rriwriw ' j. "s-- LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEI iNESD AY DECEMBER 14, Ibtfl, iLanrastrr Irnirlkflencer.- WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 14, 1881. A STATESMAN'S HOME. TIIK MANSION ANU FAKH Or CON- uuKssniAN ukwitt kkak NKW YORK. Slxlltin.tic.t poiindBer Butter n Week at 'JO CenUa l'euufl. Joui mil ni the Aineiican Agricultural ASsOC-Ia- Hen. At ilinwoed, in the Wyaneclric Valley, is the lcsiilencc of Hen. Abrani S. Hewitt, containing 1,000 acres, about equally divided between bottom lands and moun tain pasturage. The narrow valley in which it lies is fertile and beautiful. The mansion occupied by Mr. Hewitt stands en an elevation in the midst of a beautiful park of elms and maples, and is further adorned by line shrubbery and by a num ber of acres in a well-kept lawn. Here aie also a valuable grapery and het-house, and a larire number of fruit trees and choice plant?, the verandas, which arc very .spacious, being iillcd with rare plants and llewcrs. The house itself is built of weed in the aichitccturc of the Elizabethan pc i ied, and is recognized as one of the finest country residences in the United Slates. There are residences in the country built of stene that have cost moie money, but none can picsentameic beautiful ar chitectural picture or be mere perfect in its inteiier arrangement. The main hall lesembles that of Warwick Castle, Eng land. It is US by 40 feet, finished in haid weed. The walls arc ornamented with hjtccimensef nearly every description of arms used in the late war. On the left is a capacious open liie-placc, with an an tique audireus, cushioned settees hcie and there, unique chairs, bibles and ether adornments. A staircase of mar velous beauty and elegance leads from the rear of the hall te the upper Jloeis. Opening from the hall. u the right, is an elegant dining loom. The music room, billiard loom, sitting loom, school loom and library adjoin. On the left aic draw ing looms and Mr. Hewitt's study, filled with a great collection of practical and scientific books. The looms arc furnished with every possible aitiele for use and luxury, and the Malls of eveiy loom in the house aie adorned with pictmes, steel plates, water colors, or oil paintings. On the first 'loer arc fifteen rooms, the second nineteen and in the attic eight. The elder poitien of the house is moie than a cen tury old. A bundled yards distant fiem it is a small buck building, still in a per fect state of preservation, which during lhc revolution was used by Washington as a blacksmith shop, and is still used for that purpose. The grounds surrounding the house are adorned by several small Mr. Hewitt owns some carriage and saddle horses of thoroughbred stock, but his chief pride is in the Jersey and llol llel stciu cattle. Of the former he has twenty- four cows, and of the latter four, one Jersey bull and one Ilelsteinhull. lhc lielstein cows aie very handsome, and vvcie put chased fiem Judge Kullei ten's sleck. The dairy is a pretty building of the Swiss chalet style, and is one of the finest in the country. It is supplied with a large stream of luuuing water drawn from a lake above, entciing the building en the second Meer and descending te the h.'.scinrnt. alter supiilving power ler a water wlieel which does the weik of the churning. The walls aie stone, with a cemented Meer, tiled sides, and hard weed ceilings, the ioenimcasuic.-2 by :K) feet. Adjoining is the ice house, by means of which the tcmpcraliuc is kept at the proper point. The principal production of the farm is butter, of which the most is made m tins winter mouths, when from 573 te GOO pounds of butter aie produced each week, and of se excellent a quality that a market has readily been found for it during the past ten years at the rate el ninety cents per pound. The daiiy and all its appoint ments arc ei feel for the uses ler which thev were designed, the dairy room being absolutely clean. '1 he cows are kept with the most scrupulous care, being fed with coin and meal in the summer, and in winter with meal and chop ped hay steamed. In this dairy the cream is set about twenty-four lieuis : aii'l, if it sours, the milk and cieam are churned together te pi event less 1 cream. The churning is done at .'8 degrees in the summer and 00 in the winter. The dairy is managed by Mrs Hewitt, who is a daughter el Mr. Peter Cooper, and who justly takes gieat piide in her weilc, luitictilarly as her mother ami mother's sister were expeit butter makers beloie her. 1 lie practical work is dene by an expeiieneed Nreteh dairy woman, whose husband, Mr. Jas. Moniii Meniii g.m, a thoroughly experienced farmer, has the immediate management of the farm. Mr Hewitt, it i.? appropriate te state, is the largest individual employ or ei labor in I he United States, having four himdicd families en his estate at llingwoed, and employing thiee thousand hands at his different mauufaeteiies, and dining the haul times from 1875 te 1ST!) he never dis I'luirgcu a man en tee greunu el no weik," although for three ycais he sunk in his business $100,000 per annum. " lie Kept them employed, when neccssaiy, by building stene walls and tearing them town again, lie is tlieicfoie esteemed by his employees as a most gcucieus-hcaited man. His firm Cooper, Hewitt A Company, own between '20,000 and 'J2, 000 acies of hind in the neighborhood. "I Am All I'lajed Out," i , a common complaint. 11 yen Iccl se. gel a n;i:li:ic el hidnc v-W oil and take it and ou willattmce led lis tonic power. 11 leucws lhc healthy action el the kidneys, bowels and lter. :iiid thus lt-situes tliu natural lilt; and sliciigth te Hie weary lieily. It can new he had m cither dry or liquid lei in, and in cither wav is always pieiiiptaml etlieienl in action. .Wm Jtcdmil Nttmilaril. illS-lvvtl&w Slit) Passed it Along. " I send yen my testimonial in lclerence te 'piing lllossem.itaving taken it for dyspepsia. :iiii1 leceiving almost immediate relict. I pushed it te my neighbor, who is using It with ime results. MKS. .1. W. LKFFELT. " Llutira. N. Y." 1'iite. "hi cents. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran'-; t!i ug icieic. I.'IT Ntu 111 Queen street. Lancaster. incredible. V. A. Scnilcli, druggist, KntUveii, Ont.t writes: "1 liavu the greatest cenlidcncc in our Iturdeck ltloed Jtfitters. In one case with which I am personally acquainted their suc cess was almost incredible. One lady told me that hair a bottle did her mere geed than lnin lnin dicdset dollars' worth el medic-me she had previously taKc'n." Piicc SI. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug store, 137 North (Juceii fct., Lancaster. Second jKtlltlen el Jul). Mis.Og.Ien, X. Division street, I.ullale, s.ty.-s: " I cannot he loe lhanklul that 1 was induced te t ry your Spring Ulossein. I was at one time alnud 1 should never be able te gel out again. I seemed te be a. second edition el .lob without lus patience: my face and body w rcene vast eel lectien el boils aim pimples; since taking one bottle et yeurfcpiing iJlossein lam ipiite riiii'd, all eruptions have disappeared, and 1 leel better t hau 1 have in a long time." l'rice Ml cents. Fer sale at 11. II. Cochran's drug store, 137 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. HOTELS. tev ei'kn srun.viii:ic HOUSE, ON 1 Kiiiopt-eu plan. Dining Koeins ler Ladies and Uentlemcn. Kiilraiicc at Xe. 31 .Vel Hi Duke sheet. Clam and Turtle Souj-Leli-ter Salad, oysters In Kvcry Style and all Hie Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the I Hlirinage et the public. may7-tjd STKAMKII VhTi:is. Specialty made orbteamctl Oysters at Hie hl'llKCHKK HOUSE, Xe. 27 Neith JJuke Street. Having luriiished our itestauinnt with a boiler for steamiiiKeysH-is, we take this meth od et informing tin- public that wc are pre pared at ill times te tumidi them te lamfllcs at their houses or at the tcst.'iiiiaut. Ladies' entrance, Xe. '27 Xeith Duke street GKOFF . COI'KLAND, eat29-ttil Proprietors. MEDICAL. T IHE IUSTOKV OPASUOOESSFULBUSLNESS Prosecuted Upen the Principle r Truth aud Uenchty. We icier te the wonderful success that lias attended the introduction of Dr. C. W. Jlen Jlen sen's Celery and Chamomile Fills into the whole country. They aic picpurcd cpresly te cwrcSick Hcadachc. Nervous Headache, Xeuralgia, Nervousness, blceplessneas and Dyspepsia and the iacts prove that they de and will cure these diseases every time wheie the cause is net el an organic nature. The secret el their success is twofold. First, the need el them is very great ; it Is the only thing tli.it has ever been found, in the prolcs prelcs prolcs sien or out el it. that would actually and per manently cute the-ic diseases ; se that every body who lakes them becomes a walking and talking advertisement for them. One box, taken into a neighboiheod, has been followed and traced te selling $.VJ worth in that one po-deMcc. They aic indeed a valuable preparation and no nervous pel son ought te be without them, as they net only save fiem sutTeiing. but save ami pinions lile by pievenlmg p.ualysis, apo plexy and lieail disease. Sold by all druggists. Piicc. JOe. a box. Depot, 10; Xeith Kutaw sticct, lialtimere. Mil. Uy mail two bexci ler I, or six bexca ler $i.rU, te any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S New ICcmedy aud Favorite l'rcscrlptleu. SKIN CURE l. W.tiiauted te Cine bC.I'-M X, TLTTKIIS. HUMOUS, 1XFLAM- M TiON, MILK CKUST, ALL KOUGII 'XAI.y KUUl'TIOXS, DISKASjES of IIAIU AND SCALl. SCROFULA, ULCEUS, 1'1311'LES AND TENDhlt 1TCIHXCS en all jp.al. el the body. It makes the skin white, soil ami .smooth; leuievcs tan and Iie kles, and is the Kesl toilet diessiuglii the Ueilil. Elegantly lut up, two hollies Hi ene package, consisting et both internal and ex ternal tieattnent. All iirit class druggits have it. I'iiee$l per package. augiJ lydM.WftS&w IIDXICY AVOK. THE GREAT CURE POP. liUEUMATISM, As it is ler all diseases et the K1DXES, 1.1 VEH AND JIOWELS. It cleanses the system of thencild poison that (siiiMs tlieOieadlul siillciing which only the vieliuisel Uheumatism can icalie. TliiiuHamls el Cases et the worst tonus el this terrible disease have been apiickly re lieved, in a hurt time l'erfectly Cured. KLDNBY WORT Ii.i4 h.ul wenderliil success, and an immense sale in eveiy p.n I of the ceuntrv. In hundreds el cases it lias eureii wneie all else nal tailed 11 is mild, but ellicicnt, CEKTaIX IX ITS ACTION, but harmless in all eases. It Cleanses, strengthens and glies Nejv l.ite te all the niipeilant organs el the body. The ui'.tm.il action et the Kidm-vs is icsteieil. The Liwr is cleansed el all lisease, and the I.eu els move Iieely and ln-althtiilly. In this way tin- nrasi diseases aie ciauicaicil lrem the' -system. As it "::is been pieved by llieusuul-, that KTONEY WORT. is the me ,t, etlectual remedy for cleansing the .s3-stem et all meibid secictieus, it should be used in every household as a Sl'MXU MEDICINE. Muays cures UilleuKiicss, Censtlpatluti, 1'ilesaiKl all Female Diseases. j 11 is put up in Iry Vegetable Ferm, in 3i In cans, one package et which makes six Oirotuutset medicine. Am Alse In L.iqui(l Feriii.very Concentrated "ier tiiecoiivenleuceol theso who cannot e"-ie.'.dlIj piepare it. It nets with equal WiOtaciu'.v id cither form. UET IT OF YOUll DUUUOIST. TUICE, 1. nULLS KMJHAKDSOX ts CO., l'rei llurliugleu, Vt. I Will send the dty pest-paid.) dec?; lydtw.r 1.1AKKWKI.I. NOTICK. 5 li:. UUEENE takes this onpertiiuity te let his uiimeieiislrieudsaud ji.ttiens knew- that in a lew- months he will establish elliees in Washington, D. C, and hence would .suggest le the alllicb-d. t he Hnenic cases el disrasc. te test OMNI PATH Y belere it s tee late. Dr. tiieeiie iris treated ever 3,KK) jiaticnts since lauiiary 1st. lsv0, made up largely lrem these tinned away as incurable by ether M. !).. Ovet l.ruil deaths have eceuncil under ethers' ii.i'-ti( -s, and net a half-deen using his icme- iiiis. .mosIei me i,;i-i nave died piemaluiciy. I'liysieians h.ive lest their w ivcs, lirethei.s ami sons, and diiiggistsjtlicir wives and cliildicn dining this tune. Over l,fin persons have been euied, ami all benefited, by his methods, with a lew exceptions, and the citizens will bear him witness that he has never guaranteed te emu anyone or letlcit $1 nr$l,0iiu; that he has net thrust lus inclined l.u-c into their houses or en tin: lencc.s, in the disgusting riukham sljle, se common te u.tck cndcrs et nes- tiiiuis. iiis claim is simply te cure all tlu vai ions ills el mankind by external applica tions et leuicdials, and that he does net make a diugshopet the stomach, ami he will bcterc leaving publish a large pamphlet containing hundieds el came set persons cured in this city and county, many et them veiy cxtraor cxtraer ilmaiy. A banker's wife cuicd et sick head ache et ever thill y-flve years, and her glasses lciiievcii. leaning ami sewing Willi natural isien. M i . Sutter, el 321 Middle street, cured til . yc.u.s ion line annoyance el dyspepsia, in one tl.iy. Linleptic Filsel twenty years cuicd in one week. Tumors, Cancers ami Cataracts ienieeii without any lialuer Use el lhc knite. Axioms, Wielehed-loeking countenances de net cine disease. A legular graduate can be come a mountebank. A regular practitioner and surgeon cannot (at the same time) be a .pcrhtl-il. Ceitihed cures tit tliilicull cases make comfits ei the liicieduleus. Consulta tiens and examinations ritEK. Catarrh cured ler r-i cents. The remedy sent te anyone en leceipt tit .Mi cents in stamps. Dli. Cl'lAS. A. IJ UEKNE, Hi; East King sticct. MWF&S M USICA1. XXSTK V3IKHTS. AV ICDUINU AI CIiniSTMAS OIFTS. MUSIC-BOXES. Superior Quality. Newest Selections. Popular Prices. THE MOST AlTKOl'KIATE Wedding and Christmas Present. We eiler dining the Holidays tin: largest and most vancd stock et MUSIC-BOXES ever shown in this country, at the Swiss factory pi ice. witli only advance el import duty, less than halt the legular ictail price. MUSICAL BOXES, IIV77 r.l'.t.Ui, JiliVMS: VASTASETH, ZITHERS, Cc, Ac. MUSICAL ALBUMS. C. (iiiiutsi'lii & Ce., 3Iaiiul;ictiucr.s, STL. CKOIX and GENEVE, Swlt.erland. Salesrooms, 1020 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. JSS'Seml ltr Circular. t!G-tld JEWELERS. "Vl'KICA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AT AUGUSTUS RIIOADS, Jeweler, Se. 20 Kast King Street, Lancaster, Ta recpt2S-3maeeil nxr GOODS. N EXT UOliB Xt THE COURT BODSB. FAHNESTOCK. AVIIITE BLANKETS, 82.00 A PAIR. WHITE BLANKETS, 82.50 A TAIR. WHITE BLANKETS, 83.00 A PAIR. WHITE BLANKETS, AT ALL PRICES IN OL'ANTITIES. IN QUANTITIES, . Colored Blankets, $1.50 a pair. FLANNELS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, SHIRTINGS, Dress Goods and Silks, Dress Goods and Satins, Dress Goods and Velvets. UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR, tOK LADIE?. GENTS, HOYS AND CURLS. KOK LADIES, GENT&, HOYS AND GIRLS. ALL B1ZC3 AJ.D ALL THICKS, ALL B1ZBS, AND ALL TRICKS. Fell Cleth and Flannel Skirls, 50c. up. Our Ceat lEoem has stili a large stock el Coats and Delmans, $2.50 te $50. HORSE BLANKETS, HORSE JACKETS, AT LOWEST 1'KICES. AT LOWEST I'lUCES. FAHNESTOCK! Next Doer te Court Heuse. H OLIDAY SKASOIV, USEFUL PESENTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 1 Hi ENS HOODS DEl'AliTMEXT, (iE.XTS EUKXISIUXU GOODS DEPART MENT, L. A DIES' FUKXJSII JXG GOODS DEl"T. Chum and Glass Department, Notion Dcparliiieiit. DRESS GOODS, CASHMERES, SILKS, SATINS, VELVET. S, and PLUSHES. LADIES' SHIRTS SHAWLS, GLOVES AND UNDERWEAE. BARGAINS in LADIES' (OATS Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs in Endless Varinty. UASSAMElt RUBBER CL0T1I1NU Our On ii Drainl and Each Garment Warranted. GENTS' XECKWEli, II OSIER Y, UL 0 1 'ES, srSl'EXDEJiS, Ac. Sele Agents for the Pearl Shirts. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Slreeis, LANCASTEK. I'A. VASll'EtS. ilEKAT ItAKUAINS 1 CAK1'K1, 1 claim te have the Largest ami Finc--tock el OABPBTS In t Ills Oil', ltrusscls ainlTapcstry CA Itl'KTS Thivc-nly, Extra Super, .Super, All Weel, Hall Weel and Tart Weel Ingrains : lrem the best te the cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. All the FIX EST AX D CHOICE FATTERXS lhal ever can be seen In this city. I also have a Lare and i"me Stock et my 3vn make Chain and Rjig Carpets, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YAKIL Alse MAKE CAItPETS TO OUDEKat sher". notice. Sutlslactien Kuarcntecd. 3Ne trouhle te show goods if you de ne wish te purchase. 1 earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTEK I'A. piAKl'KTS, COAL, C PHILIP SC1IUM, SON k CO., MANUFACTOUiy Ne. 1.W SOUTH WATEK STIIEET, Lancaster, 1'a Well-known Manutactnreis of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, 15LANKETS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, &C. USTOBl RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTX. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed cither in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlenien's Coats, Overcoats, Pants Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo lllue Dyeing done. All orders or goods lctt with t? will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET ItAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal et the best ii:illly put np expressly le lamily use, and at the lowest market rates. TKY A SAMPLE TON. YAKD 150 SOUTH WATEK STKEET. 2-lVilUSl 1'IIILU' SCI1UJI. SON CO I" AUIKS' HAIK DKKSSKK MRS. C. LILLET?. Ladies' Hair Dresser. Manuraelnrer nnt Dealer In Hair Wert, Ladles' and Gents' Wies. Combings straight ened nml made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse. Kid Gloves and Feath ers cleaned and dyed: Alse, Ladies' SUampoe- "S" 225 & 227 NORTH QUEEN STEET, ej-Smd Four doers above r. K. K. Depot CLOTHHfU. w ADAMAKER & VMAfXm. Real First-Glass Clothing. WANAMAKER & BROWS. The tbuubtl'ul and ili.scriiuii.Uiiig poitien or the public who purchase Ready-Made Clothing will bee, with even but little consideration, that the old house of Watni niaker & Brown is in a position te give superior advantages te its patrons. Thcfie advantages consist in supplying goods that are : lst-PROPERLY MADE UP. 2d-MATERIALS SHRUNKEN. 3d-EX0ELLENT IN FIT. The cut aud linisb of our Men's aud Ueya' Clothing U of a character te eutiauk the Ordinary Custom Werk. We feuud out long age. by actual experience, that garments bought up from the whelesale stocks aie by no means se reliable as these made up under our own personal supervision neither will the cut and gcneial style (after wearing) bear a comparison te our own caicful make. !y making our own goods the Producer and Consumer aie brought in diicct contact, and in consequence the latter teaps no small advantage. Beys' and Youths' Clothing. This forms a very considerable portion or our business, and we are satisfied that we can couvince any ene that we always offer the handsomest and best finished goods known te the liade. Lew Prices de net always mean geed value ! On this head we shall always say that when style and quality are takcu into account we aie net under any circumstances ever undersold, and seldom are the prices, te which dealers fall, as low as our first aud only ene lixcil price le everybody. Our Stock is Enormous, Especially in Overcoats. Inviting a visit and recommendations of friends, we leinaiu, Very icspcctfttlly ANAMAKEE & BKOATO, The Largest Clothing Heuse in America- OAK Sixth and Market Streets., iuit noens. rpiIK NEW CHKA1' STOKE! Special Bargains in BLACK SILK VELVETS FKOM AUCTION at SI. 00, Nl.S.'i, ll..-0, 1.75, Ni'.'.OO, "2.ftO. Very much below tin ir iijinil piucj. BLACK SILKS, 50c. up, Veiy Goeil G)els:it f l.Wl, fl.i", f l.r.O $1.75 nml Ji.OO. BLACK CASHMERES FKOM 13 1-3 CENTS Ul. Our ."lUCiiualily cannot be bent. llcttcrDetls equally cheap. HANDKERCHIEFS of all kinds, CUlSAr FOK TIIK UOLIDAIJi. BABB& NEW CHEAP STOliti, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, Iletwccn the Cooper Heuse nml Sen el Herse Hetel. (AiUcr's Old Stami.) FAPEKHANtilNGS, be. a 3K. LINE OF WALL PAPERS, islhelarccst we ever had in sleck ter thU season et year, cuibrasiiiK Fine Gilts for i-ariers, nans, xc. Jew-prlced goods in end less vaiictv te select from. Thni-i' !irn smnx choice patterns in the market for the Fall ami Spring trade, which cannot fail le plea-e you. FANCY DADO WINDOW SHADES, I'LAIN SHADING, by the yard, In all colors and widths. Scotch Hollands. Tin and Weed Spring Roll Rell ers. Cord Fixtures. Rings, Tasscis, Leeps, Fringes, Picture Wire aud Cord, Bands, Heeks, Ac. Paper Curtains te Dealers at jjewesii -trices. EXTENSION CORNICES, the cheapest and best. Curtain Poles in assortment . O-Orders taken for FINE MIRRORS. PHAEES W. PRY, NO. 57 NORTH O.CEKN ST. HALL ia. VKY UOOOS. I iieMUAV : oensr j HOLIDAY GOODS, i HOLIDAY GOODS. lager & Brether. Kvhibit willi their Laie .Stoc"v et DRY GOODS n Choice Selection il AiIIcIls -liilalili; ler HOLIDAY GIFTS FOK Ladies, Ueiitlemcii and Children. LACE GOODS. Duchess, Guipure, Point Venice and Mericeurt Laces in Fichus Vests, Ties and Cellars. HANDKERCHIEFS, Hemstitched, Embroidered, Colored Berder and Silk. KID GLOVES. lO and 15 hooks and 3 and 6 but tons. Black, Celers, "White and Opera Shades. FUR TOP GLOVES AND MITTS. SHAWLS. Lais' GMs anfl Delmans. Children's Cloaks. SILK UMIJKKLLAs-Fer Lailics nml Uentb. GENT.V SILK TIES, SCAKF3. MUFFLEKS HAXOKEKCIIIEFS ami CI.OVKS, i Ne. 25 West King Street. LANCASTER, 1, X.1QUOES, &V. TIINUVALT'S WINE, LIQUOK, ALCOHOL AND GROCERY STORE. feblWyd NO. 205 WEST KING STREET. EEAD THIS ' LAKCASTKlt, Pa., April 28, 1881. The KiDNETctntA. Mf'e Cevpant. Gents It gives mc much pleasure te sa that after using one pack of KIDNETCURA I have been entirely cured et a severe pain m my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, alter trying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence In your medicine, cheerfully recommend it, and knew that many of my friends who hSve used it have been benefited. PETER BAKER, m261yU Foreman Examiner ana Express. urn BEOTHEB A&TR1VU BKWa AUrERIlHEMMNT. A STRICH 1JKOS AIJVKKT1SEMENT. ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH AM'RICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICil IIROTHERS ltROTHERS IIPfVPIIL-PU ltKOTHElK ) 1SKOT1IK1CS UROTUEl I'.KOTHERS ltROTHERS 11RUT1IE1W IIROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS IIROTHERS BROTHERS IIROTHERS IIROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS IIROTHERS IIROTHERS IIROTHERS IIROTHERS IIROTHERS BROTHERS IIROTHERS IIROTHERS IIROTHERS IIROTHERS IIROTHERS BROTHERS ltROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS ltROTHERS BROTHERS r td Kl O EAST KING STREET. EAST KING STREET. EAST KING STKEET. EAST KING STREET. EAST K1NU STREET. GRAND DISPLAY -JF,5 Suitable for Presents ! GIFTS TO SUIT EVERYBODY. LAMES' COATS AND DOLS1 NS LIGHT JACKETS ULSTKKETTES ami COACHMAN'S Ce .VIS. All at gic.itly icduccd pi ices. CHILDREN'S COATS. - B.ugaini in our Millinery Department. BEST BEAVER HATS at $2.75. PLUMES. TIPS. PLUSHES CHEAP. VELVETS AT GREAT BARGAIN. RIBBONS AT LESS Til AN CiT. FANCY GOODS. Wc h ivc new open, and are daily receiving, a fine let el. Fancy G001I3 suitable ler Holiday Pi-.esen in. Large and line assortment et SHELL BOAES. blicll BoekC.Lscs.ShclPInksluiHls.Slioll Wa.h Stands, ami a great many ether dc- bigll. jltillCCIlN. Linger ami liner ui tides at 00 cent--. Autegi-.iph Allnuns, small and huge. Scrap Boek--, ."Hie., 75c. and $1.X. A line let el JAPANESE WARE el every description. POCKET BOOKS: Fine Pocket Boek:?, fancy finish, t JJccnts. Fine Leather Pocket Beeks, with handles, - -. Elegant Pocket Boek-", Id cents, M cents, 'xu. Plnsli Bugs, with handles, 'J." cents. Fine I'lu-jli Rags and Petkcl. Large Leather Pockets at $l.t. l'iucaml lirge Velvet ami Plush S.itchcls, in black and colored. PERFUMERIES. iioed standard Brands at Iewpticcj, Perlunieries in Betes. Twe betlles Fine Perfume and one pit el Toilet Seap, in :i box. ler 2T cent-. Larger assoitmciitet nncrbec, at 10 tciit-j. .r0 cents and higher. TOILET SETS. lilecaml Hamlkcichicl Bec-. L.ngt! .I.ip.iuc-e Jewel Sale-", at .in com , Cologne in large laney pitchers, etc. Far.cy P.ees of Writing Paper. A tine selection el JEWELRY, Sli.iwl Pins, Cult Pins. Ear ICliigs, lli.iLdets, Necklaces, etc. Ile-t Plated Geed. at very low prices. Out- Wcll-Knewii KID GLOVES we aie new selling, in Ser I buttons, at lt cents a pair, in all shades. Wc need net mention that hcse Gleve-, aic A 1. Miialllv. :issuch is a well known fact. The "GERSTER," in black,:; buttons, larsupeiler te any Kid GIee oversold by " at only 98 cents. Five hook 4, Fester'-, patent, $l.'i" a pair. seven hook-, Fester's patent, fl.le a p.iii. in black, tlaik I. til shades, opera, tans ami geld Chamois Gauntlet Gleve-, Jl.i'i a pair. A box tit line Flench pet-Iiimcil Gleve Pewdei presented with every pair el Kid Gloves. Full and elegant line et HANDKERCHIEFS. L.idit s' All-linen llamlkei-t-hicls.r.c'nlsapii.i.i . S) cents per halt de.en. Ladies' line Linen Handkerchief.-., wide tape bonier, TiU cents per halt tte.t-u. Ladies' Ail-linen lleiustitcht-d liaiiilkcii-hiels, wide licin, 7." cents per hint dozen. Ladies' All-linen llandkeichiels, tine iju-dil, lauey ctilereil borders, 7."c per Italt de.cn. l'lm: White Linen Hand kcrciiiers.lieinstilchcd l e inch hem. '- cents apiece : $1.12 per lialf de.en. An extra line. all-liucu. Hcmstilclictl Hand keichicl, two-Inch hcin,25 cts. apiece; $t.;!Spcr halt dozen. W'liileCambiic Ilnndkerehiefs, huge initial, at lii cents apiece. Fine All linen Handkerchief, hcuistilchcd, coleied berdcis, latest design. 2." cents, 1'iiie While Embroidered llandkeichiels, a! :;":uiil.rril cents. Finest Oualily Linen llamlkercliiels. ham! semelv enibieidcrcd, in colors. .Viand 7."c. Gents' Linen Hanlkerchi!ls, ID, II, 17, -Juand -" cents ami higher. Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs, coieicd bonier, -je, S antl "M cents, and higher. Gents' All-liucu Hamlkeicliiets, hemslllelit !. coleictlbonlcis, linctiiality, II! (-cut-'. An Iminesc Stock id SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Nice Brocaded Silk llandkeichiels. Large Sie, at 23c. All Silk HaiKlkerchlets, Pelka Det. rc Heavy All Silk Twilled haiKlkeichlets, tnlargt: variety, at Mc. Handsome Brocaded All Mlk llamlkcichiels. II. Large and Fine Asseitim-ut et All PuieSilk lliecadcd Hamlkcichicl-., Fine Quality, ri'e. A Handsome Heavy Brocaded All Silk lltnid- kcrcliicl. Elegant and New Patterns, at 73c. Fine Hamlkciehiers at R".c, Jl.), $1 25, 11. flu. up te $5.0() apiece. An enormous variety at Lew Pi ices. MUFFLERS. In Whiteand Coleied. RlackamlBlackaml White Silk Handkerchiefs Lace llamlkercliiels from ldc. up. Flue Imported Applique Lace llamlkci chic's, 1 Of apiece. Fine Assortment et LACE AND EMIIROIDERED COLLARS, at all prices te suit everybody. Linen Cellars et all the Latest Styles. New Goods at Lew Prices. Sailor Cellar, witli Rick Rack Braid Edge. Ladies Turned Down Collais. with Needlework, or Rick Rack Braid Edge. Fine Lace Fichus lrem ate. le $.. Real Spanish Lace Tics and Fichus. 111 Black and Cream, Very Fine Goods. S.ttin and Plush Cellars. in Ail C0I01 . Black Beaded Cellars. FincSpaiiisli Lace Cellars, in I'lackamlCriam KUFFLING3. Footing Kuchings fiem He. ayanl up. Pompadour Ruchiugs, 20c, a yanl. Fine Crcpe-LisM! Riicliing, Silk Stitcln d, 25c. a yard. Elegant Crepe Lisse Riicliing. .Vie., 75c., $1 a jtl. Anether let et While ailK Illusion, . Chenille Det, Fancy Edge, at 25c a yanl. HAND-MADE WORSTED GOODS. Latlicb ami Children's Caps in large variety. Children's Knit Coats. Ladies' Hand-Knit Waistsat 75e. Hue Cardigan Waists, tight fitting. $1.25. WORSTEDS. ASTRICH BROS' LANCASTER BAZAAR, 13 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HOLIDAY Will; vloibixe, uxitr.mrEAt;, a v. r-lLOTHlNCrC. D. B. Hosteller & Sen Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Our Assortment td CLOTHING poll .ME IfUYS AMI YOUTHS COK FALL AM) WINTKR. Is larger ami nien- vailed than ever beleie. Prices lhc low est. Give us a call. D. B. Hostetter & Sen., 24 CENTRE SQUARE, ivd LANCASTER. IV TAl.I. OPr.MNU H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, HI the LARGEST AShOKTM KNTNil tine SUITDTG, OVERCOATING, PANTALOON I NO ever letmghl te the City til Lam.t-.tei. Prices as Lew as the Lewest All Goods Warranted as Represented H. GERHART'S NEW STORE, Ne. 0 East King Street, rpni: ii:Kbi:.vr c'sT or a nkw suit OF CLOTHING ( thcita!ity ami st le t-iusileti'i ) i. cry 'imall ceuiiMiu! Willi lliepilcesa lev.- cir:r;. We hat- --ict I.iltits teilay th.it ju ihenlil uctkc.i note el mil tome ami -co : 1st, Men's All-Weel Drcs3 Suits, lerli.-:. '., Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats, ler let e. .Ul. l:ob' ani Children's Ovorceat3, ;-L pi ices nincli let than tint in;; tle eaily p irt tl the e.i-.eii llli, Untlorveur, in While, ami Colen '. I01 .".11. .-jlli. Fine White Dress Shirt, lei .VK-. .III. Silk Hantlkorehtels, ler .'i)e. Vth. O.NK LOT Ol Linen CellarEf; for 6c. ttpiece. We call jour attculieii te thi'M lew p- i.iltii lei they :i'e t. li.it l-t net-tie'! 111 eveiy inau'- hoii.iheli! r.n.l u'heli lln-- can he li.iulit se cheap ( the tn.iliiy ceti-iileicil ) it 1 tempting te Imy. & 111, U0--.J8 BAST KING STREET, LAM A.VIKK. PA ,MiieNAitLt-' c:i.itiiin:. AL ROSENSTEIN, TIIK OXK-I'KICE MercMt fair ill MM, I'lONLKi: Ol-' MOOLICATK PKICKS. 'I iMlly thy h.ihil. a thy piirsecaii Imy, lint nete.ipie'.'cil in laney. 'KielilietKiiuily. Imii- the apjiaicl oil piecl.'iiuiH the man." Shaf.csi'i tt) r. " Te he well tlietsctl w ill efltinies hiiperteile tlie leal." .'ren. Fine Tailoring Custom Department. Oureeiiiiter-t are new Imleu with the eliele esttahiicy in Keieiun ami lieiucstit: GemU: they an: til the latest patler)i-, antl are rich ami hamlseme: their siipi;rierui.-iK: will show te line lelvantae. We'iiiaki-thi-i aiiiioiince aiiiieiince meiit tt these who wish telrt well at med t-iate pi ices. We make Ulsters, Ulatorettes, Fancy Lined, Self Lined, Silk and Satin Lined Overcoats. OKKSS ami IIUSINESS SUITS in any Style. We have the handsomest assortment et Tienseiiiifis in this city. In connection with our Custom lit-parlint-iit we have a full line tit Klepant, Well .Made an. 1 Geed Kitting READY-MADE CLOTHING, KOi: MEN", ISOh AND CIIILDKKN. Far superior te t lie.e generally .sold at Keadj MadeCletlnn; ten-s. Our Fancy L'lsterettt-s, neveivlhleOvi'ictiatu "whicli, liy the way. can lie worn en either "-hie," s-aliu and silk lined Overcoats, cannot he excelled ler style and beauty; wchave them I10111 ?' le i-i. ilur hcIMined eeieits are very Ii-sihImihi. We havt! tlitm in I v. uty diireieiit.stylcs.freiii t7..Vlt $-. OurSilk-i.ictd. I.iL-lit-uei-ht Oveiceats nod tin Itmt.s are m.ir els et beauty, and no will In-re htute, up te I he present tunc tiiis is tin: only sten; in (hi-, cliv where you can tinil llie ."snrteut Overcoat. This coal is parcweileiit e thedressoverce.it. Our :veit incut el GKNT.V FrUXISIIlNt: GOODS is complete. The IJICVCLK SHIRT, wliich is veiy h.imlsemi-. is a yn-at LtvorllcwltliyeuiiK uiiiii. Wc li.tve them for $l.i", ?I..V, $i(w anil $ii, twenty-live percent, less tlian they c-in be bought l(rt New lieie. Having adopted tliuONK-PKICK Hystcm, it is enforced in its me.st radical term. as in no instance will or tan 1 make any deviation liem the price plainly marked en every arti cle, having in llie hrst place made the saint) Miilicicntly low te placcstipcriore.ualiiy j;oetls w ithiit the reach et the. most economical. A visit te my establishment, particularly m it you preter a better cia et clothing than is generally found in stores, will cenllrai my statement. AL ROSENSTEIN, NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Next deer te .Sliutt. & Ilre.'s HutSterc antl en pesite the Urnnc Hetel.