& LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER: MONDAY DECEMBER 5, I8i. u ing situated en the southeast corner of Lime and Lemen trects, te nenry Cerdes. for $3,200. tue prison. Monthly Meeting of Uie iBiyecters. All the prison inspectors we're present at the regular monthly meeting of the beard te day. Numerous hills were ap proved. Mr. Beyer read the report of the committee en inventory, which was taken en November 29 and 30. According te this the whole sleck en hand amounts te $10,927.73, of which $7,241.27 is in the manufacturing departments, and the re maindcr is in the ether departments. Their stock in the thiee principal departments are as fellow! : Tobacco, $3,798.97 ; beets and".sndes,.,277.77 ; carpets, $2, C37.0C. The quarterly report of the physician showed that although a large number of persons had been sick but one died. It was agreed net te allow lieyer, in jail for two years, any commutation as he at tempted te escape in February. It was agreed te precure wire gratings for the windows of the celb in the prison. The inspectors all signed the petition te the beard of pardons in behalf of Isaac Seldenuidge, new in jail for ferjrery. The following resolutions by Mr. Beyer were adopted : " Resulted, That the president and solici tor be directed le prepare a punishment register in which shall be recorded opposite the name of the respective convict all offenses by him committed against prison discipline, with the date thereof and pun ishment inflicted. Tiiatfer this purpose the underkecpers shall keep such record and return it te the clerk at the clese of every mouth, who shall cuter the result, iu the register and lay the same before the inspectors whenever a prisoner is te be dis charged. "Retelted, That all attempts te break jail in the past vcar be entered en said lcgister." Mr. llagcu offered the following resolu tion, which was adopted. Resolved, That the laige room ever " bummers' hall " be fitted up and that all lcrsens engaged in the manufacture of cigars be put te labor iu that aud ether rooms." The following resolution was offered by Mr. Ituttcr and passed, all the members voting for it except Messrs Carter and Hagen : "Resulted, That we advertise for sealed proposals for prison labor te manufacture cigars for one year, commencing January 9th, 1862, contractor te give his own bend, furnish tobacco and everything appertain ing te the manufacture of cigars ; also sell his own cigais and furnish his own foreman. Bids te be handed te the presi dent of the beard or before December 31 at 12 m. The inspectors reserve the right te reject any or all bids." Messrs. Wolf and Hagen were appointed a committee te audit the ticasuicr's ac count. Sad Death or a Urighl Lad The four-year-old and only seu of Jacob P. Kautz, and grand-son of Jehn Oclis, whose death is chronicled in our obituary columns, was a bright little fellow who fell a victim te membraneeus croup, and whose stricken family have the sympathy of all their friends. Fell Frem a Ladder. Philip Myers was at weik sawing limbs from a tree en East Lemen street en Sat uiday, when the ladder broke aud he fell a distance of 20 feet. He broke his arm, dislocated his shoulder aud was badly bruised. The Michigan Fund. The mayor this morning sent $114.14 te the Michigan sufferers, making a total of $2,114.75 already scut. This afternoon he received $71.25 from the Mcunonite church of Leacock. Prliatc Sale. Bausman & Burns, real estate agents, today sold for Jehn W. Sewers & Ce., a brick dwelling house situate Ne. 204 West Walnut street, te Mrs. Mary C. Mil ler, for $1,050. Uate Kail. This morning Lcvina Woedcialt, of Ore gon, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Strino for slander, the suit having been brought by Chailcs Myers. She gave bail in $3,000. A Pleasant Heme for Se-le. Attention is called te the sale of the two twe two sterv brick dwelling house bolensing te Gee. W. Eaby, which will be sold at pub lic sale at the Leepard hotel this evening. It is well built, conveniently arranged and situated in a desirable location. See ad vertisement. Amuse nienis. " irui)ty Dtmtpty" Te night. That comical here of song and story "Humpty Dumpty" has ever been a prime favorite with patrons et amusements in this city and te-night they arc te be afforded another opportunity et wit nessing his capers, in the appearance at Ful ton opera house of Will Grever's Humpty Dumpty pantomime and specialty company. They advertise a number et new and amusing tricks, and among ins special features or merit premised arc the Royal pantomime company, the Transatlantic novelty company, the Lon Len Lon eon deg circus, Dedd's military band, May's opera orchestra. Lew prices rule, as will be seen en reference te the advertisement. SPECIAL HOriVKH. See Here. Yeu are sick ; well, there is Just one remedy that will cure you bejend possibility et doubt. ;4( If it's Liver or Kidney trouble, Consumption. Dyspepsia, Debility, Wells' Health Kcncwer is your nope. (1. Druggists. Depot. "What every one says mast be true," that Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup" has no equal for coughs and colds. Try it. Price SB cents. nl-lmd&w Ge te H. B. Cochran's lirug ic.rc, 137 North Queen street, for Jlfr. Rreerjum't New Na tional Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et color,are uneqnaled. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English aud German. Price. 15 cents. " I've lived and loved," said an unhappy old maid. " When 1 was young. Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure, ler tetter, eczema, and pimples en the tacc, was net te be bought. As T had a rough skin. I kept out et company and am new an Old maid. Keep your famllv well supplle I with " Sel lers' Cough Syrup.'' Use it In time; you will avert bronchial una pulmonary affections. 25 cents. dl-lmdAw It is a foolish mistake te confound a remedy of merit with quack medicines. We have used Parker's Ginger Tonic with the happiest re sults for Dyspepsia and Debility, and knew it te be a sterling health restorative. Timet. ul-lmdeodAwcew Quinine and Arsenic Ferm the basis of many et the Ague remedies In the market, and arc the last resort et Phy sicians and people who knew no better medi cine te employ, ler this distressing complaint. The eflccts et cither et these drugs are de structive te the system, producing headache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ring lug In the cars, and depression of the constitu tional health. Ayer's Aece Cues is a vege table discovery, containing ntlther quinine, arsenic, nor any deleterious Ingicdient, and is an Infallible and rapid enre for every form of Fever and Ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no Injury can result from its use. Besides being a positive cure for Fever and Ague in all its forms, It is also a superior remedy for Liver Complaints. It is an excel lent ten ie aud preventive, as well as cure, of all complaints peculiar te malarieus, marshy and miasmatic districts. By direct action en the Liver and biliary apparatus, it stimulates the system te a vigorous, hinllhy condition. Fer sole by all dealers. d2-lwdced.tw "A lady had thcttesh eaten off her arm by scrofula Could see the sinews working. Lindsey's Bleed Searcher' cured her." J. Ralston, Llderten, Pa. dl-luul&w Te Accommodate the Public. The proprietors et that immensely popular remedy, Kidnev-Wert in recognition et the claims ct the public which has se liberallv pa tronized them, have prepared a liquid prepa ration el that remedy for the special accom modation of these who from any reason dis- Jlike te prepare it for themselves. It is very- concentrated, and, as the dose is small, it 13 mere easily taken by many. It has the same eflectual action in all diseases ei the kidney?, liver or bowels. ieme and Farm. d3-l0Aw .Ketnez: jnetnen:i jKeShcrs!: Are yea disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suflering and crying with the excruciating pain et cutting teeth ? If he, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will re lieve the peer little suflercr Immediately de pend upon it; there Is no mistake about it. There i9 net a mother en earth who lias ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It la perfectly sare te uj-c in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription et one ei the eldest and best female physician and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere; 25 cents a bettl.- "larMvdAwM.WAS There is a Balm in Gllead. The success which has marked the introduction of Cream Balm, a Catarrh remedy, prepared by Ely Itre3., Owego, X. Y., is indeed marvelous. Many persens in PitUten and vicinity are using it with most satisfactory results. A lady down town is recovering the sense of smell, which she hid net enjoyed ler liiteen years, through the use of the Halm. She had given up her case as incnrablc. Mr. Barber, the druggist, has used it in his l.imi'y and com mend it very highly. In another column a young Tnnkhanneck lawyer, known te many of our reader.-", tc-tlfles that he waseuiedef partial deafness. It Is eei talnly a very effica cious remedy. J'Utsten, J'a , 0'i:ettc, Aug. IS, 1871). 31 y son, aged nine years, was afflicted with Catarrh ; the use of Ely's Cream Balm effected a complete cure. W. E. If amxav, druggist. Eu&ten, li. Trice .Vj cents. dl-2ivdce(l&w "Lire, Growth, Keauty." " What we all ndmire" and hew te secure it : A line head of hair in its natural eoler is such an adunct le beauty that no one who prizes geed leeks should neglect te use " Londen Huir Celer Restorer," the most cleanly and dc llghtfiil article ever introduced te the Ameri can people. It is totally different fiem all ethers net sticky or gummy, and free from all impnre ingredients that render many ether preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, restores gray hair, gives it new life, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair te grew where it had fallen off or become thin, does net soil or stain anything, and is se per fectly and elegantly prepared us te make it a lasting hair dressing and toilet luxury. " Lon Len Lon eon Hair Restorer" is sold by all druggists, nt 75 cents a bottle. Six bottles ler $1. ect3M.lV,S,1w DEAT11S. Cellins. At his residcncc.in Hart township, en batuidav evening, Dec. 3, Themas C. Col Cel lins, in tue 8.1th year ei his age. Funeral at 11 a. in., en Tuesday, Dec. C. Set vices al the house. Interment at the Octoraro V. P. church. Fiicnds and relatives rospect respect tully invited te attend without further notice, Wei.k. December 4, 1SSI, in this city, Maiy", relict et the late Adam Welt, in the Sid year et her age. The lelaiives and friends et the lamilyarc respect fully invited le attend the funeral, fiem her late residence. Ne. ISC North Duke i-tr.ct,en Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Kaliz. In this clty.en the 4th Inst .Jehn F., son et Jacob F. and Kate K. Kautz, iu the Kit year et his age. The relatives and ft lends of the family are respectfully invited te attend tha luncral from the parents' residence, Ne. 3G3 Seuth Queen street, en Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock lutermentat Woodward Hill cemetery. nx wad vtsit tjsejuents. WANTED A AYOOU FINISHER ATT1IK Lancaster Organ Manufactory, 320 North Queen slicet, Lancaster, Pa. Apply at once. J7UK SALE. A LAUGE AND SU11STAN tlal Brick Tobacco WAREHOUSE. Cen tral location. Capacity. 3.0C0 cases. RIFE A KAUFMAN, 15-3wdUS Ne. in East King street. IOll SALE. A two-sterv BRICK DWELLING with BUICK DWELLING 5 rooms, entry and plastered attic ; Hydrant and rump, variety et small fruit. The property is located in the vicinity of the Cotten Mills and will be sold at a bargain. Is desirable as a home or ler investment Ne. 318 Beaver street. RIFE & KUl'FFMAN, U?-3ldSMWS,R 19 East King street. VMKEMKN'S UNION. A SPECIAL MKKT I? lug of the Union will be held THIS EVEN ING at 7 o'clock in the hall of the Washing ton Fire Company CHAS. M. HOWELL, It President. 1UL1U SALE. O MONDAY, llEC. B. 1881, will be sold at the Leepard Hetel, that valuable two-story BRICK DWELLING, with one-story Brick Back Building and Sum mer Kitchen 'attached, situated en the west side et Shippcn street, between East King anil Orange streets. Ne. 22, containing hall, six 100ms and plastered attic; hydrant in the yard, fruit trees, grape vines, Ac. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. 111. of said day. when conditions will be made known by GEORGE W. EARY. ilUMiY SllUnEHT, Auct. ."0-5td A LEAN A. HEltK A CO., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS, Ne. 3 North Ditte Street. Over 40J DWELLINGS, STORES, BUILD ING LOTS, Ac., rer side in all parts of the city and at all pilccs. Call for printed Catalogue. HOUSES FOR RENT. sepS-3md D K. S. . C. JACKSON, THE GREAT ENGLISH ORATOR, Will deliver his clebrated LECTURE en Garibaldi's First Wife, Anita,' On TUESDAY EVENING, in UNION BETHEL CHURCH, corner ei Ot nnge and Prince streets, te commence at tip. in. Deers open at 7 p. in. Tickets et Admis sion 25c, Children, 15c., te be hail at the book stores S-21K )(( SLEIGHS AT AUCTION, On Thursday 3Ieming, Dec. 15, 1881 -4 7' 11 O'CLOrC, AT HERKNESS' BAZAAR, NINTH AND SANSOM STS., PHILADELPHIA. It rriu house. FRIDAY, DEO. 9th, 1831. A STUPENDOUS MUSICAL CONCEPTION. MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the honor te present II. B. Malm's English COMIC OPERA COMPANY, the 11 nest operatic organization in America, who will produce en a scale of magnillccnee. VOX SUPPE'S LATEST and GKEA.T- JiSt SLLUli&J?, BOCCACCIO, By a carefully selected company of arti-ts, together with a GRAND CUOKIS. POPULAR PRICES: GALLERY. . 50c. ADMISSION 7."c. RcscrVcd scats en sale at Yeckei s at SI . ." Ct G IRAKI) OF PHILADELPIA. Assets ever ELEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND Dollars, sscurely invested. Fer a policy In this old and well-established company call en RIFE & KAUFMAN, NO. 19 EAST KING STREET. d3M,W&SR new ADYmmsmMMma. e CtC LAST CARD OF Ih SEASON ! Our card has brought out a number of new customers, who usually de their buying in Philadelphia, since they are assured tnat Lan caster can beast of at least one house that knows hew, and docs turn out tirst-class work in the line of Merchant Tailoring. V.'e were compelled te order another let of FINE OVERCOATING In addition te our extensive stock. Te-day we open a full line of NOVELTIES from the Par isian house of Origet, including ASTROCIIANS, VELOURS & MONTANAK BEAVERS, of the late3t French Designs, which are per fect Gems. - Our CROMBIE'S VICUNAS. LALLAPELLES AND ELYSIANS are very attractive. We invite the attention of ladles, who are in search of suitable CHRISTMAS GIFTS, ler their 'ltisbanils, te call and cxamine our stock of OVERCOATINGS, a mere acceptable or desirable present could net be made. We get up an Overcoat in the highest style of art, at prices ranging from $25 te $50 a saving et at least from 25 te 0 per cent en Philadelphia prices ter same kind of work and trimming. Bear in mind we are He only house in Lan caster that handle this cliiss ei goods. Our ex perience, taste and skill is a sufficient guaran tee that we are thoroughly posted In icganl te correct style in dress. All ate cordially invited te call at 121 K. QUEEN STREKT. J. K SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 31 WAS T milk:: is an idea aukead among some people that there is no style or fit in READY-MADE CLOTHING, This 1-, a mistake. The many years of eNer ience in the cuttiugand making of CLOTHING by some of the largest he,i,e- in the country, has brought the art iieai perfection, and there are very few men but fi if. can be better lltte and Miitedin the CLOTHING et te-day that is ready made than in erdcie.l ei k. Our stock is very large at the present time, and the selections were made with the great est care. New we trust you ill come and see us, and the CLOTHING can prove itsi'lt. ALSO, REMEMBER, we Uie b.u-k every thing net satisfactory. Our stock el Overcoats l as complete new as it will be at any time again this season, and we have great heaps of them, and piles of them have been sold. fflLLIAfflSON & FOSTER, 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. J-OJC SALE. S" AW JULl,rOK!Al.i: A TWKNTY-1TUU11 her-e power portable SAW MILL, as geed as new. Address PHILIP LEBKELTEE, Eagle Speke and Bending Works, d&w-lt Lancaster, Pa. ORPHANS COURT SAI.K OF VALUAKLK City Property. On THURSDAY, DE CEMBERl.'i, IhSl.by virtue and In pursuance et an alias order et the Orphans' Court et Lan caster county, will be sold at public sale, en the premises, all that certain two-story brick tavern property (known as the Serrel Herse Hetel), with three-story brick back building, brick stables, shedding, blacksmith shop, &c.. and let et ground Thereto belonging, situated en the north side of West King street, cast of Prince street in the city et Lancaster, Pa., ad joining properties of Hen, A. E. Roberts, W. J. Cooper. James Potts and ethers. This is one et the most desirable aud convenient hotel properties in the city of Lancaster. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in. of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by ANNA McELLIGOTT, Executrix of Jeremiah McElllgett.dee'd. IiUN'KV SlICRERT. AUCtiOUCCr. 1122-tsll PUULIC SALE OF A VALUAltLK FAUK. On TUESDAY, DEC. 13, 1SSI, the undcr undcr signed,exceuter.s et the will of Henry R.Treul, will expose te public sale, en the premises, in .Man hoi m township, tin-farm et the late Henry It. Trout, deceased. This farm is about two miles distant Irera Lancaster, en the Ephrata turnpike, adjoining lands et Isaac Espcnshadc. Henry Buckwalter, Henry lies and ethers. It contains about 70 ACRES. The improve impreve improve mentscensistora two-storied STONE DWELL ING HOUSE, large frame Barn, Wi.gen-Shcd, Cern Crib and ether outbuildings. There Is a geed orchard of apple trees. There is an ex cellent spring nt the house and i mining water in two fields. There is a never-tailing well at the house. The fences arc in geed condition. Abonttwe thousand bushels et lime have been put en the land In the h'.st two years. The property is well-adapted te trucking and dairying, as the whole el it can be cultivated and has an excellent meadow. Persons desiilng te view the premises can de se by calling en the-uudcrigued, or en Isaac K. Ryan residing thereon. Sale te begin at 2 o'clock, p. in., when terms will be made known by the undersigned exec exec ueors. Alse, at the Grape Hetel, en same day, the DWELLING HOUSE and let of around. Ne. 220 West Oransce street. The house is a two-storied BRICK DWELLING, with two storied brick back building. It contains eight rooms ; ran c built in the kitchen, gas throughout, hydrant in yard and geed well ; there is a connection with the sewer en Orange street. The yard Is well-planted with apricots. cherries, pcaenes, ami grapes, ei several kinds, 'lhe let has a lrentage en Orange street of S9 feet and is 128 feet deep, and en the rear is a two-storied frame Stable. Frem the south ern end of the letthcrc extends another let, about 2f!K leet wide and 51 feet deep; te Arch alley, giving access te the Stable ; this let being subject, however, te certain rights cf passage in lhe owners et the two houses en lhe west of the dwelling house. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in., en said day when terms will be made known by THEODORE TROUT, AMOS n. CHRIST, Executers of the will of Henry R. Tieut. HsMav Shubkrt, Auct. nevl2,U 17,19,?C,5Uilccl,3ts& 11 w MISCELLANEOUS, CAUU. EAGLE SHOE STORE. JOHN IIIEMENZ, SI Neith.Queen street, Lancaster, Pa.. Dealerln LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S BUSSES' and CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES, has a fine let of BURT'S GOODS manufactur ed expressly ler him by Edwin c. Bint. New Yerk. CAUTION. The Genuine Burt Shee ha the name et Edwin C Burt stamped in full en the lining and telc of eac shoe, and are war ranted. . 3-2td M1 UalU, MUSIC Full THE HOLIDAYS. The undersigned rcsncctfullv announces te ncr menus nu me puunc tnat sue nas ac cepted tnc agenev for the Celebrated Krnnlcli & Bach Piane Fortes, which she will sell clicaper than anv ether FIRST-CLASS instru ment and en the easiest terms. Pianos can be seen and further information obtained by calling upon LIZgLE STROBEL, JJU31C TEACHER, 333 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER, PA, N.B. With kind permission 1 refer te Father I Haul and Sisteis at Sacred Heart Academy, Who arj using these pianos. d3-2fd -XKW JUTMMXlMMMMXXa "CMTE CHARMING XOUNG GIRLS WILL BE COURTED BY THE PROFESSOR, OF MADISON SQUARE, HE IS HANDSOME AXD AN ERUDITE TEACHER (ERUDITE MEANS LEARNED) FR03I THE COLLEGE OP YALE. HE IS CALLED "THE PROFESSOR." HE WROTE A PLAY ALSO "THE PROFESSOR." AND IT DREW CROWDS OF PEOPLE FROM THE GAY BOULEVARDS FOR ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY NIGHTS TO THE BIOST BEAUTIFUL THEATRE IS THE WORLD THE MADISON SQUARE THEATRE. IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. THE WEALTH sAND ARISTOCRACY OK THAT CITY WERE CHARMED BY THE PLAY UNTIL IT BECAME FAMOUS. AND ALL THE YOUNG PEOPLE AND THE OLD PEOPLE. THE GIRLS AND THE BOYS. THEIR CAUTIOUS FATHERS AND THEIR TIMID MOTHERS, THRONGED THE FIHE THEATRE WHERE THE HANDSOME PROFESSOR MADE LOVE TO A HALF-DOZBN ROSY MAID ENS WITH LONG SPANISH LASHES. AND THE RESULT OF IT WAS A REBIAREABLE OVATION TO THE HANDSOME PROFESSOR, WHO WILL PLAY IN THIS TOWN OF LANCASTER ON; NEXT WEDNESDAY, AT THE MIDDLE OF THE WEEK, Olt TO SPEAK BY THE CARD. AS THEY SAY IX THE BOOKS!" THIS PLAY. ' THE PROFESSOR.' WILL BE PRODUCED ' ( NOT A GOOD WORD ) IN THE FULTON OPERA HOUSE." THIS IS THE END OF THE PROFESSOR ADVERTISEMENT. WHICH WAS WRITTEN EXPRESSLY' FOR THIS MERIDIAN. BUT AS CURIOUS!PERSONS MAY LIKE TO READ THE OTHER ADVEKTISEMENT THAT SURPRISED THE QUAINT CITY" OF BOSTON, THEY ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO PERUSE TO THE END THE PARAGRAPHS THAT NOW ARE TO FOLLOW : ' THE PROFESSOR " IS FROM THE MADISON SQUARE THEATRIC IN NEW YORK, WHERE IT WAS PLAYED 150 NIGHTS TO CROWDED HOUSES. THE ORIGINAL COMPANY PLAYS. THE NEW YORK SCENERY WILL BE USED IN LANCASTER. A BROOK OF REAL WATER RUSHES DOWN THE BIOUXTAIX. IF YOU WANT TO MARRY SEE THE PROFESSOR. THE PRETTIEST GIRLS MAKE LOVE TO THE PROFESSOR HE PROPOSES TO THEM ALL. HE WILL SHOW YDU THE FKOIi AND HOW HE WOULD A-WOOING GO-NOT THE FROG-BUT THE PROFESSOR, ROB'T COLLYER SAYS ' MOST AMUSI JOAQUIN MILLER " LIKE NEVADA VER." X. Y. HERALD-" CONTINUOUS LAI TElt." N. Y. POST" WAS WONDERFUL." XG." S1L- X. Y. TIJIES-" CHARMINGLY SET." X. Y. MAIL" REMARKABLE PORTR A IT- URE." . IT NIGHTLY PACKED THE A. V. YATES & CO. COLD WEATHER CLOTHING. A. G. YATES & CO., - "THE" PLACE TO 33UY IT. A house that has, in se short a time, established a trade of such magnificent piopertion?, must possess extraerdinaay merit. We will lead you into the secret of our continued success FIRST AND FOREMOST : Producing Clothing SUPER IOR TO ALL OTHER MAKES ( wc mean this literally and without retraction). THEN : -SELLING AT LOW PRICES, with the understanding that the money will be refunded if purchases cannot otherwise be made satisfactory. Solid icasens why you should buy your Clothing of A. C. YATES & CO., CHESTNUT AND SIXTH STS., PHILADELPHIA. E 11 AV. J. ZAUBI. Manufacturing Jeweler, - - - Zahnf s Cerner, LAXCASTEJi, PA. Tlic manufacturers el the iliBeicut linuu of goods embraced In our stock have been spec ially fortunate this year in iirelucini styles et uni'nuakil beauty, which it will be a plea-niri! te us te uhew te all who call. Our b'eck is lull in all ilupuit incuts Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Diamonds, &c. If you want te set up any SPECIAL CHRISTBIAS GIFT place your onler as early a pe-si-ble. In Solid Geld or Silver we can make, in our own factory, any article wanted, which en ables us te give our ciiitemcis advantage in prices, net usually leund in rctaU stores. Tlin. AKUNDH.L TINTED SPECTACLES, for which wc are the sole agents in Lancaster county, ue believe arc the best in the world, and we arc satisfied that with the aid el our com plete outfit of Tet Lenses, we can litany eyes that need the aid of glasses. Our facilities for FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING arc complete in every department. The very liberal share of trade we have received in the past lias encouraged us te place in our cases a liner and larger stock than ever before, te which we cordially Invite the attention of all v-he desire te examine beautiful goods. ED. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, ZAHM'tf CORNER, ect23-3ind&wlt 1HY GOODS. OVECIAL NOTICE TO Till: LADIES. Givler, Bewers & Hurst's, 25 East King Street. LADIES! V'i' eiler a lew special things at al a great sac- Iticc te close out the entire let, namely : Dell Trunks, leather Satchels, Parian Bnsts, Photograph Frames, China Ornaments and Figures AND A LARGE LOT OF JAPANESE GOODS, IN A GREAT VARIETY OF ARTICLES. These goods wc are determined te close out and therefore eiler them much below cot. IN SILK UMBRELLAS we have just i eclved our stock, especially ler the holidays. De net put etr purchasing these goods tee long, as the assortmentgetsbreken, and von may have some diflieultv in ircttiiiir j ust what you wunt. We offer these goods very iu . u iiuvu iuse an cicgam line ei Alpaca and Gingham Umbrellas. in excellent quality, which wc guarantee te be fast colors. IN SILK HANDKERCHIEFS we show the finest assortment in the City. Please call and leek, and be convinced. IN KID GLOVES wc show a full assortment, in black and colors. LADIES' SILK MITTENS,- something new and choice. Plcase call and leek at them. We have them in all shades. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR, in Scarlet aniUVhlle,at greatly reduced prices. Large lincsef Ladles' und Children's Hosiery, in Cashmere, Weel, Merine and Cotten. Ladies, wc are ettering great bargains in SHAWLS AND SKIRTS, as well as In many ether goods. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. OFFICE FOK K.NT. FROM THE 1ST et April next the Office Ne. 30 East Orange street, new occupied by Hen liies. E. Franklin and Walter M, Franklin, esq, In quire at Ne. .".7 East Orange street. dec3-3td MA D1SOX SQUARE THEATRE. AXD DREW THE BEST OF A BULLION' PEOPLE. IF YOU WISH TO HEAR A CHARMING GIRL'S LAUGH GO TO SEE THE PROFESSOR. IT WAS A BIOST REMARKABLE SUCCESS IX FASIIIOXABLE SARATOGA. ITS CITIZEN'S TUROXGED TUE ' PROFESSOR " PERFORM AXCE. THIS PLAY" IS A TRI JMPH 'FOR THE SCHOLARLY BIR. GILLETTE OF THE BIADISOX SQUARE THEATRE. IT IS A PLAY FOR GOOD HEALTH. A PLAY FOR THE DAUGHTER. A PLAY FOR THE SOX. A PLAY FOR THE MOTHER. A PLAY FOR THE FATHER. A PLAY FOR THE HOME. BEAUTY', WIT, SARCASBI, HUBIOK. BIATHEMATICS, ASTROXOBIY, EDUCATIOX, FINE ARTS, BIUSIC. AXD ALL THAT CAN' PLEASE THE EYE, AND CHARM THE EAR, WILL BE PRESENTED OX WEDNESDAY EVENING IX FULTOX OPERA HOUSE, RESERVED SEATS AT USUAL PRICES. Ledger I E 7DW. J. ZAH9I. LANCASTER, PENN'A. Jv'A TEJtTAlNJIENTS. F ULTOX OPERA 1"LSE. MONDAY, DEO. 5th, 1881. 9Rcmctnbcr this date particularly. Remem ber the prices. The Survival of the Fittest. WILL GROVER'S I TJMPTY B UfflTY ! i Still greater aud better than last sea en, aud s.1111 lheiamc gloriously popular prices. The Royal Pantomime Company ! The Trail i itlantic Novelty Company 1 The Louden Deg Ctrcu-i I Dedd's Military Rand ! May's Opera Orchestra. PRICES, 35, 35 & BO Cents. CHILDREN 25 CENTS. Ne higher prices. Tickets for sala at the Opera Heuse Oflice d3-2td e PI.ICA HOUSE. TUESDAY, DEO. 6, 1881, MR. JOHN D. MISHLER has the pleasure or presenting the popular and talented artist Miss Jeffreys-Lewis, In the Union Square Theatre Success by A. C. tiuntcr, eq., entitled Twe S ights in Seme, Presented with particular attention te every detail by a TnOROUUHLY COMPETENT COMPANY. 43Ne advance In Prices 35, 50 ami 75 vta. Reserved leats new ler s-ale ut Yecker's Otlice. 30-Ct TUl.TON OPERA HOCSE. 43-ONE NIGHT ONLY.-ja THURSDAY, DEO. 8th, 1881. THE CELEBRATED McGEBENY FAMILY. The most wonderfully charming organlza erganlza organlza tlenof young musical artists that ever graced an American stage. Everything new and fresh. SPECIAL PRICES : ADMISSION, 35 Cent-. RESERVED SEATS, - - 50 " GALLERY, ----- 25 " Sale et Reserved Scat tickets begins at Ful ton opera house Monday morning, December .". at 8 o'clock. Deers open at 7 : performance at 8 o'clock. S-W1I!l APPEAR IN COLITM1HA. WED. NESDAY, DECEMBER 7th. d:;,r,.C,7,8 LIQUORS, SO. "OINGWAIVT'S WINE, LIQUOR. AXCOHOL AND GROCERY STORE. feblMyd NO. 305 WEST KING STREET. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. A well selected Stock et PIANOS AND ORGANS. ESTEY MELODEON ter sale cheap. JUSTUS STUCKENHOLTZ. o29tejanl,82,R Fulton Hall, Lancaster. Pa. Beil HilliJilili THIBD EDITION. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 5, 1881. WASHINGTON. THE FOKTY-SEVENTH BEGUN. CONGRESS Beck Meres te Retire Trade Dollars. Washington, D. C, Dec. 5. Among bills introduced was one by Beck, for re tiring trade dollars and receining them into standard silvec dollars. At 1:15 a recess was taken until 2:30, te await noti fication of the organization of the Heuse. Kelfer Elected Speaker. In the Heuse a large crowd was present at tne opening, Ketfer receiving many con gratulations from his friends. The elec tion for speaker resulted as fellows (nec essary for choice 143) :,Keifer 148, Randall 129, Ferd 8. Kcifer was escorted te the chair by Randall and Hiscock, and the oath wasndministered by Kelley (Pennsyl vania). The Heuse, according te private ad vices, failed te organize completely for to day. The Senate adjourned and the country will have te wait another day for the president's message. En. Ixtelt.t Ixtelt.t eencer. THE UUITEAU TRIAL. A Matter et Secondary Interest. Washington, Dec. 5. There was a large crowd about the court house this morning and Guiteau showed the greatest fear while being taken from the van. It was some time before he recovered equanimity. The first witness was Dr. James Konnen, editor of the Chicago Medical Review. He had no doubt of Gui teau's insanity. He considered the pris oner a lit subject for the luuatic asylum ; based his judgment en hereditary insanity iu Guiteau's family. The witness evi dently was a believer in " inspiration.' Relieving Russian Refugees. Chicago, Dec. 5. A meeting of Jewish citizens was held here yesterday afternoon te take measures for the releif of Jewish refugees who have fled from persecutions heaped upon them in Russia. A commit tee was appointed le receive and caic ler them upon their arrival here and te pro cure them employment. Over two hun nrcd thousand dollars was subscribed for this charity at the meeting. Cut His itaby's Threat. Chicago, Dec. 5. Frank Bankc, a tailor, cut his young child's threat this morning with a butcher knife, killing the infant instantly. He then cut his own threat, but his wounds are net necessarily fatal. Banke had been out eT employ ment some time and had beceme despon dent. Eleven te One. Wilmington, Del., Dec. ". The Jury iu the Neal murder can still remain out, one man, it is reported, holding out for acquittal, and declaring he will net yield. Jerry Ilarrigan was arraigned this morning, for the murder of Dennis Shea, and a jury is being empaneled. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Dec. 5. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, clearing weather, northerly winds becoming variably, sta tionary or higher temperature, rising, fol lowed by falling barometer. A llrulal Murder DETi:eiT,Dec. 5. C. Ternes, an old Ger man, was brutally murdered last night by Charles Martin, a young man. Martin, who was drunk.kneckcd Ternes down and stamped upon him until his skull was crushed. Mar: in was arrested. Death of an Old-Time Democrat. Wilmington, Del., Dec. 5 Samuel Townsend, one of the most prominent old old tin:e Democrats of the state, and a leading politician, died this morning at his resid ence in Townsend. Ne Renr." Londen, Dec. 5. The Dublin corres pondent of the Times says the conspiracy against the payment of lent it extending. Intimidation, boycotting and threats are prevalent thiougheut a large area of terri tory. Earthquake In Cauailn. Huntingdon, Quebec, Dec. 5. At 6:30 last evening a slight but distinct shock of earthquake was felt at this place. The movement was from west te cast. m Tannery Rurned. Ballston, N. Y., Dec. .". Samuel Haight's tannery, at Milten Centre, was burned last night ; less, $30,000. Tnen and New. Philadelphia Times. -Sheitly after President Garfield's inaug uration frknds of -Senater Jehn Stewart, of Chatubcrsburg, urged his appointment te the Mexican mission. Secretary Blaine had made up bis mind te recommend the appointment, and Preidcnt Garfield would no doubt have done se had he lived. It ia sa'd that Senater Cameren, learning of the probability el" Stewart's appointment, alfO became an active advocate of Stewart, and selicted Blaine's interest in the case. The senator went te him in regard te it several times. On one of these occasions he said he had set his heart en the matter and would like te sec Stewart get the place. Before the consummation of the thing Garfield died. It is new understood here that since Arthur's succession Mr. Blanie asked Senater Cameren if he still favored the appointment of Senater Stewart. Blaine said if he did and would go with him te the president aud recommend the ap pointment it would unquestionably be made ; whereupon, te Blaine's surprise, Mr. Cameren flatly replied that he was net in favor of it. MAliKETK. Pbllailelpnta Marfceu PBiLA.eu.rBlA, Dec. 5. Fleur strong, with fail-demand: Superfine, nt J4 2304 7- :xu-a at J-r CO 55 75; Ohie aud Indiana fnully, i 75f27 0; Pennsylvania family Jii !.& 0 G2J4 ; St. Leuis de 7 37K &! ; Minnesota Extra at $7 0037 23; de straight at $7 Xt 7 S7K; winter patent 17 5i88 2j; spilugde 7 7jfiS.7). Rye flour ct $" 253 Se. Wheat ntghcr with fair demand : Del. and Fcnn'aRcd, $141014.1; le Amber fi 4gi 46. Cern active, scarce and higher. Oats firmer and geed Inquiry. Rye steady at Wc. Previsions firm. Lard firm. ifuttcr Choice seaice and.wantrd ; ether kinds dull. Rolls firm. Eggs fresh scarce and hrm ; I'enna . :ilc; Western, 32SSJc. Cheese steady. Petroleum dull; rellmil, 7caikcd. Whisky at $1 Xi. Seeds Geed te prime Clever i 11 let at SHQA ; FluxsHtd llrm at St V). Hew KerK mamet. Nkw U2K. Dec. 3. Fleur quiet aud witbeut decided change. Southern dull and uncha,..cd. Wheat a shade better and fairly active and speculative trading ; Ne. 2 Red. Dec., SI 42ii 1 434; de Jan. SI 43l 40; de Feb., 148149"4. Cern opened V-fi better; afterwards be came weatc and advance lest ; mixed West ern spot, 7CgC7c : de future, 70'Q73c. Oati a shade better ; State, 4955c : West crn.495ic ; de Ne. 2 Jrn., 50Q50-Jc ; de Feb., elc. drain aad Prevision JuetaUens. ( One o'clock quotation et grain and provis previs ions, furnished by S. K. Yitmlt, Breker, 15' East King street. Dec. .". 1 1". m. Chicago. Cern Oats S, .44$ MY. .tlJ-J Wheat Dec... 1.29 Jan 1.29 Feb.... 1.31 Perk Lard 10. 11.07K 17.17K H.27M Philadelphia. . I.41K .6S5 .51 Dec. MttU..... 1.43 .719 JBVf Feb,.... 1.46j .73 .53 Uf Stecs A2arneta. Chicago. llegs Receipts. 24,003 heed; ship ments, 2,200 head ; prices generally 5Qi0c. low er, especially for rough. lets ; common te geed mixed. $3 OOQii t3; light. S3 505 93; heavv tasking anU shipping ; $C 10Q6 40 ; skips anil grosser, ?45 25. Cattle Receipts. 1,400 head ; shipments. 3.10J Bead : Dricea evnnnillv uiielnuured : ahinnlncr dull: experts, jsiOgG 30; geed uj choice shlp $5 2033 CO; common ;te fair. SIQ4 73; mixed butchers' in lighter supply, demand fair and market steady; peer te fair. 202 30; geed te heice. S2 733 J SO; steckcrs and feeders, active nd steady t S2e5SS75, mainly nt $2 7593 23; Texan?, $;s4. Sheep Receipts, C0J head ; shipments, l,70i) head; market steady for best ; ether grades very weak: common te medium, tJ6. ; geed te choice $3 :el; extra, S4 40S3. - Cuttle Jlarket. Puu.tDEi.rniA. Dec. 5. Cattle Market uun ; saies. 4,101 iicau ; prime, CQCe; geed, 5g5Jc; medium, HQjc; common, Sheepdull : sales 15.CC0 ; prime, 5S5: poed, 5J4e5Ji; medium, 3MJ4J ; common, 2tjj3 ; lambs, 3C64ic. Hogs dull ; sale:?, 0,000 ; prime, OJ-iii'.'c ; oett, 8i9c; medium, SQSc ; common, ,Q liic. New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks also United States Henda reported daily by Jacob U. i.ose, N. E. Cor. Centre Square. Nkw Your Stocks. Stocks feverish. Dec. Z. 10:00 I:UU C( MOuvyai(sa.(f.a rt((u Chicago A North Western 1277; 12SU 127 Chicago. MIL ft St Paul 107K 107?,, Canada Southern 02 01 c. c. A 1. c. R. ic. ari ays I)uL.Lack.ft Western 12W iss'c I27i Delaware A:Hudsen:caiial u.i ies,a i7 Denver A Rie U ramie su (lj iv Ea3t Tenn.. Va. & Ga 13 14& Uannlbal A St. Jee 95 Lake Sbore Jfc Mich. Southern., li);;, 1JIJ i 120M Manhattan Elevated. liiy. Michigan Central '.WJJ 9 92;-t Missouri. Kansas A Texas 40 u 40 N. Y.. Lake Erie A Western.... 45'4 4.vy 45J. ew Jersey Central 'XA 'XJ U3J.J N. Y.. Ontario ft Western 3IJ ... 31 New YerkCentr.il l."7 I.'!73 137!j Ohie A Mississippi 3Uv Ohie Central 2,Y :.V Pacific Mail Steamship Ce tV 4iy, St. Paul A Omaha ""J'A 3s de Preferred lft!i .... leiii Central Paciilc '. :.. ill's Texas Pacific .OTj 51 5.1 Union Pacific 11!C4 llujJd 118& Wabash. St. Louit faeillc 42$ 4J;j 41'I I'relerud. S2 SU Slli Weotern Union Tel. Ce si SIM 84K ' A. M. V. 1 K Philadelvhia. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania R. R Reading........ Lehigh Valley Lclugli Navigation Ex Dlv.... 31 !$ 33,';; 34,1 C2U liumue, 1'ius. a v.csiern Northern Central 51 Northern Paciilc 3!) 39 " Preferred sn.H ;. 795 Hesten villi 20 Electric Underground Tel. Ce. Philadelphia A Erie 1:. R Gunnison Mining Iowa Gulch Mining Uztted States Rends. United States 4 per cents " 51 " ...... ... till u -.ok 170 " !l.' ... .... -,.j P.M. 1:00 loeS Lecal siecks and Ilnnus. Par Las val. salu LancClly 6 per ct. Loan.due 16?2...$10O 105 " 1S83... tee III isse... 100 ii8.;a " 1SJ5... KM 120 ' .Ipcrct. in 1 or SO years.. 100 105 5 per el. Scheel Lean.... 100 112 " 4 " in ler 20 years., loe 102 " 4 " iu 3 or 20 years.. WO ltrifrf " li " in 10 or 20 years. IW) 105 BANS STOCKS. First National Rank. $100 $175 Farmers' National Rank 51 103 Lancaster County National Rank., fin 103 Columbia National Hank loe 110 Ephrata National Rank H' First National Rank, Columbia.. .. 100 133 First National Rank, Strasburi? 100 13I.M First National Rank, Marietta 100 20i First National Rank, Mount Jey., loe 115.75 Lititz National Rank 100 Manhclm National Rank 100 14I..V Dnlen National Rank. Mount Jey. 50 70..U New Helland National Rank loe 100 ItlSOEtaVAXEOUS BONDS. QuarrjTlllc R. R., due 1S03 $100 $11!.73 Reading A Columbia R. Rdue 1SS2 loe lOu Lancaster Watch Ce., due ISSt; loe 1.T."k' Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due in ler 20 years 100 lfle Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due lsdit......... ... ..... loe I0ft Stevens Heuse loe se xisckllaneus stocks. Quarryville R. R S 30 3.23 Millersvllle Street Car 50 a 23 Inquirer Printing Cemxiauy 50 10 Watch Factory 100 iai Gas Light ami Fuel Company.... 23 Stevens Heuse 100 Columbia Gas Company Columbia Water Cem pan' 2 Susquehanna Iren Company loe 75.10 Marietta llcllewware 100 tckntike stocks. Big Spring A Beaver Valley 23 $ 10.2J Bridgeport 13 21 Columbia A Chestnut Hill 25 IS Columbia A Washington 25 20 Columbia A Rig Spring 25 ll.lb LancasterA Ephrata 25 47.23 Lanc.,EIIzabetht'n A31iildlet'ii 100 Dl Lancaster A Frultville. 50 50 Lancaster A;L!tttz 25 04.50 Lancaster A Williams town 23 53 Lancaster A Maner 50 0Z Lancaster A Munhcim 25 30.41 Lancaster A Marietta 25 23.?! Lancaster A New Helland 100 H5 Lancaster A Susquehanna 3U) 275.b Lancaster A Willow Street 25 40.lt StrasbiirgA Millport 25 21 Marietta A May town 25 40 Marietta .V Mount Jev M Economy. A fortune may be spent In using lncllectiial medicines, when by applying Themas Eclee- trlc OH a. speedy and economical cure can be effected. In cases et rheumatism, lame buck, bodily aliments, or pains of every description. It affords Instant relief. Fer sale at II. 15. Coch ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lan caster. LVMAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF .MICHAEL JIALONK, LATK or lhe City et Lancaster, dee'd. The un dersigned auditor, appointed te distribute the balance remaining In the hands of Edward McGevcrn. Wm. L. Pciper and James M. Burke, executers et said deceased, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en TUESDAY, the 23th or OCTOBER, lMi.jitlll o'clock, a. in., in tin: Library Roem et the Court Heuse, in the Ci " et Lancaster, where all ncr.sens interestet' said distribution may attend. CHAS. It. KLINE, el 4tdeaw . Auditor. TSTATE OF ELJZA1IKT1I SMIRK, LA-r. X-J et the city et Lancaster, deceased. Let ters of administration, with the will annexed, en said estate liaving been granted te the 1111. dersigncd, all persons indebted thereto are re quested te make immeJIate scllleiiieiit ami these having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for h:I tlemcnt te the undersigned, residing In said city. .JEREMIAH RIFE, Adm'r., 19 East King street, Lancaster, l'a. J. B. Geed, Att'y. nlti Ctd.eaw ITATE OF FREDERICK PYLE, LATK J of Lancaster city, deceased. The under signed Auditor, appointed te ascertain and report te the Court whether there are any Hens or ether Incumbrances en such real es tate affecting the Interests or the parties In terested therein, will sit rer that purpose 011 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1S81, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Roem of the Court Heuse in the city or Lancaster, where all parties In terested in said distribution may attend. CHAS. B. KAUFMAN, n2S-3tdeaw Auditor, ESTATE OF CUAKLKS . BEAI.E, LATK et the City et Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate bav ins been granted te the undersigned, nil persons Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate payment, and these liaviug claims Or demands against the same, will pre sentthem without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing In the City of Lancaster. WILLIAM McCOMSEY. ngtdeaw Exccnter. INSTATE Or DANIEL.' H. 31AKKLEY J late et the city et Lancaster dee'd. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in cbted thereto are requested te make Immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te JEREMIAH RIFE, 19 East King street, Lancaster, Pa. Agent ter Clara M. Markley. Executer. J.B. Geed, Attorney. nlO-Otdeaw Estate or naviu iiartman, late of the City of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate hav ing been granted te the undersigned, all per sons Indebted thereto are requested te make Immediate settlement, and tnese having claims or demands against the same will pro pre sent them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing at tm North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. DAVID IIARTMAN, JR., .1. B. Geed., Executer. Atternev nlMXdeaw