fnctdugene Volume X Mil--Ne. 88. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1881. Price Tw Vtmts. fa JOHN JOHN MONDAY, DECEMB THE GKEAT HOLIDAY SALE of Philadelphia, AT THE GRAND DEPOT, In Leth the Main Building and the two new annexes, when FIVE ACRES OF FLOOR SPACE AND GALLERIES will be thrown open t.j the public for the marvoleuBly beautiful exhibition of dry goods, fancy goods, ladies' dresses, and house heuse furnlshinga of every description. Vienna, Paris, Berlin and Switzerland have poured in beautiful things for Chrisbru.iu, and the new toy department covering a half-acre let is LIKE FAIRY LAND. All leld, the present stock offers our customers a selection from almost two million dollars' worth of goods. The ladies' suits and coats and the Fur Department occupy the rlew building directly en the corner of Thirteenth and Chestnut. The ladies', gents' and children's hosiery, gloves and gents' furnishing goods occupy the three stores (thrown into one) en the west side of Chestnut Street entrance The Immense Windows On Chestnut Street, and the arcade entrance, with its splendid displays of Christmas things, Will he illuminated with Electric Light until 10 o'clock every night. Mail orders have our careful attention. We are organized te attend te twolve hundred letters daily. JOHN WANAMAKER, Grand Depot, Thirteenth, Market and chestnut sis., Philadelphia. M YEKS Si KATHFON, M FINE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, EMPLOY READY MADE CLOTHING. If v.e nuclei take te describe em FINE ASSORTMENT in these goeilrt it would consume nunc tliun our slineel space ami nioie of your patience le row I it than is allowable. Suflice it te say we have every thing, from Hie $10 SUIT we hae told you about, ; he FINEST CLOTHING a gentleman requires. BY THOSE WHO HAVE DEALT WITH US OUR (JOOl)S ARE CONCEDED TO RE THE BEST IN LANCASTER CITY OR COUNTY. CHINA AN It ULASHirAJiJi. j II IUI1 & MAltTKi. CHINA HALL. opening another New l.olel HOLIDAY GOODS I IN Havi land's China. BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, FANCY GOODS. ' A new line Ol IIECORATEO CHAMBER hKTS, TKA ami DINNER SETS. All these wiuci were selected wilhthc great--M care as te Style, Ouality ami Decoration. I'.elere selecting your CHRISTMAS GIFTS examine our cry large slick. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Street. MEDICAL. I OCII ElfS Reiiewiied Cough Syrup. A pleasant, Bale, speedy anil sure remedy ler Colds. Cough?, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influen za. Soreness of the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting or Bleed, In flammation el the Lungs uud all Diseases el the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines air the medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved, te possess the most, sate and elllcient qualities for the cure or all kinds of lung diseases. TRICE, 25 Cents, l'repared onlyandseldby CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DRUGGIST, Jfe. 9 East King Street, Lancaster. WAVAHAKKR'S ORE AT HOLIDAY SAT.K. WANAMAKER WILL INAUGURATE ON CLOTULSU. VhKS V KATHFON, THE FIVE 1JEST CUTTEKS IN THE mux hitters. I KUN IUTTKKM. I IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. IKON HlTTEHKuie htghiyrcceiiiuipndeil ler all diseases rcqnlilng a curtain and eitl eienl tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS'OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, Ac. It enriches the Meed, stu nglhen the nnneli"s and gives new lite te the lieives. 1! acta like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic f-yir.pteuw, such aii Tasting the Fend, Retching, Jlcat m the Stomach, Hearburn, etc. Tim only Iren ('reparation that will net elaeken the teeth or glve heartache. Sold hy all druggUts. Write ler the A l C Heek, "K pp. et useful and amusing reading &v7it free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, ra-lyd&w BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster. J'Ij UMIl EH'ti T OHM I.. AKNOLD. J Largest, Finest and Cheapest Stock el CHANDELIERS KVKK SEEN IN LANCASTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PLATK AND PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. JOHN" L. AKNOLD, Nes. U, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rapr2-tta EE 5th, VERS .V KATIIIIIN, CITY. HON JUTTEKS. SURE APPETISER. S VI' VI. IF.S. OIIN I.. AKNOLD. Lancaster Jntrilfgcnccr. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 14, 1881. " Ge te the Ant." The lleuey-Ant of ihe Garden ei the Cods. Rev. Dr. II. .C. McCook, a Presbyterian minister of Philadelphia, who was enter tained by Dr. J. A. Ehlev during the meeting "of synod in Lancaster, lias for years made eiese study of the ant a specialty. It has been known a long while that an aul exists in New Mexico which bccretcs honey after some fashion. Travelers have told of Indian feasts iu which the ant was served up " in her own honey" as a species of animated hency-ccll. Uut there was need of a careful examina tion of the habits of these ants en the pait of some one who had the scientific spirit and some tiainiug in the ebserva tien of insect lile. Dr. JMcCoek under took the long journey fiem Phil Jade Iphia te New Mexico for the sole purpose of playing Paul Pry en the interiors of the heucy-ants the interiors in two senses, for his puipose was net accomplished by observing them at work in their under ground burrows, or rather iu the singular galleries which they drive through soft sandstone rock ; it was also necessary te examine their anatomy and find out hew and by what organs they secrete the lim pid honey. All of which Dr. McCook has done, and curious enough arc the habits of these little favorites of -Ehep. Tite sluggard would hardly profit were he enjoined te go te the heucy-ant of the gaiden of the Cods (Jfgnnccecgslus lierlttMlcvrum). Could he sce the galleries made specially for these ants which sc cietc the honey, and note the care taken of them by the weikcr ants, and witness the absolute juict iu which these honey makers leaf away the eutiie day and night, the moral would net be what it was intended. lie would regard with envy the swollen crop of the honey.makcr, the as siduity of its servants and attendants both te keep it neat and te feed it with fresh honey from the neighboring oaks, and the Ia.incss with which, when it decs move at all, it pushes itself or is dragged by the busy workers from one gallery te another. And even the slender worker might net seem te the sluggard se bail an aul, for none gees out by daylight, and it is only when the sun sets that these peculiar creatures, tinning night into day, sally out for feed. Hereafter the levised read ing will be : "Ce te the ant, thou slug gard, but net te the Jfgmucecggtits horlux herlux horlux ilcerttiii." Ants have beiM asteuisliing us new for a century, and yet there scorns no end te the variety el their hicks and perform ances. Till found in the Garden of the Ced, it was net suppe.-ed that the honey ants existed further north than New Mex ico. Theyhavc been found at Brownsville, Santa Fe, Matatueras and the City of Mexico. Dr. McCook found their nests en the tops of dry ridges iu the pietuiesqua section en the Eau mii Beuille, Colerado, called the Garden of the' Gods. lie fol lowed them at nihl, lantern in hand, for several evenings in succession before dis covering what they fed en. The long train of workers was easily traced te thickets of scrub oaks. Finally, en the third night, they weie seen en the oak twigs running from one oak gall te another and sucking a juice secreted by the gall. Each active gall had the larva of the gall lly within ; the ants passed by these Irem which the mature insect had escaped. Nests were then laid bare with pick and shovel and tlie workers caught in the act of feeding the honey bearers. These apparently weie of the very same breed, even the same cast, as the woikers, and only diflbicnt in the moii meii moii stieus swelling of an anterior stomach, which Dr. McCook calls a crop. Like a ciep this part docs net digest the honey, it iiiciely distills and purifies it ; and weikcr ants when hungry will go up te a honey ant and ask for honey from it ci op, just as a young pigeon is fed from the eiep of its mother. Among the many plates iu this volume, which show the habits and dwellings of the ants se clear ly that the story baldly needs the aid of text, we see weikers feeding the honey heaters with the contents of their own little crops en returning from a midnight foray ' aul ethers taking loll both fiem ' the l aiders and liem the distended ; honey-bearers. Tjiems latter are seen hinging fiem the rough ceilings of the larger galleiies in a half-torpid stale, for all the world like, single Dclawaic grapes. Dr. McCook describes them as very light of color, shiuing and transpar ent. The honey is singularly pure and liquid. In summer it has a slight tat tness that is very refreshing, but in winter even this is net tasted. The Indians serve them up as a delicacy exactly like very tender ftuit. The Mexicans aie said te pi ess the honey bcaicis exactly as if they weie grapes, and cveu te make a sort of wine or liquor from them. Dr. McCook dissents from another observer who recommends that attention should be given te the ants as honcy-preduccrs for the maikct. lie is of the opinion that the number of honcy hency bcarcrs is tee small in each community. A large colony would net have mere than GOO, which would yield no mere than half apeuud. But it is likely that any one who should expeiinient with them would devise means of doubling the number of honey-makers. Dr. McCook's ether argu ment is stronger, namely, that the de struction of insect life involved iu obtain ing the honey will be likely te prejudice people against, it. lie might have also remembered te mention the natural dis gust which most people have toward in sects like the ant, which are never associ ated in their minds with feed otherwise than as corrupters and pilferers. Te many people the smell of anls is intensely liatc ful. It would take tee much sp.ice te fellow Dr. McCoelj in his discoveries of the inti mate life of these ants ; their care for each ether and their occasional utter in dillcrcnccs ; their sloth and activity ; their ferocity and apparent geed temper under provocation. On the whole,' the report is extremely in their favor. They aie hard-working, stubborn, long-suffering when ether ants ma their mines among their galleries, and se prudent iu laying up stores of feed for a bad day that they actually store it in living kegs, which move, iudced, with difficulty, but still can drag themselves out of the way of imme diate danger. Notwithstanding all the doctor has done, there is yctmeic te study. Which of the workers aie they that begin te get swelled crops and finally take te the honey rooms? What de the honey bearers leek like after several mouths during which the colony has net stiricd abroad ? De they find ether honey feed beside the galls en the oak? De the r". ui'if i :. colenics seeietc mere honey or le :-V i !,- much of the honey habit is .ehnitar. hi the individual? Hew much chance ? There is no end te the problems before the student f this singular little cicatmc. The second part of the book re lates te another W-stern ant, Pogono Pegono Pogeno myrmcx ecei'lcutaUs, whose fortresses and cleared spaces en the praiiics might have formed the models en wlii''h some of the earthworks of the meund-buiidi is of the Mississippi valley were arranged. Every night these ants close their gatcr- with large pebbles, thus reversing the habit cf the Jlgrmccecgslus. They are continually attacked by a very minute ant called the Erratic, which fastens en like bull-terriers te an ex, and are greatly dreaded by the large ant. Ants of ether species run their burrows into these of the Occidentalis, "jumping their claims," but the latter de net mind. Even the eggs aud lapvaj of two kinds have been found in oue gallery. Dr. McCook has issued a prospectus for a large work en American spiders, te be printed if sufficient subscribers send in their names. The Relation or the Clergy te Amuse ments. New YerkSun. The ltcv. Dr. Richard S. Sterrs of the Church of the Pilgrims iu Brooklyn is a clergyman who does net appear te be afraid te gratify a taste for harmless rec reation because te de se is unconventional, or what might even be termed unclerical. "A very interesting affair," according te our esteemed contemporary the Brooklyn Daily Eitgle, " took place at the rcsidence of Mr. Franklin Woodruff " en Thursday evening, aud among the invited guests present was the Rev, Dr. Sterrs. " The event was nothing less than a pri vate match of billiards between Mr. Sex Sex eon and Mr. Jeseph Dien, the yell-known experts in this fascinating game. A regu lar three-ball game of live hundred points was played in the presence of a distin guished company. I hen tin players in dulged in seme line fancy shots, and subsequently everybody indulged in 10 fieshmcnts. The occasion was one of innocent and agreeable enjoyable through out. The presence of a prominent minister of religion at such an entertainment net only shows strong geed seuse en his part, but is indicative, we think, of a change iu the attitude of the clergy generally toward all amusements net evil in them selves. A pronounced expression of the chang ing sentiment iu this respect is found in the Behlen lectures of 1881, delivered at Philadelphia by Bishop Dudley, of Ken tucky. This fearless writer advocates a wise discrimination as the great present need of the church. In roference te popu lar amusements he declares that the clergy are standing en ground that is wholly un tenable. " I believe," he says. " that the in discriminate condemnation of one whele class of amusements aud the indiscrimin ate approval of another has produced the effect upon the mass of Christian people te destroy the value of all such judg ment." He cannot see why clergy aud laity may rightfully go hand in hand te the conceit hall or reading hall, thcre te hear the prima denna or tragedian, aud yet nlust be forbidden te attend the opera or theatre, The actor who refused te read Shakspcarc before a Yeung Men's Chris tian association is pronounced worthy of admiration for his rebuke te Christian inconsistency in telling the young incu that it could net be right for them te hear him read while seated iu a chair the lan guage they deemed it unlawful te listen te if spoken by the same person dressed iu character. In games the same unreasonable distinc tion are shown by Bishop Dudley te exist and cards are tabooed iu households where dominoes and backgammon are sources of constant amusement. The contrasts of this sort might be carried much farther. Aud the bishop is right iu regarding the enforced separation of the clergy from hours of recreation as a mighty evil. Iu the bowling alley the Rev. Dr. Sterrs is a formidable rival efauy member of his con gregation. Why should he net be permit ted te become equally invincible at the billiard table? " Well will it be for the church when it shall be fully recognized that what is law ful for people is lawful for priest, and that what the priest may net de because it is sinful, his people tee must forego." Every step toward the fuller recognition of this truth is iu the direction of true icligieus progress. The Biggest Liar. the inmates of a Western insane Anion asyhiui is a man who is eiteu pciiectiy sensible, and when accosted at such tunes causes visitors te wonder why he is con fined there. This inmate entered into con versation the ether day with a caller, whose dress proclaimed him a clergyman. Said the mailman : "It was loe bail, was it. net, the killing of Grant at Chicago?" "It war-," said the minister, who fol lowed the acceplcd custom of assenting te the statements of lunatics, for peace's sake. "Hayes was assassinated at Cin cinnati, was he net?" again asked the lunatic. "Yes," lcplicd the clergyman. "And was net Queen Victeria murdered iu her palace?" Te this query from the madman the clerical visitor ouce mere an swered iu the affirmative. The lunatic named oue after another a dozen living royal personages, all of whom the clergy man was led te admit had been put out of the way. Finishing his catechism, the madman turned en the clergyman, and said, fiercely : " Yoer dress shows yen arc a minister ; but you are the worst liar I ever met."' An Asiiitc Deg. A gentleman, accompanied by a favorite deg, visited the studio of ene of the Cin cinnati arti.sts the ether day. Thcre was a picture en the easel, and the deg began te bark furiously at it. " Nature may be rclieti upon after all," said the gentleman. " The best evidence of the faithfulness with which you have painted that deg in the background is the earnestness with which my deg barks at him." ' But that isn't a deg," said the artist, blushing, " it isa cow." The gentleman was nonplussed for a moment, but he quickly replied, " Well, the deg's eyes are better thau mine : he never did like cows." As our reporter came along Water Street last nitflit, shivering with the chill niht air, and drawing his overcoat lightly about lilm, bethought, "new is the time ler eelds and coughs." but If peer mortals only knew what a certain cure Dr. ISuH's Cough Syrup 13, hew few would long sutler, and then it costs only lienty-livu cents. Sandusky (Ohie) Register. .Vea'ly all the ills that alllict us cad be pre vented and cured by keeping the stomach, liver and kidneys In working order. There is no medicine known that will de this as surely as Parkers Ginger Tenie. See advertisement. Thanks. Themas Heward, JSradterd, l'a., writes: "I enclose money ler Spring ISIosem, as 1 said 1 would it it cured me; my dyspepsia has van ihed with all its symptom. Jlany thanks ; 1 phall never be without It iu the house." l'rlce .".0 cent". Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug store, I'M North Queen utrcct, .Lancaster. A Signal Victory. The value et electricity as a remedial agent l-as gaiiM-d a signal victory ever prejudice. Themas' KelectricOil stands loremest in this clax.s or compounds. Testimonials from all parts tell et the wondrous cures nt rheuma tism, neuralgia, hurts, and sores, etc.. eflectcd by its agency. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's I rug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. .Physical Suffering. Ne one can realize, except by personal ex perience, the anguish et mind and body en dured by sufferers lrem dyspepsia, indiges tion, constipation, and ether diseases of the stomach, Burdock Bleed Bitters arc a positive cure for this direst of all diseases, l'rlec $1. for sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 1:57 North Quccu street, Lancaster. CLOTH IN ti. A C. YATES & CO. COLD WEATHER CLOTHING. A. C. YATES & CO., - -- tt THE" PLACE TO BUY IT. A house that has, in se short a time, established a trade of such magnificent projertious, must possess cxtraerdinajy merit. We will lead you into the secret of our continued success. FIRST AND FOREMOST : Producing Clothing SUPER IOR TO ALL OTHER MAKES ( we mean this literally and without retraction). THEN : SELLING AT LOW PRICES, with the understanding that the money will be lcfuuded if purchases cannot othcrwise be made satisfactory. Solid reasons why you should buy your Clothing of A. C. YATES & CO., CHESTNUT AND SIXTH STS., PHILADELPHIA. jtjtr Ml'KclAI, I5AUUAIN IN FINE BLACK FIGURED BEAVERS. Last week we purchased fiem oue of the largest impeiters his entire stock of handsome, high-cost, neat-figured, fur-back BEAVERS. The transaction was a large one. and the prices at which we bought them very low. We shall sell them at from 'St te 10 iter cent, below what the importers' price has been previous te this sale. The goods aie all fresh manufactured for this season's sales, and the patterns the very newest, including Silcilicnnc Corded, &e. We think this is a bargain without prece dent. Such goods are always fashionable for Ladies' Coats, Delmans, &e. Light Colored Beavers with Flushes ami Senl Cleth for Trimming. Light Coats, Daik Coats and Rlaek Coats aie all trimmed with Seal, Cleth or Plush, both of which we have in a great variety of colors and many qualities. This net only applies te Coats, but. also te Ulsters, Wraps aud almost every ottlside gar ment worn by ladies this scaseu as well as suits. CHILDREN'S OLOAKINGS. We are very busy with the little ones. Ne weudcr ; for nowheie is there such sn assortment of handsome colors and pretty things for Children's Coats, Ulsters, V&c. Then we have the Seal Cleths and Plush, in shades that blend beautifully with the Cleths. Mothers, bring your children along and let them help make a selectien. BOYS' OVERCOATINGS. Fer the boys we have a great many light co!ercd.Beavers,also some handsome thick soft, nappy Beavers and then we have Green, Olive, Brown, Bhte uud every ether color aud kind of Beavers, seme plaid backs, ethers plain backs, but all can be made up without lining. Many are made very stylish by having pockets, cull's and color of seal cloth or plush, if you like it. Nowhere clse can you lindsuch beautiful trimmings at prices always the lowest consistent with quality. Handsome Seal Cleths for Ladles' Coats and Delmane. Ladies who arc debating in their minds about purchasing Seal Cleths should de cide promptly; present sales indicate a great scarcity in the near future. SM3MBASS, IURRAT & CO, CLOTH HOUSE, MARKET & NINTH STREETS, Philadelphia. I ANK & CO. LJNTE Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA., DEALERS IN FOREIGI AM DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. JUST OIKNKI A .SI'I.ENPlD I.ISK OF LADIES' COATS AND COATINGS, VERY CHEAP. LADIES' UNDERWEAR in all grades. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR, in Red and White Heeds. BLANKETS, in great variety. FEATHERS, Steam Cured. CARPETS and O'JEENSWARIS HOUSE and LAP BLANKETS, BOLTING CLOTHS. Ac. Spt'i-ial iiiilinfiiiciits In price new :r; we tliMii le mnku u laOiciil cIhuikc In -Ul ly JANUARY 1, ISSi. Jacob M. Marks. Jehn uii y e neus, tiNur.n ii ;. k, ac. OOniKTlllriG NEW LACE TJIUKAD UNDERSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DKAWKS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAN'S, THE SIIIRTMAKER, NO. nn .NORTH IJUKKN STKEKT. "lOATS, DOI.MANS, .JACKETS. WATT, SHAND & CO. Have epeni-d another elioice llnoet then Kleant Clese-Flttliif; LIGHT COLORED COATS and JACKETS AT 1'KIC'KS LOWER THAN EVKR BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS Twe Cases DAMAIASSK DUP.SS GOODS At Xc. anil lOc. a yanl, One Case UERSTER SUITING, 23c. :i yunl One Case AM.-WOOL CI.OTII SUITING, . K5c. a yartl. We eiler the very best possible value In BLACK CASHMERES At 5, 45, 50, G8 1-8, 75, 87 l-2c, SI a yartl. All the Saw Shades in 3ilNCH All-Weel CASHMERES, 50c. a yd. Indies', Gentlemen's ami Children's ME RINO and ALL-WOOL HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR In all sizes and qualities at bottom prices. We have again received a lull line of BLANKET AND THIBET SHAWLS at the same Lew Trice. CORSETS, GLOVES, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, RIBBONS, HANDKERCIIIKKS, 2TOTI02TS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY AT NEW YORK STORE 8 & 10 E. KING STREET. II aoevs. ANE & CO. & CO., A. Charles. Jehn B. Mb. HOOKH ANlt HVAHONEHt. c 111 KISTMA l'KteBSTN ILLUSTRATED ROOKS ! and ii'rni'ief Art InChri.stiiiiweiid New Year J Cards at L. M. FLYNN'SV Ne. 42 -WEST KINO 8TKEET. 1SSJ. " 1882. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY GOODS!! NOW OI'KN! CALL AND SEE! AT THE I'.OOKSTORE OF JOM BAEBS SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. I. Bnii Plain. rVKNITVKF.. flHKISTMAS riSKMENTS, Christmas Presents! The largest Bleck et" HOLIDAY GOODS In the city, comprising li ATT AS CHAIRS. ROCKERS and 1'A TEXT ROCKERS, LOUXUES. VOUCHES. TURKISH ROCKERS. 1'A TEXT R O CKERS A XU EA .S 1 CITA IRS, CJUFEOXIERS, ESCRETOIRES, CAHIXETS. EASELS. FOOT RESTS, TOWEL RACKS, SLIl'PERAND WISP BACKS, iii,Ebony, Ma hefiany and Walnut. Avcryt'lNE ASSORTMENT, indeed. Always a pleasure te show geed. PICTURE FRAMES, In Geld, Ebony ami Walnut, nt short notice. WALTER A. HEIN1TSH. 15 EAST KING STKEKT. sep21-3unl