Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 24, 1881, Image 2

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Lancaster InfcUCgcnfci.
Troublesome Trains.
A passenger train en the Pennsjlvania,
railroad, rumiin at the rate of fifty
miles an hour, from Xew Yerk te Phil
adelphia, last evening came into colli
sion with a freight train that it found
en the track, and only a speedy reversal
of the brakes saved the lives of the pas
sengers, the locomotive and four Pullman
cars being pretty well smashed. Presi
dent Roberts and Vice President
Cassatt were en 1 ml the train, and we
are glad te hear ii.and glad that they
escaped unhurt : for there is nothing
like a pc-r.-nnu! experience of this kind
te give a railroad officer a lively sense of
the need fur making certain prevision
against :.tu-h disagreeable engagements
between ii.iin.- upon a well conducted
railroad. Ne railroad !ia.j Awr.l higher
in the ceuntrv than tl.'.- Puisibvlvania in
tlie repute . -f it.-; sicir.nge'iivhl
provides hitter c-atv. a belter
, or
uses l.:'re
IIIC .-ti.- 'lii:iLl ,. ji s
Until i; no . ;!' h.: ;
better repair '.. th- v''b sifcty
and regularity of ;; j tva::--. bs-eeisily ii
has net merited U.;, t mii'ieiahiue::.
Frequent collisions cce;-; and tin- Uahis
are se often i.ebind C: .- :i- le make
their appearance en ;...
surprise, agMeabb- te ;:i
eler. but quite ..".- ."..:-
people. Tii'- irai-.i t.i
here in the c.iriv. mer;.
.; nv'lei' 01
bdit-d lr.iv-
thi' :empt
p...-s through'
Oft'"!! "it
time : this
along M'veia! lieur- h-h:
morning they came- in :.i eight o'clock
and yesterday hiendiig about the same
hour, owing te a liviglit train cullisi. n
near Ailoena : and nearly every night
there s-vnis te be trouble with the
freights IVrliaps it is because the read
is doing a very h.-.iv husine.-' it:-.
freight cars get in tii
ovayef its pa-son-jet
it would 1." bi'iur
and de it m.iie
Lv an expensiv.-!
gc-rsse often
for it
te de
The I
a point
.- nave :-e in;i;;y collisions. '
.: Ivania r.tilre;ii has reached '
:. itbueinc-s when tliat mu-t
ei'.hi r e. i ...!',. I i.- '
l .::i..:.:- '. (!' ! . Ui'-tV.iu.-l iOf lV
an exclusive ?tt ei tr.e. :
' it- fivight
tr..i:i. I-, wnl !.:: c1..) te j ut its
gei's. iniu :.'. rik et d a:.i:-n
journey by tii.- i-iMf. u-.v c (,;' it., freight.
If :t v-..- i.'.i ftr the .:c, ii, :.t i...'.-k sy;
tem e! ::..:. wi;M l.e iumi
nent danm ret c lii-iv.;.-. . bei w.e.i tii--passenger
nains. A.- ii ;-: u : olli-.iei.s
arc ehi'i!" bc:;viv:i !;: '."reight trains
which f';;-.w v,v: elh; ceiuiinuetisly
and v. ill. i :;t tin- inu j wntien (.fa block.
The f -"('.;! ei li;i;.l!l iliix '.'ills te bl'
very imp-i '.:'.. rrebablt it is ii.hereut
in the eatur- : il"- !. :: . ai.'i may
net be the fauic of the managi-menl.
The ei'iecis of Le;':i!a rail-
read have h
quite a;
ine!:--:r :-: that they knew
much ab'uiL lailreading
as any ether nan de. and eves: mere.
Then- a:c
ie great
Ilu bn.-i-
ness; and when they find the problem of ,
running thiir passeii'-t r and freight i
trains with r asoiiable .safely and regu-!
larily en the .same s,-t of rails te be "loe :
much for them, il is safe te conclude
that il is he fault d' their facilitie-. j
rather than their mvn. One tiling !
needed is a M.stem of brakimr frciirlit J
tiains ireni iiie cnirine, as tia.jciicci
trains an; new (.ntrellcd. Tliere a a
jiearte he great di flier. Hie.-; in the way
of this nccemplhhincnt owing te the
great power required and the diversity
or the car making tip the train, gathend
as they are from all the leads in the
count ly.
But it is ci-'aiii tliat when 1'ivsidint
Ileberls and Yii e President ( "as.-.atl have
narrowly e-x-aped spending tlieir ( ".'iil-.t-mas
in eternity they arc in a prepi r
frame of mind te consider the ways and
means of keeping passenger and freight
trains out of colli-ien and of adopting
them when found. Fer this reason c
are riKht ;,lad thai tiny had tln.-ii .dial:
ing up hist night since ihry c ea-Td v.
well. It weuid have b'-cn very :;id i;'
they had been killed, ami hfl behind
them successors in tin1 management who
might have been inclined te think thai
railroad collisions weivnet unmixed evi's,
since this one was se fruitful te I hem.
Till-: alleged Iralepvudciil Pcpabiieans
who participated in or Mm-ai'.i.e with
the recent Continental held cenJeicnce
arc out in an address i their executive
committee, in which they pretest their
allegiance le the party and against the
management of the bessts.. There- is
neth'i'.j- cputjally new iu iiieirdic:ama iiieirdic:ama
tieiiagainsL inachine nielli d-j in he
way m which lhe j-eint out the
peril te the partv "' 1-ving con
trolled by thfi.t. Tii";-; d.:ngir they
enforce by pointing t" tin belt, of these
who, bolder ami better than thcinselu.s,
voted for Wolf--. The en- tiling that
the addres- tinr-i net threw any light
upon is whi'lle : : net thr.s,: who framed
it preji.i.-e te Mjhi.iit te ;:nd ratify the
ulreadi-agiTed-utien uominalien b the
bosses of Peaver. A frank declar
ation upon iitii subject is about
the only thing that the people et llicslale
new are interc--.t'-d le hear from Hr.
LeeV:ee;u:nii!c-e. and tills is the thing
lis member:' most ailfullv dud e-
A vi:i;v co'.ii-idcr.ible peili'.n of 'to
day's l'ii:r.i.i":i:Ni.i:ii and t he accom
panying four-Page .supplement, which
ive issue with it t all of our readers,
is devoted te Christmas literature. The
greater portion of this is original matter
prepared specially for the Ixtllt.iokx Ixtllt.iekx
(,'Eii, and nil in all eeniprises by far the
best publication of its kind which has
ever been issued in this community. We
need add nolhing'te the matter and man
ner in which the great holiday of Christ
endom is treated in prose and poetry by
our own regular and special contribu
tors. They have literally given our read
ers a feast of fat things which we ac
company, te each and till of them, with
our hearty Hekiiy Cihustmas,
I: accordance with the usual custom,
and te give all the employees of the
Intelligence!! elllcc the largest op
portunity te fully enjoy the celebration
of Christmas, no paper will be issued
from this eflice ncyct Monday.
Thi: posleffico never before had such a
rush of Christmas cards.
It is te be a gieeu Christmas and maybe
it will fatten the graveyards, but for all
the people arc going te have a merry
Christmas. The thronged streets, the
crowded stores, the busy expressmen, the
leaded railroad cars, the thousands of
Chi istmas cards mailed, and all the signs
of the times, foretell a merry Christmas
and they will keep it up for two days.
Bksidls our Christmas supplement, the
ipeeia! features of which arc noted else
where it; detail, we print en our first page
te-d:ty two famous and standard old
Chiistmas poems one the incomparable
' Night Before Christmas ' and the ether
Dr. Ilarbaugh's Pennsylvania Dutch
verges and a vaik-ly of ether Christmas
literature and cuncnl news.
Iii.uUNiij, all or von, 1 warn,
I: tin-luy tli:ilJhii-t wa- bera
rail upon :i Snul:iy,
The winter shall In- jjneil 1 -ay,
i:t:t -treat v.imls aleu shall be ;
Tl:e '-.uiiiiner sli:i!l lie line :mtl Ii v.
." .!- skill withuli! e.vv,
Tltien'ih (ill hui'lc there thall 0,: icacv.
Uoeil linuj ler ul t things te 1),; ilem; ;
hut he that mc:i!cI!i --hall be found yini;
Wl:-il chilil thai ilav born im.y be,
X teat lord In- - hall live le lie,
Oht ."ly'iVi )..;.,,
Tin: man who has a l.uve sum of money
te expend for Chiistmas gels litl of it in
a short time, but the man who has only a
dollar s-enictinics imu-t take hours te
make his uureha.-es. De net find fault
villi liii wl 10, k,s feitunate than
self, occupies much time in trying te ob
tain for his diihhi-n all that can be
batight f.-r tin little money tint he ha-
" '
; Tn:: law of Pcnn.;hai.ia pievidr.; for
; f,vc holidays. vi: : Xew Year's, the 1st of
January : Washington's Biitkday. the 2M
f February : Decoration Day. the titUh
May: Day, the -b.h of
".July ; Christmas, the Oeth et December.
J l'y statute, whenever these days happen
en Sunilav, the following Memlav ; de-
,.'a-d (0 be a jmblic holiday
. :.i:. t.e i .i i:i- i i s yn:iu;.
' le I.eid. hr-r-niHi- te Kfilu't':!!,
An' lii a:neiiK de liav :
Mi- Lord, In- come te ISi-ili-Vci.
Mat Iisr-eit (. liii-siiii::-. May.
Hi- eiiii. lie I'enii".
lie ceuii- te lluili-Viii.
M.- Lord, hi' e.-iiiic te llvilc'eui.
An' wid ilu cattle lav :
i. Lord, lie cenii' te Uci'.c'.-iii,
I'.U tur-ell' iJ!iri-t:n:H Dry.
lie cenii'. In- cenn',
lie come te llctii-'cin.
' M.- Lord, he cenn; te llcilc'em.
Ii'':n ili- aiicl- -ay:
Mc Lr.rd. lie ceine, tejlcllc'cn!.
Mat lur-e!l Cliii-tinas May.
I'.rc ; (Jed. In- conic I
I'l'ank Ced, licceini.'
That ni'iit le :;It-i-i,i
Tin. ineial and rekirmatei y .-leim nt of
theltepubliean patty were mtu-h sheehed
wiien .acnanaii L Handier matte a ear
gain with Mr. Isaac Ch:i.-li:ii:ey in virtue
of which Mr. Ciui-tiancy went te Peru
an-1 Mr. Chandler went back te the Senate
in his place. But the KriJ points out an
equally mat ked example of the i railing
e.iaraeti-r of our un (bn: jielities i: the
s',,t Pcse:iii.d by Win. Ien: rctirin ; te
lt;t '"'ger in, Sauater Kdg.rte:iieJiiing te
1l1 "'"'b'111 back '. the Senate, ami the
bul consummation of the bargain by the
nomination and confirmation of V.
l-d'iien a-: chief justice of Dakota'. If
w:li ehnrged when 1-Mgcrbm was induced
te withdraw in favor of Vvindem
some bargain of his hind had been
rani', d, and the pie.if is new complete
Tin: Philadelphia Wa-hhiyk.n ' ,,..,.,, S;..,eU.l:. A,y:li... "
correspondent new amuses himself holding A.uhew Pfeuta was arrested and ledged
a Pennsylvania Democratic state eenven- in jail at Westminster, Carrel! ceunty.Md.,
lien, and reviews the chances of Hepkins, en a charge of killing Jacob Lechman.
Steicu-r, Sj eer, Mutelder, Ydkcsand Pat- Tlieacenajil alleges that he va.s gunnin-.-
,r . ,,. ,, , ,, ,; near Carrolllen, en tnc estcm Maryland
tisen. lie .ega.ds A allaA-, I am, j ,.iiir0l( ;U1(1 h'a(1 -ust shot !lt a K;bbll
( nrlni as party leadeis net likely te Ue ; .vj,cn Lechman and his son came along
thought of for the gubernatorial nemina-; and threw stones at him. He, in self-
tien : Buckalew, Pershin' Clvmer and I
Dill as able Democrats, whose p.; t defeats
have taken them out of the list, ; while of
dark horses in the stables this govemer-
niakei counts Judge Trunk ey, of the :-u
pr." me court ; Judge Bueher, of the Union '
district, and Judge User, of the Senii'i.ct ',
distticf; Ex-Congressman Powell, of i
'1' KV....1 . AT T.T-... . r !!.:,.. l. ii I
IH.U.IUHl, t.-ul.HUI 1' (f., Ul 1 lillilllViJJilia;
cx-Cengres-inaii Maish, of Yerk, and Col
onel Be.le, of Fayette. Some people
never before knew the Democratic party
t:i thi? state was . big and respectable.
Xew he wants il proneunced'' lCi:i.!'i:i:."
L(Ni:ri:i.!.ew condemns tee many poor
ly equipped colleges ; he prefers two or
three big universities.
Prof. E. Oijam bvri: has 'ne: n lecturing
en grammar at the Dauphin county
teachers' institute.
Senater Si'mnli: k-!t only Unci: ni-.-e.c:;.
There are no male decendants of that
family name.
Arthur nuut have done il intentionally.
Secretary Foi.eku is a widower, and the
new associate justice of the supreme
court, (iitAY, a bachelor, stout, hand
some and si:: feet tall.
Pkan'k Cui'.r.vr.i:, a well-known drover
ftem abetit We:-.!, Client cr, but well ac
quainted in inese pans, nas gene wrong
and the pimple wdie indorsed for him tr
wdie lieh! papers forged by him suspect
that, he has gem; West. They knew they
are left.
Mrs. Mi:v Win, who died in Phila
delphia, yestetday, aged 101. was the
mother of ten chiidien, six of whom, three
sons and three daughters, survive her, the
eldest, a daughter, being 7e, and the
youngest, a son, .VJ. She also had "5 giand
children, 97 great-grandchildren and 21
great-great grandchild ren. neaily all of
whom survive her.
Ex-Judge Maime, one of the most
famous Greenback orators, lias get the
tight and the privilege te open an apple
stand near the main deer of the IIeus; in
the hall leading te the gallery. lie
opened up businc.-s bright and eirly Mon
day morning, with about two pecks of
very fine-looking apples, he himscif ar
rayed in a dress suit cf black cloth, high
choker cellar and wearing a fashionable
beaver tile.
A I'lnrcKtlne Defaulter.
The cashier of the large banking heuse
of Fcnzi & Ce. Florence, has absconded,
being a defaulter te the amount of 2,000,
000 lire. He is seventy-one years old, aud
was forty years iu the employ of the firm.
He had been speculating ou the Paris
Bourse, paying his losses with the securi
ties deposited iu the bank. He has just
been arrested iu a village near Florence.
It is hoped that about 750,000 lire in In
dian rentes will be recovered.
Kxcilemt-nt In San Ueiningu lire in Ited
A corrected list of the victims of the
Vinna theatre gives the total at -149.
The Austre Hungarian Lloyds will start
direct steamship communication with the
United States and Brazil en January 23,
1831. '
Thema-. McKeever, who was lecently
indicted for killing his wife in Xew Yerk,
was yesterday sentenced te fifteen years
The Baltimore Grain Shippers' associa
tion yesterday agreed upon the terms of a
contract which will he submitted next
Tuesday te the associations of Xew Yerk
and Philadelphia.
In the trial by court-martial at Miejiu of
persons who participated in the anti-.Tcw-irh
riots last August among the prisoners
arc some wealthy merchants accused of
inciting the mob.
Sit Morns unit no :ti!ii!.n.ile:'.
The entire police force of i'hiladelphia
i? oidercd en duty te-night, with strict
orders from the mayor and Chief Given te
step horn blowing and gun and pistol-firing
and arrest all e:V.nders of this kind and
disorderly character.; who overstep the
hounds allotted te the devotees of tins lord
of misrule.
Kxiili leeni in San Dunilife.
The news that a t'nited States war
steamer will survey Samana 'nay has
caused excitement te such a degree that
the autheities have prepared two war
schooner:', the Thunder and Capatille, te
watch the Aineriea'i man-of-war.
A Mimiisu Oisca-e Aninn Cens.
The discovery made by a veterinary
surgeon of Williamsburg, X. V., of the
prevalence of a strange disease among
milch cows is attracting considerable at
tention. The sale of milk from the siek
cows has been prohibited, and the veteri
nary surgeon of the beard of health is
preparing a report en the subject. There
I arc fifteen cows ailected with the malady.
' The animals have been properly ipiarau-
i 1'iuuii", iii a Jersey Teivii.
i In Ked Bank, X. J., a lire which started
'. in the cellar of the Agricultural and ! i:r
i niture company':-, building destroyed that
j .struettuc and r-picading burned Mrs. De
forest "s house, French':-: Central hotel,
Mrs. Dayton's confectionery store, Yande
vcre's jewelry store and Mrs. DeMett's
j millinery store. Twe small house.-, in the
; tear were also destroyed, and then the lire,
j owing te a burnt hose, which crippled the
. ihe department, consumed Ke'.eham's liv
ery stable and Ilicliard Applegate's lesi
j deuce. It is impossible se ascertain the
ameunf of insurance, but it in believed
! ::ie-.t of the houses were partially insured.
a si'i:Ardi:it ix i-i...i!!:s.
rn-'O !;': Saxin TlirinelM-s bv .Jiiiniilny;
cisi ISuard of l.'elllilhi.; Vi'scl-,.
The steamer Granger, of the Ciiailesten
.'.d Sanloe line, took liits last evening
r'-JSi1 "X
uiiiniii ie IU; U.llV-1 O ili, i.T-.tIIJ UIlll
icr cargo, consisting of ".2-1 bales of
cotton CUO barrels of resin, 0"
barrels of (.'rude turpentine and 'JO
barrels et .-phits of turpentine. The fire
was discovered when the steamer, which
was en her way from Santce, had l cached
Castle Pinekney, inside the harbor. The
flames spread se rapidly that the passen
gers ami eicw only saved themselves by
jumping en beard the vessels with which
she came in collisen. The passengers con
sisted of six negrees, four of whom have
l cached the city. Twe arc missing, but
are .supposed te he en heai.l of one of the
vessels anchored in the stream, i'lic
steamer belonged te Havenal I (dines ec Ce.,
and had been running en the line about
. two mouths. The vessel is insured for
, s;l."i,COO. The. less en the cargo wi'l reach
nearly $10,000. As far as can be aseer-
! lin. d this was net insured.
'lelence, snot at lieehman, killing him in-
In connection Willi te-d ly's i ::ti' et tin'
Maii v I:.ti::.M(;::n.i:i: i-; inlili-!ii'd :i lull sheet
eeiitainin;; lour l:cjc.-, of seven eelunsns each,
lilli'd with choice reading matter, iirciiared
ler tills ci'.itinn and specially suitable te the
h.quiy Christmas season. Every sul'-criher te
the I.Ti:r.i.iui:.N'ci:u is furnished ivith this
'uiililcmuisl iu addilieu te I lie regular daily
i-.u:'. following ar some el the sjiccial fi'a-liire-,
of the Cm:isr:.rAS Irr::i.T.i(si:NV':ute',vliirli
we invite atlentien :
L'iiristmas os Tin: !".. i:-i. A 1'eeni. Wiitlen ler
the Ciiiustms l.Ti:i.i.n:::.ei:i!. IUj Will '.
TiiaiaiC'iiisisrjrASi:;. A Christ mas siery. Writ
ten ler the. CiuusT.MAS iNTia-Lieexciai. llji-l.
M. II., it Professional ej this eily.
AM.r.C.U Kl.MSOS'S ClIiUSTMAS. A Clll'istlllUS
Story. Written for the Ciiiust:.i.vs l.vnaaa
. Hi Oscar I-ti Ailamx.
Tim: Ciimsrv vs 1'i.ewia:. A Study in I'tijiulur
Science. Written for the (.'ieistmas Intih.m
:i:xci:k. .'. a .Mchiber of the Liiiuwan Si-
C'liiasr.M s I'eni'ies. The llcliien el Menioj Meniej
raey. Written ler llie C'iiiiisi'mas l.n:r.ia l.n:r.ia
ecNeiai. I'.u C. '. j:.
A CiuasTMAS fcTelsv or Tu'Div Vi:i:s Ami.
Tin; I'ar.-enase and llie Army. Written ler
tin! I.Tr.i.!.i:i:Mi:i:, I'.ii lie,- II.
M. Kielfer.
Tin: riMi-lixuT. A 1'i.cni el the Fiie-,rde.
Wiitten ter the 'ui:ism.s Ixti:i.mei:ni ki:.
.i J'ref. M'illiti.,1 Mirrell X.rrin, I.I.. .
CmuiiTMAS Sixtv Vi:.i:s Aoe-Kcinini-eenei s
of Cliri--tinas "Then.' Written for lliu
CiuasTMAS IxTia.MecNer.::. .'. i;f. !:. S.
h'athren, Ph. P.
And a lricty of ethc-i- iii.nt.T. - lei n d ami
St. .fames.
1 'he at St. James'
nior nier
is IV. 1-
row at the morning service, will be
lows :
Processional Jfimn, Adeste Fideles.
Vcnitc by Savage.
' Gleria by Haves.
Tc Dcum by Whitney.
Jubilate by Dauks.
Jfimn, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing'
h'tric by Mendelssohn.
Gleria Tibi bv (Juned.
Hymn, " While Shepherds Watched."
Offertory, " 0 Zion, that Lraipct gce 1
tidings." '
The music at the evening service will
also be of high character.
St. Stephen's Lutheran Sunday Scheel.
A Christmas cntcrtainmeat will be held
in St. Stephen's Ev. Lutheran chuica,
corner of Seuth Duke and Church streets,
en Christmas evening, December 25th,
by the Sunday school and Bible class of
the congregation. Thcre will be two
large Christmas trees for the children.
The exercises of the evening will consist
in recitations and dialogues, by the Sab
bath school children, interspersed with
vocal and instrumental music.
A JIA r.Kl.lJ3 DtJW-V STA111S.
I'racturcs His SUull Corener's Inn,uct.
Patrick McDonald, aged 37 years, who
for a month past has been in the employ
of Keller & ltcilly, contractors, en their
new work above the city, met with a fatal
accident last night. He was bearding with
Patrick Corcoran, at Dillerville, and he was
paid elf en Thursday. Yesterday he did
net work and came home about four
o'cleek in the afternoon, lie complained
of feeling unwell and wens up stairs te
his toeui, where seated en his bed, he
talked awhile with Lewis Smith. In a bhert
time he arose and accidentally fell down
the flight of stairs leading te "the ground
iloer, fracturing his skull. lie was
picked up in an unconscious condition and
Dr. S. T. Davis sent for. lie arrived in a
short time, but pronounced the case a
hopeless one. Tin; man lingered until
near 8 o'cleek when he died, lie did net
speak from the time he was hurt, having
been unconscious. About midnight Coro Core
ner Mibhler was notified, and at 1 o'clock
this morning he went te Dillerville, and
held an inquest en the remains.
Dr. J. A. Fitzpatiick, who aecen-pauicd
the coroner and acted as his surgeon,
made an examination of the. body, and
found that the back part of the skull had
been badly fractured ; that one of the
large arteries had been severed and tint
bleed was issuing from the left .ear. The
entiie back of tlm corps,: wi
also badly bruised, showing that tbv man
hail fallen down stair:', backwards. This
is accounted for by the fact that the man
was lame, having had his ankle broke::
some time age in a coal mine. lie preb
ably made a misstep at tin head of the
stairs, and, clutching at the wall in Mire
himself, probably turned around and fell
backwards. It was also in evidence that
the man had been drinking dining the
day, but was net drunk, lie was a native
of county Maye, Ireland; came recently
from Ashland, Schuylkill county ; is a
widower and has a daughter aged about
six years ; his father lives at Ceutralia,
Columbia county, Pa.; and has two or
three brothers living iu the coal regions.
After hearing the evidence the ee: ener's
jury rendered a verdict that Patiiek Me
Donald came te his death from fr.ielur of
the skull by an accidental fall.
I !is comrades telegraphed the news of
the accident te McDonald':; father, and
held the remains subject te his disposal.
Corener Mishler offered te lake charge of
and have them interred at the expense of
the county, but his fellow workmen say
that unless the outlier erdeis etherwbe,
they will have the remains interr- d at. their
own expense, and with proper lelie.ieus
ierviee-, in St. Mary's cemetery.
.:-,;e:m:iit lour!.
In the ease of the Meshaunam land and
lumber company vs. Frederick S. Wei;:,
the rule te show cause why the execution
should. net be stayed, judgment opened
and defendant let into a defense, was
discharged with a st-tv of execution ler )
in the case et cominenv.vr.iiu ei n-iiii
f !
sylvania vs. Jacob Henry, eeilieiiiri te
proceedings of Justice Ctbble, the excep
tions filed were dismissed aid the pr -cccdings
of justice affirmed.
Geerge W. Zeek vs. Win. -A. Milberu.
The rule te show cause why the execu
tion should net be. set aside was: dis
charge 1.
The exceptions te the auditor'. tepert
in the estate of Xelsen Talbot were with
drawn and the report was confirmed ab
The exepliens te this widow's appraise
ment of s:!00 out of the estate of her liii:,
band, Themas Kerr, for lh. reason that, it
had been apprai-cd tee low, were dis
In the rule te show cause why a writ of
foreign attachment, sised by Levi Siierr
vs. Xeah Dehner, should net be quashed,
after the argument by Cyrus X. Derr.
esq., of Heading, for the defendant,
the case was ceiiliiitied, the rule net heinu
te dissolve, a. it should have been.
The bend of the Pennsylvania railroad
company in the sam f $(1,000, with Jehn
Keller and Michael Keiliy as sureties, was
presented te the court and approved. The
bend is given te secure Catharine J. Me
Govern, widow, and the heir.; of J e!m ft
McGevcrn, dee'd, for any damages that
may arise from the taking of the laud of
the late Jehn It. McGoveru in Manheim
township, through which the new railroad
is neing nunc.
At the calling of the docket IS judg
ments were cntcied for want, of appear
ance and affidavits of defense.
Part of the viewers appointed te assess
the damages done by the opening of K.i.-t
and West Marien streets met this morn
ing and then adjourned until January .
The surviving executers of the late Jehn
S. Gable filed an answer te tlie citation
issued against them, asking te be released
from any further continuance iu the man
agement of the same, and that siicecssess
be appointed te wlieui liiey may pay ever
all moneys, ecc. Held under advisement.
Aiein: scunu:.' enti.kta inm hnt..
IUi3S .Mar-amli's I'riiuary Scheel.
Yesterday afternoon Miss Li.::ie Mar
shall's primary school room was crowded
te its utmost capactity with .school diree diree
teis, teachers from ether schools, parents
and pupils le see and hear the Christmas
entertainment given by the pupils of the
school. The room was very prettily deco
rated, there being a very fine Christmas
tree filled with Chiistmas toys and trinkets
furnished by the pupils. The nrogramme
was a long one, but the .selections,
consisting of songs, choruses, ad
chesses, iceitatiens, .., were well
chosen te show off the vai ion? merits of
the twenty-live pupils who took pait in the
entertainment, and all of whom did se well
that it would perhaps b? in bad taste te
discriminate. At the close of the enter
tainment Diiccter McCemsey made a com
plimentary address le the children.
Strawberry Street hrlioe!.
Mr. Couzzins' Strawberry street .school,
composed of colored children, also gave an
ciit'jrtaininent which was largely attended
by teachers of ether schools, directors and
p.irents. The school room was laslt fully
decorated, and bags of candy were pre
sented te each of the pupils.
The pregramme was as fellow:; : " Dee!:
the Hall with Heugh:: of Helly" by the
school ; Sleighing song, by little folks ;
Dialogue, Examination of a Witness,"'
by Maxwell and Itichard Xcal ;
Recitation, "Santa Clans,' by Cera
Smith ; Mu:ie, " O, Come, Come Away,"'
by the school; Dialogue, -''The Careful
Hey," by Wm. .Maxwell and AVill Heek ;
Recitation. " Faith in Ged," by Maggie
Clark ; Music, " Cherish Kindly Feel
ings,"' by the school ; Dialrgue, " The
Bey and the Vase," by Pell Henry Eliza
Smith and Edw. Smith ; Music, " Hcee-s
Time." by the school; Dialogue, "The
Danger of Delay," by Katie Archey and
Mamie Burgess ; " Hceitati.m, " Brace's
Address," by Charles Wilsen ; Music,
"Skating Seng." by the school ; Recita
tion, ,: The Housekeeper's Soliloquy,"
Martha Fells : Music, ' Geed Night" by
the school.
The boys and girls acquitted themseiver themseiver
handsemely, lcccivcd due annlause from
iiie spectator?
nd cmuirnttilatiens from i
the directors present
In a Critical CouilsUen
Adam S. Dietrich, of Maner (net
Emanuel Dietrich, as erroneously printed),
who was stricken with paralysis ea Wed
ncsday, is still confined te his bed and is
nnablc te speak, though his physician, Dr.
Rebrer,bas hopes of his ultimate recovery.
(jua.m;j:s re tsii: new vlau.
Uutfllii4:intl incomings a Coedlv uiii
Oer of ClcrHs ltct.iiued.
On next Monday a week, Jau. 2, the
newly-elected county officers will take
charge of their positions and there will be
a new deal. Taeie will be a immb:r of
changes in t!ic courthouse and some of
them will he impeitaut. The Intelli
gence;: has been endeavoring te learn the
names of the men who will draw the win
ning numbers and the result of our efforts
ishc;e given. It will likely be found te
be almost correct, although there are
some thinns that have net vet been
The sheriff':; ehice is one of the best iu
the (Viiut-hease, and Jehn II. High (who,
by the way. has moved his family te this
city) will have charge of it for the next
three j eats. The present deputies are
llany Itippey, of Columbia, who new
does the work in the etlice, and Charles
M. Shine, .son of Sheriff Strinc, who per
forms tlie duties outside of the office.
Beth ! thc.-e gentlemen are very efficient
and will lie iv'i.ii::ed by the new she: iff,
who could ". t make batter selections, as
they are vi ty clever gentlemen and
tin ijhlv understand their business.
TIie County Treasury.
The I'oieeei" the county treasurer directly
aei ess the aisle from that of the sheriff,
wit! be taken charge el" by Jehn .1. Gecl.
Hairy Strohm, a son of Jehn Mrehm, jr.,
a ju-'i- : of the .',! Pi Providence town
ship, who is one of Mr. Geed's bondsmen,
wi!l he the deputy, lie is a. graduate of
Millersville j.ohue! and for a time worked
in the ro'erdci's etlice. He has been re
(vivhiir instructions" from Clerk Warfel. of
the tre.iMtrer's uhhe, for sever:,' day-:,
'register's Oilier.
la t:i'; jcgisUir's office some change will
in; made. 1'cnj. Baunian, who has been
in the court-heuso for many jeais will
retire and Cant, limbic will cmple.; but
one clerk, as he will he in the efiiee hici-.-.elf.
C. F. Stener. of Wv.l Willow,
will remain in his old pot-itien. Hath he
and Mr. il.tuman understand their work
and are popular.
Thei .oliieiiulr.jy'.-i Ollit;:
Tin- piescnt ek-ii:.-; in the nrotheuotary's
office a:e W. K. Krcider, P. ICek Slay
maker and .. s. Edwards, while J. Kahler
Snyder ha 4 a obi en emphued I here for
some tie . Thy three former ones are
expected te keep thc-ir pe.-iiici.::, and Mr.
Fridy may put hi one man from Mount -viile
for feet I h place. Mr. Fridy could net
de hctler Hum! it is said he intends doing,
a-: ihe. men who will he kept en by him are
will known, and have woven themselves
te be fully eipabie of tilling their respen
:;niis p' : 'ie,: :. in
ivleh thev ha
geed ''!'. i;"
'i Ii.j Cler: .-.' Oiliicj.
J-,.-.' H . er lakes charge of the erplians'
court efuc, and he will keep Samuel L. as deputy. Mr, Kanibnan h:u:
been there for years. ! fe is a ha:d v.-ei her
and popular.
Gee .-go W. Kaby wi.i employ no deputy
in the ("..:-iei- sc-ssims eillce, "but will de
the work himself. lie is fully able te de
that, a-; ha; been shown during the time
that; he ha-, Jlr. Urb.tu's clerk, an-1
although he will he quite busy at :inu.-
he will in found te In equal te th' emer-
rency. in (lu.irter pc.--.e'h wee : h.- will
hava the assistance of his son.
In ;h, e .mini. .,:e::crs' Hiiee Frank
Griest, ,., of Jlllwend G.iest, of the 77i-
q-iirc; .:i be ihe new clerk, having been
ag.ei.l up.,:, already- by Commissioners
:-.,.- -,,,i v:,,,,,.,,.. m -..,. i' i
a:!l .;' ft Ml! nil., lit;'; 1 n n!:ir,
eyi is .;':! r-iimin
of I. :;. S. Will. v.'iie will go te llarris-
hurg. .e" leperttv,; a:e glad te knew
that, the latter has scoured a geed position,
but are serty te see him leave, as they
have been indebted te him for many a
geed item dining the three years that" he
has been cleik. Mr. Grie-,t is a young
gentleman of intelligence, quick, prompt
and of eleiic.I experience. He h. new in
the efiiee.
Geerge Hunter, tii.: effi'ienl and aeeom aeeem aeeom
tned.itiug janitor of the court-house, wiii
liave te go and his pkt e will be filled by
Solemon Shell, of Mt. Jey, who is the
father-in-law of Commis.-Jener Myers.
The Xcu- Corener.
Damn i-.hii'fer lakes the nlace e! Cescner
Mishler, and he has net as jet appointed
any deputies as far as ean he learned.
Yesteiday Squire Frank, of Columbia,
was with him and it is very likely
that lie was down looking after the ap
pointment for Columbia.
TIie I'liiim
At this institution Captain Wci-c, who
has hi'c.i kcciier for almost nine years and
has been complimented with two relcet ions,
will retire te make room for Mr. D. K.
Burkheliler. The beard will organize en
Monday week, when two new inspectors
wiii con-.y in Messrs. Bitzer and Weaver.
There are several candidates for under
keepcr, and il is sellicd that G. Al. Smith,
who was n candidate against Mr. Burk
holder for keeper, will be one of these.
He ha ; heir, around the prison for years,
knows the workings el' it, and is ae-
quamtcu with the prisoners and their
habits-. David Hettew and Mr. Murr, one
of the i resciit imdci' keepcru, are candi
dates for the second under-kcepership.aiid
it is hard te tell who will be the success! til
one. .Mr. Cooper, the picscnt clerk, :-.:n!
D.iv-d War.'el, new in the county Measur
er's efiiee, b',th want te be t!ic piis-.m
clerk, and the election of eithsr is .aid te
depenct u;x):i one man's vote in the beard.
Edwa.;'t Fiailey, who has been one of the
bc.-;t cigar bosses the prison has ever
knevvn. will retire. He does net desire te
be retailed, as he. is going into business in
Philadelphia. Who will be his successor
if the present . system is continued is net
known, but a leading candidate is Fred
Breck, who is new the messenger. Wm.
Herd wiii probably icmain, as one of the
watchmen, a position which lias been well
filled by him. Frank Thompson will have
te tre and Fred ?Jil!cr wants his place.
W. F. B.wcr, esq , the solicitor at ores-
cut, who is a seu in-law id' .Mr. Warfel, of
the Xetc Era, wants te he re-elected ; C.N.
Sproul, esq., wants te go back, and he iias
piebably the best show as matters new
stand; Harry Heuse;-, esq., who was leeently
admitted t the bar, was talked of as a
candidate, but he Iris n ;;ii.v. There arc
a number of candidal. -s for prison phy
sician, hut Dr. C -mptei-, v.iie is always
en hand. U said te have the inside trick.
The prc-iet baker will remain.
Al the I'iiih- Heuse.
-t this place Superintendents Breck and
Spunieraie said te have no opposition
and will be ie ekelcd. The usual number
of physicians aie candidates, but it is im
possible te teli new wiie will he successful.
The sucecssei of U , V. Hrici:er,the solici
tor, has net jet been lived. .Nearly all el
the directors live in the country, and as
they Ci. net get te town often it is difficult
te learn much ciucerning the fight at these
institutions. The bosses will show their
hands both here and at the piisen before
the contests are ev.r.
"Iil" Lhi::ic.
Wind effect the changes wiii have is net
knew e. but it will likely be very i.Iigbt.
i he etheia.s areiitu: tiie court-house are
neatly all well sailed fev their positions.
They have always been found courteous and
peliie, especially te the newspaper men,
te whom they are willing te extend favor
and aid iu their search for items. Who
ever gees or remains, there is one thing
certain, and that is, that a mero clever let
of gentlemen, as a whole, will net he
found in a short time than these who have
slung their pens in the court-house during
the past three years.
A LUimer.
The retiring and new efiicials, together
with their deputies, will shortly have a
bg dinner, but when it will take place has
net yet been determined.
'I tie Centre .Seu-are Vernier etTtet-
tilt-ens., xe.
Ceutie Sipiare has looked as if Biruum.
word had veritably come te Dunsiuanc.
The collection of Christmas trees thU year
was the largest ever seen here and the
dealers report that the trade is increasing
every year. They nearly all tell the same
story of having cut and gathered them
dewu in the Martic hills, or along the
rocky and abrupt banks of the Couesiega,
and they say they have hard work gather
ing them, though property holders de net
interfere much with them, as they are glad
te have the cedars and scrub pines cut
away. One nurseryman sold four leads of
the shapaly Norway spruce trees at from
Te cents te $1.25 ; cedar, spruce
and hemlock bringing from 20 cents up te
$1.39 for the finest specimens ; the assort
ment was geed and nobody need have had
any trouble liuding a satisfactory and
cheap Christmas tree. Among the pret
tiest were the cedars with thick clusters
of bhie berries. Beautiful mess has been
eilercd at from 9 te CO cents a basket,
averaging about e0 cents a bushel. Helly
boughs and wreaths, cresses and ether
designs worked out of messes and greens,
have been ou the market in large quanti
ties and at varying prices.
Hilly Beas, Bucky Ilambright and ether
well-known hucksters of the city ; a num
ber of persons who have made a venture
in Christmas trees just before going te
work in the tobacco wateheuses, and the
colored men from Providence and Martic.
were the prineipal'dealers. They have paid
1 apiece for the privlege of standing in
the square from last Tuesday until to
night, and they expect that all the large
stock which has adorned Centre square
this week will be cleared up before it is
time te begin te put up the Christmas
trea te-night.
.11 the l'rcshytcrlau Cliujicl.
The Christmas jubilee te the pupils ei
the Ptesbyterian chapel Sunday-school
held last night was the best ever given in
the chapel. An ovcrllewing house greeted
tiits management and long before, the hour
of opening it was impossible te get a seat
and standing room was scarce before the
exercises were fully under way. The
decorations included a very handsome ban
ner ou the west wall, with the motto
"The Prince of Peace," and star and
b rdcr in greens, while from two tall ties .;
ou each side an arch was sprung with the
word "Welcome" in geld. The ".as jet.-,
t!:e pictures, mettce.";, window--, etc., were
dres.ed iu greens-, whil- in the nbr.tiy cor
ner was the identical chimney down which
old Santa Clans dropped te fill tlie stock bars
of geed little boys and girls, only in this
case he came up iu.-Jead of down, and
caused great merriment by his humor
while distributing gifts and eandie-. Tin Tin
pregramme was long and varied, and in
cluded carols by the school, prayer by D.
11. BaVtholemcw, an address by il -v. Dr.
Miteiicil, a s de and chorus bv Ma .(.
Hairy Gibsen and little .Misc - Ben
der and Snyder, and one by Master Jimmy
Garvin; a cornet sj!e by Minnie Cog ley.
a pupil ei the school, was cnc.ued. anil
her accompaniment en the cornet nf ii.-v
oral of the pieces was veiy much e:joy
tneec pns awariled ler scholar-
"'- W 1'Cuj. el ,
V! h'H , ' ' -FT ' '
VHie vn- n SX T'r
" Cr?';f -' "
ers te Jlr. .ioeto, tue supjiinteniieiit. and
. . . '. . l . . .
:' linminet Willi :hr sriviiiir, l.i.rAiiiI n t,
- "---i-- , ...... .f.. ..v...., ... ...
terpieieti ey or. Jiitciieii. " le .Ulster
Mere, a tioed Cinistmas. and 1
bev."' The "vvhat is it," which pre;-.:.! te
be a handsome geld-headed cane for Mr.
Moeie. was presented by Mr. lliiine and
responded te by the receiver in a few well
timed remarks. Te the kind friend, who
from year te year has furnished the
scholars with their annual gift (last night
it was a pretty handkerchief) a lew of the
teachers presented two very handsome
horns, filled with feathcr-lleweis and
grasses, and Mr. Bartholemew was ap
pointed the detective te find the gentle
man and deliver the goods. The exercises
closed with an anthem and the benedic
tion, but net until a vote of thanks had
been given te -Mr. J. P. Stackhouse, who
had charge of Kriss Kingle.
e. i:. a. ..!.
Ic:itii of Slate Council Sei-rclnrv, .lelm P.
The many friends and members of tlie
0. L. A. M. will he pained te learn of the
death of SJtate Secretary Jehn P. Batt, of
Philadelphia, en the evening of the 20th
of this month. He has been secretary of
the State Council of the Order United
Americans Mechanics of Pennsylvania for
a number of years, a very earnest and
faithful worker net only for the . L A.
M., but also an active member of- Ne. bis
1. O. O. F.,Ne. -U K of P., Ne. e(J O. L" A.
Td., Degree Ne. 1, ami also a trustee of ben
elit associations and building and lean
associations. The funeral will lake place
in Philadelphia en Sunday.the J.Vith inst. al
2 p. in., the body te be interred in the
American Mechanics cemetery. The
order of the (J. U. A. M. has lest one of
its best and me:t faithful workers, and
his death has created a vacancy which will
be hard te fill, as he was well fitted for
the position he was employed in and had
a large circle of fiiends.
!.:! k ni IVnjtcr Ai'i-niiiiuuihitiiiiiH.
At diesent there is no passenger train
east en the Pennsylvania railroad from
this city between Cr.'A) p. in. and -1:10 a. m.
Fer passengers coming from Hanisburg
te Lancaster or going te New Yerk from
this city, this is a very sciieus inconve
nience, and a veiy retrograde stale of
affairs from the former schedule. It used
le he that persons could leave here in the
early afternoon and get te New Verk in
the evening iu geed time te de.'ete the
night if desired te a place of amusement,
or they could leave here at midnight and
get te New Yerk for breakfast and a full
day's business. Beth of these conveni
ence:; are new lacking, and passengers for
New Yerk must leave at p. in. or 1:10
a. m. Se, loe, persons having business at
Haniiburg were a"ceu:;tomei te go up the
afternoon or evening and return about
midnight. New they cannot get home
after !;:.j0 . m. until .1:10 a in. The
trains from here te Philadelphia are m.t
web timed, though it is of the greatest
importance that they should be.
Mr. Jacob Adams this morning collected
the following money and articles for the
family of Win. Shav: Gce. Wilfong, .10c;
Ciras. Miller, 2.1c; Gee. Brown. "3c: N.
Knox, piece of meat : Mr. Killian, pud
ding ; Gee. Sandee, pbce of perk ; C.
Dinkclbcrg piece of beef ; Isaac Curlcy,
sausage; J. Adams, ."5 leaves of bread and
20 pounds of meat. acknowledges the
receipt of 50 cents from a lady. Any
further contributions will be duly for
warded te the afliictcd family.
Committed for Trial.
Andreas Perch had a hearing before Al
derman Ban this morning en the charge
of stealing a turkey from Jehn Martin en
market last Wednesday. He was com.
mittcd iu default of bail for trial at
euu i:i:ci;L.u
Mr. Wm. Bali
cr, eoleted. came near
Iesiug both eyes last evening, lie is iu the
babit of spitting in top of the stove, and
tried this en at Warren's ejMer saloon,
but the steve respected itself" and blew a
cloud of flame into William's face, badly
burning it and singeing his whiskers.
The cold weather of last night has made
our btrecis as l.a:J a rock. Fred.
Bucket- vs. Wm. Merris's trial will come
off this afternoon a: Squire Frank's. Miss
Nannie Beckius left town this mernim- te
virdt friends in Philadelphia. Miss Annie
Wenrr. is visiting Miss Sallie Gessler.
.Mr. B. B. Broemell will be home te day.
Mr. Charles Hr.ldemau is home front
school te spend the holidays. Mr. D.ive
Celeman is having his shaving establish
meat remodeled. Dave Works for theeoni theeeni theeoni
fett of his customers.
Iirltin;i-i in Columbia.
Te mono wis Christmas, but Meiid.n
will be e.-Icbratcd. And hew will this be
done is the question asked, hut cannot be
answeied until Tuesday. We side with
Rev. Jehn McCoy, pa-teV of the Piesby
teiiaii ehnieh, who, ..! the prayer meeting
en Wednesday, said : " If pelsmis intend
celebrating Chiistmas by -citing dinnk
and becoming a disgrace te themselves the
sooner this ancient custom is stepped tlu
better it will be te;- the t ammunity
at large. Persons r.-v iiniv ,;rt te be
come intex:eaud ou holidays ihau am
ether day." This is tru,- in nte.,t
cases, but it is hoped that no disgraceful
scents will be eii.tcttd this Christmas.
Let us have one that will be pleasant te
remember. The following churche:; will
held Christmas s-er'.hv-?, and Sundaj
schools tlieir auuu.ii enteiJ.uaments
Cejkmau chape' .'. E. Salem chapel
I 'lesiiytcnan ,-.:tnia : hueis held their
espective .ei v:ee.- n.t Tuesd.jv eveni ;.'. ;
It. Paul's Episcopal sTS. W.dnesi
veiling, Dec. 'J at (itfO, iu their
church ; tin: 1,. 1.. Lutheran sehoels
will attend their Christmas er
vice lo-meriov; morning at. th-. usual
hour iu the chinch. The cantata given by
the S. S. will be held hi the epeta house
next Friday evening. A pprepiiate service
iu the Sunday school nnmi by the St.
Jehn's Ltithcian P morrow alternoen.
The Tinted Ihrilnen Sunday school gave
their enleitaiiimeiit last evening, and from
what we hear it v. as a. success. The Pres
byterian Sunday school's eantr.t i clest d
last evening after a two days' siicces.-ful
run. The Methodist Episcopal S. .s. en
tertaiiimciit t- -morrow evening. The
exercises wiii consist of sin-i:. and a
sacred diai.'Mue, introducing -.Uiig ladies
pcis-iiiating the various Ghri.-'u.n graces,
such as nope, renm-m ,
A Christmas service .-. :'.
held hi that church in iii
The l! u-al ie.:er,itinn, of te I
German Catholic eliuiehe.i aiis
i :rn "g
: lih and t lie
: beat the
very ck'gaiu
: ie.
regular hour, i'limiy It. leiiii-d ehureh
ha . bci-n
han.l'-emcly deeeiattd with U
( veigreens
suit me' tees ler Cii! :-,tma.;. Ht
ligieusservictswill be held thei'-en Chrt-t
mas i.'.einiii'f at. u e'clm k. i i;..iis;in, of
pr.iy.'r am! song and sln.rt addusses le.
Revs .lelni Mi Cey and Wm. P. Evans.
Thciv will be the n ual metidn -erviee at
ibl.", and :; childi-'n's reivltj in the after
neon at i!oel'i-k.eenistiiiof a tiroccvJeu
1 and iiymn it'spensive readings and an ad
uv.ns ny lvcv. tleu'.v V. h-t-ier. Ihe l ub-
;:e is co
diallv invitnl t
au am. am.
weid te ou
!.). 1.
bi.i sea
; -
, ,, - ls,.c-,-u! .-. "i.fe
' eajev the hle,,!, G i Has -iv i m ,,d
i n''fc ""cS ' ' lit:I':' ' '' hl
tb-1. hii t'
, , .. , .. ,
r-ei, e i' - - l.e- -, ,---i !:,:. i- -t i . ,T . u.;
ma.-,; ler ii-;-,u-la. r :t i!. no'
help them i.leng j'i-i think Ir.-d i a
, Cl:ri-'m
i:- tliev w.U iiac. the i'ich!
' i'-i tint etin i i .-.!
Wetili! h.ive ihee.idi unto v.iu."
Tu:.i's M-.irec in u .
.ukcL thi.- in. .. '. 4
('.'I'lnibi t mm .who
. telling null had
i c'.ening : r -.stilt
ir of black i. ye-,
liu ,e. E. ..tiling
going oil' of the
The Caia-auipta and
Werk ut the Shawm
another "set te " 1
head cut, two j,
and a bitten
frozen up. Waer
canal ou ncci-uut of the cold. M'. Cli.irhs
Wanu home fiem Poeetnoke I ir v : also
-Jehn E. Owens n.-it Tu-s
Ihtffale Bill Wtdne-ihy,
"" en Saturdiy.
CIllliST.lIAS T'l l!l..
Al! the
tii- rnrai! liiTt.-.n! Hi:,'.: i:n.iie-,s
The day befete Cluistmi-; is a very
pleasant one. The few dull, damp, disa
gieeable days preceding have bun fel
lowed by a coo!, bracing air, a blue sky,
and bright ninshinc. As a matter of
coarse, our country ei-udiit:, who are kept
at home by the bad weather, ae in town
te day iu unusual numb' i:;. All ther.iilnad
trains coming into this city weie crowded;
se weie the stage ceachis. and many hun
dteds eame iu their own private- convey
auccs. The. main object of all appears te
be te lay in a stock of Chiistmas picsents
for the loved ones ::t home or abriad.
The stores have been all il.i$ thronged
with impatient customer- who enter
empty-handed, but with well filled
pockets, ami make ilich c;P ,W -ermi.
The stoic keeper.-; are :d!:mi!es, ami aie
nientallyreekening up their gains,whl en
salesmen and salcswem-u and e.tsli huy
aie running or walking or talking them
selves almost le death, and in their hearts
wishing that the long day's weik was
The flight dip.i.s ..:.d effiecs
arc eievvded with beu s ami bundb": of
ever j conceivable size itml shane. audit is
very doubtful indeed v. bet he;-all of them
nil! be delivered in time .e mei t the
wishes of the sunder-; and r eiveri.
The posteffice also is ihJug an immense
l.'Usi:.)-.-s in ihr- distiibutien ..f small
packages and Christmas cauls.
('Iiristin:-. , I i.-ucs .riiuini reje. tlei'anil.
The Ne-.v Helland ('htri.jh feels a thrill
of joy at the veiy mention of Chiistmas ;
and in its newsy local column tills hew
Judge Wm Ellmakcr gives c.eiy peer
family in a Christmas leaf el bread ;
Bill Marshall has been ancsted for steal
ing tuikr-.s fiem David na::t.-r, at the old
Sandee mill ; Wm. Geed'.. s.,:, broke his
leg while hauling tail.-; I-aae - hnadcr
lieu a lew v.cks alter id-, wiff, :Mid
and .Mrs. J..e! Ik.- U .d
surplice party en their I'M w ! 'ei
versa v.
( lirl-tie.:is l:i tae .liiiiiliriei a.liiin!-,.
Tin- Manheim grammar schw.I ;iipils,
tl.riiugh th'iir spokesmae, Frank lliems
derfer, surpiised the principal of the bor
on -h schools, P,)f .!. P.. ICejIer, with a
be:u':iitl C!ni.,tina.s pie.-ent in the shape
of .t combination geld penholder and pen
cil. Mr. CyiusMilb;.-, Mr. Lincoln Bem.
hergcr and Miss L. J. Fail:. .;' the M ui
heiiit .--eh'iels, weieat-.e kindly icmeiuheiLil
by their pupils.
V.lia, .r;:iii '.'
Jehn A. Shebcr, who last Chri.-tm.tH
supplied tlie tables of the editors and rc-peit'-is
of the iNrr.Li.iei.Nf-Li: with mam
moth turkeys, has repeated the niunilice.
prcseatatien, and placed upon tlie table of
our sanctum three biids tliat will net per
haps weigh quite a hundred pounds, but
they arc giants for all that.
Ann! Ler CoeU Ihnphixcr.
Gee. B. Sehauuj, furniture dealer, :et:h
Queen street, presented eaeh of his work
man with a large turkey as a ChristT's