LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10; 1881. COLUMBIA HEWS. OUK, ttEGULAB COR.RESPONUENCK ; Miss Dellie Barns, of Harrisburg, is vis iting Columbia friends. Rev. P. P. Mayser will conduct tbc ser vices at the laying of St. Jehn's Lutheran church cornerstone at 2 p. m. te-morrow. Rev. C. S. Gerhard.- Reformed, will preach te morrow evening en i The opera"! house and public entertainments." Rev. F. J. PrettyuBSn, the-fmrangelisfc, who was lately here, iitaew conducting a similar revival in Reading:. Twe colored men gambling en Tew Hill this mommgdUputecbeVer the game. Ose reached for the money that. '.had been staked, and the ether cut him in.the head with a knife, Inflicting an ugly gash about three inches ia length. That settled it. Twe first-class machinists from Phila delphia arrived in town yesterday and will give the Shawnee rolling mill a thorough overhauling. , , . ,, Majer Yecnm is working up "Patience" for all it is worth. He-is energetic in be half of the G. A. R.l Pest, and is their guiding star. - On account of the' lateness of the Penn sylvania passenger 'train, since the tew schcdulewent into effect, another one will seen make its appearatce. Tonight premises te be a lively night, as a number of drunken men are already making considerable noise. Squire Grier sent Tem Jenes te Castle Weise this morning for drunken and dis orderly conduct. Mrs. Hamilton's mother, Mrs. Lydia Myers, aged 80, has died of threat cancer at her home en North Walnut street. Geerge Rcdsccker's new horse-clipping machine is worked by a ball and wheel. The " Vigics" will have a holiday ball. They expect their new steamer next week, but no arrangements for its icccptienhave yet been made. A number r of our you tig men have formed" themselves into a serenading club, and will furnish seme of our citizens with flue music en Christmas and New Year's eves. The P. R. R. is going te have new modecs made, and instead of the bell like smoke .stacks, they will be' modeled like the straight stacks en the passenger engines. One will be made and sent here for trial, and if it proves successful Mera will fellow. Amcricus Vespucci Christopher Colum bus Rogers, who has recently ceme home from a Wehtera tour, was given a surprise party last night, at the residence of his aunt Mrs. David Celeman. The chairs in the barber shop weie removed and daucing was enjoyed by all. A delightful evening Yas spent. Off the Track. This morning at 10:30 as the l'se'.i tiain Ne. 33 cast was crossing the switches opposite Wynuewoed station, ten miles west of Philadelphia, the last car of the train was thrown from the tiack by the misplacement of a switch. It appears that the conductor of a preceding train had forgotten or neglected te place the staple in the switch-lever. The engine and the three first cars of the train passed safely but the last car turned the switch and ran off the track, being upset and turned end for cud. There weic a number of passengers in the caat but none of them were hurt except ene lady, and she net very screusly. Had the staple been in place the accident could net have happe ned, -a; On Court Heuse Koiv. The county officers elect are filing their tlends and getting ready te take their places; and the politicians arc exer cised te knew what clerks go in, stay in, or get out. The slate in the commission ers' office is still Gricst for clerk and Shell for janitor, with a vigorous and net hope less effort being made te smash it ; Gee. W. Eaby, having run the clerk of quarter sessions office for his prcdcccfsjr, expects te be able te run it himself, but will keep it open during quarter sessions week ; Deputy Sheiiffs Hippey and Chas. S. Strir.e will stay en, and Deputy Prothenotaiies Kreidcr and Slaymaker; and Deputy Register Steucr. Shake, boys. Rumer has it that you aie going te give a farewell benefit luuch'te thesd who have te walk the plank. Patent Granted. Stuart A. Standiford, of Ne. 20 Plum street, this city, roll-turner at the Penn iron works, has obtained a patent for a machine for forming spikes, track belts, etc., from a continuous bar or red. This machine will de the work that heretofore required two machines, and will no doubt, iu a very short time, ceme into general use where this class of goods is manufactured. The patent was obtained through the agency of Munu & Ce., New Yerk. Mr. Standiford intends te have one of the ma chines built ia-this city at an early day for a Philadelphia firm. Committed. A tramp calling himself by the some seme w'aat lefty name of Celeman Grnbb, was arrested for drunken and diserdeily con duct. He was taken this morning hcfeie Alderman Spurrier, who committed him te the common jail for ten days. An Alleged Pun. " Halle, Jenes, where have von been ? " "I was at Snyder's." " Did teu get a beer ? " "IGuitcau." Stay Prolonged. Dr. Wilbur came te our city last .Tuesday ar.d opened Ids office In the fctcvens Heute parlors, intending te remain twenty days, te introduce his improved system ler the treat ment of chronic tdlscases,prepai-ateiy te open ing his i crtha'neht'efflce In Philadelphia in the spring. His success has been unprecedented In our city; during his first week from morn ing until night, and sometimes far into the night, there has been a constant incoming and outgeing.notof irrcepeuslblc and novelty hunting individuals, but comprising the best people of Lancaster and surrounding coun try. The large number of surgical operations the doctor has already contracted te perform will carry him lar beyond his advertis ed time, and ler the benefit of all these intending consulting him he wishes it distinctly understood that he will remain until February 10th, but no surgical opera tions will be taken ufter January 20th. The doctor new has under ticatnicnt 162 patients and 87 have been turned away pronounc ed IncttraMa.1 .Any one Who, wish may; call and laapecijnt. aaateml&il cablnetwhich con gists et a great variety et costly, cuiieus, won derful and intensely Interesting manikins rnd medels.rcpresentingevery organ in ihchuuian body, the color and bizc of lite ; mammoth models otthe eye, car, heart, lungs, brains, etc., which Dr. Grccnleaf (Dr. Wilbur's as sistant) will open and exhibit all that is curi ous and wonderful about your disease, and makes it perfectly plain te the people who aic the most ignorant et thepc hidden mysteries. Alse, mere than one hundred oil paintings, six feet in length, exhibiting with wonderful accuracy the mluutc struc:ure et every organ or the hnman body, In health and disease, which renders Dr. Wilbur's anatomical cabi net far superior te anything ever exhibited In any enlce in the world, ltd SPECIAL. NOTICES. Suicide and Dyspepsia. A most remarkable cure ler dyspepsia " Wells' IlealthtRcne wer." rThe greatest tonic, best billens and Liver Remedy known. 91. Druggists. Depot, Jehn F. Leng A Sens. Small Comfert. When you are continually coughing night and day. aunoylugcTerybedy around yeu.und hoping it will go away et its-own accord, you are running u dangerous riskbetter use Dr. Themas' Eclcctric Oil. un unluilinir icuiedv in all such it-uses. Fer sale at II. 11. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, I.ancastcr. Te Accommodate the Public 4 The proprietors et that immensely popular remedy, Kidney-Wert in recognition et the claims ct the public which has se liberally pa tronized them, have jmareaa-llquldprcpa-ratten et that rcmaayJbr the special accom modation of these who from any reason dis like te prepare it ler themselves. It is very concentrated, and, as the dose is tniall, it is mere easily taken by many. It has the same effectual -action in all diseases et the kidneys liver or bowels. Heme and Farm. d5-lwdftw Ge te II. B. Cecnran's Drug store, 137 North Queen street, for Mrs. Freerum'1 New No tional Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et coler.are unequalcd. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions In English and German. Price. 15 cents. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian ILur Rekeweh Is a scientific combination of some et the me t powerful restorative agents In the vegetable kingdom. It restores gray hair te its original color. It cures dandruff and humors, and fall ing out of the hair. It furnishes the nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft ana glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. It Is the most economical preparation ever of fered te the public, as its effects remain a long time, making only an oscaslenal application necessary. It ia recommended and used by eminent medical men, and officially endorsed by the StacO Assaycr et Massachusetts. The popularity et Hall's Hair Renewer has in creased with the tests et many years, both In this c ,untry and in foreign lands, and it Is new known and used in all the civilized coun tries of the world. Fer sale by all druggists. d9 lwdeed&w KESCUKD PK031 DEATH The follewiugstatementof William J Cough Ceugh iln, of Semervillc, ilas., Is se remarkable that we beg te ask for it the attention of our read ers. He says: "In the lall of 187CI was taken with a violent bleeding of the lungs followed by a severe cough. I seen begun te lese my appetite and tlcsh. I was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as big as a half cellar. 1 expend ed ever a hundred dollars In doctors and med icine. 1 was se far gene at one time a report wen: around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsaii for the I laughed at my friends, think ing that my case was incurable, but I get a bettli: te hatlsfy them, when te my surprise and gratification, I commenced te feel better. My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to day 1 feel iu better spirits than I liavc the past threi years. " 1 write this hoping you will publish it, se that everyone uUUcted with Diseased Lungs will be induced te take Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam ler the Lungs, and be convinced that con sumption can be cured. 1 have taken two bottles and can positively say that It has done mere geed than all oilier medicines I have taken since my blckness. My cough has al most entirely disappeared and 1 shall seen be able te go te work." Sold In Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 130 North Queen street. iv2S-lvdcedTliftw2 deaths. Jei"peiiies In this city Dec. S, 1SS1, Catha rine K., wile et Thes. 11. Jcfferies, in the 49th year et Her age. The relatives and friends et the family are rcspecilully invited te attend the funeral Ireni the residence of her husband, Ne. 710 East Orange street, en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'cleek Interment a'. Woodward Hill ceme tery. 2td Peeples. In this city, en the Utn Inst., James Peeples, in the Cist year et his age. His fi lends and acquaintances are respect fully invited te attend the funeral, from his late residence, Ne. 21 West Vine street, en Monday morning, at 0 o'clock. High Ma-s at St. Mary's church. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. EcnTEKXACHT. At Fertility, en the 9th int., Herbert, son of J. F. and Lizzie Echtcruachl. Iu the 5th year of his age. The relatives aud friends et the lamlly, arc respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the resilience of his parents, at Fertility, en Monday iiuerning at 10 o'clock. Funeral services at the heuse. Interment at Stiasburg cemetery. It NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 1 HO. W. 11ROVN, VT UNDERTAKER, It Residence: 21 Seutu Pkikck Stbukt, GUANO SAUEU K1UDT AND PIU'S Feet Lunch this (SATURDAY) evening at KOHLHAAS' SALOON, 053 Maner b tree I. llst Beer In the city en tap. I )OOKS, OAltllS. J) CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, AT S. H. ZAHM & Ce.'s Boek Beems, 18 and 20 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, Lancaster, l'a. Large assortment et CHILDREN'S BOOKS, very low. ml PlUVATK DWELLINGS FOB SALE. Five seven-roomed dwelling houses, situ ate en Seuth Water street ; water iu kitchen ; drainage ; prices low ; terms asy. Apply te BAUSMAN& BURNS, dIO -3wdW&SR 10 West Orange St. ORPHANS'COURTsALK ON SATUBDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1881, at the Keystone Heuse, North Queen street, Lancaster. Fa , the undersigned administrator of Ann Eliza betli Flick, widow and relict of Lewis it. Frlck, late of the city of Lancaster, Ia., deceased, by virtue or an order et the Or phans' Court et Lancaster county, l'a., will sell at public sale the following real estate te wit.: All that certain one-story brick Dwelling Heuse erected en the Harrisburg pike, in the city et Lancaster, measuring in front 51 leet yx inches, and extending iu depth southward ami southeastward 07 feet 10 inches, mere or less, aud converging at tbc eud thereof te the width of 32 fest 8 inches. Alse, a one-story brick DWELLING HOUSE, sltua'.e en James street, Lancaster City, aforesaid, containing in irent en said street 21 feet 3 inches, and ex tending northward from sa'd James street 117 fect2 inches ; adjoins properties et Christian Denushy, Mrs. Elizabeth Myers, premises above described and hereinafter described premises as properly et Leuis B. Frlck, dee'd.. and James street. Alse, at the same time and place will be sold by virtue et the order of court aforesaid, as the prepctty of Lewis B. Frlck, de ceased, by him as administrator, the following property, te wit : All that cer tain lotet ground, situate in TArch alley. In the city of Lancaster, afereesald, measuring In front en Arch Alley 20 leet and extending in depth northward along properties et Mrs. Elizabeth Meyers, Mrs. Ann chambers, pro perty et Ann Elizabeth Frick, deceased, 30 feet, mere or less. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p, m., when conditions and terms will be made known bv CONRAD OAST, ' Administrator of Elizabeth Frick. dee'd. CONRAD GAM. Administrator of Lewis Frick, dee'd. Hbxev Shubeict. Auctioneer. . dl(l-7ld UKISTMAS ANDriKW XlSAKCAKDS. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND AT THE L 0 WEST PRICES. Call and examine. At S. H. ZAHM & CO.'S, ltd 18 and 20 Seuth Queen St., Lancaster. TUBMIXCBB! FUBNlTUKEt We have connected with our large stock of AUCTION & SECOND HAND FURNITURE, A Full Line et the Finest Hand-Made Furniture in the City. ELEGANT PARLOR SUITS FROM SK5 TO 8250. WALNUT, OAK, ASH AND COTTAGE SUITS, DINING ROOM, LIBRARY, HALL AND KITCHEN FURNITURE all new, as well as second hand. UPHOLSTERING In every style, keeping n geed line otthe finest material en hand, and can be made up te order at the shortest notice with perfect satisfaction guarantecd.- If yen want a beautiful and useful present for Christmas, yen can have no better stock In the city te select from. Remember, we buy, sell or trade new Furni ture for second-handed. Call and be convinced at our bargains. We are always pleased te show goods, whether yen want te buy or net. Goods sold en the Instalment Plan. HESS & FLINN, US & 150 North Queen Street. new aiterixsembntb. M TKKS KATHPON, FINE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, EMPLOY If we undertake te describe out mere of your patience te read it than about, te the FINEST CLOTHING BY THOSE WHO H THE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND SOUK KKAUT LUNCU THIS SATURDAY EVENING at the Fulton Opera Heuse Saleen, Frince stieet. Best Beer in the city en tap. td JOHN SPANG LEU, Proprietor. I70K SALE. A LABGE AND SUH3TAN- J tlel Brick Tobacco WAREHOUSE Cen- trai location, capacity. 3,000 ceses. RIFE & KAUFMAN, Ne. 19 East King street. d3-3wdRS DUHLIC SALE OF VALUABLE CiTI X 1 Property. On MONDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1S81, will be sold at the Cooper Heuse, a Twe story Brick DWELLING HOUSE. Twe- story Brick Back building, situated en the south side of West Vine street, Ne. 233, con taining hall, 9 rooms and plastered garret, a geed Bake Heuse and large Bake even. It has been and new Is a Bakery. Let runs back te Strawberry street. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p.m., when conditions will be made known bv CATHARINE KUKIINLY. II. Shl-ukkt, Auct. d-10,14,17,19 I?INK FAMILY GROCERIES : JUST KFX'EIVKO ! A FULL LINE OF EXTRA PURE SYRUPS. SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SUGAR CURED HAMS, DRIED BEEF, Etc.; F1SH.SWISS, LIMBERGER.SAP SAGO AMD DAIRY CHEESE. Alse, home-made Mince Meat, Tuble Sauces, Jellies, Canned and Dried Fruits, Nuts. Sar dines, Canned Fish, Pickles and Pure Spices of all kinds. A fine old Calilernia Brandy and Wines ; a flne old home-made Grape Wine and genuine Old Rye Whisky. Fine Minnesota and ether Family Fleurs. Alse, the celebrated Imported aud home-made Saurkraut. Call and examine my stock, whether you buy or net. PHILIP G1XDER, Cerner East King and Plum Streets. nl'2-8tdSR TTIUH & MARTIN. CHINA HALT.. Opening another Xew Let el HOLIDAY GOODS IN HavilancTs China: BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, FANCY GOODS. A new line of DECORATED CHAMBER SETS, TEA and DINNER SETS. All these wares were selected wlththe great est care as te Style, euality and Decoration. Bclere selecting your CHRISTMAS GIFTS examine our very large strck. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East Kins Street. pi OBHLttt GOBBLE, BAU ! The Maseette, OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY, DEC. 13, 1881, In compliance with numerous requests ler another presentation of Audran's Greatest Operatic Success, THE MASCOTTE, arrangements have been made for its produc tion by H. B. MAHN'S English Comic Opera Company, who will produce the delightful and sparkling Opera as they did te very large nudiences for an extended engagement at NiMeV, New Yerk, this seaseu. "SPECIAL PRICES. -5 GALLERY 35cts. ADMISSION 60 eta. RESERVED SEATS 75 cts. New for sale, at Yecker's ofllce. 10-at rPUE NKW CHEAP STOUT".! Special Bargains in BLACK SILK VELVETS PROM AUCTION at Sl.OO, 81.2S, 81.50, S1.7S, 02.00, 82.S0. Very much below their usual pi Ices. BLACK SILKS, 50c. up, Very Geed Goods at $1.00, ?i.23, $1.50 1.75 and $2X0. BLACK CASHMERES FROM 18 1-8 CENTS UP. Our 50c. quality cannot be beat. Better goods equally cheap. HANDKERCHIEFS of all kinds. CHEAP FOR TUE HOLIDAYS. BABD& EAIfllAIi'u NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. (Adlcr's Old Stand. NEW JLDrMMTISKMKirTS. M XJSBS & KATHPON, THE FIVE BEST CUTTERS IN READY MADE CLOTHING. FINE .ASSORTMENT in these goods it would consume mere than enr share of space and allowable. Suffice it te say we have every thing, from the $10 SUIT we hate told you gentleman requires. v DEALT BEST IN "WITH US OUR GOODS LANOASTER CITY OR NTW ADVERTISEMMNTS. H! rnePABe for the seasexi "BEAUTIFUL SNOW" APPROACHES' The GREAT HEADQUARTERS in this city Sleiahs I Slftirrhc; T CAN ONLY KOKBECK & MILEY'S Lancaster Coach Works, S. J?. C0RNEU OF DUKE AND TINE STREETS, LANCASTER, PA. THE EEST AND FA VORITE CUTTERS- , , , THE PORTLANDS AND THE ALRANYS. All very handsomely ornamented and upholstered In the finest style; and remember that all our eruumenting, scroll work, etc.. is done by hand, with Pure Geld Leaf and no Transfers. Alse, en hand a large stecK et FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE WORK, consisting of Jump I Seat rumily Caniages, Twe-Passenger Falling and Standing Tep Phaetons. Brewster. Elliptic spring aud Tretting Buggies, Business Wagons, and all the latest improved patterns in the umrKeu luceniyesiaDiMiiuieni mine city where the Shifting beat Extension-Tep Pluicten is tinned out. Remember our motto : "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD," 3-owIstlietImctobuy. De net wait till Spring. Remember everything is going upin price, but we will still sell at enr present prices as we desire te reduce our stock ter the Smiiig trade. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. piKAKU OK I'HII.ADKLPIA. Assets ever ELEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND Dollars, securely Invested. Fer a policy ii this elduud well-established company call en RIPE & KAUFMAN, NO. 19 liAST KING STItEUT. d:iM,W&SK pHltlSTMAS l'KKSENTS, Christmas Presents! The largest stock of HOLIDAY GOODS in the city, comprising RATTAN CHAIRS, ROCKERS anil PATENT ROCKERS, L O UNUES. CO UCHES. TURKISH ROCKERS. PA TENT R O CKERS A ND EA S Y CHA IRS, CHIFFONIERS, ESCRETOIRES, CABINETS. EASELS, FOOT RESTS, TOWEL RACKS, SLIPPER AND WISP BACKS, in Ebony, Ma hogany and Walnut. A very FINE ASSORTMENT, indeed. Always a pleasure te show geed. PICTURE FRASIES, in Geld, Ebony and Walnut, at short notice. WALTER A. HEINITSH. lSi EAST KING STICI2KT. sep2f-3uid -tAUPKTS, COAL, c. PHILIP SC1IUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY,! Ne. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., ell-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVERLETS, 15LANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, &c. USTOM RAG CARPETS A SPEC1ALTV. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or In Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Feathers and woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tinmen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vests, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo IJlue Dyeing done. All orders or goods left with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. GOAL. COAL. Ceal et the best quality pnt up expressly fei family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 S.OUT1I WATER STREET. 2-lVURSl P1IILI P SCHUM. SON A CO OFKCIAL NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN. MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 East King Street, OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN MEN'S WEAR. Overcoats, Dress Suits, Business Suits, AND Beys' Clothing, Made te order In the host manner, very low. In order te reduce stock, which a change In business necessitates. Yeu can suve money by calling and taking a leek at our goods and learning our prices. MERINO : UNDERWEAB, In Scarlet and White, in All Sizes. LAUNDRIED AND UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS, And an Elegant Assortment or Gents' Fnrnisi! Goods, at greatly reduced prices. In tills department we show many useful things suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. VERS RATHFON, THE CITY. ARE CONCEDED TO BE COUNTY. ter M Sleighs ! Sleighs ! BE FOUND AT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ITfTANTED. A SITUATION BY A YOUNG v T country girl te de general Housework, Can de any kind et housework, 408 North Queen street. Apply at Ne. mi IV YOU WANT GOOD JTUKNlTuKK, FINK furniture and Cheap Furniture of any kind go te HOFFMEIEB'S, Ne. 2(i EAST KING STREET ltd IOR TUB HOLIDAYS. A well selected Stock et PIANOS AND ORGANS. ESTEY MELODEON lorsale cheap. JUSTUS STUCKENHOLTZ. o29teJanl,82,R Fulton Hall, Lancaster, Pa. Tj'OK SALE. A TWO-STOKY BRICK J? DWELLING with lirick Kitchen, 5 rooms, entry and plastered attic; hydrant and pump, variety of small fruit. The property is located In the vicinity et the Cotten Mills and will be sold at a bargain. Is desirable as a home or ter Investment Ne. 313 Reaver street. RIFE & KAUFMAN, aS-3tdSMWS,R 19 East King street. PUBLIC SALK OF A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. On TUESDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1861, will be sold en the premises that valuable property known as the CITY HOTEL, situated en the west side of Nertli Queen street, near the Pennsylvania railroad depot, fronting en North Queen street 30 feet, YX inches, mere or less, and extending In depth J0 feet, then widensft! feet, 4 lncnes. and.'con and.'cen tlnues tliat width te Market street. 245 feet, en which Is erected a FOUR-STORY BRICK HOTEL, and Three Story Erlck Rack Build ing, a Large Brick Stable, with slate xoef and large shedding. One-halt the purchase money can remain in the property. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, when conditions will be made known by THE HEIRS OF J. & D. REESE. Dee'd. II. SUDBEHT, AUCC. dlO-tSd H OLIDAY SEASON, USEFUL PESENTS -IN- EVERY DEPARTMENT. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS DEPART MENT, LADIES' FURNISH ING GOODS DEP'T. China and Glass Department, Notion Department. DRESS GOODS, CASHMERES, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, and PLUSHES. LADIES' SHIRTS SHAWLS, GLOVES . AND UNDERWEAR. BARGAINS In LADIES' COATS! Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs in Endless Varinty. GASSA9ER RUBBER CLOTHING Our Own Brand and Each Uaruient Warranted. GENTS' NECKWER, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &c. Sele Agents for the Pearl Shirts. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Get. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. HA. ENTERTAINMENTS. SATURDAY KVEN1NG SOCIABLE. W. N. Pennington, Manager, will give a Grand Sociable AT GRANT HALL, ON SATURDAY EVENING NEXT. Admission 85 cents. d8-3td TjiULTON OPEKA HOUSE. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 12th, First appenran ce of t neG If ted Yeung Actrcs?, MISS LILLIE HINTON, Supported by WOOD'S MUSEUM COMPANY in Angustln Daly's Great Success of LEAH, THE FORSAKEN. LEAH. MISS LILLIE HINTON H. D. CLIITOX, S. Pbielikd, Alt. VnrciuT, R. D. Brxlsverb, M. Maurice. Uarrt Babrtmerk, Harry Wilsex, H. F. Clattex, Mbj. Nelsex Kxeass, Miss Maris L. Acesta, Miss Julia Perter, Miss Flera Campbell. ADMISSION 70, CO and 35 Cta. GEO. M. FRIED, 8-Itd Ruslnrs-) Munaflr, THIRD EDITION. SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 10, 1881. THE FEAST OF THE FLAMES. HOLOCAUST NEAR PITTSBURGH. Twenty Railroad Laborers Burned te Death by the Destruction Jer a SinaU Shanty In which They Were Sleeping Partial List of the Victims. Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 10. About three o'cleek this morning a shanty, used as a bearding beuse for railroad laborers, at Reck Cut, eathe Pittsburgh & Lake Erie railroad, and about seven miles from this city, was burned, with about twenty of the inmates. It was a frame structure. one-story hisch, except that a left was used by the boarder as a dormitory. This left was approached by rude stairs little better than a ladder, aud in place of windows had two openings cut iu the beards. In this place ferty-three men retired te rest last night. About 3 o'clock this morning the bearding house keeper, Mr. Kown, get up te make the Are, and seen afterwards a kerosene lamp which he was using exploded and set Are te the place. Mr. Kown raised the alarm, and he and his wife and servant girls escaped, but of these sleeping in the left only the ones nearest tne small openings used as win dews could escape. Twenty-three of them struggled out in that way, but' even among these many are seriously hurt. The remainder rushed about frantically until they were suffocated by the smoke. The scene this morning is sickening. In a heap in one corner of the ruins are the charred remains of six men, among them Patrick Feley, the fireman. Following is a partial list of the dead : Patrick Feley. Michael Donahue, Themas Fester, James iurran, Jehn Kiley, Jehn Kennedy, Jerry Hanlen, Jehn Conners, Jehn Conley, and Jehn Duffy. Among these sent te the hospital arc Jehn Connelly, Martin Taf fey, Michael Morgan Michael Leenard, Hugh McKewn, Wm. Barr. Hetel Burned. IvEExn, N. II., Dec. 10. The A&hollet house at Hinsdale was burned last night, with both stables aud a valuable horse. The less is $10,000, and the insurauce will net cover the less. G. W. Helland's store was damaged te the amount of $10, 000 ; it is insured. A man named Daven port, who was put out of the hotel in the evening, is under arrest, en suspicion of being the incendiary. Fire iu Chicago. Chicago, Dec. 10. The large four-story brick warehouse of D. M. Osberne & Ce., en Seuth Morgan street, was entirely con. sumed by fire this morning. The building was filled with reapers and machinery, en which there was an insurance of $10,000. The building itself was insured for $35,000. A Less or 830,000. Cincinnati, Ohie, Dec. 10. A Times Star special says that the less by the fire at Lebanon, Teuti., was $30,000. The in surance is $12,000. CATALOGUE OP CltlMK. Series or Shocking Tragedies In the Seuth and West. Galveston, Tex., Dec. 10. The News special from llema says Jeseph P. Lind lay, of Fishminge, Indian territory, was found dead from a blew dealt with an axe in the back of his head by some unknown party. Merris Bund, the owner of a wagon train, was murdered last night. Denver, Cel., Dec. 10. Frank Lynn, a notorious hard character, was fatally shot last night by a policeman, upon whom he made an assault while under arrest. A San Antonie special says a German woman named Stammatt stabbed herself in the breast with a pocket-knife and then hung herself by the neck te a nail in the room, where her dead body was after wards found. A Texarkana special says two well known and industrious farmers J. D. and A. J. Adeeck, who were brothers living in Little River county, came into town en Wednesday te dispose of their cotton aud were murdered en their way home. New Yerk, Dec. 10. A Brownsville, Texas, special te au evening paper says : " Isabel Almes, a noted political magnate at Chatnmare, Mexico, has just committed a wholesale butchery. Going te a ranche he commenced te beat the women thcre savagely, and one Guadalepha Zopati.whe interfered, was killed by the infuriated desperado. At the next ranche which he visited, Almcs shot aud wounded no less than 17 people before his murderous caret r was checked." UOAIKST1C TlCAGKIMJiS. A Drunken dottier Smettieif Iter Baby. New Yerk, Dec. 10. Ellen Bergcr, aeed 33, the wife of a hed-carrier, living iu CTth street, was before the coroner te day charged with killing her two-mouths-old babe while drunk yesterday afternoon. She was found grossly intoxicated, lying across the child, which she had smothered te death. Three years age she killed another of her children in the same manner, but escaped punishment then. She was com mitted te await the result of the inquest. Tired of Lire. New Yerk, Dec. 10. Adam Platz, a German cigarmaker, hung himself in his bed room at Ne. 303 East Twenty-sixth street early this morning. When disceveicd he had been dead for some time. Poverty and sickness and inability te cope with younger men in earning a living were the causes of his desperate act. McSIAIION'S 9IUKUKKKK. Who Fired tnc Philadelphia, D Fatal Bullet? c. 10. The pelice believe that the fatal shot which killed Wm.McMahen last night was fired by Robt Barr, who is under arrest. In ether quar ters it is believed that the fatal shot was fired by Benny Allen, who recently came here from Arizeta. Barr acknowledges that he was in Allen s cempauy up te six o'clock last night. Kate Fadgen, Barr's mistress, states that Allen rushed into the house with the smoking pistol in his hand. Barr has only recently completed a sen tence of ten years' imprisonment. Black Urates. Ansonia, Conn., Dec. 10. Mary Dowl Dewl ing, who was se brutally assaulted here en Thursday night last, is net expected te survive her injuries. She thinks she was attacked by four colored men, and it is the opinion here that they belonged te a gang of Southern negrees, recently brought te Ansonia te work in a factory; m Smallpox In Chicago. Clicage, Dec. 10. Smallpox is spread ing in Chicago, and the preventive meas urcs taken by the health authorities de net seem te arrest the disease. Nine new eases were reported yesterday. Sixteen new cases are reported at Jeffersen, Ills. WlSATUEH INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Dec. 10. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, colder fair weather, northerly winds, higher barometer. Fatal' right of CattleDrnver. Chicago, Dec. 10. During a fight last night between Neely Briscoll and Edward O'Bern, two stock yard employees, the former was fatally stabbed. ELECTION NOTICK. LAXCA6TEB COUXTT NATIONAL RAXK. Lancaster. Pa., Decembers; 1SS1. An election for thirteen Directors of this Bank te serve during the ensuing year will be held In the room new occupied as the Bank ing Ueuse, Ne. 2d East King street, en TUES DAY, JANUARY 10, 1882, between the hours of 11 a. m. and 2 p. m, w". L. PEIPER, d3-3tdS45tw Camler. MARKKTS. Philadelphia Market. Philadrltria, Dec. 10. Fleur firm, but quiet: Superfine, 14 23Q 73; fc::ra at ii COgj 75 ; Ohie anil Indiana larnily, "537 10; Pennsylvania tamlly Id SQ& b 75 ; St. Leuis de 7 2537 K); Minnesota Era at $7 OOfl? 25; de straight at $7 233 7 50: Winter tllltPIlt T rAttf 5? amlncr .In f7 75QS50. " Ryofleur at ' 255 50. Wheat steady ; Del. and Penn'a Red. $1 41 M2; aJ Anber, $1 431 44, as le quality. Cern firm for local use. Oats firmer and fair demand. Rye steady at OSc. Previsions steady. Arfiru sivuuy. Butter quiet and supplies Increasing. Rolls steady. a Isggs firm; fresh lets wanted. Cheese qnlet. Petroleum dull; refined, 7c. Whisky at SI IS. seeds Geed te prime Clever dull 8ft9 ; Flaxseed quiet at SI 53. aaw vera ataraet. N'kw Yerk, Dec. 10. Fleur State aud U extern without decided change ami quiet; Supernne state. 425g5 75 ; de Western. S4 25 5 15 ; de common te go extra 15QG; choice de, $6 1087, CO ; choice white wheat de, S7 25S3 25. Southern dull and uucbangud. Wheat HQKc higher: very moderate trade; :-Ked' 3lXn- l ?l 45: de Feb., S14,JS14$&; de Mar., SI 5U01 50. Cem without important change. Oat a. tritlc firmer, including cash, 50?;:c : de leb., .-.JQMJ-Sc; State, 50358c ; Western, 4l55c. Grain and Prevision Juotatleaa. One o'clecte quotations el grain anil provis previs ions, furnialied by S. K. Yundt. Breker. 13 Last King street. Pee. 10. 1 r. x. Chicago. 12 LSJ'S Cern Oafs Perlc Lard 11.17V Jan.. Feb.. May. Dec, .Imi.., Feb.., .61'4 4.W 17.OO J"LI -ii Philadelphia. L40?i 1.42JS 1.45 .GD JS-Sf -5 .5 73 Live StecK juarkeia. Chicago. IlOirs Rccclr.ts. 3J.000 Iieailrehin- lncnts. 3.0J0 de. ; market active and prices 5c higher ; common te geed mixed, $3 OOfflU 10; Hijlit, Si 7300 : lieavy packing ami shipping SC -JOSO 40; Pliiiadulphliis aud lurd hogs G 45 S53; skips and ciilli. $45 25. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head ; shipments. 3,500 head; gcnurul market lanlv active; tut cittle loc stronger ; CurWtuias beeves ut S7 23 703; experts, $5 2) 7g7 : geed te choice ship ping, $5 40Q ; peer te la'r. 4J5 ; mixed butch eis' firm ; peer te medium, $23; geed te choice, S3 20rf4; thin Texas cows and mixed lets, $2 73(83 50 ; Wyoming natives, 4 (KS5 00 ; stackers and ieeders steady and in lair de mand at $2 C04. Sheep Receipts, 1.C03 head ; market firm : best a little stronger; interior te f.iir, S2325; mediu'n te geed, 3 (SOijJl ; choice, l 50vJ5. BtecK aiaraet. New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks also United States Henda reported daily by Jacob B. Love, N. E. Cor. Centre Square. Maw Yerk Stocks. Stocks generally higher. Dec. 10. 10:00 het) 3M cjney u Chicago & North Western 12s I27ji Chicago. MIL A St. Paul leuj iecC mi.m..w uvu.ui.................... iuva wy J. j. A 1. J. Km li.... ......... Del., ljUCk.A Western , Delaware .t:HiulseirCainil. .. 127 127 .. SO.fc 80 .. 15 15& Denver A Rie tirandu KastTeun., Va. & Ga Uannibal & St. J 00 Lake Shere A Mich. Southern.. Manhattan Elevated 12ii liljtf Michigan Central l3 '.'3 Missouri, Kansas ft Texas Wl 40J . 1., western.... w 45 auwjerscy central N. X Ontario & Western J5J5 as il'L New Yerk Central Ohie ft Mississippi Ohie Central , Pacific Mall Steamship Ce. St. Paul ft Omaha de Preferred , Central Pacific Texas Pacific 130 30 45 3!) "JS 10JK 10.! Jiii ! 53 54 Union Pacific 119 11 nauasn, nurienisjei'acine.... 1V4 4i4 Preferred. 2K ii Western Union Tel. Ce . 03 A. x. r. If . ? M. PHlLADELrHlA. Stocks Scry dull. Lehigh Valley. , Lenigli Navigation Ex I)!v nuffale, Pitts, ft Western... Northern Central , Northern Pacific...... " Prclerrcd r3 iil'i 22l 63K . 39 . si HI Hostenvlllt. Klectrlc Underground Tel. Ce. 123 Philadelphia ft Erie R. R Uunnisen Mining i'-i-i lewaOulch Mlnlnir 30 ' aklu Diseases " Cured by Dr. Swayne'a Ointment. What is mere distressing than nn obstinate skin disease, and why persons should sutler a single hour when they have a sura cure in " Swnyne's Ointment" Is past our coinpichei: ceinpichei: coinpichei: slen. The. worst cases et tetter, itch, salt rheum, or that annoying complaint, itching piles, yield te its vrendcrliil all-healing quali ties. Pimples en the lace and blotches en the skin areiemeved by using this healing oint ment. Perfectly safe and harmless, even en the most tender Infant. Itching Piles -Symptoms are moisture, intense itching, particu larly at night after getting warm In bed; ether parts arc sometimes directed. Swayne'a Ointment pleasant, sure cure. Dr. Swayne ft Sen, 53 North Seventh street, Philadelphia. Pa., te whom all letters should be addressed. e!d by all prominent druggists. ect4-T.TbFftw , TDK PAKSlKIiM FlilKNU Dr. Uurber's Red Herse Powders are the best In the market. They are net a mere ioed inaile et Inert and cheue materials, but a veritable Medicine. They contain four times thestrength of ordinary horse ami cattle powders, and will cure and fatten stock in one-fourth the time, acting utcuce upon the digestive organs and secretions, ami may be safely relied upon ler the cure of coughs, cold", distemper, glanders and all di-ca-es or horse-, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. They will increase the quantity and quality of milk in cers and keep all kinds et sleck in a healthy condition. Sold everywhere at 20c. per pack, C ler $1 ; large size 40c., or 3 ter $1. Sold in. Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Steiv, 137 and 133 North Queen streets. aug2-lydeedftwl MISCELLANEO US. WA? NTKIJ TUKKK HOYS TO I.l.'ARN he Herse Cellar Trade. Apptv at LOWELL'S COLLAR FACTORY. 7-3lil East Orange strict. 4,000 reUNns OF BAKING BUTTER, A CAU LOAD Or yere: state sweet cider, A Let or Yerk State APPLES and POTATOES at JOSEPn HERZOO'S, 8-3td Cerner Prince and Lemen Sts. S EALEU PROPOSALS FOB PRISON labor in the Lnucaster County Prison, in the manufacture et cigars, for one vi-ar from January 9, 1882, will be received at Ne. 2G East King street, J.L.IIetrmcler. Pres ident, np te December 31, nt 12 o'clock m.. and te be epened January 2. ISO, at 11 o'clock a.m. Contractor te liirnish tobacco, foreman, etc., and pay per thew-and. Fifteen te twenty men te be employed Factory has first-class accommodation?, and new makes 100.000 per month. Fer lull partl-ulars address the President. BY ORDER OF THK BOARD. Ames Rctteb, Secretary. d7-3tdWft2tw PUBLIC SALK OP HOKSE3. ON MON DAY. DECEMBER 12, lb8I. will be sold at public sale, at the Merrlmac Ueuse, 115 North Prince street, Lancaster city, Pa., the follow ing live stock, te wit : 20 head of lieavy Canada Draft Horses and a few drivers. These horses were selected with great care, and they must be in every respect as represented by the un dersigned or no sale. A credit of CO days will be given. Salctocemmence at 1 o'clock p.m. en said day, when attendance will be given by OEORGE OR03SMAN. Saxuxl Hess ft Sex, Auctioneers. ii-2td A N IMMENSK VAKIETY OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS AT THE Lancaster City Pharmacy, Cerner Nertli Qneea and Orange St. Latest Novelties from New Yerk and Phila delphia of Fancy leather Geed's, Such as LETTER, CARD and CIO AU CASES, POCKET and BILL BOOKS. PURSLS:, etc. The finest ever brought te this city. Alse, Celluloid, Rubber, Florence and Itallle TOILETSETS and ODOR CASES, Ladles' and Gents' COMPANIONS, etc. 49Cull and examine. Ne trouble te show goods. Respectfully, I (d3-Imil, WAS AN DREW. G. FREY. at