utdliQuM. &) mii Volume XVLII-N 67. LA2K: ASTER, PA., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER IS, 188h Price Twe Cents. 111Y VOWS JTKAWHUIDliK & CI.OTIf IKK'S Ol'KNING. OPENING- OF NEW STORE BY STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, iLcinrastrr intelligencer. FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 10, 1S81. WAY OF THE WORLD. FLASHES OF "WIT AND HUMOR. WHAT t:ii: iwKAOKAi'iir.Ks i.aii:i.y invj:nti:i. iiavi: Oncer ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, WE OPENED OUR NEW STOKE, AT EIGHTH AND FILBERT STREETS, Which Uuildiux forms pait of the main striictme at EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. Tliis adilitiiiu enables us in many ways te add gicatly and convenience of our patrons. te the cemfidt THE IE GOODS DEPARTMENTS New ecciipv ene unhreken line of counters, leaehinj; the entire, il Filbert street extension and aroundte Eighth street, about :500 feet in leu; cpth of th. th Many depaitments heictofeie ciewdcd have had hugely increased space assigned them, and all aic given mere or less additional room by reason of the enlargement. iO The only New Department we have added is that of rnTifkTC AWl CTAPT.17. TRTMMTN llVllUUk) illll UliVllJJJ x 11.1. in. ui. i.i.ivj., whcie the thousand and one necessary tiilles needed by ladies will be found. We signalize the opening of the New Stere by piesenting for public inspeelii.n THE MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK or DRY GOODS in EVERY VARIETY that has been placed en sale in our eily, and by every dcpaitment of the house lleiing in SOME NOTABLK HAlKiAlNS That cannot fail le enlist the eager attention of bryeis. itr. .-... n i ..n..., r.;,..i.lv irlen in Phil.itlelnhi:.. te nav a visit, of we iiiviiu an iiiii uiu-"i iw. ......-, ....- - -- - . - inspection te our enlarged establishment. They uremises te accommodate incicasin;: lnisiucs view te their especial comfort and convenience, notably among which are the buieau of information, the system of checking parcels, the Ladies' Pallor, etc. will find that in extending our wc have arranged many things with a STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER t w inr .Ml ftlintit Sis.. 8. ff . nnr.EiElim k HI j.11 ii i vwie" ---- 1 '- PHILADELPHIA. piVLKIC, IIOW1.IW & UUKST. - Q.1VI.KR. llOWKKS S: IIIIItST. The intended change in our business necessitates a great 1 eductien in stock. Duiing the past week we have gene ever the dillerent departments, and we have made GltEAT REDUCTIONS IN PRICE. Wc have many special things le offer and therefore invite examination. We otter A GREAT BARGAIN IN Black Cashmeres and Black Silks, ALSO FLANNELS AND BLANKETS, LOWKU 77.I.V THEY HAVE EVER BEEN SOLD. nvfrn Rirrctiiis iii Itnissels ami Ingrain Camels, Oil Cleths, "Wc open this morning an Elegant Line of LADIES' IMPORTED COATS, AVhich cannot be duplicated this season. Wc offer them very low. JSgWe extend an invitation te all te call and Tlil",rJ. Oncer I'eeplc ami their nui'ir Actum. We should believe only in iik ; v.Gid :ne sold for nothing ever vvheie. S.eal::ng of oleomargarine thr-y told me it was false butter, still bdieve it true. Tt is a little singular that a man will belt a ticket that he oinnefc swallow. ' I'ay as you go "' is geed advice and dura ve:y fell for the man who doesn't go very much. When it. ernes te gatheiing in chickens the d.u key's hour is just, before the dawn. It is altogether a mistaken impression te suppose That dyed eggs are laid by sick chickens. The past tense of be hive is hue hoeve. If you don't believe it sit en one and sec if ft don't behoove you te get up A man who buys Coi.fcdeiale bends will make a permanent invest meal. They will be as geed in the cur 2000 as they are te-day. A man was made in an iu.st.iul bald headed forever in .Mobile by the explosion of a tiieeraekcr in his hat. It was the work of his playful son. They asked him if he was the host man at the wedding. "Ne." he said ; '' I don't knew .is I as the iir.-.i. hut. It-jabbers, I was as geed as ;my ei 'ei.i."' Ilrakeman : ''The ttnin is new about t.i enter the state Mi-..-, .uii. (.ientlenien who have net pmvui.il themselves with carbines will pass :e: w nil te the lo.-emo-tive and crawl into the tender." A Chinaman thus describes a tiial in our ceuits : One in. m is silent, another talks all the time, and twelve wise men condemn the man who has net, said a wesd. " I knew a victim te tob.nve," said a lecturer, ''who h isn't tastc.l feed for ever thirty jear.s." "llev. de you knew he hasn't asked an auditor. " I'.ceaiis.- te li-ieee killed him in l'.O." R ileetie'.i by a man profoundly indiffer ent te water famine:;. ".lust because 1 ... 1 1 . 1. .... .......1. II..,,. CHI i. WlllU VWiOll I iuiim; iww jiiiu-ii iin-.y say I eughln'L te dtink. Stupittiels ! I oughtn't te try te walk !" " l'.uting is such a sweet ser.M'.v," 10 maikeda liald old bachelor teapi.'-lty gill as he told her ge.sii niht. "I should Miule,'" she ieidie.1 glancing uji lew.mls his h.iiilessnes and we-idenng Inw lie ever did it. Miles Dauien. ppiliahlv tiie largest man en iceeid, bem iu Neith Caielma in 17!H, died in Hendersen county, Tenn., January '., 1S-TT. He was 7 feet (J inches high, and in IS).") weighed 811 pounds. At his death his weight, was ever 1,000 pounds. Tradition h:x i! that Edward I., of England, eieatcd Lhe first I'linee et Wales by presenting te his Welsh subjiets his infant son, iu lesp.nisc te thci- demand that he should give them a pi "usee born in Wales, who could speak no English and had done no wrong te man, woman or eh:!d. " Eich in '."-(hesc is your man) leplied the. king. The prc-cut piinee will have te content imusell witiitti" ninti ernii'.cil motto, " leh Dien" (I seive). Tin- l'ulilical Cut IimiK .i si cii by Iliifeii'iil ODs'TVrr-. N. V. Pun,! ml Leading Republicans who would be pleased te enter a ii-ularly organized cabinet, de net care te be mixed up. even teniperararily, with the leavings of the late ailnniiislralieu. OiKtj's !I'iir:licli'iii. Yuri. ii-i)ali-li, st:il:irt. Whv. then, discontent ? Why dislrae- tien:' Hhv tactiens m lennsyivania. cVf. leek through our stock. GIVLER, BOWERS & HURST 25 EAST KING STREET. max nivTMts. fKON IJITTBK.S. T ICON IllTTKKS. IRON A TRUE TONIC. BITTERS! SURE APPETISER. IKON MTTKKSarelill:ly;rccniiinieiulel ter alt illseases requiring a certain anil tlll cicnt tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bloeil, streiiKtliens the muscle, ami gives new lite te the nerve-;. It at- like n charm en the iliscstive erjpins, ruinevint,' all ilysiiepttc syir.ptenir', such as raiting thi Feed Belching, Heat in the Memach, Heartburn, etc. Tlie r.nly Iren reparation tli.it nil uet Dlacken tue teetli or Rve linailaclie. Selil liy till tlriiiiU. Write ter the A I! C Heek, .2 pp. et useful anl amusing rcaillii sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, 123-lyiliwl BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at COCHRAN'S DRUO STORE. 137 and 139 North Queen - street, Lancaster. Why should the Republican party destroy its well managed organization Iy destroy ing the power and inlluer.ee of its gieat leaders, its most useful men and most suc cessful management. It should afford sat isfaction te ail tine Republicans that they have men like M. S. tjuay, true te the best interests of the parly. His peace declaiatien must be fruitful of future in sults for geed te the Republican cause iu Pennsylvania as well as te the gieat na tional cause. t,'li.!ci- tin Ae, riiil.ul' llit.ia i'.vi'iiiiniTfli'r.il'h. The (Jailicld Republican placemen of Ohie :uj feeling their lieadi every morning te make sme .something has net happened, and Senater Sherman has, apparently, kindly mulct taken te aci, as protector in chief for his impeiileil fiicnds I neasy lies the head of any outspoken (Sailield man under this administration, and it will he inteiesling te watch the ilish of the' axe up and down the Ohie wilderness. And who will dare say that Mr. Sherman will net. be one or the lust men te applaud the coming weik of destiuetien ? He is new only kicking up the dust, te hide his ret i eat. TlioK:ilesi)tii thi'Sleanier Milivay. The steamer en which the explosion e curied while en her way from Uristel te Glasgow was the Selway, no!. Severn, as before iepei ted. Further details of the explosion show that eleven persons aie supposed te have lest their lives, including live who took icfuge iu a beat and endeav ored te escape, bat weic probably drowned, as the sea was heavy. Them wese only thiily-three persons in all en beard. The barrel of naphtha burst en the fore part of the main deck and the llitul came in contact, with lire in the main steerage. Six passengers were coven. d with the burn ing liquid and perished immediately. Their shrieks were awful, but assistance was impossible, the deck being well en fire. The the was get under control by means of the donkey engine. Tiirc UUK1.HUT i.irrrr.i:. te the government of Chili which shall net picvieusly have been solicited by it. The publication of these letters in Lima followed in due course and was the fust intimation received by General Ilurlbut that his opinions and utterances were se epcnlv disciedited aud disavowed, and. that, te, bv his own colleague. General liuilbut insists that he is right and Kil patrick wrong, and that the latter has been led awav bv his well known friend ship for Chili" stud for the Chilians. He is much disturbed at the course affairs have taken and is understood te be prepaiing an answer te General Kilpatiiek, which shall include quotations from his ewu insttuc insttuc tiens. which weie given long since General Kilpatrick leceived these which he se freely quoted. -News of the lay. The will of Mrs. Maria Cary, just effeied for probate in Brooklyn, bequeaths a total of $11(5, IKiO ter ciiaruauie purposes. The St. Lawrence hotel and several stores were destroyed by fire at Picton, N. S., vesterdav. Less, :JO.00O : insured for ii:i,'ero. M. Saul a ceuliibuUr te the Frankfurter Zeilun'j, h.ss been condemned te ene month's imprisonment for libelling Prince Risniaick. It is reported that Lieutenant Sulianeff, who was ai rested in St. Petersburg en suspicion of supplying conspirators with dynamite, has been :.ccietly executed. Jehn 1. Heward, of Burlington, Ver mont, has given 1.S0O acres of valuable land in Wisconsin and Minnesota te the Protestant Episcopal diocese of Vermont. The storm of October li atMazatlan was succeeded by another of equal vio lence en the 2(ith ultimo, which com pletely destroyed the town of Manzanillo. Tliegoemer of Michigan says the suf fcieis in that state, will probably lequire about $r00,0i)') mine te provide for th'-ir necessities until the next harvest, when, it is hoped, they will become self-suppeit-ing. A fresh number of the Nihilist .journal, XttrmliKtjti i'eliii, has made its appearance. On the title page is an editorial paragraph, .surrounded with a deep black line, iu which the crime of G lutein is condemned in the strongest language. Twe bundled and fifty persecuted Jews from Southern Russia ai rived at New Yerk vesteiday by the Steamer Helvetia. making a total of these exiles te date of .,i;(M. " It is stated that 10,000 mere will anive dining the winter. Hebicw colenics !ire te he formed in Louisiana aud Vir ginia. Miss Palmer, lesiding near Pickering, Can., was found dead, strangled with a roller towel about her neck. She had been in the habit of getting behind the towel and (blowing it ever her head. It is supposed sue Slipped nuu niter laiiuij; was unable te recover her feet. When discovered life was extinct. At Osgood Hall, Ontario, yesterday, Justice Osier, being compelled te de se by tlie law, i ejected the testimony of an " agnostic, "the :esthetie term for athe ist." In doing. se he "regretted that the state of the law of Canada was net similar te that of England, where such evidence, was properly 'received, and had weight in influencing the opinion of the judge or jury." C.ipt. Ilcaly, of the revenue steamer Rush, who recently returned from a sum mer ciuise iu Alaskan water, has submit ted a repeit of hi. operations te the chief of the revenue marine. He says he destroyed, en the Aleutian Islands and Alaskan coast, a large number of rum and iiuass distilleries, and ordered the natives te discontinue entirely the manufacture of liquor. S. F. Cleck, the telegraph operator and ticket agent in the employment of the Leng Island raihead company at Mineola, L. L, committed suicide in Massachusetts by throwing himself in front of a moving tiain. His body was frightfully mangled. He w:is 28 years of age and leaves a wife about te become a mother, lie disappeared mjsteiieusly about two weeks age. Jeal ousy is supposed te have been the cause of the rash act. Allen Reliker, town marshal of Maiden, West Virginia, was shot dead en Tuesday night by William Robinson, a notorious rough. Robinson also Cued twice at the mayor, but, missed his aim. He was ar icsted and taken te Chailosten, ifhd, as it was rumored that a mob from Madlcn intended te go te Chailcsten te lynch him, a company of militia was ei tiered out. Prof. Swift, of the Warner obscivatery, j at Rochester, New Yerk, discovered a faint comet en Wednesday night, the seventh of the piescnt year. It is in the constellation Cassiopeia, and has a light ascension of about one hour fifty minutes, declination north 71 degrees, with a motion slowly westward. Ne tail is visible, but there" is a slight central condensation. It is nearly round, and its diameter is esti mated at four minutes. In Millville, N. .T., the destruction of the family of Jacob Simpins, by malarial fever, serves te emphasize the suffetiug from that disease in this part of Seuth Jersey this season. Mr. Simpius died en October 21, his daughter, Miss Abby, en the succeeding Sunday, his con Themas en Nev. 1 1, and another child en Tuesday. The deatii of the latter was directly due te using a glass containing aconite in mis take for water. Mrs. Simpins survives. Congressman Frank llisceck lias left for Washington te conduct his canvass there for the speakership. Beth Mr. llis llis eock and his ft tends are confident of his success, lie will have the warm siip- of each and every member of theRcpubli Guard Agaiust Disease. If you find j euself getting bilious, head heavy, mouth leul, eyes yellow, kidneys dis ordered, symptoms of piles tormenting you, take a few doses of Kidney-Wert. It 13 na ture's great assistant. Use It as an advance guaru don't wait te get down sick, bee large advertisement. nlt-lwdttw A Short Kead te Ueatth. Te all who are suffering Irem boils, ulcers, scrofula, carbuncles, or ether obstinate dis eases et the bleed and skin, a course of Bur dock Bleed Hitters will be found te be a short read te health, l'riep $1. Fer sale at II. r.. Cochran's drug store, 137 Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. .taceb Jlart7elf, et Lancaster, X. Y., says your Spring ltlossem works well for every thing you recommend it : myself, wife, and children have all used it, ami you can't lind a healthier laiuily in Xew Yerk State October .", lSse. Pi ice M cents. Fer sale at II. 15. Coch ran's drug store, 1".T North Queen street, Lancaster. CLOTUISU. 17IA1.1. Ol'KNINU AT H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, (11 tin: LAKCiKST ASSOUTJlKNTJet line SUITING, OVERCOATING, AND PANTALOON I NG t:er hienxht te the t.'ilv of Lancaster. Prices na Lew aa the Lewest AND All Goods Warranted as Represented H. GERHART'S NEW STORE, Ne. 6 East King Sireet, tl.OTIIING. XV. J I Hostetter k Sen Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 4 CENTRE SQUARE. DSX OOODB. runs WASAMAKER'S ADVCtlTISKMBHT. JOHN WANAMAKER CALXS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING : Our Assortment et CLOTHING MKX, HOYS AMI YOUTHS FOR VAIL ANT) WTNTEU. Is larger and mere varied than ever ln'lere. Ii ices tin- lowest. tJive us a call. 1). B. lloslettfti & Seu, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Our ciicular silk, Oe-ineli, are bought entirely from the makers In Lyens this tall for the llrst time, Wc have advan tage in this price, and besides a degree of cenlldeiice net te be get in miscel laneous buying. Next outer circle, ChcMiiut-St. entrance. Is there anything black at 7.' cents better than flannel? It is of the sim plest et all weaving; and naturally money gees a long way in buying it. Mack serge at $1.23, lull : inches wide; exactly the wholesale price to day. Next outer circle, ChcstnutSI. entrance. Cimers-hair lightly covered with iieurctte plaid; the same se heavily covered with bright beurette single threads as te constitute a high illumi nation. $1:!5. Third circle, southeast Ireni centre. Ladies' coat or every grade are in a geed light in the new corner; and il there isn't enough room It is becau-e many buyers aie there. New te-day. Coats et light cloths tiimuu-il wltli pliuh, for jeung ladies only; the sizes and styles are young. i::ui(l$H. CO! Chestnut street. Lengthening and iv-dylngseal coats ; and lhe sooner it is done the belter. Ameiltan dye, ei course; hut ter sec ond dyeing it isn't weilh while te scud te Londen. ISy Hits way, would you like te leek into our busy fur workroom en the third fleer? Yeu shall see all sorts of tur skins and every process et making ami ask as many questions as you like. KitttClic-dnul sin el. Striped moleskin plush, 2'. inch, $2.75. Very lien solid silk plush stripes en ottoman silk with tine stripes of satin merveilleux between, $.3t. A distin guished novelty fiein VarK Ivery-white satin de Lyen with bold brocade or cream plush picked out with uncut plush of the same color, $h. Next-outer circle. Chestnut -St. entrance. Laruts small-cheeks or small-llguied plaids; net at all like sinall-cheeks and net at all like plaids ; a new effect alto gether ; stronger than small-checks and less gray than many colored plaids. $1.30. Considered decidedly stylish. The cloths are rather heavy. Second circle, southeast from centie. Muslin underwear et a grade found nowhere else in the stores of Philadel phia and Xew Yerk, with the exception of it single house; I.e., well made and or line enough material without any extravagance whatever, and at very moderate prices; se low indeed that lainilics cannot afford te de the s-ime work at home. West Hern Chestnut street entrance. We have hid made a variety et very i ili lies or embroidery small, and much liner surah than we have seen in rea!y made ties. fO cents le $2. The quality Is the same In them all. The dlllercnce is in width and embroidery. Kasti.-te ties embroidered with silk and cotton, a very unique and elltctlve combination. guilt: handsome embieldered mull tii-" at 15 cent. Kir-t circle, southeast from centre. JOHN WANAMAKER, Grand Depot, 13th street, Market and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA ANK & CO. 2.-IVU LANCAsna:. i 1 .VtSIIIONAUI.K CI.T1I1N. Chaste, betilling app-ual inail.s one accus tomed logeod sin i.'ty ami p:isse-se I et innate ivlinemelit. tnum FITS, COO I) MATFlilAS, (uum irei.'r. AT LOWKST l'UICKS, AT AL. marann awviv.ii,. pAKKKlt'S IIAIK BALSAM. pAKKKK'S tJINIJKK TONIC. PVKKKIt'S 114 IK UALSAM. The llest. Cheapest and Most Economical Hair Dressing Never tails te restore yeuthriil color te gniy Imlr. .Wc. anil $1 sizes. l'AKKKK'S UlNUUK TONIC Uinger, Buchu, Mandrake, and many or the best medi cines known are here combined into a medicine tit such varied powers, as te make it the greatcstlJloe.ll'iiiitieran.lTtioKct Haltti unit Sircngili Kestercr Jvycr ihtml. , It cures Complaints or Women, and diseases et the Stomach, ltewels. Lung, Liver and kidneys, and is entirely dtUerent Irem Kilters, Ginger Ksscnces, and etnei Tonics, as it never inte.xicatcs Mc. and tl sizes. II ISOOX & CO. Chemists, X. Y. Lai ge saving buying I size UUTH1.S. JV -ON LIQUORS, &C. 11INVA.TS II IOW OrEN SPIltCUKK 1IOIISK,- Kuroneen plan. Dining Knnms tr.i ..11 ...... .,......... L... ....... a., a. V.. -11 North Duke street. Clam and Turtle Soun- V INK. LTO.llOR. ALCOHOL AIN I) Lebster Salad.-Oysters In Every Style and all ; GROCERY STORE. KS puDlie8"190"- WC5el,r : -ehLMyd NO. 205 WEST KING STUEKT. i It Canu's Oreat Kxeitfinent in Chili. Great excitement was produced in Chili by the publication of Mr. Iluilbut's letter te General Lynch. The papers ;,'eneraily denied the genuineness ei the document. The excitement cv tended te official circle.1--, aud Mr. J. M. l'almaceda, tlie minihter of foreign atl'.tirs in Santiage, addressed a note en the subject te iener.il Kil patrick. In leply Geneial Ivilpitrick categorically contradicts his Lima col league, lie assures him r.i the must ctn ctn plietie manner that the Chilian govern ment lias nothing te Tear, cither from the intentions or the attitude wlftuh his gev ernment will assume with respect te the war in the Pacific. He says the instrnc tiens sent te Mr. Ilurlbut and himself by Secretary Blaine cannot Lear a double meaning, and te dispel all doubts as te the character of these instructions he copies a portion in which he is diicctcd in all his conversation with members of the Chilian government m regard te the at titude of the United States towards Chili and rein te conform te the known rulings of international laws and under no cir cumstances te officially offer any advice can delegation and the Republican press of the state. Notwithstanding past factional divisions in the riiroitieus of uuifyiug the Repulusau party, all shales of Republi cans will earnestly labor for bis election as speaker. II. V. Uellickl, the wcll-knewu corres pondent and of late the "Washington rep resentative of the Cincinnati Commercial. died of consumption last night. Mr. Red field made a brilliant reputation as a war correspondent, and his subsequent letters from the Southern state?, which were col lected aud published in book form, were extensively icad. lie has been sullering ft em pulmonary disease for years and has latterly spent his summers iu Smcthpert, McKean ceuntv. Pa., at the home of his J wife's father, Mr. Hamlin, a wealthy rail read man and land-owner et that piace. Ca-es me constantly occurring in every iamily where, it Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup weie used in time the Cough and Celd would give no tuilher trouble. ONE l'KH'E HOUSE, 37 JNU.KT.tL UJliiliJN OT. Employing none but SUilllul Cutters and Tailor-, we are ceiiliilcnt et pleasing the me-t fastidious . As regarding the TKIMMING et our cloth ing we il-c. only ine uesi. inc niaiKriiiuuun. ON B OF THE L TESTfl LS THE Freck, Cutaway and Ches terfield, WITH WHOLE HACKS. In England they are new popular and an: eten-ively worn in large cities in this coun try, as they leek well they will probably grew into popular favor in this city. Made from "oeds et a decided figure they are desirable garments, :v?t lie pattern is net marred by an almost u.-eless seam in the centre of the back. The absencj el this stain has a ple.i-ing ctl'ect, especially en close fitting g innents. We have Hie lllllsii.iiiiiiis ui FOUR DIPFKKENT DESIGNS which I will exhibit in my window andean i.ew be seen in connection with a FULLY EQUIl'l'ED r ANK Si CO. I LAJNTE & CO., Ne. 24 EAST KING STREETLANCASTER, PA., DEALERS IN EOREIGfi AID DOMESTIC DET GOODS. JUST Ol'KNEO A SPLENIMO LINK OK LADIES COATS AND COALINGS, VERY CHEAP. LADIES' UNDERWEAR in all grades. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR, in Red and White Goods. liLANKETS, in great variety. FEATHERS, Steam Cured. CARPETS and QUEENSWARE. HOUSE and LAV BLANKETS, BOLTING CLOTHS, &c. Special inducements in price .IANUAKV l,lN.'. new as we: de-sire te make a radical chnngc in stock by Jacob M. Marks. Jehn A. Charles. Jehn 8. Reth. JIUUMK VVltSISIilNti UOOUH. H OUSKFUKNISIIINO. IF -;e te- OUSKrUKNISIIINO. FLINN & WILLSON'S, -Kei: Tatii Dptai Invigorating feed for the brain anil nerves is what we. r.ced in tlust; days et ru-sh and weiry. I'arkcr's ;inger-Tenie ie-teres tiie vital energies and brings geed health iilcker than anvtliing you can use Tribune. Sec ad vei ti.-eiiient. nl-lmdcod&wcew Noting ttte ElVects. It. Gibbs of IJufTale. N. Y., writes: " Hear ing veur r.urdeck ISloed Kitteis l'avendily spekeu of. I was induced te watch their effects, and lind that in chronic diseases et the bleed, liver and kidneys, your bitters have been sig nally marked with success. I have used them mysell with best results, ter torpidity of the liver; ant! in casoefa friend et mine suffer ing liem diepsy, the effect was marvelous." 1'iiceil. Fer sale at 11. 15. Cochran's drug store, 137 North tjucen btrcet, Lancaster. We have a full line et KINK READY MADE CLOTHING -KOK Men's, Youth's, Beys' and Chil dren's Wear. Which we aie selling at very low prices. Our assortment et YOUNG MEN'S FANCY BACK VLSTERETTE8 AX1 11EVEUSI I! HE O 'Eli (JO A rs, is the Most Complete and l-'ini'st Assortment ever before exhibited In tliis city. An exam ination of the above will certainly be te your ail vantage. AL R0SENSTEIN, THE LEADER (IV FASHION, OPPOSITE the GRAPE HOTEL Furnaces anil Steves of alt Kinds. .lust received l.oei YARDS or FLOOR OIL CLOTH Irem '25 tents peryuitl up. CHANDELIERS. COMPLETE LINE OF IIOU3EFURNISIUNG OOODS FOR TIIE FALL SEASON. 3Call and camlnt; emr stock. Ne trouble te show goods. -:e:- FLINN & WILLSON, 152 & 154 North Queen Street. l'LUSIHIiM'S SUri'LUSH. J OI1N I.. AKNOI.D. JOHN I.. AKNOLD. -:e:- JMWELERS. rl'KKAOLASSKS, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AT AUGUSTUS BHOADS, Jeweler, Ne. 90 East Kinir Street. Lancawier. 1'a fsept2S-3iudeed Largt.'st, Finest anil Cheapest Stecfc et CHANDELIERS EVER SEEN IX LANCASTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PLATE AND PLUMBER'S SUPPL1 ES. :e JOHN L. AENOLD, Neb. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE S3TREET, LANCASTER, Pjr-