"W1- - -' r' Trr- P 1-t-t J--Jt...T. . fc,.. f H - LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26; 1881. Hanrastcr imielUaencet. SATURDAY EVENING, NOV. 28, 1881. BEATEN BY A MINORITY. THE FUCK OKD1NANCK DEFEATED. Adopted by a Unanimous Vete In Select Council, It Fall iu the common Branch for Lack of a Constitutional Majority, 12 Members Voting for it and 8 Against It TricndRef tlte lllte Renew the Fight at the December Meeting A Preposition from Councilman Cox. A special meeting of select and common councils was held last evening. Select Council. The following named members were present : Messrs. Barr, Bitner, Berger, Decrr, Franklin, Geerge W. Zecher, Pnilip Zechcr, and Evans, president. President Evans stated that the meeting had lmpii called at the request of the special committee en the reorganization of the fire department, wicn a view enunner consider!!!? an ordinance for the re-organ- izat'ten of the department, which had been read a fitf-t time at last meeting of coun cil. Mr. G. W. Zecher, from the committee, said the committee had requested the call of a special meeting, se that the ordinance might be censidcicd, and if any amend, incuts te it should be proposed they could be read and printed and put in shape for final action at the December meeting. lie moved that council proceed te a second reading of the ordinance, The motion was agreed te and the ordi nance was read a second time. It was next icad a third time by sections, and each section adopted by a unanimous vote. It was then read by title, and passed final ly by the following vote : Yers Messrs. Barr, Bitner, Berger, Decrr, G. W. Zecher, Philip Zecher and Evans, president 7. Nays Nene. Mr. G. W. Zecher, for the information of council, stated that the committee had been in correspondence with the several fire companies of the city and that mero than enough of them had expressed a willingness te lease their apparatus and premises te the city en mero liberal terms than the ceramitte had expected. The com mitten would be ready te report the proposed terms of lease and ether matters at the December meeting. There being no further business, ceuu sil adjourned. Cemiunu Council The follewim? named members were present. Mcpsin. Albert, Barnes, Bees, Brown. Cor- meny, Cox, Davis, Dmenderner, risher, Hays, II uber, Jehnsen, McMullcn, 03tcr maycr,Kcitli, Shreder, Shulmyer, Smeych, White and Levergood president. Dr. D.ivis suggested as a means of econ omizing time that common council engage informally in the consideration of the mat ter with regard te which they had been assembled, pending communication lrem the ether branch, where action upon the fire ordinance would have te originate. On motion council went into committee of the whole (Dr. Davis in the chair) for the pu.rpe.-M indicated. Mr. Cnx thereupon presented a lengthy paper, bu"ni a preposition of his own for the reorganization of the fire department, te take l lie place of the plan proposed by the special committee and reported by councils. Mr. Cox proposes te retain the seven fire engine companies at an annual appropriation of $1,000 each ; one hook and ladder company at $009 ; fire alarm telegraph, $5)"00, chief engineer $G00 per annum : a total ycaily costef $11,700, which Mr. Cox claims te be $10,000 less than the special committee's system will entail. He noer, en te elucidate his idea of the denai Uncut as fellows : "That the fire department remain under the manage ment and control of the different fire com panies, whose head shall be a chief en gineer appointed or elected by the city. The engineer te devote his whole time te the department and matters pertaining te the same ; te have entire control ever the department and his ruliuffs te be final en any company disobeying his orders or violating any et the rules anil regulations of the depai tmeut. Give him authority te suspend any company disobeying his orders. Require each company te run its apparatus with horses, require each com pany te pay the following named men a stipulated sum ler the perlerinauce et lire duties one foreman, one assistant fore- nian, one driver, four hescmen, one en gineer, one assistant engineer, one hrcman, one assistant fireman and two pipemen 13 employees in all te each company. Require each one of these te be fully equipped and Ills position designated by a proper badge, and impose upon him a tine of one dollar for each and every fire that he at tends net fully equipped. After each fire the foreman or assistant foreman of each company shall call the roll, and any mem ber iailin te rjspenr, fully equipped, te be fiucd one dollar ler each and every failure te prepcily respond. A similar fiue te be indicted for every failure te be present at a fire. Any member violating the rules and regulations of the fire de partment of the city or of the company te which he belongs shall be reported te his company, and at the next meeting of the company shall be fiued or expelled, as the company may determine, and auy member se lined who neglects te pay said fine within ten days after being se fiucd, shall be removed from the position en the paid list and another man appointed in his place. Mi. Cox concludes that a better man aged department, with three mere compa nies and consequent increased efficiency, can be maintained by this preposition, for $10,000 a year less than the committee's system will cost, and that the department will he kept out of politics, " something devoutly te be prayed for by the taxpay ers, for every one knows that if once the politicians get their hooks in (no matter what party may be in power) you will have a depleted treasury te keep up a fire department, with no service rendered cor responding with the immense outlay re quired." The discussion of Mr. Cox's paper was interrupted by the appearance of the clerk of select council with the ordinance in troduced in that body ae the last regular meeting and printed in full in our columns at the time. As reported in the proceed ings of that body the ordinance was new finally adopted iu select council by a unanimous vote. The committee at once rose and without paying further attention te the Cox com municatien proceeded te the consideration of the ordinance. The clerk read through the bulky document a first and second times, and the ceuncilmeu listened in a sleepy sort of way "Shall this bill be read a third time?" asked the president. Seme of the members voted no, but net enough te defeat the question, and se Clerk Johnsten reaAkectien 1, and it was adopted. Forseetiew2, Mr. Cox presented a substitute, it being the mauifest purpe: e of the oppesers of the bill te gain time by delaying final action, which could only be done by amending it. A runniug discussion ensued en the amendment. Mr. Barnes and Dr. Davis, of the special cemmitter, opposing it, declared their in ability te perceive any advantages te be gained, saying the committed had given the preparation of this bill their most care ful attention, and they were consequently unwilling te see any delay in its passage, which would necessarily ensue if this amendment was agreed te. Messrs. Cox and Jehnsen favored the amendment, and the latter gentleman charged the special committee with having failed te give council any accurate ideas en the subject confided te them. Mr. Cox's preposition, he said, was the only clear idea of the financial phase of the matter that had yet been presented te council. The amendment was, however, voted down by a vote of 10 te 9, and con sideration of the ordinance was proceeded with.- The seventeen sections weie sever ally adopted, a number of the members, notably Mr. Jehnsen, voting persistently against each, and when the final question was reached, "Shall thislbill pass ?" the clerk called the roll, and the members voted as fellows : Yeas Messrs. Albert. Barnes, Bees, Brown, Davis, Diffenderffer, Hays, Mc Mullen, Ostermayer, Shreder, Shulmyei? Levergood, president 12. Nays Messrs. Cormeny, Cox, Fisher,' Huber, Jehnsen, Reith, Smeych, White 8. President Levergood had already de clared the ordinance adopted, when Mr. Jehnsen rose te a point of order, declaring the bill was net adopted, a majority of all the members elected net having voted af firmatively. The president decided the point well taken, withdrew his former decision, and ruled that the bill was net adopted, for lack of a constitutional majority. It would, he said, require 14 votes in the af firmative te pass the bill, that being a ma jerity of all the members of the body. Common council then adjourned. It is understood the friends of the meas ure will renew the struggle at the stated meeting te be held en the 7th of December, and they declare confidence in their abiiity te muster the requisite number of votes te carry it through. Hew Washington Treated CernuallU. Uncle Nelse, one of the characters met the ether week at Yorktown, really per suades himself that he saw General Wash ington and Lord Cornwallis "Tell us about it," we said. "Well, you see, Massa Lawd Cornwallis he steed right dab, and Massa Gincral Washington he steed right heah. Jes' se seen ez Massa Lawd Corn wallis seen Massa Gineral Washington, he pulled off his hat, and he scz. scz he : " ' Geed mawnin, Massa Gineral Wash ington.' " 'Who isyeu ?' sez Massa Gineral Wash ington, looking very cress. " 'Why, I'se Lawd Cornwallis, sab,' sez he, a-bewin' and a-scrapin'. '"Isye, ye r.on-ef-a-gun ?' says Massa Gincral Washington ; and pullin' out his sword he chept his head clean off." 1UAK1NF. DISASTERS. A Meanirr Founders with all en Heard. The Spanish steamer Jovellanos, from Liverpool, foundered, with all hands, while entering San Sebastian, Spain. It is be lieved that there were fifteen person", en beard. It is feared that numerous disas ters occurred en the Bay of Biscay during the late storm. The steamer Brooklyn, at Liverpool fiem Montreal and Quebec, lest 581 sheep and 117 head of eattle, and had her cargo shifted. The captain and nine men of the barque Adept, abandoned at sea while from St. Jehn, N. B., te Londen, have landed at Caidiff. The remainder of the crew, twelve in number, were drowned. MKV1CAL. 1ELEBY AND CUAM0.1III.K 1'II.I.H. A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. Ur. C. W. Bensen, a Well-known Practic ing 1'liyHlclan and Surgeon of Bal timore, Aid. Dr. lteiisen lias, for tlic past twenty-one years, paid iniicli uttcutlen te Nervous dis eases, and has discovered that tnc extract of Celery and Chamomile combined in a ceit&ln proportion, Invariably cures citner Sick Head ache. Ordinary Ileadaclic. Neuralgia. Nervous ness Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness or Paralysis. They are prepaied In the shape et Pills and contain no opium, quinine or ether liariiitul drug but arc Intended expressly te cure and will cure the above named diseases. S-Thc celebrated Dr. Hammend, i New Yerk city, says : "lluvelennd Dr. l!en--en's Celery and Chamomile pills arc invaluable In all cases et Nervous Diseases." Other physi cians te the number of ever S00 endorse them in equally strong terms. Everyone i new talking of the wonderful cures effected since they have been placed belere the public. This 1j a triumph In Medical Clieml-try and sufferer all ever the whole country and even abroad, are ordering by mail and otherwise. Sold by all druggists. Price, 50c. a box. Depot, 100 North Eutaw street. Baltimore, Mil. By mailMwe boxes ter $1. orsivbeve for $2.50. DR. C. W. EENSON'S New ltemedy and Favorite Prescription. SKIN CURE l.i Wurr.iiitcd te Can- ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAM MATION. MII.lv CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OK HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA, ULCERS, PIMPLES AND TENDER ITCHINGS en all parts of the body. It makes the skin white, soft and smooth; rcmevc3 tan and freckles, and Is the Best toilet dressing in the Weild. Elegantly put up, two bottles m one package, consisting or both internal and ex ternal treatment. All II rat-claws druggists have It. Price f I per package. augM-IydM.W&SSw 17-IUNEY WOKT. THE GREAT CURE FOR RHEUMATISM, As it Is for nil discuses et the KIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid poison that causes the dreadtul suffering which only the victims et Rheumatism can realize. Theusapds of Cases et the worst tertus et this terrible disease have been quickly re lieved, in a short time Perfectly Cured. EIDNBY WORT has had wonderful success, and an immense sale In every part of the country. In hundreds of cases it has cured where all else had failed. It is mild, but efficient, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. It Cleanses, Strengthens and given New tire te all the important organs et the body. The natural action et the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed et ull disease, and the Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this way tht worst diseases arc eradicated lrem the system. As it nes been proved by thousands -that KIDNEY WORT. la the most effectual remedy for cleansing the system et all morbid secretions, It should be used In every household as n SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures Biliousness, Constipation Piles and all Female Diseases. - It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, in 3ttn cans, one package of which makes six 49quarts of medicine. 49" Alse In Liquid Fenu.very Concentrated 49 ler the convenience et these whd cannot 9-readily prepare It. It act with equal &-efficiency in either form. GET IT OP YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, 81. WELLS, RICHARDSOX & CO., Prep's, Burlington, Vt. ( Will send the dry pest-paid.) dec 27 lydw5 TOTICE. ALL PERSONS ARE FORBID 1 trusting my wife, Mary M. Stehman, as she lias Ictt my my bed and beard without any cause of my own, as I will pav no debts contracted by her. II. II. STEIHUAN. n!5-3tdT&3tw East llemplicld. CZOTHIAG, w ANAMAKEK A- BROWN. Business constitutes a rcat part of our work. We make it in all grades from the very uetueliest of honest cloth and work. Our best business suits are of higher grade than any made by auy ether house, whether in this city or in New Yerk or Bosten. The cloths are net always better ; the trimmings are ; the work is. The best difference is in the work. The whole job is en a higher plane, though there are points of equality. We study our work all the time.O We are net cunteut with mastering it once. Every season new developments furnish occasion for new study and new mastery. We keep our wet kracu from year te year. We educate them ; we train them te higher work as fast as we find out that higher work can be done. We pay them well. We keep them employed all the time. They aie loyal te us, and give us their best work. This is hew the best business suits aie made. We make a royal business suit for $"20. WANAMAKER & BROWN. Oak Hall, Sixth and Market streets, Philadelphia. The Largest Clothing Heuse in America. iiwy 1UTTEBS. ritON BITTERS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. . IRON BITTERS are higl:ly"receiiimcndcd ter all diseases requiring a certain and effi cient tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OP APPE. TITE, LOSS OP STRENGTH, LACK OP ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life te the 'nerves. It acts like u charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, sueh as Tasting the Feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren Preparation that will net ulacken tlte teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter the A K C Heek, 22 pp. et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, liMyd&w Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG Gtreet, Lancaster. MEDICAL. ARKl'.U'S UAIU BALSAM. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. The Best, Cheapest and Most Economical Hair Dressing Never tails te restore veuthful color te trrav hair. 50c. nntl 1 sizes. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Ginger, Iluchu, Mandrake, and many of the bC3t medi cines known arc here combined into a medicine of such varied powers, as te make it the greatcit llloed Puiltlcrnnd Tne Best Health ana Strength Restorer Ever Used. It cures Complaints et women, and diseases et the Stomach. Bowels, Lungs Liver uml Kidneys, and is entirely diirerent trein Hitters, Ginger Essences, and etner Tonics, as it never intoxicates Mi'., and $1 -izes. HISCOX & CO., Chemists, N. Y. l.atgc saving buying $1 size. ' sopl2-lycedoow&w i:t:i,iaieus. 11 RST BAPTIST, EAST CHESTNUT ST . Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing at the n-ual hours, by the pastor, Rev. Wm. Morrison. Sunday school at 1 p. 111. 171 RSI' KEFOKMED DIVINE SERVICE 1 te-morrow at J0:30 a. 111., and 7:15 p. in. Sunday school at 1:13 p. 111. HIST M. E. CIIURCU, NORTU DUKE street. Preaching at KK a. m. by the Rev. Jehn Thompson, et Philadelphia. At i p. 111., by Rev. J03. 11. .Smith, of Philadelphia. Sunday school at p. 111. Revival services at :i p. 111." Alse, revival servicesevery night dur ing the week, exeept Saturday. DT. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH O Preaching both morning anil evening by the pastor. Rev. Sylvanus Stall. Subjects : Morning, "Is Godliness Pretltal'le ?' Even ing, "An Important Question " Seats live. All aie invited. Sunday school at p. 111. Got Get wahl mission school at 1 w. 111. ME. MISSION EAST MISSION, EAST . King street. Preaching te-morrow at TJ4 p. 111. Sunday school at -y p. m. Weekly Pray er meeting en Tuesday at 7J P m. M OK AVIAN.-,!. .11 AX HARK, PASTOR. leja. in.. Advent Liturgy, sermon by Uev. Prof. E. G. Klese, el Huthlehem. 2 p. 111,. Sunday behoel. 7l p. m.. Hely Communion. Alleer.lially invited. OLIVET BAP1JST CUUKCU V. M. C. A. Reems, Rev. M. Frayne, pastor. W4 a. in. "Tile Krazcn Serpent." At 7J p. ill. "The Death et the Righteous." Sunday s-choel at l-i p. in. PKESBVTEKIAN. PREACHING IN THE morning and evening, at the usual hours, by the pastor. Rev. .las. Y. Mitchell, 1). I). PRESBYTERIAN MEMORIAL CHAPEL. Rev. Jas. C. Hume, pastor. Preaching iu the evening at 7Jf. Sunday school at 1 p. in. Prayer meeting en Thursday evening at . ST. JAMES AIJVEN T SUNI1AY. MORN -ing service and Hely Communion nt 10'i a. 111. Cut dren'.s service at 2). and Evening Prayer at 7 p. in. At the evening service the seats are lree. ST. PAUL'S REFORMED D ice at 10W a. m. and at7Uu DIVINE SKU- 111. Prayer meeting at H p. in. Sunday school at !i p. 111 ST. STEPHEN'S CHAPEL, COLLEGE Campus. Divine service te-morrow morn ing ut 10K o'clock, pennon by Rev. James Crawterd. SALEM CIIURCU OF GOD PREACHING te-morrow morning and evening by tins pastor. Rev. J. Ridley. A service of sons will commence at 7 o'clock, continuing 13 minutes. Sunday school at p. in. West Mission, Dor Der wart nticet Sunday hdioel at 1 p. m. North Mission, Antioch. Sunday school at 9 a. in. S' T. PAUL'S M. E. CUUKCU, S. JUEEN ST. uev. a. 1. coiiem, pastor, preaching at iu a. 111. and 7:3l i. 111. Sabbath school at 1:13 p. m. Prayer meeting oil Wednesday evening. SECOND EVANGELICAL CUUKCU i Knwlilil Vnrlli M nllinrfv- ufntnt nlmi'a Orange, Rev. J. C. Krauje, pastor. Preaching te-morrow nt 10 a. m. Revival services in the evening and during the week. "Sabbath school at 2 p. m. UNION KETIIEL-CHUKCU OF GOD Rev. G. W. Scilhamer. pastor. Preach ing at 10' a. 111. and 7 p. in. A general ex perience meeting will be held in the lecture room, commencing at (I o'clock, te be con tinuing up te preaching. Tri!.ST MISSION, 31. E. CHAPEL, CUAR- T lette street above Lemen. Preaching at 10 a. m., nt 7J p. in., by the pastor. Rev. Robt. A. Mcllwain. Prayer and Experience meeting atGJ-Cp. m. Revival service In the evening. GATZVE-lS. ptAKPETS, COAL., SC PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY,! Ne. 1.-.0 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, HLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, &e. USTOM KAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEINGr "ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either in the piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Ribbons, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlemen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vests, Ac. Dyed or Sceuied; also. Indigo Hlue Dyeine done. All orders or goods left with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL. Ceal el the best quality put up expressly le family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 tOUTII WATER STKEET. 2-lyaRSl PHILIP SCIIUM, SON & CO V- Clothing- TKON BITTERS. SURE APPETISER. BALTIMORE, MD. STORE. 137 and 139 North Queen PA RKEK'S GINGER TONIC. SIHD1CAZ. OPEC I At. AMU CHRONIC DISEASES. Mary 17 A. Longaker, M. D., OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Xe. 13 Eitst Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA., Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Threat Treated as a Specialty. Particular attention given te the treatment et Diseases of Women anil Children. Free examination and treatment dally ex cept Sunday lrem 11 a. m. te 1 p. in. Consul tations In English and Gci'man. H. D. LONGAKER, M. D., LxVTE OF PHILADELPHIA, NOW OF LANCASTER, PA., Office : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, eilers his professional services te the atlltcted especially te these suffering from Chronic or Special Diseases. He w ill be glad te sec and talk withthem. ltis his practice te plainly declare a disease incurable it he believes it te be se. In the case widen he undertakes, he guarantees te de all that can be done by unwearied atten tion and the application of expcilenced skill, gained bv many years el practice in treating disease in its various and most malignant tonus. That his skill has net been exerted in vain, numerous certificates, that may be seen at his eltlcc, will testify. Cancers, Tumors end Swellings Cures Without l'alii or Using the Knife or Drawing Meed. Skin Diseases and ever' description el U. curat ion. Piles and Sciofuleus Diseases Perma nently Cured. Female Diseases, Acute or Chronic, speedily anil radically cured. Diseases of the Lungs, Threat, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys can undoubtedly be cured. Particular attention veil te Private Dis eases of every description; also that state of alienation and weakness el mind, which ren ders persons incapable et enjoying the pleas ures of performing the dutieset lite, complete ly cured, ami the patient restored te active health and the enjoyments of life. Diseases of the Eye and Ear treated as a specialty. Dr. Longaker will make professional visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con fidentially), and medicine sent with proper directions te an v mrt et the country. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Office: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. le2j-lydTu.ThiSAw OlJb'T ItJCA WINGS. COMMONWEALTH DISTR11IUTION CO. 38th Popular Monthly Drawing OVTHB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the City of Louisville, en WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the lollewlng decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company In legal. 2d Its draftings are fair. N. B. The Company has new en hand a Iarg(6rvj: fund.. Read the list of prizes ler NOVEMBER DRAWING. 1 pnz). $ eUjtXiU 1 iirzti.. Xv.ulu i0prizes$l,000each 10,000 20prizes500each 10,000 JiOO prizes $100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each lO.ODC 600 prizes 90 each 12,000 1000 prizes 10 each 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizea 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 900 !,! prizes JllilOC Whole tickets, fl; halt tickets, $1; 27 tickets 5l); 55 tickets, $100. Remit Meney or Hank Draft in Letter, 01 send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of$5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders te K. M. 1IOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Building, L.eutftviue, vy., 01 it. m. uuaiuihaa, SG! Breadwav. New Yerk. fchi-TuTh&SAw Tj'STATB OF JACOB BAER, LATE OF Jjj East Hempfleld township, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the under signed, all persons Indebted thereto are re quested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands Against the same, will present them without delay ter set tlement te the uudersijcned. ADAM B. BAER. HENI.Y B. BAER. Executdrs, Uempncld P. O.. Lancaster county. Pa. J. Hay Bitewsf, Attorney. nlS-lUUtStw A3TMICH MHO'S ADTEBIISEMEXT. STKICH BROS' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICn ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTKICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH A.-TRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICIt ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH AfcTRICH I-.UOTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS r td N O k 13 13 1.1 13 13 EAST KING STREET. EAST KING STREET. EAST KING STREET. EAST KING STREET. EAST KINu STREET. NOW IS THE TIME TO BOY LADIES. NOTE THE BAKGrAINS WE DO OFFER NOW IN EVERY ONE OF OUB DEPARTMENTS. We still sell all our best quality BEAVER n.VTS, In Gray, Black',' Bronzes, Navy Blue, Myrtle, at $"2,75 apiece, BONNETS at the same price, $2.73. Besides this regular line et Hats we have opened one let of FINE BEAVERS. In Black and Gray, at only $2 apiece. All our Fine Children's Trimmed Felt Hats, nt only $1. Fine Black Derbys at 39c. Sattln Bound Derbys at 58c. Fine Deibys, Trimmed with Cord and Balls, at $105. Velvet Derbys, Trimmed with Plush and Fur. at $1.00. Turbans the same price. Plush Derbya and Turbans at $1.23. Wc have reduced enr wholcsteck of FANCY PLUMES te the uniform price et $2 apiece, including some sold us high as $3 and $0 apiece. Hlnck Plumes at special low prices. Elegant Natural and Fawn Colored Plumes, te match tiie Beaver Hats, at $2, $2 50, $3 and $3.50. Shaded Tips, shaded in all the new shades, such as Bronze, Myrtle, OUve, Drab, at SOc. apiece. Fine Colored Tips. A Hunch of Black Tips at SOc. Geed Black Tips at special prices. We offer this week ALL OUR FANCY RIBBONS, suitable ler Bennet Strings, and Hat Trim mings, at the uniform price et W)c per yard. One let at 25c. per yard. Plush Ribbeus cheap ALL OUR FANCY PLUSHES at $ per yard. All Silk Plush, for Ceat Trimming, 31 luetics wide, at $9 per yard. Our assortment of LADIES COATS AND DOLMANS LADIES COATS AND DOLMANS LADIES COATS AND DOLMANS Exceeds any ether In town. OCR PRICKS ARE TIIE LOWEST! OUR STYLES THE LATEST! We Guarantee Perfect Fit and Durability ! Ladies Light Coats and .lacksts at $".(ki. Coats Trimmed with Plush at $lo.ce and upwards. Leng Coachman's Coats lrem $7.50 upwards. Ladies Black Coats lrem $2 50 up te $23.00. Delmans from tCXO upwards. Silk and Matlasse, Delmans. Plush Coats. TRIMMINGS. Bargains in this department ! Siiaded Fringes reduced te3(lc. per yard. Colored Silk Fringes at 50c. per yard. Black fcilk, Chenille and Jet Fringes at ex tremely low prices. Pa anienterics in Black, Bronze, Steel and Irridescent, at greatly reduced prices. Ornaments, Halls. Tassals, Fringes, Black Fur Trimmings. 1 inch. i inches. 2 inches. 3Sc. per yard. 50c. per yurd. 75c. per yard. 2JX inches. 3 inches. $1.00 per vurd. $1.25 per yard. Giay Pointed and New Fur Trimmings, cheap, i-eal SUln Leeps ter Seal Sucque-. $1.25 apiece. KID GLOVES. Better inducements than ever ! We are new selling the best Kid Gloves we ever offered ler the money. Our assortment also is a great deal larger. An elegant assortment of Fall Shades. Tans, Operas, Black and White, in 3 or I but tons, at 99.). a pair. Real Fester's Patent Lacing Kid Gloves. Nete these prices : 5 hooks, $1.23. Black and Colored, 7 hooks, $1.50, Colored, Black.Ttins anil Opera.-, .lerscv Washleather Gauntlet Gloves, $1.23. A box et line Perfumed Gleve Powder presented with every pair of Kid Gloves. Misses' Kid Gloves, 73c. a pair. Fur and Spring Tep Kid Gloves and Mils, ter Gcnts and Ladies. Best make goods from $1 50 te $2.5 ) a pair. Fall I. Me Gloves, fleeced, lrem 15c. a pair up. LADIES', GENT'S and CHILDREN'S COT TON and WOOL HOSIERY. A Larcre Assortment ami Lewest Prices ! Lnuicsi' Full Regular Balbrig;nns,silk clocked at 21c. a pair. Hair Lined Hese, Full Regular Made. 2tc. a pair. Pin Striped Full Regular Made Hese, best German goods, worth 50c, a pair, ter 31c. a par. Plain Colored Hese, Regular Made, Plain or Fancy Silk Clocked, 25c a pair. Ladies' Heavy Knit All-Weel Hese, 40c. a pair. Child's Heavy Knit AH-Weel Hese, in ull sizes, 2)c. a pair. Child's All-Weel Ribbed IIes-c, seamless, ull sizes, 23c a pair. Child's Cardinal All-Weel Cashmere Hese, all sizes, regular made, 30c. a pair. Child's Dark Cotten Hese, Elegant Styles, Heavy Goods, at 12. 15, IS and 20c. a pair. Fine Cashmere Hese In Elegant Styles, Fine French-Ribbed All-Weel Hese, in Striped and Plaid. Gent's Balbriggan Socks, Silk Clocked, 21c. p pair. Men's Heavy Knit All-Weel Socks, In Grey or Cardinal, reduced te 21c. a pair. Gent's Fine Regular Made Merine Socks, at 23c. a pair. UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents and Children. The best goods ever sold ler the money. A Geed Heavy Ladles' Slerlne Vest, sold everywhere ler37Jc., ler 35c. Fine Underwear, colored, elsewhere at 30c, ler 41c Beautiful Lightweight Fine Merine Vcsts,50c. The Best Heavy Merine Vests, ever octeiuseen.atooc. Elegant Silk Embroidered Fine Merine Vests for 75c. Best Scarlet All-Weel Medicated Vests and Pants ut $1.(3 each, fully worth $2.00. call and sec them. Child's Undershirts, from 16 te 31 inches. Gent's Underwear we have marked down te less than cost te close out the stock. Gent's Suspenders. We have te bill out the wholcsteck, and, therelere, uftrked them te be sold at the uniform price of 23c a pair. The best will he picked first. GENT'S FINE NECKWEAR. HANDKERCHIEFS. We arc offering a great many geed bargains All Linen Handkerchiefs, Hemmed, at 5c. Fine Hemstitched, all Linen 12'iCc. Pelka Oot Lawn and Cambric Handkerchiefs. LACE TIES, LACE COLLARS. LACE FICHUS. Worsted Caps and Heeds. Worsted Jackets and Coats, Shetland and Weel Shawls, Grey Shetland Clouds at 23c. Closing out n large stock et Linen Towels, Napkins, Tewellngs: Table Cleths, Spreads, Ac, ut much less than cost, te make room for HOLIDAY GOODS. We Invite everybody te eeme and see what we have, whether they wish te buy or net. Ladies net living in Lancaster will please send ler samples und prices, and we will till orders promptly. ASTRICH BROTHERS. G.LFT BOOK SALE. NNOUNCEMENT KXlRAOKDISAKY FOR LANCASTER. A Splendid Thing te be Dime in the City ONE ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PIANO te be given away free, 100 SOLID GOLD WATCHES te be given away free. 100 SOLID SILVER WATCHES te be given away free, 100 REAL DIAMOND KINGS te be given awav free. 100 GOLD BAND CHINA TEA SETS 41 pieces cacn, te be given away free. 100 LARGE AND ELEGANT OIL PAINT INGS lobe given away free. 200 ELEGANT PIECES OF SILVERWARE te be given away free. And thousands et ether elegant articles te be Iven away free at. LOVERUG'S GRAND GIFT BOOK SALE OPEN THIS DAY. Aud every day ami evening tin-, week, at the Large and Elegant Stere, 43 North Queen Street. WHERE 40,000 BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION The Finest Beeks the World Ever Saw. WILL UK OFFERED 1'OIt SALE FOR $1 EACH, AND A PRESENT Given FREE Witli Every Boek. New bear In mind that bargains in Beeks, never befere known in the history of tliu book trade, will be offered te all the people. 82 BOOKS. 83 BOOKS. In fact the linen literature in the world will be sold ler the simple sum or ONE DOLLAR EACH BOOK. Take your choice; you get a Present Free with Every Boek. And let it be distinctly understood that the giving away et the above presents will be in accordance with the judgment and discretion of the appointed agent ter the saleet these Beeks In this city, in each and very ease where a Boek is sold. Ne partiality will be .shown, and all presents will be given away without regard te age, sex or rank. iV'Oir LET ALL THE PEOPLE COME and witness the Grandest Display of Beeks ever seen in this city, and the most tremen dous bargains in whole sets of books by every nuther. ENCYCLOPEDIAS. HISTORIES, BIOGRA PHIES, HOLIDAY BOOKS, etc., And a PRESENT FREE with every purchase A. W. LOVERING, or the Great Boek Stere, 1G WEST 14th STREET, NEW i'OKK. P. S.Hv established reputation In Bosten and New Yerk for the past twenly-tl ve years, I deem is a sufficient guarantee tellm people et this eitv that nil I advertise I shall perform. A. W. LOVERING. MR. LOVERING'S BUSINESS CARD. Keep strict faith with the public ; be liberal, lust and upright ; show that your enterprise is deserving et patronage, and the people will support you. rvVKKA CLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AT AUGUSTUS R1IOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 20 East King Street. Lancaster. Pa rscpt28-3mdCed B A1LEY, HANKS & KIDDLE. Fine Art In Stationery We de net deal in stationery of inferior quality. The superiority of our station ery ha3 wen for it the highest esteem of these who are the best judges. We procure the finest material this country affords, and import the best of these things in which ' the old world excels. We have our own artists, de signers and skilled workmen, and employ the whole of one large building in our stationery manufacture. In card and invitation engrav ing, wedding stationery, illumi nations, monograms, dinner menu cards, and all the fancies of artistic stationery suffice it te say that WE EXCEL. BAILEY, BAiS & BIDDU, 12th & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. VAfKBUAtHilXOS, &c. e VIC LINK OF WALLPAPERS is the largest we ever had in stock ler this season of year, embracing Fine Gilts for Parlors, Halls, c. Lew-priced goods in end less variety te select from. There are some choice patterns in the market for the Fall anil Spring trade, which cannot fall te please you. FANCY DAD 0 WIND O W SHADES, PLAIN SHADING, by the yard, in all colors and widths. Scotch Hollands. Tin and Weed Spring Roll Rell er, Cord Fixtures. Ring. Tassei, Leeps, Fringes, Picture Wire and Cord, Bands, Heeks, &c. Paper Curtains te Dealers at Lewest Prices. EXTENSION CORNICES, the cheapest and best. Curtain Poles in assortment. 43-Ordcrs taken for FINE MIRRORS. PHARES W. FRY, NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. CLOWIXG, V'Oi:jtWJAJt, AC. YATES & YATES A YATES A YATES YATES & YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A ATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A ATES A YATES A Y'ATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A ATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A Y'ATES A 1ATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A YATES A CO CO' CO1 CO CO CO CO CO COl CO' CO CO CO" CO CO CO CO CO CO Vf. 1AI ES & CO. i Clates 4 Ce LEADING ASD POPULAR CLOTHIERS CO CO CO CO CO CO OO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO PHILADELPHIA, HAVE NOWON HAND SUCH ANASSORTMENTOFGOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER, THAT IT WOULD BE HARD FOR A PURCHASER TO LEAVE TIIE STORE DIS SATISFIED. LEDGER BUILDING. Chestnut ; AXD Sixth Sts., SEND FOR SAMPLES. MONEY REFUNDED. scptMmd CASniONA1ILK CI.OTU.lNti. AL R0SENSTEIN, THE ONE-PRICE I lllli PIONEER OF MODERATE PRICES. " Cesily thy habit ns thy purse can buy. But net expressed in fancy. 'Rich netgaudy.' Fer the apparel oft proclaims the man." Ull akesx-ettrr. " Te be well dressed will efttimes Supersede the red." Ily ren. Fine Tailoring Custom Department. Our counters are new laden with the choic est fabrics in Ferctun and Demestic tioed.s; they are of the latest patterns and are rich and handsome ; their superior make will show te line advantage. Wemakethis announce ment te these who wish te dre-js w-Il ut mod erate prices. Wc make Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Fancy Lined, Self Lined, Silk and Satin Lined Overcoats. DRESS and BUSINESS SUITS In any Style. We have the handsomest assortment or Treuserings In this city. In connection with our Custom Department we have a full line or Elegant, Well Made and Geed Fitting READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Farsnpcrier te these generally-sold at Ready. Made Cletning Stores. Onr Fancy Ulsterettes, Reversible Overcoats "which, by the way, can be worn en either side," sutin and silk lined Overcoats, canffltf be excelled ler style and beauty; wc Itavi; them lrem i" te li'i. Our Self-lined Overcoats are very handsniue. We have them in twenty dilferent stylcs.frem 17.50 te rr. OurSllk-laced, Light-weight Overcoats and Surteuts are marvels of neauty. and w will here stat, up te the present tune this N the only store iu this city when: you rem tlnd the Surteut Overcoat. This coat i-i par excellence the dre-jsoverceat. Our iissertmcnt nt GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS is complete. The BICYCLE SHIRT, which U very handsome. Is a great favorite with voting men. We have them for $I.Z, $1.50, $2.00 and $50, twenty-five percent, less tliun they can be bought ler elsewhere. Having adopted the ONE-PRICE system. It is enforced in Its most radical term. as In no lnstnnce will or can 1 mal.e any deviation lrem the price plainly marked en every arti cle, having in the first place made the snme sufficiently low topIacesupcrlnrqualitygeoiN within the reach or tUe most economical. A visit te my establishment, particularly se it you prefer a better cla-s et clothing than is generally found iu stores, will ceiillrm my statement. AL R0SENSTEIN, NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STKEET, Next deer te Shnltz A Bre.'s Hat Stere and op posite the Grape Hetel. jjicy aoevs. STOATS, DOLMANS, JACKETS. WATT, SHAND & CO. Have opened another eheice line of llicee Elegant Clese-FIttlng LIGHT COLORED COATS and JACKETS AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS Twe Cii-cs DAM.MASSE DRESS GOOfcH At 8c. and lOc. a yard. One Case GERSTER SUITING, S3c. a yard One Owe ALL-WOOL CLOTH SUITING', 25c. a yard. We eiler the very best possible value in BLACK CASHMERES At 35, 45, 50, OS 1-2, 75, 87 l-2c, SI a yard. All the New Shades In GO-INCH All-Weel CASHMERES, 50c. a yd. Ladles', Gentlemen's and Children's ME RINO and ALL-WOOL HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR In all sizes mid qualities nt bottom prices. Wc have again received a full line of BLANKET AND THIBET SHAWLS at the same Lew Price. CORSET". GLOVES, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, RIBBONS. HANDKERCHIEF, NOTIONS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY AT NEW YORK STORE, 8 & IO E. KINO STREET. MHVICAZ. riMIE lillEAT CUKATIVE AGENTS. GALVANISM AND ELECTRICITY. DR. HALL'S A GALVANIC BATTERY I9 Imbedded In this Medicated Plaster, which, whenupplied te the body pieduces a constant but mild cur rent et Electricity, hlchls mnsttxhilarating.' It Is a positive and speedy cure for tne follow ing complaints, viz : Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Mck Headache, Weak ami Inflamed Eyes, all Affections et the Brain. Spinal Complaints, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Sciatica, Paralysis, Asthma and Lung Diseases, Diseases el the Heart, Nervous Prostrations, Ac. -4 PKICE ONLY 'SI. CO. THE BELL MANX CO., Prep'rs, 812 Broadway, Cor. 13th St., New Yerk. AGEXTX WASTED. bend stamp ler circulars. Fer sale by all ruggists. Mention this paper. Sent by mall. oct7-::mcedCtwcow