LANCASTER DAILY 1JSTELLIGEKCER THURSDAY. DECEMBER le. 1881. s: . Mr. Jemtj'n l'ttlher aua Mether. " Old Laucu:tcriau " in Progress. The biographical sketches published of the late Jehn W. Ferney contain a num ber of en ors in regard te his origin and family. He was bera in Lancaster en the '.JOth of September, 1817, of a highly res pectable parentage, connected with some of the eklebt and most respectable families of Lancaster county. His fatties was en gaged in an extensive busincs for that period in carnage-building, ;.ud was an emcer m luc old Lancaster rualanx, a noted military organization that marched te the defense of Baltimore in the last war with England. On the father's side he was connected with the well-known Car penter family; his grandmother was the bis ter el Christian (Jarneiiler.alcadingcitizen, aud at one time high sheriff of the county. On the maternal side his grandfather, who&e name ha be:e, was Jehu Wicn, a highl ieFp;et.ible and esteemed citizen, who held dilfcreut positions el trust, and acted at 0:10 time as private secictasy te Cental Hr.nil of Revolutionary memory. His father di ing at the early age of thirty live year.-, leaving a widow with two chil dren, a son and a daughter, in straitened circunisLincc.--, it devolved upon the moth er a niet estimable woman te struggle for the suppeit and education of her cliil drcn. The praiscweithy manner in which she discharged her duty te her children and herself is well known te many of the elder citizens of Lancaster city. She was a woman of great executive ability and of line intelligence ; aud in consequence was place! at, the head of Laucastcr county hospital, the afl'aiis of which she conducted for a number el years te the satisfac tion of the public. She wan subsequently sn charge of the children's home, in con nection with the Episcopal church of Lan caster, and displayed throughout her long and useful life the '!iergy aud self-ieliaucc ler which her prominent son was charac terised. I'.lc:iiin ami Installation. At a tegular meeting of Ledge .Ne. 43, !'. aud A. M.. held at Mabetiic ha'l en Wednesday evening, the following elected and appointed officers were duly installed ler the ensuing Masonic year : W. M. Joel S. Kaby. S. W. Cee. A Marshall. J. W. .lames U. St line. Tr&iMner Chas. A. Hcinit-h. Sceretaiy Iluglj S. Gara. Trustee! lelui Hecs, Christian Wul inver, Jehn I). Waii'd. Senior Deacrr. Dr. lleni y E. Mulilcu b'.rg. Junier Deacon 1 evinia L. Lyle. S. ?.I. Cer. David E. Leng. -J. :I. of Or. Gee. B. WillFen. l'ui.suivaut Jehn V. Caller. Tyler Gee. Lutz. Orgaubt A. Oblcnilii. Charity Committee I'. M. Dr. Gee. li. Welchans, !'. .M. Jehu B. Warfcl, P. M. W. (. .Marshall Grievance Committee 1'. M. Chas. M. iieui-11, 1. M. Win. A. Atlec, P. M. Dr. If. Caipentcj, P. M. Wm. A. Wilsen, P. M. .Teie. Hehrer. 'S tie Main I.miatie Unspltui. The thiity-lit'bt auiuud tepeit. el this n n stitullen is at hand. ur esteemed fellow citizen, Dr. Jehn L. Atlec, is president of its beat d of ti listers and Dr. J. Z. Gerhard is it:; supciiutendcut, whcrcfeic Lau tastetians will be especially glad te leant eilieially that, the hospital was never better managed or in better condition. The average number of inmates last year v. as :!.") M9 male3 and 100 fe males, Of 1 admitted two males and live females weie Irent Lancaster count)7. Tiie report of the female physician of the hospital is ehaustive and valuable and .his sentence f:em it is full of significance and merits weighty consideration by the faculty and laymen : "Just as seen as in sane people or these who have been insane, in the vast majority of instances, cease te assume the responsibilities of father or motherhood, just se seen will the grand work of prevention be begun. That would stiikc at the very toot of an im mense amount of suSfering and even wrong-doing." SailtJtury 'reactions Institute. The semi-monthly meeting of the Salis bury teachcis' institute convened at Millwood, en Satin day, the lOili insi. It was called te order at 1:30 p. in. by the piesident. The following membets were pies-jut : Miss-es Slaymaker, Skiles, Mar tin, Liuviltc and EUmaker, and LIcsms. Lawtence, G tuhe and Weaver. After se lect leading by .Miss Martin, the usual cx eicises followed. A number of intctesting questions wen', discussed iu addi tien te what formerly had been en the pregiamme ; the exercises v.rie in'i'ispeiscd with vocal music. An election for new efiicers of tlie institute was held, tesulting iu thcfollow thcfellow thcfollew 'ii.' : President. M. C. Wciler, Vice Picsident and Treasurer, II. C. Grube. S.'cietary, Miss Emma Skiles, Critic, G. E. Lawic-nce. The institute adjourned, te meet at Millwood en January 7, 15S2. Ita-.age el iMplitlierla. Diphtheria is jpcvailing te an alarming .teuu in the ncighboihced of Springville. in addition te the death of a child from that disease mentioned in "Wednesday's paper, a son of Ames Musscr died en Tuesday. Twe ether children are down with the same disease. A daughter of Mrs. Ellen Mumma died en Tuesday night and two ether children have the disease. Children of Jacob Erb and Aaren Ivuhns also down with diphtheria, but no deaths fiem it have ye! occurred in theso families. Under the Weather. The many friends of Daniel Trewitx, utr efficient street commissioner, will re gret te leain that he is presltatcd upon a bed of siekurf s. Several mouths age Mr. TYcwitz was slightly pua'yzcd and never lecevercd entirely from it, though he was able te pcrfeim his official duties. On Monday last he was prostrated by some thing like vcitige, and since that time has net been able te be out of bed. lie is en i irely conscious and seems te possess his usual strength, but becomes dizzy as seen .is he raises his head from his pillow. The l'enii!yl aula's Fast Train. On Monday, and thereafter, the new fast train system of the Pennsylvania read from Chicago, having proved successful by experiment, will be extended te Cincin nati, St. Leuis aud Indianapolis, the t rains from these three cities combining at Columbus and overtaking the limited ex press from Chicago at Pittsburgh, where these who care te pay the extra charge can take the latter, which consists of dining and sleeping cars only, for New Voik. Sate el Ilea! Es ale. Henry Shulcrt. auctioneer, sold at public j-Hile last evening at the Leepard hotel the following property belonging te the estate of Henry Drachbar, deceased : A two story biick dwelling situated en the south west corner of Poplar street and Filbert alley, te Jehn II. Mctzler, for $1,250. Alse a two-story brick dwelling, situated en the south side of Vine street, near Duke, te C. P. Burns, for $1,500. Kcply te Ilebcrt Ingersoll. In Fulton opera house this evening Rev. Dr. Themas Guard, of Baltimore, will de liver a lecture in reply te the infidel ideas pieraelgatcd by Rebert Ingersoll. Dr Guard holds a high position among pulpit orators, and theso who have heard his lcctnre declare it te be a full answer aud refutation of the blasphemies and sophis tries of the eleijurnt unbeliever, The Night Schools. Pareuls of boys and girls who cannot attend the day schools should see te it that their children attend the well-conducted night schools, which arc open te all. It would be well, tee, for these having such interests te occasionally call, " bv chance the usual way" and sec that the pupils are there and net playing truant. Postponed. The exhibition et sciopticeu Tiews, which was te be given by Mr. E. W. McCaskey at Derwart street mission te-morrow night, has been indeflniiely postponed. Amusements. 'Patience." Te-morrow evening E. E. liice.'s opera ceuiiquc company will sing Gil bert and Sullivan's latest delightful produc tion "Patience" at Fulton opera house. We sec very complimentary notices el this organ ization in our local contemporaries, and in New Ver'; the troupe had a laverable season at .Beeth's theatre. There ate a number el laiuillurund popular names in the cast,among tlieiu Miss Verena Jarbeau, Miss lienc Perry, Mr. McCellen, Mr. Henri Laurent, Mr. Shilier and ethers. Ol the opera itself we leel amply Juhtltied in pronouncing it one of the roost delicious weiks that the Joint uutuership et the merry Englishmen ha-, produced, and pre dict ler It a " run " similar te that achieved by ' l'lnalere." SVECIAL XOTIVES. Decline el Man. Impotence el mind, limb, or vital Inaction, nervous weakness sexual debility &c, cured by Wells' Health Uenewer. $1. Fer Mile at Fell Down. Mr. Albert Andersen. Yerk Street, i.ullale, lell down stairs anil severely bruied his knee. A lew applications of Dr. Themas' Eclrctrie Oil eutliely failed him. Fer sale at II. 15. Coch ran's drugMeic, ISTNeith 0.ucen fUcet, Lan caster. Mho I'ejntlar Demand. he gicul has been the popular demand ler the eelebialed lemedy Kidney-Wert, that it is having an immense sale Ireiu Maine te Cali fornia, some have leuud It inconvenient te piepaie it treni the dry compound. Fer such the proprietors new prepare it in liquid form. Till-, can lie pieeurcd at the druggists. It has precisely the same effect ss the dry, but Is vi-iy concentrated e that llm dose is much tiiiallur. Lewell Muil. dI2lwd&w I'n te II. iJ. Cochran's Drug mmc, 157 Net th iiiccn stifct, ter Mrs. Ytet.ian'a Xrtv X( tinnnl Jirg. Fer brightness and durability el eoler.aio uitefjualed. Celer trem 2 te S pounds. Dlreellen hi lCiiglish ami German. I'llce. 15 cents. It 1i 'I ffirillwll ItllMl'itt. t. frkifkitii.1.i -.iii... I,. el mciilwith juaek me.lieiues. We have ueil Talker's Ginger Tonic with the happiest re sults for Dyspepsia mid Debility, anil knew It te lie a -terllug health icslerntlvc. Times. ii-lmdcodtwee'.v One of the ablest profc-'sers at Yale College became ncarlj7 insane liem want of sleep. He say: "What saved me liem a lierrible late, was Dr. ISenseii's Celery and Chamomile Pills. 1'Iiey cured my neuralgia and 1 gained twenty-three pounds In tour weeks. A Leugh, Ceii! or bore i nreai sheuM de blejipcd. Neglect IrcqueuUy results in an In curable I. 'ing Disease or Consumption. llrewn'.N nrencl.ial Trech''" de net disorder the sleinaeH like cough syrups aud balsams, bat act directly en the Inlhunedparls.allaying li'iijillim, give relief In Asthma, Ilrenchlul Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles a hieh Singers und rubllcSpcakers arc subject te. Fer thirty years .Brown's ISrenchial Treein-8 have been recommended by phy-d-chms, ami always give ncrtcct Hatlsfactlen. Having been tested by wide and constant use tin neatly an entire generation, they have at tained wi-ll-iiieritcd rank anion;7 1 he lew staple remedies of the age. Sold at cunts a liex everywhere. uS-lvdTTh4S&lyw ;:r.SUUHI) FKOM UKATU TJa- Inllew ingbtatementef William.) Cough JI ii. of 'emcrvllle, Mass., Is se remarkable that e beg te ask for it tlie attention of our road read ei s. lie -ays : " In the lull et ISTfi I was taken v.-lth a vieleut bleeding of thn lungs lollewed by a severe cough. I toen began te lese my appetite and lle-h. 1 was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the summer of jS77 I was admitted te the City Hospital. White tiieie the doctors said 1 had a hole in my left lung as bigas a half cellar. I expend ed evr a hundred dollars in doctors and med icine. 1 was se far gene at one time a report v en, around that 1 was dead. 1 gave up hope, but a friend told me et Da. Wm. Hall's Uai.sam imktiie Lungs. 1 laughed at my friend, think ing that my case was uiiiiinulu, but I get a bottle te satisfy them, when te my suriuKc and gratification, 1 commenced te led better. My hope, once dead, began te levive, and to day 1 teel In better spiiits than I hove the past three yai. "I wiite this hoping you will publish it, se that everyone atlllcted with Diseased Lungs u ill be induced te take Dr. Win. Hall's liaisam ler tlie I. ungs, and be convinced that con sumption can be cured. 1 have taken two bottles and can positively say that 11 has done mere geed t'lan all ether 1 have taken since my slckucbs. My cough has al most entirely disappeared aud 1 shall seen be able te go te work." Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Plug Stere, i:i7und 1.5') North Queen sheet iv2S-lvdcoeTh&u 2 Shin IHseases '" Cured by Dr. Snaync's Ointment. Wluilis meicditicsSing than an obstinate -km disease, and why persons should suffer a j single hour when they have a sure cure in 'Sway lie's Ointment" is parleur conipichcu cenipichcu conipichcu sien. The weist eases el letter, itch, salt l ileum, or that annoying complaint, itching piles, yield te its wendcrlul all-healing quail ties. Pimples en the lace and blotches en the .skin aie lemeved by using this healing oint ment. Ferlectly safe and harmless, even en the most tender Intant. Itching J'iles-Synip-teuis are moisture, intense itching, particu larly at night after getting warm In bed; ether parts aie sometimes affected. Swayne's Ointment pleasant, sure cure. Dr. Swaync & Sen, 5: North Seventh street, i'hlladelphia, I'a., te whom all letters should be addressed, t-eld by all prominent druggists. ect'-T.Th&F&w Hall's Vkqetaiilk Sicilian Haik Ueni:wi;u is a scieutillc combination el some el the west powerful restorative agents iu the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair te its original color. It cures dandruff und humors, and fall ing out of the hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle bv which the hair Is nourished aud supported. It makes the hair moist, soil, and glossy, aud is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It is the most economical ptepaiatien cvcrol cvcrel lered te the public, as its ctlecis remain a long time, making only an occasional application necessary. It is recommended and used by eminent medical men, ami officially endorsed by the State Assayrr el Massachusetts. The popularity el Hall's Hair Henewer has In creased with the tests el many years, both in this ciuntry and in foreign lands, and it Is new known and used in all the civilized cenn tries of the wetld. Fer sale by all druggist's. da-lwdeed&w "Yield net te Misfortune.' Give Ely's Cream ilalin a thorough trial ii you would te cured of Catarrh, Hay Fever, Catarrhal Dcal ness, or quickly relieved of colds iu the head. Cream Balm effectually cleanses the naal passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secretions, allays inflammation and irritation, protects the membranal linings et the head trem additional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense of taste anil smell. ISencflclal results arc realized by a few appli cations. A thorough treatment us directed wi'l cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, fee. The Balm is easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggist at 50 cents. On receipt e! ."i0 cents will mall :i j package, send ler circular with lull Inlerma tien. ELY'S CItEAM BALM CO.. Oswego, N. Y. Fer sale in Lancaster by all druggists. Metnera: jnutnernii f.l ethers!' Are you disturbed at nihl and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth ? If sc, go at once and get a bottle of MltS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYBUl'. It will re lieve the peer little suflercr immediately de pend upon it; there is no mistake about II. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly sare te line m all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription ei one et the eldest anil best female physician and r.nrsc? in the United State?, Sold everywhere; 23 cents a fcettla. mar.'-lvdftiyM.WAS MARRIAGES. uoeu-Esurucn. On the. 8th et Dec.. 1SS1, by the Uev. W. T. Gerhard, at his residence. Ne. 31 East Orange street. Mr. .Install Geed, of 1'equea, te MissSutan Ji. Eshbach, of Millers ville. DerGUKirrY Bach man. On thel.'.llier Dec., 1881. by the Rev. W. T.v Gerhard, at his resi dence. Ne. 31 East Orange street, Mr. Aaren M. Dougherty, te Miss Ella S. Uachman, both of Ceney township. DEATHS. Caiu'e.vtjsc Dec. 13, 1S31. iu this city. Agnes Bell, only daughter of Jehn E. und Annie M. Carpenter, in the 17th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Ne. 2i East Orange street, Fridty afternoon at '' o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. Peiper. In this city, en Dec. li, ISSI, William L. Peiper, in the 03d year el his age. The relatives and friends of the family are lespcctfiilly invited te attend the luneral treni his late residence, " Avendcll," Marietta pike, en Saturday afternoenat 1 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 2t IIei-scKSKrKR. On the 14th diptheria, at hl3 residence in Chestnut Level. Franklin S. Housekeeper, son et C. P. and Alice House keeper, aged 2 years und 27 days. SEW AnVEKTlSEMFXTH. rANUASTJili COUNTY" j7aK DEC'. IS. I On account of the luneral el William L. Peiper, t lie late cashier, the bank will be clos ed en SATUKDAV December Ii, 1331) at 12 o'clock, and lemain closed the remainder of the day. C. B. HEttB, 2td President. TMUl Till! HOLIDAYS. A well-selected Stock of PIANOS AND ORGANS. EaTS-.V MELOPI-'ON ler sale cheap. .1 CSTUS STUOKKNUOLTZ. ottejuul,8.Mi Fulton Hall, Luncastcr, Pa. SEAM'D l'KOl'OSAI.S Fill; 1'ItISON labor in the Lancaster County Prison, in the man u lactureet cigar", ler one vear from January !, lfeSJ, will be received at Ne. 20 East King street, Lancaster, byJ.L.Uoflmeler, Pres ident, up te December 31, at 12 o'clock in., and te be opened January 2, 13SJ, at 11 o'clock a.m. Contractor te lurnish tobacco, foreman, etc., and pay per thousand. Fifteen te twenty men te be employed Factory has first-class accommodations, and new makes liui.ew per month. Fer lull particulars addivs-. the President. BY OUDKB OF TH K BttAHD. Ames Kitteii, Secretary. d7-3tdV42tw YKI'HANSCOtJKTSAf.i: OK VALUABLE W City Property.-O:i '1 IIUKSDAV, DE C'EMBEIt 15, vii in .1111I lu pursuance et an alias order et the in ilians' Court et Lan caster eeunly, will b s.mhi public sale, en the premises, all thai i 't.ini two-story brick tavern property (kniniii :w the Sen-el Herse Hetel), with three-slei--, brick luck building, biick stables, HUeddiug, biacksmiUi shop, &c and lotet ground theiete belonging, situated en the north Hide of West King street, cast et Prince sheet. In tin; city et Lancaster, Pa., ad joining properties of Hen, A. E. Beberts, W. .1. Cooper. James Potts and ethers. This is ene et the most desirable and convenient hotel pieperttes in the cltvet Lancaster. Sab: te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by ANNA McELLIGOTT, i:ecnlii.- of Jcicniiah McElligell.decM. Hi:nr? Snui'.EitT. Auctioneer. n22 tsd lirilJLIAMSUN & i'OSTI.ll, Tlie Leadm; Clothiers ik Tin: citv or lan'uastkk, iiavi: semi: aiT.ciAi. HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS, heys' riTi:, beavi:r, ciikviet, cassi- .MEItK ANI MKLTON OVERCOATS. Beys' Scheel and Dress Suits, Beys' Pants, .Made et wcar-rcaistinK uiateiialB. Men's Sacks and Cutaway Suits, Ol I he mul appieved hhaptii. Men's Ulsterettes, I'liiui' Charles, Fur Beaver, Cheviot, li-ey, .Melten and Cassluiere OVERCOATS, la an unlimited variety of nlylea. Men's Fine Dressing Gowns i .uu- Snieking Jackets, stout ui.'uaud thiii men, of every height may lie lltted tiem our stock. We Lead the Styles Rule in Prices. TUKI'E AllE UAUGA1NS IX hVKItY DEPARTMENT. Jill 3G-38 EAST JONG STREET. I.ANCASTKi:. I'A. toilers for trade. JEWELEKH. "Vl'KK A OI.ASSKS, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AT AUGUSTUS miOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 'i East KliurStrcct. Lancaster, I'a fs-cptZJ-nmdced IHKISTjMAS ;il'T.S! CHRISTMAS DIAMONDS. CHRISTMAS WATCHES. Christmas FANCY GOODS. CHRISTMAS STATIONERY. All Goods sent en Approval. PRICES LOW. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE. 12th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. UKNP1KK ELKCTION . An election will be held en MONDAY the 2d day of JAN U AKY, 18S2, at the house el Jehn B. bhelly, Mount Jey, between the hours et 11 and 12 o'clock, for a President,- ten Mana gers ana Treasurer of the Lancaster, Eliza Eliza bcthtewn and Middletown Turnpike read, rtj-ritderpy J. 3J, LONQ, Trcnsitrer, mSW AVrjkBTltlEMEXTX. OKACTJFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTAGlJES,BRONZES, i i Anit the many rlegant and artistic articles embraced In our stock are especially lltted for HOLIDAY GIFTS, BECAUSE Dui-able, Useful and Intrinsically Valuable. The very liberal share of trade we have received In the past has encouraged us te pluce In our cases a liner and larger stock than ever before, te which we ceidially invite the attention of all who desire te examine beautiful oeds. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, ZAHM'S CORNER, ect23-3md&wH TOHN L. AKNOLP. PATENT COLD-CASE HEATERS, BEST PORTABLE IN USE. Slate Reefer and Reefs Repaired. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. Step and Valves for Water, Gas and Steam. JOHN L. AENOLD, Nea. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rair2-ttd MEDICAL. )AltKKR'S HAIR BALSAM. xt I'AItKElfS HAIU ilAI.SAM.-The Hest. Cheapest and Most Economical Hair JJicsUne evcr lalls te restore youthful color le gray hair. ffje. and $1 alzea. I'AKKEIt'S GINGKU TUNIC.-UinRer. iiiiclin, Mundrake, and many efth. lest tnedi clnes known rC ),,.,c ceinhlned Inte a mcdl.Ine of such varied powers, ni te u.ake it the greatest Bleed Purifier and Tneltest Ilealtn unci Ntrcugtli Kesterer Ever IVeil. it cures complaints of omen, and disease ei the Stomach. Bowels, I.ungM, I.Ivcr and Kidnevs and i . ,it,V.X-2 ..i?' w.-". uh'i eiiiiTiimics.asit never intoxicates flee, anditl slzca. IUSCOX A CO., Chemists, N. Y. Large wivIiir huylnjr $1 size. sepl'J-lyeodeow&w JIULIVAT GOODS. OPICCIAI. NOTICE, HOLIDAY GOODS. AT Givler, Bewers & Hurst, 5f 5 EAST KING STREET, Ladies and Gentlemen ! Weetl'er you at Lener l'riccs than thry have ever been peld an elegant assortment el SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, lu all the New L'atturux ami ColeiiUK-, Thie make a very .suitable gilt. Then we hue an elegant asxirlnieut et LINEN JIA NDKERC1IIEFS, In Hemstitched and Emhieidci-ed, iwhich we kcII In Fancy Bexes or hy the piece or hall dozen. WH I TE M I LL KEJi CHIEFS. U'c have a flue assortment, which are very handsome and will make a very i.cceptaljle Kill. SILK 3UTTENS, in all Shade. KID GLOVES, tit Muck- and Colen;. Finenswiliiieiit el Ladies' ami Chlldien' HOSIER Y. ! In SILK und DRESS GOODS We still eiler hotter inducements, especially FOR THE HOLIDAYS. We Invite one and all who contemplate pur t Imping CHRISTMAS GIFTS te rail and e.Miniine what we eiler. H'c Offer Many Raryain .' Givler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 East King Street, LANCASTKH, I'A. jam CELLAXEO vs. CTOCKUOLUEKS' MKET1HC. O There will boa meeting of the Stockhold ers et the Delaware River and Lancaster Kali Kali read Company, en MONDAY, the 9th dav et .lANUAUY, 1882, at 12 o'clock m.. at the eillce of the Treasurer ( Dr. Henry Carpenter) near Centre Square, in Liiucntcr city, ter the pur pone, et electing a President and Twelve Di rcctern le serve during the ensuing year. D. I'UAINAKD CASK, d7-3tdeaw Secretaiy. 0 lAKl'KTS. iiV. KBW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. Scxr Designs, Bcnutinillj Colored. 50 (75l l 50 cents. 85 cents.; 90 cents. 91.00. $1.00. 1.10.: $1.20. INGRAINS cents, i cents. TAPESTltY BRUSSELS WILTON AND MOQUKTTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. 75 cents. 8S cents. SO cents. GOOD VALUK AT ALL PKICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, aMydced&2twJ PHILADELPHIA. HOTELS. NOW OPEN SPKECHEK HOUSE, OK Europcen plan. Dining Reems let Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 31 North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup Soup Lebster Salad, Oysters in Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the it"nn-ert the public. may7-Ud .'.- r OYSTEKS. -pe. ialiy made of Steamed Oysters at the SPKECIIEIi HOUSE, Ne. 27 Nonh Duke Street. Ilaiiii'7 turnidlied 'in.- Restaurant Milh a boiler for bteaiuiiur ey.-tera, we take this meth od et Infemitng the p Mie that we are pre pared at all times te tiiuii-h them te families at their houses or at the restaurant. Ladies' entrance. Ne. 27 Neith Duke street UROKK .V ;M'KLAND, oetM-tfd 1'ioprleters. THEY ARE LANCASTER, PENN'A. JOHN L. ARNOLD. "pABKKK'S aiNOEK TONIC. EXTERTAIXHEXTS. lULTOM erKKA HOUSE. PRffiAY, DEO. 16th, 1881. Engagement for one night only el MR. E. E. RICE'S OPERA COMIQUE COMPANY. 50 ARTISTS 50 first production here et Gilbert and Sulli van's latest mid most successful Comic Opera a satire en the ..Esthetic Craxe, PATIENCE; Or, Buntherne's Bride. Presented with the Original Great Cast of the KICK OI'KIIA COMIQUE COMPANY lit JiUinaaiiiKATKK, NEW lORK. A. Grand Chorus of raptuieus maidens and heavy dragoons. A Splendid Oichi-htra ! Iicautlliil .LNlheiie Costumes ! Nevel Properties, etc., etc., ADMISSION, - - 3.1, CO and 75 Cents. RESERVED SEATS, - - - - 75 " Reserved scats en sale en Wednesday. 13-4 FOR SALE. SAW HULL. FOI&SAI.K A TWKNTY-rilUR her.-e power portable SAW MILL, as geed a-j new. Address, PHILIP LEI5ZELTER, Kii(jle Speke mid Rending Works, d&w-ti Lancaster, Pa. DUKLIO SALtS OF VALUABLE ClTY MONDAY. DECEMItKIl JT Property. On lit, 1881, will be sold atlhe Cooper Heue.u Twe story Brick DWELLING HOUbE. Two Twe story Rrick Hack building, situated en the south side of West Vine street, Ne. 2W, con taining hall, 9 rooms and plastered garret, a poed Hake Ueusc and large Raku even. It has been and new is a Rakcry. Let runs back te Strawberry street. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when conditions will be made known bv CATHARINE KUEHNLY. II. SllfBERT, Auct. 4td-IU,14,17,l,J't PUBLIC SALE OF A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. On TUESDAY. DECEMRKR 20. 1SS1, will be sold en the premises that valuable property known as the CITY HOTEL, situated en the west side of North Queen street, near the Pennsylvania railroad depot. Irenting en North Queen street SJ feet, luehes, mere or less, and extending iu depth no feet, then widens ft! feet, lncnes. and.'con and.'cen tluues thai width te Market street. 245 feet, en which is erecteil a FOUR-STORY RRICK HOTEL, and Three Story Rrick Rack Ruild Ing, a Large Rrlck Stable, with slate loot' and large shedding One Mall the. purchase money can lemaln in the property. Sale te commence at 7 oVleck p. in. of said dav. when conditions will be made known by THE HEIRS OF .1. & D. REESE. Dec'd. II. SunmsRT, Auct. dle-tsd OSU'HANS' COURT SALE Oft FRIDAY, DECEMBER Hi, 1881, at the Lancaster County Heuse, East King sticet, Lancaster, I'a., the undersigned, administrator of Marga ret Murphy, deceased, by virtucef an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, will sell at public sale the following real estate, te wit: All that certain Twe-Story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and let or piece el ground, wituate en the west side of Plum street, Ne. 214. in the city et Lancaster, meas uring In front en I'lum street 19 feet 4 inches, and extending In depth westward 102 feet, thence nerthwari 1 17 feet and 10 Inches thencu eastward 73 leet.tlienconerthwardtotho north side 6i a 3-feet alley, thence long said alley te Plum street. Alse, a Twe-Story RRICK HOUSE and let of ground, situate en the west side et North Lime street. In Lancaster city, measuring In lien I en Lluifc street 19 leetund 3 inches, and extending in depth westward 84 feet 3 inches. Alse, a Let et Ground, with HOUSE and Stable thereon, situate en the south sine of East Chestnut street, In Lancaster city, meas uring in fronton Chestnut street 18 lect anil 8Inche8, and cxtendlngaleug ground of James Kclley 1 18 feet, te a 14-teet alley. Sulu te commence at 7 o'clock p, in., when conditions and terms will be made known by JOnN MURPHY, Adm'r of Margaret Murphy, dec'd. ir.i;,.iee;:.le,ii.i5,i3d ORPI1 ANS'COUKTeALE ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881, at the Keystone Heuse, North Queen street, Lancaster. Pa., the undersigned administrator of Ann Eliza beth Filck, widow and relict of Lewis i;. Frick, late of the city of Lancaster. Pa., deceased, by virtue of an order et the Or phans' Court et Lancaster cennty, Pa., will sell at public sale the following real estate te wit.: All that certain one-story brick Dwelling Heuse erected en the Harrisburg pike, in the cltyet Lancaster, measuring in front 51 feet yA Inches, and extending In depth southward and southeastward 97 feet 10 Inches, mere or less, and converging at the end thereof te the width or 32 fest 8 inches. Alse, a one-story brick DWELLING HOUSE, situate en James street, Lancaster City, aforesaid, containing In front en said street 21 feet 3 inches, and ex tending northward from said James street 117 ieet24 inches ; adjoins propcrtlcset Christian Denatshy, Mrs. Elizabeth Myers, premises above described and hereinafter described premises as preperty el Leuis B. Frick, dec'd,, and James street. Alse, at the same time and place will be sold by virtue et the order of court aforesaid, as the prepctty el Lewis B. Frick, de ceased, by him as administrator, the following property, te wit : All that cer tain lotet ground, situate lnArch alley, in the city or Lancaster, afereesald, measuring in fronton Arch Alley 20 feet and extending in depth northward along properties el Mrs. Elizabeth Meyers, Mrs. Ann chambers, pro perty et Ann Elizabeth Frick, deceased, 39 leet, mere or less. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p, m., when conditions and terms will be made known bv CONRAD GAST, Administrator of Elizabeth Frick, dec'd. CONRAD GAST. Administrator of Lewi Frick, dec'd. IlKNnvSHCDErtT. Auctioneer. " 110-7td THIRD EBITIOU. THURSDAY EVENING, DSC. 15, 1861. THE LONG TRIAL. Episodes of Te-day's Proceedings. QUITEAU IN VIOJOUS TEMPER. DENOUNCING WITNESS AND COCNSr.L. flit solicuude rer the Jury's Health. Washington, Dec. 15. There were many distinguished men present at the Guiteau trial this morning, among them Uev. i'helps, or Vermont, Leurtlandt Parker, Clarksen N". Petter and Senater Hawley. As seen as court opened Guiteau made a speech, expressing solicitude for the health of the jury and asking the court te order them te take a walk of four or five miles every morning befere breakfast. The judge told him he would attend te the wants of the jury. Mr. Cellier, resuming the witness staud, testified that he had never seen signs of insanity in the prisoner. During the cress examination Guiteau broke out character istically. J. M. Justice, of Logauspert, was the next witness, and was characterised as a miserable liar' by Guiteau. Guiteau dis tributed his vituperation very evenly ameutr the witnesses the cranks as he termed them and the prosecuting atto: atte: neys. ltev. Rush R. Shippen, of Washington, first knew the prisoner a few months pre vious te the assassination and bearded with him up te July 1st. The prisoner was chatty and polite, but exhibited no marked peculiarities ; prisoner frequently referred te the Ceukling-Gariield imbroglio. Mrs. Dunmire, Guiteau's divorced wife, took the stand, but her testimony was ob jected te by the defense unless record proof of divuie was shown, and she was withdrawn, te be introduced later. Dr. .Neble Yeung, physician at the jail, thought the prisoner perfectly sane. Mrs Seoville attempted te ask a ques tion, when a colloquy occurred between her and her brother, the priseuer, he assert ing that sue was no lawyer anil should keep quiet. Pcndjng the colloquy Mr. Seoville asked witness if it were possible that by putting something iu Guiteau's coffee in the morning they could make him appear brighter or mero quiet. This it was understood came from Mrs. Seoville, but during the dispute the witness disap peared. Gen. Jeseph S. Reynolds, of Chicago, next testified. He knew Guiteau years age, visited him iu jail twelve days after the murder of the president, when Guiteau spoke of it as" the assassination." Iu subsequent interviews the prisoner refer red te it as " the removal." lie was posi tive as te the lauguage used. The priseuer, who had received this wituess with beaming smiles, seen became enraged and declared witness a fpy, and that Ged would damn Cerkhilf. Upen allusion being made te something pub lished iu the Washington Republican the prisoner pounded en the desk as he charged "that litlle whelp Gerham '' with hanging around Arthur te get some thltle ethec. AVitncss then explained hew he told the prisoner in prison that Ceukling, Arthur and ethers had denounced the crime ; that prisoner asked if they (thu Stalwarts) knew that he (witness) had said he had no accomplice ; that upon being an swered in the affirmative, he (prisoner) exclaimed, " Most astounding !" "most astounding !" And that prisoner seemed dazed and said, "What does it mean? I would have staked my life that they would defend me. They knew they want ed Garfield removed, and yet they de neunce me and cau only sce in it the bloody act." A recess was then taken. OUITUAKY. Death or Themas J. Hitrger. Philadelphia, Dec. 13. Themas J. Rarger, a prominent lawyer of this city and ex-city solicitor, died this morning. Mr. Barger was an able young lawyer aud active Democratic politician of Phil adelphia. He was Sheriff Wright's solici tor, and was an acute member of the legal profession in which, had he lived, be would no doubt, have attained eminence. He was a delegate te the Cin cinnati convention and a member of the committee of seven te draft rules for the party in this state, but ill health prevented him from doing any work since early in the summer, lie was a genial gentleman and had a wide circle of warm friends. Eds. Inteli.ieencki;. THE MECHANICS' ILNK. Nugent .V Ce. Make an AbsiKUineui Uiuler the State Law. Newakk.N. J., Dec. 15. Nugent & Ce. have just assigned all their property te Gee. R. Jenkinsen, their receiver under the United States court, for the benefit of all their creditors. The assign ment is under state law, and its effect is te give the Mechanics' bank, which claims priority under the national, their share with ether creditors iu case their priority is denied. The claims out side the bank are about $500. The New Fuudln;-. Hill. Washington, Dec. 15. The Senate finance committee this morning unani mously agreed te recommend the passage of the Sherman three per cent, funding bill, with amendments reducing the ag gregate te be issued te two hundred mil lions, and providing that the amount of deposit te be received shall net exceed, at any one time, twenty-five millions. The committee took this action, after hearing Secretary Felgcr in opposition thereto. HOLD BANDITTI. Kullread Train Hoarded by Illghwaj iihiii. Galveston, Tex , Dec. 15. A News El Pase special says : " A passenger train en the Southern Pacific railroad going west fiem here was this morning bearded by highwaymen. Wells, Farge & Ce.'s messenger was knocked down, gagged and compelled te surrender the keys of the safe, from which $1,500 were abstracted. About 6G0O wcr0 taken from the passengers." Hetel in New Tork Burned. New Yekk, Dec. 15. A lire broke out early this morning iu the three-story frame building, corner of Waverley street and Jereme, entirely destroying the build ing aud its contents. It was owned by the Manhattan saving's bank and occupied by Gcerge A. Bartholf as a hotel. It was valued at $10,000, and was insured. Mr. Bartholf's furniture, valued at $4,700, was burned. It was insured for $3,000, Tlie Last of Tletorle's Bnna. St. Leuis, Dec. 15. A San Antonie, Tex., special says news has been received from the Presidio Del Norte, en the Northern Rie Grande, that Chief Arrazeti and thirty of the tribe have been cap tured by Mexican troops. These consti tute the main remnant of Victorie's desperate band. Proceedings in the MBfctc. Washington, Dec. 15. In the Seuate te-day, upon the expiration of the morning hour, Mr. Garland spoke upon the presi dential succession question. Snow In Virginia. Petetisbuhe, Va., Dec. 15. Snow fell here this morning. Singular ana ratal Accident. Near BewHuj; Green, Va., Mr. Wm. Wright, a young man who had net been married mero than six or eight months, was chopping in the weeds. About the middle of the dav his wife came te brinjr him a lunch. He had just cut down a large tree which bad ledged against an other, and called te his wife te run, as it was coming te the ground, but the unfor tunate woman ran direetly in the way of the tree, aud ic fell upon her. pinning her te the ground. She was net killed, but lay under the tree terribly crushed, but conseiens, and shrieking with pain, while her hus band, alene and uuassisted, set te work with all the energy of despair te cut the tree, two feet in diameter, in two. After what seemed te the couple an age. Mr. Wright severed the trunk of the tree and drew out bis mangled, fainting wife. He then was compelled te leave her alone in the weeds another lung hour while le went for assistance te get her home, but she was almost geno when he returned, aud died that night of her injuries. WEATHEB INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Dec. 15. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, rain or snow, followed by clearing weather, northwesterly winds, stationary or lower teroperaturo aud higher pressure. The Misting Ualloen. Londen, Dee. 15, A telegram from the postmaster at Aldcrney states that a bal loon was seen there yesterday morning. A gunboat will proceed te Aldemey te make an investigation. Xhe Spracue Estate. Pkeviuknck, R. I., Dec. 15. The su ptctne court this morning dissolved the in junction, restraining the sale of the Spraguc estates. tire iu Ontario Tort Coluehne. Onr., Dec. 15. A rite early this morning binned Mrs. MacFalls's bearding Iieum the store of two mer chant tailors and a dentist's office. It also l::m:t;cd tiie Map!e Leaf hotel. The total low is 10,000. Miot While Making an Arrant. Mcndote, Ills., Dec. 15. Warren Bar ret was shot and killed by Nicholas Boyd while assisting an officer te arrest Boyd. Tlie Itanlan-lleyd Itacr. Londen, Dec. 15 I Ian Ian has net yet authorized the signing of articles for race with Boyd. MARKETS. New verw nmrmn. Ski ib. Dec. 15 Fleur Stute and Wcs-terii dull and in buyers' favor. Southern dull aud weak; geed" le choice de, $W' b 12!(C. W fivat epi.-ucd lower ; atlerwurds became .t :rdy and recovered iuest et the dec'In ; Ne. 2 l'i-.l Dec, $1 40X:de.fnn.tI42ftl 42: de l:b., H HQ I 45,5 ; de Mur.,fl VJtw ' rJ'i- Cei a about 54c lower and dull : mixed West ern spot, M'70c ; de luturcs, 1371 lie. Oat i a shade easier. Including Ne. 2 Jan., 0';i;: de Feb. at.We ; Slate, OflfJXic : West ern, -lyiSSic. fmiadelpnia Market. i'niLAUKi.i-HiA, December is. Fleur dull : Sillierllne. fi 23Q 7T; i:..;rn lit at i.- (Ki.'j.'i 7"i; Ohie und Ind.'ani lam'.ly, ""Ji7 M; l'ennsj-Ivaula tauitly ft. 50j t7.. St. Leuis de 7 00fi7M; MlnnosetH Kxtra at 37 0)37.10; dn straight at $7 25 7 r.0; winter patent t WIJJ8 25; spilng de t7 7.i'jS50. ItyeJleurat$i:50. Wheat dull; Del. and I'eim'a Kd, $1 :SS(?I III; ile Amber. $1 401 4X Cern dull and easier. l):ds lull ami loner. Kyedull at USe l'rnvisieus quiet. Lard quiet. lSuttcr quiet and unchanged. Itells quiet. Kkrs steady; I'enna., :i.J?3lc; We-tern, 30 Q3le. Chec-u quiet and unehanliPd. Petroleum dull; refined, 7c. Wlihky quiet at SI 18. liraln ana l'rovtuea Uuotattena. One o'clock quotations nl Kraln and provlf prevlf provlf lens, fiirnUhed by S. K. Yundt, Breker, 15 East KIiik street. Dee. 15. I r. M. Chicago. Wheat Cem Oat.- I'erfc l.ard Jan 127 .! if ltf.HU IU-7J. Feb.... 1.27J;; 'I5h Ml May... .... .Wi1;;, .V,4 .... . riilludelptil.1. Dec :.:57 Xc .51 Jan I.Ji -'Mi .51 Feb. .. 1.42J5 .Ti'JjJ .52 CIte Stcea: Markets. Ih'FFALO-Cattle Receipts, 1,001 head ; con signed through, "510 cars ; market wits steady wi'li a lair demand ; sales et fancy Christina steers at $!10750; choice, 15 ?20 W ; geed shippers. $5 5! 5 7.' ; lair te medium $l'J0 .V.0; liKht butchers', $484 4ii; light Cherokee", SJ25 ; best grades disposed of. .Sheep and LuiiiIm Keceipts, I, KM) head ; etrei'iiiKS light ; sales or lair te geed western sheep, $.!754 4(1; choice, ft'i"Sj 75; Canada lambs, i;:i5$ 45 ; best grades disposed et. Hogs Uccelpts, ?,i'M head : consigned through. US cars , market dull and prices 11 shade lower; sales or Yorkers, $3 1020; geed medium weights, $j20(T35 ; oed heavy. f :t)C 45 ; ene deck or very extra, $C7-i; lair te geed mixed heavy rmls t-' i5: 10; pignut . . 'ii!5 U5. Chicaoe. Hogs Uccelpts, 41,000 head; shlp lnenH. :;,t00 lieai t ; market active, and prices 53r0c higher; common te geed mixed, 5 7 i 20; heavy packing mid shipping. $r, i'jgn 50 ; l'liiladelplila and lard hog fi M)a 70 : llht bacon, $5 8)G ; skips and culls, $4 55 40. Cattle Itt-cclpis, 5,50) head : shlpnienlw. 800 licai ; general market slew ; Chrl-itmas bccve at f77 75 : experts, $7; geed te choice ship ping. $5 2t'5S.: common te latr. $4j4!JO; mix ed iMitcheis', $3 254 25; stockers and feeders, $2 75(3415; eastern calves, $12 15 "jrt head. bheep-Kecelpts, lCl head; market active and Arm ; common te tair,t2 75350 ; medium. .'754i".; geed te choice, tl5)S52."; one let extra sold ut$'". KtncK aiazKer. New Yerk. I'hlladelphia and Lecal MeckR also United States Ilends reported dally h Jacob 11. Loye. N. E. Cor. Centre Squnrn. Nw Yena tvremes. SteckK rather heavy. Dee 15. Sam Oj-a ft .... iwm Hen ay. .. .......... ....... Clnea-TO A North Wc-uern Uiienge. Mil. nl. I'anl Canada fcii!.lurn..... ..., y. C A 1. C '. I........... .. .. ' wcl.. Luek.tV Western DvJ.H'aie St tludren Cuuul.... Denver Aliin Urande Ka.-t 'i" 'iin., Vu. A Ua liunnibal & St. Jee LaUu bheie A Mich. Southern. Manhattan Elevated Michigan Central Missouri, Kansas Texas , N. Y., Lake Erie Western..., New Jersey Ccutial N. Y., Ontario S Western New Yerk Central Ohie & Mississippi Ohie Central l'aclflc Mall .Steamship Ce... St. Taut & Omaha de Preferrci 1 Central I'actflc Texas l'aclflc.... Union Pacific. Wabash, St. Leuis 4 I'aelflc...- .. I'retei red 125 12IK 121 10C 10B m'Ji M. COJ4 ) I272J I27Ji 1.7 J(fi M) .... 98 120 van. X?r " : " 45 44)4 30 :)K !.2 45 7SI 1K Iran 33 37M uy .. 41 - "K . vny 'i HSJ, 41 n 53'i 52 ... 119ii v: 8IJ4 8l Western Union Tel Ce W.' A. t. r. iw. Philadxlphia. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania IC. K i'-I Keailing.. 'Ml Lehigh Valley f Lehigh Navigation Ex Dlv.... 41) Buffalo, Pitts. A Western 22 Northern Central NertbcrnPaclflc. ...... ......... .... u Preferred SV.-i Hcstenvlllb .... .... .... Electric Underground Tel. Ce. 115 34, C2 '2ft 3414 VA '4 130 27 P.M. 1:0U 119 1I4JJ I0S MIf 8I Fhiiaucipiiu. a Erie ic 1;.... Gunnison Mining lOwaUulch Mlnlnir , UXITKD STATKS 1JOWD3. United States 4 per cents.... " 6 " 3 " ROOTS Jt SUORS. LADIES AND GENTS. IF TOO WANT A I Geed and Fine Fitting Beet or Shee Heady-made or Hade te Order, go te F.IllEMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werlt Specialty. JyS-tMSftW