3 wtfatz Hntcilujcuccr ?! XVUL-Ne. 102. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY DECEMBER 31, 1881. Prim Twe Out CZ.OTMIS9. WAIiAIUKKK ft BROWNS, OAK HALL. BABGAINS DE FACTO. Rough and Tumble Data. The mill that makes these goods runs exclusively for Oak Hall. They are all-wool, strong as cow hide, thoroughly honest and net handsome. One point with them is te give the greatest amount of strength and durability for the least possible price. We have said little about them, because they have sold tee fast te advertise. We new have small lines as fellows ; Men's Sack Suits, Large Beys' Sack Suits, Large Beys' Blouse Suits, Large Beys' Overcoats, Small Beys' Overcoats; We cannot speak tee strongly of the solidity and goodness of these goods. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, ' Sixth and Market streets, PHILADELPHIA. The Largest Clothing WE READY-MADE MANUFACTURED A. C. YATES & CO., LEDGER j BUILDING! PHILADELPHIA, Is acknowledged te be far superior te any ether make in the country and as low in price as anywhere. SEND FOR SAMPLES. IKON ltXTTJEttS. TKUN B1TTKKS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IKON JtlTTBKS are higblylrecemrnended ter all diseases requiring a certain and em dent tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new Hie te the nerves. It acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting Iht Feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc The only Iren Preparation that will net Blacken the teetti or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ler the ABC Boek, 32 pp. et useral and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, tat-iydAw BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. HOUSE rUMJfiaUMKO HOODS. ;uaNJc c W1LLSOH. HOUSEFURNISHING, CHANDELIERS, Plumbing and Gas Fitting, Tin Roof Reef ing and Spouting Specialties. FLI2TCT & WILLSON, LANCASTER, PA. $10.00 $7.50 $4.50 $7.00 $6.00 They are BARGAINS de facto. Heuse in America. CLOTHING AND SOLD BY i CHESTNUT AND SIXTH MONEY REFUNDED. ICON B1TTR8. SURE APPETISER. iUncastet Jutrlltgcncer. SATURDAY EVENING. DEC. 31, 1881. 1881. THE LEADING EVENTS OF 1881- Accidents and Incident Flre and flood Politics, Literature, Commerce and Secial Development The Illustrious Dead. The following record of the main events of the year that closes te clay will be found full of interest, and of value te preserve for reference, It is mere tbau an index te the Intelligencer, for this time it is an epitome of contemporaneous history. On our iuside pages is a resume of local hap penings for the past twelve-mouth : JANUARY. 1. Reck Island, 111., badly burned. 2. Extensive lires in Madisen, Wis., Milwaukee, New Orleans, Kingsten, N. Y. and Canten, O. 3. Intensely cold weather in Northwest. New Yerk tenement house lire horror. 4. Pennsylvania Legislature meets ; gov ernor's message. Ilodge opera house, . Lockport, N. Y. limned. 5. Chicago stores l-uiued. G. Secretary of Navy Geff appointed. Fatal boiler explosion in Allcntewn. 7. Strafford, N. II., hospital and in mates burned. 8. Ausenia watch f.ict&ry, Brooklyn, burned. 9. Fires in St. Leuis and BoynteD, Ont. 10. Smallpox attacks Wilmington, Del. 11. Water famine at Galcsburg, Ills. 12. Secretary Sherman " swinging around." 13. Philadelphia Republicans lenemiuate Mayer Stokley ; general senatorial nomi nations ; Ilarrisburg Grew belt. Death of the " Buckeye Blacksmith." 14. Ceal companies considering resump tion. 15. Fires in Baltimeic and Norfolk. Dur ham, N. C, badiy burned. 1G. Fatal snow slides in Utah. 17. Grant in Albany. Silk stores burned in New Yerk. 18. Great oil fire at Peiut Breeze. Leng legislative deadlock ever U. S. senator begins. 19. Jehn S. Morten ii:mleucd. 20. Milten, N. II., burned out. Severe wcathcrin England. Heuse committees at Harrisburg anueuueed 21. Death of E. A. Sethein, actor. 23. Fatal factory the in Chicago Death of Father Edwaul Puiccll. 23. Storms and Heeds. Disaster by river ice. 24. Five inches of snow in Mobile. 25. Ice harvest. Snow blockades in North Carolina. 2G Stanley Matthews named for supreme judge. 27. Grain elevator epeunl at Pm t Royal, S. C. 28. Big fires in Oswego, N. Y., Wcht Point, Ga., Jacksonville, Fla. and Chi cago. 29. Destiuctive lires. Nitre glycerine explosion at Kinzua, McKcan county. 30. Eight Chinameu entombed in Cali fornia by laud slide. 31. Beth Eden Baptist ehurcb, Philadel phia, burned. FJSBIilAICY. 1. New Yerk, Texas and Seuth Ameri can telegraph company chartered. Ply mouth, N. C, burned out. 2! Black smallpox devastating parts of Dakota. 3. Gee. Smith and Carel ine Miller hanged in Williamsport. Western Union and American Union telegraph consolida tion. 4. Irish members ejected from Parlia ment and Davitt arrested. 5. Failure of Jehn Brown's Sens, Phila delphia. Deal h of Themas Carlyle. G. lleavy floods in Sacramento Valley, Cal , and in New Orleans. 7. Twe uewly discovered pyramids re ported from Egypt. 8. Fall of New Yerk Central depot, . Buffalo. 9. Electoral vote ceuuted. Twelve Democrats support Wolfe for senator. Oliver and Grew withdraw. 10. Disastrous accident- en North Pcnn railroad, tl. February thaw, general freshets. 12. Waterbury, Conn., button works burned. 14. Death of Fernande Weed. 14. Hanlan beats Laycock in the Londen beat raec. 15. King elected mayor of Philadelphia. 1G. Prize Fighter Paddy Ryan arrested. Cotten warehouses burned, Columbus, Ga. 17. Buffalo's Palace hotel burned. 18. Numerous Southern railroad calami ties. 19. Rufus E. Shaplcy disclosed as author of "Mulhoely." Five negre murderers hanged by Tennessee mob. 20. Big cotton fiie at Menree, La. 21. Linseed oil works burned, Buffalo. Family of eight perish in a fire, Liver pool, O. 22. Republican factions agree en Mitchell for senator. 23. Pennsylvania railroad get control of the P., W. & B. " 24. Sudden death of Seuater Matt Car penter. - 25. Wall street panicky ever a tight money market. 2G. "Blue and Gray" reunion in New Orleans. 27. St. Patrick's orphan asylum, Scran Scran ten, burned, and 17 children suffo cated. 28. Feg causes numerous collisions en New Yerk elevated railroad. MARCH. 1,' Mardijras in the Seuth. Minnesota state capitol burned. 2. Starvation and cattle fieezing in Mentana. 3. Hayes vetoes the funding bill'. Bark A jace wrecked off Rockaway. 4. Garfield inaugurated. Pearl hominy mill burned, Baltimore. 5. New cabinet announced 6. Danville asylum burned. 7. Big fire, Springfield, Ohie. 8. Twe hundred lives lest by earth quake en Ischia island. 9. Democratic senators fix committees. 10. Kansas City badly burned. 11. David Davis maintains his independ ence. 12. Supt. Wickersbaai's outgoing pub lished. Fire in Wakefield, Mass., less $500,000. 1 Czar Alexander, of Russia, asta-.si-nated. 14. Senater Hill flays Maheue, 15. Floods in Hungary. Suicide of Gen. Upton, U. S. A. 10. Landsharks arrested in. St. Leuis. Oil train burned nearPettsville. 17. Correspondent Palmer expelled from the Heuse at Harrisburg. . 16. Gee. Jenes announces $2e0,000 Grant ' fund raised. Samuel Clugsten, Valley Ferge, killed by burglars. 19. Snow storm and blockade in Chi cago. " 20. Training stables burned, Paris, Ky. 21. Speaker Hewit's arbitrary rulings in the Heuse at Harrisbunr. 22. Republican-Mahone fusion en Senate officers. 23. Nice epeia house burned. 24 Attorney General Palmer decides against legislators' extra compensation. 25. Senate debate en Virginia politics. 26. Stock barns burned near Princeton, N-.T. 27. Explosion and fire in Elizabeth, N. J 28. Death of Benj. L. Temple, Philadel phia, floods m Dakota. 29. Western storms and floods. 30. Knock-down between Representative Kneass and Senater Gee. Handy Smith. 31. Davidsen's jewelry store, Philadel phia, boldly robbed. APRIL. 1. Bismarck, Dak., inundated. Fatal boiler explosion at Tyrene. 2. Millien dollar fire in Cincinnati. Rus sia adepts rigorous measures. J. x.artuquaKcs in Mediterranean is lands. 4, Mayer King inaugurated. Beacons field's serious illness. 5. News of 2,000 Chincse massacred in Panama. Continuing floods in Dakota. G. Five theusaud victims of Scie earth quake. 7. Guttenbcrg Bible sold for $8,000, Fires in Oswego, N. Y. and Newark. N.J. 9. F. S. Bend judicially declared P. & R. president. 10. Mt. Vernen, Ohie, iron works burned. 11. Explosion iu Allcntewn manufactur ing company. 12. Heavy snow along the Hudsen. 13. Democrat municipal victories. 14. Hat factories burned in Buffalo. 15. The Czar's murderers hanged. 19. Smyrna carpet mills, Philadelphia, burned. 17. Teriific tornadoes in Arkansas. 18. Jes. E. Tomple's gift of $25,000 for Gen. Reynolds' monument. 19. Death of Beacensficld. 20. Floods in Desplains river, III. 21. Gewen's deferred bend scheme de clared illegal. Railroad train, near Clinten, la., tumbled into a torrent. 22. Susquehanna crowded with rafts at Leck Haven. 23. Syracuse salt works burned. 24. Fires in Ogdcn, Utah, and Pittsfield, Mass. 25. Death of James T. Fields. 20. News of $1,000,000 fire iu Pauaina. 27. Terrible floods in Minnesota. Bea Bea censfield's will read. 28. Girard Peiut elevator, Philadelphia, burned. Ferry beat capsizes, Elgin, III., aud scholars drowned. 29. Pennsylvania forest fires checked by rain. 20. Pi inters strike in New Yerk. MAY. 1. Revolution in San Dominge. 2. Ferest lires in central Pennsylvania. Great shad catch at Gloucester. 3. Warreu, ()., machine shops burned. 4. Billy the Kid's murderous cscaie from Lincoln jail, 5. Jay Ceeko repurchases "Ogontz." 0. Proposed impeachment of lleyt and Palmer. 7. Big fire, Paterseu, N. J. 8. Dersoy exposed in star reute frauds. 9. Colerado Indians ruuning off cattle and killing ranchmen. 10. Bradlaugh asserts his right te enter Parliament. 11. Bill Chandler's nomination laid en the table. Niagara paper mills burned. 12. Stanley Matthews confirmed supictn. uidire. 13. Meb law tragedies iu Misseiui. 11. Hibernian convention in St. Leuis. Death of L. A. Gobright. 15. Particulars of Lieut. Cherry's minder published. 1G. Conkling and Piatt resign. 17. Brookville, Vt , badly burned. Half million dollar fire iu Nashville. 18. Robertsen confirmed collector of New Yerk. 19. Grant opens lire ou Garfield. 20. Revised Bible under general disciu disciu sien. 21. .Death of Cel. Thes. A. Scott. 22. British steamer Ganes suuk near Bosten. 23. Russian revolutionists reply te the Czai's manifesto. Fatal oil explosion in St. Jeseph, Me. 24. Twe hundred and forty-five persons drowned by cellapse of a steamer near Londen, Ont. 25. Sharp senatorial cauvass in Albauy. 26. Wind storms, gales and shipwrecks. 27. Earthquake in Illinois. 28. Shoe factory, Ephring, N. II., burned 29. Cellier white lead works, St. Leuis, burned. 30. Decoration Day. at Bear Swamp, N. J Railroad fatality 31. Senatorial balloting begun at Albany. JUNE. 1. Gaffncy & Delau's dye house explo sion, Philadelphia. 2. Train wreck and bridge fall en the Missouri Pacific railroad. 3. Virginia Readjuster convention. 4. Death of Rev. S. R. Fisher, D. D. 5. Removal of Pcnn's rem lins te Phila delphia refused. G. Texas peaches in Chicago. Great bail storm in Doadwoed. 7. ' National Millers' association iu Chi cago. 8. Quebec devastated by fire ; less, $2, 000,000. 9. Pennsylvania Legislature adjourns. 10. Continuous rains aud heavy floods in Western Pennsylvania. 11. Great tornadoes in Kansas. Locusts in Illinois and Kentucky. 12. Ludington en Lake Michigan wiped out by fire. Cyclone iu Missouri. 13. Pennsylvania appropriations discov ered te be in excess of income. Galves ton, Tex., badly burned. 14. Particulars published of the less of the Panama with 70 lives. 15. Wall Street ferry bended waic waic heuses burned. 1C. Iroquois wins the St. James slakes at Ascot. Frest in New Yerk. Gewen's second speech. 17. Inter-state cock fight at Cincinnati. 18.' Oil and soap works, Cincinnati, 'burned. Governer Heyt vetoes the ju diciary bill. 19. Death of Henry S. Lane. 20. Prince Leepold enters the Heuse of Lords. 21. Washington monument reaches alti tude of 200 feet. Iren trade depressed. 22. Seven children born te a Tennessee woman. 23. Baby killed by rats in Philadelphia. 24. Grant and Garfield met at Leng Branch. 25. Fire at Judsen, Ala. 2G. Death of Hen. Henry R. Stanberry. 27. Death of DeFaure, French states man. 28 Lofroy-Geld murder in English rail way carriage. 29. College- commencements prevailing. Tornado sweeps Virginia. SO. Gov. Heyt gets in some geed, vetoes. JULY. 1, The Delavan hotel scandal drops Piatt from the New Yerk senatorial contest. 2. President Garfield shot by Guiteau. 3. National excitement ever presidential assassination. 4. Philadelphia experiment with non explosive celebration. e. spring City, Pa., steve works burned. G. Intense beat in Europe. 7. The comet divided. Brewery and malt houses, Newark, N. J., burned. Millien dollar fiie, Marqua & Sens baby carriage factory, Cincinnati. Surveyors massacred in Mexico. 8. Tobacco factory burned iu Teledo. New Yerk Republicans agree en Lap ham and Miller for U. S. senators. 9. Favorable reports from the presideut. 10. Fall of a church in Oaxaca, Mexico ; fifty persons killed. 11. Fires iu Jelict, Canada, aud Louis ville, Ky. 12. Stables and mules burned in Pitts burgh. 13. Ohie Democrats nominate Bookw.il Beokw.il Boekw.il tcr. Maud S. makes 2: 10J. 14. The president is going te get well. Floods iu Iowa. Fatal laud slide iu Cincinnati. 15. Manhattan elevated railway receivers appointed. $10,00 stolen from a wagon en streets of .New Yerk. 16. Lapham elected successor te Piatt. New Ulm, Minn., devastated by tor nado. 17. Religious massacre ou Tine islands. 18. Oil lire iu Brooklyn. Death of Dean Stanley. " 19. Paris money n:arket pauicky. Dis astrous fires in Michigan Iumb3r re gions. . 20. Alarming aud fatal het weather in the West. Celeman Miner sheeting in New Yerk. 21. Six young Bosteuians drowned by capsizing of yacht. Death of Prel". .1. S. Ermcntreut. 22. Leck Haven paper mills binned. 23. Hanford, W. T., burned. 24. Earthquake iu Switzerland. Prison tragedy, I'aducab, Ky. 25. Death of Supreme Judge Clifferd. 20. Judge Pearson sustains Attorney General Palmer ou the salary grab. 27. Pierrepent house burned, Ceney Islaud. 28. Garringteu, O., burned out. 29. Parliament passes laud bill. 30. Numerous fires aud explosion?. 31. Y. M. C. A. triennial confereucc, Londen. Death of Geve Salsbury. AUGUST. 1. Colerado iron works burned. 2. Robbery and murder of G. A. Mc Clure, McKccspert. Death of Bishop E. O. Havan. 3. Bradlaugh bclligcicnt and hustled out of Parliament. 4. Truckee, Cal., and Dead weed rav aged by lire. Spotted Tail killed by Crew Dez. Majority against Prohibition iu North Carolina, 00,000. Death of Orville Grant. G. Fire in Orauge, N. J. Terrible heat prevailing. 7 Press publishes Judge Black's vindi cation. Jennie Cramer murder mys tery, New" Haven, Conn. 8. Dr. Aguew operates en the picsident. Big floods iu Colerado. 9. Mr. Garfield makes his siguature. Death of Gen. Robt. Patterson. 10. Meeting of Democratic state central committee te fix time and place of state convention. Death of Matthew Vassar. 11. Parry beuse, Beach Haven, burned. St. Paul's P. E. church, Erie, burned. 12. Mercury marks 108 in Illinois. Ex plosion aud burning of Atlantic lleuriug mills, St. Leuis. 13. Terrible accident ou Grand Trunk railway, Ogdcnburg, N. Y. 14. Death of State Senater Jehn Coch rane. 15. Electric li-rhts illuminate Niagara. 10. Lexington, Ky., badly burned. 17. State Democracy discussing reorgani zation. 18. Nihilist Lee Hartmann applies for naturalization. Foxburg, Pa., wiped out by lire. Yale, B. C, burned. 19. International polar conference, St. Petersburg. 20. Irviuc, Ky., burned. 21. Geve steve works, St. Leuis, burned. 22. Death of Gen. Leslie Coombs, aged 88. 23. Warner & Mcrritt's fruit warehouse, Philadelphia, burned. 21. Car shops, Harrisburg, Tex., burned. 25. Saw mills burned near White Haven. 2U. Au anonymous lady gives $100,000 te Princeton theological seminary. 27. Millien dollar fire, Union stock yard?, Chicago. 28. Terrific bterrn iu Charleston, S. C. 29. Beaver Falls manufactories burned. 30. Alarming dreuth in Western Penn sylvania. ' 31. English crops destroyed by excessive rain. SEPTEMBER. 1. Feicht lires in Algiers. Union mail steamer, Fcnten, and 500 souls lest off Cape Town. 2. Death of Hen. llcndrick B. Wright. 3. Indian massacre of Gen. Carrand's military force , near Camp Apache. 4. Destractivc drought in Virginia.. 5. Preparations for removal of Garfield te Leng Branch. G. The president reaches Elbcren. 20 persons killed by railroad accident near Marseilles. Remarkable mirages ou the sea coast. 7. Ferest lires in Michigan ; awful less of life. S. Cameren state couventien nominates Baily. Terrible railroad accident near Anchorage, Ky. 9 Wolfe's Independent candidacy for state treasurer anneunced. 10. Steamer Columbia and 15 lives lest ou Lake Michigan. 11. Fearful suffering in the burnt dis tricts, Michigan. 12. Twe hundred persons killed by 1 ind slides in Switzerland. 13. 14. 15. Death et Senater Burn3ide. Iroquois wins the St. Lcger race. Steve foundry burned in Trey, N. Y. 10. $210,000 fire in Oswego, N. Y. 17. The president at death's gates. 18. Ten weed choppers drowned in Col umbia river. 19. Death of the president. 20. President Arthur sworn in. 21. New Chinatown, Chice, Cal., burned down. 22. Cellier white lead factory, St. Leuis, burned. Salem, Oregon, burned. 23. The president's body laid in state under the dome of the capitol. 24; The president's body taken from Washington te Cleveland. 25. Drought and weed fires in northwest ern New Yerk. 20. Burial of the president. 27. New comet discovered in constella tion Virge. 28. Democratic convention at Williams, pert. 29. Disastrous fire in Elmira, N. Y. 30. National baseball league at Saratoga, N. Y. OCTOBER. 1. Oil fire at Greenwich Point, Philadel phia. Madisen, Neb., devastated by a tornado. 2. Bishop O'Hara denounces graveyaid insurance. 3. Pennsylvania supreme court reverses twenty-two cases out of thirty-nine. 4. Guiteau formerly indicted. 5. Arrival of French visitors te York Yerk town centennial. Continental brewery, New Yerk, burned. Drowning of Hen. Edw. Law. Philadelphia. 6. Damagiusr frost in Virginia. 850.- 000 barrels of crude oil burned ea the rne railroad. St. Theresa college, Montreal, burned. 7. Louden ex.chauge building burned. Guiteau's autobiography published. 8. Lee Hartmann returns te Europe. Eight monks murdered in Hungary. 9. Masscr & Keek's tannery, Allcntewn, burned. 10. Bayanl elected president of the Senate. 11. Cesarewitch stakc3 wen by Fexball. Vanderbilt's stable and Merrill's store house burned, New Yerk ; less, $2,000,- U0O. Republicans carry Ohie and New Yerk. 12. Oriele festival in Baltimore. ". Death of Dr. J. G. Helland. Landcnbcrger's mill burned,, Philadelphia; many lives lest. 13. Ireland in a ferment ever Parnell's arrest. Half million dollar lire, explo sion and less of life at Kokomo, Cel. 14. Guiteau arraigned. Garfield fuud amounts te $340,000. 15. Damage in England by hurricane. Iroquois takes the Newmarket Derby sweepstakes. 1G. Disastrous typhoons iu China. Race riots in Irish cities. 17. Opening of Yorktown centcnuial celebration.- 18. Laying of Yorktown Centennial monument corner stone. 19. The Great Eastern sold at auction for $150,000. 20. Disastrous floods in Iowa and Illiuei. 21. Archbishop Croke condemns the "Ne Rent " manifesto of the Land League. Death of the sleeping Hunga rian at the Lehigh ceuuty almshouse. 22. Wastes and steals under Secretary of the Treasury Sherman exposed. 23. Steamer Alexandria with thirty six lives lest. 24. E. D. Morgan nominated for secretary of the treasury. 25. Atterney General MacVeagh's deter mination te withdraw from the cabinet. Burning of Crescent brewery, Aurera, 111., and 200,000 kegs of beer, "it 'nnt;..;..i.i.. :.. t .... 26. vuuifiuiuug JIUUUn IU Aunt tli 27. Weschlcr. Abraham & Ce.'s drv goods hliue, Brooklyn, L. I., burned out. Morgan declining, Chas. J. Felgcr nominated for secretary of the treasury. 28. Steamboat Gilchrist broken and up bet at Davenport, Iowa ; seventeen lives lest. 29. Maheue's cause referred te Arthur. Steamer Calcutta lest, with 22 persons en beard. Steamer Calliepe lest. 30. Twe-thirds of Edgeville, S. C, burned, and the leading Presbyterian church of Louisville, Ky. 31. Faihue of the Newark bank. NOVEMBER. 1. Philadelphia revolt against besMsm ; Shapley declares for Independent com missioners. 2. Minnesota adjusts repudiated debt. 3. Arrival of new British minister. Patti welcomed te New Yerk. 4. Destructive lire iu St. Jehn, N. B. 5. Danville, Ky., training stables burned. 0. Railroad bridge, Cynthiana, Ky., burned. 7. Spanish Honduras suffers ten million dollars less from floods. Statue of Byren unveiled in Greece. 8. Election day ; Baily beats Neble for state treasurer ; AVolfe peiling nearly .jUjUUU votes; Kepublicans carry New Yerk and Virginia. 9. $3,000,000 lest by Heeds areuud Quincy, 111. Fatal fall of New Yerk tenement house. 10. Stir reute criminals discharged. Ex Ex tensive losses by fire, Spring Lake, Mick ; Austin, Tex. 11. Shocking railroad accidents in Mis souri aud Texas ; 21 convicts killed in the latter. Woodstock, N. B., burned ; also hotels, Modeste, Cal. 12. King of Ashantee killed two hundred girls and mixed mortar with their bleed. Mecca stricken with cholera epidemic. 13. Trey ferry beat capsized ; many lives lest. Cycloue in Mississippi. 14. Guiteau put ou trial. 15. Presideut appoints Cameren's man postmaster at McKcespert. 10. Guiteau iury sworn. Wayne Mac Veagh's house burucd. 17. Sav.llpex ragiug in Oregon. 18. Death of Gee. Law, New Yerk. 19. The president's backbone produced iu court. 20. Lynching of Ed. Maxwell, Durand, Wis., and of Davis in Athens, O. 21. Commonwealth proceeds against graveyard insurance companies. Guiteau shot at by Bill Jenes. 22. Kccly meter company stockholders call "time." 23. " Killing fret " in N. C. 24. Exposure of Philadelphia tax office thefts. 25. Atlanta exposition iu full bloom. 2G. Disastrous gales in Ireland. 27. Koscuiscke, Miss., burned out. 28. Failure of American book exchange. Rubber factory burned, EastCambiidge Mass. 29. Tariff convention in New Yerk. 30. Newman's framing establishmeut, Philadelphia, burned. Ste:k barns and Helstcin cattle burned, Geneva, N. Y. DECEMBER. 1. Poughkcepsie glass works burned. 2. Iowa Frce Trade lcague organized. 3. Republican caucus agrees ou Keifer for speaker. 4. Meeting of Congress ; Kcifer elected speaker. 5. President's message. G. News of J. I). Kilpatrick's death. 7. French crown jewels for sale. 8. Vienna Ring theatre burned ; 600 lives lest. 9. Death of Cel. Jehn W. Ferney. G lives lest by colliery explosion, Brussels. 10. Railroad shanty and dozen laborers burned near Pittsburgh. 11. Fatal railroad collision near Londen. 12. Yellow fever in San Dominge and the Barbadoes. President announces White Heuse hours. 13. Storms en. Atlantic ; rough voyages for steamers from Europe. 14. Intense cold in Manitoba. 15. Feast of bull fights, San Guadaleupe, N. M. 1G. Fire iu Newark, N. J. ; Columbus, O., opera house, and Orange, N. J., hat factory burned. B. H. Brewster appointed attorney general. 17. Terrible hurricane m Tunis. 18. Extensive fires in New Yerk, Cincin nati, Albany, Montreal and Newburg, N. Y., St. Paris, Ohie, Cleveland and Lerain. -Plaster cast of Guiteau's head taken. 19. Colliery explosion at Bolten, Eng. ; many lives lest. 20. Howe nominated for postmaster gen eral. Fire in West Bay City, Mich. Smallpox in Chicago. 21. Keifer names the Heuse committees. Return Tinker Meuat sentenced in Phil adelphia. 23. The Jeannette survivors heard from via Russia. 23. King Leuis of Bavaria missing. Fire at Red Bank, N. J. 24. Steamer Granger burned near Char leston, 8. C. Graveyard insurance poli cies cremated in Berks. 25. Panic in a ehurcb, Warsaw ; 40 lives lest. 26. Christmas jollity resulting in a cycle of crimes and disaster. 27. Moravia, Iowa, burned. Steamer ex plosion at West Point, W. Va. : 19 lives lest. 28. Smallpox in Dakota. Fires in Balti more and Augusta, Me. 29. Floods in the rivers. Guiteau put into the prisoner's deck. Three vessels foundered in Mediterranean gales ; 100 lives lest. 31. The complete news of the day will be found en our second and third pages. m m I found Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup te be a most effectual remedy, and leel sure that the most stubborn cough and cold will yield te iu heal ing influence. Frank S. .Trice, New Orleans. Alt?. t. IS75. Experleatla vocal. We must tell sorae men a great deal te teach them a little, but the knowledge of the cura tive propertied Of Snrillir Blessem in mw of Blck headache, indigestion, and bllleusncs is bought by experience. Trice 30 cent, for sale at 11.11. Cochran' drug store, 137 North Uueen street. A Short Keatl iu Health. Te all who are suflerlng trem boils, ulcers, scrofula, carbuncles, or ether obstinate dis eases et the bleed and skin, a course of ltur ltur deek Weed Bitten will he found te be a short read te health. Trice $1. Fer oale at II. II. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Baptist Minister's Experience. I inn a Baptist Minister, and before 1 even thought et being a clergyman, I graduated in medicine, but left a lucrative practice for my present profession, 40 years age. I was ler many years a sufferer from quinsy ; "Thema Kclectric Oil cured ine." Iwas also troubled with hoarseness, and Themas' Kclectric Oil al ways relieved me. My wire and child hud diphtheria, and "Themas' Kclectric Oil cured them." and it taken In time it will euro miveii out et ten. I am reiilldcut it is at cure fur the most obstinate cold or cough, and ir any one will take a small teaspoon and hair nil It with the Oil, and then place the end et the spoon in one nostril and draw the OU out of thcsjHxm into the head by siiifllugas hard as they can. until the Oil fail ever Inte the threat, and practice that twice a week, 1 don't care hew offensive their head may be. it will clean it out and cure their catarrh. Fer deafness and earache It lias denu wonders te my certain knowledge. It is the only medicine dubbed patent mrdiciiic that I have ever lelt like re commending, and I ani very anxious te see it in every place, ler I tell you that I would net be without it iu my house ler any considera tion I am new pnllcring with a pain like rheumatism in my right limb, and nothing re lieves me like Thema' Eclct-tric Oil. Dr. K. F. CRANK, Cerry. Ta. Fer sale at II. U. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. XMtl' OOOVS. STOATS, DOLMANS, JACKETS. WATT.SHAND&C0. Have opened another choice line of thes Klegant Clese-Filling LIGHT COLORED COATS and JACKETS AT THICKS LOWER THAN EVER BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS Twe Cases DAMMASSK DRKSS GOO US At 8c. and 10c. a yard. One Case UEKSTKIt SUITING, Sfie. a yard One Case ALL-WOOL CLOTH SUITING, 25c. a yard. We offer the very best possible value In BLACK CASHMERES At 35, 45, SO, 02 1-2, 75, 87 1-Xc, SI a yaid. All the New Shades in 3-lNCH All-Weel CASHMERES. 50c. a vd. I.udies', Gentlemen's and Clillilren'a Mfc KINO anil ALL-WOOL .. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR In all sizes and qualities at bottom prices. Wc have again received a full line or BLANKET AND THIBET SHAWLS at the same Lew Trice. COUSETS GLOVES, LACES. EMBROID ERIES. RIBBONS. HANDKERCHIEFS, KOTIOXS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY AT NEW YORK STORE 8 & 10 E. KING STREET. iriSIT OUK STOKE, DAY OR EVENING. CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN FANCr ARTICLES. LARGE REDUCTIONS WILL HE MADE. AS WE DO NOT D1STLAY THIS CLASS OF GOODS AFTER HOLIDAY WEEK. AND WE LIKE TO CLOSE OUR ENTIRE STOCK EACH SEASON. J. B. MARTIN & CO., DRY GOODS, CARPETS, WALL PAPERS, CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. LANCASTKK. PA. -