CUL'UT THIS 3IORN1NO. Bushier Transacted. Ceuit met this morning at 10 o'clock te bear current business. The following election efticr-is were ap pointed : .Seventh Ward, J. II. Hei! uger, Repub lican ; Frederick Arneld, J'cniecrat. Xinth Ward, II. A. Sclueyer, I'cpub:i can ; Fred. Xixdert, Democrat. Lampeter, Absolem Fry, Demo crat ; Henry ...aytiiati. Republican. Auuic Hopleu, of Fulton street, this city, was granted a Ii voice from her hus band, William Ilopten. en the grounds of dcMMtim . Stephen lleu-er. of this city, wasgiaut ed a peddler': licem-e. Admitted l the liar. On motion of J. Hay Brown, esq., Hairy M. Heuscr was admitted te prac tice in the several ceuits of Lancaster county. Mr. Heuscr is a son of Abraham Heusei, of New Helland, aud studied with I). I. '"eseniiiiller, esq., who, being absent fiem the city today, was net in ceuit when he was admitted. Mr. Heuscr pascd a v ry feed cxamii.atien and the piespects for his futuie aie blight. 'I lie GHrlielil He-pital. Majer MacGeuigle has leceived thieugh Mr. A. S. Solomons, of the executive com mute if the Gaifiekl uiemeiial hospital, a copy of an appeal issued by the committee ieiuestuig contributions te tne lunu, auti asking him te use his eilicial inllueuce te organize, or assist in eiganizing. in this city a ee operative committee. The. me meiial hospital is designed te be national in eveiy sense of the word and te be es tablished in the national capital, as a mon ument of jKiipetual charity and a free asylum for citizens from all sections of the "T country, who may be taken sick or meet with misfortune Ir.Ie sojourning in Wash Wash ingten. An institution of this kind, it is thought, will be the most useful and ap propriate uiemeiial thatcau be elected te pei pollute the memory of the late picsi-deut. ACCIDEVf AT THE WATEK WOltKS. Four .tleii Kill I'm in a Mcallelilt-:'-. This fiiieuoeu a few minutes before V2 o'clock, while Jehn McGcehan, Christ. Fianciseus, David McUlain and Jehn liiewu we its weiking en a scalfeld at the boiler house at the city water works, the scaffolding bieke down, throwing the men into the pit below, a distance of about twenty feet. !!:irn, Fraiieincus ami Mc Clain weie badly bruised. McCl.iin had his wrist, and ankle sprained, the ankle being si badly swollen thai the beet had te be cut te get it oil his feet. IMIIIOCK.V; IC AlKKI'INC TO-NIGHT. 1 In- Old I'lslitli Wanl In .notion. There will be a mass meeting of the Democracy of the Eighth waul this even ing at Lucas Fiitz's Green Cottage hotel en St. Jeseph stiect. Addresses will be delivcicd by scveial able Demee.-atic spcakeis. l'eur Oil co or s Meet lug. The peer directors held their regular meiilhly meeting te-day, all of the mem bers being piesent. A number of bills weie piesented and approved. Geerge Spuuier was elected supciiu tendcut and clerk of the hospital te lill the iiiiespiicd term of 15. F. Cox. billing U Itlieut License. Wayinan Houllier was ariestcd at the Northern maikct. this afternoon by Officer C'yle for .selling goods without license. He had a le! of jewelry which lie was dis posing el when caught, lie was com mitted for a healing by Alderman Mc Mc Mc Co'.iemv. S.ile Te-night. Attention i- called te tin- udeiii:i'iiicnl in another eeluinu et public -ale el dwelling Ne. i;v, Seuln Queen -treet, by Allan A llerr A O'., at the Fountain I'm Hetel. Seuth Queen Hn-i'S, tlrs evening. Ainiisciiiciils. Enrtier." Se iniieli lia. been m itlcn mid said about the Irish trouble-, mid such a high degree et interest excited thereby throughout this and et5i"r communities, that the nu nu i.eiinccineut et a play purpeiting te portray the land system as it today exists in that eemitry, will awaken considerable cuiiesity, at Ica-t, among the tri"iids of the Irish cause. .Manager Mishlcr will bring te this city next Thursday llubeil e'Gi'idy" native lii-h com cem pany in sidrama ciiHllcd ' Kvlclien," wliich will'lic produced at Fulton opera house. Tlie play and plajeis come le Ihis ceiintiy with testimonials at te their inei it.- Irein Chailes Slewail rainell, Michael Iliivilt, 1'atiiek Egan and etlcr Iii-h ngitulni-s. HVEVM.IL NOT IVES. Terrible I.meI liiliouset rat-, mice, cits, bedbugs, m.e lese their lives by collision with "Reug' RatV Sold by ditiggi"!", I.'ie. hi'S I en An Enliri' Success. It has been proved bvlh'.' most tillable tes timony that Themas' Eeleel'iie Oil isan entire iiiecc-s in cuiiug Hie most invelerali- eases or rlicumatisiii. neiii-algi.i. lame b.iek. and wounds el every desciiplien. Ter sale at II. It. Cnehiairi ding -leie. I"7 North Qncci tieet, Lancaslei. n old Srdy wines us: "I am 'ii years old anil was Icebleaud iicivmi.: all tlie time, when I bought a bottle el I'm leer's Gin.'-er Ten'c. t have used liltle meie than one bottle and leel as well as :! ::." See ether column. nl-lnnlcod&weew "What evetv one says must bs true," that "l)r tellers' Cough Syrup" h is no equal for coughs ami colds. Tiv it. l'iicc'J.1 eenl.s. til-lmd&w In lhe mailer 01 oi-eroercd n 'rves, llosten gul-sillier no nunc than these et ether cities'. There ale painlul seii-ibililies that neliiing can cure mi thoroughly as Dr. UensenV Cel ery ami Chamomile I'liN, ami every nervous girl Mieuid ti"i! them. e:il-lwKVw Siiau't 1 Talis a I'.i'.ie I'll IV Ne, don't lake it and i mi the 1 isk el meieii lial poisons, but when bilious and constipated gel a package et the celebrated Kidney-Wert, and it will speedily cure you. It is nature's great lcinedy for constipation, and ler ell kidney and lier ili-c.i-fs. It acts promptly en tliesi;gre-il organ" and se ic-teres health, stiength and vigor. II Is put up in liquid and dry let in, nctimr wiih equal cflleiency. Pi ice 51. "The ilectuis s:ud my wile, had consump censump consump len. Tricil 'Lindscy's'nioed Searcher,' and she has better health than ever." ,. . Hub bird. Hampden. Ohie. nl-luid&w Ncirly st Miracle ::. A-enith Ilall.'lllngliauipten, N. Y. write-: 'lsullcrcd ler "c.veral mouths with a dull p lin through the ieit lung an.! sheublcis. I le-t niv "pirils, appetite and color, and could with difficulty keep no all ri.iv. My mother procured some llurdeck ISleml Uitteis ; 1 took lliein asdiiected, anil have lelt no iiain since first week ulier using them, and am new quit w.;i." Pi ice l. Kersale at II. It. Ceclnan'i. il-ng stoic, 137 Ner:h Queen stiect, Laneasler. Ge te II. 15. Cecili-m's Drug Mure, ir.7 North Queen "treet, for Mrs. trrcr.xan' Aci" Aa- icen "treet, ler jirx. rrrcr.tun i .cie Dyes. Fer brightness ami diuability et ler,nru unequaied. Celer Irein 2 to5i)euud. Irecliens in English and German. Price 13 color. Din: cents. JfEATUS. lMiur.AM. In Alleghenv Clty.'en the.'ld inst.. Kate E. Inghrani, daughter eI.Marj E.and the late Frank Iiighraui. and grand-daughter of Gen. l'rcd'I:. K. llainbright, deceased. Funeral en '"iindav alternoen at '2 o'clock, ltd Willsej.'. Nev. 1. 1SS1, in this city, Rachel R.. Jnuglitcret'Mary A. and the late Geeige Wi l"en. The relatives anil tiicndset the lainlly are rcspecllully invited le attend her funeral, from the late residence el Geerge Willson, Ne. .V4 North Duke Mrect, en Monday afternoon at .'! o'clock. Services at St. James" church. Intertuentat Woodward Ilill cemetery, ltd- Makklt:v. Nev. 1. lss, in this citv, faniel II. Mark ley. aged Sll yiiir. The relatives and lriemls of lhe l.liui'.y are re pectlnlly inited te aticud lhe funeral, from his late residence, Ne. 48 North Prince street, en Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, lu- NEW AVVEIITISEMEN1S. TATKU BY AN EXPERIENCED W hand, a job te strip tobacco. Geed ret eience given. Apply at 105 Middle (street. CIA LI" UEAU 1.1'SCH THIS EVENING AT A. KOHLIIAAS' .SALOON, Ne. CM M an or st icet . Genuine Beer en tap, ll Il'Sf KECEIVEI-, 500 UAKKKLS 1 l State Apple?, a large quantity et YOKK Yerk :-'a,e...dcra.... oue,,. ,(5 m:uOG- nev2, Cemer et t'rlnce and Lemen. WILLIliiMILOATlMUVAMSALKTHi. XX two stervMANsAED ROOFED DWELL ING 1IOU.SKNe. 221 North Duke street, con cen taliiiii"leii looms and ami all tin; modem Improvement.-. Tci nis easy ut ltd Ne.2J7 iORTH QLELN fcTKhfcT. DOG I.OST.-I.OST, ON TIIUIWDAY. OCT "7 18fti, in the vicinitv et LandiavIIle, Laneas'tei county, Pa., a Black .Setter. The de" was rcslitcrcd and answers te the name of" ".pert." A liberal rewaid will be paid for tlie leturii et theaniinal te SAMUEL GREENER, ltd Ne. 1 '." south Prince St., Lancaster, l'a. DIVIDKM NOTICE. Fllisr Natiena. 15akk ok bTi!sm'i:i, .'TitASBuee. 1'a.. Ner. 2. lesl. The Diiecteis have tills day declaied a sciii! iiiuiual dividend of tliree and one halt per cent., clear el all taxes, pivalil-en demand. i.i:e. w. mi;n'"KL, jr., ltd An Cashier. 1 )l)l.I.IC SALE ill' HOUSES. ON MS lY, NOV. 7. UsSI, will be -old at Daniel l.e-an's "ale stable icar el MeCiann Heuse, Lancaster, l'a., It; HEAD OK CANADA IIOUK-. The an: l:eavy-benel lieileis, Hern le i; veaise'.d. ."ale tec le'iu-eal 1 o'clock, p. in. A ciedit el On days u ill be given. jt, DANILL LOGAN. T OCilEK'S Rcuewued Ceugli Syrup. A plea -ant. sale, speedy and sine leniedy ler Celd". Ceugli". Ilear.-enc-.s. Asthma, Inlluen 7..i. Soreness id the Threat ami Chest. I'.ron I'.ren cluti", Whooping Coiigli,bpiltliigef Illoed. In In llauiiualien : the Lungs and all Diseases et tlieChejAaiid Air l'as-agcs. This. vUl liable preparation combines all the medicinal virtues et the-c. ai tides winch long experience has proved te pe?"C-s the me.-t sileandellicientciualities ler the cine et all kind" el lung disease-. , ,,, I'ltIC E, 25 Cent. J'repaicd only and -old bj CHAS. A. LOOHER, WHOLESALE AND KET.UL WUUUGlhT. Xe. J East King Mrerl, Lanraster ki:i'HAN"' COIJltrSAi-EOEVALUAltLE V) nal estate. i m SATUI! DAY EVENING. .NOV. V.), issl, at the Keystone Heuse, Neith Queen .street. Lancaster, l'a.. in pursuance el an milcret the orphans' ceuit el Lancaster count v. will be -old at public s-lie the lollow lellow lollew mg valuable juepeily, laic el Jacob Hilrk. ilc; ci-aseil : A two Mm v I5UICK DWELL1M. HOIS K with biick back building and let or piece olgieund. situate en the west side et Neith Queen street, between Irede'ick and New Mieets, in the City el Lancaster aleie-.-aid, ceiilaining in Irent ::i led, : inches, meie or less, aud extending in the rear'JIa leet, te a U-lcetwiiic alley, bounded by propel 'y el Gee. Shiilniyereii tlie neith ami Henry Al Al biiglilen the south. Thcie are a lraine stable, a lien cistern wit ll pump, and a number el line bearing lruit trees, such as apple-, quinces, peaches and cherric", en the premise. Thislieuc having such a luge lient, inigh.. Tith little expense, bis divMed se as te make two valuable pieperties. Possession and title en April 1, lvi. ."ale loceninience at 7 o'clock, p. in., el said dav, when due attendance will be given and terms el" sale made known by DNIi:i. K.SIIll.'K. Hi:m:v Suiiikiit, Auct. AdniiniMrater. n.'itsdS&W rpiiK ;ki:at dkamatiu sessathin. ei'EUA ii et1 si:. Tliur.s) Evening, Xevcinber 10, 1SS1. The eeleliraled Irish Ceniedian-, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Grady, The most Natural, Kelined and Veisatie Iii-h Ai lists en the stage, suiiiet led by their n NATIVE IRISH COMPANY. in lin-gical Iilsii drama, "EVICTION," As piajed withextraeiditiaiv success in Eng land. Iiclane. cctland and Wales by the same company. The drama icpresenls In a true and laitiilui manner, the-laieet Ireland under the ciuel and tyrannical Land System, and lias been acknowledged by the Land League and the Irish Party in Parliament, le have been el thegicttest assistance towards the cause el the in'"h tenant I'aimeis. Lookout ler the UEAL IKISll JAUNTING CAU. GALLEUY. a.le. St'l.f'I.tL I'lil'-EH: ADMISSION, :t."tc. UKSKUVED, .IOC. At Veckei'Velllee. Bile. n.VIt TAIU'ETS, COAL, He. P1IILIP SCUU31, SON A: V)., MANUKACT0UV,? Ne. 150 SOUTH WATKU s.Ti:!iLT, LAKOABrKR, Pa., ell-known Manntacturcis el Genuine LANCASTER QUI LTS, COUNTKIM'ANKS. COVEULETS, P.LANKKTS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, 4c. USTOM RAG CARPE'ls A. SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. iiim-u i:fku1s lived cither in !lic lib'ce e in Garments: also, all kinds et silks, Itihln FciUiei" and Woolen Goods lj-id. I tlemen's Coats, Ovci coats, Pnnls. V cb , Djed or Seoul ed ; also. Indigo ISlui- Dye lone. All erilt'i-K or goods iell with us will iec prompt attenlleu., CSH PAID KOI! SLWED CARPET KAGS. Mi". en .vr. 'in:- COAL. COAL. Ceal el lhe best quality put up expiesly pi :Miiily use, and at the lowest in. n Uet tales TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD ISO i: OUTII WATER STRKK'I . J IVORS PHILIP SCRUM. SON .V I O ('PIKITUALlS-M. SPIRITUALISM. Fulton Opersi Keuse, Lancaster, MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 7, THE MILLER BROTHERS Will Held.aGR.YNJ SPIRITUALISTIC REVI VAL, assisted by Ereuxc Fiuracu ami ether wenderlul and newly-develeped Mediums w he invite the closest investigation, pel mim ing. ill lhe tests en tlie lighted stage WITHOUT TI'.K USE OF ANY CA III NUT, rei'KTVisii, "e HAsncrrKiMs. nviatviinxe ex tiii: en::,- stagc. The lollewing aie some of the marvelous manifestations which usually take place in the presence of these MEDIUMS: A TA15LE RISES AND FLOATS IN Til E AIR Tli's test, which Is usually attempted by fermiuga circleef ladies amlgentlenien aieuiul the table, is accomplished by the medium sim ply icting the linger- et one hand en top et a common wooden tabic, unaided by any ether ieue than the. INFLUENCE Ol' SPIRIT I'D WEIt surrounding him. A most marvelous liianile-tatien never before accomplished. LEMTATION. The medium is raised Hern her chaii and lleats et cr the heads et the amli ence, while spirit tonus are seen hovering around her. Spilit hands and forms nic plain ly seen and recognized by their Ixlcnds Flowers aie brought and passeiTte the audi dlcnce by hands plainly seen. MATERIALIZATION. Ferms Hern the Spirit Land appear, while the mediums an; held hand ami loot. A committee is chosen from the audience lei secure the medium, and while in this condition spirits will materialize and demateriallzc in view of all present, and these who wish can shake hands as they are ibeut the hall. Spirit tonus walk- nut In lull view et the audience. THE WONDERFUL SLATE TEsT. Messa ges written by an invisible hand bcleiethe eyes et the auutencc. CLAIRVOYANCE OR SUPERNATURAL VISION, A book is opened by a person chosen by the audience at whatever page he may see lit. aud is read by the medium while en the stage, w itlieut seeing the book. Scaled messa ges read and answered by the medium. Musi cal instruments will float in a wonderfully strange manner, playing as they go. .S'eercs of Other Tests Eqwilly Marrcleui. Come ami see ler yeuiscll. Take no one's word. Investigate. Relieve your own eyes, lie guidi'd by your own reason. As ilieie are'ne icsei'vtd s-eats, it will bs well le come early le avoid confusion, annoyance and iie-sible disappointment Deers open at 7. Commence at 8 o'clock. KS-ALL AEE INVITED.-? It LANCASTER DAILY XEir jUtVEJllISEMEXlS. V-fcff AND SECONU-HANU PIANOS AJJ OliGAXS, utgicat 'rgains. tTUCKEVIIOLTZ oj:neJaii,62,R Kulton Hall, Lancaster, l'a. Sa'antetwe1en, one ceppek- SMITH and one Tinsmith, te make the Giant Galvanized Hen and Copper lobacie and Heuse Steamer. Alse Agents wanted. Appl v at once te ACOI5 1 OOsE. 11 " Ne. 13i East King Street. cSMwrtK Lancaster, I'tu p KAN D SOUK KKOUT LUNCH THIS JOHN "sSnG LEU'S KULTON Ol'EUA HOUSE SALOON, l'KINCE STUEfcT. I!et Uccr in tlie city en lap. Ia JOHN Sl'AXOLtK. ( ILOHE HOTEL. KESTAUitANT. .....-- ...- vl V1IIIIT MEALS AXD OYSTER ALL HOURS, Night as -a ell as Day. The best WISE1" AND LIQUORS ALWAYS ON ll i'D .iei:i'ii citEMEi:. l'i oprieter. n.'i'JId PUHLIC SALE.-ON SATUKOAY, t VLMP.ER r, 1S?I, at lhe " Fountain Inn. en Seuth Queen stiect will be sold the two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE ard let el gieund. Ne. ( Seuth Queen street (corner el Leve Lane). The house contains ten rooms, cellar, etc.. let i!l leet lrent, extends le ver htreet, en which is a frame stable and car riage house ; well et water with pump, fruit tree-, etc., In the yanl. Sale positive te commence at e clock p. m. Tci ms will be made known by HENDERSON M. POWERS. Fer luit'iier particulars see large Dills or in quire el ALLAN A. HERR & CO.. Real EstHteand Insurance Agents. IJ. F. Iewk. 3 North Duke Mice!. Auctioneer. o'Jl,'J7,:Jlnevl .3,5il e 1STEKS! J. C. Spaeth's. Having new iclitleil my lee Cream Parlors for the uscel a RESTAURANT, 1 would invite my liiends ami patrons te give ns a call. ilavc also received GO bbls. of Fine Grapes, which I can eiler at a iu train. Oli.lXUES, '(.' S KAXAXAS. DATES. ami . ."II line el CHRISTMAS GOOI's AND PENNY NOVEL TIES. 130-138-140 North tyieen Street, II l-2ld DUIH.IC SAI.K OF CITY FIIUl'KUTY, I IJclengsng te thee-tate of Leah Sener, "(in'1 FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMIJER 11, 1SSI. ut Cooper's Hetel, en WcM King stieel, Lancaster, Pa. (Ohas. D. Tiipple. proprietei), will be sold that Twe-Story ilRICK DWELL ING HOL'sE and let belenginir tlierete. situ ated en the "euthwest corner et West Orange and North Water streets, Lancaster, Pa., eon taming S looms and hall :5 rooms en llrst lloer, :: en .second ami J en lini-hcd attic gas, het and cold water, bath, hydrant in yard. Lotlienls iu feet and 1 Inches en Oraiigestreet and extends southward along Water street 75 leet and S inches, te a 3-loot alley. This properly is very centrally and conve niently located. Pailies wishing te view lhe piepcily em de se by calling en the prcmis"s or the under signed. hale le commence at 7 o'clock p. in., when lei nis ami cemlil ions will be made known by I5AUSMAN Ac 1JUUNS, Real Estate Agents, Sa.m'1, Hess, 10 West Orange street. Auctienceer. nl-7tilR 1) K3U1CKATIC KALI.V FOR- TOBLE AND VICTORY. EIGHTH WARD IN LINK. Democratic Meetings will bs held in the Eighth Waul, I his city, a fellows : SA.TURDAY EVENING, NOV. 6, AT LUCAS FRITZ'S GREEN' COTTAGE HOTEL. MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 7, T JOHN PONTS SALOON, DORWART i- I'RKET. D. 51r.Mri.LK, Es-j., J. L. SrtiN'Mr.K, i:-i 15. F. Davis, i:.s(;., W. II. Roi.a:'1',bse., '" A. CeVI.K, tej., aud W. U. IlB.VsKr. Willaddie-s the Meeting. ni :; 1 1 T.NTIIKCir.CUlTCOlIKTOl'TIIEIINlTEn 1 ."tales ler the I' astern Disiiiet of Peinisyl vaiila. Charles W. Leavilt s the Peach I'.el I'.ol tem railway company, ct. tl , in Equity. Ne. :. pril -c.-sienn. issi. The Master appointed by the court te distribute Hie proceeds el the loreclesitie sale of the Eastern Division et the Peach lloltem rail way company, under a de cree made in lhe above cause, said Eastern Divisen e.tciiilingt:eni lhe Western terminus thereof al the Susquehanna liver, near lhe village or Peach lhcCeunty el Lan caster, Stale el Pennsylvania, le the Eastern terminus ihercet. in iheboieugh el O.xlerd. in the Ceunlv of Cl ester, and slate alere-aid. a di-tance el twenty -)) miles. iih lhe appur-leiianec- including the lands, lueperly, e.s latc, rolling stock, and nil the real and peison peisen iil piepertv appeitaining te the said Eastern Division, and all the rights, franchises and privileges belonging te the same, and in the said ilceieeofleicelosiire.iinil in the pleading1) in the rausc mere patticulaily described, will attend te the duties et his appointment en WEDNESDAY, the filli day et NOVKMI1EIC. A. D. UW. ut II o'clerk. ii. in , at his etliee. Ne. Ji:t south Sixth street, in the City et Philadel phla, when and wheie all parties in inteie-t aie lcquired te attend and present their claims, or be deb.u led Irein coining in en sain linn mil. SliHSKA l. "All. cKS-ildF Master N TEXT IMIIHt III TIIK WIl'KT IIOUSV.. FAHNESTOCK. IMS' COATS, LADIES' DOLMANS' PRICES : PROM 83 te ."350. Ladies in .search of tliec goods will de well te visit our CO AT ROOM belere purchasing.' LARGEST STOCK TO SELECT FROM AND AT LOWEST PRICES. BLANKETS, BLANKETS, COMFORTABLES, QUILTS, FLANNELS, SHAWLS Merine Underwear, for ladies, gexts, boys axd GIRLS. All the above goods In Large Quantities and all at our usual LOW TRICES. FAHNESTOCK! Next Doer te Court Heuse. LACASTEK, i'A. INTELLIGENCER SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5. 18JL. NEW AJVXiJtTlSE3IENTS. G IYLEK, BOWtKS UUBST. SPECIAL On account of the proposed CHANGE IN OUR BUSINESS, and in order te REDUCE OUR STOCK we offer te day a Lare Let of the Best Makes of PRINTS at 6r and 7c. worth 8e. Large let of UNBLEACHED MUSLINS in short ends, at 6 l-4c. worth 7 1-2 and 8c. 186JSfc.DEESS GK)0DS&Si Large let of BLACK CASSIMERES, in Best Makes, from 5 te 15c. per yard; less than the same qualities can be bought else where. MERINO UNDERWEAR, all sizes and qualities, in Scarlet and White, for Ladies and Children, at very low prices. BRUSSELS and INGRAIN and RAG CARPETS ; large stock at reduced prices. Oil Cleths, Window Shading and Fixtures at reduced prices. GIVLEK, BOWERS & HURST, 25 EAST KING STREET. C3T GIVE US A CALL. PUW. J. ZAllM.' Manufacturing Jeweler, - - - Zahm's Cerner, L AX C A STEM, I' A. Tlie inanutactureis el the dlllerent lines of goods embraced in our ateek have been spec ially lertuiiate Ihis year in producing styles et unequaied beauty, which It will be a pleasure le us le show te all who call. Our s'eek is lull in all departments Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Diamonds, &c. II von want te get up any SPECIAL CIII1I&TM AS (1IKT place your order as early a- po!,i pe!,i c. In Solid Geld or Silver we can make, in our own factory, any article wanted, wliich en- bl abl 1 ." M.T LWh ' "" " 1 . . r' ..'. . .... ..l. t.. ..iii ftui ifTeimis :iu :nii:i!7i? ill Tll. AJCUSUi-.l. TISTKU si'lstTAUke, ier which we are me .-eiu ai;ui- m iani inly, we believe are the best in the world, and we are satisfied Unit with the aid et our ..1..1.. ni'ii lit nfTiNi I.i-iisi-s. wi; can litanv eves Oil- lacililies ler FIUST-ULAS3 KEI'AIKING are complete in every department. Tlie verv liberal share or trade we have received in the past has encouraged us te place in our cases u"llner and larjrer stock than ever before, te wliich we cordially invite the attention et all wheder.iie leexaminu beautilul goods. EDW. J. ZAHM, Jeweler, ZAHM'S UORNEK, ectiJ-3inIX. U THE OLD COR. DUKE AND VINE NORBEOK & MILEY, Practical Carriage Builders, lalie l hi- opportunity el calling the altentlen el the public le their IJiniv.illed Meck et Ve hieli's, including every variety new in umj. NOW IS THE TliME LO BUY. FANCY BUSINESS WAGONS, ultli the the most arli'ilie painling, made en slieil notice, and wilistactien guaianteed. The bust in tlie market. ICep.iiiing piemplly iitteiided te. Kemembcr oiuJMetto : "OUR WORK SUSTAINS OUR WORD," and remember the place, CUUNEIt OF SOUTH HUliE AND VINE STKEETS. NE If AD t'EJl TJSEJUEXTH' WATiii a ooIAMAi:K eoIAMAi:K oeIAMAi:K EKAL housework. Must be able te give recommendations : te the right kind el a per son llrst -elais wages will be paid. Apply at this eillce nitfd I 7as!iie:aih.i: ci.utiiing. Cha-te, behllnig appaial maiks one accus tomed te geed set ii-ly and pti9-f-.-e'I id innate retineinenl. GOOD FITS, GOOD MATERIAL, GOOD WORK, AT LOWEST PRICES, AT ONE PRICE HOUSE, 37 NORTH QUEEN ST. j Employing none but Skilltul Cnttei and Tailors, wc are cenlidenl or pleasing the most lasiidieu.-. ' As regarding the TRIMMING or our cloth ing we use only the best the market affords. ONE OF TIIE LATEST IS THE Freck, Cutaway and Chesterfield, WITH WHOLE HACKS. In England tliev are new popular and are extensively worn In large cities in this ceun-try.-as tliev leek well they will probably grew into popular tuver in this city. Made Hern goods el a decided figure they are desirable garments, as the pattern is net marred by an almost useless seam in the cenlie et the back. The absence of this scam has a pleasing cll'ccr, especially en close lilting gaiment". We have tlie illiistialionset F0UK DIFFERENT DESIGNS which I will exhibit in my window andean flew be seen in conii'-clien witli : FULLY EOUII'l'ED MriilltTailll DwttHt AVc have a lull line el FINE READY MADE CLOTHING -KOR Men's, Youth?s Beys' and Chil- urt'HS eur. Which xve arc selling at very low prices. Our assortment el YOUNG MEN'S FANCY BACK ULSTERETTES EeversMe Overcoats is the Most Complete and Finest Assortment ever belere exhibited in tills city. An exam ination of the above will certainly be te your adx-antage. AL ROSENSTEIN, THE LEADER OF FASHION, OPPOSITE tit GRAPE HOTEL iL. ROSEHEIN'S IVLElt. lSOWEKS & UUBST. TODAY. Ul 1DV. J. ZAHai, nrif't'N. iiiil iiiiiiiiv luuiiii 111 iiLtii simv. . . " .. i a. T in caster com- that need the aid et srlx-se-! LANCASTER, PENN'A. CORNER, STS., LANCASTER, PA. ENTERTAINMENTS. MIC. .IIMIX 11. MISI1LEK ASSUKKS A r.rilliant Concert at the OI'EKA HOUSE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1831, Under the auspices of the LANCASTER RENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, in the ap- i pear.iiice of tlie Oarreno-Denaldi OPERATIC CONCERT C03IPANY. TERESSA CAJCIiEXO, The great l'ianiste. Xl.l DONA EDI. : Italian l'rima-Ilenna. 1-JETJiO FEItliANTJ, I King et Rulle-.. Ji ( It Eli TO ST A XTIX1. ' Operatic Tener. Accompanist, VAliLO TOIUAXA. N' ADVANCE IN PRICES, 35c. 50c.. ec. i Uejerved Seals at Yceker's Ollice, "5c. , This company bring their own Weuer Grand i I' nilitd I'OK SAlii:. put sai.i: Elegant RU1LD1NG SITES in tlie we-lern subuibsel lhe city, and RUILDING LOT'S at a'l prices and in ail parts et the city. Apply te ALLAN A. HEUR & CO., Real Estate, I'ollcctien and Ins. Agents, sept3-:!uiil 1 a North Duke Street. )UBI.1C SALK Or LBAT TOBACCO. There will b- ler sale about t!,000 lbs. or Uoeil Lear Tobacco, t Ne. 7i" East orange street, at 2 o'clock p in., en WEDNESDAY, NOVEMRER .. ThcToliaccecan lie teen en the premise.". At the same tinn- and place the Tobacco PIii'il. !'. leet long, -ii'J leet wide and 1C leet iiigh. will bi' Mud, being the property el Gee. J5. .Mowery, late et the city et Lancaster, dr ceased. Conditions et Mile made known by n:: 5td M RS. ANN MOWERY, Widow. I)UltMC SAl.i: OF VALUABI.K CITY Piepctv.-On FRIDAY. NOVEMRER 11, l.sil, u ill be sold at public saleat the Fountain Inn. Seuth ijueen street, a let et ground situ ated en the south side of Lew street, at the ..eutlicust corner el Lew and Christian slicels. li-oiitlngen Lew street lii feet, mere or lcs. I and along Christian street 207 leet, ' uiclics, i mere or lessen which arc erected 1 we y. story tiame DWKI.I.ING IIOUSI-.S, Willi goon wen et water anda lare let et" fruit tiecs of x-arl-eus kinds, etc. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. in., of said day. when conditions will be made known by the heirs et Daniel Fordney. deceased. IIENRV SIICUERT, neviv'i.s'.'.i.lO.U Auctioneer. ()' Itl'IIANS i;Ol)KT SALE Ol'VALHABLE Citv Prenertv en SATURDAY EVEN ING. NOVEMIJER 12. 1H. at Vi o'clock at the public house et Victeria Dielil, en High street, in the city et Lancaster, the undersigned, in pursuance et an order el the. Orphans Court of Lancaster county, will expose at public sale tlie lollewing x-aluablc ical estate, late et .lehauua Eburlv, deceased : All that certain two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Willi two-story frame back building attached, geed well el water, lruit trees, together with ether improvements and let thereto belonging, sit uated en the west hide of High street, in said city. Ne. WI, fronting en High street, afore said. :" feet, and extending in deptli of that width !!." leel te Latayctte street, adjoining properties et Valentine Kirsli and Jehn Rehrcr. Attendance at the pale will be given and terms made known, by CATHERINE HEFELE, Executrix et Johanna Eberly dee'd. R. I. Rewk, Auct. oct-Ii-eedtsd (VltrHANS' t'OlJKT SALE OF VAl.UAI'I.K REAL ESTATE.-O11 TUESDAY, NO VEMRER S. ls.s'1. In pursuance et an alias order et the Orphans' Court of Lancaster coun ty, will be sold at public vendue, at the Cad well Heuse, corner North Queen and Chestnut streets. Lancaster, 1'a., the following real es tate, late et Jehn S. Gable, deceased, te wit : Ne. 1, all that two-story lraine dwelling house part thereof used us a store room with a two-story frame back building and brick tobacco warehouse, and let or piece of ground, situated en the west sideel North I'ucen street, in tlie city et Lancaster afore said, containing in front about 45 tcct, and in depth, along Its northern line, about 110 leet te the I'enn-'ylvanla railroad. Rennilcd en the north by ground et Jehn R. liltner, en the south and westeby lhe Pennsylvania railroad, and en the east by North Queen street afore said. Tills property has perfect drainage, con nected Willi sewer in North Queen street. The Ineatinn Is well calculated ter nubile business of any kind, being in Hie most populous part et the city. Ne. 2, a most val liable building let, situate en the southwest corner et West Chestnut and Charlette streets, in said city, containing SI ti'i-t en Chestnut and 150 feet en Charlette street. Thi: is uniuetienauiy one of Hie most dc.-iiable building lets tebii found, anywhere in the citv of Lancaster, and will be sold as :i whole or in parts, te suit purchasers. Possession and title en April 1, 18S2 ; et Un building let, however, possession may be given immediately. ... . Positive sale, ialu le commence at 7 o'clock p. m. en said day. when terms will be made, known by E. M. SCIIAEFKER, ELIZABETH GABLE, Surviving Executers. G ttcu ecw-jngatsu THIRD EDITIOff. SATURDAY EVENING. NOV. 5, 1881. A KAVTD EXPOSED. Cbairuiau JJegert 'ulls u forgery. Special te the Ixtellieexcer. Piiil-vdeli'iiia, Nev. 3. Editor In telligencer : I bave information that letters are being received by Democrats in different sections of the state, purport ing te come from me, advising tbem te vote for Wolfe for state treasurer. All such letters aie base forgeries by the ma chine bosses for the purpose of bolstering up a losing light. J. K. Boeert, Chairman Democratic State Committee. WEvmi;lC INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Nev. 5. Ferthe Middle Atlautie states, fair weather, dur ing the day, slowly rising temperature, southeast te southwest winds, and falling barometer, followed by light rains during the night. riKK ON THE K1VEK FKOKT. Iluruiug el it Commission Heuse In l'lill uilelplila.. Philadelphia, Nev. .". A fire broke out at 11:30 this morning en the first fleer of the four-story brick building Xe. I'M Seuth Frent stiect, occupied by Midler & Bres., general commission mereluiiU. The contents and interior of .the building were destroyed. About '5,000 books be longing te a lclative of one of the firm, aud intended for shipment te Europe, weie stored in the building. The con tents of Ne. ll(j couth 1'ieut stiect, occu pied as the ellice and warehouse of the Glebe oil works, were damaged te the extent of $1,000 by smoke and water, and the stock et Benjamin lleiif, Xes. l'JO and le3 Seuth Frent street, was also damaged bv smoke. $10,000. l'lie lets aggregates about Dtstrucllxe tire In St. Joint's N. B. Bosten, Xev. 3. A special dispatch from St. Jehn's X- 15., states that a lire last night dcstieycd the gieater pirt of Cluistie & Ce. '-s planing mill en Wateile sticet, three dwellings en Peter's street, the icar of Levi II. Yeung's establish ment en Waterloo stiect. A building adjeiuinir the latter owned by Mr. Seidell burg, of Xew Yerk, was slightly damaged. Messrs. Christie & Ce. s less is $10,000 : the ether losses are about $12,0(10. Thcie was no insurance except en Mr. Seiden burg':; building. TVHII'ay I'eat AVlien tlii Agitators me lle leasej. Londex. Xev. 5. A curious plan has been adopted in some parts of the west of Ireland, with the view of keeping the " no rent" manifesto before the tenants. It has taken the form of a promissory note wh'ul: has been circulated among the farmers attending a fair at Menti, county West Mcath. The note is a pieiuisc te pay rent oil the day Parnell, Davitt and the ether suspects aie released. It is in tended that the note shall be signed by tenants and sent te landlords. Honoring :i I'lillaiitlinpiftt. Fuanvexia, X. II., Xev.". The .select men of this town have formally agreed te honor Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, the phil authrepist, formerly of Xew Ilampshiie and new residing at Xew Yerk, by nam ing the peak lying diicctly west of Mount ailielil, which is the first peak north of Mount Lafayette, the Eli.abcth Thompson mountain. Minder by an E.x-Leglslaler. St. Leuis, Xev. .". A RepiMtC'tn spe cial says Harrison II. AVines, ex-membdr of the Missouri Lcgislatuie, shot, and mei tally wounded Jehu (). Beach, ciicuit and county clerk of Camden county, in a quarrel at Lynn Creek yesterday. An old feud wns the cause. KitnkexvMkl sentenced. Jeksi-y Citv, Xev. 5. -Mai tin Ivau Ivau kewski, convicted of the minder of Minn Muller, in Hudsen county, last May, was te-day .sentenced te be hung en January G'h. He protested his innocence and exclaimed when sentence was pieununccil, ' 0el, Thy will be done. " A rscgre l.avislier Sentenced te be Hung. Oaia lsten. Tex., Nev. ". Charles Waul, the enc-leggcd negre who assaulted the German girl Dera Ellcdman last August a:ul was convicted of the el'ence, has been sentenced te be hung. Tlie l-rliiter Successful. Piiii..ui:i.i'HIA, X'ev. e. Judge Allisen reuduicd a decision this morning favorable te the members of the Typographical union charged with censpiiacy. Kx-Guveriier Scott Acquitlei! ut .llunlcr. Xai', O., Xev. .". This meining the jury in the trial of ex Governer Scott, efS. C, for the minder of young D:uiy brought in a vcidict f net guilty. The -eidict appeals te give general satisf.K ti ju. MAUEETH. new ieric ."tni.i. New leiiK, Nev. 5. Fleur sli.i in buyers' faver: light c.?peit and jobbing tradediiuaiiil; Superllne state at $! lOW."' 'JO; Southern dull and heavy : common te fair extra, f"fO?,; '' ; geed te choice de, " :K)gS ."". Wheat uiisi'ttled, opening "7.'.e higher : afterwards le,t the advance and declined '"Cern" opened stronger and'tii'iitlv a shade lower and dull : mixed western spot, OlfJr.'.i : i'e liitun", iiS7He. O.ils HHiifi lower : bt'i'i: H5"le : Wes'iiu, i7re...'.;e. t'li'lat'elpiua Market. Philm-sii'iha, November .".. Kle-ir -lug-ce-.h ; Superane at il 23:" H; extia at ft 'TiQii 10 : Ohie anil Indiaiia latnlly, j7 2."ift7 Ol: Pennsylvanl i funlly 'X. WAfy 7(W:"St. I.eui- de i7 WftS W : Miiine-..!:-Extia at 72r(i7.V) de straight at 7 TS'WO; winter piilent iS OWS 7" : spilng de tS -if 5 7". ICve Heur at i.i ?7'ei;. Wheat dull and steady. Cern ipiict and steady. Oats dull, but iinchaii-;'"!. Rye dull at -fl Hi. Previsions dull. Lard dull. Uiitter maiket dull and weak: cie.tmeiy e.xiri Penn-ylvaniant :57.I'1e ; We-t'in at .v;f?.'!7e. Eggs scarec and linn. Clicese iuiet and unchanged. Petroleum dull : letincil, 7,'c. Whi-'kyat l 11 -!te-.'K .-ii.irKnt. New Yeik. I'liiladelplila and Lecal blocks also United .-"tates i:(.u.!.-i lcperted d.i'.ly In Jacob I!. I.emi. N. I". Cor. Ontii: Siiuaic. Nbw Yeke Stix-kh Slecks irxcgulue. Nev A. M. V M. 10.W i:ti0 . :n . VIVA U7 . 1(W les;4 . yt .... px Menvx... ...-...-..-..' Chicago .x, erlh Western Chicago. Mil. & St. lMul . Canada Southern C. C. & I. C. R- It ni.i iieL-.A Western 12K 21 . viv. Hic vsm Delaware A Hudsen Canal.... ... lirj?; 10j; ieuj? ... bl S2; SJ Denver & Rie Grande Hannibal & St. Jee... Ililll II lll.l J. wnjiMti - ... .- -,j Lake. Shere Midi. Southern.. 122-i 122' 122 : m Manhattan ElcxiiteiL. Sri'i r,iA 42 t7 ftK Miclilgan Central Misoeuri, Kanas Texas N. Y.. Lake Erie & Western.. New. Jersey Central N. X., Ontario A Western New Yerk Central OtiieJc Slisissippl Pacific Stall Steamship Ce.. SL Paul & Omaha de Preferred A". 17 4214 '-MS .I'M WA Si lie 110 ue'A -ii, - 5! m - l . lu:5)i - 'XJ5 li 56'i . 101 . -xai Ceutial Pacific Texas Pacific Union Pacific Wabash, M. I.011W& P.icllle Pieferred. Weaicni Union Tel. Ce Puir.Aneu'iiiA. Stocks steady. Pennsylvania R. R Heading ....... - Lehigh. Valley.... LcxngU N avlgatleii i.ti i-iii; li-'i LIl '-'V4 '-Vrt IS IsK tru i:' l K 21 (".I" A'A 22i i' Buffalo. Pitts. 4 Western.. Northern Central Northern Pacific. ' Preferred Hestenvillt Philadelphia Erie R. K.. Iowa Gulch Minlug Uhitbd States 15ed?. U niteil Stutes 4 per ci ilU . . 4H " -1 ln 4 Ol y, 40 4V.Z 40 $; ax j :f P.M. 1:00 lievj 113 1017a .... .... 10l!- Koeu Uuoitttieiin or tne urnln Mari FnrnistQd by Jacoti is. Leng, Commission Breker. Chicago. Wheat Cern OnN Tork Lnnl Dec H.27.JS $MtU 4 $.... ... Jan 1.2S!iC .IWJ-; Ailr, 17.0JK II.IU'J Feb " 17.20 11.29 Slav .ti4 .HJh .... I'lillailelplua. Nev.... 1.40J .list. .." Dee. Jan.. .. 1.42-Ji .70 .:ei .... .. I.l;j .72i .el'A .... Urnln and l'revidi.iii Quotation. One o'clock quotations et grain and proii preii proii lens, furnished bj S. K. Yundt. Breker, IV' Ea-. King street. Clitcage. Wlieat Cern Oat Tork Lnnl Nev.... fl.2VR $ ..VSl $.41 $15.40 $10.'.K) Dee.... 1.27 .:.'.)-' .lli .... 'J'.i .411 I'liiladelplila. Nev... 1.1U .lisX;; .Mi Dec... 1.427 .70 ..VI'' Jan! .724 .02 NE IV A It rEltTlSEMEM TS. "7AMTKI. JMMKUIATfcLV. AT TIIK fT City Hetel. North Queen stiect, a geed Cook and a Chambermaid. References re quired. II. II. POWER. ltd Proprietor.; SALE. ON WKIN1'SIAY. Ml IV. tl.16SI.ii Urge let of Household and Kit 'hen Furniture belonging le several e-tates sent, here te be closed out ut auction, at Nes. 11-150 North Queen street. Sale te commence at 10 o'clock, sharp n.V.:td IIES-, FL1NN. VTTKNTION, MIC K .NIGHTS ! The miMiibers et Inland City Divisian, Ne. 7. C R. K. P.. will report at their armory en MONDAY, NOV. 7, at 1 p. in., te attend the luner.d et our late Brether, ir Knight Guard Daniel II. Slarkley. I'uU uiiilerin. By order el M. SI. BARTON, ltd Sir Knight Commander. TOTKK Till-- III KM HE ItS ir INLAND Ll Citv Ledge, Ne. fls, K. P.. aiereiiuesled ie meet at their Castle Hall en .MONDAY. NOV. 7. at 2 p. m.. le attend the Itinera! et our late Bre. Knight, Daniel II. Slarkley. The members et the sMcr ledges et the city and of the Order in i:c ueinl are invited. I5y order of the c. Cem. JERESIIAH KIFF, ltd li. el R. and S. IO. O. F. TIIK AlKStltEltStiirStONTE . rey Ledge, Ne. 212. are requested te uiect at their hall en SIONDAY, NOV. 7. lSs' 2 o'clock, p. m., I'i the purpose el attending the luiifi-al et our late Rie. D.iuiel II. Slarkley. The members of Laneaster Ledge. Ne. I7, ami llebel Ledge, Ne. .vr.i. aie u-spi cUully in vited. .IO-. !. KREIDKR, N. G. J. SI.Cii.vnxcl, Sec'y. ltd "IXSTATK OF DAVID IIAKTMAN, LATE Ij of the City et Lancaster, deceased. Lelteis testameiiturv en said estate hav ing been granted le the undersigned, all per son -i indebted thereto are requested te make immediate settlement, and I nose having claims or demands against I he same will pre sent them w itlieut delay lerseltleineiit te the undersigned, residing" at US North Queen street, Lanea-ter. Pa. DAVID IIARTS1AN, JR.. J. B. Goen., Executer. Attorney nj-Ktilcuw 1i:ST XVOKR AND KKASONA11LK PRICE"-. 1'HIJJP D0EKS03I, Slauuf.ictuivr et CAUIJIACES, BUGGIES, SPA1S BUG GIES, PIIAETOXS. MARKET WAGOXS, &c, ifcr. ECLIPSE - spcciallx "Sele right ler Southern Pennsylvania. A great x'ariety of SLKIGllSen hand. REPAIRING promptly attended te. Satis l.tctinn guaranteed. W VREHOUSE AND FACTORY : Ne. 123 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. ii vi.r.v'i'AitK i:sr ok tiii: ceuri' neusu. ii.Vluid&w c lOURT l'HOCLASIATIO. Wnciti'AS .The Honernbli: JOHN B. LIV INGSTON, President, and Honorable DAVID W. 1'ATTKKeON. As-eciaie .iiiuge ei inc Court of Common PIe:i,iii anilfer thi-coiintyef Lancaster, and Assistant J utieesol'theCeurts of Oyer and Terminer and Jail De livery and Quarter M-winir' id the Peaee, in and ler the county of Lanea-ter, liavi- Nsiied their precept, te' me diicered, lequiring me, among oilier things, te make publii: priH-lauin-lien throughout my bailiwick, that u Court el Oyer anil Terminer and a General Jail Deliv ery, also a Court, et General Quarter Sessions et'the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court Ilou-e, in the city of Lancaster in tin- Commonwealth of Pciinsvlvania. en the. THIRD SIONDAY IN NOVEMBER (21st), IWI. In pursuance of wliich precept public notice is heieby given te the Siir.ei and Aldermen el tin; city or Lam aster, in Inc. said county, and all the Justices et'the Peace, the Corener and Constables, of the said city and county or Lan easler, that Hiey be then and I here in their own proper person-i. with their rolls records and e.xauiiiiatiensand inquisitiensainl their oilier remembrances te de the-c things wliich te tlieirollice-tappcrt.iiiiiiitlicirbehalftebcdonc; and also all tlie-'j who will pre-ceute against the prisoners wlie are, or then shall be, in tlie jail et said county of Lancaster, are te Ins then and theic te pie-cciiteaguin-t lliei.i asthall be just. Dated at L'liicublci the -day el October, JACOB is. .STR1NE. rihe.iir. IStUKS AND HTUINER . OC1IOOL MtlOK-il Scheel books i oOHOel books All Si'lieul Birf-ksaud Scheel .-"uppllc.4 at the vei 1'iwcst i:iteu et L. M. KLYNN'S, We. 4U IVtHT KING STKKKT. J ejin i:aeu'.-ven.s. SCHOOL EOOKS -KOl'. TIIC LANCASTER SCHOOLS, LOWEST PRICES, AT Till HOOKSTOTJR or JOHI BAER'S SOIS, IS sQd 17 NORTH UOBES STREET, I.ANf'ASTEK. I'A. HVKNITUK.K. M V STOCK t'UK TIIK FALIj TRADE. 1 ceuiplete. vet I am adding constantly le it. and von will'iind my Wariioein.' very mucli ciewded witli the BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. We are :e crowded It is rather illlllcu t le show goods, but we will try and ovcne:u this by tne be-.t attention. Orders ler PIER AND MANTEL GLASSES filled at the very shortest notice and at lewc-t prices, at FURNITURE. AND PICTURE FRAME WAREROOJ1&, 15JWC CAST KING STKEKT. WALTER A. HEINITSH. 0JCP21-3H.