Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 12, 1881, Image 2

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    Hanrastrt rnidh&enrcr.
Innocent and Ignorant.
Governer Hevt, we are glad te say,
promptly denies the allegation of Mr.
"Wolfe that lie has been engaged with
Secretary of .State Quay and the late
cashier of the treasury in speculating in
oil with the funds of the slate. Tie
affirms that he has never been in any
way an owner of oil, lier has he ever
bean connected in a business way with
Secretary Quay, Senater Cameren or
would-be-Senater Oliver; nor has he
sought te influence the taxation of oil
deuicks by the Legislature. He gives te
all of Mr. Wolfe's charges an eM'lirit
denial, and we lepeat that we are glad
that he is able te de it, nor are we disap
pointed; for Govcrnei Hejt'a char
acter is much better than that Of his
political company among the peo
ple of the state, and it is net sur
prising that a man of his gentlemanly
instincts and self-iespcct should have
lieen above the low bisiness with which
Mr. "Wolfe charges him. In the matter
of the pardon of Kemblc and the
handling of the Mellie Maguire vote
Governer Ileyt seemed te have touched
pitch ; but we knew nothing else in his
public record te challenge the confidence
of the people in his entire integrity.
But what of Mr. Welle ? The 'cham
pion of reform seems te get himself
into a. hole. The one thing which he
needed te avoid was the bringing of
false accusations against the members
of the paity which he has .set himself
out te purify. Tlieie is such an abund
ance of solid ground for him te stand
upon iu assailing the proved scamps who
control the Republican oig.uii.itieu
we did net suspect that Wolfe would be
guilty of the felly of springing his tiap
against any one whom it would net
catch. That is a sort of indiscretion
that is worse than a crime in his present
undertaking. lie needs te prove his
against the governor or show go id cans
for his suspicion, if he would maintain
himself before the people. W believe
he reached out tee far v. lien he under-
ioek 10 uirevv me governor m among
the wild beasts, and he is likely te find
hiin something of a Daniel en his hand ,
About the ether creatines doubtless he
has made no mistake. The goveniei is
:i trifle tee innocent when he intimates'
his opinion that the people won't believe
there has been anything wieng in the !
treasury. We believe it. and knew it ; '
aud se does Governer ITev I . Whei efei c
his pietence of ignorance ?
The adherents of Simonton for the '
Dauphin judgeship pretend te believe'
that the vote of Dauphin county alone
will decide his election, since that is the '
judicial district and Lcb uien is but an'
aiuRiiiueuL in n. Aimt, is rue urea upon .
which the claim is made as neaily as wv
can undersland it; though it seems se!
flimsy as te be baldly appreciable te the
sense certainly it is un.ippieciable le j
common sense. Kveiv man of erdinaiv
i. 1 1 i - ?- r, i j . , I
intelligence will undeilake at once lode lede
cide that when Lebanon county u added
te the Dauphin judicial district, the
voters of Lebanon aie added te the
voters of Dauphin, as the body te
whom the election of the judge of the
district is entrusted ; and no such per
son can be peisuadcd that there i? anv
thing iu the const itutien, the laws r
the decisions of the com Is which will
maintain the absuidily that enlv the
voters of Dauphin can vote for the judge
of Dauphin and Lebanon. That proposi preposi
tion settles itself as seen as it is slated
te the ordinary apprehension ; but net
te the exliaeidinaiy minds of Simonton
and his friends. And it ssems te us
that herein is a very suilL'ient
we antiunion Mieims ue rejectee! a- a
candidate for judge. Manifestly he is
unfit. A lawyer who is se incline I " te
split a hair tvvii 1101' and net "wet
side " is net fit for the bench, especially
when h"! splits it iu favor of himself.
Simonton conclusively proves himself te
be neither bread enough 111 his mind nor
honest enough in his heart te take the
honeied seat of Pe.usen. Away with
him !
Ix lecegniing the se-called ' ceuntv
Democracy, "' of Xew Yeik city, as the
properly chosen and truly representative
delegates te the Xew Yerk state cenveu.
tien, that body is moved, as we inleiprel
it, net se much by a prefer cure
for the persons or political .stand
ing of these who compose lite dele
gation, le the exclusion of Jiving
and Tanrmiiiy halls, as by a dispo
sition te recognize and ailinu the light
or the party te elect its delegate, le
state conventions by a p and net
by auy " exclusive " or ': select ' sv.slem.
All three of the X.v Yerk factions
whose men marched te Albany, en de..d
hcad tickets, no doubt, have some geed
men aud .some bad me:r in theift. A
glance ever the names siiewslittle differ
once between them, and some ni"ii who
seem te alternate from one te the eth.-r
of them. If the action of the state c m
ventien shall bj undcrjtoe I te have set
tled for all time hew delegates te ,'.w
Yerk state conventions are te be chosen
it will at least have done one geed thing :
and it is te be s lid, in bjh.ili of the dan
of the " country Dme-iraey,'" new
approved, that it gives every voter a
chance te take part in the .selection of
these who are te represent him in
the state councils of the parly. F.tiily
and fully administered this is the light
plan of course ; thus far it .seems te have
b?en impjssible le get such an adminis
tration of it in the laige cities, wheic
the vicious, ceurrt te suit thems'dve', the
votes of the decent men who de net go
te the primaries.
- Tin: Philadelphia P, c distilgmshcd
for its suggestion of the assassination of
the Stalwart el Stalwarts whom Stal
wartGuiteaus bullet made "president
howls ever the Democratic nullification
of the constitutional guarantee that ' no
state, without its consent, shall be de
prived of its equal suffrage in th
Senate," in net swearing in the Xew
Yerk senators before there was any one
lawfully autlieried te swear them in.
"Will the Press please tell its readers hew
'long a Republican Senate encekejft Xew
Jersey disfranchised and hew many
S mthern states have again and again
been deprived of their senatorial repre
sentation for months and years !
Xe one can say that the Democratic
candidate for state tieasuier dots net
come up fully te the acceptance of the
Democratic platform, or chaige that he
is in any degree lukewarm in his protes
tation of hostility te corporate aggres
sion and of his devotion te the doctrine
that the art of geed government is the
securing of the greatest geed te the
gieatest number. That is the way te
talk and the way the people want their
olliceie te think and act. Having no
reason te doubt the sincerity of our can
didate's declarations, the voter-, of the
state who trust him with their ballets
have all the assurance they can have
that the eliice they would give i, iitly
"bestowed. Words aie cheap, it is true ;
but unh '..s you have some reason te dis
trust their honesty, you will net de se.
Tnr: Allegheny county Democracy are
fighting ever a bone that hasn't a slued
of meat en it. They have one l.iiily set
tled and undisputed candidate for county
cojnmitsienei which is all thev can pos
sibly elect. They aie new hav ing a dirty,
disgraceful and disastrous right ever a
second nominee who cannot possibly be
elected unless lie cut:,, trades eif or sells
out .'eine oilier part of the ticket. It is
bad enough for a uiiueiily te quarrel
evci .something substantial, but a squab
ble like this ever a shadow is a little tee
lidiculouiferany soil of use. blep it
by limiting the ticket te one nominee for
county commissioner, as sensible Demo
crats de where they are iu a minority.
J V( or. Wiijii:i.m'-. able argu-
igainst a paid liie department
ought te settle it
Wi: a.e glad te see that no decent jom jem
nil has igppjuricil appieval te the sugges
tion of the J't-egs that some may
.iss.ismii.Uc Arthur te let Uaj aid become
chief executive for a few mouths. The
P. has a monopoly of its. licMdishuess. is nothing which succeed., like
sua ess. On the same pige, by the siuie
illiti.f. ill 111!' s.inn ir.irnrf't ll7v. ,.!.:..!.
,l!(.u 1MIUC(1 Alth,u. as JV boeu,c! ll0
new ci owned lv Justice. Liw.-inil
Libei, and with a string of pictty jiectry.
O-ic thing .siiccilcd te com jilt tc the jiie
tuie Ait'stX.istru the comer cleaning
spittie'is and Conklingfeicitig Gee. Wil
liam Unit is te cat the leek. O .' Ttinpent.
Tin: Methodists JSihep Simpsen
as (he ablest puipit exponent of their faith,
and light fitly he was chosen te open the
U'etimenieal council of this gieat riouemi
nation, in Londen. Hew well he dis
charged that duly m jy be im'ciicri fiem
the extract fiem hia scinien which we
piint te day. Theic is much in it te aieusc
Methodist, te enthusiasm and .. "neat deal
,, ,.Vl., vbe(iy le ,lendcr wcU
' is well that it is a Itcpublie.ui cntic
who passes the seveie judgment upon
While Heuse society and in inncis that we
republish fiem an esteemed cenlemp.n-
aiv'.s capital coiie.peiideuec. It seems that
ucillici th- seeial legimaef the Liucelns,
Grant-., Haye&vs or G.u fields has met the
demands et Washington society. Widower
Aithui, (.pick and span fiem tlic
iiictiopeht.m fashions, is ccjicclcd te de
Aviem. hi. larrc busine-s eut.'ipiscs,
Or 111 ;e Xeble bought out a mei ibund sew
ing machine company iu New Jersey,
moved it te la ie, made ir a success and
ga 0 eiupleyim nt te hundieds of hands.
Xew'that he is a candidate for public of ef of
tiee some "elaekmailei, who doubtless had
helptd te make the concern a failure, has
had suit bi ought against him anf his asso asse
ciites t.) get back the establishment i'lte
w hieh Xeble infused hfe and sueecs. As a
c unpaiu tiieklhis aiiir lneuht in Pitts
laugh seems quite tee utteily thin.
C'oepei a.r.l Magee must ue bettei.
Till, eeinnuttee ajqieinted by the chair
man of the late state cjuvcutie'i te notify
Mr. Xeble of his nomination, did its duty
:u a riuejl, sti.ii;htfeiva:d way : and its
m.mibcis .ulthessed the Democratic caudi
date as mui who appreciated the .signi
fieauee of Hie couveatiea'.s vveik and the
weight of their duty. Mr. Xoble liscs te
the full lequiienients of the oceis'eu in
his .uiswer, and wiitcs a manly letter in
geed f 01 111 and sentiment. lie boldly
avow., purposes of adininisliatien audicc
tituuoet opinions, which cannot fail te
rece ir.nutid hi, candidicy te the favorable
cjusiriciatien of all independent men. lib
metal has the tuie ling en the coipeiatiou
que-tien, and he means what he says when
he declares t h it he will put none but' hon
est men in ellke and take nothing bat Hie
1 lvvfui compensation of his position.
Tin: question with which the gigantic
intellects of the mcubeia of the Hapten
Fcliejl beard aie new grappling is as te
whether they ought te pay one of their
jat.ile.s the full amount of his month's
s, in view of the fact tint he refused
te whitewash the fence around the school
gieunils. The janitor is bound te ''have
law." and has gene te ceuit te get it. The
commissioners have about made up their
minds te tight the matter out, and the
liity ;.pinr ih it animates tlicni te this
heieii action is beautifully exemplified in
use cvpiesseu seiiiimcnt 01 one el tii'-in,
which was that no matfci hew thecise
went nor wiiat the costs amounted te he
"wouldn't have te pay them anyhow,"'
As .111 exhibition of stein devotion te pub
lic tnist here is a sight that is enough te
make angels weep. lie ain't going te pay
the 11 $3 if it costs his constituents $100.
Pi.ei'ia: who opposed the new uiles pio pie pio
pescd for the Demeciatic paity in this
stale vyill, of ceuisc, observe that at the
fust meeting of the new state committee
some contieveisy was icpertcri ever the
election of the member fiem one distiict,
the like of which is very apt te aiisc from
the picscnt method of selecting the 00m
mittee membcis ; also, that with all the
talk about disfranchising Allegheny and
Philadelphi 1 in making the county chair
men the stitc committeemen cv-ojicie,
each of these large districts hid but one
uncontested member at jestcrdav's meet
ing ; also, that the first thing proposed by I secs at Lynn and Bosten Mass a,e re
., , . , . , . , , . . I peited te have failed. Their liabilities
the cian and as-entcri te by the whole , are estimated le be from $100,000 te $130, $130,
cemmittie was the apjiarntmeut of an ex-1 030.
ecutive committee of seven te conduct the
state campaign, exactly as provided for in
the revised rules. The members seemed
all anxious for a January meeting of the
committee, tee, and the election of a per
manent secictaiy. Altogether the paity
sscnis te be very solidly for the revision of
the lules, and cannot see any'mere ' boss bess
ism'' in doing things decently and in order
tain loosely and without system.
Acablcdisnatch from Vicuna announces
the sudden death from bent riiins of
Baren von Uaymekle, the Austre-lluu-
garian minister of foreign affairs.
A vignette of G.vnrtEi.e will appear 011
the checks ter the six per cent, bends con
fined at thicc and a half per cent., which
arc being piinted.
Beiliu is excited ever the report that
Pi incc HoiiLNi.eui: intends retiring fiem
the Ileichstag, his constituency in IJavaria
being iu favor of a Liberal candidate.
At a dinner ;ivcn by the Manitoba club
at Winnepeg en Monday night te Govei Gevei Govei
ner General Lei:m: his excellency ic ic
speuded in a speech and expiessed the
greatest sympathy for the Anieiican peo
ple iu their leceut beicavcment.
It is painful te read that the dignity of
a iecent piratic of citizen seldiei.s in St.
Leuis vvassemenhat impiiied by the soft,
unseasonable and conspicuous white hat
which Governer Ciiitiexei:, vveie en the
Hazing at Smith college, the Massachu
setts institution for gii Is, is just tee aw
fully sweet. The ncwcemeis aie seized,
led into the main hall, picscntcd with
bouquets, kissed affectionately and then
shown the pictuics and statuary in the ait
A Baptist picacher of Uioeklyn lises te le his knowledge the New
Yerk appointments mule by the list na
tional administration wcie made in viola
tion of a direct understanding te the con cen
tr.nywith Ce.nklim.. Wc believe this
has never been denied.
lleinember ! Yeu bioedthiisty aud
bloedy-shitted Stalw.uts, that it wa jour
candidate for governor nct jear. Gen.
IJi'.WEit, who toldagathciingef Confed
erate seldiei.s in (ai lisle, Pa., the ether
day, this :
" I iecegni.e the fact and I doubt net
that eveiy man who has soundly thought
upon the subject 1 eeegnizes it that if he
had been educated as veu weie educated,
and tiaincd te feel as jeu felt, he would
have put en the giav and fought as en
lid, and he mould v It t than u mini if lie
hid net .'"
The elopement of Mis. Gumey with her
gioem. which scandilicd Kngliml a gen
eration age, has been paralleled by the
llightef Mis. Gnvfci, of Bodmin, in Coin
wall witii her coachman. Majer Grant has
been iu the habit of spending his holidays
iu Canada. Occasionally he -has been
accompanied by his wife, but ou his last
visit te Canada, whence he lecently re
turned, his wife did net go with him, and
in his absence the guilty attachment was
formed that new scandalizes seeiety :md
shinies him.
M. Leuis Blvm- is net only a gieat
oiater, but he has eh aim of maimer, is
exquisitely com toens and has a delicate
social conscience. He is net w calhly, hav
ing only enough te keep up in Paris a
modest establishment furnished iu the
massive Lnglish style. The dead wife he
loved se much was attached te her Laics
aud Penates, and took le Fiance the fui
niture of the Londen home where she and
M. Blauc passed the happiest yens of
their mauied hfe. Fer her sike he clings
te the he ivy mahogany ch liis and tables,
the spacious bookcases and sidebeaid
which they bieuhl'vrith them from Lng
land. K iLTiMO RK'a Or.lOl.K.
Tilt? IMgeusit Let XiKlit.
Ye-steiday was the second day of the
fcstivitie; at Baltimore, and its gieat fea
ture was the nocturnal pi occssieu of ta
bleaux tin eugh the streets. The route,
six miles in length, was biilliantly illumi
nated with c ilcium, electiie and coleieri
liirhts, and tho.psecessiou, which started
at seven o'clock, was net ever until half
past ten. Thousands of people threnged
the side walks and tilled stand., elected
at various points along the ieute. The
Ficrrch guests occupied a stand especially
erected for their accommodation at the
midsection of Baltimeie and llewaid
streets. The '-giand pageant" composed
of thiity floats, diawn by hei.-cs, illus
trated events iu ancient and modem
histeiy, especially American hisleiy. the
tiiumphs et science, etc., and also symbol
ized the gi cat divisions of the glebe, the
piincipil ceuutiies and Amcr-ca Su
piemc."' The " mystic precession "
c aisisted of t went -four ens, began with
the building of the pyramids and ended
with Baltimoie te day." The pieeitskm
wailed by the Marine band of Washing
ton, and a number of mourned men and
me.skcia weic included iu the li:i"
A black bats was ciptuicd the ether day
111 the Dcl.ivv.uc, near the mouth of Tohic Tehic Tohic
ken creek. Bucks county, which weighed
four pounds and seven ounces.
Washington Butchets's Sen'h,thc famous
piovisien house and ham packers el Phil
adelphia, h.ive failed with $1,000,000 lia
bilities ; speculations in Western grain.
Bad are unusually numcieus up the
Delawaic for a distance of twenty miles
above Philadelphia. 0,500 have been
killed thus far within 0:10 mile of liiistel,
Bucks county. .
Little Leuie Zvveifel, of Philadelphia,
aged five, curly-haii cd and an only child,
has died in hyriiophebic spasms fiem the
bite of a Spit. Thobiute snapped four
ether chrldrcn.
While robbing pillais at Indian Kidgc
colliery, Peter Ward, a widower, aged 03
years, was fatally mimed bra fall of coal.
He leaves four sons, one of whom was
weiking with him at the time of the acci
dent, but escaped injury.
Frank Gibbens and Ilciny Ilcck leccived
iujuiics while blasting at Twenty Mile
cicck en th'. new lead, uearEiic, which
lcsultcd fatally within a few heuis. The
blast did net explode se seen as was ex
pected and Gibbens went te see what was
wrong. He had barely leached the spot
when the explosion eccuued.
Jehn Batman, a Xorristewn caipenter,
returned from his work yesterday morning
suffering with malarial fever, and was
obliged te go te bed. About one o'clock
in the afternoon his daughter went te the
attic te make the beds and discovered that
he had opened a tiap deer iu Clie reef,
placed a slat from a bedstead across the
doorway and hung himself te ic with a
clothe- line, lie was aged about fifty
years and leaves a wife aud eight children.
Jehu Mahen & Sens, manufacturers et"
i'lUlUi s,otilicitlen et Ills Xuiuiuatleu.
Pittsburgh;, Oct. 3, 1881.
T'j.the Hen. Orange Xeble :
Demi Sm We have been authorized
by the Democratic state convention,
which met at Williaruspert ou the 2Sth
day of September last, te formally an
ueuncc te you the action of that body in
nemmating you te the important office of
. -state treasurer of Pennsylvania
It must be a source of gratification for
I flM 111 In, mi- rli .1 calnnKnn H. i 1...
convention as a standard-be.uer of the
party aud the representative of its priuci
pies in the present campaign was made
liem . l.n ge numbcref the most reputable
gentlemen of the state, the nomination of
anyene of whom would have lellected
credit upon the party.
It is also a fact worthy of note that in
these times of political jugglery jour uemi
nation wasuniulluenced by faction, con upt
combinations or boss dictation, which are
ever abheirent te Democratic ideas, but
was accomplished by the representatives
of the party, acting fieely in the cxeicise
of their judgment as te its best interests,
and the will of the majei ity thus express
ed, finally ratified by the unanimous voice
et the convention. ,
With every leaseuablc prospect of sue
c-fss, and sustained as you will be by a
united paity, you come before a people
under the most auspicious ciicumstances
and enter upon the race wrtheut any
weight or hindrance te beset your way te
te ultimate success.
And in the event of election we are as
sured that the solemn pledges made by the
convention te the people, in the lcsolu lcselu
t ions adopted, will be by you ledccmed ;
that you will held the oriice as a sjered
tiust fiem the people ; aud that the ligid
administration of the finances of the state
inaugurated by you will maik the end of
the power and influence of the " Ticasury
King" in Pennsylvania.
Veiy tuily your obedient scivants,
Gee. W,,
Gie. McGew'AX,
W. J. Brcxxan,
D. W.,
R. E. James.
Ekie, Oct. 10, 1881.
Jlissn. Gee. II'. Miller, Gee. McGevan, W.J.
Jlrcnnun, 1). IJ'.J VeniwUft untl 11. K. Jamct.
Gentlemen Your letter formally no
tifying me of my nomination for state
treasuierby the iecent Democratic state
con ventien ac Williamspeit would have
been answered sooner but for unavoidable
absence from home.
Yeu say it is a high' compliment
t have been made the nominee when se
many vveithy gentlemen were competitor
for the position. I am gratified te knew
that the livahy fei the nomination was of
the most fiiendly character, both before
and dining the sessions of the convention,
anil assure you that, if the choice had
fallen upon any one of the candidates, my
fiiends and myself would have given him
a icadyaiid active support. The reflec
tion te which you se appiepiiately refer
that the nomination "vvas uninfluenced by
faction, con upt combinations or Dess dic dic
titierr" adds very much te my apprecia
tion of the honor.
I accept tire nomination with a lull
undeistanding of the lespensibiiity rt im
poses, ai.d pledge myself that if the con
fidence icpescri iu me by the convention is
l.ititied by the people they shall net be
disappointed m their just expectations.
The Treasury wrlf be administered as "a
sacred trust from the people;" care will
be taken te employ none but pine, com
petent and tiustweithy men : the lecerds
ei the office will always be open for the
most ligiri se.utiny ; the con upt "lings"
will be discountenanced ; and the constant,
eiTet t will be te lcduce expenses, collect
the icvcnucs impailially, and iu every way
possible te piometo the inteicsts of the
j-tate. Xet a dollar that docs net legiti
mately belong te me shall be taken as a
pai t of ihe compensation of the office.
The platteim is one of the boldest and
i-eunripst that has been adopted by a
convention ,.f any paity in Pennsylvania
for many yen s. These poitiens especial
ly which relate te the lights, duties and
contiel of the gieat cei poratiens aie in
accord with my life-long convictions, and I
cannot doubt that they wi'l be approved
by the people. While I would net take
fiem any coipeiatiou a single light that
prepci iy belongs te it. I insist, in common
with most of the busines-s men, farmers
and mechanics of the state, that none shall
be above the law, that monopolies must
net be tolerated, and that the "gieatest
sioeri of the gieatest number' must be
the supicme object of the government.
Having made no pledges of patronage
(lining tnc canvass for Uiu nomination, anil
being determined te continue the same
policy until the close of the e impaign. I
will be ficc. iu the event of my eloct'en,
te make such appointments as will best
advance the piiueiplcs above stated. I
hive no enemies te punish and will knew
no factions in the selection of my subordi
nates. With thanks te the convention and kind
tegards for each of the committee,
lam yeuistiuly,
Okaxge Xeble.
ifcuei ly
!l?;ibltci!i Teu'.
New I.1.1, IJ uly Oigan.
The Republican state convention was
contiellcd by the influence of the ji.nden
be.uri. The action of that beairi was con
demned by every honest man in the state,
liven te this day no lcputablc citizen has
the h.udihoed te attcmjit te justify or
even apologize for that action. 'Attorney
General Palmer, who acted as lloer man 1
gcr of the convention ever which Paiden
Bess Quay presided, declared only a day
or two befeic the outrage wascensummat ed
that he would rather lese his light
baud than consent te the jiaiden
of the legislative bribers. He knew
it was an outrage, and yet lie sinned
against the light when the bosses de
manded the sacrifice. It was known that
when Tieasuier Butler was ready te enter
upon the discharge of his official duties
that thcie was a large deficiency in the
ticasury, the money having been used by
members of the administration and these
in its confidence for speculative jv.rrpeses,
which they were unable te make geed
at honest Farmer Butler's demaud.
After mere than a week's delay the mat
ter was put in such shape as te be
satisfacteiy, for the time being, te the new
incumbent, but it was by no means satis
facteiy .te the ictiring tieasuier, who
had been iu ignorance of what was going
en until he was called en fjr a settlement,
and would net have been satisfactory te
ihe people had they known the ical facts.
These facts were known te the men who
assumed contiel of the state conventien:
aud because they were known te them
they obtained fiem the convention an un
qualified endeiscment of an aclmiuistra-'
tien whose members had outraged justice
and public sentiment by jiaidening legis
lative bribers aud some of whom had
been speculating upon the public funds in
violation of law and had been caught
" sheit."
The icsult is that the great Rcjrablican
jiarty of Pennsylvania is te-day placed in
an anomalous position. With an over
whelming majority of its voters in deep
sympathy with the principles and policy
of the party of Lincoln and Garfield ; with
a candidate for state treasurer of unexcep
tionable record, as a citizen and soldier,
against whom, personally or officially, his
bitterest partisan opponents have net been
able te bring even "a railing accusation ;"
and with a uomince en the Democratic
ticket who cannot arouse the enthusiasm
of his paity, but has incuned the oppesi
tien of his home party organ and inspired
lukewarmness in ethers ; with all these
conditions in our favor we find that, with
in a month of the election, a grave doubt
exists in well-infeimed political circles
whether the Republican nominee c iu be
elected, no one pietendiug that lie will
poll the whole paity vete el" an eif j'ear.
A Cart! from Uuvermir Hujt In Denial.
Executive CiiAMncr., Harp.isbuke,
October 11. Te the Editor ej the Patriot
Deak Sir. : Recognizing the propriety
of yeurcill in your edition of this morn
ing " le put at iest accusations iu ieg.u.1
te the treasuiy " made by inuuende, in
volving aliened iriegulauties during the
term of the late Cel. A. C. Xeyes, I beg
leave te enclose a copy of my telegram
sent this day te Wilkcsbarre and there
made public.
Until some receids, or accounts, or liv
ing witnesses, are produced te establish
the truth of these charges I am mistaken
iii the sense of " fair play " in the minds
of the people of Pennsylvania if they con
sent that the memory of the dead shall be
outraged for any or political re
sult. The people of this stnte will lequiie
proof bofeie they will believe that Colonel
Neycx, eithei by negligence or sufferance,
permitted the administration of his great
office te lajise for months, .u ehaigcl, into
fraud or misconduct.
Veiy lespect fully yeuis,
Hkmcy M. IIeyt.
The telegiam icfeiied te by
Heyt iu the foregoing as having been sent
by him ycterday te WilkCsbauc and there
made jarblic is as fellows :
H.vnnism-UG, Pa.. October 11, 1881.
Allen II. Lichen, WrfUsburre, Pa. :
My attention has been called te lemaiks
made by Chas. S. Wolfe at Titusville. In
my own behalf, and in their i elation te
myself, I desiie te say that they aia .sub
stantially and circumstantially 'false.
I have never been concerned, alone nr
in connection with etheis, m any scheme
of sjieculatien as he charges. I have
never owned or controlled, alone or with
ethers, a baud of ciude jieti eleum, or lepiescutms: such." I hive never
had occasion te dccl.ue 1113 self for or
against a tax, either 011 deuicks or etude
oil. I have never had a transaction iu
stocks, or in any manner of business, with
Colonel M. S. Quay, either in partueiship
or in any ether fei 111 or lclatien. I have
never had a financial or ether business
ti ansae tien with Hen. J. D. Camoreu or
Henry W. Oliver, jr., nor has either ad
vanced one dollar te me, en my account or
in ray behalf. I never had the use or con
trol or possession of one dollar belonging
10 the stale ticasury. Xer has there ever
been a deficit of any kind in the state
treasury glowing out of any transaction
in which I have ever been concerned.
The lien. Simuel Butler, state tieasu
ier, and the fiicuds ami legal lejneseuta
tives of Colonel A. C. Xeyes, late tieasu
ier, can make clear their administration of
the ticasury dcjiaitmcnr.
Hexkv M. Hev r.
VVeIle'd Iteiteratt'tii.
bjieeeli in VV'tlkesbane Ja-t night.
1 rej)cat, when Butler took charge of
the ticasuiy there was, and has been ever
since, a current rumor that Governer IIeyt
Matthew S. Quay and Blake Walteia wcie
speculating with the state moneys. Here
is a statcmcut fiem jour weithy towns
man. Governer IIeyt. 1 wish te give him
the benefit of it, and then I wish te make
an explanation. He 1 end the telegram at
length, and then took it up, sentence by
sentence. J Governer IIeyt savs he never
owned or controlled a barrel of petroleum,
a certificate, etc. I never said se. He
says he never declared himself for
or agamst a lax, etc. i nave never
said se. He denies having had auy
transaction in stocks with Colonel
Quay iu partnership, etc. I did
net say se. I sai I that theic undoubtedly
was, and I have what 1 regairi as pcifectlv
lcliable information that it is true, that
he was sieculating with the statu moneys.
I did net say it was with Quay or with
Blake Walteis. As te the governor's de
nial of business transactions with Cameren
or Oliver, I never charged it. I did say it
was undei steed that M. S. Quay was re
lieved by Ilciny W. Oliver, jr., and 1 un
derstand that Governer Heyfc made up his
own deficit. Xew lieie is thepaitlcan-
II it undcistand : ' I have never had
the use, contiel or jiossessien of one
dollar, etc." lie docs net say he has
never h.11! the juelits. He may nccrhavc
had a dollar in his use control or jiosscssien
Thcie is no deficit. I have said se. It
was made geed, but nevertheless there
was the sjieculatien with the state moneys
and that is an impeachable eticnse. I he
ovcrner savs Butler and Xeyes' lcpre- j
scntivps can make clear their lespcetivc
administrations. I bone they can. I did
net come heie te insult your fellow towns
man aud governor. I have net come heie
te insult Palinci. I have
come te tell plain, unvarnished tiuths. It
is just as much my duty te tell them heie
te-night in this community as te go away
oft' te Titusville te tell them, Yen would
legairi me as a coward if I would tell there
what I am afraid te say here.
ISusert Sliaiuiiji Ills It.iltlc Lane.
A.t a meeting of the Democratic state
committee in Hanisburg yesterday, about
half the fiftymcmbcis were pirscut. Chair
man Begert was autheii.ed te appoint a
'ommittce of live en finance and an cxecu
tivc committee of seven and such sccie
taiics as may be needed for the campaign
fiem the Democrats of the state. He
will make the Gir.ud house, Philadelphia,
his hc.idqu.ii tcrs. Fiem the seaend sena
torial district, Plul.ideljihia, Martin Kil
l.icky aud Win. F. McCully each claimed
te be the committeeman, each had the
votes efthice delegates te the state con
vention, aud a substitute for one of the
delegates, who vet"d for McCully,
was also represented te be for
Killacky. .Martin was admitted pre
Jiac vice and the permanent adjudication of"
1110 contest was rert te tue ciiaumau ;:i
conference with the distiict delegates te
the state convention. Hugh Mackin, who
was one of the delegates, declares that
only tlnce of the six who sat in the Wil
liamspert convention wcie duly elected.
All the members jircscnt lej.eitcd fiem
their districts as te the "present political
outlook. General njiathy wasiejieitcd, and
a light vote expected. The Wolfe boom
booms in spots. The Demeciatic wrangle
ever commissioner in Allegheny is depie
cited. Jehn Cessii 1 was lejieitcd te be'
about te take the stump for judge iu his
distiict. 1 Ire prospective ti Lingular judi
cial contest in the Lebanon Dauphin dis
trict is expected te call euta big vote theic.
If the Democratic city committee iu Phila
delphia docs net de its work ether able
and tiustcd Democrats will. Luzerne and
Lackawanna are in geed shape. The In
dependent Republican organization in
Sehuylkill will help Wolfe mil hint
Baily ; ' the Democrats will elect their
county ticket, with a close contest between
Reilly, Democrat, for judge, and Green,
Independent Greenback and Republican
candidate. In the Xerthumberland dis
trict there will be a sharp contest ferjudge
botwccnRyen, Democrat, and Reckafcller,
Republican ; also in the Union-Snyder
district between Buclier, Democrat, aud
Linn, Republican, and in Juniata ar:d
Perry botweea Baraett, Democrat, aud
Junkin, Republican with a geed chance
of the Democrats carrying all three of
these judicial districts. As te the trouble
iu Erie county, caused by the Herald's re
fusil te support Xeble, it was shown tint
this paper is net even supporting the
Democratic local ticket ; no ether Demo
crat iu the ceuuty is known te oppesa Mr.
Xeble, and many Republicins are for him.
Mr. Win. L. Scott, whose chief interests
lie and whose time is mostly sj.ent in
Xew Yerk city, is taking no part in the
Mr. Xeble will get into dillcrent jaits
of the stataduring the campaign and meet
the people. There will he few public
meetings, and these will be determined by
the local organizations.
A I..irKei- HeUiiced Republican "H.ijerlty.
Returns of the election in Ohie, held
yesterday, indicate the 10 election of Fos Fes
ter, Republican, for governor by a major
ity conceded by the Democrats te be about
8,000. The total vote in the state showed
a falling off of nearly one-lb in th cemji.ncd
with that of last year, and a reduced Re
publican majority of 13,000 at least. The
L3gisIature is very close and its cemjilcx
ion dejiends upa.i tire scratching iu Ham
ilton county.
The Kleitieu in leTTii.
A Des Moines dispatch says: "The
total vote of Iowa last year was J121,000.
Partial iejieits from nine counties judi
cata that will be a falling oft' this year of
probably G0,000. In this city alene there
is a falling ofl"-ef 937 votes, and the
tickets are se baely scratched that it will
take until very late in the night le count
them. It has rained here all day, and re
ports are that rain has been general all
ever the state. T110 indications aie new
that net ever a two-third vote has been
cast. A heavy thunder storm, with high
wind, is new prevailing, and it is probable
that this will prevent getting many elec
tion leturns te-night, especially as in this
state none of the ballets aie counted until
after the jiells arc closed."
Tlie Jlew Yerk llcuiecracy
The Democratic state convention of
Xew Yerk met, yesterday, in Albany, and
elected D. II. Hill tcmper.11 y chairman.
The county delegates only were admitted
from Xew Yerk city. After appointing
the usuil committees, a lecess was taken
until evening, but, the committees en
contested seats and resolutions net being
irady te report, the convention adjourned
until this morning. Erastus Brooks, of
Riclimeud, has been agreed upon for i"i
inanent chairman.
In Kuoxville Lizzie Meran, a beautiful
young girl, has been sleeping eight dajs,
aw.ikcuing only a few moments for feed.
This ease jmzzlcs the doctors.
The ship Bolten Abbey, from Xew
Castle, X. S. TV., for Sau Francisce, has
been totally wrecked en the Pratas reef,
China Sea. Set en person were drowned.
In Plain City, Ohie, William Wilcox, "a
dissipated member of a prominent and
wealthy family, " fatally beat his wife,
and then, going into a weed near by, hang
ed Himself.
A fire at Oleau, X. Y., yesterday dc
st roved Clement's bakeiy. Franklin's
riecery, Whitney's tenement liouae aud
Osberne's dwelling. The les , aggregates i
aueut !34,U0U am! is tally msurcil.
Mrs. Margaict Xouhten, the eldest cit
izen of the state of Illinois, has died iu
2 .y."1
Ktccn Hhe was bem in county -Maye,
1 eland, 17CB. '
,..',,, .. , , .
Owing te the Ien continued dreuirht
and the low water, the Passiac liver at
Pateiseii, X. J., below the iron bridges, is
cevcicd with dead fish, which ririlt against
the bank, get stiaudcd and lie decompos
ing iu the sun, emitting a teriible stench.
It is lejiertcd that a new conspiracy
against the life of the empeier of Russia
has becu disceveicd, Xrhilists in the tele
graphic service having en vaiieus ecca
siens betrayed te the conspirators news
concerning the crapciei's intended jour
neys. In Bloomville, Ohie, CIarcne2 Opt and
W. Swassick had a desjierate duel in the
ticet. Ont. who is a vetm'? riesnomrie nnil
ex-convict, attacked " Swassick, a quarry
laborer. .jJeth drew pistols. Lach fired
three times, Swassick sheeting Ojit through
the breast and aim. Opt missed each time.
Opt was c.micri home and died.
In .Fr.inkliu county, Miss., a mob cap
tuicd Robcitsen, coleicd, who at
tacked Mis. Ellen Jehnsen, an old white
lady. There were nearly four bundled in
the crowd. A vote was taken aud it was
decided that Elias should swing. He was
without less et time hung te an oak limb.
The lynching was in biead daylight.
In England eac peiseu in every four and
a quarter million jiceple who travel is
killed. This isn't a very large projiertion,
but the mau who is killed feels just as
badly as though the ether four and a half
millions had been Killed before htm, and
he had been meanly slaughtered out of
his tin 11 without any lc.isen or law of
Hiram Scarborough, one of the joint fish
commissioners of Xew Penn
sylvania, thinks that of the 150,000 salmon
fry placed in the Delawaic liver none re
turned after their migration te the sea.
It is clcaily demonstrated that the Dela
ware isunsuitcd for salmon ; if otherwise,
the large number planted during the past
11 j cais would have increased, sufficiently
te make them abound in every portion of
Yerk County Tobacco.
The Yerk Bisp itch 03-inutes tha num
ber of acres planted iu tobacco in that
county during 1881 at 10,000, against 8,000
last year, and 1,507 in 1S79. Part of this
yens crop is short, "Owing te the
drought," says the Dispatch "jiart of crop
is sheit, yet much of the Yerk county to
bacco is the very finest, and there is con
siderably moie than half a crej). Since the
late l.iins helped much of it todevehmand
.mature well, wc sTiheu'd estimate that the
101k county crop is at least equal te C,O0O
cases full ciep, which, selling at greatly
advanced figures, will hi ing te the growers
as much as double that quantity would
have done three or four years age."
Cli;iri;ed ultu UlgturuiiiS Kelisieus Mectluc.
Yesterday Officers Swcrrk aud Helman.
accompanied by Alderman Barr, visited
Pequei. Marticand Strasburg townships
aud arrested Elmer Beach, OrinthusGieir,
B. Herman, Christian Geed and Jehn Bair,
who arc charged with disturbing a relig
ious meeting at Clearfield-church. These
yeuug men have ficquently annoyed the
members of this church by their disorderly
conduct, and this complaint is brought
against them by Samuel 3IiIIcr. They all
gave bail for a hearing en Saturday.
Orewne I in tlie Water Troesli.
Silas StockheusC, aged 27, was found
dead with his head in a water trough at
the barn of. his son-in I.iwSoIe.iicnM-iico-,
Kennctt Sfiiare,Ch-ter count v It i$ uin-
Psed he was bulling his facj whei lie
fel1 strickc with apapte-cy.
1IAM1Y BOYS. schoe: Manufacture.
Wc clip from the Carlisle Jfirrer of ye.s
terday the following extract from the le le
jieit of euc of the committees of the late
tab of the agi ieultural society of Cumber
land county. . It eucht te convince the
me,t skeptical that the Ixtelligexcer's
reecut sketch of the Indian traiutug
school was net en the least overdrawn :
"The Indian Training school had en
exhibition a large aud most creditable
display of .11 tides, manufactured exclusive
ly by the girls and boys of that institution.
They consisted of clethiug, tinware, beet-.,
shoes, harness, blacksmith work, doers,
sash, spokes; light wagon both wee I ami
iron weik having been done by the Indians.
Thcie wcie also exhibitions of pcumau
shij), free-hand .drawing and jwttery
decoration. The ai tides manufactured
gave cviriei ce of taste and skill, as well as
thorough w 01 kmaushiji. The boys have
worked at the trades only from G te 14
months, se tint their proficiency is quite
lemarkabie. Seme of them, we understand,
earned money and jyul therr way te this
school in order te secure the benefits of its
training. It was conceded that this dis
jilay formed one of the chief features of our
exhibition and that it was universally
admiied aud commended by visitors as
wvll as exciting their weuiler. The com
mittee, in making this report, believe that
they will express the sentiment of our en
the community, in stating that the facility
with which the Indians acquire a knowl
edge of the sevcraL trades and the 1 udi
meuts of an English education, the zeal,
p iticnce and industry exhibited by them,
have been a matter of astonishment, aud
demonstrate the possibility of transforming
them into intelligent, industrious aud ei
pable cituens. It is also a matter of note
that this i.inre collection of boys and girls,
numbeiiug 300, are as orderly and well
behaved as that of any school we h ive
known, and that net a single vicious or ,
even indeeoieus act en their part has ever
been observed during their visits te our
boieugli, or iu their intercourse with our
" The work of Cant. Pratt ami his assist
ants descives the attention of the thought
ful and jiatiietic, as well as humane, citi
zens of our country.
"AVc a waul a diploma te each depait
nient, and 610 te be divided by the sujicr
intcuriunt of the school among the most
worthy children."
Ileiore Jut'ife l'alteisea.
Moeie, Simpsen &Ce., vs. Jacob Stamau
and Dani.'l Fisbel, jurtners as Statnan &
Fishcl. Iu this case a verdict was taken
iu favor of the plaintiff for $1,25!) 50.
II. W. llunish vs. Win. McPhcrsen.
The jilaintili' in this case is the proprietor
of .1 foundry at Eden, en the Xew Helland
pike. He claims that about the holidays
in the year 1877 the iriantiiT, who was sell
iug a patent juimp, came te his place of
business and made a contract with him te
make a number of pumps. He did make
several puinps and shipped them by rait
te points designated by the defendant ;
seme of these pump3 were erdcied by a
man named Smith, who claimed te be the
patentee et tin; pump. The defendant
told the jilaiiititl" that he would be rcspon rcspen rcspon
eiblo for w bar. S'nith eidercd. The pumps
wcie net iairi for and thi-s suit is bi ought
te recover the cost of them.
In the case of Mary Idail vs Jehn
Smith, jr., the counsel began talking this
morning, and the ease was given te the
jury at 11 o'clock, win n they retired.
He I'.iid His Tax.
Collector 'I he mas Slean, the efficient
collector of Oxford borough, docs net
allow profanity te bluff him oft". There is
.1 number of young men there who always
endeavor te make themselves iricspousible
whenever the lax man calls upon them. A
short time age .Mr Sleaii dunned one of
!.:.. ..1 .. 1 t .-1: ..1 t. f,n f.- ., ,
if 1 ,,iv ;:r- z?Ui
" , ,1-.' ' J " , 'T T
note el the ob-eivatien and ledge
formation with 0:10 of our justices
l bl
seen had a wai rant out for the an est of
the young man for violation of the law
against swelling The next time the de
faulting taxji lyer was met he was shown
the warrant and informed that he was iu
for a tine of i2.2", but that he might com cem
jHOiuise the matter by paying the ameOut
of his tax 7 cunts which he did with
out delay.
His Sixty-Seventh Illrtlid.ty.
TucII.uiisbdrgilnYi'el says: Mr. de
siah S. Royal, well known in this city,
celebrated his sixty-seventh birthday yes
terday. He is, peihaps, the eldest pi inter
in the city. He served his appienlicesliij)
en the Lancister Lntei.i.I'.km i.ic, then
owned by Mis. Mary Dixen. Themas
Feren was then foreman of the establish
ment. After eight years service there he
mev'i'd se Hanisburg in 18'JG, wheiche
has since icsided. He h is worked side by
side with many ju inters who have since
bec'inc jiremincnt. Among than aie Jehn
W. Ferney. Snuuel Wagner, Jehn II.
Peusel, and etiicis. Judgim: from an-
jteainnces, Mr. meie.
Royal will live tcveral
lira nk and Disorderly Persen.
Ellen Stewait and Emma Archey, both
colored, for being drunk and iliseiderly
were sent te jail for 10 days each by Alder
man A. F. Dennelly.
Calvin Carey, colored, who was in the
bat iu day night fight, get 20 days for bein
chunk, aud was committed te" answer at
court the charge of carrying concealed
J.nie Essein, b.-ltci known as ' Big Jin,"
a white woman, who keeps a disreputable
leseit en Middle street, was sent te jail
for 10 days by the same aldcimau. She
was drunk yesteiday and niarie a great
deal of noise as she always does when ir ir
texicated. Oi t i;e(ly ler Winter.
Xew is the 1 hire, suggest; the Oxford
Prat, for people te begin earnest jircpara jircpara
tiens for winter, that they may be able te
exclaim, as Jid old Lawsen Miller, an cu
cjntiic colored man of Celeraiu tewnshiji,
Lincaster county, new dead, who defied
the advent of evciy winter with the fol
lowing eloquent speech : " Fleur iu de
bar", potatoes and cabbage in de hole,
weed at de rioei blew, GabiicL blew,
Law-son's ready waitirr." The old man
evidently meant he was ready for Boreas
te blew, net Gabriel.
Married In St. Leuis.
Mr. James B. Reilly and Miss MaiieF.
Bryant were married in St. Jehn's church
St. Leuis te day by the Rt. Rev. Bishop
Ryan. The gioem is a son of our well well
kuewu townsman Michael Redly, and him
self a member of the firm of Reilly tfc Kel
ler, coal merchants ; and the bride, also of
this city, is a daughter of the famous
comedian Dan Bryant. Our special re
pot t of the nuptials lias net vet been
A Very sudden Pealli.
Elias Hcrr, aged about 80 years, died
suddenly at Lime Valley, iu b trashing
township jcsterdiy. He was husking
corn ami as he was e irrying a lunrile of
fodder te its proper jriace he was seen te
fall. The field hand went te leek fe. him,
he was found te be iu a djiug condition,
and he expired in a few. moments. Apo Ape
jdexy is supjKiscd te have been the cause
of his death.
Hlscharge Kecerded.
Tlie discharge of Jehn llerre.i, wli w.u
en the receiving ship Princeton up te Sp
tember, 18C5, has becu recorded at t'ii iv
cerder's office. It is the first disch arge ..
a seaman which has ever besn brought te
this office te be recorded. 3