1 IfnteUeetuief mfaSteA w Velnme XVHI-.Ne. 76. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 311. 1881. Price Twe Omts. ek Hv w "P5r'VHvV3ff zi.Br JOHN WANAMAKEK'.S ADVKKTISEMKNT. JOHN WANAMAKER CALLS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FOLLOWING : Our circular Mlks, CU-inch, aic lienli entirely lrem the makers in Lyens this lull Ter the lir.-t lime. We Iiave advan tage in the iirJcc, ami besides .1 ilegrce of confidence net te be get in miscel laneous buying;. Next-outer circle, Chestnut-.SI. entrance. Is there uiiytlilug black at 75 fouls better than llannel t It. is of the slm llcst el nil weaving; anil naturally money gees a long way In buying it. lilack M'.rgc at $1.25, lull ns inches wide; exactly the wholesale price to te hiy. Next-outer circle, Chestnut-St. entrance. Camel s-hair lightly covered with beurette plaid; the same se heavily covered with bright beurette single threads as te constitute a high illumi nation. $K!5. Third circle, southeast irons centre. Ladles' coats of every grade are in a geed light In the new corner; and it there Isn't enough room it is because many buyers are there. New te-day. Ceals et light cloths trimmed with plush, for jeung ladies only; the sizes and styles are young. $i:iunil$14. II'OI Chestnut street. Lengthening and re-dying seal coals ; and the sooner it Is done the better. American dye, et" course; but ler sec ond dyeing it isn't worth while te send te Londen. I!y the way, would you like te leek into our busy fur workroom en the third fleer? Yeu shall see all sorts et fur skins and every process of making and ask as many iiucstiens as you like. i:te:tChcstnut street. JOHN WANAMAKER, Grand Depot, 13th street, PHILADELPHIA. T ASK & C CO. LAJNTE Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA., DEALERS IN FOREIGN AM DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. JUST OPENED A SPLENDID LINE OF LADIES' COATS AND COATINGS, VERT CHKAP. LADIES' UNDERWEAR in all crailcs. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR, in Red ami White Goods. BLANKETS, in great variety. FEATHERS, Steam Cured. CARPETS and QUEENSWARE. HORSE and LAI' BLANKETS, BOLTING CLOTHS, &c. Fpecial inducements in price new as we desire te make a radical change in stock by .IA.NUAUYl,l3i. Jacob M. Marks. Jehn A. IKON HITTERS. r ON IUTTKKH. T IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IKON HITTERS are highlyrecemmendcd ter all diseases requiring a certain and effi cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPI. TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new lite te the nerves. It acts like a charm en tlie digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting tht h'oed, Retching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tlie only Iren Preparation that will net Dlacken the taeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ler the A 1$ C Boek, 32 pp. et useful and amusing reading tent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, izs-lyri&w BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at OOOHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. PLUMBER'S J OIIN L. ARNOLD. -:e:- Largest, Finest and CHANDELIERS EVEli SEEN IN WHOLESALE ANDRETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PLATE AND PLUMBERS SUPPLIES. JOHN L-AKNOLD, Neb. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. faprMld aoens THE Striped moleskin plush, i-luch, $i75. Very licit solid silk plush stripes en ottoman silk with tine stripes of satin merveilleux between, $fi.50. A distin guished novelty from Paris. Ivery-white satin de Lyen with bold brocade of cream plush picked out with uncut plush of the same color, $10. Next-outer circle, Chcst:iut-St. entrance. Large small-checks or small-llgurcil plaids; net a, all like small-checks and net at all like plaids ; a new etrcct alto gether ; stronger than small-checks and less gray than many colored plaids, $1.50. Considered decidedly stylish. The cloths are rather heavy. Second circle, southeast lrem centre. Muslin underwear et a grade found nowhere else In the stores of Philadel phia and New Yerk, with the exception of a single house ; i.e., well made and of line enough material without any extravagance whatever, and at very moderate prices ; se low indeed that lumilics cannot afford te de the same work at home. West lrem Chestnut street entrance. We have hud made a variety et very rich ties of embroidery surah, and much finer surah than we have seen in rca-iy-made tics. G5 cents te $2. The quality is the same in them all. The d'Herence is in width and embroidery. Kastiste ties embroidered with silk and cotton, a very unique and ellective combination. (Julie handsome embroidered mull tics at 15 cents. First circle, southeast lrem centre. Market and Chestnut, LAK & CO. &d CO, Charles. Jehn B. Reth. ICON 1UTTKKS. SURE APPETISER. SUPPLIES. -OHN I.. AKNOLD. Cheapest Stecfc et LAXCASTEK, Eancastet JjntelUgencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 30, 1881. The Grand Jury's Filial Repert. The grand jury spent all of Monday and a part of Tuesday, visiting the public in stitutions, and en Tuesday afternoon court met at 2 o'clock? when their report was presented and read. It was a3 fellows : Te the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions and General Jail Delivery of the Penes of Lancaster county : The grand inquest of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, impaneled te inquire into and for the county of Lancaster at the No vember sessions of 1S81, respectfully re port that they hae acted upon all the in dictments submitted te them, and have returned them te court ninety as true bills, twenty-live ignored and two handed back te the district attorney because the witnesses could net be obtained, and one bridge view approved. We vtsitcd the home for friendless children, the alms house, hospital and county prison. In the home for friendless child: en there arc 10S inmates 25 girls and 83 boys. Wc found this institution well conducted, everything in geed condition, the children well cured for, the committee in charge and instructors taking an active part in the comforts of the children. In the almshouse there arc 138 inmates 07 men, 54 women, 8 boys, J) girls. All well cared for and the building kept clean. The management appears te be very geed. In the hospital for the sick and insane there are 211 inmates 07 men, 59 women, 1 boy and 1 girl ; in t!. insane department 128. In the hospital re are 28 men, 33 women, 3 boys and 1 . .tl ; in the colored department, 8 men, ; women, 1 boy and 3 girls. They all apj-u te be well cared for and in as comfortable a condition as such unfeitunates can be made. The buildings ate kept clean and the management is geed. We have examined the furnaces in the hospital and iind the heat pipes in secure, and would recommend that both tin: hospital and the department of the insane be heated by steam as mere ccurc and nioie economical. In ciihe of lire there is no escape except the stairway ; besides we find the ho.-e belonging te the department net sufficient, and would recommend that mere hose be purchased for that depart incut, and also outside lire escapes be elected. Wc would also recommend that iron bais be placed in the doers of the cell ol'iumales,instcudef the small aperture in the deer. Wc would also recommend an outlet for draining fiem the water closets, as well as better ventilation in said closets. We also examined the burial ground aud find the parties in charge have assured us that every attention is paid te the burial of the dead. They are provided wit!: shrouding and coffins, the moral in structor officiates at each funeral, and a record is kept, each number te correspond with the graves. The graveyard is sur rounded by a geed fence. In the county prison we found 149 pris cis 04 convicts, 43 trial prisoners, and 40 for drunkenness and disorderly conduct ; apparently they are all well eared for. In our examination of the workings of the convicts we find that a profit is realized upon the manufacture of cigars and car pets ; in the shoe and basket departments there is apparently no profit. The report of the prison keepers gives the cost of each prisoner at 13 cents per day, including the cost of the keeper's family, &c. With regard" te tlia purchase of supplies for the different manufacturing depart ments, wc would recommend that the in spectors advertise for proposals for such material wanted, and the contract given te the lowest bidder for the quality re. quired. With reference te your honor's suggestion te examine into the cost of the private department of the keepers, we find that he is net directly responsible fersucli excessive expenditures, but that it is no ccssited by the entertainment of the officials and sometimes their friends, as well as the baker of the prison who is a permanent boarder, the night watchman aud the sick of the prison. We have also examined carefully into the multiplicity of cases, and find that Alderman Spurrier, of the Fourth ward of this city, lias multiplied cases as repre sented in your honor's eharge te the grand inquest and we de unhesitatingly condemn such proceedings. We recommend that the inspectors have an act passed by the Legislature of the state te make the fiscal year of the prison te end en the 31st day of December of each year, instead of Nev, 30, as it new does. Alse, that the kcepcref the prison should nominate te the beard of inspectors for their approval the persons desired by him for the position of uudcrkceper, aud then held him strictly responsible for any ever, sight of duly. Wc refer with pleasure te the prompt ness and efficiency of the officers attending te tlie general inquest, and wc are inform ed that but one adjourned court of quar ter sessions lias been held dining the term of the" present district attorney, although the criminal calendar has been as heavy as formerly. The grand inquest return their thanks te the honorable court and the officers of the public institutions for the attention shown te its while in the discharge of duties. Levi Myers, foreman ; i L. Caldcr, secietary; II. C. Gibble, Jehn B. Reth, 1). W. Baltner, li. P. 15arr, W. S. Amwcg, jr., David Creamer, (). P. Uru baker, Lewis Brown, Benjamin Christ, Charles Ilethwciier, Geerge II. Hewes, Abraham Dennis, Jehn AV. Stark, Geerge II. Darmstajtter, David Hemsher, Michael It. Ober, Martin Huber, Jehu S. Witmcr, Jehn S. Dcllingcr. After the clerk had finished reading the report Judge Livingston made a few remarks te the grand jury. He said he was much pleased with their ac tion and report. He understood that none of the members had ever served en a grand jury. It was astonishing with what rapid ity they had dispatched their business during the entire week. He was glad te knew that they had made a thorough ex amination of the public institutions which they found the same as the court expected. The suggestions made by the jury arc very geed and are approved by .the court. Iu regard te the private department of the prison the court were glad te hear that their report relieves the keeper, as many who knew nothing about the matter believe him te' responsible for the excessive expenditures. The court was in accord with the suggestion in re gard te having an act passed in relation te the ending of the fiscal year, and they also thought that the prison keeper should have power te appoint undcrkecpers and he should be responsible for them. After again thanking the jury the court dis charged them. Sbecp Raising. Mutten is considered the cheapest meat a farmer can raise. The fleece from a sheep of geed breed will pay for its keep. The profit derived from the Iambs, the mauure and the riddance of destructive weeds in pastures, of which the sheep are well known fees, all add te the profits of slieep raising. An evidence of the wool-bearing pre- was a fleck of common breed, lately icared en Leng :en, which yield- creek, Grant county, Orel ed 11,000 pounds et wool or an average of eight pounds per neac The Public Ifeads. Viewers Appointed and Beperts Confirmed Last Wee. Te lay out a read in jEast aud West Hcmpfield townships, from a point en the read leading from Salung te the Lancas ter aud Marietta turnpika near where the read from Lancaster te Salunga meets an other read running cast aud west, te a point en the Lancaster & Uanisburg turn pike iu Laudisville : Henry X. Kahler aud Levi Myers, West Hcmpfield ; A. B. Bacr, of East Hcmpfield. Te view site for proposed bridge ever the Big duckies creek, at a point where the said creel: cresses the public read lead ing from Silver Spring te Mount Jey, near Michael II. Moere's mill, in West ilemp field township, the said creek being the boundary line between the townships of Ilaphe aud West Hcmpfield : Tobias II. Hcrshey, Iiaphe; Jehn C. Ferrey, West Hcmpfield, and Kufns 1L Hippie, Uaphe. Te lay out a read te leTOIttn the Hat risburg, Ephrata and Downingtown read, at a point near buildings of Abraham Bewmau, te the Lancaster and Heading read, near Geerge F. Shimp's residence: Cel. Jehn Bewmau, Jacob Kemper aud Adam Kenigmachcr, all of Ephrata twp. Te lay out a read in Ephrata township, te lead from the Lancaster & Heading read, at the residcuce of Michael Bear, te the Harrisburg, Ephrata & Downingten read, near Amanda C. Hetller's residence ; Wm. Z. Scner, Martin S. Fry and Edwiu Kenigmachcr. Te vacate a read in Maner township be ginning at a point en the Blue Heck read, at the comer of lands of Henry Bausman and ending at the Columbia tuuipikcread i near lauds of Jehn Dener, and te lay out another in lieu thereof beginning and end ing at the above points ; Charles J. Rhodes, A. R. Witmcr and Jehn B. Docr Decr stler, all of Maner tewuship. Te assess damages by the opening of East aud West Marien and North Chris tian streets, in the city of Lancaster : Samuel Evans, Columbia ; Wm Ellmaker, New Helland ; A. N. CasscI, Marietta ; Henry Eckcrt, Gordonville, aud Michael S. Mctzgar, E. Lampeter. Te review a read laid out in Pcnu town ship from the read leading from Slaulfer's mill te Petersburg, at a jieiut near lands of S. Shirk and Jacob Ebcrly, te a point en the read leading from Mauhcim te Xew Haven, near lauds of Levi Hess and I Jehn Bender : Jacob. G. Stanfi'er, Eli G. Heist and Wash L township. Density of Western shee ITershnv -ill nf i0i, I the root luw long been acknowledged by sa iiersney, .111 01 itapne , vantsns most invaluable as a diuretic, aperi Te vacate a part of read in Salisbury township, leading from a point near the residence of Jehn Stern te a point at or near the residence of F. Marsh and lay out another in lieu thereef: Jeseph I). Pewnall, A. T. McLcllan and Jein: I). Harrar. Te review a read laid out in Ml. Jey township, from appoint ou the read lead ing from illizabethtewn te Nisslcy's mill, at lauds of Jehn S. Eshlcman te lands of Abram Shaeflcr and Jacob L. Eshlcman : Daniel Greve, Henry S. Boek and EH Heffman, all of East Denegal. Te review a read recently laid out in Strasburg township, beginning at a point en the Lampeter Square aud Martinsville read, near lauds of Henry Andrews and Samuel Eshleman te a point en the Stras burg and Martinsville reads near lands of Jacob Weaver aud ethers: Jacob Shirk and Ames Basheng of East Lampeter and Ames Rccse of West Lampeter. Reports Confirmed Absolutely. The report favorable te a read from Henry Eshlemau's mill te a point near Franklin's mill, en the read leading te White Oak, in Strasburg township. Hepert for a read out of the Smyrna and Mine read, in Sadsbury township. liepert te vacate a part of the read run ning out of Millersville and Susquehanna read, and lay out another in lieu thereof, in Maner aud West Hcmpfield townships. Kcpert te vacate a part of the read run ning out of the Bartville and I'uscy ville read, and lay out another in lieu thereof in Colerain township. Hcpert te vacate a part of the read run ning northeast of Simen IJ. Snyder, and lay out another in lieu thereof in Clay township. Hcpert adverse te a proposed mad from the lied Well aud Mount Airy read in Sal isbury township. Hcpert adverse te a proposed read run ning out of the' Christiana and Smyrna read in Sadsbury township. Hcpert favorable te the opening of a public alley, te begin en the Ilanisburg & Middletown turnpike in Ml. Jey her euj;h. Hcpert of commissioners ascertaining the line between Earl ami Lcaceck town ship. Hcpert of viewers te inspect the new county bridge ever the Conestoga creek at II. Martin's mill, iu East Earl township. Hcpert of viewers assessing damages te the several property owners along the line of the proposed extension of St. Jeseph street, this city. i Told en a Dealli-Jicil. The Hanover Herald says : One of the most startling disclosures which ever the mortal anguish of a dying criminal brought te light has just been made kuewn in Tancytewn, by the confession, en his death-bed, of Patrick Tally, a well known horse dealer in that section. About five years age, at the Stene hotel in Tancytewn, a man was found lying before the flreplace -frightfully burned, but with a little life still left. He was recognized as Henry Hcincr, and it was supposed that in an intoxicated condition he had lain down before the lire, that the llames had reached his clothes, and be bo be fere he could call for help he was fatally injured. The sad affair occasioned consid erable talk for a few weeks and then passed away, and the event was well-nigh forgotten. Wednesday night, ICth, Patrick Tully, also living in Taueytewn, was reported te be iu a dying condition; aud whcn.Le learned from the physicians that there was no hope of his surviving, he sent for Rev. Mr. Leng, a German Reformed minster, and told him the whole wretched story of Hciner's murder. It was te the effect that en the night of the murder Tnlly and David Lieknat heard that Heiner had be come possessed of a large sum of money aud they determined te rob him. After lying in wait for him for reme time in vain, they went te the tavern, found everything closed, and saw Heiner sleeping before tUe fire. In searching him for the money they sup posed he had, but which they did net find, he awoke, whereupon they murdered him, and tried te avoid the discovery of their crime by giving the man the appcarauce of having been burned te death ; they saturated his clothes with kerosene and applied the flame. Tully died seen after making the confesssien. He was widely but net favorably known aud was gener ally regarded as a radically wicked man. The ether party te the murder, David Lieknat, died some time age a terrible death. Quite a ripple of excitement has been occasioned in Tancytewn by the con fession of Tally. Out of Humer. A Ker-ublicau Organ Mad Court. at the Supreme UarrUbur;; Telegraph. The supreme court is net supreme. It is all for self. The politician seems te occupy a place en the supreme bench. He ought te step down and out. Judges Gorden, Truukeyand Sterrett, of the supreme bench, were opposed te cut ting down the districts. Se were all fair minded men. Of the four judges of the supreme court who voted te cut down the Middle and Western districts, two of them shamelessly lobbied in the Senate last winter for the passage of a bill abolishing the two men tioned districts. When the Legislature lays its strong hand en the supreme court in 1SS3 and says the rights and convenience of the peeple must be respected, there will be squirming. There generally is when tiickervis thwarted. Mr. Lerlllaru's Poodle at Heme. On Sunday evening two men dreve iu a carriage te the residence of Mr. Leuis L. Lorillard, New Yerk, and one of them en tered and said : " I've found your deg." " I don't care for the deg," said Mr. Lorillard. " But you offered a rewaid for her ?" " Oh, no ; I offered a reward for the thief." The man jumped into the buggy and drove away. Sheitly afterward the French poedlo came bounding into the house, making every manifestation of delight. It is conjectured the men set hcrloeso en failing te secure the reward. Xe family that lias any regard ler domestic sifety :iiid comfort can atlerd te be without. Dr. ISuIKs Cough Syrup in the lieui. I'riee 25 cents u bottle. Invierulins feed for the brum and nerves is what we need in these days of rush and worry. I'arker's (Jingcr-Tenlc restores tlie vital energies, and brings geed ncaiiu quiCKcr than anvll'iiii;? you can use. Tribune. See ad vertisement, nl-lmdcod&wcew Jlew'H the Italty. "Hew's the baby?" -'Ills croup is better this morning, thank you. We gave him some of Themas' Eelectric Oil as you advised, doctor, and shall give him Heme mere in an hour or se." Next day the doctor pronounced the youngster cured. Fer .sale at If. IJ. Coch ran's llrus Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lan caster. i Despised. i!y the unthinking, ISurdeck has been con- I t-filn.(il ivimil ttwl Ha I iiTi,t.,irit- cyrmtrtli nn. pleasant smell.' etc.. lias rendered it. te tWe net lcnewinirits virtues. "a nuisance, and vet ent and mood purmer. nurdeck inoed liitters embody all its geed qualities, l'rice $1. Fer 1 sale at II. I!. Cochran's lrng Stere, 137 North I Queen Mrcet, Lancaster. .Mlrablle Ulctu. "Your Spring ISiossem is a success. I cer tainly think its ettects are wonderful; all tlie dyspeptic symptoms 1 complained el have vanished; my wile is also enthusiastic in praise et it: she was disfigured by blotches ami pimples 011 her face, and had a continu ous headache. Shu is all right new and all 1111 higli'ly eruptions have gene. Yeu may refer any doubling parties te inc. "It. X. WILLIAMSON. "Elk Street, Itullale." l'rice ,"i0 cents. Fer sale at II. U. Cochran's tints store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. tilJ'T JSOUK SALE. Tt, LAST WKKK. THE LAST DAYS, THE LAST HOURS -OF- .LOVEBIWS GRAND GIFT BOOK SALE -AT- 43 Werth Queen Street. AM) YOU it vki:y Lust UllSlUCtt en Earth TO UKT THAT ROSEWOOD PIANO Oi: ONK OF THOSK Geld Watches. -OK SILVER WATCHES, -OK- DIAMOND EINGS, -OK OK- SOMB OTHER VALUABLE PRESENT THAT HAVE KEEN ADVERTISED ALL OF WHICH WILL BE GIVEN TO BOOK BUYEBS THIS WEEK, THE VERY LAST WEEK LANCASTER. IN Positively closing en Satur day Night, AT 10 O'CLOCK WITHOUT FAIL. HURRY UP HURRY UP AXD GET YOUR Beeks and Gifts Early. dry CXODCKiASS, MURRAY & VU.'S AXXUAt ANNUAL CLOSING SALE INAUGURATED Monday, Nev. 28, '81. Following our usual custom we shall, ou the abore date, make a- geucral REDUCTION IN PRICES throughout our entire winter, goods including Dress Cleths, Seal Skin Cleths, Seal and Silk Plushes, Black and Figured Beavers, Sicillienne Beavers, Light Colored Beavers, Chlldreu'Heftkmgr Ulster Cleths, Cleths for Circulars, Bcavcrtceiis, Corduroys, Billiard Cleths, Carriage suid Upholstery Cleths, Livery Cleths, and hundreds of itenmnnts and Short Ends of Beavers, Cloak ing, Cassimeres, &e. SMMRASS, 1TJKRAY & CO, GREAT RETAIL CLOTH HOUSE, MARKET & NINTH STREETS, PMLADELHIA. CHINA. A.NO it LASH 1YA1U:.. TJHIFI & MAKTIN. HOLIDAY GOODS AT CHINA HALL. We have new open :i Large Line el" WAKKS suitable ler CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. HA VILXXD'S CHINA. PORCELAIN WARE, DECORATED CHAMP. ER SETS, MAJOLICA WARE, ROHEMIAN GLASS TOILET SETS. 11 A CCA R A T VA SES, LIU RA RY LA MPS, STUDENT LAMPS, DOMESTIC AXD IMPORTED GLASSWARE IX I.AKUE QUANTITIES. ViMt CHINA HALL before selecting your presents. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 Bast King Streot. J) T OU WANT TO HUV A STUDENT LAMP! It be, tiike :i leek uttlie ones we nr showing, ami we arc certuin wecan iIciisu you. Wcliave LAMPS OF FOUR OF THE REST 31 A K Ely. STUDENT LAMPS, (Jivi! ii Hetter ami Slea'lier Llihl, Until fja-i ; WILL NOT EXl'I.ODE.unil give mi odor in ltiriiin;r. OUR LAMPS, with Full Fiiiir.e, consume lrem I te'.! ounces el kerosene oil ier hour, and ero ince a, lteht FAR SUPERIOR TO HAS unit from a fraction Ic.-s than ." gallons et nil these lamps predueean amount of light eijuai te tlie light et ,im feet of gas. Therefore the cost et light lrem eilut'JOc per gallon is equal te the eest of light, from gtw at (fll. per thousand cubic feet. Tlieretere the cost eriiglit lrem oil at 13c. per gallon is equal te eest of g:ts at 4c. per thou sand cubic lect. Therefore the cost eriiglit lrem ell at loc. per gallon Is equal te eest e! gas at .'f)c. per thou sand cubic feet. WHICH SHOWS THE ASTONISHING EG0N03IT THERE IS IN j THE USE OF l 1 STUDENT LAMPS ! OVER UAS. j Give tlicin a trial and you will II ml that they ! make a much softer, steadier light than gas, j and far cheaper, anil with ordinary care just aa cleanly. I J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. HOTELS. OW OI'KM SPKKUMKK HOUSE.-ON ll Europeen plan. Dining Kooms lez Ladies and Ucntlenicn. Entrance at Ne. 31 North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soup Soup Lebster Salad. Oysters in Every Style anil all the Delicacies et tlie Season. Wc solicit the patronage el the public may7-tU STEAMED OYSTEKS. Specialty made of Steamed Oysters at the SPKECIIER HOUSE, Ne. .27 North Duke Street. Having furnished our Restaurant with a boiler for steaming oysters, we take tins meth od et informing the public that wc are pre pared at ill times te furnish them te fumillcs at their houses or at the restaurant. Ladles' entrance. Ne. 27 North Duke street UROFF & COPELAND, 03t29-UU Proprietors. aoevs. SALB, stock, with rofereuce te making a clean sweep of all heavy Fine Black Cleths, Men's Suitings, Men's Fine Coatings, Men's Overceatings, Men's Treuserings, Bey's Fine Suitings, Bey's Cassimeres, Bey's Overceatings, Children's Kilt Cleths. CLOTH IN U. L AST CAItD OK TllE SEASON ! Stern Winter llntrcntat the deer. It is essen tial that all be prepared with one of theso STORM-PROOF OVERCOATS te meet the emergency. Wc have a lull stock of the best makes and choicest styles ever imported, viz: OROSmiWS ELTSIANS, CR03IB1WS FURS, CR03IRIFPS LAILAPELI.KS. CROJIRIE'S VICUNAS, .lOHANNY'S CZAKINES. DUFFEL'S & VKLOUKS. F.& II. ESQUIMAUX, IEAT1KA & WHITNEY'S, TAYLOR'S EN'ULISII WIN TRY'S anil KLASTHJUE I5KAVEUS. CAKR'S ENGLISH JtlKI.TONS and STOCKINETTS. aud all the popular braiuls.im ported exclusive ly ter our trade. A lull line of these Celebrated Talamen's Silk Warp Specialties, Londen Thihets Cerk Screw aud Diagonal Suitings. A full line of .las. Lecke . Ce.'s Londen Nevel ties. English Vesting, the llrst introduced tills season. These goods when sold cannot be dtipllcati'd this season, tlieretere we invite particular attention, and urge all persons In want of a SDIT OR AN OVERCOAT te place their orders at once before the best styles arc taken. Wc can elfer te persons 1 11 the habit of going te the city te buy e.xlru induce ments, guaranteeing a saving el at least 25 per cent, en llrst class work. Our work and trim ming is equal te any house In the elty All are cordially Invited te examine our sleck. We are pleased te show our goods : ml give advice In regard te eerreet style and nress. OUK Y'OUNO ARTIST Is displaying wonderful taste and skill in ail his produc tions. Fer further particulars consult J. K SMALTNG, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 N. QUEEN STREET. uw&s F ALL. OI'ENINO H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, Ol the LARUKST ASSORTMENT)! line SUITING, 'overceating, AKD rANTALOONING ever bi ought te tlie City of Lancaster. Prices as Lew as the Lewest AND All Goods Warranted as Represented ! AT H. GERHART'S NEW STORE, Ne. 6 East King Street, LOTUINC, &C. D. B. Hosteller & Sen Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Our Assortment et CLOTHING FOE MO. HOYS AXD XOUTHS we FALL AND WINTER, Is larger anil mera varied than ever before. Prices the lowest. Give na a calL D. B. Hostetter & Sen., 24;0ENTRE SQUARE, 26-lya LANCASTER. PA