y..;im..iu. m LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1881. SLancastcv I-nidtiaencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING. DEC. 21,1881. LOOK OCT FOR HIM. The IJcat has Taken tlie Kead. L. M. DcMett is the uame of the indi vidual, who by tbis time sbeuld be familiar te the readers of the Isteli.ief.sceu. They will be gratified te learn that tbis well known trampand hotel " weiker" has left the city, llew he left is net known but it is pessiablc that he walked, unless he succeeded in beating some ene out et his railroad fare. When last heard of by our reporter he was at Ceatesville en Thurs day or Friday night. He went at once te Vandever's. hotel, and at ouce began buz zing the clerk. He called for a drink and the clerk told him at ence that he knew him. This surprised the " man of gall," who, te the surprise of the clerk, paid for the drink. LThis is the only time that Mr. DeM. has done this. He tnen pro ceeded te tell the clerk that he intended spending scver.il weeks at the hotel. In a short time Vandcvcr came in and told the cicrk that he knew DcMett, who live years age had beaten him out of several wesks' bjjnl ; he had also read the ac counts of his late transactions in the Lan caster. Intelligencer. "When DcMett saw the proprietor and clerk in such close conversation he had business elsewhere, and left the hotel net te return. He ex plained all about his blank eye, ever which he had a green patch, by stating that he get it in Heading while separating two men who were fighting about a girl. Oh, yes, that is straight, but there aie people here who knew another story about that. Lancaster As.embly, Se. JJ, A. O. M. I'- At a regular meeting en Monday even ing, held in Grand Army hall, the follow ing officers were elected for 1882 : Master Aitisan Gee. E. Zcllers. Superintendent A. S. Villec. Inspector Win. Lecliler. Recorder Jehn 11. Metzlcr. Cashier A. ('. Reiuechl. Medical Examiner M. L. Herr, M. D. Representative te M. E. Assembly A. C. Reinechl. Warden Jehn H. Weber. Trustees Jehn I. Senei, A. S. Villec, Wm. Lechlcr. Tlic Docter's Disagree as te tin- best methods ami remedies. ler tin; cure of constipation anil disordered liver ami kidneys. Jtut these, that have used Kidney Kidney Wert, aprec that il is by Mr the host medicine known. lis action is piempt. thorough and lasting. Don't take iill.s, and ether inceurials t hat poi.sen the system, but bv usingKidncy usingKidncy Weit restnie the natural ae'lien et all the organs. Xetv Covenant. dl'JluilAw "Tlie Commedore." Jej. L. Foetc, the Commedore, Elgin, III., say-. Themas' Eelectiie Oil cured him et scia tica, ith one application, thoieughly applied. It also cured him et aseveie cold and cough. He thinks it a eiy valuable remedy. and will never be willncit'it. Fer Kile at II. R. Coch Cech ran'mlriig stoic, 1.17 North (Jiiccn stieet, Lan caster. Mm lug and Reaping. When a young lady hem-, handkcichicls ler a rich bachelor she wirs that she ui.iy reap. When seeds of disease are planted through overindulgence, yen can )revcnt tlie under taker I huh n-aplu,;thehunclit by using Spring Ulossein. Pi lee M cents Fer sale at II. It. Cochran--ding stoic, is; North Queen sticct, Lancaster. Honorable Mention. Ot all the lemedics en earth that well may claim attention, lir. Themas' Eelectiie Oil commands especial mention Fer wondieiiii power te cine disease, lis fume none can throttle, lid nieiils aie net in the pull, but aic inside the beltle. Rheumatism, neuralgia, sole thieat, asthmii, bieuchitis, diphtheiia, etc., aie all cuicd bv Themas' Eelectiie Oil. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's iliug -tore. l'J7 Xeith Queen -licet, Lancaster. r: A i-.l.f.jv-' u fiat: iEAiiiNti .v Columbia ::. It. ARRANGEMENT Hr PASSKNGKRTRAINb MONDAY, NOV. 7in, ldl. NORTHWARD. LKAVK. Qnarryvilie Lancaster, King:;:.. Ijiincaster Celumlii't AKI'.IVK. A.M. 7-ai '.i-Ki y..:e Reading.. MClTilH.Mtl). LKAVK. Reading Alll'.lVK. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster, King St. A.M.'e. ?l.l M. :le; ... , 1-M 7:."l .... .-1:11) S.ixi l:iH sse 7:50 I. Hi 3:10 10.115 :::$! :.:m A V. M. 1M. 7:25 J-itin fi:lti r.si. USK 2:111 S.23 i:27 2.10 8:1:: .fc37 S:i 10:37 .... !:55 5:15 5:23 (JuarryYliic ;-.3e AiuJII V.nillli; 1 III bt il'dll Main llillllS LWilllU from Philadelphia, PetLsvillc, Harrisburg, Al Al lentewn and New Yeik, via Hound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and liem Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Ficderiek ami Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Sunt. Thi'iI f.lllll,llt lit IPflll.lItK 11'Itll f -(t.J 4l.ttwl PENNSYLVANIA K Al l.KO A l N E W SCHEDULE On and aftir MONDAY DECEMBER istli.11, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will anivc at and leave ihc Lancasie' and Philadelphia UcpeUias Io'Iewh: Eastward. Le.ic I A I rive Lanc'iei i'hilad'j Philadelpia Epicss, Fast Line, YorkAccei". Amvi", ... Harrlsbuig Express Lancaster Accommed:tii u Columbia Accoiiiiued.it ii in. Frctlcuck Aeeeiii. Arrives, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Chicago Day Express St. Leuis Day Express Ilarrisbtug Acvoinnietlai'n, WE3TWAKU. l:.-e 4.10 SO.) s-us S.Vl IfctS ii: 2:47 2 1J 5 05 .ri:15 1:0 7:'ii r 10:15 li i:,' r.J. 5:35 5:t0 7,t)i 7 15 !): P.M. Leave Arrive l.'ine'lel II V ,-i7 " li.:S- " 10.40 " 10:50 " 1 40 r.K. 1 45 " 5:45 " 7:2C " 7:30 " 8:50 " I0:W " -MO a.M Way P.is-enger, I2::;i -i. News Expr-s- V"a Hail Train Ne. l.via Mt .ley, i;:ue ' Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Sunday Mail, 8.00 Fast Line, I':20 " Frederick Accommodation, .... Lnncastcr Aceommedalion, 2::lu " Harrisbuig Aecomme.Ua'n, 2:l." r.M. Columbia Accommodation, 4:1. " Harrisburg Express 5:30 " Pittsburg Express, :::u " Western Express S5i " Philadelphia Express, 11:30 " Mail Tiain. Ne. 2, west, connecting at Lan caster with Mail Train, Ne. I, at 10:3ian.., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, wcd. council ing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:4 , will inn tnreiigli te Fieilerick. Hani burg Expre-s, west, at liiTO p. tu , has direct connection) (withotitchaugeet eais) te Celiiiubi-iand Y'erk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will stepat Dovvningtewn, Ceatcsville, Pai kes burg, Mo-mtJej-, Elizabcthtewn and Middle own . JUEDICAZ,. FAKfAVICl-I. NUT1VK. DR. GREENE talei llii-onpeil unity te let his niiuieieiis Irieiids and patrons knew that in a tew months he will establish eftlecs in Washington, D. C, and hence would suggest te the alllii-ted. the chronic ca-e.-, et disease, te test OMNI PATH Y before it is lenla'e. Dr Greene h..s Heated ever :t,iKxj patients since .lauuary 1st. lhbO, made up largely from these turned away as incurable bv ether M. D.g. Over 1,M) i deaths have occurred under ethers' practices, and net a half-doyen using his lemc tlies. Mostel the 1,500 have died picmalurcly. Physicians have lest their w Ives, In ethers ami sons, and druggists their wives and childicn during this ti.i.c. Over l.Kflpci-eiis have been cured, and all benefited, bv his methods, with a few eeepiens, and the eitiens will bear him witnes.s lliul he has never guaranteed te curaiinj'nii'Mir leileit fl orfl.eoo: tint he has net thrust his )ictilied l.tec into their heu-es or en tl'e fences, in the disgusting Piukham style, .se common te iiack venders el nos trums. His claim is simply te cure all the various ills et mankind by external applica tions et i-cuieillals, and that he does net make a drug shopef tlicstemach, and he will before leaving iubll.-h a large pamphlet containing hundicds et tame set persons cured in this city and count v, many et them very extiaor extiaer dinary. A banker's wife cured et sick head ache el ever thirty live years, and her glasses removed, mining ami sewing with natuial vision. Mr. Sutter, of :;j;i Middle street, cured et 5 years terrible, annoyance of dyspepsia, in one nay. i.pncpiir r nsei twenty y ars ctiied in one wick. Tiimer.s,CaneersaiidCalai-nets removed wlilieiitntiy ialn or u-e el the kniTe. Axioms, Wictcheil-loeking eeiintcnances de net cine disease. A regular gnidnatf can be come a ir.euntebank. A regular inir-litleuer and surgeon cannot (.it the same lime) be a ifiectnf-M. Cf ilifled eiiics of dllliriilt cases make converts of the Incredulous. Consulta tions mid exiiTnlnntiens pi:ki: ( atari fi cured ferSOtenta. The remedy enl le anyone en receipt el. VI cents In "(iiifh.-Ill: CIIAS. A. OREENI- IK. Li-I Kinsr licit MWFAS MEDICAL. rl'HK HLSTOKK OP A SUOOESSFULBUSINESS I'renccutcd Upen the Principles f TrutH aud Honesty. We icier te the wonderful success that lias attended the- introduction of Dr. C W. Ben Ben eon's Celery and Chamomile Tills" into the whole country. They are prepared expressly te cure Sick Ilcadache. Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Dyspepsia and the lacts prove that tuey de and will enre these diseases every time where the cause is net ei an organic nature. The secret et their success is tw ofeld. First, the need et them Is very great ; it is the only thing that has ever been found, in the proles preles proles felen or out el it. that would actually and per manently cure these diseases ; se that every body who takes them becomes a walking and talking advertisement for them. One box, taken into a neighborhood, has been iollewcd and traced te selling $50 worth in that one poatefiicc. They are indeed a valuable pi eparatien and no nervous person ought te be without them, as they net only save from suffering, but save and prolong life by preventing paralysis, apo plexy and heart disease. Sold by all druggists. 1'iice. f-Oe. a box. Depot, IOC Net th Eutaw street. Baltimore, Md. By mail two boxes hull, or six boxes for $2.50, te an j' address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S New Keuiedy aud Favorite Prescription. SKIN CURE Js Warranted te Cuie ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMOUS, INFLAM MATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA, ULCEUS, PIMPLES AND TENDER ITCHINGS en all parts el thu body. It makes the skin white, selt and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the Best toilet dressing in the erl. Elegantly put up, two bottles In one package, consisting et both Internal and ex ternal tieatment. All firM-class di uggi-ts have it. Pi ice $1 per package. aug22-l yd M . W& S& w K JUNKY l'OK7. THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FORM That Acts at tlie Sume Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. WHY ARE WE SICK? Uvciiuse ire allow these real e)vii i tte tte ceine cleygcd or torpid, anil isen'its humors arc therefore ureal into the Moetl that should be expelled naturallu. KIDNEY WORT WILL SURELY CURE KIDNKY DISEASES, LIVER COJU'LAI.VrS, Piles, i:iiisiii:itn. i, Ilriiiiiry Diseases, Female Weakness anil Nervous Disorders, bil cumiiuj free nrliun of thete organs ami re stormy their jiuwer te threw ejfdise'ate. Why sutler bilious pains and aches? Why tormented with Piles, Constipation? Why liightened overiliseidered Kidue.vs? Why endiiie nervous or sick headaches".' Use KIDN'i:- WORT and rejeiee in health. S-It is put up in Dry Vegetable Furii. in JS-lin cans, one package el which makes .six g-qu:irtse( medicine. AS-Alse in Liquid Ferm.very Concentrated 4S-ler the convenience et these who cannot 4S readily prepare it. It arts with equal & efficiency in cither form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, !. WELLS, liin:.VKlS0N' & CO., Tien's, Iturlliigten, Vt. Will cnd the dry pe-il-pald.) lee 27 lvd.tw.' OARVJSUS. , 1KEAT DAlVlSAINS in v.Xlivtiltt, 1 claim te have tle Laigest and Fine" lock ei CARPETS lit this City. Brussels andTapesti j CARPETS Three-ply, Eti-.i Super. Super, All Wee, Jalt Weel and Pait oel Ingrains: liem the jest te theeheapist-as low as tt.'r. per vaid. All the FINEST A XI) VUOIVE I'ATTERXS that ever cap be seen lu this city. 1 also have a Large and Fine Stock et my 3vn make Chain and Rag Carpels, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TOORDERat shin notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. JpNe treulile te show goods if jeu de nt wisli te pin chase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. 1AKPKT.S, &;. NEW CARPETS 40.000 YARDS. New Designs, ItcautiTiiliy Colerotl. 1 50 cents. S" cents." INU RAINS fiOccnti). IK) cent-. ( 75 cents. $1.00. TM'FsTKV 1 75 cents. $1.00. iMiiv.'ii.'i S5 cents. $l.in. I.KUfcshLS .WC.M, 1a,;- WILTON AND f MOQUETTES, tSOOD VALUE OIL CLOTHS, AT LINOLEUM, ALL PRICES. LUJNUMS. (. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, al-lydced.V2lvvJ PHILADELPHIA. JTWRVKTS, COAL, Cc. PHILFP SCHIJM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY, Ne. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Cenulnu LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, RLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCK1NU YAKN.&e. I'.STOM RAO CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Diess (ioeds Dyed either in the piece or in Oatnicnis; al-e all kinds or sllkH. Ribbons, leathers and Woolen Oetids Djed. Gen tleineu'.s Coats, Oveiceals, Pants, Vests Ac Dyed or : Seoul cd ; aUe, Indigo Rlue Dycintr done. All orders or goods kit with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID MIR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal of the best quality put up cxpicssly lo le family use, and at the lowest market rutc. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD-150 tOUTII WATER STREE1. SI-lVdRSl PHILIP SCIIUM.SON . (I HOOTS Ji SIIOKS. fAOICiTANlf ;ents, if "you want a j Ooed and Fine Fitting Beet or Shee lt H'ly-iu:nlf or Made te Order, go te F. IIIKMENZ'S, Ne. HO Xerlh Queen Street. u-dimi Weik SlHjeia'tv. iy2tldSX Se the Frencli people put it, and the great stores " The Leuvre " and " Ben Marche " every few weeks have a reusin " occasion." We don't like the system, but try te make every day equally goejl for buyers te come te us. Yet new ai there are special reasons that warrant stepping out from our usual course. Such a time has come te Oak Hall, and we have te announce 1881, se far, has been the Mr. Jehn Wanamaker has this season watched ever personally and supervised the old house in a measure like in old times AJNTD NOW desires te say he has determined te put the annual sales far beyond anything ever reached before in the annals of the Retail Cloth ing business in the United States. There is net a day te lese, as the season is passing. We have therefore prepared all the inducements we can offer and they GO .INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. Years age we were overloaded with goods, and we frankly said se. We have no secrets about our business. We take the people into our confidence and ask for a return of confidence, AND GET I T, b3cause the people find out exactly what can be depended en. We sold out long age all our surplus stock. Five furniture cars would carry all the old stock new in our double six-story building, and while we de se large a business and sizes break up se rapidly as they de, we always expect te have just as much as we have te-day. JNTOW THEN, THIS IS TO SY That this " Occasion " is based en the cleanest, newest, best stock we can possibly get together. NEW GOODS OF SPLENDID CHARACTER, And made for the purpose of driving up and along the sales te far outdo the best endeavors of former years. SUMMING UP THE INDUCEMENTS, THEY AEE 1. A stock of goods, most of it "just born," clean and beautiful, arriving daily from our workrooms. 2. A "right smart " deduction from usual prices, " something that can be seen." 3. Opportunity given te take a purcjiase away, compare it, bring it back and get money returned. 4. wanamaker & Brown's stamp en the quality and" make of the goods as the guarantee of value. Of course THERE ARE SOME BETTER BARGAINS THAI OTHERS, Ner is all our stock marked down, but THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT IS. Cut out the lists and walk A Men's Overcoats. Faney Ciwsimerc Chestel lie!l-, niaile te sell at $1&m, reiliiced te $U.0. Rlneanil lilack FurlJeaverOvenark-j, niaile te sell at $10 oe, reduced te fs.rwi. Iti-own Chinchilla Oversaek-, made ter ell at $15.00, ted need te $12.00. (J ray mixed, i.mcy luck Oi.ijjeii.il, skeleton 0er-,aeks and Chc-iterfiehN, made te sell at $10.10, i educed te $13.73. Cray striped, iancy haek, bkelelen Over lackvinade te sell at $lfi.r0, reduced te $12.00. Very heavy, wool-lined, denltle-hrea'-ted,l''iir Ueaver I'lsters, made te sell at $1 1 oe, reduced te $10.0 1. Mied Frie.e, all wool Over-. iel., made te sell at $'l.e ', re Ineed te $7..rt. Finest Impeilcd " Kskime" Keaw-r Over sacks, made te .sell at $2fl.0e, reduced le$C0 0ii. Finest Imported " Outlell ' ISeaver Over sacks made te sell at $ls.0ii, i educed te $o.eo. Finest Imported 'Caster" ISeaver Over sack-, made te sell at $2S.0e, reduced te $io.eo. It would be very easy for any one te mark up prices at the beginning of a season and then go down te what would be en paper large reductions, but it must lie borne in mind our system of business, taking back goods and returning money when our customer can come back in ten minutes and receive the money back after being at another store, or weeks after purchase, keeps us en our guard te have our prices the very lowest. THIS REDUCTION, Therefore, must be manifest te these who will think a moment, or leek the goods ever and compare elsewhere. We have the (perhaps) pardonable pride in our business te push it, beyond anything ever done before, and take this method te de it. Let all our friends in city and county give Wide and WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN AMERICA, Seuth-East Cerner Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. MEDICAL. READ THIS I.ancasteu, Pa., Am II 2S, u-si. The KiDNKvennA Mf'e Company. Gents It gives me much pleasure te sav that after usln? one pack et K1DXKYCIJKA 1 have been entirely cured el a severe pain m my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, atlcr trying various known remedies, i have every confidence in your medicine cliccrfully recommend it, and knew thatmany of my friends who have used it have lieen benefited. I'KTEB BAKElt, m2Clyd Foreman F.xaiuincrand F.yprcss. T OCHKICS Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate, speedy and sure remedy f or Colds, coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Jnlltien za. Soreness of the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting of Bleed, In In llamuiatien et the Lnngs anil all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and efficient qualities ler the cure or all kinds of Ihng diseases. l'UICE, 25 Cents. Prepared only and sold by 0HAS. A. LO0HER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OIKJCOIST, Ne. J) East King: Street, Lancaster. WASAXAJCEJt & JUtOWX, OAK MAXZ. "OCCASION EXTRAORDINAIRE." A GRAND "OCCASION." largest year's business OAK HALL HAS EVER DONE. into OAK HALL and have a leek. I B Men's Dress Suits. .- Hi! lieiilde-lU-ea-dcd Freck Ceal Suits et Schnahe's Finest i'lueaiul lilack Ciepe Caster, made te sell at$::e, reduced te $i". 1S Detihlc'lirea-dcd Freck Ceal Suits el ery tlne l!l:u-k Cleth-Faced Diagonal, made te sell at $21, reduced te $i. Alse, 233 Suitd ei samoKOeds, with Sack or Walking Coats, at s-ame price. Men's Business Suits. li; Fancy Cas-dmeie Snit-, made te st-II at $le, reduced te $!). 17" Very Stien, Ali-Noe), IJIne Cheviot SuiN, lasl colors, made te sell at$l::, reduced te $10. l Faney Caliiifie Suits, made le sell at $!-', reduced te $10. li:t Faney Diagonal Cheviot Suits, made te sell at $13, reduced te $12. 37 Fancy Cassimere Suits, made te sell at $11, reduced te $12. 20 Fancy Cassimei e. suits, maile te sell at $10, reduce te $14. 59 Fancy Cassimcic Suits, made te sell at $20, reduced te $15. 2S Fancy lilack Cassimcre Suits, with Skele ton Ceal 4. 'made te -ell at $:e, reduced te $n;.5e. 103 Superb "Harris" Cassimcre Suits, made te sell at $22, reduced te $15. Full Netice PA PERUA NO ISOS, &e. I VK LINK OK WALL PAPERS, i-tlie laigtsl we ever had in stock ler this vcaen et year, embracing Fine tiilts for l'arleis. Halls, &e. Leu-priced goods in end less vaiiety te seleet from. There are some eheiee patterns in the market for the Fall anil Spring trade, which cannot Tail te please you. FANCY DADO WINDOW SHADES, PLAIN' SHADING, by the yard, in all colors and widths. ' .Scotch Hollands. Tin and Weed Spring Kell- crs. Cord Fituies Kings, Tnssei-, i.oens, r nnges, i-icinre ire and Cord, Hands, Heeks, A.C. Paper Curtains te Dealers at Lewest Prices. "EXTENSION CORNICES, the cheapest and best. Curtain Poles in assortment. S"Orders taken rer UNE MIRRORS. PHARBS W. FRY, NO. P7 NUKTU QUKHN Vf. c riSupeih " Itecfc" Cassiniere Suits, made te sell at $2!.00, i educed lrtfl&OU. !l Supeih "llecl.-anam CasSiniere Suits, made le ell al$2", l educed te 1'..II0. Yeuths1 Business Suits. ::i Fancy C.isHiniwe Suits, maile te sell at t.n, reduced te $-.0. 5S Faney Cassimeic Suits, matin te sell at $l'..00, reduced te $1".C0. :.) Fancy " Empire" Cassiincre Suits, made tesell at $10.0), reiliiced te $15.00. 21 Fancy "Il.iru-. " C.issimere Suits, made tesell at $2 .oe, lcilnccd te $13.0.1. 23 Fancy ' Ueck " Cassiincie suits, niade te sell al $20.00, rciinceil te$li:.30. 2 Fancy " fc-!dy " Casdimcre Suits, made te sell at s22.dii leluc-ed te $13.0(1. ::s Fancy " Iiddy" Cassiincre Suits, made te sell at $22.1.0, ret I need te $18.00. Ill Very strong, all-wool, lllue Cheviot Suits, last eoieis, maile tesell at $12.0), reduced te fl.00. of this " Great MEDICAL. ri'HK lillKAT CIIKATIVK AGENTS. I GALVANISM AND ELECTRICITY. DR. HALL'S A GALVANIC BATTERY is Imbedded In tills Medicated Plaster, which, when applied te tint body pieduccs a constant but mild cur rent et Electricity, which is most txhilarating. It is a positive anil .speedy enre for tne follow ing complaints, viz : Klicutnatlim, Neuralgia, sick Headache Weak and Inflamed Eyes, all Affections et the IJraln, Spinal Complaints, Kidney and Liver Complaints. Sciatica, Paralysis, Asthma and Lung Diseases, Diseases ei the Heart, Nervous Prostrations, &c. PRICE ONLY S1.0O. THE BELL MANN CO., Prep're, S12 Broadway, Cor. 13th St., New Yerk. AGEXTS WANTED. Send stamp ler circulars. Fer sale by all uifrsist-. .'Mention this paper. Sent by mail. oetT-.lmeedilitweow e sn1 nr UU.W v. and again D Small Beys' Suits. Fancy Cassiincre Iliouse Suits. $1 50 te X75. Faney Cassiincre illeuse Suits, ..00 te $1.50. Fancy Cassiincre Blouse Suits, $5.50 te t-l.oe. Fancy Cassimcrc Blouse Suits. $5.50 te $1.50. Fancy Cassiincre Blouse Suits, $6.50 te S5.C0. Fancy Cassimcrc Blouse Suits, $7.50 te $B.ue. Fancy Ca3Slmcrc Blouse Suits, $8.00 te $t: Si. Fancy Cassiincre Blouse Suits, $3.50 te $7.. Small Beys' Overcoats. Mixed F'riee Ovcrsack.s, $5.00 te $1.00. Mixed Frieze Oversacks, $B.50 te $5.00. Mixed Frieze Ovcrsactei, $7.50 te $0.00. Mixvil Frieze Oversacks, $0.00 te $7.5e. Mixed Frieze Oversacks $8.00 te $7.00. Beys' Suits. Fancy Cassimcrc, J7.00 te $fi.C0. Fancy cassiincre, $7.50 te $C.oe Fancy Cassimere, $7J50 te $0.50. Fancy Cassimere, $!).C0 te $7.00. Fancy Cassimere $10.00 te $8.0. Fancy Cassimere, $11.00 te $.50. Fancy Cassimere, $12.00 te $10.00. F'ancy Cassiincre, $13.50 te $11.50. Fancy Cassimere, J15.C0 te $10.C0. Fancy Cassimere, $14.00 te $12.00. Fancy Cassimere, $17.00 te $14.10. Very Fine Brown Pique, $17.00 te $15.00. Beys' Overcoats. Fancy Cassimere. $7.50 te $0.50. Fur Beavers,Blaek, Blue and Cray. $10 le $S..i0 Fancy Back Skeleton, $12.00 te $10.01. Fancy Back Fur Beaver, $15.00 te $12.00. Fancy Cassiincre, $3.00 te $fi.oe. nine Cheviot, $S.0e te $7.00. Occasion. yj COAL. B. U. HAKTIK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AVI) COAL. 3-fard: Ne. 420 North Water and Piinc Streets above Lemen I.aiicaster. nx-lye" COHO & WILE?. a.1 NORTU WATER ST., Lancaster, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchaage Branch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. Ieb2S-:yd 111 TO REILLY & KELLER U00D, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. ! Manure will find it te their advantage te call Yard, Harrisbnig Pike. j ettlce. 3j East Chcdtnut street. Bgl7li ASTMICB SJtWS ADVERIIXMMXlfT. A STK1CH ASTRICH ASTRICU ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH BROS' AUVEKTISKMENT. RROTHKRS BROVUERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS. BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS r e H M 3) td ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH AfrTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH I EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KINO STREET. 13 EAST KINO STREET. 13 EAST KINO STREET. 13 EAST KINU STREET. GRAND DISPLAY 1LHAY 600DS Suitable for Presents ! OIFTS TO -SUIT EVERYBODY. LADIES' COATS AND DOLMANS: LIGHT JACKETS! ULSTERETTES and COACHMAN'S COATS, All at greatly reduced prices. CHILDREN'S COATS. - Bargains In our Millinery Department. BEST BEAVER HATS iitfiT.';. PLUMES. TIPS. PLUSHES CHEAP. VELVhTS AT (i RE AT BARGAIN'S. RI BBON.S AT LESS Til A N C H V. FANCY GOODS. e h.i e new open, and are daily receiving, a line let of. Fancy Goed.s suitable for Holiday Piumfts. " Large and line assortment el SHELL BOXES. Shell Boek Cases, Shell InkstaniN, Shell Wash Stands, and a great many ether de signs, at 25 ccnls. Larger ami liner articles at no cents. Autograph Albums, small ami large. Scrap Beeks, 50c., 75c. and Il.tH). A line let of JAPANESE WARE el every description. POCKET BOOKS: Fine Pocket Beeks, fancy finish, 1 2iicents. Fine Leather Pocket Beeks, w llli handles, 2.1c. Elegant Pocket Beeks, 40 cents. M cents, 2 ill. Plush Bass, with handles, " eent.s. Fine Plush Bags and Pocket. Large Leather Pockets ut-fl.ne. l-iueaiiil Uirge Velvet and Plush Satchels, in DlacK ami eoiereu. PERFUMERIES. (.nod Manitatd Brandsat Inwpnees, Perlumerles in Beves. Twe bottles Fine Perrunie and em piece el Toilet Seap, in a be v. ler 25 cents. Larger assortment et liner boxes, at in tents, .r0 cents and higher. TOILET SETS. (; love and Ilanilkcichief ISexes. Large Japanese Jewel balcj. at M cents. Cologne in large fancy pitchers, etc. Fancy Bexes of Writing PnH-r. A line selection of JEWELRY, Shawl Pins, Cull" Pins. Ear Rings, BracclctSi Necklaces, etc. Best Plated Geed:;, at very low piiee.s. -Our Well-Known KIDGI.iALS wearenew selling, in 3 or I buttons, at IH cents a pair, in all shades. We need net mention that these Gloves ale A I. eualitv. as such is a well kneu n f.iet. The " GERSTER," 'in black, 3 bulleus, tar superior te any Kid Gleve everseld by us at only us cents. Five hooks, Festcr'.s patent, $1.25 a pair. Seven hooks, Fester's patent, $1.50 a pair. in black, dark tall shades, opera, tans and geld Chamois Gauntlet Gloves, $1.25 a pair. A box of Hue French perfumed Gleve Powder presented with every pair et Kl I Gloves. Full and elegant line cd HANDKERCHIEFS. Ladies' All-linen Handkerclilcrs, 5 cell tsapiecc; 30 cents per half dozen. Ladies' line Linen Handkerchiefs, wide tape border, 50 cents per halt dozen. Ladies' All-linen Hemstitched llantlkcrchic Is, wide hem, 75 cents per halt dozen. Ladies' All-linen Handkerchiefs,. line quality, tancy colored borders, 75c per half dozen. Fine White Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched two inch hem. 20 cents apiece : $1.12 per half dozen. An extra line, all-linen. Hemstitched Hand kerchief, two-Inch hem. 25 cts. apiece; $1.38 per halt dozen. White Cambric Handkerchiefs, large initial, at 12K cents apiece. Fine All linen Handkerchiefs, In mstitched, colored borders, latest design. 25 rents. Fine White Embroidered llaiidkerchlel.s, at 35 and 0 cents. Finest ijuulity Linen llanilkerchiets, hand somely embroidered, in tolers. no and 75c. Gents' Linen Handkcrchic Is, 10, 14,17, 20and 25 cents and higher. Gents Linen Handkerehiels, colored border, 20, 25 and 30 cents, and higher. V Gents' All-Iincn Handkerchief h, hemstitched, r coleicd borders, line quality, 43 cents. An lmnicsc stock et SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. N'lce Brocaded Silk Handkerchiefs. Large Size, at 25c. All Silk Handkerchiefs, Pelka Det, 25c. Heavy All Silk Twilled handkerchiefs, in large variety, at 4iic. Handsome Brocaded All bilk Handkerehiels, 41. Large and Fine Assortment or All Pure Silk Brocaded Handkerehiels, Fine Quality, 50c. A lliiidseme Heavy Brocaded All Silk Hand kerchief, Elegant and New Patterns, at 75c. Fine Handkerchiefs at 85c., $1.00, $1.25, JI.50. up te $5.00 apiece. An enormous variety at Lew Prices. MUFFLERS, tn White anil Colored. niaekandBIackand WhiteSIlk Handkerehiels lice Handkerchiefs from 10c. up. Hue Imported Applique Lace llandkerchle's, f 1 Oi) apiece. Fine Assortment of LACK AND EMBROIDERED COLLARS, at all prices te suit everybody. Linen Cellars et all th3 Latest Styles. New Goed.s at Lew Prices. Sailor Cellar, with Rick lack Braid Edge. Ladies' Turned Down Cellars, With Needlework, or Rick Rack Braid Edge. Fine Lace x'icbusjreiu 50c. te $5. Real Spanish Lace Tics and Fichus. in Black and Cream, Very Fine Goed.s. Satin and Plush Cellars. in All Celers. Black Beaded Cellars. FlncSpanish Lace Cellars, in BlackandCitam RUFFLINGS. Footing Rucbings from 'Je. a jard up. Pompadour Ruchings, 20c. a yard. Fine Crepe .Liss.c Ruching, Silk Stitch, d, 25c. a yard. Elegant Crepe Llssc Ruching. 50c. 75c., $1 a yd. Anether let of White silk Illusion, Chenille Det, Fancy Edge, at 25c a yard. HAND-MADE WORSTED GOOD3. I lilies" and Children's Caps In large variety. Children's Knit Coats. Ladies' Hand-Knit Waists at 75c. Fine Cardigan Waists, tight fitting. $1.25. WORSTEDS. ASTRICH BROS' LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. J3 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Z EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. A a