fuMitt& m)t m$$M 'el.iiim XVIHJJe. 70. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1881. Price Twe Crate. jut JOHN WASAJIAKER'S ADVKnTISKSIKNT. JOHN WANAMAKER CALLS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FOLLOWING : Otirciicul.il sdlW, (.( -incli, arc beuli cntlicly liem the m.ikeiH In I. join tin-, lull for tlic Hi -t time. We li.n e ad mi Uixe in the puce, and besides a rivgiee of ceiilidcnte tint te be get in int-cel lancein buying. Nevt-etitei ci i vie, Chestnut M. entianee. In theie anything black at 75 cent-, better than Uuiim-I .' 11 is el the sim plest et all e.iinjr; and naturally ineuey gecsu Ieiik way in bnjini; it. llluck beie at tl.Si, lull 3'i IiicIh-, wide; e:ietly the wIiele-.de juice te day. Kcxt-entci eliclc, CliciMiul St. iuIi.hkc. Camel's hair ligiiily ceeiud with bouiette plaid; the .aine se heavily cercifd with blight Iiemctte single threads as te censtttntva high illcini illcini natlen. $135 Thinl eliclc, southeast liem centie. l-adies' coats of eveiy ladeaieina geed light in the new corner; and it there isn't enough loeinitis because many buyers an- theie. Xew today. Coats et light clotli cletli 1 1 ltniiicd with plush, fei jeung ladies only; the sizes an I styhs aic young. $13 and $11. 1C01 Chcntuut stitet. Lengthening and ic-dlng seal ceit ; and the sooner it is done the bullet. Auicilcau dje, el ceiii&c; but ler sec ond djcing it ibii'l net 111 while te bend te Londen. lly the way, would jen like te leek into out lm- fm uoikieom en the llilul floei ? Yeu shall see all belts et lur skins and ccry pioctssef making and ask as many ni'-.tieiis iik you like. I'i0.t;hestnut stieel. JOHN WANAMAKER, Grand Depot, 13fch street, PHILADELPHIA. max fKON lllTTlSUS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. IKON lUTTKUSareliighlylrecemmendcd ter all diseases leqr.iilng a ceiUiii and elfc clent tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OP APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It em iches the bleed, st lengthens the muscle-, and gives new lite te the nee. It acts like ncliai m en the digestive organs, rcme ing all dyspeptic Hyuiplems, such as Test. it' Hit Feed, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Jlearlburn. etc. Tlie only Iren J'rcparatien that " III net Ulackcn tlie t-etli or rIve headache, bold by all diugglsts. V.'iilc tei the A 11 C Heek, S2 pp. et useful and amusing reading sent ft ec. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, l2J-lyd&w Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG street, Lancaster. 1'AHKliltAXUlXUN, Jtr. w E ARK OI'KNINU New Patterns et WALLPAPERS rOU THE FALL.. The Hue for the picscnt season is the largest most complcte ami vatleil we ever had in stock, embracing Fine Embossed Gilts for Pallers, Halls. &c. Plain mid Celer Gilts in an endless vanety and most moderate pi ices, Common Papers in elegant designs ami coloi celoi colei iugs, for Dining Koeius, Chambers, &c. Borders, Friezes, Centre Pieces, Ceiling Decorations, Tran som Papers, etc. FANCY ItADO UIXDOW iHAI)KS, in new Mjles. PLAIN UOODb. ill all coleis and widths. .Scotch and Anieiican Hollands. Window Papcre, Spring, Tin and Weed ltoll ltell is. et the very best makes. Celd Fixtures, Leeps, Hands, Picture Wiie, Celd ami Nails. We have opened new patterns el Extension Cornices, the cheapest and best, seitmcnt. Curtain Poles in iss- g-Oiders taken ter b INE MIIiUOKS. PHARES W. PRY, N. r-1 HOKTU JUKKN VT. HUJtNlTlTRE. TV TV STOCK FOB TUK FALL TRADE. Is complete, yet I am adding constantly toil, and ou will rind my Watcioenis very much crowded with the BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Wcatesoctewded that it is rather diflicult te show goods, but w c w ill try and overcome this by the bet attention. Orders ler PIER AND MANTEL GLASSES filled at the veiy fdiertcst notice and at low est prices, at FUIXNITUKK. AND PICTURE J'RAME WAEEK00MS,: 15 KAST KINO STKbKT. WALTER A. HEIN1TSH. cp24-.imd uoeva. THE Stuped moleskin pliuh, 2.iuili, iJ.T.l. eiy lien solid bilk plush stilpes en ottoman silk with tiucbliipc; el satin niei veilleuv between, j 50. A dMl:. gitiahcd novelty fiein l'.ui". lery-whitc i-atin d: I.yen with bold biecadc of cream plush pickul out w lth untut plush of the same eolei, $10. Nct eutei elide, Chestnut SI. eiitiauce. 1. uu su-.ill (.hecks or biu.ili liguicd pluids; net ai all like small cheeks and net at all like plaids ; a new eflect alto gi'thei ;stiengei than smalNcheeks and less giay than manyeelmeil plaids, $1.50. Censideieil decidedly Mjli-.li. The cloths aic lather h avy. .Second cnclc, seuthc..-t fiem centie. Miisliiiundeiwc.u et a gi.ule leiind nowheieelse in thesleies of l'hil.idel phianud New Yeik, with the exception of a single house ; i. c, well made ana of tine enough uiatcii.il wiiheut any cliaagancc wliateer, and at veiy model. it c puces; se low indeed tint families cannot alleid te de the same w eik at home. West liem Chestnut stieetentiante. We hae had made a .mcty et ciy lieh tics of cmbieideiy mii.iI:, and iiiulIi liner surah than we li.ive -ecu in le.i-.'y made ties. Gj cuts te $.'. The iuality Is the b.ime in them all. The dlircrence is in width and cmbieideiy. li.isti;tc tics cmb'.eidcicd with silk and cotton, a ci uni'i'ie and l!cctie combination. (tiitc haud-eme embieldcied mull ties at 15 cents. Tiist ciiele, seutlna-t liem le.itie. Market and Chestnut, niTTJijis. TKOS ItlTTJntS. SURE APPETISER. BALTIMORE, MD. STORE. 137 and 139 North Queen HUUfi.l AXJt STJI I HWJ-:X . OUUOOL IIOOIIS: SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS! All .Scheel Heeks and .Scheel Supplies at the very low est rates at L. M. KLYNN'S, N-.. VS WK.ST KINS? STKKKT. OKASOX I881-188S. L. PRANG & CO.'S New Prize Cards, New Christmas Cards, New New Year Cards, In CJieatcr Vaticty and Jleie Aitmtic Designs than ever bcteie, being lcpioduc lcpieduc lcpioduc tieusof the Itcst Designs in the two exhi bitions of CHRISTMAS CARD designs by American artists. A full line el Prang's Cln islmas and New Year Caid s new icady, MARCUS WARD & CO.'S CARDS. Fei Christmas and New Year, also mete bean til ill than ever beterc, and all the new Chilstmas Cards el the Cciinan Alt l'ub lisheis ; a lull line new ready. Call eaily while the stock is tull. U the ISonksteic et JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QOEEN STREET, HOTELS. OW OPKN Sl'KECHfci: HOCsK, U 11 Europeen plan. Dining Reems let Ladles and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. 31 North Duke street. Clam and Tuitlc ioup ieup ioup Lebstcr Salad. Oysters In Kverv Style ami all the Delicacies el the .Season." Wc solicit the patronage et the public. may7-td STKAMED U'hTki. Specialty made of Steamed Oysters at the SPKECHEK HOUSE, Ne. 27 North Duke Sticct. llaing lurnislied euf Restaurant with a boiler for steam Ingeystcis.wc take this meth od et inhuming the public that wc me pie pared at ill times te lurnish them te families lit their houses or at the restaurant. Ladies' cntiance. Ne. 27 North Dukectrcct GKOFF & CO PEL AND, eatd-tta Proprietors. Hancastcr Jntrlligencer. TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 22, 1881. LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE. EWS FK0M OVER THE C0USTY. OKUMOilK llEM.s). Neus Iriini Dev. n tlie Ceuntrj. Wc liac been blessed with another sheuer of tobacco buyeis, but tbey are all hunting the veiy finest, longest leaf, which has almost all been bought. Se our honorable bujiu.s, iu the absence of ; hal they waut, will have te take what they can get, and will pay for it tee. AVc h.ivc a -;icat deal el tobacco yet iu the ui.iikct, but generally running shorter in leaf than what has been sold, but we think it about as line in quality ; aud we, by no means, intend te be scaied into lew1 pi ices. Hence begging bujers need net apply. Samuel Bejd, esi., is buildim; a rcsi deuce in Fail Held, next te Odd Fellows' hall ; and David Weidley's new tin &hop in ran held is almost huished. I he new Meutieuitc church at Mechanic's Grove is nearing completion. Ilauy Iaish is building a stoic at Buck. Geeigc Lambern has heat d nothing fiem his c.itiiage, harness, wrenches, corn, &c, nor Jehn 1). Penny fiem his heise, that weie .stolen last week. Chestnut Level clnnc'i v, ill have a Thanksgiving dinner. The Fait held Ijceum is letting out the liteiMV snakes, .se te i.-.ik. Our august sehe home fiem institute and style. Duckcisaie pi- :.t leaehers hare come big with learning," ltd ou the liver, but there is mine ammunition shot than ducks. Kitmei says we are te have a number of wjdtlings this winter your 4Piibc is waitiug for leap jear. Miss Lyi'ia Auu Pi ice's horse died last week at the mat in e age of thiity-teur. Fail Held and vicinity have a new insti tution iu the shape et an oyster man, who answcis te the loll call down in Atcadia as Geetge Washington AVcbstcr. His namesakes will pctpetuate our coun try's lather's name, if it should leso all its ;iier less impei taut claims te immortality. This namesake is of the colored peisuasieu, a geed cook, a polished "black diamond ;" hke.s a uiaui or half-pint of somcthiug semcthiug somcthiug te take, occasionally, and is a gieat favor ite with aud anient admiicr of the ladies of his color. His heise is of the ltezinaute btccd, and leeks as if he wcic trying te outdo Tanner or Hiawatha en a fast which is no evidence that he is bpeedy, in (act he is just the opposite. Indeed this heise may be a descendant of the classic one spoken of in the song of " The Thiec fiews,'' as he, tee, hauled an oyster cart. Mr. Wcbstci'.s. v.ageu is also in a bad con dition, and its rattle is enough heiald te tell of his appieach. The wheels go ou the independent line, each one making its own tiaek, aud the sidebnatds of the bed seem te live en veiy bad tetms with each ethei fei they aic continually falling out. Aud notwithstanding theie aie two bel stcis about the wagon, net a bell cau find an easy place te lest its head. Altogether our ej sler man is an resthetie one, and has a big eye ler the beautilul in every thing except iu itemize;, lie gives a heavy i eductien for a ' notice in dc paper." VAMIKIU MArriHM. The Latest News lriim an Ancient 'limn. jlr. Levi II. Shcllcnberger has returned home liem Iowa, where he had becu stay ing fei six mouths. Mr. Z. G. Cresey spent a few days at Lancaster last week "looking iu" the In stitute. Wm. It. Xiuman spent Sunday at home. Aaieu G. Heist will leave iu a few the v.ceks for Dayton, Ohie, te attend Miami business college. Mr. I. II. Merkcl is visiting ft tends at Fie. twoed, Ueiks county. Chas. Linbeig, an itinerant cutler, who has been hcie, left with his portable house ler Landisvillc, wheic he intends te letnain for some time. William Sink sold his tn e story house en Neith Chai lotto stieet te Benjamin Culteii for $1,0j9. The Libei ty cornet band will take an excursion next Satunlay which will iu hide Mt. .ley aud Maytown. The pupils of the Manhcim schools had vacation lust week ; the teacheis wcie at tending the Institute and lettun te their icspcctive schools with new modes te teach the jeung idea te sheet. The saciamcnt of the Lord's Supper .is admiuistcicd in the Lutheran chinch en Sunday morning, Kcv. J. 1'cter elliciatiug. Ptepaiatery services and cotdiitnatien en Sunday afternoon and evening. The Y. M. C A. fice leading rooms, coiner Neith Piussian and East High stieets, aie open every evcuiug, and are 1 1 ceuentcd by many. They have a library of ever one hundred volumes, which in cludes some iutcicsting and valuable books. The room will be carpeted befere long, which will greatly impieve it. While Henry Miller's hiicd mau, of Sporting Hill, was driving up Charlette street, the animal became unmanageable, and ran up Chaileltc street and aciess Maiket squate at a frightful iate. Iu front, el Aindfs stoic he came in contact with a pest and badly wrecked the vehicle. 'Flie heise and driver escaped unhuit. A devotional meeting of the Yeung Men's Chiistian association was held iu the United Biethicn chinch en Sunday alteinoen, mid was addressed by Chas. A, Kline, A. M. Hackinauaud Gee. D. Miller. Thanksgiving day will be observed here; the bank and public schools will be closed, services will be held in the United Breth ren and Reformed churches. The services in the ltclermcd church will have a spe cific object, a collection will be taken for the benefit of the orphans' home at Worn Wern Worn elsderf, which was destroyed by fire some time age. Mr. Gcerg. II. Dauncr's new stoic ou Maiket tquaie is almost completed. The paintcis am new putting the finishing touches. This building is an immense stiuctuie, aud will when completed be one of the l.ugest, if net the largest, store room in the county. It is 123 feet long, 30 feet wide aud is three stories high. The lrent consists of six panes of French plate glass 13 feet high tud 5 feet wide and the combined weight of the glass is 1800 pounds. The proprietor put up a lieyal gas machine and had the storeroom illuminated with 33 burners en Thursday evening. The building was erected at a cost of $20,000, aud presents a very im posing appearance and will remain a mon men umcut te Manheim for generations te eme. Mr. L. is a practical buiucss man of 30 years' experience, and does a large business in the dry goods and grocery line. Clara Lenise Kellogg te he Married. In St. Paul, at the Metropolitan hotel, Clara Louise Kellogg invited the membeis of her company te scats at her tabic, and at the proper time called upon thcra te congratulate her upon her engagement te Mr. T. B. Whitney, of Philadelphia, which will be formally announced iu Xew Yerk te-morrow. Mr. Whitney traveled w ith the company the first fortnight. He first met Miss Kellogg while abroad, and the courtship was carried ou in Saratoga last summer. Themairiage will be solemnized at the close of Miss Kellogg's present engage ment in the latter pait of March, in Xew Yeik, net in Chicago, as pi evieusly stated. Miss Kellecg has sold her villa ou the Hudsen, and intends building at home in Xew Harfeid, Conn., but Mr. aud Mrs. Whitney will live abroad a greater pait of the time. Couldn't Foel Speaker HandaU. Tlie Keal Nephew r 'Teny Drexci Mistaken for tliu Yeung Bunke bh.ii. A number el ruuaueipnians weie ic ceutly imposed upon en diffeicut occasions by a young bunke sharp, who lepicseuted himself te be the nephew of Antheny J. Diexel, tlie banker. The leal nephew, the son of Mr. Friucis A. Drcxel, is a tall, stout, and rather geed-looking blonde of about 23 yeais. He wears the tightest of tight trousers, a blue vest sprinkled with white spots, a short-tailed coat and a glossy lngu liat. Aciess Ins bieast he weais a heavy double watch chain, from which is suspended a pearl-studded locket. This young man had often met Speaker Kaudall at lccep lccep tieus, aud at the Dresel lcsidciicc, and he had done business for him at the Thiid .sheet office. A few evenings age he saw Mr. Band all standing iu the lobby of the Continental hotel. Mr. Randall seemed te be waitiug for some one, and as jeung Drcxel was also awaiting the anival of one of hia besom friends, he thought it would be only sociable te enter into con cen con vcisatien. Approaching Mr. Randall, he extended his hand, smiled pleasantly, aud said : "Hew de, Mr. Randall'.' Haxen't sem you for some time. " Mr. Randall looked at the goigeous youth before mm, and hesitated about taking the preftcied hand. " I don't knew that I have ever seen jeti before," he said. "Oh," laughed Diexel, ''you don't lccognize me. Why, I've met you of tin, have cashed checks for you, tee, I think ; and if I lcmcmbcr I was ence your pirtner at whist. "' Mr. Raudall scowled, " Yeu have the advantage of me, " he said. " What is your name '.'" " Why, my dear .sir," added the young banking clerk, "I am "feny Dicxcfs nephew. ' " Mr. Raudall stai ted as though l?e had been phet, opened his eyes in wonder, scowled again, aud turnmg ou his heel, said : 'Ne, sir; you cau' t play auv of our d d Diexel business en me. ' And new the boys have the laugh en the f.ishiouable scion of the house of Diexel. Mr. Sherman's Washington Heuse. Charged with Furutsiiiii it out of llm Ttc.is ury Contingent i mitl. The Washington Suiuhty Gazette, which has been publishing a seiies et ar tides in the form of interviews, adds te its rcceut chaigcs that government weiknien wcie employed upon Mr. Slici man's new house while he was sceietaiy, and that he aleo managed te have it furnished at pub lic expense. The GazcUe' infeimaut says,refciriug te the heu&e : "When it was finished the next business icquiiing the attention of its tieastuy secicl.uy owner was the furnishing. The pieblem te the solution of which he addicsscd himself was hew te furnish the house without personal cost. Supervising Aichitcct Hiil and the treasury dep.utmuut contingent fund constituted his conclusion. Hill de tailed an employee of his ellicc te go te Xew Yerk city aud select the furu'tttie Sherman desired, and it was paid for out of the contingent fund of the tieasiu y dc paitment. The money se illegally dis bursed w.ii charged te the puichasu of furniture for public buildings. The amount was iu thcncighboiheod of )j7,.")00, a mere tiiflc te a country containing te many taxpayers as docs the United States. I piupesely withheld the meie minute details of this little opciatien at the cour ceur try's expense in order te diaw out the ex-secretary and piesent supervising architect. This m ittcr should seem te them as weithy of denial as the weik of Mr. W. Paul Btewn, and it may paitly explain the ex-secretary's anxiety te hae the fast appieaching Senate investigation go se far back into the past of tieastuy dcpaitmcut contingent fund disburse ments. A witness te thi.; cau be pio pie disced." A Tragedy Following a Wedding. On last Tuesday, Mrs. Ellen Biukc, a widow of about fei ty, lesiding about 18 miles southeast of Giceiiupsbttrg, Ivy., was married te Allen Richaids, a well-to-de farmer and trader. Twe days' festivity takes place, according te an old custom, at all weddings in that state. The first day is that of the wedding,en which the festiv ity is at the bride's heiuc. On the second day it occurs at the home of the bridegroom or that of some relative aud is called " in fair." In this case the "infair" was held at the house of the biidc. As iacustem.try there was a large gathering of young peo ple, and until near midnight en Wednes day all went merry. At that heifSnnuel Burke, a son of the biide, get into a dis cussion with his new stepfather and the two went outdoors te held a cenfciencc. Suddenly the party within were staitled by the report of pistols, and dinetly after Samuel Biukc was born in bleeding fiein a probably fatal wound in the shoulder. Mrs. Richaids, the mother of the wounded boy, broke into hysteric grief, denounced her new husband and would have nothing mere te de with him. Xe arrest was made. Very many well meaning people will jue scribe for your Cough nnd Cel! .mil jeu ulli lese time in taking tlieir medicine ; cne. take Dr. .Bull's Cough Syrup anil be relieved at once. Trice 33 cents. Invf Rotating feed Ter the luuiii and neie-i Is what we need in thee d.ijs et lush und weriy. l'arker's Ginger-Teme lcstuies the vital energies, and biliigs geed health quicker than anything you can use. Tribune, see ad vcitiscmunt. nl-lmdeoil&wi.ev Muting the Kllects. 11. (ilbbs, et Buffalo, N. Y., w lltes : '.' Jit su ing jour Jturdeck Weed JJitlct4 favorably spoken of, I was induced te watch their Heet, aud And tlmt in chronic diseases et the bleed, liver and kidneys, your bilteis have been sig nally marked w ith success. I have used t hem myself with best results, ler torpidity et the liver ; and in cisc of a friend of mine sntier ing from dropsy, the effect was marvelous." Pncc$l. Fer sale at 11. 15. Ceelirau'tj drug stoic, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. A Short itoadie Health. Te all who arc suffering liem boils, niters, scrofula, caibunclcs, or etlici obstinate dis eases et the bleed and skln,aceuise of liur liur deck llloed Bittcis w HI be found te be a shei t read te health. Trice 1. Fer sale :it It. 1. Cochran's drug stele, 187 Xoi th neen stieet, Lancaster. Jacob Mart7eir, el Lancaster, X. ., says jour spring Blessem weiks well ler oeiy eeiy thing jeu recommend it; mysclt, wire, and children have all used it, and ou t-an't lmd a henlthicr lamily in Xew Voik stati- October ."i, ISsO. Trice SO cents. Fer sale at H. J. Coeli ran's d'-n store, 137 Xerth Queen stud, Lancaster. vjtx' aoevs. H AGEK & 1SKOTHEK. Eager & Brether. NO. 25 WEST KING STREET, Offer in liaise Assortment AND LOWEST TRICES, .VJir DliESli GOODS, XEW JJJIESS GOODS, XEW JJUESS GOODS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND JACKETS, CLOAKS, DOLMAXS AND JACKETS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND JACKETS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES, SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES. SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES, LA ( 'ES, 11 0 SI Ell Y AXD GL O VES, LACES, HOSIERY AXD GLOVES, LACES, HOSIERY AXD GLOVES, LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR, LADIES MERINO UNDERWEAR, LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR. UifW'c unite e vaimnatieii. Hager & Brether. T 15. jMAKTIN Si CO. UPHOLSTERY AXD- We -lie iie "Slewing lull line of BODY BRUSSELS CAEPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, INGRAIN CARPETS, VENITIAN CARPETS, l.'eg.tnt New Tatteins or F1VK FRAMK 15UDY T.KUSSELS CAUTKTS at 81.25, the same geed sold at $1.00. New Patterns Roxbury Tapestry, New Patterns Smith Tapestry, at Se:. New Patterns Standard Brussels, 72 l-Sc, worth 85-. New Patterns Standard Brussels, 7 l-'Je worth 80c. New Patterns Ingrain Carpets, lreni ::ec ni. Thite geed-) .ue new and cheaper than they inn be had elsew here. Full Lines of CURTAIN POLES, CORNICES, &c. IN I.I50NY, A-ll, WALXL'T AND 15UASS. LKGK LINKS OF UPHOLSTERY (toetls for Lambrequins nnd Curtains. LACE AND BUNTING CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Oer. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. 1A. CAJCJtJAOEN, AG I l;ST U'UliK AND KKASOXAISLK f I'KICES. PHILIP IWEliSOM, Alunulactuicr of UAKUIAGES, BUGGIES, Sl'AK BUG GIES, PHAETONS, MARKET WAGONS, &c, &c. i:CL,WSE-i. specialty Sole right fe Southern Pennsylvania. A gie.it variety el SL1SIUIIS en liund. RLl'AIKING promptly attended te. fa.itl-j-f.ictien guaranteed. WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY : Ne. 128 East King Street, LANCASTER, 1A. HALV SQUARE EAST OF THC COCtlT II0U3U. n.Vlind&w Carriages ! Carnages I ; at EDUEKLEY & CO.'S, PracticalTurriugc Builders, 1 larket Street, Rear of Central Market Houses, Lancaster, la. iVe have en hand a Large Assortment et BUGGIES AND GABRIAGES, Which we efler at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work warranted, utvc us :i call, J-Kepairlng promptly attended te. One set et workmen especially employed ler bat purpec f n'JG-Ud&w iwr S NODOKASS, MU1CKAV & CO. MARKET & ATINTH ST S., SEODGRASS, IURRAT & CO, PHILADELPHIA. DRESS CLOTHS. WINTER CLO AKTNGS. SEAL SKIN CLOTHS. SEAL and SILK PLUSHES. LADIES' ULSTER CLOTHS. CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS. BOY'S STJITHGS and OTERCOATH&S. MEN'S SUITINGS and TROUSERINGS. BILLIARD CLOTHS. CARRIAGE and UPHOLSTERY CLOTHS. FLANNELS VOW UNDER AVE AR. BEAYERTEENS AND CORDUROYS. "I IVI.KIC, IIOIVEKS St HL'I'.SJ SPECIAL! F K GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST, OUE STOCK OF CAEPETS MUST BE REDUCED ewiujj te tlie ititetnled change in our business. Come ami leek and sec the great inducements we eiler. We show an Elcgaut Liue of BODY BltUSSELS, TAPESTllY BliUSSELS. INGRAIN and RAG CARPETS, Iu all CHOICE STYLES. Alse and Elegant line of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS all whltlis. WINDOW SHADING and FIXTURES at Bargain Prices. BRUSSELS and COCOA RUGS we offer at a Bargain. WHITE and GRAY BLANKETS we offer Very Lew. C2T COME AXD LOOK AT THEM. "5.2 GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST, 25 EAST KING STREET. ir & CO. LANE Ne. 24 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA., DEAL Kits IN FOREIGN AID DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. irST OI'KXi:i A M'I.ENDII) MNK Of LADIES' COATS AND COATTNG& VERY CHEAP. LADIES' UNDEKWEAU in all "t.t.les. GENTLEMEN'S UNDEKWEAU, in Kcil and White floods. BLANKETS, in great variety. FEATHERS, Steam Cuied. CARPETS and QUEENSWAltK. HOUSE and LAP BLANKETS, BOLTING CLOTHS. &c. Special indueeiuents In piiie new .is iv dislie l inaki' .i i.idicil clianec in stock liy JANUAKYI.liibJ. Jacob M. Marks. Jehn A. neusi: FvnxisiiiNti auuva. H eusi-:ruKMMiii; (;e ie FLINN & WILLSON'S, -fei: Furnaces imtl Steves of all Kinds. .Iut leeeiwd 1.1KJ0 l'AK'Ji of KI.OOi: Oil. C'l.OTH lrein 'i5 tents per yard up. CHANDELIERS. COMPLETE 1.ISI: OF IIOUSfcFUllNIblUM; GOODS FOB THE FALL SEASON. CalI :md uMitnine mi steelc. Se trouble te show goods. FLINN & WILLSON, 152 & 154 North Queen Street. I'LCMItER'S J OMN L. AKNOI.I. Largest, Finest and Cheapest Stock et . CHANDEUEKS EVEB SEEN" IX LANCASTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PL ATI: AND PLUMBERS SUPPLIES. JOHN L. AKNOLD, Neb. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. apri-tid aoeos n :vli:k. ihuvkks & huiist. O M- f ANK & CO. & CO., Charles. Jehn B. Reth. neu reuniruitNi.siiixu. SUfl'LlFS. TOUS I.. AKNOI.n. :e:-