LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15, Ibsi. K Tobacco Mutters. The past week has been the dullest of the season among Lancaster tobacco men. Ne sales cither of new or old leaf arc re ported. Dealers appear te be lying en their eais, while fanners ate engaged in bliipping the crops they tonic from the poles during the late wet Fp' II. Christain Biubakrr, of S i&bury sold 3J acres te F.itrnan & Ce., at JO cents aieuud J. 31. Hcrslicy, of Salisbury eue acre te Jonas Eaby at 33, 18, 8, and 3. Next Wrck'i. Court. Tiie tiial list for next week's quarter sessions com t is out. There are 143 cases en it for tiial, nearly all of which are new. Among llieui me the follewing: Emanuel Gundaker, felonious assault and battery ; Ed. rjandeis, murder : I'hilip Holers, ac cessory te murdci ; Samuel U. Miller, murder. Zu cases aic set ilewn for Thurs day, a that will be Thanksgiving day, and them will be no court. Beginning next week ceuit will be almost continuously in cession until the holidays. tierse !! IN'ad. As the diiver of the wagon or the Con Cen Con cstega ceik works was diiviug about 1:30 p. in. te day en East Orange street, his heise suddenly fell ever in the gutter in front of 3Ir. Frank Shreder's residence just west of Lime street, and with two or three groans expired. Xe inquest. The body was carted te .!. G. Lampartei's glue facteiy at 3p in. L'i(l of Hit Injuries. MiinacI Eiiuer, the man who fell from the second story of St. Jeseph's hospital en Sunday, died of his injuries this morning. Corener Mis-hler empanelled a jury and held and inquest this afternoon. .Miul His ih--,t Kabbit. A cerj.lts days a'40 'Willie Lebzeltcr,aged Myeais, son of I'lnliji Lebzelter, was out in the ceuntiy and he shot his first rabbit. The weapon uscl was a pistol and he shot the animal tliieiigh the head, killing him instantly. Sale el ICcal KMate. JJ. F. Howe, ycftciday sold at piivate sale for Jehn llaar, a picce of ground en West King stiert, N. 'J.'ii, with a one- story lieiisi;. nitly leg and Iniek. te Cor- ncliits F. 31;: v 'r i00. 'letting ISacc. This afternoon a trotting race is place at 1 he park between II. I). Lillie I), and C II. Htinneckcr Billy. The premium is $100. takiug Erh's s Bay Sa! of Horses. Samuel Hess & Sen, auctioneers sold at public sale, Xev. 14, Mcrrimae house, for Gee. GiesMnan, 1)1 head of houses at an average price of 8131, per head. al! Last Sight. The -I. S. C." held their the Humane hall last nteht and ball in it was well attended. LveiyUun; all had :. geed time. was quiet and JKajerV C"rt. The mayor this morning disehaigcd two ledgers anil eue drunk. Tiie latter paid his costs. A Generous At I. The Yeung Men's Chiistian association was indebted te the old Lancaster gas eempany for $100 worth el gas consumed "luring the years 187!i and Ivi. At a late meeting of the managers a i solution was pas-ed authorizing the secretaiy. Mr. Geerge If.. Reed, te cancel the tlebt as a donation te the association, which was accordingly done, anil a receipt handed te the acting provident. Mr. 1). C. Flavcrsliclc. for which the association and all the geed people int'H-ted in it-- geed work are profoundly thanktul. Aiiiercinciits. nniii Jiaicnperl Te-nigh!. TUc eminent i actress, ll-. Fanny l)avenpnrt,will appear at j ta Fulton epeia home te nightin Dumns's drama et ' Caiuille." A lady et her reputation and dramatic lineage icquircs no introduction, but it may be said that Mi-s Davcnpeit has wen increasing laurels in this role. At the leading theatres et the country last sumuici she -fined a gre.i success, and her present tour tlneugh this state is marked by the me.-.t complimentary press notices. Miss Davenport's company is ale aeeerdeil high praise. The sale et le-cived scuts Maws mere thau "' 0 taken. -f :i 12. tiTn:. Sick headache, nerveu- headache, neuialgia. nervousness, paialysis, dyspcpsi-i, sleepless lies", and biiiin disease-, positively cured by J Di. lien-mi's Celery and Chamomile Fills, i They contain no opium, quinine, or ether harmful drug. Sold by druggists. Don't Die In llie Heuse. Ask druggists ter " Iteugh en Hat-." 1 dears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, reaches, ver min. Hies, ants insects. 15c per box. ."Humeral A! cm net i itetlicrs: Aie you dltui licit at night and broken of yeurrcvt by a sick child sutterlug and crying vlth the excruciating pain et cutting teeth? If s.-., go at once and get a bottle of MItS. WIN3L.OWJ? SOUTHING bYU'Jl'. It will re lieve the peer little snilerer Immediately de pend upon It; there is no mistake about it. There is net u mother en eailh who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest, te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like ni-igic. It Is perfectly safe te ue m all cases, ami pleasant te the taste, and fs the prescription of one et the eldest ant! best lemal'j physician and in the U ailed Mutc-i. .-sld everywhere: 25 cents a I ettle iiii-7-ld.wM.W&S "l.lie, Urmn, .entity." " What we all admire " and hew te secure it : A line head of hair in its natural color is such an adjunct te beauty that no one who prizes geed leeks should neglect te n-u " Louden Hair Celer Heslercr,"' the U'OstcIeanly and de lightfut article ever intieduccd te the Ameri au people. II is totally different from all ethers net sticky or gummy, and free from all impure ingredients that render many ether preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, restore! gray hair, gives it new lite, keeps ihe scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair te grew where it had lalleu off or become thin, does net soil or stair anything, ami is se per fectly and elegantly prepared us te make It a lasting hair dressing and toilet luxury. " Lon Len Lon eon Hair Hcsteier" is sold by all druggists, at 75 cents a bottle. .-ix bottles ler $1. Oct3M,Y,S&w Uhlii Diseases" Cured by Dr. Swujne's Ointment. What is mere distressing thin; an obstinate skin disease, and w hy persons should suffer a Mingle hour when they have a sure cure in " Swayne's Ointment "' Is piLsl our compichcn cempichcn compichcn xien. The worst cases et tetter, itch, salt rheum, or tint annoying complaint, itching piles, yield te its wonderful all-healing quali ties. Pimples en the lace and blotches en the -kin areiemevcd by using this healing oint ment. Perfectly safe and harmless, even en the most tender infant. Itching Piles Symp toms arc moisture, intense Itching, particu larly at night after gelling warm in bed; ether parts arc sometimes affected. Swayne's Ointment plea-ant, sure cure. Dr. Swaync & Sen, .VI North Seventh street, Philadelphia, Pa., te whom ail letters should be addressed, sold bvall prominent druggists. ecU-T.Th&K&w Universal Approbation Jiy the community at large lias been given te Hurdeek llloed Hitters. Ne instance is known where disKitistactieu has been manifested by their use, or where aught but benefit follewea their administration. Price $1. Fer sale at II. IJ. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen sucet. Lancaster. "What every one says must be true," that " Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup"' has no equal ler eughs ami colds. Try it. Price 25 cents. nl-lnid&w An old lady writes us :" I am 15 years old and was feeble ami nervous all the time, when I bought a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic. I have used little mere than one bottle and feel aa well a at no." Se ether column. uMmdcod&wcetv THIS FAK31KKS HUKSU. Dr. Barber's Bed Herse Powders are the best In the market. They are net a mem loed made et Inert ami cheap material.-, but a veritable Medicine. Tbcy contain lour times thcstrcngtb of ordinary horse and cattle powder?, and will cure and fatten stock in one-fourth the time, acting at. once upon the digestive organs and secretions, and may be safely relied upon ler the cure of cough, colds distemper, glanders and all diseases et hersey, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. They will increase the quantity and quality of inllk in cows and keep all kind-, et stock in a healthy condition. Sold everywhere at 20c. per pack, C ler $1 ; large size 40c. or 3 ter 51. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug Stoie. 1ST and 1 39 North Queen stiecls. augMydeed&wl Nothing Shcrl el L'nmlstalcnbln Itenellttt Conferred upon tens el thousands of MitTcroi MitTcrei MitTcroi ceuld eiiglnate and maintain the leputatien. which Area's SAUSAr.w.aLv enjoys. It is a compound of the best vegetable alteratives, with the Iodides of Potassium a-.d Iren, and is the most effectual of all remedies ler scro fulous, mercurial, or bloeii disorders. Uni formly successful and certain in its remedial effects it produces rapid and complete cures et Scrofula, .Sere. Ceils, Humors, Pimple, Eruption.-, Skin Diseases and all disorders rising Irem impurity of the bleed. By its invigora ting cllecls it alwavs relieves and etten cures l.iver Complaint. Female Weaknesses and Ir regularities, and isapetmt rencwer et vital ity. Fer purifying the bleed it has no equal. It tones up the sy&teir, restores and preserves the health, and imparts vigor and energy. Fer fort j- years it has been in extensive use, ami is te-day the most available medicine ler the suf fering sick, anynheie. Fer sale by alldcaleis. iill-lwdcedAw The Docter Telil Me te takeabltie pill, but I didn't, ler 1 had al ivady been poisoned twice by mercury. The druggist told me te try Kidney-Wert, and I did. It was jnt the tiling ler my biliousness and constipation, and new I am as well as ever." Torpid kidneys and liver is the trouble for which Kidney-Wert always proves te be the host lemedy known. Hartferd CevratU. nll-lwdAw "A word te the wise is suflieient." An ef fective and agreeable lemedy ler the treat ment et Catarrh, Hay Fever and Catarrhal Deafness is Ely's Cicam Baliu." A sure cure. Cream Halm effectually cleanses the nasal .m,t-:i,;cs of catarrhal virus, causing healthy secicliens, allays inflammation and irritation. pieUets the mcinbraiial linings et the head from additional colds, completely heals tin seresnnd icnteres the. sense of laste andMiicll. Beneficial results arc lc.illzed by a lew appli cations. A thorough 1 realm Mil as diiected will cur- Catariii. As a household remedy ter coin in me neau u is uncquaic'i. me lsaiin is easy te u-e and agreeable. Sold ty druggUt at 50 cent'. On i ocelpt of .V) cents will mail a package, ."-end ler chcular with l.ill infui mo tion. ELY'S CHEAM BALM CO., Oswego, N. Y. Fer .-ale in Lancaster '03-al! the druggists. nl-2wdeed&w A Cough, Celd or s-ere mi-eat should ne j utepped. Neglect Irejiicntly results in an In- : curahli- L'liig Disease or Consumption. Brown's iirenehial Tnieh' de net disorder me -leiuiieii lute ceugn unit uiiisainc, buliict directly en the in tiameilparta, allaying ir'-itatlen, sive relict In Asthma. 1'renchla! Coughs, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which bingcrs and rublleSpeakers aresubject te. Fer thirty yearn ISrewn's llrenehial Treci'.es have been reeemincnded by iiliysl ciaus. anil always give uerlect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant Use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies et the age. Sold at i" cents a box every where. iii8-IvilTTliASJfclyv Kidney Cempliiint Cured. 15. Turner, Kechcstcr, N. Y.. writes : ' I h-ive bi'eii for everii year subject te serious dis order et the. kidnevs, and etten unable teat-i tend te business; I procured your ISurdeck llloed Itittcrs and was relieved betore hall a bottle Mas used. 1 intend te continue, as I feel conlident that they will entirely cine ine." Frice SI. Fer sale at II. IS. Cechian's drug store. i:7 North (Jueeii btrcet, Lancaster. "The doctors sain my who had een-uinp ten. Tried ' Lindsev's llloed Searcher.' and .she has hetter he dth than ever." It. H. Hub- j hui-d. Hampden, Ohie. nl iind&w i HEATHS. Wbwcb. In this city, en the 15th inst., Doietliea Weaver, in the isi 1 yearet her age. The relative- and fi lends et the family a:e j re-pccttully iniled te attend the Itinera I tiem the residence et uee. is. Dauuer Ne. .u Church street, en Fiiday afternoon at -o'clock. Interment at Woodward 11 ill ceme tery. H.VRMiK. November 15th. 1-S1, in this city, el scarlet lever, Herbert S. Harner, eldest son j of Henry C and S. Franc -s Harner, aged a year.-, 7 months and 27 days. The idatives and friend-et the f.nnilv aie , respectfully invited te attend tiie funeral from the residence et his parents. Ne. !!' West Chestnut stieet, en Thui-day afti-uinen at." o'clock. XJJIf Alt Vj:itTlSHMJ-'XTS. IOST ON "WKIISESDAT KVEXLM!, A j (old Itlack-Knamcled Ilmlge. surrounded with Pearls. A libcnil icward mil be paid en return of same te this etlice. ltd 'OK SALIC A DhSIKAItSlh OKOUEKY r STOKE and DWELLING HOUSE for sale en private terms. Apply at ullStd THIS OFFICE 17"AXTi:U A DISTItlCT Al SOUCJT- ing agents ter this city and county for the Standard Ilenctlcial Association ler un married persons. Address D. W. J5AKD, General Agent, ltd Heading, Pa. 1I'G1VA1.T'S WINE, LIQUOK. ALCOHOL AND rMxieTsijv- cTnnr jj unui.iv. exw. ICljUJ-lJd NO, 205 WfcST KING STKIiLT. ATOT1CE. ALL l'EICSONS AKi: FUKBIl) '. nir wife. Mary M. Stchuian. JLl trusting :is she has lett mv my bed and beard without any cause et my own, as I will pav no debts contracted bv her. II. IS. STEHMAN. nl5-:tdTV.itw East Hemplield. . ALLEN ROCK HAS NOW ON IIAKU A full line et HUHHEH and AHCTIC OVEKSHOES, also Kubber Heets all et the best quality and at the. lowest prices, at 305 North Queen street, opposite the Northern Market Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. ltd&w SIGN OF THE JIG HOOT. JY VIRTUE OF A KEsOlAJTION PASSE l ) by City Councils Thursday, .Jnne '.', 1S31, conferring en me authority te sell $S,00)el the unexpended balance et tlej lean approved February 7. 1S74, ler the further improvement el the water work-. I hereby ask jer PHOPO SALS ter Six Thousand Dollars of the afore said lean te be handed in at the Maver's office up te WEDNESDAY, the 23d day et" NOVEM HKH. 3 p. m. This Lean is " lree from tax for any purpe-e wha'seever," bear.-SIX PEK CENT, uitcicst, pay: ble semi-annuailv at the Treasurer's eflic, and is due ami payable April 1, ltOU. The Lean will be issued in certificate of in debtedness of the City et Lancaster, in such forms as are new prescribed for the issuing of the same; in denominations of ?le0 and multi plies thereof. The debt of the city et Lancaster is $7l--41iO Amount in sinking fund, Sn;-i35S.ed ; last as f-esred valuation ler city tax purposes, $11, (iOS.575. Amount of debt proposed te be made. ijti.oeo. Ferm el proposed lean, ecrtiticates of JlaO or mnlliples thereof; payable ISO. A tax levy of 310et one mill percent, was enacted ler the pavmentef said lean. JNO. T MjicGONIGLE, Mayer. iil.VTu,Tli,S&Mil yi'LTOX OPEKA 1IODSK. FIVE GREAT ATTRACTIONS ncr.l3.-e THE EVENINGS OF INSTITUTE WEEK. TUESDAY, NOVEMHElt 15. Vaj-sast MacCcllt. " Photography Wit ttwl Tfnttn-kt " et IN THE COUKT HOUSE. .:i5cent-i WEDNESDAY. NOVEMHElt 1C, Klv. .Iesbc Yeimi. "The H.iltle or Gcttysbuig." Hcscrvcd Seats :15 cenU. THUHSDAY, NOVEMHElt 17, Al.VIIKO .1. KSKIHT'x lACKVU COMniSATle.. Music, Headings and Shakspearean Impersonation-. Heseived Scats :i5 cents. FHIDAY, NOVEMHElt is. Moses T. Hnewx. ltcadliigs. Music and Reci tations. I5eervcd Seats 35 cents. He-eived :Eeats at FenDcrsmiHi's. Xe. 32 East E ing street. Chart open en Monday at J a. m. ulS-tiUlR XEW AUVKHTtMEMEXTS. TUUN WASAMaKCR AlVBtlTISKMET. JOHN WANAMAKER CALLS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING : " Our circular silks, ti-J-incb, arc bought entirely lrem Hie makers in Lyens this iall for the llrst time, Ve have advan tage in the price, and besides a degree of confidence net te be get in miscel laneous buying. Xext-eutcr circle, ChestnutSt. entrance. Is theic anything black at 73 cents better than flannel? It is of the sim plest et all weaving; and naturally money goea a lenir way in buying it. Black Fergc at $1.25, full 5: inches wide; exactly the wholesale price to day. Next-outer ciicle. Chestnut -St. entrance. Camel's-hair lightly covered with beurctte plaid: the same se heavily coveicd with l-MjIit beurctte single threads as toei-titutea high illumi nation. $135. Third circle, southeast from centie. Ladles' coats el every gradeaieina geed light in the new corner; audit thcie isn't enough loom ills becaii60 many buyers are there. New te-day. Coats of light cloths trimmed with plush, for young ladies only; the hires irnd style3 are young. $r,uml$14. 1.7U Chestnut street. Lengthening and re-dying seal coats ; and the sooner it is done the better. American dye, of" course ; but for sec ond dyeing It i-n't worth while te send te Londen. ISy the way, would you like te leek into our busy fur workroom en the third fleer? Yeu shall see all sorts of fnr skins and every process of making and ask as many 'inestiens a3 you like. IWS Chest n ul "tree!. JOHN WANAMAKER, Grand Depot, 13th street, Market and Chestnut., PHILADELPHIA. ID'.V. .1. ZA1IM. Manufacturing Jeweler, - - - Zahm's Cerner, LAXCAHTEli, L A. The. manufacturers of the dillerent lines of goods embraced In our stock have been spee-j-illv rerluii'ite this yearin producing styles et uneiiualed beauty, which it will be a pleasure te :is te hew te all who call. Our s'eck is lull In all departments Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Diamonds, &c. If you want te get up any SPECIAL CIIKISTM AS GIFT place your order as early a- possi ble, l'n Solid Celd or Silver we can make, in our own factory, any article wanted, wliicii en ables us te give our customers advantage in -prices, net usually leuud in retail stores. THE. AlUTNDl'.I. TINTED SPKUXAC1.S.S, for which we arc Hie sole agents in Laneister county, we believe are the best in the world, and Ave are satisfied that with the aid el our com plete eutllt of Test Lenses, we can fit any eyt-s that need the aid et glasses. Our facilities ler FIRST-CLASS KEPAIKING are complete in every department. The very liberal share of trade we have received In the past has encouraged us te place in our cases a liner ami larger stock than ever before, te which we cordially invite the attention et all who desira te examine beautltul goods. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, ZAIDI'S CORNER, oet-Jl-emd&wlt NJ-: ir II AC.rit & ISItOTIIBK. Hapr k Brether, NO.' 25 WEST KING STREET, ' Offer in - Lame Assortment -AND- LOWEST PRICES, XEW DRESS GOODS, XEW DRESS GOODS, XEW URESS GOODS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND JACKETS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND JACKETS, CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND JACKETS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES, SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES. SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHES, LACES, HOSIERY AXD GLOVES, LACES, HOSIERY AXD GLOVES, LACES, HOSIERY AXD GLOVES, LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR, MERINO UNDERWEAR, MERINO UNDERWEAR. ?-We invite examination. -:e: Hapr & Brether.! Striped moleskin plush, J inch, $i.7J. Very ilea solid silk plush stripes en ottemau silk with fine stripes of satin mervcSllcux between. $C..")0. A distin guished novelty from Paris. Ivery-white satin dc Lyen with bold brocade of cream plush picked out with uncut plush or the same color, ?U. Next-outer circle, Chestnut-St. entrance. Large small-checks or small-liguied plaids; net at all like small-checks and netat all like plaids ; a new effect alie gcther ; stronger than small.cliccks and less gray thau many colored plaliN. $1.50. Considered decidedly stylish. The cloths are rather heavy. Second circle, southeast from centie. Muslin underwear el a found nowhere else In the stores of l'hiladel phlaand New Y'erk, with the exception of a single house ; i. c., well inadu and of line cueugh mateiial without any cxtraTagancc whatever, and at very moderate prices; se low indeed that families cannot afford te de the 'ame work at home. West lrem Chestnut street ciiti.iucc. We have hid made a variety et en rich tics of embroidery surah, and much finer surah than we have teen in ready made tics. 63 cents te $2. The Hiiallty is the same in them all. The difference is in width and embroidery. Uastlste ties embroidered with silk and cotton, a very unique and ellectiv combination. Quite handsome er.ibreideicd liiuil ties ai 15 cents. Firt circle, southeast fiem centie. Tjl JDff, J. ZAIlm. - LANCASTER, I'JiNN'A. XJS W A V rKKTlSKM C.V2 ,V. "VTJ-.W AND SECOND-HAND PIAXOS AXD ORGAXS, at great bargains. JUSTUS 8TUCKKNIIOLTZ, o2!tteianl,82,R Fulton Hall. Lancaster, Pa. STKAMED OYSTKKS. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, naving placed in my restaurant a Feese Steamer, I am prepared te luruish STEAMED O'i STERS the best in the city at all hours. I have also connected the steamer with my Steam Table thus enabling me te serve .Meals steaming het at short notice. Oysters in Evciy Style. Meals at All Hum. Gnme in Season. GEO. II. MILLER, nlMwdlt :; King Street. 1,'STATK OF JAfOB JBAF.IC, LATE OF 'J East Hemplield township, Lancaster county, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the under signed, all persons indebted thereto are re quested te make immediate payment, ami these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for set tlement te the uudersigned. ADAM R. HAER. HENRY H. HAER. Executdrs, Hcmptlcld P.O., Lancaster con n tv. Pa. J. Hat Urewn, Attorney. lil-Vltii&.'itw KX TJSJtTA IA'JIKXTS. ICLTON OPEKA HOUSE. TUESDAY, NOV. 15, 1831. -THE FASHIONABLE EVENT.- Engagement or the Acknowledged Come dienne. AND HER GRAND COMPANY, including Charles Fisher, Edmcxd Teacle (llrst ap pearance here) H. J. Huklev, V. F. Eo Ee wahds, F. M. Kesdrick, Ui:or.eE Dakiieli., IIarhv Hawk, II. Piehsex, sb., Lewis Raker. S. Kenkicecb, O. M. Duxn, Mat DAVENreRT, Minme Mexk, Maby Shaw, Mrs. C. Fisher, N. F. Hbisac (Stage Man ager). In Tier Great Success of last summer, DU- MAS'S. CAMILLE! ADMISSION RESERVED SEATS.. .....50c, 75c. , and !l ... . .9X Reserved seats ea sale at the Opeia Heuse Office. nll-lt r ADIES' UAIK UltESSKR 1 MES. C. LILLEE. Ladies' Hair Dresser. Manufacturer and Dealer In Hair Werk, Ladies' and Gents' Wists. Combings straight ened and made te order. Hair Jewelry et all kinds made up. Alse, Kid Gloves and Feath ers cleaned and dyed; Alse, Ladies' Shampoo ing. -r. & 227 NORTH QUEEN STEET. eVJind'1 Four doers above P. R, R. Depot FAfflY DAVENPORT TURD EBITIOI. TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 15, 1881. PICKING THE JURY. THE MLN WHO AKK TO TKY GUITEAU. Resolved Net ti Have a Colored Man in the Vex, but Subsequently Accepts One. Washington, Nev. 15. The picssure fur admission into the court room was gi eater than yesterday. The five jurors selected yesterday were early m attendance and a few minutes after ten court was formally opened. When Guiteau came in and the hand-cufls wcic removed he shook bauds with his sister and brother and took his scat. lie manifested his nervous ness less than yesterday.' 3Ir. Scevillo ap plied for an order for additional witnesses, which was granted. The first juror called was a colored bar ber, who was peremptorily challenged by the defense. The next was a maa named Burns, who said Guiteau should be hanged or burucd ; he was, of course, excused, as was also the next, who believed Guiteau crazy. The next was a colored man re markable for a frilled shirt front and dra matic posture and manner. He related the history of his past life and was then peremptorily challenged by the defense. In fact it is understood Guiteau is icselvcd net te have a colored man en the jury. The next was an Irishman named 3Iichael Shecky, with a very prenuueed brogue, who had no opinion except that Guiteau was "aeut of his head. " He was sworn as the sixth juror. William Talbot, who has never betheicd his head about Guiteau, was challenged peremptorily by the prosecution. Others weie then ex cused en account of preconceived opinions. A long-faced young colored man named Fester, who ! clared himself perfectly free from prejudice, but admit ted he had spoken of the assassination as "quite a seiieus accident," was perempt erily challenged by the defence. Samuel F. llebbs, a plasterer, was accepted as the seventh juror. G. W. Gates, a machinist, was accepted as the eighth juror. Fer an hour after this every man had an " unal terable " opinion of the prisoner's guilt, except one colored map. who had read no mere of this case thau he always read ' in eidinary cases of that kind "' He could form an impartial opinion, but believed no ctisil!c man could have Cene such a thing as sheeting the president. Alter consultation between the prisoner, his counsel aud his brother, 3lr. Scevillo said they would accept this juror and the col cel col ei ed man, Ralph Wermlcy, was accepted and sworn as the ninth jiu or. At this point the list was exhausted and the marshal was ordered te summon sevcnty-livonieic for te-morrow. Court then, at 12:20, adjourned. There was some difficulty found in maintaining order among the crowd of spectatets who were present te listen te the proceedings of the trial. Thcie were no manifestations of ill-will against the prisoner, except new and theu a slight dis position te applaud the expression occa sionally made by these being examined for jury duty, that they were of the decided opinion that the assassin ought te be hanged, but the applause was in every in stance promptly checked by the deputy marshals. The cause of the disorder was the overcrowding of the platform assigned te the general public, and the cllerts el a number of young men," of whom the audi ence was ch telly composed, te sccure mere aailublc places of observation, regardless of the fact that in se doing they obstructed the view of ethers ; and the pushing and shuiiling incident thereto en several occa sions became se great as te compel the dis trict attorney te call upon the court te order the marshals personally te proceed te the noisy quarter aud enforce quiet. Geed-humor was, however, preserved thiougheut the proceedings aud all ap peared te relish the replies, at times quaint and at ethers forcible, which were elicited from the persons whejwere being examined as te their jury qualifications. MIS. CAMERON'S LATEST tLATJIJ'.K. 1 he Preuiilenf l!;ii!res Hie Sentiinriits of Hie .licUccsperters mid Turns out the I'listmasterle muKc iteuni nir Jlen's lieiiebiiiuii. AVamhngten, Nev. 15. Atneiif; the liestmasters commissioned for terms et' four yeais yesterday were the following in Pen nsylvania : Tilton C. Reynolds, Reynolds ville; J. B. Shifter, Pittsteu ; Alien M. Ayics, Canten ; Geerge L. J. Painter, Muncy. A coinmissien for Samuel E. Carethers, the newly appointed postmaster at JIc JIc Keespert, l'a., in rcgaid te whom a lively contest is being waged between the Cam cren ami anti-Cameren Republicans el" Western Pennsylvania was sent te the president from the posteflico department yesterday. It. has net been signed, but willjprebably be signed te-day. Yesterday a delegation of McKccspert citizens, headed by Cel. Themas 31. IJ.iync, congressman of the district, waited upon the president te pretest against the commissioning of Carethers. The follow ing telegram lrem Senater Mitchell, was presented by Baync : " Impossible for me te come in time. Say te President Arthur for mc that my advice would be governed by your judgment in regard te McKccs McKccs eort, and that Carethers should net at least be com missiened without the fullest possible imtuiry and undoubted indorse inderse ment by the people." Rev. Dr. Kelse, in behalf of the dclcira dclcira tien, addressed the president, eutcriug in behalf of the. citizens of ilcKecspert, a solemn pietcst against the appointment of S. E. Carethers in place of Dr. Baldridge, the incumbent, and asking that the com mission of the former be withheld. I te recited the facts relative te the appoint ment of Caiethers substantially as they have been published hcietofeic in the Intclliceni'KR, and stated that the senti ment of the peeple was overwhelmingly in favor of the retention of Baldiidgc the picscut incumbent, as the petitions would show, lie also charged Senater Cameren with gross deception and a violation of the rules of courtesy commonly extended te the Representative of the district. The president listened attentively te what was said and replied that he could net see hew he could withheld the com mission, but that the matter could be pre sented te him when the Senate reconven ed in December and then he would give it consideration. cai:iui:s en a stkikk. Demanding &' n Day of Twenty Hours Werk New Yerk, Nev. 15. A general strike of the coach drivers in this city was com menced today in consequence of the re fusal of employers te accede te the request of a committee of the Coach Drivers benev olent and protective society for an increase of their wages. They demand $11 per week. It is estimated that four hundred men are en the strike. The employ ers arc willing te give $12 but refuse 814. The drivers complain that they r re compelled te work en an average eighteen, nineteen and twenty hours per day-for which they receive 1.4!, and new they demand $2. Werd was received this morning that three of the stables had agreed te pay $14, and the men returned te work. Twenty three stables employing upwards of :;71 men still Iseld out. WKATHEIt INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Nev. 15. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, fair and co!d weather, northwesterly winds, becoming variable and rising barometer. By TVlre. The grand ledge of Pennsplvania, I. O. O. F. met in semi-annual seasien at Phila delphia te-day. First snow of the scrsen fell at Milferd, Pa., accompanied by high wind. Anether $40,000 embezzlement rises up te accuse Captain Howgate. The Canadian police are ou the lookout te prevent the prize fight between 'Helden and White, which was te take place near Pert tlureu te-morrow. Simonton's niaierity in the Dauphin- Lebaueu judicial district is officially re ported at 4.2C!). Michael Scanlan, aged 57, sheriff of Schuylkill county, died at Pert Carben this morning after several months' illness of hypertrophy of the liver. A physician will examine into the men" tal condition of Arthur Lefrey, convicted of the murder of 3Ir. Geld in Londen. Eeniliceut Bequests. Bosten, Nev. 15. The will of Jehn Amary Lewell, filed te-day. directs hi trustees te pay $20,000 te Harvard college te be added te the Massachusetts fund for the betanicil garden, and $20,000 as a fund for the purchase of books for the library, three-fourths of the income from this sum te be applied for that purpose Large i'ire Raging in Albany. Ai.uant, Nev. 15. At 2:10 p. m., a fire broke out in the shoe factory of Bellows & 3Ioerc, en Hudsen avenue. The entire upper part of the building is wrapped in flames and the less will be heav . Wins First Prize. Philadelphia. Nev. 15. The first prize for the best piece of track en the Pennsylvania railroad between New Yerk and Pittsburgh has been awarded te Su pervisor Lawrence, having charge of the division from Harrisburg te Lauca&tcr. MAMKiSTS. I'tilladelplila Market. . i.iL.M.'KC.rniA. Nev. 15. Heur firm, mere active.: Supeillr.e, at fl 0034 50; extra-f at 4 1.M.1 M ; Ohie and Indiana family, il 00f7 50; Pennsylvania mmllr SO fiJfj) 0 75: Si. Leuis de $1 50(17 75; Minm-selu Extra at 7 01k7 a": de straight lit J7SMi'7 73; winter patent 7 tts 50 : ypiiiut de 3 S50. Itye flour at 5 50g5 75. Wheat quiet and easier. Cern steady ; fair demand ter local use. Oats quiet. live Hull at 51. Previsions nun. Lard lirm. flutter Choice linn: ethei kinds dull; Cie.imery extra Pcnu'j , :73;Se ; We-dcin, eiffl37e. Hells firm. Eggs steady, firm, tiesh iceeipts. Cheese dull. iviroleiim dull; lefluul, 7l.-iC. Whisky at ?l 14 Seed- Cern I te prime Clever dull at $y. !!! ; Fhivsei.i firm at SI 50. Kw Vnrtc MarHm. New iiiRK, Nev. IS. Fleur State and West ern steady and moderate expert and jobbing trade dt'iiiMiid : Siiperliue statu at 4 50j2S; extra de. fe id .". su : Round hoop Ohie, $..V (f?i! 7S : bitp'Tlinn Western, ft S0r(S '; com mon te geud extmde. $SlUa; U0; choice de, (te. ffi 19 : Seathern quiet and unchanged. Wheat HfjUti' lower and le.-s active ; Ne. 'J Red. Iee., 1 tUgl nys ; de Jan., fl 4'.i;.Jjl I'; ; de Feb., $1 :lx4. Cern about '4e lower ami dull : mixed west ern, spot, iai(Jliye ; de tutuic, G?M72e. Oats yn-yn lower; Statu -tsgeJc ; Western, 47i35le. Oratn and l' ouetallons. One o'clock quotations et grain and piovis pievis iiiii", furnished by S. K. Yiuidt, Breker. 15'-$ East King street. Chicago. Cern Oab $ ..V.i $.H .MtM MY Wheat . ?1.2:5 i.::e2 . I.31W Perk $h;.:!7;. less " n. n Lard SUM, 1 1.: 11.15 Nev. I lee. Jan. Philadelphia, Nev... Mi .F .51 lee 1.4:; .(.'J .51 .Ian.... !.Ii;;B .71JS ..IS " Western Oram markets. HUFi'.r.e Wheat was in geed demand and a :,hade higher : Ne. 1 hard I)ulutliat?lS2. Cern was quiet: Ne. 1 mixed at fi..e Ida; C3,'.ie bid for rejected. trats as easier ; Ne. 2 mixed western at IS 10e. Nothing doing in elhergrains, DirrneiT Wheat was firmer; Ne. 1 white, $133J;J eas.h and Ne ember ; December, $1 "A ; January at $ I X&$ : February at $1 I0j ; Marell ut $1 i'i ; the year at f 1 :rJi . Ne. i white at H ".VA. Cern . is quiet and steady ; high mixed at 'WXe. Oat.s ere til m Ne. I hite at lc : Ne. - de at 17; f-. .U'e Meck ainrKeta. ClllCAiJO. Hctcif'ts. 21,000 head; ship ments, -j'M head ; market aetive and 0lue higher; all sold atthc advanced figures; com mon and light. ?i;S3); mixed packing, ?!l C 40: heavy, fl! !egf75; culls and giasscrs at $l.10?j5 5'l. Cattle Hfccipls, S,WJ head; shipments. 1,S() head; market strong ami Hie higher; very tew geed natives ettered If the experts, G'Ji37; common te choice shipping, fVijOij ; giassers ." T.Ve) I 75 ; butchers' S-ult ; steekers and feed ers $ii;"J4; through Texan. $--75ti; Ne braska Texans, J 7.V7i:f 40 ; half-breeds and na tives, $14 25. fclteep Ueeeipts-, 2,0. head; shipments, 3W hea-l; market steady and in tail demand ; choice, il S5 : peer te geed. $i 75t50. Last LinettTY Cattle Ueeeipts since Fri day, :j,ir;j head et through ami 1,2.'K head of local ; selling fair at last week's prices. Heg. Ueeeipts, lif.55 head; 5'i ;:0fii l. : yerker, $5 !0?tt; 10. Mn-ep Ueeeipts, 1,10) hi ad; selling at 15 2. e higher. rstecKTinrKec. New erfc, Philadelphia and Lecal Mecks ai-e United btate-i Heuds reported daily b Jaceii II. Le'd. N. K. Cor. Centre tquaie. N B' Veatt STOi'irs. Mecks weak. Nev. 15. 10.00 IaJ0 3..M ttlflt IJ4 111 12 100 l 108 I". .... Kift 'JVi !' IYVa. in 10il4 81 81 S3S WH !'- WA ", 9. mil 121 V5iyK ri n; ss-jj 'MX i'A We. ?. ii& te l;4 4.'r) Vi-i, AIM "i'A i:iJ tSt l.Mf ilA 'XV wa W'A : U'A i y Wi'A WiA H xy2 'X,, u.-H 57 5Ci WA vziA ia YSfA 4SJ4 48 48'4 .), K.I S 87 M SVA i. m. r. m. r. m M, MX Kj ? '''& ''". I3S 17 17J WA --.M y -- 51J4 1J4 W'A 415 85 bVA 834 0V ICO 150 YM 'jl '.'.'.' '.'.'.'. 1W) -I -I P.M. 1:00 1I7J.J II3J5 -' i "J 4 M:ney , Chicago k North Western. . .. Chicago. Mil. & .St. Paul Canada Southern C. C. & I. C. U. It Del., Lack. & Western Delaware .V Hudsen Canal Denver & Hie Grande Fast Teiin., Va. & Ca Hannibal & St. Jee Lake Shere & Mich. Southern.. Manhattan Elevated Michigan Central Mieuri, !anas& Texas N. V., Lake Eric & Western.... New Jer-ey Central N. V., Ontario Western New Yerk Centra! Ohie A Mississippi Ohie Central Pacific Mail Steamship Ce.... St. Paul & Omaha de Preferred Central Paeiile Texas Pacilic Union Pacific ., Wabash. St. LeuU Pacific... " ' Preferred. Western Union Tel. Ce PlllLADKLVniA. Slecks steady. Pennsylvania it. U Heading Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Buffalo, Pitt-, ft Western Northern Central Northern Pacific. " Prelcried Ilestenvillc Electric Underground Tel. Ce. Philadelphia & Erie U. K Uunnisen Mining Iowa Gulch Mining Usitkd States Bof ds. United States f per cents. .... U tl' " Philadelphia C'atUe Market. Monday, Nev. II. The receipts of live stock atthc various Philadelphia yards were for the week: Beeves, 4,000 head ; sheep, 8,000 head ; hogs, 5,5011 head. Previous week Beeves, 4,500 liead ; sheep, 10,000 head ; hogs, 5,000 head. Beef Cattle wcreactiveand prices were firm: 80 head West Virginia cattle, fed by Stcrrett &, Bres., were -old by A. & J. Christy te Themas Bradley. These were very choice West Vir ginia stock and averaged 1,100 pentic's. We quote as fellows : Extra, 'Vi7c ; Uoed, 5,5Gc ; Medium, '4''Jc : Common, SJ.4c. Milch cows were null and lower at fcie Sheep were active and the sheit Mipplj- ha'l the effect et raising prices ip en goeil grades and ;.c en common. Lambs were active and c higher, while calves were readily taken at Jc advance. "Wc quetii as fellows : Extra, 5J4'g5ie; geel, IQSc; medium. JttJc: Common :!3Kc: Wcatern lambs, 4 7ic : Calvt-j, mileh, I'.fic. Ilegs were in fair demand. We quote geed at '.ijic : mi-dium at wc ; common at 77ftc. SALES Or BEEVES AT TRB WEST rmuiDEirniA STOCK TABDS. Martin Fuller 3c Ce , 3)2 Wes. Colerado Texas, 04vic. Reger Myne, 2?0 . u.. 35fti&4--. A. Jt J. Chrlaty, 430 West Vu., 4-iSl.e E. S. & B. F. McFUlen.230 West a., 5jji'--Jehn McArdlc, 2S3 Ohe. Kg-7e. " 192 Illinois, 4&8. Daniel Murphy, 1W Western Pa. and W. Vu., Owen smith." 110 West Vu., acct. F. Bell ; W. Va.. acct.S. W. Treut: low. Va.. acct- Ellenger & Seymour, ty; 6X. CO Wc M. L'luiaii, est P. account Jas. W hlte. 5Xffl8: 22 Western, account el L. Seuscniir. 495-Ke ; " est a.. account of W. White, tJj&Oc ; 8S Chicago. 53SJic. Shamburir A Paul. 130 Western and West Va., 3X6 II. Chain, Jr.. 75 Wesfrn Pu..5SG4e. L. Hern, 75 West Vu.3;QIc. G. Sehamberg A Ce., 2B5 West Va.and Western 4ec. LewentcIn & Adler, 2ti0 West Va. and Pcnn'a., 3flCc. James .Eustace. 64 West Va., 3g5c. Bachman A Levi. 161 W. Va. and Illinois, 31. Levi. 100' W. Va. and Western. &&,&. ' Daniel Smyth A Bre., 175 West Va. and M est- ern, VAaec Dennis Smyth, 70 West Vu. and Chester ., James Clemsen 29 West Virginia, lJfiS'.e. F. Slieetr, 73 Western !ZQ6c. AbcOsthelm.25 West Va.. 4fl5e. Cyrus Miller.25 Western. 4Jc. James Aull. 42 Western. eiiSBc P. Hathaway, K) Western Pit., SKQCc J. F. Sadler A Ce., 5(0 Western, 4.ie5ie. DRESSED MEATS. Dressed Beeves were active at79c. SALES LAST WEEK. Thus. Bradley, 1S3 head at 7Jc. W. II. Brown 1J5 de. at 76!!4c. C. S. Dcngler. 101 de. at 7K'J4e. A. A. Boswell 131 de. nt 7:e. J. F. Lewilen 54 de at lH'Jc. D. M. Harlan, 43 de. at IQ'Ju. Dressed sheep were active at former rates. Samuel Stewart sold 710hcad at 7i3?.'c. aim ft) Head dressed lambs at 'JffllOe. Lecal stocks itnd Kennn. Par l. is val. sale I ane.Ctty l! per el. Lean, due ls82...$len tua 1SS5... 1 III " IsiHi... 100 us.; J " 1805... 100 131 5 per cl. In I or 30 years.. KM !0T " 5 per ct. Scheel Lean.... I'M 112 I " iu 1 or 20 years.. KHi 10: t " in 5 or 20 years., l'n ltVurf (5 " in 10 or 2i years. I 105 EAHK STOCKS. Fiisl National Bunk. I1W) fipilm Farmci-s' National Bank 50 I02.5 Lancaster County National Bank.. Se 102.25 Columbia National Hank loe 140 Ephrata National Bank loe First National Bank, Celuiiiliia . .. 100 i:!5 First National Hank, Sti-a-burg loe i:;i.n; First National Hank, Marietta loe jii-.W First National Hank, Mount Jey.. loe 11575 Li tit. National Bunk tee Mauheiiu National Bank loe 1U.M' Union National Hank. Mount Jey. 50 70..r-i. MISCCLLASEOUS IIOKDS. Ouarryville It. It., due 1 I00 Jli: l.'eading & Columbia H. i:,.dnn 1-82 100 I0-.W Lancaster Watch Ce., due ISSii 100 HC...i Lancaster Gar, Light and Fuel Ce., due iu ler 20 years 100 liu'.' Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due !8se. ... ... ........ lett Stevens Heuse lue 10G 70 .:.25 25 40 l!5bd. SIISCELLASCOC3 STOCKS. e-iarrvville It. .T SO . SO . se 100 . 25 1'JO Millersvillc Street Car Inquirer Print ItigCeiiipuuy Watch Factory Gas Light and Fuel Company... Stevens Heuse Columbia Gas Company Columbia WaterCempaiiy Susquehanna Iren Company.... Marietta Hollowware TCBKl'IKB STOCKS. Big Spring A Beaver Valley Hrldgepert Columbia & Chestnut Hill Columbia A Washington Columbia A Big Spring Lancas'er A Ephrata Lane., Ek'zabcth t'n AMiddlcl'n.. Lancustct A Fruitvllle. Lancaster A;Lititz Lancaster A Willlaniitewn Lancaster A Maner Lancaster A Man helm Lancaster A Marietta Lancaster A New Helland Lancaster A Susquehanna Lancaster A Willow Street Stnisburg A Millpeit Marietta A Maylewn Marietta Mount Jev 100 100 75.10 25 f 10.-.Y WA '-""-"XI 25 18 25 ! 25 .': 25 100 SO 47.2. SI 50 M.SO 55 :a 30. tf 5 l"" 85 " 275.11 4e.i& 21 in SO 25 25 100 : 25 r MtSVELljAXXOUS. 1 lOlJltTl'liOCL.AaiATIOIS. 1 Whereas, The Honerablo JOHN H. LIV INGSTON. President, and Honorable DAVID W. PATTEHSON. Associate .Indue el tin- Cem t of Common FIca,in and for the county et Lancaster, and Assistant Jnstlccsef theCenrts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jidl Hc livcrj' and Quarter Sessions of the Peace. In ami ter the county of Lancaster, have issued their precept, te me directed, requiring inc. among oilier things, te make public proclama tion throughout my bailiwick, that a Court el Oyer and Terminer and 11 General Jail Deliv ery, also a Court of General Quarter Stxsieus of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court Heuse, in the city of Lancaster in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 011 the THIKD MONDAY IN NOVEMHEU (21st), IKS!. In pursuance et" which precept public notice Is hereby given te the Mayei and Aldermen et the city of Lancaster, in the said county, ami all the Justices of the Peace, the Corener and Constables, of the said city and ceutitv of Lan caster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls:, records and cxaminatiens,iind inquLsitiens,aud theiretlicr remembrances, te de these things which te their efliecsappcrtain iu tlieir behalf te bedene; and also all these who win prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the jail of said county of Lancaster, are te lie then and there te prosecute against theia as shall be lust. Dated at Lancaster the day of October, 1W1. JACOBS. STUINE, Sheriff. n5-3tdeaw&w 1AVKKNS OF LUKAY. CAVERNS OF LURAY, LUHAY, PAGE .COUNTY. VIHGINIA. About one mile from the passenger depot et the Shenandoah Valley Kail read, are new brilliantly illuminated with the Ki.rcTitie Liiiiit. THE LURAY INN, Specially erected anil beautifully furnished for the accommodation et visitors te tliu Caverns is open ler the reception efgucsts. A CAPACIOUS UESTALHANT offers un usual facilities te large and small excursion parties. ectiO-ImdAw F ALT. CAMPAIGN. 1881. Our first invoice of the season of FALL AND WINTER GOODS MEN'S WEAK Arrived te-day. During this week the bulk 01 our Foreign order will In: In stock. We will be prepared te show the llnet line of ENGLISH AND FRENCH NOVELTIES ever offered te the citizens of Lancaster, in cluding a full line of the ever popular ami celebrated Talamen's Specialties, confined ex ciusively for our trade and conceded te be thc thc hamlsemcsl goods imported, together with 11 choice line et the latest novelties of the 1 call ing manufacturers. We invite an early In spection et our stock, feeling It our duty te advise persons 111 want efa Suit or an Over coat ler Fall or Winter te place their erdeis early before the rush commences te Insure, entire satisfaction. AH are cordially invited te call at 121 N. QUEEN STREET. J. K SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. nvrss FINK FAMILY GKMCKRIK! .ICST ICKCE1VKU I A FULL LINE OF EXTKA PUKE SYRUPS, SUGAKS. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGA1C- LUUED HAMS. DUIED BEEF. Etc.; FISH.SWISS, LIMBEHGKICSAP SAGOAXB DAIKY CHEESE. Alse, home-made Mince Meat, Table Saucif, Jellies. Canned and Dried Fruits, Nuts. Sar dines, Canned Fish, Pickles and i'nre plrr of all kinds. A line old California Brandy and Wines; a fine old home-made Grape Wine and genuine Old Bye Whisky. Fine Minnesota and ether Family Fleur. Alse, the celebrated imported and home-made Saiirkraut. Call and examine my stock, whether 3011 buy or net. PHILIP G1NDEK, Cerner East King and Plum Streets. 1112-StdSB and