LANCASTER DAILI INTELLIGENCE!. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1881. 3 1A z Eancastet fertdligcncfr MONDAY EVENINO, NOV. 28, 1881. NOVKMllKIC. This is the ueaehciem month when Autumn days With Summers voice come bearing Summer's gtru. JJcgniled, the nalc, down-trodden aster lifts JIit heart and blooms again. The soft, warm haze Makes motet once in ere the -ere and dusty ways,, creeping lliieugh where dead leave? lie in drifts, The violet returns. Snow nei-icles silt?. Ere night, an ley shroud, which morning's ray Will idly shine upon and slowly melt. Toe late te hid the violet live again. The treachery, at lait, loe late, is plain ; Rare are the places whew the sweet flowers dwelt. Wlutjey Milllcienthath November felt? What profit Irem the violet's day et pain ? II. II. THE TOBAOOO MARKET. seed leaf and Havana. Fer the W:el: Kiidlng Saturday November 2C, 10 A. Al. U. S. Journal. It remained dull and inanimate iu the market during the week ; sales were small and insignificant. Tbere is absolutely nothing which te-day deserves any ex tended notice. The sales made were as fellows : Pennsylvania Crep '80 : 500 cases ; fine running, 22 cents ; medium 1G te 18 cents. Connecticut Crep S0: 130 cases, mostly wrappcis. as high as 33 cents. New Yerk State Crep '80 : 100 cases, p.t. Ohie Crep 'SO: 200 cases ; fillers 4 te 5 cents ; fine running 11 cents. Havana Sales 400 bales ; no change in pric,CF. Vans' Repert. Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by J. S. Cans' Sen is Ce., tobacco brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New Yerk, for the week ending Nev. 28, 1S31 : 500 cases, 1880, Pennsylvania, 11 te 18c; ISOO cases, '80, New England, 15 .te 38c ; 100 cases, '80, State p.t. : 300 cases, '80, Ohie, A te 12 ; 100 cases, '80, Wisconsin, 3 te 12.'. Total, 1300 cases. "My Tormented Mark," i- the exclamation et mere than one peer hard-wei king man and woman. De you knew why it aches? It is because your kidneys arc ever-tasked and need strengthening, and your .system ik-ciU te be cleansed et bad humors. Kldncv-Wert is t lie medicine you need. "It acts likca ehuini," .says a well known physi cian, " I never knew it te fall." Liquid or dry sold by druggist-. Bosten Pest. u23 lwd&w Viitnc- Acknowledged. Mr- Ira Mulliellatid, Albany, N. i. writes: 'Fer several years I have .suffered irem oil recurring bilious headaches, constipation, dyspep-ia, and complaint-, peculiar te my sex. billet- u-ung your llurdeck Rlend Hitlers I sun enlirclj lelit-vcd." Price l. Fer sale at II. JI. Cochran'--drug store, l:!7 Nerlli (Jueeii street, Lancaster. Years of Sultcrlug. A Mrs. K.mihail. cer. Pratt and Rreadway Rull'.ile, u:i-ler twelve years a sullerer from l liiMiiu.ui-ii:. ami alter trying every known li'tni'dy without avail, was entirely cured by Themas' Ceii-ctric Oil. Fer sale at IF. R. Coeh rail's drug --lore, l."7 North Oiiccn street, Lancaster." ir. II Adam had had a game of "Fifteen" placed in his hand at an early period of his existence, the whole -emsc of history lniirht have been materially alP-n-d ler Hie better, and it bil-leu-uie--', indigestion, sick headache or dys pepsia ii'n- unknown. Spring lllossem would net be iii'i'ili-d. Pi ice .Ml cents. Fert-ale at II. 15. Cochran's ding store. r;7 North Queen street, Lartimtster. FOR SALE. ion sai.i:. Elegant RU1LDINU SITES in the western hubuilisn! the city, and RUILD1NG LOTS at all pi ii's and in all parts et the cily. Apply te A LLAN A. HERR & CO., Real Cvale, "i.llrctien and Ins. Agenls, M-pt.T :imi! I a North Duke Street. Ier;i:i: my ki:sidknck, ciiknkk of Orniigi- and Lime -ticet-, al privati: sale, until tin- lilll: of December. Persons desiring te vh-wihe picmi.-esinay call at any time Alse my l(.t et grenr.d en Ninth Duke -tieeS. titt'iiliug l.'iTi Icel, depth 215 leet. Fer tcini-, imc- pplv te " W. D. Sl'REClIER. n22 lv.-il :;i East King Street. DWi.I.MMIS ANll HUlI.DlNr. LOTS. f m:ms, mills, storks, .tc., ler sale in all parts et the city and comity. Our Monthly Catalogue ter November is new ready, and sent tree m any nildres-. ALLAN A. HERR & CO.. Real Estate and Insurance Agcnt-i, n21 :'. Ninth Duke street, Lancaster. Pa. 13USIT1VK 1'UIlLlC SALK. ON TUES DY, NOVEMRER), 1SS1. at the Black Herse hotel. Xe. II North Queen street, the Two-5tery BRICK SLATED DWELLING Ne. all West Walnut street, 5 rooms, hydrant, fruit : let la leet. ::; inches by Oil leet. Most et the purchase money can remain en mortgage Salele begin at 7 o'clock p. in., of said day. RAUSMAX & BURNS, Real Estate Agenls, .Vn'r. Ilu, 10 West Orange street. Auctioneer. nl7,l.,21,23,25,2,2S,2!lR () Kl'ilANS COURT SA1.K OF VALUAHLK CEMRERi.t.lNJI, by virtue and in pursuanee el an alias order eftlie Orphans' Court et Lan caster count, will be sold at publie sale, en thepiciises. all that certain two-story brick tavern properly (known as the tserrel Herse Hetel), with I Inventory brick back building, brick stables, hiicdd'ng, blacksmith shop, &e.. and let et gieuud iheiete belonging, situated en the north side of West King street, east et Prince street in the eityet Lancaster. Pa., ad joining propel lies nfllen. A. E. Roberts, W. .1. Cooper, .laiin s Potts amt etlieis. This is one of the most desirable ami convenient hotel prepeitics in the city el Lancaster. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m. of said day, w hen attendance ill be given and terms made known ny ANNA McELLIGOTT. Excc-utri" of .Jeremiah McElligett.itec'd. Hi:r;nv Fuuisekt, Auctioneer. n22 tsd PUBLIC SAl.r. fF VALUAHLK JITY Property On WEDNESDAY. NOVEM i!EU."J. the Cadweil IIeu-c, in the City of Lancaster, will be sold by the uiulerslgeeil, all that va. uable business property, situated Nes. 221 ami 22:; Neil h Queen street, only a lew doeis Irem the Pennsylvania railroad depetund ene-halfsquare Irem the Northern liiaiKel, making it an excellent business local ity. Til-' let lias aii out en North Queen street of 32 leet 21 J Inchc, and at adistaucu of 100 lectit widens te CI leet 2i inches and continues of that u Ml !i I e Christian .street, making a total depth el 211 leet. On the lrent is a brick office and stoicii'ein, and 11-leet drive-way te the rear. On the rear of the let is a large and sub stantial Mable and Carriage Heuse, ISC feet long and li; leet vide. Alse another Carriage Heuse 10.O1 leet. The Stable and main Car riage lIen-e are built, of brick, with slate reef. There is also about 100 feet et unoccupied ground. The propel ty li is been occupied ler thirteen years asa L'very Stable and at present yields a geed lent. It is located in the bit-Iness part et the i ity and will rapidly grew In value. Part nf the puichasemenev ean remain upon the prepci ty if m desired. Possession and un disputed Hue given the 1st itav of April, 1882. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. in., of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made knew u by GEORGE W. ZECHER. II. SuriiratT, Auct. iil7,19.2.,,V,28,29,S0d UUTJCIM. JkJOW OPKN SP'E!.C111SK HOUSE, ON J3I Eiirnpcen plan. Dining Reems lei Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 31 North I) uku street. Clam and Turtle Soup-Ieb-tcr Salad, Oysters In Every Style and all the Delicacies et the Season. Wc solicit the patronage et the public. may7-tpl St::mi:d eysteics. Specialty made of Steamed Oysters at the SPRECHEU HOUSE, Ne. 27 North Duke Street. Having liii'iiis-hcd our Restaurant wllli a boiler ler steaming oysters, we take this meth od et iiifni inlng the public that c are pre paid I at ill times te liiinish them te families at their houses oral the restaurant. Ladies' entrance. Ne. 27 North Duke street GROFF & COPELAND, n.it2-tid . l'j-oprleters. LHJUUHH, &v. )lN':U'At.T'.S WINE, LIQUOU, ALCOHOL AND GROCERY STORE. feblC-lyd NO, 2IJ.1 U EST KING STREET. MEDICAL. rMLLKRY AND CHAMOMILE FILLS. A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. Ur, c. W. Bensen, a Well-known Practic ing Pbyslclan and Surgeon of Hai ti mere, Md. Dr. Rensen has, for the past twenty-one years, paid mucli attention te Nervous dis eases, and lias discovered that tne extract of Celery and Chamomile combined In a certain proportion, invariably cures citner Sick Head ache. Ordinary Headache, Neuralgia. Nervous ness, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness or Paralysis. They arc prepared In the shape of Pills and contain no opium, quinine or ether hurmiul drug but are Intended expressly te cure and will cure the above named diseases. 49Thc celebrated Dr. Hammend, et New New Yerk city, says : "I have found Dr. JJenen's Celery and Chamomile pills are Invaluable In all ceses at Nervous Diseases." Oilier physi cians te the number of ever COO endorse their. In equally strong terms. Everyone is new talking of the wonderful cures effected since they liave been placed belerc the public. This is a triumph in Medical Chemistry and sufferers all ever the whole country and even abroad, arc ordering by mail and otherwise. Sold by all druggists. Price. 50c. a box. Depot, 103 North Eutaw street. Baltimore, Me. I!y mail two boxes ler $1, orsixbexe-. for $-2.00. DR. O. W. BENSON'S New Keinedy anil Favorite Prescription. SKIN CURE Is Warranted te Cine ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMOUS, INFLAM MATION, MILK CUU3T, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF 1IA1U AND SCALP, SCROFULA, ULCEUS, PIMPLES AND TENDER 1TCH1NGS en all parts or the body. It makes the skin while, soil and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the Rest toilet dressing in the Weild. Elegantly put up, two bottles lit one package, consisting et both internal and ex ternal treatment. All llrst-class druggUtn have it. Price $1 per package. ang2Myd M , W &3X w TIUNEY AVOKT. THE ONLY HKDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OR DRV FORM That Acts at the Saine Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. "WHY ARE WE SICK? Because wc allow these (treat ergant te be come clogged or torpid, and' poi.teiio'ux li mners arc therefore forced into the bleed that ilteuld be expelled naturally. KIDNEY WORT WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER I'0311-Ij AIM'S, Piles, Constipation, Urinary Diseases Feinale Weakness unit Ncreus Disorders, by causing free action of thete organs end re storing their power te threw effditiusc. Why suffer bilious pains and aches? Why tormented with Piles, Constipation? Why frightened ever disordered Kidneys? Why endure nervous or sick headaches? Use KIDNEY TVOKT and rrjeirr in herd'!:. 4T" It is put up in Dry Vegetable, form, iu Jatiueans, one package et which ma!.;-- -iv 49qnarls et medicine. 4ErAlsein Liquid l'eitii.vcry Cencent lutt'd 3-ler the. convenience et these who cannot 3 readily prepare it. Jt acn with nued t&eOlciency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. I'RICR, tfl. WELLS, RHJIIARIISOX A; CO., l'm-t's, IturlmglKii, Yl. I Will send the drjT pest-paid.) dec27 lyd&w.r T OCUK1CS Reuuwucd Cough Syrup. A pleasant, safe, speedy and sine remedy ler Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, liilfucn za. beieness et the Threat and Chest, Rron Rren chilis, Whooping Cough, Spilling et RIoed, Iu Iu tlauimatieu : the Lungs and all Pixmhcs el the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues of tlie-e articles w Inch long experience lias proved te possess the iium sate and efficient qualities ler the cure el" all kinds et lung diseases. PRICK, 25 Cents. Prepared enlyands:i.lliy OHAS. A. LOOHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Ne. !) East Kiny Mrei't, LiiiicasltT. OTKANE-lKT TKUa! STRANGE. YET TRUE, Hi it alter the hun dreds of OAtraenlimry cures w reught by DR. GREENE iu this cily and county, et con sumption. Diabetes, Palsy, Fit", Dy&pep-ia and ether diseases, alter the patients had ( wit bout success ) tested Alie, and Homeeopathic physi cians. 'Tis very strange that hundreds of oilier persons, mere or less alllicted with dis ease, will net read Dr. Greene's pamphlets, or call upon him and be cured el" their ailments. Strange that they could be influenced by jeal ous physicians, or druggists, te keep away Irem him. They ought te knew that the major portion et his patients are from the ranks et ether M. D.'s, and thai It they did net lie, or threw out some kimiet inuendees, they would lese the balance et their patrons. Mrs. McCaskey, et Philadelphia, came under Dr. G.'s charge through Mr. Powell, of Ne. t; East Walnut street, almost blind; been ler years testing the Philadelphia oculists. Oct. 27, went home with geed vision and health. Oct. 27, Win. Ensminsrer. a blacksmith of strasimn' came in almost a new man, having sull'ered for years with Dyspepsia in its worst tonus. He had been under 13 M. D's. before he tested Oiniiipathy. Catarrh cured ler . cents. The remedy sent te anyone en receipt el 50 cents in stamps. Ne charge made ler examinations. They arc entirely free. Consultations confidential, and without any charge. DR. CHAS. A. GREENE, 14G EAST KING STREET. MWF&S BUUKS AJflt STAtlONJiKt . pH UISTMASj PKESKNT.N, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS and Gems of Art in Christinas end Snw Year Cards at L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING STREET. OKASON 1S81-18S2. L. PRANG & CO.'S New Prize Cards, New Christmas Cards, New New Year Cards, In Greater Variety ami Mere Artistic Designs than everbelere, being reproduc tions of the Rest Designs in the two exhi bitions of CHRISTMAS CARD designs by American artists. A full line et Prang's Christmas and New Year Cards new ready, MARCUS WARD & CO.'S CARDS. Fer Christmas and New Year, also mere beautiful than ever belerc, and ail the new Christmas Cards et the German Ail Pub lishers ; a lull line new ready. Call early while the stock is lull. Al the Roekstorc et JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH U.0EEN STREET, CLOTBLSO, AY r ANA MAKER & lIBOWN. Business constitutes a great part of our work. We make it in all grades from the very homeliest of honest cloth aud work. Our best business suits are of higher grade than any made by any ether house, whether in this city or in New Yerk or Bosten. The cloths arc net always better ; the trimmings are ; the work is. The best difference is iu the work. The whole job is en a higher plane, though there are points of equality. We study our work all the time. We are net content with mastering it once. Every season new developments furnish occasion for new study and new mastery. We keep our weiknien from year te year. We educate them ; we traiu them te higher work as fast, as we find out that higher weik can be done. We pay them well. We keep them employed all the time. They are loyal te us, and give us their best work. This is hew the best business suits aie made. We make a royal business suit for 620. WANAMAKER & BROWN. Oak Hall, Sixth and Market streets, Philadelphia. The Largest Clothing Heuse in America. ' IAI.I, CAMPAIGN. MYERS & RATHFON Aie Lettsr prepared than ever te accommodate the public in READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, Y'OUTHS, 1JOYS AND CHILDREN, At bottom pi ices, all our own mauutactiuv no Sheddy Clothing. A man can get the bct Ten Dellar All Weel Suit at Centre Hall sold in America. While this Is a specialty, yet all our Clothing is sold propeiuonatcly cheap, lluyingyeur Clothing at Cenlie Hall you save one psefit. Our Custom Department is lull and complete. It you want a Cheap uu3iness suit you can navu it mauc te order (uu wool) irem riucenie xweniy-nve tienars. jiri-ss etma u. Eighteen te Forty Dollars. And remember you have the Largest Stock and the Rest arlety te select from, and satisfaction in every way guaranteed. We are prepared te make up at short notice and in the best style and at the' lowest prices. Our Cutters are Firt-Clas. O if stock ct GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is full and complete. Don't fail te call and leek through Centre Hall before yen make yivu Fall and Winter purchase. Yeu will find willing hands te show you through the immense stock el Woolens. Overcoats by the hundred ler Men, Youths, Reys and Children. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST K1M1 STKEET, liKY UOOliS, VNlHZlin'EAli, &c. OU.1IKTII1NG NEW LAVE Til HEAD UNDEliSHrRTS, FFAT1IE1MVEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAISTS, THE SIIIRTMAKEIl, .NO. r.d NORTH tiVKLN STKCKT. ( 1IVIKK. hewkks y nuicsT. X NOTICE ! READ WHAT Givler, Bewers & Hurst Have te gay about their Merchant Tailoring DEPARTMENT. We have already announced that we intend seen te make a change iu our business, but in our MERCHANT TAILORING DEl'ART MENT wc have made a great change already, anilMc limt it te weik very well. We have net changed our method et cutting, or using the best of I rimming, or employing none but the bestet workmen, or keeping no goods but what we can eiler te our customer and assure him thai they will give him entire xiiisfnctieii; but we have changed our prices, te reduce our stcck, and we lind that it pleases our custom ers se well that we have a grand rush in this department. We want everybody te knew it, bene this i.dverliseinent. We. want everybody te have Un knot'.' tee that we Rest $1.00 White Dress Shirt in thecitv : will match itairaiusL :mveiii- miu! knew we will e.iriy oil the prize. "We have ! compared lliem ourselves, and new we want ! ethers e de it and liave theii eye opened te where they can get kkal kakeain-n ::.! net only se CALLED IIAUGAs. ' We -iHe eiler Merine Underwear, in Scarlet, White and Cray, in all si.-.e. HOSIERY, SUSPEXDERS. LIXEX I'M.. l.ailX axu HUFFS, PLAIX siXD FAXVY XECKWIC. 1 Ji, GLOVES Ae. We. havn s-nmcthing te sav about SILK HANDKKRCIUEFS, and that is that we show the Iinest n-sertuutntevcr brought t- this city. Stip and Jake a leek at some of them in our cast window ; then come inside and sle hew many mere we can show you. We cm show yeuapcriect least ler your eyes, fe- an hour, m Silk Handkerchiefs alone. Come and sea hem you will net be asked te buy. Wu offer baigai-is in every department in the steiv. Any thing you are in want or come and se what wc have bjfere purchasing. Givler, Bewers & Hurst, 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, 1A. 31MZ1HVAL. riUIi; tilfKAT CCKAT1VK AC.KNTS. GALVANISM AND ELECTRICITY. DR. HALL'S A CALVAN1C RATTPJRY is Imbedded in this Medicated Piaster, which, when applied te the body pieduces a constant but mild cur rent et Electricity, v hichismesttxhilaraling. It is a positive and speedy cure for Ilia follow ing complaints, viz : Rheumatism, Neuialgla, Sick Headache, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, all Aliectiens el the Rrain, Spinal Complaints, Kl-lncy and Liver Complaints, Sciatica, 1'araiysis. Asthma and Lung Disease, Diseases el the Heart, Nervous Prostrations, Ac. I'KICK ONLY Sl.OO. THE BELL MANN CO., Prep're, f-12 R read way. Cor. 13lh St., New Yerk. AGEXTS WAXTED. Send st. mm ler circulars. Fer .sale by all luggists. Mention this paper. Sent by mail. oct7-:imeediCtwcow JtC. Clothing T7ALL. CAMPAIGN. LANCASTER, TEN.VA. VU1NA AND OLASStrAJtJt.. H lull & MARTIN. HOLIDAY GOODS AT CHINA HALL. We have new epen a I suitable ler urge Llneel" WARF.S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. II A VILXXV'S VIIIXA. I'ORCELAIX WAKE, DEL'OKATED CHAMBER SETS, MAJOLICA WARE, BOIIEMIAX GLASS 7'uILET SETS. HACCARAT VASES, L I BR A R V LA MI'S, STUD EXT LAMPS, DOMESTIC AXI IMl'UUTED GLASSWARE IN LARUE QUANTITIES. Visit CHINA HALL before .selecting your picsents. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Streot. I0 Y..U WANT TO I1UY A STUDENT LAMP II se, take a leek at the one we arc showing, and we are certain we can please yen. Wel-ave LAMPS. OF FOUR OF THE BEST MAKES. STUDENT LAMPS, Cive a Hetter and Steadier Light than gas ; WILL NOT EXPLODE, and give no o.Ier in burning. OUR LAMPS, i wilh till! I'iair.c, consume from 1 te '2 ounces I et kerosene oil per hour, and produce a light i FAK SUPERIOR TO GAS : and irem a IractUn than S gallons et oil ;hes" lamps pieduccan amount of light equal te the light et 1.0M feet or gas. Therefore the cost et light irem oil at -0i. per gallon is equal te the cost of light Irem gas at G' per thousand cubic feet. Thereleie the cot or light from oil at l.'c. per gallon is equal te cost of ga at li:. iwr thou theu fcand cubic leet. Therelerc the cost of light liem at 10c. per gallon is equal te et-st ct gas at SOe. per thou sand cubic feet. WHICH SHOWS THE ASTONISHING ECONOMY THERE IS IN THE USE OF STUDENT LAMPS OVER GAS. Uivc them a trial and you will find that they make a much softer, steadier light than gas, and far cheaper, and wlili ordinary care Just ns cleanly. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, I.ANCASThli. PA. I K.1 :ai THIS 1 1 Lancastkr, Pa.. Apt II 2S. 18S1, TlIK KlDXKYCCKA MV'U COJII-ANV. Gents It gives me much pleasure te saj that after using one pack et KIDNEYCURA 1 have been entirely cured el a severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, after Dying various known remedies, l have every confidence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend it, and knew thatmauy of my friends who have ued it have been benefited. PETER BAKER. mSKlyd Foreman Examiner and Express. ASTMICH BJtWJ3 ahyebiizemxnt. A STB1CH BROS' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH BROTHERS RIIOTIIERS l'.ROTHERS imOTIIERS RROTHEKS l'.ROTHERS 1SROTHERS ISROTHERS KROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS r e CO H M td si ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICn ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH A&TKICH BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS 1.5 KAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 KAST KING STREET. 13 KAST KING STREET. YX EAST KING STREET. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY LADIES. NOTE THE BAKGAIN8 WE DO OFFER NOW IN EVERY ONE OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. We still sell all our best quality REAVER HATS, in Grav, Black, Bronzes, Navy Blue, Myrtle, at $-."." apiece, BONNETS at the same price, $2.7."). Re-ides this regular line et Hats we have opened one let et FINE BEAVERS. In RIack and Gray, at only $ apiece. All our Fine Children's Trimmed Felt Hats, at only 1. " Fine Black Derbys at 3Sc. Sattin Bound Derbys at 5Se. Fine Dcrbvs, Trimmed with Cord tfml BalN, at $1 0,). Velvet Derbys, Trimmed with riu ih and Fur, at $1.00. Turbans the same price. 1'lush Derbys and Turbans at $1.2.1. We have reduced our whole stock of FANCY l'LUMES te M-e uniform price et $2 apiece, including "Oine sold as high as fl and $ apiece. ISlaci: I'lisiuesatsucclal low prices. tli-tiant Natural and Fawn Colored 1'luiai:, te match tfce Reaver Hats, at 2, i-1 SO. 3 and $3.50. .Shaded Tips, shaded in all the new shades, such as Bronze, Myrtle, Olive, Drab, at 50c. apiece. Fine Colored Tips. A Bunch of Black Tips at HO?. Geed Black Tips at special prices. We offer this week ALL OUR FANCY KIBRONS, suitable ler Bennet Strings, and Hat Trim mings, at the unilerm price et Mc per yard. One let at a.'ic. per yard, l'lnsh Ribbons cheap ALL OUR FANCY PLUSHES at $5 per yard. All Silk Plush, for Ceat Trimming, fl-l inches wide, at $'J per yard. Our assortment of LADIES COATS AND DOLMANS LADIES COATS AND DOLMANS LADIES COATS AND DOLMANS Exceeds any ether iu town. OUR PRICKS ARE THE LOWEST! OUR hTYI.ES THE LATEST! We Guarantee Perfect Fit and Durability ! Ladies Light Coats and Jacksts at $".M. Coats Trimmed with Plush at $10.00 and upwards. Leng Coachman's Coats Irem $7..r.O upwards, Latlien Black Coats Irem $2 50 up te y2.i oe. Delmans from S0.M) upwards. Silk and Matlasse, Delmans. l'lnsh Coats. TRIMMINGS. Bargains in this department ! Shaded Fringes reduced te etie. per yard. Colored Silk Fringes at 50c. per yard. Black Silk, Chenille and Jet Fringes at ev- Iremely low prices. Pacs mientcrics in Black, Bronze, i teel and irruicscent. at greatly reduced prices. Ornaments, Balls. Tassels, Fringes, RIack Fur Trimmings. 1 inch. iK Inches. '2 inches. 3Se. per yard. 50c. per yard. 75c. per yard. 2):C inches. 3 inches. $l.ei) per vard. $1.25 per yard. Gray Pointed and New Fur Trimmings, cheap. Seal Skin Leeps ter Seal Sacques. i L'25 apiece. KID GLOVE. Better inducements than ever! We are new selling the best Kid Gloves we ever offered ler the money. Our asseitment aNe is a ureal deal larger. An elegant assortment of Fail Shades. Tans, Operas, Black and White, in 3 or 1 but tons, at !)3.i. a pair. Real Fester's Patent Lacing Kid Gloves. Nete these prices : 3 hooks, $1.-2.1. Black and Colored. 7 hooks, $1.50, Colored, Black.Tans and Operas, .lereev Washleathcr Gauntlet Gloves, $1.-2.1. A box et line Perfumed Gleve Powder presented with every patrol Kid Gloves.' Kid Gloves, 7.1c. a pair. Fnr and Spring Tep Kid Gloves and Mils, for Gents and Ladles. Best make goods from $1 50 te $2..1J a pair. Fall Lisle Gloves, fleeced, Irem 1.1c. a pair up. LADIES'. GENT'S and CIIILDREN'3 COT TON anil WOOL HOSIERY. A Large Assortment and Lewest Prices ! Lar.ic.' Full Regular B.ilbrigeaus,silk clocked at -21c. amir. Hair Lined Hese, Full Regular Made, '21c. a pair. T'in Striped Full Regular Made I:e .e, best German goods, worth 50c, a pair, ler 31c. a pa'r. Plain Colored Hese, Regular Mad.-, Plain or Fancy Silk Clocked, '25c a nair. Ladies' Heavy Knit All-Weel Hese, 10c. a pair. Child's Heavy Knit All-Weel Hoac, in all sizes, 2yc. a pair. Child's All-Weel Ribbed He;c, scsnilc.", all sizes, '2.1c. a pair. Chihl's Cardinal All-Weel Cashmere Hese, all sizes, regular made, .'i()e. a pair. Chihl's Dark Cotten Hese, Elegant Styles, Heavy Goods, at 12, 1.1, IS and -20c. a pair. Fine Cashmere Hese in Elegant Style. Fine French-Ribbed All-Weel He;C, in Striped and PJaid. Gent's Balbnggan Socks, Silk Cleckul. 2lc. p pair. .Men's ueavy Jvmt ah-woei sock, in Grey i.i Cardinal, reduced te'2Ie. a pair. Gent's Fine Regular Made JlerinoSecis, at -25c. a pair. UNDERWEAR ler Ladies, Gents and Children. The best goods ever sold ler the money. A Geed Heavy Ladies' Merine Ve.-t, sold everywhere tei'37JJc, ler 3.1c. Finn Underwear, colored, c-New here at .1'e.. ter He. Bi-autilnl Light Weight Hue Merine Vcsts,.1'e. The Best Heavy Merine Vests, ever beteie seen, at 30c. Elegant Silk Embroidered Fine Merine Vets for 75c. Rest Scarlet All. Weel Medicated Vest ami Pants ut f I.3 each, fully worth $2.00. call and sec them. Child's Undershirts, from 1C te 31 incite?. Gent's Underwear wc have marked down te less than cost te cleae out the stock. Gent's Suspenders. We have te hill out the whole sleck, and, therefore, marked them te be sold at the uniform price of 25c. a pair. The best will be picked first. GENT'S FINE NECKWEAR. HANDKERCHIEFS. We are offering a great manv geed bargains All Linen Handkerchief Hemmed, at 5c. Flne Hemstitched, all Linen I-2c. Pelka Det Lawn and Cambric Haiulkeichiefs. LACE TIES, LACE COLLAR?. LACE FICHUS. Worsted Caps and Heeds. Worsted Jackets and Coats, Shetland and Weel Shawls, Grey Shetland Clouds at25e. Closing out a large stock et Linen Towels, Napkins. Tewelings: Table Cleths, Spreads, ftc, at much K-is than cost, te make room for HOLIDAY GOODS. We Invite everybody te come and .see what we have, whether they wish te buy or net. Ladles net living In Lancaster will please send ler samples and prices, and we will till enleis promptly. ASTRICH BROTHERS. CLOIHXSG, UXDERWEAJi, dC. YATES & CO YATES & CO YATES & CO YATES ,t CO YATES & CO YATES CO YATES A CO YATES & CO YATES & CO YATES CO YATES & CO "i ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO YATES A CO Y'ATES & CO YATES & CO YATES 4 CO YATES & CO Y ATES & CO YATES & CO Y'ATES & CO YATES CO Y'ATES & CO YATES & CO Y'ATES CO YATES & OO Y'ATES & CO YATES & CO Y'ATES CO YATES & CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO A C. AT ES ft CO. IClates&Ce LEADING -09- POPUL.AR CLOTHIERS PHILADELPHIA, HAVE NOW ON HAND SUCH AN ASSORT5I EXT OF GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER, THAT IT WOULD BE HARD FOR A PURCHASER TO LEAVE THE STORE DIS SATISFIED. Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO YATES & CO Y'ATES & CO YATES & CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO YATES St CO Y'ATES & CO YATES 4"6 CO YATES X CO YATES X CO YATES & CO YATES & CO YATES & CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES & CO V ATES & CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES & CO YATES & CO YATES ft CO YATES & CO YATES As CO Y ATES & CO YATES A: CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATKs. ft CO YA.TES ft CO LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut Sixth Sts., SEND FOR SAMPLES. MONEY REFUNDED. -eptl-tiiiil I .ASIIIONAHLK CLOTHING. AL ROSENSTEIN, THE ONE-PRICE r. PIONEER OF MODERATE PRICES. " Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy. But net expressed injaney. -Richiietgaudy.' Fer tlie apparel ett proclaims the man." ' Te be well thcescd will erttimcs .Supersede the re:." Byren. Fine Tailoring Custom Department. Our counters are new laden with the choic est fabrics in Foreign and Demestic Goetls; thev are et the latest patterns, and are rich nr.-l handsome : their superior make will show show te line advantage. Wejnakcthis announce ment te these who wish te dru-s well at mod erate prices. We make tTlsters, TJlsterettea, Fancy Liued, Self Lined, Silk and Satin Lined Overcoats. DRESS ami BUSINESS SUITS In any Style. We have the handsomest assortment et Treuserings in tiiis city. In connection with our Custom Department wc have a lull line of Elepant, Well Made and Geed Fittirg READY-MADE CLOTHING. FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Far superior te these generally sold at Ready. Made Clothing Stores. Our Fancy Ulsterettcs, Reversible Overcoats "which, by the way, can be worn en either side," satin and silk lined Overcoats, cannot be excelled ler Mylc and beauty; wc have them Irem $3 te $2.1. Our Sell-lined Overcoats are wry handsome. We have them in twenty diiieicnt styles.lrem $7.50 te $2.1. Our Silk-laced, Light-weight Overcoats and Surtents are marvels of beauty, and wis will litre state, up te the present lime Ibis is the only store in this city where you can lind the Surteut Overcoat. This coat is par ceclleiue the dress overcoat. Our assortment et GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS is complete. The BICYCLE SHIRT, which is very handsome, is a great favorite with veung men. We have them for $1.2.1, $1.50, $2.00 and $2..V, twenty-five percent, less than they cm be bought ler elscwheic. Having adopted the ONE-PRICE system, it is enferced in Its most radical leriu. as iu no instance will or can I make any deviation Irem the price plainly marked en every arti cle, having iu the llrst place made the same sutlieiently low te place superioniualitygeods within the reach et the most economical. A visit te my establishment, particularly se it you preler a better class et clothing than is generally ieuinl in stores, will cenllrni my statement. AL ROSENSTEIN, NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Next deer te Shnltz ft Rre.'s Hat Stere and op. pesitc the Grape Hetel. CARPETS. f 1 KKAT BARGAINS IN CaKI'KIW, Vx I claim te have th.1 Largest ami Fines tock ei CARPETS In this City. Brussels and Tapest ry C A R I ETS Vhrcc-ply, Extra fanner, Super, All Weel, lall Weel and Part H oel Ingrains : Irem tin iest te the cheapest as low as Sue. per yard. All the FJXEST A XP CHOICE PA TTEIiXS that ever ean be seen In this city. 1 ul.-e have a Large and Fine Sterk et my ran make Chain and Itag Carpels, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO ORDERat sher. notice. Satisfaction guarentecd 43Ne trouble te show goeils if you de n. wish te purchase. 1 earnestly solicit a rail. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTKR PA. (AHl'HTS, COAL, are. PHILIP SCHU3I, SOX .v CO., MANUFACTORY, .Ne. 1V SOUTH WATER bTRELV, Lahcastek, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Ci.iui.ic 0 LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES. COVKIELKTS, BLANKETS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, &c. CSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPEC1ALT1. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either In the piece or in Garments; alsi. all kinds of silks. Ribbon?, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tl emeu's Coats, Overcoats, Pants, Vrsls, ftc. Dyed or Scouted; also, Indigo Blue Dyeinp done. All orders or goods left with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ce..! et the l.cit quality put up expressly ;e iiitu tnij,.uiMa(. inu iiii'.ciLiiiiUhCl rules. T R Y A S A M P L E TON. I YARD-1.10 iOUTII WATER STREET. i 2-lVdRSl PHILIP SCIIUM. SON ,UU I CAJtltlAUES, JtC. J i:ST WOKK AND KKASONAULK i PRICES. PHILIP D0EKS0M, Manufacturer of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SPAR RUO GIES, PHAETONS, MARKET WAGONS, &c, &c. ECLIPSE-a specialty Sele right for Southern Pennsylvania. A great variety or SLKIOHS en hand. REPAIRING promptly attended te. SntN SntN factien guaranteed. WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY : Ne. 123 East Kinjj Street, LANCASTER, PA. HALF SQUARE EAST OF THE C0LT.T HCCSE. n5-lindftw Tit A VICLUKS' ti Vlltt. , I ANCASTEK AND .MM.t.KKSVM.LK u. 1 J Cars run as fellows : Leave Itncatser P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, an t ll::w a. us., and 2, 4, 6 and 8:30 p. tu., en Saturday, when the last car leaves at l:a p. i.i. Leave Millersvllle (lower cud) at 5, 8, ami 10 a. M., anil 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en - tve time except en Sue day. C COLOMBIA ANI l'OKT DEPOSIT K. K Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the follewins time: Staticms North- Express. Express. Acceiu ward. a.x. r. si. r.M. Pert Deposit 6:35 3:55 05 Peachbottetn 7:12 I:-2S 3:1S Safe Harber. 7:55 5:11 5:21 Columbia S:-25 5:40 6:20 Statieks Seuth- Express. Express. Acceiu WARD. A.M. r. M. A.M. Columbia. 1R3 6-20 74,1 r. it. AW.IW Safe Harber. 12:U1 6:19 LeVMG Peachbotteni 12:4$ 7:32 11.07 p.. PertDcDOsit 1-25 I 3:05 f li2l . TREADING A? COLUMBIA It. K. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, NOV. 7th, 1SS1. NORTHWARD. LltAVK. Qnarryville , Lancaster, King St Lancaster Columbia ARR1V1C. A.M. 7:30 9:10 9-.20 Reading... SOUTHWARD. LKAVK. Reading ARRIVE. Columbia a.m. r. ji. r. m. 6:40 .... 2:30 7:50 .... 3:40 8:00 1:W 3:50 7:50 l:ll 3:10 10KB 3:20 5.50 V.M Lancaster. 9:27 2.10 8:13 5:15 Lancaster. King St 9:37 .... 8:25 5:: Ouarryville 10:37 .... 9:55 6:30 Trains connect at Reading with trains te ami Irem Philadelphia, Pettsvlllc. Harrisburg, AI AI lentewn and New Yerk, via Round Uroek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick anil Haiti Haiti mere. A. M. WILSON. Snpt. PENNSYLVANIA KAII.UOAD NKW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY OCTORER 31st, 1881, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive at and leave ll-.e l.:nu-asti-i and Philadelphia fellows : A.M. v. r.x. 7:25 12:00 6:10 r.M. 9:S5 2:10 8:23 !):27 2.10 8:13 9:37 .... 8:25 10:37 .... 9:55 Leave Arrive Lnnc'tci Vhilad'a 1:10 a.m. 3:15 am 4 45 " 7:Ci " 5:l"S " 7:35 8:00 " 8:05 ' 10:10 9:10 " 1-2:01 r.M. 1:50 I'.M 2:50 " 5::tl " 2: " 5:15 " 5-05 " 7:0i " 5:15 " 7 13 '- , 0:25 " -.i-,"!l Leave Arue Philad'a Laiu-'ler 12::SI,-..M 5:Mia.n 4:.ll ' 6:27 " s:ee h: " 10:3. " 8:tl " 10:30 " 12:10 " '2:30 r.M 2:35 " .::&ii"" .... 2:;l l'.M. 5:45 " 4:00 " 7:'A' " 5:30 " 7-M " (i:-25 " 8:50 " 9:ltl " 11.30 " 115 " 2.15 Eastward. Atlantic Express Pliiludelpia Express, Yerk Aceem. Arrives; Harrisburg Express Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Acceiu. Arrives, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Express, Chicago Day Express St. I, mis Day Express Harrisburg Accommedai'ii, Westward. Way Passenger, News Expres- Mail Train Ne.l.via Ml Jey, Mail Train Ne.'2,via Cel'bia, sunuay jiau, r llSL IjIIIv (.((.a Frederick Accommodation, Lancaster Accommodation, Harrisburg Accnmmedat'ii. Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Pittsb-.irg Express, Cincinnati Expresj Pacini: Express Mail Train. Ne. 2, west, connecting at Lan caster with Mail Tiain, Ne. I, at 1 1:30 a.m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connect lug at Lancaster with Fa.jt Line, wc-.t,at'2.:!-), will run iiireugh te Frederick. llarrl-burg Express, west, at SiXi p. m , has direct connection t (without change tl cars) tit Celumbi-iaud Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when nagged, will stepat Dowuliigtewn,CoalesvilIe, Parkin burg. Mount Jey, Ellabetlitewn and Middlc- te'.VII. liKY UOODS. NKX r IMlt.IC TU TlIK (OlltV HOl'SK. FAHNESTOCK. BLANKETS, COMFORTS, FLANNELS BLANKETS, COMFORTS, FLANNELS BLANKETS, COMFORTS, FLANNELS IN (H'ANTITIES, IN QUANTITIES, ALL AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES, ALL AT OUR USUAL LOW PRICES. Just open 1 trgi; lets I! LA ( 'K 'A Sll MEli ES JtLA C'h' CASHMERES Frem Importer's Sale el a Celebrated make ALL WOOL, FRO.M -IOc. TO 1. ALL WOOL, FROM 40c. TO Jul. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, FROM .10-. TO 3 PER YARD, FROM 50e. TO Ufi PEI: ARD. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. Our stock el SHAWLS et every description is new Full and Complete, te which we invite the attention of these in want. Ladies' Coats and Delmans Ladies' Coats and Delmans FROM 13 TO .-.0. FROM W3 TO 30. Gossamer Waterproofs, Gossamer Waterproofs, FOR LA DIE?.. GENTS, ROYS AND GIRLS, FOR LADIES, GENT:-, ROYS AND GIRLS. AT LOW ESI" PRICES. AT LOWEST PlMCES. FAHNESTOCK! Nest Doer te Court Heuse jr kki vai:ai this cold wkatiikk' METZGER, BARD& HAUGHMAN Have a Large Stock el Wliitft Blankets, Colored Blankets, FROM 81.50 A PAIR UP. Comfertables in all grades at si, si. -.-;, si.e, si.75, rs, UXDERWEAK, GENTS MERINO SHIRTS ami DRAWERS, A I' 2.-.C, r.7Jc, -J-'c,. 50c, -., 73c, 91. LADIES' MERINO SlIIRTs AND DRAW EKS at .",7J$, 15, 5j, (i", 7.c. and ?I. CHILDREN'S .MERINO SHIRTS and DRAWER'-, from lie up. Gent's Medicatcd All Weel Red Shirts and Drawers at SI.50 ; regular price $.'. Come and see them and we will tell you why we ean fell t hem .se cheap. Wc have the LADIES' MEDICATED ALL WOOL RED SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Same price; .same quality. W'f. are very busy selling lets of the above goods as well as LADIES' COATS and DOLMAN3, RLACK SILKS. RLACK anil COLORED CASHMERES, SHAWLS, Ac B&RD& NEWCHKAPSTOT&E, Ne. 4S WEST KIN STKEKT, R-'tw.-cn the Cooper Heuicunil Serrel Herse Hetel. (Adler'd Old Stand.)