. (Eke ) y Ttluae XYUI-Ne. 74. jujit IOUX WANAMAKKK- ADVKKTISKMEST. JOHN WANAMAKER CALLS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO tw.. FOLLOWING: Our circular silk-, XMncli, :iii' bough entirely tiein the maker-' in Lyens this tall for the lir.st'timc. We have advan tage in the pi ice, ami besides :i degree el' confidence net te lie get in niKed l.incniis buying. Next-outer circle, Chestnut SI. ent ranee. Is there anything black at 7" cent.s better than flannel? It Is el the .sim plest et nil weaving; ami naturally money gees a long way in (myitis; it. ISIack wi;i! al tl.i'i, lull .V. inchc wfili! ; exactly the wholesale priee. lo le laj'. Next-eiilcr eiiele, Chc-lniit-St. entrance. C-iiiifl'.s-lmlr lightly covered wilh heurctte plaid; the muiie se heavily covered with bright lieurette single threads as te constitute a high ill.:inl ill.:inl natieu. $lXi. Third circle, southeast Ire.u centre. Ladies' coats el every grade are in it geed light in the new corner; ami it there isn't enough loom i! is liecati-e many buyers are there. New te-day. Coats el light cloths' Dimmed with plush, ler j nung ladies only; the sizes and styles aie je.u-jr. i:innd$l4. i:.OI Chetuut Mud. Lengthening uinl re-djlng mm I coals ; and the sooner it is done the better. American dye, el ceur.se; but ler sec end dyeing it isn't win til iiile te v-nd te Londen. Uy the way, would you like te leek into our busy fur workroom en the third fleer? Ven ahull see all soils el fur klns and every piocissel making and ask as many iicstien as you like. 1 303 C helium street JOHN WANAMAKER, Grand Depot, 13th street, PHILADELPHIA. -I ANK & CO. LANE & CO, Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA., DEALERS IN EOREIGfl KM DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. .11' ST Ol'KNKD A SPLENDID LINK OF LADIES COATS AND COATTNGS, VERY CHEAP. LADIES' UNDERWEAR in.all grades. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR, in Red and Wlrite weeds. BLANKETS, in great variety. FEATHERS, Steam Cured. CARPETS and QUEENSWARE. HORSE and LAP BLANKETS ROLTING CLOTHS. &c. Special inducements in price new as we desire te make a radical clunge in sleck by .1A.NUAUY I, SS. Jacob M. Marks. Jehn A. O.V UlTTEIiS. fKON ItllTKICS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIO. IKON UlTTKItSare lil(l:ljrecnniiaended ter all dKeacs refjeirin a certain and tt: cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPK. TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &e. U enriches Hie bleed, stir.nlliens tliuiiiii'sclcs anil gives new iile te the nerves. It acts like a cliarm en Hie tligetivc organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tailing tin feed. Belching, Ileal in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. Tlie only Iren Preparation that will net ulacken tlie tnetli or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter the A K C lloeir, "i pp. et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHE3WEICAL COMPANY, rS-lydJtwl BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Quaen street, Lancaster. l'l.V MISER'S J OHN I.. ARNOLD. Largest, Finest anil CHAIsTDELIERS KVKIi SKKX IN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. T1NT PLATE AND PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. JOHN" L. AKNOLD, Nes. U, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. faprS-ttd HOODS THE Slilped moleskin plush, 23-inch, $!.". Very lien solid silk plush stripes en ottoman silk with line stripes el" .satin merveilleiix between, $CWi. A ti-tin-guinhed novelty fieni ParK Ivery-white satin dc. Lyen with bold l.ieiade of cream pliiihiickeileut with uncut plush of the same color, ill. Next outer circle. Chestnut St. cut ranee. L.irvre small-cheeks or small-figured plaids; net at all like sm.ill-clieck-j and net at all like plaids ; :i new effect alto gether ; .stronger than small-checks and less gray than many colored plaids, $1.5). Considered decidedly tyI-h. The cloths are rather heavy. Second circle, southeast Ireui ecu tie. Alusliu undei wear et a grade leund nowhere else in the stores of Philadel phia uml New Yerk, with the exception of :i single house ; i.e., well made ami et line enough material without any extravagance whatever, ami at very moderate prices; se low indeed thai tamilL's cannot allerd te de the same twirl: at home. West irem Chestnut si reel entrance. We have li-ul uiudu u variety el very lich lies of ciiibieidery surah, uml much liner surah than we have een in rea-iy made ties. UTi cents te $2. The quality is the same in them all. The illlnVreiiep is in width and embroidery. 'asti-lc tics embroidered Willi silk and cotton, a very unique and etlective combination. Quite handsome embroidered mull ties at I.lccnt-. First circle, seuthca-t Irem centre. Market and Chestnut, i axi: .v co. Charles. . Jehn B. Reth. r ON I51TTKIW. SURE APPETISER. SVl'X'ZIES. OUS 1.. AIJNOLIL Cheapest Stock et LANCASTKK, Lancaster JfnteUCgencci'. MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 28, 1831. THE LATEST NEWS. FROM ALL THE WORLD. INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS. KKALITIES Of UA11.Y LUT. I'act and I'uncy Frem Heme unit Abroad. Robinson, of Massachusetts, is the last candidate for Speaker of the next Heuse, lie will net likely get there. Keifcr, of Ohie, is considered out et the fight. The recent experiments in shipping frozen mutton and beef from Sydney, Australia, te Londen, arc said te have been very successful. Lcfrey lias fully confessed the murder of Mr. Geld and also et Lieutenant Reper, whe'Hvas murdered in the Chatham Rat racks Beme-.timc age. The Reumanian government has re newed for a year the prohibition of the impoitatieti of perk from the United States aud several European c.mnlrics. The New Yerk banker II. M. Smith's "Fashion" stud farm near Tranten, N. J., is worth $150,000, contains 400 acres aud has $500,000 worth of horses en it. The French have entirely destt eyed the village of Mcngel, ncarGabes. The Arabs have plundered an Italian lurk and burned some large cspat te grass stores belonging te 3'Itiglish merchants. The Central national bank, of Hest en, has received an official order Irem Cemp ti eiler Knox authorizing it te !leicast, it capital stock by an aildit'e.i of h.vlf a mil lien of dollars. A recount of the v .Its ea-t in the Thiid Assembly district of .M.-iecr county. New .Iciscy, elects the IXs.uecratic candidate by nine niajeiity, and makes the Heuse i: that slate's Legislature an exact tie. Mautiee Giau's French opera company have returned from Mexico, Cuba and Rrazi", where they made $150,000. They rcpeit no deadheads in Ilucnes Ayres ex cept the cmpcier. A young Norwich lawyer. Leuis Riv.ml, has brought numberless suits again'-t Con necticut railroads for very general viola tions of the !aw prescribing $100 penalties for failure te maintain water closets at stations. Te recover his deg, te get the thieves punished, and te step the frequent deg stealing, Leuis Lerrillaul eil'eis $500 re ward fur Ilia return of his black French poodle " Flera.'' and the e :metie:i of her thief. Lttiui-ecr started te make an eqursti iau periiait of Queen Victeria. buL geL no fui ther than the horse, and new Sir N.i- thankd dt; Rethschi'ds is ha in" it. Inched by Mill.ii-! but with NelKiwyune in th s.tddle. The lirstj gallic te decide H:e tie for third and fourth piizcs in the billiard tournament for the cushion carom cham pionship was played between .Meirisar.d Wallace, t.he former wmnin by a score of 300 te 2G3.- Wallace and fllossen then played and Wallace was atfain defeated. Score Slossen, :i()0 ; Wallace, '220. Jehn Ciiilii.:, f Litsenber, Gcitr.any, eighteen months in this country and aed 22, has been arrcFted in Chicago for the murder of Heessel, the bachelor i'ai mer at Nertli E-.v.n.ste:i. Meney receipts and clothing of the dead man were found m him. lie admits the killing, and ha.i bean taken iiiEv.insleii for cxamiualkm. The str.ue between San Antonie and Corpus Chtisti was steppcil near Oakville en Friday niht by two masked men, wlie rilled the mail of cveiylhiiifi vahuiblc. One of the 1'ijfhwaymen is desctibedas being tall and the ether short. They are thought te be the same men who robbed a stage near Laredo recently. Wm. Ilargravc has been arrenlcd in Huntington, Tonu.. aud ceniiuilte:' te jail for tlie muidcref his brother-in-law. whose hiimc is Register, near Camden. Ti:e two were tsaveling together when ether patties heatd shots tired atid upon coming up found Register dying and Hargravc stand ing ever him. llargravc said that, 'regis ter had shot himself accidentally. At Oil Creugli, Indepctulenee eeutity, Ark., Henry Lai'd, a leading citizfii, had some trouble with his wife, erigiiviting iu a disagreement about a jiassage iu tiie 1'ible. After a billet- altercation Ladd dtcw a jiistnl aud .shot her through the body. lie then tried te kill himself, but was pi evented by neighbors and placed in jail. Mrs. Ladd will die. In Willspert, Tex., the jury in the case of the state against Mrs. Kdie llcaeeelc, for the murder of her husband by admin isteiing strychnine, has returned a vet diet of guilty of murder in the first degree, and has lived the punishment at imprison ment in the penitentiary for life. Dr. Rail, accomplice, and pet haps abettor in the crime, was convicted aud sentenced for life at the recent term of he court, but made his escape. An Omaha workman employed iu a brewery, fancied that it would be great sport te cut some eyes a::d a mouth in a cigar box; put a lighted candle therein, and scare his fellow workmen who were going into the cellar. He did se : and one of his ' particular ft tend, '' seeing the horrible apparition, with a hals of light around its head, was fairly paralyzed with tenor, and fainted away eti the spot. He wa& taken home, and has been sick ever since. James Bradley, a leading L.miv.'ilie speculator, who had bulied Texas & Pa cific and ether railroad stocks, couldn't stand the short pressure, and surrendered. Richard Hall is the assignee. Liabilities probably 230,000; assets half that amount. The banks Iseld bis paper for $130,000. He makes a financial wreck of bis mother, relatives and friends. Stocks iu bis name held iu New Yerk city will be attached ea Monday. Bradley's mind is seriously, affected. A grower's horse ran off with Ids wageu 1 iu New Yerk. A young man in Twenty-1 ninth street ran irem the sidewalk and waited the approach of the team, lie siczed the bit with oue hand and one of the shafts witli the ether. - The hc-rse in creased his speed and the young man losing a foothold, was dragged along the street. An instant later he unloosed bis held en the harness and the wagon, and falliu x under the flying feet of the horse, reived a blew en the head from one of the horse's hoefp. His skull was fractured and be died a few minutes. Mayer Wm. II. Ilarten, el Newport, Ky., 18 ycats age, borrowed $10 of Cap lain R. S. Ayre, of the 4th Regiment of Maine Velnntecis. Since that time be has made repeated attempts te learn the ad dress of his benefactor, but without suc cess, as lie was net positive that Ayre was from Maine. Recently, however, he com cem nutuicatcd with Adjutant General Rcalc, of that state, and through him learned that Ayre was living in Mentvil'c, The ether day, therefore, Ayre received a check for Tt" LANCASTER, ;Ai, MONDAY, NOTEISIBER 28, 1881. MhiHfcMi $20.80, the interest amounting tp mere At. . u l!. .. ??.Y -. h J ? A Ari luau iuu erjguiai suiif iuiucu. 0 $ Accidentally iitteg te a -Tfrai A farmer of Ghent, N, V., stated off with a lead ef-Jiay aud ou the leaikwas bis small son. The, aif. ,W3S chilly, 4ml the boy bad a scarf about bis- neck.,, Wcu the farmer had prflcecder some distance he happened te turn around, aud saw Lis son suspended by the neck from the liejb eta tree some yards. behind. In passing under the tree the boy- had been hoekediiu the scarf by the branch. He was , nearly strangled te death when taken dewm. A Dc-pcrate -II au. -f Jehn Welch was received at the. Syra cuse penitentiary from Uuica, en a charge of vagrancy. While in the harness shop he?' secreted a knife, denied having done se, and the weapon was only found after a second careful scaich under bis arm. He was marched into line with the ether prisoners te the bucket shop. He was heatd te mutter, as if cursing, en his way, by various fellow convicts, and while pass ing wliat is known as the drop press iu the harness shop, deliberately thrust ls tight arm beneath the mammoth cog wheels, mangling ins forearm iute a horrible mess. An Old Ciitme. Dr. Masen, of I'ewnal, Mass., enceun tered en the read an old woman, whose decript gait induced him, in the kindness of his heart, te ask her te ride. The doc ter, after she entered the carriage, at tempted te thaw her into conversation, but te no effect. His suspicions were amused, e.-pecially as he saw the tees of a pri. of Ne. 0 beets protruding from under her di ess, and he dropped his whip and asked the old wemati te get out and pick it up. She alighted and brought the whip, when the doctor whipped up his horse and left her in read, lie arrived at home, took out the old woman's satchel, I which had been left in the buggy, opened it, and was surprised te iin'd a complete se of nickel-plated burglar's tools, in geed condition and apparently ready for use at amenient's notice. ' AV.'iceued Mether ttiHiii;; Her Children. Mrs. Miller, widow of Fred Miller,' Waterloo, Iowa, who died two weeks, age, en Saturday killed two of her ehildreii, one an infant of three months anJ the ether live yeats old, and attempted tikill the etheis. The tragedy was net dis covered until next morning, whoa her brother went te the. house. She had put evcryhiiig out of the beuse, and had laid out the two dead ehildren en a cot. Twe of tite children who escaped had been bitten and the ether, 'about 14 years old, J was imtiscu about the heart and lace. They say that their mother strangled ;the two younger children, and was going te l.tll I. ,.f l.n-t. lkt.t f.tit tAtiin MnDnti ..knit dened her purpose. Mrs. Miller has been insane since her husband's death, but was thought te be harmless. j A Weman Curried llurly Milet. ; The Orange county express left the Jer i soy City depot at -lrle en Friday afternoon. Tliieugh Palorsen and intcrtnediate sta- i liens tiie train ran at the rate of forty miles an hour te Ridgewood, where it , slewed up te allow a postmaster te get off. i Frem Ridgewood no slop was made until the train reached the Greenwood iron ' v.eiks in JNew lerk. At tins place t!ie engineer discovered the body of a woman en the narrow platform directly above the eewcateiisr andm front of tae boiler, a he woman was alive, thcugh unconscious. She was cut about the hands and face, i Sim said her nam.; was Mrs. Crowley of Spring r-trcct, 1'ater.s.m. In explanation I of her strange p:vit:eu, she said s-.ite only I remembered, being stiuckbythc engine i in the streets of I'.itcrsen. Mrs. Crowley is new at Milten, N. J., under nicdiun! ! treatment. Her injuries, ii. is said, are net sci ions. ! Ileiuiii 1. 1 the Orphan. I I)iid Hampson, then a farmer, but new living near Paterson. en the H.tlcden read, took an orphan boy from the Heuse of j Refuge in Xew Yerk se'.no ycais age. The i boy ran away one evening. He hat I com-1 plained of ill treatment and threatened te be revenged. On Thanksgiving day a trapping young fellow called at Hamp son's, and, when the latter came te tisc dejr, gave him a thrashing. A wetnau in J the house came out te assist Mr. I lamp-1 son, and she, loe, fared badly. The family ', deg interfered, and was disabled by a cob ble steue. The excitement attracted a crowd aud the young man erir-d : I'm' the pti.r orphan. I told you I'd come , back v. hen I was a nun and settle the j account. It's all squared up new ; geed ; day!'' Mr. Hampton swore out a war-i rant but the young i:ri had taken a train ' for the West. ' - Frontier Crilieiv.n en " Silng Lear." Cav-en City, New Tribune. i " W. K. Shcxidan preached a .sermon iu , the Carsen epjra house last evening te as ' attentive an audience as every graced the me3t sacred cdiiiee reared for the worship of the Great 1 Am, the Jehovah of the j universe. His text -vas taken from the wet Id's great bee': and the subject the sorrows inflicted ou a foolish king by these te whom he had given his all. The ' fruits of the dice;irsu will be te the Car- . son public mere beneficial than all the ' sermons and exhortation", of the re called j revivalists, Hammend, Meedy aud Sankey and the Rey Preacher, have been or can be te their bstcncis." Rc-buildiug n AVrcckcil I'ride. The ill fated T.iy Bridge is about te be replaced by a similar structure. The Tay is about a mile wide, and subject te sud den and violent storms. The new bridge will run alongside of the old one, whose remains can be utilized te some extent. It, will begin, starting at the south end, with four brick arches, each e0 feet span, and be followed by girder and mss spans, as fellows : 1 of 118 feet. 10 of 120 feet, IS of 14.1 feet, 11 of 21e feet, 2 of 227 feet, 1 of 1G2 feet, 10 of V1H feet 0 inches, and 20 of 71 feet, rise long central span will be 17 feet in the clear above high water-mark. Tite trains will run between the girders of these spans and en top of these en cither hand, as in the old bridge. The founda tions of the piers are te be iron cylinders lilled with concrete, upon which brick work will be built aud surmounted by wrought iron pillars. Before travelers trust themselves te any great extent en this new piece of engineering, they are likely te want their nerves quieted with definite assurance that it won't blew ever in a gale, train and all, as its predecessor. The water iu the Tay beneath the bridge is 100 feet deep or mere, se that it is sure death te be plunged iute it in tightly locked railroad cars. The passengers who went down with the llimsy old concern proved this conclusively. Lest en the Plains. Mr. Saudifcr" and wife live four mi!e; fiem Meridian, Texas, ou the prairie. Their little son, only 5 years old, takes a deg every evening and gees out te drive home milch cows. On the day of the heavy rain the little fellow stalled out en his errand. There was a lull in the rain, but a thick mist and fog overhung the ground. As the cow bells could be heard tinkling but a seemingly short distance away, the child's mother felt easy about his trip, and let him go. Night seen came ed, aud the little fellow did net return. Then the father and .-mother son started out te search. All night long they reamed the prairie in the dark, for lantern they had none, nor torches eithf-, calling and blowing their horns, but no little voice answered their shouts. Their anxiety and the mother's agony during the long night can be imagined by these who have chil dren of their own. Between daylight and sunrise the searchers found the lest child lying asleep and worn out en the wet ground in the open prairie. . By his side lay tbe faithful deg. The little wanderer was awakened, and did net seem great!) frightened. He was evidently dazed, however, as he said he had been gene two nights, aud told where he had slept the lirst night. We believe it is the style te affect contempt for things thai are old. Net se, however, with Or. Hull's Cough Syrup, which lias steed the popular test et SI yeaiv tte, and is mere thought of than arer before. Invigorating feed for the brain and nerves is what we need in these days of rush and worry, l'arker's Ginger-Tonic restores the vital energies, and brings geed health quicker than anything you can use. jTW&une. See ad vertisement, nl-lmdcod&wcew Hew's the Baby. "Hew's the baby"!" -'His croup is belter thK morning, thank you. We gave him some or Themas' Kclectric Oil as you advised, dec-ter, and shall give him some mere in an hour or se." Xcxt day the doctor pronounced the youngster cured. Fer sale ut II. V. Coch ran's Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lan caster. Despised. liy tin- unthinking, Uurdeclc lias been con sidered a weed, and its luxuriant growth, tin l!cuant smell, etc., lias rendered it, te these " net kuewingits virluu,"a nuisance, and yet the root has long been acknowledged by sa vants as most invaluable as a dinretic, aperi ent and bleed puritler. Jturdeck llloed Hitters embody all its geed finalities. Trice fi. Fer .ale at II. JS. Cochran's Drug Stere, 1.17 North tiueen street, Lancaster. Mirabile Dlctu. 'Your Sering KIosseui is a suece.-;. 1 cer tainly think its elleiits arc wonderful; all the dyspeptic symptoms I complained id have vanished; my wile is also. enthusiastic in praise et it : she was disligured by blotches and pimples en her face, and had a continu ous headache. Shu is all right new and all un sightly eruptions have gene. Ven iniiyreler any doubting paities te nie. " "K. X. WILLIAMSON", "Klk Street, llutlule." Trice fiOc-enls. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's ill U store, 1j7 North tiueen street, Lancaster. jjjer aoeits. C OATS, DOLMANS, JACKKTS WATT, SHAND & CO. Have opened another choice llniteftliec Elegant Clese-Fitting LIGHT COLORED COATS and JACKETS AT 1MJICES LOWE It THAN EVEU ILVIlliAiNS IN DRESS GOODS Twe (' ;t-ij DAM MASSE At 8c. and lOe. DUESS COOHS a yard, One Case CiKKSTElC SUlTlNli, :i.1c. a yard One Case ALL-WOOL CLOTH SII1TINO, 25c. :i yard. We eiler tiie very best possible value in BLACK CASHMERES At :;.i, 4.1, r,e, r.'j i-, 7.", 87 l-'-'r., si a yard. All the New Shades in 3C-1NCII All-Weel CASHMERES, 60e. a yd. LadieV, Gentlemen's ami Children's Jl K K ItlNe and ALL-WOOL HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR In all sizes and qualities at bottom prices. We have again received a tull line et BLANKET AND THIBET SHAWLS at the same Lew Price. ceirsrrs CLOVES, LACES, emuiioiu emuiieiu EIMEP, i:ii:i50NS, HANDKEUCIIlhy-S X OTI OX'S, IN' ENDLESS VAKIETY AT NEW VORK STOKE, S & 10 13. KING STREET. itaci:i: .v i :ketiii:i:. NO. 25 WEST KING STREET, OUVrin- Lavge Assortment Axn LOWEST PlttOES,: XEW DIIESS (iOODS, xi:w dress aoens, XKW DI.'ESS (,'OOBS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND JACKETS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND JACKETS, CLOAKS. DOLMANS AND JACKETS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SI 1 AWLS, SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES, SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES. SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSIIESJ LACES, JlOSIEJtY AXJ) CLOVES, LACES, HOSIERY AXJ) (f LOVES, LACES, HOSIERY AND O LO VES, LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR, LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR, LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR. 43 We invite examination. Hager & Brether. JJSWJlLH.ItS. rVKU GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AUGUSTUS RHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 20 East King Street, Lancaster. Pa r-e)t2ri-3mdeed Hum I honor, DST OXODGRASS, MURRAY & UU.'S AXJJUAI. SALIC. k ANNUAL CLOSING- SALE INAUGURATED Monday, Nev. 28, '81. Following our usual custom we shall, en the above date, make a general REDUCTION IN PRICES throughout our entire stock, with reference te making a clean sweep of all heavy Vinter, goods including Dres3 Cleths, Seal Skin Cleths, Seal and Silk Plushes, Black and Pigured Beavers, Sicillienne Beavers, Light Colored Beavers, Children's Cloaking, Ulster Cleths, Cleths for Circulars, ' Bpnvertecus, Corduroys, Billiard Cleths, Carriage aud Uphelstar Cleihs, Livery Cleths, and hundreds el lieinnauts and Short Ends of Beavers, Cleak- ings, Cassimcres, &e. SIOD&RASS,IURRAY&CO,. GREAT RETAIL CLOTH HOUSE, MARKET & NINTH STREETS, PlllLADELHIA. VLOTIlIXtl. W K IIAVK TOLII YOU WHY READY MADE CLOTHING IS CIILAPKU THAN" CUSTOM, MADE. N'eu v.- would hl.c le tell yen where :i GOOD ALL-WOOL SUIT can !v h:id ler jn-l 13 CTS LESS THAN $12 00 OR $11 87, which is lhc vi-ry lowest we could square it down te. J u-.t once in a while, we lmpen en :i let el goods el txtraerdinnry viifnc. We have en our counter I1U.S1NKSS SUITS Ireui $7..r. up. WiiL-.m Kiveyeu :i suit ler le-jS than that it you wtint It Overcoats were never cheaper :iud lf-tler than they uie this ypnr. Come and see them while all the patterns and sizes are here. We will give the l.est in the market for the least money. We will Kiuifttntec sall-jfaelieii with VhiitPVfH you iiuy. A GUARANTEE OP SATISFACTION is Hie right te !cin:m! your n eney hark II net suited, and you are the judge. ca nrwnwirr c- wa rxws UNDERWEAR. Iteth in White ami Sc-ailet. The vest K imported. xokpei.k anii ni:wi:i:ixsvicu i'xdkiuveai!. cry Uoed and Kegular Made. KID (SI.OVKSlii most el the shades and the liest makes. CAU!H;.. and ether JACKKTS. The lie-.t place te buy anything is where everything is -.old ter what it really is. VUttlHI & FOSTER, 30-GS BAST KINO STREET, liA.N'CASTKi:. l'A. KUJiXlTUJtli. M YSIIlt'K roil T1IK PALL TRADE. Is complete, yet I am adding constantly te it. uml you will liud my Ware rooms very much ciewiled with the JiEST GOODS AT TIIE LOWEST POSSWLf-J I'll WES. We are se crowded that it is rather dillicull te .hew gencls. int v,-e will try and overcome this by the lie-.t attention. Orders ter PIER AND MANTKL GLANSKS lilkil at I lie very shortest notice and at lowest pi ices, at fi;i:niti?i:k. and vu:tvkk ki:amk wai:ki:oem,: r.yt K.VST KINO STKKKT. WALTER A. HEINITSH. sep2ISmd 'JOAL.. MART IX, B. Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in all kinds of I.U3I UKIt A;i COAL. -iiit-d: Ne. 42.) North Water mid Prince streets above Lemen. I-uneastcr. n3-lyii C 0 rTcTSTwiLETf. 350 KOllTB. WATER ST., laneatttr, F Wholesale and Uctail Dealers in LUMBER" AND GOAL. Connection With (he Telephonic Kxchange, Itrmcli nnice : Se. 20 UHNTKI-: SQUAKK. 10b28-lyd 1 O TO REILLY & KELLER FOB GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Supcriel Manure will iind it te their advantage le call Yard, HarrisburK I'ike. UHIee. 20$ Kast Chestnut street. ( cgl7-ll tAVKKNS OF LUItAY. CAVERNS OF LURAY, J.UKAY, PAGE COUNTY. VIUUIMA, About one mile from tiie passenger depot et the Shenandoah Valley Itallread, are new brilliantly illuminated with the Klixtiuc I.imiT. THE LURAY INN, Specially erected and beautifully tiirni.slied for the accomtnedatloii et visitors te the Caverns is open ter the reception of guests. A CAPACIOUS UKSTAUHANT eilers 1111 iisiiat tr.eilitie.s te large and small excursion paities. ecU'lMliid.tw Priee Twe Cents. GOODS. Pine Black Cleths, Men's Suitings, Men's Fine Coatings, Men's Overceatings, Men's Treuserings, Bey's Pine Suitings, Bey's Cassimcres, Bey's Ovorceatings, Children's Kilt Cleths. V&OTItlSU. lAl.l. OIKNlN(i vr H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, Ol the I.Ai:t!KT ASS01tf'.MKT;nl line SUITING, OVERCOATING, AND PANTALOONING ever !ieu;ht te the City or I.aneaten. Prices as Lew as the Lewest i ,r AKD All Gecds Warranted as Represented ' AT H. GERHART'S NEW STORE, Se. G East King Street, fcr etziinc:. &v. D. B. Hostetter & Sen Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 9.4 CENTRE SQUATJE. Our Assortment nt CLOTHING- Mitt, 1EOVS AXI YOUTHS VALL AND AVINTKU, Is larger and mere varied than ever be.'t.rc. Prices llie lowest. iive us a call. D. B. Hostetter & Sen., 24 CENTRE SQUARE, -iu I.AM.'ASTKK. I J'AI'J-JttUJXIIlAUS, .Cr. i Ui: LINK OF WALLPAPERS i.sthe lunrr.iL we ever liail in stock for this season of year, cnibral-ln-r Fine Gilti for Parlors. Halls, Ac. Lew-priced goedaiu end leas variety te .".elect from. There are some choice patterns in the market for the Fail ami Spring tiadc, which cannot fail te please you. FANCY DADO WIND OW SHADES, PLAIN SHADING, by the yard, iu i-.lt colors and widths. Scotch Hollands. Tin and Weed Spring Holl Hell ers, Cord Fixtures. Kings, Tasseis, Leeps, Fringes, Picture Wire and Cord, Hands, Heeks, Ac. Paper Curtains te Dealers Lewest Prices. at EXTENSION COUNICKS, the cheapest ami best. Curtain Poles in assortment 3-Ordcrs taken Ter r INK MIUUOKS. PHARES W. PRY, NU.H7 XOltTll O.UEKN VT. T AIIES- IIAIlt lKr:.S,-KIC MRS. C. LILL.ER. Ladies' Hair Dresser. Manufacturer end Dealer In Hair Werk, Ladles' and Cents' Wilis. Combings straight ened nnd made te enler. Hair Jewelry et" all kinds made up. Alse, Kid Cleves an.: Feath ers cleam-d and dyetl; Alse, Ijidles' Iciiuimhw ing ' il- A --; NOIITH (Ml KEN ST KPT. eVSmd Four iloersabovu I. K i:. Depot