesburg. 17. Heavy rain ami lightning. Fiidy de
clared nominated. L'ohe Ai Wiley's
stable burned.
18. Samuel Yeung's wagon wreeked and
Mrs. Alexander injured at North Qocen
strcet railreatl crossing.
19. Tramps obstruct railroad track bo be
yuud Dillcrville.
20. Michael Shreincr fatally injured at
Harrisburg pike crossing of Reading
railroad. Globe company awarded con
tract for lighting' the city.
21. Empire hook and ladder's tweuty
tifth anniversary. Resignation of Rail
road Superintendent l.-ekard. Rev.
t'has. X. Spalding elected rector of St.
Jehn's. Suicide of Miss Gallagher at a.
22. Death of Mrs. Leah R. McKimtn.
l.inded Hall oenimotn'omeiit.
2I;. Annual election ,of public sebe.d
teaehets. Marriage- of Sir. Jehn 15.
Sleit.uh te Miss Klia Kautlnian.
t. aejvd Heart aeademv eoiutneucc eeiutneucc
lath irf Mrs. W. T. Gerhard, aged 09.
'.V. ShitUer fair closed. Farewell supper
te Maj. B. V. BteitiMiian.
i. St. IVter's Lutheran chinch dedi
cated at Notfsville. Rainstorm ; barns
burned bv lightning.
V1?. IV:tth'ef Jacob Stark, Neffsvillc, en
the read.
2S. Deaths of Geergo W. Masen and
Jacob Sweilzer, aged 31. Public school
2. Sudden deatlt of Isaac Clark, Salis
bury township.
30 Death of Mis. Lilhe Martin. Win.
Daw, of Uohretstewn rolling mill, seri
ously injured. High school commence
ment. Marriages of Jacob K. Pranl. te
Miss Lizzie WVMctzgcr, J. B. Leng te
Mrs. E. II. Hagcr.
31. Sudden death of Adam Snyder.
1. Street lamps lit with gaseline. Sud
den death of Carl Smith, in Earl town
ship. Reunion of high school class of
'75. Death of Mrs. Wilhelmiua Uracil',
aged 80.
2. Krnest Henricci's seu drowned in the
Conestoga. .
. 3. Intellieknceu extra en. sheeting, of
4. Quiet local celebration of the
'Fourth." Wm. Andrews murders
his wife at. Highspirc. Sudden death.
of Christian'WeIf, Sheencek.
5. Ellen Dallas drowned near Atglcn.
0. Attempt te burn the American en
gine house.
7. Suicide of Michael Keiser near Mas Mas
rersenville. Death of Samuel T. Smith,
aged 78 ; Mrs. Amanda Quigley, agetl
00. Sudden death of Win. Barnes,
8. Sudden death of Abraham Heine,
man East Hempfield.
9. Eli Crangle shot by Henry Stouter.
Firemen's L'nien gives notice te the
10. Praycra for the president in local
churches. Death of Mrs. Mary Darcu
kamp, aged 79.
11. Tucquan party off for Yerk Furnace.
Death of Michael Shreiner from railroad
gin j uiies. Bitz r & Norten's cigar stoie
itebbed. Death of Jehu Tammany.
Jiged 89. Themas Whiteleatlier killi'A
by bghtuiug at nghtsvilie. Damage
by storm and lightning.
12. Michael Shreiner's inquest.
13. Supply pipe burst near water works.
14. Sudden death of Mrs. Sarah Sprig
gle. Deaths of Stephen, Gertheisen,
aged 6l, ittfiT.Mw. CA'ttrH'l-twi'er, Col
umbia.. Uuieu oewfMtny-nppr.ivcs tire
d&cirtmeut reorganization. Sudden
death of Rebert Fullerton. or Fulteu
township, aged 77.
15. -IotUe it Seu'm cork fa.itur burned.
Leas, $10,000. Trinity ehfifeh steeple
repjititcil. Abraham NUsley's 1 j ear
old daughter d.-ewucd iu a cistern, Mt.
Jey township.
10. Sudden death of Christian Coonley,
tiie burgemastir. Base ball : IrviiM.h::,
1 Itf ; Fiieulip,15. j
17. Gieat' Colored weeds meeting at
(Juarryville. Introductory sermon by
Rev. C. N. Spalding. St. Jehn.-, chinch.
IS. Death of Mrs. Susan K. Nell, aged
29. Unknown German killed near
Ceatesvilkv. J .Jehn' IirimuiDr ihet ii a
row with tramps, t ' v '
19. Death el" Mrs. Catharine C'.isjvr, a,;cd
83. Committee appointed en reorgan
ization of American tire company. 22d
session of state council Jr. t). U. A. M.
at Odd Fellows hall. wreck
near Rohrorstewn. Prof. St.thr's house
robbed. Escape- of Wm Hall front
2'.K Water Superintendent Kiteh's resig
nation withdrawn. Jacob Reshel killed
in a well at Fairville: II. M North's
residence, Columbia, robbed.
21.- Millorsville shoel commencement. G.
A. U. picnic at Yerk Furnace.
2. 1:;ti:i.luu:m.'i:u publishes a complete
narrative- of Seven Day Baptist:; trouble.
Gee. Yeanians killed en P. R. R. near
Gordeuville. Jehu Ebersole hangs him
self iu Leaeeck tewuship. V
2:1. Circus war, bill pesters sued.
21. Death of Mrs. Ellie Leidigh May
maker, Wilmington, Del.
25. Death of Jeseph M. William j, aged
SO ; Mrs. Hannah Ham ill. aged 71.
Death of Aunt Nancy Sterrett. aged 101,
Safe Harber. Levi Sensenig's sliding
gate erected between the Spreeher house
and Leepard hotel.
2' L-indtsvilhf eampiueeling opens
Death of I lent y ShelVer, Mt. Jey, aged
TO. Three men killed by blast, in oie
mine, in Brecknock township. Rerks
27. Mrs. Catherine Powell fatally binned
by explosion of coal oil lamp.
28. Suicide of young Geed, W.
Cliiistian A. G.tsl of Examiner
29. Bachellcr it Deris' cireu-;.
of Gee. H. Showers, aged 31.
30. Baseball: Ironsides 3 1, Aetiv
31. Big day at'Iittndisville camp.
1. Death of Gee. Sliiley, aged 31.
2. Rain revives tobacco prospect. Jehn
Atlee Crawford, killed in Philadelphia.
3. Congregational reception te Rev.
CIiss. N.-Spalding.
-I. Excursions te PincGrevc -and Atlan
tic City. Uurglavy anil attempted rob
bery of Chas. Edwards's house. Sudden
death of Mrs. Georgian;! Rieksecker,
Lititz ; .Mrs. Ann K. Fisher, aged 49.
5. Sudden death of .Mrs. Cyius Ketch at
th almshouse.
0. Jehn Sharp thrown from a sulky and
killed near Bruucrsville. Death of
Ames Deveiter. aged 43 ; Mrs. S. T.
Montgomery, Millersville. aged 48 ;
Mrs. Magdalena Slieiiich, Rohieisteivn,
aged 81. Rebert Morrison, aged 10,
dtewncd in Conestoga.
7. Eight desperate convicts nearly bieaiy
jail. Death of Mrs. Mary A. Kiell'cr,
aged 32 ; Bridget. Cosgrove, aged 85.
8. Death of B. K. Duclimau from sun
stroke in' the regular army. West.
Deaths of Miss Canie L. Smith ; Mrs.
Clarissa Oswald, aged 12 ; Mis. Maty
Zicgel, aged 30.
9. Three funerals en North Dakesliect
within half an hour. Death of Mimiiu
Council, near Kphrata.
10. Death of Mrs. Anna Wil.ien, agctl
73. Sells Brethers' circus in town.
11. Sudden Death of Jehn S. Gable.
12. Dr. Lewin absconds and his rascali
ties exposed. Death ei Dr. II. S. Trout,
Marietta, aged 45.
13. Aiiiw; lltsi-ltiiie seauda!. Death of
Miss Anmu Ciirigan, agctl 7.
llenrieci"-. head cut oil" at Columbia.
14. Death.-, of Miss Mary Wright, Mr::.
Allen Guthiie aud Daniel Stauffer.
15. Union lire company celebrates its
121st biithday.
10. lSrakeman Valentine Meek's neck
broken, Columbia.
17. Brakt-uiau Jereme Kftiiu killed at.
Coin mbi.;.
18. Death of Kdw. Wclchans, aged 35 ;
Miss Annie Brooks.
19. Witmcr's station safe ciackcd. Death
of Miss Jams Downing, agctl 82.
20. Death of J no. A.. Alexander, Oxfetd.
Briee Painter acquitted of arson.
21. Sherman street lire ; watwr fight.
22. Cuistatrer V'elks lest Vcicin. Death
of Mrs. II. W. lies-;.
23. Thes. J. Houghten n-rie'isly injured
by runaway.
24. Fall of an elevator iu Kendig's ware
house. CasselA: Kling'scal elfiVe, Mt.
Jey, robbed.
2i. Supposed ii.tmp killed near
i'i.iee. Pontifical mass uiteu the removal
of the dead from St. 3'ary's church
yatd. Doctors" exclusion te Feil De
posit. 2(5. Sudden death of Gee. S. Ball, aged
27. Deatii of ex P lieeman Peter Vat ter,
aged 2S. Democratic primary elections.
2s. v . of Albeit "Broeme's death at
29 Death of Jes. lleiiseiibeiger by eave
i of mine in i'revidnec township.
30. Death of Frederick Henry Tiest, the
fltlr-t pt inter, agetl 77 ; .Mrs. Jesephine
M. Carpenter, aged 55.
"I. Di'iiin.-ratii! county convention nomi
nates M. Hildebrant for commissioner.
The entiie 1em1 record for the year was
put in type for te day's paper and pub
lished iu tln r.u!..-r editions of today's
iNTKLLieKNCKii. A picssuie of local and
advcitising matter upon our columns
compels iii te continue and conclude its
publication in Monday's paper. En?.
Ci iieiiliiu New.
I'. K. Lutheran cantata, a grand hiicees..
The colored vocalists and watch meet
ings will usher in the New Year ; suspen
sion of business next Monday. Weekef
prayer begins en Monday. Columbia fire
company's ball en Monday night.
A well-dresred thief last night
stele Switch Tender "' Reddy " Fish
er's coat aud lunch ; being pursued
he diepiK-d the coat at Recto's billiard
hall, and at. the M. E. church stoned
Fisher oil bib t:aek. Shawnee furnace
Ne. 2 will o'.tmake its first enst until next
wetdc. River falling slowly. "All the
Rage " at the op ra house te night. Full
mat het te day.
SnerliTs Silts.
Sheriff Striue sold te-day : James Pretz- ,
man's let aud one and a-half story house
in Al:.nis'e,n te 11 II. Cauldren for
jp00';'l?iXts:iiiar's let iu i Adhmstewn, with
fni 'lie hat facto; y. slicas, ivc, te w . iv.
Arneld for $325 ; Samuel Allisen's let of
two notes in Drumere, with a two-story
house, caiiia-'e and blacksmith shops,
lie, te Jehu Gardner for 6500.
Ceal te lie Uelivcreit.
Themas F. McElligett, clerk of the
Buchaiiau.and McEvey relief committee,
sent but ths tickets for cijal te these en
titled. The delivery will be made next