fnktme ,7 -r-.j- 0t l-s r5. itier JOUX WANAMAKER" ADVKkTISKMKNT. Volnme XV III. -Ne. JOHN WANAMAKER CALLS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FOLLOWING : Out clicular silk-j, W-lnch, lire bough entirely Item (Uu makci in Ljens tlii ; tall for the first time, Wc lui e adau- tageiu tin; ii Ice, ami besides a device of confidence nut te lie get, in nii-tel l.ineeiiH buying. Suit entei cliclc, Chc-tuutht. eiiti.nuc. Is tlicic anj lliin black at 73 cents better than Hun lid : It l- ul (lie sim plest el all caing; and naturally money (sue-, a long way in bujing il. Mack Mjige. at $1 25, lull .5". inthi -wide, exactly Hie whelesile piice to il ay. Next-eutei elide. Chestnut St. eutiauce. C iiih'I's liali lightly cveiel wild lieutcttc plaid; tliu same se heavily cevcicd with blight beuiette blngle tin cads as te constitute a high ill. -initiation. $135. 'J liinl cliclc, southeast liem cenlie. Ladies' coats et eeiy tt.ulc me In a geed llg'ut in the new eeuici ; anil it then: isn't enough mom It is bctaiise many buyers are thcie. New te-day. Coats el lilit. cloth-i tiiuuneil wltlliliiili. fel jeung IadiL3 only; the sires ami tdjles aic je'in. fH ami $14. I ail Chestnut Micct. Lengthening ami lc-dj lug seal coats ; ami the hoenci il is done the lietiei. Amei lean de,el ceurse: but lei sec ond djcing it isn't wet 111 while te send te Louden. I!y the waj, weuhl jeu like te leek into eui bus. fin workieoni en the third lloei ? Yeu sh.ill wee all soils el lur skins mid c ery process el making and ask as 111.1113' iuesticinj as you like. I.iUlChestnulsticcl. JOHN WANAMAKER, Grand Depot, 13th street, PHILADELPHIA. I ANK X CO. LAJsns: Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA., DEALERS IN FOREIGN AID DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. JUST OPKNhD A TLENDID LINE OV LADIES COATS AND COATINGS, VERY CHEAP. LADIES' UNDERWEAR in all radcs. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR, in Red ami White Goods. IJLANKETS, in great variety. FEATHERS, Steam Cured. CARPETS and QUEENSWARE. HORSE and LAP BLANKETS, UOLTING CLOTHS. &c. Special iniluceinciiti in iniu) new as we ili-iic te make a i.idic.il change in -teik by .lA.NUAUYl.lKSJ. Jacob M. Marks. Jehn A. IKON ItlTTJJllS. IKON BITTKK4. I IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IKON lUTTEUSarchlghlylreceiniiiended tin all diseased le'ii.uing a ceilaln and c!U cienl tonic; papeclally INDIGESTION, DYSl'EPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. Ilciiiiches the bleed, stiengthcns the inii-cle., and Riesnew lile te the neiet. It acts like a chaim en the digestive ei-ans, renievinj; all ityxpuptic .yir.iteui3, such as Tasting tht. Fowl, Bclchxnq, Heat m the filemach, Jleartbm n, etc. Tlie only Iren Preparation that Mill net Dlacken the U-etli or gie headache. Sold by all iliugRlsts. V lite ler the A I! C I5oek, 32 pp. et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, ta-lyd&wj BALTIMORE, MO. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUO STORE. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. l'LUMBER'S J OHN E.. ARNOLD. Laigest, Finest and CHANDELIERS EVKU SEEN IN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PLATE AND PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. JOHN L. AENOLD, Nee. U, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rapr2-Ud oeons THE Sliipcd moleskin plush, 2.-incli, Ui ciy lien solid silk plush stupes en otteni'iu silk with tine htiipes of satin iiicicillcux between, $C W. A distin guished novelty fiem 1'aiis. licny-white s.ttiu de Lyen with bold luotadcel eieam plush picked out with uut ut pi uah of the same colet, $10. Nt t etitci cucle, Che-tnut St cntiauii. L.nu sie.ill ihccks or small-liguici' plaid-.; net at all like small checks ami netat all like plaid-.; u new ell ett alie gctliei ; st lunger than small-cheeks and less gray than mauycoleicd plaide, $l.r. Censidcicd decidedly slylleh. The clothe aie l.ithci hea y. Vetenil cinlc, southeast liem ccutic. Muslin umluiucai el a giadc leuuii new heic else 111 the stoic el Philatlcl phi.i and New 1 01k, w 1th the exception el .1 single house ; i. c , well made and of line enough m.iteiiil without any etra .trance wh.itcvei, and at iiy medi late puces; se low indeed llril l.unilies t.muotafleid te de the sime w 01 k at home. West liem Chestnut sticel cuti.tuce. h.ie hud made a v.nlcty et eiy 1 ii Ii ties of cinbreidciy suiah, and much liner surah than we have ccn in lei'iymade ties. 3 cents te $i The lu.ility is the sune 111 them all. The il'lleicnee is 111 width and embieideiy. Jl.istWle ties embieldcicd with silk and cotton, a eiy unicjue andcllictic combination. uitc h.indeOine cmbipiilcicd mill! tu . at 1" tents. 1 11-t mile, southc.u-tlieiii ccnlic. Market and Chestnut, I AMI & CO. & co. Charles. Jehn B. Reth. ;;en i:itti:ks. SURE APPETISER. SVVPLTE8. rOHN L. AKKOLD. Cheapest Stock et LANCASTER, 3Lancastcv gntclligcnccr, TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 29, 1881. THE JURY WHEEL. AMi:S Ol' GOO! MUS AND TKUT. Wlm Witb I)r.m n te "pn i- en lln I"iit Juries of tlif New Yt-ai . Naiiics of 24 L'utul .juiets te serve in a quaitei sessions court commencing Mon day, Januaiy 10, 1882 : J.II.Brautil, miller, Mount Jey boieugb. Jacob M. E.iby, justice peace, Paradise. Wni. Remish, cabinet-maker, Clay. Jacob M. Macr, fanner, Manheimtwp. llemy IIavcii-ticI;,faiinet,Manbcim twp. - Andicw Geed, fanner, Concstega. Tebi.ts Musser, f.ti nicr, Itapbe. Jehn V. Beiklcy, blacksmith, Lcace'ck. A. il. Itambe, editor, Columbia. Jacob llcidlebacb, farmer, Pciiuea. Jehn Dakcr, tobacconist, 5th ward, city. Jacob G. Keller, thevcr, l'enn. LaudisM. Keller, saddler, Caernarvon. Michael Siijdcr, faimcr, Raphe. Jeseph Weaver, car))eutcr, Caernarvon. Chailes Giecn, saddler, Gth 7.ud city. J. It. llershcy' miller, Mauer. Chiistiau Uicncmaii, l.tbercr, Lancaster twp. Jehn 15. MIiu, faimcr, W. Lampetei. ChailtsF. Simen, caipcutcr, eth ward city. Samuel Ltit, fanner, AVarwick. Jehn M. Stehman, gentleman, E. Hemp iield. Clajten AV. Ctiptutci, cigai maker, E. Cocahce. Chat Ich'l'i seu, a1-1-Names of IS pel i' sessions ceml, cei.s-.i l(i : n, Hait. ,'ii.ns for a quaitei Muinij Monday, Jan. Isaae UllsllOQ", lai mer, Upper Lcaceck. J.iniL", AV. Lcpc, faiiuci, E. Cocilice. llanisenK. lleller, ciuai maker, E. Eail. E. C. Dillci, met chant, Earl. Haivey Iachinan, justice, Bart. Linn.eas itathveu, pi inter, !)th watd.city. Aithur IScnnet, cigar dealer, Marietta. Bcnj. Ilaldeman, euginccr, Columbia. Samuel II. Bejd, clcik, Columbia. Gee. AV. celter, saddler, Oth ward, city. Samuel AV. Pett, innkeeper, Lancaster teMiship. J. M. Wilsen, fanner, Diuuieic. Citusllejci, manufaetuicr, Providence. .Michael II. Shenk, assessor, Maner. S. F. Eagle, gentleman, Matictta. B. S. Ltit., auctioneer, AV. Cocalico. Bei'j. Z. Shtcmci, music dealer, 1st ;awi, city. Je'in Al. He--, miller, Dtutimte. Dana (i.tli.un, cembmakcr, Olh waul, city. Mai tin B. Lcfcver, farmer, Sttasbui township. ( 'In isttati Geed, fanner, Haphe. Jacob M. Gieidci, shoemaker, AVest Hcmplicld. Chiistiau Mu-ci, lannur, Eatl. .lames AVoed, f.iimcr, Little Entain. V"in. Il.tskcli, miller, Concstega. Mems Zeek, leathet dcalei, 1th waul, city. Samuel AVitmcr, faimi't, Eden. J. K. Heller, jmblisher, Mt. Jey bei. Geerge Sinhiuaii, farmci, Peiptea. .lames P. Lindsay, dievcr, Lcaceck. Win. McKcewn, ceachmaket, 9th watd. city. Gceiue F. Stibgcn, clerk, Matictta. Geetue iitclli', caipcnlci, 8th waid, city. 'I. M. Bicncmnn, mei chant, Mt. Jey bei eugb. Jacob L. Ilousei, fanner, AV. Lampeter. Isaac L Dewman, merchant, -1th waid, city. llii.tm Kline, (anuci, AVamick. Isaac S. 15a'u, clciK, Lcaceck. Jehn Detwiler, ianncr, Mt. Jey bei. Jehn M. (hay, catpcuter, Fulton. Jes. II. Espeushadc, faimcr, E. Lam peter. Abiaham 11. Hess, fanner, Concstega. Win. Mcnt.cr, farmer, Salisbuty. Jacob Uetr, cooper, Marietta. Samuel Kauii'mau, miller. Manei. AVm. B. Stiinc, pi inter, eth watd, city. A. C. Baldwin, mctchaut, S.ilisbuty. Milten A Vikc, gctieman, Columbia. Names el e() petit juiets te setvc in a common pleas eeuit commenting Monday, January 'Je, lSt. J. 15. Eshletuan, utcicliaut, Earl. IstauK. Oveiheltzer.fanncr, E.Cocalice. Themas lJaumgaidncr, coal dealer, Cth ward, city. James C. IVnny, faimcr, Druiueic. Daniel L. Pictanan, cigaimakcr. Stb waid, city. AV. U. Ean, clerk, Columbia. Ellis P. Moeie, piintei, i?ait. J. F. ISecd, cigannakei, 8th waid, city. Wanen IS. Chandler, ferryman, Martie. Jehn S. Mann, fanner, Maner. C. B. Becker, machinist, AVarwick. Jes. II. Keyer, confectioner, 4th ward, city. Simen Ackeiman, met chant, Ceuey. Sam' I Shatib, sliecmakcr, AV. Lampeter. .Michael Minnieh, farmer, AV-IIcmplield. Jacob AV. Lcbci, clerk, Ephrat;t. Jehn Strohm, jr., millet, Providence. Anion G. AVc.ivcr,tiarpcutcr,Ca!rDarvuii. Hcnty I), jlussclmau, cleik, 2d ward, city. A. E. MeCanii, tobacceuist, Stb waul, city. Chatlcs K. Andcisen, cjiifcctiencr, Gtu watd, city. Scott P. Lytic, clcik, 7th waid, city. Daniel Melvillips, farmer, Lcaceck. Solemon Mai tin, carpenter, Salisbury. Jes. A. E. Carpenter, pi inter, 2d ward, city. J. Fiank ShuIU, miller, Strisburg twp. Menitt P. Palmer, meichant, Bart. David AV. Kuttz, faimcr, Salisbury. J. II. Hegcncr, clcik, Maiictta. S. S. Spcncci, supciiutcndcnt, Ithwaid. city. JaiucsP. Maisii, merchant, Salisbuty. Jehn II. Kauiruiaii, fanner, E. Ilcmp iield. Thes. AV. Biown, clcik, 7t'i watd city. Phares AV. Fry, paper dealer, 5th waul city. Eli Batten, cigaimakcr, Upper Lcaceck. Ephraim Hcttzlcr, farmer, Canuaiven. Atnes Skilcs, fanner, Salisbuty. Sam'l. R. Gclsingcn, farmer, AV. Cocali co. Maitiu II. Geed, faimcr, Mai tic. Jeseph F. AVilmcr, farmer, Paradise. Jeseph R. Ferney, farmer, Pcnn. Samuel Ilemshcr. faimer, Celeiain. Samuel Vandcrsell, clcik, 1st ward city. Emanuel AVcidman, farmer, Elizabeth. Jehn AVarren, restaurant, Columbia. Jehn Ninccr, grocer, Columbia. Peter Smytlic, farmer, Drumerc. Jonas G. Stehman, farmer, AV. Ilemp iield. A. Oblcmlcr, cigaimakcr, 3 1 ward, city. J. II Baumgaiducr, manager.Oth ward, city. Names of 50 petit jureis te serve in a common pleas court commencing Monday Januaiy 30. 1882 : Jehn O. Dunkle, farmer, Martie. Jes. Gess, farmer, Ceney. L. R. Brown, merchant, AV. Earl. Wm. F. Maulick, druggist, Columbia. Andrew G. Nissley, farmer, Raphe. G. M. Fester, merchant, Columbia. Jacob Nissley, cooper, Raphe. Ames Shirk, teacher, Providence. Pierce W. Flery, blacksmith, AVarwick. Jehn W. Eberly, tinsmith, Columbia. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1881. II. II. Schroyer, fleiist, Oth ward city. Absolem Bard, farmer. AV. Cocalico. Jehn D. Hessler, farmer, Raphe. Cenrad Gast, potter, Oth ward city. Robt. Ward, cigarmakcr, Columbia, Themas J. Bitzcr, faimcr, Salisbury. Wm. B. Themas, mill baud, 8th waul city. Abiabam Metzlcr, fanner, Paradise. Hetny S. Franklin, clerk, 5th waul, city. Jehn AVcidman, jr, gentleman, Clay. P. W. Housekeeper, farniei, Diunune. Adam Konigmacher, tanner, Ephrata. Jehn AV. Samson, brushmakcr, Gth ward, city. Samuel Pattcisen, gentleman, Maiictta. Jehn Bucb, farmer, AV. Eail. Stephen Pinkciten, mei chant, Mt. Jey boieugh. Tlicodeic L. Uiban, inciehaut Columbia. G.H. Hartmau, liveryman, 1st waul, city. B. K. Hamblcten, carpenter, Mai tic. Curtis Miller, farmer, Clay. A. D. Gresh, carpenter Mauhcitn ber. Alex Shttltz, tinsmith, Strasburg ber. Christian Stern, farmer, Mt. Jey twp. Hcnrv Cepenhcffer, farmer, AV. Hemp field. Gcetge D. Miller, jr., cigannakei, Man lieim boieugh. Jehn AVallaec, Iabeiei, Diumeic. Lewis S. Haitman, mcichaut, Cth v.aul, city. J. L. Potts, leather manufaeluter, 1th ward, city. A. AV. Shaub, merchant, 1st waul, city. Eli Kcndig, farmer, Concstega. A. R. Black, drover, Strasburg ber. II. AV. Nissley, miller, AV. Denegal. Henry Staffetd, faimer, Celeiain. Jehn Wikcr, tobacco faimer, Stiasburg. Jehn Ilerr, farmer, Maner. Jehn Hykcs, farmer, Ceney. A. B. Duchnian, coach paiutet, 8th w.ird, city. Isaac B. Lighlncr, tobacco faintci, E. Lampeter. llemy Heish, wheelwiight, Pctpiea. Names of 50 petit juieis for a common picas court, commencing Monday, Fcbut ary Gth, 1882 : Thcodeio Tieut, clcik, 1st waul city. S. J. Hauway, miller, Sadsbuiy. Geerge II. Smith, mci-chant, Providen-.e. Samuel Muitin, farmer, Mai tic. J. Ilaldeman Heir, miller, AV. Ilemp field. Levi II. Hess, fanner, Pcnn. AVm. Hepkins, fanner, Dtumeie. dClliett Ilaldeman, limubutuer, Ceney. Jehn Scyfcit, fanner, Mai tic. S. C. Scyfcit. justice, Btcckneck. Jeseph Shumaker, fanner, Diuineie. II I. Boek, tobacco dealer, E. Denegal. Isaac Evans, faimcr, C.ernarven. Ames Bushong, miller, E. Lampetei. David L. Steucr, farmer, Manhcimt.p. Jehn K. Miller, farmer, Salisbttiy. Wm. Kunkle, fai mer, Eden. A. K. lleftmeier, cabiuctmakei, 2d watd. city. Adam Lefecr, fanuei, Concstega. Jacob Ban, linicbuincr, Salisbmj-. Iliigh Nelsen, blacksmith, Concstega. Cluisti.iu Musselman, lumber dcalei, E. Lampeter. I). S. Jehns, fanner, Upper Lcaceck. Wash P. Etter, tailor, Ud waul, city. Thce, Rudy, faimcr, W. Eail. M. K. Scner, fanner, l'eipica. Simen E. Grajbill, farmer, bliasbttig twp. AV. AV. Busser, teacher, Lcaceck. Cluistian L. KautVinan, farmci, Sali I'tity. Adam E.iby, faimci, E. E.ul. Mat tin IS. Geed, Ianncr, Btcckueuk. Jehn Y. AVisslcr, lumber inspector, Columbia. Samuel L. Fiuhl, fanner, Concstega. Ames Hellingcr, farmer, AV. Limpelct. SamticlS. AVelf, fanner. Clay. Gee. FJagg, tinsmith, Oth waul city. Emanuel P. Keller, farmer, Manliei'i! twp. Benjamin Ranck, fanner, Eail. Henry C. Faiut, wheelwiight, Ceuey. R. M. Aiteis, mason, Cacinaiveii. A. II. AVerst, mcichaut, Salisbuiy. Richard AV. AViuters, farmer, E.u !. Wm. J. Smith, plumber, 7th waul city. Milten R. Bushong, fanner, Eliib-th twp, 11. M. Engle, faimci, Raphe. II. II. Hcnsel, lcpeiter, 2d waul city. Edwatd Sturgis, innkeeper, AV.unick. Mai tin AVaifel, farmer, Providence. Jacob Swaitlcy, dealer, Gth waul city. Jehn tluaintancc, mcichaut Cciiiaiveu. Names of 50 petit juieis te sene in a common picas ceml, eemmeiieiiig Mon day, Fcbmaiy 13, 1882. Levi M. Hellman, saddlei, Mount Jey boieugh. Peter S. Reist, gentleman, WaiwicK. ('enrad A. Kiaus, painter, M.inei. Wm. Batten. farmer, Upper Lcace.'k. Francis J. Pcuneck, faimer. S.nl&b:uy. AVm. Ellmaker, gentleman, Enl. Geerge Shiffucr, fanner, W. Lampetei. Bcnj. G. Grell". coal mcichaut, Eh.:a Eh.:a bcthtewn. Samuel Rete, sr., celli weikcr, 7th waul, city. Jacob Baker, carpenter, Gth waul, city. David Eicholtz, farmer, Pcnn. II. II. Holten, punter, 5th waul, uly. B. F. CIcpper, fiicmau, Columbia. Elias Becker, farmer, AVarwick. Christian Pleam, teacher, AVest Eail. Jehn I). Hairar, meichant, Sadsbniv. JacebS. Strinc, gentleman, lib waul, city. David E. Brandt, faimcr, .Mt. Jey twp. Bcnj. B. Laudis, farmer, Upper Lcaceck. M. 11. AVengcr, lime burner, Columbia. A. J. Snyder, cigaimakcr, 8th watd city. J. M. Johnsten, lcpeiter, 3d ward. city. Samuel Bictnsdcrfer, faimcr, E. Hcmp ficld. Frank Fiitsch, cigaimakcr, 8th waul, city. Samuel Stafferd, fanner, Eden. Jesse M. Jacoby, fai mer, Clay. A. A. Sullivan, farmer, Pccmca. Daniel B. Shifter, clerk, Bicekneek. Samuel AV. AVanncr, tax collector, AV. Earl. F. I). Killiau, merchant, AVarwick. AV. L. AVicn, eugiuccr, Columbia. Levi S. Gress, farmer, E. Hcmpficld. Fred'k Gramm, pilot, Ceney. Michael P. Becker, farmer, Raphe. S. E. Eberly, clerk, Eplnata. Themas Waters, labeier, Columbia. Abraham Bausmau, farmer, Mauer. Henry Shelly, faimer, Raphe. Wm. A. Paxon, farmer, Little Biitam. Jehn M. Reyer, larmer, Ephrata. David L. Gerbcr, farmer, E. Denegal. Harvey Brackbill, farmer, Strasbtug township. Elias Haruish, gieccr, Strasburg ber. J. G. Garman, justice, E. Cocalico. Simen Engle, farmer, Ceney. J. AV. AVechter, merchant, AV. Hemp field. Albert Ilagcn, blacksmith, Marlic. J. W. Urban, merchant, Concstega. AVm. Stycr, innkeeper, Earl. Jehn Grugcr, laborer, Mt. Jey township. Names of 48 petit jurors for an adjourn ed quarter sessions court commencing Feb ruary 27, 1882 : Merris Geed, farmer, Concstega. Samuel B. Shaeffcr, farmer, Earl. Edward Walker, blacksmith, 1st waul city. Peter B. Gish, farmer, E. Denegal. J. H. Leng, clerk Strasburg borough. Jehn Nunnemacher, coal dealer, Man heim. C. AV. Smith, plasteicr, Permea. Jeseph Davidson.beilcr maker,Gth;ward, city. James Armstrong, blacksmith, Marietta. R. R. Bitzcr, coal dealer, Ephrata. Chas. A. Frailcy, printer, 1st ward, city. Emanuel Cassel, farmer, Raphe. AV. Russcl Maxwell, ceachmaker, Fulton. Heraco G. Houseal, clerk, Gth ward city. Hiram Stauller, ceachmaker, Drumeie. Elam AV. Lcaman, farmer, Lcaceck. Bcnj Espenshade, farmer, Lccaceck. Levi Campbell, bricklayer.Sth ward.city. M. D. Mall, justice of peace, Earl. Samuel Hess, faimcr, Elizabeth. , Adam Geist, mcrchaut, E. Earl. Patt ick Mess, farmer, Martie. A. K. AVaifel, collector, Gth ward, city. A. S. Urban weed weikcr, 4th ward, city. Alex Gault, farmer, Salisbury. Simeon Moeic, teacher, Celcraiu. T. L. Thompson, justice, Eucti. Jehn M. Bachmau, carpenter, AV Lam- peter. Samuel Bejd, justice. Diumerc. Philip Gast, tailor, Oth waul, city. Geerge Biimmcr, painter, 7th ward, city. B. F. Hicstand, lumber dealer, E. Den- ti,rll "AVm. II. Sitter, carter, 7th ward, city. Albeit Zihni, jeweler, Gth ward, city. AArnt. McNeil, meulder, Marietta. Jasen Bolten, nurseryman, Drumerc. B. B. Martin, lumber dealer, 5th waul, city. Fiank llegener, shoemaker, 3d ward, city. Hiram Peeples, fanner, Pievidcncc. A. E. Ranck, miller, Diumerc. David L. Miller, farmer, Raphe. Uriah Cat pouter, farmer, AVarwick. Jehn E. Brown, gcntlemau, Columbia. Celin Canicten, larmer, Elizabeth. Rudelph Heir, farmer, Lancaster twp. A. L. AViutcis, farmer, Providence. Milten Key ler, faimcr Celcraiu. Emanuel R. AVilhelm, paiulci, 4lh want city. MtiUleti chaiiKCS et tempci.it in u aie icij )iieiluctit: et Coughs unil C'eliN, which al him Mfhl. Iinuuwr. ciy pieiniitly leDi. I5llll"rtCeuh .sjiup. liiMni.itiii? fowl Te'- tliu Iinini ami lien vs i- uli.it uc ntcil in thcsi ilays of rush ami nerry. P.ukei's (SiiiKcr-Tenie lcsteies the vital taii'iKics ami lirnifrs roeiI health quicker Hi tu :ni) tiling j ou tan use. Tribune, hcuail i iliii'iiitnl. nl-Iiuleotl&weew Uuir'H llie Juby. ' lien ') the lialiy?" "'Ills croup U helttr thu liKiinin, III ml; j ou. Wufjave him some el Themas' Erlcctuc Oil as jeu utlvKetl, .(k1(H,.uh1 shall guc him xeuie liien- in an hour or m." NeMtlay tliotlector proneiiiiw.l tin- jeuiiKSl'TCUicd. Fei'ialu lit II. IS. C'ocli C'ecli i. ui's liniifhlMie, IJ7NirtliQucciisticct, Lin f.istcr. Despise ti. ISy tliu unthiuiciiig, lSitiileck has been con cen sulcifil a u ceil, anil Its luxuriant giewlh. uu-plea-apl smell, etc, lias ri'nilureil it, te these "net knew liif? its It I nc V'a nuisance, mill J ct Ihu iedMi is luii' liccu acknewlcilcil ly sa vants. is most inviluaulii as a iliuretic, apci! I'litaml hloeit piitilicr. ISunleck IJIoeil lilltcis viiiljtiilvall iLsKiieU iuitlitius. 1'rn.u f I. Fer stir at II. IS. Cochran's Uiwj Stoic, 137 Xeitli tjiii'eii stii'ct, Lancaster. IlllraUile Dlctu. "iinir bjnni? JSIoseiu is a success. I cer tainly think lis i'llcct3 aie wenilcrfiii; all the il .pepiiu sMuptenn 1 cempIa:ucit tit liuvi . uulitd; my wih; is also enthusiastic in praise t it: li" was ilisllurcil by blotches ami pimplis en lid lace, ami hail a continu ous lie. ul it-he. .Shu is all liht new ami all ini sigli'Iy uiuptiens havcfjeiie. ieu may icier any iliinlitin;; paitics te inc. "IS. K. WIM.IAMhOX, "Klk htrect, ISullale." rnc'.".0iciiN. Fer sale at 11. IS. Ceclu.ui'.- ntiii stoic, 1 !7 .N'liitli (uccn sttect, I.ancastci. JJillJiljJiJtH. OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AT AUGUSTUS KIIOAVS, Jenclcr, Ne. 'JD K.iet KlnStieet. Lancaster, I'n 8Cpt'J8-elIlllC0ll w tAII.LV, lUMiS & lSIUDLli. Fine firt in Stationery. We de net, deul iu etationery of inferior quality. The superiority el our station ery has wen for it the highest highest e3tcem of tlioce who are the best judges. Ve procure the finest material thia country afTerds, and import the best of theso things in which the old world excels. Ve have our own artists, de de sigiiers and 3killed workmen, and employ the whole of one large building in our stationery manufacture. Iu card and invitation ongrav engrav ing, wedding stationery, illumi nations, monograms, dinner menu cards, and all the fancies of artistic stationery suffice it te say that E EXCEL. MMY, BAIS & BIDDLE, 12th & Chestnut Sis., Philadelphia. VAi'EltMlA.&OlNUS, Ac. i VUK mm: OF W ALL PAPERS is the l.uj'cst we ccr li.nl in stock ter this casen el ear, einbr.i:-iii Fine Uilta for I'aileii, 1 Lilly, Ac. Lew-priceil goed3 in ciul less aucly te select trein. There are some choice patterns in ttie market for the Fall ami "-priiis traile, vrhicli cannot fail te plca-e j en. FA2WY DAB 0 WIXJ) 0 W SHADES, I'LAIX SII ADIXO, by the yanl, in all colors ami 'widths. fcceli h IIellaiuK Tin anil Weed Spring Roll Rell ers. Cenl Fixtures. lSinjts, 'lasscis, Leeps, Fringes, Picture Wiie anil Cenl, Hands, Heeks, &c. Paper Curtains te Dealers at Lewest Prices. EXTENSION COISNICES, tlic cheapest ami best. Curtain l'elcs in assortment. j-Ouleis taken for FINE MIIiUOHS. PHABBS W. FRY, NO. 67 NOKTIKJOEENbT. vkv OMIDCUaSS, MDKK.VY Jt CU.'S ANNUAL ANNTJAX CLOSING SALE INAUGURATED Monday, Nev. 28, '81. Following our usual ctibtetn we shall, en the aboe date, make a general REDUCTION IN PRICES thtouyheitt our eutiie stock, with refcicnee te makini; .1 clean sweep r all heavy winter, oeds includiu; Dress Cleths, Seal Skin Cleths, Seal and Silk Plushes, Black and Figured Beavers, Sicillienne Beavers, Light Colored Beavers, Children's Cloaking, Ulster Cleths, Cleths for Circulars, ttwimteciis, Corduroys, Billiard Cleths, Carriage and Upholstery Cleths, Livery Cleths, and hundreds of Hemnniits -" and Short Ends of Heavers, Cleak ings, Cassimeres, &c. SN0D&AAS8, ITJRRAT & CO., GREAT RETAIL CLOTH HOUSE, MAkKKT & NINTH 8'1'RBBTS, I'IULADELHIa. CHIN ANIt ULASSnAJtk. II I.ll A: niAICTIK. HOLIDAY GOODS CHINA HALL. U'c have iieu epci 11 Laii J.incel WAUbh auitiiblc ler CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, JIAVJIsWWN riUJVA. veiicr.i.Aix waul; nnceiiATKh ru amj: i:k .v;;vv, MAJOLWA W'AliV, IIOIIKMIAX UI.AHS 'lUlLJW N12H5. Ji A WAR AT VAHRN, I.WRARV t, AMI'S, STL'DRXT I.AMl'S, DOMESTIC AXD IMreUTED GLASSWARE IX EAKUK (ilIANHTII. Vi.it CHINA HALL before fcclecttug your picscnts. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 Bast King Street. 1 y YutI WANT TO liUV A STUDENT LAMP It ' 0, t il.i' :iliii)lc:it I he ones uu aic hheuin, :inil e ,uc t it.im ucianiilcasejeii. Wcliave LAMPS OF FOUR OF THE REST MAKES. STUDENT LAMPS, One ii IJUtu ami Me.i'liur l.u;ht th 111 gu; W1IJ. .NOT UM'I.ODK.anil ghi'im oiler in burning. OUB LAMPS, with I nil Han. e, (onsiiiiiulieui I te euhcl'S el l.i.ieicnc oil ;ici hour, ami i)ielnuu a liht FAR SUPERIOR TO UAS ami liem a traction IrM than .; gallons et oil tlifsc liinips iiiidlucc.ui -iiiieuiit el I114I1L cijual te till! lilit. et l.ixcj lcet er.'i.Lb. Tlii'tLteiu UiucejL el liht liem iill.it'JiJ. pel ; illen n equ il te the co-it of light Irem fj.n at (?)j. pet tlieiis.mil cubic feet. Tlicicleic thccoateNnjIit Irem eilat IV.'. per gallon i-, equal te ceit of jj.wut IVj. per thou-" sanil cnlilc leet. Theieleie the 1 iet el lilit liem i il at Hie. per gallon 1, eipi il toce-tot as at. ?)c. per thou theu biiml eiihlc feet. which si 10 ws thi: astonishing ECONOMY THERE IS IN THE L'SK OF STUDENT LAMPS OVKIi GAb. Give them a tii.il.iinl ou will liml that they make a. much belter, bteullcr light than ga.s, anil larcheapei. anil wilU eitlinaiy care jnst as cleanly. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, l-ANG'ASTEK. PA. UOTJZf. NOW OPKN SPKKCUKK HOUSE, ON Europeon plan. Dining lioems let J.adies ami Gentlemen. Kntrance at Ne. 31 North Duke street. Clam anil Turtle Soup Seup Soup .Lebstcr fcalail, Oysten in V. ery Stj le anrt nil the Delicacies et the Season. Wc solicit the patronage et the public. may7-tiU S" TK4J1KU OYSTEKS. Specialty mailc efhtcamcu oysters at 111c SI'KECHKlt JlUU&t., Se. 27 North Duke fetrcct. IIaiug turnishcil our licstaurant with a beilei for steaming ej sters, wc take this tneth oil et infeimlng the public that we are pre pareil at ill times te lurnisli them te families at their houses or at the restaurant. Lailles'cntiancc, Ne. 27 North Duke street GKOt F & COPELAND, oet)-inl Proprietor. Price Twe Geite. deuim. SALr. Fine Black Cleths, Men's Suitings, Men's Fine Coatings, Men's Overceatings, Men's Treuserings, Bey's Fine Suitings, Bey's Cassimeres, Bey's Ovorceatings, Children'e Kilt Cleths. CJ.0T111SU. F M.L. OI'KNlNG AT H.GERH ART'S Tailoring Establishment, Ol this LAKUKbl' Afc"OUTMKNT;)t line SUITING, OVERCOATING, AKD PANTALOONING eer liieuglil te tliu City of I.amii'-ti'r. Pricoe as Lew as the Lewest a;id All Goods Warranted as Represented ' AT H. GERHART'S NEW STORE, Ne. 6 East King elreet, 1I.OTIIINU, c. D. B. Hosteller It Seu Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUAP.E. Our Assortment et CLOTHING FOB Mi;, HOYS AM) YOUTHS ren FALL AND WINTER, Is 1'iiger and 111011; v.uleil than ever helere. 11 ice -. the leuint. UHe n- a call. D. B. Hostetter & Sed., 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Ui-lii! LANGASrKi', r. 1 nouns anj htamiexjeiu . llli:bTJIAsl'l(hSKM.s, ILLUSTKA.TKD BOOKS .mil lit 111 of Art in ClirMm.'LS enil Xcw eai Cants at L. M. GLYNN'S, Ne. AZ XVt&T KINO STKEfcT. OKAS1IN 1881-188. L. TRANG & CO.'S New Prize Cards, New Christmas Cards, New New Year Cards, Iu Greater Vaiicty ami M010 Artistic. Design than ecr beleie, being reproduc tions or the llest De-igiis in the two pxlil pxlil pxlil liitioiisefC'IIKISTMAUAKD ill signs by American artist. A full line et Prang's Christmas ami New Year Cards new ready, MARCUS WARD & CO.'S CARDS. Fer Christinas ami New Year, also mere beautiful than ever belere. unit all the new Christmas Cards et the German Art Pub lishers ; a lull line new rcaily. Call early while the stock is lull. At the Bookstore et JOM BAEE'S SONS, 15 ml 17 NORTH QDEEH STREET, jTifJUORS, JCtT. piNGIVAl.T'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AKD GROCERY STORE. I Iebl6-1 il NO, 2(S AVEST KING STKEET.