Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 18, 1881, Image 3

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Rev. II. Wheeler is spending the day in
Ce. C. left last evening en the 5:50 train.
Tbey had 44 men, rank and fi.
Mr. Hutchinson passed ever, the Peit
Deposit read te day inspect! tg bridges.
Freight continues heavy en the P. K.
Jlr. Stuckcnheltz, the piano tuner from
Lancaster, is in town.
Helen Petter's " Pleiades " are billed
for Monday, Oct. 24.
Dr. W. Wright, who recently moved
here from Philadelphia, is new occupying
the Dcnuy property.
Services will be held in the African Bap
tist church this evening. Rev. S. Burrells
will address the congregation.
Yesterday afternoon a horse attached te
Henry Smith's wagon worked itself loose
fietn the hitching pest and ran up Locust
street. Henry Fisher stepped it in front
of the Fianklin house.
Re . C. S. Gerhard leaves te-day te at
tend the meeting of the Eastern synod of
the Reformed church at Dauville, Pa. Ne
services ea Sunday.
Mr. Gehhard, fiem New Albany, Ind.,
is in town.
The "Workers' Society," of the Trinity
Reformed cburch,will give another .sociable
in the lecture room of the church en Thurs
day evening, Oct. 27. There will be music
literary exercises and refreshments. All
the fricuds of the church will be heartily
Mr. E. Themas, superintendent of the
Shawnee furnace, and wife left for their
new home in Birmingham, Ala.; Mr. C.
Garber, who has just returned from his
wedding tour, will give a reception te his
friends this evening; Rev. W. P. Evans,
the E. E. Lutheran minister, moved te his
house ou Chestnut street, where Mr. J.
Case fermerlv lived.
Items of Interest About Uourclemi.
The general tenor of quiet Bart is dis
turbed by but little of anything of note.
Mr. Geerge Stanett, wife and daughter
have left for Walla Walla, W. T., after a
visit of about ten weeks. They go by rail
te San Francisce, and from there up the
Pacific coat te Washington Territory.
Ben. Fritz, proprietor of the George
town hotel, has had his sitting room and
bar room repainted and papered, and
thiugs leek quite inviting around his pub
lic place.
Jehn Martin, M. 1)., is having his stables
and carriage house rebuilt and enlarged,
and the premises leek considerably better.
He contemplates the buikliug of a profes
sional room, or oilice independent of his
house, which will be something he has
long needed en account of his large and in
creasing consulting practice.
The burying grounds of Bait township
have been considerably used for the past
two weeks, but the interments have been
generally persons from ether neighbor
hoods ; in fact only one death, that of Mr.
Rewe, occurring iu this ten uship.
Surprise parties arc still numerous ; the
important ones being one by the children
of Israel McFaddcn en Thursday, the leth
inst., which was a complete surprise te
" old Mac." Ou Friday, the 14th inst., a
birthday surprise te our constable and
saddler, J. R. Chamberliu, by his bi ethers,
sistcis and uncles which caused -Rea" te
stammrr and blush like a child, under the
lead of geed country butter that was left
for his future use, aud considering that
butter is hard te get just new at 23 cents.
Mr. C. was the gainer of a few days
respite from the often-icpcatcd query at
the grocery, " Any geed butter ?"
B. F. Reed, one of the jurymen from
this township, left heie this morning, 17th
inst., en loot for Lancaster. This was his
only w.ty te keep his faun work going en.
aud he moved oil' from the " corner " with
a lingering gait as much as te say,
"Scenes of my Ieismc I leluctautly leave
you when 1 have te walk." lie will
be known in Lancaster by his light brown
Political matters "kind of don't get
out" among the people bcic. The issue
between the two factions of the dominant
party is se conglomerated that the loud
thinkers de net knew exactly where te
stand in the present condition of affairs
Wolfe and reform don't go down all light
but the alternative of Democratic Neble
or Stalwart Bailey docs net make the thing
any tee clear te these who made a note of
the assassin's cry when the late presi
dent was shot." " I am a Stalwart of the
Stalwarts aud Arthur is president." The
Stalwart bleed is se mingled with the half
breed bleed in this section that it is hard
te tell which will be coursing the most free
iu November next.
The best conclusion te be get at is
' When I said 1 would die a bachelor, I
did net suppose I would live te get mar
ried." The Ceyle Murder Trial iu YerK.
On May 30, 1831, Jehn Ceylc jr., liv
ing with his father, Jehn Ceylc, opposite
Marietta, shot aud instantly killed Emma
Myers, a young girl aged 17 living with
them. Ceyle's trial for murder takes
place this week at Yerk. Thirty-live
witnesses have- been subpoenaed from
Marietta for the defence, and twenty by
the prosecution. The plea of the defense
will be insanity. A notice appeared iu
one of the local papers at Marietta, ou
Saturday last, that all witnesses in the
case, subpoenaed for the defense, te be at
the Pennsylvania rcailread depot ou Men
day morning at 8 o'clock, when tickets
would be furnished them te Yerk.
A Grand Aflat r at Sclilller null.
The Jews of the city gave a grand ball
and banquet at Schiller hall last night.
There were about fifty couples, comprising
most of the elite of this city, besides sev
eral visitors from abroad. Mr- L. Sylves
ter was master of ceremonies, and Messrs.
David G. Ilirsh and Leuis Astrich fleer
managers. Tayler's orchestra furnished
excellent music for the occasion. At mid
ninght the merry dancers took a rest, and
sat down te an elegant banquet. The
affair throughout was a very picasaut one
te all concerned.
' XIie K l rally's Net Cemlnir.
The following despatch received by
Manager Yccker te-day will explain why
the eugagemcut of the Messrs. Kiralfy's
te produce Around the Weild in 80
Days " in this city en Saturday evening
next, is canceled :
"Aixextiiwx, Pa., Oct. 18, 1881.
" B. Yeckek : The lire this morning de
stroyed the stage and part of the audito
rium of the academy, the Kiralfy scenery
and the costumes. The troupe cannot
come te Lancaster.
(Signed ".Tern D. Mism.r.n."
A lTalse Accusation.
A thorough investigation of the charge
against four or five of the policemen that
they were at a beer saloon eating sauer
kraut lunch while the street fight was
going en in North Queen street Saturday
evening, shows that the accusation was
totally unfounded. Net only the sworn
testimony of the officers but that of ether
reputable citizens can be had te the falsity
of the charge. Our policemen are net
angels, but they de net deserve te be
falsely accused.
The Union Station Tragedy.
The coroner's verdict in the case of Wm.
Geusemcr, who was fatally shot at Union
Station by Samuel H. Miller, ou Saturday
night, has net yet been returned. The
funeral of the deceased will take place to
morrow morning ; the interment will be
made at the brick meeting house at Union
In Town Yesterday.
F. G. Fullgraff, a well known marks
man, was in this city yesterday. He is
an excellent rifle shot and has been a mem
ber of several crack teams, including one
which shot against the English, Irish and
Australian teams. He is a member of
a company of New Yerk national guards
and is the best shot in the regiment. He
is a jovial young fellow, full of humor and
made many friends here.
Fiftieth Birthday.
Select Councilman Adam R. Barr, cele
brated the 50th anniversary of his birth by
giving a fine set-out te a number of his
meie intimate friends at his- residence iu
East King street.
The Nisht Schools.
The public night schools opened last
night with a geed attendance. Mr. Lever Lever
geed's boys' school, Seuth Duke street,
having 05 pupils.
Did Net Loese.
Philip Bernard requests us te ray that
he lest nothing by the failure of James II.
Page, of Bosten, as we stated yesteiday.
Frank Mettfett Supplies the Want.
The great ilieutli el the past season has
caused the cry that we will have no sour kreut
lunches owing te the scarcity of cabbage.
Frank Metttctt has settled this question by
dumping a car lead el fine cabbage Iu Ccntic
Square, which lie lccclved diieet from Dosten.
Every person can new be supplied. ltd
' The Ten ri its." Levers of mirth and uici
rinicut will learn with pleasuicef theprospec theprespec
tive l etui n et Smith A Mestuycr's "Tourists
in a Pullman Palace Car." Their previous
visit te Lancaster last .season is recalled with
the liveliest pleasnre,their entertainment upon
that occasion being conceded one el the most
thoienghly agreeable with which we were
laveied. They step oil" at Lancaster licit
Thuisday evening. The company hu3 undei undei
gene a number of changes, but tlicrc'rcmalu
sonic first-class names, chiei among which
stands that prince el merry-makers Mr. Wm.
A. M stayer. The music will include selec
tions liein "Olivette," "IJillec Tayler,"'
"Patience," "The Musketecis," and the
f uiieus Teuiists' Jubilee heng.
Emma Abbett Opera Company. O'i Fiiday
atlcrnoen and evening next the L'tunia Ab Ab
eott giand epeia company, probably the
largest and finest English operatic venibina
lien new tiavelmg will appear in this city. In
thealteitioeu Halle's " Gill" will
be sung and iu the evening Geune l's "Faut."'
The New Yei k Herald has the lollewing notice
et Miss 'AbbetlS Marguerite in the latter:
" Her effort was aurigniflceut success iu every
respect. Her words vibrated with emotion
watm iiein the heart. Facial play and gcstiuc
born el i he sentiment, blended with the song
into a. lull and rounded perlormance in which
art was lest sight el, ami Maryueritc hcisclf
breathtd :md moved upon the stage. It was a
general remark in the audience, that such a
consummate. aetre-3 has net been seen upon
the lyric stage ince Lucca lelt our sheies."
Cruiiiwcll's Ait Entertainments. Levcis el
ait in Us ine-t leliued phases are delighted te
hear that at lust te have a repetition el the
Cremvv ell aiteuteitaiumeuts that eleven years
age -e pleased the Lancaster public that a
lively recollection el them is retained alter
this lap-cot time. Prof. O. R. Cromwell is in
town te-day arranging ler the production et
his lemaikably line exhibition en Tuesday,
Tlmisday, Filday and Saturday evenings et
nest week, 231 h, 27t!i, 2t li and Sith insts., the
illustration., comprising icwsel Germany,
I'aii-. Keine and Londen icsperlivcly, with all
their wealth el artistic and natural beauties
sculptuicand paintings el the ancient mas
ters, etc., the exhibition being accompanied by
iutelligent and entertaining description and
explanation by l'rel. Cromwell, who is an ex
cellent traveling companion, lull of incident
and anecdote, with a plentiful supply et hu
mor, l'lein scores of the most complimentary
notices the lollewing lrem the Xcw Yeik Her
aldic lepieduced a a lair .specimen el the es
teem m which the Cromwell illustrations nic
legaidcd by high authority : "l'rel'. Ciom Ciem
w ell is new presenting one et the most pleas
ing and instructive entertainments ever given
te the citizens of -New Yerk. It consists et a
scries el lews et foreign cities, aud statuaiy
et ancient and modern heroes, classical and
civic, which aie in every detail peilect, se lar
as history and pel senal knowledge go. Oliver
Wendell Helmes says it is a beautitul dream,
witli eyes wide open.' "
Fragrant with delicious flower odors mid
healing balsams -Cuticui'a Seap.
Consumptives gam in llesh, sticngtli and
spiiits, under adally use et Malt Rittcis.
al'EVlAL sijtivi:s..
Don't Jlle in the Heuse.
Ask diuggists ler "Rough en Kate." 11
cleais out, mice, bed-bugs, leaches, ver
min, ilie, ants, insects. 15c per be.
' hellers' Liver Pills" have been llie stand
aid remedy ler malaria, liver complaint, ees-ivene-s,
cic. for tlltv years. el-liniKVw
liriidrerd, Va.
Themas I'itchan, liradferd, l'a., wiites: "I
enclose money ler Spring l.lossem. as I said 1
would il it cured me. My dyspepsia has van
NheiLwith all its symptoms. Many thanks ; I
shall never be without it in the house. Pifce
50 cent-. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug
store. 137 North Queen sticet, Lancaster.
Vim Can be Happy
II you will step all your cxtiavagant ami
wieng notions iu doctoring yourself and lam
ilies with expensive doctors or humbu-r cure
alls, that de harm always, and use only na
Hire's simple remedies ler all your ailments
you will be wise, well and happy, and save
gieat expense. The greatest remedy ler this,
the gieat, wise and geed will tell you, is Hep
Hitters believe it. Sec " Previus" in an
other column. eI5 2wdA w-
I have the utmost confidence in the mails.
Unclose $1. for two boxes, or $2 .30 pest efhee
order ler six boxes el Celery and Chamomile
pillls and I will take all risk ler money and
goods. Dr. C. W. Iiensen, 10j Neith Kutaw St.,
Baltimore, Mii.
Ge te II. 1. Ceenran's lirug store, i:t7 North
Queen street, ler Mrs. freeman's Xcw A'
iwnal Dyes. Fer brightness and durability et
coler.aie uncqualed. Celer liein 2 to3peunds.
Directions in Kngllsh and (7ernian. riicc. IS
.Educated .uieii.
Kctfned aud cducai cd w omen will sometimes
sutler in silence ler years from kidney dis
eases, or constipation and piles, which could
easily be cuicd by a package of Kidney-Wei U
There is hardly a woman tebc ieuud that does
net at some time suffer lrem some el the dis
eases ler which this gieat remedy is a speciilc.
It is put up in liquid and dry tonus, equally
efllcient. Springfield Union. eIT-lwd&w
TUK FAKfllKRS 1'ltlKM).
Dr. liarbcr's Ked Herse Powders arc the best
iu the market. They arc net a mere teod made
et inert and chcan materials, but a veritable
Medicine. They contain four times the strength
of ordinary horse and cattle powders, and will
cure and latten stock in one-fourth the time,
acting at once upon the digestive organs and
secretions, and may be safely relied upon for
the cure of coughs, colds, distemper, glanders
and all diseases et horses, mules, cattle, sheep,
hogs anil poultry. They will increase the
quantity and quality of milk in cows and keep
all kinds et stock In a healthy condition. Sold
everywhere at 20c. per pack, 0 ler $1 ; large
size 40c. or a ler $1. Sold in Lancaster at
Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 North Queen
streets. aug2-lydced&wl
"Skin Diseases" Cured by lr. hwayne's
AVhatis mere distressing thai; an Obstinate
"Sit in disease, and why persons should suffer a
single hour when they have a suic euro in
"Swaync's Ointment" is past our comprehen
sion. The worst cases et tetter. Itch, salt
rheum, or that .annoying complaint, itching
piles, ield te its weuderlul all-healing quali
ties. I'imples en the lace and blotches en the
skin are lemeved by using this healing oint
ment. Perfectly sate ami harmless, even en
the most tender intant. Itching Piles-Symptoms
ate moisture, intense itching, particu
larly at night after getting warm in bed ;
ether parts arc sometimes infected. Swaync's
ointment plciiKint, sure cure. Dr. Swaync &
Sen, ."" North Seventh street, Philadelphia,
Pa., te whom all letters should be addressed,
sold b all pieuiincnt'druggisls.
ectl-T.Th&F&w -
Tn tin us, erysipelas, mercurial diseases,
cieiuIa.und general debility, enred by "Dr.
Lindscy's Bleed Searcher." el-lmd&w
The cheapest and best place in Lancaster city te buy your
Millinery Ms and Dress Trimmings
Philadelphia. March 1, 1831. Messrs. Ely
rJres.. Druggists, Owego, N. Y. Gents: About
Oct. 1, 18-0, I gave your Cream Halm a trial
with the most satisfactory results. I was
troubled with Chronic Catarrh and gathering
In my head, was very deaf at time land had
discharges lrem my ears, besides being unable
te breathe through my nose; belere tue sec
ond bottle et your remedy was exhausted 1
was cured and te-day enjoy sound health for
which p'.f asc accept my sincere thanka. C. J.
Cerbin, 9ZJ Chestnut street. Field Manager,
Philadelphia Pub. Heuse.
Mksshs. White & BunnicK, druggists. Ithaca,
N. Y. My daughter and myself, gieat suf
lcrcrs from Catarrh, have been cuied by Ely's
Cream lialm. Mv sense of smell restored and
health greatly improved. C. M. Staklet,
i tcalcr in Beets and Shoes, Ithaca, N. . Price
."n cents. ol7-2wdeed&w
Ily Universal Accord,
Avn; fiATiiARTir Pills arc the best of all mil-
gatives ler lauiily use. They arc the product
el long, laborious, and successful chemical
investigation, and their extensive use, by phy
sicians in their practice, and by all civilized
nations, proves them the best and most effect
ual purgative Pill that medical science can
devise. Ueing purely vegetable no harm can
arise lrem their use. In intiluslc value and
nniik'iiiiniriisnn ei'iT Pills can be com
pared with them, an 1 -very person, knowing
their virtues, will i-inplny theni.when needed.
They keep the sv-'ein in perfect order, and
maintain in health-.- -elien the whole machi
nery et lite. Mild, s.-uiching and effectual,
they are especially adapted te the needs of the
digestive apparatus, derangements of which
they prevent and cure, it timely taken. They
are the best ami alC3t physic te employ for
children and weakened constitutions, where a
uillil but cltcctual cathartic is required. Fer
sale by al I dealers. oU-lwdced&w
A Cough. Celli or fceie inreat sneuld ee
steppcd.l "Neglect frequently results in an In.
cui.iMe Lung Disease or Consumption.
I'.iewn's bronchi il Troeh-s de net disorder
thesteumch like cough syiups .mil balsams,
but act directly en the inflamed pat ts, allaying
limitation, give relict In Asthma, Urenrhlal
Coughs, Catanh, and the Threat Troubles
w hieli Singers and PubitcSpeakei-3 are subject
te Fer thirty years Brown's Bronchial
Tiethes have been recommended by physi
cians, and always give perfect satisfaction.
Having been tested by wide and constant use
for nearly an entire generation, they have at
tained well-merited rank among thclewstaple
remedies et the age. Sold at i" cents a box
very where. iiiMvilTTh&S&lyw
Lite, Growth, lleauty."
"What we all admire" and hew te secure it:
A line head of hair in its natural color is such
an adjunct te beauty that no one who prizes
geed leek should neglect te use "Londen
Hair Celer Bestercr," the most cleanly and dc
liglitlul article ever introduced te the Ameri
can people. It is totally different from all
ethers net sticky or gummy, and free from
all impure ingredients that render man j ether
preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin
hair, restores gray hair, give i it new lite, keeps
the scalp clean and healthy, causiug the hair
te grew when it had fallen off or become thin,
does net soil or stall" anything, ami is se per
fectly and elegantly prepared as te make it a
lasting hair dressing and toilet luxury. " Lon Len Lon
eon Hair Kcsterer" i3 sold by all diuggists,
ul 7j cents a bottle, six bottles for $1.
Ur.ns.urr.- In this city, en Oct. 13, IsSI, Jehn
II. Keigait, iu the .r3d year et his age.
The relatives and friends of the family are
respectfully invited te attend the luncral,
liein his late residence. Ne. 1li East King
street, en Friday morning at IU o'clock. In
terment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 3td
Hawthorn. In this city, en October 17, 11,
Mis Mrv l.nnisa Hawthorn, relict of the late
James C. Hawthorn anil daughter et the late ,
Jehn Kbcrman, formerly cashier ei tue r arm
ors' bank of Lancaster.
The relatives and friends et the family are
lespectlully invited te attend the luncral,
from her laic residence. Ne. 2S Seutli Duke
street, en Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In
terment at Woodward Hill cemetery. 3td
eral housework ; one who speaks Ger
man. Apply at "J21 West Vine street. ltd
j :m Western Kescrve and Kentucky iccrt iccrt
ei s, extra quality, ler sale at Senscnig's Stock
Yards te-morrow (Wednesday) morning,
ING. OCTOBER 111. 1831, will be sold at
public sale, at Jehn W. Mentzer's Stock Yard,
lour hundred (100) head of l cry line Breeding
5,000 Heads of Gheic3 Eastern Cabbage
Fer sale at my stand in Centre Square. Per
sons wishing Cabbage ler winter use would de
well by buying it new, as the large stock J
have is no indication it will be cheaper.
1'J, 1SS1, vv ill be sold lit Nes. 14S anil 150
North Queen street, a large let el goods bc bc
leii"ing te an estate that must be closed out,
vU : A general variety of Household and
Kitchen Furniture, consistinget Parler, Hall,
Bedioem, Dining Beem and Kitchen Furni
ture, Glass and Qucenswarc, iron Pets and
Pans elegant Oilcloths, second-hand stoves
mid a variety of goods tee numerous te men
tion. Goods will be sold by catalogue only.
Sale le cemnicnceat 1 o'clock, sharp.
013-3UIU " JFL1NX.
Will give a Series el Magniticcnt
Art Entertainments,
Willi Musical Accompaniment, and Illumi
nated Illustrations of remarkable Paintings,
Antique and Medem Sculpture and Buildings,
and objects el Art-Wonder,
Part 1st. Up and Down the
River Rhine.
Part 2d.- IScrlin and its Art
Part 1st. The Grand Sight of the
Part 2d. The Leuvre and its Stat-
Fart 1st. Ancient Ruins or the
" Eternal City."
!,PartUd. Modern Reme and its Art.
Part 1st. Wonders el the " Med
ern Babylon."
Part 2d. The Sydenham Crystal
1 Palace.
Deers open al 7:30 1. m. Entertainment be
g faenenil Admission, 35c. Reserved Seats,
50e. Course Tickets, including .Reserved
Scats, SI.
Tickets sela at Uic usual place. ecUS-tftl
Elegant BUILDING SITES in the western
suburbs el the cltv, and BUILDING LOTS at
all juices and in all paits et the city. Apply te
Real Estate, Collection and Ins. Agents,
scptS-Uind 3 North Duke Street.
V in bottling Bartholomay's Rochester Beer
for the last two years, anil being about te go
into another business, Inow offer the business
ler side. 1 have agoed line et family Hade
which can be increased. Herse, wagon, bot
tles and all things connected with the busi
ness in geed order. Apply te
ectl"-2td 12 North tjueen Stieet.
OCTOBER 21, 1SS1, will be sold at public
sale, at the public house et James Curran.
Strasburg, Lancaster county. Pa.. Se Head el
well-selected COWS, that will calve between
new and next spring. A number et them are
Thoroughbred Guernsey Alderneys, and the
balance el them are Geed Daily Cows. A few few
Yeung Bulls.
A credit of 'JO days, with appievcd si'euiity,
w ill be given. Notes payable at any National that may suit purchaser.
Sale te commence at l o'clock p. m. sharp,
when attendance will be given by
B. F. Kewe, Auct.
J MON DA Y, OCTO It K It 2 1, 1SS1.
The undersigned will otter at public sale a
property consisting et seven lets of ground in
lhu town olSpringvllle, Lancaster county, at
the station en the Pennsylvania Uailread,
about one mile west et Mount Jey and near
Hie Lancaster & Hairisburg turnpike. The
improvements aie a two-storied Frann Heuse
21x21 lect, useilasaKailread Station amlTieket
Oflice, a Frame Varcheue 24x18 feet, and
Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 2(KI leet et
Ceal Shedding, New Fairbank's Scales et"8 ten
capacity; 30U Feet et Bail read Siding. Tieitlc
work for dumping coal, with space ler exten
sion of same. BuildingsniOstlyncwund every
thing iu geed order. Alse a let et gieiind
containing CO leet Iren t and 200 leet deep, en
which are erected a Frame Heuse 23x20, with
kitchen attached 1G.30, barn 2St20, suitable
stabling for 4 head et horses, carriage house,
chicken house and pamp house with cistern
iu attached. These buildings arc all new, hav
ing been erected but two years and are in ex
cellent repair. There is a variety et fruit
tiecs en the premises lu bearing order. Lo
cation of business stand pleasant, in a
thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and
a fast improving town, with no lival business
iu the town. Has an established coal trade,
and capacity aud advantages te de a geed
shipping business and increased passenger
Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. Fer
further in rormatieu address
Spring Garden P. O..
Lancaster County, l'.i.
.. 1). ULL.VCI!l!i:, Auct.
Jko. H. Zklleuj.. Cleik. jc20-tsd
City Property. On THURSDAY KVKN
ING. OUTOUKi: 27, ISSI. at i o'clock, at the
Leepard Hetel, in the city of Lancaster, the
undersigned in pursuance et an order etlhc
Orphans' Court et Lancaster county, will ex
pose te public sale the following verv valu
able ical e-tatc, late et Thes. D. Kcllv ilcc'd.
All that Valuable Let et Grouuden theunilh
west corner of East Orange and Marsh. ill
streets, Lancaster city, fienting en Eas'
Orange street about Ue icef, and running
along Marshall te Marien 215 leet. The prop prep
city comprises some el the most valuable
building lets in the eastern section et Hie citv,
eligibly located iu a rapidly developing q uni
te r.
Attendance at the sale will be given and
terms made knew n by
Administrator or Thes. D. Kellv, Dee'd.
II. Siiuiiekt, Auctioneer.
Alse at the saiue and place w ill be offered at
public sale the 2 Twe-Story BICICK HOUSES
ami Side Let, at the southwest corner of Last
Orange and Marshall streets, oppe-ito the
above lets. Ne. 1. adjoining Marshall street,
has a f roetage et (il feet lOinches. thetiupiove thetiupieve
mcnts consistinget a two story Brick Heuse,
with wash house or mmnerkiic!ien.und a
depth et leO leet te a public alley. The side let
has 42 lee: Irent, sullicient for at least tw e
mere dwellings, and is thickly planted with
quince, peach, cherry, apple mid pear trees.
Ne. 2 is a let 21 leet Irent and the same deptli
as Ne. 1, with a two-story Brick Heuse, lour
feet wide alley en the west. There is a well et
excellent water and geed pump en the prem
ises. W. U. IIKNSEL.
Agent ler Heirs of Mary Kelly, Dee'd.
The above properties will be put :u whole
mid iu purparts. ect.ri-tsd
rvl'kKA UOL'aK.
lte-appearancc of JOHN P. SMITH and W.
A. MbsTAYER'S world-lamed Comedy and
Musical Company, the
Uh; perfeimances in New Yerk, OS iu Philadel
phia, 81 in Bosten anil nil the,
tlicalics in the United States te
Popular Prices, 73, "BO and I! 5 Cent.
Reset ved seats al Opera Heuse eflice.
Friday Afternoon and Evenicg,
Twe immense operatic performances bv the
Gieatc-it Operatic Company in America.
Grand English Opera Company.
The most popular and successful operatic or
ganization. Complete and pel lect iu every
detail. Artists, Choruses and Grand Orches
tra, lermlngnu ensemble which ter magnitude
and merit has never been equaled en the Eng
lish lytic stage.
Emma Abbett. Prima Denna Seprano Asso Asse
luta, whose brilliant and uninterrupted tii tii
umphsen the English operatic stagcsiand un
paralleled. Julia Uesewald Aunelta Zelnu
Pauline Maurel Maria Hindlu
Signer Fabiini.
AIobze Sleddard Geerge Conly
Geerge Appleby Geerge Olmi
Aithur Tarns William Bredcrick
and William Castle.
Signer Tomasi Musical Director
Friday evening. Gounod's luimeital Opera el
Emma Abbett, as Marguerite
Geerge Conly, as Mephiste
Pauline Maurel. as siebel
Alenzo Steildard, as Valentine
and Wm Castle as Faust.
Making the strongest and most expensive cast
ever given en the English opera stage.
Friday afternoon at 2o'eleok, the Emma Ab Ab
eott Opera Company will produce Balfe's ever
popular Opera,
The Bohemian Girl.
J ulla Rescwald, as Arline
Signer Fabrini, as Thaddeus
With the strongest cast, most elaborate cos
tumes and stage accessories ever presented.
PRICES Admission 73c. and$l ; GalIery,.")0c
Reserved Stats, $1. Matinee Prices, 23 and 3(ic
Reserved Scats, 75c.
Sale of seats will begin Monday morning,
October 17, at S o'clock, at Opera Heuse Oflice.
are hereby cautioned against negotiating
a Check issued by the Lancaster Heme Mutual
Fire Insurance Company, et the sum et
seventy dollars, te the order el Lercn. Cees,
of dale et about June 11, ISSI, alleged te have
been lest; payment et which having been stop step
ped, a duplicate Check was Issued by said
Company in lieu thereof.
Treasurer of said Insurance Company.
Washington, D. C, Oct. 18. Fer the
Middle Atlantic states, fair weather, fol
lowed by increasing cloudiness and rain,
westerly winds, stationary or higher bar
ometer, stationary or lower temperature.
- i a
A Large New and Handsome Steamer for
the Central American Trade.
fniLADELPiiiA. Uct. l. ine steamer
City of Puebla was launched at ten o'clock
this morning from Win. Crump & Sens
ship. yard in the presence of a large crowd.
She was built for F. Alexander &
Sens, of Xcw Yerk, and will be used
in Hawaiian and Central American trade.
She is 340 feet long, 33 feet G inches
breadth of beam, aud 25 feet depth of
held. She is constructed according te
rules of Bureau Veritas. Her engines are
independent compound, with gird iron
valves, worked by Corliss valve gear. Her
indicated horse power is 3,000. She will
have four boilers. The joiner work is ar
ranged for ninety first-class and twenty
four second-class passengers, and the
steamer will be supplied with all modem
The 31lsclilel Wrought by Kiralfy's Red
Flre at Allentown.
Allentown, Pa, Oct. 18. Fire was
discovered between three and four o'clock
this morning- iu the Academy of Music
here. Kiialfy Bres, gave a performance
in the building- last night, aud the fire is
supposed te have originated from
some colored fire material stored
in a trunk belonging te the com
pany. Hie lollewing losses were
sustained : Damage te the building,
$2,000 ; en stage property, $2,300 ; Peo
ple's tea stoie. $:t,000, mostly damaged by
water ; "Williams' confectionery. C Herge
sheinier's restaurant, and R. Walil's bar
ber shop were also damaged te the extent
of several huiidicd dollars.
The Mississippi Klver Threatening Uau.
Keokuk, Oct. 18. The Mississippi at
this point continues te lisc, this morning
at 1 o'cleek,thc stage of the water being two
inches above the gieat rise of last spring,
which caused such great damage in this
viciuity. At Alexandria, five miles
below heie, the water is backing up ever
the piaiiic, aud there is a prospect that the
town will be completely inundated. The
laiiread :.hes aud lumber yards in the
southern part of the city are completely
surrounded, and operations have necessar
ily been buspcuded.
It is feared the river will lise at least
another feet aud that a very disataeus
Heed will result.
lli'p.irture et Gov. lleyt and the Pcim
sylvantn Troops.
Philadelphia, Oct. 18 The Pennsyl
vania troops iuvited te participate in the
Yorktown centennial celebration paraded
the sticets here today, and then embark
ed en the steamer Galatea, of the New
Yerk and Providence line for Yorktown.
The vessel sailed at 10:30 a. in., and her
officers expect te make their destination in
about 20 hours. Gov. Heyt aud stall",
Majer General Ilartranfc and staff and a
large number of state Senators and Itcp
sentatives are with the party.
Railroad Affairs.
Philadelphia, Oct. 18. The treasuier
of the Philadelphia & Reading railroad
company te day began payment of the un
paid January coupons of the general mnit
gaue bends, amounting te nearly 6000,000.
The president, secretary, treasurer and
many of the directors of the Lehigh Val
ley railroad company started this morning
for a tour of inspection of the company's
Damage by R-tm nitlie Northwest.
Chh.'.use, Oct. 18. The rainfall all ever
the Northwest still continues and the.
trouble caused by high water seems te be
increasing. At Quiucy, D. T., it is feared
that the breaking of the levee is again
imminent, the water being as high as it
was last June. The levee is being ic
paircd in its weak places.
l'reni Fu e Thousand Dollars te Five Cents.
New Yerk, Oct. 18. An evening paper
publishes the list of subscriptions te the
fund for the widow aud children of the
IatePiesidentGarfteld. There aie thirty
one $3,000 subscriptions, three of 82,000,
six of $2,000, and righty-scveu of $1,000
each. The smallest subscription is Jive
1 lie Oay at YorKtewu.
Yorktown, Oct. 18 There was a slight
shower this meiniug, but the weather is
cooler and there is a pleasant breeze. Ar
living vessels weic all saluted from Gen.
Hancock's camp. President Arthur land
ed from the Dispatch about 11:30 and pro
ceeded te Lafayette Hall, where he was
received by the Governer of Virginia.
A Peer Girl's Heath.
"SVoeNbOCKET, R. I., Oct. 18 The rore
ncr's jury this morning rendered a verdict
that Jesephine Ilinten, domestic scivant.
eighteen ycai sold, came te her death,
October ed fiem poison, and that Alfred
Themas was accessory te her death and
morally responsible therefer. Themas is
iu custody.
Murdered In Celd Bleed bv a Negro.
McKixney, Texas, Oct. 18. A hishly
respectable and well-to-de farmer named
Newell was murdered in cold bleed, last
Sunday; by Sheck Caldwell, a negre, who
made geed his escape.
Made a ISIslmp.
Newark, N. J.. Oct. IS. Winaud
Michael Wiggcr was ceuscractcd bishop
of Newark at St. Patrick's cathedral to
day in the presence of a larce congrega
tion. A Deep Sclioiue.
Chicago, 111., Oct. 18. The opinion is
freely expressed here that the King balloon
is net lest, but is being purposely secluded
te further the purpose of the tinn which
sent it up as an advertisement.
Chicago's Contagious Diseases.
Chicace, Oct. 18. Last week's deaths
include "J5 from typhoid fever, 31 from
smallpox, 13 from diphtheria, and 23 from
ether contaireeus diseases.
Heavy Snow Storm in Onebec.
Qucnnc, Oct. 18. A heavy snow storm
set in yesterday afternoeu and was still
raging at midnight. Six inches of snow
has fallen.
The War In Tunis.
TtNis, Oct. 18. Gen. Legerat marched
with 4.000 troops toward Zagheun yester
day. Fighting with Arabs is proceeding
near Ghardiniaan.
Ranlng lit Pimllce.
Baltimekk, Md., Oct. 18. First race :
Compensation, first ; Amazen, second ;
Potemace, third.
Strengthening the Garrison at Limerick.
Limekick, Oct. 18. The Garrison here
has been strengthened by the addition of
I the 20th regiment.
the Nineteenth or October.
Why tbe American People Celebrate the
Te-morrow will be the ene hundredth
anniversary of the surrender of Lord Corn Cern
wallis at Y'orktewn. Tha salient points in
this famous siege deserve the careful
study of alPwhe take pride in the glorious
chronicle bequeathed te us by our Revo
lutionary forefathers. We cannot fail te
admire the stern precision, efficient disci
pline and perfect unity displayed in the
movements of the allied forces. Ne Gates
and Conway disgraced the cause of free
dom by forming cabals ; no Lee attempted
a dastardlv retreat under fire ; no Arneld
sold his honor for British geld; and no
mean j ialeusy existed between the irencli
and American troops. All hostility was
directed against the common enemy ; all
acted well their part, and the leading
cemmandeissecm te have possessed
" That birth-hour gilt, the art Napeleon,
Ot blending thousands till they move as one."'
The plan of the campaign was se well con
cealed that both Clinten aud Cornwallis
were led te suppose that a movement
against New Yerk, rather thau an attack
en Yorktown, was contemplated by their
antagonists. Subsequent operations were
also conducted with vigor and efficiency.
A well directed fire was poured in upon
the British fortifications with such telling
effect that the enemy's headquarters were
rendered untenable at au early cried of
the siege. Detachments of American aud
French soldiers made a successful attempt
te capture two hostile redoubts, "and a
counter movement of the British was re
pulsed. Next te the skill displayed by the
besicgcns.ouradmiratieu is challenged by
the sturdy lcsistancc of the besieged.
IIowe, Burgoyne aud Clinten had contend
ed with comparatively raw recruits,
but Cornwallis was greatly outnumbered
by troops fully equal iu discipline te his
own. The numerical &uperieritv of the
allies was large'- offset by his strong forti
fications, but it is impossible te deny that
his determined courage had been raicly, if
ever, equaled by any British commander
sir,ce the death of Clivc.
Selving me Fate of Its Lust Survivors.
Londen. Oct. 18. Captain Adams,
of the Dundee whaler Aictic, lcturucd
from Davis straits, sajs he visited
the scene of the less of the Liebus and
Terrer, of the Franklin expedition.
He found the house and stoic of
previsions near the Franklin monu
ment in a wretched condition.
In Fury aud Hecla straits au E-quimaux
gave him particulars which appear te clear
up the fate of the last survivors el" the
Fianklin expedition. After the less
of the ship seventeen men .started over ever
laud ; hoping te leach Hudsen's bay.
Only thiec of them survived the
journey te the houie of the uarmter.
The father of one of these, who is sup
posed te hte been Licutcuant Ciezier,
died iii ?t. I he deaths of the ethers fol
lowed. MAMKETtt.
Philadelphia market.
Philiuslvjiia, October is. Fleur Market
is iiuiet; Superfine at ." (.IK.-i ."(: extia
at i.l 7r!; r!) : Ohie and Indiana family, ut
7 2.V&S CO; Pcnnsylvanit family $7 W)
773; St. LiiiiIs de jS Wii$ 23 ; Mlnnosetf
Extra 7 .r)U('S7 73: de straight, f" 3t?S Ul;
winter patent SS OUfi'S 73; spiing de ts 23f?
J Oil.
Rye Heur at W 12J.
Wheal dull and easier: Del.iii.irc and Peiin
slvnniaRed $1 4i;l 17; de Auther, U 17f8I IS.
Cern linn for local use; steamer 71y'72c ;
ve low, 72)72!;e; mi veil, 72e.
Oats tliiiiiaiily active; Ne. 2. White, iJc; Ne.
3, de 51c; Ne. 2, Mixed, lsgtyje.
Rye scute al $1 ir.tjp la.
Previsions steady: jobbing trade; mess
peik, flsi.-); beet tram-, $i 3egi--f.0 ; India
mesa beef. $21 jt, 1". e. b.
Bacen smoked shoulders In ; salt de
!c : smoked hams IlMc ; pickled haisn-.
cmd quiet : city kettleli'j; loose butch
ers' 12l2'i: prime steam 412 30.
Hiittei Choice steady; ether kinds iveak;
creamery e ira Pcuiixlaiiiu."St0u: West
ern :J73Sc ; de geed te eheue :;iQ:;te: Krndlei-n
county and New Yerk extra. 2yi:)c : hists
";3'J7i; ; Western dairy extra, 2'Ie ; de geed le
choice, 2 JCTiOe.
Rolls none here.
Hugs quiet and i.itliet lovvei ;Pcuirn'.!itf2tic;
Western 2lfl2.'c.
Cheese steady, buL only choice wanted ;
New Yerk lull eiv:i:n Uiille: Western ful.
ere-m Ul'c : de lair te geed, liTOUc; de
hal'-skimtncd seJIOu; Peiina de., 75Jc.
Petroleum dull : reiiued, 7;Xe.
Whisky dull at ft IS.
Seeds Geed te prime Clever dull at '.IQ;
V,X; Timethy dull, sM 32 70; Fl.ixsi ed
nominal at l in.
Zicvr VtirK M-irP.Ot.
Nkw I'eitE.Oet. is. Fleur stalc.and Western
slightly in buers' laverand dull ; extra $ mi
(Jl 23; common te geed ettra dc- J3t03'Ml;
senilierr. dull ami weak ; geed te choice $73U
S 73.
Wheat 'ffitlc lower, heiivv ; fair speculative
trade ; Ne. 2 Hed. November, $1 SIJvM Zl'Z : de filV?l 37J,,latter for old ;
nary, lir-trfSIKJi.
Coin 'fT'-iC lewer: lessauiivu : mixed west
ern s;,,i!. r.7f57(i' i; ; de luturc. 70JffJ7.1e.
Oats about 3 Je lower and dull ; Ma'e t'7T."i;c;
Western, 4l33c.
Western Oraln Markets., Ohie. Wheat "lull : Ne.2Ked spot,
1 lli; November, $1 i:r ; December, $1 I7J4;
Jauuuiy, $13'!,.
Cern dull : Ne. 2 spot, held at dc: Decem
ber. (Kicfe ; May held at 72
At the close Wheat we ik; Ne. 2 lied, spot.
$1 III bill, $ 1 42 a-ked ; October. l I0; bid,
il 12 asked ; November, -fll.lJi; December,
$1 17; all the year.fl 11,',; January. $1.30.
Cern weak; Ne. 2 spot. ;3c asked ; Novem
ber, 0lj-e bill, 03c asked ; December, inc bid,
Uilic asked ; all the year, UJ: asked ; May. 71c
bid", 7l)e asked.
Oats quiet : Ne. '-, l.3kc bid, 10c asked.
Keeeipts, :.t;,C0' bushels; Cern, 1.1,010
bushels : Oats. Imh 0 bushels.
Shipments Wheat, KI.MjO bushels ; Coin,
27,UW bushels ; Oats, sjxi bushel-.
Ikti:eit, Mich. Fleur quiet at $7iS2'7 2..
Wheat quiet: Ne. 1 Wlnte cash, and October,
$1 :is"VJ: November. $1 .71 : December, $1 11 ;
February. SI isbid: Se. 2 Ued, I 1J; Ne. 2
White. $i:u;v,.
Coin nominal; inc-alcH.
Oats quiet; Ne. 1 Mlfcd, Mcj ; Ne. 2de., !'';
Ne. 1 hltc lse ; Ne. 2 de. I7jc.
U-ccipts Fieur. 2.W) bbls.; wheat. .O.noe
bushels; coin, liewnusneis; eat.', -,w uiisu
Shipments Fleur, l.'OI bbK; Wheat, lS.OOO
busheis ; eats 20WbusheIs.
Grain and Prevision limitations,
One o'clock quotations et grain and pi
ions, furnished by S. Iv. Yundt, Urekei
East Kingstiect.
ClIlC'AOO. Oct.
Oct. Nev. ? xyr $
Cern .)l .i;i',
. 13 '$
12.10 "
It 111
v iimi
l l.l-sft
I 1.4si
.. 1 17
.. .H'JCi
.. .:v.
Necn luoiHllens or the uralu illarlU'l
Furnished by Jacob 1;. Leng, Commission
Chicago. Oct. Nev. fi c.
Wheat l.JJr I IM'tii,
Cern .'0k ''
.uy, u
17.111 ls.l2!
U.liy. 12.10
Nev. Dec.
I 1.47J; $ l-32.4
.7e; .-ay,
.31 .51J2
jnrd -
Wheat $ UWA
Cern .. J'Jfi
yjixlS iL
Live SteCK Markets.
Cuic.vde. Hogs Hcccipts, 10,000 head; ship
ments, ,000 head; market strenger: light
n se.
Cattle i:eceipl3, 5.3i)0 head; shipments, 3,400
head ; geed te choice natives in active request
and strongly held at f.3 50u 73 ; extra lets
nominally at JC Vffil 2.3; common natives
slew and wcakat$l?5 ; Texan :and far Wests
unchanged ; through Tcxans, $1 733 10 ;
Northern Texaus, $i 33?3 &3; half-breeds and
native. 5 '.S044 05, Blockers and Iceders, fj 73
?4 ; native 1.uiehers,2tt4.
fchcep Receipts. 3,030 head; shipments, 300
head ; prices 13&25C lower ;el!crings excessive;
thin Nebraskas and Texan. $3 303 ; jrej-d
Nebraska. 3 734; fair te natives, fl 75 :
peer lets, $303 SO; local butchers' weak and
very few geed shipping. ,
The JeurnaV dispatches from Europe report
American cattle at L013Xc-
Eabt LimncrT Cattle Receipts since Frl
.in,- .a-rr hmil rf thrnush and l.i)J head Of
local ; all sold at last week's prlres prlres
Hegs Receipts. 9,400 head : Pliiladelpuliu nt
$7725: best Yorkers, W WQtW; common te
fair.tS6 25. , ...
s?heep Beeeipt3,7.5M) head ; market slewand
prices 103)15c en lrem last week.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
Mesdat, Oct. 17. The arrivals et cattle at
the various Puiladelphia yards were ler the
week: Cattle, 4,230 head ; sheep, 14,500 head:
hogs, 4,403 bead. Previous week Cattle. 3,600
head ; sheep, 13,500 head ; hogs, 4.0QO head.
iieci cattie were in goeu ncuianu, ami price
were higher until Saturday afternoon when
the heavy receipts had the effect et making a
decline in prices, which continued until the
dose te-day,when rates were weak at previous
quotations. IK) Fayette county steers were
sold by Mr.UIman nt 6K7c. Thews were
the best that were seen in our yard for some
We quote as fellows :
Extra, tiJb8tc ; Geed, JJiSOJic ; Medium,
5jysC : Common, eIc.
Milch cows were active and wanted at
Sueep The market during the past week
was active for the geed grades et sheep,
Calves and Lambs, and prices remained
steady, while common stock was net wanted
and hard fe dispose et at any price. The
sooner shippers rind" out that common stock
cannot ne eni ncre me ueiicr tncy win no
oft, as this stock if new lower here than It w.ts
ter years.
Wequoteas follews:
Extra, :-i5Xc; geed, 4,.3c; medium. 3
fi4c; Common 2)Jc; Western lambs, 136.14c:
Chester co. de, 07Kc. Calves, milch, 5ij3ie ;
de.. Western. : jj4c.
Hogs were active and prices were steady at
last quotations, viz : geed te extra 9;ll: ;
common te medium, j'Jc.
Mai tin Fuller Ce., 3& Colerado and Texas,
Reger Maync, 400 W. Va., aud Western, 1
A. & .. Christy, 43 West Va., 4C't;c.
E. S. & 15. F. McFillen.270 West Va., Sg&c.
Jehn McArdlc, 20J West Va.. .3.iic.
Daniel Murphy, IS! West Pa. and Colerado.
Owen Mnith, 130 W-st Va..acct. U. W. Reyn
olds ; 73 West Va., ucct. A. Pest ;
21 West Va., acct. J- A. Davis ;
IS West Va., acct. M. F.Eartlett,
M. Ulimui, 100 Fayette co., acct. Martin Fuller
& Ce., OK&'ii ; 73 Lancaster co..
acct. Levi Sensenlg,5tj6c : 53 Chica
go, ucct. J. Sell nnberg, 5ji3Uie ;
.? iPeniia., acct. Jus. W.N'itc,4;0
Sliainliuiir A, x'aul, 2 IS Wist Vu. ami Colerado,
II. Cham, jr., 40 Colerado, acct. Martin Fuller
k Ce.. 4.j"3e ; 24 Western Pa..
acct. A. 71. Titus, 4Ci&Cc;75
West Va., own acct., 43c.
L. .Hern, 52 West Va.nml V:..:iA5ic.
ki. bchaniberg & Ce.. S4 West Va., Igtic.
Leweustein X Adler, 310 West Va., 45t;kc.
Il.iehiuan & Levi, 130 West, Va., 4i,c.
il. Levi. H'J W. Va., 4)&te:.
Daniel Smyth A Ero.,"leO West Va., Jf&lc.
Dennis Smyth, CO West Va.,.'3c.
James Clemsen 4'J West Va.,and Western Pa.,
James EusUiee. sn I'eim'a., 45c.
11. Chain, 33 West Va. and Colerado, 3,lc.
F. bhcctz, 131 Colerado aud West Va., 4,t5ic.
Abe Osthcitu, 31 West Va., 45Uc
Henry Millcr,5U Peiiu'a.uud Md..5S0c.
P. Hathaway, 2:; Chester co.. li5Uc.
.lames Aull, 18 West Va.. SJifcc.
J. F. Sadler A Ce., ICO Western, 4ev.
Urcsscd Reeves were active and prices were
li liner.
Thes. Rmdley, 1SI head at 79Jic.
W. II. ISrewu 170 de. ut 7c.
C. S. Denglcr, 70 de. at 7t)'Jc.
A. a . lieswell 13a ile. at 7iyj (c.
.1. F. Lewnen 40ileat 7tic.
1). M. Harlan, 30 de. at 7S'Jc.
lirt'Ssed sheep Were uctlve.
.Samuel Stewart sold (119 head dressed sheep
at H4i".e. ami 130 head dressed lambs at 11 j? lie.
New Voile, Philadelphia and Leeul Slecks
also United states ISends reported dally by
Jacou B. Lone. N. E. Cor. Centre Square.
New Yerk Stocks.
Stocks strong.
Oct. 18.
A. M. P. M. P. M
10.00 l-M 3.'
Chicago 4 North Western 123J4 123 Vl4
Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul 10S 10! 1"7
Canada Southern 59-M 00;
C. C. A I. C. R. R 21 .... 20J$
Oel., Lack.A Western 12i; 124J 12:
Delaware A Hudsen Canal 1H7
licuvcr & Rie Grande mji SI 61
Hannibal A St. Jee lfiyx ... Viii
I.ake Sheru A Mich. Seul hem.. H'jJ 11! 1I7J.
Manhattaii Elevated. 3'J !') i
Michigan Central s:i; ss) S3
Missouri, Kansas A Texas II II ;';
N. V.. Lake Erie A Western.... IIJ 41" f 43J4
New Jersey Central Dljij 'i' !3
N. V., Ontario A Western 32C 32'4 31C?
New Yerk Centra! 13S14 l:J 13.V4
Ohie A Mississippi 41J4 4t.Vi 39U
Pacific Mail Steamship Ce.... VJ'A TM 4'J!-.
St. Paul A Omaha 41 41!-i -I04
de Prcfeirel it4 Vti 101J4
Central Pacific :i4'4 !)IJi ai-j
Texas Pacilic 52 !i iy. 51
Union Pacific ll'J 11 llacj
Wabash, ht. Leuis & Pacilic i'J',f 4
Preterm! . tw'4 8
Western Union Td. Ce 81 yf WiK
Stocks stcadv.
Pennsylvania R. R '-; C3K '-'
Reading. ...... ..-. .V 33 3:tc
la-high Valley WJ'j
l.clitgh Navigation 43Ji 43JJ
P.iiirale, PitN. A Westein 21 .... -'I
Northern Central .... 51
Northern Pacific. :iSi 38 33
" Preferred "$' 7t 7e
llostenvillo 20U
Philadelphia A Erlu It. R 21
lewuliulcli Mining
United States Rome'i. i-. m.
UnllcilSt-ites 1 per cents. ... 115J4
" 4K " 11.1
, .... iS .... ....
3J " .. ltf
TV II with beard; a geed home looked fe
before wages. Address "C.S.," heuth Queen
and Stiawbeiry streets. ltd
As .1 1 nic .dnieH eveiybedy puts ou buying
Until the weather drives them te it The many
changes wc have undergene in the past few
weeks calls loudly ler a tall Overcoat ler pro
tection. There are many instances where you
take cehl. and the cost is much greater than n
light weight coat and net half the comfort.
We have tucin In price raniring lrem $ te $18
I-. new all in, aud we. will show you with picas
arc at your convenience te call.
We received this morning a line assortment
Ferlicutlcmcn. Seme of the patterns are the
prettiest we have had this season.
UUNNERSand all ethers interested in the
sport an invited te ell uul trespass en our
premises for
Wc will "hew them with pleasure.
1 ."STATE OF JANK llOWNINti, Of -.-It
caster city. Pa., deceased. Letters el ae
ministration en said estate having been grai-t-ed
te the undersigned, all persons indebted
thereto aie requested te make immediate pajv
incut, and these having claim'i or denmnc's
against the same will prereut thcia without
delay ler settlement te the undersigned, re
siding in Lancaster city.
scpG-Ctdeavv Administrator.