pfvPl3 ?saz vmnmwviwHnrvini i '. i - ir-"T -. '.t- y a j - wi i:6'irs;-?-' F'-r -S?.11-' A v -v- rv !PTr Vf'S -" S3 j - -.-?- . "-, .-. j. j- i - "". ": - V LANCASTER DAILY 1NTEUJGENCER, THlDItSDAY, (XTfOBER 13, 1881. rt Lancaster intelligencer. THURSDAY EVENING, OCT. 13, 1881. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. IUTTCBS OF UriLITV AMD ELEGANCE SCMeaable Suggestions Frem the " German -town Telegraph." Fall Cuttings. The fall season is a much better one for taking off cuttings than any ether, and there is a large number of plants that can be propegated in this way. The current, gooseberry, quince and the grape among fruits ; and the privet, honeysuckle, wiegela, forsythia, mock-orange, and many ether things among ornamental shrub bsty. Indeed there are se many things among these hardy plants, &c., will grew well in this way, that it is much easier te give the list of the tilings thai will net grew from fall cuttings, rather than the things that will. The gteat difficulty is that they draw out of the ground by freezing ami thawing. Te avoid this the cuttings need net be set out at once iu the ground, bulfthcy may be tied into bundles, each after its kind, and buried underground till spring, aud then put out iu rows where they are te grew. Of course they must be looked after caily in the spring, or the buds will -preut aud ret. In sandy land, or earth that keeps geed held of things, cutliugs may be put in at once. Winter Effects el the Drought. It is often thought that we are learning from year te year ; but the conductor of a newspaper, beyond most ethers, knows hew slowly the world profits by the la bors of discoverers. Frem time te time, however, we can rvfer te new matters in season, as the knowledge can be made available, aud iu this way the newspaper can be teacher as well. , Among the kuewelcdgc gained iu lccctit years is the truth that the effects of a dreuth en vegetation is net always imme diately apparent. Trees, which seem te get through the summer struggle lctnaik ably well, will often live several years afterwards aud yet die. The icasen of this, divested of all technical language, is, that though net killed, the vital condition is lowered, and thus a degree of cold, or any unfavorable circumstances, which un der erdiuary conditions the plant could easily resist, is tee much for it, and the tree dies. We have had this season one of the most trying times iu the dreuth line ever experienced. 1 lento we may make use of this knowledge wherever we have pailicu larly valuable trees that it is weilh while taking a little trouble te picscive. What is call life or the vital principle in plants, is simply feed changed into that character. aud thus by giving feed we strengthen life. Therefore, there is no better way te help a half-dried tree te get through the winter than by yiriny it vuinmc. .Spread thin around such trees as seen as may be after reading this. It may be seen that as tiicre will be no mere leaf growth or growth of branches this season, theie will be no use putting en manure new. IJul this is net what experiences teaches. It, is found that the roots are .stier.gthciicd ; the whole vital power increased by the top-dressings around weak trees iu the (all as we recommended ; and as a great old farm-writer once said, " a grain et practice is worth a whole ten of theory.'" Kvergrccn hedges especially will be. found benefitted by a tep-drej-Vtug of manure. Roem Adornments ler Winter. At this season of the year the beautiful color of Held and forest leads te a dcsiie for home adornment, aud the finely tinted leaves are gathered and picserved, and de excellent service iu making home attract ive until the leaves and llewers come again. But while these jelics of the past are doing geed service in their humble way, making the dark corners glow with a faint glim mer of life, we may make the light by the windows de us cqu.ll if net better service, by feeding living plants :md aiding them te bear for us sweet and lovely liewcis. Vines may be trained up the wimlow wimlew frames, pets may be made te stand in brackets, and hanging-baskets ki the J low ing sheets hang down. All this docs uet take much te de, but people'eftcu think otherwise, and this is why se few have nothing at all. Indeed, the choice (lowers of the conservatories are often among the worst for window culture ; and the wild weed would lie a much greater success and be mera pleasing than the most valued exotics fiein a for eign laud. Indeed, a weed is net a weed only in relation te time and place. It is a llewerand a valued llewer when it comes where it docs net grew naturally and "where it is desired te come. There is no growth in winter out-of-doers, mid se the wild llewer growing in the windows iu winter is no mere a weed than anything that grows. There arc many green things ia weeds aud meadows, feins, messes, vines, and se en, that would remain quite green only for severe frosts and cold winds. In windows this is accomplished. It must however be borne iu mind that these na turally hardy plants de net like much heat, and hence they are adapted te cool voems only and net te warm ones. With heat they are worthless. Fer such heated rooms the mere tropical plants must be used. It is net our purpose here te name vai ie tics te grew, rather te suggest that any thing that comes te hand will de, but ie offer a practical word or two as te ticat, ment that may be efseivicc. Air, fresh from the outside, whenever it is net frosty, is of course an advautagc, as the foul air from heaters, gas-burners aud ether con trivances arc mere or less of an injury. The suulight is, of course as all knew, a benelit at all times. Will this or that de well in the shade, is eftcu a question. Heme things, as ferns and messes, will de, but even these like sun, if net tee warm a sun. As te watering, this is the great ques tion with all window plant growers. We see it stated that a well-known horlicnltui herlicnltui ist of this place, in an address te the Hor ticultural society, gave it as his opinion that there was much ineie danger from tee much than tee little water te ;oem plants. This is our experience. If one is net quite sure from the appearance of the earth aud of the plants, it is better rather te wait a little while, say for a day, than te risk it. In regard te plants in baskets, however, we should think the ideas of our hoi ticultural friend might be reversed. These we think are ccncrally inspired by tee little than tee much water. The danger is there fore from the ether side. They often get but a drop or two from a cup, and a basin held under the basket te catch the drip ; but besides this a hanging basket should be dipped in a bucket of water about oi:ce a week. flew te Get hick. yourself day wid night : rut loe much exercise ; work te Imrd without rest; doctor all the time: take all the vile nos trums advertised, and then you will want te .knew Hew te Get Welt. Which Is answered In three words Take Hep Hitters! See ether column. el-2vd&w Liquid Glue. Daniel I'lauk, e( Brooklyn, Tiega Ce., Pa., de'crlbes It thus: "1 rode thiity miles for a bottle of Themas' EclcciricOHj which cireeted the tren'lcriil cure of n crooked limb in lx ap plications ; It proved worth mere than yuld te me." Fer sale at II. IS. Cochrane drug Mere. 137 Neith Queen street, Lancaster. 1'alpltatlea or the Heart. J. M. Might, Syracuse, X. Y.. writes: "When I tint commenced using your Burdock Rloeo Bitter I was troubled with lhittcringaRd pal pitation et the heart. I felt weak and languid, with a numbness of the limbs; since using, my heart lias net troubled me and the numb ing sensation Is all gene." Price $1. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drugstore, 137 North Queen strcjt, Lancaster. Mlrablle DIctu. " Your Sering Blessem Is a success. I cer tainly think it ctlects are wonderful; all the dyspeptic symptoms I complained et liaye vanished; my wile Is also enthusiastic in praise et It; she was disfigured by blotches ami pimples en her lace, and had a continu ous headache. She is all right new and all un sightly eruptions have gene. Yeu may refer any doubting parties te me. "It. M. WILLIAMSON. "Elk Street. Builale." nice SO cents. Ker sale at II. B. Cochran's dru- stoic, 137 N'eitii Queen street, Lancaster. JUWlVAI.. tt-idney ueirr. THE GREAT CURE KOR KHEUMATISM, As It is for all diseases of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND ROWELS. It cleanses the system of the acrid poison th:it causes the dreadful suffering which only tin: victims et Rheumatism can realize. Tliuusaml of Cases et the worst leiun et this terrible disease have been quickly le lievcd, in a short time I'erlcctly Cured. KIDNEY WORT has had wendei iul success, and an immense wile in every pari el the country. In hundreds of c:tcs It has cured whete all else had tailed. It is mild, but ellleient, CERTAIN IN its ACTION, but harmless in all cam's. It Cleanses, Strengthens and gives New I. no te. -ill theimpeilant organs el the body. The natural aetieu et the Kidneys is lcsleied. The Liver is cleansed et all disease, and the lluwels move Irecly and healthfully. In this ay t lie worst di-ea'-es are eradicated lreui tl.f system. .i it '.'tis been proved by thousands that KIDNEY WORT. i Hit- imiii eifccliial remedy for cleansing the i-yslcui et nil morbid M-ci'diens, It .should be i.'scl ie every household us a MMMNG MEDICINE. AlUMJ.S l'llvrtaiid elites IJilimiNiiess, Constipation all I'umalu Ui.sej.iie,. JSH6- It is put up in Iry Vegetable Ferm, in tiu cans, one package of which makes six js-u:irtset medicine. -Alseln Liquid Ferm, very Concentrated dIer the convenience e! these who cannot Aj9-niidil.v prepare it. it acf.i with equal IS' efficiency in either form. GET IT OK YOUli DIIL'UGIST. I'KICK, SI. WIXLS, UICil.VKil.SON ic CO., Trep'x, ItiirlniKten, VI. t V, ill send tin dry pest-paid.) .loe -'7 lyiiawl JCLWAltir. D'Effiat Bleed and Skin Remedy. i!l lie ward that it w ill eradicate Eruption, Pimples, I'.letchcs, r'leekles. Meth, Ac, lreui tin-l"ae: et any and every Lady and Gentle man that uses it. Itclcan-cs MAI.AKIA lreui the system, I'.riglitens tl; Eyes and Bcautitica the Complexion. A certain cure ler all Skin Disease-, and l'e-itivcly Harmless. $1 per Pai-kin: "' lr". Sold by DrugciMser sent l mail in letter lerm en receipt of price. THE BELL, MANN CO.. 812 Itruailivay, Mew Yerk. Mention thi-jriper. Send stamp for circu lars. oe:7-:!meydiV'.tweew ni'i;c!Ai. am cmteNic i)isi:asj:s. M;iry A. Longnker, M. 1)., Ori'IOE AND UESIDENCE .Ne. 13 East Walnut SI mil, LANCASTER, PA., 'Diseases e! the Eye, liar and Threat Treated as a Seeeltlly. I'.iiSieiilar atleutieii f;iveii te the tieitment et Di.-eascsel Women and Children. I';ee cvinihtatien and treatment daily e. ('!i .uui!:iy lreui II a. iu. te I p. in. Cnnsul Cnnsul t.tiiens In !fu:lishaud German. K. D. LONG-AKER, M. D., L.VTi: OF 1'IIII.ADEI.l'llIA, NOW OK LANCASTER, I'A., Ofllce : Ne. 13 East "Walnut Street, eilcr.s his professional services te the alllictcd especially te tht-e siilleiing liem Chronic or Jspeeial Diseases. He will bcKladteseeand talk with them. It is his practice te plainly declare a disease incurable it lie believes it te be se. In the case w hicii he undertakes, he guarantees te de all that cm be done by unwearied atten tion and theapplieatieu of expeiienced skill, rimed bv many years el practice in treating di-c:ise in its arleus and most malignant tonus. That his skill has net been evrted iu vain, numerous certificates', that maybe seen at his etlstc, will testily. Cancers, Tumors ntl Swellings Cures VYiHmnt i'aiji or Using the ItiiiTe or Drawing ISloed. .skin DiM-ases and every description el VI ceratinn. I'ilcsand Scrofulous, Diseases 1'enna neiilly Cuied. I-'eiiiale Diseases, A-i:te or Chronic, speedily and rulically cured. Di-iascsef the Lungs, Threat, Stomach, Liver and Kidney.scati undoubtedly be cured. I'arlieular attention uiveu te 1'iivate IMs IMs IMs oriscsef ecry description ; also that state el alienation and weakness et mind, which ren ilerB p'-isens incapable of eujeyiiiK the pleas-u:e-.(if iiurtermiug the duties et lite, complete ly cuied, and the patient restored te active health and the enjoyments or life. Ulsvases et jlie i'-ye and liar treated as a specially. Dr. Lenjjaker will make )i'ofe-sienal visits any distance. Can be consulted by letter (eon (een riileuti.illy), and medicine sent 'with proper directions te any mi t et the country. CONSULTATIONS PBEE. Ulji : Ke. 13 East Walnut Street, LANC'.TEK, I'A. Je25-IyilTu.ThAS&v i IS CAT ClflEATlVK AGKNTS. Tiw.: i. GALVANISM AND ELECTRICITY. Dli. HALL'S A GALVANIC I'.ATTKUY is imbedded in this .Medicated Plaster, which, when applied te thy !ie-iy pieduccsa constant but mild cur rent et Electricity, Mhichlsmestc.xliilaraling. It is a positive and speedy cure ter tnu follow ing complaints, vi,c : liheiiinatism. Neuiaigia. Sick Headache, Weak and Iullaincd Eyes, all Atlccliens of the ISiiiin. Spinal Complaints, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Sciatica, 1'ar.uysi". Asthma and Lung Diseases, Diseases of the Heart, Nervous J 'i os I rat ions, ,fcc. ncici: only si. oe. 'nil; BKLL MANN CO., Prep'rs, si: llnndiv.iy, Cor. 13th St., New Yerk. .it; j:ts i'axti:d. Si.ud slamn ter circulars. Ker sale by all Di u-;gisls. Mention this paper. Sent by mail. oct7-:imeediitweow 1EAI Till IX V Laticastkr. I'a.. April 2S. Is81. iilK HIOSKICIIUA jJIK O UOMl'AXV. ('cnt.ill gies me much jilcasiire le snj after using one pack el K1DNEYCUKA I have, been entirely cured el a severe pain in my back ami side, of long standing, and that, loe, after trying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend it,andkiiev thatliiany et hit Iriciids who have used it have been benefited. 1'ETEIt BAKEll, m'JCIyd Kercman Examiner and Express. M. SAIFORD'S LIVEE INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos Ces tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the bleed. A Boek sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y. Fer site by all druggists. eelI8 lydced alt cow CX.01BIN0, UmeXMtrHAJt, c. rrui H GELEBIIATKU CLOTHING MANCTACTUKED EV 1 C. YATES 4 CO., IS WHAT YOU WANT, FOB. THREE KEASONS. The Material is the Beet. The Fit and Style are Perfect. The Prices are the Lewest LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Streets, PHILADELPHIA, .MONEY UEKUNDED. scpll-4tnd F 7ALL. ClI'KNINO AT H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, ei the EAUtiEST ASSOBTMENT.eI fine SUITING, OVERCOATING, A'U PAXTALOONING ever liieuht te the City of Lancaster. Prices as Lew as the Lewest -AID All Goods Warranted as Represented ! AT H. GERHART'S NEW STORE, Ne. 6 East King Street, G ILUTlUNt;, C. D. B. Hosteller & Sen, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Our Assortment of CLOTHING- MUX, KOl'S AXI YOUTHS FOR FALL AND WINTER, Is larger suul mere varied than ever hclore. Trices I he lowest. O ive us a cull. D. B. Ilestetter & Seu, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 2i-lyd LANCASTER, IV, w WILLIAMSON & FObTKR. The Largest Stock of OVERCOATS, Willi the Lewest Prices, mny be saying a goea deal, but It youcenlit only sec what heaps of them we have ter sale at the present time, and at what prices we are selling them, you would wonder where the men and boys were te come from le buy se many. Seme of them are Re versible, hut the most of them arc heavy and what you want for cool weather. ALL, WOOL SUIT that we arc selling ler 911.87 pared with higher priced Suits lakes the lead. ha been com , but it always Our Beys' and Children's Clothing is' made et the best material ler the price, and many el them have the extra Pants and pieces of the same goods. OUR STOCK OF HEAVY UNDERWEAR is very large and the prices at which we have marked Iheni will sell them every time. Our HAT DEl'AKTMEST is filled with new and nebby goods for young gents. And we invite you all te come and see what we arc doing. k ONE-PRICE HOUSE, 36-33 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. itur ttuevn, vmtxKwsjLs, &c. - TETZGEU. BAUD & HACGBMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, LAKGE STOCK OF . BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS. COUNTERPANES, C 0 UX TEJi P A NE S . COMFORTABLES, COMFORTABLES. The cool snaji lias niai'c these goods very active, and having bought large quantities betere the late advance In prices enables us te sell them ' CHEAP. mm NEW CHEAP STOKE, Ne. 43 WEST KING STREET, Jletwcen the Cooper Heuse and Herrol Herse Iletcl. (AdJer's Old Stand.) N KXT IlOOK U TDK COl'KT HDLSf.. FAHNESTOCK! GRAND OPENING, -OK- LADIES COAT3, DOLMANS. ENGLISH WALKING JACKETS, PALE TO TS. A Large and Magnificent Meck of the above OoeiU, all iu tlie EATEST STYLES, Irem one of the largest manufacturers in the country. Te which we Invite the attention el" persons in seal ch of these geed.-.. riJlCES llANUINU FKOM 2 TO S50. We have u Cleak Koetn for 1 he sale el" fitted iij) cxprcs-ly CLOAKS, DOLMANS, JACKETS, &c. Where we can show our IMMENSE STOCK Te the advantage and comferlot customers. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuse. EANCASTEIC. D KY GOODS, C. NEW FALL AND WINTEli DRV GOODS. IAGER & BROTHER Have new open Full Lines et FLANNELS, BLANKETS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVETS, PLUSUES, CLOAKS, CLOAKINGS, SHAWLS, GLOVES LACE GOODS. We invite examination. Eager i Brether. Ne. 25 West King Street. COAfc. B. It. MART IN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds el LUMBER AJ?P COAL. fard : Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets above Lemen. Lancaster. n:Hyd COHO & WILEY, 350 NORTH WATER ST., Jxtneatter, 1-n., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange- llranch Office : Ne. 20 CENTRE SQUARE. tebSS-Iyil no te REILLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAX FAMILY COAL, Alse, ITay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Superiel Manure will find it te their advantage te call. Yard, Harrisbnrg Pike. 1 Office. aexfEast Chestnut street. a17- wm men RON BITTERS. IRON BITTERS! A TRUE TONIC. SURE APPETISER. IRON BITTERS are bigtlylreeemmended ter all diseases requiring a certain and em etent tonic; especially INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, INTERMITTENT FEVERS, WANT OF APPE TITE, LOSS OF STRENGTH, LACK OF ENERGY, &c. It enriches the bleed, sticngtliens the muscles, and glvej new lite te the nerves, it acts like a charm en the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, sucli as Tasting tht Feed, Belching, Heat in the Hlemach, Heartburn, etc. TUe only Iren l'reparatimi that will net elacken the teetli or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write ter the A 15 C Reek. 32 pp. et useful and amusing reading sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY, t23-lyd&w BALTIMORE, MD. Fer Sale at OOOHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. 1IILLLSXHY. TTOTICE, LADIES! The Cheapest and Rest Place te Buy your MILLINERY GOODS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS, IS HOUGHTON S CHEAP ST0111J, 23 N. QUEEN STREET, Where we receive all the latest styles and new goods daily, bought direct from Manufacturers and Importers and sold at the very lowest prices. It you want a handsome Hat or ISeniiet se te Houghten'.-,. 1 1 von want a handsome Crepe Hat or Bennet se te Houghten's. It you want handsome O-tiieh Tips cheap e te Houghten's. It veu want handsome Large I'luuies cheap go te Houghten's. It you want handsome Wings and Itreasfs go te Houghten's. It veu want line Plushes all shades go te Ileuifht oil's. If you w.uit line Silk Velvetsall shades cheap, and the finest Black Silk Velvets in the city for $1, 1.'J5, $!.:, $I.4i), go te Houghten's. If you want Sue Bluck Velveteens for :rie.4"c and .'ille per yard go te Houghten's. It you want Black Silk tringesfieiii'jiic, -J-ie, .Tie. 4He, u'le up te S per yard and Silk Fringes m all shades cheap, go te Houghten's. It yen want the finest Iflic et Laces in the city cheap, gote Houghten's. It you want a .New Style Hat or Bennet any style, shape or quality go te Houghten's. Me-cow Reavers 3) and 'ile. Rest quality Reavers Hie; best, qualify Reaver 52.S7: Silk Blush Hats $1.87; fine lk-ihys$l ; trimmed lcrbysfl,3. It you want line goods, late.-t iylesand leue.-t prices go te HOUGHTON'S J-1J1C SAJjh. e ,KPIINS' COURT SA LI. OF VALUABLE City 1'rei.ertv. On THURSDAY EVEX- LNG. OCTORER'J7. 1SS1. at 7J o'clock, at the Leepard Hetel, iu the city of Lancaster, the undersigned in piirMiancc et an order et the Orphans' Court et Lancaster count)', will ex pose te public sale the following verv valu able real e-tat e, laic et The. 1. Kell dee'd. All that Valuable Let et (i round en the north west corner el" East Orange and Marshall streets, Lancaster city, fronting en East Orange street about I'l) icc, and running along Marshall te Marien '.'l.ri Jcet. The prop erty comprises some of the most valuable building lets jn the eastern section of the city, eligibly located in a rapidly developing quar ter. Attendance at the sale will be given and terms made known by W. U. IIKNSEL. Administrator or Thes. D. Kelly, Dee'd. II. SuuiiKitT, Auct. eel.Vtsd (V ItrHANS' COURT SALE OF VAHJA1SL1 Citv Pronerlv. On MONDAY. OCTORER 1SSI. at the the Fountain Inn. m the citv of LaiK.iister, the undersigned in ptiisttancc et an order the Orphans' Court et Laneastei county, will expose te public, sale the tollew iiiK verv valuable real estate, late et J. Yeatet Conyngham, deceased. All tliat certain halt let or piece of land situated en the southwest corner et Seuth Queen and Millliti streets, in said city, Ne. a;, fronting Sri lcet i inches en Seuth Queen street, and extending iV feet along Milllin street te Reaver street, which bounds it en the rear. The improvements are a fine old-la.hieneif three-story and utile brick house, with two story brick hack building, large two-story brick stable, a large two-story brick warehouse en weaver street, liyeranf, fruit trees, vc, tc. . This isoucei the'mest desirable properties , for either a residence or a busiuc-s stand, which has been eil'cred in this city for a long I time. Sule le commence at" o'clock p. in., when j attendance will be given aud terms iiiai.. i known by EM LEX FRANKLIN, ! A. K. W'lTMEi:. j Executers, Ac. of .l.Yeates Conyngham.ilec'e. JIENUV SHUBEIVr, AUCt. bcpsi lS(l PUltLIC SALE OF A COAL YARD, ON MONDAY, OCTORER 21, ISSI. The undersigned will offer at public sale a property consisting of seven lets of ground iu the town et Springville, Lancaster county, at the station en the l'cnu-)ivania Railroad, about one mile west of Mount Jey and near the Lancaster & llarilsbnrg turnpike. The iiiipieveinents arc a two-storied Frame Heuse 21x24 feet, used as a Railroad Station and Ticket Oflice, a Franie 'Warehouse 'JlxlS feet, ami Ceal and Lumber Yard, with about 3)0 feet et Ceal Shedding, New Fulrbank's Scales of S ten capacity; 300 Fcetef Railroad Siding. Trestle work for dumping coal, with space ler exten sion of same. Hnildlngs mostly new and every thing in geed order. Alse a let et ground containing CO lcet trout and 20;i feet deep, en which are erected a Frame Heuso '.'Sx'.'e. with kitchen attached KixSO, barn iS2, suitable stabling for -1 head et horses, carriage house, chicken house and pump house with cistern in attached. Tiiese buildings are all new, hav ing been erected but two years and are iu ex cellent repair. There is a variety et fruit trees, en the premises in bearing order. Lo cation of business stand pleasant, iu a thickly settled agricultural neighborhood and a fiistimpreving town, witli no rival business in the town. Has an established coal trade, and capacity and advantages te de a geed shipping business and increased passenger travel. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in. Fer further Inhumation address JOS. II. HARECKER, Spring Garden 1'. O.. Lancaster County, l'a. L. D.!i:i:, Auct. Jl.e. II. 7.i.Ll.uiA, CIci k. jc20 led ADJOURNED 1'URLIO SAW Or VaLUA RLE REAL ESTATE. On FRIDAY, UCTOHER1I. Issl, pursuant te a?: altas order et the Orphans' Ceuit et Lanc.ister county, ta., will be sold at public sale, at the Keystone Heuse. North Queen si reel, in the cily e"t Lan caster, the following real estate, late et Fred erick Pyle, deceased, all et which is situated In Lancaster eity, te wit: . Purpart Ne. :5. properly Ne. 211 North Mul berry btrcet, lreuting en said stecet 22 lcet 1 inch, mero or less, together with the same common alley (right described in Ne. '.), and extending iu depth tin lcet. mero orles-,1e the aforesaid 10 feet wide common alley. The improvements are n two-story brick', with basement kitchen and large frame stable; loom enough for eight horses and ler three or lour tens of hay. Purparts Nes. !. 5 and (!, properties Ne. 21J, 213 and 247 North Mulberry street, te lie s.eld separately. Nes. 213 and 215 fronting en said street IS lcet and 1 inch, mere or less, and Ne. 217 l.'l teet 7 inches, mere or less ami all of t hem extending in depth 140 lcet, meic or les te the aforesaid 10 feet wide common alley. The im provements en each of these lets are a two story brick house, with a one-story frame out house, and en Ne. 21.5 a never-failimr well of water, anil en Ne. 247 a cistern, in geed condi tion, 12 feet deep. Purpart Ne. 7, property Ne. 212 North Arch alley, in the city of Lancaster, fronting en said alley 15 feet 8 inches, mere or less, including a S lcet open space en theseuth side,and extend ing in depth 10(1 feet, mere or h-s-i. te the afore said 10 feet wide common alley. The Improve ments are a two story brick house, with one story lraiue attachment. Purparts Ne. '. and ll, pieperties Ne. 240 and 250 North Arch alley afore-aid, te be sold separately, each lreuting en said alley 12 feet 8 inches, mere or less, and extending in depth 1(,0 feet, mere or less, te the uteicsaiu lcet wide common alley. Ne. 2.50 lying en the north and alongside that part of the said 10 teet wide common alley between Nes. 218 and 250 et the said properties, fronting en said Arch alley and intersecting that part of said 10 feet wide common alley running north and seu Ui in the rear of all these properties and these situated en North Mulberry street, be fore mentioned and described. Purpart Ne. 12, property Ne. 25i North Arch alley, fronting en said alley 15 teet S inches, meic or less, including an open spaccet ;; feet, mere or less, en the north side, and extending in depth 100 feet, mere or les,, te the aforesaid 10 lcet wide common alley, ruiiniu;; north and south The improvements are a two-story brick house, with one-story frame attachment. .inn kuuii ii.uvu etcu. iuu in iccl wioecennnoii alley mentioned runs north and south, and also east and west, opening out en Arch allcv between Nes. 21S and 250, and is common te all these purparts, both the Mnlberrv street and the Arch alley properties. All these houses arc comparatively new, ex cept purparts Nes. 1 and 2, and are situated in one of the linest aud most thriving parts et the city, convenient te schools, especially te the High Scheel, being only about IK squares from the latter. The houses en A rch alley are Unely located, and afford homes within the reach et any laboring man or mechanic far mere desirable than almost any ether part et the city, being equally near te all the active business of the railroad, tobacco warehouses and manufacturing places. The houses en Mulberry street are larger and mere valua ble, and ler location and surroundings are unsurpassed by any property in the city. Any person wishing te see the proeertii properties be- fore theday et sale will call en w. C. Pyle, one ei me neirs, occupying -e. -w. or en Jeseph Pyle, occupying Ne. 241 North Mulberry street. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock pK m., when attendance will be given by J UNIUS R. KAUFMAN. Trustee of sale. II. Shcbeiit, Auctioneer. 01,5,8,121,3,114 XZTTJSSS. TKON HITTERS. "V-OTICE, LAU1EM CHEAP STOKE, Ne. 25 NORTH QUEEN STREET, liKY OOOVS. OOMKTJ11HG NKv i LACE THREAD UNDEKSHEHT8, FEATII EIMVEIG UT lilt A WEItS. SUSPENDERS, AT ERISMANS, THE SHIlITaiAKEK, .NO. 50 NORTH 0,UKfcN STICK KT, "1 ICAND OPENIN'll Or NEW FALL GOODS AT ti:e NEW YORK STOKE, 8 Ss IO EAST IVING STREET. We are new showing enu of the largest best asserted stocks of and DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, in tlie state at the lowest market prices. Special etlering of DRESS GOODS Embracing the Latest Novelties of the season. Ombre Stripes and Plaids, all U'oel French Plaids', Newest Colorings in Weel Suitings. Full lines of iilack and Colored Silks-, Riack and Colored all Weel Cashmeres, Surr.ihs and Plain Satins In the New Fall Shades. Canten Flannels. Muslins & Sheetings, and all kinds et Demestic Dry Goods, we are selling at less than Agents' Prices, having bought them previous te recent advance. St'EClAL RARGA1NS. 1 Case Gerster Suit ings at 25e. per yard. .'! Cases best quality Rleached Muslins, perfect goods, iu halt and quarter pieces. & IO B. KING STHEET. ItUUliH ANtl HVa-rlOKKKi. QCUOOL ROOKS I ""SCHOOL BOOKS ! SCHOOL BOOKS ! All Scheel Reeks and Scheel Supplies at the very lowest rates at L. M. FLYNN'S, Ne. 42 WEST KING STKEET. JOHN lJAEK'SSONS. SCHOOL BOOKS kei: TUK LANCASTER SCHOOLS, at Tin: LOWEST PRICES, AT TUB BOOKSTORE or JOHI BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH WEES STREET, LANCASTER, KA. OlSTT DRA. WItltlH. 10MMONWKALT1I DISTRIBUTION CO 37th .Popular Monthly .Drawing 07 TUB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the City of Louisville, en MONDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1881. These drawing occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly et Kentucky. Tlie United States Circuit Court en March 81, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That the Commonwealth Ilintrlbutleii Company In legal. 2u Itsdraningsare fair. N. R. The Company has new en hand a large lescrve fund. . Read the list of prizes ler the OCTORKR DRAWING. 1 prlz3 I prize 10 prices f 1.000 each. 20 prizes SOOeach.... ;i(K) prlzes$100cach... 200 prizes 50 each f 30.0CO 10,010 a HtMM, lO.OOC 10,000 10,000 10,01 we prizes aecacn.. ij,uoe 1000 prizes lecach 10,000 9 prizes :;oe each, approximation prizes 2,700 9 prizes 200 each, " l,8C0 9 prizes 100 each, " 9C0 $112,100 1 ; 27 tickets Whole tickets, tl; halt" tickets, 5f; 55 tickets. $100. Remit Mencv or Rank Draft in Letter, ei send by K.xpieis. DON'T SKND RY RKUIS TKRED LKTTKROR POsTOFI'ICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, bv Express, ran l6 sent at our expense. Address all orders te K. SI. IiOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Kuilding. Louisville, Ky.. ei K. JH. ItOAICDMAN, 103 Rreadwav. New fork. febi-TnTliAS&w jioets & si ions. I" ADlf.S ANI CPSTS, IF VOU WAST A X l Geed and Fine rutins Reet or SllOl! Ready-made or Made te Order, go te P. HIKMENZ'S, Ne. 105 North Queen Street. Custom Werk Specialty. JyrtlOSJtW I ATT, SUII 4 CO., 8 THA rXLJUU' HVLDH LACAV1"KK ANU M1LLEKSVJLLE K. .. Cars run its fellows : Leave Laucat.-er (P. R. lcjK)t), at 7, 9, an I l!:3ii a. m., and 2. 4, 6 and 8$u p. iu., exut e: Put'iiilay, lieu the last car Icm at 93). . . Leave Millers ville (lower end) at 5, 8, unit 10 a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Curs run daily en a ve time except en Sui -day. C10LCMB1A ANU POUT DEPOSIT K. K Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the follewinu time: STATlOHa Noktu Nektu WABO Express. A.M. Express. Aeeeiu. P.M. r. x. Pert Deposit Peaclibotteni Safe Harber. Columbia 6:3.1 7:12 7:55 8:25 3:55 4:2S 5:11 5:40 3:18 5:21 6.-20 Statiems Sectk-, Express. Express. Accem WARD. A. X. P. X. A.M. Columbia. liai - 6.-J0 7:45 r. x. Aru-.ou Safe Harber. 12:06 6:49 Le9-.40 PeacUbottem 14S 7:32 11.07 r. m. PortDenesit 1:25 8:u5 12ri TK.VU1N1. JC COLUMUIA K. K. ARRANGEMENT OFpISSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, JULY llTH, 1881. NORTHWARD. LEAVE. Quarry ville Lancaster, KingSt Lancaster Columbia AKIIIVK. A.X. 7V 9:15 9:27 Reading.. SOUTHWARD. LKAVK. Reading AKKIVB. Columbia A.M. F.M. r. X. 6:40 ... 2:30 7:50 .... 3:10 8:00 1:05 3:50 70 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:2") 5M P.X Lancaster. 9:27 2.10 8:08 5:30 Lancaster, King at 9:37 .... SrJO 5:40 Quarryville 1057 9:S0 6:45 Trains connect at Reading with trains te and Irem Philadelphia, Pottsville. Harrisburg, Al Al leutewu and New Yerk, via Reuiid Rroek" Reute. At Celuiiibla with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Haiti Haiti mere. A. M. WILSON. Sunt. T)KNNSYLVANIA KA1LKOAU NEW SCHEDULE On and after MOSI1A1 MAY lth, 1881. trains eh the Pennsyl vania ICailread will arrive and leave the Lau-ri-diir uml Philadelphia depots as IoIIewk: Kastwat.e. A.M. X. P.X. 7:25 12:00 6:10 9:35 2:10 8.20 9:27 2.10 8:08 97 820 10:37 9:W Arrivf I'hilad'H 5:15 a.m 7:35 lO-.lii"" 12:01 r.x. 3:20 " 5:00 " WW " 015 " K:45 " '.l-Jle Cincinnati Express Fust Line, Yerk Accem. Arrives; Harrisburg Express DUIerville Accem. Arrives, Columbia Accem mm !ut ion, Fi-ederick Accem. Arrives, Pacific Ex pi ess, Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Chicago l)a Kpr ,...... St. Leuis Day K.xiircss Harrisburg Accummedai'n, 11:35 WKSTWAMi. Leave Lnnc'ter 2A5 a.m. 5:08 " 8:00 " 8:05 ' 8:45 " 9:10 " 1:10 " 1SS P.M. 2:00 " 3:05 " 4:15 " 4:18 " 6S " 9:00 " Arrlve Ijuic'ter 5:0O A.M lu:20 " III 25 " 10 55 " l(fc50 " 2:30 P.X. 2.33 " 2:50 " 5:45 " 7VX " 7:30 ti-M ". 11.55 " 2.45 A.X Way Passenger, 31ail Train Ne. I.via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.v'.via (Jel'iiia, Niugata ft Chicago Express Sunday Mail, ? el' MSm 111? m m 9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Frederick Accomiiiedat ion, Dillerville Lecal.via Mt.Jey Harrisburg AceeiiuiKHlat'n, Columbia AccomiiKHlatien, Harrisburg Express Pittsburg Express Ci ncl n nati Ex press, Pacific Express, lacine Express. east. en buneay, wuen nag ged, will step at Middletown, Elizalicthtewn, Mt. Jey, Luuiilsvilie, Rlrd-in-llaud, Leuian Place, Gap, Christiana, Parkesburg, Ceatcs ville, Oakland and Glen Lech. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downiiigtewn,Coatesville, Parkes luirg, Mt.Jey, Elizabethtown and Middletown. Hanoveracneiiiuiodation west, connecting at LancsLster with Niagara and Chicaze Exjircss at lhoeiu m., will run through te lfaupver. Frederick Accommedatioii, west, cMiccts at Lancaster, with Fast Line, west, at 2TO v. v., and will run ihreiili te Kredericic. VAKfii-iS. "IKE AT ISAICGAINM IN CAKfKTS, kT s.Jl I claim te have the Largest aud Flues lock el CARPETS In this City. BniswN andTapestry CARPETS Three-ply, Extra Super, Super, All Weel, Halt Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest us low us 25c. per yard. All the FINEST A XD CHOICE PA TTKRNH thai ever can be seen In this city. 1 also have a Large and Fine Stock et my own make Chain and liag Carpets, AS LOW AS SSc. PER YARD. Als(MAKE CARPETS TO ORDER at sdier notice. Satisfaction giiarentecd. ffi'.Ne trouble te show goods If you de lie wish te 1 earnestly solicit a call. h. s. shirk:, 203 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER PA. tAICl'JSTS, I'OAL, c. PHILIP SCIIUM, SON & CO., MANUFACTORY,: Ne. l.V) SOUTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Pa., W ell-known Manufacturers of Genuine LANCASTER QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, COVERLETS, RLANKETS, CARPETS. CARPET CHAIN, STOCKING YARN, Ac. CUSTOM RAG CARPETS A SPECIALTY. LANCASTER FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. Dress Goods Dyed either In the piece or In Garments: also, all kinds of silks. Ribbena, Feathers and Woolen Goods Dyed. Gen tlcmen's Coats, Overcoats, Pants. Vesta, Ac. Dyed or Scoured; also, Indigo RIue Dyeing done. All orders or goods left with us will receive prompt attention. CASH PAID FOR SEWED CARPET RAGS. COAL.. COAL. Ceal et the best (piality put up expressly Iru family use, and at the lowest market rates. TRY A SAMPLE TON. YARD 150 f HUTU WATER STREET. 2-lydRSl PHILIP SCIIUM. SON A CO f VRNITURH. E JVERYIiODY IS THEIR OWN JUIHiK. 1 therefore extend a cordial invitation and would have you call and examine for jeurself the merits of my goods and com cem jiarc them for (piality ami price with these that may be ecn elsewhere. My aim' is tesell llrst-class goods as low as they can be sold. I will esteem it a pleasure le show goods hethcr you desire te buy or net. We can chew them at night and arc open till 9 p. m. FURNITURE, PICTURE FRAME AND LOOKING-G LASS WAREROOMS. 1. KAST KING STICKKT. WALTER A. HEINITSH. dHcp2t-3m MEIUCAl.. TiOST GO TO RED TO.NIG1IT REFORE YOU GO-TO L Ne. 0 EAST KING STKEET, And purchase a Rettlc et DBLTII ON MOSQUITO AND THEN SLEEP IN PEACE: .15c. BetUe. Leave Philad'a 12:30 a.m 710 " 9:00 " 8:00 " mi) " 2S p.w. 4:00 " 50 " 6:25 " 9:10 " 115 " i VI 1 SI y 1 V s . r . r- V S'WS"' lfj-i?frs, s ,-.- v- .JV u ..'? JiSK.y .. . liaiiair-- -' . -LJ