LANCASTER DAILY I NTKLLIGENCEfi. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1881. Eancastri i-itfelugencet. MONDAY EVENING, NOV.1, 188U TOBACOO MARKET. SEED LKAF AMD HAVAA. Fur the Week Ending Saturday November 19, lO a. ui. U. S. Tobacco Journal. Business still remains stagnant ; if it wasn't for the prospects of a lively trade after January next leaf would fall iu value rapidly As it is, holders are keeping the proverbial " stiff upper lip," and aheady begin te count their chickens in the un batched '81 crop. It is absolutely impos sible te speak of the intrinsic mciits of the various crops ; these who have bought claim te have only the finest ; these who have net as yet invested and see no chance of buying at lower figuies, predict the most disastrous consequences. We cannot see the least danger te any of the investments of '81 tobaccos, unless manufacturers uext year succeed in inventing a process by which they can make cigars out of leather shavings or "SO New Yerk State Big Flats. The business of thai week ran as fellows : Pennsylvania Crep '80 : 1,000 cases, fillers low, G cents, tunning as high as 2 IS cents ; wrappers, 35 te 45 cents. Connecticut Crep '80 : 450 cases ; 14, 1G, 18 and 24 cents for running. New Yeik State 100 cases : p. t. "Wisconsin 75 cases ; p. t. Ohie 100 cases ; GJ te 11J cents. Havana Market moderately active ; 6ales GOO bales, mostly "80; piics un changed. Cans' ICcpert. Sales of seed leaf tobacco icpeitcd by J. 8. Gans' Sen & Ce., tobacco brokers, .Ne. 131 Water street. New Yei k, for the week endiiit: Nev. 11, 1881 : 95G cases 1880 Pennsylviania, ttfy'.lec ; 500 cases 1880. New England, 10(a,40c ; 100 cases 1880 State, p. t.; 200 cases 1880 Wisconsin, 3 te 12c ; 100 cases 1880 Ohie, p. t. Total, 1,850 cases. Seme Ilcient Sales. The following lets of tobacco have been sold around Fairfield : I)i. Chicken te Spinsjarn 2 acics at 22, Baud .'!; Albeit Boyd one acre te Kraider & Sayner ftr 25, 10, 8 and 3; W. S. Hastings 4 acies of his prcFcut crop te Kriedcr & Sayner for 30 all ever 22 inches, 10, 0, 4 ; but still lias bei-t let en hand. Tlie ItCTibed Census. The icvised and corrected returns of population show the following te be accu rate : Alabama, 1,2G2,50j ; Aii.ena, 40, 440 ; Arkansas, 802,525 ; California, 804, G94 ; Colerado. 194.327 ; Connecticut, 022,700; Dakota, 135,177; Delawaic, 14G.G08 ; District of Columbia, 177, 024 ; Flerida, 209,493 ; Georgia, 1,542, ISO ; Idaho, 32,(510 ; Illinois, 3,077,871 ; In diana, 1,978.301 ; Iowa, 1.G24.G15 ; Kan sas, 99G.09G ; Kentucky, 1.G48.G90 ; Louisiana, 939,1140 ; Mainc,G18,93(; Mary land, 934,943 : Massachusetts, 1,783,085 ; Jlicliigau, 1,63G.937; Minnesota, 780,773; Mississippi, 1,131,597; Misseuii, 2.108,380; Mentaua, 39,159 ; Nebraska, 452,402 ; Ne vada, G2,2GG; New HampsHrc, 31G.991 ; New Jersey. 1,131,116; New Mexico, 119, 5G5 ; New Yeik, 5,082,871 ; North Caio Caie Una, 1,390.750 ; Ohie, 3.198.0G2 ; Oregon, 174,708 ; Pennsylvania, 4,282,891 ; Rhede Island, 27G.531 ; Seuth Carolina, 995,577 ; Tennessee, 1.542,359 ; Texas, 1.591,749 ; Utah, 143.9G3 ; Vermont, 332,280 ; Vir ginia, 1,512,5G5 ; Washington, 75,110 ; West Virginia, 018,457 ; Wisconsin, 1,315, 497 ; Wyoming, 20,789. Grand total, 50, 155,783. Cast-iron rollout,. Men el endurance have healthy Uidncyn and liver. Ne aches in the luck, no piles tn con stipation. Tin cuu: ter these diseases it Kid ney Wen. This gieat lemcdv keeps up the toneet the whole body bv enaliling the liver, hew-els mid knlnevste pcileiintlieir I unctiens pcitectlv. i:etb tlicliqiiiduiidd!yu!ff.eld by li uggiMs. i encer I'i cr. n'.'I lwd&vv A Heavy Mvell. Jacob II. lUoemer, et Virgillc, X. 1 .. Elites: "Your Themas' Etlectiie Oil cmed u badly swelled neelc and seie en my son in leity-clght lieuri; one application also ic moved the pain liem a veiv hoie tee: niv wife's feet was aNe much lull. lined se liiucli se that .she could net walk about the house; she applied theOil, imJ in twentv-reur heuis was entiiely cmed." Fer laleatll. H. Coch ran's diug toie, 1.17 Neith (Jucen sticet, 1 an eastei. Tlie lClslit Sert of General. Jacob Smith, Clinten sticet, IttilTale, sa t he bus used Spring lllossem in his family as a Rencnil medicine ter eases of indigestion, bil bil leusnrs", bowel and kidney complaints, and disoidcrsuiUinglieininipuiilicsorthchlood; he speaks highly et it fluency. Pi ice .K) cents Fer sale at II. K. Cochran's ding sleie, 1.57 North tjucen stieel, Lanctslei. Halm in (.Head. Thcic isabalm in Uilcad te heal each jraplii" weund: I n Themas' Kclcctiic Oil, the lcmcdv is found. Fer internal and for eutw-.ud use, jeu liccly may apply it : Fer all pain and iiill.immatien, jeu should net tail tetiy it. It only teta trille, 'tis weith its weight in Keld, And by eveiydealci in the land this remedy is Held. Fer sale at II. It. Cochran's dnigsi.u. 137 North Oueeiistivct, Lancaster. liitY UOOIK", VXIiERlfEAK, .t V. WTKW CHEAP STOKK. METZGER, BARD & HAUGEMAN AT Til Kilt NEW CHEAP STORE. Ilaean Elegant Asseitiiienl et LADIES' COATS & DOLMANS, LADIES' Coats & Delmans Made eipicssly toeuroidci by the best manufacturers of Sew Yeik and Philadelphia which for STYLE, BEAUTY, FINISH, AND LOW PRICES CANNOT BE EQUALED. k iYEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, IJetwecn the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. f Adlcr's Old Stand J LIQUORS, &C. TIINGWALT'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOIIOL AND GROCEItY STORE. fcblC-lyil NO, 205 WEST KING STUEET. ranis MEDICAL. 1KLEK AMD CHAMOMILE FILLS. A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. lr. C. XV. Heinton, a Well-known Practic ing Physician and Surgeon of Hai ti mere, Sid. Dr. ISensen has, for the past twenty-one years, paid much attention te Nervous dis eases, and has disceveied that the extract of Celery and Chamomile combined in a certain piopei Hen, invariably cures citner Sick Head ache. Ordinary Headache, Neuralgia. Nervous Nerveus ncss. Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness or Paralysis. They aie piepaied in the shape et Pills and contain no opium, quinine or ether harmful diug but aie intended expressly te cure and will cure the above named diseases. 9-The celebrated Dr. Hammend, el New Yerk city, says: "I have found Dr. Uensen's C'jleiy and Chamomile pills aie invaluable in all ca3cs of Nervous Diseases." Other physi cians te the number of ever 00 endorse tlicm in cijirilly strong terms. Kvciyenc is new talking of the wendciful cuies effected since they have been placed beieic the public. This is a triumph in Medical Chemistry and sutlerers all ever the whole ceuntiy and even abroad, aie erdciing by mail and otherwise. Sold by all druggi-ds. 1'iice. 50e. abex. Depot, 1 Xeith Kut.iu Mi tet. ISaltimere, M. I5y mail two beL' lei $1, ei sixbetes fei 2.50. DR. C. W. BENSON'S New Keuicdy auit I'aveiltc 1'rcscrlptlen. SKIN CURE !s W.uiantcdte Cine ECZEMA, '1LTTEUS, HUMOUS, INFLAM MATION'. MILK CUUST, ALL UOUuII SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAlli AND SCAM. SCROFULA, ULCERS, PIMPLES AND TENDER ITCIIINCS en all p.uts et the body. It makes the skin white, soil and smooth; lomevca tan and ficcklcs, and is the Rest toilet dicssing in the Ueild. Elegantly put up, two ljetties m ene par k.tge, consisting et both internal and ex ternal lieatuient. All liiM-clnss di uggista have it. Pi ice $1 per package. iiug-lydM. AS&vv K riHXKY WOKk. THE GREAT CURE FOR ItlLEUMATISM, As it i for all diseases of the KIIINE'iS, LIVER AND ROWELS. It cleanses the sjstem of theaeiid poison eiu-i's the dieadtul snllciiug which only the i h thus el Rheuiiiatism can icali.e. TiieiiK.iiiils el Cases et the worst teinn et this tenible disease have been quickly ic lic ed, in a sliei t lime Perfectly Cured. KIDNEY WORT has had weudei till success, and an immense sale in cciy pail of the country. In hundreds et cases it has cured where all eNc had tailed. It is mild, but ftllcient, CERTAIN IN IIS ACTION, but lruiiwcss in all cases. It Clc.inex, StrengllieiiH and Kiie New I.ilc te all the lmpeitant organs et the bedv. The natimil action et the Kidneys is lesteieil. The Liver is cleansed et all disease, unit the Rowels move fieely and heallhliilly. In tlm way tin weist diseases aie ciadicated liem the tytem. As it lias been pieved by thousands that KIDNEY WORT. Is the ine-.t etlectual icinedy for cleansing the system et all meibid seoietiens, it siieuld be used iu eeiy household a.sii SPRING MEDICINE. Always cures ItilieitMinss, Coiistipatien Plies and all I'einale Diseases. S It is put up in Dry Vegetable Ferm, m S-ti:i cans, one package d winch makes six trg-qu u tset medicine. O" Alse in l!iiild Ferm.very Concentrated ler the con veniencoet these who ciunet S-n!.idily piepaie it. It act wlih equal gS-eiticicitcy in cither form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, 1. WELLS, K1CIIARUS0X & CO., Prep's?, lturlingten, Vt. f Will send the diy pest-paid.) dec 27 lyd&w5 1 KAIJ THIS X L.CASTElt. Pa., Api il 28, 1881. TilE KlDNKCUUA MK'O CeMl'Atil. Uenfx It gies me much pleasure te ta tliAt alter using one pick of K1DNEYCURA I have been cnllicly emed of :i severe pain in my buck mid side, of long standing, anil that, tee, alter tiying vaileus known lcmcdic-i. 1 have ciy ceiifidenee iu our medicine, clicerfullv lccemmeud it, and knew t hat many et my mends who have used it have been benetited. PETER .RAKER, mJMj d Fei email Examiner and Expiess. s TKANGE 1KT TRUk. 1 STRANGE. YET TRUE, th it after the hiin- dieds et CAtiaeidinnry cuies wieught by DR. GREENE in this city and county, el Con sumption. Di.ibelrs, Palsy, Fits. Dyspepsia and ethei diseases, alter the patients li id ( without micccr. ) tested Alie, and Hoimeopathic physi ciaiiN. 'Tis very strange that l.undieds of ether prisons, mere or less sifllictcd with din case, w ill net lead Dr. Greene's pamphlets, or call upon him and be cmed of their ailments. Stninge that they could be influenced liy jeal ous physicians, or diuggisfs, te keep away tiein Dr. Gicene. They ought te knew tlw't the miijer portion of Ins patients aie fiem the ranks et ether M. D.'s, and that It they did net lie, or tlnnw nuineiue kinoet inuendees, they would lese the balance of their patients. Mis. MeCaskey, et Philadelphia, came under Dr. G.'s chaigethreiigh Mr. Powell, el Ne. (1 East Walnut stiei-t. almost blind ; been ler vears testing the Phil. idelphia oculists. Oct. 27, went home w till geed vision and health. Oct. 27, Win. Lnsminger, a blacksmith or Strashurg, (.line iu almost a new man-, liaing sullcred for veai-s with l)-pepsi.i in its wer-t tonus. He had been uiidei le M. D's. befeielie tested Omnipiitliy. iituiili "emed fei .V) lent-.. 1 he icinedy sent te anj ein en leccipt et 50 cents in stamps. DR. CHAS. A. GREENE, 14C EAST KIMJ STKKKT. MWFAS ri'in: u;i:at iukativi: agents. GALVANISM AND ELECTRICITY. DR. HALL'S Galvie Electric Plasters. A GALVANIC RATTLRY i- Imbedded in this Medicated Plaster, which, w hen a nulled te the body pieduces a constant but mild cur lent et Electricity, hichismest t.liil:irsiting. It is a positive and speedy cute for tne follow ing complaints, viz : Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sick Headache, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, all Affections of the I train. Spinal Complaints, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Sciatica, Paralysis. Asthma and Lung Diseases, Diseases of the Hcair, Nervous Piostratiens, &c. riUCK ONLY 'SI. 00. THE BELL 3IANN CO., Prep'rs, 211 Bieadway, Cor. 13tb St., New Yerk. AGEXT8 WANTED. Send stamp ler circulars. Fer sale by all i-usjgists. Mention this paper. Sent by mail. oet7-.1mcedA0twcow I5001"' D'Effiat Bleed and Skin Remedy. $500 Reward that it will eradicate Eruptions Pimples, Rletcbcs, Ficcklcs, Metb, Ac", Iren! the face et any and every Lady and Gentle man that uses it. It cleanses MaLa.UIA from the svstpm Itrlirlitrna f tin V.ira in.l ... : the Complexion. A certain care for all Skin I'lasm, unw ti9itivui JllllIIlJCSS. $1 PCI Packsgc or 6 for $.". Sold by Druguists or sent by mail in letter form en leccipt of price. THE BELL MANN CO., 842 Broadway, New Yerk. Mention this paper, lars. Send stamp ler cirett-oct7-3ineed&tw-cow CX.OTJIIXU. w AKAMAKF.K & HBOWN. Business constitutes a great part of our work. We make it in all grades from the very homeliest of honest cloth and weik. Our best business suits arc of higher grade than any made by any ether house, whether in Ibis city or in New Yerk or Bosten. The cloths are net always better ; the trimmings are ; the work is. The best difference is in the work. The whole job is en a higher plane, though there are points of equality. We study our work all the time. We are net content with mastering it once. Every season new developments furnish occasion for new study and new mastery. We keep our workmen from year te year. Wc educate them ; we tiaiu them te higher weik as fast as we find out that higher weik cau be done. We pay them well. We keep them employed all the time. They are loyal te us, and give us their best work. This is hew the best business suits are made. We make a royal business suit for $20. WANAMAKER & BROWN. Oak Hull, Sixth and Maiket streets, Philadelphia. The Largest Clothing Heuse in Amcriea. ?ALL CAMPAIGN. F MYERS & RATHFON Aie better prepaicd than ever te accommodate the public in READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, At bottom piices, nil our own lnaiiufactuic no Sheddy Clothing. A man can get the best Ten Dellar AH Weel Suit at Centre Hall sold in America. While this is a snecialty, yet nil our Clothing is sold propeitionately cheap. Buying your Clothing at Centre Hull you save one pietlt. Our Custom Depait mentis full and complete. It you want a Cheap Business Suit yen can have it made te order (all wool) lretn fifteen te Twenty-llve Dollars, Dicss Suits from Eighteen te Forty Dollars. And remember you have the Lai gest Stock and the Rest Variety te select from, and satisfaction in every way guaiantcrd. We arc prepaicd te make up ut sheit notice and in the best style and at the lowest piicca. Our Cutters aie Eirt-Class. Oil stock et GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is full ami complete. Don't fail te call and leek through Centre Hall before yen make yem Fall and Winter purchase. Yeu w ill find willing hands te show you through the immense stock et Woolens. Overcoats by the bundled ler Men, Youths, B03 s and Children. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE Ne. 12 EAST K1X STREET, VillNA. ASO ULASSWARt.. TTlim & MARTIN. CHINA HALL. CHINA, GLASS, QUEEISWARE. HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Street. CLOTUISO. TJKA1IY MABK IS CHEAPER THAN i CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING-- Why .' Itccause it can be bought in veiy much larger quantities, and the Clethes bought in latter quantities direct from the inamifacteiic- ; because ready-made Clothing is made be fore the busy time begins and when labor is ; because thcie is no measuring nntl draughting; because one bundled or mere aie nit at a streke: because thou sands aie made exactly alike, and hun licds et thousands with very slight dit to re nee : because they are made without particular instiuctiens te be followed in each case ; because the business can be carried en mere exclusively. KKADY-MADK CLOTHING will lit ninety live per cent, of our cuetenieis, because it is made from patterns that will ill all vat ielies'1 tonus, llut tuste and tonus must be studied, and must be fitted as well as minted, which can be done when trade is large enough te Jus tily a full assortment. If what you buy is net what you expected, or you aie net satisfied, coine back and trade it off or get your money. We have the Latest Styles in NECKTIES, and sonic aie very pretty. Conic aim see lliein ! Juntas seen as lliu w eallicr is cooler you will need your Heavy ULnlerwear, and te avoid a crowd then, you had bet ter come and make your selections new. k 36-38 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCASTKK. PA. COAJL. B. II. MAKTIN, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In all kinds of LUMKEtt AND COAX. 49"ard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lutneii. Lancaster. n3-lyd C0H0 & W-ILEK, 360 NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, l'a., Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, Branch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUAHE. lebSMyd no te RELLLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL. Alse, Ilay and Straw by the bale or ten . Fanners and ethers in want et Superiel Manure will find It te their advantage te call Yard, Harrisburg Pike. i Office, 20& East Chestnut street. ( egl7-lt Clothing ALL CAMPAIGN. HALT,, LANCASTER, PEN.VA. OIJ-'T HOOK SALE. nilAMII CONTINUATION OF L0VER1WS GIFT BOOK SALE -IX LANCASTER. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. AT- 43 North Queen Street. The Finest Beeks the Printing Press Has Ever Produced, TOR SALE FOR $1 EACH, AND A Gift FREE Willi Every Beet. 10,000 NEW BOOKS OPJSX TO-DAY. SPLENDID VUTS FOK THE PEOPLE. KHA.D AND SEE READ AND SEE "What your FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS What your FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS HAVE GOT, HAVE GOT, AND GO AND DO LIKEWISE. AND GO AND DO LIKEWISE. COLD WATCH, te Mis Lizzie Cheney, 431 East Chestnut street, city. NICKEL WATCH, te W. A. Reist, 217 West Chestnut street, city, FRENCH DECORATED CHINA TEA SET, 51 pieces, te Mr. W. Leeb, 2S North 0.uccu street, city. OIL PAINTING, te A. S. Scheitz, Washington, boron i;h. I OIL PAINTING, te V. A. Nonis, Hamburg, OIL PAINTING, te Jehn II. Slough, Black Herse Hetel, city. OIL PAINTING, te .1. R. Lewis K Charlette street, city. OIL PAINTING, te Miss II. Snyder, C01 Seuth Prince street, city. OIL PAINTING, te Miss Leu Schlegcl, 111 North Queen street, city. OIL PAINTING, te Mrs. Tayler, Rcidcnbach's store city. OIL PAINTING, te Thce. Hart. Btartewn. OPERA GLASSES, te Miss L. Garvin, 431 East Strawberry street, city. OPERA GLASSES, te H. W. Lutz, city. CAMEO RING, te J. Yerke, Neith Queen street city GOLD B1NG, te Miss S. it. Lambcr.West Eail. GOLD KING, te Miss E. Trewitz ;Neith Queen street, city. GOLD RING, te Miss L. Stoker, 415 West King street, city. GOLD RING, Je Violet Trewitz, Latayctte sticet. citv. AMhTHYST RING, te Mrs. Dr. Stehnian, liyt West King street, city. AMETHYST RING, te Mamie Stafferd, 33C North Duke street, citv. GOLD RING, te MIsh Fanny Keller, 403 Neitll Duke street, city. AMETHYST RING, te Miss Stramp, 230 North Mulberry street, city. AMETHYST RING, te Miss K. McGIinn, 122 North Charlette street, city. CAMEO RING, te LillieGodricy.Neith Queen street, city. BANGLE RING, te Miss Carrie Stieusc. Tied click street, city. BANGLE RING, te Mrs. Wciland, West King street, city. AMETHYST RING, te Mrs. McKlllips, North Queen street, city. AMETHYST RING, te Miss Lclta Myers, Par adise, Pa. AMETHYST RING, te Mr. Geed, Cencstcga, OOMKTniSG NEW i LACE THREAD UNDEKSHIRTS, FEATHER-WEIGHT DRAWERS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMAKrS, THE SHIRTMAKER, NO. 56 NOKT1I O.UEILN STKKKT ASTHICU JtJtWS ADVERTISEMENT. A STR1CH nUOS' ADVKKTISEMENT. ASTRIClt ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTK1CII ASTRICH ASTRICH AS I RICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH AirTRICH BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS r 2 td N O 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET, it EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KINu STREET. WE EXTEND OUR SPECIAL INVITATION TO Every ssinmr te Ten TO COME, LOOK AND INSPECT ELEGANT DISPLAY OF THE NOVELTIES IN OUR LINE. Te gi e the Ladles of the ncighbei ing tow us and cities uhe no doubt will beiuter. u iu gieat numbers, a chance andopiieituuity te visit and examine the handsome goods in our establishment, we shall luauguia'.ca SECOND FALL AND WINTER OPENING NEXT WEEK, COMMENCING Monday 7 November Mtli7 AND EXTENDING FOR FOUR DAIS. Though wc cannot at iHCaent decorate our stoic as we de en our legular openings, wc shall put out ter show and inspection, en the daj of the coming week, ALL THE BEAUTIFUL AND II NDSOME GOODS, Generally blot Ld away In bee- and en siieU es. We evtend our cordial inflation te all, asking them te come aud inspect our display, icgaid!ess whether thvyaie willing te buy or net. We shall exhibit an elegant Hue et LADIEs' COATS AND DOLMANS, in black and light colors. SILK DOLMANS. PLUSH COATS, LADIES' ULSTERETTES, COACHMAN'S COATn. Special bargains in Light Coats, tiimiiicd in Plush. FINE BLACK BEAVER AND DIAGONAL COATS, at very low- piices BLACK BEAVER CLOTH and DIAGONAL DOLMANS, elaborately tiiinmed with I'a-aiiientciie Fiinge, Plush nnd Velet Fur, irem fG te $50. SATIN MERVEILLCUX DOLMANS. MATLESSE DOLMANS. PLUSH COATS. CORSETS in great uilcty. LADIES GOSSAMER CIRCULARS. !.- We call special attention te the immen-c stock et TRIMMED HATa and BONNETsen hand. HANDM1ME PLUSH BOONETS. ELABORATE TRIMMED BEAVER HAT". Our line and a eitment et Untriiiiiued Hats excels any ever shown in Lancaster. We lm e en hand u cry imaginable shape of Hats. We w ill sell Beaver Hats and Bennets, the best goods, nt ii.1j apiece. Wc lrive secured one let of Fine t.iay Beaveis which we offer at only $ 1. FELT and BRUSH HAT. and BONNET.". FULL LINE et CHILDREN'S HATS. FEATHERS, TIPS, PLUMES. BLACK TIPS, 50 cents a bunch. FINE BLACK TIPS, fiem $1 up te $5. BARGAINS IN BLACK PLUMES. Elcgnnt Black Plumes from $1.50 up te $10. White and Natural Plume and Tip. Coleied and Shaded Plumes and Tip-i. PLAIN AND EANCY PLUSIIE.". Bargains in Black Plushes. Plushes in all Celers, at $.! per yaid. Fine Black Silk Velvet, at if I per j ai d. Coleied Silk Velvets. Velveteens, Sllkn, Satins. OUR TRIMMING DEPARTMENT is the largest and most complete in this city. 11 cempiisesnllthc latest Novelties in Fiinges. black and colored ; Passameuteries, Beail Gimps Ornaments. Leeps, Tassels, Balls. Spikes, Bells. Cieeent and it great many ethei Ornaments that aie new and and fashionable. A tine selection of COLORED BEAD TRIMMINGS, in Bronze, Iridescent, Shaded, llluiiiin ited. White, Peail and ether Fancy Be-u!s Bronze, Iridescent and Shaded BEAD FRINGE. Black cut let all Bead F'ringe. FiiiL Pearl and Steel BUTTON'S, from :! llius te $J per dozen. FINE LACES, such as Danielle ile Cie-s, Minveurt. Brabant, Venice, Spanish, Duchesse, etc. FINE LACE COLLARS. Fine Fichus. Black and Colored Satin Cellai-,. Plush Cellars. Spanish Tics, Fichus, Ficlmettes and Amla- louse, irem 50 cents te $5 apiece. Euibi eidered Ties and Fichus. Lace Tatting Handkerchiefs. Plain ami Hemstitched Linen Handkei chiefs ler Ladies aud Gent.. at Manufacturers' Prices. FALL AND WINTER GLOVES, a large assortment. Our own "Alexander" Kid Gleve has the reputation et being the best giee sold any w here, ter the price. We sell the 3 button for 08 cents; 4-button for$1.2.; C-buttonler$l.6'J. A box of perfumed glove powder and a neat glove buttoner given with every pair. Our assortment is most complete. Wc have all new tall shades. A line assort ment of Tans and Geld, Fine Opera. Shades. Bluck and White. Sizes, 5 te 8. Jesephine. Seauile-s. in black, $1.13. A complete line of Lacing Kid Gloves. Five and six hooks, $1.25. Seven nnd eight hoeka, $1.75. Best goods in all colors aud size. Fine Undressed Kid Gloves lour buttons in Tans and Gelds, $1.3: a pair. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, the Largest Stock and Lewest Prices. Jet Goods, Jewelry, Pocket Beeks, Satchels, Toilet Articles. Corsets a Specialty. Worsteds and Worsted Uceds. CLOiaiXO, VXltEKTrXAJS, JtC. YATES CO i YATES & CO YATES A CO YATES & CO Y'ATES 4 CO Y'ATES CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO . Y'ATES ft CO ' YATKS ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO YATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO 1 ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft OO Y'ATES ft CO YATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES & CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO YATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO YATES & CO Y'ATES ft CO YATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO ATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO " ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATE- ft CO YATKS ft CO Y'ATES A CO Y'AIKS ft CO YATES ft CO YATKS ft CO ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO Y'ATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO YATES ft CO Y ATES ft CO 4 V. 1AT ES ft CO. AC.Yates&Ce LEADING AND POPULAR CLOTHIERS or PHILADELPHIA, HAVE NOW ON HAND SUCH AN ASSORTMENTOFGOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER, THAT IT 1VOULD BE HARD FOR A PURCHASER TO LEAVE THE STORE DIS SATISFIED. LEDGER BUILDING. Chestnut . AMI Sixth Sts., SEND FOR SAMPLES. MONEY REFUNDED. M'ptl-lllltl AALL OFKK1NU H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, Ot the LARG EST ASSORTMENl.'el line SUITING, OVERCOATING, PANTALOONIXG ecr brought te the City of Lancastri. Prices aa Lew as the Lewest AM) All Goods Warranted as Represented H. GERHART'S NEW STORE, Ne. 6 East King; Street, J.AM. CAMPAIGN, 1881. Our Hist invoice el the season et FALL AND WINTER GQODb MEN'S AVEAR Arrived te-day. Dining this week the bulk Oi our Foreign orders will be in stock. We will be ineparcil te show the llnest line of ENGLISH AND FRENCH NOVELTIES eicrellercd te the citizens of Line liter, in cluding a lull line el the ever popular and celebrated Talamnn'i Specialties, confined ex clusively for our trade and conceded te he !li handsomest goods imported, tegei her with :. choice line et the latent novelties of the lead, nig maiiufactuicrs. Wc invite an eaiiy iu upectien et our stock, leeling it our duty te advise pel ens iu want of a Suit or an Over coat ler Fall or Winter te place their eidei early beleie the rush commences te lnsuir cntiie satisfaction. All aie eeidi.illy invited te call at 121 N. QUEEN STREET. J. K SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. JlWih U.OTIIING, C. D. B. Hostetter & Sen Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Our Assnit incut of CLOTHING- FOR MEa, ueys ami youths FALL AND WINTER. Is larger and mere varied than cvcrbeJeic. Prices the lowest. Giv e us a call. D. B. Hostetter & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, a -iv it LAN CAS TEH. IV MEVXVAZ. T OCH Klt'S Kenewned Cough Syrup. A plcassnt, safe, speedy and sine remedy ler Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness. Asthma, Influen za. Seieness el the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting of Itioed, In flammation el the Lungs and all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passages. TIi's valuable preparation combines all the m:-diciuul vn tiles et the'-e articles vi hicli long experience lias proved te pesse-u the most sate and efficient finalities for the cute of all kinds of lung d!eaes. riJICE, 25Ceuti. Prepaicd enlyaiidsiMby CHAS. A. LOCHER, WIIOLKSALK AND P.ETAIL DRUGGIST, 'e. i) East Kin? Street, Lancaster. TK I rElKKS' UVIVE, IANt'AM-i.i: AMI MILI.KRSVII.LK K. j Cars run a-. IoUeah: Leave LancatMT J1ML Depot), at 7, !, njf U..&a. :n., and 2, L anil S.-.J0 p. m., ex' -t c" Sat-.rduy, when the last ear leaves ::t ivt p. i... Leave MilleisVille (lower end) at .'.. and te a. St., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. Cars run daily en . iv e time eieept en Sui -dav. CMH.UMHIA ANI 1'MKT DEPOSIT K. K j Trains new run rcgularlyen the Columbia and Pert Deee-it U.uireud en the fellow mc time: Stations Ne i:th htprej-.i Express. Act-en. WAIID. A. m. r. M. p. M. Pert Deposit t:. .t.v. 2.e5 Peaehbottein 7.1i !:. .5:18 Sate llaiber 7..V 5:11 5:21 Columbia , .i" r.:40 6-JU Stations Set ni- Lpte.'Kiire.i Accem WAhP. a.m. r.n. A.M. Columbia r.-.l' fist 7.45 i it. Art t :ifc llaiber. k: f.U'i Lt-'Jitu PeHehbotteui tits 7.Ji U.07 r. m. Pert Deuesit . . l:-J5 S.lC. liie IKADINt. A Ol.lMIISIA K.K. Alii: ANG EM ENT Or PASS EN G LK TKAINS MOND.W, NOV. 7th, pl. N'tMtrilWAUD. LKAVK. Quarryville Iiucaster, King St Lnnca-der Celiimtiia AKIllVlt. Heading SO' LKAVK. Keading Al'.lllVt. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster. Kiugt Ouarryville a.m.'i. r.M. :::td 7-. J:I0 7:."0 . MHI i.iii 1:10 :ti II) IT. .'..'ki TIIWAKD. r.M 5:r ft.-r i;-:mi x rams connect at i;caiiiug with ir.uiw teautt lriyu Philadelphia, Pett-.vdle, llurriImrg. Al Al lcntevvn and New Yerk, via Hound Urnck Keute. At Columbia with trains ieiind Irem Yerk, Hanover, (jcttjbbuig, Fieilerick ami llaltl llaltl meie. A. SI. WILSON. Supt. - 1) r: N N S Y I. VA N I A It A I I.ICOAD NCW SCHEDULE On anil alttr MONDAY OCTOllKIl ::i-t. IbM, tr.iiin en the IVtiuyl vi'iiii will airive at ami leive the Laniat-' nnd Philadelphia depots.!- follews: A M.l M. r.M. .. 7:- iiw C:le r.M. .. yj.) iie 8.-r ... '.-.J7 iie tt.i: .. !:.i7 Si". . .Kn:i7 .... !).V Kaht-ri ri.iMV J At live Ivabtware. lami-'t.-i 1'lnlKiPa Atlantic Exprc-'- 1:10 a.m. SI'i a.k Plnladelpia i:pte-3- I I t" " 7.ft " Fast Line, 5S " 7i!T " Yerk Acceiu. Anive:.... hwi " .... Harrisburg i:pre SU5 ' trio Celiimlii:'. Ac me I itien, 11.10 " i.':UI r.M. Fiedeiii-k Aiiciu. Anivts, 1 .VI r.M Sunday Mail, 'Ml " ..; " Jehn-tot. n Kpi-.s, ! 1) " .ri:l." " Chi-age Diiv 'pics .luj " 70 " St. Leui- Day Kpnsi :.:I5 " 7 1 " Ilam-'lMiig A eii!iiiied."i'ii, iVJii " '.-:t I'liil.t-1 a l.:nii Iit Way P:ussengfi I ' ii .m. '. iea.m News Epr-- J: " i;-J7 " MailTraiuNe. l,v la Mt .lej fc.l'it " 1: Mail Train Ne. l',v in Lel'Iua. . instl " Sunday Mail, u-im ' ln,Mi " Fast Line, lilu :) i.m Fredt-iiek Attommeil.ttiiiii, .... ii '- Lancaster Accommodation, SCO " .... Harrisburjj'u, s.ip.w, 5:15 " Columbia AccomiiiiHl.itieii, l.mi 7:-.i " llariisburg Expiess 5:U) " 7:30 " PittbbuigExiutss, fcT " b:.r0 ' Cincinnati Express '.i:li " il..Pi " Pacific Express ll- " iirA.M Mail Tiain. Ne. -., w-st, cenm-i-ting at Lan caster with Jlail Tiain, Ne. l.ut il.:,, will inn tliieugh te Hanover. Frcdeiick Aecoiiimedatioi:, w-st,-eunet ling at Lancaster with Fiut Line, w--t,aj .'.".V, will run Liireiiiih li Kr-leii-k. llsrri bui-jt Kpu-ss. west, at .1.9) p. tti tliieet eoiiueetten (w it lien I i-iiaii)(eef ears) t Cidiiinbi'iaud Yeil.. F'ist Line, west, en Su , tt lien ll.iggeil, will step at Hew niii'.'imt n,C'"it-svilli-, I'm ki-. bmg, Mount .lej, Lliz-ilictlitut'. u and MuSille- t'l't n. VARl'Eltf. jOKEATlUBCALNtlH VAICPlM.v, v 1 claim te hav. th" Largest antl Fines tock el CARPETS In thisCIty. Ui u-els anilTapestiy CAKPCTS Vlnee-iiiy, Kxtra Super, Supi r. All VVtml, tan v oei ami I'ari vv oel ingrains liem the test te the cheapest aj low as tic. per :;rd. All the FINEST AND CHOICE I' A TTEKXS that ever can be seen In tliNclly. I also have a L.ugu and Finn Stock et my ) n m-tke (Jliaiii and Iiug (arK!ts, AS LOW AS aSrl'Mt VAKI). ANe MAKE CAKPhT.s TO OUDEUat .her; neliie. Satisfaction -d. tfi'N'e tieuble te show gt-:ds if jeu ! n v. ish tepurehabe. Iearnst:. Milieit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WKST KINO STREET, I.ANCA-ThU PA. fAlil'l:T, lOAb, aie. 11IIL11 SCJ1UM, SON vV CO., MANUFACTORY,! NO. 150 SOUTH WATEIl STKKKT, LAHcvsrisK, Pa., Well-known Mauutactuiers or Genuine LANG STEIC QUILTS. COIJNTKUPANES, COVKULKTs, ItLAN'lvKTS, CAIM'KTS. CAUPKT CHAIN, STOCKING YAKN, Ac. ustem ::ag cahpets aspecialti. lancas'iku fancy DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. I)ie-s (joeds lived clt'i'-r in tin pi cv or in tiai'luenls; al-e. ait Muds of silk-. Kililienw, Featheis and W.i'e:i Goods 1JI. G-n tleiiii-n's Ceils, Oven eats. Pant". V.sts, ,r. Dyed or Sf en! t : :;!-, Indigo I'lu- Djeinp lone. All h!ts orge)ds li-tt with us will ri'eetvi pr'iinp attention. CASH PAID l-Olt'JKWED CAia'ET KA'.'s. COAL,. COAL. . Ce-il Ot 111- b st i;u.ility iut lip expiessly te" laiuily ue, and at ilir lowest in trkc.t r.ttv. ti:y v. s-vmpli: ten. YAilD 110 tUt'TII wati::: STIlEhl. i!-IVitil'-I Pitll.IP .SCIirM.SON A. O lAKltlAUFS, .IC Ji:sT 1VOKK AND JIKAMINAHI.K I'KICLS. nil LIP J)0KI?S03I, M.tiiulactun-i- of CAIUHAGES. BUGGIES. SI'AK BUG GIES. PHAETONS. .MARKET WAGONS, A:r., icv. i:i-r,ri'si:i i -i.iity "-:: light for Setithei n P IUI--J It .ml. i. A gieat var.ety et iLKICIIsj en baud. KKPAIItl.fG piemptly n'ti'iide! te. Satis Satis l.ielieu guai. ml d. wai:eheu-e and facteky -. Ne. 128 East King Street, LAN I Wl'Ei:, PA. 1! VLF SQUARE C'.ST Or TUB COflT HOUSE. lll-IllKl&VV Carriages ! Carnages I EDUERLEY k CO.'S, l'rai't ii'it! Ctniuu Kiillders, "aikt-t Stn-tt, Keai-f Centiai Market Heis-i, Lancaster, l'iu Ve have : hand a Large Asserlm -ntel HUiGIKS AM) CAKKLUiES, Which we offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work w.uratilfi!. Giveusa call, M:epalring prompt Jy.ittended te. One set of v erlcnen t-speeiiilly emplejrd fr hat ptirpe-is. (n-.'i-ttii.lw 'iSOtthtt AH It ttl'sfltOMEHi. ' J (CliOOI. IJOOlvH: SCHOOL BOOKS ! SCHOOL BOOKS ! All choe! Heeks and Sc'i -til s.ippliei at the vivy letve-t rates at L. M. U'LYNN'S. Ne. 4 WEST KINU STUEET.