I rp-g7?yf-? '- JS.P-JMB.'"'Jl.WJ.''T" ;y!7 LANCASTER DAILT INTELLIGENCEB. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1881. Hancastei: ImtdlCfiencerf TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 1, 1881. The Virginia CaHTass. lieuiecrats Heaping the Benefits et ilie Ceuteit lu the Senate. Washington Despatch te tlic Weild. A comparison of tbe information and views of the best informed of the Demo cratic managers in Virginia, based upon repeits from every county, leaves little doubt of tbe election of the Democratic state ticket beaded by Daniel by a deci sive majority, ranging from ten thousand te double that number. Tbe most moder ate estimate of tbe Democratic leaders is eight or ten thousand majority. The Leg islature up te a recent period has been ic garded as doubtful, but is new very con tideutly claimed by the Democrats, who expect te have from ten te tweut y majori ty en joint ballet. The Senate may be tied or have a small Readjuster ma jority, but tbe Democratic majority m the Heuse it is expected will be sufficient te oveicemc this. This will insure the election of a Democratic United States senator in place of Judge Johnsten, and the election of Democrats as judges of the court of appeals and for all the miner state offices. The interest taken in the canvass exceeds that of 1880, and tbe vole will undoubtedly be larger, especially en the Democratic side. The Ilcadjuhtcrs claim the state fur their state ticket and also the Legislature, but they made like beasts in 18S0 in icspcct te the presidential election. The result proved that they wens either bragging for a pur pose or did net kuew what they weie talking about. Besides Statbam, C. F. Nemiciit, another Mabeuu striker ueminatcd for postmaster at Suffolk, la., was net con firmed by the Senate, and it is expected that President Arthur will appoint them te office this week. Maliene's friends claim that this will sheiv the Virginians that M:ihenc has the substantial induce ment of the administration, and this they claim is sufficient te serve Mahone's pui pui pescs, he last two days having demon strated that be has the suppett of tbe Republicans in tbe Senate. His purposes in urging Statham's confirmation was that he might return te Virginia and honestly claim that the control of the state pulion pulien age had fallen into his bauds. Tliu fact that he cannot control patieua:c without controlling Ihu Senate and that he has been ineic than once ignumiiiieusly de feated in the Senate can ami will be used effectively against him. Reports from Virginia are that the publica tion in the World of Judge Jtivcs's partisan letter has lest Mabene thousands of votes among Democratic Keadjustcrs. The Dem ocratic papers have copied the letter, and it has bail the widest circulation, paiticu larly in the southern and southwestern parts of the Slate, where the Ucadjuster canvass has been conducted en t'ie pre tence that the Democrats and net the Re publicans were te be the benelieaiies of the Jlalione movement in the event of its success. It is ciuieus that of the five let ters received by tbe President in favor of StathamV. appointment for the local office of postmaster, and which constitutes thu papers in the case, but one, that of Collector 1 Jives, was from a resident of Lynchburg. The ethers weie fiem Ma Ma eone, who lives K50 miles away ; Congressman-elect Paul, about the same distance ; Judge Rives. 01 miles, and Cougirssmuu Ceugirssmuu Cougirssmuu Fiilkcisen, S0" miles. A Singular iiu.t Story. Londen Telegraph. Previous te Nev. 7, 1800, 1 alw.i: laughed at the bare idea of ghosts. 1 was staying in Brighten en the day mentioned with some Miends who were about topio tepio topie ceed abroad. Twe ladies, a cousin, and myself went out te dine at Keinptewn. It being a most vb.u tiling moonlight night I told my friends I should prefer walking home te Uiunswick square (the ether end of the town). I accordingly proceeded en the seaside of the Ksplanade. When just opposite the Hertford hotel a carriage and pair drew up alongside the rails with two men en the box and an eldcily lady in side. 1 was greatly startled, as the wheels! m.uiu iiii innu , uui ;ib unci; i iuek ummi. half a dozen steps toward tbe carnage te sec what it meant, when I distinctly recog nized the occupant as my grandmother, whom I bail lelt perfectly well at Chelten ham a few ilays before ; also her coach man and footman en the box. I at once vaulted ever tbe rails opposite the ear liagc. At the same moment itstiuck mc as most out of the way that an old lady el & should biing all her belongings lumi Cheltenham te IJrighten without in form ing her relations, of the move. As 1 touched the ground I made one step ferwaid te greet her, when te my honor the whole thing vanished. When I recovered myself I went straight home and told the whole ciicumstanccsef the case. Of course, every one laughed at me, and told mc that it was fortunate there were witnesses who could speak te my perfect sobriety. I was veiy put out. and baldly slept all night. Early next morning we received a telegram that my peer old grandmother bad been found dead in her bed at TV tint morning. A Magnanimous Weman. ( liieaiiTiiliiiiie. 'Twas :v terrible moment. The man was evidently di owning, while the crowd en shore steed helpless and heriilicd. At this juncture some one yelled, "Oh, for a beat " Uut there was no beat within ten miles. The susciisc became awful, and tbe sun sauk into the misty besom of the west like a bloody pumpkin. AH at once a female voice was heard abeve the mar of the breakers, "Never mind the beat : take ene of my shoes." It was the voice of a heroic Chicago woman, and the ap plause that greeted it was heard three hun dred miles at sea. Ite Ye Mke Feitiisli. " r'er ten year.s my wile w:u cenlined te her bed with .such a complication et ailmeuti that no doctor could tell what was the matter or cure Iter, sunt 1 used up a small fortune in liuiubiiKstuir. Six months age 1 saw a I', s. Hag with Hep r.Htei's en ii.aud 1 thought 1 would bea tool once mere. I tried it, hut my lelly proved te be vi-leni. Twe bottles en ret her. she is new as well and strong as any man's wile, and it cost mu only two dollars. Ite ye likewise foolish." II. W.. Detroit. Mich. ul-'Jnd&w liivigenitiug feed ler the brain and nerves i- what we need in the-e day.s et rush ami worry. ParkcrV Giugcr-Tenic restores the ital energies, and In ings geed health uiiker l ban anything you can use Tribune. tcc:id vei tisement. ul-liiiilcoilweew l'liysictl Sull'erlng. Ne one can rcali.e, except by pergenal ex kh if nee, the anguish et mind and bedv en dured by sufferers from dyspepsia, indiges tion, constipation, and ether diseases el the stomach. Uunleck IJloed l.itter.s area pe-ilitc cure ler this direst or all diseases. Pilectl. Fer sale at II. J. tJeclinm'.s ilrug store, j:;7 North (Juecii street, Eancaster. She Passed it Along. "I send you my testimonial iu reference te Spi Ing IHosseni.liaviiig taken it for dyspepsia, and receiving almost, immediate relief. 1 passed it te my neighbor, who Is using It with same results. Mils. .1. XV. LEFFEI.T. "Elmira, N. Y." Pi ice .hi cents. Fer sale at If. II. Cochran's di eg vteie. 137 North ljuccn, Lancaster. Incredible. F. A. Scratch, druggist, Kuthven, Onl., wiites: "1 have the greatest confidence iu venr lluiileck IIloeil llittei's. In one case with which I am personally acquainted their sue cess w:is almost incredible. Oi.c lady told me that half a bottle did her mere geed than hun dreds of dollars' worth of medicine she had previously taken." Price $1. Fer sale at 11. ll. Cochran drug store, 137 North (Jnccn St., Lancaster. MEDICAL. 17-IUNET WOE!. THE GREAT -CURE FOB RHEUMATISM, As it is for all diseases of the KIDNEYS. L1VEK A'D BOWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid poison that causes the dreadful suffering which only Hie victims et Rheumatism can realize. Thousands of Cases et the worst feims et tins terrible dKeae have been quickly re lieved, in a short time Perfectly Cored. KIDNEY WORT has had weiuleilul success, and an immense eiilc in cveiy pait of the country. In hundreds of ciacs it has cured where all else had failed, ll is mild, but efficient, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, but haiiulccH in all case.;. It Clean', Strengthens antl gives New I. lie te all the important organs et the body. The natural action et the Kidneys U le-tered. Tliu Liver is cleansed of all disease, and the. Rew els move freely and healthiully. In this way the vteist discuses aie eradicated from tllUw.V'jlflll. As it lias been moved by thousand-, that KIDNEY WORT. 1 ' I he IHO--1 effectual l fined v for cleansing the S3 stein et all meibid .-editions it should be iice-l in every household as a SPRING MEM-JINK. Muays euies IHliotiMiess, Cu'iKtlpatlun 1'lles jiuiI all lemale Disuse. - It is put up in Dry Vcgetable form, in 09-lin cans, ene package et which makes six iuaitset medicine. Aif-Alselii LjquliI Kerm.vcry Ceiicen tinted 3-ler the convenience et these who -.m net A-a-icadily prepare it. It acta with equal &&-ej)lcicncj m cither form. GET IT OF YOUU Dl'.UGGIST. PRICE, SI. WELLS RICHARDSON fc CO., Tren's, Hurllngtun, Vt. I WIU send the ii y pest-paid.) dec 27 lid A w4 itn;i'!AI, AND CHRONIC' DISK ASKS. Mary A. Leugakcr, M. D , OFFICE ND RESIDENCE Ne. !:? East Walmit Street, LANCASTER, IA., ;itlnehtsr I he Lye, r and Tlirual Treated at a Specialty. i'.iitif ul.ir attention given te the tiiMtuicut of ln-.c.i-eet Women and Childi en. 1'iee xamiiiatien and treatment daily ex- epi Sunday liem II a. in. ti 1 p. n'. Consul tation', in E'ii;:li-h and German. H. D. LONGAKER,M. D., I.ATI- OK PHILADELPHIA, NOW (K LANCASTER, PA.. Oflice : Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, ellci- In- piiile-.ieiial s-ervlces te the alllictcd e-peeially In these uHi'iiiig from Chronic or Special Disease-". He will bctfladte.sccanil talk v. Uh them. His hN praetieete il.'iinlydeclare a ill-ease incurable it he believes it te be se. In the -iM! r.'lifcu he. undertakes he guarantees todeaM that can be done by unwpaiicd atten tion and the application of c.xpciicneed skill, gained hv many years el practice in treating di-case iu it-, various and liie-d. malignant bums. That ltNskill has net been cxcrlcd in vain, numerous certificates, that may be seen at lii-s eilice, will testily. Cancers, Tumors end Swellings Cures Without I'aln or Using lite KiiiTc or Drawing Bleed. skin DiMeaMM and evciy description el lTl icralieii.I'ilcsuml Scioluleiis Di-eiiscs I'cinia uently Cuied. t'einale Dlneace;., Aeute or Cliieuic, 'ipecillly and ndically cuied. Ii-eai-es el the lams. Thieat, Slemaeli. I.iM'i'and Kidneys can undoubtedly be cured. raiticular attention ;icn te I'rivate Dis Dis Dis o.iNfsel teiy iltveiiitieii ; also that state el aliciialieii and ueaknesset mind, which len ilfii pel Mm-) incapable el enjoying the jileas inc.iiil pel lei min;; the lutic-et lite, complete ly cuied, and the patient restored te active lieaitli and Hi" enjeynients el lite. IliveascH et She I'.je and Kar treatnl as a peci.iliy. Dr. l.en::krr will make pio'e'-ieual visits unj ilNtauce. Can le consulted by letter (con (cen ll'lentially). and medicine sent "with piepci .liiiiliuns te anv nait el the ceunttv. CONSULTATIONS FREE. Oiiice: Ne. 13 East Walnut Street, I. WCASTEi:, PA. JeJi lydTul'luvSAw mtr noens. vti:v CIIKAI sieki:. SHAWLS --AI MBTZ11ER, BARD & HADGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE. P.l. l lv THIIIKT DOIMSKK all AWLS. I!LCK TIl'lIHIT SINGLL SI!AWL P.LACK IILANKET DOUItLE SHAWLS, P.I.ACK P.I.ANKET SINGLE SHAWLS, III.AL'K AND GKAV bllAAVLs, TAKTAV PLAID SHAWLS, PLAIN IOLOK PLAID SH WLS. SlIUULDEU SHAWLS. shawls rei: school gii:i. Many of them bought at AUCTION nnd te be sold CHEAP, at & XK C1IKAPST011E, Ne. 1.1 WEST KIN STREET, It'-tv.ecn Hi" Cooper Heuse and Seuel Herse Hetel. (Adlcr's Old Stand.) tii&T iitzArimis. c 10AinKINWK.Vl.TIl II1ST151ISUTION CO, Jth Popular Monthly Drawing e TnK COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the City of Louisville, en WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30th, 1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act el the General Assembly et Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court en Match 31, rendered thu following dicisiens: 1st That tlie Commonwealth DlHlrl bill let) Company ia legal. 2l ItsdraningK are fair. N. 15. The Company Ii.ts new en hand a lat;;i-receive Intnl. Ite.ul the list of prizes ler the V'OVKMISKK DRAWING. iopri7.e'jl,eeocjicli le.rnn) 20 prizes .100 each 10,000 "loe erizes $1(X) each lo.eon 200 prizes 30 each lo.ew.' two prices 'JOcacli l'J,OU0 1'XIO prizes lecacli 10,000 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " " i,800 9prizc3l00cach, " " 900 JLrtl 111 I (.- aaaaaaaaaaaaa .cllaklllv Wheln tickets. U ; halt Uckela. $1; 'l tickets Wl;5S tickets, Jim. Kemit Meney or Kank Draft in Letter, nt send by Kxpii-ss. DON'T SKND 1JV UEUIS TEltED LKTTKi: OK POSTOFF1CE OltDKK. Urderaef $Tiaud upward, by Kxprcs, can lie be nt at our expense. Address all orders te IC. SI. ItOAKDAI AN. Couricr-leuriial I'uildlng, Louisville, Ky.. ei K. ill. UtlAltDMAN, U'3 Ur":iitwav. New Verk. febi-TuTlutSAw DBT aoevs. J. B. MABTTN CO. OPENING LARGE LINES OF DEESS GOODS, SUITINGS, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, PLUSHES, CASHMERES, AC, AC. LADIES' COATS AND JACKETS. In great Vai!et3 CHILDREN'S COATS, Hosiery, Underwear, (j leres, &v. CARPETS AXD WALLL PAPERS. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. W. King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. 4 NTICIPATINU A 11KAVV FAT.T. TRADE WATT, SHAND & CO. IIa e opened an iiumeiit-e Hue of DRESS GOODS SILKS, SATIXS, PL US UES, TEL J 'ETS, CLOAKS, DOLMAMS AND JACKETS, In the latest styles, neatly Dimmed with vel vet iilush and passementerie. SiliRlu and Deuble Shawls at very low pricecj. NEW FALL COATINGS. Ladies'. Uciit's and Children's (ierman, Eng. li-li and American HOSIERY AND GLOVES. KID U LOVES a specialty. A lull line et Fester's Patent. Heek Kid Gloves. I.eiM dozen of Ladies', Cent's and Children's MERINO UNDERWEAR. at pi ices that cannot be equaled. LADIES' AND CENT'S SCAKLET UNDERWEAR. CENT'S REGULAR MADE UNDERWEAR, 500 Pairs White and Colored Blankets. In all sizes and qualities, nt price? which we cannot duplicate. NEW YORK STOKE, 8 & 10 E. KING STREET. N J EXT 1MIOK TO THK CUUKT Illll'Sr., FAHNESTOCK. Our CLOAK KOOM is new tilled with all the NEW STYLES et LADIES' COATS AND DOLMANS. Tew Inch we want the attention el the-e in want. Black Silks ami Black Cashmeres. Black Silks and Black Cashmeres, VELVETS, SATINS and SILKS, VELVETS, SATINS and SILKS, Fer Dresses and Tii'innin;;, all at Levvcit Prices. LADIES' DRESS GOODS in all the New Styles. UNDERWEAK IN QUANTITIES, IN QUANTITIES, l-OU LADIES, CENTS, KOiS AND ('IKLS, FOR LADIES, CENTS, HOYS AND UlRL.'., AT LOWEST PRICES. AT LOWEST PRICKS. FAHNESTOCK! Next Doer te Court Heuse. jyivu OODS, C. NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. HAGER & BEOTHER Have new open Full Lines ei FLANNELS, BLANKETS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVETS, PLUSHES, CLOAKS, ULOAKINGS, SHAWLS, Merine Dnflerwear, Hosiery, GLOVES LACE GOODS. We Invite examination. Hapr & Bretta. Ne. 25 West King Street. ASTKICU MHO'S JUtVEKlIXEMJHtT. STRICII BKOS' ADVKKTISE3IENT. ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTKICH ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICH Ai-TRICII ASTRICH ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTRICII ASTKICH ASTRICII A-TRICU BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS KROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS r td N e Ui 3J i:i EAST KING STREET. 1.1 EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KING STREET, i:: EAST KING STREET. 13 EAST KINU STREET. Men are loud el saying that their wives and daughters waste time in " shopping." They cannot understand why a lady alieuld ever enter a store, except te purchase sonic article which hhi! absolutely needs, and they regard the time as absolutely wasted which Indies ppend in passing liein store te store and coun ter te counter, looking ever goods which they de net intend te buy, and asking pi ices for things ler which they have no immediate need. It i.s te ladies who understand this ait or .shopping Unit this advertisement isaddresscd. We want te remind them that the)' should never regard u .shopping tour as complete without a iiil te our establishment, at this season especially, when se niaiiv articles are needed for the approaching cold weather. It m well for ladies te remember that in niany departiuents our prices are habitually lower for the same quality of goods than can be found elsewhere In the city, wlii.c in no case de we allow eur.scUes te ba undersold ; and there will almost always be found in every one el our departments some special let el goods which we have secured at less than the ikeml wholesale price, mid can theieloie ntTeril te sell cxtraeidinarily cheap. TRIMMIN6S. lu this important department we are exhib iting an entirely new .stock et goods embrac ing ail the latest and most fashionable Novel ties, and cemprisiii!; everything that can by anv possibility be needed. We strongly advise ladies, even it they have no intention te pur chase, te call and examine our assortment, which will give I hem a mere accurate ldeaet the tendencies of lashieu than they can obtain in any ether manner. DRESSMAKERS especially will liud it te their interest le vfr.it this depaitment, as net only is our as-ertineiit remarkably full, but our prices are lower than these of ether neuses. Among me various items el attrac tion we may mention FRINGES, GARNITURES, PASSAMENTERIES, SLIDES, CRESCENTS. ORNAS1ENT.S, BALLS, etc. Iu I'AsiiJiKllK. IRIDESCENT. RAINBOW, BRONZE mid COMBINATION EFFECTS. BLACK BEAD FRINGES and TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS are also a. specialty ei this department, and our assortment et BUTTONS, BUTTONS, embraces styles le match every variety nnd shade et Trimming. TRIMED IATS. Tin-, is another department that our pat ion -.should net fail te visit. We have appiopii appiepii ated te it for this season the entire rear build ing, and are able te display nn assortment which ler variety of style, beauty, I'm i.s h and range of prices is unsurpassed iu the city. All Hie newest fashions arc fully rcnrc.sentrd, and we de net exaggerate iu sayingQiat ladies can there secure hats and bonnets of the best ma tciials and most tastelul make, at less than one hall the pi ice charged for similar goedi elsewhere. CLOAKS. TliKilcpaituicut is new supplied with a com plete assortment et Wiap et every kind for Fall and Winter Wear all well-made and in the greatest variety of styles and prices. Among the items worthy or mention arc WALKING JACKETS, et foreign and domes tic make, in Llulit Shades and Plush trimmed: Diagonal and Beaver ;Cleth DOLMANS, ttim- incd with Fine P.is"amenleric, Plush, Fringe and Gimp, and, in short, a thoieughly com plete line, equal in quality te the. beat and lower iu piiccs than the lowest. UNTIUMMEI) HATS, UNTKIMMED HATS. Bi si Bc.iver flats at fi7.". Beaver Bennets and Tuibans at $J.7". Cheap Bearers Tee. Moscow Bcaveis at Sic. Satin Bound Dcibics at 7.ic. Cleth Derbies'at .Vie. Children's Trimmed Hats ler Scheel. BARGAINS IN BLACK TIPS. A Fine Bunch el Tips at nOc. Black, White, Plain Celers. Natural and Faney Deuble French Plume-, at all prices and very cheap. Fancy Wings and Breasts, Black .let Feathers. Pompon Binle in immense variety. Feather Turbans lrem $3 up te $12. PLUSHES AND VELVETS. An Elegant Plush at $2, An Excellent Plu.-h all'. A MeslSupcib 22-inch width Plush, In all col ors, at $1 a yard. BLACK PLUSH A SPECIALTY. FANCY PLUSHES. Black Silk Velvet, $1 per van!. Fine Black Silk Velvet, l.'.'."i per yanl. Colored Silk Velvets at $1.50 per yard. Colored Velveteens at 0c. per yard. A full line el Black Velveteens from it) cents upwards. J list opened, one let of Very Fine Black Silk Velvet at $5 per yard. BARGAINS IN BLACK SATINS. A Most Handsome Piece of Satin, worth $1.50, we sell at $1 per yard. CREPES AT ALL PRICES. Alse, CREPE BONNETS AND CREPE VEILS. Bordered Chenille Det Net, in White and Black, at only J5 cents per yaid. WORSTEDS. Zenhvr. in all color , ....'Jc. pcreiriice. e ounces for "JSc. Shetland Weel Tw Saxony Weel Gcruiantewn Weel German Knitting Weel Fairy Zephyr Crewel Weel Gleve Yarn Embroidery Silk, en skeins.. Embroidery Silk, en quilts.. Embroidery Silk, en spoils.. Knitting Silk, en balls Filling Silk Filling Silk -ic. a hank. 8c. an ounce. ....inc. nq'uarter. $2 per pound. ic. a skein. ,.$1.50 per pound. ...20c. per bunch. ....4c. per spool. 'Ic. per spool. 3Gc. per ball. Ic.aikcin. ....yc. an ounce. ZEPHYR SHAWLS lrem 73c. upwards. BARGAINS IN RIBBONS. Fancy, Ombres, Striped and ethers;, iu Silk, Meiie, Satin ana Plush. White .Lira Canvas, J yard wide 15c. White Jara Canras.i yard wide 25c. 1 lone y-Comb Canvas, )i yard wide 25c. Heney-Comb Canvas, yanl wide 40c. Ada Canvas, yanl wide 40c. Burlap Canvas, j yard wide :ac. I loiercu .Java canvas ac, EMBROIDERED SLIPPER PATTERNS, SOFA CUSHIONS. IN ENORMOUS VARIETY, CZOTBXNG. w AAAMAKER & BROWN. That Old Stere. " The old corner," " the old reliable." " the geed old place " All light, friends, call it what you please. We confess te some pride in being "eld'' in eeme respects. It was pretty dark day, 21 years age, when we christened " Oak Hall," and steed up te answer te the name. 21 years is long enough for a baby te grew te niauhbed, and for a small undertaking te grew into a gteat enterprise. 21 years age we were our own buyer, bookkeeper, por ter and watchman ; and stuck te it until ethers came along te help, seme of whom have been with us ever since. Te day tbe needed helpers are numbered by thousands, aud our custom ers aie almost beyond number and everywhere. Our stere 21 years age was "euly that cubby-hele at the corner," hard ly large eueugh te turn around in. New you knew what it is. Truly we have grown old and " settled." We bavn't any disposition te change lrem iixed prices, nor from fixed principles, the chief of which is guarding the interests of our customers. a We keep te our plain old-fashioned Oak Hall buildings. They are like old-fiuhiened siher, well-worn, but still solid and geed, better than seme newer. We held fast also te our old methods of serving our custemcis, viz: with the largest assortments te select from, the very best for the money, a guarantee with every purchase, viz : the privilege of btingiug back goods and taking the money again if they want te. The only new thing about the Oak Hall premises strained and over ever over etewded by the ever-increasing business, is the new stock for the winter of 1881. Wc sold out almost te bare beaids last winter. Nearly every thing is this season's cut and fashioning. New materials have been used, aud new patterns te cut them by. Please accept this old-fashioned, hcai ty invitation te leek in upon us and thus find out if our old age and experience hasn't served us well iu producing this stock. WANAMAKBR & BROWN. OAK HALL, Market and Sixth, Philadelphia. K OSENSTEIN'S ONE PKICE HOUSE. SECOND TO NONE. OUR ASSORTMENT OP Men's Fall Overcoat ami llsterettes, PLAIN, SILK FACED, SILK LINED THROUGHOUT, $8 te $35. Unique Styles Men's Fall Suits 10 te S35. NOVELTIES. BOYS' AND CHMI'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, $4 te $18. THE BICICLE SHIRT IN DIFFERENT SHADES, $2.50. AL. ROSENSTEIN'S ONE PKICE HOUSE, (NEXT HOOK. TO SHUIrZ & KUO.'S HAT STOKE). Ne. 37 North Queen Street, I?ALL CAMPAIGN. MYERS & -RATHFON Aie better prenaietl tliiin ever te accommodate flic public In READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOK MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CIIILI'KKN, At liottein price, all nr own manufacture no Sheddy Clothing. A man cim get the hett Ten Dellar All Weel Suit at Centre Hall sold lu America. While this Is a specialty, yet all our Clothing Is sold proportionately cheap. Buying your Clothing at Centre Hall you mive eiiu in oil t. Our Custom Department Ii full nnd complete It you want n Cheap Bininc Suit you ran have it made te order (all wool) from Fifteen te Twenty-live Dellam. Diess Soils from Eighteen te Forty Dollars. And remember you have the Largest Stock and the Best Variety in uiirt from, ami i.itlatactien In evcrv wav guaranteed. We are prepared le maku tin at Bhert notice and In the best style ana at tne stock et GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Is full and complete. Don't fall te call and leek through Centre Hall bcleic you make yerti Fall and Winter purchase. Yen will lind willing hands te show you through the imuien-i-.steck et Woolens. Overcoats by the hundred ler Men, Youths, Beys nnd Children. MYERS & RATHFON. CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 EAST KINti STREET, LANCASTER, FENN'A. rzujtriiEtrs J OHM L. ARNOLD. Largct, Finest and CHANDELIERS EVEB SEEN IN LANCASTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAS GLOBES CHEAP. TIN PLATE AND PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. JOHN L. AEJSTOLD, Neb. U, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. STKAMKD oysters. Specialty matle of Steamed Oyster., at the SPBECIIER HOUSE, Ne. 27 North Duke Stieet. Having lurnlshcd our Restaurant with a boiler for steaming oysters, we take this meth od et informing the public that wc are pre pared at all tlmeg te lurniali them te families nt their houses or at the restaurant. Ladies' entrance. Ne. 27 North Duke street. UKOFF & COPELAND, 03t29-uu Proprietors. R' -:e:- :e:- Lancaster, Pa. F ALL CAItll'AlUN. lowest prices, uur uuiicrs are iri-cin'-s, On sui'rzxjss. JOHN L. AICNOLD. -:e:- Cheapest Stock of MprS-tut rrz a F OK. SALE OK KtSNT, MJRNIhHED, Mre. Martini s. Shacner's beuse, Je. 4i7 Wet Orange street. Apply te e2Hwd I. Li. STEIN MET. OK SALE. Elegant BUILDING SITES in the wiMcrn suburbs et the city, and I'UILPINi; LOTS at all prices nnd In all parts nt the city. Apply te ALLAN A. IIEUU ft CO., Real Estate, Collection and Ins. Agents, sept3-3mdl 3 North Duke Street. X"SENSTEIN'S ONE I'ltlUK JIOl'SK, TH trLJtS' OVTVi 1 ANCASTEK AND -MILLEKSVILLK U. ii Cais run e fellows : Leave iuieaiser u . ". I'cpeii, ui i. 11:30 a.m., and 2, 4, 6 ami 8d0 p. in., e.xritut cr sai-iniay, wiien the nisi car leaves at ussv p. i. . Leave Blillcrsville (lower end) at 5, t. ami 10 a. 91., and 1. 3. 5 and 7 p. in. Cars tun daily en i'1 ive time except en Sur. day. C COLUMBIA AND PORT DEPOSIT K. K t Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: STATiena Ne kth- Express. I Express. I .U-nn WJBB. A. M. T. 11. r. M. Pett Deposit... Peachbottem.., Safe Harber... Columbia. i:-.S5 7-12 7:55 S:25 3:.'i5 4:2 5:11 5:W 2:5 ::.is 5:21 6.20 Statiebs Seith- Express. Express. Acceui WARI. A. M. r. M. A. M. Columbia HA1 $' 7;15 r. m. Ar.hws Safe Harber U.n; t-:4 Lell-.JO Peiiehbottem IZM 7..r: lt.(7 Pert Deneslt ... 1:25 .(): li.2t TKAD1N. .V COLUMBIA K. It. ARRANGEMENT OF PASShNlSER TRAINS MONDAY, JULY 11th. It. NORTHWARD. LBAVK. Quarryvllle Lancaster, King St Lancaster .' Columbia A.M. r. m. r. m. 2::0 '.'.'.. :1:40 l.ie :;.:e 1:IU 3:10 3.20 5.50 :li S.iki 7.50 ARIUYK. Readiii" 10.115 SO'ITHWARD. JLKAVB. Reaitlng ARRIVE. Columbia A.M. M. r.M. 7:25 12.IW 6:10 r.M. 0:.!.". 2:10 !.2li '.1:27 2.10 8.IIS 1I.S7 8:20 10:37 .... !fc5U Lancaster. '.1:27 2.10 8.iis B::e Lancaster, King St 'I.S7 .... 8:20 5:10 Oiiarryvilie 10:37 .... !fc5U C.I5 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and lrem Philadelphia. Pett.-ville. Harrisbiinr, Al Al lentewn ami New Yerk, via Bound BfHik Reute. At Columbia with tniiiw litand limii Voik, Hanover, tlettysbury, Frederick mid Haiti, ineie. A. M. WILSON. Snpt. PKN N.S Y I. VA N I A RAILROAD N Kn SCHEDULE On and utter .MN1A1 OCTOBER .iM, 1881, trains en the I'emi vl vania Railre.td will arrive at and leave tin Lancaster and l'litlm!-'iliia ilupetiui Inllews : Airlve Atlantic Express Phlladelpia Expri'ss, Fast Line, TorkAecem. Arnei; llarrisbnrj; Kxpie- Dlllervillt: Aeeimi. Aimcs, Columbia Acc mi iiietliit it hi. Frederick Aeeimi. At lives, Sunday Muil Johnstown E.iiiv Chicago Day Kpi ets Kt T.mtli llnv Iviiii.i .!:l A 7.111 ' 7:.!5 10:10 -l.'.eiV. 5 :vt " 515 ' 7.0.1 " 7 r :i::;'i ' Harrisburg AeeiiiiiiiiiHlai'u, WB8TWARD. Leave Philad'a Aril w Lane 5. .' 0:27 le:30 10:3" IOiO 2.-:m 1 2:35 ifiO ?i":tr 7:2C 7::ai .:v 2.15 i Way PassenRcr, News Express MailTrainNe. I.vlii Mt.ley, Mall Train Ne. 2, via Cul'bia, Sunday Mail, Fast Line Frederick Accommodation, DUlervIUoLecal.viaMt.Joy Lancaster Aeeommeilat ion, Harrisburg Accomuiedat'ii, Columbia AeeoumuHlatieii, Ibirrisburtc Express, PlttabunrExpiH, CIiicliiiinll.Express, Pacific Express, li:aA.M. 4:3.1 ' 8:00 " 8:li" "" lile Mail Train. Ne. 2, west, connecting at Lau caster with Mail Tiaiii.Ne. l.at ll:;;0:i.ii... will run tliinitli In llaniiver. Frederick A cceiniiKMl.it ion, west, con neel i n at Lancaster with Fa-t Line, west, ul2 3, will run ilireush lc Freileriek. Harriiburs Exprevs. we--t,al 5:.i p. in . hai direct eonneetlem ( illmnt ch:in;;e el ears) li Celiiiubi'iamt Ve'k. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when IIiikviI, will slop at Dnwniuiilewn.Cnatcirillc, I'.irkef burp, .lleiint Jej, Ellxabellituwn and Middle town. HUUIiti JSI S "J WXKJil . OCIIOOL ItOOKMt SCHOOL BOOKS ! SCHOOL BOOKS ! All Scheel Heeks anil Scheel Supplier at tin very Ien est tales at Tin. 42 WKST KINO STRKKT. JOHN RAKK'.tSOM.-L SCHOOL BOOKS I'.iii-riii. LANCASTER SCHOOLS, AT TUB LOWEST PRICES, AT THE HOOKSTORK JOM BAM'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, I.ANUASTKK. IA. VAJteUVS. .f" IKK AT P.AR4SALNS IN UAHI'IM. I claim te have tlei Laigivt ami Mil'- lock el CARPETS In this City. llrii-ielsamlTapcstrj-CAKI'KTS riuee-ply, Exlla Sillier, Super, All Weel, lalt Weel ami I'.ut Weel Ingrains: from the lest le the cheape-it :w low its "5c. per y:oil. All Ihu 'LVJEWiT .1 .V ClIOWK PA TTEItA'N that ever can be -ecu lu IIiNetty. I uNe have a Laie and FiiieSletl. et my nvn make Chain mill Kju; Cjii'ikjI.s, AS LOW AS 3Sc. PER YARD. AImiMAKK CARPETS TO OKDERnt f-liev notice. Satitactteii giiaienteeil rNotieuble tei show goods il ou de n wish te imrcha.se. 1 earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTLR PA. MltPETH, IHAI.,4C. Jvmuv schum, sex & te., MANUKACTORV,' Ne. VA SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., Well-known .Manufacturers el ;jiiiin LANCASTER QUI LTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, RLANKETS. CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac CUSTOM RAO CARPETS A SPEC! LTi. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either In tin; piece or in Garments; also, all kinds of silks. Itibbeny, Feathers and Woolen Goods Hied. Gen tlcrncn's Coats, Overcoats, I'anN. i.xN. ,e. Dyed or Scoured ; also, Indigo IJIuu lelti lene. All orders or goods lelt with us n ill receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL. COAL.. Ceal et the best ipiallty put up expresy ie faintly use, ami at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 fcOUTII WATER STREET. 2-lVdRSl PHILIP SCHUM. SON A l.O "1AVKICNS Or LUKAY. CAVERNS OF LURAY, LUKAY, PACE COUNTY. VIRGINIA, About one mile from the paenj;er depot et the Shenandoah Valley Railroad, are new brilliantly illuminated with tlic Eleltt.ic Light. THE LURAY INN, Specially erected ami beautifully liiriiMu-d l.n l.n l.n tlieaccoiiiuieilatioii el viiiters te t'i- I avenc is open for tne rereptien of-jecst-i A CAPACIOUS RESTAURANT ir.T- mi usual facilities te large and small exi-ur-ien parties. ect.iMiudAw EABTWnt. Leave Lunc'lfi 1:10 a.m. 1.15 " 5:(iS " SMI " 8.er, ' 8:1.1 " !l:ll " 1.50 r.M. 'izte " 2 Hi " 5.05 " 5:15 " r.:25 " 3.0H " i:ii) r.M 4:oe " 5i-!0 " fi:25 " ihlii " 11:55 " (ut cr ' A.M. 7-r .I-.15 9:27 r.M ter