LANCASTER DAIlA INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1881. Hancastet ntelligcncet. THURSDAY EVENING, NOV. 10, ie81. Farm and Household. beaitenable Nete from the Geunautewn Telegraph. The question as te the advantages of the silo will be mere or less decided by tbe re sults of tbe present year. If, after every tbiii in tbe way of expense in building tbe silo, lilling it and emptying it, etc., tbcre is enough solid evidence te prove its benelit ever tbe common mode of provid ing fodder for tbe winter-feeding of cattle te an extent te warrant its adoption, no one will be mere ready tban ourselves te advocate tbe introduction of tbe silo upon farms in general. But wc must bavc sucb proof ; and tbat is wbat wc arc waiting for and tbus far bavc net received. Itocelpt ler Curing Meat. As tbe season bas arrived wbcu cuiiug meat is in order, we republish as of old our famous receipt for curing beef, perk, mutton, bams, &c, as fellows : Te one gallon of water, TakeH lbs. of salt, Jib. sugar, iez. saltpetre, jez. potash. In this latie the pickle can be inci eased te any quantity desired. Let these be boiled together until all tbe dirt from the sugar rises te the top and is skimmed oil". Then threw it into a tub te cool, and when fold, pour it ever your beef or perk. The meat must be well covered with pickle, and .should net be put down for at least two days after killing, during which time it should be slightly sprinkled with pow dered saltpetre, which removes all tbe surface bleed, fcc, leaving the meat fresh and clean. Seme emit boiling the pickle, ami find it te answer very well, though the operation of boiling purities the pickle by throwing oil the dirt always te be found in salt and sugar. If this receipt is strict ly followed, it will require only a single trial te prove its superiority ever the com mon way, or most ways, of putting down meat, and will net son be abandoned for any ether. The meat is unsurpassed for sweetness, delicacy and fresbness of color. Saving the Celery. When November comes wc always feci like saying a word or two about the best mode of saving the celery through the winter. It is tbe most dillicult of all the garden crops te raise te a proper degree of perfection white, solid, and of geed size. When it is small it is an unsatisfying crop te raise. If the spire is in a linn, sound condition wbcu buried it ought te last up te the middle of April. A dry, upland spot, net subject te holding water, should be selected. In storing celery we have usually pursued two modes, both ei which have answered well. The lirst is te dig a straight trench spade deep, stand up a row of plants singly, then another row. with some earth between, and se en until about half a dozen rows are liaished, then commence another bed, and se en. The soil should be packed in firmly and then banked up, se that the tops of tbe celery are just covered, then spank-oil" reef fash ion te turn off the rain. Ovci this, wide beards, nailed together, should be placed, as a security against moisture, or straw can be bent ever and secured at the bottom with bean-poles, and a little gutter te carry off the water at each side. Celery put away thus carefully ought te keep well. Anether plan is te sink barrels into the earth se that tbe tops arc two or three inches below the surface, then stand them compactly full of celery with out any soil ; put. tight covers upon then, se as te exclude all moisture, and then a couple of inches of soil. Fer early consumption that is te s;iy in December and January it can be pre served in the rows where it is grown, properly cevcied and protected against moisture. Omit the pe!ah unices en can get tbe pure aitide. Druggists usually keep it. Complicated IMscasts. A prominent gentleman in Curie Gorde county, Iowa, writes us that lie linds Kidney. Wert ie be the lies! remedy lie ever knew for a complication I liscues. It is the specific :ictien which il l:i en the liver, kidneys and bowels, which gives it such curative power, audit is the thousands of cures which it i performing which gives it its great eclchritv. I.iiiil (very concentrated) or diy. both act Iliclcnllv. V. II. JtitiriHil f Ciiminerci: n7-lwd&w Invigorating feed for the brain and in-rve is what we. need in tlie.-e days of rush and worry, Parker's. Ginger-Tonic re-teres the vital energies, and brings geed health quicker than any thing you can use. Tribune, See ad vert iscuu'iit. nl-lnidcod&vvcew Ueapcil Irem the Toils. Iiie. ISaceii, Luperle. Ind., writer : " Hurrah ler Spring- l!lo--eni: it's all you recommended it te he. -My dyspepsia lias all vanished. Why don't you advertise it ? What allowance will you make il I lake a doyen bottles, se that 1 eeuld oblige iny friends occasionally V 1'ricc Micents. Fer sale at II. H. Cochran's drug store. 137 North jueen street, Lancaster. IScdH l Down l'cel Haul. All beds seem hard te the then mat ie. Then barken .ve peevish sufferers! Apply Dr. Themas' Eclectrie Oii te your aching joints and muscles. Rely upon it that, you will ex perience speedy relief. Such, at least, is the testimony of these who have used it. The re medy is likewise successfully resorted te for threat and lung diseases, sprains, bruises, etc. I 'or sale at 11. 15. Cochran's drug stoic, l."7 North Queen sticet. Lancaster. Vulrcrsal Approbation l!y the community at large lias beep given te Ifiirdeck Itloed Hitters. Ne instance is known where dissatisfaction has been manifested bv their use, or where, aught but benelit folleweii lhefr aduiiuisti-aiien. Price $1. Fer sale at II. I'.. Cochran's drug store, i::7 Neith n-eii siieet. Lancaster. i:pcrlentia IJecet. We mus-t tell some men a great ileal te teach them a little. 1ml the knowledge of the cura tive properties of Spring Rlos-em in cncs el .-iek headache, indigestion, and bilieesiiess is bought by cspciiciiec. Price .Vi cents. Fer sale at il. I'. Cochran's drug stele, 137 North i.'ueen street S'At'EltllAKOlAtlS, ,tr. liri'I ARE OI'KMMi New Pattern of WALLPAPERS FOR THE FALL,. The line for the present seaen is the larg si most complete and vailed we ever had in stock, embracing Fine Embossed (lilts ler Parlors, Halls. Ac., Plain and Celer cuts in an endless variety and most moderate prices, Common Papers in elegant designs and color ings, ler Dining Reems, Chambers, &c, Borders, Friezes, Centre Pieces, Ceiling Decorations, Tran som Papers, etc. FANCY DADO WINDOW SHADES, in new Styles. PLAIN COODS, in all colors and widths. Scotch and American Hollands. Window Papers, Spring, Tin and Weed Holl Hell ers, et the very best makes. Cord Fixtures Leeps, Hands, Picture Wire, Cord and Nails. "' We. have opened new patterns of Extension Cornices, MEDICAL. the cheapest and best, hirtment. Curtain Poles in :is- 3-Ordcrs taken feirIXE MIRRORS. PHASES W. PRY, NO.17 NOKTI1 UUKKN ST. ( 1AVEKNS Of .7 LCICAY. CAVERNS OF LURAY, LCRAY, PACK COUNTY. VIUCIN1A, About one mile from the passenger depot et the Shenandoah Valley Railroad, are new brilliantly illuminated with the Ei.ix-tiuc Lieht. THE LURAY INN, Specially erected and beautifully furnished for the accommodation et visitors te the Caverns U open ler tins reception of guests. A CAPACIOUS RESTAURANT tiller nil usual facilities te large and small excursion parties. ecUOluul&w TTIDNEY WOKT. THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID OH DRY FORM Tbat Acts at the Same Time en The Liver, The Bowels, and the Kidneys. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow these great organs te be come clogged or torpid, and poisonous humor arc therefore forced into the bleed that iheuld be expelled natvrallg. KIDNEY WORT WILL SURELY CURE KIlttKY 1IISEASES, L1YEI1 COSl'LALXTS, 1'ilcM, Constipation, Urinary Diseases Female Weakness anil Nervous Disorders, bji rausing free action of these organ and re itering their ieu,cr te threw effdiseasc. Why sutler bilious p.iinsand allies? Why tormented with Pilci, Constipation? Why frightened ever disordered Kidneys ? Why endure nervous or sick headaches? .c KIDNEY WOKT and rejoice in health. S It is put up ill Dry Vegetable) !erin, in jeS-tin cans, one package of which make- six B&jiiarls of medicine. JB9 Alse ii Liquid Ferui.very Concentrated irler the convenience et these win cannot -readily prepare it. It act with qual SIS' efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE. SI. WELLS, KICIIAKUSOX is CO., Prep's, lUirllugtnu, Vt. f Will semi the dry pest-paid.) lee 27 lyd&w.'i epi:c5Ai. ai cii..enic diseases. Mary A. Leugakcr. M. D., OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ne. U East Walnut Strci't. LANCASTER, PA., ;0:Hratieser the Eye, Ear antl Tlirei-.t Treatetl as a Specialty. Particular attention given te the treatment el Diseases of Women and Children. Free examination ami treatment daily ex cept Sunday Irem 11 a. m. te 1 p. in. Consul tations in English ami German. H. D. LONGAKER,M. D IVTK OF PIIILADEI.rlllA, NOW OF LANCASTER, PA.. Office : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, otters bis professional services te the afllicted especially te these suffering from Chronic or Speeial Diseases. He will be glad teseeund talk wiib them. It is his practice te plainly declare a disease incurable it he believes it te be se. In the ease whieu he undertakes, he guarantees te de all that can lie done by unwearied atten tion and the application of cxpcticuccd skill, gained bv many years of practice in treating dl-casc in its various and most malignant lerms. That his skill has net been exerted in ain, numerous certificates, that may be seen at hia efliee, will testify. Caiiccrs, Tumors siiil Swellings Cures Without Tain or Using the Knife or Drawing illoetl. .Skin Diseases and every description el Ul ceratien. Pilesand Scrofulous Diseases Perma nently Cured. Female Diseases, Acute or Chronic, speedily and radically cured. Diseases of the Lungs, Threat, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys can undoubtedly be cured. Particular attention given te Piivate Dis eases of every description; also that state el alienation and weakness et mind, which ren ders persons incapable et enjoying lhe pleas ures of performing the duties et lite, complete ly cured, and the patient restored te active health and the enjoyments et life. Diseases et the live and Kar treated as ; specially. Dr. Longaker will make prolcsienal visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con fidentially), and medicine sent 'with propel directions te anv part et the country. CONSULTATIONS FREE. DMT GOODS, UKDERWEAK, AC. YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES "i ATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES ATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATEs YATES YATEs YATEs YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATFS YATES " ATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATES 1 ATES YATES YATES YATES YATES YATFS YATEs YVTK8 & cei & CO A CO & CO &CO & CO & CO & CO & CO & CO & CO & CO It CO & CO & CO & CO , & CO CO & CO &. CO & CO & CO & CO A CO & CO & oe & CO & CO & CO & CO & CO & CO & CO A CO A CO ft CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO & CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A C A CO A CO , A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO A CO I A CO i A CO I A. V. 1AX.ES A CO. A. dates & Ce LEADING AND POPULAR CLOTHIERS OF PHILADELPHIA, HAVE NOWON HAND SUCH AN ASSORTMENTOF GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER, THAT IT WOULD I!E HARD FOR A PURCHASER TO LEAVE THE .STORE Dig SATISFIED. LEDGER BUILDING. Chestnut AND Sixth Sts., SEND FOR SAMPLES. MONEY REFUNDED. sepll-luid tEOTMJXC, &c. D. B. Hostetter & Sen Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. O-,::- A. sertmciit et CLOTHING MEN, HOYS AMI YOUTHS TALL ANT) WINTER, Is larger and mere, vaiied tliau ever lieteic. Prices the lewe.-t. Oive us a call. D. B. Hostetter & Seu, .24 CENTRE SQUARE, ! 1 IVt! .ANCASTEi:. IV Office: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, 7ASHIOXA15LE CLOTHING. LANCASTER, PA. jeii-1 vdTu.ThASA w I T OCIIEK'S JU Renowned Cough Syrup. A plea-ant, 8iife,iccdy and sure remedy ler Celd's. Coughs, Heai'rt'iicss, Asthma, Iuflueu z:i. .ereness et the Threat and Chest, ISron ISren t'hiii. Whoejiins Ceujjh. SpitltiitfOt'lSIoed, In In thiiiuuatien of the Lungs and all Diseases et the Chest and Air Fa-a;;es. This valuable preparation combine- all tin medicinal virtues of the-e articles which lenr experience litis proved te pes&cs.s the ine-t sate and efficient tjualitics ler the enroet ail kind-ellim!" diseases. PI5ICE, "Stents. Prepared oiilyandseitlliy CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUCUIsT. Xw. i East Kin? street, Lancaster. JSUUHS AND SVsi-i:HH.'Zll. ocsieo:. i'.oehs: SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS ! All Scheel Reeks ami Scheel Supplies at the, ' very lowest rates at L. M. KLYNX'S, Ne, 4 WKST KINU .STREET. 1 Chaele, lieiittm appural maik: one accus tomed te ;;oed society and pesse.sseil el innate relincinciit. GOOD FITS, GOOD MATERIAL, GOOD WORK, AT LOWEST PRICES, AT IL RO M STEM'S OIIN lLIKK'SSOXS. J'" SCHOOL BOOKS -irei: tiii: LANCASTER SCHOOLS, J AT TIIK ; LOWEST PRICES, AT TIIK 1JOOKSTOHK JOHff SAM'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QOBEN STREET, I.ANCASTKIC I-A. ONE PKICE HOUSE, 37 NORTH QUEEN ST. Employing none but Skilllul Cutters and Tailors, wc arc confident of pleasing the most fastidious. AsrcgardiiufllicTRIMMINU et our cloth ing we use only the best the market atferds. ONE OF THE LATEST IS THE Freck. Cutaway and Chesterfield, WI'l'JI WHOLE JlACKtS. In England they arc new popular and are extensively worn in Inrgu citic in this coun try, as tliev leek well they will probably fjrew into peimlar favor in this city. .Made from Kiieds et a decided ligurc they are di:slrable varmints, as the pattern is net marred by :ui :i lines', useless scam in the centre of the back. Tliualiscuc-' of this seam has a pleasing cll'ect, esiii'cially en close lilting garments. We have the illustrations et . VOVll DIFFERENT DESIGNS which I will exhibit in my window ami can new be seen in connection with a FULLY EQUIPPED iii CHINA ANimi.AHNWAMtf.. ! I ritill A: MARTIN'. ' ercMtTaifM Denartmeii We have a lull line et FIXE READY MADE CHINA HALL, j CLOTHING lust received by STEAMSHIP WVOMINC, Irem Europe a letrtf EHE GLASSWARE -IN VASES, BOUQUET HOLDERS. FINGER BOWLS, FRUIT BOWLS, TUMBLERS, CLARETS, GOB LETS. SHERRIES, DECANTERS, PITCHERS, &c. ' LU3IINI0US MATCH-SAFES, SOMETIIINt; ENTIRELY NEW, AT- HIGH & MARTIN, Ne. 15 East King Street. ' -FOR Jleifs. Youth's. Ijeys"1 and Chil dren Wear. Which v. e aie selling at very low prices. Our assortment et YODNG MEN'S FANCY BACK ULSTERETTES Reversible Overcoats is the Most Complete and Finest Assortment ever before exhibited in this city. An exam ination of the above will certainly be te your advantage. AL ROSENSTEIN, THE LEADER OF FASHION, OPPOSITE the GRAPE HOTEL ASTXICH JUtU8 AJtVEHlISKJILENT. k STKiCn BTtOS ADVERTISEMENT. ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRlCn ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH Al-TRICII ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICII A'-TRICH td r z - td w RROTHERS BROTHERS RROTHERS RROTHERS UUOTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS RROTHERS BROTHERS 'BROTHERS BROTHERS UROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS RROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS KROTHEES RROTHERS RROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS RROTHERS RROTHERS BROTHERS RROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KIXU STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KINU STREET. GREAT OFFERING OF LADIES COATS HOLMANS COATS Ladies Black Beaver DOLMANS COATS Coats Irem $1.M up te $18 DOLMANS COATS Ladies Delmans DOLMANS COATS from $0 up $50. DOLMANS COATS Special bargains in DOLMANS COATS Ladies Black Delmans. DOLMANS COATS OnclotefElefjaiitDiatj- DOLMANS COATS enal Cleth Delmans, DOLMANS COATS elaborately trimmed, DOLMANS COATS worth $is. at only $li DOLMANS COATS One let et Fine Diagonal DOLMANS COATS Delmans, elaborately DOL5IANS C )ATS trimmed with Shirred DOLMANS COATS Satin. FincPassamenterie DOLMANS COATS and Fur Trimming, worth DOLMANS COATS $25. at only till. DOLMANS COATS Satin Marvclleux Det- DOLMANS COATS mans, trimmed with rich DOLMANS COATS Fur, from $:8 up te$75. DOLMANS COATS Light Colored .Rickets DOLMANS COATS from $5 up te $15. DOLMANS COATS Light Colored .lackets, DOLMANS COATS trimmed in Fine Flush DOLMANS COATS from ti.50 up. DOLMANS COATS Ulstcrcttes, Ceachmcir.s DOLMANS COATS Coats. DOLMANS COATS A full line of DOLMANS COATS Children's Coats at all DOLMANS COATS prices and in all sizes. DOLMANS COATS Ladies Gossamers, $2-SS DOLMANS COATS Fine Check All Silk DOLMAFS COATS Gessameres, the vciy best DOLMANS COATS goods, at t.-i.. DOLMANS IIA'IS Fine Derbys. .r-0e. . DEERYS HATS Satin Bound Derbys. J.". DERRYS HATS Brush Derbvs. inc. DERRYS HATS Derbys, with Cord anil Ralls, DERRYS HATS 75c. DERRYS HATS Velvet Derbys, $1. DERRYS HATS Velvet Derbys, trimmed DERBYS HATS with Knr and Plush. DERRYS HATS Beaver Hats and Bennets. DERRYS HATS Plush Hats in all shapes. DERBYS HATS Novelties new every day. DEiiRYS TRIMMED Tinimcd Hats in lull HATS TRIMMED selection. HATS TRIMMED Plush Bennets, trimmed HATS TRIMMED elaborately. HATS TRIMMED Children's Trimmed Hats HATS TRIMMED in great variety. 1I.VIS TRIMMED One let or Children's Fine HATS TRIMMED Felt Ilats.triunned.ready HATS TRIMMED ler wear, at $1. HATS TRIMMED Feather Caps Irem HATS TRIMMED $2,511 up. HATS TRIMMED One let of Feather Caps, HATS TRIMMED a special bargain, ill HATS TRIMMED $1.23. upward. HATS FEATHERS Black, Colored, While, TIPS FEATHERS Natural, Shaded TIPS FEATHER and Fancy Plumes, in TIPS FEATHERS immense variety, from i2 TIPS FEATHERS upward. TIPS FEATHERS Special bargains in line TIPS FEATHERS Plumes. TIPS FEATHERS Black Tips at low prices TIPS FEATHERS Three line Tips at 50c. TIPS FEATHERS Three elegant Tips at 75c. TIPS FE.VIHERS Three Superfine Tips TIPS FEATHERS at ii. TIPS FEATHERS line Tips at1.50, $.', $2.50 TIPS FEATHERS $3, upwards. TIPS FEATHERS Colored Tips in all the TIPS FEATHERS leading shades. Alse, TIPS FEATHERS Shaded Tips. TIPS PLUSHES Black and Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Plushes. VELVETS PLUSHES Black ami Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Velvets. VELVETS PLUSHES Black and Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Satins. VELTETS PLUSHES Black and Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Silks. VELVETS PLUSHES Black and Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Velveteens. VELVETS RIBBONS Fanev, Shaded, Brocade, CREPES R1RRONS Moiree. Striped CREPES RIBBONS Ribbons. CREPES RIBBONS Novelties in Ribbons. CREPES RIBBONS Crepes at all priced, CREPES RIBBONS and very cheap. CREPES KID Astrieh Bres." Alexander GLOVES KID The best Gleve G LOVES KID ever sold for the money GLOVES KID 3 buttons, !. GLOVE KID 4 buttons, $1.25. GLOVES KID I! buttons. $'J. GLOVES KID Every pair warranted GLOVES KID A box et Fine Perfumed GLOVES KID Gleve Powder and a neat GLOVES KID Gleve Ruttener given with GLOVES K I D every pair of Gloves. G I.OV ES KID Ourassortmentismestcom- GLOVES KID all the new- GLOVES KID est Fall Shades; also, White GLOVES KID and Black. GLOVES KID Full assortment et GLOVES KID Fester's Patent Lacing GLOVES KID Kid Gloves. GLOVES KID in Dark Colersand Black, (.'LOVES KID Tans and Geld, GLOVES KID ami alt Evening Shades. GLOVES KID line Undressed Kid Gloves, GLOVES KID I buttons, $1.25. GLOVES KID Misses Kid Gloves, line quali- (J LOVES KID ty, at 75c. GLOVES KID LaMusqiietaire, $2 a pair. GLOVES LISLE Bargains in Fleeced Lisle GLOVES LISLE Gloves, at 25c. a pair. GLOVES CLOT11ZSU. LISLE Silk Lined Lace Tep Gleve, GLOVE LISLE Hue quality, 25c. GLOVES 1 ine Lisle Gleve, Stocking L1SL LISLE LISLE LISLE MITTS MITTS MITTS MITTS MITTS MIT'IS MITTS HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY 1IO&IEE1 Toe. 25c. j'Hll Elastics, Extra GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES MITTS MITTS MITTS MITTS MITTS MIT IS MITTS HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY Three F Leng Lisle Gloves. 2.c. Infant's All-Weel all colors, at 10c. a pair. Finest Imported Mitts, in Light Blue Cord, Brown ami Navy, at l!iand25c. Knit Mils in Light Blue, foi ls and 25c. a nair. Ribbed Merine Hese, lee.a pair. Fine Ribbed Merine Hese. Blanched Seam- lSe., in all colors and white. HOSIERY All Weel Cashmere Hese, HOSIERY HOSIERY of line enallty. .-iUe. HOSIERY HOSIERY Elegant Mixed All Weel HOSIERY HOSIERY Rese, Knit, only 10e. HOSIERY HOSIERY Fine Knit Weel Rese. HOSIERY in Caidinal, Navy and Seal, i5c. Finest Knit Worsted Stockings, in Rlack, Plum. Cardinal. 7.",c. HOSIERY Extra Heavy Cashmere HOSIERY HOSIERY Hese at tee. and $1 HOSIERY a pair. Oxford and Cambridge Mixed Lamb's Weel Hese, 51.09 and $1.19 a pair. Best French Ribbed Hese at $1.00 a nair. HOSIERY Child's Ribbed All Weel HOSIERY HOSIER! Hese. 2.1 and iOc. a pair. HOSIERY Chillis Jvnit Aft wool Hese, extra heavy quality, all sizes, only 30c. a pair. Child's Fine All Weel Cashmere Hese at 30c. a pair. The 11 nest assortment IOSIERY Child's Ribbed All Weel HOSIERY HOSIER! nose. Fine Cashmere HOSIERY Jiesc, I'lain and Silk Clocked Fine French Ribbed Hese in All Weel. Men's All Weel Knit Socks at 25c. a pair. Men s Fine Mixed HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY- HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIER) HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' Merine Socks, 25c. a pr. UNDER Child's Merine Shirts and UNDER Pants, 16 te 32 inches, UNDER at all prices. UNDER Ladies' Merine Undervcsts UNDER geed quality, at 35c; UNDER Extra Flncat He. UNDER Best and Pure Merine. UNDER Medium and Light Weight, UNDER at 50c. UND ER Best Quality Undervests UNDER at 75c. and $1. UNDER Finest Goods at $1.25, $1.75. UNDER Men's GoetlTrov Mixed UNDER Undershirts and Drawers, in WEAR UNDER Grey and Brown, at 5Uc WEAR UNDER Best White Merine WEAR UNDER Undershirts and Drawers, 50c. WEAR WORSTED Child's Fine Weel Caps, GOODS WORSTED Hand-Made Split GOODS WORSTED Zephyr, at 50c. GOODS WORSTED Elegant Heavy Caps, Silk GOODS WORSTED Stitched, at 50c. GOODS WORSTED Fine Caps at 73c, $1, $1.25, GOODS WORSTED $1.50 and $2.50. GOODS WORSTED Ladies' Heeds at F0, 75c, GOODS WORSTED elegantly made and heavy. GOODS HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR WEAR w ANAMAKEK & BROWN- That Old Stere. " The old corner," " the old reliable." " the geed old place " All right, friends, call it what you please. We confess te some pride in being "old" iu soma respects. It was a pretty dark day, 21 years age, when we christened "Oak Hall," and steed up te answer te the name. 21 years is long enough for a baby te grew te manhood, and for a .small undertaking te grew into a great enterprise. 21 years age we were our own buyer, bookkeeper, por ter aud watchman ; and stuck te it until ethers cams along te help, some of whom have been with us ever since. Te day the needed helpers are numbuicd by thousands, and our custom el s aie almost beyond number and evcrywheic. Our store 21 years age was -'only that eubby-hele at the corner," hard ly large enough te turn around in. New you knew what it is. -Truly we have grown old aud "settled." We havn't any disposition te change Irem lixed prices, nor from lixed principles, the chief of which is guarding the interests of our customers. AVe keep te our plain old-fashtencd Oak Hall buildings. They arc like old-fashioned silver, well-worn, but still solid aud geed, better than some newer. We held fast also te our old methods of. serving our customers, viz: with the largest assortments te select from, the very best for the money, a guarantee with every purchase, viz : the privilege of bringing back goods and taking the inoney again if they want te. The only new thing about the Oak Hall premises strained and over crowded by the ever-increasing business, is the new stock for the winter of 18s!. We sold out almost te bare beards last winter. Nearly every thing is this season's cut and fashioning. New materials have been used, and new patterns te cut them by. Please accept this old-fashioned, hearty invitation te leek in upon us and thus find out if our old age and experience hasn't served us well in producing this stock. WANAMAKER & BROWN. OAK HALL, Market and Sixth, Philadelphia. 7 A LI. CAMPAIGN. F ALL. CAMPAIGN. MYERS & RATHFOM Are better prepared than ever te accommedato the public in READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN, At bottom prices, all our own manufacture no Sheddy Clothing. A man can get the best Ten Dellar All Weel Suit at Centre Hall sold in America. While this is a specialty, yet all our Clethiii" is sold proportionately cheap. Buying your Clothing at Centre Hall you save one nieflt "bur Custom Department is lull and complete. It you want a Cheap Rusincss Suit you can have it made te order (all wool) from Fifteen te Twenty-five Dollars, Dress Suits from Ei"htecn te Forty Dollars. And remember you have the Largest Stock and the Bet Variety te select from, ami satisfaction in every way guaranteed. We are prepared te make up at short notice and in the best style and at the lowest prices. Our Cutters arc Firt-Class. Oil "teckcl GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is rull and complete. Don't fail te call and leek through Centre Hall before you make yeiu Fall and Winter purchase. Yeu will linil willing hands te show you through the iiiimeuse stock et Woolen-. Overcoats by the hundred ler Men, Youths, Beys and Children. ' MYERS & RATHFON. rnArjmzits uvun. CENTRE HALL, e. 12 EAST KINU STREET, LANCASTER, TEM'A. HOUSE FUKNISULNO HOODS. TTOUSEFUKNISHIJiG. FLINN & WILLSON'S, H -GO TO OUSErUKNISIUNU. -FOR- Furnaces antl Steves of all Us. .lul received 1.000 YARDS or FLOOR OIL CLOTH trem ii cents per yard up. CHANDELIERS. COMPLETE LINE OF HOUSEFURNISIIING GOODS FOR THE FALL SEASON. WcC.tll and examine our stock. Ne trouble te show goods. FLINN ft WILLSON, 152 & 154 North Queen Street. .IJSWEl.h.KX. OUFT DMA. WINOH. fPKlA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, AT AUGUSTUS RIHIADS, Jeweler, Ne. 'JO East King Street, Lancaster, Pa IB rscpt'JS-Smdeed c WJineNWKAiru uistkiuutien co. AILEV, JSANKS & KIDDLE B TO THOSE Who cannot visit our store, we will send, en request. Goods for Examination. Thus affording them the op portunity of purchasing en exactly the terms and with all the advantages enjoyed by these who come in person. "Such a stock of Fine FOREIGN FANCY GOODS as we new have, has never been seen before. BAILEY. BANKS, BIDDLE, TWELFTH & CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA, 38th repular Monthly Drawing OFTHI COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the City or Louisville, en WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kentucky. The United Statc3 Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following d jelsiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. Su Its drawings are fair. N. I!. Tlin Company has new en hand a !ar:re reserve fund. Rend the list of nriziw ter j the NOVEM1JEK DItAWiNU. i prizes tHW-W a pmzif . e(aM. 1C prizes $1,000 each 10,000 20 prizes rOeach 10,000 ;iix prizes $100 each 10,000 200 prizes 50 each 10,0)4.' COO prizes 20 each l'iei 1000 prizes lOcach 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " 1,800 9 prizes 100 each, " " 9tfl Af nlUpriZvSiac ifllalw Whole tickets, $2; hair tickets. $1; 27 tickets $50; 55 tickets, $100. Item it Meney or Hank Draft in Letter, e: scndl.v Express. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OK POSTOFEICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent nt our expense. Address all orders te K. SI. ItOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Ittiilding, Louisville. Ky., ei K. 91. BOARDMAN, 209 Ereadwav. New Yerk. I ANCASTEK AND MILLERS', JLiCat 1U.UK.V i :rs run as fellows : - Leave Lancutser P. R. Depot), at 7. 9. an t 11:30a.m., and 2. I. t and S0p. in., ers.t i p Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9:U i. .. . Leave Millersville (lower end) at 5. . .i:it u a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. ni. Cars run daily en ?- ve time except en Sui day. TEAD1NG JC COLU3IBIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OK PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, NOV. 7th, 1SSI. NORTHWARD. LXAVE. QuarryviUe Lancaster, Kins St... Lancaster Columbia ARRIVE. Reading... SOUTHWARD. a.m. im. r. m. C:I0 ... 2SU 7:.10 .! S:00 l:w 3:."i 7:30 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:20 5.50 A.M. M. P.M. 7:25 12:00 ti:W r.M. ::.T 2:10 S:2". 9:27 2.10 S:13 Ku .... S:25 10:.!7 9:55 A.M. 7:l 9-.I0 9:2i r.M LKAVB. Reading... AR1UVE. Columbia. Lancaster. y;27 2.10 S:13 5:l. Lancaster. King St 9S57 .... S:25 5:25 Qnarryville ie:.J7 .... 9:55 li:30 Trains con met at Keadlng with trains teand Irem Philadelphia. Pottsville. llarrisluinr. Al Al lentewu and New Yerk, via Pound llret'k Reute. At Columbia with trains te ami from Yerk. Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Haiti, mere. A. M. WILSON. Sitpt. PENNSYLVANIA liAll.KIIAD-NKtV SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY OCTOUEIt 31t. ISjii, trains en the Pennsyl vania Kailrrad will arrive at and leave the Lnuca-ti'i and PliihuVlphiaiicpetsas follews: Eastv.-akd. ' Leave igArrivt Lane'ter !' I film IV. 1:10 . H5 5:liS 8:00 8:05 9:10 1:50 1 2:50 2.4) 5:05 5:15 tirr. :I5 a. r. e Atlantic Express Philadelpia Expiess, ' ast Ltue... ..... ... Yerk Aecem. Arrives; Harrisbnrg Exprcs-. Columbia Accoinmedat ion, Frederick Accein. Arrives, Sunday Mail Jobnstewn Express Chicago D:iy Express, St. Leuis Day Express tlarrisburg Aecoiiimedai'ii, Wkmtwacd. Way Pasxcnycr, News Expres- MailTrain Ne. l.via Ml ..lev. Mail Train Ne.2,via CePbia, Sunday Mall, Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, Lancaster Aceiimmedat ion, Uarrisburg Aeeoiuiitedal'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express Pittsb:irg Express, Cincinnati Express, Pacillc Express, Mail Train. Ne. 2. wet, connecting at Lan caster with Mail Tiain, Ne. 1, at 11:30 a.n.., will rim through te Iltinever. Frederick Accommodation, west, eon ucciing at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 2::.., will run Mireimh te Frederick. Ilarri-burg Express, west, at 5:30 p. in . has direct connection ; (without change r cars) te Columbia and Yeik. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, wijlstepat DowiiiugiOvvn.Ceaiosvillc, Parke.. burg, .Mount .toy, Eliabethiewti and MiddV tow II. VA1UTEXK. I.enve 2'hilad'a i::l ii. 4:31 " :V ' i:M " 12:10 ' 3:00 """ ssjii r.M. 4:(Hl " 5:30 " ::25 " 9: III " 11:55 " l'):M 12:(d r.) 5.3 i"" .r:15 " 7:Oi " 715 Arm Lan-'t .": a a i;:.'7 ' l:;i ' 10:35 ' 10:50 ' 2:;w r. 2.35 S:i.: ' 7r-V ' 7::a) " 8:50 i!.:ia ! I ,f 1 1CE AT I5AK4JA1NS 1JM VillCI'Kl... I claim te have the Largest and Tines teek el CARPETS In this City. Brussels nnd Tapestry CARPETS Vhree-ply, Extra Super, Super, All Weel, lalt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains: liem the lest te the cheapest aa low as aflc. per yard. All the FfXEST A XI) CHOICE l'ATTEKXH that ever can Iicfccii in this city. I also have a Large ami Fine Stock el n.y ivvti make Chain a in! ttag Carjii'ls, AS LOW AS 35c. PER YACD. AIe JIAKE L'AKPl.TS TOl:DEICatifheu' notice. Satif:ictieii guareutt'eil A oNe trouble le show goods il von de in -r wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a cull. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA. "1AICPETS, &V. NEW CARPETS 40,000 YARDS. Xfiv llesigiis, Ucantirnlly t'olerti!. INGRAINS TAPESTRY IJRUSSELS WILTON AND JIOtiUETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, LIGNUMS. i.'idcentr'. .' cents. Mr .it, w cents. ( 75 cents. $.. (75 cent fl.iie. 8.1 cent . (M cents. il.2e. GOOD VALUE - AT I ALL PRICES. I VOAMj. B. It. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMRER ASP COAL. rani : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lmen. Lancaster. n3-ly; COHO & WILEY, 359 XOISTII WATER ST., Zaneatter, Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection 'With the Telephonic Exchange Itranch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. tebSB-iyjl te ,T4 RELLLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers in want el Superie Manure will linil it te their advantage te call Yard, Harrisburg Pike. ) Ofilce. 20$ East Chestnut street. ag!7-lt MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Siixvl. al-lydcei!&2.tvj PHILADELPHIA. "1AI.PKTS, I'tiAL, c. PJIILTP SCHUJI, SON k CO., 1I.V.NT FACTORY,? Ne. 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancastki, Pa., U ell-kuewn Mainifai:tiuers of Geuuini LANC TER QUILTS, L'OUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, RLANKETS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. USTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY " DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Geels Dyed either In tin: piece or in tiariuents: also. n kinds of silk. Ribhen, Fi':itln:rs and Weih:n Goods liid. Gen tieineii's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. ils, ,e. Dyed or Scouted; also. Indigo IJIne Dyi in? done. All orders or goods lelt with us will ii-rriv iirempl attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL,. COAL. Ceal et the best ((tiality put up expressly ( family use. and at the lowest in irket rates. TRY A .-AMPLE TON. YARD l.V t OUTH WATER STREE'l. 2-IV(lRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON A I O LA Hit I AGES, AC. J JEST WORK AND KKASO.VAHLE t PRICES. PHILIP D0EKS03I, Manufucturer of CAKMAGES. BUGGIES, SPAU IJUG- GIES. PHAETONS, MAHKET WAGONS, &., &c. ECLIPSE a specialty 'ole right ler Southern Pciiii-ylvauia. A great variety of Sl.KHJIIS en haml. REPAIRING promptly attended te. Sati faction guaranteed. WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY : Ne. 128 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. HALF .VJCARK BAST OK TUK COfltT HOUSE. n.Vlmdttw Carriages ! Carnages ! :-at tfDGERLEY & CO.'S. PracticalCaniage Bui I tiers, 'arkct Street, Rear of Central Market Heuv Lancaster, Pa. i Ye have en haml a Large Assortment et KUttGIKS AND CARKIA(JKS, Which we eirer at tii VERY LOWEST PRICSS All work warninteu. uivone a call -Repairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially empleye'! hat purpose. Iirji-tfdjtv