. LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21. 1881. THE MICHIGAN SUFFEKKKS. Mayer MacGenigle CIemh Bis Boek -Lei- torel Acknowledgment. k On the 17th iust. Mayer MacGeniglc sent te tbc relief committee in Detieit, Michigan, tbc last of Lancaster comity's contributions in aid of tbc sufferers by the great fires in tbat state. The total amount scut by Mayer MacGeniglc was $2,114.14. Following is the last letter of acknowledgment : Dktiieit. Dec. 10. 1831. Sen. Jehn T. MacGeniijle, Mayer of Lancas ter, Pa. : Dear Sin We have again the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of a further contribution from you of $7.j, per letter of the 17tb, for the relief e"f our fire suf ferers. We can only offer yen our heart-felt tbanks and our acknowledgments te your large-hearted people, and in particular te the Mennenite clement, for this continued generosity in aid of our people. Yours truly, II. P. Baldwin, f'hairman. Jehn Stirmxe, Secrctai y. Shet Through the Ileal I. Edward Tiisslcr, butcher, has had for some time past a buck, a doc and a fawn en his premises, en West Orange street. Recently tbc buck has been behaving bad ly and finally he tossed the fawn en his antlers and broke its back. The death of the buck was resolved en as an act of ret ribution and yesterday Dr. J. O. Boyd, who is known as a dead shot, was selected as executer. With uucuiug aim he put a pistol ball directly through the heart of the buck, tbc ball passing entirely through the animal and embedding itself in the fence beyond. A singulav fact in connection with the affair is that the buck steed motionless for some moments after the bullet had pierced his heart and then fell dead. The venison is new haugiug at Harry Myers's tf saloon, Leclicr'.s building, Centre square. COKOXEK'tt INQUEST. Jehn Ilighl Dies el II i InjurlCk. Jehn Ilight (or White) who had his skull fractured en Saturday last by being struck by a large fragment of a stump which he blasted witii gunpowder, died last evening about G o'clock, at the resi dence of Addison (haver, near Lititz, wheie he had been living since April last. Corener Mishlcr held an inquest this morn ing, the jury rciidciiug a verdict in ac cordance with the facts. Deceased was a native of Heidelberg, Germany, and has no relatives in this country, lie was a decent, industrious man, aged about 35 years. Mr. Graver declined te have his body taken te the almshouse for burial, but will give him a'dcsenr, Chiistiau luiial at his own expense. Siuliliii Dcalli of Mrs. iililir. Mrs. Catharine Ichlcr, of Mr. Jey, died suddenly at her home in that borough yes terday afternoon. Capt. Gallagher, depu ty coroner, this morning empaneled a jury te inquire into the circumstances. It appeared that Mis. Ichlcr Mas about :. years old, and had been in ill-health for some time past. Yesterday one of her married daughtei.s who had been living with her made airangcmcuts te leave home. Mrs. Ichlcr evci exerted herseir in preparing for her daughter's deparime and was seized with a pulmonary hemor rhage which seen ended her life. She leaves a husband and thrce children. The coroner's jury rendered a verdict that she came te her death from pulmonary hemor rhage caused by ovcr-excitien and excite ment. Chaigc.1 ullli Highway Kebuerj. This afternoon Jehn Decblcr bad a hear ing before Alderman Pamreii en a charge of highway lebbeiy picfcrnd by Hciurich Ceble, who icsidcs en the Wabank read. It is alleged that .something ever three weeks age, en a Monday nijihr, the prose cutor was knocked down ami robbed by several young men near Schecnbcrgcrs park, in this city. A silver watch was taken fiein him. The watch was found at a s-ccend-hand store en Middle street, the proprietor of which identified Decblcr as the man who neld it te him. The cane was returned te cemt and Deebler gave bail bcfeic Mayer MacGeniglc for his ap pearance. A Child's Terrible I' all. Last evening about 8 o'clock, Minnie Tobias, aged four years, daughter of James Tobias, a traveling man who steps at the Grape hotel, met with a narrow cscape from death at that house. She was play ing en the banister of the stairway when in some way the child fell ever and did net strike until she reached the lloer of the hallway en the first lloer. She was quickly picked up and was carried up stairs, a physician was sent for aud it was found that she had net been injured in the least and there was net a scratch or bruise en her. She was as well as ever te day. She fell between thirty and forty feet. IN NEED. "Alas for the Karlty el Christian Charity." Wra. Shay, Ne. 22 West James sticct has been bed-fast for some time past with typhoid pneumonia. He is peer, has no money even te buy medicine. His wife is worn out by watching and ministciing te him, and she aud her live small clrihlicu are destitute. At this festive season of the year when the whole Christian weild is ringing with the angelic shout, "Geed will te men," let us net neglect te bring tidings of great joy te this afflicted family. A man et sorrow and acquainted with grief once said : " Theu shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Sale of Touacei. J.W. Jehnsen, esq., has sold te Mr. S-jii-senic, for Julius Ehrmann DA acres of tobacco from his farm in Drumeie town ship at 31, 15, 10 and 3, without any ether stipulation than that it be delivered in geed marketable condition. C. LinvillCjOf Salisbury,hasseld his ciep at 25 cents for 22-inch wrappcis, 10 for seconds, and 5 for fillers. Returned trein a Hunting Expedition. E. L. Harahright has returned from his annual hunting expedition te Virginia. He was accompanied by Will Martin, and tli3 two killed three very fine large deer, which arrived here this morning by ex press. bThey lay at the depot for some time and were seen by a large crowd of sportsmen and ethers. . The Right Bind of Clir.stmas Pieselil. This morning Michael Ilabcrbush. the well-known harness maker, presented each one of his employees with a Hue large turkey for Christmas. SPECIAL NOTICES. See Mere. Yeu are sick; well, there is just one remedy that will cure you beyond possibility et doubt. If it's Li-cr or Kidney trouble, Consumption. Dyspepsia, Debility, Wells' Health Rcnewcr is your hope. $1. Druggists. Depot Jehn F. Leng A. Sens. Liquid or Dry. Seme people prelerte purcha-e medicines In the dry state se that they can see ler them selves that they arc purely vegetable. Others have net the time or desire te prepare the medicine, and wish It all ready te use. Te accommodate each class the proprietors et Klndey-Wert new offer that well known remedy in both Liquid and Dry lerm. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Truth. d!9-lwd&w Ge te H. I. Cucsinvu's lra:r Mere. 1.T7 Xerth Queen street, ler Mrs. FrceuunCx New Na tional Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et color,are uncqualed. Celer from 2 te 5 neund.-. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. It is a roellsn mistake te confound a remedy of merit with quack medicines. We have used I'arker's Ginger Tonic with the happiest re sults for Dyspepsia and Deldllty, and knew it te he a f terling health restorative. Times. nl-lmdcodiwcew Constitutional skin diseases of a tceibutic character are successfully treated with Dr. Ilcnseu's Skin Cure, internal and external treatment, Deth p'.easant. It certainly re moves scrofula, eiuptlens, dandrull and tan and makes the skin smooth and healthy. "Lire, Growth, Beauty." " What we all admire" and hew te secure It: A line head of hair in its natural color is such an aillunct te bnauty that no one who prizes geed leek-, should neglect te use "Londen Hair Celer Restorer," the most cleanly and de lightful article ever introduced te the Ameri can people. It Is totally different from all etheii net blitky or guinniy, and tree from all impure ingredients that render many ether preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, restores gray hair, gives it new Hie, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair te grew where It hail lallen off or become thin, docs net soil or stain anything, and is se per fectly ami elegantly prepared as te make it a ladling hair dressing and toilet luxury. " Lon Len Lon eon Hair Restorer" is sold by all druggists, at 73 cents a bottle, six bottles ter $1. eciSM.W.S&w Metnvrti: juttriiemu r.IetherHil Arc you disturbed at nihl and broken of your icbt by a sick child suilcrlng and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth V 11 .se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WIN.SLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will re lieve the peer little bullcrer immediately de pend upon it; there is no mistake about It. There is net u mother en eaith who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate tha bewelB, and give rest te the mother, and relict and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te urem all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and id the prescription et one et tjjc eldest and best li.'iuale physician und nurses in the United Slates. Sold everywhere; 25 cents a het lie "iiuMvd.twM.W&S MARRIAGES. Mii.i.i!it Enklk. On the 20th et Dcc..418Sl, by the Uev. W. T. Gerhard, at Ids residence. Xe. :i East Orange street, Mr. .lehn K. Miller, el Maytown, te Miss N. Lizzie Engle, of Mari etta. (121-21- Giiehi- Kai'hms.- On the 2011. or Dec 1831, by the Uev. W. T. Gerhard, at his residence, Jve. :il Lust Orange street, Mr. Martin S. Crell 1e Mis Annie. K. Kaullman, both el Cone-stega Centre. 12l-2t Wilkv Bechtelii. In this city, en the 'JUfc lust., by the Uev. G. W. Sellhamcr, at the p:ir Minuge, 4'J Xerth Prince street, Gee. B. Wiley te Miss Liszie UcchleUl, both el this city. DEATHS. IlLMrnuiiYViLLii. In Canten, Ohie, Dec. 2 lsWI, Charles, son of Jacob and Kate llmii phreyville, in the 20th year el hi age. Netice et funeral hereatter. Wii.nni.ir. In this city, en the COth el Dee., li.Sl. samli, relict el the late llciuy Wilhelm, in the 7."th year et her age. The relatives and friends of the family, aNe I. O. I'hile'ithcans, Ne. 1, jire respectfully in vited te attend the luneral, from her late resi dence. Ne. la ) East Orange street, en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td yjiW Alt VEKT1SEMFSTS. I (1ST A HUNCH OF SMALL KKYS. A j Miit:ih!e reward will be given ler their return te .1. 15. KAUFMAN. It Hit East King street. WATKl YOUNO MEN TO ACT AS agents ler the Union News Company. Apply at stand in depot te It' F. M.SHKILS. R I NG WALT'S WINE, LIQUOU, ALCOHOL AND GROCERY STORE. Ii hKMvd XO. 20T) WEST K1XG STREET. ;Mi; THE HOLIDAYS. A m ell-salcctcd Stock of 1'IAXOS AND OROAXS. ESTI-.Y JILLODF.OX ler sale cheap. JUSTUS STUCICEXIIOLTZ. o2."itejanl,82,i: Fulton Hall. Lancaster, l'a. TtAMRO AMI KALUtVLN APPLES, SIX IX Varieties of ORANGES, Elegant Raisin-, Candies and Nuts are just a lewef the nice goods at ECKERT'S FKU1T STOKE, 129 East King street. OYSTERS el every brand, by the barrel or hundred. It IKIVATK DWELLINGS FOIt SALE. Five seven-roomed dwelling houses, situ iitcnn Seuth Water street; water in kitchen': drainage; prices low ; terms asy. Alse, a si roomed Inline dwelling en Nerlli MaiUel -.tree', pply te n.vi'&MAX & nuitxs. lit) -:iuilW&Si; lOWestOnmge SI. : iKAUD OK FillLADKI.l'IA. Assets ever ELEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND Dellar, securely invested. Fer a policy in this old aud well-established company call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, XO. Vi EAST Kl NU STKEKT. dSM.W.VsK 17-E IIAVK TUE IIANDSOUEST AND W finest window display In the eily. Don't iail te tee it. ,s7 K UAXDKERCIITEFP, WSPEXDERS, NEOKT1EH, MUFFLERS, POVKET-IiOOKS, AUTOGRAPH ANI) PnOTO GRAPH ALBUMS, CIGAR CASES, BRISMAN'S, NO. SO KUKTU OUEEN STKEKT. lULTOH Ol'EKA HOUSE. WOOD'S MUSEUM COMPANY, Ninth aud Arch streets, Philadelphia, will give a grand CHUISTMAS HOLIDAY l'EHFOUMANCE at Fulton Opera Heuse, MONDAY EVENING, DKO. 26th, t'peu which occa-ien Augustine Daly's amus inguud emotional Comedy, in live acts, ei FROU-FROU, A COMPANION PLAY TO EAST LYNX. MISS LILUK IIINTOX (In her great charac ter el) Gitberlt: GKO. WOOD Proprietor and Manager. UFO. M. FK1ED Uu-lness Manager. PRICES: Parquet, 75c.; Parquet Circle, 50c, Gallery, 35c. 21--H GEO. M. FillED, llubincss Man. 1)CHLIC SALE. WILE HE SOLD AT l'Ult licsaSc en TUESDAY. DEC. 27. 1SS1. at 7 o'clock in the evening, t the Plew tavern en West King street, the following real estate be longing te the estate of Jacob Millichsec::, dee'd,: Letet ground containing in front C2 feet 0 inches, meic or le?s, and extending in depth 22 leet, mere or less, together with a double one-story Iramcandleg DWELLING HOUdE and fiame kitchen small stab.'e, variety of fruit tiees, hydrant in yard situate en the south side et aud being Nes. 820 and r22 Hijrh street, Lancaster, Pa. .IOIIX DE1IAVEN, JEKEMIAHUIFE, Executers. Alse at the same time and place the follow ing property belonging te the estate et Mary Milllchseck, deceased. Let of ground, con taining in front 10 leet, mere or less, and ex tending in depth l33feet.mere cr less, together with a two story Frame DWELLING HOUSE and Kitchen; well of water, lruit, &c. situ ate en the west side of and being Ne. 312 Con cord alley, north or Walnut street. Terms at sale JOHN DEHAVEN, JEREMIAH RIFE, Agents for the Heirs. Alse at the same time and place a let of ground containing in lrent SOtee.inere or les, and extending in depth 133 leet, mere or less, together with ntwo-stery Frame DWELLIXG HOUSE and Kitchen ; well et water, fruit,&c.. situate en the west side of and being Ne. 311 Concord alley, north et Walnut street, and ad joining the last above described premises. J JOHN DEnAVEX, d21,22,21.24,27S&TuUl JEREMIAH RIFE. SEW ADVESTI8E3CESIB. T?OR SALE. A TWO-STOBY BRICK J? D WELLING with Brick Kitchen, 5 rooms, entry and plastered attic ; hydrant and pump, variety of email fruit. The property is located in the vicinity et the Cotten Mills and will be sold at a bargain. Is desirable as a home or for investment Xe. 318 Heaver street. RIFE & KAUFMAN", a2-3ldSMWS,R 19 East King street. T'HE KIGUT PLACE TO GO TO BUY PURE COXFECTIOXS and line FRUIT is at JOSEPH Ji. ROVERS WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL COXFECTiQXERY. CO and 52 West King street. Puie Confections et endless variety, all Fruit and Xuts in season. Mixture, from the cheapest te the finest made, that will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Call and be convinced. dlClwdR JOS. R. KOYER. JUST THE T11INU FOR CHUISTMAS PRESENTS ! The acknowledged P.EsT FIVE-CENT HA VANA CIGARS IX THE STATE. "GOLDEX CHARIOT." S3. 30 a box ; H3.V00 a thousand. THE XATIOX'S PRIDE-JAMES A. GARFIELD. tt.'S.OO a box ; 930.00 a thousand. - PLAXTATIOXr H'i.ie a b : SSS.OO a thi.usund. .Manufactured and for sale by .1. G. GOODMAN, t"2 Seuth Oueeu ht. 1"7 Reaver St.. it Lancaster, l'a. "UIXAT THE EMPORIUM OK HOLIDAY PRESETS Where will be found a larger stock el PRES EXT.S than ever b.-lere. Toilet and Perfumery Cases. An immense variety of all the latest novelties from New Yerk and Philadelphia in Leather and Flush Goods, Such as LETTER. CARD and CIGAR CASES, POCKET ROOKS, PURSES:, cte., irem the cheapest te the highest priced. Call and examine. Ne trouble te show goods ANDREW G. PREY, Lancaster City Pharmacy, Cerner North Oueeu and Orange Sts. OI'ECIAL NOTICE. CLOSIM OUT SALE Ol- HOLIDAY GOODS. AT Givler, Bewers & Hurst's, 25 EAST KING STREET, RegardlessofCest I X Japanese Goods, China Vases and Toys, Leather Gloves, Handkerchief Bexes, Leather Satchels and Valisss, We have only Ti lew lull, and have mat Iced Iheia al prices 111 ii must -ell them. CALL EARLY AXD SECURE A RARGATX. We short an endles- v.uiely el S1L E II A X h E EAU 'H I EFS, 1. 1 XIJX II A X h A" EEC II I EFS, TIES AXI) SCARFS, a lev es . i xi) :i i ttexs, TOWELS AXl X'AI'EIXS, SILK UMERELLAS, CftSSA MLR WATERPROOFS, And niaiij oilier eheiceailiclesth.it will make an aeeeplable. Chi i-l:r.:i- CHI. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 East King Street, i.A.cAvn:!. pa. (1(1 '!( J. B. MARTIN & CO., -FOR- Elegant and Useful HOLIDAY GIFTS -IN FINE CHINA BISQUE AND GLASS, DECORATED DINNER & TEA WARE. DECORATED CHAMBER WARE, IIAVILAXD'S GOLD BAND WHITE CHINA, IX TEA AXD HIXXER WARE. HEADQUARTERS Ft Ml STUDENT LAMPS. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. JVill ADTXKIttEMXltTB. iflE" READY-MADE CLOTHING MANUFACTURED A. C. YATES & CO., LEDGER j BUILDING! PBMDEPHIl Is. acknowledged te be far superior te any ether make in trie country and as low in price as anywhere. SEND FOR SAMPLES. B EAUT1FUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, BRONZES, And the many elegant and artistic articles embraced In our stock are especially lilted for HOLIDAY GIFTS, ' BECA USE THEY A RE Durable, Useful- and Intrinsically Valuable. '1 he very liberal share or trade we have received in the past has encouraged us te place in our cases a liner and larger stock than ever before, te which wc cordially invite the attention et till who desire te examine beautiful oeds. EDW. J. ZAHM. Jeweler. ZAHM'S CORNEA, nct2J-:iind&wK rvByiTVun. c HltlST.llAS PIIKSEXTX, Christmas Presents! The largest stock of HOLIDAY GOODS in the city, comprising , R A TTAX CHAIRS. ' ROCKERS and PA TEXT ROCKERS, i TURKISH ROCKERS, PA TEXT ROCKERS AXD EASY CHAIRS, CHIFFOXIERS, ESCRETOIRES, CABINETS. EASELS. FOOT RESTS, TOWEL RACKS, SI.IPPKRAND WISP RACKS, in Ebenv, M hegany and Walnut. A very KINK ASSORTMENT, indeed. Always a pleasure te show goods. PICTURE FRAMES, In Geld, Ebony and Walnut, at short notice. WALTER A. HE1N1TSH. 15 KAST KING STUKKT. sepit-.'Inul ULOTMNU. 0"K Children's and Beys' OVETCCOATS, or the tew (d them that we have It-It. have! h.eii MARKED DOWN IN PJUCES until the pielil is all taken away, and with omeef tlicin we have paid no attention te -e-t ; and THOSE THAT COME EARLY WILL OETTUE REST CHOICE. A Ne. -mm' nuuihcr- el our UNDERWEAR wc have lSeiluceil Very Much in Price. and we here slate moil emphatically that our pi Ices are the LOWEST IN THE CITY. We also haven lull line of HLK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, but thi-piiees uieiolew that is dillicult te say hew hoeii the as-eiiment will be broken. & 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. V 11 IK A AX 11 ULASHWARi.. T11GI1 & itlAKTIK. HOLIDAY GOODS AT CHINA HALL. We have new the LARGEST ASSORTMENT -OF Holiday Goods in our line EVER BROUGHT TO LANCASTER. hpace will net permit naming el the many articles ( fancy ami substantial ) suitable ler CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Examine our very large sleck, and be con vinced of the above lactc. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Street. FOR SALE. SAWJUIlA.FOUsAL.K- A TWKNTY-1TOUK horse power portable SAW MILL, as geed as new. Address, PHILIP LE15ZELTEK, Englc Speke and Bending Works, d.twtf Lancaster, Pa. NOTICE TO PIlOfKKTV IIULDISKS. Thc last issue for this season of our " Real Estate Catalogue " w ill be printed very shortly. These wishing te enter their prop erty for sale should notify us at once. Ne charge for city property unless sold. ALLAN A. UERR & CO., Real Estate end Insurance Agents. dl9 Ne. 3 North Dnke Street. AND SOLD BY ; CHESTNUT AND SIXTH MONEY REFUNDED. LANCASTER. PENN'A. CLOTHING. !0 CLOTHING! CLOTHINU!! IT IS IN" THE INTEREST OK F.VERY I RUVER OK CLOTHING ! TO EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OP SUITS AND OVERCOATS. FOR WINTER. WE CAN SELL YOU AN ALL-WOOL SUIT FOR MEN O UR O W'X MA XUFA CTVRE FOR tMO.OO. Heavy Winter Overcoat, $7.00. WE HAVE ALWAYS ON IIANO A Kl'I.L STOCK ANI ALL SIZES. D. B. Hostetter & Sen 24 CENTRE SQUARE, atjyil f.ANCASTKIt. VP rVK LAST CAK1) FOR 1881 ! HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS! A LOT OP GENUINE Seal Skin Cleths for Ladies' Sacques. A lull line id' OCNTLKMEN'S IIARER DASIIIIERY. A lew mere el these- Elegant PARISIAN OVERCOATINGS. CROMIIIE'S ELYSIANS, FUR, VICUNAS A LALLAPELLES PARISIAN VELOURS, MONTAXAKS AhTRACHANS. A UuiuNemc Line et Medium and LighN Weight OVEKCOATINGS, IN THE LATEST HESUiN and COLORING. Our ail vice te persons in want of an OVER COAT is te buy new ; the investment is prolit prelit able it it should be carried ever the season. Our goods never go out of style, being selected with the greatest care. REAR IN MIND wu me the only house in Lancaster that handle this clans of goods. An early order is the only guarantee of securing them. They will neticnibln en hand long and can net be duplicated this season. All are cordially invited te call at 121 N. QUEEN STREET. J. K SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. 43-N. It. Persons net FAMILIAR with the names and character of our goods will please call en us. Wctake great pleasure in showing and explaining their peculiar merit. II W.ts jtALL. OPKNINO H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, Ol the LARGEST ASSORTMENT! tine SUITING, OVERCOATING, AND PANTALOON INO ever brought te the City of Lancaster. Prices as Lew as the Lewest AKO All Goods Warranted as Represented H. GERHART'S, NEW STORE, Ne. 6 East King Street, NOTIVK IS HEREBY GIVEN TUATTHE annual election ler directors or the Fi delity Uenefielal Society, will be held at their office in Ellzabetbtewn, en WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1882, between one and two o'clock p. m. S. B. HACKENBERGER, dlO-nnr Secretary. THIRD EDITION WEDNESDAY EVENING, DKO. 21, 1881. TVKATHEK INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Dec. 21. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, cloudy weather, with occasional light rain, light winds, mostly easterly, stationary or higher tem perature. The Ageny Resumed . Washington, Dee. 21. The usual crowd was present at the Guiteau trial te day, and all the jurors answered te their names. Dr. Hamilton, of Xew Yerk, took the stand. He testified with regard te " inspiration, " being freenently inter rupted by the prisoner. At one time the prisoner commenced te talk en ths inspiration theory and rat tled off his oft-repeated harangue en " ir resistible pressure." Ne one interrupted him, and when he finally appeared at a less for something mere te say he quietly subsided and bnsied himself with his newspapers. Te show that many people adjudged medically insane are still able te discrimi nate between right and wrong. Dr. Ham ilten said tbat in nearly all asylums a sys tem of rewards and punishments is in vogue in dealing with the insane, showing tbat it is recognized that they can se dis tinguish and can control their actions. BY WIRE. Till: TEI.EGKAPUIC NEWS. Frem All Purls or the Country. Speaker Keifcr te-day named the Heuse committees. Among the chairmanships are : Ways and means, Kelley (Pa.) ; ap propriations, Hiscock, and banking -and currency, Crape (Mass.). The oleomargarine factory of the Amer ican manufacturing company was damaged by fire this morning te the amount of $20,000. Charles O'Neill, aged 35, aud Patrick Ryan, aged 25, were drowned in Six lakes, Mich., yesterday. Twe-little cousins, aged 10 and 12, the sons of Frederick and Wm. Kern, broke through the ice aud wcre drowned at Wa Wa tertewn. Wis. Jehn Ludwig Kuapf, the notable Ger man explorer, is dead. The smallpox epidemic continues in Chi cago. ' E. II. Tupper died in a dentist's chair at Chicago. The Heuso has passed a resolution pro viding for joint session of the two branch es of Congress, en a date te be hereafter fixed te hear address by Mr. Blaine en the life and character of the late President Garfield and inviting the president and ex presidents of the United States te be pres ent as well as ether high officers of gov ernment and the governors of the several states. MARKETS. l'lillailelphla Hirket. Puiladklthia, December 21. Fleur dull and unchanged. Rye flour at T 2a. Wheat dull and weal? ; Del. and IVnii'u Red,$l !13S: de Aniher. $1 :Wfi;l II. Cern quiet and i-asiur. Oats dull. Rye steady at 97lHe Previsions dull. Lard dull. Ruttcr lair demand ter choice ; hut ether descriptions neglected. Rolls steady. Egirstlriu. Cheese quiul. Petroleum dull; refined, 7c. Whisky nt SI is. Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at Sgt) ; Pluxsc'. d dull at $1 !.. Live stecK aiurkeis. CniCAne. llezs Receipts, 40,000 head: ship ments. 3,:W) head ; market verv weak ; heavy jjrades 10c lower ; common te geed mixed at .- r.03fi; light nt r MM5K05; heavy packing and shipping at $!10g40; skips und culls, fl5 2T; closed dull and weaker. Cattle Receipts, 4,skje head ; shipments. 1,109 head ; market jtcnerally unchanged ; geed te choice fat at $5 sugc lft ; common te medium at H 1 Ml; mixed butchers', steady, with a fair supply and moderate demand ; peer te fair ;at $.'i 73 ; geed te choice lit $3I25; steckeis and ieeilers moderately nctlve and st-ady at $2 )l lft; peer mixed Tcxans at i'l 7ft3(,0 ; geed te choice at $3 :iOl 2ft. Sheep- Receipts, 2,a head ; shipments, 5U head ; demand brisk and market llrmcr ler geed ; common te lair at S:i 7ft : medium te geed at flJ -''; choice ul 91 7ftgft ft ; uxtiaat $5 70g. East I.ibehtv Cattle Receipt.", 1,7.11 head ; idling tali- at jes-terday's prices ;' Iceling geed. IIe-; Receipts, 5,5' 0 head; Philadelphlas, $ :iftS; ftO : yerkers. $ft 'J6QG 05. Sheep Rcccipts.1,000 head ; market UrNkund prices a shade higher than yesterday. Till: IlOl'SEIIOI.U MAKKl-.T. Vi:iXEsn.vY, Dec. 21. The inest netlccublu thing en market thli morning was the mass erevergreens with winch Centre square was llllcd. Christmas trees et every size and va riety were and arc btill displayed In wonder ful profusion, and eitercd at all prices from ft cents up te $ft. Helly brunches, mistletoe, inoe.se., wintcrgreen, crowfeet, ferns, Ac, arc also in great abundance. Tied greens sell at about iafi5e. a yard, and cresses, ancheis. wreaths, horse .shoes, Jicc., at prices tanging all the way from 10 cent3 te a dollar. The florists had their stands finely decorated with winter flowering plants and prepared grasses, some el t hem being very bcautilul. The sup ply et fruits and nuts of all kinds was also very abundant. Oranges sold at 1535c. a de.en, and lemons at 1220c. Apples of very line finality sold at 20g3Cc. hall peck. A nov elty en one of the stands was a watermelon, et last summer's growth. It looked te he as fresh a ever, and $l.ft3 was ellercd Ter it but net taken. Sweet potatoes advanced 5 cent per halt peck, the small ones selling ler 20 and the large ones SOc. Eggs were scarce at 35c. per dozed, and butter (much et it stale) at 40c. per pound. Celery was small, hut crisp, and sold at inc. a bunch : cabbage at 20c. a head. Chicken, ducks and geese were abundant at last week's prices. The supply of turkeys was large, but the demand was larger, and prices advanced te l3ISc. per pound ler dressed ones, some very fine engp bringing 10?. Ilea's HI Ti. and llsh were unchangc Nev Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecul Siccus also United States Rends reported daily by Jacob 15. I.one, N. E. Cor. Centre Square. New Yerk Stocks. Slecks active. Dec. 21. 10:00 law 3:(a Aieucy G - Chicago North Western ! 123' 1241 Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul WAVX.vX,wX Canada Southern 591$ 57 C. C.&I.C. R.R 20 .. 20li Del..l.ack.& Western 1254 12C 12034 Delaware A Hudsen Canal 10f incu 10CK Denver Rie Grande C8 fi&u 70U East Ten 11., Va. & Ua 11JJ ... vf. Hannibal A St. Jee 11C4 9C4 Lake Shere & Mich. Southern.. 11SJ2 1I 118 Manhattan Elevated r,7 Michigan Central., 87 : Missouri. Kansas A Texas :n 37S :S N. V., Lake Erie & Western 42J4 42'4 42)1 iew Jersey Central 11014 S8 ten N. V., Ontario Western 27 274 274i New Yerk Central 1.54 ix' 133J4 Ohie ft Mississippi : 36 36 Ohie Central 21 22 21 Pacific Mall Steamship Ce.... 41 41' 12 St. Paul 4 Omaha sii .Ti2 3CI4 de Preferred 101 leiii leiJi Central Pacitlc ueji go 91 " Texas Pacific te ea UAC Union Pacific H79; licj 117 Wabash, St. Leuis ft Pacific.... any. sm 38 Preferred. 72 722 73ji nisuini uniuii ici. we.... 8 81 82j A. X. T. V. PHILADKLPniA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania It. B I&CXLuID'ri Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Ex DIv.. Buffalo, Pitts, ft Western.... Northern Centra! Northern Pacillc. " Prelerrcil - Hestenvillc. , 62Ji 33 4r 21 37K '7J C2U C2 33 33 .... ii 3X 42 21 20 .... 52 38X 37 7 T! '.'.'.'. 105 .... 20 .... 170 :2K co Electric Underground Tel. Ce. . 110 rmiadeipniL a trie it. 1;.. Gunnison Mining Iowa Gulch Mininir...., ... r.n. 1J0 119! 114: 102JJ irei nw xer mwui. Nbw 'jteKK, Dec. 21. Fleur State and Western dull anil declining ; Superfine State. $44f 5 : Extra de, 4 705 40 : Choice de. IS SO 67 ; Supernne Western, $133 : common te geed extra de. $4 m6 00. Southern dull and eavy ; geed te choice, old. $1 8033. Wheat iiOJic lower, dull and heavy ; Se. 2 Bed. spot, II 33 ; de Dec. 11 33 ; de Jen. II 39 1 394i ; de Feb., II 42QI 42?; de JInr., 1 44 Cern dull and prices without decided change ; mixed Western spot, CdQeSKe ; de lutures,G7K73?c. Oats without important change, including Xe. 2, Jan. at48c;de Feb., 48Kc: de May, 49c ; state, 4333 ; Western, 47S33. dhy aoeos. STOATS, DOLMANS, JACKETS. WATT, SHAND & CO. Have opened another choice line of thes Elegant Clese-EItling LIGHT COLORED COATS and JACKETS AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS Twe Cases DAMMASSE DRESS GOODS At 8c. and 10c. a yard. One Case GERSTER SUITING, S5c. a yard Oue Case ALL-WOOL CLOTH SUITING, 25c. a yard. We eirer the very best possible valne in BLACK CASHMERES At 35, 45, SO, OS l-, 7J, 87 l-2c, SI a yard. All the New Shades In SC-INCH All-Weel CASHMERES, 50c. a yd. Ladles', Gentlemen's and Children's M K RINO and ALL-WOOL HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR In all sizes and qualities at bottom price. We have again received a full line of BLANKET AND THIBET SHAWLS at the same Lew Price. CORSETS, GLOVES, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, RIBBONS, HANDKERCHIEFS, XOTIOXS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY AT NEW YORK STORE 8 & 10 E. KING STREET. TTOLIDAY GOOll HOLIDAY GOODS, HOLIDAY GOODS. lager & Brether. Exhibit with their Large Stock el DRY GOODS a Choice Selection of Articles Miilahh; for HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR Ladies, (jentleiueii ami Children. LACE GOODS. Duchess, Quipure, Point Venice and Mericeurt Laces in Fichus Vesta, Ti'03 and Cellars. HANDK RR( tfHEFS, Hemstitched, Embroidered, Colored Berder and Silk. KLD GLOVES. 10 and 15 hooks and 3 and 6 hut hut tens. Black, Celers, White and Opera Shades. FUR TOP GLOVES AND MITTS. SHAWLS. Ladles' Gtts ifl Delv. Children's Cloaks. j SII.K UMllUCI.I.AS Si.r Lailh ami Genii. UENT.V SILK TIES, -Si.'ARFS. MCKFLERS HANDKERCHIEFS uu! GLOVES, Ne. 25 West Kinjj Street. LANCASTER, PA, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. YtTKDIIING Anil CHKISTMAS GIFTS. MUSIC-BOXES. Superior Quality. Newest Selections. Popular Prices. THE MOST APPROPRIATE WeddiDg and Christmas Present Wc eiler during the Holidays the largest anil most varied Hleck et MUSIC-BOXES ever shown in this country, at the Swi.11 factory price, with only advance of import duty, le-a than half the regular retail price. MUSICAL BOXES, WITH REELS, DRUMS. CASTANETS. ZITHERS, tc, tc. MUSICAL ALBUMS. C. Giwtschi & Ce.. Mannfactnrcrs, STE. CROIX and GENEVE. Swltxnrland. Salesrooms, 1020 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. 3St-nil for Circular. ilC-lM JEWELERS. ryKKA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AT AUUUSTUS fiHOADS, Jeweler, Xe. 30 East King Street. Lancaster. Pa fscpt28-.1mdecd I AD1ES- UAIlt DRKSSKR MRS. C. LILLER. Ladies' Hair Dresser. Manufacturer end Dealer In Hair Werk, Ladies' and Gents' Wicra. Combings straight ened and made te order. Hair Jewelry et all kinds made up. Alse, Kid Gloves an; Feath ers cleaned aud dyed; Alse, Ladies' Shampoo in. 2T 4 2i7 XORTH QITEEX STEET. e5 r.nul Four doei-s above P. U. R. Ucpe USITBO STATBB BOSS9. United States 4 per cants. 4X 5 3 MM & BROTHER,