LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER THURSDAY- DECEMBER 8, 181. COURT. Preceeding8 " the Common Fleas. BEFORE JUDGE LIVINGSTON. Iu the case of Jonathan Morgan, eue of the heirs of Thaddeus S. Morgan, dee'd., vs. Jehn S.Mergan aed Jeseph Shewaltcr, administiateis of Thaddeus S. Mergau, deceased, a verdict was rendered in favor of the defense. Jehn R. Bitner vs. the county of Lan caster. This is an action te recover dam ages, alleged te have been sustained, by the plaintiff by the opening of Franklin street, this city, by 'which some of his land was taken. BEFORE JUDGE rATTJCRSOJT. In the case of Flettercr vs. Breiter, the jury retired this morning and had net ren dered a verdict yet when court adjourned. Edwin K.Seibert, Elias Weidman, et al. elders and deacons of the Evangelical Lutheran church of Brickerville, vs. M. Fcnsler, Jonas Hcrr and' Hannah Buehler. Summons in ejectment. "On trial. The IminacnlataCciiccptlen. The feast of the Immaculate Conception, a of obligation in the Catholic church, was cclebiatcd te-day by the several churches of that faith in this city, with appropriate services". As its name implies, it signifies that the Mether of the Saviour was conceived with out the stain of original sin. Though long practised by devout Christians and acquiesced in by the church, this doctrine was net formally defined as an article of faith, until Dec. 8, 1834. At that time Pius IX., the reigning pope, iu the basilica of St. Peter, in the presence of 300 arch bishops, bishops and picked theologians of the church proclaimed it te the Catholic world. A monument commemorative of the great event was erected iu Reme three years later. Pretzel Wagen Upset. Yesterday a wagon leaded wilhpietzels, belonging te Henry Eichler, was being driven along the Ilarrisuuig piKC, en the ether side of Dillei ville, when his horse frightened at a place where new buildings are being erected. The wagon was upset and a great number of pretzels were broken. The driver was but slightly injured. The lead had te be repacked. Marrow tNcape from lleing Burnt. Yesterday afternoon a countryman was driving1 in East Orange street, while a stiff wind was blowing. He was smoking a pipe, when some of the ashes fell ir. his clothing and in a short lime lie was en fire. His overcoat was almost burnt off and a large number of articles which he had in the wagon were burned. He did net discover the fire until the above dam age wan done and then a number of boys assisted him te extinguish it. Held at the I'ogtelHco. Letters addicsscd as fellows arc held at the posteffice : Fer postage "Mat Teller U00 West 8th. Icadville, Cole." Fer better directions "Christu Saun den. Bex 30C Melten." "Barbara Fleckhamcr, Mary Htilhl, Xe. 179 Lousville Xerthamerica." Heuse Enti-rc-d aixl K bhetl. A couple of nights age a thief effected an entrance into the house of Miss Tillie Murr, en North Christian street, by crawling upon a shed in the rear of Jehn A. Suyder's yard and then into a second story window. Tlnce geld lings and a icvelvcr were stolen, and theie is no clue te the thief. bluffier Sociable. The grand bociable and supper of the Shiftier lire company will be held at their hall, Seuth Queen street, te-morrow evening, Dcceinl'cr 9. It pretnltes tel-eavcry pleatunt ami credit ablennu!:-. Reply te Hub IngerHell. Rev. Themas Guard, 1). 1., LL. D., ei Haiti Haiti mere, will deliver his lecture in n-ply te Hob Heb ert Ingcrsell en Thursday evening next, Dec. 15, in Fulton opera house. Dr. Guard is recog nized as one of the most brilliant orators and eloquent reaeners in the country. Ills great, ability and the ever-shadowing importance cl the cause lie espouses will no doubt secure him a large audience, Reserved seats may be secured te-day, to-menow and Saturday. Amusements. The Mciiibeny Family Tonight. This celc Dratcd family el musical prodigies will appear at Fulton upcra house te-night. Our Columb a correspondent elsewhere notices in a very complimentary manner their performance In that town lait night. " Beccaccio." Te-morrow evening Ven Sup pe's sparkling comic opera of Beccaccio " will be sung at Fulton opera house by II, B, Malm's company of sixty voices, the only or ganization, we believe, new oreduclng the opera in this country, and which has attained a wide spread celebrity and favor. This work of the lameus com eaer has u ever been heard here in Its entirety, but many of Its lamiliar airs bespeak that " Roccaeele " is worthy of the genius that lumfrhud "Fa'tnltza" te the operatic stage. Lillie Jlin'.OH. Tula gifted young aetre-s and Philadelphia favorite will appear at the opera house next Monday evening in Augus tln Daly's play of " Leah, the Forsaken," in the title role et which she has scored a com plete success. Miss lliaten will be supported by the stock company irem Weed's Museum, where she has long been leading lady, and where she has nchicved a brilliant reputation. HVKVLAIj NOTJVtCS. (Je te II. It. Ceunnin's Drug store, 137 North Queen street, for Jlr. Freeman'1 JVcu? Aia Aia tienal Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et color,are unequaled. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. "A lady had the flesh eaten off her arm by crefula. Could sec the sinews working. 'Llndsey's Bleed Searcher' cured her." J. 1 alsten. Eldcrten, Fa. dl-lmd&w A Cough, Celd or sere Tnreat should DC stepped. Neglect frequently results In an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's bronchial Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the inflamed parts, allaying Irritation, give relief In Asthma. Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers unjl FublicSpeakcrs are subject te. Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wlde and constant use for nearly en entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the lew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. H8-lvdTThASAlvw Te Accommodate the Public. The proprietors et that immensely popular remedy, KiJney-Wert In recognition et the claims cf the public which has se liberally pa tronized tmm.Jmve prepared a liquid prepa ration et that remedy for the special accom modation of these who from any reason dis like te prepare it for themselves. It is very concentrated, and, as the dose is small, it Is mere easily taken by many. It has the same eflectual action In all diseases et the kidneys, liver or bowels. Heme and Farm. d5-lwd&w 'Sklu niteae " Cared by Dr. Swayae's Ointment. What is mere distressing than un obstinate skin disease, and why persons should suffer a Ingle hour when they have a sure cure In " Swayne's Ointment" Is past our comprehen sion. The worst cases of tetter, itch, salt rheum, or that annoying complaint, itching piles, yield te iu wonderful all-healing quali ties. Pimples en the lace and blotches en the skin are removed by using this healing oint ment, Perfectly safe and harmless, even en themest'tender Infant. Itching Flics -Symptoms are moisture, intense itching, particu larly at night after getting warm in bed; ether parts are sometimes affected. Swayne's Ointment pleasant, sure cure. Dr. Swayue ft Sen, 33 North Seventh street, Philadelphia. Pa., te whom all letters should be addressed, sold by all prominent druggists. OcU-T.ThSF&w Bed Bess, Iteaclie. Rats, mice, ants, files, vermin, mosquitoes Insects, 4c, cleared out by " Rough en Rats." He. boxes at drugglsta. Small Comfert. When you are continually coughing night and day. annoying everybody around yeu,iuid hoping it will go away et its own nc:erd, you areruntirngaa-ingerensrisk better use Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil, an unfailing temedy in all such eases. Fer sale at 11. JJ. Cochran'.-, drug stoic, 137 North Queen btreet, Lancaster. Keep your fariillv well snppHel with " Sel lers' Cough Syrup." U.c it in time: you will avert bronchia! aim pulmonary affections. cents. dl-lmd&w 31 euters: jnntnernii mothers !l Are you disturbed at night and brakes of your rest by a sick child Buttering and crying with the excruciating paia el cutting teeth t If sc, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYI1UI'. It will re lieve the peer little sufferer Immediately de pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en eaith who lias ever used n, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give Ttst te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like ni,'!c It is perfectly safe te use in nil cases, and pleasant te the taste, and 13 the prescription et one el the eldest and best female physician and r.ures in the Un'led States. .Sold everywhere; 25 cents a teitle um-J-lvdJfcwM.W&S (juiniue and Arsenic Ferm the basts of many et the Ague remedies In the market, and are Uie List resort et I'hy stcians and people who Irnr.w no better medi cine te employ, ter this distressing complaint. The cllecls et either et these drugs are de structive te the system, producing headache intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ring ing in the ears, and depression of the constitu tional health. Ateh's Aeue Curb is a vege table discovery, containing neither quinine arsenic, nor any deleterious Ingredient, and is an Infallible and rapid cure for every form el Pcvcrand Ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no injury can result from its use. Besides being a positive cure for Fever and Ague In all its forms, It is also a superior remedy for Liver Complaints. It is an excel lent tonic and preventive, as well as cure, or all complaints peculiar te malarieus, marshy and miasmutic districts, By direct action en the Liver and biliary apparatus, it stimulates the system te a vigorous, healthy condition. Fer sale by all dealers'. d2-lwdeed&w There in a Balm lu Gilead. The success which has marked the introduction et Cream Balm, a Catarrh remedy, prepared by Ely Bre., Owego, N. Y., is indeed marvelous. Many persons in Pittston and vicinity are using it with most satisfactory results. A lady down town is recovering the sense of smell, which she had net enjoyed ler flttecn years, through the use et the Balm. Shu had given up her case as incurable. Mr. Barber, the druggist, lias used it in his family and com mends It very highly. In another column a yoiiiigiTunkhanneck lawyer, known te many of eurrcadeiM, testifies that lie wascmedef partial deafness. It Is cei talnly a very effica cious remedy. Pittxten, Pa, Gazette, Aug. 13, lsry. My son, aged nine ycar, wa-j attlicted with Catarrh ; of Ely's Cream Balm effected a complete cure. W. K. Hammav, drngglst. Easten, I'a. Price SO cents. dl-2wdeeil&w Life, Growth, Iteauty." " What we all admire" and hew te secure It: A Hue head of hair in its natural color Is such an adjunct te beauty that no one who prizes geed leeks should neglect te use "Londen Hair Celer Restorer, " the most cleanly and de llglitful article ever introduced te the Ameri can people. It is totally different irem all ethers net sticky or gummy, and free from all Impure Ingredients that render many ether preparations obnoxious. It thickens thiu hair, restores gray hair, gives it new life, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair te grew where it had fallen off or become thin, does net soil or stall- anything-, and is se per fectly and elegantly prepared is te make It a lasting hair dressing anil toilet luxury. " Lon Len Lon eon Hair Uesteier" is sold by all druggists, at 7." cents a bottle, fix bottles for$l. eci3M.W,S&w UKNltV'f CAIUIOL1C SALVi:. The best Salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter,chupped hands, chilblain?, corns and all kinds et skin erup tions," freckles and piinplc. The salve is guaranteed te give perfect satisfaction in every ease or money refunded. I!e sure you get Henry's Caibelie Salve, as all ethers are but imllaiieus ami counterfeits. Pi lee Scents. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 13.) North Queen street. A tJoed Angel's Visit A Tale et "ltesa dulls." .Blanche called ea Kate, one pleasant day, and found her sail and sighing, dearest friend, enee bright and gay, new scarce could keep train crying; ler, '-eh," she said, "'tis n dl gracc te see with crolule,my lace se badly marred!'' then said her friend, "ftesadalis will your troubles end." lllanchc called en Kate nnthcr day and found her once mere blithe and gay. her face as radiant, skin as lair, as aiiy maiden's anywhere. Fer skin diseases and Impure bleed, there's nothing iu the world se geed as Uesadalis, it drives away all skin disorders, humor, nay, it tones the sys tem, cures your ills and banishes all doctor's bills! Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stere, lw and IS) Xertli Queen street. lySQ-lydced&wS It is a foolish mistake te confound a remedy of merit with quack medicines. We have used ! 1'arker's Ginger Tonic with the happiest re Milts for Dyspepsia and Debility, and knew It te be a sterling health restorative. Times. nl-lmdcod&weew " I've lived and loved," said an unhappy old maid. " When 1 was young, Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure, ler tetter, eczema, and pimples en the face, 'was net te be bought. As I find a rough akin, 1 kept out et company and am new an old maid. KKSUUKD FKOM DKAtTT ThefollewingstatcmentofWllliamJ Cough Ceugh lin, of Semcrvllle, Mass., Is se remarkable that we beg te ask for It the attention of our read ers. He says : " In the lall of 1S7(J I was taken with a violent bleeding of tne lungs followed by a severe cough. I seen began te lese my appetite and llesh. 1 was se weak at one time that I could net leave my bed. In the summer of 1S77 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole iu my left lung as bigas a half cellar. 1 expend ed ever a hundred dollars in doctors and med icine. I was se far gene at one time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me et Dr. Wm. Haix's Kalsam peu the Lukqs. I laughed at my friends, think ing that my case was incurable, but 1 get a bottle te satisfy them, when te my surerise and gratification, I commencetlAe feel better. My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to day I feel In better spirits than I have the past three years. " I write this hoping you will publish It, se that everyone atlltcted with Diseased Lungs will be induced te take Dr. Wm. Hall's llalsam ter the Lungs, and be convinced that con sumption can be cured. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that it has done mere geed fiau all ether medicines I have taken since my sickness. My cough lias al most entirely disappeared and I shall seen be able te go te work." Sold In Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen street iv28-lvdeedTn&w2 NEW ADVEB.TISE3IESTS. w atd ANTED. A Glltl TO COOK AN1 UU general housework. Apply at 33 SOUTH QUEEN STEEET. W ANTED.THKKK BOYS TO LEARN the Herse Cellar Trade. Apptv at LOWELL'S COLLAR FACTORY. 7-3td East Orange btreet. SATURDAY KVENINO SOCIABLE. Wt N. Pennington, Manager, will give a Urand Sociable AT GRANT HALL, ON SATURDAY EVENINU NEXT. Admission as cents. dS-3td LUNCH. THIS fcVENlNli I WILL SET l out Geed SAUERKRAUT and ROAST PORK LUNCH, and have Barber's Celebrated Lngcr Beer en tap at Hetel Franke, JOHN HESS. T Proprietor. 4,000 lOUNDS OF BAKING BUTTER, ' X CAB LOAD 07 TORE STATE SWEET OLDER, A Let of Yerk State APPLES and POTATOES at JOSEPH HERZOG'S, &-3td Cerner Prince and Lemen Sts. NEW JLDrXJtllSEMENTS. FUR THE HOLIDAYS. A well selected Stock et PIANOS AND ORGANS. ESTKV 5IELODEOX lersale cheap. JUSTUS STUCKEXUOLTZ. o29tejanl,82,R l'ulteu Hull. Lancaster, Pa. Ii'OU SALE. A TWO-STORY IIKICK. . DWELLING' with'Brick'Kltchen, 5Toems. entry and plastered attic; hydrant and pump, variety or small fruit. The property is located In the vicinity el the Cotten Mills and will be sold at a bargain. Is de-irable as a home cr ler investment Ne. 318 i;.;aver street. KIKE & KAUFMAN, e?-3ldSMWS,R 19 East King street. TjTLTOH OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY EVENING, DEO. 12th, First appearance of the Gifted Yeung Actress, MISS LILUE HINTOJN, Supported by WOOD'S MU3EUM COM TAN Y in Aiignstin Daly's Great Success of LEAH, THE FORSAKEN. LEAH. '. M15S LILLIi: UINTON" If. D. Cliften, S. PlUCHARD. AtX. VlJfCBST, E. D. Bkblsvekd, -M. llAcmci:. IlAIUlV BAMJYMOBK, ADMISSION " IIarsy Wilsex, II. F. Clatteit, Mis. Nelsen Kmi:a3, M133 Mauix L. Acesta, Miss Julia I'ertkk, Mis3 Flera Cami'dsli.. ..75, SO sua 33 CU. GEO. M. FRIED, Business Manager, 8 4td rPHlCSK COOL NOKTH-WEST WINDS Suggest a Heavy Overcoat ler comfort. Our Ceat for $10.u0 is mere ter the money than you may expect, and from thUe rise and tall 50 cents, according te quality until we get down te $1.00 and up te 3.0J. Our Overcoat ler$L001s vary heavy and made long, and we have a few for a less price. But the better Coats, mi:i as wc sell ler 15.00,518.03 and fJl.OO you will have te see te appreciate. Heavy Underwear adds te a man's comfort, also, at thU season et the year, and where te buy is just as Important. The medium and cheaper goods wu purchase by the case, and our 25c, 37c , and 50c. goods are the best for the money. We also keep an assortment et Fine Begular-Madc Goods, of which CARTWIUUIIT & WAKNEU'S is the best. k ra J ! 38-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER VA. jauaiCALINSXHUMENIS. -yn-EDDiNu ArD UnniST.MAS CIFTS. MUSIC-BOXES. Superior Quality. Newest Selections. Popular Prices. THE MOST APPltOl'IUATE Wedding and Christmas Present. We etler during the Holidays the largest and most varied stock el MUSIel'.OXKs ever shown in this country, at the Swiss laetery price, with only advance of Impert duty, lci than half the regular retail price. MUSICAL BOXES, WITlt BELLS, DRUMS, CASTANETS, ZITHERS, tc, ic. MUSICAL ALBUMS. C. Gautschi & Ce., Manufacturers, STh. CROIX and GENEVE. Switzerland. Salesrooms, 1020 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA. -Seiid for Circular. eS-tfd JEWEEEBH. ril'KUA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AT AUGUSTUS RHOaDS, Jeweler, Ne. 3) East King Street, Lancaster. Pa rspt2S-3nidced CHRISTMAS DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS We have a splendid assortment of beautiful imported novelties especially appropriate for Christ mas Gifts. ALL GOODS: SENT ON APPROVAL. BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE, Chestnut & 12th Sts., Philadelphia. xeit ABrxxTisEMBNia. A SPECIAL BARUAIN IX FINE BLACK FIGURED BEAVERS. Last week we pui chased liem one of handsome, high-cost, neat-figured, one, ana me prices ac wnicu we bought them very low. We shall sell them at from 25 te 40 per cent, below what the importers' price has been previous te.this sale. The goods are all fresh manufactured for this season's sales, and the patterns the very newest,- including Silcilienne Corded, &c. We think this is a bargain without prece dent. Such goods are always fashionable for Ladies' Coats, Delmans, &c. Light Colored Beavers with Flashes and Seal Cleth for Trimming. Light Coats, Dark Coats and Black Coats are all trimmed with Seal, Cleth or Plush, both of which we have in a great variety of colors and many qualities. This net only applies te Coats, hut also te Ulsters, Wraps and almost every outside gar ment worn by ladies this season as well as saits. CHILDREN'S We aie very busy with the little ones. Ne wonder ; for nowhere is there such an assortment of handsome colors and pretty things for Children's Coats. Ulsters, Ac. Then we have the Seal Cleths and Plush, in shades that blend beautifully with the Cleths. Mether., bring your children along and let them help make a selection. "BOYS' overceatings. Fer the boys wc have a great many light colored Beavera,alse some handsome thick soft, nappy Beavers and then we have Green, Olive, Brown, Blue and every ether color and kind of Heavers, some plaid backs, ethers plain backs, but all can be made up without lining. 3Iauy are made verv stylish by having pockets, cuffs and color of seal cloth or plush, if you like it. Xowhere else can you iindsuch beautiful trimmings at puces always the lowest consistent with quality. Handsome Seal Cleths for Ladles Coats and Delmans. Ladies who are debating in their minds about purchasing' Seal Cleths should de de ctde promptly; present sales indicate a great scarcity in the near future. SMTOGMSS, IMRAT & CO, CLOTH HOUSE, MARKET & HNTH STREETS, Philadelphia. JgUW. J. PW- J- ZAHM. Manufacturing Jeweler, - - - Zahm's Cerner, LANCASTER, PA. The manufacturers or the diilerent lines of goods embraced in our stock have been spec ially lertjinate this year in producing styles et unequalcd beauty, which It will be a pleasure te us te nhew te all who call. Our s'ec'f is lull in all departments Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Diamonds, &c. i , lf" V.a.". tP.KCt i'.P any SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT place your order as early as possi ble. In Solid ueld or bilver we can make, in our Own factory, any article wanted, which en ables us te give our customers udvantagc in prices, net usually leund in retail stores. THt AKUJIU',1. T1KTKD SPKCXACLlis, for which we are the sole agents In Lancaster county, we believe are the best in the world, and we are satisfied that with the aid el our com plete outfit of lest Lenses, we can lit any eyes that need the aid or glasses. Our facilities ler FIK5T-ULAS3 UEI'AltflKC are complete in every department. ihe very liberul hhare of trade we have received in the past lias encouraged us te place In oil r cases a liner anil larger stock than ever before, te which we cordially invite the attention et all who desire te examine beantllul oeds. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, ZAHM'S CORNER, ectS-3md&wlt - J-'Oli HAX.E. T?OK SALK. -A LAKC.K AND SUIWTAN : Tobacco WAKE HOUSE. Cen Capacitv. t.OCO cases. UIFK & KAUFMAN', Xe. It) East King street. I 1 tlal Uriel i tral location. d.V3wdKS i"Vl"PlCE KOII KENT FROM THK 1ST .J et April next the Ofllcc Ne. 35 East wrange street, new occupied by lien llies. E. Franklin and Walter M, Franklin, esi. In quire at Ne. 37 East Orange street. dee3-5td T?OB KENT. A W.1UOS ANI CUAVn- f maker's Shep, a wcll-cstablisliiil stand within two miles of Lancaster, en the Millers ville Pike. Apply te or address. PHILIP ISAUSMAN. dC-tfd&w Lancaster, 1 O. SAWMIL.L. IOKsALK- A TWKNTX-ITOUK her-e power portable SAW MILL, m geed as new. Address, PHILIP LEISZELTEK, Eagle Speke and Hcndlng Works, d&w-tf Lancaster, Pa. 4 tXAX A. UE1SK&CO., RE A L EST A TE A XD INSVRA NVE A OENTS, Xe. a North Date Street. Over -te DWELLINGS, STOKES, liUILD ING LOTS, Ac., for sale In all parts of the city and at all prices. Call for printed Catalogue. HOUSES FOtt UENT. bcp3-3md AKAItE CHANCE! FOR SALE OR RENT. I offer mv old and well-established GROCERY, GLASS and QUEENsWAKE STORE. Fer sale or rent. This is one of the largest Grocery Stoics In the city, situated at Ne. 145 and 147 North Queen street, within one square et Central and Northern Markets, and enjoys u large patronage irem city and country cus tomers. SatMactery reason given for selling. Fer en or address CHAKLKS KNAPP. dO-UV 113 and 117 N. Queen St., Lancastci. ORPHANS COURT SALK OF VALUABLE City Property. On THURSDAY, DE CEMBER 13, 1S31, by virtue and In pursuance or an alias order et the Orphans' Court et Lan caster county, will be sold at public sale, en the premisesall that certain two-story brick tavern property (known as the Serrel Herse Hetel), with three-story- brick back buildinp, briek stables, shedding, blacksmith shop, &c.. and let et ground ihcicte belonging, situated en the north side of West King street, east or Prince street, in the city et Lancaster. Pa., ad joining properties of Hen. A. E. Roberts, W. J. Cooper, James Potts am! ethers. This Is one of the most desirable and convenient hotel properties In the city et Lancaster. Bale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. el said day, when attendance will be given and tcrma made known by ANNA McELLIGOTT, Executrix ei Jeremiah McElligetr, dee'd. Uexrv Sbubbrt. Auctioneer. nltttsd PUBLIC SALK. OF A VALCABLK JTAKK. On TUESDAY, DEC. 13, 1881, the under under signed.executers et the will of Henry R.Treut, will expose te public sale, en the premises, in Man helm township, the farm et the late Henry R. Trout, ueceascd. This farm Is about two miles distant from Lancaster, en the Ephrata turnpike, adjoining lands of Isaac Espcnshadc. Henry iluckwalter, Henry Hess and ethers. It contains about 70 ACRES. The improve ments consistefatwo-storlcdSTOXE DWELL ING HOUSE, large frame Uarn, Wagen-Shed, CemCrib and ether outbuildings. There is a geed orchard of apple trees. There is an ex cellent spring at the house and running water In two fields. There is a never-tailing well at the house. The fences arc in geed condition. About two thousand bushels et lime have been put en the land in the Inst two years. The property is well-adapted te trucking and dairying, as the whole et it can be cultivated und has an excellent meadow. Persons deslting te view the premises can de se by celling en the uuder-dgncd, or en Isaac K. Ryan residing thereon. Sale te begin at 2 o'clock, p. m., when terms will be made known by the undersigned exec exec ueors. Alse, at the Grape Hetel, en same day, the DWELLING HOUSE and let of ground, Ne. 220 West Orange street. The house Is a two-storied BRICK DWELLING, with two storied brick back building. It contains eight rooms; ran e built In the kitchen, gas throughout, hydrant in yard and geed well ; there is a connection with the sewer en Orange street. The yard is well-planted with apricots, cherries, .peaches, nnd grapes, of several kinds. The let has a frontage en Orange street or 39 teet and Is 128 feet deep, and en the rear Is a two-storied frame Stable. Frem the south ern end of the let there extends another let, abent2GK leet wide and 51 feet deep; te Arch alley, giving access te the Stable ; this let being subject, however, te certain rights cf passage in the owners et the two houses en the west of the dwelling house. Side te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., en said day when terms will be made known by THEODORE TROUT, AMOS IL CHRIST, Executers of the will of Henry R. Tteut. Henky Shcbekt, Aucl nevJ2.ll 17,l9.26,S0dccl,3t3<w BOOTH & SHOES. LADIES AND GENTS. IF YOU WANT A i Geed and Fine Fitting Beet or Shee Ready-made or Made te Order, go te F. niEMENZ'S, . 2f e. 103 North Queen Street. Custom Werk Specialty. ly2-tldS&w the largest imnertera l.i entim nt fur-back BEATERS. The transaction was a laree OLOAKINQS. - - LANCASTER, PENN'A. ENTERTAINMENTS. rvrEiu HOUSE. FRIDAY, DEC. 9th, 1881. A STUPENDOUS MUSICAL CONCEPTION. MR. JOnN I). MISHLER has the honor te present II. B. Malm's English COMIC OPERA COMPANY, the finest operatic organization in America, who will produce en a scale of magnificence. YON SUPPE'S LATEST ami GREAT EST SUCCESS, BOCCACCIO, Uy n carefully selected company of nrtist-j, together with a GKANI) CUOKUS. POPULAR PRICES : GALLERY 50c. ADMISSION 75c. Reserved seats en sale at Yeckcrs at SI. 5-:t TCUlrON OPERA HOUSE. WOSE NIGHT ONLV.-&QL THURSDAY, DEO. 8th,- 1881. THE CELEBRATED McGEBENY FAMILY: The most wonderfully charming organ iza iza iza tlonef young musical artists that ever graced an American stage. Everything new and fresh. SPECIAL PRICE3 : ADMISSION, SO Cents. RESERVED SEATS, - - - - 50 " GALLERY, ..... 88 ' Sale of Reserved Seat tickets begins at Ful ton opera house Monday morning, December 5. at 8 o'clock. Deers open at 7 : performance at d o'clock. -Wir,L APPEAR IN COLUMDIA, WED. NESDAY, DECEMBER 7m. d3,5,C,7, OAJtttlAiiEB, C. B EST WORK PRICES. ANU ' KKASO.NAULK PHILIP DOEltSOM, Manufacturer of , CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SPAR BUG GIES, PHAETONS, MARKET . WAG0NS,,&c.,.4c. EVLIPSEa. specialty Sele rigl.t for Southern Pennsylvania. A great variety of 8LKIGHS en hand. REPAIRING promptly' attended te. Satis faction guaranteed. WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY : Ne. 128 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. HALF SqUAKK EAST OF THE COURT HOUSE. n5-lmd&w OLKKJH3! SLKlUHs! EDGERLEY & Ce., Market Street, rear Market Houses LANCASTER, PA. We havea Large and Splendid assortment of PORTLAND, ALBANY and DOUBLE.; sleighs They are made of the best selected woodworks the best Ironed, best trimmed, and the finest painted and ornamented SLEIGHS ever offer ed for sale in the city. Remember we pay cash ler our material and allow no one te undersell us. Our Motte : " Quick Saxes xve Small Profits." It costs nothing te call and. examine our work. We also have-en hand a full line of FINE CARRIAGE WORK, In which we defy competition. All work warranted. Repairing of all klud promptly attended te. . In26ttd&w JtOMNlTUMje Vf T STOCK FOR THK FALL TBADB. Is complete, yet I am adding constantly te It. and you will find my Wareroenw very muelt crowded with the BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ' Wc arc se crowded that it is rather difficult te show goods, but we will try and overcome this by tue bett attention. Orders ler PIER AND MANTEL GLASSES filled at the very shortest notice and at lowest prices, at FURNITURE, AND PICTURE FRAME WAREROOMS,: 15X EAST KING STRKJST. WALTER A. HEINITSH. 3cp24-3md TIIEB EMTIO!. THDHSDAY EVENINf, DEC. 8, 1881. THE GUITEAU TRIAL. another diversion in court. The Prisoner and His Counsel Pretestlap Against the MMdiMems laterfareuce of the Fermer' .Brether Washington Dec. 8. The courtroom was again densely packed this morning. The moral efleet of yesterday's teatiaoey is seen in the prevalent belief te-day that the theory of hereditary insanity has been completely upset. As seen as Guiteaa reached his seat he shouted, "A crank iu Chicago says I talked with him about this case. I dea't Knew the man. It is false." Julia M. Wilsen, of Leadville, Colerado, a niece of Guiteau's father, underwent a long examination, denying the allegations of insanity in Guiteau's family. The pris oner became very angry and excited, bnt no notice was taken of him. The witness' testimony was unshaken by cress exam ination and. produced a marked sensation. Her refined Banners, well-chosen language and evident sincerity were markedly tin contrast with the appcarance of manyjef the witnesses for the defense whose evi dence she flatly contradicted. ' At the conclusion of Mrs. Wilsen's tes timony Jehn Guiteau arose and asked the court te rule out the testimony shewing that her father died of softening of the brain. lie cenld net see the reason" for dragging iu the mental condition of people having no bleed connection with the pris oner. Here Mr. Sceville arose, trembling with excitement, and protested against the meddlesemeness of Jehn Guiteau, saying he (Jehn) was opposed te showing any insanity in thel amily. Before he could finish, however, his voice was drowned by that of the prisoner, who struck the table violently and shouted ' He'd better get back te Bosten ; he has no business here. Just because he happens te bear the' same name he thinks he will get a little notor iety out of this case. I have net known anything of the man for years. That's all there is about him, and I want him te get out of this case." Jehn Guiteau made no response and quiet was seen restored. Subsequently Jehn Guiteau asked te make a personal explanation, when the prisoner greeted him with " Oh, shut up and sit down," and the judge refused te hear him, saying there was no need for explanation from him. A recess was taken for one hour. BY WIRE. Atteruoea Telegram Condensed. At Teulon, III., Andrew Jacksen, a farm laborer, killed his employer, Peter Huber, in a dispute about wages. Blaine informed a friend te-day that he will retire from the state department next Wednesday and that the nomination of ex-Senater Frelinghuysen as his suc cessor will be sent te the Senate next Monday. The estate of William F. Wild, of Bos Bes Bos eon, who died in Philadelphia yesterday, estimated at $10,000,000. The brewers of Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Leuis, Cincinnati, Detroit and Louisville propose te organize and te fix the price of beer at 88 a barrel and 83 a kcar. ParnelL the Irish agitator, is seriously ill with chills and shivering fits. The sheriff of Christian county, Me., has shot and killed the Mercer brothers, notorious characters of Decatur county, la., who en Nev. 16 murdered Marshal Topliff. Mr. Gewcn arrived at New Yerk en the steamer Servia te-day and left for Phila delphia at 3 o'clock this afternoeu. Merrill spoke en his tariff commission bill in the Senate te-day. Jehn l'. Dean and a man named Hurst were killed in the Air Line railroad at Suwanee. Ga., yesterday. Cel. Jehn W. Ferney, who has been sick a short time in Philadelphia, is new lying in an unconscious condition and it is believed his recovery is impossible. Jehn Judge, a Wilkesbarre miner, while drunk this afternoon struck his wife with an axe and left her dying en the fleer. COLOKADO VUIJHK8. A Lawyer Fatally Beatea in Court. Leadville, Dec, 8. In the county court yesterday, Lawyers Rigan and Sears bad an altercation, and the latter pounded the former ever the headjwith a chair, atd fractured his skull. (lis recovery is doubt ful. Murder Discovered. The Republican's special from Pueblo says : ' Last spring, Christ. Sfaatrew was found dead in bed, and the coroner gave a certificate of death from diphtheria. Re cently the body was exhumed and sent East for examination, when a bullet hole was found in the back of his head. The hole had been se ingeniously plugged up with a wooden plus, as net te be notice able, except en very close examination. The murderers are believed te be still hereabouts. THK FI-.CXCII CROWN JEWELS. retiring Tliry Will Fall into the Bands of .Enterprising Americana. Paris, Dec. 8. The committee en the bill for the sale of the crown jewels In spected them yesterday. It is proposed te retain an assortment, including certain presents from foreign monarchs, and a sword valued at 250, 000 francs and possessing artistic value. The committee are also disinclined te sell the Regent diamond, fearing it would be bought by enterprising Americans for ex hibition. They are in favor of disposing of diamonds te the value of 12,000,000 francs possessing no historical value. WAIt ON GKAVKYABD INSUKANCF. A .iioileu te Disgelva one of the Hanlsburg Companies. Harkisbukq, Pa., Dec. 8. The Btate authorities te-day made application te the court for a bench warrant for the arrest of the officers of the State Capital surance company of this city, en a charge of conspiracy but the cedrt refused the application en the ground that it was net" sitting as & commit ting magistrate. A motion vta? sad te dissolve the company and it is new being argued. The investigation of the books of the company made by Insurance Commissieoner Ferster is said te have developed some startling discrepancies, but it has net yet been made.pTublic. m MURDER OF AN OLU MAN Atsasslus Blew his Head off wltn his Ow Gun. Fall River,' Mass., Uec. 8-Sbertly after midnight another murder was com mitted here, the victim being Raymond, P. Dennis, aged sixty-two. Three men broke the windows in his house and when the old man went down with a gun te drive them away they disarmed him and with his own gun blew the top of his head off The wife.daughter and son of the deceased witnessed the murder and recognized the murderers. Thus far no arrests have been made. . t- PF.OJE3TRIAXS IN MEMPHIS. ' A Deuble-Team Race In th Sawdust Areas Memphis, DeeL 8. Harriman, Hart, O'Leary and Schmehi' began a seventy-five-hour race here last night at 8 o'clock for a purse of $1,000, Hart and O'Leary competing against Harriman and Schmehl Hart and Harriman go-as-you-please and O'Leary and Schmehl heel-and-tee. At the end nf thirteen hours the scere steed : O'Leary 58, Schmehl 5C, K iman ob. iiart was behind havimr off the track two Tand a half hours. i . . . .... - ' out is going wen ie-aay. Horned te Death la a Hearding Heue. MeRRfsTOV.-.v, X. J., Dec. 8. A fire was discovered at G o'clock this morning in a oearuing house en Seuth street kept by Miss ITunter. Five persons were rescued from the windows, and it is supposed Mrs. Anna Walsh, one of the bearders, and Luate Ketch, a servant, were burned. One body has been recovered and the fire men are searching for the ether. The house was fully insured. Basse Blew it Up. Montreal, Dec. 8. A telegram has been received by the Montreal chief of police from New Yerk, signed Redmond JueJMasaara, which says : " Serry for fail ure ; will de better next time." This, no doubt, refers te the famous infernal ma chine. The testimony pf experts gees te show that the machine would have dene but little harm beyond killing or injuring people who happened te be passing. 1YlATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Dec. 8. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, fair, followed by cloudy weather, westerly, backing te southerly winds, stationary or higher tem peratiirc, rising, followed bv falling barometer. U Blew in tiw Qua; BeuDEXTOXN, N. J., Dec. 8. Ereriug ham Disbrew, 32 years of age was ;killed near Clarksburg, Menmeuth county, yes terday by the discharge of one of the bar rels of bis gun, while he was blowing the powder out of the ether barrel. The top of his head was blown off. tKMxm. f tuiadtpbt Market. IfHiunHMU, Dec . Fleur quiet and firmer: Superfine, at 14 2294 75 e..:rit at 5 005 BO ; Ohie and Indiana family, 6 7537 50; Pennsylvania tamlly ft; Mfj C75: St. Leui de 7 0007 tel; HUroeset Extra at t7 0097 25; de straight at $7 2S 5J! 1 winter patent $7 008 25; spring .Iu 17 75iff S SO. , Bye neurat$r:2333 30. nrenisiuggisn; ijei. anu renn'a Red, i II t 4S ; de Amber. $1 43 I 45. Cern scarce and linn ler local use. Oats Arm, but quiet. Rye steady at 98c. Previsions dull hut unchanged. Butter steady and demand limited te choice grades. Reus firm and scarce : fcggs firm ter fresh ; Pernie,, He ; Western, 3032c. Cheese quiet. Petroleum dull: rettned. 7c. Whisky firm, sales at 91 13. .Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at ,19; flaxseed firm at $1 B5. Sew Xera amn. Naw leux, Dec. 8. Fleur Stale and Western dull aud slightly in buyer' favor ; Southern dull and heavy : Wheat opened a trifle stronger ; afterward uci-Biue cu unu ueciineu : me. x Ken. Dec, SI 41m 42; de Jan. $1 44Vfill 43X: de 'eb., $1 47?il 48de Mar., 91 5e5Bl 60fi. tarn epeneu nrm, afterwards declined about ic : mixed Westeru spot, 0371e ue future, 7076c n Oats firm and very quiet ; State, 49355e : Western, J$54c. Grata aad Froviaiea Quotation. One o'clock quotations et grain and prevls.. una, luruisneu uy s, East King street. K. Y undt. Breker, 15'$ Dec 8. 1 r. t. Chicago. Wheat Cern Oats Dec. 61 ,43& Jan L2?-: .Cl .44 Feb.... 1.29 .61i MJi Philadelphia. Dec..... !.40Ji .eau JMA Jan 1.42k .71K .52 Feb..... 1.45 .vfl .83 Perk 17.00 17.17 Lard 11.05 1L27K CIte Stee Markets. BCFVALe-Cattle Receipts. 230 head : ceu signed through, 210 cars ; market quiet, and uncnangeu. Sheep and Lambs-Receipts. 2,80e head ; consigned through, 13 cars ; market generally unchanged.but some soles rather lower; offer ings mainly of peer te medium quality ; sales altogether te countrymen for feeders ; com mon te fair western sheep, s:i 6034; geed de., $1 204 G5 ; selected heavy wethers, S4 30 10 ; a number of cars unsold, mostly common : rates ; geed te choice Yorkers, $T 75Q5 &V, mostly at $5 80 ; geed medium weights, iS 15 ; lair te feed heavy, $580gO'iO; choice, SS 30 : pigs at $5Q5 40. Chicago. Hogs Receipts. 4J.00O head; ship ments, aj.OOO head ; market generally strong and prices .rQ10c higher; common te geixl mixed, 5S0; light. $5 60fJ5 95; heavy pack ing and shipping SB 1506 BO ; skips and cuds at $5'J5. Market closed Unu; all geed hogs sold. Cattle-Receipts, 4,500 head; shipments. l.Cfle head ; geed demand ; mere active and nrmer; experts, $6 237; one let sold at 17 75 ; geed te choice shipping, $5 2SQ7 ; common te fair Wtf 5; mixed butchers' fairly active and steady; peer te fair, 22S0; medium te geed. Includ ing grass Tcxans, $334; stockers and feeders, $4 ; milkers and springers, $30g6ij head ; Wyoming Texans, lt. Sheep Receipts, 1,600 head ; market'dull and unimproved; common te medium $2 703: medium te geed mixed, S323393; extra at $42504 85. Wkst Libxrtv Cattle, receipts, 442 head; market slew, best at tC&ti 25: fair te geed $53 5 (0 ; common, $404 40. . Hogs Receipts, 30,000 hc&d ; Philadelphia nt $6 10 40 ; Yorkers at $5 653 85. Sheep Receipts. CCO head ; maiket very dull and prices 203c lower. stncK aiaram. New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks also United States Bends reported dully by Jacob B. Leng, N. E. Cor. Centre Square. Naw KoKKtvreoKa. Stocks generally weak. Dec. 9. 10:00 law ifcOt Chicago ft erth Western 127K 127i 127K Chicago. MIL ft 9L Paul 10( ice& le&v Canada Southern cel? C. C. ft I. C. it. K 20Vi 21 21J4 iei.,AiacK.s western Delaware ft'Uudsen'Caual.... Denver ft Rie Grande East Ten n., Va. A Ga Hannibal ft St. Jpe Lake Shere ft Mich. Southern 1272 127 127'J lf7 3uj aen Wt 11 94 .... ia'y, l-'IJi ISlfc WMC Manhattan Elevated. .... .4 8 92$ 92? -V Michhraa Central Missouri. Kansas Texas... N. Y., Lake Erie ft Western. New Jersey Central N. Y., Ontario ft Western.... New Yerk Central Ohie A MhwlaslDDL : 4 y Wi. 4 4M$ 4J 'JSil 'Xii V ceS .... -iyH iwi i:x viay. i-r v. sr- Ohie Central:...-..'. .it. 2M 7tL memo nau eiramiiip ;.... Zl 'tH 15 St. Paul ft Omaha Vit .... 3dX de Preferred K'i .... 102 Central Pacific .... 91 Texas Pacific Ki'i KtkT S3 Unlem PacUe lis Hx lis Wabash, St. Leuis ft PaciOc... iQi 1 42 rreierreu. s siy, 2 83fc western union xei- me... 8 85'i A.M. r. it. M. Peuadsxtbia. Stocks dull. Pennsylvania R. R.. G4 C3& 34? Keaaing........ Lehigh Valley. & fa K'lX. Lehigh Navigation ExDlv.... Bufido, Pitts, ft Western Northern Central.......... Northern Paclflc...... jrTavsrreu.... ......... AlBStOuVule ................. .... Electric Underground Tel. Ce. Fhliaqelphla'ft Erie K. K Gunnison Mining Iowa Gulch Mining UatrBo'&fATzaBeirBfl. 4 ' nym 917A 80g . 11 39 7)Ji 3S 123 115 .... i,yz its 'r.-if. 1:00 United States 4 per cants 118 '3 Mi " 5 115 ORPHANS' COURT HALSm Oil VJUOAY, DECEMBER IS, 1881. at the Lancaster County Heuse. East King street, Lancaster, Pa., the undersigned, administrator of Marga ret Murphy, deceased, by virtue of an order or the OrpluuMCeurt of Lancaster county, will sell at public sale the following real estate, te wit: All' that certain Twe-Story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and let or piece et ground, situate en the west side of Plum street, Ne. 214. In the city et Lancaster, meas uring in front en Plum street 19 feet 4 laches, and extending In depth westward 102 feet, thence northward 17 feet and 10 inche-, thence eastward 73 teetvthencenorthwardtethe north side or a 3-feet alley, thence . long said alley te JfTn OtWAf t- Alse. aTwo-Sterv BRICK HOUSE and let nt Sound, situate en the west side et North me street, in Lancaster city, measuring in frost en Lime street 19 feet and 3 inches, und extending in depth westward 84 feet 3 Inches. I Alse, a Let et Ground, with HOUSE and oiaeie ukiwu, aitiuw uu uiu suuui sme Ol East Chestnut street. In Lancaster city, meas uring In front en Chestnut street 18 feet and 8 Inched, aad extending along ground of Jame 4 Kelley 118 feet, te a 14-teet alley. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m when conditions and terms will be made known by JOnN MURPHY, Adm'r of Margaret Murphy, dee'd. Il2C,dec3,10,14,13,13d s