iiiWigTinirffiii-in ynm-me LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER TUESDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1881. Hancasin j-nicltiacnrcr. TUESDAY EVENING. DEC. 27, 1881 CREMATING TflE BOGUS. A Bem J'irc Ont el Insurance Policies. Themas Hcydr, a, lich Berks county f.vernkccjicr who had paid large assess ments en jravcyaru luc insurance policies, organized :i meeting of his neighbors at his tavern te burn tlie pesky things en Saturday last. Although it was generally understood that the ceremonies would net take place until the afternoon, people com menced arriving early in the morning, and by neon quite a number had already as sembled. At two o'clock in the afternoon a delegation of farmers who had as sembled at Huff's church arrived, headed by the Union cornet band, of that place The band wagon was drawn by four black horses, elegantly caparison ed, followed by a .string of vehicles. At four o'clock lhc ceremonies properly com menced. IVovieus te this time an expe rience meeting was organized in a large hall of the hotel, where persons represent ing $"00,000 insurance related their expe rience with the Rliyleck agents. There were peer people present who had bor rowed money te make their pay ments until all their substance had been expended and they found themselves re duced te misery. A meeting was organized with the fol lowing officers : I 'resident, Thes. Ilcydt. Vice Presidents, A. Charles Ileyer, .Teller son Itancli, Jacob Dierolf, Jacob Fron Fren heisnr, Jeseph Kemp, Daniel Haag. Cenrad Ely, Abraham licnlield, Jehn Heydt, M. II." Land is, Jereme Ituiclicrt. Samuel llcrbsr, James Schetcr and James Kcp pert. Secretaries, Nathaniel Hcydr, Peter Detterer and Adam Mcnseh. After the adoption of lcsolutiens a number of speeches were made. Then the policies were collected. They were of sufficient number te fill a bushel basket. They were tied te the end of a long pole and a precession was formed ami proceeded through the village with a band of music at the head. Upen the return te the hotel the pro pre cession halted in the middle of the square. The policies were saturated with coal oil, and the pole te which they were fixed was planted in the middle of the square. At a word from the president of the meeting a torch was applied te the heap by a young lady, and what had represented SI 50,000 upon the face, but, in fact, was worth little mere than waste paper, was reduced te a mass of ashes. The band played a lively air, and Mr. Themas Heydt, whose policies represented $'D.",000, started a dance annual the pole, in which a num ber of his neighbors joined, after the fashion of an Indian pole dance. After mere, music by the band the party returned te the hotel where there was a general jollification. In the evening there was an old fashioned licrks county frolic, in which the lads and lasses for miles around joined, and dancing was kept up until midnight. Pender mi These Truths. Torpid kidneys, ami const lout cl bni els, aie thegical rauvi'iel chienic disease-.. Kidncj-Wnrt hat cured thousands. Try il anil you u Illaihl tint' mere te Hit' number. Habitual cestlvcucss is an utlliclieii el the Amciif:i!i people. Kidney-Wert will cure it. Kidney-Wert ha-, cuiril kidney complaints et Unity ears Mantling. Try M.lUchtingi'. tl2C lv.tlv "The Commedore." Jes. L. Foelc, the C'ommeilore, Elgin, III., says Themas' Kelectrie Oileureil him et scia tica with one application, thoroughly applied. Italseeured him ei a severe eeltl anil cough. lie thinks it a very valuable ivnietlv, aii'l will never be wit beat 'it. Fer snlcat ll. K. Coch ran's tlrit "-tote, !;: North ueen street, Lan caster. Mining and Heaping. When a young lady lieins handkerchief:! ter a rich bachelor -be jews that .-he may reap. When seeds el di-e;se are plantett through ever indulgence, vu can prevent Hie under taker I linn reaping the bc.ncllt by using Spring Itlosseui. I'lice -0 cents IV.r .ale at II. 1!. Cochran'.-. :rng store, i:!7 North tjneen street. Lancaster. Iioner.il.1o .Mention. Ot all the ictucdlc.-. en earth that well may claim attention. Dr. Themas' Kclcctric oil cemmand-c.-pcc it mention Fer wontlrou wentlrou wontlreu power te cure tii-ea-e. it- lame, none can throttle. It- merit- are no; .a the pull, but are inside the bottle. Kheuniati-m.ncuralgi:', sere threat, asthma, bronchitis, tliphtheria, etc., are -ill euretl ly Thema-' Lcleelne Oil. Fer sale at 11. 15. tLeci'.ran's drug 'ere. 137 North Queen Miter. I.anea-ter. VUIXA .Wit UI.AHSMAUJ:. H Kill & MAKTIN. Holiday Goods -IC O AT CHINA HALL. 1 x Havtfand's China, &c. SOLTAIilKCCI'S AND sArci.i.'s. TK.V AX I) DINNER SET.-. DESERT SETS, ICE CREAM SET.. FISH SETS, SOLITAIRE SK'lr, t v:v i a -t i: r i ; s r.T? . A large a-serliueiit of GLASSWARE. Kvamiue our stock before elertiu; your CIIIMSTMAS I'UKSKN'IS. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 Eaat King Street. iilh'T J1JCA irjJftifi. pOMMUNWKALTII UISTKI I'.tl TION CO. 39th Popular Monthly Drawing OF TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. m tlie City of Louisville, en SATURDAY, DEC. 31st, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act el the General Assembly of Kentuckv. The United suites circuit Court en liarchSl, rendered the following decisiens: 1st Unit tlie Commonwealth Distribution Company lit lRaI. ltd I tf drawing arc fair. N. l:. Tin; Company has no v.- en hand a large reserve funtl. Read the. list ei piixcs ier lh ii:ckmi;kk duawing. l prize $ so.eoo 1 prize 1(),IJ() 5.00C 10,000 10,000 10,000 JO,00C 12,000 10,000 2,700 1,800 900 lOprizcs $1,000 each 20 prizes SOOuach 100 prizes $100 each 200 prizes se each 1000 prizes 10 each 9 prizes S00 each, approximation prizes 9 prizes 200 each, ' 9 prizes 100 each, " Whole tlckcLs,$i; hall Uekt:t.s, ti; J7 tickets $60; 55 tickets, W0. Item it Meney or ISank Draft fn lcttcr, et flcntl by Kxprcss. DON'T SK.NIl IIV KKGLS TKUKI) LKTTKItOUI'OSTOFFICK OKDKIC. Ordt:rHer$rand tipwanl. by Kxprcss, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders te It. M. HOAIlDMAN, Courier-leurnal Ituildintr, LeuIhvUI, Ky., ei It. M. KOAKIIMAN, 09 llreiMlwuv. New Yerk. fehl-TuTh&S&w JHWXLJSRB. rVKUA. GLA9SKM, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AUGUSTUS BIIOADS, Jeweler, Jfe. 20 East Kins Street. Lancaster. Pa Ocri22-2ndCOd ZEDICAZ. T'IONKT 1YOKT. WONDERFUL AAAHY 9 Kccaune it acts en the I.IVEK. BOWELS and KJ JJXE1S at tlie same time. Because it cleanses the system et the poison ous humors tliat develop iu Kidney and Lrl nary Disease', Kilieusness, Jaundice, Consti pation, Piles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Ner eus Disorders antl Female Complaints. SEE WHAT PEOPLE. SAY: Eugene 15. Sterlr. of Junction City, Kansas, Kiys Kidney Wert cured liim niter regular Physicians Had been trying ler four years. Mr-. Jehn Arnnll, of Washington, Ohie, a vs her boy was given up te die by lour prom inent physicians and that he was atterwards cured hy Kidney Wert. M. M. 15. Goodwin, an editor in Chartlen, Ohie, sav.s he was net expected te live, being bleated "beyond belief, but Kidney Wert cured him. Anna I.. Jarrett, el Seuth .Salem, N. V.. says thai hcvcii years sull'erinjt from kitlney troubles and ether complications was ended by the use el Kidney Wert. Jehn is. Lawrence, et Jacksen. Tcnn..uilcr cd ler years from liver and kidney troubles anil after taking "barrels et ether medicine., Kidney Wert made him well. Michael Cote, et Montgomery Centre, t., sutfered eight years with kidney dilliculty and was unable te work. Kidney wert made him " well as ever." KIDNEY WOBT PERMANENTLY CUKES KIItt'EY DISEASES, L1VEK COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION AND PILES. i- It is put up In Dry Vegetable Ferm, in 3-tin cans, one package of which makes six Atuartsei metlicini;. MS- Alse In Lleuid Ferm.very Conceutralcd S-ier the convenience et these who cannot A3-nudity prepare it. It nets with equal gfrfflciency in cither form. GET IT OF YOUK DRUGGIST. PRICK, SI. WELLS, UlCHAUDSON & CO., Prep's, Itnrlmgteii, Vt. ( Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lyd&w. s l'JXIAL AD C1IKONIU DlSItASUS. Mary A. Lengakcr, M. J)., OFFICII AND KKS1DKNCK Ne. 13 Kust Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA., ;i)lscabcs or tlie Kys, Jar and Tbre.t Treated as a Specialty. l'aiticular attention given te the treatmei,t et Disea-es of Women and Children. Free examination ami treatment dally ex cept Sunday Irem 11 turn, te 1 p.m. Con-ul-tatiens In Knlisli and German. H. D. LONGAKER, M. DM LATi: OF l'illl.ADXiLrlllA, NOW OF LAXCASTKU, l'A., OIBce : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, eilers his prole-denal services te the atilietcil especiallv te these sullering from Chreule or .Special liit.ea-es. lie will belatltesceaiul Uilk withliiem. It is his practice te plainly declare a dNca-e incurable it he believes it te be se. In theea-e whicn he undertakes he guarantees te de all that can be done by unwearied atten tion and the application of expeiicnccd .skill, (rained bv many years et practice iu trcalinj; diica-e in its various ami most malignant lerms. That his Skill has net been exerted in vain, numerous cert ilieates, that may be seen at his etlice, will teitily. Cancers, Tumors siul Swellings Cures Without Pain or Using llic Knife or Drawing IMoetl. Skin Diseases and every description el II. eei-.itien. rilesand etoliileits Diseases Ferma neatly Cured. Female Disea-es, Acute or Chronic, speedily and radically euretl. Dl-eases t the Lunfj-s. Threal, .Stomach, Liver and Kidneys can undoubtedly lie euretl. Particular attention tiven te 1'ilvate lis lis lis oiiKrHef every tle-criptieii fnIse llial. state el aJienatien ami weakness et mind, which ren tiers per.-en- incapable et enjoying the pleas ure.- t jierierrainj; ine tiiniesei me, eoniiieie eeniiieie Iv cured, and the patient resleretl te active lieatth and tin: eniovmentser life. Diseases el tlm l':ye and lOar trcatctl as a enccialry. ir. Lfui"rJ:ei will make protes.-ienal visits any ili-tance. C-iu be consulted by letter (con- ini.-iitiiil.y), anil lncilicintt ciil with u;ier ilirectieiib te anv part til the cetintrv. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Oifice: Ne. Yi East Walnut Street, I.AXCASTKIt, l'A. Jcr.-lyilTii.Tli&S.tw VAKVMSTS, GIS1 ii:i:at iiaiigajns i cAi:ri:i.v, 1 claim te have the L.uiri-it anil Fim tec-k et CARPETS In litis City. I'.russels and Tapestry C A ItlM-Zi'S Three-ply, Lxtra .-uper, buper, All Weel, IJalf voel ami l'arl Weel Ingrains: Irem tlie je.st te the cheapen! a low as. JJ5e. per yanl. All the Fj'lViT AX1 CllUICK VATTXIiXt: that ever can be seen in thlsclty. 1 also have a Lare anil Fine. Sleck et my iwn make Ciiain and Hag Carpets, AS LOW AS aSc.'l'Kll VAltD. AI-e.MAMi CAUFKT.S TO OltDKItat shot notice. Sati-Iaclien f?uareiileed. JiirSe ireuble te show jjoetlsif you tin m vIsli te purchase. 1 earnestly solicit a c all. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANOASTKIi PA. c i:i'KT.S, CtJAl,, Re. PHILIP SCRUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTOIIV.- Ne. 1.T0 SOUTH WATKIt STi:KKT, I.AKCASTES, l'A., Well-knnwn Jlanutaclnrei-sel Cciuiiiie LANCASTKIi QUI LTS, COIINTKIM'ANK.S, COVEULKTS, IJLANKKTS, CAIII'ETS. CAItl'KT CHAIN, STOCKING YAltN, &e. U5TOJI KAtt CAUl'KTS ASFEC1ALTV. LANCASTKK FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either In the piece or In Garments: also, all kinds of silks. Ilibheu?, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlciiicn's Coats, Overcoats l'anl.s. Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, indigo ISlne Dyeing done. All orders or Reeds lclt with us will receive prompt atten 1 ion. CASH FAII) FOK SKWEU CAUl'KT KAGS. GOAL. COAL. Ceal et the best qualify put up expressly 'ei lamily use, and at the lowest market rates. TItY A SAMTLH TON. YARD 150 hOUTH WATKIt STREET. 2-iyttusi riurfi i sciiuji. son a c.e VAUKMAilJSS, JtV. OI.KIGIIS! SI.KlGHn! EDGERLEY it Ce., Marlict SI reel, rear Market Houses LANCASTER, PA. We haven Large and Splendid n-snriir.nt of l'ORTLAND, AL1IANY and DOUIILK SLEIGHS. They arc. made or tlie best selected woodworks the best, ironed, best trimmed, and the iln.wt painted and ornamented SLEIGUS ever otrer etrer etl ler mile in the city. Remember we pay cash ler our material anil allow no one te undersell us. Our Motte : ' Quick Sales asd Small Pnems." It ccMs nothing te call and examine enr work. We also have en hand u lull line of FINE CARUIAGK WORK, In which we defy competition. AH work warrantwi. iEcpnlrinKefall kind pi emptly atl ended te. f nJC-tfd.V OCCASION EXTRAORDINArftE." Se the French people put it, and the great stores " The Leuvre " and " Ben Marche " every few weeks have a reusing sale e "occasion." We don't like the system, hut try te make every day equally geed for buyers te come tcrus. Yet new and agai: there are special reasons that warrant stepping out from our usual course. Such a time lias come te Oak Hall, and we have te announce A GRAND "OCCASION." 1881, se far, has been the largest year s business OAK HALL HAS EVER DONE. Mr. Jehn Wanamaker has this season watfhed ever personally and supervised the old house in a measure like in old times AND NOW desires te say he has determined te put the annual sales far beyond anything ever reached befere in the annals of the Retail Cloth ing business in the United States. There is net a day te lese, as the season is passing. We have therefore prepared all the inducements we can offer and they GO INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. Years age we were overloaded Avith goods, and we frankly said se. We have no secrets about our business. We take the people into our confidence and ask for a return of ceiifidence, AND GET IT, because the people find out exactly what can be depended en. We sold out long age all our surplus stock. Five furniture cars would carry all the old stock new in our double six-story building, and while we de se large a business and sizes break up se rapidly as they de, we always expect te have just as much as we have te-day. NOW THEN, THIS IS TO SAY That this :: Occasion " is based en the cleanest, newest, best stock we can possibly get together. NEW GOODS OF SPLENDID CHARACTER, And made for the purpose of driving up and along the sales te far outdo the best endeavors of former years. SUMMING UP THE INDUCEMENTS, THEY AEE 1. A stock of goods, most of it "just born," clean and beautiful, arriving daily from our workrooms. 2. A "right smart " deduction from usual prices, " something that can be seen." 3. Opportunity given te take a purchase away, compare it, bring it back and get money returned. 4. Wanamaker & Brown's stamp en the quality and make of the goods as the guarantee of value. Of course THERE ARE SOME BETTER BARGAHS TBAI OTHERS, Ner is all our stock marked down, but THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT IS. Cut out the lists and walk A Men's Overcoats. Fancy Cassimcre Chesterfield, made in sell at?lS.oe, reduced te $14.01. lllue and lliaek Fur Ih-aver Over-sack.-, maili maili le sell at tIO.iki, reduced le $;.5e. Kre'.vn Chinchilla Over-sack-, made in sell a! f ir..0f, reduced le ?!2.iti. Cray m ive.l, fancy hack Dlagnivil, Skeleton Ovcrsacka and Chesterfields, made tecli at Ticie, reduced ie$i::.75. Cray striped, lancy back, Skeleton Over sacks, matlele pell at Jlfi.'e, reduced !n$i:!.(ii. Very heavy, wool-lined, tleulile-lireastctl, Fur Heaver I'lsters, madn lesell at fll.Osi. reduced in 10.00. Jlixct I Frieze, all wool Over..ick-i, mud;: le sell at $'i.e ), reduced te$7.-"..'l. Finest Imported "iNkime" Heaver Over sacks, made In sell at $29X0, reduced ln$.M.ei. FinivU Imported " Dutleil " Heaver Over sacks made te sell at Jis.oe, reduced te $20.00. Finest Imported "Caster" Heaver Over sacks, made te sell at $is.oe, reduced In $20.00. .- - - It would be very easy for large reductions, but it must be borne in mind our system of business, taking back goods and returning money when our customer can come back in ten minutes and receive the money back after being at another store, or weeks after purchase, keeps us en our guard te have our prices the very lowest. THIS REDUCTION, Therefore, must be manifest te these who will think a moment, or leek the goods ever and compare elsewhere. We have the (perhaps) pardonable pride in our business te push it beyond anything ever done before, and take this method te de it. Let. all our friends in city and county give Wide and WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA, Seuth-East Cerner Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. rAVEKUANtilNUS, &r. t UK LINE OP WALL PAPERS, is tlic largest we ever liad in stock ler this season of year, embracing Fine Cilts ter Parlors, Halls, &c. Len-juieed gootlsiin'inl geotlsiin'inl goetlsiin'inl less variety le select from. There are some choice patterns in tlie market for the Fall ami Sluing trade, which cannot fail tn please you. FANCY DADO WINDOW SHADES, PLAIN SHADING, by the yard, In all colors and widths. Scotch Hollands. Tin and Weed Spring Keli- er. Cord Fixtures. Kings, Tassuis, Leeps, Fringes, Picture Wire ami Cord, Hands, jioeKP, xe. Paper Curtains te Dealers at Lewest Prices. EXTENSION CORNICES, the cheapest ami beat. Curtain Poles in assortment. 49-Onlers taken for FINE MIKKOHS. PHARES W. PRY, HO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. WANAMAKEB & into OAK HALL and have a leek I B Men's Dress Suits. 11:! Heuldc-Hieaslcd Freck Ceat Suits l Sehnahe's Finest Hlueantl Hlack Crepe Caster, made te sell at $:M, reduced te fil. 1S" IXmlile Itreasletl Freck Ceal Kuils el v.-iy line Hlack Cleth-Faced lilaenal, made lesell at til, reduced tei). Alie,'.'"i Suits et saint; yoet'.s, with Sack or Walking Coats, at fame price. Men's Business Suits. li; Fancy Cns3lmc.re Suits, made te s:-ll at $10, red ucet 1 te.f.i. ITS Very Streng, All-Weel, Him; Cheviot Suits, last colors, made te sell at $i:S, reduced tn $10. 110 Fancy Cassimert: Suit.-", made le sell at fli, ret I need te $10. I i:i Fancy Diagonal Cheviot Suits, maile te sell al$I.r, reduced te $12. :!7 Fancy Cassiincre Suits, made te. -ell at $11, reduced te $12. ' 20 Fancy Casiniere sails, made te sell at f li:, reduce te $11. r'. Fancy Cas-jimcre Suil, made te sell at fin, reduced te $1.1. 2S Fancy Hlack Cassimere Suits, with Skele ton Coats, made te sell at. $C0, reduced le $lfi..W. l'.Ci Superb 'Harris" Cassimere Suits, made te sell at fii, reduced te $1.1. 1 any one te mark up prices at the Full Netice TRAVELERS' UUIV1S OKAUINU SC COLUMBIA It. K. AKKANGEMENT OF PASSENGKK TKAINS MONDAY, NOV. 7tit, ISI. NOKTHWAKI). LKAVE. Quarryvllle Lancaster, King St... Lancaster Columbia ARMVB. Heading A.M. 7:.vi 9:10 ::Je SOUTHWAKI), LBAVK. Kcadlng ARRIVE. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster, King St... Quarrwillc A.H. T. M. P. M. fi:40 ... ! 7:.0 3:10 S:00 1:00 S:SI T.M 1:10 :::10 10:05 :i:20 .ri..ri0 A.M. M. T.M. 7:'25 I'i K:I0 r.M. !):35 2:10 8.2." !):27 2.10 S:i:; 9:37 .... 8:05 1057 .... 9:M 5:1.1 .1:'r. B:30 rains connect at ueatllng with trains te and Irem Philadelphia, Pett.svllle, Hanisliiii', Al Al lentewn anil New Yerk, via Hound Itroek Keutc. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick ami Haiti, mere. . M. WILSON. Sunt. SAW MILL FOUSAL.E A TXVV.HTY.fuZll horse power portable SAW MILL, as goon as new. Address, PHILIP LEBZELTEK, Eagle Speke and Bejiding Works, d&w-tf Lancaster, Pa. BltOWX, OAK MALI.. c 1!) Superb " Heck" Cassimere Suits, made te still at $21.00, reduced te $18.00. ! Superb "Ileckanain Cassimere Suits, made te sell at fi'i.oe, reduced te fl0.ne. Yeuths1 Business Suits. ::i Fancy Cusiniere ''nits, made te sell at f 1.1.0, reduced te fr.CM. f.S Fane j- Cassimere Suit", made te sell at $1:1.00, reduced te$l,V0. :!ii Fancy " hinpire " Cassiinert: Suits, made te sell at$l!UU, red 11 red te $l."..0O. 21 Fancy "Harris " Cassimere Suits, made lesell at $2.l.i0, reduced lo'$ir..eu. 2T Fancy " Heck" Cassimere suits, nvidn te sell at $20.00, ret I need lefltt.r.O. 25 Fancy "IWdy" Cassimere Suits-, mule In ':ellat $2.oe. reduced te $1:.IM. ::s Fancy" IMtly" Cassimere Suits, made te sell at $22.00, reduced te $1S.0(. 11 1 Very strong, all-wool, nine Cheviot Suits, last colors, made te sell at $12.0), reduced le $0.00. 1 -r becjinninii: of a season and then go of this " Great COAL. B. It. MAUTIN, Wholesale ami Retail Dealer In all kinds el LUMHEK AND COAL. JWfanl: Ne. 4-30 North Water ami I'rince Streets aliove Lemen L'liicaster. nS-ly! C0H0 & WILE, JiO NORTH WATER ST., iMnrasfer, J'n., Wholesale and Kctail Dealers in LUMBER AN.D GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Kzchange. Iiranch Office: Ne. 20 CHNTKE SQUAKK. Icb'iS-lyd 10 TO REILL7 & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by lhc bale or ten. Farmers and ethers ill want et Snperiet Manure will find it te their advantage te call Yanl, Harrishnrg P ike. ) Olllce. 20X Kast Chestnct street. ( agI7-H nmall Beys' uits. n Fancy Cassimere IJleusc Suits, $i.W) te $:T.T.T'. Fancy Cassimere Hleuse Suits, $.".00 te $l..ii. Fancy Cassimere Hleuse Suit-, "t.Wi le !. Fancy Cassimere Hleuse Suits. $."..riO te $l..riO. Fancy Cassimere Hleuse Suits. $eji In .". 0. Fancy Cassimere Hleuse Suits, $7.."iO In $t:.i. Fancy Cassimere Hleuse Suits, $S.m le f...M. Fancy Cassimere HIouse Suits, $s'.."Jl te $7.1'. nmall Beys7 Overcoats. Mixed Frieze Ovcrsacks, $T.00 te$l.. Mixed Frieze Ovcrsacks, $.Wl te $".. Mixed Frieze: Oversaeks, $7..10 tn Sft.oe. Mixed Frieze Ovcrsacks, $'J.W le 7..r.e. Mixed Frieze Ovcrsacks $3.00 te $7.'0. Beys' Suits. I- auey Cassimere, $7.00 le $:.(.0. Fancy Cussimere, $7.re te fit.m Fancy Cass i mere, $7.fn te $n.W. Fancy Cassimerc, $'J.0 te $7.00. Fancy Cassimere $10.00 te $8.r. Fancy C'assiinere, $11.00 te $. Fancy Cassimere, $li.(H) to$le.oo. Fancy Cassimere, $t:t.lte$ll..ri0. Fancy Cassimere, $l.'i.U) te $le.( e. Fancy Cassimere, $14.00 te $12.00. Fancy Cassimere, $17.00 in $1 l.l.e. Very Fine Hrewn IMque, $17.00 In fl.voe. Beys' Overcoats. Fancv Cassimerc, $7..'V0 te $fi..0. Fur Heavcr.s,Hlaek, nine and Cray. $10 te f..'Jl. Fancy Hack Skeleton, $12.00 te $le.fti. Fancy Hack Fur Heaver, $l.".oe le $I2.im. Fancy Cassimere, $s.00 te $C.iie. HI ue Cheviot, $3.M te $7.00. . . down te what would be en paper Occasion. ?? MEDICATj. RKAO THIS Lancaster, Pa.. April 23, 1SSI. The Kidnevcura M'e Cempant. Gents It gives me much pleasure te sa that after using one pack el KIONKYCUKA I have been entirely euretl et a seven; pain 111 my back and side, of long standing, ami that, tee, alter trying various known remedies. 1 have every conlidence in your medicine', cheerfully recommend it, ami knew thatmany of my lnenils who have used it have been benefited. PETEK BAKEK, masiyd Foreman Examiner unit Express. X OC1IKK S Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sale.spectly and sure remedy ler Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Iiitluen za. Soreness et the Threat antl Chest, Hron Hren chitis. Whooping Cough, Spitting of Hloetl, In flammation et the Lungs and all Diseases ei the Chest antl Air Passages. Tills valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has prove l te possess the most sale and clllcicnt qualities for the cure of all kinds el lung diseases. PKICE, 25 Cent. Prepared only ant I sold by OHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DKUGGIST, Ne. 9 East King Street, Lancaster. ASTKICH lilttrs ADl-JEItl LSXMENT. A STIMCII 1ISIOS- .lllVHtriSEMEXT. ASTHICH ASTKICIl ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICIl ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICIl ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICIl ASTKICH HKOTIIKKS HKOTHKKS I'.KOTHKKS ItKOTUEKS I'.KOTHEKS HKOT1IK1W HKOTHKKS HKOTHK1U HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS I'.KOTHEKS I'.KOTHEKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS I'.KOTHEKS I'.KOTHKKS I'.KOTHEKS I'.KOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS I'.KOTHEKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS I'.KOTHKKS HKOTHKKS I'.KOTHEKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS I'.KOTHKKS I'.KOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS HKt'.THKKS HKOTHKKS HKOTHKKS r td N O ASTKICIl ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH AS-TK1CH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICIl ASTKICIl ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICIl ASTKICH AbTltlCil i:: KAST K1NGRTKKKT. IS KAST KIXUSTKKKT. I :l K A ST K I X Ki ST K K KT. ft KAST KING STKKKT. 1.: KAST K I Ni STKKKT. GRAND DISPLAY -ir I I Suitable ler Presents ! GIFTS Tt SL IT K KK'i HODY. LADIES' COATS AND DOLMANS' LIGHT jackets: ULSTKKKTTKS and COACHMAN'S COATS, All at greatly reduced prices. CHILDREN'S COATS. - Kargalns Immr Millinery Department. HKST HKAVKK HA'I's at Z.17,. I'LL'MKS. TIPS. PLUSHES CHEAP. VELVETS ATGKEAT KAKGAINs. KIKKONS AT LL.TIIAN' CtlST. FANCY GOODS. We liavc new open, and are daily ivcriviii;:, a tine let el". Fancy Goods siiitalile ler llnr.in.w Pi:nsi:xn. Large ami linea-'-ertnicnt tit SHELL P.OXK. Shell Heek Cases, Shell InkstatnN, si:cll "aJi stands, and a great many ether tie sign '. at " cents. Larger anil liner articles at ."Jt cents. Autegi-.iili Albums, small and large Scrap Heeks, .loc., 75c. and t l.oe. A line let of JAPANESE WAKKet very description. POCKET HOOKS: Fine Pocket Heeks, fani-y linNli. t jieenW Fine Leather Pocket Heeks, with handle-, 'Sir. Elegant. Pocket Heeks. ID cents. .V cent-", f.'te Flush Hags, with handles, '-'." cents. Fine Plush Hags anil Pocket. Large Leather Pockets at fl.Oe. Fiiieautl I .urge Velvet and Plii-hSale!ils. . in black ami eolere!. y PEKFCMEK1ES. (."txsl Slainla'il Cnunlsat low prices, I'erlnmeries in Kexcs. Twe bottles Fine Pell e and one pleci id Toilet Seap, in a be v. teri", cents. Larger :e"-ertnient et liner lnrs, at le -i nts ' cents ami higher. TOILET SKTS. lileveanil llantli.eictiiel Hiim-s. Large .lap'ineie Jewel Sale, at .Ml cents Cologne in large tancy pitchers, etc Fancy Hexcs of Writing Pajier. A line selection et JEWKLKY, Shan I Tins, Cult' Pins. Ear Kings. Ki-acejet-. Necklaces, ele. Hcsl Plated (oetl-, at very low i-rites. Onr Well-Kiiewii KIDi.lOVES v.viiivii.i.1 "fll'tig. in Stir I liiiittm--. at .H cents a pair, in all -h;:iU--. We need net mentitm that Mie-e t.levt are A I. tiialitv, as such is a well known tact. 'II GLKSTEIf."'in black,:: leiileii-. tar superior le any Md Gleve ever'-nltl Iy us at'enly tn 1 cuts. Five hooks, Fester's patent, il.'il a pair. Seven hooks, Fester's p.itnt,$I.K:t pair. in Mack, dark fall shades, opera, tans and geld Chamois Gauntlet. Gloves, fl-il a pair. A box of tine French pertained Gleve Pender presented with every pair el hi I Gleve" Full ami elegant line el HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies' All-linen Handkerchiefs,.", cents apiece; tin cents per halt dozen. Lailicn' lint! Linen Hamlkerchicls, wiile tape bonier, .10 cents per halt dozen. Ladies' All-linen Hemstitched llnudkcif hicf", wide hem, 7.1 cents periwit tle.en. Lailic;' All-linen llamlkeiehicfs. line ii::hly, lancy colored bertiers. 7.1c per ball" dozen. Fine White Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched two Inch hem. 20 cents anicce: $1.12 per hall dozen. An extra line, all-linen, lleiiistllclicd llaiitl kcrchict, two-Inch hem. 2.1 els. apiece; .f l.:K per halt tlezcn. White Cambrle Handkerehitds, large initial at 12J4 cents apiece. Fine AH linen Iliiiulkcrcliicfs, ht-mslilcheil, colored borders, latest design. 21 cents. Fine White Embroidered llamlkerchlets, at .'Hand r.O cent.'). Finest Ouality Linen Handkerchiefs, hand somely embroidered, in colors. .10 ami 7-1e. Gi nts' Linen Hantlkereliiets, 10, II, 17, Aland 21 cents ami higher, (enls' Linen Hantlkereliiets, coleretl border w 20, 2.1 ami '.VI cents, ami higher. . Gents' All-linen Hainlkeri:liii:ls, hemstitched coleieil benler.s, line quality, I:: cents. Anluimest; Stock et SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Nice Krecailtnl Silk Hauilkeiehiefs. Large Size, at 2.1c. All Silkllanilkerchicls, Pelka Del.ile. Heavy All SilkTwilletl haiulkeretili-N, in large variety, al ttii: Hanil-eme Hrecatlctl All Silk llamlkerchlets, II. Large and Fine Assortment et All Pure Silk Hiecailed Handkerchiefs, Fine Quality. W;. A llaiiiiseme Heavy Hrecatlctl All Silk Hand kerchief, Elegant and Ncw Patterns. at7.e. Fin." Handkerchiefs at ac., $I.W, 11.21, l..r.e. up tO$.1.(lapiectT. A 11 enormous variety at Lew Prices. MCFFLEICS. In Whlteaml Colored. Hl-ttkainl Hlaclraml Whlt:Sllk Haiitlkerchief-, Ijiee Handkerchiefs from 10c. up. Fine Imported Applique lice Hamlki-rchle.s, l.j apiece. Fine Assortment of LACE AND EMKKOIDKKKD COLLARS, sit all price le suit every beily. Linen Cellars et all tb.-; Latest Styles. New Goods at Lew Prices. Sailor Cellar, witli Hick Rack Krald Edge Laities' Tiirncil Down Cellars-. with Nee.llework.er Kick Rack Hrahl Edge. Fine Lace Fichus from Wie. te .1. Real Spanish IjiceTica and Fichus. in Hlack ami Cream, cry Fine Goods. Satin and Plush Cellars. in All Celer. Hlack Headed Cellars. FincSr.anI-.li Lace Cellars, in Hlack ami Cream KUFFL1NGS. Footing Riicnings from 9e.a yanl up. Pompadour Rucliings. 'jee. a yard. FincCrepe-Lisje Riiching, SiikStitclictl, 2.1c. a yarn. Elegant Crepe LDs-e Ruching. .Hie.. 7.1c, $1 aytl. Anether let of While silk Illusion, Chenille Det, Fancy Edge, at 2.1c a yanl. HAND-MADE WORSTED GOODS. ' Ladles' anil Children'-, Caps in large variety. Children's Knit Coats. Ladies' Haml-Knit Walstsat 71c. Fine Cardigan Waists, tight titling, fl.2.1. WORSTEDS. ASTRICH BROS' LANCASTER DAZAAIt, 13 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. i:J EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HOLIDAY D