v aitr HwftpH flirts Ihffl V I VVVV !) cnie XVI II--Nil I0. LANCASTER, PA., FEIDAY. DECEMBER 16, 18S1. Prira Tire Cente. w JOIiy JOHN THI of Philadelphia, AT THE GRAND DEPOT, In both the Main Building and the two new annexes, when FIV3 ACRES OF FLOOR SPACE AND GALLERIES will be thrown open te the public for tlie marvelously beautiful exhibition of dry goods, fancy goods, ladies dresses, and house furnishings of overy description. Vienna, Paris, Berlin and Switzerland have poured in beautiful things for Christmas, and the new toy department covering- a half-acre lob is LIKE FAIRY LAND. All told, the present stock offers our customers a selection frcm almost two million dollars' worth of goods. The ladies' suits and coats and the Fur Department occupy the new buildiner directly en the corner of Thirteenth and Chestnut. The ladies', genta' and children's hosiery, gloves end gents' furnishing' sroeds occupy the three stores ( thrown into one ) en the west side of Chestnut Street entrance. The Immense Windows On Chestnut Street, and the arcade entrance, with its splendid displays of Christmas things, 111 he illuminated with Electric Light until 10 o'clock every night. Mail orders have our careful attention. We are organized te attend te twelve hundred lotters daily. . . JOHN Graild Depot thirteenth, Market and Chestnut Ste., J VKIIS & KATUrOX, FINE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, EMPLOY READ Y M A D E C L O T H I ISE G . If we undertake te describe em FINE ASSORTMENT in these goods it would eens-inne mere than our sham of space and mere of veur patience te read it than is allowable. Sr.flicc it te say we have every thinjr, from the 810 SUIT we have told von about, t."1 he FINEST CLOTHING a gentleman requires. BY THOSE WHO HAVE DEALT WITH US OUR GOODS ARE CONCEDED TO BE THE BEST IN" LANCASTER CITY OR COUNTY. CHINA AMD ULASSWAi:!:. TTIOII & 31AUTIN. CHINA HALL. Opening another Xcw Let et HOLIDAY GOODS IX Haviland's China, i R0HK3IL13 GLASSWARE, FANCY GOODS. A new line of DECORATED .CI! AMI5EM SETS, TEA r.ml DINNER SETS. All thou wares were selected wilhilic great eft care as te Style, (jualiiy and ncccraiinn. Itclcre selecting your OELBI6TMAS GIFTS ::m:ne our very large stick. HIGH & MA11TIN, I Ne. 15 East King Street. MEDICAL. y echi:k's Renowned Cough Syrup. A plcai.nt, yale.spccdv and sure remedy ter Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influen za. Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting of illoed, In In flhmmatien ej the Lungs and all Diseases of the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and efllcicnt qualities for the cure or all kind-tef lung diseases. I'KICE, 25 Cents. Prepared onlyanUseldby OHAS. A. LOOHEB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Ne. 9 East King street, Lancaster. WAXAJTAKISIC'S UllEAT HOLIDAY WANAMAKER WILL INAUGURATE ON MONDAY, DECEMB GKEAT AY WANAMAKB CLOT1ILSG. 5, rv!,;:s a- i:.vn:ire:c, THi: FIVE best cut-thus in T!IK it;e ifirTjjns. HON r:iTTKKS. IRON BITTERS! A TBUE TONIC. SURE APPETISER. 1UOX UlTTKIWars-l;!!:ly"reeenimeiiilffI fr :,!! diseases rcrir.ii'ieg a certain and cfti cit'iit tonic; especially ! INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE. TIT-L0SS op strength, I! iiriel!:s tlit; Meed, stictigthens tin- iincUv, and gives new life te the nerves. It acta like a charm en the digestive organs, removing nil dyspeptic symptoms, such as Ttniiaftht l'oeil, Retching, Hcalin the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tim only Iren i'rrpsirailnu that 'will mit ulucken the Seetii r give heaUaclif . Sold hv all dr;iggi.ls. Write ler the A I! C ISoelc, "!-.' pp. et useful and am using reading tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, i.'.MydSw BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Snle eM COCHRAN'S DRUG STOBE. 137 and 1S9 North Quean atrset, Lancaster. HOLIDAY "J.j'L.INN &r AV1I.I.SON. Grand Opening of Toys, CHRISTMAS GOODS. A Larger stock than ever. Lewer prices than ever. Every variety of MECHANICAL TOYS ! Dells! Dells! Dells! Blocks and Games, Horses, Carts, Wagons, Sleighs, Velocipedes, Bicycles USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Elegant. Carvers, Silver-Plated Knives, Silvcr-PJatcd Spoons, Silver-Plated Ferks. The above goods are Redgcrs & Bre. :s best goods, bought at a sacrifice and will be sold very low. HOUSEFURNISIIING GOODS Tin, Sheet Iren and Weeden Ware at Great Bargains. FLTNN & WILLSON'S, STOVE AXD IIEATEB STOBE, 152 & 154 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. .SMJ.f.'. EE 5th, SALE Philadelphia, j i nes .v- i:AT!irex. CfTY. f EIOS SJITTEKS. lack of energy, &c. VOODS. Hancaster SjntcUtgcftccr. FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 16, 1831. ROMANCE AND REALITY. 7.500,000,00 SILK WORM EGGS. ENGLAND'S WAR "WITH ZULU LAND. MOKK GOOSE HOSE PHILOSOPHY. Watte Petroleum Kuiniag eyitsr Jlcds. Staten Island eystcrrnen claim that the waste petroleum oil from the factories or. the New Jersey shore is ruining their business. On any calm day the waters of the Kill Yen Kull can be seen ceveicd with the oil. The oystermen say that the oysters are se affected by the oil as te be unfit for use. As the nuisance comes from another state, the oystermen despair of its being abated. Three cars, containing 250,000,000 cards of silk worms' eggs each card having CO, 000 eggs, arc ccmiug eastward, The total value of the eggs is $230,000. They came from Japan, and are bound for Milan, Ita.y. I'ermerly such shipments were made via India. Four Italian merchants have charge of the precious freight. Thirty two years age, when Mary Ward of Middle-town, X. Y., was only five years of age, an elder sister fereed two water- melon seeds into her was extracted seen ear. One of them tftcr the occurrence. An annoyance in Mrs. Ward's ear a few days age caused her te in.sevt a pin into it, which produced the icmain;ngFCf.d, well preserved. She says she will plant ii. i'ew lIc an! Jien lleMjjn. N. Y. V.'erld. As f his is a!i era of public sub.cripM m for the benefit e! public charactcis, it might be well for the suitors and lawyers of the supreme court te provide a retiring fund for Judge Hunt. Why net purchase tiie living from him as in the case of a disabled English rector '.' This spectacle of a judge holding en te the emoluments of an ofiice when he knows lie new cannot and never can discharge its functions is a remarkable illustration of the charge recently brought against this country by an English reviewer that oflice-helding is as much of a profession : America as practicing medicine. lagiuml'i Zulu War. One of the oddest and most complete of the revenges which the whirligig of time has brought in recently is illustrated in a recent issue of the Londen Morning Teut, where Lady Florence Dixie, that pirper's special correspondent hi Seuth Africa, de votes a whole page te a review of the " causes and facts of the Zulu war'" and the captivity of CVtewaye. and sums it up as fellows : " We forced the war en the King ; we leek from his liberty and his eeuntiy ; Vie listened te every false repest ami misrepresentation that could be brought against him, and ve crowned the whole fabric of injustice by a dreary and miserable captivity." The Zulu king she found " a noble, dignified man, sa gacious, possessed of considerable abil ity,"' anxious te be friend'y with England and possessing the confidence and affec tion of all his people. Considering that the Morning 1'esl awears by Sir Battle Freie in Seuth African affairs, this delib erates ra'ist have surprised its readers. l"?r tjie FavorUe of an &yit:il:i IJarcni. One of the royal nabobs of the East, Sami Pasha, of Eirypt. the nearest te the Khedive, has had a magnificent set of harness made in Phi'a dolphin, for a pet Arabian stallion belong ing te the favorite of his harem, in Alex andria arc two former rhiladclphians, J F. Millikcu and W. M. Hughes, who are prosperous merchants iu that famous old EgypU-'u city, with the potentates of the realm as their patrons, and through them the order came. The syt is made el the finest buff nndiessed leather, tanned white and tieatcd afterward with pipe clay. The bames are of wrought steel, plated with. rolls of solid silver. The buckles, terrels.) ami all the mountings are or white met.n. coated with silver. The name of tlie stal- lien is Enes. Thofaveiito of the harem te whom the horse was givn is named Adeliali. She is a Circassian ; id is said te be surpassingly beautiful. A Keiistiucc of tiie Calilei'iibi Ue!;! Pcvrr. Thirty-one year age William W. W. Chambers left hi3 young wife in Syracuse suddenly and without notice, and it was supposed went te California, having maiii fested symptoms of the geld fever. Noth ing was every heard from- him directly. Upen the affirmation that a man answer ing his descrip'.:en died of ship fever eioss eiess ing the Isthmus if Panama, fn iyU, Mr. Gage, of New Yerk, Ids brother in-law, sued the British Commercial life insurance company te leeever en a policy of 010,000, which he held en Chambers's life. The jury was net satisfied with the proof of death and found for defendant. Mrs. Chambers married Mr. Travis, of Detroit, seme years age. Mayer Hendricks ha-, just received a letter from Bairnsdale, Australia, announcing the death of Cham bers, and that h. has lel' an estate te be disne'-cd of. A Wonderful Crew iUmyt. Near Salem, N. ., en a tract of timbtr at Alloway's Cirek Neck, belonging te Themas Shands, is a, crews" roost, which is the wonder of tiie neighborhood A small crew roost was found several whiles f age in the tract and it kept growing until it new comprises a family of several thens and. The music made by the crews is net only superior te any ever heard from the threats of crews by old-time residents, but by seme seri of understanding among the musicians, there is no cessation of the music. The roost seems te be divided into two companies, one of which warbles dur ing the daytime and the ether at night while one half aie asleep the ether half keep up the concert. Then they alternate. Fer thrce weeks have these crews kept up their orderly method of warbling, and the noise has net ceased for a moment. Yet it is net disagreeable and the old women say that they could net go te sleep without the sound of the crews in J heir cars. A certain number of the crews go en a for aging expedition every day, and half a dozen act as guards, roosting in a tree several bundled feet distaut, and give warning when any one approaches tee close te the roost. an u-jeui: cj:i:k.u:-v. A ft-rlcisIiKenigeeVhriftteucil in si" ISus'i-ih Church. I.-.11 . !. U... I I. . !'!. . ijst., at St Paul's, Onslow .-.qiiusv. : chris'"dn took place suffi ciently unique in icter te draw to gether an immense en. ;egatieu. Tewfik, wtie was impsi-;eued the Turkish gov ernment, a::i lay nudes s-ntencoef djath for taking part in !l"- r" lit'fm of the English prayer book info :-, wive lan guaguc, was received i ! English church. At four n'ch 'It the stiaius of the organ, this small, dark refugee, looking very much like a prisoner, clothed in a long black robe, with fez and turban, was brought up the aisle under the escort of his ged.parcnts. Arch deacon Philper, Sir "William Muir and Mrs. Webb Peplee, who placed him in a seat close te the front and immediately under the gallery. Meanwhile Dr. Kehler mounted the pulpit and gave au interesting and impressive account of what it cost the convert te renounce Mohammedanism. At the end of the discourse Dr. Kehler and Mr. Peplee came up the aisle te the font, in front of which steed the thrce sponsors. The meekest of Turks was then led te his place, where he steed in an attitude of profound reverence net with his head down, but with his head elevated toward heaven, and his careworn face bedewed with emotion. When he knelt, with his face still up, his attitude was painfully suggestive of instant execution. When Mr. Pep'oe had finished his part of the service in English, Dr. Kehler repeat ed it iu Turkish, during which Ahmed lewfil: betrayed the writniugs et the spirit in a series of groans and Oriental muticiings, but gave out the responses with great clearness, and all the solemnity due te his tianslatien from one religion te another. When all was ever lie gravely raised the Christian hands of Dr. Kehler and Mr. Peplee and kissed them with Christian lips, and then lcceived the con gratulatiens of some clergymen and fi iends. M)T A AIIXIbTlU:. An Ainii'ins Ailvoiiturcel :i St. !.Gi:is lSruni mur. An Arkansas paper tells a story en Jehn A. Meeks, traveling man for Well fc Brether, of St. Leuis, lie hid just step ped oil" a train in a small town in the southern part of the state when he was accosted by a countryman, who asked deferentially: "What is your name, please'.' " " Meeks." "Well, Brether Meeks, I am here with a spring wagon, and am at your service. Ate you ready te go new'.' Where is your baggage:' Mccks did net question the man who had addressed him, supposing him te be a merchant of the village net far distaut. lie had been wondering if any mean:-! of transportation would be within reach, and considered himself for tunate in securing a spring wagon. The trip te the village was mainly character ized by silence. The driver made one or two allusions te religious matters, which Meeks answered laconically. When the spring wagon arrived at the village, Meeks was diiven te the residence of a prominent citizen, Mr. Geerge Yeung, where an ex cellent supper was waiting. Mr. Ypung and his family were delighted te see tlie young man. Yeung laughingly alluded le the la'-go trunks of his guest, lcmarking that the old saddle-bag days were ever. Meeks smiled ever a chicken bone, and affably aret.d with his host. Ai't r Mipper the paity repaiied te the parlor, where miscellaneous conversation, r.mpcied by a religious toxin, was engaged in. Finally Mr. Yeung, handing Meeks a Bible, requested him te read a certain chapter, which tiie young man did. Then Yeung, clearing his threat at one of the chikhen and nodding at another, re marked : "Brether Mcggs, lead us in piayer." " Meggs, the deuce !" exclaimed Meeks. "My name is net Mcggs. What in thun der does all this mean, anyway'? I am a St. Leuis drummer " " What !"' exclaimed Yeung ; " are you nut the man who was scut here te preach for us te-morrow ?" "I am sent here te sell you goods, but bunged if I'll preach for anybody." A raj) at the deer interrupted the con versation. A young man, fatigued and muddy, entered and introduced himself as Preacher Mcgns. The mistake was tiu.il explained. The driver of the spring wagon had taken the wrong man. Peer Meggs "hoofed" it seven miles. Tin: ouesk i:e.i:. ::nvif rresast tlie Weather :i:i I What! it l':eiii!-rs. I.euUviilc POi-t. j The readings of the geese bone indicates j a motley winter. There will be a geed deal of snow and a few cold days, but no pro tracted cold weather. Iu the month of December there will be no very cold weather. During the last of the month these will be a few days when, geed fires will be cheerful and overcoats comfort able. It will be an exceedingly disagree able month for outdoor work, with snow or rain every day or two. .The prebabili tics are for a wet, gloomy Christmas. This kind of weather will continue esi through January, with a few cold day., j sandwiched between rain and snow. About tiie middle of January there will te a few clear, cold days, when the mercury will go down below zero. The lattcrpait; et the mouth will be wet and gloomy. There will be mere genuine winter weather crowded intj the little mouth of February than iu December and January, but there will net be any intense cold. With the exception of the few days about the mid dle of January it is net likely that the mercury will go far below zero. The geese bone has long been an honored weather-prophet. In some of the back counties of Kentucky the farmers make all their arrangements in accordance with the predictions of the goesc-bono. In some localities the geese-bone is laid aside, labeled with the year, and it is said that one old farmer in Breathitt county has the bones extending back for mere than festy years, ami in all that time it is asserted that the bone has never been mistaken iu the weather. Te read correctly the winter of any year take the breast bone of a geese hatch', d during tlie preceding spring. The bone is translucent, and it will be found te be colored and spotted. The dark color ard heavy snots indicate cold. If the spots aie of a light shade and transparent, wet weather, rain or snow may be looked for. There arc a geed many people all ever the country who pin their faith te the goose geese bone. Of all the weather prophets it is t'se niesE honored. 'The little groundhog d.sgraeed himself long age, and new very fe. 7 people ever watch Candlemas day, and hogs' melts are no longer trusted in. A few years age, when Tice and all human weather prophets predicted the most severe winter weather ever known, the geese bone told of a mild winter. The future unrolled just as the bone said it would, and peer old Tice had te change his predictions every day. The goose geese bone never changes and never fails. Tnc 1'ust reporter has examined three bones, one from southeastern Kentucky, one from Laperte, Ind. They are identical te one another, and the reading here given will be found the same en the breast-bone of any geese hatched last spring. Cut this out and lay it aside for reference, and as you crowd up close te the fire en the leth of January, you will be convinced of the great power of the geese-bone. WerfclnRmr'n I Loek te your Interests ami save doctor hills by usins pr. Hull's Ceujrti Syrup. TliankK. Themas Heward, llradteiif. Pa., writes: "I enclose money for Spring IJlOrSOin, as 1 saM I would it it cured me ; my dyspepsia has van , ished with all its symptoms, ilany thanks ; I ' shall never be without it in the house." Price I 0 cents. Ker sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug store, 137 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. 1 C. YATES & CO. COLD WEATHER CLOTHING. 1 C. YATES & CO.. - - r THE" PLACE TO BUY IT. A house that has, in se short a time, established a trade of such magnificent proportions, must possess extr.ierdina.iy merit. Wc will lead yen into the secret of our continued success. FIRST AND FOREMOST : Producing Clothing SUPER IOR TO ALL OTHER-MAKES (we mean this literally and without retraction). THEX : SELLING AT LOW PRICES, with the understanding that the money will be refunded if purchases cannot otherwise be made satisfactory. Solid reasons why you should buy your Clothing of A. C. "VATES & CO., CHESTNUT AND SIXTH STS., PHILADELPHIA. vitr aoevs. A SPECIAL KAKOAIX IN FINE BLACK FIGURED BEAVERS. Last week wc purchased from one of the largest importers his entire stock of handsome, high-cost, neat-figured, furbaek HEAVERS. The transaction was a large one. and the prices at which we bought them very low. We shall sell them at from 25 te -10 per cent, below what the importers' price has been previous te this sale. The goods arc ali fresh manufactured for this season's sales, and the patterns the very newest, including Silcilienne Coaled, &c. We think this is a bargain without prece dent. Such goods arc always fashionable f r Ladies' Coats, Delmans, &e. Lislit Colored Heavers with Plushes jiim'i Hail Clelh for Triminii!. Light Coats, Dark Coats and Black Coats are all trimmed with Seal, Cleth or Plush, both of which we have in a great variety of colors and many qualities. This net only applies te Coats, but. also te Ulsters, Wraps anil almost every eutside gar ment worn by ladies this season as well as suits. CHILDREN'S OLOAKINGS. We arc very busy with the little eues. Ne wonder ; for nowhere is there such an assortment of handsome colors and pretty things for Children's Coats, Ulsters, &c. Then wc have the Seal Cleths and Plush, in shades that blcud beautifully with the Cleths. Mothers, bring your children along and let them help make a selection.; BOYS' OVERCOATINGS. Fer the boys we have a great many light colored Beavcrs.alse some handsome thick soft, nappy Beavers and then we have Green, Olive, Brown, Blue and every ether color and kind of Beavers, some plaid backs, ethers plain backs, but all can be made up without lining. Many are made very stylish by having pockets, culls and color of seal cloth or plush, if you like it. Nowhere else cm you find such beautiful trimmings at prices always the lowest consistent with quality. Handsome Seal Cleths for Ladle3' Coats and Delmans. Ladies who are debating in their minds about purchasing Seal Cleths should de cide promptly; present sales indicate a great 'carcity in the near future. SIODGRASS, IUERAY & CO., CLOTH HOUSE, MABKET & JflNTII STREETS, Philadelphia. X ASK CO. I" ANSI & CO. LAJNTE '& CO., Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA., DEALERS IN lOEEIGI AID DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. JUST OPKIIKO A SPI.KXDID LINE OP LADIES COATS AKD COATINGS, VERY CHEAP. LADIES' UNDERWEAll in all grades. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR, in Red and White Goods. 1JLANKE1V, in great variety. FEATHERS, Steam Cured. CARPETS and QUEENSWARE. HORSE and LAP ULANKETS, BOLTING CLOTHS, &c. Special inducements In price new as we desire te make a radical cIiuiikc in .stock l.y TA.NUAItY l.lfcSJ. Jacob ii. Marks. Jehn A. nay uoevH. uxrtinzsriiAj;, c-c. QW.'.lKTIIIriO NEW LACE THREAD UNDERSIIII&TS, FKATHEE-WEIGiiT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAN'S, T 1 1 E S II I It T M A K E It , NO. .".fi SOKTIl O.UKRN STKKKT. Cl 'JATS, DOLMANS, JACKETS. WATT;SHAND&C0. Have epunM another choice, lincerthes Elegant CleaL-Pittinjj LIGHT COLORED COATS and JACKETS AT PRICES J.OWEP. THAN EVEK UAUGAJNS IN DRESS GOODS Twe Ciicj DAMMASSE PKES3 GOODS At 3c. and 10c. a yard, One Case GKUSTEIt SUITING, 25c. a yard One Cine ALL-WOOL CLOTH SUITING, 23c. a yard. Wc ener the very best possible value in At "S, 4.", 50, Ci 1-2, 75, 87 l-2c, SI a ys All the New Shades in 20-INCH ard. All-Weel CASHMERES, 50c. a yd. Ladle.', Gentlemen's and Children's ME ltlNU and ALL-WOOL HOSIER! AND UNDERWEAR In all sizes and qualities at bottom prices. Wc have again received a full line of BLANKET AND THIBET SHAWLS at the fame Lew Price. COSET GLOVES, LACES, EM3HOID EUIESi KI1IIIONS. IIANUKEKCIllEF-i, --r r rrt t f "" l IN ENDLESS VAUILTY AT ' NEW YORK STOEE 8 & 10 E. KING STREET. CLOTHUfU. In Mil, Charles. Jehn B. Reth. BOOKS AND STATION JCltl. ( initiST.MAsPKEsKNTrs ILLUSTRATED ROOKS j end Cr-ins rr Art in Christmas end New Year Curds at L. M. FLYNN'S, V.i. 42 VKST KINO STKKKT. 1881."" 1882. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY GOODS!! new ei'kn: CALL AND SEE! AT THE IIOOKSTOKE OF JOM BABE'S SONS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. XU KNIT URF.. r-IUKlSTMAS, PKK3ENTS, Christmas Presents! The largest stock of HOLIDAY GOODS in the city, comprising RATTAN CHAIRS. ROCKERS find I'A TEXTROCKERS, LOUSOES. VOUCHES. TURKISH ROCKERS, PA TENT R O CKERS A ND EASY CHA IRS, CHIFFONIERS, ESCRETOIRES, CAUINETS. EASEIM. FOOT RESTS, TOWEL RACKS, SLIl'PEKAXD WISP BACKS, inJEbeny, Ma hegany and Walnut. A very If INE ASSORTMENT, Indeed. Always a pleasure te alianr goods. PICTURE FRAMES, In Geld, Ebony and Walnut, at short notice. WALTER A. HEINITSH. 15f EAST KING STBCXT. sepst&na BDilH PI