sss3BCffixaaett -i-n.iAiw; ?yy--yt-. -.- -, ..r ., LANCASTER DAIIA INTELLIGENCE!!, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1881. waecOeacssl ftancastcr tntcHCgcncer, SATURDAY EVENING, NOV. 6, 1881. 1 Should Blush te Twitter." The above words were uttered in a half laugliiwr, half-serious tone by a beautiful girl of 19, who steed in the veranda of a tunctcd villa, and looked with eager, wist ful gaze toward the west, where the set ting sun was gilding with its expiring rays the green-topped hills and heather-hedged vales which lay between Jacksen Hall and the gient lake en whose blue besom idly lleatcd a fine fleet of lumber hookers. Turning quickly from bur contemplation of the golden hale which the setting sun cast ever the earth, Miriam Jacksen spoke te her father, saying : " Arc you going te Ke Ke eosha this evening, papa?" " Ne darling," was the reply, the voice of the perk broker instinctively assuming a mere tender tone as he addressed his only daughter, " Net Kenesha some ether station en the Northwestern read," and springing lightly into a coupe, which drove up te the deer, he kissed his hand te Mi riam and was gene. "At last," she said softly te herself, "at last In has gene and left me alone alone with my thoughts. And what are these thoughts'.' What can they be, except of Geerge and my love te him that love which h:is gilded my heart with its bright, beautiful rays of hope, as the morning sun gilds the Alhambra palace. Ob, Geerge, without your love I should, indeed, be a diselate girl." When Miriam was started she could go quite a clip. Over the closely trimmed lawn, whose velvety surface gave back no sound as his feet pressed heavily ii'ien it, came a young mail a strong, handsome fellow in the full Hush or straight Hush whichever suits the reader best of early manhood. Miriam did net see him, but the faithful watch deg did, and came hounding forth from his kennel, grabbing the young man blithlcy by the scat of the pants and gal loping away in merry glee te the back yard with his mouth full efgeuts' furnish ing goods. Fortunately for Geerge W. .Simpsen the jocund day was swiftly wan ing, and the gray-heeded night, was spread ing her sable mantle ever all, including his punts. .Stepping still mere softly ever the lawn, he was en the perch and seated in a chair before Miriam was aware of his presence, and it was only when he spoke her name in low dulcet tones that s-he knew of his presence. Kunning quickly te him, she knell, by his hide, and, placing her fair young face close te his, said ; " Is it you, darling '.' " Geerge never deceived a trusting heart. "It is me," he said, admitting his identity and lack of familiarity with Li ml Icy Mur ray at the same time. "I was se awfully afraid you wouldn't come," continued the girl, "and papa acted as if he never would go. and really and truly I began te think that perhaps you had missed the train, and then again that maybe you didn't love me at all, and ever and ever se many dreadfully horrid things that 1 was almost ready te cry. Hut veu aic here new, aren'L you darl ing?" With a rib-cracking hug the young man tcstiiied te his presence. Then looking tenderly into the blue eyes, and kissing fondly the red lips, he said : " Are you sure you love me, little one?" "Sine !" exclaimed the girl, starting te her feet. " Are you sure that you exist? Arc you sure that the sun will rise to morrow ?" Geerge Simpsen did net reply. I Te had lived many yeats, and had long since quit betting en sine tilings "Se sure," said Miriam, "as you planet that shines se brightly in the Eastern hori zon will be there when another day shall have run its course, se sure is it that my love for you will never, can never, fade or falter." Geerge liked this. Jle didn't knew what horizon meant, and was a trifle hazy about planet, but when Miiiam talked about the day i tinning its course he was at hump, lie visited a running course every summer, and generally get his money en the wrong horse. " I must test her love,'" he said softly te himself, and turning te the girl he said : " And would you prove your love, mv own." 14 Would I, my darling? Try me : that is all task." Bending low ever the tiny pink ear, Geerge Simpsen whispered into it a few earnest words. A rosy blush suffused Miriam's cheek as she rose, and, without a word, led Geerge te her father's room. " Iu there," site said, " arc pants till von can't rest." The deer closed behind him with a heavy clang. Five minutes later lie emcigcd clad in a pair t.f trousers belong ing te the haughty perk parker. Miriam had prmen her love. ' Metticr lias Kcenvcted" wrote an Illinois girl te her Eastern relatives. "She took bitters for a long time but without any - d. Se when she heaid of the virtues et !. lney-Wert she get a be- audit has coni ceni plet. ly cured her, se'that she can de as much wei' new as she cenhl before we moved West. Since she has get well everyone about her is fal-'iug it.' See adv. eni-lwd&w Invigorating feed for the brain and nerves is ,hal we need in these days of rush and worry. Parker's Ginger-Tonic restores the vital energies, and brings geed health quicker than anything you can u.-c. Trihune. See ad vertisement. nl-lmdeodAiweew Secen,, Edition fit Jen. Mrs. Ogden, N. Division street. lSul'ale, s i.vs: "1 -anunt be tee thanklul that I was induced te try your Spring JSlnisem. 1 was at one time afraid! should never be able te get out avain. 1 seemed te be a second edition of Jeb without his patience: my face and body were one vast collection of bells ami pimples; since taking one bottle et your Spring Illossem 1 am quite cured, all eruptions have disappeared, and 1 led belter than 1 have in a long time.'' Price ."0 cents. Fer sale at 11. !. cechran's drug store, l."7 North (jiieeu street , Lancaster. The Law of Kindness l universal; it. atlects all the Human family, all animals, and may be even found in paten l medicines. Seme are drastic, and the patient is obliged te suiter pains worse than tlic dis ease; but iu cases of obstinate constipation, dyspepsia, there is no remedy n kind, se iten I le in itsellects.aiKi vet se satisfacterv as Itiir Itiir decK Itloed Kilters. Price $1. Fer sale at II. il Cochran's drug store, KI7 North Queen St., Lancaster. If-'T lilt a trtsus. nit1tSIOMVK.ll.TII DlSTRMHITIilN CO. 33th Vepalar Menttily Drawing or TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the Cltv of Louisville, en WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30th, 1831. Thews drawlngri occur meiitnly (L'ainlnv& excepted) uniler previsions : an' Act '. tFn: General Asseniblv et Kentucky. The United States Circuit. Court en .Vaich:!!, rendered the following d 'cl-dens: 1st That tlie Cii:)!ii!iii It DtHtritiufteE Company Is legal. Scl Itttclraviiuxsare fair. N. I!. The Company has new 011 hand a large reserve fund, ltead the list 01 prizes ler the NOV EM P.EIS DUA WING. 1 jiriz" a $ HUUU l.XjjVAtV - OfUln. a XJ' (UU aaaaaaaaa Xl'jUlW a J " ' IWt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa l"ra1flA I prize 1 prize. lOprlres $LtKWeach.. ai priscs.Vxnich...., ;it prizes SKKic-ich... Jiiii priz-s.Vleach OK) pri.cs'Jncach liKXi prizes Wrcu'h , immVam991 i aa' " " aaaa.aaaaaa aaaaaa V pproxtmatlen priz:a 2,700 " " 1,S(0 " " Jlf.0 0 prizes ."! 10 each, 0 prizes 'JOiI each, 'J prizes UK) each, LOW prizes J112,0t- Whole ti!:cls.W; halt tickets, il; 7 tickets 5'); .V tickets, flw. llciijit jlencj' or Cank DniM in Letter, ei HCiidbv Kxiinss. DON'T SEND P.Y KEGIS TEltED LETTEEOir PO'-TOFFICE OKDER. Orders et $S and upward, bv Express, ear. be sent sit, our evpuiise. AiMress all orders te It. Si. KOAUDMAN, Ceurler-Nuimal liuildlmr, Louisville, K-., 01 K. M. KtlAKDaiAN, iC9 ISreailwuv. New Yerk. febl-TuTli&S.tiw MEDICAL. ITIDNEY WOE. THE GREAT CURE FOB RHEUMATISM, A it is for all diseases of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND ROWELS. Jt cleanses the system of t lie acrid poison that causes thedrcadlul suffering which only the victims et Rheumatism can realize. Thousands of Case et the worst tonus el this terrible disease have been quickly re lieved, in a bhert time rerlectly Cured. KIDNEY WORT has hal wonderful success, anil an immense s;ile in every pari of the country. In lmmlrcils et cases it has cured where all else hal failed. It is inllil, hut efficient,. CEKTAlN IN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all wises. Jt Clcancs, StreiiKtheiiH and giveK 'iw I.ile te all the important organs el the hotly. The natural action et the Kidneys is restored. The Liver is cleansed of all disease, and tins Rowels move freely and heallhlully. In thin way the worst diseases arc eradicated lmiu tlii! system. As il lias been proved by thousands that KIDNEY WORT. is the iiie-!. effectual remedy for cleansing Hie system et all morbid .secretions, il should be used In every household its a SI'EINU MEDICINE. Always cures ISiliimsnes", Constipation l'ltesaiid all I'uuiale Diselses. 44r 11 Is pit. iij In Dry Vegetable lWm, in irtin cans, en. package et which makes six -! ttarls of ),:.(!- inc. S Alse in l.njutu Ferm, very Concentrated e-tor the convenience et these who cannot ae-readfly prepare it. It acts with equal efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOU It DRIK'UIST. i'l'lCE, SI. WKLLS, KICHAItDSOX A: CO., I'rep's, Iurlint;tiiii, Vt. rWIII eud the dry .lee'J7 lid&wl (; -,i:i.i:k and chamomile ruts. A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. Dr. V. IV. lieiiMiii, :i Well-known 1'iaclle tiiK l'li.VHlriaii and .Surgeon et l';il- lllllOIC, .11(1. Dr. Ken-nn lias, for the past twenly.ene years, paid much attention te Nervous disease-, and has discovered that the extract of Celery ami Chamomile combined In a certain proportion, invariably cures citner Sick Head ache. Ordinary Headache, Neuralgia, Nerveus-nes-i. Dypcpiia, Sleeplessness or Paralysis. They are prepared in the shape et Tills and contain no opium, quinine or ether harmful drti hut arc. intended expressly te cure and wilt cure the above named diseases. fie'Tlw celebrated Dr. Hammend, et New Yerk city, siy,: "Ihavcleuiid Dr. ISensen's O'lery and Chamomile pills arc invaluable iu allca-csel Nervous Discas-s."' Other physi cians te the number et ever .MM endorse, then: in equally strong terms. Everyone is new talking oft in: wonderful cures effected since I hey h i1. e been placed before the public. This isa Iriiimpliin Medical Chemistry and sull"!l ever Hie whole country and even abroad, are ordering by mail and otherwise, .sold by all i!riil-ts. Price. .Mh aluw. Depot, l'.i; North Eutaw street. Raltiineiv, JIu. l!y mail two boxes for $1, ersix boxes for $i"i). DU. O. W. BENSON'S New Kcmedy anil Favorite Prescript Ien. SKIN CURE l.s Warranted te Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS.. HUMOUS, INFLAM MATION, MILK CECST, ALL KOflJII SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF I II All: AND SCALP. SCROFULA. ULCEUS, PIMPLES AND TENDER ITCHINC: en all pai is of the body. It makes the skin white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freckles, ami is the i'.est. toilet dressing iu the World. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and ex ternal treatment. j All first-class druggists have it. Price f i per 1 package. augJ-i-lyd.M.W.VS.'iw SPECIAL A.MJ CHRONIC DISEASES. Mary A. Lengiiker, M. i)., ..OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Ne. 13 East Walnut Strait, LANCASTER, PA., Di 'Pases of the Eye, Ear ami Threat Treated as a Siiicilly. Particular attention giv:n te the treatment et Dise.i-csel Women and Children. Free examination and treatment daily ex cept Sunday from 11 a. 111. te 1 p. 111. Consul tations in English and German. H. D. LONGAKBR, M. D., LATE OF PlilLADELI'HIA, VOW OF LANCASTER PA.. Offlee TTe. 13 r c-.i; Walnut Street,, eilers hi- i- ( --ie.v crvlee-i te thealllieied especlallv '" ilnw suffering fiem Chronic e Special Disc . He will beglndtesceund talk wilhthein. 1. ! practicetelaiiilydeclar!a dlseasi: inciij.. .- li he believes it te be se. In Ha: case whiea l.e nnderUikcx, he guarantees te de all that can be done by unwearied atten tion and the application of expeiicnced skill, gained bv many years el practice in treating dl-case in its various and most malignant form--. That his skill has net been exerted in .aii. numerous certificates, that may be seen at his ellice, will testily. r.Theers, Tumors sml Swellings Cures Williflist 1'afa or Using thn Knife or Drawiii!? lilecil. rikii: Diseases and every description of l"l c-iiitten. i'ilcsand Serofuleus Diseases Perina uenlly Cured. Female Diseases, Acute or Chronic, speedily and l-ulically cured. Di-cases d the Lungs. Threat, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys can undoubtedly be cured. Particular attention given te Private Dis eases el every description ; also thai slate el alienation and weakness et mind, which ren ders persons incapable et enjoying the pleas ures of performing the dutieset lite, complete ly cuied, and the patient restored te active li'-aith and the enjoyments et life. Disease, of the isye and Ear treated as a peelalty. Dr. Leng::kcr will make nrolessiennl visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (con- ......... 1. .ii.. 1 i:..s .1. ... ii.icitii.tti. j, :iiiu ini'iiiciiii; st-iiL who proper directions te any part et the country. CONSULTATIONS FB3B. Oflice: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, LANCASTER, PA. Jei"-lydTu.Th.vS. w OTiUNtiK-VM' TRUE ! STRANGE. 1ET TRUE, tiial alter the hun dredsef exlruerdiiriry cities wrought by DR. GREENE in this city and county, of Con sumption, Diabetes, Palsy, Fits. Dyspepsia and ether diseases, after Hie patients had ( without success ) tested Alie, and Iloma'epathic physi cians. 'Tis very strange that hundreds of ether persons, mere or less afflicted with dis ease, will net read Dr. Greene's pamphlets, or call upon him and be cured of their ailments. Strange that, they could be Influenced by jeal ous physicians or druggists, te keep away Ireni Dr. Greene. They ought te knew that the major portion of his patients are from the ranks el ether il. D.'s, and that it thev did net lie, or threw out some kindet iiiucndecs, they would lese the balance of their patients. Mrs. Jlc.Caskcy, et Philadelphia, came under Dr. G.'s charge through Mr. Powell, of Ne. Kast Walnut street, almost blind ; heen for years trsting the Philadelphia oculists. Oct. 'SJ, "went home with geed vision and health. Oct. 'J7, Wm. Eiismiiigcr, a blacksmith of Strashuig, nunc iu almost a new man, having sintered for years with Dyspepsia in its worst, tonus. He had been under l."J M. D's. before he tested Onmipathy. atarrh cured for jO cents. The remedy sent te anyone en leceipt et."u cents In stamp. DR. OHAS. A. GREENE, 14C EAST KINO STKEBT. MAV1TS5 t I KELIOIOUS. CHRIST EV. LUTHERAN CHUBCH. Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing at the usual hours for divine service, by the pastor, lie v. E. L. Heed. Sunday school at 1:15 p. m. 17IRST BAPTIST, EAST CHESTNUT ST Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing at the usual hours, by the pastor, Rev. Wm. Morrison. Sunday school at li p. m. FIRST M. E. CHURCH, NORTH DUKE street. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and ISaptisin will be administered at lOJa. in. Preaching at 7J4 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. W. C. Robinson. Sunday school at 12 p. m. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening at t. F IRS REFORMED DIVINE SERVICE te-morrow at 10:30 a. in., and :1 p. m. Sunday school at l:le p. in. C1RKKN STREET MISSION. PREACH X ing at 10K a. in. by the Kev. Jehn S wenk. and at 714 p. m. by the Uev. It. il. I'lue. Revi val services every evening during tnc week, te lie conducted by the pastor, Kev. G. W. Scilhamcr. E. MISSION EAST MISSION, EAST . King street. Preaching te-morrow, at YX p. ui. Sunday school at p. m. Weekly Pray er meeting en Tuesday at V,i p in. MORAVIAN. I. MAX nARK, PASTOR. At Wi a. in., Litany and Sermon : "Au tumn." At 'J p. m., Sunday school. At7j-4p.n1, Preaching en 'Tliinjfs thai never wear out." All cordially invited. OLIVET IIAP-1JST CHURCH V. M. C. A. Koeins, Kev. M. Frayne, pastor. 10) a. 111. and p. m. Ordinance et the Lord's Super at 10. Sunday school at 1 p. m. IItESBYTEKIAN. IREACniNG IN THE morning and evening by the pastor, Kev. Jas. Y. Mitchell, 1). D. PKKSDYTERIAN MEMORIAL CI1APKL. Kev. Jas. C. Uniiic, pastor. Preaching in the evening at 7J4. Sunday school at 1 p. in. Prayer meeting en Thursday evening at 7. ST. LUKE'S REFORMED MISSION, Marietta Avenue, near West Onuige street. Kev. Wm. F. Lichllter, pastor. Divine ser vices at 10J a. m. and 7J p. 111. Sunday school at ! p. 111. LT. JAMES. LITANY AND HOLY COM- 15 inunlen at 10 a. in. Evening Prayer at l! p. 111 At the evening service the seats are Him:. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Pleaching both morning and evening by the pastor. Kev. Sylvanus Stall. Morning subject "Momentary Affliction and Eternal Glory." The evening. sermon will have special refeicnce te young men. Seals free. All wel come. Sunday school at p. 111. Gotwald mission school at '1 p. 111. ST. PAUL'S REFORMED DIVINE SEK v tec at le'ia. ni. and at 7J.( p. 111. Prayer meeting alii pT 111. Sunday school al 1 p. 111. (JKCOND EVANGELICAL CHURCH 17 (English), North Mulberry slreet, above Orange. Prcaeniiig te-morrow at ln. a. in., and 7; i p. m. by the pastor. Kev. J. C. Krauc. Sabbath school at 2 p. in. 8T. PAUL'S M.K., CHURCH, S. JUEEN ST. A.J. Colleni, pastor. Preaching al iU:;lua. m. and 7:.T0p. m. Sabbath school al l:f." p. 111. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening. rnni; old mennenites will held J. s-erviees iu their church, corner of East Chestnut and Sherman streets, oil Suuduv, November lifh. at - e'eluek p. 111. Preaching in both languages. UNION It LTD EL CHURCH OF GOD Uev. G. W. Seilhamer, pastor. Pleach ing at ldXa. m. and 1i p. 111. Sabbath school at 14 p. 111" WI-.ST MISSION, M. E. CHAPEL, CHAR lotto street above Lemen. Preaching :it, HIJ4 a. 111., at iy, p. in., by the pastor, Uev. Kebt. A. Mcllwaiii. Prayer and Experience meeting at W. p. 111. Kcvfval meetings every night diiring'tne week except Saturday. jyjtr aoejti. NTICIl'ATING A HEAVY' FALL TRADE A WATT, .SH AND & CO. Have opened an immense line of DRESS GOODS SILKS, SATIXS, PL US IMS, I 'EL ) 'ETS, CLOAKS, DOLMAMS AND .JACKETS, Iu Hie lalest styles, neatly trimmed with vel vet plush and passtunenterie. Single and Deuble Shawls at very low piicecs. NEW PALL COATINGS. Ladies'. Gent's ami Children's German, Eng lish and American HOSIERY AND GLOVES. KID GLOVES a specialty. A full line et Fester's Patent Heek Kid Gloves I, COll dozen of Ladies', Gent's and Children's JlKIUNO UNDERWEAR. at prices that cannot be equaled. LADIES' AND GENT'S SUA II LEI' UNDERWEAR G ENT'S REGULAR MADE UNDERWEAR, 500 Pairs White and Colored Blankets. Iu all sizes and qualities, at prices which wu cannot duplicate. NEW YORK STOKE, 8 & 10 E. KING STREET. NKW CHEAP STOKE. SHAWLS --AT METZGER, BARD & HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE. I'.LACK T1HP.ET DOUP.LE SHAWLS, I1LACK TIUI5ET SINGLE SHAWLS, I'.LACK P.LNKET DOUP.LE SHAWL':, 1ILACK ELANKET SINGLE SHAWLS I'.LACK AND GRAY SHAWLS, j TARTAN PLAID SHAWLS, j PLAIN COLOR PLAID SHAWLS, I SHOULDER SHAWLS, j SHAWLS FOR SCHOOL GIRLS I Many cf them bought at AUCTION and te be sold CHEAP, at NKW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STKEET, P.etwccn the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. (Adlcr's Old Stand.) t HE 1.UKAY. . CAVERNS OF LURAY, I.URAY, PAGE .COUNTY. VIRGINIA, About one mile from the passenger depot et the Sheiiainleau Valley Railroad, are new brilliantly illuminated with the Elkitiuc Light. THE LURAY INN, Specially erected and beautifully tarnished bli the accommodation et visitors te the Caverns is open ter the reception of guests. A CAPACIOUS RESTAURANT eilers un usual facilities te large and small excursion parties. ect'JO-lmd&w ! ' 8ARD& HAuMuYS A.STK1CH. Bitty ATtYERl.ViE3l.KJlT. 4 STK1CH BVOS' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTKICli ASTKICH ASTKICU ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTR1C11 ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH AsTRICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH ASTKICH AiTRICH BROTH ERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS IiKOTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS r w & 21 13 EAST KING STREET, lit EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET. GREAT OITERING OF LADIES COATS DOLMANS CHATS Ladies Black Beaver DOLMANS COATS Coats lrein $:.."0 up te $IS DOLMANS COATS Ladies Delmans DOLMANS COATS from $ up $30. DOLMANS COATS Special bargains in DOLMANS COATS Ladies Black Delmans. DOLMANS COATS One let of Elegant Diag- DOLMANS COATS enal Cleth Delmans, DOLMANS COATS elaborately trimmed, DOLMANS COATS worth $18. at only $ti DOLMANS COATS One let et Fine Diagonal DOLMANS COATS Delmans, elaborately DOLMANS CeATS trimmed with Shirred DOLMANS COATS Satin. Fine Passauienterie DOLMANS COATS and Fur Trimming, worth DOLMANS COATS . at only W. DOLMANS COATS Satin Marvclleux Del- DOLMANS COATS mans, trimmed with rich DOLMANS COATS Fur, lrem$2S up te$". DOLMANS COATS Light Colored Jackets DOLMANS COATS lrein J.- up te $1.1. DOLMANS COATS Light Colored Jacket. DOLMANS COATS trimmed in Fine Plush DOLMANS COATS from HM np. DOLMANS COATS Ulstcrettes, Coachmen's DOLMANS COATS Coats. DOLMANS COATS A full line or DOLMANS COATS Children's Coats at. all DOLMANS COATS prices anil in all sizes. DOLMANS COATS Ladies Gossamers, J2-SS DOLMANS COATS Fine Check All Silk DOLMAFS COATS Gessnnicrcs, the very best DOLMANS COATS goods, atl.Veii. DOLMANS HATS Fine Derbys. 3e. DERRYS HATS Satin Bound Derbys. 7.".c. DERI'.YS HATS Brush Uerbys. Mic. DERBYS II ATS Derbys, with Cenl and Ralls, DERBYS IIA'IS -:c. DERRYS HATS Velvet Derbys, $1. DERBYS HATS Velvet Derbys. trimmed DERBYS HATS with Fur and Plush. DERRYS HATS Reaver Hats and Bennets. DERRYS 11A1S Plush Hats in all shapes. DERRYS HAT- Novelties new every day. DE31BYS TRIMMED Tinuned Hats in lull HATS TRIMMED selection. HATS TRIMMED Plush Bennets, trimmed HATS TRIMMED elaborately. HATS TRIMM ED Children's Trimmed Hats HATS TRIMMED in great variety. HATS TRIMMED Oiu-let el Children's Fine HATS TRIMMED Felt llats.trimm:d,ready HATS TRIMMED for w car, al $1 HATS TRIMMED Feather Caps lteni DATS TRIMMED Ji.r up. HATS TRIMMED One let of Feather Caps, IIA'IS TRIMMED a special bargain, at HATS TRIMMED $!.i". upward. HATS FEATHERS Black, Colored, White, TIPS FEATHERS Natural, Shaded TIPS FEATHERS and Fancy Pinnies, in TIPS FEATHERS immense variety, from i 2 TIPS FEATHERS upward. TIPS FEATHERS Special bargains in line TIPS FEATHERS Plume. TIPS FEATHERS Black Tips at low prices TIPS FEATHERS Three line Tips at .V)e. TIPS FEATII ERS Three elegant Tips at "c. TI PS FEAiHKRS TIucc Siiperlinc Tips TIPS FEATHERS at I. TIPS FEATII ERS Fine Tips al 1.5, f- fi30 TIPS FEATHERS $3, upwards. TIPS FEATHERS Colored Tips in all the TIPS FEATHERS leading shades. Alse, TIPS FEATHERS Shaded Tips. TIPS PLUSHES Black and Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Plushes. VELVETS PLUSHES Black and Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Velvets. VELVETS PLUSHES Black and Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Satins. VELTETS PLUSHES Black and Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Silks. VELVETS PLUSHES Black and Colored VELVETS PLUSHES Velveteens. VELVETS 1 i.ualir.n eiveicens. ii.uii.ij RIBBONS Fancy, Shaded, Brocade, CREPES RIBBONS Moiree. Striped CREPES RIBBONS Ribbons. CREPES RIBBONS Novelties in Ribbons. CRLl'ES RIBBONS Crepes at all prices, CREPES RIBBONS and very cheap. CREPES KID Aslrich Bres.' Alexander GLOVES K 1 15 The best Gleve li LOVES KID ever sold for the money GLOVES KID 3 buttons, .r-c. GLOVES KID I buttons, $l.Si. GLOVES KID 0 buttons, $lm GLOVES KID Every pair warranted GLOVES KID A box of Fine Pcrliiined GLOVES KID Gleve Powder and a neat GLOVES KID Gleve Buttoner given with GLOVES KID every pair of Gloves. G LOVES KID Oiirassortnicntismeslcoin- GLOVES KID plete.ceinprisingull the new- GLOVES KID est Fall shades; also, White GLOVES KID and Black. GLOVES KID Full assortment el GLOVES KID Fester's Patent Lacing GLOVES KID Kill Gloves. GLOVES KID in Dark Celers and Black, GLOVES KID Tans and Geld. GLOVES KID and all Evening Shades. G LOVES KID Fine Undressed Kid Gloves, GLOVES KID i buttons, $l.'i". GLOVES KID Misses Kid Gloves, line quail- li LOVES KID ty, at 75c. G LOVES KID LaMiisquctalre, $2ap:iir. GLOVES LISLE Bargains in Fleeced Lisle GLOVES LISLE Gloves. utS5c.:i pair. GLOVES LISLE Silk Lined Lace Tep Gloves, GLOVES LISLE line quality, Sic. GLOVES LISLE Fine Lisle Gleve, Stocking GLOVES LISLE Ten, 25c. GLOVES LISLE Three Full Elastics, Extra GLOVES LISLE Leng Lisle Gloves. 'J5e. ULOVES MITTS Iulant'sAH-VoelMils.innll MITTS MITTS colors, at inc. a pair. MITTS MITTS Finest Imported Mitts, in MITTS MITTS Light Blue Cord, Brown and MITTS MITTS Navy, at l!l and 25c. MITTS MIT'lS Knit Mits in Light Blue, for MITTS M ITTS 18 and 25c. a pair. M 1TTS HOSIERY Ribbed Merine Hese, HOSIERY HOSIERY iuc.ii pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY Fine Ribbed Merine HOSIERY HOSIERY Hese, Blanched Scams, HOSIERY HOSIERY lSc, in all colors HOSIERY HOSIERS and white. HOSIERY HOSIERY All Weel Cashmere Hese, HOSIERY HOSIERY of tine quality, .V)e. HOSIERY HOSIERY Elegant Mixed All Weel HOSIERY HOSIERY Hese, Knit, only 40c. HOSIERY HOSIERY Fine Knit Weel Hese, HOSIERY HOSIERY inCaidinal,Navyand HOSIERY HOSIERY Seal.fSc. HOSIERY HOSIERY Finest Knit Worsted HOSIERY HOSIERY Stockings, in Black, HOSIERY HOSIERY Plum, Cardinal, 73c. HOSIERY HOSIERY Extra Hcayy Cashmere HOSIERY HOSIERY Hese at iX)c. and $1 HOSIERY HOSIERY a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY Oxford and Cambridge HOSIERY HOSIERY .Mixed Lamb's Weel HOSIERY HOSIERY Hese. $1.0!) and $1.1U HOSIERY HOSIERY a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY' Best French Ribbed HOSIERY HOSIERY Hese at $1.0"J a pair. HOSIER) HOSIERY Child's Ribbed . All W feel HOSIERY HOSIERY Hese. 25 and tOc. a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY Child's Knit All Weel HOSIERY HOSIERY" Hese, extra heavy HOSIERY HOSIERY quality, all sizes, only HOSIERY HOSIERY 20c. a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY Child's Fine All Weel HOSIERY HOSIERY Cashmere Hec at HOSIERY HOSIERY Sue. u pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY The finest assortment HOSIERY HOSIERY" Child's Ribbed All Weel HOSIERY HOSIERY llee. Fine Cashmere HOSIERY HOSIERY Hese. Plain and HOSIERY HOSIERY Silk Clocked Fine HOSIERY HOSIERY- French Ribbed Hese iu HOrlERY HOSIERY All Weel. HOSIERY HOSIERY' Men's All Weel 1 nit HOSIERY llO.sIERY Socks at 25c. a pair. HOSIERY HOSIERY Men's Fine Mixed HOSIERY HOSIERY Merine Socks, 25c. a pr. HOSIERY UNDER Child's Merine Shirts and WEAR UNDER Pants, 10 te 32 inches. WEAK UNDER at all prices. WEAR UNDER Ladies' Merine Undervests WEAR UNDER geed quality, at 85c.; WEAR UNDER Extra FIneat lie. WEAR UNDER Best and Pure Merine, WEAR UNDER Medium and Light Weight, WEAR UNDER at .Vic. WEAR UNDER Best Duality Undervests WEAR UNDER at 75c. and $1. WEAR UNDER Finest Goods at $1.25, $1.75. WEAR UNDER Men's Geed Trey Mixed WEAR UNDER Undershirts and Drawers, in WEAR UN DE R G rey and Brown, at .VJc AVE A R UNDER Best White Merine WEAK UNDER Undershirts and Drawers.riOc. WEAR WORSTED Child's Fine Weel Caps, GOODS WORSTED Hand-Made Split GOODS WORSTED Zephyr, at5ec. GOODS WORSTED Elegant Heavy Caps, Silk GOODS WORSTED Stitched, at 50c. GOODS WORSTED Fine Caps at 75c, $1, $1.25, GOODS WORSTED 81.50 and $iS0. GOODS WORSTED Ladles' Heeds at SO, 73c, GOODS WORSTEDelegantly made and heavy.GOODS czeTJiixa. w ANAMAKEIt & BROWN. That Old Stere. " The old corner," " the old reliable." " the geed old place" All light, friends, call it what you please. We confess te some pride in being 'eld'' in some respects. It was a pretty dark day, 21 years age, when we christeued " Oak Hall," and steed up te answer te the name. 21 years is long enough for a baby te grew te manhood, and for a small undertaking te grew into a great enterprise. 21 years age we were our ewu buyer, bookkeeper, por ter and watchman ; and stuck te it until ethers came along te help, some of whom have been with us ever since. Te day the needed helpers are numbered by thousands, and our custom custem cis are almost beyond number and everywhere. Our store 21 years age was "only that cubby-hole at the corner," hard ly large enough te turn around iu. New you knew what it is. Truly we have grown old and "settled." We havn't any disposition te clianee from lixed prices, nor from fixed principles, the chief of which is guarding the interests of our customers. We keep te our plain old-fashioned Oak Hall buildings. They are like old-fashioned silver, wcll-weru, but still solid and geed, better than seme newer. We held fast also te our old methods of serving our customers, viz : with the largest assortments te select from, the very best for the money, a guarantee with every purchase, viz : the privilege of bringing back goods and taking the money again if they want te. The only new thing about the Oak Hall premises strained ami over crowded by the ever-increasing busiucss. is the new stock for the winter of 18S1. We sold out almost te bare beards last winter. Nearly every thing is this season's cut and fashioning. New materials have been used, and new patterns te cut them by. Please accept this old-fashioned, hearty invitation te leek in upon us and thus find out if our old age and experience hasn't served us well in producing this stock. WANAMAKER & BROWN. OAK HALL, Market and Sixth, Philadelphia. V ALL C'AMl'AIUX. F MYERS & Are better prepared than ever te accommodate the public in READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOY'S AND CHILDREN, At bettimi price-!, all our own manufacture no Sheddy Clothing. A man can get flic fecsl Ten Dellar All Weel Suit at Centre Hall sold iu America. While this Is a specialty, ycrall our Clothing is. --old proportionately cheap. Buying your Clothing at Centre Hall yen save one prelit. Our Custom Department is lull and complete. It you want a Cheap Business Suit yen .in h:ive it. nimle te order fall wool) from Fifteen te Twenty-live Dollars. Dress Suits from Eighteen te Forty Dollars. And remember you te select ireill, anil .Sillisiiiciliill 111 eeiy m.ij- uiiimiiiini. hu iuu i.icimumi iu j.inne iiji 111. short notice and in the best style and at the lowest prices. Our Cutters are ITirt-Class. On stock et GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is full and complete. Don't fall te call and leek through Centre Hall before you make yeni Fall and Winter purchase. Y'eu will tinil willing hands te show you through the immense stock wt Woolens. Overcoats by the hundred for Men, Y'euth.s, Beys and Children. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KLNU STKEET, HOUSE EVJtNlSHlKii tlOOVS. H OUSEFUKNISniNG GO TO FLINN & WILLSON'S, FOR Furnaces ml Steves of all Kinds. Just leeeivid l.CUU YARDS of FLOOR OIL CLOTH from -Si cents per yard up. CHANDELIERS. COMPLETE LINE OF IIOUSEFURNISIIINU OOODS FOR THE FALL SEASON. "C'all and examine our stock. Ne trouble te show goods. . FLINN & WILLSON, 152 & 154 North Queen Street. J'JjUJUtEK'S J DUN I.. ARNOLD. Largest, Finest and CHANDELIERS EVER SEEN IN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PLATE AND PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. JOHN L. AENOLD, Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. fapr2-ttd VAKKlAdES, itt'. Carriages ! Carnages ! :-at- EDGERLEY & COIS, FracHcart'arriage Uiitldcrs, larkct Street, Rear of Central Market Houses. Lancaster, la. A'e have en hand a Large Assortment el BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Which wc offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. All work ivarranieii. 01 v us a call . 4Sf-EepairinR promptly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed mr hat purpose. linei.thl&V' HOOTS & SllOliS. LADIES AND GENTS. IV YOO WANT A Geed and Fine Fitting Heet or Shee Ready-made or Made te Order, co te F.HIEMEN.'S. Ne. 103 North Queen Street. Custom Weri Specialty. Jy2-tldS&W ALL CAMPAIGN. RATHFON have t lie Largest Sleck and the Best Variety LANCASTER, PEN.VA. -pre us ErcKNisniNG . SVl'1'X.TES. JOHN L. ARNOLD. Cheapest Stock of LANCASTER, CAJtPElB. ,1 1 REAT H AKO A INS IN CARl'ms, I claim te have the Largest and Fines 1 lock el CARPETS In this City. Brussels and Tapestry CARl'ETS Vhrce-nly, Extra Super, Super, All Weel, lalt Weel and Part Weel Ingrain3 : from the icst te the cheapest as low as 25c. per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE PA TTERNS that ever can be seen In this city. I also have a Large and Fine Stock et ray wn make Chain and Rag Carpets, AS LOW AS 3fic TER YARD. Alse MAKE CARl'ETS TO ORDER at sher notice. Satisfaction guarcntrcd. tfA-. trouble te show trnnd4 if vnn .lr n. I ish te purchase. 1 earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STBEET, LANCASTER I'A. TJINGWALT'3 WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND GROCERY STORE leblG-lyd NO, 205 WEST KING STREET. tka rta.eK& HUIVH IANCASTEi; AND MILLERS VI I.1.K 11. H t Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancaster 'F.R. Depot), at 7. 9, and ll:3(a.m., and 2, 4. 6 and 8:30 p. 111., cxreut en Cut unlay, when the last car leaves at 9:30 p. i.-. Leave MUIersville (lower end) at .., and Its a. M., nd 1. 3. 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en ve time except en Sun day. T EAD1NU jc COLIUIUIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OFIASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY. NOV. 7th, 1SSI. NORTHWARD. LKAVE. QuarryvUle Lancaster, King St... Lancaster Columbia. ARRIVK. Reading A.M. 7:30 ifclO 9:20 SOUTHWARD. t.XAVE. Reading ARKIVK. Columbia , A.X. P.M. r. M. 6:40 ... '30 7:50 .... :;:4ii 8:00 l:lii 3:50 7:50 1:10 3:W 10:05 8:20 5.50 a.m. m. r.M. 7:25 12:00 (!:10 r.M. !):3.". 2:10 8:25 t:27 2.10 8:13 J:.I7 .... 8:25 10:37 9:55 Lancaster. U-.27 2.10 8:13 5:15 Lancaster, King St J::i7 .... 8:25 5:25 Quarryville 10:37 9:55 t'.:30 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and Irem riilladelphia. I'nttsvillc. Ilarrishurg. Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Round Rroek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Haiti Haiti mere. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA UAII.KOAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after MONDAY OCTORER 31st, 1881, trains en the I'eninyl vaui: Railroad will arrive at and leave the Laneaetet and I'hihidelphia ncpetsas fellows : Eastward. Leave Anie Lanc'ler l'hiliid': I-10 A.M. 3:15 .. 1:15 " 7:ru 5:e8 " 7:35 8:00 " 8:05 ' 10:111 ' 0:10 " 12:01 r.M. 1:50 r.M 2:50 " 5:31 " 2:1) " 5:15 " 5:05 " 7:irc " 5:15 ' 7 15 " 0:25 " asm Leave Arrive Pliilad'a l-aiic'tcr I2:;a a.m. 5:11) a.m 4:30 13:27 " S:W) " li:!0 " 10:3" " 8:00 " 10-.50 " 12:10 " 2:S v.n. 2:35 ' 3:00 " 2::ai r.M. 6:45 " 4:00 " 7:2C " .WM) " 7:30 ' :25 " 8:50 " Sfcie " il.: " 11:55 " 2.15 m Atlantic Express Fliiladclpia Express, x Unit Alll.f YorkAccein. Arrive; Harrisburg Express Columbia Accommodation. Frederick Accem. Arrives. Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Chicago Day Express St. Leuis Day Express Harrisburg Accnmmedai'ii, WESTWARD. Way Fassenger, News Exnres.- Muil Train Ne. I.viaMt..ley, Man Train Ne.'.'.via cerma, Sunday Mail, Frederick Accomuiediit ion, Lancaster Accommodation, HarrisburK Aceouiuieihit'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Fittsburg Express Cincinnati Express, l'acltic Express, Mail Train. Ne. 2, west, con nee ti 111? at Lau easier with Mull Train. Ne. l,ut 11:30 u.111., will run through te Ilunever. Frederick Accommodation, west, con Heeling at Lancaster with Fust Line, west, at 2:3J, will rim Mireugli te Flederick. Hsrri-burg Expres. west, at 5:30 p. 111 . has direct connection j (nilhoutcliuiigcef cars) lit Celuiubi'iand Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when llaggud, will stenut Downiui:Iewn,Coatesville, Parke. burg. Mount .ley, Elizabcthtewu and Middle low:.. i)I.T OOO VS. Tl I EN -S W K A IS. HI EN 'S XV EA K. CLOTHS, CA8SIMEKES, CLOTHING. Ne. 25 West King Street. Have Full Line., of Men's Overcoats, Bey's Overcoats, Men's Dress Suits, Men's Business Suits, Bey's Dress Suits, Bey's Scheel Suits, Cleths, Cassimcrcs. Suitings and Overceatings, In Latest Styles ar.d Celers, in Laige A.-.-ert-ment. MERINO UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, U LOVES. HANDKERCHIEFS and NECKWEAR, at the LOWKST 1-IIICE3. IAGER & BROTHER J. Jt. flIAUTI. CO. SPECIAL NOTICE. We te-day open a Special Line el BODY BRUSSELS CAEPETS, PULL, FIVE FRAME, Itelinlilu Make and Eiitiruly Nnv Patterns, AT- .S1.25 PER YAKD. The KamcKoeds have been J1..10 this season and are made by 0110 el the l.ejt Eastern Makers, and are vii limit any exception, THE ClIEAl'KST VOOIM El'Eli OFFERED. Remember they aie NOT AIXTION GOODS, but New Ceeds, diicct from the mill. AUe, a lew pieces felt of the-e Cheap Tapestries At 67 and 72 Cts. WE ARE SHOWING WALL PAPERS IN ELEGANT NEW DKSIUXS. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. HA. HOTELS. VOW O HKN-JU'KECH EK HOL'SK, ON 11 Eitrepenn plan. Dining Reems tei Ladies and Gentlemen. Entrance at Ne. :ll North Duke street. Clam and Turtle hoiiD heiiD 1 nli.ti.r S'iIji.I Ovstcrs in Evi'rv Stvlit :iml .ill the Delicacies et the Season. We solicit the Piitromictret tni! puliMe. uia.v7-td STEAMED OYSTERS. gpecialty made of Steamed Oysters al the SHRECIIER HOUSE, Ne. 27 North Duke Street. Having lurnlshcd our Restaurant with .1 boiler for stcaminir oysters. we tnke this uiet.'i ed et informing the public that wc are pre pared at ill times te furnish them te fainilii" at their houses ei'at the restaurant. Ladles' entrance. Ne. 37 North Duke street. OROEE & COI'ELAND. oet23-tfd l'roprtcteis. Eager & Brether